New Joinee Induction Feedback Form
New Joinee Induction Feedback Form
New Joinee Induction Feedback Form
1. Employee Name:
2. Department:
3. Date of Joining:
4. Prior to joining (Hotel Name), I was__________________ (Please tick whichever applicable)
c) Studying
4. Please give your rating for the following regarding your induction process
1 My manager met me on my first day in the department
2 I received a warm welcome in my department by my co
3 I was provided an orientation to my work area
4 My job responsibilities were explained to me
5 I was given a checklist of the skills and knowledge that I need
to do my job well
6 I was given valuable and timely feedback on my
7 In case of questions/doubts I know who to approach
I would like to give the following feedback, opinion and suggestion for improvement of entire
Induction Program.
I liked the following about my department which would enhance my skills and knowledge.