Math 1 DLP
Math 1 DLP
Math 1 DLP
Department of Education
Region V
School Division of Sorsogon
Bulan, Sorsogon
I. Objectives
1. Estimate and measure the mass of an object using non-standard unit of mass measure.
2. Perform how to measure mass using non-standard units.
3. Demonstrate care in handling materials.
III. Procedure
B. Review
- Last meeting we've discussed about
Estimating and measuring length using - I learned that we can find the length of an
non-standard units of linear measures. object using an object
-what are the object we used to
measure pencil, books and other objects? - we use paper clips to get the length of a pencil.
- Push pin
- Thumbtacks
C. Motivation
(Show the pupils two identical boxes)
Ask the following questions: - Boxes
-What are this? -The boxes are of the same size.
-What can you say about the boxes? -The boxes are exactly the same.
-What can you say about their weights? - Yes, Ma'am !
-Are you sure
D. Presentation
Our topic for today is about Estimating
and Measuring mass using Non-standard
units of mass measure.
- In this boxes, we can know which is
heavy and light by means of lifting it using
our hands. It is called Helfting.
- I want one student to come Infront and (Someone will lift the boxes)
lift the 2 boxes in her/his hands.
-Now, What can you say about the mass - We can say that even though the boxes look a
of these two boxes which is look a like? like and their size are same, their weights differ.
-our hands
-What is the non-standard unit of mass
measure we used?
E. Discussion
- There are many ways we can use to
measure the mass of an object w/out
using a weighing scale, They are called
non-standard unit of mass.
(Show a improvised balance/hanger)
-We can identify which object is heavy and
light in mass using this non-standard unit
of mass.
- We will hang 2 plastic bag in each side
with different mass. - The hanger tilt in the right side.
(Hang the 2 plastic in both end)
-what happened to the hanger? - Maybe, because the plastic bag being hang in
-what do you think is the reason, Why the the right side is heavier than the left side.
hanger tilt in the right side?
(Hang in the hanger the 2 plastic bag with -Nothing happens. The hanger formed a straight
the same mass) line.
-What happened to the hanger? - Maybe, because both of it have the same mass.
-Why does the hanger didn't tilt? - The hanger will tilt to the side where the mass is
heavier and the hanger will not tilt when both
-very good! side have the same mass.
-So, what have you found out?
Cleanliness-20% -we have to manage our time in doing our
-What have you learn in doing your
G. Application
Choose the letter of the answer in the
column B.
A. The improvised balance tilted in the side A.
B. The improvised balance/hanger was balance.
C. The improvised balance tilted in set B.
IV. Evaluation
Bilugan ang Tama na simbag. Isurat ang simbag sa papel.
1. Arin ang nagpapaimud na ang gub'at an libro pareho san gub'at san 2 na notebook?
2. Arin ang nagpapaimud na ang timbang san 5 na dyulin pareho san timbang san 1 na bato?
Cooperating Teacher
School Principal II