BSI Fire Standards Brochure UK en
BSI Fire Standards Brochure UK en
BSI Fire Standards Brochure UK en
Key: Kitemark and CE marking available on this standard Kitemark scheme available on this standard CE marking available for this standard
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Devices for Fire Doors
Dwellings – continued Pedestrian doorsets, industrial, commercial,
garage doors and openable windows. Product
Electrical apparatus for continuous operation BS EN 16034:2014
standard, performance characteristics. Fire
in a fixed installations in recreational vehicles resisting and/or smoke control characteristics.
BS EN 50291-2:2010 and similar premises including recreational
craft — Additional test methods and Fire resistance and smoke control tests
performance requirements. for door and shutter assemblies, openable
BS EN 1634-1:2014 windows and elements of building hardware.
Electrical apparatus for the detection of Fire resistance test for door and shutter
BS EN 50194-1:2009 combustible gases in domestic premises – assemblies and openable windows.
Test methods and performance requirements.
Fire tests on building materials and structures.
BS EN 14604:2005 Smoke alarm devices. Method for determination of the fire
BS 476-22:1987
resistance of non-loadbearing elements of
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm System
Components/Devices Emergency Lighting
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems
BS EN 54-2:1998 BS EN 60598-1:2015 Luminaires. General requirements and tests.
– Part 2. Control and Indicating Equipment.
BS EN 54–3: Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems BS EN 60598-2-22: Luminaires. Particular requirements.
2001/2014 – Part 3. Fire Alarm Devices – Sounders. 2014 Luminaires for emergency lighting.
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems Lamp controlgear. Particular requirements
BS EN 54-4:1997 BS EN 61347-2-7:
– Part 4. Power Supply Equipment. for battery supplied electronic controlgear
for emergency lighting (self-contained).
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems
BS EN 54-5:2000 Lamp controlgear. Particular requirements
– Part 5. Heat Detectors – Point Detectors. BS EN 61347-2-13:
for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems 2014
for LED modules.
BS EN 54-7:2000 – Part 7. Smoke Detectors – Point Detectors
using Scattered Light or Ionization. BS EN 50171:2001 Central power supply systems.
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems – Part Automatic test systems for battery powered
BS EN 54-10:2002 BS EN 62034:2012
10. Flame Detectors and Point Detectors. emergency escape lighting.
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems
BS EN 54–11:2001
– Part 11. Manual Call Points.
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems
Fire Alarm – Suppression and Emergency Lighting
BS EN 54-12:2002
– Part 12. Optical Beam Smoke Detectors.
Fire detection and fire alarm systems for
Fire detection and fire alarm systems buildings. Code of practice for design,
BS 5839-1:2013
BS EN 54-13:2005 — Part 13: Compatibility assessment of installation, commissioning and maintenance
system components. of systems in non-domestic premises.
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems Fire detection and fire alarm systems for
BS EN 54-16:2008 – Part 16. Voice Alarm Control and Indicating buildings. Code of practice for the design,
Equipment. BS 5839-6:2013 installation, commissioning and maintenance
of fire detection and fire alarm systems in
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems domestic premises.
BS EN 54-17:2005
– Part 17. Short Circuit Isolator Modules.
Fire detection and fire alarm systems for
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems buildings. Code of practice for the design,
BS EN 54-18:2005 BS 5839-8:2013
– Part 18. Input / Output Modules. installation, commissioning and maintenance
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems of voice alarm systems.
BS EN 54-20:2006
– Part 20. Aspirating Smoke Detectors. Fixed firefighting systems. Gas extinguishing
BS EN 15004-1:2008
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems systems. Design, installation and maintenance.
BS EN 54-21:2006 – Part 21. Alarm Transmission and Fault Emergency lighting. Code of practice for the
Warning Routing Equipment. BS 5266-1:2011
emergency escape lighting of premises.
Fire detection and fire alarm systems –
BAFE approval can also be achieved for the
BS EN 54-23:2010 Part 23. Fire Alarm Devices – Visual Alarm
above Design, installation and maintenance
schemes*. * Applicable to UK only
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems – Part
BS EN 54-24:2008 NPFA 72:2016 National Fire Alarm and Signalling Code.
24. Components of Voice – Loud Speaker.
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems – Part
BS EN 54-25:2008
25. Components using Radio Links.
Fixed Fire Fighting Systems – Components We are a Notified Body for the following Directives and Regulation
for Gas Extinguishing Systems - Part 1:
BS EN 12094-1:2003 Construction Products Regulation (CPR)
Requirements and Test Methods for Electrical
Automatic Control and Delay Devices. Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Fixed firefighting systems. Components for
Low Voltage Directive (LVD)
gas extinguishing systems. Requirements and
BS EN 12094-3:2003
test methods for manual triggering and stop Marine Equipment Directive (MED)
If you have any questions about certification and testing for fire detection and suppression products, please contact us.
Our team will be happy to help you. Call: +91 11 2692 9000 Email: [email protected] Visit:
Key: Kitemark and CE marking available on this standard Kitemark scheme available on this standard CE marking available for this standard
Fire standards – testing and certification service Call: +91 11 2692 9000 Email:[email protected] Visit:
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