VtDA - Libellus Sanguinis III - Wolves at The Door (Vampire Dark Ages) PDF
VtDA - Libellus Sanguinis III - Wolves at The Door (Vampire Dark Ages) PDF
VtDA - Libellus Sanguinis III - Wolves at The Door (Vampire Dark Ages) PDF
From the confines of Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople a
horrible tale has gone forth and very frequently has been brought to
our ears, namely, that a race from the kingdom of the Persians, an
accursed race, a race utterly alienated from God, a generation for-
sooth which has not directed its heart and has not entrusted its spirit
to God, has invaded the lands of those Christians and has depopulat-
ed them by the sword, pillage and fire; it has led away a part of the
captives into its own country, and a part it has destroyed by cruel
tortures; it has either entirely destroyed the churches of God or appro-
priated them for the rites of its own religion.
—Pope Urban II calling for the First Crusade, 1095 (as reported by
Robert the Monk)
Authors: Jason Langlois (Gangrel), Michael B. Lee
(Followers of Set), Clayton Oliver (Assamites)
Additional Material: Philippe R. Boulle and
Richard E. Dansky
Developer: Philippe R. Boulle
Additional Development: Richard E. Dansky
Editor: Cynthia Summers
Art Director: Richard Thomas
Layout & Typesetting: Brian Glass
Interior Art:Patrick Lambert, Brian LeBlanc, and
Andrew Trabbold
Front Cover Art: John Bolton
Front & Back Cover Design: Brian Glass
Table of Contents
Introduction 7
Book One: Animals 9
Book Two: Saracens 39
Book Three: Serpents 79
How to Use This Book
This is the third in the series of Dark Ages Clanbooks — Libellus Sanguinis III: Wolves
at the Door. This book deals with three clans who exist beyond the confines of what European
Cainites think of as “Christian civilization.” They are the unseen puppeteers of the peoples
who threaten Europe’s great nations (and the vampires who lurk within them), be it the pagan
barbarians who sacked Rome or the Moorish sultans who hold the Holy Land.
The Gangrel, denigrated as Animals among their “betters,” are the barbarians most familiar
to the European lords of the night. They lurk in the very forests that line Ventrue and Lasombra
domains, feeding from bandits and vandals. But the Gangrel are a far more varied clan than
most give them credit for. They travel the world and trace their lineage to the distant East.
They fight their own fight and scoff at the pretense of civilization. They are the wolves in the
woods, and the other clans would do well to heed their baying.
The Assamites, whom European Cainites call Saracens, have become the bogey men of the
European courts. They are assassins and Moorish fanatics, dominators of Islam and diablerizers
of Cainites. But like the mortals they move amongst, the Children of Haqim are far more than
European bigotry will admit. They are warriors, yes, but scholars and plotters too. Some of the
cities they call home are more cultured than any in Europe and as far as they are concerned, it
is the Ventrue and Toreador who are the barbarians.
Last come the Followers of Set, the Serpents. In European eyes, they are despicable cor-
rupters who come from Egypt to undermine every prince and potentate. They seduce childer
and spread dissent, all in the name of their own depravity. But for the Setites, all this is religious
duty. Mere power games and eternal hungers are nothing to them — they are on a holy crusade
to set the world aright again, as their god has told them. Let the Europeans, with their false
myths of homicidal farmers, be damned.
The material in this book follows a rough format designed for ease of use. Each section begins
with a short introduction predicated on giving the reader a sense of how the clan thinks. Next
comes information on the clan’s organization and dealings with the rest of the Dark Medieval
world. Don’t expect a simple rehash of what you might find in the modern day, however — the
Animals, Saracens and Serpents of this time are not who you might think.
Third is the explicitly “game” material — Merits, Flaws, Backgrounds, new Discipline powers
and so on. All of the gamespeak is contained in these portions of the book. Finally, there are
a few brace of templates for each clan, and a particularly revealing slice of that clan’s history.
What word comes from the Far East? Who are the dreaded hashashin of the Holy Land? Do the
Followers of Set truly walk alone?
New Traits
There are any number of new rules-bangles for players to adorn their characters with, some
of which might not make a good fit with your current chronicle. At the same time, a Storyteller
may wish to hold the more advanced or unique powers detailed within for a time when their
application will be most useful in creating mood or advancing the plot. With that in mind,
players should check with their Storytellers before diving head-first into the pile of goodies
contained herein. It’s always worse to have something you have your heart set on taken away,
than never to have seen it at all.
Johannus relished the fear.
Running through the tangled
roots and underbrush of the
Black Forest, he could almost
taste the panic in his prey. Soon
enough, he would.
The woodsman was but 100
paces ahead, making a terrible
amount of noise as he pushed
through branches and tripped
over stumps, trying in vain to
get away. Johannus could be on
him in a flash, he knew, but instead
wanted to savor the hunt. This
was no ordinary woodsman,
after all; this was Wilhelm.
Wilhelm the Strong, who
took such pleasure in terrifying
the village children. To the very
young, he told stories of the great
wolves that ate up babes and
In an instant, fear turned to hate in Johannus’ “How many winters, devil?” The voice came
soul. This fat little man thought he was a pure ser- from the fog again.
vant of God? This little profiteering leech? Johannus Johannus screamed and lunged through the fog,
bellowed and lunged. intent on gutting whoever hid behind it. Instead he
He didn’t even feel the torch this time, so fo- fell to the ground, finding nothing but underbrush.
cused was he on Krause’s throat. “Just one, methinks.”
• • • Johannus turned around in time to see the fog
The church was just starting to burn when Johannus swirl and coalesce into a huge wolf. Recognition
walked down the steps and into the fog-shrouded woods. froze Johannus, and the beast that had attacked him
Thick gray fur lined his back and part of his arms now, last winter was on top of him a split second later. Its
and he smiled. Another sign of his power. mighty jaws clamped around his throat before Johannus
“I am Johannus the Devil!” he screamed to the could make a move. He closed his eyes and prepared
sky above. “These are my woods! I am supreme!” to die again.
“You are nothing,” said the fog. “You’ve got a lot to learn, devil-child.” A powerfully
Johannus turned toward the voice, his eyes built woman was now standing over him. Just the way
flaring with hate, talons pushing through the flesh she looked at him somehow made him feel as if the wolf’s
of his fingers. There was nothing but a gray-white maw was still at his throat. “But you have potential.”
patch of haze hanging among the tree trunks. She turned and walked deeper into the woods. “Come,
“Show yourself!” the Gather will start soon. You should listen carefully.”
Howling for Blood
Animals. Beasts. Feral Dogs. Barbarians. Destroy- Two of Ennoia’s best warriors, chieftains of great
ers. Slaves. Hunters. The Cainites give us these names power who had won many battles, fled west. They left
because they only see what we wish them to see. There Ennoia and her remaining warriors alone to face Churka
is much more to our clan, however, than our feral ap- and his army, the Ravnos. The balance shifted, and the
pearance and desire to avoid the cities and towns. While Ravnos drove Ennoia out of Churka’s domain into the
the Cainites like to think of us as an indistinguishable wild lands of the East. Saddened by her betrayal and
mass, we are instead a loose group of individuals sharing defeat, Ennoia disappeared, leaving her warriors on their
only our blood and some basic traditions. own. From that night on, they called themselves Gangrel.
I am Rimantas, named “Road” in seven tongues. I You and I are their childer.
was at the fall of Rome, defended the Pripet Marshes The Ravnos kept at the Gangrel, joined by the deadly
and took the head of an Eastern Giant. It is my desire creatures we call the Giants of the East. These monsters
to teach you these traditions, so you might better un- noticed our nighttime war and fell upon us like wolves. My
derstand yourself. Do not let my appearance concern own sire claimed that the Giants could only live at night
you — soon you too will show these marks, for the and on the blood of men, and that they imposed that fate on
Beast is strong in us all. us as well — all the better to stalk and kill us. I have heard
I get ahead of myself. Let me begin where we began. many other theories about our nature, however. Some say it
is a penance that Ennoia imposed on us all for the Betrayal;
The Cainites have their story of a cursed farmer
a few even accept the Cainites’ foolish stories about their
even more foolish farmer.
Eventually, the Ravnos and Giants forced the Gangrel
named Caine, the murderer of his brother. In turn, he out of our traditional hunting grounds and into the West,
spread this curse to others down to the current nights. where we contacted the Cainites already there. While
This explains much about the Cainites and their wor- not friendly, the Cainites were less aggressive than the
ries. Worse, they assume the same story is true for the Giants and could not stop us from settling in the wild
Gangrel. We know a different beginning, however. areas. We discovered that the so-called Cainites suffered
There was a god with many children, and they from similar, though not identical, curses. They used this
fought amongst themselves in the manner of children similarity to call us their kin, but we know that a curse
everywhere. For many ages, the children quarreled about does not make us brothers. At most they are distant
everything — who would rule the sun, the moon, the cousins, but I doubt even that.
animals, the sea and other trivial matters. The arguments Even now, we continue the war our ancestors began,
grew so heated that the youngest twins, Ennoia and Churka hunting the Ravnos where we find them. Although with
decided to leave the home of the god and travel east to less vigor, we also hunt those who betrayed Ennoia in those
the home of their mother, who had left many ages before. long ago nights, now calling themselves Lhiannan and
They traveled far, but could not escape their nature. Laibon. Some of our number believe that on the day that
An argument began over who would be the first to speak Churka is destroyed and the betrayers punished, Ennoia
to their mother and whom she would favor. Without the will return to lead our clan to the arms of her mother.
controlling hand of their father, the argument grew into
a battle, but the twins were equal in power and neither
could win outright. Each twin recruited warriors for their The Clan
To the outside eye, the Gangrel lack organization
war; Ennoia choose the bravest, and Churka choose the
most cunning. Since neither wished their mother to see and structure. We do not have kings or princes, nor
their war, they fought only at night and hid from her do we emulate dying empires in an attempt to claim
during the day. For centuries, they fought this war in the legitimacy. The Cainites dismiss us as an unorganized
East. Ennoia’s forces were about to defeat her enemies, rabble, unable to work together or with others. They
when disaster struck — the Betrayal. are wrong in this, as in so many other things.
The Gather
The main social structure of our clan is the Gather,
a coming together of all the Gangrel in an area. The
Gather provides us with an opportunity to meet, socialize
and establish status among the clan. It is how we de-
termine our leaders, make outcasts and solve problems.
The Gather is the chance for each of us to have a voice
in the matters that affect us all.
To call a Gather, the Gangrel leaves special signs
like rock piles and broken branches in the local area.
Nocturnal animals pass the word as well, after the one
calling the Gather recruits them. It can take a few
nights before word reaches all the Gangrel in an area,
so a Gather is not something to call for a rapid decision.
The summoned Gangrel collect at a prominent local
landmark with easy access to cover from the sun.
The proceedings of a Gather are deceptively sim-
ple. As a Gangrel arrives, she introduces herself to the
Gangrel already present. The rites then begin, with the
newly arrived Gangrel competing with those present
to determine her status. If the Gangrel present are
powerful or particularly aggressive, the rites could take
a few nights to complete.
After establishing status, we proceed to the business
of the Gather. A Gather is a place for discussion about ev-
erything — warnings, the presence of Ravnos, exchanging
of stories, and messages from local Cainites are common
topics. The war with the Tremere and the subsequent
alliance with the Tzimisce dominated discussions at my
most recent Gathers, for example. Each Gangrel at the
Gather speaks if he desires, a process that can take several
nights in a larger Gather. No Gather lasts longer than a
week past the first speech, however. After seven nights,
the proceedings break up and we scatter.
Rites of Status
We have a few very simple rites for determining
the ladder of dominance among us. Individual combat
is the most common, without the use of claws, teeth or
weapons. The combat only ends with the incapacitation
or surrender of one of those involved. If the opponents
are evenly matched, the combat can become very dan-
gerous with a risk of frenzied madness. When two of us
meet for the first time, we use the combat rite. If the
two know each other well, they commonly only use the
combat rite to symbolically re-affirm their relationship.
This is more of a spar than true combat.
The other rite used is the boast. Those involved
exchange boasts, trying to top one another with the
extent of their bravery and ability. They boast of things
A Little Bird Told Me will face the most challenges — failing to win these
News travels fast in Gangrel circles. Of course, challenges will result in his destruction and the end of
the primary channel for the spread of information is the Grand Gather.
the exchange of stories and warnings at the Gather. Grand Gathers organize massive Grand Revels, where
However, the Gangrel have other methods of passing the entire clan goes to war on a single target. The Grand
along warnings and alarms, most notably using the Gather also discusses matters that affect the entire clan,
Animalism power Feral Speech. or allows a powerful Gangrel to prove herself to the rest
Birds are capable messengers of simple things, of the clan, to lead it in times of trouble.
while larger beasts can carry more complex warnings.
Among the kine, Grand Gathers are an ill omen
A Gangrel traveling in new lands will often interro-
gate the creatures he sees to gather the news a prior indeed. So many of us require quite the feeding stock,
clanmate might have left behind. and legend says that Grand Revels have lain waste
The Gangrel also make use of woodland signs, to whole countries. Such blights tend to attract the
such as rocks and broken twigs, to warn other of their attention of Lupines, leading to still further bloodshed.
clan off from Lupine grounds or other dangerous It is glorious!
territories. Such a sign is often a clue to talk to the
local fauna for more information. Something Old,
Something New
they can do, not what they have done, and continue Outside the Gather and the Revel, we Gangrel
until one of them either demands proof or concedes the have few rules and rituals, especially in comparison to
contest. Demanding proof means that both participants the stifling ways of the Cainite broods. When two of us
must complete their last boast, with success and the meet, we exchange a greeting that includes our name,
difficulty of the boast determining their position. a few of our deeds and an indicator of our physical age.
Outside a Gather, the younger defers to the older. Age
The Revel in this case is determined by years — a Gangrel who
The Gathers are not all friendly. Rarely, one of us survives one hundred years gains more respect than
will call a Gather to form the Revel (also called the Wild one who has survived only a decade, no matter who
Hunt). The Revel is a war party of the local Gangrel, their sires are. Survival and bravery are our only true
united against an enemy. The highest-ranking member measures of ability.
of the Gather leads the Revel, seeking battle with the A Gangrel who has animal features, the mark of
enemy. In a Revel, we put aside our personal quests for Ennoia’s favor, also gains respect. There is a fine line
glory, and work together to destroy our prey. Often the here, however; we balance the number of features against
last thing a Ravnos sees is a horde of us rushing from the age. Too many such features at too young an age is a
woods as one mass, screaming battle cries. sign of insanity, not favor. Too few features on an older
The invocation of the Revel is a sacred thing, one Gangrel may be a sign of cowardice. There is no hard
that all Gangrel must honor. We have no tolerance for rule about too many or few — it is a matter of instinct.
cowardice and punish it strongly. Failing to participate When we sense that one of us has gone too far, we will
in a Revel can lead to banishment or even destruction. shun him to avoid the spread of his ills.
We Gangrel extend our respect to those not of our
The Grand Gather and Revel line in certain situations. When a Cainite shows great
The Grand Gather is an almost mythical meet- bravery, in battle or otherwise, we treat her as something
ing. One hasn’t been called in nearly 750 years, since of an equal until she proves herself unworthy. Some of
before the fall of Rome. In principle, it is a meeting us also occasionally join Cainites, extending to them a
of the entire clan, but there are always some (or even kind of clan status. Cainites given this status can then
many) who cannot or will not come. No Gangrel has take part in the Gather and the rites, if they wish. Gan-
earned enough respect or accumulated enough power grel will respect any status earned by a Cainite at the
to summon a Grand Gather in these nights, so it will Gathers. Keep in mind, however, that such outsiders
likely remain a thing of legend. must be very careful. Should they prove themselves
A Grand Gather lasts for weeks, as Gangrel arrive cowardly or dishonorable — and most are — they will
from all over and spend nights re-establishing their pay a terrible price, and so will their Gangrel sponsor.
status through the rites. The one who called the Gather
Outcast Gangrel in a Crowd
The Gangrel cast out any clanmate who refuses Not all Gangrel avoid other Cainites. For any
a Revel, performs a treacherous act during a Gather, number of reasons, a Gangrel might attach himself to
betrays a clanmate, or proves himself a coward. The a coterie. Often, adventure is easier to find with other
outcast loses all status among Gangrel and may no Cainites along (they have a habit of stumbling into
longer attend the Gathers. Outcasts are fair game, trouble, after all). A neonate Gangrel may still have
and some Gangrel elders hunt them for sport. As cultural ties to the coterie’s members and be reluctant
far as the Gangrel are concerned, all the Lhiannan to sever them. Gangrel also seek the company of other
and Laibon are outcasts. Cainites for temporary protection from Lupines or other
An outcast may return to the clan only after Cainites. Friendship is another factor, especially if a
performing a deed of great bravery. Any task that member of the coterie has earned respect.
involves personal danger and risk will do; defeating It is important to remember that the Gangrel,
a Lupine or a Giant in single combat is a common while loners, do not always want to be alone. A rare
quest (commonly undertaken, that is; it is rarely few might even knowingly associate with a Ravnos,
completed). Tossing the head of such a creature but at the cost of their reputation within the clan.
into the middle of a Gather is always a good way Such Gangrel should expect many challenges ahead.
to re-introduce yourself into the clan.
On the Move
Alone in the Our numbers are greater than most Cainites suspect,
since they rarely see more than one of our kind at a
time, eventually the Cainite lords grow uneasy. It is
wise for a Gangrel to move on, before suspicion has
a chance to grow.
Then there are the mortals, who constantly push into
the wilds to expand their power. A Gangrel who remains
too long in their lands becomes a “monster,” and soon
finds himself hunted by the Church. Many priests are
but overfed hogs, but some are actually dangerous. Being
on the move is the best defense against mortal discovery.
All this is not to say that we do not have places we
consider our own. A few of our number literally crisscross
the continent in their travels, even traveling to the East or
risking the ocean routes to far islands. Most of us, however,
restrict our roaming to a much smaller area. It may be as
small as the area around a lake, or the banks of a river.
It could be as large as the Pripet Marshes. Generally, a
Gangrel claims only the land she can cover in a week of
travel. These territories are temporary, usually existing
only for a few years until their Gangrel “owners” move
on. We do not overlap territory, if at all possible — too
many hunters attract more attention.
A final note — our great enemies do not remain in
one place long, either. The Ravnos seem to wander nearly
as much as we, though this may be in part because we are
hunting them (and they us). Some Cainites also seem more
inclined to move around, with their Crusades and Church.
During such movements, they are more vulnerable than
we are. Remember this, and plan accordingly.
Not every Gangrel is a wanderer. While the
clan’s tradition and general situation encourage such
behavior, some Gangrel go against type. A Gangrel
like this will attach himself to an area for centuries,
thinking of it as his land and doing whatever he can
to defend it from encroachment. Gangrel like this
lurk in Scandinavia, the Balkans and some areas of
the British Isles. The Gangrel who do not travel are
among the strongest in the clan, and are respected
for their ability to survive as they do.
These Gangrel also are able to arrange short truces
occasionally with the Lupines. Some very generous souls
describe these truces as alliances, but really, they’re
nothing more than an agreement of non-aggression
for a while. The roots of many Gangrel tales of Lupine
friendship lie in stories about these uneasy truces.
Becoming The Immortal Enemy
We rarely give the Embrace, because it is both a
Embracing foes has the potential to backfire
on the Gangrel. Should the enemy survive the first
nights and develop his power, he could turn his new
abilities to hunting the one who cursed him. This
curse and a blessing. When we do Embrace, we choose is a rare occurrence — part of the punishment is to
those of hardy stock, inclined to fight fate. The qualities stack the odds so that survival is nearly impossible. A
we seek in those we bless are courage, strong will and new Gangrel who manages to survive has an enviable
survival skills. The Embrace is also a curse, and one combination of cunning, raw ability and luck — clearly
given to those mortals who wrong us. The pattern of a dangerous foe to have in pursuit, but possibly one
the Embrace is similar, whether for a curse or blessing. with a bright future in the clan.
Once accepted, the new Gangrel learns the stories
and traditions of the clan, particularly the greeting ritual
and the rites of status. Instruction in the use of our gifts
follows. The lessons include descriptions of our rela-
I have no use for religion. Once, I worshipped gods
tionship with the Ravnos, Lupines and Cainites. After and goddesses and observed the rituals. After what has
months of this teaching, a close bond forms between happened to me, I can no longer burn offerings or say the
the student and teacher, similar to the relationship prayers. In some ways, I am a demigod now, descended
between a sire and childe among the Cainites. from the line of Ennoia. All the rest is just lies.
After this training, a Gangrel is officially a member
of the clan. Old Ways
I am not alone in my feelings. Many of us remember
Diablerie better times, when terrified tribes considered us wood
We do not generally indulge in the Amaranth, gods and gave sacrifices to protect innocent daughters.
preferring instead to honor the fallen with a simple In older nights, tribes held us up as paragons and wished
Final Death. As well, we look upon those who indulge to emulate our bravery. We were heroes to some. A few
in diablerie merely to gain power as cowards. There of our kind encouraged this worship, even exploiting
is one instance where diablerie is appropriate — to it to build small kingdoms. Those were grand times.
preserve the spirit of a brave fallen warrior. Even some of the young Gangrel find the lure of
godlike power hard to resist. A few establish themselves
Ghouls in the remote lands as gods and goddesses, trying to
The act of feeding a mortal our blood is, for many in the impress the locals with their abilities. In these nights,
clan, a grave crime. The Cainites indulge in this practice the punishment for such hubris is swift. The people
with abandon, it seems, creating cults of ghouls to serve have a new god, and he does not like us. Only those
them, and this contributes to the distance between our in the most remote lands can escape retribution.
peoples. There are, however, times when we will create
such creatures. In the north, Gangrel feed warriors with Christianity
their blood to make them stronger, as a reward for loyal The Church, be it Roman or Byzantine, is our
service. Elsewhere, turning a mortal into a thrall is the step enemy. The lies they preach have made us monsters.
before the Embrace and considered part of the observation. The priests wage war on our kind wherever they find
Nowhere is the act undertaken lightly, though. us. They bring fire and the cross, and lead the mortals
We are more likely to feed blood to animals, to away from us. We are no longer gods and heroes. Now
ensure loyalty and avoid the problems of constantly we are monsters and devils, though some of us have
exerting our will over them. Many others claim service existed since before these Christians had a name.
from the creatures of the wild: Lupines, Cainites and Worse, since the Church has spread so far, some
even mortals. If a Gangrel wishes a loyal companion, of the newest Gangrel profess the hated faith. They
the gift of blood is often the only way. Even those even try to speak at Gathers, to convince us that we
free of another’s control are mostly creatures of life are less than human and need redemption. I have no
and day and fear us if they haven’t tasted our blood. patience for them, and I urge you to feel the same.
The constant state of warfare, real or imagined, The Church brings in its wake the weakness of civi-
that many Gangrel find themselves in has led to the lization — deceit, buildings, bureaucracy and a lack
creation of many ghouls, both mortal and animal. of inner strength. If we are to survive, we must resist
My hope, shared with many in the clan, is that these it in every way possible.
numbers will reduce in later nights. Building a huge
tribe of blood-drinkers reeks of civilization to me. Last Words
I have tried to teach you well. I have a last lesson,
though — nothing I have said is law. Laws and rules are for
civilizations, not for us. Some say fate weaves a tapestry
for each of us, and we cannot change our destiny. This
may be true, but what that tapestry depicts is up to you.
Go out and make it your own.
Wolf Tracks
I am Yesugei, called Oderic among the Franks, and concentrated toward the Lowlands, the home of many
I am a traveler among our kind. I have walked further Scots. Northward, the rugged Highlands are home to
than any other and have seen more than anyone. I the remnants of an older and better time. The High-
can count the Lupines I have survived on both hands; landers have many qualities to admire, I think. Oh,
those I have killed on a single claw. I was old before there is also a series of small, mostly barren, islands,
the coming of Rome, older when I saw it fall, and shall clustered around the north coast.
be older still when it rises again. I’ve yet to meet a Gangrel who would claim
I am your guide. Scotland as her territory, though I know many that
say they were Embraced in the Highlands. We can
travel the moors, but to stay is nearly certain death.
I have recently made my rounds of this known The Lupines guard the wild areas aggressively, and
world, carrying the news and stories of our kind to the the Cainites here seem to find our clan a nuisance.
four corners. We are everywhere, it seems, though not During my spring visit, I encountered a Gangrel
as numerous as I once remember. However, we number near a beached and rotted dragonboat. He claimed
more than any Cainite suspects, for they don’t bother he was one of many who still raid the shores, though
to count. This is always our strength, for it surprises the for what booty I can’t say.
Cainites to discover how much we can do. Of course, nothing stays the same for long anymore.
But enough, for the summer night is short and There is a division in the people of Scotland between
I have much to tell you. Listen well, so you might those loyal to the land and those loyal to the English.
speak at another Gather and tell them Clan Gangrel I sense a war coming, and in its wake, our best chance
remains strong. to claim the Highlands from the Lupines.
Now Ireland is a different tale. It’s been a long
The British Isles time since I journeyed to the green isle, and I don’t
We begin where I started the year, in those minor carry fond memories of the trip. As unfriendly as
islands off the coast of Normandy. Yes, I say minor. Scotland is, Ireland is worse. Scotland at least offers
Despite the attitudes of the inhabitants, they really the chance for escape south, but Ireland is nothing
play little more than a supporting role in the events but a prison unless you don’t fear the cold waters of
of Europe. There aren’t very many Gangrel on these the sea. Lupines and goblins fairly infest the place,
islands, and the ones there seem to have strange ideas. and it leaves little room for any of our clan to prowl.
I wintered in their northern reaches, far from the eyes Still, if there is need for proof that our kind can
of the Cainites and the Lupines. Cold lands, with hardy survive anywhere, this island is it. For even here,
folk. Sadly, each year makes this harder, as the hungry where our enemies are numerous, powerful and im-
needs of civilization and religion push the mortals to placable, a few Gangrel survive. I’m just as surprised
conquer their neighbors. Not that it is ever hard for a as you. Most are trapped or left behind by raiders,
modern ruler to justify conquest. and not likely to survive long. The rest are ancient
by even my reckoning. I suspect they date from just
Scotland and Ireland after the Betrayal, and are easily as powerful as our
Scotland’s hills and valleys are as safe a refuge oldest. Unless you can match them, I suggest staying
for us as could be expected. This means there’s a fair away from Ireland.
number of Lupines to avoid, of course. The forests are
England and Wales
After the dangers of Scotland and Ireland, England
The Mainland
Leaving the British Isles, I spent the rest of the spring
and Wales seem very safe places. Here, the Cainites are roaming Iberia and Gaul, ending up in the homeland of
dominant, as is the influence of civilization. The first the Romans. The names of these places always change,
Gangrel here preceded the Roman invasion. Yes, our as do the people and the rulers. I refer to them by the
clan was there to greet Caesar and the Cainites who names I learned years ago. Old habits are hard for us
followed his armies. The first few Gangrel came hunting to break, after all.
the Lhiannan in their Druid havens. Some followed the
Angles and the Saxons to the new hunting grounds. Iberia
Enough Gangrel have settled in the region to sustain The Gangrel first came to this peninsula in the
a population distinct among our kind. wake of the Visigoth migration, hundreds of years ago.
There isn’t much left in England to be called wilder- The clan spread out from the area around present-day
ness, but the tended woods and hunting lands provide Barcelona in the years that followed. We spread south,
enough cover for our activities. Rumors of wild cats and along the coast of the Mediterranean, before moving
lions are often indications that one us is active in the inland and north.
area. Tread carefully, though, for the Cainite lords are I followed the migration route of these early Gan-
likely to investigate such rumors and call a hunt on a grel. It wasn’t hard, since I was one of them. I remember
careless Gangrel. For that matter, the mortal lords are when the Moors swept out of Africa, and with them the
fond of their hunts, and may view a lion sighting as a truly nomadic Gangrel of the Middle East. For a time, I
chance for adventure. Always remember that if you don’t hoped the Moors would conquer all Europe. I see now
make trouble, it won’t find you. You scoff? Think how that they were no better than the Romans they could
many winters I have on you, pup, and shut your maw. have replaced.
Now Wales is place of real opportunity for us all. The conflict between the Moors and the Christians
Well, if it weren’t for the Lupines and the Gangrel elders still rages. Worse, the Gangrel who sided with the Moors
who already prowl the hills and marches, it’d be grand. make war on the rest of our clan and on the Cainites
I will warn you now — the Gangrel in Wales have a who centered themselves in the northern kingdoms of
hunger for Cainite blood, and are not fussy. I managed Castile, Leon, Aragon, Navarre and Portugal. Religion
a short conversation with one, Bodhmall, after she had and civilization have tricked our kin into shedding their
fed on my companion. She told me that the Lupines own blood again. Fools.
in Wales seemed willing to talk rather than fight. I’m
not willing to test that theory myself, but I’m sure some
of you will be. What you call France is nothing more than a
collection of confused provinces owing fealty to any
number of dukes, princes and kings. The Gangrel
A Gangrel Gentleman roaming the north are descended from Norse and
Some of the Gangrel in England differ from their Germanic tribes settled there. In the South, you find
mainland ilk, mostly in the adoption of civilized Gangrel Embraced from Visigoths, Franks and other
manners. These Gangrel follow the etiquette of the tribes mixed together.
Norman conquerors in an attempt to fit in. Accept- Gaul is a spawning ground for our nomadic kind.
ing the story of Caine and playing on the presumed Few of those we Embrace stay very long, and I blame
kinship it offers, these Gangrel have turned their
backs on their Saxon and Angle heritage to take up the Ventrue and Toreador for this. They seem to be
the banner of the Norman Cainites. everywhere, following the mortals who build cities and
The Norman Gangrel reject the ways of the clan, castles. It is hardly a comfortable place for our kind.
refusing to attend Gathers or to respect the rites of Worse, that Roman cult seems to be everywhere here,
status. Instead, they live as country gentlemen and making it hard for us to hide.
participate in Cainite society. Having animal features I passed through Gaul quickly, trying my best to
is a great disgrace, as is adhering to the Road of the remain hidden and avoid the stink. I couldn’t resist a
Beast. Some Norman Gangrel have become so adept
visit to Paris, however. I wanted to compare the city to
at denying their nature they can pass themselves off
as Ventrue or Toreador. the decaying Rome I remember plundering. It wasn’t
the last Grand Gather that marked the end of Rome. I
Taifa Gangrel laugh when I hear the mortals call it the Holy Roman
The Gangrel who followed the Moors and Empire; the unintended irony appeals to me. From this
settled in Iberia have developed their own unique feeble empire, Clan Gangrel grows.
culture. While still fundamentally Gangrel, the As you know, even a land as rich as Germany has
teachings of Islam and the civilization of Anda- dangers for our clan. Everything that makes the place
lus (Islamic Iberia) has had a profound influence our home makes it attractive to the Lupines. They
on them. These Taifa Gangrel (named after the are a constant presence, watching and lurking in the
small Muslim kingdoms of Iberia) see themselves Black Forest. There is a silver lining — this makes the
as scholar warriors, fighting a religious war. They German woods the perfect proving grounds for new
identify more with Islam and those Cainites who Gangrel. Those who survive learn quickly how to avoid
follow it, than with Clan Gangrel. the worst the Lupines offer.
In practice, this means the Taifa Gangrel Em- We also compete with other Cainites, who seek
brace only devout warriors. The new convert pairs to exploit the riches and unrest. The Ventrue seem to
up with an elder Taifa Gangrel, for both schooling have made it a matter of pride to follow the Germanic
and protection. The pair spends their nights travel-
ing throughout Iberia, hunting Christian Cainites
of all kinds. Occasionally, the Taifa may join with The Hun
an Assamite but never for very long. Matasuntha came out of the East with the
The Taifa have replaced the Gather with a first horde of Huns in the latter half of the fourth
semi-annual conclave to discuss matters. No rites century, and swiftly dominated the Gangrel of
of status occur. Instead, those attending defer to the West. In 400 CE, she summoned the Grand
the oldest Gangrel present. As well, Taifa Gangrel Gather and defeated all who challenged her. The
often abstain from feeding from Muslims, preferring clan called her queen, and named her the Hun. For
instead the vitae of Christians or Jews. a decade after, she led the Gangrel in the Grand
Revel. Across Europe, the Gangrel rose in acts of
violence and destruction. Wherever the destruc-
long after I arrived when a Cainite, of the Nosferatu
tion was greatest, there was the Hun — powerful
brood, contacted me. He told me something interest-
and ancient, with tiger-striped fur, yellow eyes and
ing. He has seen some Gangrel that apparently have
long talons. Then, just as suddenly as she appeared,
made the city their home. My curiosity aroused, I spent
she vanished. The Grand Revel ended, and the
more nights than I liked trying to find these Gangrel.
Gangrel dispersed.
My animal allies and I had no luck — though I suspect
some of the rats were lying. If there are Gangrel making For 500 years, she was gone. In the early 900s,
their homes in Paris, I saw no sign of them. she reappeared in the Alps, looking more like a
tiger than before and much subdued. Apparently,
My travels through the rest of the country were not
her long disappearance had left her hungry, for
a waste. The land is on the verge of war. You can sense
many Cainites disappeared from Italy and Germany
it in the air and the soil, as well as in the people. The
during the first few years of her return. To the few
veneer of civilization will crack soon, and I encourage
who survived an encounter, the Hun spoke of battle
you to be near when it does. Then maybe you will again
with a Cainite in the catacombs under Rome, and
see the inner fire that led these peoples to war with
of her long years in torpor.
Rome. Then you will see what a waste of time their
towers and cities really are. The Hun is returning to form in recent nights,
her wounds and hunger now sated. She seeks out
Germany and The Holy Gangrel, speaking to them of the Grand Gather
Roman Empire she will call soon. Times are not the same, though.
The Germanic people have no unity. Greed, pride, The Hun has new competition in the West, with
envy and too many rulers trying to be kings divides the All-High ruling the North. As well, many of
the land. Is it any surprise that this is the cradle of our the new Gangrel do not remember the days of
clan since we fled the East? The Gangrel who roam glory of which she speaks, and do not heed her.
all eventually pass through here. Here was the site of
tribes across Europe. It is easy to overestimate the in- spent more than a few nights, it was when the Goths
fluence the Cainites have in mortal society, but never sacked Rome and ruled the country. Ah, those were
underestimate the ability of an angry Ventrue to lead the days, until civilization pulled the mortals down.
the mortals against you — especially in the Holy Roman This time, I spent weeks confirming that the place is
Empire, where the priests are zealous. even worse now. I consider it fouled. I’m not alone in
The Gangrel who claim territory here date back as my opinion, but some always disagree. Some Gangrel
far as the Betrayal. Some of these elders are secretive
and hard to approach, hiding as they do in the deepest
woods. Others seem affected by these woods. The mortals The Big Bad Wolf
have a tale they sing of the warrior-king Beowulf, who Many of the tales the mortals tell involved
slew a great monster. I believe the monster of which wolves or monsters in the woods, and the Gangrel
they sing is one of these old Gangrel, for there is much are quite likely the basis for many of them. Wolf
in the land that drives our kind toward the Beast. features are marks of honor among the Germanic
During my travels, I encountered many Gangrel Gangrel, who wear them with pride. The design
under a hundred winters old in these states. They came of many boasts is actually to produce such a mark,
from all over Europe, and seemed friendlier than the and in a matter of decades, a Gangrel in the Holy
elders. Our image as loners and animals is born here, Roman Empire can become nearly unrecognizable
where the Gathers encourage the Beast and the Cainites as human. Of course, Lupines and real wolves
fear the woods at night. contribute to these stories as well, but neither
share the Gangrel’s need to prey upon humans.
With the frontier nearby, the Embrace is more
common here than in other areas. Many mortals risk
the dark woods, from necessity or by choice. Not all actually survive there, in the Apennines. These Gangrel
those chosen survive the first winter, what with all swoop down briefly on the populace, before retreating
the threats. To survive more than a dozen winters in into the nearly impassable mountains. It’s a minor
Germany is truly an impressive feat. It is natural that revenge on Rome, I suppose. I wonder, though, how
many Gangrel who lead our Gathers have spent much many of these Gangrel are in hiding from the rest of
time in these rough lands. us. I will say that I have yet to meet a Roman Gangrel,
The Lupines here don’t even have a pretense of though I’m sure there was at least one or two of that
friendship, as they might in Wales or the Balkans. empire who might have deserved the Embrace. If you
We are definitely the hunted, and the wise Gangrel hear of one, let me know.
is always on the move. Luckily, there are many places The Balkans
to hide — woods, rivers, mountains, valleys and even Nearly every invasion of Europe from the east has
the castles and towns provide cover. It is important to passed through this area, so it is full of Gangrel. The
keep a step ahead of the Lupines, and always remember Balkans was the main route of the Gangrel migration
that you can leave. west, and I always enjoy returning here. We actually
Of course, the danger of these lands makes them have some political power here, where the tribes we
perfect for Gathers. Great risks and deeds are always followed have control: the Magyars, Huns, Serbs…
mere moments away, it seems. Even the journey to the there are too many to name. This is the frontline of
Gather can be an adventure. Plus, there are plenty of our wars with the Ravnos (who use the same routes
targets for a Revel, from an annoying local Cainite to we did) and the Tremere. Every Gangrel should
an isolated Lupine. This is truly a land of plenty, and eventually come here, I think, to read the history
I was unhappy to leave. etched into the soil.
While our clan will always be from the East, our The Gangrel who claim territory here get along well,
heart is now in Germany. maintaining the old tradition of packs. Three or four
Italy of our clan will travel and hunt together, cooperating
for mutual survival. These packs will even combine to
I rarely travel this patch of ground, but I made an
help one another, without the traditional Gather and
exception this time. Too much of the land has seen the
Revel. This is the old way, from before the Betrayal,
ax, shovel, awl and plow for my liking. The last time I
and I am pleased to see it survive.
Many of our enemies also cluster here, stepping on If the new Gangrel can claw free of his burial, he
each others’ toes and making the area a rich hunting passes the first test. Failing to dig out of the grave results
ground for the brave. The Tzimisce rule much of the in eventual torpor. The observing pack will wait a few
land, though they face challenges from the Ventrue. nights, then unearth the victim and destroy him, rather
The Tremere are hiding in their warrens, avoiding than leaving him behind.
us as best they can. The Lupines here are weak, and Having clawed free of the earth, the new Gangrel
some are even open to truces. And the two different faces a second test. In a frenzied hunger-rage, he must
churches, Roman and Byzantine, compete for the now decide in which direction to seek prey. To pass
loyalty of the people. There is no question of a coming this test, the new Gangrel must leave the roads and
war or period of unrest — something is always stirring begin the hunt. At this point, the pack summons an
the Balkans. animal as food, then reveal itself and accepts the new
At the Crossroads pack member. Following any of the roads is the wrong
response, and the pack will come out of hiding to destroy
While the Gangrel packs of the Balkans follow
the new Gangrel as unfit.
many of the ancient and lapsed traditions, they have
developed a new one of their own. A pack seeks out Gangrel Embraced in this fashion seem normal
a suitable mortal, one with bravery and skill, and enough, though I have seen one or two refuse to hide
stalks him. Having decided to Embrace him, the pack in the earth, even under great threat.
kidnaps the chosen mortal and takes him to a nearby Scandinavia
crossroads. There the pack Embraces the mortal and It has been a while since I strode the deck of a drag-
then buries him unconscious in a grave at the center onboat or sat at the table in a long hall. The Gangrel
of the crossroad. From this point on, the pack observes of the North are their own breed, ruling over mortals
from hiding nearby or using an animal’s eyes. and claiming to be descended from their one-eyed god.
The All-High is their nominal leader, the Jarl of the
North as they sometimes call him. These vargr roam
out of their icy halls across Europe, pretending they are Now let me speak to you of the Cainites and other
still at the height of their power. creatures. No doubt you’ve encountered some already.
The North is a place of bold deeds, brave acts and These are my impressions, based on personal experience
raw courage. There is no fear of Lupines here, only a and the stories told to me. I am sure if you were to travel
grudging respect. Still, the other Cainites have come somewhere else, you would hear slightly different words,
to the North and they push our clan further and further but the message would be the same.
into the wilds. I suspect it won’t be long before the I won’t bore you with the long list of grievances I’ve
vargr will have to abandon their pretense and join the heard some use. Telling you to avoid Baron Trappe or
rest of us. That, or perhaps they will flee to the fabled to hide out in the barn of Berna isn’t useful for more
Vinland, which figures in many of their tales. than a few years, anyway. Instead, I’ll just tell you the
Russia important bits and leave the rest up to you.
This land is merely a temporary stop on the migra-
tions east, west, north and south. A few of the Northern Cainites
Gangrel attempted to settle in the wilderness, but Supposedly the children of a cursed farmer, the
suffered at the hands of the Lupines. Any of our kind Cainites are a diverse lot. They all seem fascinated by
who has remained here overlong has found the going civilization and cities, however, lurking among clutches
difficult. Very few of our clan have managed to survive of mortals like flies on a corpse. This is the line that
more than a few years, and those that have typically separates us from them, although they rarely see it. They
move on to relatively safer locations. call us Cainites and insist that their holy texts prove
us to be their kin. Accept their conceit if it serves you,
The Middle East but remember the truth of Ennoia and the Betrayal.
I have not traveled to the Levant and other Arab Assamites
lands for some time. Gangrel are there, however. Drawn While we have little fear of any group other than
from the Turks and Bedouin, they keep to themselves. the Lupines, the Assamites do make me nervous. The
What little I know I learned from the few Gangrel Saracens fight against Christianity, but Islam isn’t any
who followed the returning Crusaders. They speak of better for us. With a shared enemy, a Gangrel can act
Gangrel living in Constantinople, of the damnable as a guide or scout for the Assamites. Most of the time,
power of religious men and the steady encroachment we’re more like prey than equals. Every Assamite I’ve
of civilization. Apparently, there are Lupines even in met has claimed to have honor or to be spiritual. It
the deserts. I can only think that Clan Gangrel faces seems to be a point of pride for them. But when the
the same challenges everywhere. teeth come out, they’re hunters like the rest of us. Watch
The Far East your step around them.
Cappadocians I’ve heard say that these Serpents also reject the
Our two clans are much like oil and flame, just Caine stories, but that may be just another lie to lure
waiting for someone to bring us together. Many Gan- us in. It doesn’t really matter.
grel still hold to the superstitions of their mortal life, Lasombra
and regard the too-close examination of the dead as The Lasombra support of the Church guarantees
black magic. I’m one of them. That the Cappadocians that they don’t get along with most of us. The recurring
resemble corpses doesn’t help any. The detachment from experience I’ve had is that any culture that a Lasombra
the Beast the Graverobbers seem to relish leaves them encounters soon turns from the old ways and accepts
without much to discuss with any Gangrel. Honestly, the Roman Church. A natural resentment has built
both sides seem to prefer it that way. up over the centuries, one that I often express on the
Followers of Set stray Lasombra venturing too far out into the wild.
The Setites are foul, hateful things you destroy You might want to try it, too. You might not think
wherever you encounter one. If you encounter more they are a threat, but just wait — I’m sure they’ll do
than one, flee. Of course, not all Gangrel feel this way, something to get you angry.
but I’d argue that anyone who defends a Serpent is The Taifa Gangrel have a friendlier relationship
probably in their service and should be outcast. A lot with the Iberian Lasombra who profess to follow Islam.
of what I know I learned from the Bedouin Gangrel, Trying to explain that any Lasombra who claims to
who speak of being pets and slaves for the Followers believe in Allah is lying just gets you in trouble.
of Set. You can believe that any Setite you encounter Malkavians
is sizing you for a collar. I know some of you will not
The Malkavians are the diviners of the future and the
agree, and will want to try to learn for yourselves. To
special protectors of fate. As a group, give them respect
you, I say good-bye.
as one would an elder or a dangerous Lupine. Be sure
to pass around the Gather any knowledge a Malkavian
chooses to share. The insight of the Malkavians is a Tzimicse
sacred offering, to be pondered carefully. This doesn’t The Gangrel and Tzimisce share little love, and
mean that I particularly like the company of the Mad- both of us like it that way. The lands of the Tzimisce
men. On the contrary, theirs is one of the few clans are the highways by which the various tribes of the
that worry me. I’m not alone, either. Malkavians seem East have entered Europe, and we Gangrel have always
to delight in playing with our Beast, bringing it to the followed in the wake. If the threat of the Tremere had
surface and robbing us of control. When a group of them not arisen, our two clans would still be engaged in a
chooses to turn on us, they can drive us to destruction. struggle for dominance. Unlike my other hatreds, the
one for the Tzimisce is half-hearted. I have begun to
Nosferatu understand their fears are similar to ours — they don’t
The Gangrel and the Nosferatu get along. Some- want to lose their past. In turn, the Tzimisce I have
what. We both share an unusual appearance, though dealt with have begun to see me as more than just a
their approach to dealing with it differs from ours. beast. Not that I’m letting down my guard, for they
Still, there is a common ground when we meet. The are all still Cainites.
Nosferatu share information and are great listeners, and
few Gangrel can resist the opportunity to tell a story, Ventrue
including me. All right, “share” is too strong a word. The Ventrue are trying to rule without earning
The Nosferatu rarely tell as much as they hear, but for that right. They exploit the successes of powerful mor-
all their claims at secrecy, they are prone to let drop a tals like the Romans and the Franks, then try to take
fact or two. We’re also a handy courier service for items credit. They pretend superiority without being able to
too large for the Nosferatu’s normal methods, so they back up the claim. Too often we have tried to point
owe many of us boons. this out, and now the Ventrue try to target our hunting
grounds. If we were again able to fight openly, as we did
Toreador in centuries past, we could easily teach them the lesson
The cultures we have Embraced from are not void they forgot. In the mean time, we will have to fight
of artistic minds or an aesthetic appreciation of form from the shadowed woods and wait for the Ventrue to
and structure, so dealings with the Artisans are quite make another mistake.
possible. The difficulty between our two clans comes
not from the art, but from the interpretation. Art is a Baali
means of conveying information, a story or a warning; We tried to warn the Cainites about the Baali, and
something to tell the history of a people. A Toreador they ignored us. I say we leave them to the rewards of
seems to see art as something exalted and higher than their ignorance. The Baali are foul, but no longer our
mortal or immortal existence. I don’t understand it. problem. We must focus on the wars we are already
Many of us don’t. When our two clans meet, this mis- fighting, before we take on the battles of the other clans.
understanding often spills over into every other area. Lamia
You can guess where that leads. In the service of the Cappadocians, what more can
Tremere be expected than obedience? The Lamia are soldiers,
The Ravnos-Gangrel war is ancient, kept fresh by not warriors. Don’t make the mistake of confusing the
our undying existence. This war with the Tremere is two. There is no honor gained defeating a soldier forced
something new and all the worse for it. The Tremere to fight to survive.
created themselves only a hundred or so years ago. They Salubri
experimented on Gangrel in their quest to steal what I rarely cross paths with the Salubri, but when I
wasn’t theirs, and they have used their foul sorcery to do it rarely turns to violence. That third eye is a curse,
pervert others of our clan into shock troops for the and the knowledge they seem to have is a heavy burden
war. There is no punishment less than destruction I wouldn’t want to share. Treat them with care, and
that will ease this wound. It is imperative that the perhaps sympathy. They’re not like the other clans, but
Usurpers pay the final price, before more Gangrel fall something about them worries me. Perhaps it is because
into their hands. the most ferocious of the Giants had three eyes.
first to realize the war was lost. They are confused —
Enemies and Betrayers the war was lost because she fled. Her descendants pay
The battle between Ennoia and Churka is still fresh the bloodprice of her act. The All-High and the vargr
for us. The enemies who pushed us west and the traitors have doggedly pursued and hunted the Lhiannan across
who stabbed us in the back are not forgotten and will Europe. They are not alone. Soon, nothing will remain
never be forgiven. of the betrayer.
Ravnos Laibon
The relationship between the Ravnos and us is one The Laibon are mysterious and hidden. Still, many
of out right antagonism — war, if you will. I’m telling in our clan consider them part of the Betrayal and try
you now, so you don’t make the mistake a number of to hunt them as best they can. It is interesting that
neonates have. The Ravnos are not your friends. They the Gangrel of North Africa, who would have the
are not your allies. They will lead you astray, then greatest contact, speak nothing but kindness about
destroy you. If seen being friendly with a Ravnos, you the Laibon. I would have to speak to one myself be-
may become the second one to die. So, be very careful. fore I decided. Then again, I may as well wish myself
The Ravnos are our collective Loki, bringing mortal while I’m at it.
Ragnarok. They woke the Giants and plan to bring
about the end of our world. They won the war for the Lupines
Eastern hunting grounds. We must not let them win If there is one thing that can truly cause fear in
in the West, too. All the clan can do is prepare. As for a Gangrel, it is a Lupine. Worse still is a pack of the
the rumor of shared parentage, bear the insult, because creatures. They are death and destruction on two large
we’ll be the last ones laughing. hairy legs, worse than we are. They are territorial, and,
Let me also dispel another rumor: We are not the unfortunately for us, the territory the Lupines protect
special protectors of the Gypsies. We merely hunt the overlaps with our own hunting grounds. I’ve heard the
Ravnos who typically travel in their caravans. When rumors about alliances and shared knowledge. Aside
we have destroyed the Ravnos, the Gypsies may hail from some isolated locations, most of these stories are
us as their rescuers. They’re wrong. We’re as likely to wishful boasts.
prey on them as any other Cainite. It is true that not every encounter between a Lupine
and a Gangrel ends in the destruction of the Gangrel. It’s
Lhiannan just that you don’t really want to take the chance you’ll
Lhiannan was one of those involved in the Betrayal, be the one in a thousand. Any arrangement you manage
who broke the Gangrel and fled west. Her descendants with a Lupine is an exception to the rule, and you should
hid themselves in the Celtic tribes of the West. I’ve never expect it to last. We’re just too different.
heard some Gangrel say that Lhiannan was simply the
Rules of the Wild
Merits and
doesn’t gain any of the Disciplines, knowledge or
skills of the form assumed, but otherwise becomes a
These features remain hidden for the duration of the
scene or until the vampire falls into frenzy. A vampire
also gains back lost Social Attributes with the use of
this power, one for each success.
Enhance the Wild Ride (Animalism
Level Four, Protean Level Four)
A vampire that has this level of power has devel-
oped the art of Riding the Wild Mind to such a degree
that he can even effect the body of the creature. The
vampire’s body remains in a motionless trance akin to
torpor, but the possessed animal takes on some of the
characteristics of the vampire.
This power is a closely guarded secret of Clan Gan-
grel. Even were it to become known, it involves passing
over a great deal more of the soul to an animal possessed
than other clans would find comfortable.
System: This power is essentially an enhanced
version of Ride the Wild Mind (Animalism 4) that
allows for physical changes to the possessed animal. The
player spends a blood point and then makes a Ride the
Wild Mind test as normal (Charisma + Animal Ken,
difficulty 8). Use this table instead of the one for Ride
the Wild Mind.
One success Can use Auspex, Presence
Two successes Can use Dominate,
Dementation, Animalism
Three successes Can use Thaumaturgy,
Chimerstry, Fortitude
Four successes Can use Protean, Potence
Five successes Can use Celerity, spend blood
to enhance Traits
The vampire-animal bond is much stronger in
Enhance the Wild Mind than in Ride the Wild Mind.
As such, the player need not spend Willpower to get
the animal to go against its instinct and, with five or
more successes, can spend blood (from the animal’s
blood pool) to enhance its physical Attributes. If blood
point spending reduces an animal below half its blood
pool, however, it dies instantly, with the vampire’s
mind in place.
This complete inhabitation has a side effect — it
clouds the vampire’s soul with the instincts and nature
of the animal inhabited. The effect should be roleplayed,
and continues for a long time after contact is broken.
Spending eight temporary Willpower will overcome
the effect faster, but the vampire will only be entirely
free of the animal’s influence after the passage of years.
If the inhabited animal dies or experiences some Call the Wild Hunt (Animalism Level
great excitement (a fight or involvement in a hunt, Five, Protean Level Four)
for example), then there is a chance the vampire
In ancient days, when Gangrel rode openly on the
suffers. The player must make a Wits + Empathy roll
steppes, this power saw more use. It allows a vampire to
(difficulty 8) to avoid the vampire losing her mind.
transform her ghouls into a Wild Hunt, a pack of wild
Failure means the vampire’s mind snaps back to her
animals who run with her across the steppes. In the process,
own body immediately, but she now believes herself
the vampire also transfers a portion of her Beast into her
to be the animal. A botch means the vampire returns
followers, making it more difficult for her to succumb to
and automatically enters frenzy. Any successes mean
frenzy. Her followers, however, give in to blood rage. The
the vampire can continue to ride the animal, or can
Wild Hunt stays close to the vampire for the duration of
return without problems.
the transformation, never straying out of sight. They will
Using Enhance the Wild Ride during the day requires attack anything in their path, trying to tear it to pieces
the player to make the standard roll for a vampire to in their rage. The vampire herself remains untouched by
remain awake. This power costs 15 experience points. the frenzy and is immune to Rötschreck. The vampire
Read the Winds (Animalism Level retains her emotions, including anger, but the Beast cannot
Four, Auspex Level Five) dominate her or undermine her courage.
Many animals roam the night, and a vampire with System: A vampire doesn’t have to be near or in
this power has the ability to see through the eyes of them frenzy to use this power. The ghouls involved must see
all. With a bit of focus, the vampire sees everything the vampire when the power activates. The player rolls
that an animal in the area witnesses. The vampire can Manipulation + Animal Ken (difficulty 6) with each suc-
also use this power to gain a general impression, from cess affecting one of the vampire’s ghouls (either human
animals’ states, about the area or upcoming events like or animal). If the attempt fails, the player must roll to
disasters or storms. avoid frenzy (difficulty 7); a botch means automatic frenzy.
System: The player makes a Perception + Animal Affected ghouls succumb to frenzy with all its standard
Ken roll (difficulty 7), and the vampire opens her mind benefits (ignoring wound penalties, resisting Dominate,
to the animals in the area. Each success increases the etc.), but will not attack each other or the controlling
area in which the vampire can monitor events, though vampire. The ghouls will do everything they can to remain
progressively larger areas observed could overwhelm in sight of their regnant, but should they fail, their minds
her with too much information. suddenly calm. The Wild Hunt has no fear, and will attack
Successes Distance Detail any other creature that gets in their way. Each member of
1 Within earshot General impression the Wild Hunt also immediately gain Talons of the Beast
2 About a mile Blurry details (Protean 2), although the Storyteller or player should note
that a point is spent from each of their blood pools at this
3 A couple miles See details
time. These claws will retract once the frenzy breaks.
4 50 miles See details, hear faintly
The controlling vampire becomes immune to frenzy
5 100 miles See and hear clearly and Rötschreck checks. The Wild Hunt ends with the
The player must divide his successes between range coming of dawn. This power costs 20 experience points.
and details. For example, if a player managed four suc-
cesses, he could use three to get the range of a couple
miles and one to get a general impression (it is raining). Gangrel Across
He could instead spend three to see details of things
within earshot, like whether there is a Lupine in that the Land
area. With a single success, the vampire gets a general Gangrel are among the most far-flung vampires
impression of the area within earshot. The vampire in the Dark Medieval world, stalking the steppes of
cannot see things that are Obfuscated or hidden using the East, the glacial lands of the Far North and every-
this power. where in between. This has led to a certain diversity
Gangrel often use this power while interred in the among the clan. Some of these differences are simply
earth. It costs 20 experience points to develop this power. in behavior, such as the atypical Norman and Taifa
Gangrel (see pages 20 and 21). Other differences are
more significant and have create full-fledged offshoot
bloodlines (see below). The clan’s special affinity for
the wild lands — the Gangrel ability to assume animal Interment Options
forms and the animal characteristics they develop after Not every Gangrel who developed Protean
frenzy — creates further diversification. Indeed, Gan- limits himself to melding with the soil. With time
grel become animals they knew from life, so a German and practice, some Gangrel have developed the
vampire will not have the same features as an Arab one. ability to meld with other elements of nature. The
most common alternate element is trees, though this
Territorial Variations requires a tree large enough to hold the mass of the
Gangrel vary depending on region and influences, vampire. A Gangrel who frequents the more rocky
particularly in the type of creature they can transform into places, like the mountains, develops the ability to inter
with Form of the Beast. While the majority of Gangrel herself into the very rock. The only limit appears to
become wolves and bats, this is hardly a universal case. be that the substance must be natural and that it has
not been worked by the hands of man (no hiding in
Northern Gangrel
a log palisade or castle wall).
A Gangrel from the North is likely to transform into a
These alternate resting places are not as stable
stag or bear as her fight form, and probably an owl or eagle
as the earth, however and force a vampire out
as her flight form. A number of Gangrel from this region
with the setting of the sun. This occurs, even if
become wolves, but not as many take the form of a bat.
the vampire is in torpor. It costs eight experience
Eastern Gangrel points to develop an alternate-resting place.
Gangrel off the steppes tend to transform into wolves,
but are more likely to have the flight form of an eagle
or falcon. Ancient Gangrel who have spent time in the
lands of India or further east will transform into tigers.
Why Am I a Wolf? Bestial Features
The majority of those with the Protean Disci- It’s easy to pick the first few bestial features for
pline develop the ability to change into a wolf and your Gangrel character — clawed toes, fur-tipped
bat, but there is a significant minority that take on ears, a tail. As time passes and the Gangrel contin-
different forms. This is a result of legend meeting the ues to suffer frenzy after frenzy, however, it can be
mystic nature of the vampire. If a vampire expects to harder and harder to find new features. You can’t
transform into a wolf, he will. If a different vampire pick whiskers and a black nose repeatedly, after all.
expects to become a cat, then she does. Remember that not every animal feature has to
This same expectation helps determine what be visible. A Gangrel could develop a musky scent
a Gangrel slowly transforms into with each animal or adopt the behavior patterns of her animal form.
trait. If, in his mortal life, a Gangrel often felt akin Something as simple as circling your prey before
to a bear, then in his unlife he will likely come to you feed or scratching the doorjambs to indicate
resemble a bear. On occasion, the animal features your territory can count as an animal feature. Don’t
a Gangrel acquires may be her first clue that she restrict yourself to the surface features. Do remember
is not limited to merely a wolf form. that these “invisible” features still count toward
Practice allows a Gangrel to overcome this reducing your character’s Social Attributes, though.
limit. While the Gangrel never develops more It’s tough to be socially adept when you’re scratching
than the two forms (fight and flight), with practice yourself behind the ears or marking your territory.
a Gangrel can change what these two forms are.
So the answer to the question is simple — you There are very few Greek Gangrel and most of them
are a wolf, because that’s what you expect to be. have appeared recently in Constantinople. At least one
is present in Paris, as well. Unlike their wild brethren,
they rarely venture out into the wilderness. They have
Southern Gangrel yet to make an appearance at a Gather, although some
A Gangrel from North Africa or the Middle East are said to want to build ties to the main clan.
has a good chance of changing into a jackal or wild dog.
Mariner Gangrel
Their flight form is likely to be a bat, though some have
In the waters of the Black Sea, the Mediterranean
become vultures. There are also some falcons mixed in,
and the Baltic lives a unique branch of the clan, the
though these Gangrel are very rare.
Mariner Gangrel. While the typical Gangrel develops
Bloodlines the traits and features of a land animal, this bloodline
instead shows signs of their watery homes. Features like
Greek Gangrel gills, scales, fins and puckered mouths are the common
A strange branch of the Gangrel lurks in the dark features among the Mariners, who quickly take the sea
corners and sewers of the great cities like Constantinople for their home.
and Rome. There are theories about their existence: These Gangrel spend their lives in the waters, preying
trapped after following Crusaders, the result of a Tremere on the sailors who ply the waves or feeding on the fish.
experiment or even a whole new clan. The truth is that They avoid contact with other vampires, including the
there have been Gangrel hiding in the cities of man landbound of their clan. The only group they seem to
almost from the day the first stone went up in Babylon. have regular contact with is the Lasombra, and it’s not
As the centuries have passed, these Gangrel have focused friendly. Because of their strange lifestyle, they have
on surviving in a different environment — one fraught developed alternate Protean powers (for more details,
with its own unique dangers. see World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides).
The Greek Gangrel, as they call themselves, have
developed Obfuscate instead of Fortitude. It is better to
hide from danger where mortals congregate, after all.
As well, the Greek Gangrel are on good terms with the
Nosferatu who share the sewers with them.
Children of the Beast
The Failed Martyr Concept: You are an agent of God, speaking his
Word to any who will listen. The marks of the Beast on
Quote: The Book of Jeremiah says that a wolf of the you are indications of your falling off the true path to
evenings shall punish you, and I am that wolf. heaven and letting sin dominate you. God will remove
Prelude: You were once a bright star in the Church, the marks, though, when you have finished His work.
full of charisma and with a real talent for holding peo- Roleplaying Hints: You use the lessons of the Bible
ple’s attention when you spoke. It was little surprise to as a guide for your nightly activities and never miss a
anyone that the Church chose you to lead an expedition chance to draw a parallel between the events in the
into the rough lands of the North, to carry the word of Gospel and your new unlife. While there is no reason
the Lord to the heathens. you couldn’t feed from just anyone, you try to restrict
Once you arrived in the midst of the barbarians, your communion to those who are not of the faith.
however, your words and charisma failed you. Your Equipment: Cross, rosary, strong boots, warm
followers were tortured and killed before your eyes, clothing, knife
and all you could do was pray for their souls. Then it
was your turn to die as an offering to their forest god.
Tied to a tree in the forest, you awaited your
death with bravery and the words of the Lord upon
your lips. Night came, and by the light of
the silver moon, you saw the
furry beast the barbarians
worshipped. You put
all your passion into
the words, hiding
the fear you felt
behind your faith.
Nothing could
stop it, though. As
it sunk its teeth
in you, you felt
the wash of God’s
blessing upon you
and welcomed
But you work on
earth was not com-
plete. You rose infused
with the power of the
Lord and hungry for
the blood of the hea-
then who had rejected
His word. Now, each
night, you continue
to do the good work God
intended, spreading the Gospel to
those who do not believe.
The Lady on the Lake outburst of anger led to the first obvious changes and
Quote: Come, Baron, surely my new hair isn’t that your realization that the curse was real. From that point
ugly. Why, if you continue to gape, I’ll have to remove you on, you have looked for a cure, seeking out others who
from my bedroom. share your condition for advice and knowledge.
Prelude: With your husband off on the Crusades, Concept: You are a wealthy noblewoman with
it fell to you to maintain his lands. Under your careful contacts and influence in the nobility of Europe. Many
leadership, they prospered and thrived. When news of the elite vied for your hand, and they view you as an
reached you of your husband’s death outside Jerusalem, excellent candidate for marriage. The curse laid upon
you found yourself the target of many new suitors, more you is a burden you must overcome through will and
interested in your wealth than your beauty. Maintaining perseverance, as you search for a cure. The longer it takes
control of your lands became your driving goal. you to find it, though, the more swanlike you become.
One evening as you were entertaining yet another Roleplaying Hints: You restrain your displays of
group of guests seeking your hand, a stranger came to emotion, trying to keep not just your anger but also your
call. He had wildness about him and seemed unimpressed happiness and sadness under wraps. A little vain, you
with the noble status of you or your guests. He demanded consider every loss of a human feature a great blow and
a tribute — your blood in a bowl — or he would curse will go to great lengths to prevent it. Your condition
your lands with suffering and loss. Refusing him was has made you less dismissive of those who are not of
a matter of course, and you your social status — a lack of humility is what led to
chased him from your hall your current condition, after all.
with mocking laughter. Equipment: Fine dress, jewelry, dagger, retainers,
Before he left, he promised small keep and lands
that you would forever re-
gret your decision.
A few nights later,
you woke from your
sleep at the touch of
lips on your neck. You
tried to scream, but a
hand was across your
mouth. It was the visitor,
and he took his tribute
and more from you that
night. He also left
you something — an
eternal curse. It was
his turn to laugh as
he leapt from your
For the first few
days, you tried to
ignore the chang-
es that had come
over you. You fed
from the servants,
swearing them to
secrecy. Then you
started feeding from
your guests, in the guise
of giving your favors. The occasional
The Scholarly Hermit creature offered. It briefly spoke to you about your new
Quote: To be human is a laudable goal, when one feels state — no sun, avoid the Church, immortality — then
closer to the beasts of the earth. I’m not so sure that ripping fled into the dark woods. You lapped up the cold blood
off that poor man’s head is a good way to do it, though. of your customer, then returned to your shack to think
Prelude: You were born into a life of relative priv- on what it meant to be a human and something more.
ilege, dwelling of one of the few cities in Europe. Your Concept: You retreated from normal society because
parents provided you with the best education they could you found you just couldn’t cope with the hustle and
afford, even sending you to one of the universities to bustle of the world. You preferred life simpler than you
study law. It wasn’t what you were interested in, but could find in the new towns and cities, with their politics
you did it to please them, and settled into working as and close- packed populations. You desire solitude or
an advocate. The more you learned about the world the company of only a few select people. You reflect
and the ways of power, the more you hated it. One day, on what your condition means, for you and humanity.
it finally became too much for you, and you simply left Roleplaying Hints: You are reflective, but hardly
it behind. Rather than face your parents, you made passive — when something needs to be done for the
off for the woods and started to work as a woodcutter. good of others, you’re one of the first to volunteer. While
Things weren’t any simpler, just harder. You you like to be alone, you also like the opportunity to
survived the first winter through luck and the second discuss things with other people. While large groups or
through sheer stubborn perseverance. In the third close spaces make you nervous, a small coterie is perfect
winter, however, you discovered you weren’t as alone for your needs. You’ve come to prefer the company of
in the woods as you had thought. Making a delivery of Cainites to mortals, since only another vampire can
wood to one of your customers, you discovered a wolf truly understand the immortal condition.
in her home. Hardly thinking, you charged with your Equipment: Good clothing, shoes, cap with feather,
ax to drive it away. knife, heavy cloak with hood, ax
That’s when it stood
on two legs and
laughed, baring
its long teeth.
It was too late
to flee, so you
fought for
your life
and lost.
As your
life’s blood
onto the
dirt floor,
the wolf-
man asked
a simple
“Do you
want to
live, brave
Your an-
swer was yes and
you drank the blood the
The Wild Woman hamlets and villages, avoiding the bigger towns and
Quote: Grrrrrr. I don’t care who you are. This is my castles where the other Cainites make their havens.
kill, not yours. Find your own before you join it. The woods are your home now.
Prelude: You don’t recall much of your life before Concept: Solidly in the grip of the Beast, you’re a
the Embrace. You only have vague memories of the big bad wolf in the woods of Europe. Whatever was once
seemingly unending days spent working to stay alive human in you is now lost and you don’t care to find it.
in some small hovel on the outskirts of a lord’s domain. There are bigger things to worry about now — such as
There had been children and definitely a husband, but where your next meal is coming from.
they don’t really mean too much to you now. Not since Roleplaying Hints: You’re only a step or two
the night you died. removed from being an animal and it doesn’t bother
It was a crisp autumn night with the edge of winter you at all. Not everything that you were before is lost,
in the air when the wolf came calling. The flimsy door of however — you want the company of other people,
your home was no barrier to its strength. Your husband even if it’s the brief contact before you feed from them.
died trying to run, but you Other vampires disquiet you, though. You respect their
stood your ground against power and resent their self-control, but also look down
the beast — though a on them for their attempts to cling to humanity. This
cleaver seemed little quest to be something you aren’t makes no sense to you,
enough protection. and you’re not shy about telling people this.
The struggle was over Equipment: tattered and dirty rags
in moments, but
though you lay dying,
you clung to the wolf
desperate to keep it
from your children.
They fled into the
night, and you
You woke
a few moments
later, alone and
with a hunger strong
upon you. It was in
the early hours of that
morning you commit-
ted yourself to the Beast
within. Your children
returned, tears on their
cheeks, and they became
your first meal. You fled your
crime for the safety of the
dark woods and spent the
next few years learning
the true extent of your
curse — and that you
weren’t alone.
Now you spend the un-
ending nights trying to survive
on the outskirts of many lords’ do-
mains. You hunt amongst the smaller
Of Historical Note:
The Advantages of
February 19th, 2000
Do you see now? Do you understand that the old stories were right? You are
older than I, so I know you remember the tales told at the Gathers. Of the Be-
trayal and the struggle between Ennoia and Churka. Of the Giants of the East.
I remember what they said, Karsh. They said the Ravnos would wake the
Giants and begin Ragnarok. For centuries I scoffed at those stories, and my
foolishness cost us all dearly.
You know what happened in India, don’t you? Churka woke and so did the
Giants. We call them Cathayans now, but that is what they are and Ragnarok
has begun. Have you been to Los Angeles and San Francisco, “Warlord”? Have
you seen the Giants advance out of the East and into our lands?
I brought the clan out of the Camarilla because I awoke from centuries of
delusion. I realized the old ways were best and that the prophecies were true.
Antediluvians and Giants from the East are not myths, Karsh. They are truth.
Come with us. Leave your blue-blooded masters behind and fight like a
true Gangrel. Rage against Ragnarok!
Think of tonight as a time to set things right. Stand with us, Karsh, I do
not want us to be enemies, but I will do what is needed to preserve the clan.
The wind from the north was
more curse than blessing, the
traveler decided sourly. In the
rocky wastes of the Holy Land,
the stones retained the day’s
heat and radiated it through the
night. The breeze served to do
little more than chill the sweat
on his horse’s flanks, and the dust
it raised obscured his view of his
quarry’s trail. The traveler whis-
pered a curse through clenched
teeth and reined his mount to
a halt. His hand idly caressed the
worn hilt of the sword that hung
from the saddle, then slipped
inside his cloak, emerging with
a length of silk cord wrapped
around a small clay vial and a
chipped crystal.
“Spare me your hollow words, Karim,” replied the Karim stepped back involuntarily, his face an
new arrival, an older man clad in brown and sitting unreadable mask. “I— that is, I had not thought that
almost casually atop a jagged boulder. “The Amr felt such a—”
it necessary to send an observer to this place, and I am “You had not thought, no. Is the house of Haqim so
somehow not surprised that his premonition concerned poor that it cannot afford to extend hospitality to those
you. If this is how you take situations ‘well in hand,’ who were once as brothers? Must we cut them down
I am amazed that the Caliph still grants you leave to rather than acknowledge our debt to them?”
instruct pupils.” Karim bowed stiffly, then flickered and vanished
Karim flinched visibly and, from his expression, again. Delacruz turned his gaze to the traveler. “And
would have darkened with anger had his skin been what am I to think of you? I know what you are, and
capable of it. “There is nothing more to be said here! I know what you have hunted into our lands. Though
We found this shaitan attempting to enter our lands! Karim’s methods may have been hasty, I cannot fault
He was about to receive the reward of an enemy spy his reasoning.”
when you interfered! Stand aside now, or the Caliph The traveler rose to his feet and squared his shoul-
will hear of this and we will see whose word is law on ders. “Then be done with it.”
the Mountain!” Delacruz laughed dryly. “I did not say I shared his
Forcing blood to his shattered limbs, the traveler reasoning. Too many of your kind see Haqim’s line as
willed his body to heal. His blade lay just beyond his little more than ravening bandits. I would prefer to
reach, but Karim was focused on another opponent. leave you with a slightly better impression.”
Even as the traveler completed the thought and tensed The traveler looked pointedly at the space Karim
to lunge, the sword skittered away from his fingertips. had recently occupied.
His eyes followed it as it rose from the ground to float
The sorcerer chuckled. “Do not judge a castle’s
a handbreadth above the open palm of Don Delacruz,
master by the boys who clean the stable.” He made
the new arrival.
a dismissive gesture and the sword revolved lazily in
He calmly regarded the sword. His left hand rested midair, halting with its hilt before its owner. “I return
on the stone on which he sat; the right, still crackling your blade to you, but your existence would have ended
with the echoes of the power which it had unleashed, by now had I not intervened. I will consider your ob-
trailed along the flat of the blade. “I recognize the ligation to me fulfilled if you will do me two services.”
craftsmanship,” he said thoughtfully, speaking more He paused expectantly.
to the weapon than to anyone present. “De Peleroma
“I make no promise until I know its entirety,” the
of the Toreador, unless I mistake myself. And he only
traveler observed. He grasped his sword and sheathed
accepts commissions from those of certain lines.” He
it, then bowed formally. “Still, I am in your debt, and
turned his gaze on Karim. “Your behavior this night
honor demands that I at least listen.”
has been unconscionable, and you should give thanks
Delacruz snorted. “As I said, I know what you
to the Ancestor that I do not burn you down where
hunt. It is familiar to my brothers, and we know its
you stand for the affront that you have given an ally
destination, though it has not yet offended us so heavily
of the Mountain.” He paused and smiled humorlessly.
as to beg for destruction. I will guide you there, and
“Your threats to me I set aside, as they were spoken in
you will settle whatever business you have with it.
a heated moment. I know you better than to think you
Then you will return to your home immediately, lest
would deliberately violate Haqim’s laws.”
your actions jeopardize our position. That is the first
Karim snarled at the implicit challenge. “An ally?
request I make of you.”
I tell you, I saw him wield blood magic, and his spell
“And the second?” the traveler inquired warily.
of searching set his course deeper into our lands! What
more must I say?” “As you now have a guide, your pursuit is no longer
as urgent.” Delacruz smiled broadly. “Your second task
“And are all blood-wizards of the shaitan?” asked
is to accept my hospitality for two nights, during which
Delacruz coolly. Tiny lightning writhed around his
time I will tell you of Haqim’s inheritors — as we see
clenched fist and in the depths of his eyes.
ourselves. If you must hold us in such low esteem, the
least you can do is hold an informed opinion.”
The Children
of Haqim
You came here seeking knowledge, did you not? I last drew breath. It is a reminder, I suppose, that God
Tales to spin of the Saracens, to charm the heart of a does not play favorites, nor protect those in His service
lady or to win the regard of a prince of men — or of from everything that comes in the night.
more than men, perhaps? What did you expect to find A hundred tiny details. Alone, insignificant anom-
in these lands? Blood-maddened murderers seeking the alies — but together, they shape an image of an Assa-
lives of those who sent the Crusades against their mortal mite that most European Cainites would scarcely find
families? Godless heathens who hold that your Savior credible, were they to be confronted with it. But you,
was no more than a man, and who pray to a holy stone who confront the beast in the cold flesh — ah, I see the
rather than a holy cross? Wily Arab traders with long faintest glimmer of belief in your eyes. Attend; I will
knives in their sleeves, riches in their hands, slaves on spin you a thousand stories of my blood, each more fan-
their chains and lies on their lips? Perhaps you thought tastic than the last, and each the truth of whatever God
to match your Toledo blade against one of Damascus’ you care to name.
finest, or to commission the disappearance of a rival?
Yes, all of these things you will find among my brothers
— but look deeper, and you will see more than your sire
or kin ever told you of. Wizards,
Scholars and
You disbelieve? You wish to cling to your precon-
ceived notions of what my clan is? Observe me, then.
My skin is as dark as that of any African, but it is the
color of age which slowly dyes those of our line. Under
the darkness, are my features those of an Arab? In The so-called Saracens are one of the strangest
the days when I walked under the sun, my name was clans of the Cainites, at least to the Western way of
Philippe Delacroix, and I called your own Paris my thinking. Separated from their European brethren
home. Even now, among my clan, I use the Spanish by geography, language and faith, they have taken a
translation Delacruz. Do you still think that my clan divergent path for centuries. Nevertheless, their claim
takes only those of the East into its ranks? Note my to Cainite heritage cannot be denied: they share a
hands: stained with ink, not blood. I am a scholar, not common physiology with the other clans (save for the
a killer. If that is insufficient proof, examine this blade odd coloration that their skin undergoes with age). The
at my side. It is but a showpiece, a bluff. Here, draw Assamites also adhere to a fairly conventional mythos
it; you will observe that it is slightly less sharp than my regarding their origins. They state that their founder,
tongue. Hardly the weapon of a hired murderer. Nor commonly known as Haqim, was a warrior of fearsome
is my home that of one. I took note of your disbelieving prowess who received eternal life as a reward for some
gaze as you entered my study. Yes, these books are all nebulous task, after which he took up the scroll along-
real — some four dozen, all told. They are my greatest side the spear and became one of the Second City’s
pride, foolish though I am to take pleasure in such frag- most renowned scholars. From him sprang all three of
ile material possessions. The cross upon the wall there the lines that collectively call themselves the Children
is mine as well, and has been since well before the night of Haqim: in Western tongues, the Assamites.
Geographically, the Assamites exert influence over
the mortals of more land area than most European clans. Taugast
Their pawns are plentiful from the Almohad Empire to In 1197, Europe knows of China only through
Arabia, and they have extended their web north into second- and third-hand rumors carried by Arab
the frigid wastes, south into the dark interior of Afri- traders. The East is known by a variety of names
ca, and east to Taugast and parts unknown. However, (the most familiar one to modern ears, “Cathay,”
the Assamites are no more numerous than any other will not be used for another two centuries). In the
Cainites — their numbers simply are spread more thinly Arab world, “Taugast” is the most common. Its
across the territory that they call home. origins are uncertain, but most scholars believe it
With that much space to expand into — and to be the name of a kingdom or royal family of the
that many mortals to expand among — the Assa- region. Most Assamites refer to China as Taugast.
mites have diversified to a level unseen in the more They have no commonly accepted name for the
specialized, multi-clan communities of Europe. vampiric inhabitants of the area, who most Cainites
Three distinct divisions exist among their ranks. in the 20th century will call “Cathayans.”
Though some Cainite scholars would refer to these
as “bloodlines,” the Assamites call them “castes” determine which one is the “true” line. The Assa-
and they consider each to be an equal part of the mites consider this point moot: all three castes are
clan — equal in theory, at least. This equality is equally Haqim’s inheritors.
due in part to the fact that the two castes whose The caste that Western vampires most commonly
roles are most opposed have equally strong claims encounter is that of the warriors. This caste is largely
to direct-line descent from Haqim, thus rendering responsible for most Cainites’ knowledge of what the
it impossible for even the most astute genealogist to
“typical” Assamite is. The warriors are the fiercest
adherents to the Muslim faith, and the most radically On Racial and Gender Selection
different from European Cainites in mind-set and Do you think us so foolish as to ignore all but
culture. They are siege engineers, master swordsmen, a small section of humanity, and then only half of
archers, strategists and assassins. Within the past five those? No, fully two-thirds of our clan gives the gift
centuries, the warriors have gradually become the dom- of the Blood to all those whom we deem deserving,
inant caste within the clan, dictating the Assamites’ regardless of such considerations of mortality. The
agendas both in managing their own affairs and in warriors have adopted some mortal foolishness of
dealing with other Cainites. late, but they will certainly give it up within a centu-
The next most familiar caste is that which specializes ry as their ranks become depleted.
in the Assamites’ own forms of blood magic. Known as Contrary to popular myth, the Assamites do
the sorcerers (also “magi” and “wizards”), these individuals Embrace women. The largest numbers of females
occasionally appear in the major cities of the Almohad are within the viziers, with the warriors holding
and Byzantine Empires, and have taken active roles in the fewest. Among the Muslim-dominated war-
several battles in the Holy Land. Unlike the unstructured riors, the practice of Embracing women fell out of
blood magicians of other clans or the formal but nascent favor in the late eighth century as they came to
wizards of the Tremere, the sorcerers work from millennia believe that it was immoral to curse women with
of accumulated lore. Their magic is that of enlightenment unlife. The Caliph, the head of the warrior caste,
and expanded perception. The sorcerers are the moderate only recently re-sanctioned the Embrace of some
caste within the clan. The caste claims no direct descent women as an “experiment” — a proclamation that
from Haqim, who was never reputed to be a magician of greatly amused some female viziers and sorcerers
any sort. Most outside observers commonly believe that who are older than the Caliph himself. However,
it is an offshoot of the vizier line that has grown into its this has had the effect of ensuring that any female
own identity over the centuries. Assamite of the warrior caste either predates the
Rarely encountered by outsiders, or at least rarely prohibition or is a neonate twice as capable as any
recognized, the viziers (also “scholars” or “scribes”) of her male peers.
may be the most diverse of the castes. Their ranks hold As for Europeans, the Assamites have likewise
all those who value knowledge over power, or whose never shied from bringing deserving mortals into the
strength lies in word or thought rather than in deed. ranks of the viziers and sorcerers. This is especially
Courtiers, statesmen, theologians, bards, linguists, true in those territories where the Assamites are in
historians, craftsmen, scientists and artists all thrive direct conflict with other clans, such as the Iberian
among them. They make up the backbone of the clan, kingdoms and the northern Byzantine Empire. Prior
managing Assamite holdings and exerting influence over to the Crusades, the warriors were equally egalitar-
mortal society across North Africa and parts east. The ian, but since 1096, they have refused to Embrace
viziers are the most conservative of the three castes, as all but the most truly deserving Westerners — and
befits their role as the primary recorders of the clan’s these few hardy souls, as well as their predecessors,
own history. are subject to no small amount of scorn from their
Under Distant
“brothers” for Europe’s crimes against the Arabs
and the Islamic faith.
Iberia North Africa
The land that will become Spain is one of the two Though its Iberian possessions are among the Al-
greatest areas of conflict between the Assamites and mohad Empire’s most prized, they are hardly its only
other Cainites. Haqim’s inheritors backed the Almo- ones. The Empire spans North Africa from the Atlantic
had Empire from its inception, as they had with the Ocean to the borders of Egypt and extends south from
Arab caliphates, the Islamic predecessors of the Almo- the coast for several hundred miles. The Almohads’
hads. Many among the clan saw the eighth century’s expansion was a matter of both competence on the part
Arab expansion into Europe as a once-in-a-millennium of its Berber founders and complacency on the part of its
opportunity. The warriors dreamt of glorious victo- Almoravid predecessors. Unlike its holdings in Iberia,
ries against the decadent Western Cainites, and the the Empire in North Africa is rabidly conservative,
viziers saw a melding of cultures unparalleled by any persecuting religious minorities in a harsh mirror image
to date. For different reasons, virtually all Assamites of European Christendom’s behavior.
supported the Arabs. Many, particularly among the The Assamites of the Empire are a strange mix.
viziers, found counterparts in the southern Toreador Ancestrally, they are primarily derived from African
and Lasombra who shared their opinions — though stock, though a significant minority of Italians and
motives among these allies differed radically. The Greeks exists. The warriors here seek to reclaim the
invasions also saw the beginning of a strong influx of fierce heritage of the nomadic tribes native to the
Europeans and mixed-race individuals into the ranks region; many wander the Empire’s fringes with bands
of the Assamites. Many Iberians and French received of mortal followers, mimicking Ravnos customs. The
the Blood between the conquests of the caliphates and viziers and sorcerers are intellectually conservative,
the beginning of the Reconquista. more interested in refining their own work and that
Times have changed, however. As the Chris- of the mortals around them than they are in acquiring
tian kingdoms of northern Iberia wage unceasing new knowledge from outside their borders.
war against the Moors, the Assamites in the region The insular nature of the viziers here has led to a
divide along lines of mortal ancestry and religion. gradual loss of Assamite influence over the Almohad
The Christians among the clan find their position rulers. The Followers of Set have expanded outward from
to be vastly inferior, however. Their offers of aid to Egypt in a slow takeover, gently subverting the Assamites’
the northern Toreador, Lasombra and Brujah are pawns until they are almost powerless. These events have
rejected as “Moorish treachery” far more than they taken place so slowly and subtly that the Assamites are
are accepted. Many of these Assamites grow disil- only now realizing the extent to which they have lost
lusioned with their aid of the Reconquista and beg their hold on the Empire, and they are still undecided as
forgiveness from their brethren, throwing their full to the manner in which they should respond.
support behind the Taifa kingdoms. Almost every
Assamite in Iberia has gone over to the Moorish side The Holy Land
of the conflict. If the Taifa cities of Iberia are the Assamites’
The Almohad Empire is, by many accounts, the greatest treasure, the Holy Land is their greatest bat-
peak of world civilization, and nowhere is the contrast tlefield. The warrior caste has fervently backed Islam’s
with the Christian nations more obvious than here. followers since Mohammed’s lifetime, and they see the
The cities are centers of learning unsurpassed by any Crusades as unconscionable assaults upon the mortals
in Christendom, and their wealth is legendary. Such of the region and upon the Muslim faith itself. While
a bounty of knowledge is one of the greatest treasures the fighting in Iberia partially stems from a desire to
of the vizier caste, and they will go to any lengths to preserve knowledge, it is fueled here by religious fervor
guard it from the “barbaric” Europeans — even making of a sort rarely seen among Cainites. This is com-
political concessions to the warriors and sorcerers that pounded by the fact that the Crusades drive closer to
would be unconscionable in other circumstances. In the heart of the Assamites’ power than any European
Iberia, the Assamites are wholly united against the invasion ever before. Faced with such a threat to their
other Cainites. A few others side with them, most “ancestral” home, many of the clan’s elders feel that
often Muslim Lasombra and Toreador, but for the there can be no compromise until the last European
most part the Assamites stand alone. Cainite is dust beneath their feet.
Currently, the Arabs hold the cities of Jerusalem
The Pirates of Cossura and Damascus, while the Crusaders control Acre and
The black-sailed ships of the Cossuran pi- Antioch. Each has its particular interest for Cainites.
rates are well-known throughout the Western Acre is believed to hold the True Cross (or fragments
Mediterranean. From their island haven east of thereof), which makes it a strong point of interest for
Carthage and Tunis, these raiders prey on shipping Christian Cainites and those who benefit from the
throughout the region, selling the spoils of their Crusaders’ battles — though all Cainites who enter
ventures in ports across their area of influence. its walls are said to die instantly in an eruption of pure
Cainites traveling by sea are usually unmolested, white flame. Jerusalem is something of an open city, held
though several have disappeared in the raids and under treaty for the past five years to allow Christians to
are presumed to lie in torpor on the sea floor. enter and worship if they are unarmed (see Jerusalem
Most Cossuran raids are the products of mortal by Night for details). Damascus is the source for steel
greed alone, but some have Cainite backing. The and silk which are unsurpassed by any in the known
vampires in question are a handful of adventurous world, and it is home to several mortal and supernatural
Lasombra captains and their allies among the artificers. It is also a major worship center for Muslims
Assamite sorcerer caste. The former contribute and Christians alike, with over 500 mosques and the
ships and crews; the latter apply their mastery of ruins of the Church of St. John the Baptist. Antioch
weather and more directly offensive magics to the is the farthest point to which many European pilgrims
effort. The precise numbers of vampires involved, journey in the Holy Land, as it is the northernmost
as well as their exact agendas in their piracy, are major city within the Holy Land that the Crusaders
unknown. hold securely. As such, it has become the contemporary
equivalent of a “tourist city,” with attractions to tempt
visiting commoners and the defending garrison alike.
While the Assamites of the Holy Land are no more The Nosferatu are the most welcome allies for many
numerous than elsewhere, they are certainly more Assamites, because their motives are the most straight-
visible here. The warrior caste indisputably dominates forward and acceptable; the Toreador are reliable in
the clan’s affairs, and they enjoy support from the more their own roles, but are seen to be of little value in the
martially inclined members of the sorcerers. Almost middle of a war. Ventrue and Christian Lasombra, on
every Assamite in the Holy Land is Muslim, or at the other hand, are likely to be killed on sight; they
least supports the followers of Islam. Those who do are the enemy, and they are offered no quarter.
not endorse the local beliefs, including many Jewish
members of the clan, have long since moved east to Egypt
Arabia or north to Byzantium, leaving local affairs in Though the Followers of Set watch Egypt with
the hands of those who have the most to gain or lose. near-absolute mastery, the kingdom is a point of inter-
The most ardently Muslim Assamites followed Islam in est for many Assamites. Like the Almohad Empire, it
life, so many of those who reside here are neonates and is a major focal point for learning, and sorcerers and
ancillae. There are elders as well, but their dedication viziers often rub shoulders with Brujah, Cappadocian,
to Islam is less straightforward. Tzimisce and Setite scholars in the schools of Cairo.
As the warrior caste is predominant here, Assamite One group of Assamite historians resides in Alexandria
influence over mortal affairs is shaky. Few local viziers where they try to reconstruct the knowledge contained
survived the continual battles of the past century; in the Library of Alexandria. Through careful, method-
those who have are nearly as inclined to war as their ical research, these dedicated Cainites slowly unearth
warrior brethren. The one exception to this rule is hidden stores of scrolls saved from the fire and extract
the city of Damascus, which is the clan’s center of tidbits of lost knowledge from the ashes of those which
power in the region. It is home to a cabal of viziers and were destroyed. They do this with the tacit approval
sorcerers who are said to count al-Ashrad, the head of of the city’s Toreador prince Marcellus, although some
the sorcerer caste, among their numbers. These elders local Setites are said to oppose the project.
share Damascus with a handful of decadent Toreador
who proclaim themselves the city’s rulers. Christian Byzantium
Cainite pilgrims to the city are allowed entrance, but The Byzantine Empire is the melting pot of the
scrying sorcerers or young warriors training in the arts Western world, an area where three continents meet
of surveillance continually watch them from afar. in an intricate dance of political maneuvering that
Damascus is a permanent home to perhaps a dozen will spawn an adjective from its complexity. In the
Assamites, with up to twice as many transients staying shadowed halls of Constantinople and the fallen tem-
there for a few nights to a few months before moving ples of Athens, Caine’s heirs carry out their eternal
on to their individual tasks in the Holy Land. schemes with a sophistication that is unmatched in the
Assamite relations with other Cainites in the European courts, mirroring the mortals’ own plots and
Holy Land are complex and dynamic. The clan has stratagems. In this fertile environment, the Assamites
strong allies among many Malkavians, who claim to be have adapted so well that their more straightforward
defending the Holy Land because their clan founder brethren in the Holy Land would be hard-pressed to
sleeps somewhere beneath it (and privately, many distinguish them from other Cainites. Many Assamite
Assamites express the opinion that this would be a elders consider the Byzantine mortals “acceptable”
satisfactory explanation for the madness of the past (meaning “not European enough to be discriminated
century). Likewise, the Followers of Set defend the against”). A sharp-eyed observer can find Greeks,
region as fervently as the most bloodthirsty Assamite Turks and Russians alongside Arabs and Cypriots in
warrior. Egypt is their home, and the Crusades threat- the clan’s ranks.
en it as well. Most Assamites are glad enough of the Nowhere is the role of assassin more prevalent
aid of Set’s children when battle rages, though their among those of the warrior caste than in Byzantium.
continual subversion of mortal affairs will have to be Though the front lines of the Crusades are in the Holy
dealt with sooner or later. Finally, the surprisingly Land, this is where many of the Cainite powers behind
large numbers of local Nosferatu and Toreador who the Crusades make their homes: far enough from the
have adopted Islam are staunch allies of the Assamites. fighting to be safe from a stray raid, yet close enough to
supervise their favored mortal pawns. If this were not the fabled First and Second Cities lie in this land as
enough, the native Cainites have found the Assamites to well. The Assamites guard this region relentlessly, but
be one of the best “neutral” sources of aid in furthering exactly what the objects of their guardianship may be
their own plots by removing inconvenient obstacles. is a matter of conjecture.
The sorcerers come to western Byzantium more
and more frequently in these nights, though they often
disguise themselves as mortal sorcerers or members of
The Keening
other clans. Their main concern here is to observe the Since the rise of Islam, the entire Arabian
spread of Tremere influence eastward and, in doing Peninsula has been an uncomfortable place for
so, to learn as many of the Usurpers’ Hermetic secrets Cainites. The holy cities of Mecca and Medina
as they can. This has been a less than successful ven- are the apparent sources of the Keening, an eerie
ture, for the Tremere show an unfortunately strong rumbling howl that only vampires can hear. The
ability to detect scrying attempts. Wizards’ duels have Keening rises and sets with the sun — it begins
shattered many a night, and both sides suffer grievous as a faint whisper on the edge of consciousness
losses in this shadowy campaign. The sorcerers are shortly before dawn and peaks as a shrieking
considering enlisting the aid of the Byzantine Tzimisce cacophony at noon. Sleeping Cainites hear the
in their mission, but neither side has made a definite roar as they slumber. Until two centuries ago, the
commitment yet. Keening was so extreme as to drive weak-willed
Cainites to the brink of frenzy or insanity within
The viziers who serve clan interests in the Empire
a day. However, a cabal of Muslim Nosferatu
are perhaps the most radically different of the castes
(now known as the Hajj) somehow enacted
when compared to their counterparts in other areas of
wards around Mecca that damp the Keening to
the world. Forced by circumstances to adapt or perish,
a bearable level (and the sorcerers would dearly
they are every bit as skilled at political manipulation
love to know how this was done).
and courtly intrigues as the most devious Toreador or
Setite. Some observers say that the viziers are assassins Visitors find the Keening rather unsettling
as deadly as the warriors, though they wield rumors during their first week in the region. They must
instead of weapons. More than one Crusade backer has spend one Willpower point to sleep or they are at
found his allies deserting him in his moment of greatest +1 difficulty to avoid Rötschreck the next night.
need through the viziers’ machinations. Local Cainites are accustomed to the Keening, and
some actually sleep poorly if they travel outside
The Assamites’ alliances and vendettas in Byzan-
its range of effect.
tium are as impossible to track as those of any other
clan, with the notable exception of the Tremere-vizier
feud. Tonight’s mortal enemies may be tomorrow’s boon For the most part, the Arabian Peninsula is too
companions in the complex web of loyalties that spans thinly populated to support more than a single vampire
the Empire. The only constant is a paradoxical one: in any given area, and the Keening drives away all but
that there are no constants. the most devout, willful or insensitive. Many of the local
Cainites, who include Gangrel and Followers of Set as
Arabia and Persia well as all three Assamite castes, are loosely affiliated
Many Cainites think of the lands east of the Cru- with roaming tribes of Bedouin nomads, “adopting” one
sader States as the Assamites’ “homelands.” There is a particular group for a generation or two before moving on.
certain degree of truth to this belief, as many of the eldest Mecca and Medina, the two holiest cities of the
members of the clan dwell here. The ancient fortress Muslim faith, lie on the eastern coast of the Red Sea.
known as Alamut, which Assamite legend holds that Mecca is the birthplace of Mohammed, and it holds the
Haqim himself built, is somewhere in the mountains of Great Mosque. All Muslims who are capable of doing so
northern Persia, and from here the clan’s leaders attempt are expected to make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca in
to maintain control over their far-flung brethren. The their lives. Medina contains several important mosques
jagged peaks and deep-shadowed valleys hold thousands as well as Mohammed’s tomb. Bands of roving warriors
of tiny communities, and many of these are occasionally and sorcerers guard the outskirts of both cities from
visited by native sons dead for centuries. Many believe non-Islamic Cainites; only Muslims may enter either
city, mortal or Cainite. These guardians are some of Assamite explorers have also followed trade routes
the most devout Muslims among the Assamites, and south, down the eastern coast of Africa and through
theirs is a soul-wearying task. Though they protect these the Saharan wasteland. There they have encountered
holiest of sites, they may not enter them. Both cities Gangrel and Laibon fellow-travelers and found some
radiate such powerful auras of faith that any Cainite shelter among the local populations. In this frontier,
passing their gates is subjected to fiery agony that dims Assamite reach is closely tied to the presence of Arab
the wrath of the noon sun by comparison. The faithful and Berber traders they use as cover and food supply.
say that the Hajj Nosferatu can enter the city, but more Stories of hostile encounters with local spirits and an-
cynical Cainites discount that as legend. imal-warriors also filter back to Alamut.
Farther east lies Baghdad, the seat of the Caliphate.
In past centuries, the Caliph was the political leader of Affairs and
Islam; now, he is “simply” the head of the Muslim faith.
This city is a center of life in the region in many ways:
agricultural, intellectual, artistic, spiritual. Baghdad is also Though we are diverse and far-ranging, there are
a major trade center. The main road between Baghdad matters that occupy the attention of us all. Some have but
and Damascus is one of the most well-traveled in the trivial bearing on an outsider, and I mention them only as
area, and most caravans destined for Persia and Taugast idle curiosities. Others may mean all the world to you in
originate here. Assamites are common in the city and its the coming nights.
surrounding communities, and many of these individuals
are true ancients. All three castes take a great deal of Fortress Alamut
interest in parts east; Baghdad is the center of their study Though written in legendary form, this passage is the
and their logistical base for expeditions eastward. most accurate account we have of the founding of our
The Outlands stronghold. This is the opening of the Chronicle of the
In general, the Assamites have an influence struc- “So it was that when the decay of the Second City
ture that extends farther southeast than that of most began to grow, and discontent boiled in the hearts of
other clans. Thus, they have much more congress with Khayyin’s spawn, Haqim led his Children into the harsh
the strange vampires of Taugast than do most Euro- mountains. For nights upon end he strode forward, guid-
pean Cainites (though this is a matter of very small ed by some unknown inspiration, neither looking back nor
degrees). Vizier merchants and sorcerer researchers hesitating in his march. At last he came to a distant peak,
who accompany Arab trading caravans eastward have barren and silent. He gathered his Children around him
occasionally encountered far-flung bloodlines whose and thrust his spear into the rock, and there arose a black
lineage is difficult, if not impossible, to trace in tra- throne from the heart of the mountain. As the throne
ditional Cainite fashion. To complicate the matter, rose, an eagle stooped and landed on it, and regarded the
most of these individuals claim to have never heard of Ancestor with hunter’s eye.
Caine or his descendants — though they darkly mutter “‘Here,’ the Ancestor said. ‘Our home is here, from
of thieves and liars from the West. Oddly enough, this night until the Last. This place is ours, now and
some of the native vampires of India display grotesque forever — to gather, to watch, to remember and to judge.
powers similar to those of the Tzimisce, though they This is the nest of eagles, and it shall ever be known as
avow no relation to the Fiends, and the Byzantine such.’
Tzimisce have no knowledge of Eastern “cousins.” “And the Children of Haqim raised up the mountain
Even this paltry information has been difficult for the around the throne and made it their home.”
Assamites to acquire, for the Eastern vampires have In the mountains of Asia Minor, if one knows where
no love for anyone from the West and they are more to look, there is a narrow path that branches off from
likely to rend the flesh from a vizier’s bones than to the main trade road in a place where no villages lie for
speak two words to him. The few sorcerers who have dozens of miles. This route ascends the steepest of slopes,
survived such encounters and had the opportunity to passing close by treacherous depths where cold winds
inspect their fallen foes report that these strangers’ howl to sweep the unwary to death on the sword-sharp
powers may well be of infernal origin. rocks far below. It has a hundred branches, each one
leading to wastes more desolate than the last, and it over two score levels into the mountain, and they are
cannot be navigated without the favor of those who so extensive that no Assamite who has dwelt in Alamut
built it. This is the road to Alamut, the Eagle’s Nest, less than a century can be certain of knowing all their
the ancient stronghold of the Assamites. twists, turns and secrets. Indeed, some chambers have
From the outside, Alamut is little to look at: a small lain closed for centuries, either by design or by the
hill fort made of black basalt, with walls far too short silence of those who know what they contain. Enough
and thin to withstand a siege should any army care private chambers exist on the various levels to house
to expend effort making the climb. However, this is over a thousand Cainites and their mortal attendants.
merely the gatehouse of the fortress. Within the central Many Assamites maintain quarters here, though less
structure of the fort, a wide, flat path opens, sloping than 30 are in permanent residence and awake at any
down into the mountain. This is where Alamut’s actual given time.
physical defenses begin, and members of all three castes The Black Throne
constantly maintain and upgrade them. In addition
Alamut’s great hall dominates the very center
to physical defenses, the fortress is also shrouded in
of the fortress. This vast chamber is large enough to
enchantments that keep its location hidden from all
hold over a thousand assembled individuals. It has no
those who its inhabitants do not allow to find it.
ceiling as such, even though its walls extend far above
Within the mountain itself lie all the treasures of what innumerable measurements have confirmed is
the clan. Here are the training halls, where a hundred the level of the floors above the hall. Visitors who look
warriors at a time may learn the ways of combat. Here up see nothing but a vast empty darkness stretching
are countless laboratories for sorcerer and vizier to ex- above them, with the occasional flicker that bears a
periment in all the arts of man. Here is the great library disquieting resemblance to a star, and those few who
with its ranks of stone tablets and scrolls and books, have mustered the effort to remain awake during the
the artifacts of ages past preserved by the scholars who day say that the ceiling remains the same regardless of
maintain the clan’s histories. The catacombs descend
the conditions outside the mountain. The walls are polished to a shine rivaling that of the finest mirror. In
dark, rough granite, and the floor’s tiles — an intricate the very center of the Vault, a basalt well rises from the
pattern that marks out Haqim’s own sigil — have been floor. It is roughly an arm’s length across, and no one has
re-laid a score of times to fend off the wear of thousands ever determined its depth. This well contains the clan’s
of years of passage over them. Heartblood. It is the mingled blood of every Assamite
Only one item stands in the hall, directly opposite to ever journey to Alamut, as well as every one who has
the huge double doors that are its only entrance. Its fallen and left behind such remains as could be added
stark simplicity makes it dominate the hall even more. to the Heartblood. According to some legends, Haqim
This is the Black Throne of Haqim. It is smooth and sleeps in the depths of the well, though the elders who
undecorated, and whatever stone it is made of resists all reside at Alamut, known as the silsila, believe this tale is
attempts to mark it in any fashion. A wooden shaft the an allegory indicating that a good portion of the blood
size of a spear protrudes vertically from the right forward in the well is the Ancestor’s. Aside from the well, the
corner of the throne. This is reputedly unbreakable, but room is bare, save for a pair of wooden writing desks
no Assamite admits to having attempted to test that used by the sorcerer scribes who dispatch messages to
story. The Black Throne is seemingly part of the rock the clan using the Heartblood.
on which it rests, though the vizier who restores the The Heartblood has several special properties
floor of the hall every century maintains that the rock in and of itself. It is purely Cainite vitae, though all
below the tiles is not the same as that of the seat. The attempts to determine its exact potency fail. An Assa-
Throne is traditionally the single symbol of office of mite who sips from the well experiences an epiphany
the Eldest, leader of the clan. Only he may occupy it, of purpose and loyalty to the clan. Any blood taken
and all understand that the Eldest is merely acting in from the Heartblood returns to it after three nights’
the place of the Ancestor Haqim, whose rightful seat time, even if it is within an individual who drank it, so
the Throne is and who will one night return to the it is unsuitable as a blood supply for long journeys. The
clan and make himself known by drawing out his spear. well itself is enchanted to keep the blood circulating
and fresh forever.
Haqim’s Whereabouts Faith
Though Assamites rarely speak of the mat- It is one of the great paradoxes of our clan that so
ter, the issue of their clan founder’s fate greatly many of us cling tightly to the teachings of one mortal
troubles many clan elders. As far as the official religion or another. Our library at Alamut holds writings
record goes, Haqim last graced Alamut over a that predate all of them; should we not, then, rise above
millennium ago. Shortly thereafter, he briefly such beliefs and seek truer forms of understanding of
appeared in the British Isles in the company of the divine? Yet so many of us do not, instead clinging to
a Ventrue known as Mithras, and then seem- Christianity, Islam, Judaism or more esoteric teachings as
ingly disappeared from the face of the earth. A a drowning man grasps a straw.
persistent rumor that Alamut’s masters have To the Western eye, a single-minded devotion to
never been able to eradicate says that Haqim left Islam is one of the Assamites’ defining characteristics.
because of the clan’s failure to perform its duty, Those who give any degree of thought to this matter
though precisely what that duty was differs with find such adherence to mortal belief ludicrous at best.
every telling of the tale. Ancillae on either side Mohammed founded his religion less than six centuries
of the warrior-vizier conflict often bring up this ago; many Cainites who were in the region at the time
apocryphal tale. recall the events of Islam’s birthing throes, and a good
number of Assamites who are still active today are so
The Heartblood old as to predate the faith.
Three levels below the great hall lies another In truth, the Assamites as a whole have never fully
chamber whose significance to the Assamites equals, embraced Islam, though those who did are among the
and perhaps exceeds, that of the throne room. This most vocal and visible members of the clan, and many
is the Vault of the Heartblood, the spiritual center who did not adopt the faith did at least support its spread.
of Haqim’s line. The room is small, perhaps a dozen The religion does hold a great deal of appeal for the
paces on a side, and all its surfaces are smooth obsidian Children of Haqim, who find echoes of an earlier, more
noble time in its harsh formal codes of justice and who follow Zoroastrian beliefs, while others claim to wor-
endorse the belief that prophets are merely men with ship the classical Greek gods by right of the legacy
special gifts. As a result, Islam generally receives more of the Furies.
respect from the Assamites than Christianity with its The Via Sanguinius is an almost uniquely Assamite
seeming (to the Saracen eye) hypocrisy and corruption, philosophy, and one that has been with the clan for its
though individual Christian Assamites may hold the entire recorded history. Its tenets are simple: that all
reverse opinion. Cainites aside from the Children of Haqim have been
judged and found wanting (judged by whom is a matter
of some conjecture among scholars of the Road), and
On Viae the Assamites’ sacred duty is to purge the world of these
Many Assamites follow Roads other than that morally inferior immortals. By hoarding the blood of
of Blood. The practitioners of the Via Sanguinius other Cainites, they are assured of having a worthy
are those Assamites who are most convinced of gift for the Ancestor when he arises from the sleep of
their superiority to all other Cainites and who ages and leads them in a final holy war. Diablerie is a
follow the records of Haqim’s teachings the sacrament, for each inferior so destroyed in this manner
most literally. Like the Assamites who follow strengthens his devourer and is one less potential enemy
the Islamic faith, the impact of their actions to threaten the clan as a whole. As most Cainites do
and words far outweighs their actual numbers not treat mortals fairly or honestly, those who walk the
within the clan. Via Sanguinius strive to rise above this dishonorable
Many sorcerers and viziers prefer the Via behavior and view themselves as the hidden protectors
Humanitatis, having never lost their mortal codes of humanity. The Via Sanguinius limits its proponents’
of ethics. Assamites who were particularly devout ability to deal with other Cainites on any basis save
followers of their mortal religions, or who became that of immortal enemies, though individual adher-
such after receiving the Blood, follow various ents make exceptions for individuals or groups whose
branches of the Via Caeli, whose tenets are equally purposes they favor, and degrees of antagonism toward
applicable to Christianity, Judaism and Islam with Cainites as a whole vary from follower to follower. The
only minor alterations (and none that affect the Road’s followers are limited in number — though the
Hierarchy of Sins for the Road in question). Some Crusades have prompted more and more Assamites to
warriors and viziers who view themselves as nobil- seek instruction in this Road. The rest of the clan views
ity of one sort or another practice beliefs that are, them with both respect and wariness, and fears that the
for all intents and purposes, the Via Equitum — fanatics’ actions may bring down a shattering response
and, surprisingly enough, some ancient Assamites upon all the Children of Haqim.
of Zoroastrian faith adhere to their own version
of this Road. Many elders who predate all current
mortal religions follow odd versions of their own
The Laws of Haqim
In his wisdom, the Ancestor saw that were his Chil-
faiths, modified for vampiric existence. And, of dren to prosper, they would need rules to govern them.
course, as with all other clans, there are those rare He laid down these laws so that all might benefit. As with
few fallen Assamites who walk the Via Diabolis. all mortal laws, they are not perfect, nor are they always
honored to the fullness of their spirit — but they are our
The clan also holds many adherents to other legacy and our strength.
faiths. The Jewish people in particular have lived in The oldest teachings of Haqim are the centerpiece
lands in which the clan held sway since their faith of the library at Alamut. They are engraved in Enochian
arose, and no few of their number have been brought on a series of clay tablets that various arts of the viziers
into Haqim’s brood. Some followers of various Far have kept in a near-perfect state of preservation. Trans-
Eastern faiths have been Embraced during Assamite lations differ; the following laws are the most commonly
explorations into Taugast and India, though they are accepted versions, and the ones that the majority of the
a small minority and either abandon their practices clan currently practices. They do bear some superficial
or keep them to themselves. Individual elders who resemblance to the European Traditions, but Assamites
predate Christ practice even older religions. Some generally place the Laws before the Traditions. Those
members of the clan who spend any amount of time in Cainites who do not measure up to Assamite standards
Europe usually learn to moderate their behavior and to of honor — which is just about every Cainite in exis-
pay at least minimal respect to the Traditions. tence. The viziers maintain that Haqim intended this
• Honor the Eldest among you, for he is to rule my law to be a mandate for justice among Cainites, not an
House when I am absent. This is the mandate by which the excuse for genocide, and that other vampires should be
oldest active fourth-generation Assamite rules Alamut judged and treated on an individual basis. The sorcerers
and the clan as a whole under the title of “Eldest.” It is are strangely silent; al-Ashrad has forbidden his caste
generally accepted as a guideline for conduct outside to partake in the debate on this issue.
the clan stronghold as well; if two or more Assamites
are in the same locale, the eldest among them is usually An Undying Thirst
their leader. Our greatest shame, our greatest fear — and our
• Ward the mortals from Khayyin’s brood and treat them greatest disgrace. For all the power of the sorcerers, we
with honor in all things. The Assamites widely believe cannot break the curse that the Baali laid upon us when
that Haqim held the other Cainite clans in contempt we overthrew them at Chorazin and sent them scream-
for their treatment of the kine. The Assamites’ duty to ing to meet their masters. One by one, our warriors
“ward the mortals” means that they rarely drain their fall before this madness, and nightly the task of hiding it
vessels dry when feeding and almost never consider becomes more difficult.
individual mortals to be expendable pawns. In practice, Five hundred years ago, the Assamite warriors made
minor violations of this law are quite frequent, though war on the Baali of the Holy Land as part of their effort
simple peer pressure prevents more obvious or excessive to support the rise of Islam. They sent their mortal
transgressions. pawns against the heretics of the Baali and engaged the
• Slay not those of the Blood, for that right is of the dark masters of those cults in brutal combat. The Baali
Eldest alone. Despite the similarity of this law to the were no match for the fury of the Assamites, and they
Second Tradition, the Assamites interpret “Blood” showered empty curses on the heads of the warriors as
to mean “Blood of Haqim.” They do not extend this they fell back to their unholy city of Chorazin.
courtesy to other Cainites. Duels between Assamites During the Baali retreat, tragedy befell the warriors.
are a very common means of conflict resolution (the One of the greatest among them, the ancient Izhim
law does not say “harm not”), though these are never abd’Azrael, was struck down and taken captive. The
intentionally to the death. If the hatred between two warriors, enraged beyond all reason, assaulted Chorazin
Assamites is so great that they cannot abide one an- with their full might. With their mortal army behind
other, the commonly accepted (and most honorable) them, they breached the city’s walls in short order and
solution is for both to gather their belongings and travel made for the temple where the Baali covens prepared
in opposite directions for one lunar month. for their last stand. As the first warrior set foot in that
• Deceive not those of the Blood, for my House is founded unhallowed hall, though, a black fire raced through his
on Truth. Again, “Blood” means “Blood of Haqim” to veins and he fell to the ground in agony. His comrades
the Assamites. They do not lie to one another, nor do were likewise afflicted, and they suffered grievous losses
they steal from each other. A member of the clan who before a host of sorcerers led by the Amr himself arrived
is caught in a malicious deception (gossip is politely to assist them. The Assamite forces overran the temple
ignored unless it is critically damaging) is held down and rescued Izhim abd’Azrael from where he lay staked
by four of his peers while an elder rips his tongue out on the Baali altar, apparently the intended victim of
of his mouth. An Assamite thief loses his hand. In some gruesome sacrifice.
both cases, the raw wound is smeared with an herbal It was not until Izhim restored himself to speech that
unguent that keeps the criminal from regenerating the the Assamites learned the truth of what had transpired
lost appendage for one lunar month. The clan has few before their final assault. He had been no sacrifice, but
repeat offenders. rather the focal point of a ritual that struck at the very
• Judge those of Khayyin’s brood and punish them should heart of the clan. “As you thirst for our blood,” the
they be found wanting. This is the most widely disputed Baali high priest had told him, “so you shall hunger
of the laws. Many warriors, led by adherents of the Via for all blood for all time.” Izhim was the first victim
Sanguinius, claim that this is a mandate to destroy all of this curse — he nearly drained dry the warrior who
offered him blood to heal himself. He had been struck
with an irresistible madness, a soul-deep craving for
The Clan and the
Cainite blood. Dispossessed
Izhim was of the Fifth Generation, one of the first Though we offer a wealth of opportunities to the new
warriors Embraced after the fall of the Second City. Child of Haqim, many choose to walk their own paths,
He was once Dispossessed but later rejoined the clan free from the commands of their elders but also far away
and served as Caliph for a brief time before stepping from any measure of assistance we might otherwise offer
down to wander the deserts. His blood was strong and them. It is a tragedy, but Haqim’s teachings are not for
old enough to serve as a focal point for a curse that everyone who is given the Blood.
is still creeping across the warrior caste. The hunger The Assamites present a unified front, but they are
slowly passes through the ranks without any rational far from a monolithic Cainite organization. The clan’s
pattern, touching neonate and Methuselah alike with its hierarchy is loose at best and many Assamites go for a
madness. To date, perhaps half the caste is so afflicted. decade without seeing another. However, the arts of the
Many have journeyed east to India or Taugast so that sorcerers ensure that most of the clan remains loosely
they may be removed from the temptation of Europe’s connected and aware of events that affect the line as a
Cainite-rich cities, but many more have given in to whole. Every Assamite who chooses to remain loyal to
their cravings and fallen upon foe and ally alike. The and associated with the clan after the Embrace makes
sorcerers struggle nightly to break the curse, but they a pilgrimage to Alamut within the first seven years of
fear that the powers invoked in its casting were stronger her unlife. There, she ritually adds her blood to the
than even they can master. In time, all of the Assamite Heartblood. This spiritually connects her to the clan
warriors may well fall under the spell, and even the as a whole and allows the silsila’s sorcerers to send her
wisest vizier can only guess at what will transpire then. missives from Alamut if the need arises. She is also given
a magical link to the Eldest and to her sire so that they Brujah
may know the circumstances of her death if she should Nobility shattered by pride. The Brujah forget what they
fall. The ascent of a new Eldest to the black throne is have lost even nightly, and more of their younger members
one of the few occasions on which all Assamites try to take to the ways of the bandit and the iconoclast rather than
return to Alamut, so that they may be linked to their expend the effort to better their station. They stand as a
new “ruler.” warning of what we may become — or, some viziers say, as
More frequently than the Assamites care to admit, a signpost on the path we have already taken.
a new individual is given the Blood but declines to The Assamites have a great deal of respect for the
name herself one of the Children of Haqim. Such an Brujah — and a great deal of pity. The elders of the
Assamite is known as Dispossessed. She is not bound clan are storehouses of knowledge that the viziers and
to obey the laws of the clan, but neither can she auto- sorcerers trade with at every opportunity. The younger
matically claim the right to sanctuary or solidarity in Brujah, however, revel in their line’s downfall, and
time of need. Individual Assamites who remain loyal make uncertain allies at best. For now, the Assamites
to the whole may choose to assist her, but they are not watch the Brujah carefully to ensure that they do not
obligated to do so. The Dispossessed are not clanless; bring too many of Haqim’s children down with them
they still exhibit the same traits as all other Assamites in their long, slow fall.
of their caste and undergo the same darkening with
age. Perhaps one in four Cainites of Assamite blood is Cappadocians
Dispossessed, with the majority of these belonging to Loathsome magicians, but admirable scholars. Were
the warrior caste and the fewest being found among they to practice more savory arts, we might find them more
the sorcerers. Many of those who peddle their services palatable. As they are, the learning they amass is all that
as the “assassins of Alamut” to European princes are in keeps us from cutting them down as abominations in the
fact Dispossessed and serving only their own interests. face of whatever gods the individual swordsman claims.
Occasionally, an Assamite decides that her path The Cappadocians have a combined allure and
and that of the clan are no longer the same. In theory, repugnance. They are, by and large, a peaceful clan,
she may return to Alamut and request to be withdrawn and their influence rests lightly, if at all, on the Cru-
from the rituals that bind her to the Eldest and her sades. Their preference for study over action makes
sire (though her blood can never be removed from the them favorites of the viziers, and individuals of the
Heartblood) so that she may become Dispossessed. In two clans often trade parts of their libraries or indulge
practice, any Assamite who takes this option receives in joint researches. The sorcerers would dearly love to
heavy scrutiny from Alamut’s resident elders to ensure master some of the Cappadocians’ secret magics, but all
that she is not turning traitor to the clan. Few individ- attempts thus far have met with gruesome failure. This
uals’ resolve to leave survives this interrogation. string of unmitigated disasters has led many Assamites
to believe that the powers on which the Cappadocians
The View from the draw are something less than reputable, and the clan
as a whole has acquired a poor reputation as a result.
Mountain Followers of Set
A wise Cappadocian once gifted me with the advice,
“Do not ask questions to which you do not truly want the Allies of convenience, nothing more. Though we
answers.” I believe this applies to the question of “How share land with these beasts, that is all that we share, and
do you see us?” Our thoughts on the childer of Caine are we await the night that we can drag them shrieking from
less than pleasant in many instances, separated as we are their crypts and catacombs and leave them impaled and
by belief, cause and geography. However, they are rarely tied to the shattered ruins of their homes. Their blasphe-
as straightforward as their subjects assume. As always, mous claims of a god-sire will be disproved as dawn greets
these thoughts may change based on the individual or the the desert.
area — for example, the viziers of Byzantium count the In many areas of North Africa and the Middle East,
Toreador as staunch allies, while the Holy Land’s war- the Setites are the only Cainites that the Assamites
riors see the Artisans as little better than the Ventrue. can call allies. This situation is to the liking of neither
clan — the Assamites recognize their weakness in the
arena of manipulating mortals and Cainites alike, and
the Setites fear the combined martial prowess of the Allah says that the mad are to be sheltered. However,
warriors and sorcerers. For the moment, the two clans are the non-Muslim Assamites have their doubts about the
united by the Crusades, but constant friction threatens wisdom of this advice, having been the victims of far too
to ignite a shadow war in Egypt and the Holy Land. many Malkavian jests. For the moment, the Malkavians
receive what can best be described as “wary indulgence.”
Gangrel The Assamites realize that Malkav’s menagerie often
Respectable for their honesty and honor, even as they
receives gifts of prophecy, but they prefer to rely on
should be reviled for their willingness to live as beasts. We
their own sorcerer and vizier seers for more reliable, if
may have been cursed to drink blood and flee the light of
less earth-shaking, information.
the sun, but that is little reason to descend below what we
would have been as men. Nosferatu
Gangrel opposition to Christianity has made If there is a place that you must know is absolutely
individual members of the clan many friends among safe, look for a Nosferatu. If one allows himself to be
the Assamites, and Assamite exploration of Africa found in that place, then you will know it is secure. If you
and Asia has increased the clan’s stock in Gangrel do not see one, there are two possibilities. Either the place
eyes. However, the Assamites pride themselves on is not as secure as you think and he has deserted it, or it is
being guardians of culture and learning, while the just as secure as you think and he is watching you to see
Gangrel shun all but the essential trappings of civili- what business you plan to conduct there.
zation. Many of the Gangrel in lands now controlled The Assamites are sharply split down religious lines
by the Arabs also dislike Islam as much as any other on the treatment of the Nosferatu. Some members of
“civilizing” faith. Such opposed views result in many the clan maintain that physical deformity is a sign
unfortunate misunderstandings that doom what would of divine disfavor and that Nosferatu are not to be
otherwise be successful cooperation. trusted. Most of the rest of the Assamites, however,
remember that the Nosferatu have been honest with
Lasombra them — and allied to them — at times when no other
Some are as brothers, while others are our most hat-
Cainites would. This dual treatment has left many
ed enemies — and the difference is not always clear on
Nosferatu skittish of the Assamites, and the flow of
first meeting. Shadow’s children are to be treated warily,
information between the two clans has ebbed over
and given the respect that is due a close ally or a worthy
the last few centuries. Islamic Assamites know of a
opponent. The Lasombra who is the former tonight may
group of faithful Nosferatu called the Hajj, who live
be the latter by dusk tomorrow.
in Arabia but travel to other Muslim lands. They are
The Lasombra debate issues of faith — especially rumored to be able to enter the holy city of Mecca and
Muslim and Christian faith — even more than the to somehow control the Keening of Arabia.
Assamites. Christian Lasombra clash with Assamites in
Iberia, and, to a lesser extent, in the Holy Land, even as Ravnos
alliances form on the other side of the battle lines. More Islam mandates a simple method for dealing with
than any other clan, the Assamites judge the Lasombra a thief: cut off his hand. In the case of the Ravnos, we
as individuals rather than painting all Magisters with prefer to sear the stump with a firebrand, the better to
the same brush. While never friends, the Lasombra are ensure that the hand in question does not return to our
to be respected — and, in the eyes of the Assamites, purses later. Those who prefer stealing knowledge to steal-
that is a greater gift than simple fondness would be. ing trinkets can usually be dealt with on a more civilized
Malkavians For Ravnos who fit the popular image of the clan,
They are dreamers and seers, and they know many
the Assamites have neither respect nor tolerance, and
things. However, few of these things have any bearing
they usually apply Islamic justice to ensure that lessons
on the world as the rest of us know it. Give charity
in honesty stay taught. However, most Assamites will
to the mad if they are willing to accept it, but never
admit that many Ravnos have sage advice to offer, as
humble yourself before them. Heed their words, but do
their wanderings have given them insight into many of
not follow them. And whatever you do, never become
the cultures and areas that the Assamites are only now
indebted to one.
exploring. The Charlatans do not appear organized (or
Christian) enough to present a threat, and the Assa-
mites are largely resistant to phantasmal trickery, so the Tzimisce
two clans leave each other mostly unmolested unless The Tzimisce revel in their inhumanity. While
individuals decide to trade information on their travels. self-knowledge is admirable, they take the principle far
Toreador past the point of distortion — in all possible manners.
If their ethics were matched by their dedication to the Their claims to nobility may have some tiny scrap of truth
arts, they would be worthy companions. As it is, they secreted away in the distant past, but they are little better
fall somewhat short of many admirable goals — including than power-mad beasts now. They do enjoy a certain
modesty, chastity and general restraint. Their continued measure of strength, however, so they are best treated
pursuit of the pleasures of flesh is laughable, and they are with some small amount of courtesy.
too flighty to make reliable allies. They are, however, a To the Assamites, the Fiends are everything that
good audience for the craftsmen among us. is deplorable about the Cainite condition. They are
The Assamites and Toreador have enjoyed a long unrestrained and open in their inhumanity, and they
history of mutual trade. This has given the Assamites revel in their absolute mastery over their mortal subjects.
ample time to observe the Artisans, and their assess- The Assamites, who advise rather than rule and nurture
ment is that the Toreador are delightful company rather than dominate, find this behavior reprehensible.
but pitifully ineffectual in any arena save the polit- However, the Tzimisce have mutual enemies in the
ical. Amused acceptance characterizes the relations Ventrue and Tremere, so they must be tolerated, much
that Haqim’s descendants have with the Artisans. like the Setites.
Unfortunately, these generally friendly relations are Ventrue
eroding quickly because of the Toreador support of Though the forces they command are impressive,
the Christian Reconquista. their reliance on tradition and history leaves them standing
Tremere still when confronted with any sudden change. Their very
The Usurpers are desperate for any friends they can inability to change will be their undoing, for what good is
find. This would make them ripe for exploitation, were the most steadfast fortress as a defense if the enemy strikes
they not so adept at discovering treachery. They have a hundred miles away?
shown the world they are not to be trusted, so the only The Ventrue have earned a grudging respect for the
remaining method of dealing with them is the way one prowess their knights and commanders have displayed
deals with any other rogue wizard: a sword in the throat in their campaigns in the Holy Land. However, this
or a curse on his house. We pay no heed to their claims of respect extends only to their abilities, not their motives
supremacy in the arcane arts, for we were practicing such or desires. When possible, the Assamites try to turn
magics when their so-called clan was little more than a Lasombra or Tzimisce attention to the Ventrue so as
naughty twinkle in the eye of their mortal master. to avoid direct confrontation. When it is not, Haqim’s
Saulot’s brood was one of the Assamites’ favorites, children defend their interests in the manner of which
and the recent hunts against them sit poorly with many they are most capable.
members of the clan. The Tremere have earned a second Baali
mark against themselves in the books of the sorcerers, If we find one of these creatures, its treatment is
who are both amused and offended by the self-styled never in doubt. First, take the head as a trophy and burn
Tremere image as the “masters of blood magic.” In the body. Then raze its home, leaving no stone standing
Assamite eyes, the Tremere have neither the right to atop another, and sow the ground with salt. Shatter its
the power they have claimed nor the maturity to use it sword, cleanse its altar with fire, and destroy all that
properly. The lesson that must be taught the Usurpers the foul being holds unholy. At the last, sell its mortal
will be an extended and bloody one, and members of followers as slaves to the most loathsome Setite within a
all three castes relish the thought of it. Those sorcerers thousand miles and send its name to the Cappadocians so
who have directly confronted the Tremere hold them that they may harness its soul to a chamber-pot. Have I
in slightly higher esteem, if only for the powers at their made myself clear?
command. The Assamites are at war with the Baali, and have
been so for half a millennium. No quarter is offered on
either side. The offense the Baali have given, and the
The Society of
possible implications of their actions, is too great for
forgiveness, and the Assamites will not stop until the
last Baali is so much dust scattered across the desert sand.
Salubri Alamut
We are a diverse people; perhaps more diverse than
Saulot’s children are to be cherished and sheltered
whenever possible. Of all the far-flung seed of Caine, any other clan, though this may be the opinion of my
they are perhaps the most noble in their own way. If pride rather than my reason. Nevertheless, we have
they cannot be defended, they must be avenged. Those changed over the centuries, developing specialized roles
who sided with the Crusaders have since paid for their within our clan that allow us a degree of self-sufficiency
error in judgment, and they no longer favor the Christian that others may lack. Alas, we have also developed many
invasion as they once did. We have no need to administer failings — but I shall hold my tongue with regards to
further justice — the Salubri have suffered enough at the those.
Tremere’s hands.
The Salubri and the Assamites were on good terms
The Three Lines of Haqim
for many centuries, simply because their interests so Though many accounts portray the Assamites as
rarely conflicted. The Salubri support of the Crusades a unified society of assassins, this is far from the case.
soured this relationship, so much so that the Saracens The clan has a long and diverse history, and has split
have done little to halt the Tremere purge of Saulot’s into three distinct castes. Some claim that the castes
childer. In recent nights, this attitude has begun to shift; are recent developments, occurring within the last few
viziers now hide some Salubri fleeing the Tremere purges, hundred years. The viziers who keep Alamut’s libraries,
either secreting them in the Holy Land or sending them however, maintain that the clan’s earliest recorded
east to Taugast. Those who supported the Crusades, histories, which they believe to be relics of the Second
however, receive no such shelter. City, speak of the division between the warriors and
the scholars. The sorcerers are a later development in founding. Somewhat at odds with this, most of the
the clan, though their precise point of origin — warrior clan’s followers of the Road of Blood are also within
or vizier — depends on the scholar who is sharing his the warrior caste.
opinion. The question may be moot, and most Assa- Warriors almost always Embrace individuals who
mites give it little consideration, for all three castes possess some sort of martial prowess. This is not always
include fourth-generation childer of Haqim. Thus, all physical — many warriors are brought into the Blood
three castes are equally their founder’s inheritors. The to preserve their knowledge of military science or to
Cappadocians and Tzimisce are free to prattle on about reward a lifetime of faith or loyalty. New members of
“bloodlines,” “true clans” and “patterns of descent and this caste are almost exclusively males of North African
mutation.” Haqim’s childer know who they are. or Arab stock, though this has not always been the case
Each caste is, however, a separate line in terms of and several notable warrior elders are female, European
blood and the Embrace — the same predisposition for or West Asian, or a combination thereof. Most warriors
Disciplines and the same mystic weakness are passed on prefer to allow their new childer to go their own ways
from sire to childe, and each of these traits is different after a brief period of orientation and instruction. If
for each caste. An Assamite’s caste is the one into they can hold their own against the world, then they
which she is Embraced, and there is no known method are welcome to do so. If they cannot, they will either
of changing this. A vizier may find that her true calling return and learn willingly or die in the discovery that
is swordplay, and may even go on to receive extensive they are inadequate to the night’s challenges.
training from members of the warriors, but her blood Suggested Concepts: Archer, bodyguard, master
will always mark her as a vizier first. swordsmith, tactician, assassin, Bedouin nomad, spy,
The Warrior Caste siege engineer, hunter, chess grandmaster
Many outsiders take the warrior caste to be the Disciplines: Warrior Assamites have Celerity,
entirety of the Assamite clan. This suits the warriors Obfuscate and Quietus as their “clan” Disciplines.
very well, for the most part. In Assamite internal pol- Weaknesses: As per Vampire: The Dark Ages,
itics, the warrior caste dominates many of the clan’s any warrior is automatically identified as a diablerist
affairs. Historically, the warriors tended to be the most by any means of supernatural perception that can
straightforward in word and deed. However, this has reveal a history of Amaranth — even if he has never
changed over the past half-millennium, as the num- so much as tasted the blood of another vampire, and
ber of assassins in the caste has risen due to events in regardless of the degree of success that an observer
Byzantium, Arabia and the other new empires of the would normally need to detect such evidence. While
region (new by Cainite standards, at least). This has this may not seem like much of a liability, Cainite
created a sharp division between the more traditional, courts are not noted for adherence to the principle of
direct warriors who value face-to-face confrontation and “innocent until proven guilty.”
the adherents to the newer principles of assassination The warrior caste has also developed the custom
and deceit. The Caliph, the leader of the warrior caste, that a warrior who takes mercenary assignments of
has not spoken on this issue, which each side takes to any sort is required to tithe 20 percent of his payment
mean that he favors their stance. The current Caliph is (whatever form it may take) to his sire. This ensures
a fierce fighter named Jamal, who occasionally breaks that the clan as a whole benefits from its individual
age-old protocol to step down from Alamut and take a sons performing actions that are not necessarily in the
direct hand in clan affairs in the Holy Land. Assamites’ direct interest. Of course, an “independent”
The traditional role of the warriors has been as de- Assamite is free to ignore this prohibition, but one
fenders, both of the other castes and of the clan’s mortal whose sire chooses to extract “back pay” may regret
charges. Members of this caste serve as bodyguards to his selfishness.
traveling viziers and sorcerers, stand guard on the walls The Sorcerer Caste
of Baghdad and Damascus, hunt bandits in the North The sorcerers have always enjoyed a unique status
African wastes, and match steel with Castilian knights within the clan. Respected for their power, yet feared
in Iberia. The warriors are the most ardent Assamite for that same knowledge, they stand apart from the
supporters of Islam, and have been since the religion’s warriors and viziers. They are the force that allows the
Assamites to maintain a loosely unified clan structure
over thousands of miles. Their spirit messengers tie the (even those who don’t themselves practice blood magic
clan together, their scrying mirrors reveal a thousand heavily). Their aura always shows distinctive patterns
hidden truths of the clan’s enemies, their djinni servants associated with blood magic, and all efforts to observe
guard the clan’s most secret places, and their leashed them by supernatural means (Auspex and the like) enjoy
fire and lightning scours battlefields before them. a -2 difficulty bonus and are considered to operate at
They are led by a mighty wizard named al-Ashrad, a two levels higher for purposes of opposed powers (so a
one-eyed, one-armed man with a legion of beaten and character with Auspex 2 trying to penetrate a sorcerer’s
bound demons at his beck and call. Al-Ashrad, whose Obfuscate has an effective Auspex 4). Sorcerer con-
formal title is Amr, spends much of his time in his cealment works as well as any other Cainite’s against
laboratories in Alamut, though he does occasionally unaugmented observers, however.
journey to Damascus.
Traditionally, the sorcerers provide what poet-
The viziers are the Assamites who diverge farthest
ically inclined Assamites describe as the pillars and
from the European stereotype of the clan. They are by
buttresses of the clan, largely unseen support for the
and large peaceful, tending to their own affairs and
other castes. Their magic can accomplish feats that
those of the Assamites as a whole (though woe betide
defy reason and faith alike, though its roots are found
the foolish opponent who assumes that all viziers are
in both. They consider themselves researchers and
harmless). The viziers are the most diverse of the three
sages, delving into the truths of the Cainite nature
castes, as devious politicians and foppish courtiers
and the world itself with tools both magical and
stand alongside ink-stained scribes, wily traders and
mundane. This lends credence to the belief that the
deft-handed weavers. The leader of the viziers has
sorcerers descend from the viziers — though some,
the title of Vizier, an arrangement that may seem
particularly those of Iberia and the Holy Land, have
awkward to others but is rarely confusing to the Assa-
chosen a decidedly martial path.
mites themselves, who make the differentiation with
The sorcerers tend to Embrace strong-willed in- a subtle emphasis on the when referring to the Vizier.
dividuals who are both adaptable and steadfast. They The current Vizier is an Egyptian known as Rebekah
also look for above-average intellectual development who is unsurpassed in her understanding of Cainite and
and education, though these qualities can be — and mortal politics and courtly protocol. She is reputedly
often are — ingrained after the Embrace. True to their active on the fringes of Byzantium’s Cainite courts,
secondary role as scholars, the sorcerers do not always where she takes particular pleasure in maneuvering
look for magical potential if the mortal in question has other Cainites against Set’s brood.
sufficient expertise in a field of interest. The sorcerers
The viziers are, in large part, the Assamites’ heart.
Embrace from both genders and all nationalities. After
The warriors are disinclined to involve themselves in
the Embrace, the new sorcerer usually serves a period
mortal affairs, save for participating in violent conflict,
of apprenticeship ranging from a year to a few decades.
and the sorcerers are often too distanced from the
This is not always under the sorcerer’s sire; several elders
concerns of the living to be capable of taking a hand
of the caste are full-time mentors, and considerable
in such matters. Thus, the responsibility of exerting
prestige follows an apprenticeship served under one of
influence over the Children of Seth falls to the viziers
the more noted of these.
more often than not. The viziers are also the Assamites
Suggested concepts: Astrologer, battle-mage, who deal the most with mortals on a social rather than
surgeon, master of djinni, mathematician, astronomer, a predatory basis, though this is a generalization that
seer, Kabbalist, weather-wizard, artificer hardly applies to every member of the clan. Finally,
Disciplines: Assamite sorcerers’ “clan” Disciplines the viziers are the Assamites who most often take
are Auspex, Quietus and Assamite Sorcery (their version responsibility for directly controlling the clan’s most
of Thaumaturgy). Each individual sorcerer chooses her important holdings, from the forges of Damascus to
primary path, though her sire and other teachers usually the trade routes toward Taugast.
have some say in the matter. In Embracing, the viziers look for individuals
Weaknesses: Assamite sorcerers may be the eldest whose skills will be of long-term importance to the
practitioners of blood magic among the Cainite clans. clan, or those whose abilities or knowledge should
This tradition has left a distinctive mark on the sorcerers be preserved. The most recent trend has seen an
upswing in Embraces of notable scholars of the Al-
mohad Empire. Viziers are tradesmen, intellectuals
Structures and Groups
A vizier once said that any group of more than two
and statesmen. Like the sorcerers, the viziers rarely
individuals will develop its own internal factions. Watch-
discriminate as to gender, ethnicity or religion when
ing our clan’s own politics, I find this more and more true
giving the Blood.
as the years pass. Some seeds of cause and desire wither
Suggested concepts: Theologian, storyteller, ar-
and die quickly; others find purchase in more fertile imagi-
chitect, sculptor, courtier, jeweler, scribe, historian,
nations and grow into full-fledged beliefs.
political theorist, scientist, weaver, merchant, linguist,
judge Leadership
Disciplines: The viziers’ “clan” Disciplines are Thanks to the magical communication abilities of
Auspex, Celerity and Quietus. the sorcerers, the Assamites are unified as few other clans
Weaknesses: The viziers are utter perfectionists, can be over the vast distances through which they have
as each one focuses on his own area of expertise to spread (though, in truth, most elders of any clan have
the point of monomania. Each vizier has an obsessive/ their own methods of long-distance communication).
compulsive derangement associated with his highest This is not to imply that all Assamites directly serve
intellectual or creative Ability. When the derangement the clan’s elders; perhaps one in three chooses to go
is active, the vizier’s aura flickers with strange whorls her own way within a century of receiving the Blood.
and patterns that an observer can interpret to discern However, the majority of the clan is somewhat unified
the character’s Nature and the focus of his obsession in purpose, even if they are not always in agreement as
with any successful use of Soulsight (Auspex 2). to the best means of achieving that purpose.
The highest leader of the clan is simply known as Eldest, as well as to act as mentors to younger members
the Elder, more colloquially known as the Old Man. of the clan who seek training from other sources than
The warriors claim that there has never been a female their sires. However, the silsila has a greater respon-
Elder, though vizier translators insist that certain re- sibility than dispensing wisdom. It is the Assamites’
cords in their possession provide indisputable evidence priesthood, and in its vaults in the bowels of Alamut
of such an individual around the time of Christ. The it holds the clan’s oldest records. Clay tablets dating
Elder rarely, if ever, leaves Alamut, preferring to pass back to the Second City rest alongside fragments of
orders down through the clan hierarchy. Traditionally, the Book of Nod, and Haqim’s first teachings keep
the Elder is the oldest childe of Haqim awake at the company with scrolls recording Assamite support of
time. If an older fourth-generation Assamite awak- the rise of Islam. The silsila is charged with keeping
ens, the position is relinquished after a brief period the clan’s history. It is the collective memory of the
of transition (typically a decade). During this time, Assamites, and its sacred oath is to defend Haqim’s
the new Elder reacquaints himself with the world and legacy to the last Child.
the affairs of the clan. The current Elder is a reclusive
sorcerer known as Sha’hiri.
The Web of Knives
In 1102, a small cabal of assassins challenged the
Directly under the Elder are the leaders of the three
warrior caste’s tradition of aloof siring and release of
castes: the Caliph, the Amr and the Vizier. These three
childer. These warriors established a training cen-
individuals collectively form a council to advise the
ter in Asia Minor and took in the most promising
Elder, each tending to his own area of expertise and
mortal assassins they could find, imparting to them
the affairs of his caste.
accumulated centuries of knowledge and training.
The Caliph is the greatest combatant within the This program’s founders claim to be making the “new
warrior caste, and any subordinate warrior may chal- breed of Haqim’s Children.”
lenge him to trial by combat at any time. However, the
For seven years, students live as ghouls of the
Caliph has the right to choose the method in which
group, acquiring a loose, collective blood oath to their
the trial is decided: unarmed combat, armed combat
mentors while they train in assassination techniques.
or military leadership. Assamite rumor says that the
During this time, they gradually learn the truth of their
battles that forged the Almohad Empire were Jamal’s
masters’ identities and receive tutoring in the tenets
trial by leadership.
of the Road of Blood. At the end of the seventh year,
The Amr is appointed by a council of fourth- and the Web tests them. Those who succeed receive the
fifth-generation sorcerers who collectively apply ritu- Embrace and their first meal is whoever among their
als of divination to determine the potential Amr who classmates has failed. The new Assamites then serve
will serve the interests of caste and clan in the most seven more years as field apprentices, accompanying
beneficial manner. Al-Ashrad, the current Amr, has their mentors on mercenary missions of assassination.
held the position since being acknowledged as an elder At the end of this second term, they undergo further
in 120 CE, despite the annual repetition of the rituals. testing. Those who pass final muster diablerize those
The Vizier is elected by a simple majority vote of all who fail.
viziers who can journey to Alamut or send proxies. This This shadowy brotherhood has remained small,
vote is held every 63 years (the viziers refuse to discuss with its signs and symbols guarded unto the death
the significance of this number). The last elections of its members. To the Assamites, it is the Web of
were held in 1171, at which time Rebekah defeated the Knives. The Web is dimly known to many outsiders in
previous Vizier, Khaldun, by a narrow margin. rumor and legend, and some viziers believe that it may
The Silsila eventually spawn legends among Cainites and mortals
The elders of the clan who no longer serve the alike, as many such secret but proactive societies tend
Assamites’ interests outside Alamut are known as the to do. The practice of using ghoul apprentices as pro-
silsila. The few outsiders who have heard of this group spective childer is slowly gaining popularity through
believe that it is made up simply of those Assamites the warrior caste, and the Caliph himself is known to
who remain at Alamut to aid the caste leaders and the have followed such methodology at least once.
The Spear of Destiny The Spear is currently active in Jerusalem, where
As might be expected, Christians are a minority it is trying to forge a new treaty to extend the one that
within the Assamites. Those few who adhere to their expires at the end of 1197. The warrior caste scorns
faith after the Embrace have grown appalled in recent these individuals, but many sorcerers and viziers admire
years at the excessively xenophobic attitudes of the war- their dedication and covertly condone their actions,
rior caste’s Muslim contingent. The Spear of Destiny is if not to the point of supporting them. The Spear is
a fraternal organization that crosses caste lines within not above using violence (indeed, many of them were
the clan. The only requirements for membership are armsmen of one sort or another in mortal life), though
respect for the Christian faith and a desire to see the it has not yet stooped to assassination. Instead, it
treasures of the Holy Land preserved — even if this concentrates on destroying Cainite instigators of the
means the failure of the Crusades. The Spear contains Crusades on both sides of the wars. This has brought
perhaps 40 Assamites, all told; these are primarily it into conflict with several Muslim Assamites, and
warriors and viziers, with only a handful of sorcerers. some warriors in the region are considering eliminating
Their numbers are slowly dwindling, through both the Spear.
battlefield attrition and a decrease in the number of
new European Assamites.
Tools of Scribe
and Spearman
Many Europeans believe that our powers are some- Perhaps you made a public spectacle of your lack of
how fundamentally different from those which they wield. interest in your heritage, or maybe you asked a mentor
This is, for the most part, incorrect. Though the arts of in another caste to take you as his surrogate childe.
Quietus and sorcery that we practice have few corre- Whatever the specifics may be, you have shown your
spondences among the gifts of the other clans, they are all lineage a great deal of disrespect. Your sire refuses to
aspects of Khayyin’s — excuse me, of Caine’s Curse. The acknowledge your existence, and all other members
misunderstanding, of course, arises from the fact that we of your caste treat you with scorn. You suffer a +2
are foreigners, and thus we are to be veiled in confusion difficulty penalty on all Social rolls involving dealing
rather than understood. Allow me to dispel some of that with your Embrace caste.
confusion by sharing the fruits of my research.
Religious Prohibition (2 or 4 pt Flaw)
Merits and Flaws In your breathing days, you were either Jewish
or Muslim and have retained your faith through the
Multicultural (3 pt Merit) Embrace. As both religions prohibit their followers
The Assamites have spread over an immense from tasting, let alone drinking, blood, this creates a
amount of territory, and they have encountered a moral dilemma for you. Even animal blood is a forbid-
wider array of cultures than many other clans can den substance, and your conscience pricks whenever
conceive of. Either in life or unlife, you have traveled you feed.
among many different cultures and gained an almost This Flaw has a variable point value. At two points,
instinctive understanding of how to blend in and you voluntarily restrict your feeding to animals or blood
not offend. You enjoy a –1 difficulty bonus on all that has been drained by a ritual butcher. At four points,
attempts to move smoothly through a foreign society you refuse to feed unless it is an immediate necessity
(though speaking the language is still a function of (blood pool is three or less), and even then you may
Linguistics), as you reflexively come across as familiar fall victim to depression and self-loathing for several
and knowledgeable in areas where other outlanders nights after the forbidden act.
would be at a loss. This also applies to such tasks as Blood Madness (2 or 4 pt Flaw)
appearing native in an area where you don’t belong The curse that the Baali of Chorazin laid upon
(such as a French Assamite hiding from German the warrior caste has fallen on your head, and you are
Ventrue pursuers in the markets of Constantinople). plagued with an unending hunger for the blood of other
Outcaste (2 pt Flaw) Cainites. Whenever you taste Cainite blood, you must
You have rejected the role of the caste into which make a Self-Control roll (difficulty 8) or you fall into
you were Embraced, choosing instead to define your a hunger frenzy in which you will do anything to gorge
own existence and follow the path of another caste. upon as much blood as physically possible. If you follow
While many Assamites take this course with few a Road that teaches Instinct, you are instantly lost to
negative repercussions, you have managed to make
enough waves to gain a certain amount of notoriety.
this frenzy; no roll is possible and the Flaw is worth Assamites who teach this art advise their pupils
four points. You often find yourself thinking of other to practice it sparingly, as frequent use of it can
Cainites — even other Assamites — as potential vessels leave the diablerist’s mind a shattered ruin full
rather than equals. of her victims’ memories.
This Flaw is mainly found among the warrior System: This power may be used whenever the
caste. It is much rarer among sorcerers and viziers, character successfully commits diablerie. The player
only affecting those who have partaken of warrior spends a number of Willpower points equal to the
vitae or who spend the majority of their time asso- victim’s Intelligence and rolls Willpower (difficulty
ciating with warriors. equal to the victim’s permanent Willpower, plus one
for every derangement he had). If she succeeds, the
New Discipline player gains one experience point for every Skill or
Knowledge in which the victim’s rating was equal to
Powers or greater than of the character. These experience
points may only be applied to those Abilities — the
Draught of the Soul (Auspex Level player should keep track of them separately from her
Four, Quietus Level Five) pool of “all-encompassing” experience. In addition,
Many Assamites, particularly in the warrior the character gains a dreamlike access to some of
caste, raise the potency of their blood through her victim’s most significant memories. This system
the practice of Amaranth. Those who walk the is left to the Storyteller’s discretion, and should
Road of Blood are especially enamored of the be used for parceling out vague hints rather than
practice. This art, reviled by some but exalted an excuse for the player to demand plot-breaking
by others, allows the diablerist to drain not knowledge. A botch on the roll indicates that
only his victim’s power but also his knowledge.
the character gains no knowledge but receives a System: The character must have one point of the
permanent derangement (preferably one that the subject’s blood to use this power, and it lasts for the
victim possessed). duration of the scene or until the character releases
Draught of the Soul costs 20 experience points the blood. The player rolls Perception + Subterfuge
to learn. (difficulty of the target’s Willpower) for each state-
ment that the character wants to examine with this
Eyes of Blades (Auspex Level Two, power. The degree of success on the roll indicates
Celerity Level Two) the degree of truth or falsehood that the questioner
Many Assamites hone their preternatural senses becomes aware of.
and speed to make themselves more effective com-
One success The character knows if a given
batants. Those who have learned to use these two
traits in conjunction with one another are privy to statement is a lie, a partial
an important secret: sometimes it is wiser to defend truth or the whole truth.
than to attack. An individual with this power is able Two successes The character knows the
to defend against a multitude of near-simultaneous emotional reason (fear, pride,
attacks, even those to which he would be unable loyalty) behind any lie or
to respond under normal circumstances. For a few partial truth, though not the
seconds, he enters a trance state in which he can full truth.
perceive every potential threat to him, assess it and Three successes The character learns the whole
react accordingly. truth as the target consciously
System: At the beginning of a combat turn, knows it.
before initiative is rolled, the player declares that Four successes The character is aware of
he is activating this power. He spends two blood everything the target knows
points and a Willpower point. This counts as ac- about the subject of the
tivating Celerity for the turn. The character may statement — even information
take no actions this turn save for defending against that the target is not consciously
incoming attacks. However, he may defend against aware of, remembered but did
every attack that targets him, using his full atten- not understand, or lost to
tion. The player rolls a dodge or parry with full dice Dominate powers.
pool against each attack that successfully strikes the Five successes The character experiences
character this turn. This power may only be used a hazy visions of the actual truth
number of times per scene equal to the character’s behind the statement — even
Perception rating. receiving veiled hints at
Eyes of Blades costs 10 experience points to learn. information that the target
himself did not have.
Truth of Blood (Auspex Level Four, Truth of Blood costs 15 experience points to learn.
Quietus Level Two)
Assamite justice is swift and merciless, and it shares Blood Tempering (Fortitude Level
much with the tenets of Islamic justice. However, the Two, Quietus Level Four)
Assamites have ways of ensuring that their judgments This power, which hails from long before the
are more firmly grounded in the truth than those of advent of Damascene steel, has seen a great deal of
the surest mortal. This power uses the blood of the use in the nights of the Crusades. Blood Tempering
individual being questioned as a means of divining originated as a means by which Assamites of the
not only the truth of the subject’s words, but the truth warrior caste reinforced bronze and iron weapons
behind those words. The interrogator pours the subject’s and armor to withstand prolonged combat. Instead of
blood into his hand and holds it for the duration of the envenoming her blades, the Assamite imparts a small
questioning. The blood gradually smolders throughout amount of her own resilience unto them by means
the scene, giving off a thin red mist. It is reduced to of her blood. Some viziers use this power to preserve
vapor by the end of the scene and cannot be used for their most ancient relics, and the clay tablets that
any other purpose. bear the clan’s earliest history have benefited from
repeated Blood Tempering.
Assamite Sorcery
System: The player spends a Willpower point, and
the character coats the item to be reinforced with her
blood. The amount of blood used depends on the size The Saracen sorcerer caste practices a brand of
of the item: one blood point per foot of length. Thus, blood magic that is largely unrelated to — and much
the average sword requires three blood points, while a older than — the Tremere’s still-emerging system of
lance may need as many as 15. Armor requires three Thaumaturgy. Assamite Sorcery is in fact an aggregate
blood points per extra soak die it provides. A weapon’s of magical traditions recorded by the viziers and adapted
base damage rating is increased by one die, and it is by the sorcerers. Mesopotamian and Persian streams
rendered unbreakable by any means short of a super- run strong in this melting-pot, but the sorcerers take
natural power with a rating greater than that of the advantage of Islam’s spread along trade routes and
character’s Fortitude or a truly massive mundane trauma battlefields to integrate more and more esoteric wis-
(such as a landslide). Armor gains one extra soak die dom into their sorcery. The unifying paradigm of this
and is likewise impervious to most harm (though the diverse tradition is the need to achieve an altered state
individual within it may still be wounded by force that of mind in order to tap into universal forces (with the
is transmitted through it). This power may be applied benefit of vampiric blood). There are many different
to solid objects other than weapons and armor at the ways to achieve this altered state, including meditation,
Storyteller’s discretion. It cannot reinforce flexible items Sufilike whirling and self-mutilation. Some of the
such as whips, leather armor or silk robes. most powerful sorcerers use kalif (hashish watered with
Blood Tempering costs 15 experience points blood); mortal slaves smoke this magically enhanced
to learn. hallucinogen and are then fed from by the sorcerer.
Cleansed in Blood (Quietus Level Six) Kalif is only grown in Alamut.
The Assamites have long claimed that their In terms of game mechanics, Assamite Sorcery
proprietary Discipline, Quietus, arose for purposes functions just like Thaumaturgy, with paths and
other than pure combat. This power bears out that rituals. Assamites may hence learn the Thaumaturgy
assertion. By using his own blood to ritually bathe a Discipline with the understanding that it actually
willing subject, an Assamite can purge that subject’s represents their own brand of sorcery (and should
mind of most supernatural influences. This power is be noted as such on the character sheet). Assamite
most often used on Assamites who have returned to Sorcery counts as a clan Discipline for experience or
Alamut after long periods of time in Europe or Taugast character creation purposes only for members of the
in order to ensure that they have not been turned sorcerer caste, however.
against the clan. Assamite sorcerers may choose their primary path.
System: The character touches the subject and Whispers of the Heavens (see below) is unique to the
spends a number of blood points equal to the target’s Saracens, but they also have their own versions of Rego
Willpower. The subject rolls Willpower once for Vitae, Creo Ignem, Rego Motus, Rego Tempestas,
each outside mental or emotional influence that he Thaumaturgical Alchemy, Way of the Levinbolt and
is under (difficulty equal to the level of the power Path of Warding, as well access to a variety of rituals
in question + 3, with a difficulty of 7 if the power (including those on page 70-71). When using rituals or
has no level). Success nullifies that influence. This paths other than those unique to the Assamites, blood
power is incapable of removing influences carried point expenditure is increased by one.
or caused by blood, including the blood oath, or by Note that although Assamite Sorcery may use the
purely mundane techniques such as brainwashing. It same mechanics as thaumaturgical paths and rituals,
can remove magical or thaumaturgical effects, such as they are neither the same nor compatible as far the
a curse, but the character using the power must have practitioners are concerned. A sorcerer must learn the
a level of Thaumaturgy equal to that with which the Assamite version of Defense of the Sacred Haven (a
curse was cast. Level One ritual) from another Assamite sorcerer —
the Tremere version is nothing but alien foolishness to
him. The Storyteller always has final say as to whether a
particular path or ritual is available to Assamites. Those
who plan on extensive use of Assamite Sorcery may System: The character must be standing on the
wish to consult Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumatur- ground or touching the person on whom he wants to use
gy (for Vampire: The Masquerade), which provides this power. The number of successes determine roughly
extensive background on this tradition, as well as other how far forward the character’s observations reach. The
paths and rituals. exact nature of the vision is up to the Storyteller, but
this power never grants absolute clarity. Instead the
Whispers of the Heavens seer typically receives a few images and a sense of the
The Almohad Empire and Taugast both boast emotions and time frame associated with them. Using
astronomers whose knowledge far exceeds all Euro- the power to determine the fate of a city which will in
pean lore of the stars. Both cultures also possess a fact be burned by the Crusaders on October 8, 1201,
wealth of fortune-tellers who claim the ability to read but will be the region’s best producer of grain until that
knowledge from the heavens. The Assamites draw time, might result in a vision of bountiful wheat fields
on both of these traditions in addition to their own suddenly scorched by fire and trampled by horses four
studies. This path emerged from sorcerer workshops years hence. As always with such imprecise prophecy,
after long effort to reconcile conflicting beliefs. the fate foretold is not an absolute certainty, merely
Practitioners of Whispers of the Heavens are also the one that is most likely if events proceed in their
known as seers or diviners. present course.
Whispers of the Heavens depends in large part One success One lunar month
on the sorcerer’ ability to see the stars. All uses of this Two successes One season
path are at +1 difficulty in overcast weather and +2 Three successes One year
difficulty in storms. The path cannot be used at all if Four successes One decade
the sorcerer cannot see the sky. Five successes One century
• Map the Skies ••• Call Down the Hunter’s Moon
Though Europeans have not yet learned to navigate “To everything,” says the Christian holy book, “there
by the stars, Cainite observers with centuries in which is a season.” Natives of Taugast speak of “auspicious and
to travel and watch the skies have made some progress inauspicious occasions” on which to perform certain
toward this goal. The first technique that a student of actions. This power grants its wielder a sense of the best
this path learns is that of divining his location with a time to act in a particular manner. Though the sorcerer
mere glance at the stars. is free to ignore this divine scheduling, his chances for
System: The player rolls normally. The number of success will be vastly increased if he heeds it.
successes determines how accurately the character is System: The sorcerer names aloud the act in ques-
able to determine his location. If he has access to an tion, from “the planting of this year’s crop of wheat” to
accurate map, he can apply this knowledge to pinpoint “Lucas of Normandy’s proposal of marriage to Katherine
his location; if not, he simply knows his position relative of Bordeaux” to “the assassination of the Ventrue, Fab-
to known landmarks. rizio Ulfila.” If the roll succeeds, the character learns the
One success Within 100 miles best night within the next season (three lunar months)
Two successes Within 10 miles to attempt this act, or the best hour between the present
Three successes Within one mile time and the coming dawn to attempt a more immediate
Four successes Within 250 yards task. The choice of the moment itself is entirely up to
Five successes Within 10 yards the Storyteller, who should work it into his existing
plans for the chronicle.
•• Read Heaven’s Plans If the character does try to perform this task on
Many diviners claim to be able to read the fate of the indicated night or at the indicated hour, the player
a place or person in the stars. This power allows these gains a number of temporary Willpower points equal to
effects, though not with the precision many false proph- the number of successes scored on the roll. These are
ets claim. The sorcerer is able to glean the approximate tracked separately from his normal Willpower pool, and
fate of the ground on which he stands or the person to any that are unspent are lost at the end of the night or
whom he speaks, though this is less an absolute reading upon the successful completion of the task. This power
than a hint of the most likely of many possible futures.
may only be used once to divine the best night or hour •••• Trace the Soul’s Favor
for any given task — the sorcerer may not stock up on A diviner who knows the date of birth of a specific
bonus Willpower. individual has access to a vast array of information
A small group of individuals (no more than the sor- on that individual’s history and destiny. By tracing
cerer’s Leadership rating) may benefit from this power. the position of the stars under which the subject was
Each character must be aware of the rite and give the born, the sorcerer can learn such diverse facts as what
sorcerer one blood point, which is destroyed when the trade he is best suited for, what his personality tends
power is used. Every individual who so donated gains toward, or what sort of ultimate reward is in store for
the same number of temporary Willpower points as the him upon his death.
sorcerer himself, and the same rules and restrictions System: The player rolls normally, with a +1 pen-
apply to these boons. alty imposed if the character knows only one of the
This power may only be used on an extended, subject’s name or date of birth (or date of Embrace, for
complex task — it may not be applied to something Cainite subjects) and a +3 difficulty if the character
that can be accomplished in a single action (or with knows neither. For each success, the sorcerer receives
a single die roll). The effects of a botch are left to the one piece of information about the core identity of the
Storyteller’s imagination, but will definitely include individual in question. Five successes give the sorcerer
a false message that prompts the sorcerer to act when clues to the subject’s ultimate fate (Storyteller’s discre-
the stars are not right. Also note that outside circum- tion). A botch gives the target a sudden realization that
stances may conspire against the sorcerer’ execution someone is watching him; if he ever sees the sorcerer,
of his task on the appointed night — this power does he will instantly realize that this person has spied upon
not automatically reschedule the summons of princes, him before.
for instance.
The exact nature of the facts revealed by this power Four successes The sorcerer can use all his
are up to the Storyteller, but they may include revealing Auspex powers to affect or
the subject’s Nature, Demeanor, approximate Willpower observe the scene, and can
rating, Road and approximate rating, notable Disciplines also use any other sorcerous
or Abilities. Ideally these should all be revealed in path power (though not a
character, without using overt game terms. A subject ritual) to observe or analyze
with Melee 5 and Politics 5 might elicit the response what he perceives
“sword and state are as equally mastered tools in her Five successes The sorcerer can use any
hands.” Such a revelation would require two successes Assamite Sorcery power or
(one for each Ability). ritual he knows to affect the
••••• Ripples on the Sea of Stars scene, as long as this exercise
of power does not require his
The pinnacle of this path allows the sorcerer to
physical presence at the scene
cast his point of view far away from his physical body,
using the heavens as a vast scrying pool. With this This power’s effects last for the duration of the
power, he may observe any events that are transpiring scene being witnessed or until daybreak at the sorcerer’s
under the same stars that he sees. Of course, even this location or at the site in question. While the character
powerful divination has its limits. The sorcerer must uses this power, the player suffers a +2 difficulty penalty
be familiar with at least one participant in the scene on all actions that require the character to interact
which he wishes to observe, be it the city in which the with his physical surroundings. If an individual being
events are occurring, an individual who is participating observed has Auspex, he receives a faint sense of being
in them or a specific item around which they center. watched from above. This is not enough to identify the
observer, though the paranoid unease it induces may
System: The character must have a specific target
be enough to press the subject to take matters indoors,
in mind, be it a location, a person or an object with
away from prying eyes — and prying stars.
which he is at least casually familiar. If the sorcerer
has read the target’s future at least once before, either
with lesser applications of this Path or with some other
Sorcerous Rituals
magics, the roll’s difficulty is reduced by one. The Eye of the Translator
scene that is being observed must be occurring under (Level One Ritual)
the night sky, and must be within sight of at least one This spell is of limited physical power, but its poten-
star that the sorcerer can see (though weather does tial effects are mighty indeed. It assists the sorcerer in
not block this vision past the usual difficulty modifier deciphering any written material on which he casts it.
which it imposes). If the events are transpiring un- Many viziers learn the basics of Thaumaturgy in order
der the sun or under a roof, the attempt simply fails to use this ritual. While it does not actually change the
(though the Storyteller should still have the player page that it affects, it creates an illusion of the writing
roll). The number of successes determine the clarity in question flowing into a form with which the caster
of the image that the sorcerer receives, as well as his is familiar.
ability to exert limited mystic influence over the scene System: The sorcerer cuts himself along his left
that he is watching. eyebrow and allows three drops of his blood (no
One success The sorcerer can dimly see blood point or health level loss) to fall upon the page
the scene he wishes to comprehend. He then meditates for 10
Two successes The sorcerer can see and hear minutes while the blood soaks into the writing and
the scene disappears. The player receives a number of extra dice
Three successes All of the sorcerer’ senses on all rolls to translate, decode or comprehend the
function with perfect clarity, work in question equal to the number of successes he
and he may use Auspex 1, 2 rolled when enacting the ritual. These extra dice are
and 4 to observe in greater detail lost if the character breaks off work for more than 10
minutes, or at the end of the night. The ritual must
be cast separately for every page, sheet or surface that
the character wants to translate.
Blood’s Cry for Vengeance Messenger of the Winds
(Level Two Ritual) (Level Three Ritual)
The Nosferatu say that if one Assamite dies, the The Assamites could not maintain the level of
entire clan knows of it within a fortnight. While this cohesion that their clan enjoys were it not for this
is a slight exaggeration, the Lepers are not off the ritual. Messenger of the Winds allows the sorcerer to
mark by far. This ritual links two or more willing send a written communication to anyone, anywhere in
participants in a subtle psychic bond. Under most the world, as long as he knows the intended recipient’s
circumstances, this has no effect, and it is undetect- name and has enough of her blood to write that name
able by most methods of perception. However, if any on the message. Thus, the sorcerers who use this ritual
member of the group dies, all others are instantly the most are those who serve at Alamut and have access
struck by a vision of her fall, and gain a flash of her to the Heartblood of the clan. This ritual is limited
emotional state before death (which generally allows to the delivery of written communication, though
them to know if their comrade died honorably or stronger rites exist that allow the transport of other
was betrayed). All loyal members of the clan are small items at greater cost. Of late, troubling rumors
linked to the Eldest through this ritual upon their have reached the sorcerers that say that the Tremere
first pilgrimage to Alamut. Typically, pilgrims who have stolen this ritual for use in extending their own
arrive within the same lunar month are bound to the clan’s far-flung web of influence.
Eldest and to each other in unison. System: The sorcerer does not have to pen the
System: Each individual to be linked, up to a message himself, though it must be written on clean
maximum number equal to the caster’s Occult score, linen with a pen made from the feather of an eagle.
donates two blood points, which the character collects He rolls the missive and ties it with a white silk
in a wooden bowl. She does not have to be part of the cord. On this cord, he writes the recipient’s name in
link, though she counts against the limit of partici- her own blood. He then carries the message outside
pants if she does. Over the next hour, she brings the and throws it into the sky, where the winds catch it
blood to a boil over an open fire while the participants and carry it away. It appears in the possession of the
sit in a circle around the fire and meditate on their target at precisely noon of her next day of slumber.
relationships with one another. When the last of the This ritual will not work if the document to be sent is
blood has boiled away, the ritual is complete. If the enchanted in any other way (though it may contain
player’s roll is successful, all participants are perma- magical formulae or instructions without hazard). A
nently linked in the manner described above. This botch sends the message to a random recipient, usually
knowledge is transmitted instantly upon one’s death, someone who is connected to the intended target in
and no known method can block it. There is no limit some manner.
to the number of circles to which one individual can
be bound.
Children of Alamut
The Renunciate Crusader to give your opponents a chance to see the reasoning
behind your fervor. Thanks to your religious and po-
Quote: You call me traitor; I call it an honor if I am
litical views, you are something of an outcast in both
a traitor to a cause as unjust as yours.
European and Arab society, but you are able to act in
History: The second son of a minor French noble,
both with equal facility.
you gladly followed the banners of the Church when
Roleplaying Hints: Your current appearance belies
the Third Crusade departed for the Holy Land.
your noble upbringing, and many are surprised by the
The first battle you saw shook your courage. The
cultured front you can present when it’s called for. So
second one tested your faith. The third shattered your
far, your achievements have been minor — a battle
illusions forever. You fled that night and, wandered in
turned here, a small word in the right ear there — but
the wastes for days, quenching your thirst at muddy
you feel you are destined for greater things and you do
oases. You wrestled to reconcile the teachings of the
not hesitate to try to sway others to your views. Your
Church with the horrors you had witnessed. At last,
single-minded devotion masks a deep well of loneliness,
you hit upon a thread of hope: the Church’s original
for you are fully accepted by few warrior-caste Assamites
purpose is pure, but its executors, being but mortal men,
and you have set yourself apart from everything you
are incapable of carrying it out. If you are to follow the
knew before.
oath you swore to be God’s sword, you must protect the
Equipment: Battered sword and mace, dented shield,
Holy Land — even from your
piecemeal armor, war-horse, dusty court garb stored in
own countrymen.
the bottom of a saddlebag, handmade rosary
When you
came to this
epiphany, you
realized you had
spoken aloud —
and your sire
appeared from
the air before
you and smiled.
Though you
are of the
warrior caste,
you’re hard-
ly the typical
Cainite image
of the Saracen
assassin. You have re-
nounced your Church
but not your faith or
your nobility, and you
prefer your conflicts
to be direct and
open — the better
Lioness of Zion again. You are a child of two gods. The first one, the
one you followed when you still drew breath, is Yahweh,
Quote: If you will not leave my people be, then your and you shall remain forever true to the Jewish faith (or
ashes will mix with the sands of the desert. so you say). The second one, the one whose name you
History: When you were nine, the Bedouins came to never heard while you lived, is Haqim, and though he
your village. You hid in the rocky hills as your mother’s is no god as mortals would see him, his teachings have
screams rang in your ears and watched as the smoke shown you the way to strength.
rose into the sky. Some time after the raiders left, you Roleplaying Hints: You are nowhere near as skilled
and your sister crept back to your shattered home and as you would like to make yourself out to be, but you
your family began to rebuild. are learning — and the first lesson you’ve learned is
When you were 13, the Crusaders came to your how to appear harmless in order to lull your intended
village. You tried to hide, but within an hour you victims into complacency. You are still dealing with
were captured, and you learned why your mother had two conflicting faiths, and your reconciliation of these
screamed before. Some time after the raiders left, you teachings is more a matter of denial than one of clear
found the strength to stand again and your family began thought.
to rebuild. Equipment: Daggers, throwing knives, wire garrote,
When you were 15, the monsters came to your vil- more hidden daggers, stakes, chain mail hauberk taken
lage. You had no chance to hide before they appeared from a dead Crusader
out of the night, and no chance to scream before one
of them descended on you and tore your throat out.
The last thing you saw in your old life was the carving
knife that had fallen from the overturned dinner table.
You grasped it, closed your eyes, and struck at the beast
that crouched atop you, too intent on its meal to see
the blade descending.
Through the roaring in your
ears, you heard a woman’s
shout of rage, then steel on
steel — and steel biting into
flesh. You did not open your
eyes — what difference
would it make?
Then someone
took you into her arms
and poured fire down
your throat. The first
thing you saw in your
new life was your
sire as she held you
and wept tears of
blood for those
she had been
too late to save.
Concept: For your
entire mortal life, you
were persecuted. Now
you have power,
and you’ll nev-
er be a victim
The Sea Witch truth. Your family had grown too bold, too powerful,
too rich, and their ascendance had threatened another
Quote: It seems you’ve lost your sails in this storm. A “merchant” concern, one which he and his people op-
pity, really. Fortunately, we saw your plight and we’ll be posed. Then he put vengeance in your hand and told
more than happy to take on your cargo so you can limp home. you its price.
History: Born into a wealthy family of Greek Concept: You have emerged from training under
merchants, you were at once protected and privileged your mentor as a woman transformed. You’re part free
well beyond that which would be expected of a girl of trader, part witch and part smuggler. You have a new
your station. When you were 16, your eldest brother ship, a parting gift from your sire when he had nothing
began taking you on his trading ventures to Alexan- more to teach you.
dria, ostensibly to introduce you to potential suitors.
Roleplaying Hints: The flame for vengeance no
You stayed at his side — meekly at first, but as your
longer burns as hot as it did when you were first given
confidence grew you began to whisper advice to him.
the Blood. If you ever see that captain again, he’ll go
After the fourth trip, he admitted to your father that
down in pieces as you howl your triumph to the storm,
the profits his latest journey had reaped were more your
but you recognize that you have other things to do.
responsibility than his.
You’ve been given a second life, one free from many of
One night off the coast of Sicily, you were attacked the concerns and responsibilities of the previous one,
by two ships flying black banners, ships whose masters and you intend to enjoy this one as you never could
commanded the stuff of nightmare itself. They wrapped the first. Of course, sometimes raiding is more profit-
your ship in tendrils of night and shattered able than legitimate commerce — so you go where the
her hull. money is. Oh, and do try not to think about the fact
You awoke on a that you’re slowly becoming the image of that which
beach near the you’ve dedicated yourself to destroying.
ruins of Car- Equipment: Merchant ship with a ramming prow
thage and made and a small catapult, short bow, working knife
your way to Tu-
nis, where
you learned
that you were
the only survi-
vor from your ship
and family — within
a fortnight of your
own battle, a va-
riety of “accidents” had
claimed them all. Lost
and penniless, you
turned to serving in a
dockside tavern.
One night, a
Moorish ship’s master
beckoned you to his
table. He bade you sit
with him, and asked
if you knew why
your fate had befall-
en you. When you
answered no,
he told you
the harsh
Qadi better, he asked, than to have all of eternity to learn
all the works of man?
Quote: Attend my words, for I am the guardian of
Concept: You are a scholar and a lawgiver, and these
order. All are equal under the law, and I will see justice
two occupations are quite interchangeable to your way
done this night.
of thinking. The Embrace changed little for you, save
History: Even when you were a young boy, you had that you have had to make some adjustments to your
a gift: people listened to you and trusted your opinion. faith, but you are certain that Allah will forgive you.
In time, you took leave of your village and journeyed
Roleplaying Hints: You see yourself as the rep-
to Baghdad to study the laws of Islam in the great uni-
resentative of Allah, for Islamic law and faith are so
versity there. You remained there for years, until your
closely related as to be inseparable. This has given you
brother sent for you. His message said that the village’s
a sense of integrity as strong as Damascene steel. You
qadi, the judge, was dying, and the community wanted
are equally content whether immersed in a book or
none other than you to take his place.
embroiled in a furious debate, and you have no qualms
You returned home and took up your predecessor’s about using Haqim’s gifts to aid you in your judgments.
mantle, dispensing Allah’s justice to your people with
Equipment: Small library (10 books or so), robes
a firm and fair hand. Decades passed, and you began
of office, various second- and third-hand scientific
to feel your age. You found a pupil and began to pass
your knowledge to him, for you knew you would not
be able to serve your people forever.
One night, a traveler
came to your door. You
recognized him as an
astronomer of some
repute and the two
of you conversed
on a hundred dif-
ferent topics until
shortly before the
sun rose, when
he took his leave
of you. He passed
through the village
often, always finding
the time to stop and
share an evening
with you.
On his last vis-
it, the astronomer
revealed the true
purpose for his
travels. He had
taken note of you
when you were
still a young man,
and he saw in you
a hunger for
learning that
would never be
quenched. What
Of Historical Note:
One Man, One Knife
and One Strike
If you look at history, you will see the ripples that Cainites leave in their passing. In
some instances, we directly touch the affairs of mortal men. In others, our meddling is
more subtle, sometimes unintended and all the more damaging for its lack of deliberate
control. Occasionally a mortal learns too much of what we are and tries to imitate us,
believing that the power will come with the form. All too often, these individuals know the
what but not the why, and they mimic the right actions for all the wrong reasons.
In 1192, the first Western victim of the radical sect known as the Assassins fell to their
daggers. The death of Conrad of Montferrat sent shock waves through the Crusaders — and,
indeed, all of Europe. While murder is hardly unheard of in the Dark Ages, an organized
association of professional killers was unthinkable until now.
The origin of the Assassins is unknown to Europe, and only dimly understood in the
East. Most scholars believe that the group originated with a leader of the Ismaili sect of
Islam known as Hasan-i Sabbah. Shortly before the turn of the 12th century, Hasan and
his militant followers captured a castle in the Elburz Mountains which records commonly
refer to as Aluh Amut: the Eagle’s Teaching. The Seljuk Turks, whose Sunni sect opposed
the Ismaili faith, began moving against Ismailis across their empire. On October 16, 1092,
a follower of Hasan named Bu Tahur Arrani slew Nizam al-Mulk, an advisor to the Seljuk
ruler, thereby laying the foundation of the Assassins. Over the next century, Hasan’s devotees
carried out a series of murders calculated to decapitate Seljuk persecution of the Ismailis.
Hasan-i Sabbah died on May 23, 1124. His doctrine of loyalty and obedience, however,
live on among the Ismailis and are the unifying force for his followers. Over the decades
following Hasan-i’s death, Aluh Amut became the training ground and headquarters for
an organization of killers who measure success by one successful stroke of a dagger and care
not what happens to them once their target is dead.
The Assamites would like to deny all involvement with the Assassins but they lack that
luxury. In truth, the Assassins might never have arisen without the aid of a former Assa-
mite pawn: a ghoul who now calls himself Haqim in dark mockery of his former masters.
The man now known as Haqim was an Assamite warrior’s assistant and protégé during
the fifth through seventh centuries. When his master fell during the campaign against the
Baali, the ghoul’s blood oath recoiled on him and shattered his mind. He fled in the middle of
the day, carrying with him the most treasured of his master’s belongings. Those Assamites
who knew him assumed he had met an untimely end in the desert.
In truth, the ghoul’s master had chosen and trained him because of one quality he
possessed. The False Haqim (as the Assamites refer to him) had the gift of true sight, the
ability to gaze past all illusions and discern the reality behind them. He was his master’s
hunting hound, piercing the obfuscation and chimera of his victims. In two centuries, he
learned many of his master’s skills, not the least of which were the ability to recognize
Cainites and the precision necessary to strike them down from ambush. The victims he
claimed in the years of his freedom may never be counted, but at least a dozen Assamites
are among those vampires he brought down in his unreasoning thirst for the blood that
still prolongs his life. Sometime during those long centuries, he recovered enough of him-
self to begin building power — and he remembered enough of his master’s tales to build a
history and a legend to draw that power to himself. And then, when he heard of a place
named Alamut, the False Haqim went there to claim its mantle of leadership.
The False Haqim’s influence over Aluh Amut and its inhabitants is limited. He is a
shadow ruler, not an open commander, and his pawns are few in number. Most of the As-
sassins’ actions are unaffected by anything but the sectarian politics of Islam. However,
over the last century, the False Haqim has recruited other men like himself who have the
gift of true sight. These comprise his inner circle within the Assassins, and they share in his
immortality, for they hunt Cainites and return them to Aluh Amut to supply themselves
with the water of eternal life. The fabled single blow with which the Assassins slay their
targets is a reflection of his lessons on impaling an opponent’s heart with one thrust of a
stake. All Assamite attempts to assault Aluh Amut and remove this disgraceful rogue have
failed, for even the strongest powers of Obfuscate are like tattered veils before the gaze of
the False Haqim’s students. The Saracens have not mounted a powerful enough assault to
overcome this advantage because — ironically enough — the False Haqim has his admirers
among the Assamites.
Indeed, the ghoul’s actions are slowly influencing those of his former masters. As word
of the Assassins spreads across Europe, the Assamites take note of the effectiveness of terror
tactics and layers of deception. The warrior caste has noted the Assassins’ success in remov-
ing their own opponents within the Islamic sects. As the Assassins strike at the Crusaders,
the impact of such methods on the European psyche cannot be denied. Night by night, the
Assamites refine the methods and images that their accidental protégés are using — and
night by night, the images of the two become as one in the minds of the Western Cainites.
Ankhesenaten made his obei-
sance before the visage of the
true god and placed the golden
bowl filled with blood at the onyx
statue’s feet. The image of Set
was like a greater darkness in
the ember-lit confines of the tent,
the reddish light limning small
details but leaving others in
shadow. A lean, muscular leg,
an upraised, taloned hand —
glimpses that hinted at much,
but concealed even more. Ankhe-
senaten rocked back on the balls
of his feet and forced breath in
through his nose, smelling the
sandalwood and frankincense
that anointed the god’s shoul-
ders. All was made ready. The
curved knife gleamed faintly
beside the offering bowl, its edge
painted in bloody light.
There was faint movement behind Ankhe- The Setite summoned up a warm smile as the
senaten, back in the main chamber of the tent. French lord threw back his hood. “It is a joy and an
He recognized the stealthy footfalls of Goreb, his honor to receive you in my humble tent, my lord,”
chief bodyguard. Bowing once more before the Ankhesenaten said, falling briefly to one knee.
face of the god, Ankhesenaten backed through “Please be welcome. May I serve you wine?” He
the chamber’s narrow opening and turned to face pointedly surveyed Godfrey’s unadorned cloak and
his assembled servants. The tent’s main chamber tunic. “Pray, tell me that this last year has given you
was devoted to the mundane business of the day, better fortune than it appears?”
outfitted like any other merchant’s tent at any other The French knight threw back his cloak and sur-
market fair in France: a banked brazier sat in the veyed the tent warily, like a hemmed boar. Godfrey
center of the space, low wooden chairs and stools had a broad, fleshy face marked at cheek and nose
surrounding it. A small table and high-backed chair with the red flush of a drunkard. His thick lips curled
occupied a rear corner of the tent, for balancing in a sneer. “I’ve ransomed enough travelers and raided
ledgers and accounts. Cedar chests banded with aplenty to keep me fat for years to come. But I’m
iron sat in stacks along the walls. Also in the rear not fool enough to ride in here with all my finery
of the tent, behind heavy cloth hangings, a small and let the duke know who I’m consorting with.”
cedar cot sat piled with blankets and furs; when the He stepped quickly into the light of the brazier, his
world believed that Ankhesenaten slept, a chosen thick-fingered hands working nervously. “I’ve no
bodyguard lay there, sword in hand. time for idle talk, Serpent,” he hissed. “There’s word
Goreb waited by the brazier, his dark face solemn. of watch-fires in the hills south of Troyes, and my
When Ankhesenaten entered the chamber, his other spies are telling me that Duke William has taken to
servants turned from their tasks and bowed low, their the field with 500 horsemen and 1,000 footmen!”
shaven heads gleaming in the firelight. The chief Ankhesenaten nodded approvingly. “You have
bodyguard bowed respectfully. “The French lord put your newfound influence to good use, my lord.
has arrived, Great One, and awaits your pleasure.” It is true — Duke William has taken his army to
Ankhesenaten nodded. He turned to his servants the field and intends to take Troyes by storm before
and bid them rise. With the fall of night they had your master can react.” The Setite paused, letting
divested themselves of their Western tunics and the words sink in. “His beloved childer will likely
leggings and now wore priestly robes of indigo-dyed perish. Your liege will have great need of you in the
cotton. “Await us without,” he said to them. “If he coming weeks. It is quite an opportunity, is it not?”
has come to seek the dark river, I shall send for you. The Setite studied the knight carefully. Now was
It is the will of Set.” the moment, the culmination of two years of labor.
“The will of Set,” the priests intoned, bowing He believed Godfrey could be worthy, and a great
deeply, then filing silently out of the tent. Goreb triumph for the god would be realized.
was last to go, taking one more careful sweep of The French lord grew pale. “Oh, God the
the tent’s interior before leaving his master alone. Merciful!” he whispered. “Duke Roland may have
Ankhesenaten tucked his hands into the sleeves of a man riding for my castle even now!” He thrust
his robe and waited, considering outcomes. out a gloved hand. “Give me the blood! There’s no
The tent flap was suddenly yanked to the side, time to waste!”
letting in the chill air of northern France, and Ankhesenaten bowed his head. It was not meant
Godfrey of Sezanne slipped inside like a furtive to be. The man was simply not worthy of greatness.
thief. The short, heavyset knight clutched a plain, “I have nothing for you, my lord,” he said flatly.
woolen cloak around his stocky frame, and kept a “Nothing that would be of use to you.”
full hood pulled low to disguise his features. As if Godfrey’s face flushed with rage. “You misbegot-
anyone would recognize the man amid the tents of ten snake! Is that your game, then? You see a chance
the Foire de Reims, nearly 40 miles from his estates. for profit, and you raise your price? Name it!” He
Ankhesenaten could not help but frown. Such ti- snatched a bulging leather bag from his belt. “I’ve
midity. He had expected better after the events of gold aplenty, thanks to your past gifts!”
the past year.
“The blood of the god is not a trinket to be power for these last two years. Are you not hungry
bought and sold,” Ankhesenaten hissed, low and for the feast now before you?”
quiet. Godfrey recoiled, his rage shriveling before Godfrey shrank before the vampire’s dread gaze.
the Setite’s sudden advance. “Where is your hunger, His lip trembled. “If I don’t have the blood, William’s
Godfrey? When we first met, you were but a frontier men will surely kill me,” he whimpered.
lord with a heap of stones for a tower. You railed “Had you been worthy, after this night you
and whined like a pup denied his would never had fear of death
mother’s teat, while Roland’s again.” Ankhesenaten
other vassals enjoyed his favor could no longer conceal
and drank from his red cup! his contempt. “You have
You wanted their strength, rejected the gift of the true
their vitality. You wanted to god. I have no pity for you
show your immortal lord that now.” Taking Godfrey by the
you were every bit as worthy neck like a cur, he cast the
as they. And I gave you that knight headlong through the
chance. Did my blood not make tent’s doorway.
you as mighty as Roland’s favored Ankhesenaten sank gracefully
liege men?” into a chair and fought to calm his
Godfrey took a halting step icy rage. He would have to make
back, speechless, nodding fearfully. sacrifices and abase himself before
“Did you not triumph at your the god. An exquisite plan long
lord’s tournaments? Did you in the forging, shattered by a
not grow wealthy in ransoms single flaw. But better to cast
and honored on the battle- aside the weak and the timid
field? And did I not keep rather than share the blood
my promise to you, year of Set with the unworthy.
after year, giving you drink When he had com-
without asking anything in posed himself, the Setite
return? And now you dare to come before me and sent for Goreb. All was not completely lost. The
act the craven when power beyond your dreams Ventrue Duke Roland would still be a desperate
lies within reach! When Duke William comes, lord, come the next sunset. “Fetch a child from the
Roland will need every warrior he can muster! town to sacrifice,” he said. “Then, in the morning,
He will become indebted to you! He will take have the gold and other valuables taken and hidden
you into his counsel. Can you not see what this in the countryside. I expect Duke Roland’s men
could make you? I have whetted your appetite for will come for me tomorrow night.”
Children of the
Dark God
The Lie of Osiris
Your lord, the Duke Roland, wishes to hear my
confession, does he? Indeed? Go back to your lord,
childe, and tell him only this: I have committed no If you are to understand the ways of my people,
crimes against your lord. I am a Follower of Set, and you must first put aside all you have known or believed
my heart is pure. about existence. The world is not as you believe it to be.
How is it that I am to blame for the calamity that Long, long ago, when even great Egypt was young,
has befallen Champagne? Was it I who forswore my there were two worlds, one upon another, connected by
oaths to Roland and came late to the battlefield, or a great, dark river. One was the living world, the other
was it the craven Godfrey of Sezanne? Was it I who the afterlife, a place my people call Du’at. The way of
fell upon Troyes with fire and sword, or was it that the two worlds was this: a man was born into the living
Lasombra devil Duke William? I lay sleeping 50 miles world, where he grew strong and made for himself a
from the sunlit battle, yet I am to be accountable for strong and prosperous family. When his time here was
the firing of the duke’s tower and the deaths of his done, his life essence, his ka, would leave the body and
beloved childer? You have the look of a scholar about cross the dark river into the afterlife. Now, the afterlife
you, young one — explain to me the logic of these is like an image reflected in quicksilver — it is a place
accusations. Is it because of my faith? I am a heathen identical to our own, and everything that exists in this
to you, it is true, but does that make me an enemy, world has its place there as well. The dead man’s family
like the paynim devils of the East? Does it surprise you would carefully clean and prepare his body, and make
that I call them thus? Why should it? They were grind- a house out among the sands where he could continue
ing my people under their heel for hundreds of years his eternal existence in comfort. Outside the door to
before your Crusaders set foot in Palestine. I have no the necropolis, the priests would enact special rites
more love for them than you. If that surprises you, how over the body, releasing the man’s spiritual essence, his
might your lord feel if we offered the Ventrue aid and akh, and his personality, called the ba. When the body
succor in their planned crusade into my homeland? was interred, all three elements would reunite in the
Think on that. body across the river, and the man would rise to live a
You are an intelligent man, and I see you to be a life of ease and plenty in the afterlife, cared for by the
devoted servant of the Duke. This recent attack has devotions of his family.
left him in dire straits, and for a misunderstanding he Now, in those first days, all men lived their lives
has imprisoned me, at a time when I might be able to to the fullest, drinking deeply of every pleasure and
save him from his current plight. You have come ready temptation, as the gods had meant it to be. When they
to record my words; do so now. I shall confess. Not to hungered, they killed and ate meat; when they thirsted,
any crime, but to the truth about my people, and the they crushed grapes for wine. When they lusted, they
battle we have fought for centuries to save mankind took what pleasure they wished in the company of
from itself. their kin. These people lived as gods, and grew fierce
Again, you are surprised. Wait. There are more and strong, fearful of neither beast nor demon, and
revelations yet to come. when their time was done they crossed willingly into
the afterlife and lived as kings. So long as the people
were strong, and lived without hesitation or restraint, hunts and nights of carnal joy; instead Osiris bound his
the two worlds were vibrant and prosperous, and there people in layers of smothering and restrictive customs.
was balance, called Maat. He taught the people of Egypt the deceit of civilization,
It was the duty of the man-gods to live according to and perverted Maat, so that the people turned away from
Maat and pass along this knowledge to their children, the savage parts of their nature and lost their connec-
but there was one such man, a great chieftain named tion to the ways of the land. The people of Egypt made
Ra, whose appetite was as the jackal’s, both ravenous Osiris their first king, and his laws worked like poison
and cowardly. He thought of all the riches brought to in their blood and left them weak.
the afterlife by those who had gone before him, and of Now Osiris had a brother, who was known as Set,
all that which would follow in generations to come, and or Sutekh. Set was a great hunter, stalking the most
his every day and night was consumed with schemes fearsome beasts with great cunning and guile. He was
to gain these treasures for himself. Then, as his time not so strong or so beautiful as Osiris, but his intel-
drew nigh to cross over into the next world, he called ligence and perceptiveness was envied among all. It
his favored grandson Osiris to his side and told him was Set’s habit to hunt among the sands of the desert,
his plan. Osiris was much like his grandfather, hiding seeing a majesty and power there that escaped the gaze
his craven nature beneath a mask of handsome beauty, of lesser men. So it was that Set was out among the
and he agreed to Ra’s plan in return for his share of the sands when his brother Osiris began his trickery, and
afterlife’s riches. when he returned he was greatly troubled by what he
So Osiris went before the people of Egypt and saw. Set perceived that the grip of law and custom
rebuked them for their fierce and independent ways, would unbalance Maat, but as he did not wish to raise
using his false charm to deceive them into feeling shame his hand against his brother, he went before his father
for their sensuous and impulsive natures. He laid the and asked merely for a birthright of his own. Osiris
strong low and elevated the weak, making all equal by could keep the rich and fertile lands of Upper Egypt,
the institution of law. No more were the days of wild Set told his father, while he asked for nothing more
than the desert wastes of Lower Egypt, where at least faith. Are you not forbidden to indulge in the glories
the people could live according to the ways of Maat. of the flesh, are you not taught to put aside the urges
But Ra refused, wanting nothing to interfere with of this world for the rewards of the next? Surely you
his cowardly scheme, and instead exiled Set into the must have wondered why such natural feelings had to
deepest deserts, to die far from the sight of men. As a be denied. Now you know why. You are being cheated
final stroke, Osiris took Set’s sister-wife Nepthys to his of your birthright.
bed and produced from her a son, named Anubis. Thus When Set had learned the truth of Ra’s plan, he
there would be no children to remember Set’s name returned from the desert to confront his brother and set
once he had crossed into the afterlife. things right again. With cunning and guile he trapped
Slaves in Du’at Osiris in a finely wrought sarcophagus and threw it into
the Nile. Yet the struggle to restore Maat was only just
Thus it came to be that Ra crossed over into the
beginning. Osiris had many followers, and the people of
underworld and made war on the souls who rested
Egypt no longer remembered the world as it had been.
there, conquering them because their families in the
As one they turned against Set and reviled him, hunting
living world had grown weak and forgotten their du-
him in the night. Set had no wish to slay the people
ties of remembrance. Ra took the treasures of those
of Egypt, for they knew not what they were doing, so
he conquered and ruled over them with a cruel hand.
instead he sought out followers of his own who could
The weaker the people grew, the harder their journey
spread the truth throughout the land. He sought out
into Du’at became, leaving them at the mercy of Ra,
the finest minds in Egypt, the most learned of priests
who took their possessions and gave them the choice
and scholars, who had often suspected that the world
of eternal slavery or destruction. Later, when Anubis
was not as Osiris said it was. To prove what he said was
crossed the dark river, Ra gave him charge over who
true, Set shared his blood with them, which carried in
would live in chains and who would perish forever.
it the water of the dark river, and their akh crossed over
Anubis became the keeper of the scales, and guided
into the underworld and perceived the truth of things.
the dead across the dark river and into the next world.
That is how the Followers of Set were born, and they
Meanwhile, Set languished in the desert wastes, went among the people at the bidding of their god to
betrayed and brokenhearted. Though he was accustomed awaken the desires locked in their hearts and free them
to the rigors of the desert, in time even his stamina was of Osiris’ tyranny of law.
exhausted, and he drew close to death. Desperate, he
And so began the battle for the world, the pri-
dug deep into the sands, hoping to find even a drop of
meval struggle that the Cainites of Europe have since
water to cool his thirst. He dug for seven days and seven
distorted beyond recognition. Though Osiris had been
nights, and as the last of his strength failed him he saw
defeated (and installed by Ra in the underworld as the
a trickle of water seep up through the sands and gleam
Lord of the Dead), his son Horus continued the fight
under the moonlight. Set brought the water to his lips
against Set and his followers, enlisting the aid of the
and saw that it was dark as night. It was the water of
jackal-headed Lupines and the treacherous children of
the dark river itself, the bridge between worlds, but his
Bast. Worst of all, Osiris and Horus created their own
thirst overcame him, and he drank.
immortal followers, the Mummies, whose forms could
When Set drank the water of the dark river, his be destroyed, only to return to plague us time and time
spiritual essence, his akh, fled from his body, carried again. For many centuries the war raged, tragedy piled
along into Du’at. Yet so great was his will to live that upon tragedy as the dark god and his devoted fought
his ka remained rooted in his body, along with his ba. not just for Egypt, but for the souls of its people. We
And so Set became one of the unliving, of both worlds nurtured our temples in secret, lest the were-beasts
and yet neither, and his akh revealed to him what Ra and their kin fall upon us with fire and sword, and we
had done in the afterlife, and he understood how he hoarded many relics of the ancient days, artifacts and
had been deceived. hoary papyri hearkening back to lost Ur and the First
The Tyranny of Law City of men. See! Even your eyes alight with wonder
So you see now how the tyrants have corrupted at the thought of it! We alone sought to remember the
the natural order, have tricked man into diminishing mysteries of mankind’s youth when all others sought to
himself? It continues even today, even in your Christian throw them to the flames.
Defeats and Victories
Finally, through much blood and sacrifice, Set stood Setites and the Children of Caine
triumphant. He hurled his nephew Horus, broken and Unlike European Cainites, the Followers of
bleeding, into the next world, and hunted the Lupines Set do not base their identity on the fact that they
even to the ends of the desert. But what we took for are vampires, but instead distinguish themselves
triumph turned to bitter ashes on our tongues, for we simply as servants of the dark god. While they must
were too dedicated to our beloved land and saw not drink blood to survive and shun the daylight as
beyond its sacred borders. For even as we turned the the Cainites do, the Setites see this as a natural
nobles of Egypt back to their days of decadence and consequence of their dual existence, not as an
glory, the followers of Horus stirred the Hyksos and indicator of a common origin with the Western
sent them against us, delivering their homeland into vampires. To the Setites, any being whose energies
the hands of the invaders rather than see Maat restored! exist simultaneously in both worlds must follow
We who served the dark god were given a bitter lesson certain strictures in order to survive. Cainites must
in those days, one which we have never forgotten. It is feed as they do, sleep as they do, yet have many
not enough to open the eyes of those whom we love; different powers and physical features completely
we must show the truth to friend and foe alike, even to unlike the Setites. The Followers of Set believe
the distant parts of the earth. All the world must know vampires in general to be descendants or servants of
the dark god before paradise may be regained. evil spirits loosed on the world when Ra conquered
The Hyksos cast down the gods of Egypt and replaced the afterlife and upset Maat. A Cainite who tries
them with their own, and drove the devoted of Set once to establish relations or request assistance from
again into the shadows, to cultivate worship where we a Setite based on the assumption of a common
could and try to drive out the blasphemous invaders. origin is likely to be met with derision or even
Yet we were not warriors, to match their armies with fire righteous indignation.
and sword; instead, we learned the arts of enticement,
to blow gently upon the dull coals of desire. We served
our conquerors as merchants and artisans, scholars and
Dark Revelations
prophets, speaking to their hidden desires with subtle And so the Followers of Set found their way across
gifts and tempting whispers. In time, their zeal faded, the land, in merchant caravans, slavers’ coffles, royal
and the greatest among them came to know the glory embassies and entertainers’ troupes. When Alexander
of our god. Yet still we remained captive; for as the drove the Persians from Egypt, we waited on him at Siwa
Hyksos’ strength wore away they were supplanted by and hinted that he was divine; we attended on him as he
the Libyans, then the Ethiopians, and later the hated celebrated his conquests in the palace of Persepolis, and
Persians. Our undying patience was matched, stroke for a whisper in his ear brought the seat of Persia’s empire
stroke, and in this way we came to learn that immortal crashing down in flames. Where he went, we followed,
hands were being turned against us, unknowing of the settling in the courts of his governor-generals, so that
lies of Osiris. The children of Caine now lay at the roots when at last the great Macedonian fell ill and died, his
of the great empires, directing them in their quests for great kingdom fell with him.
power or revenge, heedless of the harm they brought It was the Greeks who brought large numbers of
to the world. Cainites to our shores, haunting Alexander’s city on the
Thus it was that great Set commanded us to go out coast and reaching as far as Memphis. They sought the
from our homes, to turn our backs on the sands of Egypt secrets of our land, and we shared with them what they
and spread his word into the distant places of the Earth, wished, leading them to the sacred truths of Set. Many
even unto the ears of the children of Caine, to lead them accepted the true path, reviving much of the old ways
back to the truth. So we came to be known among the for the first time in centuries. We found favor in the
councils of the Cainites and unjustly despised, for in court of Ptolemy, and the elders of our kind gathered
the eyes of men such as your lord we stood to destroy in the ancient city of Tanis, to celebrate at the feet of
all that they held dear. the god and convey his wisdom to the faithful.
There were clashes from time to time. Greek Cain- them raise their temples and told them that they were
ites grew jealous of our growing influence, especially amid fit to sit beside the gods. The Ventrue fought us at
the scholars at the great library, and from time to time every turn (which is why your lord and his brethren
they sought to hunt us down and rid us from the cities. hate us even today), but before long it was Rome itself
Always we melted into the desert, where Set’s power they were fighting, the colossus they themselves had
was strong, and let our enemies exhaust themselves created. For a time the engine of law served the interests
against the pitiless sands. We had learned our lessons of Set instead of oppressing them, spreading decadence
well from centuries of invasion: patience and stealth throughout the far reaches of the empire.
will undo the fiercest of warriors. Yet even as we savored the glorious subversion
The Ptolemaics lingered long after Greece was of Rome, an event occurred that shook our cause to
no more; in truth they had become more like us than its core. Now well over a millennium in the past,
their true countrymen. We skulked in their temples this event still reverberates among the faithful. Set
and whispered to them at their feasts; in time, they thrashed and howled in his sarcophagus of onyx, and
might have been the seeds of a new Egypt reborn in his thoughts filled the dreams of all his children,
the image of the dark god. But then came the Romans even unto the Sixth Generation. For seven nights
and their prideful Cainite masters, disdainful of our he spoke, thundering in their minds from sunset to
ways and merciless in their subjugation. This once, we sunrise; it was a great foretelling, a series of visions
forgot ourselves and sought to turn the Romans aside that prophesied the end of the world, when the dark
through open revolt. We were utterly crushed, and river would run dry and the two worlds would become
Cleopatra, last of the Ptolemaic line, chose the kiss of one. Whether this was because of the efforts of Ra
the asp rather than be led to Rome in chains. or Set, none can say. The visions drove many elders
From that day forward we worked toward Rome’s mad, fleeing Tanis into the sands and carrying the
destruction. We made them rich with slaves and gold, knowledge they gained with them. At the end of the
always hinting that they could be richer still. We helped seventh night, the elders that remained lay in their
sarcophagi, spent and quivering in awe. Only a hand- call out to their children, and their children’s children,
ful of mortal priests dared approach the great vault summoning them back to attend them in the deeps. I
where the god slumbered, but the onyx sarcophagus do not know if this is true, nor do I know the fate of
lay in pieces, some blasted deep into the sandstone any who may heed the call.
walls. The dark god Set, Lord of Sand and Storm, When Tanis drowned, the surviving mortal
was gone. None know the hour of his return. population fled and established a sister city, called
Disaster befell Tanis in the centuries after the god’s Tinnis, on one of Lake Manzala’s islands. Clearly
disappearance. First, the Romans did great damage to they feared the nightmarish memories of the jack-
our mortal servants and to our temples in a bloody raid al-beasts that rampaged through the doomed city
on the city. Later still, a great storm descended upon more than the waters of the lake itself. Tinnis is
Tanis, and on its heels came the Lupines. Long had they now a center of commerce, producing many rich
thirsted for revenge against us, and their time had come textiles much sought-after in Egypt and elsewhere.
round at last. Without the power of the god to bolster Tinnis has become home to a sizable population of
us, the Lupines could not be stopped, and many of Set’s our brethren and Cainites alike who seek to plumb
devoted fell beneath their claws or were driven into the the depths of the drowned city. Of all the cities in
night. Our temples were razed, and the city’s vaults and Egypt, only Tinnis can be said to have a Setite prince
tunnels were flooded when Lake Manzala overflowed as its ruler, the Hierophant elder Setepenre, who has
its banks and washed through the city streets. Never welcomed Greek-born Brujah, Cappadocians, and
again would my people settle in one place again. Many even scholarly Toreador to study Tanis under his
of our elders and the greatest of our treasures remain in auspices. Other Cainite expeditions, most especially
Tanis still, locked in tombs of sandstone and water. It the two recently sponsored by the Tremere, he has
is said that sometimes the minds of the drowned ones turned back or destroyed. Setepenre jealously guards
the city’s ruins, but even his control extends only so
far, as some Lupines still haunt Tanis, and show no Traveling in the Dark
mercy to any whom they encounter. Medieval World
Egypt knowledge in the shifting sands of the desert. There are
still Brujah lingering in Alexandria, stubbornly clinging
Land of Kings, beloved of Geb and Nut, cradle to a Greece that is no more and haunting the remnants of
of all life — Egypt is the source of all our power, and their once-great library. They have resisted our overtures
memories of her eternal sands sustain us on all our for many, many years, but with each passing night their
journeys. Nowhere in the world are we as strong as in bitterness grows, and we are ever patient.
the land of our birth, even as our people rest under the
As we did the Hyksos in millennia past, we serve
hand of yet another conqueror, the Muslims. Unlike
the Muslims as merchants, traders, scholars and healers,
the Greeks, who tolerated our true religions and even
fulfilling their many needs. Many of our number derive
adopted much into their own, the Muslims are not
their power and influence from the slave markets,
so accepting of our beliefs, forcing our temples into
bringing in flesh from as near as Palestine and as far
hiding once more. In truth, after hundreds of years of
as the forbidding Caucasus. Many of these slaves are
persecution by the Coptic Christians during Roman
servants to their true masters, drinking a little of the
times, then the equally unkind Muslim dynasties, there
dark river in our veins and reporting back of the needs
are few Egyptians, even in the outlying lands, who re-
and vulnerabilities of their erstwhile masters. In time,
member the true gods of their people. In these times we
perhaps, these slaves will aid us in pushing the invaders
are forced to nurture small, isolated temples, drawing
from our homeland forever; even now there are Setite
in the poor and the disaffected, or those who nurture
traders providing the Ayyubid sultan with fierce Mamluk
hatreds for the Muslims’ harsh laws. Nevertheless, our
slaves to serve as his palace guard.
power in Egypt is still strong, for there remain many
The desires of the Ayyubids to broaden trade with
holy places consecrated to the god in the vast deserts
the infidel West has also opened further opportunities
and many secret sites containing relics and treasures
for inroads into the Sultan’s court, allowing us to entice
of great antiquity.
the Muslim nobles with European textiles, steel and
This is not to say that Egypt is free from Cainite
gold in return for silks and spices. Many of the court
influence. The sad truth, in fact, is that even in our
who lost favor during the fall of the Fatimids have set
homeland, our numbers are smaller than the sum of the
their feet upon the path to Set in their desire to regain
heathen Cainites. There are small but significant num-
the riches and status that had once been theirs. When
bers of the Lasombra playing their games in the courts
neither gold nor indolence touches the Muslims, often
of Cairo, though the recent downfall of the Fatimids
the conceits of scholarship can stir their souls. There
in favor of Salah ad-Din and his uncle seemed to catch
are even Lasombra and Cappadocians who have surren-
even these pale spiders by surprise. The upheavals have
dered their much-vaunted control in pursuit of Egypt’s
further gained the attention of the mighty Assamites,
secrets or the knowledge imported there from Greece
those swords of Haqim whom your lords fear so fer-
and elsewhere. We provide translators, scribes, even
vently. I wonder how surprised your lords would be to
guides to feed the desires of these cold intellects. Few
see the wild-eyed demons of Alamut passing through
are wise enough to see that once a secret is answered,
the marble courts of the sultan like sage lions and com-
another must be sought out, deeper and darker than
posing verse to the greater glory of Salah ad-Din, who
before. It is their glorious undoing.
drove the infidel from the Holy City and back to the
While many of our number thus keep houses close
sea. They seek to spur the Ayyubids on to even greater
to the Muslim courts in Lower Egypt, there are also
glories, and have been perceptive enough to seek our
elders and their progeny who follow a more ancient,
council in such things, for we know well who can be
traditional path. They still lure the ambitious to Set’s
persuaded, and how.
embrace through the sublime arts of prophecy. There is
Alexandria is now a gateway to our country for Euro-
a Setite elder, a Hierophant named Tenermentu, who
pean and Levantine Cainites, granted free passage through
lurks in the shadows at Siwa, where the priests con-
the city by its melancholy Toreador prince. Through
firmed Alexander’s belief in his own divinity. At Siwa,
Alexandria’s ports come exiled Cainites of every clan,
in distant oases and in half-deserted villages, there are
seeking refuge or planning their revenge against enemies
temples where mortal and Cainite alike can approach
left in Europe. Ventrue lords dispatch their childer to
and be told of their destiny. The Setite speaks through
scout Egypt in preparation for their rumored crusade,
the priests there and gives the supplicants enough to
and small bands of Tremere leave the city to seek lost
encourage their particular beliefs and desires; often
these souls return again and again, for further insight them so deeply into our debt that they will beggar
and instruction. The secret is in knowing a supplicant’s their souls to survive — at which point they are
weaknesses; mortals, even Cainites, have hidden desires ours forever.
that need only a little encouragement to come to the While there are few Setites actually in residence in
surface. These desires need not be evil in nature — in Jerusalem, the city is interwoven with many networks
fact, the greatest corruption occurs from the noblest of agents and spies, conducting business and collecting
of aspirations. information for their masters. Strangely, it is becoming
Consider, for instance, a merchant from Alexan- increasingly difficult to maintain such networks for long,
dria who is considering a risky investment in shipping even with devotees who have drunk of our blood. Most
wine to Italy. He wishes to make more money so that disappear sooner or later, and others have been known
his wife and children might live in comfort, and so to lose their sanity. Why this is the case is not certain,
he approaches an oracle and asks if his decision is the though some Setites who frequent the city speculate
correct one. The Setite may thus give him a divina- that the large number of heathen holy sites in the city
tion of seven ships, their holds overflowing with gold. place an increasingly intolerable strain on our servants’
Believing his choice to be the correct one, he goes out faith. If it continues, it is likely that more and more
and invests all he has in purchasing seven ships, even young Setites will be sent into the city to manage their
if he must sink himself deeply into debt. Time passes, masters’ affairs.
and nature takes its course. Ships are lost to pirates or On the Christian side of the coin, we have reaped
storm, and the man becomes desperate. He turns to both gold and coin in the passage of pilgrims from Tyre
gambling, he waters his wine, he may even steal from to the Holy City. There are Setites who keep houses
his partners — deeper and deeper he sinks, unable to in Tyre and offer to guide Christians through the
let go of the golden vision that has ultimately tainted bandit-plagued countryside, though once free of the
his soul. Many become devoted to the dark god without city walls, the long journey becomes a series of nightly
ever realizing it, all for a handful of words. temptations. Bandits sometimes kidnap notable pilgrims,
and again we have a hand in this. The prisoners face
The Holy Land numerous seductions of the soul, and when they return
The passions that inflame the lands of Palestine (handsome ransoms paid), they spread the truth of Set
— the so-called “Holy Land” of both Christian and in their homelands.
Muslim — provide fertile ground for our labors. The The Ventrue and Brujah lords who still cling in
Christians and their Ventrue patrons cling to their vain to hopes of a Kingdom of Jerusalem spare no
shrinking holdings like lions, while the Muslim nobles opportunity to strike at us when they can. There have
in Jerusalem are eager to expand their conquests and been many tales of atrocities perpetrated against our
drive the infidels back into the sea. The soon-to-expire brethren and their servants, and their attacks have
truce wrought by Salah ad-Din and the English King been growing in frequency and success of late, par-
Richard opened Jerusalem to pilgrims of both faiths, ticularly in the port city of Tyre. Some believe this is
but has only put off the inevitable confrontation. In due to the increasing presence of Nosferatu in the city,
the meantime, desperation and religious fervor leave betraying our efforts in order to curry favor with the
hearts and minds open to countless temptations, both Ventrue rulers, but I sense the hand of the Lasombra
mental and physical. in this, attempting to check our inroads into their
Jerusalem’s physical distance from the centers lucrative sea trade.
of Muslim culture and influence leave the Islamic
nobles in residence there even more dependent on Constantinople
the lifeline of trade from Cairo. Setite-controlled The last, decaying bastion of Holy Rome and its
caravans allow us an indirect source of influence on incestuous intrigues offer the appearance of a rich
the political maneuverings between the Ayyubid bounty of indulgence and corruption, but the subtle
dynasty and its allies in Palestine, as we offer our machinations of the local Cainites promise destruction
services as messengers, intermediaries and even spies for the unwary. Most Setites maintain networks in the
between the different families. In so doing we craft city simply because it is the crossroads of the Eastern
the rise and fall of many ambitious men, drawing and Western worlds, where wealth and influence flow
back and forth under the watchful eye of the Church.
Few of our kind can remain there long before they are
drawn into the schemes and political machinations
of the Emperor’s court and the power struggles of the
Cainite Trinity. Some Setites try to profit from the
struggles of the three blood-families, while others curry
favor and influence to support more far-flung endeavors.
The recent decree exempting Genoese traders from the
stiff tariffs imposed on other merchants is just such an
example, attempting to give Setite-supported Italian
merchant houses a means to compete with the more
powerful houses under Lasombra control. This has of
course aroused the fury of the expatriate Cainites of the
Latin Quarter, adding another dangerous dimension to
our efforts in the city.
Constantinople is currently the only city outside
Egypt that maintains a permanent population of Setites,
a rare few who have grown obsessed with the wholesale
corruption of the dying Byzantine Empire. It is also the
city where the first non-Egyptian Setites were created,
much to the concern of our elders. The Setites of Con-
stantinople are widely regarded with some amount of
distrust and suspicion by the rest of our kind. Perhaps
it is the lack of Egyptian blood in their veins, but they
appear to care less for our holy purpose than for the
sheer act of corruption for its own sake.
The merchant cities of Venice, Genoa and Pisa
beckon to us from across the Mediterranean, prom-
ising opportunities to extend our influence into the
heart of Europe and beyond. Nobles hungry for the
exotic goods of the East welcome our ships, and in
Genoa, several merchants have followed their own
greed into Set’s presence and provided us with a
foothold in the Levantine trade. But if the Muslim
Lasombra subtly seek to counter our influence among
the courts of the Ayyubids, in Italy their Christian
brethren fight us with relentless ferocity, like a beast
confronted in its lair. Murders, thefts and acts of
savage piracy are commonplace between the Lasom-
bra-controlled houses in Venice and Sicily and our
followers in Genoa. Despite repeated setbacks, our
brethren stubbornly continue the struggle, hoping
to expand their influence to other houses before the
Lasombra can muster enough strength to destroy
them outright.
Europe Nearly all of Set’s children begin as victims of an-
other Setite’s seduction. Most mortals lured into the
The market fairs of Champagne, Rouen and Paris darkness react at first with horror and revulsion, still
are the far limits of our influence in Europe at present, clinging to the lies of morality and custom. Many times,
where nobles from across France gather to partake the truth of their darker nature crushes them, but it is
of our wonders and carry them home to their kin. the way of this world for the weak to perish to make
Fine silks and spices arouse the avarice of lord and way for the strong. Others simply surrender themselves
lady alike, while knights riding the tourney circuit to their desires and think no more of their former lives,
come seeking potions from the East that promise which is only proper. But a rare few neither break nor
to increase their strength and vitality. Unlike our bend; they find meaning in their carnal appetites, a
homeland, here the seductions are more patient purpose for the secret ambitions they had dimly felt
and deliberate, making acquaintances and learning all their lives. They are the ones who embrace the
their desires, then returning in a year’s time with transformations of seduction instead of just its tools.
wondrous gifts that set the recipient on the path to They savor the darkness awakening within them and
truth. Currently, though, our strange features and seek to spread it to every soul they touch. They alone
customs mark us clearly for the local lords, and our are worthy to serve the true god.
comings and goings are treated with intense suspicion
We prefer to create progeny from older men and
and hostility. In some places the Cainites treat us no
women, mortals who have had time to mature and
better than their herds do Gypsies or Jews, seeking to
come into the prime of their abilities, because the arts
blame us for their every misfortune. But Europe is the
of enticement require many different facets of skill and
heart of Cainite power, as I am sure you will agree,
experience. We prize scholars for their learning and
locked tightly in the tyrannical grip of the Church
their well-honed talents of perception and insight. We
and noble fealty. France, Germany and England cry
value priests if they have learned to use their office to
out for the wisdom of the god, and it is here that
manipulate the desires of their flock. Naturally, such
our youngest childer are sent to push the darkness
men renounce their former faith and offer their souls
outward, one step at a time.
to Set, but they often maintain the illusion of Christi-
devices. But if they choose to use their knowledge to
further their ambitions, or to corrupt others as they have The Importance of Names
been corrupted, then the Setite will watch and wait, Setites maintain the ancient Egyptian belief
offering some assistance where necessary, and over time that a person’s name is a vital cornerstone of his
revealing clues about the great god and the nature of existence, both in this world and in the afterlife.
the two worlds. If the mortal seizes on this, and comes They believe that if a man’s name is forgotten, and
willingly to his corrupter to devote himself to the god, all traces of it destroyed, then he immediately ceases
then and only then do we deem him worthy. to exist. For this reason, Setites carve their name
Becoming a Follower of Set is not something done into their sarcophagi and the walls of their burial
in a darkened alley or in the shadows of a lord’s feasting chambers, and charge their servants with the sacred
hall — there is a ceremony that must be performed, duty of preserving their name in memory should
offering the supplicant to the god. This ritual, known they ever be slain. By the same token, a Setite
as the Ceremony of Opening the Door, can only be will not be content with merely the destruction
performed on the nights of the new moon, when of a archenemy — he will not stop until there is
darkness is total. no one alive to remember the foe’s name and no
The supplicant is brought to the sire’s house (though trace of it written anywhere.
our kind are constantly on the move, we maintain
houses to conduct business in many cities and ports),
where the mortal is bathed by servants and anointed Washing the Face of God
with scented oils. Then he is brought naked before the Once a supplicant has drunk the dark waters, it now
god in the temple room and allowed to see the visage falls upon him as one of Set’s children to not only spread
of Set for the first time. his truth among all mortals, but also to nurture the god’s
The sire presents a curved knife to the effigy of memory and provide for him as any dutiful child should.
the god and chants, in the language of ancient Egypt: The first challenge for any newborn Setite is the
Homage to thee, O Set, Keeper of the Sands and Dweller building of a network of influence, whereby he may
in the Darkness. I am thy servant. I am the serpent who acquire wealth and other objects of desire. These
rests in thy right hand and strikes at thy enemies. I am the are the tools of our craft, and permit us to spread the
serpent in thy left hand that whispers to the multitude. truth of the god across the known world. Each Setite
Then the knife is passed to the supplicant, who accumulates treasures according to his own nature — a
must kneel before the face of the god and say: Hail former scholar might work to amass a library of priceless
to thee, Lord of the Wastes! Hear me, that thou may come antiquities to tempt the minds of mortal and Cainite
unto me! See me, and the knife I hold in my hand, and alike, whereas a noble might collect lands, servants and
take this drink to ease thy thirst. With that, the suppli- gold to ply the hardened hearts of fellow lords. Not only
cant must open his veins and let his blood wash over is material wealth important and useful in this world,
Set’s visage. As his life drains away, the supplicant but also in the next, for if a Setite is ever truly killed,
must recite before the god his many appetites and he must continue to serve the god in the next life, and
depravities, to show that he is a fitting vessel for the will need resources with which to continue the struggle.
god’s essence. Like any true Egyptian, a Follower of Set is always
All the while the sire watches, as the supplicant cognizant of the otherworld, and each house he possesses
grows ashen and the fountain of life slows to a trickle. contains a temple to the god and a burial chamber that
At the proper time he comes before the mortal and serves as a place of slumber and a refuge should the
lets him drink of the dark river that surges in his Setite one day cross over into the afterlife. The burial
veins, and the door is opened. The supplicant’s akh chamber contains a sarcophagus, usually of cedar but
flies on falcon’s wings into Du’at, and his body becomes occasionally made from sandstone or marble, inscribed
a house of the god. with the Setite’s name and protective invocations to
ward off intruders. Arrayed about the sarcophagus are
clothes, equipment and treasures set aside for the Setite’s
existence in the next world. Also lining the walls of the
room are statues of wood or clay called shabti, which act
as servants in the otherworld. There is also a copy of
The Book of Going Forth by Night, a tome handed down
from Set and containing all the necessary rituals to
allow a Setite to make the transition into the afterlife.
It is the responsibility of the Setite’s closest servants to
ensure that the body of their master is properly interred
in the burial chamber if he should ever be truly slain.
It is one of the gifts of Set that we often become
naught but a pile of sandy ash in death. This allows us
to enter Du’at secretly and evade the notice of Anubis
and hence bypass his scales. It does provide a challenge
for our servants, as they must follow our sacred texts
and collect the ash. The sandy remains must be care-
fully separated and prepared before internment in the
sarcophagus. If not, we are left without support in Du’at.
The most secret and best-protected part of a Setite’s
house is a temple dedicated to the worship of the god.
The dimensions and trappings of the temple room vary
widely, but each must contain a statue of Set, carved
from ebony or onyx. In this room the Setite performs
the necessary obeisance to the god, first upon awakening
at nightfall, and then just before he seeks his slumber at
dawn. An offering of blood is poured into a bowl at the
statue’s feet, then the statue is washed in scented oils
and the Setite offers prayers for the continued strength
and prosperity of the god. Even while traveling, a Setite
carries a small statue of the god with him and makes
his obeisance faithfully, screened by watchful servants.
To do otherwise is certain to invoke the displeasure
of the god.
As you can see, we depend greatly on our servants,
perhaps even more so than Cainites do. In most cases,
a Setite will have a small inner circle of priests sworn
to the service of the god and gifted with sips of the
river-blood; you would call these priests ghouls. They
also direct the business of the Serpent’s households
and maintain the burial rooms and temples. Beyond
these trusted retainers, a typical Follower of Set spends
a great deal of time establishing and maintaining a
large network of mortal servants and agents, including
mercenary guards, spies, servants and traders. Many of
these pawns have no knowledge of their employer at
all, merely taking their gold from another member of
the network, and it is not unheard of for artisans or
adventurers to embark on undertakings without ever
realizing that they are in our employ at all. Mortals are
dependable enough for our purposes, often more so than
Cainites, because once you know their desires and are The Blood Oath
able to fulfill them, they will do anything you require. The Setites believe that the vitae that passes
In recent years, especially in Palestine and Europe, from sire to childe is the lifeblood of great Set
the agendas of Cainite and human alike have forced himself, passed down from generation to generation
us to maintain a high degree of vigilance in certain in a line stretching back thousands of years. They
cities to ensure that our own plans continue to frui- believe that they are literal vessels of the god’s
tion. Sometimes a Setite will install a newly accepted essence; when they make use of their Disciplines,
Follower in one of his houses to manage his affairs for a they are distilling the very power of the god. As a
prescribed length of time, anywhere from a few months result, the idea of placing another Setite, or even
to a few decades. The childe’s responsibilities can vary a mortal, under blood oath is considered nothing
from running the sire’s business interests, to watching short of blasphemy, and using Set’s essence to
over the subject of a particularly delicate seduction, to bind a Cainite is a crime deserving of destruction.
protecting the sire’s holdings (and victims) from Cainite Most Setites disdain the blood oath even when
interference. Ostensibly this is a period of learning, an it is used between Cainites, because such total
apprenticeship of sorts where the progeny learns the control is anathema to their ideals of corruption
art of creating networks of informers and their use in and self-interest.
discovering suitable victims for seduction. However, This stricture does not apply to the creation
such duties do little to advance the childe’s stature in of ghouls, however. Setite ghouls are chosen from
the eyes of the god, and so the sire is bound to release mortal servants or agents that have already demon-
the childe as quickly as possible to pursue his own path strated their loyalty to their master and are willing
in the world. It is not unheard of for impatient or overly worshippers of the dark god. The Setites see these
ambitious progeny to rebel against their masters if their mortals as disciples of the god, whose reward is to
servitude lasts too long. bear the essence of Set and draw strength from it.
The Mandates of
The bond that exists due to the blood oath is seen
in this case as a burden on the part of the master,
them is called Nakhthorheb, also known as the First beheld the face of Set), they have taken an increasing
Son, who is said to be of the same tribe as great Set role in enforcing the loyalty and commitment of later
himself. It is he who holds the Hierophants in an iron generations. I personally know of three Setites who
grip, unifying them by force of will and the threat of have been destroyed at the order of the Hierophants
the god’s wrath. Though all laws and commands given for failing in their devotion to the god. One of these
to our brethren must be agreed upon by all seven of the died because he defied the wishes of the elders in a
great elders, Nakhthorheb is the wellspring from which matter relating to the prophecies. Another was rightly
such strictures emerge. Ever suspicious and wary since destroyed because he shared his vitae with a Cainite.
the loss of Tanis, it is said that he spends many of his The third was killed for no other reason than creating a
nights as the god did, wandering the wastes of Lower non-Egyptian childe. The third killing smells of politics
Egypt and planning the return of Egypt’s glory. to me; of late the Hierophants have spoken less and less
Next in power and influence is Seterpenre, Lord of as a unified group, and it is rumored that there has been
Tinnis, who in times long forgotten was a mighty sorcer- a falling out between the elders, possibly over conflicting
er, serving the elders of Set’s tribe. Unlike Nakhthorheb, interpretations of the prophecies or lingering suspicions
who regards all Cainites as evil and all non-Egyptians over the disaster at Tanis. It is certain that in recent
as animals, Seterpenre is more tolerant of outsiders. decades the Hierophants have been aggressively seeking
He favors alliances with Cainites when they suit the out every fragment of the prophecies that they can find,
purposes of Set; it was he who was the architect of the keeping them not only from the younger generations,
early alliance with the Tremere, an act that cost him but possibly from one another as well. These acts have
much in the eyes of Nakhthorheb. only served to alienate younger Setites from their hoary
While the First Son makes his proclamations from antecedents, and lie at the root of the whispers of dissent
the wastes and Seterpenre tries to pull our attentions rising from distant Constantinople.
beyond the borders of Egypt, it is Maatkare, beloved
of the moon, who reminds us of our holy purpose and The Decadents
is the mortar between the stones of our union. It is The Hierophants’ assertion of control after the
said she was Set’s concubine in ancient times, and nights of prophecy was by no means absolute. With the
even now her beauty is so great as to stop the heart of destruction of Tanis, the descendants of the drowned
a strong man. She builds consensus among the elders, ones would not submit to the surviving elders’ author-
outwardly devoted to none but her lord and god. Yet ity. Many of these Setites suspected that one of the
it is also true that her role has given her as much if not surviving elders had betrayed the city to the Lupines,
more influence over the elders than either Nakhthor- and held to the traditional practice of loyalty only to
heb or Seterpenre. Thus far she has offered no plans or one’s immediate sire and childer. They initially spread
initiatives of her own to direct us, but nothing happens throughout Egypt, each seeking to continue Set’s work
from night to night without her approval. Her motives in their own way, much as they had done before, and
are as mysterious as the face of the moon. trying to find their own answers to the prophecies. Over
Since Set’s disappearance, much of the elders’ time time, however, the Hierophants pushed these “rebels”
is occupied with contemplating Set’s prophecies, and out of the Egyptian cities, driving them into Palestine
occasionally they will reach out to their descendants and later Constantinople. These Setites were soon driven
and direct them on strange errands to investigate a to form their own loose associations with one another
person, place or event that resonates with one of the simply to survive, and the decadent Byzantine Empire
god’s revelations. While they (at the relentless urgings became an ideal refuge in the centuries after the fall
of Seterpenre) have directed our kind to spread our of Rome. For several hundred years, the Hierophant
influence ever outward, reaching into the West and loyalists and the far smaller faction of Decadents, as
the strongholds of Cainite power, the Hierophants they came to call themselves, had very little to do with
themselves never leave the sanctity of Egypt, unable to one another.
part themselves from the sands of their home. The Crusades changed all that. The coming of
The Hierophants are also devoted to keeping the Christian knights and their Cainite lords into Palestine
memory of their sire alive, like any dutiful children forced the Hierophants to acknowledge that Egypt would
would. As the years pass and the memory of the god never truly belong to the faithful so long as the West
fades (and other Followers are created who never was capable of launching forays against North Africa
and their Holy Land. After the First Crusade captured Set, but as a duty to his own debased serpent, Lucifer.
Jerusalem, the Hierophants grudgingly mandated that Satan or Set — to Benedict there is no difference, and
the Followers of Set must push outward and spread his views have formed a twisted hybrid with Khay’tall’s
the god’s influence beyond the borders of Egypt. But own that we are merely a force to balance the works of
as the years passed, and the focus of our efforts was good in the world. What is most alarming is that this
directed further and further from our homeland, later double heresy is being spread far and wide across the
generations of progeny were created who had little or face of Europe by Benedict’s pupils, corruption within
no ties to the Egypt of old, and were more and more corruption.
alienated from the Hierophants. As these younger The Hierophants accuse the Decadents of turning
generations were sent into the Byzantine Empire and their backs on the god, and the Decadents retort that
beyond, they came into contact with the Decadents, the priests worship nothing but their own iron-fisted
who called themselves the Children of Judas in those authority. As more and more younger Setites find sym-
Christian lands, and found they had more in common pathy with the Decadent cause, the Hierophants are
with the “upstarts” than their own elders. facing the possibility of a full-scale rebellion if they do
Where the Hierophants remain firmly focused on not resolve the conflict soon.
restoring Egypt’s former glory and unseating the tyranny
of Osiris, the Decadents are less concerned with fading
legends and are more interested in wholesale corruption Non-Egyptian Setites
for its own sake. The leader of the Decadents, a Nuerian For many thousands of years the Followers of Set
tribesman named Khay’tall, refuses to acknowledge the were purely Egyptian, drawn from the ranks of noble
authority of Nakhthorheb, and has gone so far as to and commoner alike to serve the god and restore
promote the worship of evil as the true god, rather than Maat to the Two Lands. Later, during the successive
merely a tool to further the wishes of Set. His childe and invasions that saw Egyptians under a procession of
confidant, Sarrasine, outwardly agrees with his sire, but conquerors, the Setites considered sharing the god’s
his ambitions suggest otherwise. It is said that he has been essence with a “barbarian” was the worst form of blas-
carefully gathering allies from many quarters to eventually phemy. Exceptions were made during the Ptolemaic
supplant the self-absorbed Khay’tall. Sarrasine’s agenda, era in terms of creating ghouls from the Greek pop-
however, has driven him to share the blood of Set with ulation in Alexandria, only because of the Greeks’
unworthy souls who have no more to offer than ambi- tolerance and interest in ancient Egyptian beliefs.
tions and ruthlessness to match his own. Jules Talbot, an Despite the ever-increasing diversity of culture and
exiled French knight, has become Sarrasine’s lieutenant ethnicity spreading through Egypt and Palestine,
in Constantinople’s hivelike Latin Quarter, and is driven the Followers of Set, particularly the Hierophants,
not by religious devotion but sheer, materialistic hunger. struggled to keep their identity intact as a bulwark
He sees his transformation as nothing more than a means against the fading legends of Egypt’s glory.
to an end, and at the bidding of Sarrasine he is laying The spread of Setite influence in recent years
the groundwork for Khay’tall’s eventual fall as a great has put increasing pressure on this ancient stricture,
captain plans a military campaign. It is well-known that as Serpents in Palestine and elsewhere see the need
Talbot is an infernalist, and he fled France rather than to create progeny that can interact less conspicuously
be burned alive. Talbot has made it clear that in time with Europeans. In addition, younger Setites, espe-
he will return home to seek his revenge; Sarrasine may cially Decadents, are growing bold enough to begin
find that once he has taken the Children of Judas from accepting non-Egyptians into their ranks both as a
Khay’tall, Talbot may be waiting to take them from him. gesture of rebellion and a means of bolstering their
One other player in the tangled strands of Decadent strength. This trend is putting increasing pressure
schemes stands apart from their petty squabbles, and on the Hierophants, who are desperate to keep the
in some ways this makes potentially more dangerous. focus of the clan centered on Egypt, and represents a
Bishop Benedict Alphonso is another of Khay’tall’s turning point in the evolution of the clan. The years
reckless acts of corruption, an effort to sow a cancer of following the Third Crusade present a critical period
evil within the Church. He succeeded, but only partially. for the Followers of Set, as its members struggle with
The bishop was well-chosen for his intelligence, but their identity as a clan and their overall purpose.
that same sharp mind saw our calling not as service to
The Damned and the Assamites
The Children of Haqim were the scourge of our
Deceived people in the early days of the Muslim conquest of
To many older Setites, the Children of Caine Egypt, dealing aggressively with any threat directed
represent all that is wrong with the world in the wake at the Fatimid rulers and teaching our elders a lasting
of Ra’s usurpation of the otherworld. Only in a land lesson in the importance of subtlety. The Assamites’
where Maat had been utterly distorted could Caine almost-religious devotion to their founder at least is
and his progeny come to exist, curses from some false something we can well understand, even as their armor
god notwithstanding. At present, the Cainite manip- of fanaticism makes them extremely difficult to corrupt.
ulations of European and Middle-Eastern civilizations Of late, the Hierophants have directed a change of
are perhaps the single largest threat to the our goals of tactics, providing resources and information to assist
universal corruption. However, even vampires are not in Assamite endeavors in Palestine and Spain. While
without their own savage desires. Even they can be not exactly winning the Saracens’ trust, we are at least
shown the truth of Osiris’ great deception and brought building a working relationship that will hopefully bear
into the service of the true god, often by manipulating fruit in the future. At present, our elders are aware of
the Cainites’ very own schemes. Also, while we all seek the Assamites’ desire to spur the Ayyubids into further
to serve the god, we can and do make common cause driving the Christians from Palestine, and have made
with individual Cainites for other reasons. Part of our it clear that they are willing to aid the Assamites in
way is to collect contacts and allies, and so we often this. I believe they wish Assamite aid in return for this
help Cainites in their own endeavors. Your princes do support, but I cannot speak of to what end.
not like to admit it, but there are no clans — and few
elders, even — who have never sought out our help.
Brujah Alexandria, and for centuries they have played a deadly
The passionate and idealistic Brujah are often game with us in our very homeland. Their presence,
choice targets for the our manipulations, which find more than the Assamites’, has ensured the Muslim
fertile ground in the clan’s combination of idealism and domination of Egypt for centuries, though we recently
bitterness of tragedies past. For their part, most Brujah delivered a telling blow against their rivals by helping
regard us with unalloyed hate, particularly after the fires the Ayyubids consolidate their control over the fractious
that consumed the library at Alexandria. They have Fatimid caliphate. The upset eliminated many valuable
always blamed the act on the manipulations of a Setite, Lasombra pawns and reduced others in stature, giving us
and our elders have never gone to any pains to deny it. the upper hand for the first time in hundreds of years.
Truthfully, we are happy to keep the Brujah as angry Now, however, it is the our turn to look for dangers in
and bitter as possible, because such powerful emotions every shadow, as we attempt to maintain our advantage
turn to poison over the centuries. Whenever possible, despite myriad Lasombra manipulations. Move and
we go to great lengths to place weapons in the hands countermove — the game continues.
of Brujah and reveal the vulnerabilities of a Ventrue Our elders consider it a great victory indeed when
lord, and many among the Brujah rail savagely against one of the Lasombra falls to our temptations, and we
our hand in the growing brutality of their clan. have succeeded often enough to make the Magisters
exceedingly wary. Conversely, our incursions into Italy,
Cappadocians the seat of Lasombra power, have met with reversal
While many clans revile the practices of the upon reversal. The cardinals and bishops of the night
Cappadocians, we find their preoccupation quite know their homeland well.
understandable, if misguided. There have been many
tales of Cappadocians lured into the clutches of Set by Malkavians
offers of relics and knowledge of Egyptian necromancy. The Malkavians are a perplexing puzzle to us; we
In many ways, the Cappadocians are kindred spirits, see so much potential for excess in their madness, yet
lost souls who seek the otherworld without knowing are infuriatingly incapable of harnessing it. This is not
precisely what it is they are looking for. We have in the to say that we have never succeeded in corrupting a
past provided aid and support to Cappadocians at no Malkavian, but such attempts almost never leave a
cost to themselves, particularly in Church-dominated permanent impression on these mad Cainites, and some-
Constantinople. Of all the clans it is the Graverobbers times it is not entirely clear who is seducing whom. The
who are most likely to regard us without prejudice. greatest example of this concerned the former caliph
of Cairo, now known as al-Hakim the Lizard. Though
Gangrel al-Hakim’s position naturally made him an object of
The Gangrel are the only Cainites that my brethren considerable value to us, he fell instead under the sway
regard with open admiration. These so-called Animals of the Malkavians, becoming their ghoul. Though we
prove that other vampires are in fact able to embrace at first believed that his madness would make him that
their carnal natures and live according to their physical much easier to control, instead our every overture led
urges. The Gangrel are especially vulnerable to our wiles, to wild and unexpected results, and ultimately brought
and there are quite a number of us in Europe who count vicious persecutions down upon our clan and Egyptians
Gangrel among our retinues. This is not to say that the in general. The current wisdom among our elders is
feelings of admiration are mutual — far from it. Most that it is better to simply kill the Malkavians in the
Gangrel regard the us with fear and loathing, and will long run, though few of us can resist an opportunity to
go to great lengths to strike out at Setites who violate match wits with them.
their territory. We approach the Gangrel as we would
any wild beast — with caution and respect, holding Nosferatu
the bridle behind our backs. Our elders are of a divided mind about the Nosferatu.
While their wealth of knowledge is exceedingly useful,
Lasombra it is never far from the our mind that as we are bartering
No other clan in the world causes as much vexation for secrets about the local Cainites, they are likely buying
for us as the subtle and devious Lasombra, schemers information about us. Stealth and discretion are central
without peer. The machinations of the Islamic branch to our survival, and the thought of having our activities
are felt nowhere so strongly as the courts of Cairo and bandied about like fruit in the marketplace causes us
no end of unease. Most of my brethren concur that the ble. Still, there are those among our elders who have
Nosferatu are more trouble than they are worth, and suggested an attempt to mend the rift between the
we often take steps to neutralize those Lepers whom warlocks and ourselves by offering our support in their
we find, if only to eliminate any possibility of warning struggle against the Tzimisce. As yet, this suggestion
potential Cainite victims. has fallen on deaf ears.
Ravnos Tzimisce
The Ravnos spoil everything. Many of my brethren The Fiends of Carpathia are almost mythical crea-
can bitterly relate tales of exquisite seductions, some tures to us, inhuman monsters brooding in a cold and
taking years to bring to fruition — only to be ruined at forbidding land, taking what pleasure they will of the
the last minute by one of these infuriating tricksters. land and its people, but suffering no trespasser to enter
Though they are undeniably corrupt in their own their domain. On the one hand, they appear wondrously,
insufferable way, the Ravnos peddle a form of chaotic deliciously debased, but on the other, their perversions
seduction that most certainly causes more harm than have made them so utterly inhuman as to render their
good; the world would be a far better place without glorious natures irrelevant. This transformation and
them. Though these wandering Cainites very rarely its implications trouble our elders deeply, though few
make an appearance in lands as distant as Egypt, there care to admit it.
are tales of rivals who have put aside bitter feuds to
eliminate the Charlatans at the first available oppor-
tunity. If the Ravnos are in any way aware of the our The Ventrue stand for all that is anathema to us
enmity, they show no sign of it, which only angers — law, tradition, custom, authority. They embody the
our elders further. deception of Osiris and the tyranny of law that has so
upset the natural world. Many of our schemes are invari-
Toreador ably directed against the Ventrue, either in Palestine or
The sheer self-indulgence of many Toreador is a Europe, and the Ventrue respond with fire and sword,
delight. They are pliable as reeds under our manipula- rooting out our kind and destroying them in gruesome
tions. In some ways these Cainites are too pliable, for fashion. Most European Ventrue make it clear that a
while the Toreador are more than pleased to submerge Setite trespassing on their land will be destroyed out of
themselves in their own iniquities, they rarely if ever hand, which more than anything has forced us to begin
seek to foster the same corruption on their fellows, creating progeny from less-conspicuous French, Italian
which is of little use to our cause. When an opportunity and English stock, or else go disguised as members of
to tempt a Toreador appears, the devout corrupter will other clans. Of course, there are always Ventrue more
not turn aside — unless a more challenging victim tolerant of us — as my presence here in Champagne
presents itself. Many young Setites are advised to seek must attest.
out a Toreador as the first Cainite to pit their nascent
abilities against; the Serpent who fails in the attempt Others
does not hear the end of it for decades to come. There Baali
are, of course, Artisans who are infuriatingly resistant
We make no secret of our hatred for the infernalists,
to our wiles, especially in the court of Alexandria where
who further disrupt Maat by summoning demons and
they know us perhaps too well.
making bargains for power. You will think this foolish
Tremere pride, but one major source of our outrage against the
At first the idea of an alliance with the Usurpers Baali is that their clumsy and brutal activities are often
seemed a logical one, for they, like us, were beset by lumped together with our own. To us, this constitutes
enemies on all sides, and we could offer them much in a mortal insult to us and our god. Our traditions regard
stores of lost knowledge and arcane artifacts. For a time demons as evil, the same as Christians or Muslims, and
this arrangement worked to our mutual advantage, but the thought of giving the world to them is intolerable.
our attempts to slowly turn the Tremere to the path We and the Baali have clashed on numerous occasions,
of the true god was ultimately in vain. The Tremere and with our influence spreading ever deeper into
worship no other god but Tremere himself, bound up Europe, a final confrontation between us is looming.
in the crimson chains of the blood oath. It is despica-
Salubri I am a corrupter. I am the rust that eats at the iron
These Cainites frighten our elders, who find Salubri bands around a man’s heart. I am a seducer, subtly
practices of enlightenment perverse and nightmar- guiding men and women to the truth that they have
ish — the death of the soul disguised as inner peace. been resisting all their lives. I give back what has been
Though encounters between Setites and Salubri have taken from them, and let them live as nature intended.
been rare, we have been unsettled to no end by the No more. No less. I did not tell Godfrey of Sezanne to
three-eyes’ seemingly imperturbable nature. Many of fail in his duty to his lord. That is a decision he made
our kind breathed a sigh of relief when they learned of himself, and he is solely to blame. In fact, I have the
Tremere’s diablerie of Saulot. means to allow your lord to have his revenge on Duke
William and his ilk. There are some documents in
Lupines my encampment outside the city that will implicate
Our kind universally hate and fear the Lupines, William in a number of crimes against the lords of
remembering well the catastrophe of Tanis, and the Venice, some of them his Lasombra peers. With these
sentiment is entirely mutual. For reasons unknown in hand, your lord can drag William by the hair from
to us, the Lupines of the Middle East and Europe his Venetian palace without any of the local Magisters
often go to great lengths to confront and destroy a raising a finger to stop him. Allow me only to write a
Setite passing through their lands; more than one of letter informing my servants, and you can go and get
our caravans have disappeared in the trackless for- these papers yourself to present to Duke Roland. It
ests of France and Germany, never to be heard from would be the grand service you have always wanted to
again. It is said that the furious nature of the Lupines provide, I imagine, more than enough to secure your
makes them vulnerable to manipulations of rage and own Embrace. All I ask of you is to speak well of me to
despair, but only the most fearsome Setite would dare the duke and explain this current misunderstanding.
attempt such a feat. For the most part, we keep to What could be more fair?
our sarcophagi and trust our servants to move us as I don’t ask you to believe me. Let me prove myself
swiftly as possible away from any possible encounter to you. I can give you all that your heart desires, if you
with the werewolves. Thankfully, the sands of Egypt are bold enough to accept my help and see past the
seem less welcoming to these beasts than the forests deceptions sown by my enemies. Take my hand, now,
of your continent, but we all remember the lesson of and let us be agreed.
Tanis. Nowhere is wholly out of their savage reach. From this day forward, your life will never be the
Take My Hand same again. This I swear, in the name of almighty Set.
I have committed no crimes against your lord. I
am a Follower of Set, and my heart is pure. Now do
you understand?
Gifts of the
Serpent God
Merits and
to argue against this, as far as the rest of your clan is
concerned, you no longer exist. You have no status
Flaws within the clan, nor will any future progeny you create.
In fact, it is incumbent upon any Setites who encoun-
ter you to diablerize you and return Set’s vitae back to
Agent of Prophecy (1-3 pt. Merit) his remaining children! Further, any wealth, lands or
None other than mighty Set himself has foretold objects in your possession may be taken from you by
your coming, and it is whispered by the elders that you other Setites without fear of retribution.
figure prominently in one or more of the Prophecies
of Set. This mark of great destiny carries great weight
among devout Setites, but it also makes you something of Backgrounds
a prize to be sought after by ambitious elders seeking to Network
bask in the reflected glow of Set’s favor. The prophecies Network represents the geographical extent of
in question may not come to pass for many hundreds a Setite’s web of contacts, allies and retainers. Each
of years, but your fate will not be denied. dot of Network expands the Setite’s reach, although
This is a variable Merit, with cost represent- it does not increase the number of members in the
ing the perceived importance of your role in the network. Indeed, the player must still purchase dots
prophecy. Each point taken allows you to cancel a in Allies, Contacts, Herd or Retainers. These repre-
single botch during a given story, but also increases sent servitors of various sorts who are readily at hand
the expectations of your clan. As an added wrinkle, (usually in the Setite’s home city). When the Setite
the Storyteller may decide that at least one of the arrives in a new locale that is within his network
prophecies you are intended for is soon to come, (determined when purchasing Network), a similar
making you the locus of vast events that you may or number of Allies, Contacts, Herd and Retainers will
may not have any control over. be available. Hence, the Setite never loses dots in
This Merit does not indicate whether you have those Backgrounds from moving about within his
been able to translate your association with prophecy web of influence. When arriving in another city, the
into any real authority among other Serpents. For that, various “moved” Backgrounds become fully available
you must purchase the Status Background. at the rate of three dots per night. The player chooses
Nameless (5 pt Flaw) in what order the dots become available.
Whether by accident or the actions of a rival, The Setite may also reach out to members of his
your name and all traces of your existence have been network in another city, either by message or through
wiped from the earth. No one remembers your name, the Setite Sorcery power Whisper of the Sands (see p.
no writings remain that speak of you, and no mortal 105). Without the Setite’s physical presence, however,
descendants (or vampire progeny) exist who bear network members only serve as Contacts; the master must
your name. In Egyptian tradition, you have become a be close to elicit services beyond information gathering.
non-entity. While your physical presence would seem For Example: Hepaphet, a Setite flesh peddler oper-
ating out of Cairo, has amassed an impressive network of
contacts in several Mediterranean ports. His player pur-
chased the following Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3,
Network 3 (Venice, Cairo, Tyre, Tripoli) and Retainers
2. Were he to travel to Tyre, he could quickly establish
his clutch of contacts and servitors (it would take a total
of three nights to do so fully). Were he to simply commu-
nicate with his network in the city without leaving Cairo,
they could only provide information, not act on his behalf
(all count as Contacts).
If you buy three or more dots of Network, you can
choose to have the network spread across a region
instead of concentrated in a fixed number of cities. In
any major city within that region, the Setite is likely to
have agents. In smaller settlements, he may have only a
single agent. The Storyteller should decide how many
agents are available on a case by case basis.
• The network covers two distinct cities.
•• The network covers three distinct cities.
••• The network covers a small geographical
area (like the Nile Delta) or four
distinct cities.
•••• The network covers a significant
geographical area (like Upper Egypt or
the Languedoc) or five distinct cities.
••••• The network covers a large geographic
area (like the Low Countries, France
or Egypt) or six distinct cities.
The Via
The Road of Typhon practiced by many Setites
operating in Europe is a somewhat debased form brought
about largely by the Decadent worship of corruption
for corruption’s sake. The use of the Greek Typhon
(their version of Set) indicates its alienation from the
Hierophants and their Egyptian roots. The original,
pure form of the Road of the Serpent — the true Via
Serpentis — is much more religious in its overtones,
emphasizing devotion to Set as the true god and
spawning corruption for the purpose of returning man
to his carnal, bestial origins, thus restoring balance and
weakening the tyranny of Ra and Osiris. Depending on
a Setite character’s origins and his individual beliefs,
she may choose whichever of the two philosophies that
is more appropriate, and individual Setites have been
known to switch between the two. Adherents of either
interpretation of the Road still hold to the virtues of
Conviction and Instinct.
Setite Sorcery
Followers of the traditional Via Serpentis seek to
undermine the foundations of order and society in all
its incarnations, and erode virtue and restraint in the Since the days of Set himself, his Followers have
individual. They spread war, disease and misery wherever practiced a form of sorcery that bears only a passing
they can, for desperation is the quickest path to human resemblance to the Thaumaturgy of the Tremere. Setite
barbarity. Sometimes, as in the case of Rome, Setites Sorcery depends on tapping into the Du’at and the river
will support ruling institutions if its actions facilitate between worlds as sources of power — their blood serves
the spread of unrest and corruption across its domain. only as one conduit to that power.
In keeping with these goals, followers of this Road
In terms of game mechanics, Setite Sorcery functions
conduct themselves according to a revised Hierarchy
just like Thaumaturgy, with paths and rituals. Setites
of Sins (see box).
may hence learn the Thaumaturgy Discipline with the
Most Cainites believe that only Setites follow the understanding that it actually represents their own brand
Via Serpentis in either of its incarnations, but this is of sorcery (and should be noted as such on the character
not the case. Indeed, the seduction and corruption of sheet). Sorcery does not count as a clan Discipline for
Cainites can lead to them becoming servitors of Set and experience or character creation purposes, however.
following the god’s Road. To qualify, however, a Cainite
Before acquiring her first dot in Setite Sorcery, a
must show supreme dedication to the ideals of the dark
Serpent must ensure a source for her power. This involves
god. Most of these Cainites undergo a ritual similar to
extended supplication to Set (done at her temple) and
the religious Embrace of Setites described on page 93.
the preparation of a ritual focus. The necessary focus
These Cainites find themselves in a difficult posi- is a direct connection to Du’at and the Osiran tyranny
tion. Because they do not have the blood of Set — the therein: a body buried in ancient Egyptian tradition. By
river between life and death — in their veins, most true using the mummy as conduit, the Setite siphons power
Setites see them as lessors on par with ghouls — special that would go to serve Osiris to his own use. Obtaining
servants, but servants nonetheless. Other Cainites, if such a body is never easy, but there are many undisturbed
they discover them, assume they are either true Setites graves still in Egypt. Both because of its dependence on
or their slaves. Khay’tall and his Decadents have had things Egyptian and its direct ties to the god Set, this
the most success recruiting other Cainites, although Sorcery is largely the domain of the Hierophants and
Hierophants would claim that this is because he is their followers.
much less selective in his candidates.
The Immanence of Set (see below) is the primary
path in Setite Sorcery, although sorcerers also practice
their own versions of other paths, most notably Rego
Tempestas (called the Way of Sand and Storm) and
Rego Elementum (called the Whisper of Quiet Stone). joined with their creator, and he may touch his children
Setites also know many rituals. Note that although no matter where they are. Setites employ this sorcerous
Setite Sorcery may use the same mechanics as thau- path to call upon the energies of the god for purposes of
maturgical paths and rituals, they are not the same or communication, manipulation, and destruction.
compatible as far the practitioners are concerned. A Unlike Thaumaturgy paths, Immanence of Set does
sorcerer must learn the Setite version of Defense of not always require blood expenditure and a Willpower
the Sacred Haven (a Level One ritual) from another roll. Each power describes what roll and blood expen-
Setite sorcerer — the Tremere version is nothing but diture is appropriate.
alien foolishness to him. The Storyteller always has
final say as to whether a particular ritual is available • Whisper of the Sands
to Setites. Those who plan on extensive use of Setite The shared blood of Set that sings in the veins of
Sorcery may wish to consult Blood Magic: Secrets of all Setites creates a bond between them that allows a
Thaumaturgy (for Vampire: The Masquerade), which Serpent to communicate his thoughts to his servants
provides extensive background on this tradition, as well and childer, no matter how far away they may be. This
as new paths and rituals. power allows the sorcerer to share news and information
with his network all over the known world, and set plans
The Immanence of Set in motion from hundreds of leagues away.
The Setite clan is grounded solidly in the belief System: To use this power, the player spends one
that their creator is nothing less than a god, and the blood point and rolls Manipulation + Leadership (dif-
blood that courses through their veins is the essence of ficulty 6). If successful, the vampire may communicate
Set himself, shared amongst his followers to grant them with any of his progeny or ghouls, no matter how far
powers over mortals and supernatural creatures alike. away. For each success, one target can receive the mes-
Along with this belief comes the sure knowledge that sage, although all targets receive the same message. The
they have become houses of the god — they are utterly
communication lasts for one turn, and can consist of no •••• Lord of Storms
more than two short sentences. The player may maintain Long before his incarnation as a tempter, Set was
the link and have the vampire communicate further by the god of darkness and storm. This ability allows the
spending a Willpower point for each succeeding turn. Setite to summon up a sandstorm (or thunderstorm) of
•• Tongue of the Tempter ferocious intensity, blocking out the sky and driving any
All Setites are chosen for their ability to manip- sane person to cover, but allowing the Setite to move
ulate the minds of mortal and Cainite alike, but this about quickly and easily.
ability heightens these qualities to the utmost, giving System: The Setite’s player must spend three blood
their words a hypnotic sweetness that can loosen the points and a Willpower point, summoning a raging storm
tightest lips and release a victim’s innermost desires. that blankets the area within a square mile of the corrupter
System: The Setite must invoke this power im- who summoned it. The player may increase the radius of
mediately after sundown. The player spends two blood the storm by spending additional Willpower, increasing
points and rolls Manipulation + Empathy versus the the area by 10 miles per Willpower point. While the
target’s Willpower. That night, the Setite must seek howling winds and sand (or rain) are severe enough to
out her victim and engage him in conversation for at drive most sensible creatures to cover, the Setite (and
least a half-hour. If the invocation was successful, the anyone in his immediate retinue) may travel untouched
victim lets slip one of his secret fears or desires, though by the raging weather, as though it were a calm, clear
without remembering having done so. The number of night. The effects of the storm last for at least one scene
successes can indicate the import of the secret at the but can last much longer, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Storyteller’s discretion. More than one Setite has used this power to hinder the
movements of his enemies while making a well-timed
••• Voice of the Prophet escape, most notably during the catastrophe at Tanis.
In ancient times, the powers of the oracle could
change a mortal life forever, bringing even the greatest ••••• Dark Invocation
heroes to glory or ruin depending on how they inter- For thousands of years, the people of Egypt protected
preted the words of the god. The Setites were very often their tombs and treasure vaults with foul curses that called
the serpent lingering in the shadows of oracular temples upon the gods for vengeance. This ability allows a Setite
such as Siwa or Delphi, sharing the corrupting words of to lay a protective curse upon an object or place, or direct
the god with those seeking confirmation of their fears a damaging one against a particular enemy.
or ambitions. When a Setite employs this power he System: To lay the curse against a person, the Setite
is supposedly communicating with his akh, lingering must know the victim’s name, and in the case of another
in the otherworld and drawing on the supernatural vampire, he must have a drop of the Cainite’s blood. The
knowledge available there. Setite must first devise the nature of the curse — it must
System: The Setite must invoke this power in the have a single, specific effect and a specific duration, no
presence of the intended victim. The player spends longer than a lunar cycle. The effect can be virtually
two blood points and a Willpower point, then rolls anything: let his strength wither like the parched reed; let his
Perception + Empathy against the target’s Willpower. mind be dulled as though by strong wine; let his tongue speak
If successful, the Setite delivers a cryptic message to the nothing but truth; let the skin fall from his bones.
victim that speaks directly to his deepest desires. The Once the curse has been devised, the player spends
nature of this message is determined by the Storyteller, four blood points and a Willpower point, then makes a
and may mean little or nothing to the Setite using the Manipulation + Occult roll versus the target’s Willpow-
power. The victim, however, will take the message as er. If successful, the curse takes effect immediately. In
confirmation of his secret ambitions, and will be driven most cases, the number of successes become a difficulty
to acting upon them regardless of apparent risks or dis- penalty for the target in appropriate circumstances. In
advantages. This ability can be unpredictable, turning a the case of a curse laid to protect a place or object, the
complacent pawn into a raging madman (or vice versa). Setite must state specific “triggers” that would activate
the curse, as well as its effect and duration, and this
information must be inscribed around the place or
object in question.
The Court Poet
Servants of Set Your patron watched with endless patience until
Quote: If this humble verse casts but even a pale re- you grew bored with the sport of the court. That was
flection of the Caliph’s greatness, I will be content. when he made you another offer.
Prelude: You sought power at court but were not Concept: You have been chosen and carefully
a warrior or scholar. Poetry, thankfully, was revered as groomed to win your way into the courts of the great and
a fine art by the cultured nobles of the Islamic courts, powerful, to entertain and manipulate the ambitions of
and like the jongleurs of Europe, a man with a fine voice your audience. Even the most hardened Ventrue lord
and a clever turn of phrase could find himself in great loves to hear his deeds extolled before his vassals and
demand among nobles eager for flattery and diversion. allies, and more than one has been spurred to ruin by
What you lacked, however, was training, and access believing in his own exaggerated abilities.
to a library of popular verse — until the night you were Roleplaying Hints: Vanity is the key to all men’s
approached by a lord recently arrived from Thebes. He hearts. Make them believe they are strong, noble and
claimed to have been intrigued by your few amateurish wise, and they will love you. If they love you, they will
verses, and saw promise in them. Because he was a trust you, and if they trust you, you can control them.
patron of the arts, he liked to nurture talent where he Equipment: Fine clothes, jewelry, paper and ink,
found it, having little patience for library of poetic verse
the stuffed-up peacocks that often
infested a caliph’s court.
The lord’s patronage changed
everything. The training he of-
fered — and the philters he
prepared to enhance your
voice — quickly made
you a force to be reckoned
with among the court
poets. Soon, the most
influential nobles sought
out your company, and
you realized how your
talents could not only
entertain, but ma-
nipulate. You made
or broke the reputations
of lords depending on your
whim, and more than one
noble who crossed you was
hounded to ruin by your
cruel satires. Before long, it
was all just a game to you.
The Mistress of the Tower any wine, and you would give anything to keep its taste
Quote: If Geoffrey de Blois were to make a similar on your tongue.
offer of marriage I would have to consider it as well, as his The price, as it happened, was very much to
holdings are — for the moment — more extensive than your liking.
your own. Concept: But for the capriciousness of birth, you
Prelude: Your fool of a husband fell from his horse might have gone on to become a powerful duke, or
and scattered what little brains he had over the frozen perhaps even a king. Your resentment and envy has
earth, and you were left a widow. Suddenly your hall led you to turn your talents to corruption and cruel
was full of nobles seeking your hand and eagerly eyeing manipulation, playing upon the conceits of petty lords
the family’s profitable holdings. For the moment, the and leading them to destruction.
duke’s interest was busy elsewhere, so you were left to Roleplaying Hints: Acts the proper lady to keep
fend for yourself — and you turned eagerly to the task. up appearances, but always remain in control. The
Not one man who sought an audience in your men who surround you are not rivals or threats (least
hall had the wit to believe that while he was plying of all your foolish second husband); they are pawns and
you with his wiles, you were plying him. You chose the opportunities. Use them as they think they use you.
best of the suitors and made promises to them, fueling Equipment: Fine clothes, jewelry, revenues from
their rivalries even as the enraged duke forbade further a modestly prominent estate, a fair-sized castle in mild
struggles to keep the peace in his realm. state of disrepair
You knew that before long the duke would have to
take a personal interest in settling the claims to your
hand. Eventually, the game would end.
But then came a traveling
jongleur whose keen eye
and quick mind clearly
grasped the situation
you were in, and took
great amusement
(and admiration)
in the way you
played your part.
He respectfully
pointed out that
there were ways to
bind any new hus-
band to you, leaving
you still quite firm-
ly in control. Your
husband could even
become one more
tool in your games
of corruption. The
idea took fire in
your heart. You told
the jongleur to name
his price. The taste of
power was finer than
The Trader of Flesh were expected to teach your chattel how to serve these
Quote: Consider her a gift, great sir — merely remember needs. Naturally, you obeyed. Your continued fortune
me to your friends at court, and I shall be content. depended upon it. What surprised you was how much
Prelude: Your father’s pottery stall was near to the you enjoyed it. Shaping human minds into tools of
great market square of Cairo, and you watched with decadence and using them to seduce the noble and the
shame as he bent his neck to the city’s Muslim masters. pious fed a hunger you never knew existed.
You spent the days wandering the city, and that was Your patron was well pleased by your devotion. In
how you found Cairo’s slave quarter. time, he shared with you the truth of his nature and
There you learned two important lessons: the road the name of the god he served, and the birthright you
to power is paved with the bent backs of the weak, and had so long been denied.
the slave trade was one place where an Egyptian could Concept: The buying and selling of slaves is both a
still be rich and influential. You learned everything you source of great wealth and a means of influence reaching
could about the slave market, and when the time was all across the Eastern world. Your challenge now is to
right, you approached a slave trader just arrived with a spread your influence to other cities throughout Egypt,
coffle of Christians from the Holy Land. You used your Palestine and even Europe.
knowledge to help him turn a tidy profit. When he left Roleplaying Hints: You cultivate a charming and
again for Palestine, you rode along as his apprentice. cultured manner that belies a cold and ruthless heart.
You returned years later as a trader in your own right A human being is nothing more than coin to you, or a
and that was when a mysterious patron found you. One piece of property, an investment to be shrewdly acquired
night you were approached by a fellow Egyptian who and bartered for the best price available. Compassion
presented himself as a fellow businessman, and made and mercy are nothing more than excuses for weakness
an offer of partnership. He had in his and lack of ambition.
possession certain ancient formulas Equipment: Fine robes, curved dagger, slaver’s irons
handed down from the time of the
pharaohs, potions that would give
your chattel surpassing strength,
stamina and beauty. They would
fetch the best prices in the
market, and all he asked
in return was a small share
of the profits.
Over time, your
partnership changed.
Your patron asked you
to train your slaves to
gather information about
the households they served,
revealing their masters’ weak-
nesses and iniquities. Soon
your patron was using the
information to blackmail and
manipulate these lords and
ladies, a dangerous game
indeed. Later, some of this
knowledge was shared with
you — debased desires and
blasphemous appetites for
flesh that your slaves were
expected to provide. You
your beliefs. In time, you understood how man’s true
The Wayward Pilgrim
nature had been concealed beneath the artifice of shame.
Quote: Let us walk, and I will tell you what truths
The slaver listened with delight as you spewed hateful
I’ve learned, and perhaps some of it will be of use to you.
blasphemies toward Heaven. Then he asked you one
Prelude: There was a time, once, when you truly simple question: now that you knew man’s existence for
believed. Fueled with zeal at the stories of your father’s what it truly was, were you not obligated to spread the
experiences in the Crusades, you determined that be- word to others? You agreed, and that is when he opened
fore devoting yourself to the Church, it would be only your veins, letting the dark river rush in....
fitting if first you made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
He left you in the hills with but one command:
With a small bag of coin to pay for your passage, you
spread the truth.
took a pilgrim’s plain tunic and boarded ship in Venice.
Concept: You cannot deny your own depravity,
Instead of a bastion of Christian faith, you found a
and now you seek to reveal the same in others, gaining
handful of cities with their backs to the sea. Fifty miles
the confidence of the innocent and drawing out their
from Acre the mercenaries protecting your procession
evil natures. In so doing you reveal the lie the Church
betrayed you to a band of Muslim slavers. Those who
has forced on humanity and free your brethren from
resisted were slain, as well as those the heathens felt
the yoke of shame.
were not worth the effort to take to market. You were
Roleplaying Hints: You passionately believe in
driven at the end of a whip to a camp in the hills.
the righteousness of your cause, and you manipulate
That night you met the leader of the band. He
with the zeal and dedication of a proselytizing priest.
surveyed all the captives with care, asking many of
Naturally, you delight most of all in bringing down the
them questions about their parentage and why they had
pious, and leave your seeds of corruption festering in
taken the pilgrim’s path. The leader took an interest in
every abbey or monastery you encounter.
you and your fervent beliefs. Then he ordered the
Equipment: Pilgrim’s robes, staff, sandals
men to separate you from the other captives
and had you taken to his tent. He
gave you wine and meat to eat,
and you spent the long night in
conversation, debating religion
and philosophy. At the end
he made you a wager. He
gave you a month’s time to
convert him to the ways
of Christ, while he would
make every attempt to
persuade you to forsake your
beliefs. If you succeeded, he
would release not just you, but
all the other captives as well.
Eagerly, you agreed.
In 30 days the leader of
the slavers introduced you to
every dark appetite lurking
deep within your soul while
you weakly resisted with empty
proverbs and naive parables. He
didn’t argue, merely gave you
the opportunity to sate your
desires upon the terrified
captives and left you to
reconcile your urges and
Of Historical Interest:
No Other God
but Set
Teotukapis, beloved of Set,
Your tidings concerning the Assamite vizier Mahmoud al-Asran are
welcome news to our elders; your efforts in Damascus have brought a
mighty victory within our grasp. Until now, we have been forced to keep
the ultimate purpose of your embassy secret, and your devotion and dil-
igence in spite of this is a joyful sight unto our God. Now you may know
the true nature of your mission: heed these instructions, and follow them
to the smallest particular.
You are to approach the vizier Mahmoud with an offer of alliance be-
tween our elders and the elders of his clan. The purpose of this alliance
is to pursue a swift and final war against the hated Baali, whose actions
have sorely vexed both of our peoples for many centuries. This is not to
be a simple campaign of conquest. We wish to light a flame that will rage
until every last one of these vile creatures burns to ash.
It is not merely the fact that these infernalists are an offense to our
God — they now threaten our very existence as servants of Set. Those
rebellious children in Constantinople who scorn our authority and call
themselves Decadents have openly allied with the Baali, and corrupt our
beliefs with all manner of vile heresy! It is said that Jules Talbot and his ilk
tell their childer that our God is nothing more than a demon, no different
from any other the Baali worship! By learning their infernal summonings,
they hope to call Set back to Earth and consume the world in fire. These
heresies are spreading like a fire of their own amid our kind in Italy and
France, and presents a terrible threat to our beliefs.
With the aid of the Assamites, we may take the Decadents and the Byz-
antine Baali by storm, striking their leaders in their havens all in the space
of a single night. Then we may find suitable warriors to spur against the
surviving infernalists, perhaps even providing information to the inquisitors
of the Church. No doubt the sight of true demons in their midst would give
them zeal enough to fulfill our wishes.
Of course the warriors of Haqim will require suitable payment in return
for their aid. You will inform them that the elders will agree to providing
whatever support they may require to spurring the Ayyubids to rise up and
complete the task that Salah ad-Din started, driving the hated infidels from
Palestine. If that offer is insufficient, tell them this: we are well aware of
the curse the Baali set upon them so many centuries past. We know that
they may take sustenance from the blood of vampires alone. Tell them that
we have learned the nature of this curse. Offer no details, but say simply
that if the Baali should be destroyed, their curse dies with them.
Let them think on that. True or not, they cannot ignore the possibility.
Do this, and the God will be well pleased. Know that your elders’ eyes
are upon you, and the future of our people lie in your hands. We know you
will not fail us.