Prof. Chervin Loewe B. Navilla
1st Placer, Criminology Licensure Exam, Oct. 2015
1. Comparison- with the used of standard specimen, evidence under question can be
compared in order to effect identification.
2. Exclusion – is two or more persons have to be identified and all but one is not yet
identified, then the one whose identity has not been established may be known by
the process of elimination.
1. Tattoo Marks- method adopted by tribes during ancient times signifying their clan and family.
It is barely used as identification but purely utilized for the purpose of ornamentation. It is not a
reliable means of identification because it can be duplicated, changed or disfigured.
2. Scarification- a means of identification by cutting or wounding some parts of the body that
forms scars in time and forms pattern after healing which serves as an identification.
3. Alphonse Bertillion
History of Fingerprint
BC 200’s – In China, the first details of using handprint identification was discovered during the
Qin Dynasty. The Chinese were well acquainted with the essential characteristics of fingerprints.
The arches and whorl were called as “LO” (snail) and loops are “KI” (winnowing basket).
Though the Chinese were well acquainted with the types of pattern, they did nothing in
developing a system of classification.
1. SIR WILLIAM J. HERSCHEL – (1858) Bengal, India, printed the palm of natives as
to avoid impersonation and as a substitute to signature.
History of Fingerprint in US
1903 - The New York State Prison system began the first systematic use of fingerprints in the
U.S. for criminals.
1946- the introduction of Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) technology begans
due to the massive number of fingerprint cards manually processed by the FBI.
2015- largets AFIS repository in America is operated by the Homeland Security’s US Visit
Program in Clarksburg, West Virginia but the world’s largest fingerprint system is in India. The
Unique Identification Authority of India.
A.Dactyloscopy- (Latin word= “Dactyl” means Finger; Latin word= “Skopien” means to
E. Chiroscopy – (Greek word “Cheir” – a hand, “Skopien” – to examine) it studies the prints of
the palm of the hand. William Herschel is considered as “Father of Chiroscopy”
G. Poroscopy – (Greek word “Poros” – pore and “Skopien” – to examine) deals with the study
of the arrangement of the sweat pores. Edmond Locard is considered the “Father of Poroscopy”
FINGERPRINT- is an impression design by the first joint of the fingers and thumb on smooth
surface through the medium of ink, sweat, or any substance capable of producing visibility.
A. PHALANGE- is the skeletal finger covered with friction skin. It is made up of three
Basal or Proximal- it is located at the base of the finger nearest the palm.
Middle Phalange- the next and above the basal bone.
Terminal Phalange- the particular bone covered with friction skin and located at
the tip of the finger.
B. FRICTION SKIN- is an epidermal hairless skin found on the lower surface of the hands
and feet covered with ridges and furrows. Also known as “Papillary Skin.” Biologists use
the term “Volar Skin”
Epidermis- temporary
Dermis- permanent
Cut with a depth of more than 1 mm.- permanent; With less than 1mm.-
-Presently, there are eight standard patterns which are widely used in the
field of fingerprint. Before, on the Galton and Henry System, they used the
Nine standard fingerprint pattern. Only that after the Galton-Henry System
with FBI Modification and Extension, we have our eight standard fingerprint
Groups/Families = 3 Groups/Families = 3
1. Arch (3) – Plain, Tented, and 1. Arch (2) – Plain and Tented
Exceptional Arch. 2. Loop (2) – Radial and Ulnar Loop
2. Loop (4) – Plain, Lateral, Twin, and 3. Whorl (4) – Plain, Central Pocket
Central Pocket Loop Loop, Double Loop, and Accidental
3. Whorl (2) – Plain Whorl and Accidental Whorl
1. Plain Arch (A)- a type of fingerprint pattern in which ridges flow form
one side to the other with a slight raise in the center.
1. Ulnar Loop ( ) – downward slant are from the thumb towards the little
finger or ulnar bone.
2. Radial Loop (/) – downward slant are from the little finger toward the
thumb or radius bone.
d. Accidental Whorl
2 or 3 deltas
2 diff. types of patterns except PLAIN ARCH.
The Delta (outer terminus)- found at the center or near the center of the
diverging type lines.
The Core (inner terminus or the heart) - found at the center or innermost
recurve of the typelines.
1. Ridge Counting- process of counting the ridges that touches the imaginary line from
delta to core in a loop type and delta to delta with the exception in the final division
wherein it requires a delta to delta ridge count. Never include delta and core in the
ridge count.
2. Ridge Tracing- number of intervening ridges between the tracing ridge at the right
BLOCKING- is the process of writing below each pattern the corresponding symbol of
the fingerprint pattern.
SEQUENCING- means the placing of a group of classified sets into their correct filing
(1ST PAIR) 1st and 2nd Finger (Right Thumb and Right Index)= numerical
value of 16
(2ND PAIR) 3rd and 4th Finger(Right Middle and Right Ring)= numerical value
of 8
(3RD PAIR) 5th and 6th finger (Right Little and Left Thumb)= numerical value
of 4
(4TH PAIR) 7th and 8th finger (Left Index and Left Middle)= numerical value of
(5TH PAIR) 9th and 10th finger (Left Ring and Left Little) = numerical value of 1
- All values appearing on the EVEN numbers will be the NUMERATOR while
those in the ODD number will be the DENOMINATOR.
- Patterns without numerical value are the arches and loops.
Note: Fingers nos. 1-5 are from Right Hand while fingers No. 6-10 are from
Left Hand.
0 16 0 0 4
Tented Arch Double Loop Plain Arch Ulnar Loop Central
Pocket Loop
T D A / w
4 2 2 0 1
Accidental Whorl Central Poclet Double Loop Plain Arch Plain Whorl
W C W a w
Tented Arch Double Loop Plain Arch Ulnar Loop Central Pocket
T D a / w
____24 _D___
7 C
Tented Arch Double Loop Plain Arch Ulnar Loop Central Pocket
T D A / w
Accidental Whorl Central Pocket Double Loop Plain Arch Plain Whorl
W C W a w
24 tDa
7 Ca
- it is derived by ridge counting the loop and Ridge tracing the Whorl.
If the tracing ridge from the left delta goes INSIDE or ABOVE the right delta and
there 3 or more intervening ridges, the tracing is INNER (I).
If the tracing ridge from the left delta goes OUTSIDE or BELOW the right delta
and there are 3 or more intervening ridges, the tracing is OUTER (O).
If the tracing ridge from the left delta goes either ABOVE or BELOW the right
delta and there are 2 or less intervening ridges, the tracing is MEETING (M).
If the tracing ridge from the left delta meets squarely with the right delta, the
tracing is MEETING (M).
m - o
Tented Arch Double Loop Plain Arch Ulnar Loop Central Pocket
T D A / w
m m -
Accidental Whorl Central Pocket Double Loop Plain Arch Plain Whorl
W C W a w
24 tDa M-O___________________
7 Ca MM-
- Ridge Count if the patterns appears on the thumb are loops and identify
whether it is Small, Medium, or Large depending on the number of ridge counts
appearing therein. Refer to Tables 1 and 2.
Note: Table 2 shall only be applied to the right thumb when the ridge count from the left
thum reached 17 or more (LARGE). This is known as “Exceptional.”
- m - O
Tented Arch Double Loop Plain Arch Ulnar Loop Central Pocket
T D A / w
M (12) m m -
Accidental Whorl Central Pocket Double Loop Plain Arch Plain Whorl
W C W a w
- 24 tDa M-O___________________
M 7 Ca MM-
b. Double Loop Whorl- get the ridge count of the top loop
c. Accidental Whorl- get the least ridge count from any of the whorl pattern
appearing therein.
- 24 tDa M-O____10________________
M 7 Ca MM- 12
7. KEY DIVISION- getting the ridge count of the 1st loop except the little fingers.
- if there is no loop, the first whorl shall be ridge counted and will be treated as Ulnar Loop.
- M 14 - o 10
Tented Arch Double Loop Plain Arch Ulnar Loop Central Pocket
T D a / w
M (12) m m - 12
Accidental Whorl Central Pocket Double Loop Plain Arch Plain Whorl
W C w a w
14 - 24 tDa M-O____10________________
M 7 Ca MM- 12
1. When one or more fingers from the same hand are amputated or missing, it has the same
classification with that of the opposite finger (together with the ridge count and tracing) except
with the primary classification.
2. Two or more opposite finer are amputated or missing, it is given the classification of PLAIN
WHORL, with ridge trace of MEETING.
5. Ectodactyly (Lobster Claw Hand)- it is the absence of one or more fingers in a hand.
Latent Prints
Latent Prints- are those prints that are hidden or concealed which are usually left accidently on
the crime scene. These are prints naked to the human eye but they actually exist.
- the word “latent” is a Latin word which means “something indistinct or hidden.”
a.1 Soft Surface- (such as soap, wax, wet paint, fresh caulk, etc.) are likely to be three-
dimensional plastic prints.
a.2. Hard Surfaces- are either patent (visible) or latent (invisible) prints
a. Visible Prints- those prints that can be easily recognized such as blood, dirt, ink,
paint, or any colored surface is transferred from a finger or thumb to a surface.
b. Semi-visible Prints- prints found on clay, dust, muds and other sticky surface.
c. Invisible Prints- those prints created through sweat or perspiration found on the
fingers. It is the common types observed in the crime scene.