Rosicrucian n1 July 1868
Rosicrucian n1 July 1868
Rosicrucian n1 July 1868
Add1<·" 11~ tlil· iifa,tcr-(;l'ncrnl
Hull'' aucl I lroli1111t1<'l''
:-;, .t.1hl" 1:, 'i1·11win11 Booi..,
l'ln• l'.n.11ni1I' .1t ~1111\"I'\'. '' ~ .. nnet
... I:!
. ~ra11sadions,
~ .
;.\nd othc~ hind1;ed subjects.
Frntcr RonT. Wl'.);T\l'Olt'l II J,11 ru:, (8.M.), Maater General,
Frntcr\Y1~r,1.\ll Rout. Woowr.\:'i, M.D., Secretary General.
- ~ . ·-'1r
, t -
--.iv,_=.,...-.r--.__ ...~~-...·.:'v-• •_,1';/
The Right Honorable Lonn KLxL1s, )Jon. :r.~esidcnt.
CAr:t•s Fn.nrn,
Yours in Fraternity,
'JR.e .ll1111hrn arr ,.rmi11tlnl tlrnt tlrr Anr.11nl Subscription 11"a1 incremcd to
Fire Sltilli11:;1 at tlu: la.;t mc<tin:;, 1rnd i; 11010 due.
I.Ji lirere1l 11t tlir A1odrrn11r!1 .lf,.rti11q /If tlo Rosirr11rian •'nr.itl!J of J:r,qlan<l
1111 tlit ht 11/ lH11·111ll'!J, 1861', l1t1 ltrntl'r ~{ mi.:1u Wt:~I\\Ulllll Lnr1.1-;
(S.)1.), ,1[11,,frr-Gt"lt:ral.
Total \J!J
The above iihall form tl1e First Order.
fith, or grade of Adephts .Junior 1 :>
Gth ,, AdPptu,; )(ajor... 12
7th ,, A<lcptus l~xemptus \J
Total :rn
Thcsc brethren shall compose the Second Order.
8th, or grau\J of ::\fa;;ister Templi 6
!Jth ,, Magus . .. 3
Total !)
Thc!'e shall be ronsicl<'re<l as the Third (or highest) Ordcr, aml shall be
entitled to seah in the Cumwil of the ~ociety. The l'\t'ruor 1Uembcr of the
Vth grade shall be (],.signatecl <( ~upre111c l\Iagus," and the other two m<'m-
hers Senior and Juni<1r ~uli,.titufl•s TC>'Jl<'Ctivcly. The grand tot;1l ofmcm-
l>rrs shall thus be limited to 11 J, or the RCJ.Uare of 12. The uumbcr of
registered Xovicc-: or Aspirants ,.hall not be rt"•trirt1·cl, but mctnb•·rs only
i<hall b" prrmittccl to 1Je iort•scnt at the ceremonial meetings oftl10 ::iociety.
VI.-The 1listi11l'tion of Honorary l\Icmher may be conferred upon
P111im·11t bn·tlwn, provicle1l that tlwir dection to such m1·111bcrship shall
he u11a11i111ou;.i, arul that their 11umlH~r be Ktrictly limited to lG, or the
Sl[Uaro of J. An llonornry Prr,-i<lcnt, who nm't be a nobleman, :uul
three Yicc-Prc;;i<ll·nts, ><hall he seleck<l from the honorary members.
A Gram.I Patron may abo be elected in like mamwr.
YII.-Xu ll>'pirnnt ,-hall he atlmittl'cl into the ~ocicty nnlf'i:,; he be a.
Master Maxon, aml of good moral char:ll'tcr, truthful, faithful and
intellig••nt. He must be :1 man of good abilities, so as to be capabl1! of
uudcr;;tuniling the 1<·ve:lations of philosophy and scien<"e; possessing a.
tnillll free from pr<'judicc aml anxious fol' in>;tru<'tion. He 11tust he a.
hcliever in the fomlameuttl 1.rincipJt.,; of the Christian <loctri1w, a true
philanthropi;;t, and a loyal subject. Names of agpirants may be submitted
by any member at the meetings of tl1e Society, and if approved after the
ll!;Ual scmtiny, t.hey shall bo placed on the roll of Novice!!, nnd balloted
for a" •a<'ancie" occur in the list of m<'mbcr'<.
TIII.-Every Novice on a<lmio;sion to the grade of Zelator shall aclopt
n Latin motto, to be appenrlCil to his signature 'n nil communications
relating to the ~ocicty. This motto cannot under any pretence be after-
ward~ changed, and no two brethren shall be nt liberty to adopt the
same motto.
IX.-The fee for ndmission to eac11 Order shall be ten shillings, and
t11e annual subscription from every member, to clefmy tho contingent
C'xpenscs of the Society, shall be five shillings. The registry fee for a.
novice or aspir:mt shall he seven shillings and sixpence.
X.-A.s vac:mcies occur in each graill', by death, rc~ignation or other-
wisr, the members of such gi-ade shall elect brethren from the nc.'tt grade
to supply the yacancies thus erentc1l.
XL-The )faster-~eneral shall hav-e the superintendence nnd regulation
of tho ordinary affo,irs of the Society; iiuhject, hnwevcr, to the veto
of the Magi in matters relating to the ritual. :a:o ~hall be a -i,tcd in
the discharge of bis duties hy the Cotmcil, aml shall be cmp11were1l to
arranze for the clue performance of each c··remony, by appointin~ wcll-
qualitiecl brethren to officiate as Celebrant. Suffragan, Cantor an<l Guards,
in the v-arious grades of the first and second Orders. 'l'he 1\LG. !'hall
preside at the g-eneral ml'Ptini;:q of the brothl'rhoo1l, an1l ::;l1aU at all times
be rl'<'•'iv-ccl with the honors due to his import.'lnt office.
XII.-The Deputy 1\laster-gencral shall, as the rcprc'1'ntath·e of tho
cl ief, pre~ide at all meetings in his ab;;ence, and in the nb~encc of any
l'ast Master-general, and on such occa«ions shall be v-e5tcd with equal
authority for the time being; subject, hnwever, to appeal being
from his decisions to the Master-general ancl hi;i Coun ·il.
XIfI.-The Trea<;urer-genera1 shall receiYe from the Secretary-gcnl'ral
all money;i belonginz to the ~ociety. an1l shnll ke"p an a1·count of hi;;
receipts and ruslm.rsmnents, which shall be audited before the obligatory
meeting in January, by thP Ancient<, under the >-upcrvision of the
1\fastcr-general. No expenses shall be incurred without the knowledge
of the chief or his deputy. The proceedings of tho Society shall be
printed quarterly, under the title of "Tur. RosrcnvCIA~," anrl a copy
shall be sent to every subscribing and honorary member by the Secn:tary-
general. T11e record shall be conducted wider the sup• rvi><ion of the
Supr<'me )[agus.
XIV.-The Secrct.'lry-~eneral sha.ll convene all mectin!!~ of the Conncil
and general body; record the proceedings in tho minute book, register
the names, resi<lencc!'., anrl mottoes of all member:l, with •late..; of nc.lmission
to each gi-ade; coll•!Ct all fee~ ancl sub,;criptions when due, an<l forthwith
pay them over to the Trrasurer.
XY".-The Council of Ancients shall attend the meeting~ of tho Society;
:md, in the absence of th~ i\I.G., P.l\I.G. an•! D.)LG., the 1>Cnior Ancient
pres... nt shall pre'li<l.e. They shall gen1'rally as.,ist the chief in tho 1lis-
chargc of his dutie~. more especially with reference to the ceremonials
of th<' several Orders.
:::.. XVI.-The Preccntor and Organist shall have the direction of all
musical arrangements at the meetings of the Society.
XVII.-The Conductor of Novices shall examine all aspirants, and
report to the Council as to their qualifications for admission to the grade
of Zelator ; he shall also pcrtorm all the duties appertaining to his office
in the G·• ••• :\I••••• c•· •••.
XVIll.-The Torch Bearer shall discharge the peculiar duties allottecl
to him, more especially those which relate to the ceremonies in the fu,,t
XIX.-The IIeralcl and Gu.-irdian shall dcfcncl the entrance of the Tem-
ple, and permit no Ont) to enter without first acc1uainting the Conductor.
XX.-The JewelH* for the l\Iagi, Officers, and 13rethrcn, are to be
worn at all ceremonial meetings.
long way, nnrl all alone, is a sign of death. J'his it .~rems t/1r. Poet
knew; for wlie11 the (~n<'Cn of C:utba!;C was to <lye for lo,·e, he )its lier
with this 111ela11cliol!I vision:-
--.-.'L?n~11m Incomit.tta vi<lctu.r
Ire' iam. - - - -
l'.·ow the usl' I ma!.·e of it, is this: I would be so wisC", as to prognosticate.
I do therefore promise my 11rcscnt work not only Life, b11t accl'ptance;
for in this 111:1 Dn·am ( a111l I l:1101t• you ll'ill call it ~o) I travel uot ll'ith-
Ollt company, J'hrre we1·c some gentlemen bc.~ides mysell~ who <~/fected
this Famr, 011<1 tlto1191tt it no Disp:iragcmcnt to their own: but it was
their ple.1snrl! it slioulcl recrfre light at 111!1 harnl.-, awl this made tlient
<lcfer their 0101i copies, which otherwise had p11~t the press. J have,
Hl'a<le1-, hnt little more to say, unlc,;,; I tdl thet' of my Ju~tice, :m<l now
thou shalt ree how di~trihutin· it is. The 'l'mn-.lation of the Fama
bdon9s to a11 unknown hand, but the abilitil'l< of Ilic Tran~latt;r I t/11estiun
'" t. Ile !wilt indeed mistal:en Damas1"1ts for Daml'ar i1~ Arabi:i, and
this I 1co!tld not alter, for I am no Pedant to correct a11othc1· tna1t'.,
J,abour~. The copy was co11w11111icatcd to me hy a G1:11tlcman mo,.e
learned titan 111!/Selj, ancl I should name him here, but that he e.rpect.~
not eitlter thy thanks or mine. .A.~ for the Prcfa<A.', it is 11i!J own, and I
wish thee the full benrfit of it, which certain!!/ tltou cmt~t not llliss, if
thou com'st to it with ckar eyes and a pur~ed spirit. (Jo11•itler tltflt
Pn·judicc obstrucls tlty .Judgment; for if thy aflection~ are 1•ngaged.
though to an Tznio.; fatuu~, thou dost tl1i11l.: it a Uuidc, liccause thou do~t
follow it. It is not opinion makes thi119s False o,. True; for men have
dcny'd a 9reat part of t!te worl<l, td1iclt now the!J inhabit: and .Amcric.~
as tt·ell as the Philosoplll'r's Stone was sometimes in tltc Predicament of
Impossihilities. There is nothing more ah~uril, tlian to be of the same
mind with the Grnrrality of :Men, for they Am:c cntertamcd mat y !!ro-:s
Errors, whick Ti·ne aml Experience !wee confnt,'d. ft i< i11,ftul our
sluggishnc•ss and Incredulity that hinder all Disco\•crics, for men con-
tribute nothing towards theru but their contempt, or ti:hich is worse, their
malice. I have known all this 111yselt~ and tlter~fore I tell it thee: but
Tt•!iat mie tlwn wilt make of it, 1 7.:11010 not. 1'v mul.:e thee 11°/illt man
$ho11ld be, is not in my power, but it is much in tli!J O\m, if thou kuow'st
tl1.11 Duty to thyself. 111i11k of it, and Furewell.-E.P.''
'£he "Bpi~tle to the wise anll understanding Rea<lcr" is the next
thing that greets the student's eye. as he peruse~ thi,; rare little volnwc.
'l'he ta~k of a re,·iew.•r is not an ea,;y one, unless he is permitted to
11note ad libitlim, :1!! nothing short of such a licen!'!c could possibly cnablP.
u,; to do justice to our subject. It is om int<'ntion to consider this
Epistle, and then the Preface; after "\\hicb, the " Fame and Confession"
1<hall r<.'Ct•iYe that amount of attention which it <lescrYcs. '\"hen our
i-ketch ha" l:een compl..r,•11, and the an·ana of Ho,icn1.·iaui-r>1 have
been traced to their acknowledged ..011rce, on the principle of audi
altcram partem, we shall seek to discoYcr what our opponents ;,aid of
tht> my,tic society when it became publil', how its influence was exerted,
:uul why its app1lre11t .;uccess has not been cowmctburate with the
design of its founders.
,J. H1'a1l, l:c,·. W. B. Cl1nrl'!1, II. Tanner, ,Y. F. r\. Qnilty, ,\. 'fhomp-011 1
W. llohnnn. S. l'oxall, G. Kcnninrr, aml D. It Still.
'Ilic 'l'hcological and 'l'r.1di1io11nl oration~ \\ere di.:li>l'red hy the
Prt'late, :ind th1' l1rdhl'<'ll \H•rc tll!'ll admittr>cl to the i;c1·011cl aml thir1l
point~. After tlll' ceremony the Otlin~rs of the :-ianctu:ny \\ere H•l<·t·tcd
as follo\\,:-H. W. Little. Prelate: G. Po\\cll, ~~nesc11::il; J!ev. W. B.
Church, Prior; \V. F . .i\. (~uilty. sub-Prior: .I. llrdt, C.C:.; C. II. J:.
lla1 ris~on, Ch.tnct•llor: 1L C. I,l,Yawler, Hrgi trar; \\'. I I. lluLhtircl,
Trc·n~url't'; 'l'. \\'l'scomlw, ht Li('ut.; "· F•>Xall, iud Lieut.; \\T. IL
\\"ootlm:m. G.s.\'.: J. Hud. S.13.: II. Tanner, 'l'.P..; D. J:. ~till,
Yerg• r; G. Kennin~. Ifarbi11_er; ;l!ttl J. G. ~lar~h, \\'ardcr.
'l'he utmost satisfaction was e~pn·~-etl by till' m:w K. II.:-;, at 11cing
permilt<·d to take part in the re-organization of' this nohlL' Order. ancl
all the officer~ pled~e<l tlwmsel>es to titltll their se,·cral dutir, "ith zeal
nnd fidelity, _,.o a- to do ju ticc to it- magnificent ritual. '!'here b inz
no bau 1ud, the Knights :-l•parated after the closing of the ~anctu.1ry.
tfdito1:iat JJot~5.
In compliance with the resolution unanimously adoptc•l at the last
mectin?; of the i-;ocicty, hdtl on the Uth of l\fay, 1868, the Editor;; have
now the plca~ure of prescutin~ to the members ~encrally tl1e Pirst
Xumb<.:r of'· Tim Ho:-1cncCL\X," a pnltlication tlbigned to be a permanent
record of the Soi.:iety's tr:msaetions; and also, they woulrl )1(1pe, an
instructire lill'rary and philosophical miscdlauy. l\Iueh space in the
prc,ent i·~ue being nccc,~arily occupied by a reprint of the revise<!
"Ruic~ ancl Ordinance:,,·• it i,, not lo be acceptcu as a fnir -ample of
future munbcr,;; hnt, in onlcr to render "Tni: l{oqc1:cc1 \X" a worthy
organ oft he Soc·it>ty in England, the Editors invite the conlial co-opcratfon
of cYcry Brothl1r of the Ro'y Cross.
Tak,, sk1:tches, c:<~ay-.. poetry, rr,·iews and other uotirc, will all be
welcomed; and a special column will be allotted to ".Masonic J\lis-
edla1wa." Tlte brethren will also note that "'I'uE Ho,1c1:t'CTA~" will
contain the u<nal Xotices to attend the Quarterly or Special Meetings
of the Society, :mu that the printed circular:. formerly sent to each
member will now Le discontinued.
S1 '>Ex. Tht '" '• ll1ony of 1c·c··ption for Adept< "ill take pl re nt the Ortohcr
naN111g. The 1c-<1q::aniz:11io11 uf the :"11< il'l\ has hitherto I rc\Cnlc1l due 11ttcn11011
l1ci11g: ;;iH·n to tltl' 1itual: lmt. n~ the 1111111l~cr of rnc111ltcr» nu\\ •Xl'Cttb I.In, 01111
futnrl' 111lmi;;:,,io11, 111\lst thl'n·forc be rcstridcil, we hot•C to 't'l' 1 ri 'y t'Cl"<'lllony
c··~1htn.hly wor~l'•I 111 fuh1rc. H ·:· Brrthren in JIO~~c--ion of Hosi.ruciuu \\ork,
1nll k1u<lly notlf> the fact to the Editors.
:~ & -L LIT'T'LE BHIT.\IX.
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