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Sewage Management For Boat Owners

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Marina and Shore-Side Facility Owners

If you are looking to provide a sewage pump out

facility at your location then please contact the
Department of Environment & Natural Resources
to discuss how a shore-side pump-out facility or
mobile sewage pump-out system can be operated
and connected to a sewer main, septic tank and
disposal borehole or collect & hold tank.

Risks of Sewage Discharge
Sewage from boats can be a health hazard to
bathers in popular boating areas. Furthermore, it
compromises the health, biodiversity and aesthetics
of Bermuda’s marine environment. The ‘twin pillars’
of Bermuda’s economy are its international business
and tourism industries, both of which are dependent
on Bermuda maintaining a pristine environment.
The addition of sewage to shallow, near-shore
marine environments can cause dissolved oxygen
concentrations to drop. This effect can be more
for Boat Owners
significant in enclosed water bodies and is one of the
Contact Details
potential causes of fish-kills or fish die-offs generally For more information, to discuss this
observed over the hotter months in Bermuda.
document, to log a complaint or to report
Other Sources of Pollution from
an observed incident of sewage or oil
Recreational Boats
being discharged from a boat, please
Bilgewater: Fuels and oils within the bilgewater are
sometimes pumped into the sea from automatically- contact the Department of Environment
operated bilgewater pumps. Using oil adsorbent & Natural Resources at:
materials firmly attached within the bilge can help
prevent this. Government is committed to the use
of oil adsorbent materials by removing importation Email: [email protected]
duty on them (CPC 4195). Used oil absorbents should Tel: 239-2303 or 239-2356 or 239-2318
be disposed of in your general household trash or
taken directly to the Tynes Bay Waste to Energy
Zinc Anodes and Batteries: Properly dispose of zinc
anodes and batteries at the designated sites in the
marina or at the Tynes Bay public drop off facility.

Reporting Pollution
If you notice anything unusual, such as dead fish,
oil slick or suspected sewage discharge in the
near-shore, or if you observe anyone violating these
Regulations, please notify Bermuda Radio at 297-
1010 or the Department of Environment & Natural G OV E R N M E N T O F B E R M U DA
Resources as soon as possible. If possible, please Ministr y of Home Affairs
take photographs of the observed issue. Your report
will be treated in strict confidence. Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Regulated Sewage Management • Boats with Toilet and • Boats with Fixed Options for disposing of sewage
for Boaters Holding Tank Toilet(s) ONLY
The sewage pump out options for boat
When in No-Discharge
(i.e No holding tank) owners include marinas, shore-side pump
The Water Resources (Prevention of Pollution by
Zones the toilet shall be Only use the out to sanitation trucks and transiting
Sewage from Boats) Regulations 2018 (BR83/2018) connected directly to the outside of the No-Discharge Zones to pump
toilet when outside of
came into force in August 2018. holding tank (i.e. not in the No-Discharge Zones. directly overboard (See below).
These Regulations apply to recreational boats, bypass) and any over- Alternatively, for use in
liveaboards, charter boats and all other boats board discharge valve near-shore waters add a Pump Out
that sail or motor in and around Bermuda. The shall be in the ‘closed’ ‘Porta-Potty’ to collect and Option/Facility *
Contact Comment
position. Holding tanks hold the sewage instead of
Regulations provide for No-Discharge Zones for shall be emptied at shore- Hamilton Princess 705-7431, Two pump-out stations.
sewage discharge, require educational notices to be using a fixed toilet. ‘Porta- Marina VHF Ch.#74 For its customers only.
side or mobile pump-out Potties’ may be emptied
attached next to the toilet and require over-board facilities or to the sea at shore-side or mobile Royal Hamilton
Saturdays 10am to 1pm
Amateur Dingy for the public or anytime
discharge valves to be in the ‘Closed’ position when when outside the facilities, at home or to the Club (RHADC)
VHF Ch.#73
by appointment.
moored or anchored within the No-Discharge Zones. No-Discharge Zones. sea when outside of the
Caroline Bay 707-5423, For the public and its
Other boats and ships engaged in international No-Discharge Zones. Marina VHF Ch.#72 customers.
voyages and registered to carry more than 15 persons, Portable unit located
Pier 41 Marina,
or of 400GT or greater, shall abide by the Bermuda Dockyard
238-4141 at the marina for its
customers only.
Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by
Sewage and Garbage from Ships) Regulations 2015 Shore-side sanitation trucks will pump-out from the boat to shore
(various companies)
(BR44/2015) and shall not discharge untreated sewage
within 12 nautical miles of the nearest land. Transit outside of No-Discharge Zone areas to discharge boat
sewage to the sea. Always Contact Bermuda Radio (MAROPS) when
The Department of Environment & Natural Resources discharging sewage at sea when outside of the No-Discharge-Zones
(Tel: 297-1010 and VHF Ch.#27).
is responsible for ensuring all persons, including boat
owners and boat users, do not pollute or foul seawater.
In Bermuda, any person who interferes with, pollutes
or fouls any public water (including seawater), commits
an offence punishable under the Water Resources Act
1975 (Section 34) and also under Section 7 of
the Regulations.

What do I do with my boat sewage?

You may only discharge sewage overboard when

outside of the No-Discharge Zones. The No-
Discharge-Zones are shown in Figure 1. Sewage
may only be discharged beyond 500 metres
(1,640ft) from the nearest point of land and
outside of the more enclosed areas of the Great
Sound, Little Sound, Harrington Sound and Castle,
Hamilton and St George’s Harbours, and Fisheries Feb-2022
Protected areas.

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