Central Arkansas Corvette Club: Newsleter
Central Arkansas Corvette Club: Newsleter
Central Arkansas Corvette Club: Newsleter
Corvette Club
April -- July 2017 Under the hood: Club Meeting Monthly
It is impressive to see all the love, respect, and gratitude that Americans nationwide are showing
our military whether active duty or veteran. We are already beginning to plan this luncheon for
number 5 next year. My sincerest thanks to all our notable guests who took time out of their
very busy schedules to attend:
Charlie Kinslow
I hope we haven’t missed anyone. If so, please email me so I can get your name and car on our New Members
List! Email: [email protected]
April 2017 Meeting Minutes
Nancy Acre, President, opened the meeting with 102 members and 4 guest present.
the opening prayer
Vincent Parker, Vice President, urged all members to sign up for more than one event, we can use you in differ-
ent areas. He also went around the room asking each chairperson what they needed in their area, signs, volun-
teers and other help.
Frank Russell, Secretary, talked about receiving a thank you card from Rodger
Montgomery for sending flowers to his father's funeral. I also talked about our California members, Keith and
Cynthia Hopson. Keith is in really bad health and wanted to be left on our prayer list.
David Payne, Treasure, gave his financial report. There is $ 10,780 dollars in the club account and $27,616 dol-
lars in the show account to date. (Sorry for my error, in the March minutes, it should have read $9,816 in the
club account and $8,556 in the show account.) FR
David Pierce, Sgt at Arms, ask new members and guest to stand and tell the club about their selves._David also
handled the 50/50 pot. He also talked about the Super Chevy Event in April of this year at the Memphis Motor
Plex. David also said that the Bale Car show had been moved back to Sunday April 9th due to the weather.
Joyce Johnson, Director, who is in charge of our Vendors, said was needing help setting up booths in the hotel
on Thursday and in the convention center on Friday.
Terry Stegall, Show Director, headed up the question and answer portion of the meeting with discussions about
the Hot Springs Show.
Rita New, Director, talked about our members on the prayer list that are in need of our prayers. Also show t-
shirts, the final day for ordering is Sunday April 9th .
Randy Elms, Director, is needing help with the 50/50 pot at the show.
Glen Acre talked about the Centerville Drag Strip day was a big success and said we will be doing it again next
year. He also talked about the after-show picnic Sunday afternoon, May 7th, more information to follow.
The Rest of the meeting was devoted to talking about the upcoming Hot Springs Show.
The next club meeting will be May 2nd, 2017
May Meeting Minutes
Nancy Acre, President, opened the meeting with 89 members and 3 guests welcoming all present to the meeting.
Melvin Harris, opening prayer.
Vincent Parker, Vice President, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
talked about the upcoming elections and to do your voting by email if you can't be present at the June 6th meet-
gave his financial report. There is $ 10,108.52 dollars in the club account and $ 53,023.11 dollars in the show
account to date. We still have a few outstanding bills from the show.
David Pierce, Sargent at Arms, ask new members and guest to stand and tell the club about their selves. David
also handled the 50/50 pot.
Joyce Johnson, Director, who was in charge of our Vendors, said she was very pleased at the number of vendors
that showed up and also was happy about the help she had setting up and taking down booths.
Terry Stegall, Show Director, answered question and made comments about the Hot Springs Show. The Club is
still active in looking for a show chairman for next year. Terry said he would help anyone interested in taking this
Rita New, Director, talked about our members on the prayer list that are in need of our prayers. Bring your pop
tops in so we can get them over to Ronald McDonald House.
Randy Elms-Web Master for the web site and bring your personal information up to date. Contact Randy or
Frank and they will help you get to our web site.
Glen Acre, talked about having another Centerville Drag Strip Day later in the year if there was enough support.
The meeting was adjourned.
The next club meeting will be June 6th, 2017, bring a guest.
Frank Russell, Secretary
Minutes for June 6th, 2017
Nancy Acre, President, opened the meeting with 87 members and 2 guests present. Nancy then turned over the
meeting to Terry Stegall to discuss the distribution of Hot Springs Car Show funds to the various charities.
Jimmy Plataka gave the opening prayer.
Terry Stegall, Show Chairman, presented a hand out that was also emailed to all members of three different op-
tions for distribution of the show money for the five charities. It was decided by the club to give the following to
the charities: Beyond Boundaries - $12,000, Spina Bifida Support Group - $10,000, Ronald McDonald House -
$2,500, Arkansas Freedom Fund- $5,000, Ali’ Angels - $1,500. This will leave a balance for our charities with
Terry also mentioned that we will need a new chairperson to take over for him for next year’s car show. Also,
next year will not only be our 15th year car show, but it is the clubs 25th anniversary as well! So we need to do
an awesome job at the show.
Vince Parker, Vice President, discussed the Duncan Donut event that was held the week before which had 10 to
11 vettes. A-State Vettes brought 3 of theirs and we had 8. He mentioned the Arkansas Mile trip up around
Blytheville, and what a fun trip it was as well as the different cars that he saw like a few Hellcats and a 233 nitrous
2014 Stingray.
David Payne, Treasurer, gave his financial report. There is $8,854.00 in the club account and $43.606.00 in the
show account to date.
Randy Elms, Director, asked members to update their own information on the web site and to contact him if
you are having trouble getting on the web site.
Melvin Harris, Director, talked about Jefferson, Texas and the partial flood they had with all the rain they re-
ceived while there for the show.
Joyce Johnson, Director, discussed giving lifetime memberships to the three dignitaries that were at our Hot
Springs Show this year: Ken Lingenfelter, Wil Cooksey, and Mike Yager. Ken sent a thank you letter to the
club for his membership, Wil was quoted as stating that “he called us one of his homes”, and Mike has our
membership plaque displayed in his office.
Joyce also mentioned that she spoke with the daughter-in-law of Mid-America and we are on their calendar for
next year.
Rita New, Symphony List, Doris Santiogo is back from her breast cancer surgery!! Kaye Dorathy is down till
July due to her accident. Ron Head’s mom fell and is down for a while. Donnetta’s sister pasted away.
Saturday, June 17th, it the Miss Arkansas parade and she needs three hours of our time from 11:30 to 2:30ish.
They have over 200 ladies that will need to be driven in the parade to the Double Tree hotel.
Trisha Stiles, discussed three car shows that are coming up: June 10th at Heber Springs the cost will be $20,
June 11th at the Promenade at Chenal from 2 to 5pm, June 13th–17th at Petit Jean
LJ Barger, Member, talked about the 10-15 cars that went to Mtn View. He got a lot of great feed back from the
ones that went. Mtn View is having a car show for Cinco De Mayo and all benefits go towards their Police Char-
Mike Bolden, Member, spoke about Dunkin Donuts and how all Vettes are welcome to come out from 6am-
9am on the last Saturday of every month. Dunkin Donuts will give 10% of all profits made during that time to
the Arkansas Freedom Fund. The three addresses are:
6805 Cantrell Rd, 10121 N. Rodney Parham Rd, and 10721 Kanis Rd. all in Little Rock.
The next club meeting will be July 11th, 2017
The Meeting was Adjourned
Janel Broadhurst, Soon-To-Be-Secretary
Rita New, Symphony List, she reminded everyone that she collects pop tops for Ronald McDonald’s house
to help keep them running. She got a thank you card from Donnetta Harris about her sister passing
away. Steve Jordon is going to have a back surgery soon. Joe and James Parson their sister is in stage three Lung
cancer and asked the we keep her in our prayers. Rita & Ricky’s daughter had colon cancer and didn’t lose any
of her hair and is back on the go. She had her first on the 10th and will have and another appointment on the
12th. Please pray for a good outcome. Then Rita talked about the Miss Arkansas pageant where we showed up
with about 50 cars to help chauffer the contestants. This is the first time that we have ever done it, and they were
so happy that they will ask us to do it next year. Miss Arkansas has signed a contract to do the contest in Little
Rock for the next five years in Little Rock and they want to use us.
Glen Acre, Director at large, talked about the Centerville drag strip. The price has gone up on the driver to $40
and the spectator is now $20. The date to go is Saturday the 30th of September. They will meet at the WalMart
on Hwy10, wheels up at 8:30am to caravan up to Centerville. They will be running the track for corvettes from
11am to 2pm. So please invite anyone you know that has a corvette to come on out to run their Vettes.
Glen then talked about the memorial plaque from the National Corvette Museum that the club has gotten for
our member Jerry Reagan who pasted. Glen said that as soon as they get us the proof of the plaque he will pass
it around. Then lastly, he updated us on Wista Jones’ knee replacement how it went well and that Wista is doing
Jimmy Plankta, Director at Large, discussed some car shows that the club has been to. He went to one in South
Haven, MS. (which is south of Memphis). They had a great time over there at the Harley-Davidson dealership.
They put all of our CACC Corvettes up on their patio. Then on the clubs way back they stopped off at Rendez-
David Pierce, President – Discussed that the club has been in existence for fifty years. We need to come up with
some ideas on how and when to celebrate, maybe at the “After show picnic”. We also have the Twentieth anni-
versary of the Hot Springs Show next year as well.
We also have some job openings. One job opening that has been filled at the meeting is the Event Director,
(Cont) Robin Bullock. Some more jobs openings are: Web Master, Newsletter Editor, and Trip General.
Tricia Stiles, Vice President – this weekend there is an inside car show in Jackson, MS indoors, Searcy Automa-
tion July 15th, Annual Toad Suck car show – only 100 cars can be inside July 29th,Heels and Wheels July 30th
Autocross at War Memorial on July 30th, September shows: Pensacola Vettes on the Beach, A-State has there
show that we go to Corvettes on the River Baduka, KY. October shows: Eureka, AR, and Slidell, LA.
Tricia stresses that if you are not receiving our emails, please let Janel Broadhurst know and give her your email
address. Club Express is our web site that we use that we use to send out all of our emails to everyone. The
email address is called: Central Arkansas Corvette Club.
Randy Elms, Club Web Site Owner, He stressed that if you are not getting emails to please check your SPAM
folder in your email system because that might be where these email have gone. The email address from the
club will be titled: Central Arkansas Corvette Club.
David Pierce, President, talked about Mid-America Fun Fest Event which happens September 14-17th in Effing-
ham, Illinois. They have had about 15,000 Corvettes up there in the past. They give free tours all through the
facility and through the car museum, everything is free. Saturday night they have big name entertainment. Like
last year they had Beach Boys and this year they will have Kansas.
David then went to talk about the Hot Spring’s show and how we need a new Chairperson and a new Co-
Chairperson. He also mentioned that by August 15 we need to pay the convention center 1,500 a deposit for
next year’s show. WE need to get on this because the show is going to be in nine months. We raised 42,000 for
our charities this year, and we can’t do that on our own without sponsors, and vendors. We need all of these
spots filled. The spots needing filled are: • Chairman • Co-Chairman • Silent Auction • Fashion
Show • Sponsorships
Terry Stegall, Hot Springs Show Chairperson- Since we are trying to keep our entrance fee down to $99, other
things/people are driving prices up. He wanted to discuss some options to keep the entrance fee down to $99.
It costs the club $4.420 to do the Friday night meals, of that $500 goes to lease the school, $100 goes for security,
and $2,800 for food which is offset by the food tickets. Also Saturday, the space that we had to eat at was free,
but this year is going to cost $400. The club voted whether to keep of get rid of Friday night meal. It was voted
to take away the Friday night meal.
Craig O’Neil was a surprise guest – David gave him a plaque for being a life time member of CACC.
The next club meeting will be August 1st, 2017
MegaBots' red-white-and-blue Mk. III combat robot fired up its 430-horsepower Corvette-sourced LS3 small
block V8 powerplant and flexed its muscles for the first time in a demonstration at Maker Faire 2017 as a prel-
ude to its fight with Japan's fighting bot from Suidobashi Heavy Industries.
MegaBots installed the Mk. III's American V8 heart back in January and toiled around the clock to ready to
bot for its debut, but the giant machine was limited to one-quarter strength for this demonstration to minimize
the chance for any mishaps that would set back its final completion. MegaBots Inc.
MegaBot founders Gui Cavalcanti and Matt Oehrlein are plotting global bot domination, which will start with a
clash with Japan's titan in August. After that, Mk. III will have to scour the planet for worthy rivals. MegaBots
Inc.We don't know how the Mk. III will win its match yet, but you can bet its V8 muscle will provide the edge
it needs to win.
Editor’s Ramblings
Well, can you believe it’s already July 2017?! I know I can’t. Wow! What an awesome year for our club! Our
annual Show in Hot Springs was bigger, better, and more phenomenal than ever. The club volunteers that
worked so diligently to make this show great deserve not only our compliments but also our respect! I wasn’t able
to volunteer this year because of my employment responsibilities (I hate when my job gets in the way of me hav-
ing fun! LOL). But I was able to drop in a couple of times both during the show preps and during the actual
show, and by all accounts; this had to be the BEST Corvette show on the EARTH. I’m hoping to be able to be
more involved next year. Again, kudos and hats off to all our club volunteers; you all rock!
It seems even more inevitable that our beloved American Icon on wheels will have a major change yet again! Yes
I’m talking about the rumors of the mid-engine Corvette. I’ve seen many artist renderings, spy photos of the sup-
posed Vette, and many speculations on what it will be and what it will contain for propulsion. I’ve read many arti-
cles on the internet by the big magazines. I attended the Corvette Factory tour while in Bowling Green for the
Hot Rod Power Tour. We were the last group to go through before they closed off tours for an estimated 18
months. We had the chance to question our guide and some employees on the supposed mid-engine rumors.
They all spoke quietly, almost whispers, and stated, “We’re not allowed to comment on that.” But the smirk on
their faces led me to believe it’s really happening. I’ve read many comments from Corvette aficionados world
wide on both the love and hate of it. I, personally, support progress, and from what I have read, the General has
maxed out the C7 Corvette in its potential for handling, acceleration, comfort, technology and overall perfor-
mance. So, to me, the next step would be to design the mid-engine. Is that the Nirvana the Corvette has been
aiming for its whole life? I don’t know. But it does seem like the next logical step for the 64 year old moniker.
And from what I understand, you still will be able to buy the tried and true front engine rear wheel drive plat-
form. Wait. Is this like Coke and Coke Classic? Remember that? Although that venture didn’t fair to well with
Coke. It will be interesting, at the least, to see what happens next.
The Hot Rod Power Tour kicked off June 10th in Kansas City, Mo and it was a blast!. We finished the tour in
Bowling Green, Kentucky which allowed me to do one of the final tours for the year in the Corvette Factory! I’m
so stoked. Both the Power Tour and the Corvette factory tour have been on my bucket list for so long. If you see
me out and about, be sure and stop me and ask me all about it. There’s one thing I’m good at; talking! LOL.
And especially talking Corvettes!
Peace. Love, and Corvettes,
Kirk Gardner, CACC Newsletter Editor
In the Taillights
So sorry for the delay in getting the newsletter out. My personal and job responsibilities have been just almost
overwhelming but I’m so thankful of all that God has blessed me. Remember if there is anything you would like
to see in the newsletter to be sure and email me at: [email protected] or REGU-
[email protected].
Kirk Gardner, Newsletter Editor
Be sure and check out our club webpage: http://centralarkansascorvetteclub.com/content.aspx?
Looking for something fun to do? How about letting the Club’s Calendar of upcoming events help you to de-
cide: http://centralarkansascorvetteclub.com/content.aspx?page_id=2&club_id=795536
Club Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/249351525089334/
Well, it looks like there’s more information about the mid-engine Corvette along with the newest and most com-
plete pictures of the mystery machine here: www.caranddriver.com › News
The Best And Worst Corvettes Of All Time: http://a.msn.com/08/en-us/BBttbJs?ocid=se
Want to know more about corvettes or want to do some research? Welcome to VetteFacts.com, the best re-
source on the web for statistics on all years and models of the Chevrolet Corvette: www.vettefacts.com