Determination of Cardiovascular Fitness in Young Healthy Medical Students
Determination of Cardiovascular Fitness in Young Healthy Medical Students
Determination of Cardiovascular Fitness in Young Healthy Medical Students
Background: Cardiovascular fitness refers to the ability of circulatory system to supply oxygen to
working muscles during sustained physical activity.
Objectives: To determine the cardiovascular fitness (using predicted VO2 max) among young healthy
medical students in the age group of 17-19 years.
Materials and methods: On the basis of physical activity performed subject were categorized into 3
category light, moderate, vigorous exerciser. Cardiovascular fitness was assessed by using treadmill
exercise as per Bruce protocol.
Results: Data were analyzed using the paired was observed in the study that
vigorous exerciser had better cardiovascular fitness than moderate and light exerciser.
Conclusion: Students who had more physical activity were having better cardiovascular fitness.
Hence, it is suggested that some physical activity should be mandatory in the curriculum of medical
education which would help us to maintain cardiovascular fitness and reduce the risk of cardiovascular
morbidity and mortality in the long run of their careers.
Key words
Cardiovascular fitness, Medical students, Bruce protocol.
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Khurana E, Oommen ER. Determination of cardiovascular fitness in young healthy medical students. IAIM, 2016; 3(10): 74-
blood flow and blood pressure during exercise. released aerobically depend upon the chemical
Cardiac output defined as product of heart rate ability of the muscular tissue system to use O2 in
and stroke volume which represent volume of breaking down fuels and the combined ability of
blood being pumped by heart each minute. cardiovascular and pulmonary systems to
transport the oxygen to the muscular tissue
Cardiac output increases during physical activity system. Therefore measurement of O2
due to increase in both heart rate and stroke consumption is actually a measure of
volume. At beginning of exercise cardiovascular cardiovascular fitness.
adapation are very rapid. Within second after
muscular contraction there is withdrawal of vagal Materials and methods
activity to heart which is followed by increase in A group of 30 healthy students (18-19 years)
sympathetic stimulation to heart. This results in took part in the present study conducted at
increase in cardiac output to ensure blood flow to Department of Physiology, Baroda Medical
muscle which matches with metabolic needs. College, Vadodara. Detailed procedure was
Both heart rate and stroke volume varies directly explained to the participants and informed
with intensities of exercise performed. written consent was collected from the
participants. Height and weight of each
Aerobic power or VO2max which involves a full participant were measured. In order to exclude
functional support from cardiorespiratory the condition that might affect the result
pathway is an appropriate test to study following criteria was required .No history of
cardiorespiratory fitness [1]. hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart failure,
coronary artery disease, heart failure, not
Cardio vascular fitness suffering from respiratory disease or any acute or
It is generally accepted that people with higher chronic disease and not taking any drug that
levels of physical activity tend to have higher could affect the result.
levels of fitness and that physical activity can
improve cardiorespiratory fitness. Physical All the subjects were grouped into 3 category
inactivity and low cardiorespiratory fitness are light, moderate, vigorous depending on intensity
recognized as important cause of morbidity and of exercise according to British Heart
mortality [2]. Foundation Factfile (September 2008) as per
Table - 1.
Peripheral adaptations that promote increased
submaximal exercise performance may include Anthropometric variables like height and weight
increased capillarisation and increased aerobic were obtained and BMI and BSA were
enzyme content in skeletal muscle [3]. Thus calculated. Height was measured to nearest of 0.1
maintenance of regular aerobic exercise is cm and weight was measured to nearest of 0.1 kg
associated with significant improvements in with minimum of clothes and no shoes.
aerobic power and perhaps more importantly
with increased ability to exercise at submaximal BMI was calculated by formula = weight (kg)/
load. height (m2)
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Khurana E, Oommen ER. Determination of cardiovascular fitness in young healthy medical students. IAIM, 2016; 3(10): 74-
temperature of room was around 300 + 20C. Defibrillator etc. were kept ready. Participants
Resuscitative measures like appliances for o2 were asked to lie down in supine position for at
administration, Emergency drugs, Ambu bags, least 10 min before exercise.
Bruce protocol treadmill testing Then the cardiorespiratory fitness was graded
Treadmill exercise test was performed by using according to the Bruce protocol norms for
treadmill. The Bruce protocol [4] for multi stage calculating cardiovascular fitness.
treadmill testing of maximal exercise was used.
This begun with stage 1 with walking slowly for Results
three minutes at 2.7 Km/hr at a 10% grade Statistical analysis was done using paired t-test at
(inclination), speed and grade then increased in level of significance p<0.001. Age wise
every stage of 3 minutes and end at stage 7 or till distribution of 3 groups was as per Table – 3.
exhaustion. VO2 max was estimated using the
Bruce protocol. Formula for estimating VO2 max Table – 3: Age wise distribution of 3 groups.
was as given as per Table - 2.
Sample (n=30) Age (Years)
Table - 2: Cardiovascular fitness grading for Light 9 18+0.8 (17-19)
men aged (17-19) years was done. Moderate 11 18+0.5 (18-19)
VO2 Max Vigorous 10 18+0.8 (17-19)
Range Grade
Less than 35 Very poor VO2 max
35.0 to 38.3 Poor VO2 max was determined by using Bruce
38.4 to 45.1 Fair protocol. VO2 max was calculated for all the
45.2 to 50.9 Good
three exercise groups. In vigorous exerciser
51.0 to 55.9 Excellent
mean VO2 max was significantly (p>0.001)
More than 55.9 Superior
higher than the moderate exerciser and light
The Bruce Protocol Formula for Estimating exerciser (Table - 4). Statistical analysis was
VO2 Max done by unpaired ‘t’ test at level of significance
For Men VO2 max = 14.8 - (1.379 x T) + of p<0.001.
(0.451 x T²) - (0.012 x T³)
Cardiovascular fitness
For Women VO2 max = 4.38 x T - 3.9
Only Light exercise group had subjects with
T = Total time on the treadmill measured
very poor cardiovascular fitness (Table – 4, 5,
as a fraction of a minute (i.e.: A test time
6). Moderate and Vigorous exercise groups had
of 9 minutes 30 seconds would be
majority of subjects with Superior
written as T=9.5).
cardiovascular fitness.
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Khurana E, Oommen ER. Determination of cardiovascular fitness in young healthy medical students. IAIM, 2016; 3(10): 74-
Table – 4: VO2 Max in Exerciser groups. with higher VO2 max had better cardiovascular
Exercise Duration VO2 Max
groups (min) (ml/kg/min) The maximum observed VO2 values by Anabel
(Mean + SD) N. Rodrigeus [5] in 2006 were 42.5 mL/kg/min
Range among the girls and 52.3 mL/kg/min for the
Light 13+4 45+14
boys; and these were defined as the cut off points
(8-18) (25-67)
Moderate 16+2 61+6 for excellent cardiorespiratory fitness. This study
(14-19) (49-69) proposed mean VO2max ranges as a
Vigorous 17+3 64+9 classification parameter for cardiorespiratory
(13-20) (46-70) fitness, in addition to contributing to a definition
of normal values for the Brazilian population.
In the present study mean VO2Max (ml/kg/min) The study of Glassford, et al. [6] found a
was determined by using Bruce protocol. VO2 Vo2max of 49.30 ml/kg/min by using Astrand -
max was calculated for all the three exercise Ryhming nomogram among the sedentary
groups. In the light exercise group the VO2 max subjects in the age group of 20-29 years. This
was observed 45±14 (ml/kg/min). In the was followed by the study by Shephard Roy [7],
moderate exercise group the VO2 max was 61±6 who found a Vo2max of 3.5 L/min among the
(ml/kg/min). In the vigorous exercise group the age group of 20-24years.
VO2 max was 64±9 (ml/kg/min).The subject
Table – 5: Proportion of student in different stages of Bruce protocol with grading of exercise.
Ekblom Bjorn, et al. [8] and Ross BJ found was higher than moderate and light exerciser
nearly similar values, 3.58 L/min and 3.52L/min which reflects that vigorous exerciser had better
respectively from their studies among untrained cardiovascular fitness than others.
subjects. Lars Hermansen, et al. [9] recorded a
Vo2max of 3.91 L/min in 19 years male and The results of present study showed that 80% of
Kotchen Theodre [10] noted a Vo2max of vigorous exerciser falls under superior category
3.18L/min in subjects aged 20 years. of cardiovascular fitness whereas 33% of light
exerciser had very poor fitness. It was found that
Thus it appears that up to 70% of an individual's Vigorous exerciser had better cardiovascular
maximum force, power or capacity is a matter of fitness than other groups. Training induces
genetic factor. Endurance of vigorous exerciser adaptation on O2 transport system, and VO2 max
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