Exercise 1. Answer The Following Questions

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ბათუმის ნავიგაციის სასწავლო უნივერსიტეტი

საგანმანათლებლო პროგრამა საზღვაო ნავიგაცია

სასწავლო კურსი საზღვაო ინგლისური 2
სასწავლო კვირა 3კვირა (
ლექტორი თამარ დიასამიძე
სტუდენტი Temur Davitadze პირადი ნომერი
დავალების ტიპი
შენიშვნა: შეასრულეთ დავალება, ფაილს დააწერეთ თქვენი გვარი, სახელი და ატვირთეთ ელ. ჟურნალში

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:

1. Where may ships anchor?

2. Should only one anchor be ready when anchoring?

To bring the ship to anchor, it is necessary to slacken speed and stop the engine at the proper time.
Both anchors must be ready to let go.

3. May the ships ride to one anchor only?

They may ride to one or to two anchor.

4. How is the ship's head brought up in a strong wind?

If there is a strong wind, it is necessary to bring her head up into the wind. In case there is a strong
tidal stream or current the ship should be stem on to the current.

5. How is the ship brought up if there is a strong current? \

In case there is a strong tidal stream or current the ship should be stem on to the current.

6Are both anchors let go at the same time?

if there is no wind or current and one anchor is dropped, then the anchor chain is paid out, and, if
necessary, the other anchor is let go

7. Who is to determine how much of chain should be paid out?

It is the captain or the watch officer who must determine how much of chain is to be paid out in each

8. Whatlength of chain is usually sufficient?

Usually, a length of chain equal to about five times the depth of water is sufficient.
9. What bearings should the watch officer take after anchoring?

After the ship has been anchored the watch officer takes the anchorage bearings.

10. What information should he enter into the log book?

He also sees that the soundings are taken at the anchorage and enters into the log book both the
bearings and soundings

11. Where should the ship's position be marked?

The position of the ship should be marked on the map

12. Why should a vessel have sufficient room at the anchorage?

to see that there is sufficient room for the vessel to swing with the tide without striking another

2 put the missing word: command, /reaches,/ watch officer,/ outside, /captain
anchoring,/ wind,/ third mate /chain.

Ships anchor either inside or … outside …. the harbour. They may ride to one or to two anchors.

As a rule, before ,, wind ……, the ship's head must be brought up into the ……… With a strong
current or tidal stream the ship should be stem on to the current. Before the ship………… the

anchorage, both anchors must be ready to let go. The…… captain anchoring,…… sees to the
anchoring of his ship. At the proper moment he gives the… command,……. to let go the port or
starboard anchor. The……….. is usually at the forecastle and reports to the bridge how much of …

chain.…… has been paid out. After anchoring, the… watch officer …….takes anchorage bearings
and soundings and enters this information into the log book.

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