INPUT-effectiveness of Virtual Laboratory

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INPUT- effectiveness of Virtual Laboratory

- 1st time exposure in Virtual Laboratory>expensive>insufficient
knowledge on the Performance of Nursing Student.

PROCESS- identify the difference in terms of learning when presented with

Virtual Laboratory static images > determine the score on a
test when presented with a VL> test to determine the
effectiveness of VL on the competency level of 3rd Year Nursing

OUTPUT- the students participants score higher and increase their performance
when presented with a Virtual Laboratory.

Definition of Terms :

For the purposes of the study of the following key terms are defined operationally.

 Biopsychosocial- this refers to the posits the biological, psychological and

social factors all play a significant role in human functioning, includinh in
mental processes.
 Dummies- an imitation of a real or original object, intended to be used as a
practical substitute.
 Mannequins- this refers to computer simulation, virtual mannequins are
used to model the behaviour of the human body.
 Simulation- this refers to the on stimulating something generally entails
representing certain key chracteristics are behaviors on selected physical
abstract system.
 Tether- this refers to the cord that anchor to something.
 Virtual- this refers to distinguishes something that in merely conceptual
from something that has physical entity.
Chapter III
Methods of Research and Procedures

This chapter consists of methods of research and procedures which compose of

Research Design , Locale and Population of the Study, Descriptions of the Respondents,
Sampling Design, Data Gathering, Procedure, Instrumentation and Try-Out Phase and
Statistical Treatment of data will be mentioned.

Research Design:

The research design used for this study was called interview design because it
aims to capture a situation occurs on a moment. It also provides sufficient knowledge
about the nature of an objects and person. It will also help this study to provide
instrument for the measurements like survey form and interviewing. Here, we use a
questionnaire for measuring instrument in collecting data in the school and to determine
the effects of attention deficit on academic performance of 3rd Year Nursing Students
taking up RLE NCM 101 at Our Lady of Fatima University”

Locale and Population of the Study

After formulating Research Design & review literature which serves as the basis
of the study the researcher now is ready to identify the place of the study. This will help
to gain factual information that may obtain truthful identification of one’s own data.
The chosen Locale of this research for conducting the study is the Virtual
Laboratory located at San Rafael Hall Building of Our Lady of Fatima University Lagro
Quezon City. Fifty nursing students will be given a set of questionnaire to gain reliable
information regarding to this study.
Description of the Respondents

The respondents in this study are the selected Third Year Nursing Students of Our
Lady of Fatima University Quezon City. 40% of them are males and 60% of them are

Sampling Design

The researcher used the non-probability sampling for the reason that, it does not
offer a pair oppurtunity to each member of the population to be included in the study
only selected people were be given a chance. Under the non-probability sampling it falls
either convenience sampling or purposive sampling. In convenience sampling, the
respondents may be the nearest people, friends, or available persons. And in purposive
sampling a deliberate selection of individuals may be done.
Respondents were chosen by the researchers to give survey form and
questionnaire on specific respondents that will supply us the needed information.
Researchers will be giving survey forms and questionnaires to students who presented
with Virtual Laboratory.

Data Gathering Procedures

The survey forms and the interview are the only sources of data. Before
distributing the survey forms to the students of Our Lady of Fatima University, the
researcher asked permission slip, immediately distributed the questionnaire at non-
probability sampling, the questionnaire in the survey form are about the personal
information activities performanced at the selected 3rd Year Nursing Students with the
used of Virtual Laboratory and what is the effect of this not only on the learning potential
but also on the competency level of Nursing Students.
Instrumentation and Try-Out Phase

The instruments to used are the survey forms and letter approval. The
questionnaire will be filled by the selected 3rd year Nursing Students. The letter of
approval serves as the permission in conducting research of Our lady of Fatima

Statistical Treatment of Data

The research congregate and tabularize all data in order to obtain an accurate
information related to each element of the target population. Questionnaire were used as
the main tool for obtaining the data from the subjects. It consists of 50 questionnaires in
line with the effects of Virtual Laboratory on the Competency level of selected 3rd Year
Nursing Students.
The statistical treatment of data will used on this study is the percentage.
Distribution where:

P= (F/n) x 100
F= frequency
n= total number of the respondents
Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the tabulated form of data and the results of survey. The
tables presented in this chapter will explain the frequency and percentage of the data,
explained analysis of ariance single factor were used to determine if there is the
difference in every tables.
Table I. Frequency distribution of total respondents according to Age.

Age Bracket Frequency Percentage

TOTAL 50 100%

This table shows that the total number of respondents are so of them are 16-
17 years old, of them are between 18-20 years old of age, and other are ages 21-
22, of respondents are 25 years and above.

Figure 1.2 Percentage Distribution of Total Respondents According to Age.

■16-17( %)

■18-20( %)

■21-22( %)

■23-25( %)


Based on the result in figure

1.1 the majority of respondents
from ages years with the frequency dis-
tribution of respondents or .

Table II. Frequency Distribution of Total Respondents According to Gender.

Gender Frequency Percentage



Total 50 100%

From the table above it could be seen that the total number of respondents are 50.
The total frequency distributions of male are while the total frequencies of female are

Figure 1.3 Percentage Distribution of Total Respondents According to Gender

■Male ( %)

■Female ( %)

In figure 1.2 this shows that the male

compromises the least number of respondents
and the majority of the respondents are female with followed by the male
respondents with
Table III. Frequency Distribution of Total Respondents According to Civil Status

CIVIL Frequency Percentage



Total 50 100%

This table shows the demographic profile of respondents in terms of their civil
status. As shown aboved table there respondents are single and the remaining
respondents are married a total number of 50 respondents or 100%.

Figure 1.4 Percentage Distribution of Total Respondents According to Civil Status

■Single ( %)

■Married ( %)

The figure shows that the majority of the respondents are still due to its large
frequency number. Single is % which is higher than married with in the percentage of
Table IV. Frequency distribution of Total Respondents regarding the perception of
Virtual Laboratory in their Hospital Duty

Choices Frequency Percentage

Very Important


Not that important

Total 50 100

Figure 1.5 Percentage Distribution of Total Respondents regarding the Perception of

Virtual Laboratory in their Duties.

■Very Important ( %)

■Important ( %)

Based on the Figure above % of respondents who agreed that the Virtual
Laboratory is very important and % of them believed that is important while the
choices not that important and not important reveals no answer upon the perception of
the respondents.
Table V. Frequency Distribution of Total Respondents regarding the participants score
on the test when presented with Virtual Laboratory.

Choices Frequency Percentage



Total 50 100

From this table it could be seen that there are respondents who answered “ ”
in which presented with Virtual Laboratory and the remaining respondents answered
“ ” with a total frequency distribution of 50 respondents.

Figure 1.6 Percentage distribution of total respondents regarding the participants score
and test when presented with virtual laboratory
Of the 50 respondents included individual study, the biggest bulk of respondents
believed that they are score on the test are higher than as when presented with
virtual laboratory. This included % who says “ ” and % of respondents who
says “ ”.

■YES ( %)

■NO ( %)
Table VI. Frequency distribution of total respondents regarding the effects Virtual
Laboratory on the selected Third Year Nursing Students.

Choices Frequency Percentage

High Grades %
Good quality

performance in

hospital setting %
Improved Recitation

Skills in the class %

Nothing Change in

the class


total %

Here are the table shows the effects of virtual laboratory on the students class
performance. respondents agreed that their grades are higher as when presented with
Virtual Laboratoty of them answered that they got good quality performance in
hospital setting respondents believed that they improved their recitation in the class
for a total number of respondents.

Figure 1.7 Percentage distribution of total respondents regarding the Effect of Virtual
Laboratory on the selected Third Year Students.
( %)

■GOOD GRADE ( Quality Performances in Hospital Setting)

( %)

( %)

This figure show that the majority of respondents who got % believed that
they got good quality performance in hospital setting, % of them reveals that their
grades are higher than beforeas when presented with Virtual Laboratory % of them
respondents answered that they improved their recitation skills in the class for a total
number of 100%.

Table VII. Frequency distribution of total respondents regarding on how effective does
Virtual Laboratory on the class performans on selected Third Year Nursing Students.
Choices Frequency Percentage
Very effective %

Effective %

Not that effective %

Not that effective

Total 50 100

From the table above respondents agreed that using Virtual Laboratory on tha
class was very effective and respondents believed it is effective and a remaining
respondents answered that using Virtual Laboratory was not that effective and the choices
was not effective reveals no answer.

Figure 1.8 Percentage Distribution of total respondents regarding on how effective does
Virtual Laboratory on the class performance on selected Third Year Nursing

■Very Effective
( %)

■Effective ( %)

■Not that Effective ( %)

As we can see in this figure the highest frequency of the respondents who got
% agreed that using Virtual Laboratory was very effective in the class performance of
selected nursing students. % revealed it is effective and % of the respondents
believed that using Virtual Laboratory was not that effective for a total frequency of
Chapter V
Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter present the of findins conclusion recommendation and

perception of their selected respondents, each questionaire was tabulated and interpreted.
Those of the highest percentage obtained in constructed as the perception of the
respondents, thus included in this chapter.

Summary Findings:
This study aims to assess the effects of Virtual Laboratory in the class
performance of selected Third Year Nursing Students. The researchers selected 50
respondents for the study, % of which are male like % them are female, likewise
the researchers in order to make their study, conducted questioner checklist on the
respective students of OUR LADY OF FATIMA UNIVERSITY.
The following individual on the contact data’s being tabulated and interpreted by
the researchers.
⇒ There was % of are 16-17 years of age, are ages18-20, another % are
from 21-22 years of age and the remaining 6% are aged 24 and above.
⇒ Majority of respondents with 88% are single while 12% of them are married.
⇒ The perception of the respondents regarding the use of Virtual Laboratory
revealed % of which who believed that it is very important, % agreed that
it is important while the choices not that important and not important reveals no
answer as perceived by respondents.
⇒ % of respondents who believed that the participants score higher on the test as
obtained when presented with Virtual Laboratory while of which answered
⇒ Based on the result % of respondents revealed that their grades improved
because Virtual Laboratory % of respondents believed that they improved their
recitation skill setting, majority of the respondents with % revealed that
because of Virtual Laboratory they obtains a good quality performance in
hospital setting.
Based on the study researchers and like to coclude the following:

 That the majority of the repondents are female with % against male
respondents with only %.
 We conclude based on the perception of our respondents that the effects of
Virtual Laboratory brings a great part in the selected Third Year Nursing
Students of OUR LADY OF FATIMA. Thus, it helps students enhancing
their cognitive skills and performance thru practicing inside a Virtual
 That the Virtual Laboratory creates and evaluates which interactive
learning environment for the selected Third Year Nursing Students, Virtula
reality as a learning tool is gaining suuport and researchinto improving
technology for learning application the Virtual Laboratory of Nursing
Students does are benefits of the points when were performing
procedurein the inter active clinical laboratory was does give the benefits
to the Selected Third Year Nursing Students.

• To the dean college of nursing. To its quest to a better quality of a students
performance should continue to improve seeking a great ways in a better tool
technology for learning application.
• To the educetor of OUR LADY OF FATIMA should continue in sharing their
great knowledge experiences in Virtual Classroom so as to enhanced and
developed the skills and confidence of students of OUR LADY OF FATIMA.
• To students of OUR LADY OF FATIMA, who’s taking up Nursing Research we
re4commend that they shoul go on to this kind of research to be able to widen
there knowledge about the existence of newly introduced technology to the
• And to the OUR LADY OF FATIMA UNIVERSITY as a whole group should
continue in providing an advanced medical technology with an advantage of
world class education right here in the PHILIPPINES thru its tradition of
excellenced innovate spirit aims to bring the institute of nursing to the forefront of
nursing education in the PHILIPPINES preparing each nursing students all the
way to the top to take on the demands of a global tomorrow.

Anders, Peter(1998) Envisioning cyberspace: Desingning 3-D Electronic
Spaces, Mc Graw Hill Professional Publishing.
Borlick martha M. Guide for Public Health Nurses Working with children.
Washington D.C.: U.S Department of Health, Education, And Welfare, 1996.
Heim, Michael (1998) “Virtual Reality and the Tea Ceremony” In Beckmann,
John (Ed). The Virtual Dimension, Architecture, Representation and Crash Culture
( pp. 156-77 ) New York: Princeton Architecture Press.

Name of Dean : Mrs. Ramonita A. Salazar Date:

Dean College of Arts and Sciences


We, the Bachelor of science Nursing Student of OUR LADY OF FATIMA UNIVERSITY
Quezon City Campus, are presently conducting a study entitled “The Effects of Virtual
Laboratory on the Competency Level of Third Year Nursing Students taking up RLE
NCM 101 at Our Lady of Fatima University”

The research is being conducted in partial fullfillment of the course requirement in our
subject unversity reseacrh for the degree of Bachelor of Science And Nursing.

In view of this, we would like to seek permission so that we will be able to distribute the
attach questionaire-checklist to the selected respondents in our school.

This aims to seek data pertinent to our study. Most assuredthat all information gathered in
this survey will be treated with at most confidentiality.

Thank you very much for your consideration RespectfulLy Yours

Noted by:

Mrs. Romela Cruz

Research Adviser
Lagro, Quezon City

Dear Respondents;
We are Nursing students ho are pre sently conductinga study about

This questionaire checklist provide as necessary information needed to us to

finish our study regarding the said subject. We are seeking for your cooperation and
participation by answering the question for us to fulfill the research.

Thank you and GodBless!

The Researchers



Direction: Please put a check mark on the appropriate space the correspond to
your answer.

I.Demographic profile (block)________________________.

Name (Optional)_____________________.
1.1 Age

1.2 Gender
( )Female
( )Male

1.3Civil Status
( )Single
( )Married

II. What are the perception of the respondents regarding the Virtual Laboratory in
the classroom?
( )Very Important
( )Important
( )Not that Important
( )Not Important

III. Do the participants do the higher in the test.When presented with the Virtual
( )YES
( )NO
IV. Does the students able to enhance their cognitive skills and performance
through practicing on the said laboratory?

( )YES
( )NO
V.What are the effects of the Virtual Laboratory on the students class performance?
( )High Grades
( )Good Quality performance un hospital setting
( )Improved recitation skills in trhe class
( )Nothing change in tha class performance

VI.How Effective does the Vitrual Laboratory on the performance of the selected
Third Year NursingStudents?
( )Very Effective
( )Effective
( )Not that Effective
( )Not Effective

VII. Does the newly ntroduced materials put a greater impact on the knowledge of

the students?
( )YES
( )NO

VIII. Up to what extent, does the students able to achieve their competency level?

( )Excellent
( )Good
( )Fair
( )Poor

IX. Do the students able to seek understanding of learning characteristics and

Effects on learning outcomes in virtual environment laboratory?

( )YES
( )NO

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