Benchmark - Reviving The Professional Culture
Benchmark - Reviving The Professional Culture
Benchmark - Reviving The Professional Culture
Nevada Fox
Dr. Koza
June 29
When looking at what the school is dealing with it seems like there is a lot of disconnect
between the staff and faculty. With the loss of a principal and an assistant principal, it seems to
have kind of torn down the staff’s morale. The school seems to need some revision in the
professional development days. The school also needs to look into the curriculum and how it is
being used within the classrooms and what other resources teachers are turning toward instead of
A mission I would suggest with this school would be: Our mission here are Maynard
High School is to develop well-rounded and caring students by instilling critical thinking skills.
Students will be prepared for success today and every day in the future.
A vision statement that I would suggest is: Every student every day.
A short-term goal I would have for Maynard would be finding replacements for the staff
that is not returning next year. We need to have qualified teachers in those classrooms to ensure
students are getting the education they deserve. Another short-term goal that I have for the
school would be to get teachers to know one another in the school. With a staff of 45 teachers, it
is easy to stick to just your section of teaching, but all staff should be able to know one another
in the school. One long-term goal that I would like for Maynard is to look at the curriculum and
to make adjustments as the staff and I see fit so that all students are getting an equal education in
the school. Any of the 9th-grade students should be able to walk into an English classroom and
the curriculum and resources being used are the same. I want my staff to know that this doesn’t
mean they have to teach the material the same way, they all have a different method of teaching
and they should continue that, but the materials need to be the same. The last long-term goal that
I would want for Maynard High School would be to create a professional development plan to
have collaboration time with their collaborative learning communities to plan and work together
“School, family, and community partnerships in high schools have been associated with
increased learning opportunities for students and community development.” (Sanders, 2005). I
want to get to know the community through a coffee talk within my first week of being at the
school. This would give the families/caretakers and community members time to let me know
what they think needs to be done to ensure the best for their students. It also allows me to let
them get to know me and my vision for the school. I would also like Maynard to hold a quarterly
technology night so that way staff and students could show off the projects they have been
working on in the classrooms. These nights would be beneficial has to can show students all that
support their education by showing up to nights like technology nights. One last community
involvement that I would like to do at Maynard would be to intern for a day at businesses around
the school. This allows students to try and find a job that they might want in the future. “The
students can perform tasks such as stocking low shelves, bagging groceries, and pricing items to
I want to respond to the families in a positive and welcoming encounter every time I see
them. I can do this by greeting the parents of students through drop-offs or bus duty. I also want
my parents to know who I am and what I stand for. This can be done through coffee talks and
seeing them on campus. Providing multiple ways to communicate with my families is something
else I would like to do to know what they are needing and see what needs to be done on campus.
When building relationships with community partners I have many ideas on how to do
this. I would like to assess the needs of my students and the “ Community partnerships should
enhance existing school-based service delivery models and help fill in the resource and service
gaps based on the needs of the school.” (NASP, 2016). The school's mission and vision need to
reflect the community as well. We want Maynard students to have learning experiences that are
not just within the four walls of the classroom, but also have 21st-century skills to succeed. I
need to meet community members where they are at so to do this I need my staff and I to do
community walks and let them know what we are hoping to do at Maynard and see if they will
help support our students. I would also like to find ways that community members can contribute
to curriculum lessons happening in the classrooms. This way community members are seeing
what is happening on campus and they can also be a part of the learning experience of the
When thinking about how I can advocate for the need and priorities of the students,
families, and the community I am serving I first need to be informed about what is happening in
with state and federal education policies. Next, I need to take action by advocating for my
students so that I can improve their education. I can do this through blog posts or by talking to
senators and public officials about educational laws. If I know what my students are facing and
what my staff is dealing with I am better able to support my school with all their needs and
I think a lot of the above talks about how this school needs to be and can student-
centered. The community involvement and parent support will help tremendously with making
sure that students are supported and their needs are taken care of in a timely fashion. I want my
staff and students to know that I have their backs. I can do this by providing justice for them by
advocating for them. My staff needs to first put trust in me and I want to build those relationships
up. They just lost their leader I don’t want to come in like I know everything right away. I want
to get to know each one personally and let them get to know my leadership style.
Admin. (2019, September 8). 5 ideas for building school-community engagement. Counselor
NASP. (2016). A framework for safe and successful schools. Leading across Boundaries.
Sanders, M. G., & Lewis, K. C. (2005). Building Bridges toward Excellence: Community