M What I Ate Yesterda)

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G countable / uncountable nouns; a / an, some I any

V food What did

P the letters ea have for lu

9A What I ate yesterday

a What food words do you know
in English? With a partner, try to
think of five words.

b >- p. 163 Vocabulary Bank Food.

a Look at the photos which show meals
that three people - a model, a boxer,
and a writer - ate yesterday. Guess
which person ate which meal. What I ate yesterda)
b Read three articles from a series What Laura Bailey model
I ate yesterday in The Times newspaper. Breakfast I never miss breakfast! I had some cereal an
Check your answers to a. and a piece of toast. I'm a bit unusual because I have te
coffee in the morning. I don't mind in which order, but
c Read the articles again. Answer the to have both.
questions with M (the model), B (the Lunch I was at my studio all day, so I got takeaway ve
boxer),orW(thewriter). Who...? sushi from a restaurant called ftsu. I became a vegetari
years ago and now I can't imagine living any other waj
1 doesn't like eating during the day
2 doesn't eat anything between meals Dinner I picked up my children from school and we had
cheese and biscuits. In the evening I went to my favourite
3 didn't have any home-cooked food
and I had a vegetarian pasta dish, and two glasses of whit
for lunch or dinner
had fruit for dessert at lunchtime James deGale boxer
never eats meat Breakfast I woke up and went running for an hour and
didn't drink any alcohol yesterday came home and had a cup of tea and some porridge. Th
7 had a drink and a snack before dinner the gym and trained.

8 doesn't eat anything for breakfast Lunch I had a bowl of pasta with chorizo and bacon in
with cheese on top, and an apple and an orange. I have
9 has a strange breakfast habit
fight soon, so my diet has to be very strict now. Three
d With a partner, look at the highlighted and no snacks.
words related to food and guess their
Dinner I had a grilled chicken breast and vegetables -
meaning. Use the photos to help you.
mushrooms, sweetcorn and tomatoes. My mum made i
|; :| she's a fantastic cook.
e Whose food do you prefer? Why?

Lionel Shriver writer

Breakfast I had an enormous cup of espresso coffee w
and a little cream. It's all that I need and gives me ener
whole day.
Lunch I don't eat lunch. I don't understand people who
meals a day. How do they find the time to do anything
sushi a typical Japanese dish made with rice Dinner First I had a glass of sherry and a bowl of pope
porridge hot cooked cereal which British I had grilled fish with some brown rice and vegetables
people often have for breakfast
chorizo a kind of Spanish sausage
peppers and onions. For dessert I had a piece of chocol
cake. I drank red wine.
GRAMMAR countable/uncountable 6 LISTENING
nouns; a/an, some/any a W h a t cookery programmes do you have on T V i n
L o o k at the photos. Complete the your country? W h a t do you think of them? D o you
gaps w i t h a, an, or some. sometimes cook their recipes?

1 strawberry
2 tomato
3 rice
4 biscuits
5 onion

) • p.140 Grammar Bank 9A.

L e a r n more about countable /
uncountable nouns, etc. and
practise them.

Make sentences w i t h there's a I an I some... and

there are some... Choose food and drink f r o m
p.163 Vocabulary Bank Food. 4 32))) Listen to part 1 of a T V cooking competition
called Get ready! Cook! where contestants have to cook
a starter, a main course, and a dessert. A n s w e r the
PRONUNCIATION the letters ea questions.
H o w is ea pronounced i n these words? Put them i n the 1 How many ingredients are there in the bag?
correct column. 2 How long do the contestants have to cook their dishes?
bread breakfast eat healthy icecream 3 Name three of the basic ingredients they can use.
meat peas steak tea 4 33))) Listen to part 2. Complete the dishes that Jack
and L i z make.

e Judge's comments
Sir . and . soup
tree e gg train

breasts filled with

3 pancakes with.

Judge's comments

4 31))) Listen and check. Practise saying them. W h i c h 1 carrot and salad
is the most common pronunciation of ea? with dressing
. with creamy.
Make a food diary for yesterday. Write down what food mousse
and drink you had. Use Vocabulary Bank Food p.163 to
help you. d >- Communication Get ready! Cook! p.109 L o o k at the
photos of their dishes. Whose dishes do you prefer?
Breakfast a cup of coffee, some cereal
e 4 34))) Listen to part 3. What does the judge say about
Work i n pairs. Tell each other what you had yesterday.
Jack and Liz's dishes? W h o wins?
Was it very similar or very different?

(^Vor breakfast I had a cup of coffee and some cereal. f I n pairs, think of one of your favourite dishes. Write
the ingredients you need. Tell your partner.
G quantifiers: how much I how many, a lot of, etc.
V food containers How much salt
P /J7 and 1st does it have?
Not much.

9B White gold
1 V O C A B U L A R Y food containers
a 4J35 ))) Match the words and pictures. Listen and check.

| | a bottle 1 a box Q a can Q a carton Q ajar Q a packet • a tin

b 4 36))) Listen and write five phrases.

c Make phrases with the containers and the words below. ( a packet of biscuits

biscuits chocolates Coke crisps juice jam milk salt sugar tuna


quantifiers: how much/how many, a lot of, etc. a 4 38;)} Listen and repeat the words and
a Look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Then ask and sounds.
answer questions about the food. sugar salt



b 4 39))) Put the words in the right column.

How much sugar is \ I'm not sure,
Listen and check.
there in dark chocolate? J v, / think there's a lot.
cereal cinema delicious fresh
b >* Communication Sugar and salt p.109. Check your answers to a. information centre rice crisps reception
salad science shopping special sure
c Complete the sentences with a food or drink from a.
1 There isn't any salt in . c !|ji40))) Listen and repeat the dialogue. Then
2 There's a little sugar in . practise it with a partner.
3 There's quite a lot of salt in . A Are you sure this is salt? I think it's sugar.
B No, I'm sure it's salt. I put some in the rice
4 There's a lot of sugar in .
d p.140 Grammar Bank 9B. Learn more about quantifiers and A Let's taste the salad... Aargh. It was sugar.
practise them. I told you.
B Sorry!

tfou/ /n«tk
How nutk wj^i
a Read the questionnaire and complete the questions
w i t h How much or How many.

How much sugar and salt do Y O U have a day? At different times in history, both sugar and salt
were called 'white gold', because they were so
expensive and difficult to get. But there are many
1 . spoonfuls of sugar do you have in your more interesting facts about sugar and salt...
tea or coffee?
a three or more b two c one d none Christopher Columbus introduced
cans of cola (or other fizzy drinks) do you 1 to the New World in 1493
drink a day? on his second voyage.
a three or more b two c one d none • If you eat too much 2

fruit or fruit juice do you have a day? (about 1 gram per kilogram of
a a lot b quite a lot c not much d none weight), you can die. This was a
sweets or biscuits do you eat a week? method of ritual suicide in
a a lot b not many c very few d none ancient China.
Salt • Salzburg in Austria was
5 How often do you add salt to your food at the table? called 'the city of 3 '
a always b often c sometimes d never because of its mines.
takeaway food do you eat? • If you want to check if an egg is fresh, put it in
a a lot b quite a lot c not much d none a cup with water and . If the egg floats,

bread do you eat a day? it isn't very fresh.

a a lot b quite a lot c a little d none
• In Brazil fuel made from is used in cars
cheese do you eat a week?
a a lot b quite a lot c a little d none
instead of petrol.
• Americans eat or drink about 2.25 kilos of 6

b I n pairs, interview your partner. D o you think he / she a month.

needs to eat less sugar and salt? • 7 is used to make glass, washing powder,
c Work i n pairs. A say how much you eat / drink of the
and paper.
things below. B respond and ask for more information. • 8 kills some bacteria, and so helps food to
T h e n say i f you think A has a healthy diet or not. Swap last longer, which is why bacon and cheese contain
roles. a lot.
fish meat potatoes vegetables chocolate • If you put _ 9 into a vase of flowers, the
fast food eggs pasta olive oil butter flowers last longer.
• 10 only contains energy. It doesn't contain
I eat a lot of f/sh/^ (^How often do you eat fish?
any vitamins or minerals.
• Sure and _ u are the only two words in
5 READING the English language that begin with 'su' and
are pronounced 'sh'.
x Read the magazine article White Gold. W i t h a partner,
complete the facts w i t h sugar or salt. • We need to have a little _

in our diet, but not more than 6g

b Read the article again, and highlight five a day, which is about one
new words or phrases. Compare w i t h teaspoon.
a partner.

c D i d any of the facts surprise you?

4 4i») SONG Sugar Sugars

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