Q) Why Does Capacitance Increase With Scan Rate?
Q) Why Does Capacitance Increase With Scan Rate?
Q) Why Does Capacitance Increase With Scan Rate?
Popular Answers (1) As the scan rate increases the diffusion of electrolyte ion into
electrode internal structure and pore become difficult (diffusion limitation) and ineffective
interaction between the electrolyte and electrode materials occurs therefore the specific
capacitance is decrease
QWhat is scan rate in voltammetry?
In cyclic voltammetry (CV), the electrode potential ramps linearly versus time in cyclical
phases (Figure 2). The rate of voltage change over time during each of these
phases is known as the experiment's scan rate (V/s)
Q. How do I choose a scan rate?
Voltage window
Cycle life
A comprehensive description of Cyclic Voltammetry is well beyond the scope of this
application note. Most books describing laboratory electrochemistry have at least one
chapter discussing CV.
Description of Cyclic Voltammetry
CV plots the current that flows through an electrochemical cell as the voltage is swept
over a voltage range. A linear voltage-ramp is used in the sweep. Often, a CV test
repetitively sweeps the voltage between two limit potentials. A pair of sweeps in
opposite directions is called a cycle.
As an important tool for studying mechanisms and rates of oxidation and reduction
processes, CV provides the capability for generating a species during the forward scan
and then probing its fate with the reverse scan or subsequent cycles. This process can
occur within a few seconds. There is a unique aspect of cyclic voltammetry: three
electrodes used. The electrodes are a working electrode, a reference electrode, and a
counter electrode. The working electrode can be seen as a medium whose reductive or
oxidative power can be externally adjusted by the magnitude of the applied potential.
As the potential is increased or decreased linearly versus time, the working electrode
becomes a stronger oxidant or reductant, respectively. Therefore, the working
electrode, which typically consists of a chemically inert conductive material such as
platinum, acts as a donor or acceptor of electrons. The general reaction written in
Reaction Lab 1.2Lab 1.2 refers to the addition of electrons to the oxidized electrode
and the electrode transforming to its most reduced form.
The reference electrode, typically AgCl or calomel, keeps the potential between itself
and the working electrode constant. The potential is measured between the reference
and working electrodes, and the current is measured between the working and counter
electrodes. A counter electrode is employed to allow for accurate measurements to be
made between the working and reference electrodes. The counter electrode's role is to
ensure that the current does not run through the reference electrode since such a flow
would change the reference electrodes potential. A voltage sweep from Ei (initial
voltage) to Ef (final voltage) is produced using a signal generator. The voltage is applied
to the working electrode using a potentiostat. A potentiostat is an external power
source. By sweeping the voltage slowly, information may be extracted from a graph of
potential versus current going through the sample. Polarography utilizes this method of
analysis where the limited current arising from a redox process in the solution during
the sweep. This information is used to quantitatively determine the concentration of
species that are electrochemically active in solution.
CV differs from polarography in two important ways. Firstly, the working electrode at
which the reactions of interest occur has a constant area, not one which changes with
time as in classical polarography. This electrode may be a solid such as graphite or
platinum with a small surface area, or a stationary or hanging mercury drop. The latter
type of electrode may have its surface renewed periodically. The second difference is
that the potential of the working electrode is scanned rapidly over a wide potential
range and then returned to its initial value using an applied potential signal which varies
linearly with time between the initial value and the final value at the limit of the forward
scan. Normally, this technique is applied so that currents due to reduction processes are
observed during the forward scan and those due to oxidation on the reverse scan. The
resulting cyclic voltammogram from a typical potential against time profile is shown
in Figure 1.2.
A galvanostat (also known as amperostat) is a control and measuring device capable of keeping
the current through an electrolytic cell in coulometric titrations constant, disregarding changes in the
load itself.
Its main feature is its nearly "infinite" (i.e. extremely high in respect to common loads) internal
The designation "galvanostat" is mainly used in electrochemistry: this device differs from
common constant current sources by its ability to supply and measure a wide range
of currents (from picoamperes to amperes) of both polarities.
The galvanostat responds to changes in the resistance of the cell by varying its output potential:
as Ohm's law shows,
the variable system resistance and the controlled voltage are directly proportional, i.e.
is the electric current that is kept constant
is the output control voltage of the amperostat
is the electrical resistance that varies; thus, an increase of the load resistance implies
an increase of the voltage the amperostat applies to the load.
What Does Galvanostatic Mean?
Galvanostatic refers to an experimental technique whereby an electrode is
maintained at a constant current in an electrolyte. This technique is used to
measure corrosion rate and electrochemical reactions.
where Ecell is the measured cell potential, E0 is the standard cell potential,
R is the universal gas constant, T is the temperature, n is the number of
electron transfer, F is the Faraday constant, and Q is the reaction
quotient that represents the instantaneous ratio of redox-concentrations
between the anode and the cathode.
Generally, EIS studies utilize a three electrode mode which is comprised of a working
electrode (the sample material), a counter electrode (commonly graphite or platinum),
and a reference electrode. While electrode geometries may vary the general
experimental setup remains similar to the procedure outlined below.
The three electrodes are mounted on an electrode stage and secured. The electrolytic
solution is prepared and transferred to the sample container. A metallic sample
container would provide additional pathways for electrons during experimentation
leading to a reduction in the EIS current response as electrons move into the metal
rather than the reference electrodes. Therefore, the sample container should be
composed of an insulating material, such as glass or plastic, which will not interfere
with the transfer of electrons during testing. The electrode mount is then placed on the
sample container such that a portion of each electrode is submerged in the electrolytic