PNB Scam Vansh Anand
PNB Scam Vansh Anand
PNB Scam Vansh Anand
By Vansh Anand
Roll No- 3191
PRN- 20020621480
Our Mission
This guideline was ignored by overseas branches of Indian
banks. They failed to share any document/information with PNB,
which were made available to them by the firms at the time of
availing credit from them.
Nirav Modi got his first fraudulent guarantee from PNB on March
10, 2011 and managed to get 1,212 more such guarantees over
the next 74 months.
On 29 January 2018, PB lodged a FIR with CBI stating that
fraudulent LoUs worth Rs 280.7 crore were first issued on 16
January. In the complaint, PB had named three diamond
firms, Diamonds R Us, Solar Exports and Stellar Diamonds.
As of 18 May 2018, the scam ballooned to over 14,000 crore.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) recovered bank token devices
of the foreign dummy companies used by the fugitive diamond
trader to transfer the fraudulent funds.
The probe agency found that Nehal Modi, brother of Nirav Modi
had destroyed the devices and had even secured a server
in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) soon after the scam broke
out. These dummy firms had been receiving the fraudulent
PNB LoUs and were based out in British Virgin Island and other
tax havens.
The enforcement agency has so far seized movable and
immovable properties to the tune of Rs 2362 crore in the PNB
fraud case.
Nirav modi exported rough stones from foreign countries worth crores.
The employees at PB Brady House branch fraudulently issued a LOUs
for 365 days without making any provision for collateral security and
bypassing the core banking system (CBS). Nirav Modi's three
companies named 'Diamond R Us', 'Stellar Diamond' and 'Solar
Exports' allegedly raised loans from Axis bank, CO bank and Allahabad
showing LOUs. The firms also raised funds from Indian banks overseas
branches for paying to suppliers. Nirav Modi's firm again requested the
bank to issue another LOU but officials refused on ground that the
company has to keep collateral with the bank but the Modi's firm
argued that no such money was kept on margin for the previous LOUs.
After the PNB's officials started scanning the records, they didn't find
any such transactions and then filed a complaint with the Central
Bureau of India.
Audit firms- introduction
The partners of SPMG & Company have been involved in the audits
of the Indian Nationalised banks. The partners have a wide
experience of the Banking industry and have carried out the
following work:
Statutory Audits
Revenue and Inspection Audit
Stock and Concurrent Audit
Physical Inspection
A 36 year old firm has carved a niche for itself in India's audit and
allied sectors (with specific thrust and expertise in assurance, risk
advisory, tax advisory, corporate advisory and outsourcing)and can be
reckoned as an Indian firm with a global advantage
Some of the highlights/milestones are:
Twelve partners with Two partners being CPA'S and Two
are qualified ISA (Information's systems auditor)
Recently a very senior management consultant (Indrajit
Banerjee) with top level corporate experience with corporations
like Lupin, Cairn, Ranbaxy and Indal has been taken on board
as a mentor.
Registered with C. A. G. for allotment of statutory audit of
public sector units. Empanelled with RBI for central statutory
audit of Indian banks.
Role of Auditors
MK Sharma, the senior internal auditor of PNB Brady House
branch was responsible for auditing for the system and practices
of the branch and to report any fraud with the zonal office.
MK Sharma knew about the fraud but didn't file any complaint
with the audit office
According to ICAl it is mandatory for every auditor to verify and
scrutinize every transaction that takes place through SWIFT, but
in this case the auditor deliberately didn't verify these
The Internal Auditor, Concurrent Auditor And Statutory Auditor
Of The Bank should have been checking the transactions which
have been done through SWIFT but they deliberately ignored all
the transactions
The audit committee of the board oversees a quarterly report ,
particularly on the foreign exchange dealing of the branch but
they didn't examine the quarterly report of foreign exchange
dealing. In March 2013, non-fund based loan of PNB was Rs 407
crore. In March 2014, it zoomed to Rs 3458 crore. In March
2017, it raised Rs 4302 crore.
Since the PNB Scam was pertaining to the internal control and
structure of the bank, which in turn ended up affecting the
financial situation of the parties involved, the audit report
submitted seemingly had no issues. Upon further inspection after
an FIR complaint from a whistleblower, it was found that the bank
had been approving LOU's (Letters of Understanding) without
taking any margin, which is a compulsory requirement for an LOU
approval. Upto 1200 false LOU's were approved in a period of 7
years (2011-2018) before the scam was unveiled.
Regulations of the Securities and Exchange Board of India require
two-thirds of the members on the audit committee to be
independent to ensure better scrutiny. But the bank's statutory
auditors, signing off the consecutive annual reports, found that
the bank was in breach of this regulation. Instead of fixing this
breach, the bank justified it by saying that it followed instructions
and regulations of the Reserve Bank of India in electing the audit
committee members. All the while, the government nominee
continued to be a member of the audit committee.
In its First Information Report to the Central Bureau of
Investigation on the scam, Punjab National Bank explained how
the key reason the scam went undetected internally for so long
was that two key softwares to log transactions were not
connected. These two softwares are SWIFT, short for Society for
Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, and the Core
Banking Solution, or the main online account keeping software.
Consequently, the bank said, its employees were able to send
messages on SWIFT that provided credit to Nirav Modi's
companies (in the name of Letters of Understanding), which
they did not log into the Core Banking Solution.