Role of Tourism in Economic Development A Case Study of Koraput District of Odisha

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 1, November-December 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Role of Tourism in Economic Development:

A Case Study of Koraput District of Odisha
Shri Arun Kumar Tripathy1, Shri Kishore Kumar Patra2
MA (Econ., Pub. Admn., & Sociology), MPhl(Tribal Studies), 2MA(Econ.), LLB,
Academic Consultant, Central University of Odisha, Koraput, Odisha, India
Lecturer in Economics, Biju Patnaik College of Education Govindapalli, Malkangiri, Odisha, India

How to cite this paper: Shri Arun Kumar Tripathy | Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and
Shri Kishore Kumar Patra "Role of Tourism in International Journal of Trend in
Economic Development: A Case Study of Koraput Scientific Research and Development
District of Odisha" Published in International Journal. This is an
Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Open Access article
Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | distributed under the
Issue-1, December 2021, pp.426-445, URL: IJTSRD47833 terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Tourism and hospitality is an important parameter of million jobs at risk, many in micro, small, and
socio-cultural identity and heritage of a country. In medium-sized enterprises that employ a high share of
the era of globalization tourism and hospitality women, who represent 54 percent of the tourism
enhances the economic growth by job creation, source workforce, according to the United Nations World
of foreign exchange and development of regions with Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Tourism-
potential for tourism. According to World Travel and dependent countries will likely feel the negative
Tourism Council (2014), the contribution of travel impacts of the crisis for much longer than other
and tourism in world GDP is estimated to increase economies. Contact-intensive services key to the
from 9.5% of GDP in 2013 to 10.3% of GDP in 2024 tourism and travel sectors are disproportionately
(WTTC, 2014).Tourism and hospitality industry affected by the pandemic and will continue to
contributes 6.8% of GDP of India, contributes 7.7% struggle until people feel safe to travel en masse
in total employment generated and provides foreign again. “There is no way we can grow our way out of
exchange of US$18.13 billion . The tourism and this hole we are in,” Irwin LaRocque, secretary-
hospitality sector is the third largest source of foreign general of the Caribbean Community
exchange for India. The investment in tourism creates (CARICOM), said at a virtual event in September.
more jobs as compared to other sectors of economy. From the white sand beaches of the Caribbean,
An investment of Rs. 10 lakh in tourism sector is Seychelles, Mauritius, and the Pacific to the back
estimated to create 89 jobs in hospitality industry as streets of Bangkok, to Africa’s sweeping national
compared to 45 jobs in agriculture and 13 jobs in parks, countries are grappling with how to lure back
manufacturing sector (Planning Commission).Hotel visitors while avoiding new outbreaks of infection.
industry generates revenues of US$ 400-500 billion The solutions range from wooing the ultra rich who
annually. In India tourism and hospitality has can quarantine on their yachts to inviting people to
emerged as a sunrise industry with rise in number of stay for periods of up to a year and work virtually
foreign tourists. while enjoying a tropical view. Tourism receipts
Before COVID-19, travel and tourism had become worldwide are not expected to recover to 2019 levels
until 2023. In the first half of this year, tourist arrivals
one of the most important sectors in the world
economy, accounting for 10 percent of global GDP fell globally by more than 65 percent, with a near halt
since April—compared with 8 percent during the
and more than 320 million jobs worldwide. In 1950,
global financial crisis and 17 percent amid the SARS
at the dawn of the jet age, just 25 million people took
foreign trips. By 2019, that number had reached 1.5 epidemic of 2003, according to ongoing IMF research
on tourism in a post-pandemic world. The
billion, and the travel and tourism sector had grown to
October World Economic Outlook projected the
almost too-big-to-fail proportions for many
global economy would contract by 4.4 percent in
economies. The global pandemic, the first of its scale
2020. The shock in tourism-dependent economies
in a new era of interconnectedness, has put 100

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will be far worse. Real GDP among African countries language and norms of the particular place of travel
dependent on tourism will shrink by 12 percent. for the urge to acquire knowledge and experience
Among tourism-dependent Caribbean nations, the about it. The tourists in this form, unlike traditional
decline will also reach 12 percent. Pacific island form, try to get involved in economical and cultural
nations such as Fiji could see real GDP shrink by a environment of the place of travel.
staggering 21 percent in 2020. The World Tourism
In this dissertation a humble attempt will be made to
and Travel Council in a report on the future of the highlight the problems and prospects of the tourism
industry said the pandemic has shifted travelers’
industry in Koraput district of Odisha and the role of
focus to domestic trips or nature and outdoor
media for the development of these spots which will
destinations. Travel will largely be “kick started by
lead to the development of these destinations as well
the less risk averse travelers and early adopters, from
as it will be a boost for the development of the
adventure travelers and backpackers to surfers and
economy of the tribal stakeholders in general and that
mountain climbers,” the report says.
of the Economy of Odisha in Particular.
Tourism is the largest industry in India and also
3. Objectives
globally and is considered as an economic bonanza.
The main objectives of the study are :-
Huge potentials can be observed from various related
1. To study the existing scenario of the tourism
segments of this industry. It is the only industry industry in Koraput District;
which has, with its immense opportunities attracted
2. To assess the relation between media and tourism
the attention of various groups towards it, directly or
indirectly. Tourism has the ability to motivate human
3. To identify the constraints, if any, which impede
beings through its various sources; be it adventure,
the promotional role of media;
religious, wildlife, nature, sports, etc. Tourism is a
4. To identify the innovative prospects put forward
service-based industry with hodge-podge of related
by both the tourism industry and the media.
industries as it can accelerate various developmental
activities. It contributes to conservation of natural Research Queries
beauty, earning of revenue and also employment The study has conducted with the following research
avenues. Now, the endeavor should be to boost queries-
tourism in India which in turn would act as a catalyst 1. Whether the existing scenario of the tourism
for the country’s development. In fact, most of the industry in Koraput is contributing to the state’s
countries around the world are turning to tourism as economy
they consider it as one of the engines for economic 2. Whether tourism industry is dependent on media
development. Tourism in India has the potential of for its development.
becoming one of the leading economies around the 3. Whether the media always play the positive role
globe. in the process of development of tourism industry
4. Whether there is any scope for innovation in the
Classification of Tourism tourism industry through the help of media.
Tourism may be broadly classified into two types:
1. Traditional Tourism Research Methodology
2. Niche Tourism The collected data have been analyzed by using
elementary statistical tools and techniques like
1. Traditional Tourism diagrammatic and graphic representation of data,
In this form of tourism, generally, travelling is
classification and tabulation of data. The research
planned beforehand with the help of tour operators.
methodology adopted for this study has been
Every information is being provided by the tour
designed keeping in mind the objectives concerned.
operators before the actual travel period starts. A
The methodology incorporates the following:
large number of travelers are involved in this form of
A. Area of the Study:
tourism which takes the form of social activity. The
B. Research Design:
tourists mostly emphasize on sight-seeing, visit to
C. Sampling Plan:
various spots viz. heritage, pilgrim, wildlife etc. They
D. Method of data collection in case of primary data:
are not interested in focusing on economical and
E. Sources of secondary data:
cultural environment of the region.
Area of the Study
2. Niche Tourism The 10 selected tourist spots of Koraput district has
Niche Tourism is a form of tourism in which small
been selected on the basis of convenient sampling.
group of people is involved in travelling plan and
The tourist spots selected by convenience sampling
which is being planned and decided spontaneously.
method are as follows:
Here, the traveler seeks to focus on local culture,

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1. Punjisil-Waterfall 2. Google Form
The views of the citizens of Koraput district has
2. Duduma- Waterfall
ascertained through close ended questionnaries.
3. Gupteshwar- Lord Shiva Shrine
3. Questionnarries for Media
4. Deomali- Highest mountain peak of Odisha Questionnarries has also distributed to media agencies
5. Sabara Srikhetra- The Mythical Jagannath to collect the existing report made by the print and
Temple electronics media about these tourist destinations

6. Rani Duduma- Waterfall Sources of Secondary Data

The sources of secondary data are the various
7. Putusil- Waterfall literatures, including books, journals, research papers,
8. Maliguda- Longest Railway Tunnel articles and the database of tourism preserved in
various tourist spots in Koraput district. The sources
9. Kechela- Picnic Spot also include the database preserved in the resorts and
10. Galigabdar- Waterfall hotels, internet, journals, periodicals, brochures,
pamphlets etc.
Research Design
The present research study is both descriptive and Tools For Data Analysis
quantitative. The study tries to focus on the present Simple statistical tools like average, percentage, etc
scenario of tourism industry in the District of has been used to analyse the data collected and
Koraput. So far as this is concerned, the study is diagrams like Pie-chart, Bar-Diagram has also been
descriptive in nature. So far as the analysis of data by used to present the analysis in graphical/ photo
various elementary statistical tools and techniques as pictorial forms.
mentioned above is concerned, the study is Scope
quantitative. Thus the study is partly descriptive and The scope of the study is limited to the selected
partly quantitative. tourist spots Koraput District, Odisha
Sampling Plan Literature Review
The reports published about this tourism destination A plethora of literature reveals the long-term
will be ascertained through questionnaires. influence of tourism on economic growth, known as
The Nine most circulated Odia dailies whose reports the tourism-led growth hypothesis. It can act as a
about these spots will be analysed and suggestive growth engine by contributing to GDP growth, job
measures will be recommended. creation, and foreign exchange generation. In
1. The Sambad contrast, economic growth also positively impacts
2. The Samaja tourism development, as it favors tourism activities
3. The Dharitri by developing facilities and infrastructures, such as
4. The Pragatibadi transportation development, information and
5. The Anupam Bharat communication technology development, electronic
6. The Khabara money, hotels, restaurants, and other entertainment
7. The Prajatantra services and facilities.
8. The Samaya Jeon (2020) initiated a study in Korea to investigate
9. The Nitidana the association between macro and non-macro
In case of the electronic media the reports of the variables on tourism companies’ stock performance.
following television channels about these spots will The study included monthly data from January 2001
be ascertained and analysed. Those were: to December 2018. The results revealed that variables
1. OTV such as oil prices, exchange rate, and industrial
2. KANAK NEWS production have an adverse effect on tourism
3. NEWS18 ODISHA companies’ stock prices, while the effects of tourism
expenditure and consumer price index are positive
Methods of Data Collection in case of Primary
and significant. The quantile regression also revealed
the negative effect of non-macro determinants on
1. Interview Schedule for Visitors
tourism stock. He concluded that macro and non-
By visiting the places, whoever be the visitors has
macro variables are statistically asymmetric and
been interviewed through the Interview Schedules.
highly correlated to tourism stock performance.

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Khan (2020) tried to explore the role of tourism in suppliers of goods and services for hoteliers, caterers
boosting Italy’s economic growth, where she stated and transport undertakings.
that there is a robust causal effect among such
variables as economic growth, number of tourist
arrival, international tourism receipt, and international
tourism expenditure. Further, she revealed
Punjisil Water Fall is situated at Punjisil Village. It is
bidirectional causation between economic growth and around 15 km from Damanjodi and 35-40 km from
tourism growth and economic growth to tourist
Koraput Town, a part of Lakshmipur Tehsil. It's is a
arrivals. However, she also found unidirectional natural water park. It attracts large numbers of
causality between economic growth to tourism
tourists from far and near for enjoying natural beauty.
expenditure, tourism growth to tourism expenditure,
Visitors can take bath along with his family here.
and more interestingly, she found no causal
association between tourist arrivals and tourism Duduma (Machkund)
expenditure. The Majestic waterfall, popularly known as Matsya
Tirtha of epic fame falls from a height of 175 mtrs.
Chattopadhyay (2006) explained that Religious
Set in the heart of a picturesque hill, Duduma 70 Kms.
tourism generates revenue in a way as no other kind
to the South of Jeypore and 88 Kms away from
of tourism does. It has a distinct edge over other kinds Koraput is a rocky outlet for the river Machhkund,
of tourism due to the pull of huge crowds in the form
which flows through this rough Terrain. These falls,
of tourists .Pilgrim tourism to holy places (tirtha-
with a 165-mtrs drop, are known by the name
yatra) is an ancient and continuing religious tradition
Dudumafalls presumably in the absence of an adjacent
of the Culture of Hindus. Here religion, as a cultural village to name them after, as the word ‗Duduma‘
dimension, assumes the vital role and central focus of
itself means ‗Waterfall‘. Below the falls for five or six
tourism in which the tourists (pilgrims) from all strata
kilometers the river flows towards the south-west in a
of the Hindus participate. In pilgrim tourism, the
deep and a gloomy gorge, hemmed in on both sides by
dimension of religion forms the basis of tourism of
rock walls seven or eight hundred feet high into which
pilgrimage by offering the reward of purification of it is impossible to descend except by the winch or the
the soul and attainment of objectives related to the
flight of steps of the Machkund Project. Rock-
problems of mundane existence. Hindus from time
climbing enthusiasts can try reaching the base of the
immemorial were attracted to their numerous holy fall from the opposite side of the hill, a route tribals
sites spread throughout India. claim can be Terribly Strenuous. Three Kms away
Ash and Turner (1976) argues that Tourism from the Duduma water fall, a small village called
development also has some positive and negative Onakadelli draws the attraction of foreign tourists to
upon cultural traditions, lifestyle, and environment of its weekly market day on Thursday where the
the local people. Tourism also causes decline in Neolithic tribe Bonda come from inaccessible forest
morality through unending pursuit of fun, sun and sex for marketing. It is 90 Kms away from Koraput. . The
by the golden hordes of pleasure seekers inthe fall is best seen from the top of the terrain but to get to
vacation destinations18 thus increasing in the base of the waterfall you must descend downhill,
prostitution, drug consumption etc. Degradation of which is risky at times. Also, a Lord Shiva temple is
natural environment in tourists receiving areas is situated at the downhill where local villagers
another problem, which is directly proportionate to assembles during the annual “Shiva Ratri” festival.
the tourists’ intake. The fall surrounded with terrains and lush greenery
makes it a perfect place for outing.
Murphy (1990) in his book, “Tourism Community
Approach” carried a more balanced assessment of the Gupteshwar- Lord Shiva Shrine
industry and its impacts; since it involves the interests The cave Shrine of Gupteswar nestles on a lush green
of many groups within a given setting. The travel hill, 58KMS from Jeypore, and 80 Kms away from
industry produces expectations, sells dreams and Koraput, amidst deep forest. The Cavernous interior
provides memories. The Tourist Industry is composed of the Temple enshrines a huge ‗lingam‘. The cave is a
of variety of trades in goods and services. Primary multi Chambered wonder, Gupteswar is also
travel trades in the tourist industry are; hotel industry, Popularly known as Gupta Kedara. Shabari a rocky
food and beverage industry, transport industry, travel stream of great scenic beauty flows by Gupteswar. It
industry. Whereas, secondary travel trades include; is believed that Lord Rama during his banishment to
retail shops of souvenirs, antiques and gifts etc, Banks forest passed through this region on his way to
and financial institutions, hair dressers, laundries and Panchabati in Dandaka-ranya. The heavily wooded
valley all around is a heaven for the adventure loners.

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Tucked amidst dense forest and River Sabari, a Its halls and surrounding temples, which were
tributary of River Kolab, flowing on the other side, constructed in a phased manner, are ornate and grand
Gupteswar-the cave shrine of Lord Shiva situated on in their appearance. The temple is fascinating,
a lime stone hill is a famous pilgrim site and the especially for non-Hindus who couldn't enter the
biggest tourist puller of the district. Devotees in Jagannath temple in Puri normally referred as “
thousands from Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana Srikhetra” .The Jagannath temple has a display of
and Chhattisgarh throng to the cave temple, in the Gods of the different states of India. There's also a
holy month of Sravana and on the annual Shiva Ratri selection of local forms of rangoli, traditional patterns
festival. As the name sounds Gupteswar means "The made with white and coloured powders on doorsteps.
Hidden God" and the main cave temple with a two At the back of the temple is a series of apses
meter height "linga" in it is surrounded by several containing statuettes of Jagannath in his various guises
other small caves. The place is also popularly known and costumes. One can climb steps to reach the temple
as "Gupta Kedar". It is said that a tribal hunter had or can directly take the vechicle to the parking area
discovered the "Linga" inside the cave. The place is which is nearer to the temple. The tribal museum
believed to have close links between first- century adjoining to it, projects the rare cultural heritage of the
AD poet Kalidas. Researchers say that the ramagiri tribals of this region. The tribal museum behind the
hills, which encircles the cave shrine as been Jagannath Temple Koraput with collections of mineral
described in the poet's, literally work Meghaduta. samples, tribal costumes, hand woven clothes, musical
instruments, caters to and educates the tourists about
Tribals will be seen selling minor forest produces
the culture and heritage of Koraput tribals.
outselling minor forest produces outside the temple.
It's not advisable for a night stay at Gupteswar and to Rani Duduma- Waterfall
return prior to sun-set. Rani Duduma water fall, situated just a kilometre
away from Nandapur, will leave you awestruck. The
Deomali- Highest mountain peak of Odisha
waters fall in steps, forms a pool and then again falls
As the road bends from National Highway-26 at
results in a truly stunning view.
Kunduli, the topography begins to change. The route
enters an undulating lush green terrain as after a drive What To Expect Inside
of around 20 km's the serpentine road leads to 1. An amazing Cascade waterfall active throughout
Deomali, the highest peak of Odisha. the year, with clear water.
With above 1672 meter from minimum sea level of 2. About 3 Kilometer from Nandapur main market.
the eastern ghat of India, Deomali is the pride of 3. prominent falls, with 2 of them accessible for
Koraput. With misty clouds around you and cold trekking.
breeze piercing your body, trekking at this highest 4. You can climb up to the first fall, which is the
peak will give you some of the memorable moment best fall among three, but it is very risky.
which one would love to treasure for life. While it 5. The water remains throughout the year and it
will be enjoyable to walk to the summit, but one increases in monsoon season.
should be careful during the return journey as the
track is quite slippery. Apart from outstanding 6. Taking a cool shower under the natural fall water
contrast of trekking in the highest peak of Odisha, is possible.
also, one can get an arresting view of the Deomali 7. At The Starting point, a park is being developed.
range of Hills and a peep at the tribal villages situated 8. From parking place its 1 km climbing steps and
at the foothills of Deomali. passing through the paddy fields and by side of
Sabara Srikhetra- The Mythical Jagannath the river.
Temple 9. Picnic points available with cooking space.
situated at a height of 2,900 ft above the sea level, the 10. It’s excellent for both family and bachelor picnic.
district headquarters town of Koraput is also 11. It can be easily accessed by hiring local
identified as "Sabara Srikhetra” for the Jagannath transportation or public transport facilities.
Temple whose construction was completed in the
12. No good hotels or lodges are available, the
year 1978. Constructed on a hilltop, the temple is
nearest will be Similiguda.
dedicated to "Lord Jagannath". The panoramic view
of the town and its salubrious climate makes it an 13. Best Time to Visit: October-February
attractive health resort. The breath taking scenery 14. Parking Fee: 20/- Per Vehicle/Hour
brings heaven to earth. 15. Nearest Railway Station: Jeypore (1hr 51min)
16. Nearest Town: Nandapur

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17. Nearest Market Place: Semiliguda Kechela- Picnic Spot
18. Trip Type: Families, Couples and Friends After travelling around 10 km in waterway Pondi
ferry point near Koraput town one can discover
Putusil- Waterfall himself at the enthralling
In Koraput district, nature has spread its rainbow
scarf. Thick stack of green paddy fields in the country Kechala besides Kolab reservoir. There is a copper
with beautiful mountain garlands. The natural plate which revels that the village had been granted to
fountain emerges out of the heart of granary. It looks one Narasingha Mishra by the then Maharaja Krishna
like the Queen of Nature is dressed up here to Dev on the occasion of the solar eclipse on September
welcome guests. 24, 1620.
This is, Talamali of Putsil, one of the main attractions Jain relics found in the place speak volume of impact
of Koraput. The region has always been a tourist of Jainism in the area in the medieval period. A 30
attraction. This is a familiar name for Ollywod movie feet high Jain temple with images of Thirthankars
directors. The environment here is by no means identified as Resavanath, Mahavir Jain, Ambika Devi,
inferior to the natural beauty of Uttarakhand’s Uti and Jakhya and Jakhyani indicates that Kechana was a
Simla in Uttarakhand. It is located at 3,700 feet above seat of Jainism. One has to hire a private motorboat to
sea level, a part of Deomali hill.Due to the lack of reach Kechala as the motor boat pressed to service by
publicity, such an attractive tourist destination has not the tourism department is lying defunct.
been able to reach to a larger mass. At the foot of the Galigabdar- Waterfall
hill there are small numbers of tribal villages.They Poets described Galigabdar water fall as, "Who is
have grown a variety of crops on the heart of rocks. ready to come, the water in the body of the stone. The
It's raining and it's cold .... It's always a place for flute of the Blue Hero will blossom as the cascade of
attraction for everyone. Putsil, which flows at the foot love blows" Situated in the Kotia Tehsil, Pottangi
of the hill, attracts tourists.Here many ollywood films block, Galigabdar attracts many of the tourist from far
like Rowdy Raja, Tu Mo Sathire, Nua Thikana, Love and near. Its situated 57 kms away from the district
you Priya has been shoot here. It is situated in the headquarter of Koraput. But now a day’s lack of
Dudhari Panchayat of Semiliguda.Its situated around safety measures at the picturesque Galigabdar
37 kms from Koraput Rathabali waterfall in Koraput district has raised
Maliguda- Longest Railway Tunnel concern among tourists visiting the spot. Located 11
A journey from Rayagada to Koraput by train is like a km away from Pottangi block headquarter on the
visit to a hill station. The crisp and cool breeze foothills of Deomali, one can get a view of
blowing through the window, clouds shuttling from Galigabdar Rathabali’s multiple drops from a
one mountain to another through tunnels is an distance. Water gushes down in several steps
experience every person will remember. As the train through a single rock and visitors can climb to the
chugs along the 173-km-long route in the district and top of the rock to have a closer look at the fall. For
covers as many as 38 tunnels at regular intervals, the its stunning landscape, the waterfall gets visitors
whole stretch provides one of the most fascinating round the year from both within the State and
and enjoyable. India’s highest broad gauge railway Andhra Pradesh. Due to good road communication,
tunnel is situated at the small village of Malliguda, a the waterfall is easily approachable from even
favorite place for weekend picnic and to unwind from Raipur and Andhra Pradesh and on an average, at
tiring urban life journeys. While coming across the 12 least 200 tourists visit the waterfall during the peak
stations on its route, the train leapfrogs gorges and season. However, there has been a rise in number of
ravines lumbering over bridges. Small railway accidents at the spot in the absence of safety
stations nestling between mountains will be witnessed measures.
along the route. The train snaking over the curves, In the absence of guard wall or fences around the
entering the tunnels with smoke bellowing out waterfall, people usually fall while climbing atop
provides a glorious picture. The tunnels have a depth the rocky surface of the waterfall or while posing at
of 60 meter, sharp curvatures up to five degrees and the top of the fall to get a selfie.
steep gradients.

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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47833 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 432
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470

Result of interaction with Interview Schedule with Tourist Personel

In all of the tourist places, all total 197 respondents were interviewed. The data collected with the interaction are
depicted through the following tables and pie-Chart/ diagram.
Table No-4.01-Gender Status of the Respondents
Gender of the Respondents Nos.
Male 121
Female 76
Total 197

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47833 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 433
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Age Group
Table No-4.02-Age Group of the Respondents
Age Group Nos. of Respondents
0-25 36
25-40 57
40-60 15
60-70 10
70 & Above 52
Total 197

Status of Foreign Tourists

Table No-4.05- Status of Foreign Tourists
Place Nos.
Within Asia 00
Outside Asia 07
Total 07
Table No-4.03-Nationality of the Respondents
Nationality Nos.
Indian 189
Other National 08
Total 197

Table No-4.06- Occupation of the Respondents
Occupation Nos of Tourists
Service 33
Business 43
Retired 52
Status of Indigenous Tourists Student 38
Self Employed 23
Table No-4.04- Status of Indigenous Tourists
Other 08
Place Nos.
Total 197
Within Odisha 163
Outside Odisha 27
Total 190

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Table No-4.08- Travel likings of the
Question: How do you like to travel Answer
In Group 66
With Family 110
Solo Traveller 21

Status of Frequent Travelers

Table No-4.07- Status of Frequent Travelers
Question Yes No
Are you a frequent traveler? 166 31

Travel likings of the Respondents

Table No-4.09-Rating scale of Punjisil(00-10)
Sl No. Name of the Place Status of Facility Rating
1. Security 05
2. Infrastructure 03
3. Scenic beauty 09
4. Attraction 08
5. Cleanliness 05
6. Maintenance 07
7. Punjisil Rates of the Hotel Room NA
8. Accessibility 01
9. Cuisine NA
10. Toilet NA
11. Behaviour of the local staff NA
12. ATM/Credit Card Facilities NA
13. Internet Facilities NA
14. Rates of Transport 05

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Table No-4.10-Rating scale of Duduma (00-10)
Sl No. Name of the Place Status of Facility Rating
1. Security 05
2. Infrastructure 03
3. Scenic beauty 10
4. Attraction 10
5. Cleanliness 05
6. Maintenance 07
7. Duduma Rates of the Hotel Room NA
8. Accessibility 01
9. Cuisine NA
10. Toilet NA
11. Behaviour of the local staff 08
12. ATM/Credit Card Facilities NA
13. Internet Facilities NA
14. Rates of Transport 07
Table No-4.11-Rating scale of Gupteshwar (00-10)
Sl No. Name of the Place Status of Facility Rating
1. Security 07
2. Infrastructure 10
3. Scenic beauty 09
4. Attraction 07
5. Cleanliness 10
6. Maintenance 10
7. Gupteshwar Rates of the Hotel Room 18
8. Accessibility 10
9. Cuisine 08
10. Toilet 05
11. Behaviour of the local staff 09
12. ATM/Credit Card Facilities NA
13. Internet Facilities NA
14. Rates of Transport 07
Table No-4.12-Rating scale of Deomali(00-10)
Sl No. Name of the Place Status of Facility Rating
1. Security 03
2. Infrastructure 05
3. Scenic beauty 07
4. Attraction 08
5. Cleanliness 07
6. Maintenance 05
7. Deomali Rates of the Hotel Room NA
8. Accessibility 05
9. Cuisine NA
10. Toilet NA
11. Behaviour of the local staff 07
12. ATM/Credit Card Facilities NA
13. Internet Facilities NA
14. Rates of Transport 08

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Table No-4.13-Rating scale of Sabara Srikhetra(00-10)
Sl No. Name of the Place Status of Facility Rating
1. Security 10
2. Infrastructure 10
3. Scenic beauty 08
4. Attraction 07
5. Cleanliness 10
6. Maintenance 10
7. Sabara Srikhetra Rates of the Hotel Room 10
8. Accessibility 10
9. Cuisine 10
10. Toilet 10
11. Behaviour of the local staff 10
12. ATM/Credit Card Facilities 10
13. Internet Facilities 10
14. Rates of Transport 10
Table No-4.14-Rating scale of Rani Duduma (00-10)
Sl No. Name of the Place Status of Facility Rating
1. Security 06
2. Infrastructure 05
3. Scenic beauty 10
4. Attraction 08
5. Cleanliness 07
6. Maintenance 05
7. Rani Duduma Rates of the Hotel Room 08
8. Accessibility 07
9. Cuisine NA
10. Toilet NA
11. Behaviour of the local staff 07
12. ATM/Credit Card Facilities 08
13. Internet Facilities 07
14. Rates of Transport 05
Table No-4.15-Rating scale of Putusil (00-10)
Sl No. Name of the Place Status of Facility Rating
1. Security 07
2. Infrastructure 08
3. Scenic beauty 10
4. Attraction 09
5. Cleanliness 05
6. Maintenance 08
7. Putusil Rates of the Hotel Room NA
8. Accessibility 04
9. Cuisine NA
10. Toilet NA
11. Behaviour of the local staff 07
12. ATM/Credit Card Facilities NA
13. Internet Facilities NA
14. Rates of Transport 07

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Table No-4.16-Rating scale of Maliguda (00-10)
Sl No. Name of the Place Status of Facility Rating
1. Security 05
2. Infrastructure 03
3. Scenic beauty 04
4. Attraction 06
5. Cleanliness 07
6. Maintenance 05
7. Maliguda Rates of the Hotel Room NA
8. Accessibility 07
9. Cuisine NA
10. Toilet NA
11. Behaviour of the local staff 06
12. ATM/Credit Card Facilities NA
13. Internet Facilities NA
14. Rates of Transport 06
Table No-4.17-Rating scale of Kechela (00-10)
Sl No. Name of the Place Status of Facility Rating
1. Security 05
2. Infrastructure 07
3. Scenic beauty 08
4. Attraction 06
5. Cleanliness 07
6. Maintenance 06
7. Kechela Rates of the Hotel Room NA
8. Accessibility 05
9. Cuisine NA
10. Toilet NA
11. Behaviour of the local staff 06
12. ATM/Credit Card Facilities NA
13. Internet Facilities NA
14. Rates of Transport 08
Table No-4.18-Rating scale of Galigabdar (00-10)
Sl No. Name of the Place Status of Facility Rating
1. Security 07
2. Infrastructure 06
3. Scenic beauty 10
4. Attraction 10
5. Cleanliness 10
6. Maintenance 07
7. Rates of the Hotel Room NA
8. Accessibility 06
9. Cuisine NA
10. Toilet NA
11. Behaviour of the local staff NA
12. ATM/Credit Card Facilities NA
13. Internet Facilities NA
14. Rates of Transport 07
Purpose of visit to the place
The purpose of the tourist behind the visit of the concerned places as described as under:-
A. Leisure
B. Religious Trip

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
C. Conference
D. Business Purpose
E. Medical/Health Issues
F. Adventure/ Sports
G. Visiting friends/ Relatives
H. Education/ Research
I. Shopping
J. Heritage Site
Frequency of visit to Koraput
Out of the 197 respondents, 131 were first time visitors, 47 were 2nd time visitors and 19 were visitors with multi
times. This data has depicted through the following pie chart.
Table No-4.19-Frequency of Visit of Tourists
Category Frequency
1st Time Visitor 131
2nd Time Visitor 47
Multiple time visitor 19

For the question, which source actually influenced you to go for a planned vacation, the response received, has
interpreted through the following bar-diagram and table:-
Table No-4.20-Influencing factor behind visit to Koraput
Influence Category Numbers
Friends/Relatives 122
Television 37
Radio 8
Newspaper/ Megazine 30

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Feedback were received from the respondents about their opinion regarding 2nd time visit & recommending
friend about visit. The response has interpreted through the following table.
Table No-4.21-Feedback
Question Response
Would you like to visit Koraput again Yes 180
No 17
Question Response
Will you recommend your friend to visit Koraput? Yes 190
No 07
Result of interaction with Questionnaire with Print & Electronic Media
Questionnaires were sent to the leading 10 Odia dailies, and their response is depicted through the following
Table No.4.22-Numbers of report published in Print Media about the study areas from 2011-2021
Name of the media

The Khabara
The Anupam

The Nitidana
The Dharitri
The Sambad

The Samaya
The Samaja



Name of
tourist spot
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
1. Punjisil 03 01 01 00 01 02 01 01 01
2. Duduma 05 03 02 02 01 01 02 02 01
3. Gupteshwar 08 04 03 02 01 02 01 03 01
4. Deomali 10 05 03 02 01 01 01 01 01
5. Sabara Srikhetra 12 05 01 01 02 04 05 03 01
6. Rani Duduma 07 06 03 02 04 01 02 03 01
7. Putusil 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
8. Maliguda 03 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
9. Kechela 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
10. Galigabdar 03 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
The data of the publication of the reports about the selected tourist spots in print medias are as under:-

It depicts that the news paper The Sambad has largest nos. of publication about the these tourist spots. By
reading these kinds o reports the tourists from far and near cames to enjoy the beauty of these tourist spots.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47833 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 440
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Questionnaires were sent to the leading 03 Odia Electronic Medias, and their response is depicted through the
following table.
Table No.4.23 Numbers of reports broadcasted in Electronic Media about the study areas From 2011-
Name of the media


Name of
Tourist Spot
1. 2. 3.
1. Punjisil 01 01 01
2. Duduma 03 02 01
3. Gupteshwar 08 04 02
4. Deomali 10 05 03
5. Sabara Srikhetra 03 02 01
6. Rani Duduma 05 06 02
7. Putusil 02 01 02
8. Maliguda 01 01 01
9. Kechela 03 01 00
10. Galigabdar 01 01 00
The data of the publication of the reports about the selected tourist spots in selected electronic medias are as

It depicts that the news paper OTV has largest nos. of broadcasting about these tourist spots. By reading these
kinds o reports the tourists from far and near comes to enjoy the beauty of these tourist spots.
MAJOR FINDINGS in Koraput though their expectations were very high
The findings have been presented below in before their travel.
accordance with the attributes:
C. Scenic Beauty
A. Safety and security When the researcher studied the satisfaction level
It is the first attribute studied and it was found that
with respect to Scenic Beauty, it was found that
tourists from within India/ Odisha and outside Asia
tourists were not highly satisfied after their travel
were highly satisfied with safety and security matter
experience in Koraput, even if their expectations were
when it came to expectations. The expectations might
very high before their travel.
have been created through information search through
various means D. Attraction
When the researcher studied the satisfaction level in
B. Infrastructure terms of Attraction, it was found that tourists were
When the researcher studied the satisfaction level in
not highly satisfied after their travel experience in
terms ofInfrastructure, it was found that the tourists
Koraput though their expectations were very high
were not highly satisfied after their travel experience
before their travel.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47833 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 441
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
E. Cleanliness L. Information/Communication
Nowadays, cleanliness of every spot is an important In terms of Information and Communication, the
aspect for every traveler. Since, tourists travel in tourists were of the assumption that the internet
groups, family and friends, hygiene is always a matter facility, wireless communication, cell phones and
of concern for them. In this study, the researcher communication means will not be satisfactory which
found that the tourists were highly satisfied with their is partially correct.
experiences in terms of cleanliness of the
M. Rates of hotels/transport
surrounding, in spite of their expectations which was The tourists had high expectations in terms of rates of
comparatively less. hotels and transport but after their visit to Koraput
F. Maintenance their experiences were not highly satisfactory.
The tourists were highly satisfied with their
experiences in terms maintenance of the entire This is the final stage of the thesis where the
requirements needed in tourism industry. Researcher proposes to put forward the following
Maintenance of surrounding, ambience, suggestions for different stakeholders. Such
infrastructure, and other related services. suggestions will definitely act as eye openers to the
G. Behavior of local staff policy makers, entrepreneurs, tourists, tour operators
Many people are associated with the tourism sector in etc.
one or the other way. Staff of railways, airways, 1. State Tourism Department should first try to
hotels, hospitals, resorts, lodges, etc. including the understand the loopholes whichhinder the tourism
gatekeeper has an important role to play when it growth and then try to frame the necessary steps
comes to delivering of services to the tourists. It to remove the loopholes and put extra efforts to
always creates a huge impact in tourist experience develop the tourism scenario of Koraput.
during their tour.
2. Festivals that are being arranged in different
H. Accessibility times, can be a good source for promotion of
It is also an important factor for the tourists during Tourism Industry. For example, Spring festival of
their travel plan which they focus upon. The China expects rush of travelers and even in the
researcher found that every tourist in this study was ticket booths, people wait for hours for purchase;
highly satisfied in terms of accessibility in their the same trend can also be created in Odisha
expectation and experience level which was same through festivals.
before and after their travel.
3. Conducive and friendly atmosphere for tourists
I. Cuisine is of utmost importance. Goa is being ranked in
Cuisine of a place is always a unique experience for the top 10 nightlife cities list by “National
the tourists which they want to explore. Ethnic food is Geographic”, it isgetting recognized in the global
always a source of attraction for the tourists towards a platform for being the safe destination. This is
place. In case of Local Cuisines of Koraput, the exemplary news for many States. Since, in
expectation of the tourists was high but after their today’s world of turmoil and chaos, people are
experiences, they seem to be not highly satisfied. scared to plan for a trip even though they are
J. ATM/Credit Card financially sound or free to move from place to
This facility is always looked upon by the tourists place. Safety and security is the most important
since it is quite risky to carry cash in the entire concern for every tourist. Hence, if the
journey. Their expectation in this regard was not high atmosphere of Odisha can be focused or promoted
during their visit to Koraput, but their experiences properly as being the place for tourism rather
were very good and they were highly satisfied when it than the place of terrorism, with proper security
came to ATM/Credit facility. But in the concerned in all spots, then definitely innumerous travelers
tourist places, there is no such ATMs, but it is will flow towards Odisha. It is necessary to work
situated in the nearby town, which 20-30 kms for law and order situations and safety and
distance. security measures before promoting Koraput as a
perfect place for tourists.
K. Toilet
The expectation of the tourist towards Koraput in 4. Government initiative should be to work for
terms of toilet is not good as in 80% of the areas there creation of proper image of a destination, which
is no such official toilet facility. has huge potential for Tourism industry to grow
and develop. Allocation of promotional funds by
the State Tourism Department can efficiently

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47833 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 442
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
and effectively help the tourism sector to mark a so that the region can expect more tourist inflow
position in global map. Website information round the year.
plays an important role for promotion of
Koraput Tourism. Therefore, up to date and The Tourism industry, in recent times, is the booming
proper information should be provided in the industry. Every country nowadays puts extra effort to
websites. grow and develop the Tourism Industry, since it helps
5. Media is still failing to provide a proper picture of in generating revenue, employment and also earn
Odisha at the national scenario, forget about foreign exchange to a large extent. It is the only
global. Hence, abolishing such important heritage industry which holistically helps the associated sectors
of Odisha cum Koraput is itself a need of to develop along with it. The Tourism Industry is the
discussion of the hour and since print media can generator for economic development of the country as
play an important role to bring tremendous a whole. The developed countries have worked for the
change through such news it should strategize promotion of tourism industry by bringing a paradigm
their responsibility and revolutionize the modern shift to the local culture, traditions and conserving the
tourism. natural beauty in spite of fast development. But the
scenario of developing countries in terms of tourism
6. Media is a strong weapon whose effective use is
promotion still needs much more effective strategy to
the need of the hour for the larger interests of
move forward. As tourism industry is the visual
Odisha. Youths of Odisha cum Koraput should
industry, every product and service designed for it to
not use the social media for creating turmoil in
offer,needs to be displayed through media to the entire
State but to showcase the issues in a much logical
world. Most parts of the globe are still not known to
manner so that their own state does not face any
the general public. Awareness of existence of a region
depressing situation in global scenario. At this
or products or services can only be created through a
juncture, the contribution of media and society
proper medium, and media is the strong weapon
should be such that Odisha is framed as a
which can create and even destroy an image of the
constructive state for revenue earning,
entire system. Therefore, Media can be effectively and
employment generation and better connectivity to
efficiently used to promote the tourism industry of a
rest of the world. This will bring revolution to
region which will directly contribute to socio-
tourism industry of Odisha.
economic change.
7. The tourist guides should be properly trained so
When the taste and preferences of the Tourists are
that they can properly interact with the tourists
understood, it becomes easy for the concerned
specially the foreign tourists. They should be
department to take necessary steps to work for the
provided a device which can be used as a
development or modifications of the required aspects
translator so that it does not become difficult for
which will contribute to tourism development of the
them to communicate.
region. Media has a tremendously important role to
8. Films can also be a good source for promotion of play for the development of the tourism industry,
Koraputia Culture. Since, through films, the provided the minimum requirements considered
visuals of different spots, scenic beauty, important for tourism development is looked into for
landscapes, and various information can be proper maintenance and growth. Innovation is seen in
highlighted. recent times in tourism industry in order to be
9. Air, road and rail connectivity need to be competitively successful in global platform. New
developed and upgraded for a region tosucceed in techniques, new products, new services, new
the present competitive and fast world. For this methods and new places are being designed and
particular development adequate investment is a explored to make the entire globe aware about Odisha
must so that it can help in boostingtourism sector and Koraputia Culture. The role of media in
in a way too. generating interest for choosing Koraput as its travel
destination cannot be overlooked. It is extremely
10. The Government should take initiatives to help indispensable for the development of the tourism
the local youths in promoting healthy food, the industry in the state. Media is, in fact, a mirror which
organic and herbs related food items. This can reflects the picture of the society which is essential
effectively proceed a long way to boost the for tourism industry. A judiciousand prudent use of
tourism industry of Odisha cum Koraput. media will definitely open a new horizon in this non-
The Tourism Industry should also work on including, smoke industry.
developing and also modifying the prioritized factors

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47833 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 443
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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