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Science Grade - 9: Let Us Discover

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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade: ______________________________________ Section: ___________________

Quarter: 3 Week: 1 SSLM No. 1 MELC(s): Describe the different types of

volcanoes and volcanic eruption

 Objectives:
1. Describe volcano and its parts
2. Differentiate active and inactive volcanoes
3. Describe the different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruption
 Title of Textbook/LM to Study: Science 9 Learner’s Module
 Unit : 3 Pages: 163-173 Topic: Types of Volcanoes and Volcanic Eruption

Let Us Discover

Our country Philippines is home to many volcanoes since it is located along the Pacific Ring
of Fire. A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s surface where molten rocks, smoke, gases,
and ashes are emitted. Summit, slope, and the base are the usual external parts of the
volcano. The peak or highest point of the volcano is the summit. The slope is the degree of
slant or inclination of the volcano, while the base is the lowest part of it.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) has adapted a system
where the Philippine volcanoes can be classified as active or inactive. Active volcanoes are
those that have a record of eruption within the last 600 years or those that erupted 10,000
years ago based on the analyses of their materials. Inactive volcanoes are those that have
not erupted for the last 10,000 years and their physical form is being changed by agents of
weathering and erosion through the formation of deep and long gullies.

The types of volcanic cones are shield, cinder,

and composite cones. Shield volcanoes are
formed by the accumulation of lava that oozes
out from the volcano. Cinder cones on the
other hand, are built from ejected lava
fragments, have a steep slope, wider craters,
and most abundant of the three volcano types.
While the composite cone or stratovolcanoes
are large, nearly perfect sloped.

Source: http://lrmds.deped.gov.ph

1 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

The types of volcanic eruptions
are Phreatic or hydrothermal,
phreatomagmatic, strombolian,
vulcanian and Plinian.
Hydrothermal is a stream-
driven eruption as the hot rocks
come in contact with water. The
phreatomagmatic is a violent
eruption due to the contact
between water and magma, a
large column of very fine ash,
and high-speed and sideways
emission of pyroclastics called
base surges are observed.
Strombolian is a periodic weak
to violent eruption characterized by fountain lava. Vulcanian is characterized by tall eruption
columns that reach up to 20 km high, while the Plinian is excessively an explosive type of
eruption of gas and pyroclastic, just like our Mt. Pinatubo.

Let Us Try

In the activity ahead, you will explore volcano and its external parts.

Activity 1: Know Me and My Parts!

1. Describe volcano and its parts.

Materials: Picture of volcanoes
paper and pen


A. 1. Describe volcano based on the

pictures presented above.
2. Organize your answer in the
concept map.

Figure 1: Concept Map for Volcano

2 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

B. 1. Describe the parts of the volcano by writing its part to its description as
represented by letter A, B, and C. You can select from the cloud image on the left.

Write your answer here:

A- ___________________
B- ___________________
C- ___________________

Let Us Do
Activity 2: Active or Inactive?
(Adapted from the activity Volcanoes in the Philippines- Sci9LM p.166-167)

1. Differentiate active and inactive volcanoes.
Material: List of some volcanoes in the Philippines
1. Analyze the data presented on the table and classify the volcanoes whether active or
inactive, based on the record of eruption. Write your answer in the last column of the
2. Then, answer the questions given.

Table 1: List of some volcanoes in the Philippines

Volcano Number of Latest Eruption or Active or Inactive
Historical Eruption Activity
Cabaluyan 0 -
Cocoro 0 -
Iraya 1 1454
Kanlaon 26 2006 June
Mayon 49 2013 May
Pulung 0 -
Smith 6 1924
Taal 33 1977
Tamburok 0 -

3 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

Guide Questions:
1. Which of the volcanoes had the most number of eruptions? ______________
Least number of eruptions? ___________ No record of eruptions?
2. How will you classify the volcanoes that have records of eruptions? ________
3. How will you classify volcanoes with no record of eruptions? _____________
4. In your own words, differentiate an active volcano from inactive one.

Activity 3: Describe Me!

1. Describe the different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions.
Complete the table by describing each type of volcano and volcanic eruption
Type of Volcanoes Description
Shield Cone
Cinder Cone
Composite Cone/Stratovolcanoes

Type of Volcanic Eruption Description


Let Us Apply`
Let us try to transfer your learning into real life situations by doing the activity.


Directions: You are to promote awareness about your hometown volcanic features. Identify
the nearest volcano in your locality and prepare an article about it. Describe and classify
whether it is active or inactive. Tell its type and the type of its eruption.

If the resources are available, you can prepare a video presentation about the volcano in
your locality and send it to the messenger of your teacher. If not, just write your output in the
box provided.

4 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021


Your performance will be rated based on the following criteria.


Category 5 4 3 2


The article/ video The article/video The article/video The article/video does
clearly communicates communicates some indirectly not sufficiently
the main idea and of the important ideas communicates the communicate any idea
strongly promotes and slightly promotes idea and hardly that can promote
awareness awareness promotes awareness awareness

Accuracy and All ideas in the Most ideas in the Some ideas in the The ideas in the
Relevance of the article/video are article/video are article/video are article/video are
Content accurate and related accurate and related accurate and related neither accurate nor
to the topic to the topic to the topic related to the topic


Science 9 Learner’s Module First Edition (2014) pp. 163-176

Science 9 Teacher’s Guide First Edition (2015) pp. 134-137
Monte, Mary Jane B. DepEd Self Learning Module (SLM) Quarter 3 Module1: Types of
Volcanoes, pp.4-10 (http://lrmds.deped.gov.ph).
Timbasal-Nuevo, Edalin B.. DepEd Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) Quarter 3 Week 1: Get To
Know Volcanoes., pp. 1-4

SSLM Development Team

Writer: Lerida LlameloToreta
Content Editor: Melinda B. Rulona
LR Evaluators: Gina B. Torrecampo, Rosalie P. Gillesania
Illustrator: Lerida LlameloToreta
Creative Arts Designer: Reggie D. Galindez
Education Program Supervisor: Edilbert A. Reyes, Ph. D.
Education Program Supervisor – Learning Resources: Sally A. Palomo
Curriculum Implementation Division Chief: Juliet F. Lastimosa
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Carlos G. Susarno, Ph. D.
Schools Division Superintendent: Romelito G. Flores, CESO V

5 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

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