Diagnostic Assessment B3 (SEC) - November 2022

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Subject Code: DA – B3

Structural Eng’g and Construction

PROBLEM 1: concentrated load of 4 kN, 2 m from the b. 1,979.09 kN d. 2,677.585 kN

In the figure shown below, the maximum left support. Calculate the deflection at
allowable tensile force in the members of the midspan. Use E = 100 x 103 MPa and I 13. What is the radius gyration of the steel
the truss is 1,500 lbs, and the maximum = 80 x 106 mm4. column?
allowable compressive force is 800 lbs. a. 21 mm c. 17 mm a. 81.07 mm c. 74.13 mm
Determine the maximum magnitude P of b. 14 mm d. 10 mm b. 78.86 mm d. 75.54 mm
the two loads that can be applied to the
truss. SITUATION 2: 14. What is the critical buckling stress
A propped beam is 3 m long is fixed at one experienced by the steel column?
end and simply supported at other end. It a. 432.45 MPa c. 332.47 MPa
is subjected to a varying load which b. 275.45 MPa d. 222.37 MPa
decreases from 400 N/m at the fixed to
zero and the roller. SITUATION 5:
7. Which of the following gives the An exterior T-beam has a clear simply
reaction at A? supported length of 6.75m. It has a clear
a. 120 N c. 200 N distance to the next web of 3.5m. The
b. 100 N d. 160 N base of the web to the beam is 350mm
a. 612.2 lb c. 394.2 lb and has an effective depth of 500mm.
b. 267.3 lb d. 424.3 lb 8. Which of the following gives the Use: 4-28mm diameter reinforcements
moment at B? with a slab thickness of 120 mm.
PROBLEM 2: a. – 240 N-m c. – 250 N-m 𝑓 ′ 𝑐 = 21 𝑀𝑃𝑎;𝑓𝑦 = 415 𝑀𝑃𝑎
A bullet was fired at the trunk of a tree. If b. – 170 N-m d. – 330 N-m 15. What will the effective width of flange
the mass of the bullet is 25 grams and has most likely be?
a speed of 350 m/s upon hitting the tree, SITUATION 3: a. 300 mm c. 500 mm
compute for the average force that The 400mmx650mm beam, 6 meters long b. 350 mm d. 720 mm
stopped the bullet if penetration is 10 cm. is loaded as shown in the figure:
a. 15,312.5 N c. 13,376.2 N P = 80 kN (4 m from the support); 16. Compute for the total area of the
b. 23,456.23 N d. 10,234.5 N compression block.
a. 75,263.32 mm2
PROBLEM 3: b. 57,623.32 mm2
A steel rod that is 2.5 m long is secured c. 57,263.32 mm2
between two walls. If the load on the rod d. 52,763.32 mm2
is zero at 20℃, compute the stress when
the temperature drops to - 20℃. The PROBLEM 17:
cross-sectional area of the rod is 1,200 Determine the maximum shearing stress
mm2, 𝛼 = 11.7 μm/(m∙ ℃), and E = 200 4𝑚 2𝑚 in a bronze helical spring composed of 20
GPa. Solve, assuming that the walls spring turns of 1.0 inches in diameter wire on a
together a total distance of 0.500 mm as mean radius of 4 inches when the spring is
the temperature drops. 9. Find the maximum deflection supporting a load of 500 lb. G = 6 x 106.
a. 75.6 MPa c. 93.6 MPa 1,350 13,500
a. c. a. 12.1 ksi c. 14.8 ksi
El 6El
b. 53.6 MPa d. 89.6 MPa 6,800 8,960 b. 10.5 ksi d. 15.3 ksi
b. d.
3El 3El
According to the figure shown below: 10. Find the deflection at the point 2 A 200 ft cable weighing 300 lbs has
meters from the support. resultant tension at ends of 360 lbs and
1,000 1,600
a. c. 330 lbs. Find the horizontal distance
El 3El
1,350 between supports.
3El 6El a. 172.3 ft c. 98.3 ft
b. 182.3 ft d. 192.3 ft
11. What would be the change in
deflection if the concentrated load is SITUATION 6:
4. Which of the following most nearly placed 2 meters from the support? The entrance of a storage has a roof that
1,350 13,500
gives the location of the maximum a. c. supports a roof load of 10 kN/m as shown
El 6El
deflection measured from support A? 6,400 6,400 in the figure. Assume the supports B and C
b. d.
3El 3El
a. 4.08 m c. 2.05 m to be simply supported.
b. 6.09 m d. 1.05 m 𝑘𝑁
A steel column, 7m long, with yield 𝑚
5. Which of the following most nearly strength fy = 375 MPa, has a cross
gives the maximum deflection? sectional area equal to 8,900 mm2 and has 𝐴 2𝑚 𝐵 5𝑚 𝐶
a. 696.80/El c. 999.12/El a moment of inertia equal to 58.5 x 106
b. 336.56/El d. 438.91/El mm4.
12. What is the nominal compressive
strength of the steel column?
An 8 m span simple beam carries a
a. 222.37kN c. 3,053.2 kN
uniform load of 2 kN/m and a
Subject Code: DA – B3

Structural Eng’g and Construction

19. Determine the vertical reaction at B. 26. Compute for the nominal shear 50 mm diameter and 860 mm in length
a. 48 kN c. 36 kN capacity. that is subjected to an increase of
b. 42 kN d. 28 kN a. 174 kN c. 88 kN temperature by 60℃.
b. 146 kN d. 142 kN a. 15,550 c. 18,103
20. Determine the vertical reaction at C. b. 21,763 d. 16,205
a. 48 kN c. 36 kN 27. Compute for the shear capacity of
b. 42 kN d. 28 kN vertical stirrups. PROBLEM 35:
a. 72.87 kN c. 42.39 kN A steel rod with a cross-sectional area of
SITUATION 7: b. 74.00 kN d. 88.80 kN 0.25 in2 is stretched between two fixed
A lapped bolted tension member is shown points. The tensile load at 70℉ is 1,200 lb.
in the figure below. Diameter of hole is 2.5 28. Compute for the maximum spacing What will be the stress at 0℉? At what
mm bigger than the diameter of bolt; the needed for critical shear. temperature will the stress be zero?
diameter of bolts is 22 mm and the plate a. 300 mm c. 150 mm Assume 𝛼 = 6.5 x 10-6 in/(in℉)and E = 29 x
material is A36 steel 𝐹𝑦 = 275 𝑀𝑃𝑎, b. 600 mm d. 206.74 mm 106 psi.
𝐹𝑢 = 415 𝑀𝑃𝑎. Assume the fasteners are a. 90.95℃ c. 94.54℃
adequate and do not control the tensile PROBLEM 29: b. 96.65℃ d. 96.46℃
capacity. A flywheel rotates at 6,200 revs/min when
the power is suddenly cut-off. The SITUATION 10:
flywheel decelerates at a constant rate of Refer to the figure below:
2.1 rad/s2 and comes to rest 6 minutes
later. How many revolutions did the
50 150
flywheel made before coming to rest?
75 a. 19,400 c. 20,800
b. 22,100 d. 21,600 200
75 𝐶
50 A baseball is thrown downward from a 200
tower of height 50 ft with an initial speed
50 100 100 50 50 of 18 ft/s. Determine the speed at which it
100 150
hits the ground.
21. Determine the net area for the tensile a. 50.6 ft/s c. 60.8 ft/s 36. Determine the net area of ABCD.
capacity of the lapped joint. b. 59.5 ft/s d. 55.9 ft/s Thickness of plate is 10 mm and the
a. 5,250 mm2 c. 1,554 mm2 diameter of the hole is 25 mm.
b. 1,554 mm2 d. 3,318 mm2 SITUATION 9: a. 2,648 mm2 c. 3,725 mm2
Packages enter the 3-m chute at A with a b. 4,815 mm d. 5,125 mm2
22. What is the maximum allowable shear velocity of 1.2 m/s and have an
strength? acceleration of 0.3 g from A to B as shown 37. Determine the net area of EFG.
a. 1,630.950 kN c. 1,254.960 kN in the figure below. If the packages come Thickness of plate is 100 mm and the
b. 1,680.975 kN d. 1,492.98 kN to a stop at C, 28 seconds after leaving A; diameter of the hole is 25 mm.
a. 5,250 mm2 c. 2,250 mm2
23. Determine the tensile capacity of the b. 4,850 mm d. 3,750 mm2
lapped joint based on gross area.
a. 693.000 kN c. 202.125 kN 38. If the pitch (s) will be equal to both
b. 252.656 kN d. 866.250 kN patterns, what would be the value of pitch
SITUATION 8: a. 126.48 mm c. 154.31 mm
A beam has a width of 250 mm and has an 31. Which of the following most nearly b. 141.42 mm d. 125.45 mm
effective depth of 350 mm. It is gives the velocity of the packages at B?
cantilevered at a span of 5m and has a a. 1.40 m/s c. 2.65 m/s SITUATION 11:
𝑘𝑁 An axially loaded column W360 x134 has
uniformly distributed dead load of 25 b. 6.26 m/s d. 4.37 m/s
𝑚 its weak axis braced at the third points.
including its own weight. 10mm-diameter
The overall length of the column 8 m. Use
bars are used as stirrups for the beam 32. Which of the following most nearly
A 572 grade 50 Fy=345 MPa. The column
with 𝑓𝑦 = 275 𝑀𝑃𝑎. Use 𝑓 ′ 𝑐 = 24 𝑀𝑃𝑎. gives the acceleration of the packages
is pinned connected at both ends.
24. Determine the ultimate critical shear from B to C?
𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠: 𝑟𝑥 = 155 𝑚𝑚, 𝑟𝑦 = 95 𝑚𝑚,
occurring on the beam. a. – 4.05 m/s2 c. – 2.65 m/s2
b. – 1.25 m/s2 d. – 3.15 m/s2 𝐴 = 17,105 𝑚𝑚2
a. 72 kN c. 120.0 kN
39. Determine the slenderness ratio with
b. 65.7 kN d. 109.5 kN
33. Which of the following most nearly respect to y-axis.
a. 84.21 c. 51.61
25. Compute for the shear capacity of gives the time required to go from B to C?
b. 28.07 d. 76.85
concrete. a. 2.900 sec c. 2.224 sec
a. 72.87 kN c. 42.39 kN b. 1.649 sec d. 1.025 sec
40. Determine the slenderness ratio with
b. 74.00 kN d. 88.80 kN
PROBLEM 34: respect to x-axis.
Compute for the inductive/ compressive a. 84.21 c. 51.61
stress in kPa of a steel solid shafting of a b. 28.07 d. 76.85
Subject Code: DA – B3

Structural Eng’g and Construction

• Compressive Strength, fc' = 28 MPa A reinforced concrete tied column carries

41. Determine the critical slenderness • Steel Strength, fy = 400 MPa dead axial load of 500 kN and a live axial
ratio. 49. Compute for the factored load Use load of 900 kN. 𝑓 ′ 𝑐 = 27.5 𝑀𝑃𝑎; 𝑓𝑦 =
a. 84.21 c. 51.61 USD. 415𝑀𝑃𝑎
b. 28.07 d. 76.85 a. 50.000 kN/m c. 74.253 kN/m 57. What is the factored axial load carried
b. 53.878 kN/m d. 69.600 kN/m by the column?
42. What is the nominal compressive a. 2,020 kN c. 2,040 kN
strength of the steel column? 50. What is the maximum moment at b. 2,230 kN d. 2,130 kN
a. 283.92 MPa c. 225.39 MPa ultimate condition?
b. 257.53 MPa d. 256.54 MPa a. 431.024 kN.m c. 556.800 kN.m 58. What is the minimum dimension if it is
b. 594.024 kN.m d. 400.000kN.m designed to be a square column with a
SITUATION 12: steel ratio of 2%?
A certain area is found to have the 51. If 4 -16 mm diameter will be used on a. 350 mm c. 360 mm
following properties: the beam, what would be the depth of b. 370 mm d. 380 mm
• Lx = 100 x 106 mm4 compression block?
• Ly = 60 x 106 mm4 a. 142 mm c . 156 mm 59. Find the number of 20 mm diameter
• Lxy = 15 x 106 mm4 b. 152 mm d. 110 mm bar that will be used if it is the
43. Find the minimum moment of inertia. reinforcement of the column.
a. 50 x 106 c. 40 x 106 52. What would be the nominal moment a. 6 bars c. 10 bars
b. 65 x 106
d. 55 x 106 capacity of the beam? b. 8 bars d. 12 bars
a. 318.09 kN.m c. 206.76 kN.m
44. Determine the maximum moment of b. 238.56 kN.m d. 286.28 kN.m SITUATION 17:
inertia. A beam has a width 300mm and an
a. 130 x 106 c. 120 x 106 PROBLEM 53: effective depth of 400mm is reinforced
b. 105 x 106 d. 115 x 106 When the strain in the reinforcement is both for tension and compression. The
0.005 or greater ______? compression reinforcement are 4 bars
45. Find the angle that that the weakest with diameter 22mm, and the tension
axis makes with the x-axis. a. The section is under reinforced reinforcements are 4 bars with 28mm
a. 18.45° c. 10.35° b. The section is over reinforced diameter. The compression bars are
b. 21.84° d. 15.34° c. The section is compressed placed 70mm from the extreme
controlled compression fiber. The yield strength of
PROBLEM 46: d. The section is tension controlled the main bar is 415MPa and that of the
A propped beam having a span of 20 m compression bars is 275MPa.𝑓 ′ 𝑐 =
carries a triangular load which varies from SITUATION 15: 20.7 𝑀𝑃𝑎.
10 kN/m at the fixed end to zero at the From the continuous beam shown in the 60. Find the depth of compression block.
other support. Compute for the reaction figure shown below: a. 114.43 mm c. 154.86 mm
at the simple support. b. 178.33 mm d. 118.53 mm
a. 35 kN c. 25 kN
b. 20 kN d. 30 kN 61. The maximum ultimate moment that
the beam can carry.
SITUATION 13: a. 210.65 kN.m c. 298.93 kN.m
A rectangular reinforced concrete beam b. 198.93 kN.m d. 310.53 kN.m
with width of 350 mm and effective depth
of 600 mm is subjected to 250 kN·m 62. Find the additional superimposed
bending moment. The beam is reinforced factored load that can be put in the beam
with 6 – 25 mm ø bars. Use alternate 54. Which of the following gives the if it has a simple span of 6m and it initially
design method and modular ratio n = 10. moment equation for the span AB? carries a dead load of 3.24 and a live
47. Find the location of neutral axis from a. 8MA + MB + 96 = 0 𝑘𝑁
load of 12 .
the bottom of the beam. b. 8MA + 4MB + 192 = 0 𝑚
a. 295.58 mm c. 204.42 mm c. 4MA + MB + 48 = 0 a. 24.84 kN/m c. 49.12 kN/m
b. 355.44 mm d. 295.58 mm d. MA – 4MB + 192 = 0 b. 38.82 kN/m d. 31.12 kN/m

48. Find the maximum stress of concrete. 55. Which of the following gives the SITUATION 18:
a. 23.37 MPa c. 25.24 MPa moment equation for the span AB and BC? A helical spring is composed wire with
b. 35.82 MPa d. 16.40 MPa a. 4MA + 20MB = - 462 radius of 10 mm turned 15 times in coil of
b. 8MA + MB = - 96 diameter equal to 150mm. The spring is
SITUATION 14: c. 4MA + MB = - 46 then made to carry a load of 250N.
The beam is simply supported on a span of d. MA – 4MB = - 192 63. What is the exact shear stress
8 m, and carries the following loads: developed on the spring?
• Superimposed Dead Load = 26 56. Which of the following gives the a. 10.65 MPa c. 18.93 MPa
kN/m moment at B? b. 14.29 MPa d. 14.53 MPa
• Live Load = 24 kN/m a. – 69.88 kN.m c. – 71.78 kN.m
Given the following: b. – 36.45 kN.m d. – 20.33 kN.m 64. Find the depth of compression block.
• Beam Section, 300 mm × 550 mm a. 14.43 mm c. 14.86 mm
b. 18.33 mm d. 10.55 mm
• Effective Depth, d = 460 mm SITUATION 16:
Subject Code: DA – B3

Structural Eng’g and Construction

SITUATION 19: 70. Calculate the polar moment of inertia

A 500mm square column is reinforced by of the connection in mm^4.
8-25mm diameter bars of yield strength a. 19.58 𝑥 108 c. 10.58 𝑥 108
375MPa. It carries a dead load of 1100kN b. 10.58 𝑥 10 d. 19.58 𝑥 106
and a live load of 700kN. The allowable
bearing pressure is 295kPa. The base of 71. Calculate the shear stress developed
the footing is 1.5m below natural grade. on the connection due to direct load only.
Assume weight of soil and concrete to a. 444.44 MPa c. 416.67 MPa
have an average unit weight of 20 3. The b. 483.33 MPa d. 433.33 MPa
total depth of footing is 500mm with an
effective depth of 425mm. Use: 𝑓 ′ 𝑐 = 72. Maximum shear stress developed on
32𝑀𝑃𝑎 and NSCP 2001. the connection due to torsional effect of
65. Calculate for the probable dimension the load only.
of the footing. a. 584.44 MPa c. 516.67 MPa
a. 4.4 m c. 3.3 m b. 583.33 MPa d. 533.33 MPa
b. 4.2 m d. 3.2 m
66. Calculate for the approximate value of For the bearing type connection with
the two-way shear stress developed. threads excluded from the shear plane,
a. 2515.5 kN c. 903.7 kN 𝐹𝑡 = √(372)2 − 1.82𝑓𝑡 2
b. 2499.6 kN d. 806.6 kN 73. Find the actual tensile stress
experienced by the bolts.
67. Calculate the approximate value of the a. 252.23 𝑘𝑁 c. 223.52 𝑘𝑁
one-way shear stress developed. b. 232.13 𝑘𝑁 d. 232.52 𝑘𝑁
a. 2515.5 kN c. 903.7 kN 74. Find the allowable tensile stress
b. 2499.6 kN d. 806.6 kN experienced by the bolts.
a. 147.78 𝑘𝑁 c. 247.51 𝑘𝑁
SITUATION 20: b. 227.39 𝑘𝑁 d. 217.84 𝑘𝑁
The welded bracket as shown in the figure
below connects a 300mm wide plate. The 75. Find the shear stress experienced by
bracket carries a 250 kN vertical load only the bolts.
and is located 250mm from the location of a. 121.87 𝑘𝑁 c. 111.78 𝑘𝑁
L2. The length of fillet welds are as b. 147.78 𝑘𝑁 d. 101.32 𝑘𝑁
• 𝐿1 = 100 𝑚𝑚; --
• 𝐿2 = 300 𝑚𝑚;

“Do not be afraid, you who are

highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace!
Be strong now; be strong.” When he
spoke to me, I was strengthened and
said, “Speak, my lord, since you have
given me strength.”

Daniel 10:19

• 𝐿3 = 200 𝑚𝑚
68. What would be the location of the
centroid of the welded connection in
reference to the position of L2?
a. 44.44 mm c. 41.67 mm
b. 48.33 mm d. 43.33 mm

69. What would be the location of the

centroid of the welded connection in
reference to the position of L3?
a. 100 mm c. 125 mm
b. 150 mm d. 175 mm

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