Rajasthan Technical University, Kota: (Subject To Clearence of Rtu/Exam Centre) (Please Take Color Print Out Preferebly)
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota: (Subject To Clearence of Rtu/Exam Centre) (Please Take Color Print Out Preferebly)
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota: (Subject To Clearence of Rtu/Exam Centre) (Please Take Color Print Out Preferebly)
Preparation at Centre:
1. Before starts and after commencement of each examination the seating area will be thoroughly sanitized. All door handles,
staircase railing, lift buttons, etc will be disinfected. Wheelchairs (if present at the venue) will also be disinfected.
2. Gap between 2 seats will be maintained as per RTU (6 feet distance) guidelines.
3. Hand Sanitizer/Soap will be available at entry and inside the exam venue at various places for examinees and exam centre staff to
4. If any candidate is of COVID-19 positive (having proof), he/she should not be allowed for the exams.
5. If any candidate is symptomatic of COVID-19 but not declared positive should be allowed for examinations his/her exam. should be
conducted in isolated room.
Pre-Exam Preparation:
1. Candidates will be permitted to carry only certain items with them at the venue:
Candidate must bring their own Mask and wear it during the whole duration.
Exam related documents, Admit Card, Govt. issued ID card or college ID card, COVID Vaccination Certificate, pen(s), pencil,
scale, calculator (without memory) etc. Please refer Admit Card for more details
Simple transparent Ball Point Pen(s)
Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)
Personal transparent water bottle
During Examination:
1. Blank answer book will be kept at each candidate's seat for answering of question paper. Blank answer book as well as filled answer
book shall be not exchanged with any other examinee or at its table in any case.
2. Exam centre will sanitize each seat, table and entire rooms before start of examination and after completion of examination.
Candidates can further sanitize the seat with his/her own sanitizer.
3. Candidates are required to sign on the attendance sheet after sanitizing hands with sanitizer.
4. Self declaration (as mentioned on admit card) shall be given by each examinee and his/her signature be put in self-declaration form
in presence of invigilator.
After Examination:
1. On completion of an exam, candidates will be permitted to move out in an orderly manner, one candidate at a time. Please wait for
instructions from invigilator and do not get up from your seat until advised.
Candidate should read above instructions completely and ensure to follow the same.
Controller of Examination