Broschure Gland Packing Teadit 2
Broschure Gland Packing Teadit 2
Broschure Gland Packing Teadit 2
/ NBR Aramid /NBR Cellulose / NBR Graphite sheets Graphite sheets with plain
metal insert Graphite sheets with tanged metal insert Pure graphite sheets Gaskets PTFE
envelope gaskets Cut gaskets Gaskets with metal eyelets Double jacketed gaskets Spiral-
wound gaskets Kammprofile gaskets Hand- and manhole gaskets Tank lid gaskets Braided Stuffing Box PackingS
gasket tapes Jampak Injection gun Jampak injectable compounds Seal-Cage-System
Expansion Joints Metallic and Non-Metallic Expansion Joints Accessories Various packing
Packing extractors
These special tools are recommended for removing
used packing rings from the stuffing-box.
TEADIT® Deutschland GmbH Tel.: +49 (0)221/922 342-0
- easy to use
Schanzenstraße 35 Fax: +49 (0)221/922 342-22
- reliable 51063 Cologne/Germany [email protected]
- fast
TEADIT® International - Kufstein (Austria), Houston (USA), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil),
Campinas (Brazil), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Shanghai (China), Vadodara (India)
The contents and presentation of this catalogue are the property of TEADIT® Austria, and protected under the
Since all properties, specifications and application parameters shown throughout this catalogue are approximate and may be mutually influenced, your specific application should not be undertaken without
Sealing for a safer and greener tomorrow
independent study and evaluation for suitability. All technical data and advice given is based on experiences TEADIT® has made so far. Failure to select proper sealing products can result in damage
and/or personal injur y. Properties, specifications and application parameters are subject to change without notice. TEADIT
® does not undertake any liability of any kind whatsoever.
Carbon / Graphite PTFE PTFE extrudiert PTFE / Aramid Aramid Others
style 2010 2202 2001 2200 2235 2236 2005FDA 2006FDA 2124 2007 2024 2022 2017 2070/2070 M 2004/2004M 2044 2127 2422 2777 style
filament exp. Graphite exp. Graphite/Carbon Graphite Carbon exp. Graphite/ Inconel® exp. Graphite/ Inconel® PTFE PTFE PTFE gPTFE PTFE-extrud. PTFE-extrud. gPTFE-Aramid gPTFE-Aramid Aramid spun Aramid Acrylic Ramie Novoloid filament
impregnation Graphite Graphite Graphite Graphite PTFE PTFE Graphite PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE impregnation
lubricant mineral silicone mineral mineral silicone silicone/mineral silicone/mineral mineral silicone mineral mineral lubricant PAK
JAM and the Seal-Cage-System
bar rot. 30 30 30 25 20 20 35 10 25 30 35 35 20 20 20 25 bar rot. ® has – with the development of the Seal-Cage-Systems - made the
bar osc. 100 200 100 100 150 30 100 200 250 200 80 80 20 50 bar osc.
concept of injectable packing compound work correctly and reliably. But not
bar stat. 300 300 300 300 450 450 250 100 200 20 100 200 250 250 150 100 30 100 bar stat. ® has also
only this, TEADIT
m/s v 30/20 20 20 20 5 12 25 4 12 20 25 15 15 12 10 15 m/s v
• modified and enhanced the injection gun and its connecting system, which
ºC – –240 –240 –240 –240 –240 –240 –200 –100 –100 –200 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100 ºC –
makes injecting the packing compound easier
ºC + +450 +450 +450 +450 +450 +450 +280 +280 +280 +280 +250 +280 +280 +280 +280 +280 +230 +130 +250 ºC +
1) • developed new versions of packing compound for specific applications
ºC steam +650 +650 +650 +650 +650 ºC steam
• designed various accessories which make installing and working with the
JAMPAK Seal-Cage-System quicker and easier
pH value 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 2 - 12 0 - 14 2 - 12 2 - 12 2 - 12 5 - 11 1 - 13 pH value
density: app. g/cm 3 1,0 1,1 0,9 1,1 1,6 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,3 1,6 1,9 1,9 1,5 1,6 1,5 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,3 density: app. g/cm 3 ® JAMPAK sealants:
Benefits of TEADIT
• easy to install - easy to use (detailed installation CD-Rom available)
water water • repacking made easy with the TEADIT ® JAMPAK injection gun and helpful
steam steam accessories
neutr. solutions neutr. solutions • repacking while equipment is operating - no interruption of production,
highly diluted acids highly diluted acids considerably less downtime, longer continuous working periods of equipment
concentrated acids concentrated acids • extremely low coefficient of friction saves on energy, reduces heat build-up
highly concentradet acids highly concentradet acids and shaft wear
diluted alkalis diluted alkalis • saves on water and waste water because no flush (cooling water) is required
concentrated alkalis concentrated alkalis • operates virtually leakfree
inert gas inert gas • works well with slightly worn shafts or sleeves because of excellent malleability
acidic gas acidic gas • reduces operating costs and extends equipment life
hydrogen hydrogen
oxygen oxygen The TEADIT ® Jampak Seal-Cage-System
volatile hydrocarbon volatile hydrocarbon consists of the following parts:
solvents solvents • Jampak injection gun kit
amines, nitriles amines, nitriles • Jampak packing compounds
mineral oil, grease mineral oil, grease • Jampak Seal-Cage-System
synth. oils synth. oils
abrasive media abrasive media
bitumen bitumen JAMPAK 27 JAMPAK 26
paints, varnishes –/ –/ paints, varnishes
A blend of high A non-staining, non-toxic
performance PTFE fiber blended with
Glossary: recommended limited usability All technical data and recommendations given are based on our experiences. However, we do not undertake any liability whatsoever. All data and values have to
be checked by the user, since the effectiveness of a seal can only be judged correctly by evaluating all data and parameters directly on site. The stated parameters gPTFE fibers FDA-approved lubricants
1) with inert gas up to 1000 oC of all packing styles are approximate and may be mutually influenced if occuring together. We suggest you contact us in the case of special applications. and chemically for clean or food grade
resistant lubricants. applications.