2019 European Guidance For The Diagnosis and Management of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women-1
2019 European Guidance For The Diagnosis and Management of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women-1
2019 European Guidance For The Diagnosis and Management of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women-1
Received: 30 May 2018 / Accepted: 12 September 2018 / Published online: 15 October 2018
# The Author(s) 2018, corrected publication 2020
Summary Guidance is provided in a European setting on the assessment and treatment of postmenopausal women at risk from
fractures due to osteoporosis.
Introduction The International Osteoporosis Foundation and European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of
Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis published guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in 2013. This manuscript
updates these in a European setting.
Methods Systematic reviews were updated.
Results The following areas are reviewed: the role of bone mineral density measurement for the diagnosis of osteoporosis and
assessment of fracture risk; general and pharmacological management of osteoporosis; monitoring of treatment; assessment of
fracture risk; case-finding strategies; investigation of patients; health economics of treatment. The update includes new infor-
mation on the evaluation of bone microstructure evaluation in facture risk assessment, the role of FRAX® and Fracture Liaison
Services in secondary fracture prevention, long-term effects on fracture risk of dietary intakes, and increased fracture risk on
stopping drug treatment.
Conclusions A platform is provided on which specific guidelines can be developed for national use.
Keywords Bone mineral density . Diagnosis of osteoporosis . Fracture risk assessment . FRAX . Health economics . Treatment of
previous fragility fracture, parental history of hip fracture, of cases. In women intolerant to oral bisphosphonates (or in
glucocorticoid treatment, current smoking, alcohol intake of those for whom they are contraindicated), intravenous
3 or more units daily and causes of secondary osteoporosis. bisphosphonates or denosumab provide the most appropri-
2. Additional risk factors that are of use in case finding in- ate alternatives, with raloxifene, or menopause hormone
clude height loss (> 4 cm) and thoracic kyphosis. therapy as additional options. Teriparatide is preferentially
3. Bone markers (serum procollagen type I N propeptide (s- recommended for patients at high risk of fracture.
PINP) and serum C-terminal cross-linking telopeptide of 2. Treatments should be reviewed after 3–5 years treatment
type I collagen (s-CTX) as markers of bone formation and with bisphosphonate. Fracture risk should be reassessed
bone resorption, respectively) have some prognostic signifi- after a new fracture, regardless of when it occurs. The risk
cance for fracture in situations where BMD is unavailable. of new clinical and vertebral fractures increases in patients
who stop treatment.
Assessment of fracture risk 3. Withdrawal of denosumab therapy is associated with a
rebound in vertebral fracture rate. Bisphosphonate thera-
1. Country-specific FRAX® should be used to assess frac- py can be considered after discontinuation of denosumab.
ture probability in postmenopausal women who have risk 4. There is little evidence to guide decision-making beyond
factors for fracture. In individuals at intermediate risk, 10 years of treatment and management options in such
bone mineral density (BMD) measurement should be per- patients should be considered on an individual basis.
formed using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and
FRAX fracture probability re-estimated. Intervention thresholds for pharmacological intervention
2. Where BMD testing is unavailable, FRAX can be used
without the input of BMD 1. The thresholds recommended for decision-making are
3. Trabecular bone score (TBS) may be used as an adjunct to based on probabilities of major osteoporotic and hip frac-
BMD measurements and FRAX. ture derived from FRAX. These vary in different
4. Interpretation of FRAX scores may be influenced by ex- healthcare systems with variation in ‘willingness to pay’.
posure to glucocorticoids, information on lumbar spine 2. Women aged over 65 years with a prior fragility fracture
BMD, trabecular bone score, hip axis length, falls history, can be considered for treatment without the need for fur-
immigration status and type 2 diabetes mellitus. ther assessment; BMD measurement may be felt more
5. Vertebral fracture assessment should be considered if appropriate in younger postmenopausal women.
there is a history of ≥ 4 cm height loss, kyphosis, recent 3. Age-dependent intervention thresholds provide clinically
or current long-term oral glucocorticoid therapy or a appropriate and equitable access to treatment and have
BMD T-score ≤ − 2.5. been shown to be cost-effective.
1. Recommendations should include a daily calcium intake 1. The utility of age-dependent FRAX thresholds in popula-
of between 800 and 1200 mg and sufficient dietary pro- tion screening approach has recently been validated as
tein, ideally achieved through dairy products. feasible, effective and health economically viable.
2. A daily dose of 800 IU cholecalciferol should be advised 2. Coordinator-based Fracture Liaison Services (FLS)
for postmenopausal women at increased risk of fracture. should be used to systematically identify men and women
3. Calcium supplementation is appropriate if the dietary in- with fragility fracture. Their effectiveness and cost-
take is below 800 mg/day, and vitamin D supplementation effectiveness have been established recently.
considered in patients at risk of, or showing evidence of,
vitamin D insufficiency.
4. Regular weight-bearing exercise should be advised, tai- Introduction
lored to the needs and abilities of the individual patient.
5. A history of falls should be obtained in individuals at In 1997 The European Foundation for Osteoporosis and Bone
increased risk of fracture with further assessment and ap- Disease (subsequently the International Osteoporosis
propriate measures undertaken in those at increased risk. Foundation; IOF) published guidelines for the diagnosis and
management of osteoporosis [1], subsequently updated in
Pharmacological intervention in postmenopausal women 2008 [2] and 2013 [3] by the IOF and European Society for
Clinical and Economic Evaluation of Osteoporosis and
1. The oral bisphosphonates (alendronate, risedronate and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO). The scope of the present guideline
ibandronate) may be used as initial treatments in the majority is to review and update the assessment and diagnosis of
Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44 5
osteoporosis, the therapeutic interventions available and the contribute to fracture risk [11–13], the diagnosis of osteopo-
manner in which these can be used to develop management rosis by the use of BMD measurements is at the same time an
strategies for the prevention of fragility fracture in postmeno- assessment of a risk factor for the clinical outcome of fracture.
pausal women. The guideline is intended for all healthcare For these reasons, there is a distinction to be made between the
professionals involved in the management of osteoporosis. use of BMD for diagnosis and for risk assessment.
Where available, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and Common sites for osteoporotic fracture are the spine, hip,
randomised controlled trials have been used to provide the distal forearm and proximal humerus. The remaining lifetime
evidence base. The evidence base was updated using probability in women at the menopause of a fracture at any
PubMed to identify systematic reviews and meta-analyses one of these sites exceeds that of breast cancer (approximately
from January 2008 to December 2017. The recommendations 12%), and the likelihood of a fracture at any of these sites is
in this guideline were endorsed by the Scientific Advisory 40% or more in Western Europe [14] (Table 1), a figure close
Board of ESCEO and the Committee of Scientific Advisors to the probability of coronary heart disease.
and the Committee of National Societies of the IOF. Fragility fractures are a major cause of morbidity in the
The high societal and personal costs of osteoporosis pose population. Hip fractures cause acute pain and loss of func-
challenges to public health and physicians, particularly since tion, and nearly always lead to hospitalisation. Recovery is
most patients with osteoporosis remain untreated. There is a slow, and rehabilitation is often incomplete, with many pa-
large gap between the number of women who are treated com- tients permanently institutionalised in nursing homes.
pared to the proportion of the population that could be consid- Vertebral fractures may cause acute pain and loss of function
ered eligible for treatment based on their fracture risk. In the but may also occur without serious symptoms. Vertebral frac-
European Union (EU), it is estimated that there are and 18.44 tures often recur, however, and the consequent disability in-
million women who have a fracture probability that equals or creases with the number of fractures. Distal radial fractures
exceeds that of a woman with a prior fragility as assessed by also lead to acute pain and loss of function, but functional
FRAX® (i.e. individuals at or above a ‘fracture threshold’). On recovery is usually good or excellent.
the conservative assumption that treatments are only given to In 2010, it was estimated that 22 million women and 5.5
patients at high risk, prescription data suggest that more than million men in the EU had osteoporosis using the diagnostic
57% of women at high risk do not receive bone-specific treat- criterion of the WHO [4]. The number of new fractures in
ment [4]. Moreover, uptake of treatments for osteoporosis, 2010 in the EU was estimated at 3.5 million, comprising ap-
particularly the bisphosphonates, has declined in recent years proximately 610,000 hip fractures, 520,000 vertebral frac-
[5, 6]. In patients with fragility fractures, less than 20% of tures, 560,000 forearm fractures and 1,800,000 other fractures
patients with a fragility fracture receive therapy to reduce fu- (i.e. pelvis, rib, humerus, tibia, fibula, clavicle, scapula, ster-
ture fracture within the year following fracture [7–9]. Against num and other femoral fractures). Two thirds of all incident
this sobering background, the aim of this guidance is to stim- fractures occurred in women. Among people age 50 years or
ulate a cohesive approach to the management of osteoporosis more who were still alive in 2010, 3.3 million individuals had
in Europe. The term guidance rather than guidelines is used, to sustained a hip fracture (prevalence of prior hip fracture). The
avoid any prescriptive connotations since country- or region- corresponding number of men and women with prior clinical
specific guidelines are now widely available in many European vertebral fractures was estimated at 3.5 million. Due to chang-
countries and continue to evolve. Rather, the guidance can es in population demography, the annual number of fragility
inform the development of new guidelines or the revision of fractures will rise from 3.5 million in 2010 to 4.5 million in
existing guidelines. Whilst focussed on a European perspective 2025, corresponding to an increase of 28%.
and on postmenopausal women, the principles may be of some
assistance in other regions of the world and in men.
Table 1 Remaining lifetime probability of a major osteoporotic fracture
at the age of 50 and 80 years in men and women from Sweden [14], with
kind permission from Springer Science and Business Media
Osteoporosis in Europe
At 50 years At 80 years
Osteoporosis is defined as a systemic skeletal disease
Site Men Women Men Women
characterised by low bone mass and microarchitectural dete-
rioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone Forearm 4.6 20.8 1.6 8.9
fragility and susceptibility to fracture [10]. Although the diag- Hip 10.7 22.9 9.1 49.3
nosis of the disease relies on the quantitative assessment of Spine 8.3 15.1 4.7 8.7
bone mineral density, which is a major determinant of bone Humerus 4.1 12.9 2.5 7.7
strength, the clinical significance of osteoporosis lies in the Any of these 22.4 46.4 15.3 31.7
fractures that arise. Because a variety of non-skeletal factors
6 Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44
It is widely recognised that osteoporosis and the conse- strength for both cortical and trabecular bone include macro-
quent fractures are associated with increased mortality, with and microarchitecture (e.g. cross-sectional moment of inertia,
the exception of forearm fractures [15]. In the case of hip hip axis length, cortical thickness, finite element analysis, tra-
fracture, most deaths occur in the first 3–6 months following becular bone score, cortical porosity) [22–27].
the event, of which 20–30% is causally related to the fracture DXA is the most widely used bone densitometric tech-
event itself [16]. In Sweden, the number of deaths that are nique. It is versatile in the sense that it can be used to assess
causally related to hip fracture account for more than 1% of bone mineral density/bone mineral content of the whole skel-
all deaths, somewhat higher than the deaths attributed to pan- eton as well as specific sites, including those most vulnerable
creatic cancer and somewhat lower than the deaths attributed to fracture [18]. Areal density (g/cm2) rather than a true volu-
to breast cancer [16]. In 2010, the number of deaths in the EU metric density (g/cm3) is measured since the scan is two di-
that were causally related to fractures was estimated at 43,000. mensional. Areal BMD accounts for about two thirds of the
Approximately 50% of fracture-related deaths in women were variance of bone strength as determined in vitro on isolated
due to hip fractures, 28% to clinical vertebral and 22% to other bones, such as the vertebral body or proximal femur. DXA can
fractures. Corresponding proportions for men were 47, 39 and also be used to visualise lateral images of the spine from T4 to
14%, respectively [4]. L4 to detect fractures of the vertebral bodies [28–30].
The total health burden, measured in terms of lost quality- Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) may improve fracture
adjusted life years (QALYs), was estimated at 1,180,000 risk evaluation, since many patients with vertebral fracture
QALYs for the EU. Twice as many QALYs were lost in women may not have a BMD T-score classified as osteoporosis.
compared to men. The majority of the QALYs lost were a This procedure involves less radiation and is less expensive
consequence of prior fractures. In Europe, osteoporosis than a conventional X-ray examination but performs compa-
accounted for more disability and life years lost (DALYs) than rably to traditional radiographs [31].
rheumatoid arthritis, but less than osteoarthritis. With regard to Whereas whole body bone, fat and lean mass can also be
neoplastic diseases, the burden of osteoporosis was greater than measured using DXA, these measurements are useful for re-
for all sites of cancer, with the exception of lung cancers [17]. search, but they do not assist in the routine diagnosis or as-
The cost of osteoporosis, including pharmacological interven- sessment of osteoporosis.
tion in the EU in 2010, was estimated at €37 billion. Costs of The performance characteristics of many measurement
treating incident fractures represented 66% of these costs, phar- techniques have been well documented [32, 33]. For the pur-
macological prevention 5% and long-term fracture care 29%. pose of risk assessment and for diagnosis, a characteristic of
Excluding cost of pharmacological prevention, hip fractures rep- major importance is the ability of a technique to predict frac-
resented 54% of the costs, ‘other fractures’ represented 39% and tures. This is traditionally expressed as the increase in the
vertebral and forearm fractures represented 5 and 1%, respec- relative risk of fracture per standard deviation unit decrease
tively [4]. Assigning a QALY the value of 2xGDP, the total value in bone mineral measurement—termed the gradient of risk.
of QALYs lost in 2010 was estimated at €61.4 billion.
Limitations of BMD
Bone mineral measurements There are a number of technical limitations in the general
application of DXA for diagnosis, which should be recognised
The objectives of bone mineral measurements are to provide [34, 35]. The presence of osteomalacia, a complication of poor
diagnostic criteria, prognostic information on the probability nutrition in the elderly, will underestimate total bone matrix
of future fractures, and a baseline on which to monitor the because of decreased mineralisation of bone. Osteoarthrosis or
natural history of the treated or untreated patient. Bone min- osteoarthritis at the spine or hip are common in the elderly, and
eral density (BMD) is the amount of bone mass per unit vol- contribute to the density measurement, but not necessarily to
ume (volumetric density), or per unit area (areal density), and skeletal strength. Heterogeneity of density due to
both can be measured in vivo by densitometric techniques. osteoarthrosis, previous fracture or scoliosis can often be de-
A wide variety of techniques is available to assess bone tected on the scan and in some cases excluded from the anal-
mineral that are reviewed elsewhere [18–21]. The most widely ysis. Some of these problems can be overcome with adequate-
used are based on X-ray absorptiometry in bone, particularly ly trained staff and rigorous quality control.
dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Other techniques
include quantitative ultrasound (QUS), quantitative computed
tomography (QCT) applied both to the appendicular skeleton Diagnosis of osteoporosis
and to the spine, peripheral DXA, digital X-ray
radiogrammetry, radiographic absorptiometry and other radio- Bone mineral density is most often described as a T-score or
graphic techniques. Other important determinants of bone Z-score, both of which are units of standard deviation (SD).
Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44 7
The T-score describes the number of SDs by which the BMD Prevalence of osteoporosis
in an individual differs from the mean value expected in
young healthy individuals. The operational definition of oste- Because the distribution of BMD in the young healthy popula-
oporosis is based on the T-score for BMD [11, 34] assessed at tion is normally distributed and bone loss occurs with advanc-
the femoral neck and is defined as a value for BMD 2.5 SD or ing age, the prevalence of osteoporosis increases with age and
more below the young female adult mean (T-score less than or thus depends on the demography of the population. The prev-
equal to − 2.5 SD) [3, 12, 36, 37]. The Z-score describes the alence of osteoporosis in the 27 countries of the EU in men and
number of SDs by which the BMD in an individual differs women is shown in Table 2 [4]. Approximately 21% of women
from the mean value expected for age and sex. It is mostly aged 50–84 years are classified as having osteoporosis account-
used in children and adolescents [38]. ing for more than 22 million women in these countries.
The reference range recommended by the IOF, ESCEO, These data assume that the distribution of femoral neck BMD
ISCD, WHO and NOF for calculating the T-score [3, 12, 36, is the same in these index countries. There may be small differ-
37, 39] is the NHANES III reference database for femoral ences in the age- and sex-specific BMD in different European
neck measurements in women aged 20–29 years [36]. Note countries as well as within countries. If so, these differences in
that the diagnostic criteria for men use the same female refer- BMD are relatively small [48] and insufficient to account for the
ence range as that for women. This arises fortuitously because observed differences in fracture rates (see below).
for any age and BMD at the femoral neck, the risk of hip
fracture or a major osteoporotic fracture is approximately the
same in men and women [40–42]. On GE Healthcare bone Risk factors for fracture
densitometers, there is an option for T-scores for men to be
given relative to either the male or female reference range in BMD
DXA readouts. However, the T-score cannot be used inter-
changeably with different techniques and at different sites, Assessment of BMD has provided a pivotal determinant of
since the prevalence of osteoporosis and proportion of indi- fracture risk and many guidelines have used BMD thresh-
viduals allocated to any diagnostic category would vary, as olds to determine whether treatments should be recom-
does the risk of fracture [39]. mended. Intervention thresholds have ranged from T-
These considerations have led to the adoption of the femoral scores of − 3 SD to − 1.5 SD depending on the clinical con-
neck as the reference site [39], but do not preclude the use of text, the country or on health economic factors. The use of
other sites and technologies in clinical practice, though it should bone mass measurements for prognosis depends upon accu-
be recognised that the information derived from the T-score will racy. Accuracy in this context is the ability of the measure-
differ from that provided by BMD at the femoral neck. ment to predict fracture. In general, all densitometric tech-
niques have high specificity but low sensitivity, which
varies with the cutoff chosen to designate high risk.
Measurement of multiple skeletal sites
At the age of 50 years, for example, the proportion of
women with osteoporosis who will fracture their hip, spine
A number of guidelines favour the concurrent use of BMD at
or forearm or proximal humerus in the next 10 years (i.e.
the proximal femur and at the lumbar spine for patient assess-
positive predictive value) is approximately 45%. Despite this,
ment. Patients are defined as having osteoporosis on the basis of
the overall detection rate for these fractures (sensitivity) is low
the lower of two T-scores [43, 44]. The prediction of fracture is,
and 96% of fractures at the spine, hip, forearm or proximal
however, not improved overall using multiple sites [45–47].
humerus will occur in women without osteoporosis [49]. The
Selection of patients on the basis of a minimum value from
low sensitivity is one of the reasons why widespread
two or more tests will, however, increase the number of patients
population-based screening with BMD is not widely recom-
selected. The same result can be achieved by less stringent
mended in women at the time of the menopause [11].
criteria for the definition of osteoporosis, by defining osteopo-
Many cross-sectional and prospective population studies
rosis, for example, as a T-score of < − 2.0 SD rather than < − 2.5
indicate that the risk for fracture increases by a factor of 1.5
SD. Notwithstanding, the measurement of more than one site
to 3.0 for each standard deviation decrease in bone mineral
can aid in the assessment of individuals (discussed below).
density [32]. There are, however, significant differences in
the performance of different techniques at different skeletal
Low bone mass (osteopenia) sites. In addition, the performance depends on the type of
fracture that one wishes to predict [30, 32, 50]. For exam-
It is recommended that diagnostic criteria be reserved for os- ple, BMD assessments by DXA to predict hip fracture are
teoporosis and that low bone mass (osteopenia) should not be more predictive when measurements are made at the hip
considered a disease category. rather than at the spine or forearm (Table 3). For the
8 Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44
prediction of hip fracture, the gradient of risk provided by Clinical risk factors
hip BMD in a meta-analysis is 2.6 [32]. In other words, the
fracture risk increases 2.6-fold for each SD decrease in hip A large number of risk factors for fracture have been identified
BMD. Thus, an individual with a Z-score of − 3 SD at the [53–55]. For the purposes of improving risk assessment, in-
hip would have a 2.63 or greater than 15-fold higher risk terest lies in those factors that contribute significantly to frac-
than an individual of the same age with a Z-score of 0. ture risk over and above that provided by bone mineral density
Where the intention is to predict any osteoporotic fracture, measurements or age [56]. A good example is age. For any
the commonly used techniques are comparable: The risk of BMD, fracture risk is much higher in the elderly than in the
fracture increases approximately 1.5-fold for each standard young [57]. This is because age contributes to risk indepen-
deviation decrease in the measurement so that an individual dently of BMD. At the threshold for osteoporosis (T-score =
with a measurement of 3 standard deviations below the − 2.5 SD), the 10-year probability of hip fracture ranges 5-fold
average value for age would have a 1.53 or greater than 3- in women from Sweden depending on age (Fig. 1) [49]. Thus,
fold higher risk than an individual with an average BMD. the consideration of age and BMD together increases the
Note that the risk of fracture in individuals with an average range of risk that can be identified.
BMD is lower than the average fracture risk, since fracture Over the past few years, a series of meta-analyses have been
risk is a convex function of BMD. undertaken to identify additional clinical risk factors that could be
The performance characteristics of quantitative ultrasound used in case-finding strategies, with or without the use of
are similar. Most studies suggest that measurements of broad- BMD [12]. There are a number of factors to be considered in
band ultrasound attenuation or speed of sound at the heel are the selection of risk factors for case finding. Of particular im-
associated with a 1.5- to 2-fold increase in risk for each stan- portance in the setting of primary care is the ease with which
dard deviation decrease in the measured variable [33, 51]. they might be used. For a globally applicable tool, the chosen
Comparative studies indicate that these gradients of risk are risk factors should also be valid in an international setting and
very similar to those provided by peripheral assessment of their predictive value documented over time. A further and
bone mineral density at appendicular sites by absorptiometric critical consideration is the reversibility of risk, i.e. is there
techniques to predict any osteoporotic fracture [32]. Unlike evidence that the risk identified by a risk factor is amenable to
DXA, however, the long-term predictive value wanes with therapeutic intervention (reversibility of risk—not reversible
time [52]. Note also that the WHO criteria for the diagnosis risk). Age is an example of an irreversible risk factor, but the
of osteoporosis cannot be applied to ultrasound results. risk of fracture identified by age has reversibility. The risk
Table 3 Age-adjusted increase in risk of fracture (with 95% confidence interval) in women for every 1 SD decrease in bone mineral density (by
absorptiometry) below the mean value for age [amended from [32], with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group
Site of measurement Forearm fracture Hip fracture Vertebral fracture All fractures
Distal radius 1.7 (1.4–2.0) 1.8 (1.4–2.2) 1.7 (1.4–2.1) 1.4 (1.3–1.6)
Femoral neck 1.4 (1.4–1.6) 2.6 (2.0–3.5) 1.8 (1.1–2.7) 1.6 (1.4–1.8)
Lumbar spine 1.5 (1.3–1.8) 1.6 (1.2–2.2) 2.3 (1.9–2.8) 1.5 (1.4–1.7)
Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44 9
Bone markers are increased after the menopause, and in several
-3 -2 -1 0 1
studies the rate of bone loss varies according to the marker
T-score (SD)
value [72]. Thus, a potential clinical application of biochemical
Fig. 1 Ten-year probability of hip fracture in women from Sweden
according to age and T-score for femoral neck BMD [49], with kind
indices of skeletal metabolism is in assessing fracture risk. The
permission from Springer Science and Business Media IOF and International Federation of clinical Chemistry and
Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) have proposed two of several
factors that are used for clinical assessment with FRAX are markers as reference analytes in the prediction of fracture risk;
summarised in Table 4 [12, 41, 58–64]. Each of these risk serum procollagen type I N propeptide (s-PINP) and serum C-
factors has been shown to identify reversibility of risk [65]. terminal cross-linking telopeptide of type I collagen (s-CTX) as
In the case of causes of secondary osteoporosis, the in- markers of bone formation and bone resorption, respectively
crease in fracture risk is presumed to be mediated by low [73]. A meta-analysis of prospective studies showed a signifi-
BMD. The exceptions are glucocorticoid exposure and rheu- cant association between s-PINP and the risk of fracture. The
matoid arthritis for which risks have been identified that are hazard ratio per SD increase in s-PINP (gradient of risk; GR)
independent of BMD. A further candidate is type 2 diabetes was 1.23 (95% CI 1.09–1.39) for men and women combined
unadjusted for bone mineral density. There was also a signifi-
cant association between s-CTX and risk of fracture GR = 1.18
Table 4 Clinical risk factors used for the assessment of fracture
probability [12] Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases, University of (95% CI 1.05–1.34) unadjusted for bone mineral density. For
Sheffield Medical School, UK, University of Sheffield, UK] the outcome of hip fracture, the association between s-CTX and
risk of fracture was slightly higher, 1.23 (95% CI 1.04–1.47)
[74]. Thus, there is a modest but significant association between
Low body mass index these markers and the future risk of fractures. Currently, there
Previous fragility fracture, particularly of the hip, wrist and spine are efforts by IFCC and IOF to harmonise markers of bone
including morphometric vertebral fracture in adult life turnover, which, if successful, may promote markers of bone
Parental history of hip fracture
turnover for fracture risk prediction [75].
Glucocorticoid treatment (> 5 mg prednisolone daily or equivalent for
3 months or more)
Current smoking Trabecular bone score
Alcohol intake 3 or more units daily
Causes of secondary osteoporosis
Trabecular bone score (TBS) is a recently developed analytical
Rheumatoid arthritis
Untreated hypogonadism in men and women, e.g. premature menopause, tool that performs novel grey-level texture measurements on
bilateral oophorectomy or orchidectomy, anorexia nervosa, lumbar spine DXA images, and thereby captures information
chemotherapy for breast cancer, hypopituitarism, androgen deprivation relating to trabecular microarchitecture. Low TBS is consistently
therapy in men with prostate cancer.
associated with an increase in both prevalent and incident frac-
Inflammatory bowel disease, e.g. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. It
should be noted that the risk is in part dependent on the use of tures that is partly independent of both clinical risk factors and
glucocorticoids, but an independent risk remains after adjustment for areal BMD at the lumbar spine and proximal femur [23, 76]. It
glucocorticoid exposure. can thus be used as an adjunct to BMD measurements and is a
Prolonged immobility, e.g. spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease, stroke,
software option for densitometers. Studies including a meta-
muscular dystrophy, ankylosing spondylitis
Organ transplantation analysis have shown an incremental improvement in fracture
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes prediction when lumbar spine TBS is used in combination with
Thyroid disorders, e.g. untreated hyperthyroidism, thyroid hormone FRAX variables [77–81]. In the meta-analysis, when additional-
suppressive therapy
ly adjusted for FRAX 10-year probability of major osteoporotic
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
HIV infection fracture, TBS remained a significant, independent predictor for
fracture (Gradient of risk = 1.32, 95% CI 1.24–1.41) [77]. The
10 Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44
adjustment of FRAX probability for TBS resulted in a small Vertebral fracture assessment should be considered in postmen-
increase in the GR (1.76, 95% CI 1.65–1.87 versus 1.70, 95% opausal women if there is a history of ≥ 4 cm height loss,
CI 1.60–1.81). A smaller change in GR for hip fracture was kyphosis, recent or current long-term oral glucocorticoid thera-
observed (FRAX® hip fracture probability GR 2.25 vs. 2.22). py, or a BMD T-score ≤ − 2.5. It should also be considered in
Thus, TBS is a predictor of fracture risk independently of FRAX individuals with a history of non-vertebral fracture [85].
and supports the use of TBS to adjust for FRAX probability.
Adjustment of FRAX probabilities [77] is available from a ded-
icated web site (https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/TBS/
CalculationTool.aspx) or via the FRAX web site (see Fig. 2).
Assessment of fracture risk
TBS may also have a role in the assessment of fracture risk
Whereas assessment guidelines have traditionally been based
in some causes of secondary osteoporosis (e.g. diabetes, hy-
on BMD, its limitations have stimulated the development of
perparathyroidism and glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis).
risk engines that integrate several risk factors for fracture [86].
These include the Garvan fracture risk calculator [69],
Vertebral fracture assessment QFracture® [70] and FRAX® [12, 87]. Of these, FRAX has
been the most extensively used. Since its release in 2008,
The majority of vertebral fractures do not come to medical models have been made available for 64 countries in 34 lan-
attention and thus remain undiagnosed [82]. Moderate or severe guages, covering 80% of the world population. The website
vertebral fractures, even when asymptomatic, are strong risk (http://www.shef.ac.uk/FRAX) receives approximately 6
factors for subsequent fracture at the spine and other skeletal million visits annually and in 2012–2013 calculations arose
sites [83, 84]. Vertebral fracture assessment should therefore be from 173 countries [88]. This underestimates considerably the
considered in high-risk individuals, using either lateral lumbar uptake of FRAX because the website is not the sole portal for
and thoracic spine radiographs or lateral spine DXA imaging. the calculation of fracture probabilities. For example, FRAX
Fig. 2 Screen page for input of data and format of results in the UK version of the FRAX® tool (UK model, version 3.5. http://www.shef.ac.uk/FRAX).
[With permission of the Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases, University of Sheffield Medical School, UK]
Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44 11
is available in BMD equipment, on smartphones, and, in some much higher risk than a single prior fracture [92]. Dose-
countries, through hand-held calculators. FRAX has been in- responses are also evident for glucocorticoid exposure [93],
corporated into more than 80 guidelines worldwide [89]. cigarette smoking [61] and alcohol intake [60]. Since it is not
possible to accommodate all such scenarios with the FRAX
Introduction to FRAX algorithm, these limitations should temper clinical judgement.
A history of falls is a significant risk factor for fracture but
FRAX® is a computer-based algorithm that calculates the 10- is not incorporated into the FRAX model. Moreover, a signif-
year probability of a major fracture (hip, clinical spine, humerus icant risk of fracture remains after adjusting for FRAX [94].
or wrist fracture) and the 10-year probability of hip fracture [12]. However, the incorporation of falls into FRAX is problematic
Fracture risk is calculated from age, body mass index and for several reasons. First, at the time of the release of FRAX,
dichotomized risk factors comprising prior fragility fracture, existing falls data were not of adequate quality, including the
parental history of hip fracture, current tobacco smoking, ever heterogeneous construct of questions on falls. Second, falls
use of long-term oral glucocorticoids, rheumatoid arthritis, risk is inherently taken into account in the algorithm, though
other causes of secondary osteoporosis and alcohol consump- not as an input variable [95]. Thus, the fracture probability
tion (Fig. 2). Femoral neck BMD can be optionally input to given for any combination of risk factors assumes that the falls
enhance fracture risk prediction [90]. Fracture probability is risk is that observed (but not documented) in the cohorts used
computed taking both the risk of fracture and the risk of death to construct FRAX. Third, the interrelationship of falls risk
into account. The use of clinical risk factors in conjunction with the other FRAX variables has been inadequately ex-
with BMD and age improves sensitivity of fracture prediction plored on an international basis. Fourth, the relationship be-
without adverse effects on specificity [90]. tween the risk variable and mortality needs to be accounted
Fracture probability differs markedly in different regions of for, but there are no data available. These technical problems
the world [91]. The heterogeneity in Europe is shown in aside, risk assessment tools are intended to identify a risk that
Fig. 3. For this reason, FRAX is calibrated to those countries is amenable to a therapeutic intervention. However, falls as a
where the epidemiology of fracture and death is known (cur- risk variable do not consistently pass the test of reversibility of
rently 64 countries). risk [71, 96–98], a necessary feature of any risk variable used
in tools to direct interventions [12, 65, 99].
Limitations of FRAX To address some of these and other limitations, relatively
simple arithmetic adjustments have been proposed, which can
The limitations of FRAX have been reviewed recently [89]. be applied to conventional FRAX estimates of probabilities of
The FRAX assessment takes no account of dose-responses for hip fracture and a major fracture to adjust the probability as-
several risk factors. For example, two prior fractures carry a sessment with knowledge of:
12 Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44
Treat BMD
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Age (years)
probability Fig. 5 Ten-year probabilities (%) of a major osteoporotic fracture for
women from Kuwait at a T-score of − 2.5 SD (open triangle), − 1.5 SD
(open square) and prior fracture (open diamond). The shaded area
High Low represents fracture probabilities in women with no clinical risk factors
and average BMD. From [120] with kind permission from Springer
Science and Business Media
reimbursement issues, health economic assessment, willingness
Fig. 4 Management algorithm for the assessment of individuals at risk of
fracture [114], with kind permission from Springer Science and Business
to pay for health care in osteoporosis and access to DXA. For
Media this reason, it is not possible or desirable to recommend a uni-
fied intervention strategy. The strategy given below draws on
that most commonly applied in Europe in the context of post-
Intervention thresholds menopausal osteoporosis but takes account that access to DXA
varies markedly in different European countries [117].
Whereas BMD provides the cornerstone for the diagnosis of Since many guidelines recommend that women with a prior
osteoporosis, the use of BMD alone is less than optimal as an fragility fracture may be considered for intervention without the
intervention threshold for several reasons. Firstly, the fracture necessity for a BMD test (other than to monitor treatment), a
risk varies markedly in different countries, but the T-score prior fracture can be considered to carry a sufficient risk that
varies only by a small amount. Secondly, the significance of treatment can be recommended. For this reason, the interven-
any given T-score to fracture risk in women from any one tion threshold in women without a prior fracture can be set at
country depends on age (see Fig. 1) and the presence of clin- the age-specific fracture probability equivalent to women with a
ical risk factors. Intervention thresholds will also be deter- prior fragility fracture [114] and therefore rises with age, for
mined in part by the cost and benefits of treatment. In addition, example, from a 10-year probability of 8 to 33% in the UK
since the T-score for BMD decreases with age, a T-score of, [121]. In other words, the intervention threshold is set at the
say, − 2.5 SD becomes less significant as a risk indicator with ‘fracture threshold’. This is the approach to intervention thresh-
age [118–120]. Thus, with advancing age, the difference in the olds proposed or used in Belgium, Finland, France, Italy,
probability of fracture between the general population and Ireland, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland and by
those with a T-score of − 2.5 SD diminishes and indeed, from the National Osteoporosis Guideline Group (NOGG) in the UK
the age of 78 years in the USA and 81 years onwards in [89, 122] and European guidelines for glucocorticoid-induced
Kuwait, the fracture probability becomes progressively lower osteoporosis [123]. Incidentally, the same intervention thresh-
than that of the age and sex-matched individuals (Fig. 5). In old is applied to men, since the effectiveness and cost-
other words, a T-score of − 2.5 SD becomes a diminishing risk effectiveness of intervention in men is broadly similar to that
factor with advancing age. In contrast, a prior fragility fracture in women for equivalent risk [42, 121, 124]. The approach used
is a highly significant risk factor at all ages (see Fig. 5). has been well validated and the intervention strategy shown to
The use of FRAX in clinical practice demands a consider- be cost-effective [114, 125–128].
ation of the fracture probability at which to intervene, both for Using this criterion, the intervention threshold will vary from
treatment (an intervention threshold) and for BMD testing (as- country to country because the population risks (of fracture and
sessment thresholds). Many approaches have been used to set death) vary [91, 129]. The fracture probability in women with a
intervention thresholds with FRAX [89]. The thresholds used prior fracture in the five major EU countries is shown in Fig. 6.
have varied since they depend critically on local factors such as Probabilities are highest in the UK and lowest in Spain. The
14 Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44
Probability (%)
Table 6 Intervention thresholds as set by FRAX-based 10-year
probability (%) of a major osteoporotic fracture equivalent to women
Spain with a previous fracture (no other clinical risk factors, a body mass index
of 24 kg/m2 and without BMD). The lower assessment thresholds set by
30 FRAX is based on the 10-year probability (%) of a major osteoporotic
Germany fracture equivalent to women without clinical risk factors (a body mass
index of 24 kg/m2 and without BMD). The upper assessment threshold is
set at 1.2 times the intervention threshold. Population weighted mean
UK values for the five major EU countries. From [3], with kind permission
from Springer Science and Business Media
10 Ten-year fracture probability (%)
Unrestricted access to densitometry Fig. 8 Assessment of major osteoporotic fracture risk in countries with
high access to DXA. DXA is undertaken in women with a clinical risk
factor. Assessment with DXA and/or treatment is not recommended
Where resources for BMD testing are adequate, BMD tests where the FRAX probability is lower than the lower assessment
can be undertaken in women with any clinical risk factors as threshold (green area). BMD is recommended in other women and
shown in Fig. 8. Treatment is recommended where fracture treatment recommended where the fracture probability exceeds the
intervention threshold (dotted line). The intervention threshold used is
probability exceeds the intervention threshold. Note that the that derived from Table 6. From [3], with kind permission from
lower assessment threshold is set as equivalent to women Springer Science and Business Media
without clinical risk factors (see above). In those countries
where screening of women without risk factors is recommend- Limited access to densitometry
ed, there would be no lower assessment threshold. An addi-
tional option is to recommend treatment in women with a prior Several countries must take a parsimonious approach to the use
fragility fracture without recourse to BMD (though BMD of BMD. The guidance recommends that postmenopausal wom-
might be undertaken to monitor treatment). en with a prior fragility fracture may be considered for interven-
The assessment algorithm is summarised in Box 1. BMD tion without the necessity for a BMD test. In women without a
tests are recommended in all postmenopausal women with a fragility fracture but with one or more other CRF, the intervention
clinical risk factor. threshold is set at the age-specific fracture probability equivalent
to women with a prior fragility fracture and BMD testing recom-
mended in those in whom fracture probability lies between the
upper and lower assessment threshold as described above [114]
Cyprus BOX 1 Assessment of fracture risk with FRAX with unlimited access to
Germany BMD*
Denmark • Fracture risk should be assessed in postmenopausal women with one or
Slovakia more clinical risk factor where assessment would influence
Ireland • Women with a prior fragility fracture might be considered for treatment
without the need for further risk assessment although BMD
Spain measurement may sometimes be appropriate.
UK • In women without a prior fragility fracture, the 10-year probabilities of a
Czech major osteoporotic fracture (clinical spine, hip, forearm or humerus)
Latvia and hip fracture should be determined using FRAX without BMD. In
the absence of other clinical considerations, men and women with
Romania probabilities below the assessment threshold can be reassured.
Luxembourg • Those with probabilities above the assessment threshold can be
considered for testing with BMD using DXA and their fracture
probability reassessed. Thereafter, women with probabilities above the
0 10 20 30 40 50
intervention threshold should be considered for treatment.
DXA (units/million)
Fig. 7 The density of central DXA equipment (units/million of the *From [3], with kind permission from Springer Science and Business
general population in the EU countries in 2010 [Kanis JA, data on file] Media
16 Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44
This approach, adapted to the common EU thresholds shown in BOX 2 Assessment of fracture risk with FRAX with limited access to
Table 6, is illustrated in Fig. 9.
The assessment algorithm is summarised in Box 2. • Fracture risk should be assessed in postmenopausal women with one or
more clinical risk factor where assessment would influence
• Women with a prior fragility fracture should be considered for treatment
No access or patchy access to densitometry without the need for further risk assessment although BMD
measurement may sometimes be appropriate, particularly in younger
In countries with very limited or no access to DXA, postmenopausal women.
FRAX can be used without BMD. For the purpose of risk • In women without a prior fragility fracture, the 10-year probabilities of a
major osteoporotic fracture (clinical spine, hip, forearm or humerus)
assessment, a characteristic of major importance is the and hip fracture should be determined using FRAX without BMD. In
ability of a technique to predict fractures, traditionally the absence of other clinical considerations, men and women with
expressed as the increase in relative risk per standard de- probabilities below the lower assessment threshold can be reassured
viation (SD) unit decrease in risk score—termed the gra- and those with probabilities above the upper assessment threshold can
be considered for treatment.
dient of risk. The gradient of risk with FRAX is shown in • Those with probabilities above the lower assessment threshold but
Table 7 for the use of the clinical risk factors alone, fem- below the upper assessment threshold can be considered for testing
oral neck BMD and the combination [90]. with BMD using DXA and their fracture probability reassessed.
The use of clinical risk factors alone provides a GR that lies Thereafter, women with probabilities above the intervention threshold
should be considered for treatment.
between 1.4 and 2.1, depending upon age and the type of fracture
predicted. These gradients are comparable to the use of BMD *From [3], with kind permission from Springer Science and Business
alone to predict fractures [32, 41]. For example, for the prediction Media
of any osteoporotic fracture, the GR at the age of 70 years was
1.5 with femoral neck BMD [32]. With peripheral BMD, the In several countries (Finland, Lebanon, Romania, UK),
gradient of risk is somewhat, though not significantly lower there is a link between the FRAX web site to an independent
(GR = 1.4/SD; 95% CI = 1.3–1.5/SD). These data suggest that site that plots the FRAX output against the intervention
clinical risk factors alone are of value and can be used, therefore, thresholds for that country and facilitates treatment decisions.
in the many countries where DXA facilities are insufficient The NOGG web site in the UK is widely used (https://www.
(Box 3). The rationale for the use of FRAX in the absence of sheffield.ac.uk/NOGG/) [133].
access to BMD or limited access has been recently reviewed [65,
89]. Briefly, most of the risk factors incorporated within FRAX Alternative approaches to intervention thresholds
contribute independently from BMD to fracture risk, but are not
totally independent of BMD; thus, higher risk is associated with The NOGG guidelines in the UK have recently been revised
lower underlying BMD [125, 132]. [134]. The intervention threshold up to age 70 years is set at a
risk equivalent to that associated with a prior fracture, in line
with current clinical practice, and therefore rises with age. At
Ten year probability (%) age 70 years and above, however, a fixed threshold is applied
40 [134]. The alternative thresholds equilibrate fracture risk, par-
UAT ticularly hip fracture risk, in those with or without prior frac-
IT ture selected for treatment and reduce BMD usage at older
30 Intervention threshold
ages. This modification from the age of 70 years is not neces-
Consider treatment
sarily applicable to other countries and would require the im-
20 LAT pact of changes to be evaluated.
An alternative approach to intervention thresholds has been
applied in Germany, which uses a country-specific algorithm to
No treatment estimate the 10-year incidence (not probability) of fracture [135].
Several guidelines in Europe that use FRAX have recom-
40 50 60 70 80 mended that a fixed probability threshold be used as an inter-
Age (years) vention threshold. Examples include a 20% 10-year probabil-
Fig. 9 Assessment guidelines based on the 10-year probability of a major ity of a major fracture in several European countries and a
osteoporotic fracture (%). The dotted line denotes the intervention 15% probability in Sweden [89]. Many utilise a threshold
threshold. Where assessment is made in the absence of BMD, a BMD probability of 20% for a major osteoporotic fracture many of
test is recommended for individuals where the probability assessment lies
in the orange region. The intervention threshold and BMD assessment
which also mention a hip fracture probability of 3% as an
thresholds used are those derived from Table 6. From [3], with kind alternative intervention threshold. In nearly all instances, no
permission from Springer Science and Business Media rationale is provided other than the fact that this was the
Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44 17
50- 60- 70- 80-
>5% >10% >15% >20% >25% >30%
Age (years) FRAX threshold
50 60 70 80 90
Age (years)
Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44 19
prevent falls by restoring confidence and coordination, and primary endpoints in any of the studies and the association
additionally maintain bone mass by stimulating bone for- remains the subject of some controversy [158–163].
mation and decreasing bone resorption. Overall, it can be concluded that (1) calcium and vitamin D
Such measures can be coupled with a programme to reduce supplementation may lead to a modest reduction in fracture
the likelihood of falls in those at high risk [142, 143]. risk, although population-level intervention has not been
Modifiable factors such as correcting decreased visual acuity, shown to be an effective public health strategy; (2) supple-
reducing consumption of medication that alters alertness and mentation with calcium alone does not reduce fracture risk; (3)
balance, and improving the home environment (slippery side effects of calcium supplementation include renal stones
floors, obstacles, insufficient lighting, handrails) are important and gastrointestinal symptoms; (4) vitamin D supplementa-
measures aimed at preventing falls [144]. Fall prevention ex- tion, rather than calcium, may reduce falls risk; and (5) in-
ercise interventions have been shown to reduce the risk of creased cardiovascular risk consequent to calcium supplemen-
injurious falls and of fracture [145]. Whole body vibration tation is not convincingly supported by current evidence; (6)
may be beneficial for falls risk reduction, but without effect calcium and vitamin D supplementation is recommended for
on BMD or fracture risk [146]. Some randomised trials have patients at high risk of calcium and vitamin D insufficiency,
shown that wearing hip protectors can reduce hip fracture risk, and in those who are receiving treatment for osteoporosis
particularly in the elderly living in nursing homes. A meta- [153]. This approach appears to be cost-effective [164].
analysis of well-conducted randomised controlled trials has, Vitamin D supplements alone may reduce the risk of frac-
however, cast some doubt about the anti-fracture efficacy of ture and falls provided the daily dose of vitamin D is greater
this preventive measure [147–150]. than 700 IU [165, 166]. In contrast, studies with large annual
doses of vitamin D have reported an increased risk of hip
fracture and, in one study, and also of falls [167, 168]. The
Nutrition upper limit of vitamin D dose that is beneficial on falls may be
lower than previously estimated [169, 170].
At every stage of life, adequate dietary intakes of key bone Whereas a gradual decline in caloric intake with age can be
nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D and protein contribute to considered as an appropriate adjustment to the progressive
bone health and reduce thereby the risk of osteoporosis and of reduction in energy expenditure, a parallel reduction in protein
fracture later in life [151]. Dietary sources of calcium are the intake may be detrimental for maintaining the integrity and
preferred option and calcium supplementation should only be function of several organs or systems, including skeletal mus-
targeted to those who do not get sufficient calcium from their cle and bone. Sufficient protein intakes are necessary to main-
diet and who are at high risk for osteoporosis. The tain the function of the musculoskeletal system, but they also
Recommended Nutrient Intakes are 800–1000 mg of calcium decrease the complications that occur after an osteoporotic
and 800 IU of vitamin D per day in men and women over the fracture [151, 171]. Correction of poor protein nutrition in
age of 50 years [152]. patients with a recent hip fracture has been shown to improve
Combined calcium and vitamin D supplements in a daily the subsequent clinical course by significantly lowering the
dose of 0.5–1.2 g and 400–800 IU, respectively, are generally rate of complications, such as bedsores, severe anaemia and
recommended in patients receiving bone protective therapy, intercurrent lung or renal infection. The duration of hospital
since most randomised controlled trial evidence for the effica- stay of elderly patients with hip can thus be shortened [151].
cy of interventions is based on co-administration of the agent Dairy products are a source of both protein and calcium,
with calcium and vitamin D supplements [153]. Calcium and since 1 L of milk provides 32 g of protein and 1200 mg of
vitamin D supplements may decrease secondary hyperpara- calcium. Dairy products, some being fortified with calcium or
thyroidism and reduce the risk of proximal femur fracture, vitamin D, decrease circulating PTH, increase IGF-I and de-
particularly in the elderly living in nursing homes [154, crease bone resorption markers [171–173]. Dairy products are
155]. In six trials included in the meta-analysis [155], hip associated with higher bone strength in both men and women
fracture risk was 0.61 (95% CI 0.46–0.62) with calcium and [174, 175]. In older US men and women, higher milk con-
vitamin D supplementation. In contrast, a recent meta-analysis sumption is associated with a lower hip fracture risk [176].
did not find a reduction in fracture risk in community- Fermented milk products like yogurt or soft cheese may pro-
dwelling older adults receiving calcium, vitamin D, or the vide larger amounts of these nutrients than the same volume of
combination [156]. The latter included seven trials, but only plain milk because of enrichment with milk powder to make
three among those analysed in [155]. Adding to the contro- the yogurt matrix denser [177–179]. Thus, calcium and vita-
versies over calcium, a meta-analysis has concluded that cal- min D fortified dairy products (yogurt, milk) providing at least
cium supplements without co-administered vitamin D were 40% of the RNI of calcium (400 mg) and 200 IU of vitamin D
associated with an increase in the risk of myocardial infarction per portion are valuable options for covering the needs in the
by around 30% [157]. Cardiovascular outcomes were not oldest old. Cheese consumption is associated with lower
20 Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44
mortality [180]. Several studies have concluded to a post hoc analysis showed a significant reduction of non-
favourable cost-effectiveness of dairy products in osteoporosis vertebral fractures [189].
management [181–184]. In the MORE study and its placebo-controlled 4-year
follow-up (CORE), the only severe (but rare) adverse event
was an increase of deep venous thromboembolism. Hot
flushes and lower limb cramps are commonly reported.
Major pharmacological interventions There was a significant and sustained decrease of the risk of
invasive breast cancer (by about 60%) [190], that has been
The most commonly used agents in Europe are raloxifene, the
subsequently confirmed in two other large cohorts, including
bisphosphonates alendronate, ibandronate, risedronate and zo-
the STAR study that showed similar breast cancer incidences
ledronic acid, agents derived from parathyroid hormone and
with raloxifene and tamoxifen in high-risk populations [191].
denosumab. They have all been shown to reduce the risk of
The RUTH study, performed in postmenopausal women at
vertebral fracture. Some have also been shown to reduce the
high risk of cardiovascular disease [192], showed that raloxi-
risk of non-vertebral fractures and, in some cases, agents have
fene had no effect on cardiovascular death, and on the inci-
been shown specifically to decrease fracture risk at the hip
dence of coronary heart disease and stroke [193]. However, an
(Table 8) [3, 85, 185, 186].
increased risk of death from stroke has been reported in wom-
en with or at risk of coronary heart disease. The efficacy of
Selective oestrogen receptor modulators raloxifene has been shown in women with osteopenia [194]
and is not dependent on the level of fracture risk assessed by
Selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are nonste- FRAX [195]. In summary, the overall risk-benefit ratio of
roidal agents that bind to the oestrogen receptor and act as raloxifene is favourable and the drug is approved widely for
oestrogen agonists or antagonists, depending on the target the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
tissue. The concept of SERMs was triggered by the observa- Bazedoxifene is a selective oestrogen receptor modulator that
tion that tamoxifen, which is an oestrogen antagonist in breast has been approved in Europe but is only available in Spain and
tissue, is a partial agonist on bone, reducing the rate of bone Germany. In phase 3 clinical trials, bazedoxifene was shown to
loss in postmenopausal women [187]. Raloxifene is the only reduce the risk of new vertebral fracture, with favourable effects
SERM widely available for the prevention and treatment of on bone mineral density, bone turnover markers and the lipid
postmenopausal osteoporosis, but several others are in clinical profile [196, 197]. The phase III study was extended up to 7 years
development. Raloxifene prevents bone loss [188] and re- [198]. During this period, the efficacy and safety of bazedoxifene
duces the risk of vertebral fractures by 30–50% in postmeno- were sustained. Two separate network meta-analyses provided an
pausal women with low bone mass, and with osteoporosis indirect comparison of the effect of bazedoxifene versus oral
with or without prior vertebral fractures as shown in the bisphosphonates, for the prevention of vertebral [199] and non-
MORE trial [188]. There was no significant reduction of vertebral fractures [200], respectively. They concluded that
non-vertebral fractures. In women with severe vertebral frac- bazedoxifene is expected to have at least a comparable relative
tures at baseline (i.e. at highest risk of subsequent fractures), a risk reduction of vertebral [199] and non-vertebral fracture [200]
as alendronate, ibandronate and risedronate. In a post hoc study in worldwide. In the Fracture Intervention (FIT) study, alendronate
a subgroup of women at increased risk of fracture, bazedoxifene was shown to reduce the incidence of vertebral, wrist and hip
decreased non-vertebral fracture risk. In contrast to raloxifene, the fractures by approximately half in women with prevalent verte-
efficacy of bazedoxifene is dependent on the level of fracture risk bral fractures [207–209]. In women without prevalent vertebral
assessed by FRAX [201]. In common with raloxifene, venous fractures, there was no significant decrease in clinical fractures in
thromboembolic events, primarily deep vein thromboses, leg the overall population, but the reduction was significant in the
cramps and hot flushes were more frequently reported in the active one third of patients that had a baseline hip BMD T-score lower
treatment groups compared with the placebo group [202]. than − 2.5 SD [210]. In a population of more than 90,000 men
Bazedoxifene has been combined with conjugated equine and women aged 80 years and older and who had sustained a
oestrogen to create a tissue selective oestrogen complex for prior fracture, a case-control analysis revealed that alendronate
the management of vasomotor symptoms and the prevention use was associated with a 34% decrease in hip fracture risk, and a
of osteoporosis associated with menopause [203]. A series of 12% lower mortality risk but with a 58% increase in the risk of
five phase III studies known as the Selective estrogen, mild upper gastrointestinal symptoms [211].
Menopause And Response to Therapy (SMART) trials led to Risedronate has been shown to reduce the incidence of
the approval, by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) vertebral and non-vertebral fractures by 40–50% and 30–
and in Europe, of a daily dose of bazedoxifene 20 mg/ 36%, respectively, in women with prevalent vertebral frac-
conjugated equine oestrogen 0.45 mg. This association im- tures [212, 213]. In a large population of elderly women,
proved vasomotor symptoms whilst opposing breast and en- risedronate decreased significantly the risk of hip fractures
dometrial proliferation, preventing bone resorption and im- by 30%, an effect that was greater in osteoporotic women
proving lipid profiles [203]. Over 12 months, this combination age 70–79 years (− 40%), and not significant in women over
product improved BMD at the spine and at the hip, reduced the age of 80 years without evidence of osteoporosis [71]. A
markers of bone turnover and significantly improved vasomo- delayed-release formulation of 35 mg risedronate weekly, giv-
tor function score in a population of European postmenopaus- en before or immediately following breakfast, showed a sim-
al women without effects on fracture risk [204]. ilar or greater effect on spine and hip BMD than traditional
immediate-release 5 mg risedronate daily. This formulation
Bisphosphonates allows osteoporotic patients to take their weekly risedronate
dose immediately after breakfast, hence offering a potential
Bisphosphonates are stable analogues of pyrophosphate for improved adherence and persistence to treatment [214].
characterised by a P-C-P bond. A variety of bisphosphonates Ibandronate given daily (2.5 mg) reduces the risk of vertebral
has been synthesised, the potency of which depends on the fractures by 50–60%. An effect on non-vertebral fractures was
length and structure of the side chain [205]. Bisphosphonates only demonstrated in a post hoc analysis of women with a base-
have a strong affinity for bone apatite, both in vitro and line of BMD T-score below − 3 SD [215–217]. Bridging studies
in vivo, which is the basis for their clinical use. They are have shown that oral ibandronate 150 mg once monthly is equiv-
potent inhibitors of bone resorption and produce their effect alent or superior to daily ibandronate in increasing BMD and
by reducing the recruitment and activity of osteoclasts and decreasing biochemical markers of bone turnover, giving rise to
increasing their apoptosis. The potency and chemical affinity its approval for the prevention of vertebral fracture in postmeno-
to bone of bisphosphonates determines their effect to inhibit pausal osteoporosis [218]. The efficacy and safety of oral month-
bone resorption and varies greatly from compound to com- ly ibandronate was confirmed for up to 5 years in women with
pound. Potency differences can range 10,000-fold in vitro, so postmenopausal osteoporosis [218, 219]. Similarly, bridging
that the doses used clinically also vary. The mechanism of studies comparing intermittent intravenous ibandronate to daily
action on osteoclasts includes inhibition of the proton vacuolar oral treatment has led to the approval of intravenous ibandronate
adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and alteration of the cyto- 3 mg every 3 months for the same indication [220]. A post hoc
skeleton and the ruffled border. Amino-bisphosphonates also analysis of pooled individual patient data from the studies
inhibit the farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase step in the assessing the long-term (5 years) efficacy of oral [218] and intra-
mevalonate pathway, thereby modifying the isoprenylation venous [221] ibandronate concluded that for ibandronate regi-
of guanosine triphosphate binding proteins. mens with annual cumulative exposure ≥ 10.8 mg, time-to-
Oral bioavailability of bisphosphonates is low, around 1% of fracture was significantly longer for all clinical fractures, non-
the dose ingested, and is impaired by food, calcium, iron, coffee, vertebral and clinical vertebral fractures versus placebo and that
tea and orange juice. Bisphosphonates are quickly cleared from for all fracture types, the rate of fracture appeared stable up to
plasma, about 50% being deposited in bone and the remainder 5 years [222].
excreted in urine. Their half-life in bone is very prolonged [206]. Based on the result of a phase II study [223], a large phase
Alendronate 70 mg once weekly and risedronate 35 mg once III trial in over 7700 postmenopausal osteoporotic patients
weekly are the most commonly used bisphosphonates assessed the efficacy of yearly infusion of zoledronic acid
22 Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44
5 mg over 3 years. As compared to the placebo group, zole- The possibility that bisphosphonate therapy is associated
dronic acid was found to reduce the incidence of vertebral with increased risk of oesophageal cancer has been raised.
fractures by 70% and that of hip fractures by 40% [224] and Two studies from the General Practice Research Database in
is now available for the treatment of postmenopausal osteopo- the UK have produced conflicting results, one failing to show
rosis. Intravenous zoledronic acid has also been shown to any association but another concluding that there was an in-
decrease the risk of fracture and mortality when given shortly creased risk with extended use over 5 years [239, 240].
after a first hip fracture [225]. The phase III trial was extended Finally, bisphosphonate use may be associated with atypical
to 6 [226] and 9 [227] years. The overall conclusion was that subtrochanteric fractures [241–243]. Likewise, associations
pursuing treatment beyond 3 years only provided marginal between bisphosphonate exposure and lower risks of mortal-
benefits [227]. Some authors even argue that an annual ad- ity and cancer also require further scrutiny [244–247]. The
ministration of 5 mg zoledronic acid might represent over risk-benefit ratio remains favourable for the use of
treatment [228]. A single dose of 5 mg zoledronic acid given bisphosphonates to prevent fractures [242].
to frail elderly women improved spine and total hip BMD over Many authors recommend that patients be reviewed after
2 years, compared to placebo but the treated group had an 3 years (IV) or 5 years (oral) treatment with bisphosphonate
increase in fractures, multiple falls and mortality [229] sug- [85, 232, 235, 237]. It is appropriate that periodic assessment
gesting that zoledronic acid may not be an appropriate treat- of fracture risk should use FRAX with femoral neck BMD
ment for such patients. [85]. Fracture risk should be reassessed after a new fracture,
regardless of when it occurs [85]. Although some advocate a
Safety of bisphosphonates ‘drug holiday’, prospective and retrospective analyses report
that the risk of new clinical fractures was 20–40% higher in
The overall safety profile of bisphosphonates is favourable. subjects who stopped treatment [248, 249] and vertebral frac-
Oral bisphosphonates are associated with mild gastrointestinal ture risk was approximately doubled [226, 250].
disturbances, and some amino-bisphosphonates (alendronate A substantial body of evidence indicates that some generic
and pamidronate) can rarely cause oesophagitis. A network formulations of alendronate are more poorly tolerated than the
meta-analysis compared the gastrointestinal safety of all oral proprietary preparations, which results in significantly poorer
and injectable bisphosphonates given to osteoporotic patients. adherence and thus effectiveness [251].
It concluded that zoledronic acid has the highest probability of
causing gastrointestinal adverse events, possibly related to Peptides of the parathyroid hormone family
nausea [230]. Intravenous amino-bisphosphonates can induce
a transient acute phase reaction with fever, bone and muscle The continuous endogenous production of parathyroid hor-
pain that ameliorates or disappears after subsequent courses mone (PTH), as seen in primary or secondary hyperparathy-
[231]. roidism, or its exogenous administration can lead to deleteri-
Osteonecrosis of the jaw has been described in cancer pa- ous consequences for the skeleton, particularly on cortical
tients receiving high doses of intravenous pamidronate or bone. However, intermittent administration of PTH (e.g. with
zoledronate. The incidence in osteoporotic patients treated daily subcutaneous injections) results in an increase of the
with oral and intravenous bisphosphonates appears to be very number and activity of osteoblasts, leading to an increase in
rare (in the order of 1/100,000 patient-year), only slightly bone mass and in an improvement in skeletal architecture at
higher than the incidence in the general population [232, both cancellous and cortical skeletal sites [252].
233]. The risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw is reported to be The 1-34 N-terminal fragment (teriparatide) is used for the
greater with a longer duration of bisphosphonate therapy [234, management of osteoporosis. The marketing authorisation for
235], but this finding is not consistent [232]. Possible expla- the 1 to 84 intact molecule has been withdrawn at the request
nations relate to the class of bisphosphonate, differences in of the marketing authorisation holder. Treatment with
potency and route of administration. The time to onset of teriparatide has been shown to reduce significantly the risk
osteonecrosis of the jaw may be shorter for intravenous zole- of vertebral fractures and also non-vertebral fractures. There
dronic acid compared to oral alendronate [236] [237]. is no convincing evidence that teriparatide reduces hip frac-
Concerns have been raised about a possible association ture, but this may reflect absence of evidence, not evidence of
between bisphosphonate therapy and atrial fibrillation. absence. Thus, the recommendation for its use in high-risk
Subsequent studies have produced conflicting results, but people is particularly strong in patients with vertebral fracture.
have not excluded the possibility of such an association in The recommended dose is 20 μg of teriparatide, given as a
people at increased risk of fracture [238]. Patients to whom subcutaneous injection [253]. Treatment with PTH has been
zoledronic acid was administered for up to 9 years had a studied when given for 18 to 24 months and beneficial effects
higher risk of cardiac arrhythmias compared to those who on non-vertebral fracture with teriparatide have been shown to
discontinued the treatment after 6 years [227]. persist for up to 30 months after stopping teriparatide [254].
Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44 23
The most common reported adverse events in patients treated remained stable (approximately 1.5% per year for both vertebral
withPTHorteriparatidearenausea,paininthelimbs,headacheand and non-vertebral fractures) [235, 259]. The incidence of verte-
dizziness. In normocalcaemic patients, slight and transient eleva- bral and non-vertebral fracture observed during the extension
tions of serum calcium concentrations have been observed follow- was similar to that observed in the denosumab group during
ingtheinjectionteriparatide.Serumcalciumconcentrationsreacha the first 3 years and lower than rates projected from a virtual
maximum between 4 and 6 h and return to baseline 16 to 24 h after long-term placebo cohort [259].
each dose. The change is small and routine monitoring of serum Discontinuation of denosumab is associated with a rapid
calcium during therapy is not required. PTH and teriparatide may offset of action: Markers of bone turnover increased to above
cause small increases in urine calcium excretion but the incidence baseline levels, which returned to baseline values within 1 to
of hypercalciuria does not differ from that in placebo-treated pa- 2 years after stopping treatment [261] and BMD decreased to
tients. However, these agents should be used with caution in pa- baseline values by 12–18 months, independently of the dura-
tients with active or recent urolithiasis because of their potential to tion of treatment [261]. In a sample of 1000 patients who
exacerbate the disorder. Isolated episodes of transient orthostatic discontinued denosumab during the 3-year pivotal study
hypotension are also reported. They typically resolve within mi- [258] or its extension [259], the vertebral fracture rate in-
nutes to a few hours, and do not preclude continued treatment. creased to a value similar to that observed in participants
The use of peptides of the PTH family is contraindicated in who received and then discontinued placebo [262]. The pro-
conditions characterised by abnormally increased bone turn- portion of patients developing multiple vertebral fractures af-
over (e.g. pre-existing hypercalcaemia, metabolic bone dis- ter stopping treatment was higher in the denosumab group
eases other than primary osteoporosis, including hyperpara- than in the placebo group. In addition, the odds of developing
thyroidism and Paget’s disease of bone, unexplained elevation multiple vertebral fractures after stopping denosumab was in-
of alkaline phosphatase, prior external beam or implant radi- creased in patients with prior vertebral fracture sustained be-
ation therapy to the skeleton or in patients with malignancies fore or during treatment, or in those with the longer exposure
or bone metastasis). Severe renal impairment is also a contra- to denosumab [262]. No increase in non-vertebral fracture
indication. Studies in rats have indicated an increased inci- after denosumab cessation was reported. A short duration of
dence of osteosarcoma, with long-term administration of very bisphosphonate therapy could be considered when
high doses of teriparatide [255, 256]. These findings have not discontinuing denosumab to prevent the rebound effect
been considered relevant for patients treated with very much [263]. In women transitioning from oral bisphosphonates to
smaller doses of teriparatide. injectable treatments, denosumab was associated with greater
BMD increases at all skeletal sites and greater inhibition of
Denosumab bone remodelling, compared with zoledronic acid [235, 264].
The incidence of adverse events for all individuals who
Critical molecules for the differentiation, activation and sur- received denosumab for 10 years [259] tended to decrease
vival of osteoclasts are the receptor activator of nuclear factor over time whereas serious adverse events were stable. One
NFkB (RANK), its ligand RANKL, a member of the tumour atypical femoral fracture occurred in each group during the
necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily, and osteoprotegerin extension. Seven cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw were re-
(OPG), which acts as a decoy receptor for RANKL. A fully ported in the long-term group and six cases in the cross-over
human antibody against RANKL has been developed. This group [259]. In a meta-analysis of four clinical trials, the rel-
antibody, denosumab, has been shown to specifically bind to ative risk of serious adverse events for the denosumab group
RANKL with a very high affinity, preventing its interaction compared with the placebo group was 1.33, of serious adverse
with the receptor RANK [257]. events related to infection 2.10, of neoplasm 1.11, of study
The anti-fracture efficacy of 60 mg denosumab given subcu- discontinuation due to adverse events 1.10, and of death 0.78.
taneously every 6 months has been evaluated in postmenopausal These risks were all non-significant [265].
osteoporotic women. After 3 years, there was a 68% reduction in
the incidence of new vertebral fractures. The incidence of clinical Summary of effects
vertebral fractures was similarly reduced by 69%. The incidence
of non-vertebral fractures was reduced by 20% and of hip frac- The effects of the major pharmacological interventions on
tures by 40% [258]. After completing the first 3 years of the vertebral and hip fracture risk are summarised in Table 9.
study, women from the denosumab group had 7 more years of
denosumab treatment (long-term group) and those from the pla- Combination and sequential treatments
cebo group had 7 years of denosumab exposure (cross-over
group) [259]. The yearly incidence of new vertebral fractures These treatment regimens include the concomitant or sequen-
remained low during the extension, whereas non-vertebral frac- tial use of compounds sharing the same mode of action (e.g.
tures further significantly decreased in year 4 [260] and thereafter two or more inhibitors of bone resorption) or agents with
Table 9 Study details and anti-fracture efficacy (relative risk (RR and 95% confidence intervals (CI)) of the major pharmacological treatments used for postmenopausal osteoporosis when given with
calcium and vitamin D, as derived from randomised controlled trials
Intervention Study Entry criteria Mean age Number of patients Fracture incidence (%)
(years) randomised over 3 yearsa
Alfacalcidol is a synthetic analogue of the vitamin D metabolite In patients with recent vertebral fracture in whom pain persists for
calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) and it is metabolised to 2 to 3 weeks despite a well-conducted analgesic programme, in-
calcitriol by its 25-hydroxylation in the liver. It is somewhat less jection of cement in the fractured vertebral body without
potent than calcitriol. Both alfacalcidol and calcitriol are used in (vertebroplasty) or with preceding balloon inflation
some countries for the treatment of osteoporosis. Several but not (kyphoplasty) may lead to reduction of pain and positive function-
all studies show decreases in vertebral fracture risk [286, 287]. A al outcomes [296, 297]. Whether pain relief is related to the cement
meta-analysis suggested that combined treatment with itself or to local anaesthetic is still unclear [298, 299].
alendronate and alfacalcidol prevented all osteoporotic fractures Heterogeneity in treatment recommendations is, in part, explained
more than alfacalcidol or alendronate alone [288]. The effects on by an insufficient clinical evidence base for vertebral augmenta-
bone mineral density have been less extensively studied. A few tion and heterogeneity of patients, leading to undue reliance on
reports have suggested that alfacalcidol and calcitriol exert a expert opinion [300, 301]. An increase in new vertebral fracture
direct action on muscle strength and decreases the likelihood of rates at non-treated levels, especially those adjacent to the treated
falling in elderly subjects [289, 290]. vertebrae, has been reported [297, 302] but not consistently [303]
The major problem with the use of the vitamin D deriva- following both vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty.
tives is the risk of hypercalcaemia and hypercalciuria. Adverse
effects of prolonged hypercalcaemia include impairment of
renal function and nephrocalcinosis. The narrow therapeutic Fracture liaison services
window demands the frequent surveillance of serum and pos-
sibly urine calcium in patients exposed to these agents. Fracture liaison services (FLS), also known as osteoporosis
Calcium supplementation of the diet should be avoided or coordinator programmes and care manager programmes, pro-
used with care. vide a system for the routine assessment and management of
postmenopausal women and older men who have sustained a
Clodronate fragility fracture [304–306]. Since the majority of patients
presenting with fragility fracture do not receive appropriate
Clodronate is a relatively weak bisphosphonate, but has been assessment and treatment, fracture liaison services address this
shown to decrease the risk of vertebral and non-vertebral frac- need through a systematic approach to identify cases, assess
tures in randomised controlled studies [291, 292]. It is widely risk of further fractures and the need for treatment. Most frac-
available for the treatment of neoplastic bone disease but li- ture liaison services are based in secondary care although
censed for use in osteoporosis in only a few countries. models in primary care have also been described. A dedicated
coordinator, often a nurse, working closely with the patient,
primary care physician, orthopaedic and trauma department
Local osteo-enhancement procedure and osteoporosis and falls service is central to the develop-
ment of a successful service. An example of the structure of a
Local osteo-enhancement procedure (LOEP) is a local treat- fracture liaison service is shown in Fig. 13.
ment, which requires a minimally invasive injection in the The IOF has launched a global campaign (‘Capture the frac-
femoral neck of a resorbable synthetic bone graft substitute, ture®’) to promote this approach for the prevention of a second
containing a proprietary triphasic calcium sulphate/calcium fracture [308, 309]. This initiative aims to set internationally
phosphate implant [293]. In postmenopausal women with endorsed standards for best practice by facilitating the implemen-
low hip BMD (mean T-score = − 3.1), femoral neck BMD in tation of fracture liaison services involving best practice frame-
treated hips increased by 58% compared to contralateral con- works, multidisciplinary models and FLS questionnaires.
trol hips, during 5–7 years of follow-up [293]. X-ray and QCT The benefits of coordinator-based systems to ensure appro-
analyses demonstrated that the implant material was priate management of patients following a fracture are well
completely resorbed in all patients and replaced with bone that established [7, 308–315]. Use of a systematic coordinator ap-
integrated with the surrounding trabecular and cortical bone proach in the Kaiser Permanente Healthy Bones Program was
[294]. QCT scans were used to conduct patient-specific, non- associated with a 40% reduction in hip fractures [314]. Recent
linear finite element analysis to estimate hip strength in simu- studies from the UK [316–318] reported that the initiation of
lated sideways fall and stance loading conditions. Femoral FLS reduced the 30-day and 1-year mortality rates following
strength in sideway fall was 36% higher in treated than control hip fracture, led to a significant reduction in second fracture
femurs 5–7 years after the procedure [295]. No safety issues rate and increased the utilisation of anti-osteoporosis treatment
were reported during the study [293–295]. Data on fracture by 15%. Although the health economic analyses that have
outcomes are not yet available. been published so far have shown that osteoporosis
Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44 27
FLS assessment
management programmes are a cost-effective intervention for even redeem their prescription. Overcoming non-adherence pre-
the prevention of fractures [314, 315, 319–321], larger and sents particular challenges in asymptomatic bone diseases and
longer-term studies will be needed to further quantify the ef- other chronic, asymptomatic conditions. In such settings, the
fect of FLS care on subsequent fracture risk [322]. level of perceived threat to health does not motivate the patient
to adhere to therapy. In addition, risk of non-adherence with any
therapy increases with increased duration of treatment [324].
Adherence and monitoring of treatment Poor adherence to medication is associated with adverse ef-
fects on outcomes in osteoporosis or osteopenia, and non-
Adherence to treatment adherent patients have smaller decreases in rates of bone turn-
over, smaller gains in BMD and a significantly greater risk of
When discussing adherence, there is a need to define the ter- fracture [325–327]. Partial adherence also has a significant im-
minology [323], since a wide variety of definitions is used in pact on cost-effectiveness [328]. Further research is required to
the literature. optimise thresholds of compliance and persistence, the impact of
gap length, offset times, and fraction of benefit [329].
1. Adherence is a general term encompassing the aspects Improving adherence to osteoporosis therapy requires effec-
mentioned below. tive patient/provider communication and close patient monitor-
2. Persistence describes for how long the medication is tak- ing for the early identification of declining adherence. Patients’
en. Persistence could be expressed as number of days until belief in a medication contributes to better adherence and can be
discontinuation or the proportion of the cohort still on the improved by firmly associating treatment with expected benefits
medication after a given time since first prescription. Non- such as reduced risk of fracture and thereby an improved quality
persistence is assumed to be the same as discontinuation if of life. Patients may be encouraged to adhere when presented
a treatment gap is longer than a set number of days. with measurements of biochemical markers of bone turnover or
3. Compliance denotes the proximity to the treatment recom- their BMD results together with an explanation of how these
mendation as given in the official product information measures relate to risk reduction. Another primary component
(SPC). It is often simplified to mean the number of doses of improving adherence is to use simplified or user-friendly treat-
taken divided by the number of prescribed doses. This sim- ment programmes [330, 331]. Frequency of dosing is another
plification does not include some important aspects of com- determinant of adherence [332, 333]. A recent IOF and ECTS
pliance, such as taking medication with food (for the oral taskforce suggested that screening to detect a lack of adherence
bisphosphonates), at the correct time of the day, too large with oral bisphosphonates should involve the measurement of
doses to compensate for forgotten doses, pill dumping, etc. P1NP and CTX at baseline and 3 months after starting therapy. In
4. Primary non-adherence is when the patient is prescribed a the absence of a decrease above the least significant change (i.e.
drug and then never fills the prescription. − 38% for P1NP and − 56% for CTX), a low adherence should
be suspected [334].
Non-adherence to medical therapy is a widespread public It should be noted that inadequate adherence can also take
health problem. It is estimated that only half of the patients com- the form of improper drug administration, even when doses
ply with long-term therapy of which a substantial minority do not are not missed. An example is the malabsorption of oral
28 Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44
bisphosphonates when taken with food. Such non-adherence Monitoring of treatment with biochemical markers
poses the potential problems of decreased drug absorption and of bone turnover
increased risk of adverse effects [335].
The most informative biochemical markers of bone turnover
Monitoring of treatment with densitometry for the monitoring of osteoporosis are procollagen I N-
terminal extension peptide (P1NP) for assessing bone forma-
The goal of bone-targeted drug therapy in a patient with oste- tion, and C-telopeptide breakdown products (especially serum
oporosis is to increase bone strength, in order to decrease the CTX) to assess bone resorption [72–74].
risk of fracture. In untreated men and women, BMD is one of Treatment-induced changes in bone markers are more rapid
the major determinants of bone strength, and low BMD is an than changes in BMD and are typically measured 3–6 months
important predictor of fracture. Whether the long-term anti- or so after starting treatment when treatment-induced changes
fracture efficacy of anti-osteoporotic drugs depends on the are expected to be most evident. In a research setting, a sig-
extent to which treatment can increase or maintain BMD is nificant association has been reported between the short-term
controversial [336]. Meta-regressions, based on summary sta- decrease in markers of bone turnover with the use of anti-
tistics, demonstrate a stronger correlation between the change resoptive agents and gains in BMD [345, 346]. More impor-
in BMD and fracture risk reduction than results based on the tantly, significant associations have been reported between the
individual patient data [337, 338]. short-term decrease in markers of bone turnover and the re-
Whereas 16% of vertebral fracture risk reduction after duction in risk of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures with
treatment with alendronate was attributed to an increase in the use of anti-resorptive agents (raloxifene and
BMD at the lumbar spine [339], larger increases in BMD at bisphosphonates). For the bisphosphonates, a screening strat-
both the spine and hip, observed with alendronate, were asso- egy has been proposed by the IOF based on the response of
ciated with greater reductions in the risk of non-vertebral frac- P1NP and CTX after 3 months of therapy [334]. If no change
tures. However, for patients treated with risedronate or ralox- is observed, the clinician should reassess the adherence to the
ifene, changes in BMD predict even more poorly the degree of treatment and also other potential issues with the drug. More
reduction in vertebral (raloxifene) or non-vertebral research is required using standardised analytes before robust
(risedronate) fractures. Twelve percent and 7% of the effects evidence-based recommendations can be given [73].
of risedronate to reduce non-vertebral fractures were attributed Despite limited evidence, failure of treatment may be in-
to changes in the spine and femoral neck BMD, respectively ferred when two or more incident fractures have occurred
[340]. For raloxifene, the percentage changes in BMD during treatment, when serial measurements of bone turnover
accounted for 4% of the observed vertebral fracture risk re- markers are not suppressed by anti-resorptive therapy and
duction [341]. Percent changes in total hip BMD at month 36 where bone mineral density continues to decrease [347].
explained up to 35% of the effect of denosumab to reduce new
or worsening vertebral fractures and up to 84% of the reduc-
tion in non-vertebral fracture risk [342]. It is reasonable to Investigation of patients with osteoporosis
conclude, however, that early monitoring of BMD has limited
value in the prediction of treatment responses with inhibitors Diagnostic work up
of bone resorption.
For bone-forming agents, increases in BMD account for The same diagnostic approach should be undertaken in all
approximately one third of the vertebral fracture risk reduction patients with osteoporosis irrespective of the presence or ab-
with teriparatide [343]. Further data are needed on the role of sence of fragility fractures. However, the range of clinical and
BMD monitoring patients treated with bone-forming agents biological tests will depend on the severity of the disease, the
but appears to be of greater value than their use with inhibitors age at presentation and the presence or absence of vertebral
of bone resorption. fractures. The aims of the clinical history, physical examina-
In postmenopausal osteoporosis, treatment-induced incre- tion and clinical tests are as follows:
ments in BMD with inhibitors of bone turnover are modest
(typically 2% per year) in comparison to the precision error of & To exclude a disease which can mimic osteoporosis (e.g.
repeat measurements (typically 1–2%) so that the time interval osteomalacia, myelomatosis);
of repeat estimates must be sufficiently long in order to deter- & To elucidate causes of osteoporosis and contributory
mine whether any change is real [344]. In the absence of other factors;
clinical imperatives, a 5-year interval may be appropriate. For & To assess the severity of osteoporosis to determine the
other agents such as and PTH derivatives, the treatment- prognosis of the disease, i.e. the risk of subsequent
induced increment is much more rapid and more frequent fractures;
BMD tests may be considered. & To select the most appropriate form of treatment;
Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44 29
& To perform baseline measurements for subsequent moni- Other causes include impaired phosphate transport or the
toring of treatment. chronic use of some drugs such as aluminium salts (and other
The procedures that may be relevant to the investiga- phosphate binding antacids), high doses of fluoride or etidro-
tion of osteoporosis are shown in Table 10. These inves- nate, and the chronic use of some anticonvulsants. In most
tigations may be used to: cases, the diagnosis of osteomalacia is suspected by the clin-
& Establish the diagnosis of osteoporosis (e.g. DXA or X- ical history and by abnormalities in biochemical tests such as
rays); low values of serum and urinary calcium, serum phosphate
& Establish the cause (e.g. thyroid function tests for hyper- and 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and high values for alkaline phos-
thyroidism, and urinary free cortisol for Cushing phatase and parathyroid hormone. A transiliac bone biopsy
syndrome); after double tetracycline labelling may be necessary to dem-
& Establish differential diagnosis (e.g. protein electrophore- onstrate unequivocally a defect in mineralisation.
sis for myeloma, and serum calcium and alkaline phos- Diffuse osteoporosis with or without pathological fracture is
phatase for osteomalacia). common in patients with multiple myeloma, a condition
suspected by the severity of bone pain, increased sedimentation
rate and Bence Jones proteinuria and identified by marrow aspi-
Investigations commonly conducted in secondary care in- rate, and serum and urine (immuno-) electrophoresis of proteins.
clude a full blood count, ESR, serum calcium and phosphate, Similarly, pathological fractures resulting from metastatic malig-
liver function tests and tests of renal function. Additional mea- nancies can mimic osteoporosis and can be excluded by clinical
surements include the biochemical indices of bone turnover, and radiological examination, biological tests such as tumour
serum parathyroid hormone, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, se- markers, and scintigraphy or other imaging techniques.
rum or urine protein electrophoresis, fasting and 24-h urinary Vertebral fractures in osteoporosis should be differentiated from
calcium, urinary free cortisol, thyroid function tests, IgA anti- vertebral deformities attributable to other disorders such as sco-
tissue transglutaminase antibody or IgA endomysial antibody, liosis, osteoarthrosis and Scheuermann’s disease.
tryptase and (rarely) transiliac bone biopsy. Free testosterone,
gonadotrophin and prolactin measurements may be of value in
men. Assessment is guided by the clinical findings, and some Health economics
patients who apparently have primary osteoporosis are subse-
quently found to have mild hyperparathyroidism or hyperthy- There is an increasing need for management strategies to be
roidism, systemic mastocytosis, the late appearance of osteo- placed in an appropriate health economic perspective for
genesis imperfecta or osteomalacia. guideline development and for reimbursement. The type of
evaluation used is principally cost-utility analysis as a measure
of cost-effectiveness. In the context of evaluating treatments,
Differential diagnosis of osteoporosis this takes account, not only of fractures avoided, but also of
any change in morbidity and mortality from both beneficial
Osteomalacia and malignancy commonly induce bone loss and unwanted effects. QALYs are the accepted unit of mea-
and fractures. Osteomalacia is characterised by a defect of surement in health economic assessment of interventions
mineralisation of bone matrix most commonly attributable to using cost-utility analysis. In order to estimate QALYs, each
impaired intake, production or metabolism of vitamin D. year of life is valued according to its utility to the patient.
Values range from 0, the least desirable health state, to 1, or
Table 10 Routine procedures proposed in the investigation of perfect health. The decrement in utility associated with frac-
osteoporosis. From [2], with kind permission from Springer Science tures is the cumulative loss of utility over time. There is at
and Business Media present little international consensus as to when treatment can
Routine be considered to be cost-effective [348, 349]. One approach is
History including the FRAX clinical risk factors to base the threshold value on a measure of a country’s eco-
Examination including height and weight nomic performance and a value of about 2 times GDP/capita
Blood cell count, sedimentation rate, serum calcium, albumin, has been suggested as a threshold that can be applied to
creatinine, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase and liver transaminases Western economies [350]. On this basis, threshold values
Lateral radiograph of lumbar and thoracic spine would be about €32,000 in the UK, close to the recommenda-
Bone densitometry (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry at hip and spine) tion of the National Institute for Health and Clinical
Other procedures Excellence [351]. Although the GDP per capita provides an
Lateral imaging DXA for vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) index of affordability, there is also a marked heterogeneity in
Markers of bone turnover, when available the proportion of GDP that countries are willing to devote to
health care, and in the proportion of the population at risk from
30 Osteoporos Int (2019) 30:3–44
osteoporotic fracture (i.e. elderly people). In a systematic re- The advent of probability-based assessment has prompted the
view, the ratio between WTP per QALY and GDP per capita cost-effectiveness of interventions as a function of fracture prob-
varies widely from 0.05 to 5.40, depending on scenario out- ability. Several studies have examined the cost-effectiveness of
comes. The average ratio of WTP per QALY and GDP per intervention thresholds expressed in terms of fracture probability
capita for extending life or saving life was 2.03 [352]. [123, 127, 130, 360, 361]. In studies from the UK [114, 127],
generic alendronate was shown to be cost-effective in the pre-
vention and treatment of fractures in postmenopausal women
Studies of intervention with a 10-year fracture probability for a major fracture that
exceeded 7.5% (Fig. 14). It is interesting that in the different
There has been a rapid expansion of research in Europe on the European countries where such studies have been performed,
cost-utility of interventions in osteoporosis, which has been the the probabilities of major fractures selected as making generic
subject of several reviews [124, 128, 353–357]. A useful tabular alendronate a cost-effective intervention are quite similar: 7.5%
summary of studies up to April 2012 is provided in Brandão et al. in the UK [127], 8.8% in Portugal [363], 13.8% in Switzerland
[358]. Despite the use of different models, different settings and [361] and 10–15%, depending on age, in Greece [362]. This is
payer perspectives, analyses suggest that there are cost-effective quite remarkable, given the disparities in the clinical and eco-
scenarios that can be found in the context of the management of nomic epidemiology of factures and, especially, the willingness
osteoporosis for all but the most expensive interventions to pay adopted for each country: the UK €27,786, Switzerland
(Table 11) [127]. A pan-European study from 2004 estimated €115,000, Portugal €32,000 and Greece €30,000.
the cost-effectiveness of branded alendronate in nine countries The recent appraisal by NICE [128] indicated that all oral
[359]. Alendronate was shown to be cost-saving compared to no bisphosphonates were cost-effective in women with a 10-year
treatment in women with osteoporosis (with and without previ- probability of 1% or more. Thus, the all treatment scenarios
ous vertebral fracture) from the Nordic countries (Norway, with alendronate can be considered as cost-effective (see
Sweden and Denmark). The cost-effectiveness of alendronate Table 6 and Fig. 9). This raises an important issue in that the
compared to no treatment was also within acceptable ranges in health economic thresholds espoused by NICE simply demar-
Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the cate a level of risk above which the respective oral and IV
UK. However, with the markedly decrease in price of generic bisphosphonate treatments are cost-effective but that the
bisphosphonates, analyses based on a branded drug price have thresholds used to decide treatment should be based on clini-
become obsolete. For example, the cost of alendronate (70 mg cal appropriateness [136, 364].
weekly) assumed in Table 11 was £95 per annum (2007) and in A special need for the incorporation of FRAX into health
2017 had fallen to a yearly cost of £8.64 in the UK. NICE have economic models arises from studies that have examined the
recently reappraised the cost-effectiveness of oral and intrave- interaction between FRAX-based probabilities with
nous bisphosphonates [128]. Treatment with oral
bisphosphonates was cost-effective of women with a 10-year Cost/QALY gained (£000)
probability of a major osteoporotic fracture of 1% or more. For
intravenous bisphosphonates, the threshold for cost-effectiveness 40
was a 10-year probability of 10%.
Table 11 Comparison of the cost-effectiveness (£/QALY gained) of
alendronate with other interventions in women aged 70 years from the
UK [data for treatments other than alendronate from [127], with 20
permission from Elsevier]
effectiveness. Interventions studied include raloxifene [195, treatment’ a relevant comparator. Notwithstanding,
201], bazedoxifene [201], clodronate [365], daily and weekly alendronate has been considered as a first line intervention.
teriparatide [366, 367], denosumab [368], alendronate [369], The view arises, not because of apparent differences in effica-
as well as a basket of interventions used by general practi- cy between treatments, but because of cost. However, the poor
tioners in the UK [111]. Most of these were post hoc but, in effectiveness and side effect profile of many generic formula-
the case of denosumab, was a pre-planned analysis. In addition, tions challenge this view [251].
the ‘screening for prevention of fractures in older women’ The advent of new anabolic agents given for relatively
(SCOOP) study was a prospective randomised study that dem- short periods followed by maintenance with sequential inhib-
onstrated efficacy for hip fracture in women selected on the basis itors of bone resorption will offer new challenges for health
of hip fracture probability assessed using FRAX [111]. economic appraisal.
Several of these studies have shown greater efficacy
against fracture in individuals at higher risk treated with Acknowledgements We are grateful to the IOF Committee of Scientific
Advisors and the Committee of National Societies to the ESCEO
clodronate, bazedoxifene, denosumab and in the SCOOP
Scientific Advisory Board for their review of this paper and its endorse-
study. This FRAX-dependency has marked economic conse- ment. The paper updates the earlier guidance of 2013 [3] ‘European
quences, illustrated when comparing the cost-effectiveness of guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmen-
the two selective oestrogen receptor modulators, raloxifene opausal women’ and many sections of text are reproduced with kind
permission of from Springer Science and Business Media B.V. The sum-
and bazedoxifene. The overall effectiveness of these two
mary and recommendations are in close accord with those established by
agents on vertebral fracture risk is rather comparable but the the UK National Osteoporosis Guideline Group [85] of which JAK and
efficacy of bazedoxifene increases in women with the higher CC are members.
the baseline fracture probability. In contrast, the relative risk
reduction with raloxifene is constant over the range of fracture Compliance with ethical standards
probabilities studied. As a consequence, raloxifene has better
cost-effectiveness at low fracture probabilities whereas Conflict of interests JAK reports grants from Amgen, Eli Lilly and
Radius Health; non-financial support from Medimaps, and Asahi; and
bazedoxifene has the better cost-effectiveness at high baseline
other support from AgNovos. JAK is the architect of FRAX® but has
fracture probabilities [370, 371]. The contrasting effect of no financial interest. CC reports personal fees from Alliance for Better
FRAX-dependent and FRAX-independent interactions with Bone Health, Amgen, Eli Lilly, GSK, Medtronic, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer,
efficacy on fractures averted is shown in Table 12. Roche, Servier, Takeda and UCB. RR has received consulting fees or
advisory board fees from Radius Health, Labatec, Danone, Nestlé,
Despite differences in apparent cost-effectiveness, there is,
CNIEL and Sandoz. J-YR has received advisory board or consulting fees
however, no proven difference in efficacy between the major- from IBSA-Genévrier, Pierre Fabre, Radius Health, TEVA and Mylan;
ity of treatments shown in Table 11 and head to head compar- and lecture fees from Anovos, IBSA-Genévrier, Mylan, CNIEL, Dairy
isons of interventions with fracture outcomes are few and Research Council (DRC) and Theramex; and institutional grant support
from IBSA-Genévrier, Mylan, CNIEL and Radius Health.
recent [372]. For these reasons, the value of an incremental
analysis between the individual treatments is questionable, Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
since any resulting hierarchy of treatments is dependent large- Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, which permits
ly on price, but otherwise meaningless in clinical terms. In any non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduc-
tion in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the
addition, the large number of untreated patients makes ‘no original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third
Table 12 Contrasting effects on the number of fractures saved with an party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative
intervention, the efficacy of which the relative risk reduction (RRR) is Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the ma-
independent or dependent on FRAX (average RRR set at 40%) terial. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence
and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds
FRAX independent FRAX dependent the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the
copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://
Fracture RRR Fractures RRR Fractures creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.
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