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PARTS BOOK \- FOR a SINGER 801U SN Single Needle Overedge Machine Cavemac THE SINGER COMPAN ae - ORIGINAL—~ A. Machine body (1) / Maschinengehause (1) Corps de machine (1) » Cuerpo de la maquina (1) hs = 65 64 al 1 | Machine Body 44 | Waser 1 B _ S| Gap for OU Fesding Hols ‘9682-000 1 [se colar _ r aes | tisse9.01 | 2 635 > [iovracoor} Sassen 1 [vaso6ee000 | eps 1 | Cover for Feed [on Gaage la {serew 318 1 [4627-008 08 Cp _ 71 [31.000 4] 062680712 - 1 P0586 c007 . 148075-000 62_ | Packing 1 | 48088-000 J “Sa "062670612 | 63 | Bott 6.35% 16 [4 | wrt. ‘Screw 357 40x6 4 2 ~| [Seren 357 - 406 er a | Sew 357 40x 6 2 | vsre70612 75 | Packing — 7 ~ 42] Cloth Plate Supporter 1 sara 007 33 | Parts Book Number Plate LeA. Machine body (2) / Maschinengehiuse (2) Corps de machine (2) / Cuerpo de la maquina (2) TaN Tonal Se [ ewNe | Avent No] No Tone of Fae Ta] Peas Ne | Asem No 2 iee Gone [Taaoes nr 3 [Sowa 2 [a76n00r | a [shine Tao S5__| Storer Spine for Front Gren | 1 wstacoor a [Seen a7 W018 [onesie Fs 5575 1 [aasiasoor - Te Foe Fae Cover 1 raaoracanr [Goth Pate 1p isane201 4 Bin for Face Pe 1 fgz6a0 [7 Tcrer 437 00303 | Serew 58 i paaeearaor| 36 | Stops Spring Tor Cth Pane [1p aan St [Front Cover es | Tire aoe > [osze70612 7382 [Front Cover Hae 1 Piaessoann SI] Goth Pate Lower 1007 | = js Se for Fron Con Tiassa $2 [Sere 357 3 s6003 =; | Ser - 146442001 820 Comer [69 | Fane Hanser a 335_[ Spine Pa Te corse fase 70 | Sew a7 = AOR 3 [ease 12 336 Ringe Cover [asses on] 820) 7 oF Gp —— et =I 357 _[ Hie Cover Pra 1 psziseani T31_| Threading Dag Pissiraar Jae] Siew 357 aoe 2 [osrersie|- 732 [ Testing Dior 1 Paasao20r 3a Sew 07 3 [ianoraas ihe SZ [Fro Cover aide eaor | — r= Pe [rew 387 40 x6 = [oexeroaiz]— Later - a ri [Supporter for Front Cone 1 a oe | ara [head feshing 2 [r4e92a.o00 | assent = -B. Crank shaft mechanism © Kurbelwelle Mécanisme du vilebreguin Mecanismo del cigtichal Ret We Wane o Fae Ta] Pare Ne | nema Ne] RT No Rane oP Ta] Tare No] Avon No 1 [Sank Sar 1 [Wwstoe0n1 12 | earn Cove ~ 1 [iiosrs000 [| 15100 15 | Sew 318 Ps Thorac oor H on) 1a | Bevin Cae 1} ner ao 1_[or3s00-00 Sow 43710010 4] 082681012 | | so Bering 6001 >| ovaco.100 1 [rassr3.000 Tost Woe Tf si0er2 400 + [ar2so0-00 Pulley - 1 ssnnss-03 1_| nasi ono Scie 555 2 farmers [seer ee CTE Cap Sure ~ T [sonsooar |] ii [on ager 1 asnnss 00 —CC. Needle bar mechanism / Nadelstangenvorrichtung Mécanisme du la barre & aiguille / Mecanismo de la barra de aguja Wes Mensa) aw Tae Rane aa Ta] Pate Anny Re Ret No Name Pae Ta] Free] sen No ey | ede Bar Upper Rie The [isa Pi [Js Rete ee - i = i pisencoor case ‘Screw 6.35 2 | 148857007 7 ‘Needie Bar Bushing (U) 1 | 148123-001 ‘esl Bar Driving Gank Rod r fay ~ 1 n1e2ss-007] — . SL rear 9 edie Bar ng Th 1 [reste ToOTeEaOT| Seege gum [TTP Wee Det 1 [eer 1 [ussrie00r] Red Ksetoy [23 [Neca Pte Support hacker [1 Prasraeaer ca] 1st fo x16 ‘ist ‘eairzam Re [ions - tase ‘Gait Poie Gaon _1 Tarascon | Upper Knife Davin Lr Screw 437 2 [toons at S985 76 7 aera Mowble Nee Gin 1 Preerzz007 | Boi 595016 i [orrerste Scew 357 40x68 2 [nererRz] Teese Shalt Busing Righty | 4 [148120000 ‘Nesdle Fite - 1 [rsorsoanr 3 [140058001 wea [ Neel Fate 1 [erator Fito p aaa | Neel Pe [ Pieraor [[Needle Shaft Bushing (Let ~[iasr21-a00, ‘at Nessie Phte 1 [raerss00n | ‘Needle Bar Crank Shift 1 34S | Needle Plate ~ | Piserseo0r | ‘Needle Bar Camp 1 [1asa200 5 | Needle Pate: _ 1 [serss008 FRedle Brtzae—— TPTaRETEONT] C2 gy, [HEP Nee Pi - 1 Prserieoor Needle Bar Lik Sa 7 Prasrriaor| Sa shi; | eR | Nee Pa 7 cree Seow 318 raearaor] tem Seaton Pate 1 Piagaserar] Sede te Sarew 318 4044 1 [sascoaie 3a | Beew 1.59 2 [rasasscr | neg? Sew 357 =40xe Towner? 349 [Neale Pe ag) Cpa y —D. Presser foot mechanism (1) ; Stoffdriickerful (1) Mécanisme du pied presseur (1) / Mecanismo del prensa telas (1) 6 Aa 19 ps t Bane Name Pre [a] Paro [Avent No [ Ret No Sane Fae Ta] Pawn 1 [Fes Adjusting Sr 1 [iasizeoni 22 | Seng 1p es1es.01 1 a ~aaatavgo1 Ps T serew 57 =a 6 1 ose-612 sea 1 fissn0%01 [wae 437 — 1 Tontsso.0 | far emai | ee - TES ayy [a6 [Std Saw 798 1 [aster.001 - 2 | Rote sasis3.001 | taba ar 1 isteasaor Pree Bar Laver Su aan 2 seme 38 _ 1 [ase2r00r Sew 437 2u4908-01 29 | Preset Am Sop 1 Piasiesor “O° Rig FW 2 as1002.670 io Sew 318 a0 4 TP Yosascoar Waser a Teensscor - Main reser Am Thr Paeetssaorf 3 [seew Gao 162680712 Frese Foot Stopper 1 | 10s0s.01 I To | Prener ur Liter rack 18136001 Sccw 318—aOn5 bguesbsi2 Hh reser Bar iter 1 pissnon1 Tepe Gude = 6883.01 1] Sing = 1 fraspeaor Suew 518-4004]? [owneana [3 Tsu saew 957 1 [assissa07 - Preuet Foot a it [Pree Am Rot Th Prever Foot Sich Tone 1 Phaesaear 12 Pea Roe Sid 1 Pe [Waster i | 143 | Water 1 Piasnso0r | Bales Avembly Siew 38 ro ved [Saew 357 —aoF TT fosasrasia] EO! | Preset Foot Hing Spring 1 coo0t | too Th 595 1 [ono2205 Freer Foot or 1 fesss.oor] arse 19 [Pree Foot Lifer ver 1 [rssresoor Screw 238035 1 sores] “OPP tor 2 [ied Screw 635 1 rarszso0r rene Foot (Rea [1 Pisssei07] Tring Hook 2 fiasiascann Secu 238 1 fros2a6 00 |D. Presser foot mechanism (2) - Stoffdriickerful (2) Mécanisme du pied presseur (2) | Mecanismo del prensa te el Ta Fe Tone CE TS TT Te Peek | Rea Ne S6E [Fas Foor 7 ‘oée_| Paes Tooc Up 1 "| 3622 | Preve Foot Sh Tonge Hassan 3662 [Prose Tout Stich Toop | tf | 3633 | Waser Tfaasnso.2| B262 4... [T3663 | Reser Foot Pie Piston 007] PEE 3624 | Saew 318 1 Trooman-oe | Asemiy'” | 36.64 | Washer 3 1 foasoaw1sz| assembiy | se2s- | reer Foot Hing Sia Tp iesearoor| RON [ees TScew 28 7] toate 1E8zt 0 Pres Foot (Ren) Tf 1s69-01 Tissot 1 {10s28e-00r| ~ | 10s266-001 i Pisseono0r| P23 [02 [eevee oot sien tong [TU [teen s00T Pr foas030.122 f sens 3673_| Peer Foot Flite Tf esan91 000] B36 1 froaasaaoe | 4689600) Washer 3 Ea fossa] Resi 1 Hasaaz 01 Saew 348 TP iooonone | IPF aes oy Freer Foot RS Tsa@TE00r 1 iseeseoor Sew 28 - Ee fossa] Frese foo 1 | tavon-00F| B36. Fresr"Foot Scr Tone iT aeneror| Aa Washer [reser Foot (Fron 1_[racsensor| 1837108 Saew 318 ' | Ae Sew 2035 i s0r39s.01 ru Foot Wns Spi 1 | weesronr| SE Freer Fot T reser Foot (Rea) 1 [ sesescor| ‘Screw 2.38 1 ‘Scew 238 7 Tt am Presser Foot _ 1 Presser Foot Za we Fie Foat Sa Ta T [Prva Foor Sich Ym T , Wisker3 mE Wane a fase] BIE Sew STEP ono 000] BES Serer Hie 7 | omnsnane) Sem resir Foot Hinge Sg 1 iaeeeraor| Ase rose toot Hinge Spans [1 P rasan] 146805 for Fre Foot (Fon) 1 [isess-onr| EERE? ou Feet Foot Rea | 7] oso] Saew 23815 1 [soia9s001 Sew 238 | sosagsor Fre Foot Rea 154969001 ° Sev 238 ~Prasaesor 7 =y YyYYIVIY ) ) E. Feed mechanism (1) / Transportvorrichtung (1) Mécanisme de l'entrainement (1) / Mecanismo de la alimentacién (1) 242526 122 20 4 [ ie PTT nm | Mos Be No Name Pe [Sin] Passo, | Assebiy Ne Ret No Wane of eae Go] Pareto. | Avenbiy No | Fed Roa PDT, en indice Pate 1_[srs0007 +] 1a [Feed Anm.49/ z 1] Fa po [Pin 2116231008 1 [Feed Aim io 1 [raeieeanr] Asem FH Feed Unk Sis | cana | Taf Seew 4 - i Praassecor Feed Link ndetor Pae (Rit) | 1] BT-001 [2 Pot 5950 1 forte - Feed Enkei Puie lat) [1 [1asi83 07 3 [Feed Shai [1 fiserer00r Nut 476 3 [rasess001 [ed tut Busting tiny [1a Waser = 2 Prawwaro1 3 [Feed shut Bushing (Reb) ———]1_ [48168400 [Feed i TTrasias 00 [1s fain Fes 1 fasei77001 Feet Link Bushing 1 Presiasa01 [20 wo S950 1 farrera ye War 2 | 4020001 | — 2 [rdtor Pate 18176001 [3s “faon 376 2 [rasiaeoot 7 2 [Pn reser tf reed tne 1 faewaos 007 3 [Biers Feed Aim [1 [asei 01 a] Pret tin asking 1 Prwssoea0r Pia Yaoi se Yarra] - - -E. Feed mechanism (2) / Transportvorrichtung (2) Mécanisme de rentrainement (2) / Mecanismo de la alimentacién (2) Tne | Pane | Asean Na [a Tine aan Ty Pawo] heey wo] Yon Tae ie Fin ES oe S| Win Feed Doe 1 [rssrean bier Feed ac Takeo [Tae [a Ret Oop ay [1 Prataror Feed i Fiero Ror | 537 [a tet Do 1 fasss0a01 PE pop a ci | matter Pie 1 | tsssio00 | Rane" Saew 337 [2 [torrent fs Pai Fe Dor ain 7 Pest io eam a0 Mun Fed Dog Cini. Rating) | 1 TT Wester a eo Dieta Fed Doe 1 [raerakoor tz [ ew 337 ES fromors 392 Die! Feed Bop uly —[ 1 aseranoor Fenda cde ck i Piaeserano 254 | Dire Fed Bop 1 [1ssssi001 | Beg Feed far Gane Bink Suit | 1 [Laizeaon aie Saw esEx6 1 [ore aa a 1_[asasssonn | ES85a She Fe ST Presses “et Potent Feed Dor Gotan | 1 Pisesraor ] Chin fed og 1 Piessra YE [aed | in Fed og allyl vasiea0r} - cals" [io] enon fed Boe C areael tit 37 path angus 1 srexoor Soo 25708 ‘TosoF. Knife mechanism | Messer MEO Mécanisme du couteau , Mecanismo det euchilla REN None ota Cy a Tanear Pe Ta] Pash] Avent Ne 7 eco 1 [ase7n) [aa = 1 [aiTsteo0r | 3 [sew 595 [2 [rooaso-o1 15 | Some [1p Mssecant —] | Ref Drvig Shai Bushing a7 [1 | 14h 96000 15 [Lower Knife Welder 6 [7 Tite Dring Shar Bins Rin) [11197000 20 [sew 3574006 Sy SI [Upper Knife i Tar for ear 1 i 52_[ Upper Knie Ew 1 Piamreaor Lowe Rai Het Sing ppe_[-1 0248001 | 4 s1_[ol 357 1 Paarsan Screw 417 40x? 1 | osaeen-772 [92 [saew 387 1 rsa — Upper Kae Diving Arm 1 Pesan 01 | Holder Supponer [1 [14658 OMT Rot 1 fasaaiconr 1 77 orrmT612 per Koite Woider Tearaor 1 [Seren 337 107407 003 Upper Ke Holder atoaraor] 13 [Tower Kite 1 [ae754-000 t Screw 437 107407 005 q 1a [Siew 635 1 [10262907 Sucw 437 = 40% 16 Tr oomearare 15 Lower Knit 1 [12636007 Upper Kae Preset — [Lt Prasiesaor 16 [tower Knife 1 fi7sis001 Upper Knife Prose ue [1 Pramseaoor 4G. Over looper mechanism Oberen Gireifer Mécanisme du boueleur supérieur Mecanismo del presiladora superior Wyadya 1a Ta PS ie | teats | paeast [te aaa oe 11 [Ove tawper Eset Cam Hi Bec teone |p z ST Sone a | wearsa00t ———— Fete, | sit on cape Go ae P| 12 | Suew 638 2 [season | ae” | Cisicw ser colar . 1 Tt ATR [3 2 aamnaae] ABH on (io [oer 3 Tiss] ease HS owe toa war oe Roa TST [soar SY seas] SRE ABE 122-1 oe Con TES mee paar assis Hom 13 | over Looper Comecting Lever ft Sesadttt as [ina 37 [ove tmp Toa Fa TT wasntz007 : HEE, | Sec poe tare tee THB] cas 2 ia a eT SRE em] ete ; |S ier Sera Tests SES fen 1 [sts oe aes = Thossaat Soar co 148206001 ‘Over Looper Holder Guide Block) 1 [ = -| eee 5 [sor Thrust Collar eciene Ps oe Gey Bushing _— ms ° " aT z be gal [se Cause Te Tesarcor tana | Sew 437 Ns beer a > fran vet ove towne +7 a 2 —— Over ba a ls Bein 1h wor erat 1422 | Serew 4.37, 1 | orseso-422 | (Hert) . ‘frre, fe fs ~_ 2 arta paramere ke |g: pe i cr wer Looper Molder rr 13-101 | 138209-b01 52 ‘Screw 4.37 _ 7 eee | ig pss | ss Tse a 7 Fare Soew ste hasisars ig paws i fnacereH. Under looper mechanism — Unterer Greiter Mécanisme du boucleur inférieur Mecanismo’ del presilladora inferior Laas 159554-00) oewrosi2] Tor Toseauaar | sss225001 x {1 forrrnsia| Spacer 148782001, 2 ose -u-J. Lubrication Schmierung Lubrification Lubricacion ca Os] _ParaNe | Aeemniy Na J RaW Nanette [0] Panne | Aneab Nm 1 [Fer 1 [aise07 3 T [ranisaair 1 ATs [or faiog Pe ca 1 | vae25/-001 = 1 16 | seew 57 aes 1 [tenes 5 z Ving Te | asa é Tube older ~ a haisaor =m ‘i Gane Sr Tiseaiao SI 9 [Wee Twas 001 Soren 437-407 2 | osasnoaie io Wik 138249.K Thread tension Fadenspannung Tension du fil Tension del hilo Way tsa Thea Sineottan [Oo] pane _[ Reem Tinea a Tap Peano] aac 1m Tie Ge 1 frans5000 [Sew 7 [svar ‘sooe 437 40s i wessnraT2 [2a Nese Tread Takeap 1 Pissinaor 4 Thread Guide Supponer 1] 16689.001 Ts 7 1 Pszz01-901 Looper Thies Tensor Cont Sud 0.01 1 feaeerats tet 37 oss3007 os 145446-001 TI \ Under Loop 1 ae n Sore Washer | 3 iaatnsao Tension Conto! Nat | 1 | 149866001 Tension toting Pate 1 [17009002 | § Tiveud Tension Conta Nur 1 9s66001 “Teno Inning Pate 1 | 1s70es000 Thread Tes Comrol Nur 1 [reosee-o0r | Tension Inating Plt 1 [evox [azn cea teed ER = [Ts [eiie tire Guide Fine Tress] Necile Ted Gourd ae 4] Necdie Thread Guide 14) Tf us7sr0o1 Sind Suew 319 — Te | Se 157 4008 1 _fosasnasr Nestle Thad God Spine — |L. Roth Accesso re pour fronees (1) attachment (1) | Kriuselvorriehtung (1) Accesorio de fruncide (I) Deas Dex t 3 Shee Nae Fas a asap Ne] Ret Ro None Pa Da] Pane neem Ne Teacke Tor Roig Bale 1 [Taesteaor Sua aous | oar si Rolling Made Base i i [iaseosanr rea Ce ip Tpraess2001] C2, Wane Rae Praesent ren 357 2 uiseraaia| Aconen Sew 6 {2 [torressor Ration Bode Gade (Dr aati Spring Ba [if raesie0r Thesd Guide Pe 1 | soretaaor = 3 Wost6x-00r Seow 635518 3 [sorsaecor Tope Fad Fn Conia Sad FY 110820201 Rar Gai [or Presia00 water 38 dn LOTION ay Siew 357 [or Posroo Sone Baiting Hondt 1 Paasanvcar ee oa Aa a {hese Tension Nut 1 [1a9s6e00r | 1587-01 “ating Fe tater [i Perron 1 pissrasc01 2 Rating Pe ier Tar 1 Piaesanoni | — 7 1 Tieeraear| Soe 1 | ists] H2 py 11 s390.0 | Seen 1 a TET 5 Y [iaisieoor| 3 [oocoor] Solas Ane | -5 ¢ area eI 1 Trassi0 001] Tf ser 357 a0 6 aner06t2| bp, Na 555 1 | sosss.n02 |= [ener Foor Lier Tar SDS DOT] rer Pa Siew tT i 424 + isroreoor| ASE set? Tf osanans] Rie 0 care 017 Ss Pate 1 Paasariconr] Ae 1 Suewa 6 193483001 | soeine Fite asso. | 6887-01 Na a5 1 [rots Suew 437-40x60 Thad ension Conical Sud | “2 [AS93701L. Ruffler attachment (2) Krauselvorrichtung (2) ~ Accessoite pour fronces (2) Accesorio de fruncido (2) Poss oss Bane Samet Pi Ow] tase | Anenth eno] Nene oF CO St [Taps Wider Wiest «RY TH 34 | Siew aT _a0x6 ——3 Trecvers $2 [Tape Wander Wheel «L) n $51 Spoot Disc sr) osepaoot [376702 Soine 1 ro8e9s-o0r t asi Tension Control Nut 110013601 s m J “Tscew 45. 20 2 Pioeao | — 1 ss7 z _ 2! voosez.a01 [apper asemtiy eet 6 | Washes [2 Trorssaor -15-' IN. Serging attachment Uberwendliehvorrichtung Soire pour couture sur tissus serges M. Blind hemming attachment Blindsaumstichvorrichtung f Accessoire pour ourlages en points invisibles A Dispositive de dobladillo para puntada invisible Dispositivo de orillado con punto de surjete bap 1 10 tae Taneortas [Ow] Pare No [ AventiyNo) [Rerne Namen hae Oy] awe aon Ne Te | Bind Weaning Rue (AVAveR [I Tr] Fae Guide Set Pie [1 frsse6007 TA [Bin Hemming ler adwwer [1] 150538000) Bie Hemming |] [3] suew a7 | fiseseror [1 forassosiz] anemia! | Sing Waster mn Te Teasesoase] BP on | |i] tue cus Seppe to a re aoe ayatar i Rte ce pe Henning H — Preser Arm Stopper 1 | r4aous-o0r | reer dps Hemming Rakes Tiago | 1 Parma] + T_T Serew 47608 1 | sorzexoor Sp Adsine Sew || 196789000 7 jo Gide ev perezoor| vp ia 5 sew 351035 TF Tsonamo0t 7 ris? 0x4 1 [oszero12] Bind temaine | [2 J Suen 635 Troz01 nor [Stop Rie £3 tf osso-sa] Re Agen Trew 3.57 (fitissi001 Siew G7 -W0x7 1 fsasno- upon Bint Henin Y arsoa Siow 357 —40n6 2 [oamroaZ. Accessories (1) / Zubehdr (1) Accessoires (1) / Accesorios (1) ra Tenet [Sa] pee ne | Anan No [ Ne [tame oa Ta] ta ho_| Anan Ne =| Needle DOx 1 3 [ums 21 Pedal Stopper 2 Dineor.00r | [Pps Kate = [aster 2 [cae em —— [or foanezoort —— ower Kite 1 aso 2 Mint ie 1 [Lan ‘Screw Deine 555190 a Trorsr2tto1 28 | Screw Diver 23040 1 [ese92s-cor Seew Driver 34x70 | 1118837000 30 | Duster Drop Ta Trasasosor Saew Diver Le — 1 [size | 3 _[Seew 31x13 a Losiai.a02 | 1 rxero0901 32 [Tble Ses =f Pisressant Seew Diver 3 1 [9193-01 Tune 1p rans.00 4 Seamer x7 a Tremsooi esd Come 1 [4830500 [Wench 8x9 ~ 1) tos33401 Trimming Keie 1) 149089-001| 4 Tees 1 P00 Sew 318 2 | isezoor} ———} Wiens 1 [ianazoor [ent She 1 [st0301 ier — Pisass.002 21 | Duster Shoot | tasastror | 22 | Oi Tank 1 [iserone } Buse, St Tres Fe hc praraosane| 482 | Date Se sssanzon | ion ca 2 [ata ioe Te | Wosher a7 seo 4 Suey 4814 3 Tooiso106 io Tse 43 yasLa ' The details of included accessories are subject to change. “* Anderungen in der Aufstllung der mitgeliferten Zubehire ‘ind vorbehl Les da Ae accessoires inclus sont sujets des changements ' Los detalles de los accesories includes pueden varia, eti=Z. Accessories (2); Zubehir (2)_—// Accessoires (2) » Accesorios (2) © Sa 54s Sh ota se o—5tms 547 pe ra Tae Pre [Ser] Pan Ne | Away No [Rat No Rane TaN | heer Re Gaon Be (Rig) Aen [1 8290307 StI Spee 3ae ~ TSE T[etshion Baw i) Awentiy [1] RET TIES Spool Con [1260] 45516 ~) Tontastcor Sii4_| Spool Holder Sapper 7 TPisouanT En sunk Tae Sheet [asin Seis 1 | omrsor A Ganon A reraisanr sae 1[patsoocs 1909008 Cishion 3 [eo sa a 2 - Con Stand Be 1 [sw oo:E ey_| ese Sea te T FR Sow 6x7 2 [asorarsor | tsa | [-seas[ tesa be ——-iionor | Eos Saew 45022 7 onai2203] ssi | Bot S028 1 | otasaza Poe 3501-00 | "Se01) Tire Gone Wider if soso eae Ton 1 isorraaor [ase S202 Bot S02 TPs pat oe Seow a 3 soameonr] 2) 5, | se20-3 Ns Farsi HERE) [su 2 parson] 15010500" | Tsar] tied Guide Stoner Ber 1 | 142996001 i cigs Ge tT = i aie‘ Spo Hae cance nia] Seow 476 1) orsnisaa | Bo S328 1 Tarasoasas] 233 sae Tied - hearer Spot Suit 3. asorreanr] Son Sunt [Fs wer = 7 Passa Spring Water 2-5 Ts Panwa aes SBM os PF Soa ese Ga for Overce 1 a, = 3 onsonaor s12_[serew 318 405 2 Ee ut Spook Sand Ba 3 sonsn000 Whe 3 z Aor ‘© The details of included accessories are subject fo change. 1 Anderungen in der Aufstellung der mitgelieferten Zubehore Sind vorbehalten, 1§ Les détails des accessoires inclus sont sujets des changements. Los detalles de los accesorios incluidos pueden variar. —18—DIFFERENT PARTS LIST / ZUBEHORLISTE LISTE DES PIECES ACCESSOIRES / LISTA DE PIEZAS ACCESORIAS Ref. No AT Ag AT4 A92 A94 C2 Oi1Cap | Threading | Screw 5.95 Label Label__| Needle DC x 1 Diagram ERB, | Specifications ®|| 3 © - ia 001-3 146974-001 © yy Thin + | medium 146974-002 112297011 146974.003 146974.004\( 143196001 | 148091.001 146974.005%} 147943.001 | 112297-014 146974.006 x bk 146974-007 | ind 2 hemming 112297.009 4 146974.008 Z 013760-612 7 Serging fe 0054 | Fe reads) | 7 148092.001 146974.014 112297.014 006-4 146974017 yj] Seraing 3 | (three threads) 16674018! 6 146974-064 0072 | Curling 143196.001 146974.057 008-5 | Ruffling 146974.019 Z *14s091-001 | x 148091-001 147943.001 | 112297011 Ruffling eo | 1 009.5. | ey Y 146974-020 0103 146974.023 — Taping 146974.021 143196.001 013760-612 os 146974.024, x 7 112297.014 146974.025 —19-146735.001 Ref.No. C34 D-19 D-34/D-35 D36, E38 E39 E40 Needle Plate | Presser Foot Tape Guide Presser Foot Main Feed Differential Chain Feed Lifter Lever | 5,55 | Assembly Dog Feed Dog. Dog ‘Sub Class Ss oO 0013 | 146730001 L. 4 | 146731-001 146884-101 146744-001 146748-001 146577-001 5 | 146732-001 i 140734.001 Sibe| 146735-001 1s4974.001 | 148187001 | 146750001 | 148189001 {| / feet 146736-001 003.3. 146730001 Y < 146890-001 4 148143001 005-4 | 146731-001 146744-001 | 146748.001 | 146577-001 154970-101 146732-001 146733-001 007-2 | 153544-001 153547-001 153549-001 153552-001 153555-001 008-5 154971001 148188-001 148189-001 L6-8 : — 146737-001 146751-001 149256.001 0095 | 154975.001 | 148754001 148753.001 0103 | 146730001 | 159367-001 146744-001 146748.001 146577-001 +5 | 146732.001 1 46883-001 148 143.001 |e oc - 146734-001 Os26¢0-412 146895-101 — 148187.001 | 146750.001 | 148189-001 —20-RefNo, FS Fg F.26 F.27 F2 F.29 G-12 Upper Knife | Bolt 3.57 | Upper Knife | screw4.37 | Upper Knife | Upper Knife | Over Looper Serew3.57 | “Holder |screwasraoxre Presser | Presser Plate | Assembly Sub | Chass v4 oe %® ord 148198.001 | 148075.001 | 144073.001 | 107407-003 | 148209.001 148342.001 | 113050-001 | 148341.001 | 062681.612 | 148343-001 | 148344.001 | 148217-001 007-2 | 148198001 | 144075.001 | 144073-001 | 107407-003 148209-001 | 1 008-5 009-5 2 | 010-3, | 5 148342-001 | 113050001 | 148341-001 | 062681-612 | 148343001 | 148344-001 | 148217-001 -u-RefNo] Gd Gus HAS Ka Ka9 K21 Over Looper | Spreader | Under Looper | Looper Thread] Screw 4.37 | Needle Thread| _Rurfiling Tension Takeup | Attachment Control Stud Assembly Screw 6,35x18| Sub- Class aay Gas Ry we 147934.001 801248.01 159686-001 159884.001 144108.001 4 —{ 147934.001 a | 4 / 5 110820-101 | 5601-002 7 @v 9 | 4 2 oa) 147935.001 laz201001 |, JZ 006-4 7 s 4 e Jf $01248.001 0072 0085 | 147934.001 110820-101 . 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