Module 4 Pe2 Final

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Subject: Physical Education 2 (Fitness Exercises)

Instructor: Evangeline Bentillo

Final Module A.Y. 2ND SEMESTER 21-22

I. Topic: DANCE
II. Learning Outcomes
After this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. To foster patriotism and nationalism through the study of our dances;
2. To provide, through dancing a helpful form of relaxation and recreation;
3. To preserve posterity, folk dances and music indigeneous to different region of the

III. Overview
This lesson is all about the dance is an expression of an intensified sense of life,
arising from an inner perception that stimulates both mind and body.

IV. Lesson Content

Dance it is man’s natural primitive means of expression. The truest expression of
a people is in its dances and its music. “The body never lies.”
Dance has been a part of the life of every tribe, society or nation. Dance is not
only an individual or in group experience but also considered as a cultural mirror who
wherein the spirit, character and artistry of its time are reflected.
A dance as simple emotional expression when developed into a design with its
planned organization of a pattern of movement in rhythm, in space or in ground, with its
set of steps, gestures and dynamic and becomes a specific dance, and when stylized in
a common design becomes a dance form. These dance forms which take centuries to
develop, reflect the customs of the society in which they have evolved.
According to William Cobbett, dancing is at once rational and healthful. It is a
natural amusement of young people and such it has been from the days of Moses. Our
only quarrel with this statement is the reference to ‘young people’, since the recreation of
dancing provides pleasure and enjoyment, with relaxation and an emproved social life,
to people of all ages and all backgrounds. It is an ideal path of health through gentle
exercise in these days of tension, stress and sedentary work and pleasures. Those who
forsake the television screen to go dancing reap great mental and physical rewards.
Dancing is based on natural walking steps forward and backwards. If this can be
achieved with balance, control and small steps, the actual figures will feel and look
natural and rhythmic. So it is best to study and work on the recommended exercises
before working on the figures.

It is defined as an inner impulse of man to rhythm or music expressing his feeling
of joy, moods, sentiments or any human experience.


1. Classical Dance
Dance with standardized rules and restriction. It can be religious related dances
or court and royal entertainment form.

2. Classical Ballet
A dance of supreme standards learned from an academe. This originated from
Italy from the word Bal-lo meaning to dance flourished in the royal court of France

3. Modern Dance
A deviation fron the principles of classical ballet developed by Isadira Duncan.
She believed in the principles of naturalness and the expression of the human body and

4. Contemporary Dance
This is a combination of ballet and modern dance whereby it uses the varied
medium of other dance forms like folks, ethnic, jazz or tribal dance.

5. Popular Dance
This is highly recognized as a dance form in television and other dance center
like discotheque housesnand social gatherings.

6. Folk Dance
The term implies the traditional flavor and characteristics of the people, their
feeling and sentiments. It is also reffered sometimes as traditional dance.

7. Ethnic/Tribal Dance
A dance particularly found in a group of people living together in locality with a
common belief and customs.

8. Ballroom Dance
A popular term for dance performed on ballroom areas or for purposes of
recreation and entertainment.
Latin American dance
(cha-cha, mambo, rumba, jive samba and paso doble)
Standard dance
(tango, waltz, foxtrot and quick step)


This unit is prepared for the student to learn new terminologies and dances to
realize the creativity and rich culture of the Philipine region. This is also intended to
increase the awareness and appreciation of the uniqueness of every dance.


The Philippine archipelago is composed of 7,107 islands. Because of this , a

Filipino subculture has evolved in each specific region of the country. Yet, while Filipino
folk dances are primarily influenced by religion and subculture in specific areas of the
Philippines, there are similarities in how these dances originated and developed
throughout history.


1. National Dances- are traditional dances throughout the Philippines with common basic
movement or pattern but with slifht variation.

Examples: Cariñosa, Pandago, Balitaw, Kuratsa, Riodon and Surtido

2. Local or Regional Dances- are dances found in certain localities or regions only

Examples: Esperanza(Nakua, Camarines Sur)

Alcampor (Leyte)
Maglalatik (San Pablo Laguna)
3. Occupational Dances- are dances that depict actions characterizing occupation
industries and phases of human labor.

Examples: Pabirik- depicts the difference stages of gold panning

Monanguete- tuba gatherer
Rice Festival- has the largest number of dances
Magtatanim, Paggapas, Paggiik, Pahangin, Pababayo and Pagtatahip
4. Religious or Ceremonial Dances- are performed in connection with relious vows,
practices and ceremonies. A religious dance maybe performed to drive away evil spirits
and for having recovered from sickness, favors granted and vows fulfilled.

Examples: Sinurog, Obando, Dugso

5. Courtship Dance- are dances that depict making or are dances with love themes.

Examples: Hele bago Quiere Rogelia

Lulay, Maramion
6. Wedding Dances- are performed by newlywed, by friends and relatives of the bride
anf groom or by the father of the bride and mother of the groom.

Examples: Pandang-Pandang, Soryano and pantomina

7. Festival Dances- performed in connection with celebratin, a feast, a barrio fiesta,

good harvest and good future.

Examples: Kuratsa, La Jota, Putong

8. War Dances- are intended to show imaginary combat or duel with the use fighting
implements like bolo or spear.

Examples: Sagayan Maglalatik Inabaknon

9. Comic Dances- are dances with funny and humorous movements mainly intended for
Examples: makonggo-movements of monkey
Kinoton- imitates the movements of person bitten by ants.
10. Game Dances- are dances that have some play elements and are for recreational

Examples: Pabo Lubi-lubi Sinenalan Gayong-gayong

11. Social Dances- are dances danced during social gathering

Examples: Rigodon Lanceros


Very expressive movements of the feet and arms characterize Philippine filk
dances. These movements are a combination of the five fundamental positions of the
arms and feet whether the pace of the dance step is slow or fast.

First position- raise arms to a circle in front of the chest.
Second position- open up arms sideward, raised below shoulder level with a graceful
Third position- raise one arm overhead while other arm remains I 2nd position.
Fourth position- raise one arm in front of chest in a half circle, while one arm remains
Fifth position- raise both arms overhead I a graceful curve.


First position- bring heels close to touch;toes apart.

Second position- bring feet apart sideward
Third position- bring the heel of one foot to touch the instep of the other foot.
Fourth position- bring one foot in front of the other foot to walk strike.
Fifth position- bring the heel of one foot to touch the toe of the other.


BOW or SALUDO. Partners bow to each other to opposite dancers or to the audience.
This term is of Spanish origin.
BRUSH. Weight on one foot, swing the free foot in an arch, so that the ball or heel
strikes the floor at lowest point of the arch. This may be done forward, sideward, or
CLOCKWISE. Like the motion on the handle of the clock moving to the left, when facing
the center of an imaginary circle. Right shoulder is toward the center when moving
CUT. Quick change of weight from one foot to the other displacing the supporting foot.
DO-SI-DO or DOS-A-DOS. Two people walk toward each other, pass by the right
shoulde step sideward to the right and return to position walking backward, passing left
DRAW. The free foot is drawn toward the foot, which supports the body weigth, by
pressing the toes agaist the floor as the close is made. With or without transfer of weigth.
FREE FOOT. The foot not supporting the weight of the body.
FREE HAND. The hand not doing anything.
HOP. Spring on the supporting foot, and land on the same foot.
INSIDE FOOT. The foot near one’s partner when they stand side by side.
INSIDE HAND. The hand near one’s partner when they stand side by side.
JALEO. Partners turn once around clockwise9 with the R elbows almost touching
counter clockwise) using walking or any kind of dance step. The hands near each other
are on waist.
JUMP. Spring from one or two feet and land on both feet.
KEWET. Closed fist with the thumb firmly sticking out and moved from the wrist or elbow.
LEAP. Spring on the supporting on the foot and hand on the other foot.
KUMINTANG. Moving the hand from the wrist clockwise or counter clockwise direction.
This is an Ilocano term.
MASIWAK. To turn the from the wrist half- way clockwise then raise and lower wrist once
or twice. This is Ibanag term.
OUTSIDE FOOT. The foot away from one’s partner when they stand side by side.
OUTSIDE HAND. The hand away from one’s partner when they stand side by side.
OPPOSITE. The person standing in opposite position across the set.
PARTNER. Girls to right of Boy to lelf of Girl.
PANADYAK. To stamp in front at the side with R (L) foot and tap with the same foot
close to the L(R) foot, weight of the body on L ® foot. This is a Tagalog term.
PLACE. To put in a certain or desired position without putting weight on it. The sole of
the foot rest on the floor.
PIVOT. To turn with the ball, heel or whole foot on a fixed place or point.
POINT. Touch the floor lightly with the toes of one foot, weight of the body on the other
SALOK. To swing the arms downward-upward passing in front of the body as if
scooping, the trunk is bent forward following the movement of the arm doing the salok.
This is a Tagalog term.
SALUDO. Partners bow to each other, to the audience, opposite dancers or to the
neigbors with feet together. This term is of Spanish origin and used in almost Philippine
SAROK. Cross the R (L) foot in front of the L ® , bend the body slightly forward and
cross the hands (forearms) down in front with the R (L) hand over the L ®. This is a
Visayan term.
SET. A dance formation like a square or a unit formation composed of two or more pairs.
SLIDE. To glide foot smoothly along the floor. The movement may be finished with or
without transfer of weight.
STAMP. To bring down the foot forcibly and noisily on the floor with or without transfer of
weight (like doing a heavy step.)
STAR WITH THE R or L HAND.four or more people join R (L) hands at center and circle
around clockwise using walking or any kind of dance steps.
STEP. To advance or recede by raising or moving one foot to another resting place.
There is a complete transfer of weight from one foot to another.
SUPPORTING FOOT. The foot that bears the weight of the body.
TAP. To rap slightly with the ball or toe of the free foot, flexing the ankle joint keeping the
weight of the body on the other foot. There is no change or transfer of weight of the
WHIRL. To make fast turns by executing small steps in place to right and left.

BY: Dr. Michelle Duya Punzalan
Marilou C. Mondina


Direction: Read the course content and after reading it was stated their Classification of
Dance so I want all of you to perform the following kinds of dances by making a VIDEO.
1. BEED 1A and BEED 1B will perform the National Dances
2. BSED 1A and BSED 1B Perform the Festival Dances
3. BSED 1C and 1D Perform War Dances
4. BSED 1MATH AND BSHM 1A Perform Social Dances
Present it by group’s 5 members each groups and to rate your Dance I am using this
dance rubrics.
Name of members:


Stage presence 10%
Musicality 10%
Technique 30%
Effort 40%
Costume 10%
TOTAL 100%

Pass your video on/ before July 15, 2022 and this is your final examination. THANK YOU

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