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Idria A Rai CV

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Dr. Idris A.

Curriculum Vitae
Faculty of Computing and IT Makerere University PO Box 7062 Kampala

E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

Network and communication systems and protocols, performance modeling and evaluation, large-scale distributed networks, scheduling, and wireless sensor and mesh networks, and network security. Tanzanian Married with two children

PhD in Networks and Computer Science, 2004 Highest honour degree Thesis title: Quality of service (QoS) support in edge routers Telecom Paris - ENST/Institut Eurecom, France. Supervisor: Prof. Ernst W. Biersack MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2000 Majored in Telecommunications Thesis title: Weighted round robin scheduling in input-queued packet switches subject to deadline constraint Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Supervisor: Prof. Murat Alanyali BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1998 Majored in Communications systems Honour degree Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey

Ag, HoD, Jan. 2008 - Now Department of Networks Visiting Associate Professor, Nov. 2007-Now Department of Networks, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Makerere University Research Associate, Oct. 2004 Now Computing Department, Lancaster University Teaching and Research Assistant June 2002 Sept. 2004 Institut Eurecom, France Research Engineer June 2001 May. 2002 Right Vision, France Teaching and Research Assistant Sept. 1998 May 2001 Bilkent University, Turkey

o o Supervision o Have been supervising a number of MSc. and PhD students Teaching o Has been teaching a number of graduate courses o Teaching Assistance at the Institut Eurecom, France, 2002-2004 o Teaching Assistance at Bilkent University, 1998-2001 Administration o Heading the Department of Networks


Journals 1. Macquire, A., Brampton, A., Rai, I. A., Race, N. and Mathy, L., Authentication in Stealth Distributed Hash Table, Accepted for publication in the Special issue of the Elsevier Journal on System Architecture, 2008 2. Rai, I. A., Biersack,E. W. , and Urvoy-Keller, G., Size-based scheduling to improve the performance of short TCP flows. IEEE Network Magazine, Volume: 19, Issue: 1, pp. 1217, ISSN: 0890-8044, 2005. 3. Rai, I. A., Urvoy-Keller, G., Vernon, M., and Biersack, E. W., Performance models for LAS based scheduling disciplines in a packet switched network. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review Volume 32, Issue 1, pp. 106 - 117, ISBN: 1-58113-873-3 2004 4. Rai, I. A., Urvoy-Keller, G., and Biersack, E. W., A scheduling based approach to avoid bandwidth hogging in heterogenous TCP networks, Zoubir Mammeri and Pascal Lorenz (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3079, pp. 179-190,ISBN: 3540222626, 2004.

5. Rai, I. A., Urvoy-Keller G., and Biersack, E. W., Analysis of LAS scheduling for job size distributions with high variance, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Volume 31, Issue 1, pp. 218 - 228,ISBN: 1-58113-334-0, 2003.

Conferences 6. A. Brampton, A. Macquire, I. A. Rai, N. Race, L. Mathy, and M. Fry, Characterising user th interactivity for sports Video-on-Demand, In the 17 International workshop on Networks and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2007, UrbanChampagin, IL, USA, ISBN: 978-1-59593-746-9, pp. 99-104, 2007. 7. Rai, I. A., Brampton, A., Macquire, A., and Mathy, L., Performance modeling of Peer-toPeer Routing. In the Fourth International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, (HotP2P07), in conjunction with IEEE International Parallel&Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Long Beach, California, March, ISBN: 1-4244-0909-8, 2007. 8. Brampton, A., Macquire, A., Rai, I. A., Race, N. and Mathy, L., Stealth Distributed Hash Table: a robust and flexible super-peered DHT, The ACM conference on emerging network experiment and technology (CoNEXT06). ISBN 1-595-93-456-1/06/0012, 2006. 9. Macquire, A., Brampton, A., Rai, I. A., Race, N. and Mathy, L., Authentication in Stealth Distributed Hash Table, In the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference: Track on Multimedia & Telecommunications: Dependable Adaptive Systems. ISBN: 0-7695-2594-6, pp. 348-355, 2006. 10. Macquire, A., Brampton, A., Rai, I. A., and Mathy, L., Performance analysis of Stealth DHT with mobile nodes. In the 3rd IEEE InternationalWorkshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing, ISBN: 0-7695-2520-2, pp. 184-188, 2006 11. Brampton, A., Macquire, A., Rai, I. A., Race, N., and Mathy, L., Stealth Distributed Hash Table: Unleashing the potential of peer-to-peer. In the ACM conference on emerging network experiments and technologies (CoNEXT), Workshop sessions, ISBN: 1-59593197-X, ISBN: 1-595-930353/05/0010, pp. 230-231, 2005. 12. Nikaein, N., Bonnet, C., Moret, Y., and Rai, I. A.,Quality of service routing model for mobile ad hoc networks, 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, ISBN: 980-07-8150-1, 2002. 13. Rai, I. A., Urvoy-Keller, G., and Biersack, E. W., Size-based scheduling with differentiated services to improve response time of highly varying flows, 15th ITC Specialist Seminar, Internet Traffic Engineering and Traffic Management, Wurzburg, Germany, July 2002. 14. Rai, I.A. and Alanyali, M., Uniform weighted round robin scheduling algorithms for input queued switches, In the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, ISBN: 0- 7803-7097-1, vol.7, pp: 2028-2032, 2001.

Journal Papers Under Review 15. A. Brampton, A. Macquire, I. A. Rai, N. Race, Characterizing and exploiting workloads of highly interactive video-on-demand, Submitted in the ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, 2007 16. L. Mathy, I. A. Rai, A. Brampton, A. Macquire, and N. Race, Stealth Distributed Hash Table: A robust and flexible super-peering in DHT, Submitted in the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2007 Technical Reports 17. Rai, Idris A, Biersack, Ernst W, Urvoy-Keller, Guillaume, Analyzing the performance of TCP flows under LAS schedulers, Institut Eurecom, Research Report RR-03-075, 2003. 18. Rai, Idris A, Urvoy-Keller, Guillaume, Biersack, Ernst W, An efficient scheduling policy for edge routers to speedup the Internet access, Institut Eurecom, Research Report RR-02073, 2002.

19. Rai, Idris A, Urvoy-Keller, Guillaume, Biersack, Ernst W, On reducing response time for VPN traffic, Institut Eurecom, Research Report RR-02-072, 2002. 20. Rai, Idris A;Urvoy-Keller, Guillaume;Biersack, Ernst W, Comparison of PS, SRPT, and FB scheduling policies under exponential and heavy tail job sizes, Institut Eurecom, Research Report RR-01-063B, 2001.


o o o Presented conference papers where I am the first author to their respective conferences Sized-based scheduling to support Quality of Service (QoS) in Internet, Invited Talk, Computing department, Lancaster university, May 2004. The impact of traffic behaviors to the Internet performance, Invited Talk, Electrical and Electronic Engineering department, Bilkent, Turkey. July, 2002.


o Program committee member: The second International Conference on Internet and Protection (ICMP 2007) Wireless Applications and Computing, 2007 WWW/Internet 2005/2006 Reviewed papers for the following journals/conferences: ACM Computer Communications Review (CCR) ACM Sigmetrics IEEE ICNP IEEE Global Internet Networking IEEE SASO EuroNGI CoNEXT Globecom IEE Proc. on Communications Computer Networks Journal IWSoS COMSWARE IADIS Wireless Applications and Computing IADIS WWW/Internet Professional Membership: ACM Member


o o o o Institut Eurecom scholarship for PhD studies, 2002-2004 Bilkent University scholarship for MSc studies, 1998-2000 Government scholarship for BSc studies, 1993-1998 Best students in A-level examination in Zanzibar, 1993.

o o o o Operating Systems: Windows, Solaris, Linux Programming Languages: C/C++, Java, Perl, Pascal, Fortran, Awk, Shell scripting. Research Packages: PlanetLab, Network simulator (ns2), MATLAB Optimization packages: AMPL, CPLEX.

o o o o o Swahili: Mother tongue English: Proficient French : Proficient Turkish: Proficient Arabic : Intermediate level

REFERENCES Available on request

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