The Astrology Of: Bitcoin
The Astrology Of: Bitcoin
The Astrology Of: Bitcoin
Note: The author is not a financial advisor, and no any banks or governments seemed preposterous to me. One
part of this article should be taken as financial advice. of my friends called it “nerd money,” and I completely forgot
Cryptocurrencies are high-risk investments, and the author about Bitcoin.
does not recommend or encourage investing or trading in In the meantime, with my background of 20 years of
Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency. The author assumes astrological study and practice, I became interested in financial
no responsibility or liability for investment decisions based astrology. I began following the work of well-known financial
on the astrological techniques discussed in this article. astrologer Ray Merriman of Merriman Market Analyst (MMA)
and MMA Cycles Reports, whose yearly and monthly financial
Introduction market reports are based on astrological principles and market
Can astrological analysis provide reliable insight into cycle theory — in fact, I first read about him here in the pages
Bitcoin price movements and market highs and lows? The of The Mountain Astrologer. I found his ideas very interesting
answer appears to be yes! and started noticing correlations between astrology and price
I first heard about Bitcoin, the notorious cryptocurrency, movements in the U.S. stock markets. I wondered if it was
in the fall of 2014 when its price inexplicably shot to $1,000 conceivable to use astrology for market timing. According to
per Bitcoin and grabbed headlines around the world. At the Merriman, it is possible to use astrological techniques to make
time, the idea of a “virtual currency” that wasn’t backed by money in the stock markets!
OCT./NOV. 2019 — 21
Astrology of Bitcoin wire transfers. Others see it more as a digital
version of gold, a completely new asset class,
an investment and store of value, and/or
A couple of years later, in the summer of a hedge against a loss of value of the U.S.
2017, I heard people talking about Bitcoin dollar. However, Bitcoin has its detractors:
again. I had made some profitable investments The transaction speed is far slower than tra-
in the stock market over the past few years ditional systems like Visa, making it difficult
since the “great recession” of 2008, particularly to use as a payment method, and the energy
in tech stocks, and I was interested in investing usage is a matter for concern. Overall, there is a
in cutting-edge technologies. Still, I had also missed lot of uncertainty about the future of this new tech-
a few great investments, like Apple. I was on the look- nology and whether it will see mass adoption.
out for “the next big thing” and would often ask friends and More than a thousand different cryptocurrencies are now
clients what they thought would be the next Amazon, the trying to improve on Bitcoin, and so far, none has succeeded.
next Apple, or the next big trend. So, this time, when I started There is an alternative financial universe of cryptocurrency
hearing about Bitcoin again, I decided to do some research. markets where billions of dollars are traded on hundreds
I read several books1 about Bitcoin and hundreds of articles. I of cryptocurrency exchanges around the world each day.
watched YouTube videos by cryptocurrency gurus like Andreas According to, the total crypto asset
Antonopoulos, Ari Paul, and Tom Lee. market capitalization at the time of this writing (mid July
What I learned was that Bitcoin is a form of global, dig- 2019) was approximately $300 billion.3 My research con-
ital, Internet money that is not controlled or owned by any vinced me that Bitcoin does, indeed, hold great promise
bank, government, or corporation. The anonymous creator as a fundamentally new financial technology, and Uranus’s
of Bitcoin, who is known as Satoshi Nakamoto (his true iden- movement into Taurus seemed to line up auspiciously with
tity is still undetermined), solved the age-old “trusted third this observation.
party” problem by creating what is called a digital “block- As I was researching Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies,
chain,” a distributed account ledger that runs on a global I realized that people who had bought Bitcoin a few years ago,
Internet computer system. Computers that run the system when it was worth a few hundred dollars per Bitcoin, now
and verify transactions are rewarded with Bitcoins, a process had over a 1000% return on their investment. I was intrigued
known as “mining.” and watched the price go up from $2,000 per Bitcoin at the
No one entity controls this system, so it is referred to as start of August 2017 to $5,000 by the end of August — a
a “decentralized” system. This helps to make it secure, since 150% gain in just one month! The price then went back down
there is no single controlling entity for hackers to attack; it to $3,000 in September. Bitcoin’s wild price fluctuations have
made it one of the most unpredictable and volatile assets
on Earth. Still, in a five-year timeframe, Bitcoin has outper-
formed almost every other existing asset class by a large
Many savvy people in finance percentage. For example, while the Dow Jones is up roughly
believe that Bitcoin may be the 60% (from 17,000 to 27,000) in the last five years — a very
good run — Bitcoin has seen an unmatched 2000% increase
future of money: a revolutionary from $600 in 2014 to today’s price of roughly $12,000.
new technology that could disrupt Using Financial Astrology to
the global financial system. Analyze Bitcoin Price Direction
Inspired by Ray Merriman, I wondered whether astrology
could give us any insight into the wild and unpredictable move-
also eliminates the need for trusted third parties like banks, ment of the Bitcoin price. From my many years of astrological
as it allows for direct peer-to-peer transactions. Bitcoin can study, I knew that anything that has a verifiable birthday and
be traded on a wide variety of Internet cryptocurrency ex- time can often be accurately forecasted. In August 2017, I
changes; it is bought and sold in units as large as thousands examined the Bitcoin inception chart to see if I could glean
of Bitcoins or as small as a hundred-millionth of one Bitcoin anything useful.
— a unit known as a “Satoshi,” named after the pseudonym I found out that the first Bitcoin was created in a process
of Bitcoin’s creator.2 known as “the genesis block,” and the Bitcoin network soft-
Many savvy people in finance believe that Bitcoin (and ware protocol was initiated on January 3, 2009, time-stamped
cryptocurrencies in general) may be the future of money: a 6:15 p.m. GMT, with no known location.4 This is the most
revolutionary new technology that could challenge big banks widely accepted Bitcoin birthday, and it was enough to give
and disrupt the global financial system. Astrologically, this me a chart to work with, having accurate planetary positions.
would correlate well with the transit of Uranus in Taurus. Unfortunately, without a location, I couldn’t see the Ascen-
Some see Bitcoin as a useful global Internet currency that dant or the house positions. I had to choose a location, and
transcends national borders, since it can be sent anywhere based on Greenwich Mean Time, I decided on Greenwich,
in the world much more quickly and cheaply than traditional England. (See Chart 1, following page.)
2 5 21'
30' ‰
¸ With a Pluto–Mars–Sun
… Œ 3 4
01° ¼ 11'
Á ‰ conjunction, Bitcoin looks
… 02°
tenacious and impressive,
something that cannot
… 26' ‡
18° † 41'
25° easily be stopped.
Charts use Porphyry houses and the True Node.
OCT./NOV. 2019 — 23
Astrology of Bitcoin could yield important information about Bitcoin’s price move-
ment and direction. The next important transits to the Bitcoin
chart included the first of three Saturn conjunctions with BTC
Interestingly, the dates of the price rally corresponded Mars (February 2–12, 2018), followed closely by Neptune’s
precisely to the dates of the Neptune sextile. Then the price third sextile to the BTC Sun (February 7 to March 6).
started to reverse sharply on September 2, two days after the In a natal chart, Mars represents confidence and our
end of the partile sextile and just three days before Mercury ability to assert ourselves and meet our goals. Transiting Sat-
would station direct. Bitcoin’s price was clearly correlating urn is traditionally a heavy obstructing influence, blocking or
with transits to its chart, as well as mundane events such as thwarting our goals. If we think of Mars as a speeding train
Mercury retrograding and stationing direct. This was more and Saturn as an immovable object, a train wreck seemed
than enough evidence to continue serious study. I looked back likely for Bitcoin. With an approaching partile conjunction of
at that first Neptune sextile to the BTC Sun (April 6 to May transiting Saturn with BTC Mars looming (February 2–12),
15, 2017) and found that, once again, the price had risen possibly bringing more fear of government regulation, and a
from roughly $1,150 to $1,800 — a gain of about 60%. South Node lunar eclipse on January 31 as a potential trig-
ger (see Note 7), I was able once again to accurately predict
Real-Time Price Forecasting the market in advance. I gave the date range for the low as
Now I wanted to see if astrology could actually predict
the future price, helping to identify tops and bottoms of the
market. In early November 2017, I started distributing an I was convinced, both by
informal Bitcoin astrology newsletter to a few friends. And
seeing a succession of exact sextiles to BTC Pluto, Mars, historical analysis and by real-time
and Sun in Capricorn from transiting Venus (November
8–18), Mars (December 10–31), and mostInner importantly
Wheel Jupi-
forecasting, that astrology could Outer Wheel
BitcoinI was able to
ter (October 15 to December 15), all in Scorpio,
Natal Chart yield important information All-Time-High Price
Natal Chart
predict the famous December 2017 rally well Jan ahead of time.
3 2009, Sat Dec 16 2017, Sat
6:15 pm GMT +0:00
Jupiter represents confidence, expansion, good England
Greenwich, luck, and about Bitcoin’s price movement 12:00 pm EST +5:00
New York, New York
51°N29' 000°W00'
prosperity; accordingly, the price moved upward
in almost and direction. 40°N42'51'' 074°W00'23''
exact clockwork timing with the Jupiter transits,
Tropical just as one Tropical
Porphyry Porphyry
would have expected. The all-time-high price of $19,500
True Node on True Node
December 16 correlated closely with the overlapping transits
18° Ü 41'
of Jupiter’s sextile to the BTC Sun, indicating expansion
and wealth, and Mars’s sextile to BTC Mars, indi- 26' 25°
Ý ¿ ‹ 26'
cating confidence. (See Chart 2, at right.) 25° 24°
Foreseeing a possible shift in energy and
market trend enabled me to call the peak Œ 24°
of the rally in advance, right around the 11' 22' À 02°
time that Saturn entered Capricorn on ¶ 11°
ƒ ‹ ‹
December 19, 2017, and Mercury sta- 04°
¿ 37'
02° Ü 11'
tioned direct on the 22nd. The end of 33'
the rally in January 2018 was largely 19'
10' »
ˆ 16°
º ˆ
14° ¶
Chart 2: Bi-wheel.
¼ ½
25° 26'
… 26' 25°
Inner wheel and house cusps: Bitcoin
Outer wheel: All-Time High (2017) 18° † 41'
continued on p. 33
OCT./NOV. 2019 — 27
Astrology of Bitcoin extended rally in Bitcoin price. Additionally, Jupiter’s trine
to transiting Uranus in December 2019 could be quite fa-
vorable for Bitcoin!
continued from p. 27
We know that Jupiter’s sextile to BTC Mars and the Sun
accurately predict some relative market tops and bottoms in corresponded closely to an all-time high in December 2017,
2018 and 2019. In my opinion, the following are a few of and Jupiter in Capricorn could bring breakthroughs and big
the important transits to watch in the Bitcoin chart for mar- changes to business, commerce, and financial markets that
ket tops and bottoms in late 2019 and in 2020. could benefit Bitcoin. Whether Jupiter’s conjunction with the
BTC Sun will produce a similar or better rally than the one
Two Unfavorable Aspects Converge in 2019 in December 2017 to the all-time high of $19,500 remains
• September 7–28: Saturn’s second conjunction unknown; we’ll just have to wait and see. Jupiter transiting
with the BTC Sun. the BTC Capricorn stellium looks generally promising, but
At the time of this writing in late June 2019, I was fore- a highly complex alignment on Christmas Day 2019 could
casting a Bitcoin market rally high roughly in the date range create volatility and unpredictable market events, temporar-
of June 20 to July 1, plus or minus 5–7 days, which turned ily dampening a rally. This alignment includes a solar eclipse
out to be accurate. However, it looked like Mercury station- at 4° Capricorn conjoining a combust and weakened Jupi-
ing retrograde on July 7, followed by a lunar eclipse on the ter close to the South Node and also conjoining the BTC
South Node conjunct Saturn and Pluto (both retrograde),
along with Saturn slowly but surely backing up closer to the
BTC Sun, could indicate a 90- to 100-day market correc- Like a cat with nine lives,
tion with a bottom point when transiting Saturn and then the
South Node conjoin the BTC Sun. This second Saturn con-
Bitcoin has come back
junction will be partile, though not technically exact. It should from the dead on so many
be close enough to indicate another possible 2019 relative
market low point, but probably not a new low for the year. occasions over the past
• September 29 – October 10: The South Node’s
ten years that it’s almost
conjunction with the BTC Sun. become a cliché.
The South Node conjunct BTC Jupiter in November and
December 2018, along with other transits, seemed to cor-
relate with a sell-off. In general, the South Node can indicate
material loss and have a draining-away effect on vitality. Fol-
lowing closely from Saturn’s last conjunction with the BTC
Sun in September, this could indicate further declines last-
ing through early October. The astrological analysis suggests
that this period in September and October will be the end of
the sell-off and a possible entry point to accumulate Bitcoin
before a bigger rally begins in November. However, it’s im-
portant to note that the South Node’s transit to BTC Mars
(February 28 to March 11, 2020) and to BTC Pluto (April
8–20) could also prove unfavorable and indicate points of
market weakness.
OCT./NOV. 2019 — 33
Astrology of Bitcoin cides with Saturn’s transit as well, making for a complex and
mixed bag. The future will always remain uncertain, and as-
trology allows us to see only so much, but this intricate mix of
Pluto, Mars, and Sun. (See Chart 3, below right.) And as aspect patterns suggests that Bitcoin may continue its unique
mentioned earlier, the South Node’s continued unfavorable pattern of high volatility and big price swings in 2020.
transits to the BTC Capricorn stellium through April 2020 Lastly, a series of trines from Uranus in Taurus to the
may somewhat offset Jupiter’s otherwise very favorable BTC Sun, starting in June 2021 and culminating in April
transits, and create volatility with complex market condi- 2022, may indicate a long-term peak in BTC prices, as well
tions and events. as more unexpected Uranian twists and turns in the fascinat-
Interestingly, Saturn and Pluto will make a historic ing story of Bitcoin.
40-year conjunction in early January 2020, just a few weeks Will Bitcoin succeed as a new, global Internet currency
before Jupiter will conjoin the BTC Sun in late January. Ac- and change the way we think about money? It could — and
cording to the work of astrologers Richard Tarnas and Ray Jupiter’s key conjunctions with the BTC stellium in Capricorn,
Merriman, Saturn–Pluto conjunctions have historically indi- along with favorable aspects from Uranus in Taurus, will be
cated a financial or political crisis, a war, and/or falling stock the main factors to watch as we move into 2020 and beyond.
markets.10 Many economists, including hedge fund billionaire
Ray Dalio and Bloomberg’s Macro strategist Mark Cudmore,
are currently predicting a recession around this time period.11
It’s hard to say whether there is a connection between
A series of trines from Uranus
the Saturn–Pluto conjunction and the transiting Jupiter con- in Taurus to the BTC Sun
junction with the BTC Sun. However, if there is a political or
financial crisis at that time, suggested by Saturn and Pluto, [June 2021– April 2022],
or if a “black swan” event causes stock markets
met,12 Bitcoin may benefit as an uncorrelated,
Inner Wheel
to plum-
may indicate a long-term peak Solar Annular Eclipse (NM)
Outer Wheel
OCT./NOV. 2019 — 35