A Study On Job Satisfaction of The Employees of Axis Bank, Nagpur
A Study On Job Satisfaction of The Employees of Axis Bank, Nagpur
A Study On Job Satisfaction of The Employees of Axis Bank, Nagpur
Abstract: The performance of an organization depends to a agriculture, companies etc. The registered office of Axis bank
great extent on the job satisfaction of the employees. It has been is in Ahmedabad. The Axis bank has its branches in eight
observed that job satisfaction leads to motivation among foreign countries including Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai.
employees. The study has been conducted to find the degree of
The Axis bank offers services in four segments; treasury
satisfaction among the employees of Axis Bank with respect to the
various factors contributing towards the job satisfaction. The data operations, retail banking, corporate banking and other banking
used to conduct the study is of primary and secondary in nature. business. Investment in corporate debt, shares, mutual funds,
A structured questionnaire has been conducted for collecting derivative trading are the services included in treasury
primary data. The study suggests that more than half of the operations. Retail banking include services like loans, deposits,
employees are satisfied with work environment of the bank. More locker facility, internet banking, ATM facility, RTGS, financial
than three-fourth of the employees are satisfied with the career
development opportunities which are provided by the bank. The
advisory services etc. The bank offers capital market related
employees are also satisfied with the grievance redressal services, appraisals of project, cash management services and
mechanism of the bank. Almost half of the employees are satisfied management of private issue under corporate banking. Other
with the inter-personal relationship in the bank. The employees banking services include banking facilities provided to NRIs.
are satisfied with the policies framed by the management but they
are not satisfied with the implementation of the same. 2. Literature review
Keywords: Job Satisfaction Rajkatoch (2012) points out that the job satisfaction is the
degree of feeling nice or good about the job. Job satisfaction is
1. Introduction the result of decent remuneration, environment related to work,
security of job etc. A study done by Natarajan (2001) reveals
The productivity of any organization largely depends upon
that there is no relation between job satisfaction and job
the job satisfaction which employees achieve in an
organization. In some way or the other job satisfaction is also
The study conducted by Organ and Ryan (1995) pointed out
linked with life satisfaction. Every person spends a large
portion of his day, working in an organization. If a person is that the job satisfaction is directly related to employee’s
turnover and absenteeism. As per Spector (1997), job
able to derive satisfaction from his job, he will be satisfied in
satisfaction refers to the feeling about their job. C.R. Reilly
his personal life as well.
(1991) defines job satisfaction as the general attitude towards a
Many researches has pointed out that the job satisfaction
plays an important role in motivating employees, increasing his
morale, enhanced work performance etc. job satisfaction means Hussami (2008) points out that job satisfaction to a large
extent depends upon the expectations from the job. As per
the level of contentment a person has from his job. In other
Vidal, Valle and Aragón (2007), job satisfaction is multi-facet
words, if an employee is satisfied from his job means he like his
phenomenon and is influenced by various factors. A study
and vice-versa.
conducted by Friedlander and Margulies (1969) reveals that
Locke (1976) says that the job satisfaction is an emotional
friendly staff-relation contributes positively towards job
state which is positive due to positive experience in job. As per
the study conducted by Lease (1998), less absent from the job,
more efficient, more commitment is a result of job satisfaction.
3. Research methodology
A. Company profile –Axis bank
A. Objectives of the Study
Axis bank was formerly known as UTI bank. Axis bank is
the third largest private sector bank operating in India. The bank To study the degree of satisfaction among the
offers various services to its customers. The customer of Axis employees of Axis Bank with respect to the various
bank varies from individuals, MSME, business related to factors contributing towards the job satisfaction.
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 171
Volume-2, Issue-12, December-2019
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792
Graph No. 6:
Graph No. 3
Graph No. 7: The above graph shows that approximately 68% of the
employees are dissatisfied or highly dissatisfied with the
implementation of management policies. The employees agree
that the policy made by the management is good but its
implementation is a concern. It is equally important to note that
approximately 28% of the employees have the contrary opinion
on the same.
Graph No. 8:
Graph No. 9:
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