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Partial Replacement of Cement by Marble Slurry

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A Seminar Report on

Partial Replacement Of Cement By Marble Dust


Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of the

Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Civil Engineering
Under the guidance of
- Mr. Siddharth Sharma
(Assistant proffesor)

Submitted By

Jatin Kumar

Naman Sharma


Sitapura, Extension, Plot No. IS-2030 to 2039 Jaipur, Rajasthan
Month-December, Year-2021-22

I hereby declare that the work presented in this report entitled “Partial
Replacement Of Cement By Marble Dust Powder”, in fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree Bachelor of Technology in Civil
Engineering, submitted in Civil Department, JECRC University, Jaipur, is
an authentic record of my own work carried out during my degree under the
guidance of Siddharth Sharma sir.

The work reported in this has not been submitted by me for award
of any other degree or diploma.

Date – 13 /12/2021
Jatin Kumar
Roll no- 18BCIN019
Naman Sharma
Roll no – 18BCIN030


This is to certify that the Project work entitled “Partial Replacement

Of Cement By Marble Dust Powder”. submitted by Jatin Kumar and
Naman Sharma in fulfillment for the requirements of the award of
Bachelor of Technology Civil Engineering, submitted in Civil
Department, JECRC University, Jaipur is an authentic work carried out
by his/her under my supervision and guidance. To the best of my
knowledge, the matter embodied in the project has not been submitted
to any other University / Institute for the award of any Degree.

DATE – 13/12/2021


We have undergone a Seminar which was meticulously planned and

guided at every stage so that it became a life time experience for me.
This could not be realized without the help from numerous sources and
people in the Poornima University and Civil Engineering Department.

We would like to take this opportunity to show our gratitude towards

SIDDARTH SHARMA, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil
Engineering, JECRC University who helped us in successful
completion of my Minor Project. He has been a guide, motivator &
source of inspiration for us to carry out the necessary proceedings for
completing this report and related activities successfully.

We are also very grateful to Mr. VIVEK ANAND (HOD, Civil

Department) for his kind support and guidance.

We are also privileged to have faculties who have flourished us with

their valuable facilities without which this work cannot be completed.

We would also like to express our hearts felt appreciation to all of our
friends whom direct or indirect suggestions help us to develop this
project and to entire team members for their valuable suggestions.

Lastly, thanks to all faculty members of Department of Civil

Engineering for their moral support and guidance.

Declaration by Student

I certify that I have properly verified all the items in the

checklist and ensure that the report is in proper format as
specified in the course handout.

Signature of the Student:

Verification by Faculty Project Guide

I have duly verified all the items in the checklist and ensured
that the report is in proper format.
Signature of the Project Guide:










In this study, waste marble slurry from Makrana region of Rajasthan

in India is characterized for various physiochemical properties and
used to replace cement partially by weight in concrete.
The waste this is generated from the industries reasons extreme
environmental problems. Hence the reuse of this waste material
generated can be emphasized.
Marble Dust Powder (MDP) is any such developing composite
material in an effort to allow the concrete enterprise to optimise
constituent use, generate financial advantages and build systems so as
to be sturdy, long lasting and touchy to surroundings.
Marble dust powder is a spinoff received all through the method of
quarrying from the parent marble rock; which incorporates high
calcium oxide content of more than 50%.
The ability use of marble dust powder may be an ideal desire for
substituting in a cementious binder as the reactivity efficiency
increases because of the presence of lime.
Four concrete mixtures containing 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% marble
dust powder as cement alternative on the basis of weight has been
organized in all the concrete mixes and in this compressive and cut up
tensile check being carried out and it changed into determined that
there may be tremendous increase in strength up to 10% replacement
of marble dust powder and from 15% alternative of marble dust
powder (MDP) the strength of concrete decreases quickly.

Chapter - 1
The purity of the marble is responsible for its colors and appearance it
is white if the limestone is composed solely of calcite (100% CaCO3).
Marble is used for construction and decoration; marble is durable, has
a noble appearance, and consequently in great demand Marble Dust
Powder is an industrial waste produced from cutting of marble stone.
The result is that the mass of marble waste which is 20% of total
marble quarried has reached as high as millions of tons. Marble as a
building material especially in places and monuments has been in use
for ages. However the use is limited as stone bricks in wall or arches
or as lining slabs in walls, roofs or floors, leaving its wastage at
quarry or at the sizing industry generally unattended for use in the
building industry itself as filler or plasticizer in mortar or concrete.
One of the logical means for reduction of the waste marble masses
calls for utilizing them in building industry itself. Marble powder is
not available in all the places.
Despite this fact, concrete production is one of the concerns
worldwide that impact the environment with major impact being
global warming due to CO2 emission during production of cement.
Waste Marble dust can be used to improve the mechanical and
physical properties of the conventional concrete. Now-a-days the cost
of material is increasing so if we use the waste material in the
production of the concrete so we decrease the price. If the waste is
disposed on soils, the porosity and permeability of topsoil will be
reduced, the fine marble dust reduces the fertility of the soil by
increasing its alkalinity.
Presently, large amount of marble dust are generated in natural stone
processing plants with an important impact on the environment and

In India, marble dust is settled by sedimentation and then dumped
away which results and environmental pollution, in addition to
forming dust in summer ABSTRACT 112 International Journal for
Modern Trends in Science and Technology Partial Replacement of
Cement to Concrete by Marble Dust Powder and threatening both
agriculture and public health.
Therefore, utilization of the marble dust in various industrial sectors
especially the construction, agriculture, glass and paper industries
would help to protect the environment.
Hence the reuse of waste material has been emphasized. Waste can be
used to produce new products or can be used as admixtures so that
natural resources are used more efficiently.

Chapter -2
Review of Literature
1. Aalok D et al., 2014 studied on “Experimental study on use
of marble dust in concrete” and concluded that for M 25
grade concrete the compressive strength of cubes is increased
when 50% of marble powder is added and further any
addition of waste marble powder the strength gradually
decreases. The split tensile strength of cylinders are
increased with addition of waste marble powder up to 25%
and decreases on further addition. The flexural strength is
obtained at 50% of marble powder mix.

2. Rakesh Gupta et al., 2014 studied on “Partial replacement

of cement with marble powder” and concluded that for M 20
grade concrete the compressive strength of cubes are
increased with addition of waste marble powder up to 10%
replace by weight of cement and further any addition of
waste marble powder the compressive strength decreases.
The split tensile strength of cylinders are increased with
addition of waste marble powder up to 10% replace by
weight of cement and further any addition of waste marble
powder the split tensile strength decreases.

3. Abdullah Anwar et al., 2014 studied on “Study of

compressive Strength of concrete by partial replacement of
cement with marble dust powder” and concluded that marble
dust powder has a potential to provide an alternative to
cement and helps in maintaining the surroundings every bit
well as economical balance. The compressive strength
properties of concrete containing marble dust powder at 0%,
5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% of Portland cement. The
investigation was primarily to determine a resolution to the
disposal problem of marble dust by making usage of it in
concrete production for sustainable construction
development. The result obtained for 28 day compressive
strength confirms that the optimal percentage for
replacement of cement with marble dust powder is about
10%. This will post less on the production of carbon dioxide
and solving the environmental pollution by cement
production, thereby enhances the urban surroundings.

4. JashandeepSingh et al., 2015studied on “Partial

replacement of cement with waste marble powder with M 25
grade” and concluded that up to 12% replacement of cement
with waste marble there is an increase in all mechanical
properties. The replacement of 12% of cement with waste
marble powder attains maximum compressive and tensile
strength. The optimum percentage for replacement of marble
powder with cement is almost 12% cement for both cubes
and cylinders. To minimize the costs for construction with
usage of marble powder that is freely or cheaply available.
To realm of saving the environmental pollution by cement
production being our main objective.

5. Pooja J. Chavhan et al., 2014 studied on “To study the

behaviour of marble powder as supplementary cementitious
material in concrete” and concluded that compressive
strength increases with increase of marble powder. The
maximum 28 days spilt tensile strength was obtained with
45% marble powder replaced with fine aggregate where as in
case of compressive strength the strength was gained by
replacement of 30% along with replacement of sand by 45-
50%. The marble slurry utilization in black cotton soil is one
of the best ways to improve soil properties and to protect the
environment up to some extent from the harmful effects of
disposal of marble slurry in land and water.

6. Veena G. Pathan et al.,2014 studied on “Feasibility and
need of use of waste marble powder in concrete production”
and concluded that the investigation revealed that replacing
of cement with marble waste powder up to 20% reduces the
slump of concrete mixes, whereas replacement of sand by
marble waste powder up to 20% enhances the slump of the
concrete mixes. In concrete production replacement of 5%
cement by marble waste powder gives comparable
compressive and flexural strength as of marble waste free
concrete specimens, but increasing the replacement range
beyond 5% results in strength reduction. In concrete
production, replacing of sand up to 20% by marble waste
powder gives similar strength as of concrete mixes with
100% sand both at early and latter ages. On the basis of the
earlier experiment al studies the unit weight of the concrete
increased due to the high specific gravity of WMD and also
filler effect of marble dust because it has finer particles than
fine sand aggregate. As a matter of fact marble dust had a
filler effect and played a noticeable role in the hydration
process. Cement being kept constant it is an expected
outcome that an enhancement in the mechanical and physical
properties has taken place by virtue of the marble dust’s
contribution to the hydration process. The porosity of the
concrete decreased and UPV increased with increasing
percentage of marble dust addition.

7. Jamsheed et al., (Feb 2017) studied on “Partial

Replacement of Cement with Marble Powder” and
concluded that Waste can be used to produce new products
or can be used as admixtures so that natural resources are
used more efficiently and the environment is protected from
waste deposits. Marble stone industry generates both solid
waste and stone slurry. Due to marble dust, it proved to be
very effective in assuring very good cohesiveness of mortar
and concrete. From the above study, it is concluded that the
marble dust can be used as a replacement material for
cement; and 10% replacement of marble dust gives an
excellent result in strength aspect and quality aspect and it is
better than the control concrete. The results showed that the
substitution of 10% of the cement content by marble stone
dust induced higher compressive strength, higher splitting
tensile strength [24-28], and improvement of properties
related to durability

8. Ranjan Kumar et al., (Aug 2015) studied on “Partial

Replacement of Cement with Marble Dust Powder” and
concluded that the waste generated from the industries cause
environmental problems. Hence the reuse of this waste
material can be emphasized. Marble Dust Powder (MDP) is a
developing composite material that will allow the concrete
industry to optimize materiel use, generate economic benefits
and build structures that will strong, durable and sensitive to
environment. Compressive strength, split tensile strength &
flexural strength of the concrete mixtures has been obtained
at 7 and 28 days. The results of the laboratory work showed
that replacement of cement with MDP increase, up to 10%
for compressive strength, & up to 15% for split tensile
strength & flexural strength of concrete[34-38].

9. Reminder Singh et al., (Nov 2015) studied on “Strength

evaluation of concrete using Marble Powder and Waste
Crushed Tile Aggregates” and concluded innovations in
concrete increases the Sustainability in concrete production
and they studied about the feasibility of the substitution of
waste marble powder for cement and waste tile aggregates
for coarse aggregates to achieve economy and environment
saving. There is an increase in the Compressive strength of
the concrete produced from waste marble powder as partial
replacement of cement up to 10% and crushed tile aggregate
as partial replacement of natural coarse aggregate up to 30%.
As the partial replacement level of waste marble powder
with cement in concrete increases, workability decreases[29-

10. Mohd. Afaque Khan et al., (Mar 2016) studied on

“Compressive Strength Of Concrete Using Marble Dust As
Partial Replacement Of Cement” and concluded that With
the inclusion of marble powder, the compressive strength of
concrete gradually increases up to a certain limit but then
gradually decreases. Increase in curing days will increase the
strength of marble dust concrete when compared from 14
days to 28 days. To minimize the costs of construction with
usage of marble powder, which is freely or cheaply
available. It is essential to find out the specific areas where
this mix can be used. To realm of saving the environmental
pollution by cement production; being our main objective as
civil engineers.

Chapter -3
Experimental and Investigations
Concrete mix constituents Concrete is a composite material, made by
mixing Coarse aggregate (CA) & Fine aggregate (FA), Cement &
3.1. Cement
Portland Slag Cement with conforming to BIS (IS: 455-1989) was
used in the entire experimental study. The detail of physical properties
of cement is presented in table 3.1. This cement is used for the MDP
and corresponding convectional concrete. The cement used in the test
is Portland slag cement manufactured by “LAFARGE CONCRETO”.

Table 3.1 Physical Properties of cement

Properties Test method Results Standard
Limits (IS:
455: 1989)
Normal Vicat Apparatus 32% -
Consistency (IS: 4031 Part -
Soundness Le-chatlier Expansion 3 mm <10mm
method (IS:
4031 Part –3)
Initial Setting Vicat Apparatus 75 minutes >30 min
Time (IS: 4031 Part -
(Minimum) 5)
Final Setting Vicat Apparatus 255 minutes <600 min
time (IS: 4031 Part -
Specific Gravity Specific. gravity 3.14 -
bottle (IS:4031

Part - 4)
Fineness Sieve test on 2.83% Retain on <10%
sieve no.9 (IS: 90 µ I.S sieve
4031 Part –2)
Compressive (IS: 4031 Part-6) N/mm^2 N/mm^2
Strength 3days 19.85 >16
7days 23.45 >22
28 days 35.98 >33

3.2. Aggregate: - Normal river sand locally available in the market

and confirming to Zone II as per BIS (IS 383:1970) and CA were
used in this experiment. CA used as 60% by weight of 20 mm size &
40% of 10 mm size of total aggregate may be taken.

Table 3.2 Physical properties of Fine and Coarse aggregate

Properties FA CA

Specific Gravity 2.69 2.79

Bulk Density 1.496 1.71

Bulk Density 1.671 1.85
Water Absorption(%) 0.97 0.54

Flakiness index(%) - -

Elongation index(%) - -

Finess Modulus(%) 2.449 6.687

Table 3.3 Mechanical properties of Coarse aggregate
Property CA BIS(IS: 383-1970)

Impact Less than 30% for

Value(%) 20.80
Surfaces and less than
For other than wearing
Crushing Less than 30% for
Value (%) 25.29
Surface and less than
For other than wearing
Los Angles Less than 30% for
22.26 Surface and less than
Resistance (%) 50% for other concrete

3.3. Water :-
In this research potable water free from organic substance was used
for mixing as well as curing of concrete.

3.4. Marble Dust Powder (MDP) : - One of the major wastes

produced in the stone industry during cutting, shaping, and polishing
of marbles is the MDP. During this process, about 20-25% of the
process marble is turn into the powder form. India being the third
(about 10%) top most exporter of marble in the world, every year
million tons of marble waste form processing plants are released.

Due to the availability of large quantity of waste produced in the
marble factory, this project has been planned and preceded.
Snap short of used MDP is figure no.3.1

The physical & chemical properties of MDP are given in table 3.4 &
3.5 respectively.

Table 3.4 Physical Properties of MDP

Properties Test Result

Specific Gravity 2.63

Color White

Form Powder

Odour Odourless

Moisture Content 0.60


Sieve 0.90mm

Hardness 3 on Moher’s scale

Water absorption 0.9%

Table 3.5 Chemical constituents of MDP

[Sources: Lab Testing Sucofindo 2013]
Chemical compound Test value of MDP in Standard of Natural
(%) cement Content (%)

Calcium oxide 55.09 31-57

Silica dioxide (SiO2) 0.48 22-29

Magnesium Oxide 0.40 1.5-3.2

Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 0.12 1.5-3.2

Aluminum dioxide 0.17 5.2-8.8


Sodium Oxide 0.20 -

Potassium Oxide 0.06 -

To test the results obtained MDP content of Calcium Oxide (CaO)

was 55.09 % for the marble is in Conformity with the standards as
natural cement that is 31-57%. But for the content of other elements
such as Silicon Dioxide (SiO2), Aluminum dioxide (Al2O3), Iron
Oxide (Fe2O3), Magnesium Oxide (MgO) do not fit into standard
natural cement. This means that MDP characterized as natural
cement but not fully functioning as natural cement.

Figure-3.1. Marble Dust Powder used in the study

Chapter – 4
Based on the Indian Standard (IS: 10262-2009), design mix for M25
grade of concrete was prepared by partially replacing cement with
five different percentages by weight of MDP (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
and 20%). The mix proportion for M25 Grades of concrete with
varying percentage of MDP is presented in Table 5.2.
4.1 Workability: - It is observed that degree of workability is
medium as per BIS (IS: 456-2000) for the normal concrete. It is also
observed that, as the percentage of MDP increases from 0% to 20%,
the mix becomes stiffer, and workability results in low slump value.
Low slump value may have great impact on the workability of
4.2 Hardened Concrete :- Testing The most valuable property in
concrete is the compression strength because it gives the overall
quality of hardened concrete. The hardened concrete tests conducted
were the compressive test, split tensile test & flexural test. The
mechanical property of hardened concrete depends upon the
cementitious material available in the mix.
4.2.1Compressive strength test:- Compressive strength test is done
as Per IS 516- 1959. The test is conducted on Compression testing
machine of capacity 2000 KN as shown in Fig. 5.2 Mechanical
behavior of concrete was studied for M25 grade of cubes were casted
and cured for 7 and 28days. Compressive strength of concrete is
tested on cube at different percentage of MDP content in concrete.
The strength of concrete has been tested on cube at 7 days curing and
28 days. And the results obtained are reported in table 5.3 & also
shown in graph 5.2. With replacement of MDP in %age, in concrete 7
days test has been conducted to check the gain in initial strength of
concrete & 28 days test gives the data of final strength of concrete at
28 days curing. Compression testing machine is used for testing the
compressive strength test on concrete.
4.2.2. Split Tensile Strength

Testing for split tensile strength of concrete is done as Specimen
details of the work at B.I.T, Sindri Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India.

Split tensile strength is done as per IS 5816-1999. The test is

conducted on Compression testing machine of capacity 2000 KN as
shown in Fig. 5.3, and the results obtained are reported in Table 5.4 &
shown in graph 5.3. The cylinder is placed horizontally between the
loading surfaces of compression testing machine and the load is
applied till failure of the cylinder. Packing material such as plywood
is used to avoid any sudden loading. During the test the platens of the
testing machine should not be allowed to rotate in a plane
perpendicular to the axis of cylinder. The Split tensile strength is
computed from the following formula.

Where; T: Tensile Strength

P: Maximum load in Newton’s applied to the
L: length of the specimen in mm
D: C/S dimension of the specimen in mm
4.2.3. Flexural Strength

Flexural strength test is done as per IS: 516-1959. Prisms are tested
for flexure in Universal testing machine of capacity 500 KN as shown
in Fig. 4.4 & and the results obtained are reported in Table 4.5 & also
shown in graph 4.4. The bearing surfaces of the supporting and
loading rollers are wiped clean before loading. The prisms are placed
in the machine in such a manner that the load is applied to the upper
most surface along the two lines spaced 13.30 cm apart. The axis of
the specimen is aligned with the axis of the loading device. The load
is applied at a rate of 180 kg/min without shock on the specimen till it
fails and the maximum load

(P) applied to the specimen during test is noted.

Flexural strength(N/mm2) = Pd

Where, P = maximum load at failure in N, and L = length of the

beam specimen (400mm)

b = Width of the beam specimen in mm, d = Depth of beam

specimen in mm

Figure4.1 Mixing Process in Standard drum type mixer

Table 4.1 Quantity estimation and planning of testing work

Description Compressive Split tensile test Flexural test
strength test
Specimen Cube Cylinder Beam
Specimen Size D=150&
(mm) 150x150x150 H=300 100x100x500
No. of
Specimen 3 3 3
Days of testing 7,28 7,28 7,28
Total No. of
Specimen for
one series 6 6 6
Volume of each
Specimen (m3) 0.003375 0.0053 0.005

Volume of all
Specimen (m3)
for one series 0.02025 0.0318 0.030
specimens for
all series 6x5=30 6x5=30 6x5=30
Total volume
for all series
(m3 ) 0.101 0.159 0.150

Total weight of concrete = 1021.13 kg

Total volume of concrete = 0.410 m3

Table 4.2 Details of mix proportions for MDP (kg/m3)

Amou Ceme MDP Coarse

nt nt * Fine aggregate(kg) w/c Slump
of aggregate
MDP (kg) (Kg.) (kg) CA CA ratio (mm)
10mm 20mm
in % down down
0 8 0 651.76 468.96 703.44 0.43 70
5 0 22.28 651.76 468.96 703.44 0.43 61
10 2 44.56 651.76 468.96 703.44 0.43 55
15 4 66.84 651.76 468.96 703.44 0.43 42
20 6 89.12 651.76 468.96 703.44 0.43 37

percent by cemen
age weight t

Table 4.3: Analysis of test results (Compressive strength N/mm 2) of
Mix Compressive strength % increase or decrease
(N/mm2) in strength over
Normal concrete,
Id. 7days 28days
7days 28days

MDP05 22.97 33.18 - -

MDP5 23.85 34.67 (+) (+)
3.83 4.49
MDP10 24.44 35.85 (+) (+)
6.40 8.05
MDP15 20.89 30.22 (-) (-)
9.06 8.92
MDP20 20.00 29.19 (-) (-)
12.93 12.03

Table 4.4: Analysis of test results (Split tensile strength N/mm 2) of

Mix Id. Split tensile strength % increase or
(N/mm2 ) decrease in strength
over Normal
concrete, M25

Id. 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days
MDP0 2.92 3.91 - -
MDP5 3.11 4.00 (+)6.11 (+) 2.30
MDP10 3.13 4.04 (+)7.19 (+)4.09
MDP15 3.16 4.27 (+) 8.22 (+) 9.21
MDP20 2.52 3.30 (-) 13.70 (-) 15.60

Table 4.5 : Analysis of test results (Flexural strength N/mm 2) of

Mix Id. Flexural Strength % increase or
(N/mm2) decrease in strength
over Normal
concrete, M25

7days 28days 7days 28days

MDP0 3.07 5.33 - -

MDP5 3.17 5.43 (+)3.26 (+)1.88

MDP10 3.20 5.63 (+)4.23 (+)5.66

MDP15 3.30 5.73 (+)7.49 (+)7.50

MDP20 2.70 4.70 (-)12.05 (-)11.82

MDP0-Concrete mix with 0% Marble Dust Powder replacement
MDP5- Concrete mix with 5% Marble Dust Powder replacement
MDP10-Concrete mix with 10% Marble Dust Powder replacement
MDP15- Concrete mix with 15% Marble Dust Powder replacement
MDP20- Concrete mix with 20% Marble Dust Powder replacement

MDP- Marble Dust Powder

Fig. 4.2 Experimental setup for compressive strength machine

Fig.4.3 Experimental setup for split tensile strength machine.

Fig. 4.4 Experimental setup for flexural testing machine.

Chapter – 6
The usage of MDP in concrete improved its quality in terms of
strength. The following conclusions were based on the study on the
test result.

a) The Compressive strength of Concrete increases up to 10%

replacement of cement by MDP and further increasing of
percentage of MDP leads to decrease in compressive strength of
b) The Split tensile strength of concrete increases up to 15%
replacement of cement by MDP & further increasing of
percentage of MDP leads to decrease in Split tensile strength of
c) The Flexural strength increases up to 15% replacement of cement
by MDP and further increases in the percentage of MDP leads to
decrease in flexural strength.
d) It is concluded that the MDP can be used as a replacement
material of cement, and 10% replacement of cement with MDP
gives an excellent result in strength, as compared to the normal
e) Use of these waste material leads to sustainable development in
construction industry.
f) To save the environment, MDP may be used as better partial
substitute as a replacement of cement in concrete.


This project was mainly focused on the partial replacement of

Portland slag cement with MDP at different percentage in concrete.
Research may be conducted on other properties and uses

of MDP in the near future to make this product a precious building
material to improve the quality of building construction industry.
Other types of study that can be included with MDP may be listed

a) MDP concrete as an acoustic building structure.

b) The chemical attack on MDP concrete structure.
c) The durability of MDP concrete as an underwater structure.
d) Earthquake effect on MDP concrete structure for low cost
e) MDP concrete with plasticizer for higher grade of concrete.
f) Study of MDP concrete varying the water cement ratio.
g) Only the basic study of use of MDP in concrete production is
investigated; therefore, further investigation is required on the
study of durability of concrete made by MDP blended cement.
h) Further study can be done for determining the deflections and
durability of concrete containing MDP.
i) Further study on the seepage characteristics of the MDP concrete.
j) In future the flexural strength of beam may be observed by
increasing the sizes of beam.
k) The characteristics strength of concrete can be studied with
control mix of MDP & glass powder.
l) To study the behavior of MDP concrete under biaxial and
multiaxial stresses.
m)To study the factors affecting dry shrinkage and creep of MDP

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