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Marcos Jardinez Cruz Grado y grupo:1 “D” Valores del ser

Escriba el concepto de cada valor presentado en clase así como un ejemplo.

Love: Love is the force that drives us to do things well, since it makes the difference
between good and evil very clear. To that extent, it is related to ethics and morality,
since it induces us to act well in our lives and with the people we love.
Commitment: Commitment is the ability that people have to become aware of the
importance of complying with something that we have previously agreed upon. When
we commit to something or someone, we are aware of all the implications that this
entails and we are accepting the responsibility to carry out and fulfill what we have
committed to. Commitment is what helps us turn a promise into reality despite
adversity, it makes us do our best to achieve our goal, planning the path we are going
to follow. It is the force that moves us to do something no matter how hard and
sacrificed it may seem, making us feel alive and helping us to evolve and grow
Ecophilia: Ecophilia is the responsible use and conservation of the environment.
Nature demonstrates its power through the cycles with which it regulates its human
evolution. Examples are the water cycle, the photosynthesis cycle, the stellar
explosion cycle, or the important repetition of the birth of humans and monkeys, the
growth, reproduction and death of animals. Each one initiates a movement that
reaches its fullness and closes to give rise to a car, with the tendency to continuous
improvement. This paper begins with the reflection of the productive economic model,
and the industrial process as the main threat to nature, considering some
contributions of Heidegger's thought; Aspects that may affect the formation of an ethic
for human and non-human life, which considers man and society in their relationship
with nature, are also addressed.
Honesty: Honesty is a fundamental moral value to establish interpersonal
relationships based on trust, sincerity and mutual respect, those who act in this way
will achieve great things in their lives and will even be really happy. As honesty is
designated the quality of honest. As such, it refers to a set of personal attributes, such
as decency, modesty, dignity, sincerity, justice, rectitude and honesty in the way of
being and acting. The person who develops this value in his life will always act
correctly giving a different meaning to his life that many times is not understood by
Humility: Humility as a value refers to a quality of the person who "lowers" himself in
front of others, because he recognizes the equal dignity of each human being as long
as they all come "from the earth". This last meaning makes humility an attitude related
to the virtue of modesty. Humility can be a human quality independent of economic or
social position: a humble person does not pretend to be above or below anyone, but
knows that everyone is equal, and all existence has the same degree of dignity.
Hence, being humble does not imply allowing oneself to be humiliated, since humility
does not imply a renunciation of one's own dignity as a person.
Justice: Justice is a value that inclines to act and judge, having the truth as a guide
and giving each one what belongs to him. Justice as a democratic value is a level to
be reached and is strictly linked to the value of the general good. In order for Justice
to exist, absolute impartiality must be observed, where everyone is given what
corresponds to them. There must be the will of all citizens to respect the rights of

Marcos Jardinez Cruz Grado y grupo:1 “D” Valores del ser

others and thus respect their own. Justice serves to achieve a balance between the
different parties, to ensure that beyond the differences, we have the same rights and
obligations and that the general interest is taken into account, not only that of the
Prudence: Prudence is a quality that consists of acting or speaking with care, in a fair
and appropriate way, with caution, with moderation, with foresight and reflection, with
good sense and with precaution to avoid possible damage, difficulties, evils and
inconveniences and respect the life, feelings and freedoms of others. Prudence
requires good sense, good judgment, temperance, sanity, wisdom, discernment,
poise, and caution. If you do not behave well or act prudently, for example by driving,
you endanger or risk the lives of others and your own. In Catholicism, prudence is one
of the four cardinal virtues, along with justice, temperance, and fortitude. It consists of
discerning and distinguishing what is right from what is wrong in each circumstance
and acting accordingly, following what is good or fleeing from evil.
Respect: The word respect comes from the Latin respectus and means “attention” or
“consideration”. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE),
respect is associated with compliance with someone; includes attention and courtesy.
Respect is a value that allows human beings to recognize, accept, appreciate and
value the qualities of others and their rights. In other words, respect is the recognition
of one's own value and the rights of individuals and society. Respect is not only
manifested in the actions of people or their compliance with the law, but also towards
authority, as happens with students and their teachers, children and their parents or
subordinates and their bosses. It is also applicable to relations between groups of
people, between countries and organizations of various kinds. It is not simply
consideration or deference, but implies a true unselfish interest in the other, beyond
the explicit obligations that may exist.
Wisdom: Wisdom is a quality attributed to those who possess a large amount of
knowledge and are distinguished by using it wisely and sensibly. Wisdom develops
over time, from their own experiences and those of others, and from observation and
reflection about life. Hence, two fundamental sources to cultivate wisdom are memory
and experience. Wisdom endows the individual with a greater understanding and
depth of knowledge about the circumstances that determine existence. In addition, it
provides the individual with tools for the correct discernment between what is good
and what is not. Whoever acts wisely cares about doing well: he is prudent, avoids
problems (especially when they are unnecessary) or knows how to solve them, avoids
risky situations and values the meaning of existence. For this reason, wisdom is
endowed with a deep moral sense: its value lies in the fact that whoever acts with
wisdom will always be guided by what is good, otherwise, he ceases to consider
himself as such. In this sense, wisdom is characteristic of those who observe prudent
and sensible behavior in their lives: in business, work, family, decisions. On the other
hand, in disciplines of knowledge, such as science, law or the arts, wisdom is
attributed to those who have been sufficiently instructed in them and their knowledge
in these fields is broad and deep: "His wisdom in Aristotelian philosophy it is
Solidarity: Solidarity is a value that is characterized by mutual collaboration between
individuals, which makes it possible to overcome the most terrible disasters, such as


Marcos Jardinez Cruz Grado y grupo:1 “D” Valores del ser

wars, plagues, diseases, among others. Solidarity can come from anyone and also
apply to anyone, including our relatives, friends, neighbors, and even strangers, such
as children, adolescents or adults in vulnerable situations and with limited resources.
Solidarity is a virtue because through it we show ourselves united with other people,
sharing their interests, concerns and needs, without necessarily having an emotional
bond that unites them. In other words, solidarity is a virtue because it brings us closer
to people who need kindness or a helping hand in their lives.
Temperance: The term temperance is a human quality that consists of acting or
speaking cautiously and fairly, with sobriety, moderation or continence to avoid
damage, difficulties and inconveniences. It comes from the Latin Templar.
Temperance is a virtue that allows the individual to control passions, vices and
impulses against the seductions of desires, pleasures or instincts. Temperance
requires good judgment, prudence, discernment, caution, and wisdom. Temperance is
a value that allows the individual to have dominion and control over their actions,
managing to maintain balance through the enjoyment of good things, without falling
into excess, since it can be transformed into harm. For example: alcohol, food or sex,
which can be dangerous if temperance is left aside. On the other hand, in the area of
painting, temperance is the harmony and good arrangement of colors. In relation to
climatology, temperance refers to the moderation of the climate. "Garden work will
take place in times of greater temperance." The synonyms of temperance are
moderation, measure, consideration, care, prudence, etc. On the other hand, the
antonyms are abuse, excess, recklessness, debauchery, among others. In English,
the word temperance translates to temperance.
Compassion: Compassion is an emotion that helps us understand and share the
suffering of others. However, many times we do not know what this term refers to or
what implications it has for the person. In addition, we can get to confuse it with grief
or empathy. Next, we will tell you everything about this emotion so that you can solve
your doubts. In Latin the word compassion means to suffer together. It is a feeling that
emerges when we see that a person is having a hard time. Likewise, it also
encourages us to help that person to try to alleviate their suffering. We could even talk
about it being an ability to empathize with the suffering of others, although
compassion goes beyond empathy. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate empathy
from compassion. In both we identify with the feelings of others, but in compassion
there is also the intention to put an end to the suffering of the other. We are
compassionate when we accompany a sick person in the hospital, when we help
people who have learning disabilities or when we help financially someone who needs

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