Celiac Disease by DR Mohamed Ebraheem
Celiac Disease by DR Mohamed Ebraheem
Celiac Disease by DR Mohamed Ebraheem
Abdominal distention & prominent abdomen, muscle wasting, and severe malnutrition. Loss of SC fat. Muscle wasting, affecting
mostly the buttocks, thighs, and shoulder, contrasts markedly with prominent abdominal distension
Autoimmune mediated systemic disorders triggered by wheat gluten & related prolamins in a genetically susceptible
Incidence : 1/80 to 1/300 in children in general populations عالميا, in adult 1/100 to 1/500
Age of onset : 6mo to 90 years , can appear at any time , classic type appears : 6mo-24mo.
Pathophysiology :
Gluten gliaden (Lumen) penetrate junctional intestinal mucosa( with the help of zonulin protein)
deamidated gliaden (by tTG enzyme )
swallowed by APC processed exposed it on its surface with DQ2/DQ8 recognized by T
helper As a foreign antigen release cytokines which damage the tissues & activate B cells
plasma cells release antibodies
Clinical features :
Symptoms occurs after starting cereals from the age of 6 -24mo, recent studies--> tends to present later (6-14 y)
90% of toddlers present with classic symptoms, 50% of teenagers present with atypical symptoms.
Typical presentations: (Intestinal manifestations) ( infants )
Anorexia, irritability, recurrent nausea & vomiting () حالة جاءت` بأعراض قىء دورى وطلعت سلياك
Chronic/intermittent diarrhea 65%: loose , bulky ,pale , greasy &offensive motions () اسهال دهنى
Loss of wt, wasted buttocks (هزال االرداف- الضمور العضلى وغياب النسيج الشحمى لالليتين- ) االليه الحزينة, distended abdomen
Occasional constipations 8%( )عكس المتوقع, recurrent aphthus stomatitis
Rarely Celiac crises5%: severe watery intractable diarrhea, dehydration, marked distension, hypotension, lethargy,
hypokalemia, hypoproteinemia, death (refractory sprue) IV fluids , steroids (or immuran )
Notes : أى حالة امساك مزمن أعمل تحليل الغدة الدرقية وسيلياك
Atypical presentations ,extraintestinal ( older children-adolesents–adult )هى األكثر شيوعا اآلن
o Iron resistant anemia 60%, short stature 10%, delayed puberty and rickets in long standing cases
o Dermatitis herpitiforms 2%(itchy, vesiculopapular, symmetrical, on extensor surfaces),alopecia
o Dental enamel hypoplasia, osteopenia/osteoporosis, delayed puberty, amenorrhea
o Celiac hepatitis (high transaminase)
o Arthritis /arthralgia, neuropathy, gluten cerebellar ataxia , headache , psychiatric disorders
o Autoimmune disorders eg T1DM, autoimmune thyroiditis, autoimmune hepatitis.
o Notes :
Extraintestinal manifestations can result in delay in diagnosis.
Intestinal symptoms subsides as the child grows older
The most frequent extraintestinal manifestation in children is Iron def anemia(IDA)
IDA malabsorption of nutrients , occult blood , chronic inflammation
Short stature may present alone , caused by malnutrition & ↓GH , Tx(GFD)
Dermatitis herpitiforms Pathognomonic extra intestinal manifestation of CD
Celiac Previously called tropical sprue
Celiac disease can present at any age
Asymptomatic:GI symptoms are lacking or not prominent ,although extra-GI may be present( silent , latent )
Items Extra intestinal alone Intestinal & extraintestinal
Children 18% 60%
Adult 9% 62%
2.5years – 5.5 kg – before Rx 6.8 kg after 2wks of Rx
System Manifestations Possible causes
GIT Diarrhea , distension , anorexia , failure to thrive , apthtus Villous atrophy , malabsorption
Hematologic Anemia ( Iron, folate ,B12) Iron malabsorption
Skeletal Rickets, osteoporosis, permanent teeth enamel hypoplasia 30% Ca & ViTD malabsorption
Muscular Muscle wasting Malnutrition
Neurologic Peripheral neuropathy , gluten ataxia , (epilepsy with occipital Thiamin /B12 deficiency
calcifications in adult) autoimmunity (for cerebellar
Psychiatric Autism , ADHD, intellectual disability, mood changes Unclear, micronutrient def.,
Endocrine Short stature, delayed puberty, amenorrhea , Malnutrition, malabsorption
Dermatologi Dermatitis herpitiforms (adult) التهاب الجلد شبيه الهربس Autoimmunity
Liver Aminotransferase elevations ( celiac hepatitis) Reactive hepatitis
Other lab Vitamin ADEK deficiency Malabsorption
Clinical spectrum : ( celiac iceberg) الطيف االكلينيكى حسب االعراض والموجودات النسيجية والمخبرية-جبل جليد السيلياك
Items DQ2/ Serology Histology Symptoms
Active CD + + + +
المصاب- النشط
Silent CD + + + -
Latent CD + -/+ - -
Potential CD + + - -/+
CD is a patchy disease like Crhons so multiple biopsies is needed , يعنى بتأخذ" عينات من أكثر من مكان من األمعاء الدقيقة
At least 6 biopsy samples from 1st part of deudenum , 2nd part of deudenum , stomach , esophagus
There is a concomitant association between celiac , esinophilic esophagitis & IBD
Notes :
HLA typing not required to confirm the diagnosis (HLA DQ2 90% & HLA DQ8 10% of celiac pt. )
o Anti-TTG/ Ig A = normal range < 10 U/ml ,
o Ig A = normal range 20-100 mg/dl
o At least 4 biopsies(fragments) from from distal duodenum & 1 at least from the bulb ( patchy disease)
o EMA : in separate 2nd blood sample , it may be +ve or – ve ( no titer )
o أى حالة داء سكرى تحرى عن السلياك وأى حالة سيلياك تحرى عن الداء السكرى
o The patient should be on gluten containing diet at least 6wks before testing bec sensitivity of serology ↓ with GFD
o Wheat ( Gliadin ) , Rye (Secalin), barley (Hordein), oat (avenin)
o Wheat Gluten Gliadin + Glutenins
o Prolamins:
o Gluten prolamins :Wheat (Gliadin) , Rye (Secalin), barley (Hordein), oat (avenin)
o Non gluten prolamins : Maise , Rice
o Tissue transaminase enzyme change gliadin to deamidated gliadin
o Pt. with Dermatitis herpitiforms confirmed by skin biopsy = confirm celiac disease without investigations
o In dermatitis herpitiforms : Skin biopsy Typical IgA deposits
o In dermatitis herpitiforms 80% has no GI symptoms. 70% has villous atrophy
o All dermatitis herpitiformis has celiac disease but not the opposite
o In dermatitis herpitiformis symmetric distribuation , severe itching , elbows 90%, knees 30%
o 2ndry hyperparathyroidism due to malabsorption of ca & VitD - osteopenia & osteoporosis
o Common nutrient malabsorption: FIC (folic – Iron – Ca )
o The incisors are most commonly affected in enamel hypoplasia of permanent teeth
o Monitor the patient by serological markers, repeated biopsy is not necessary
o Belly abdomen: due to weak muscles & gases
o Celiac & heart: 7% of cardiomyopathy , 4% autoimmune myocarditis has celiac .
o Celiac & liver : 30% of celiac has ↑ liver enzymes , 7% of autoimmune hepatitis has celiac
o Celiac & CNS: ataxia , dementia , leukoencephalopathy , cerebral calcifications , occipital epilepsy
o Celiac & autism : بعض االطفال تحسنوا على االطعمة الخالية من الجلوتين
o Syndrome associated with celiac: Down , turner , William
o Other causes of villous atrophy:
o Giardiasis, lymphoma, whipple disease, PEM, CMPA, bacterial overgrowth
o Primary immune deficiency, chemotherapy, eosinophilic gastroenteritis
Celiac hepatitis : Mild elevation of SGPT&SGOT , Common , Reversed
Occurs in patient with confirmed celiac disease, 60% in children, 40% in adult
Resolved after Rx with gluten free diet (GFD )
o Intestinal inflammation
o Impaired intestinal barrier
o ↑intestinal permeability
o Passage of mediators to the liver ( toxins , antigens , cytokines) Liver injury
Clinical features:
o Occurs in symptomatic & asymptomatic CD
o Asymptomatic with mild elevation of hepatic transaminase
o mild elevations of hepatic transaminase< 5 times normal ie < 200 , ratio SGOT/SGPT< 1
o Sonar : normal liver
Rx : Gluten free diet (GFD)improves liver enzymes within 6-12 mo
Indications of liver biopsy:
o Suspicion of lymphoma (elevated GGT& ALP)
o Persistent of elevations of hepatic enzymes > 12mo with GFD
Liver disorders associated with celiac disease :
o Auto immune liver disease: Autoimmune hepatitis , primary biliary cirrhosis ( no improvement with GFD)
o Viral hepatitis (less responsive to hepatitis B vaccine)
o Fatty liver - Cryptogenic cirrhosis
Celiac disease(CD) &Type1 diabetes mellitus ( T1DM)
Incidence of celiac disease alone (1%) in general population ↑up to (6-10%) in T1DM (10 times )
There is a genetic link between Type 1 diabetes and celiac disease.
Developing one of the diseases increases the risk of developing the other.
Celiac disease can develop at any time in T1DM during the 1st 10 yrs of diabetes
Asymptomatic children > 9years at T1DM onset had the lowest risk to develop CD.
Most children with T1DM & celiac disease are asymptomatic (70%) ” silent CD” ( unlike celiac alone)
New onset T1DM may have low titer of TTG/IgA (in absence of celiac) that improve without Rx within 6-18mo
TTG/IgA↓ spontaneously in 40% of children with T1DM and became – ve in 20%, despite gluten consumption .
Both are autoimmune condition & shared a common genetic location (HLA
Genetics, environment and immune dysregulation are shared etiological
factors .
In T1DM & celiac there is destruction of ) β cells of islets & enterocytes (
T1DM manifests first followed by celiac
When celiac manifests before diabetes, symptoms of diabetes are severe
&associated with other autoimmune disease
Clinical features: