Personality Types: Warmup

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Personality Types

Warmup: What factors do you think have the biggest impact on a person’s personality?
- The environment that they grow up in - OR - The genes that they are born with -


Psychology Overachiever Suspicious
Axis/Axes Extrovert Uncooperative
Intellectually Curious Introvert Depression
Conscientiousness Rejuvenated Isolated
Disciplined Industriousness

Video Clip from Discovery News - The Big 5 Personality Traits:

Listening Comprehension
1. How are people who score high on openness to experience different from low scorers?

2. What are the characteristics of a person who scores high on conscientiousness?

3. How is the measurement of extroversion and introversion different from how people usually
think about these traits? How does socializing impact people on opposite sides of this axis?

4. What are the characteristics of a person who scores low on agreeableness?

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5. What types of emotions are highly neurotic people prone to having?

6. What surprising discovery was made in an isolated Bolivian farming community and what
does this show about the effects of society on personality development?

Take a Big 5 Personality Test

Record how you scored on each of the 5 traits:

_____________ Openness to experience
_____________ Conscientiousness
_____________ Extroversion
_____________ Agreeableness
_____________ Neuroticism

1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with your test results? Do you believe that these types of
tests can really identify your personality with accuracy?

2. Do you know anyone who you think is especially high or low scorer for any of these traits?
Consider these examples:
• Someone who absolutely hates traveling to other countries (low scorer for openness to experience)
•Someone who is an annoying overachiever at your work place (high scorer on conscientiousness)
•Someone who is a social magnet (high scorer on extroversion)
•Someone who is an asshole! (low scorer on agreeableness)
•Someone who has wild mood swings (low scorer on neuroticism)

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3. Do you think your personality has significantly changed over time?  What events in your life caused
the biggest changes in your personality?

4. To what degree do you think the following factors affect personality development?
☐ Birth order ☐ Blood type ☐ Physical appearance ☐ Zodiac Sign

5. Do you think it would be useful for an employer to have potential employees take this test before
hiring them in order to see how well they will fit into the company?

Expressions & Phrases

“High scorers are those annoying overachievers that are always on top of it.”  
- on top of something   = having full awareness of or in control of a situation
- Example:  Since the stock market can be so unpredictable, it is important to stay on top of
any new market trends.

- Question: Do you always stay on top of your homework?

“Low scorers tend to be more impulsive and unorganized. You know; hot mess status.” 
- Hot mess =  a person or thing that is extremely unorganized or disordered
- Example: Your outfit is a hot mess!  Your shirt is on backwards and you are using a necktie
for a belt!  Did you get dressed in the dark?

- Question: Have you ever arrived somewhere late and in a hot mess?

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“Introverts… tend to be quieter, lower key and more deliberate.”
- Low key  = relaxed, laid back, quiet
- Example: The party was very low key because there was a baby
sleeping in the room.

- Question: Do you prefer to have a low key Saturday night or do

something exciting?

“They just wish we could all get along guys.”

- To get along = to have a harmonious or friendly relationship
- Example: All of the children get along really well, except for
Bob and Cindy.

- Question: Do you get along well with everyone in your family?

“Low scorers are calm and collected.  They don’t sweat the small stuff.” 
- To sweat the small stuff =  to be concerned about every little detail
- Example: Some leaders prefer not to sweat the small stuff
but focus only on big decisions.

- Question: Do you agree with the advice to not sweat the small stuff?

“Food for your brain!”

- Food for thought = something that deserves to be seriously thought about
- Example:  Here is some food for thought:  Almost half of the world’s
population lives on less than $2.50 per day.

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Script D-News: Big 5 Personality Traits

For many years the field of psychology has been trying to understand all those personality traits that
make you a unique and special little snowflake. Hi guys, I’m Lacey Green and this is D-News. It’s
called personality psychology and it’s a booming field of research that you are bound to hear about in
any human psych class. One of the most well researched and respected personality models in the field
is Costa and Mccrae’s Big 5, which evaluates how strong a person is on 5 different axes. Let’s take a
look-see at those traits.

Trait number one is Openness to Experience. This trait describes how open or closed your thinking is.
Highly open people are intellectually curious. They love art and science, open people appreciate
emotion, unusual ideas, imagination, adventure, and of course, having new experiences. People with
low scores have more traditional interests. They prefer familiarity over doing something new and they
don’t really like change.

Trait number two is conscientiousness. Highly conscientious people are basically those annoying
overachievers who are always on top of it. They are disciplined responsible and good at planning
ahead. A high score on conscientiousness suggests a strong ability to regulate and control your
behavior. Low scorers tend to be more impulsive, and unorganized. You know, hot mess status!

Trait number three is extroversion. People tend to think of extroversion and introversion as how
outgoing you are. But it’s actually about how you get your energy. High scorers, the extroverts, feel
recharged and energized by going out and being around people. They like parties and chit-chatting.
Low scorers or introverts, get energized by spending time alone. They tend to be quieter, lower key
and more deliberate. They go to a party and they have to recover the next day. This is sometimes
confused with shyness. Shyness is about comfort socializing, introversion and extroversion are about
the amount of socializing you need to do your best and to feel your best.

Trait number four is agreeableness. Highly agreeable people are considerate, friendly, helpful. They
just wish we could all get along guys. They make sacrifices for others and they assume others are good

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people. Low scorers or highly disagreeable people are suspicious, distant and uncooperative. They put
their own self-interests above getting along. They don’t care much about other’s wellbeing and they’re
less likely to help you out. Basically, they’re assholes! I’m just kidding. But really...

Last but not least, trait number five is neuroticism. This trait measures emotional stability. Highly
neurotic people are more prone to negative emotions like anxiety, anger, depression. They are easily
stressed out; they’re reactive, and more likely to be frustrated in day-to-day life. Low scorers are more
calm and collected. They don’t really sweat the small stuff. They’re emotionally stable and balanced.

And for a long time it was thought that these five traits held true across regions and cultures. We’ve
witnessed them in action across the world but recently, researchers found an isolated Bolivian farming
community, where for the first time, it doesn’t seem to apply. In this community, there are only two
major traits: socially beneficial behavior and industriousness. This makes an interesting suggestion
about personality. If there are less developed areas where personality trends are different, society may
play a stronger role in encouraging or discouraging the expression of personality traits than
psychologists thought. Food for your brain!

This lesson came from this One World Language Digital TextBook:
Media & Culture – Upper Intermediate Level

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