PRO384 First Aid

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1. SMS DOCUMENT HIERARCHY ........................................................................2
2. PURPOSE..........................................................................................................2
3. SCOPE .............................................................................................................2
4. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS......................................................................2
5. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................3
5.1 QUU EXECUTIVE ..................................................................................4
5.2 SITE EMERGENCY CONTROL ORGANISATION...................................4
5.3 MANAGERS .........................................................................................4
5.4 SUPERVISORS.......................................................................................4
5.5 WORKERS.............................................................................................5
5.6 FIRST AIDERS ........................................................................................5
5.7 CONTRACTORS ...................................................................................6
6. RELATED DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................6
7. PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................6
7.1 OVERVIEW ...........................................................................................6
7.2 DETERMINING FIRST AID REQUIREMENTS ...........................................7
7.3 FIRST AID EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES...............................................7
7.3.1 First Aid Kits .........................................................................................7
7.3.2 First Aid Signage.................................................................................8
7.3.3 Other Equipment ................................................................................8
7.3.4 First Aid Room.....................................................................................9
7.3.5 Maintaining First Aid Equipment and Facilities ...............................9
7.3.6 Reviewing First Aid Requirements ..................................................10
7.4 FIRST AIDERS ......................................................................................10
7.4.1 Appointment ....................................................................................10
7.4.2 Training..............................................................................................10
7.5 EXTERNAL RESOURCES......................................................................11
7.7 WORKER HEALTH INFORMATION......................................................11
7.8 INFECTION CONTROL .......................................................................11
7.8.1 Providing First Aid.............................................................................12
7.8.2 Accidental Contact with Blood or Body Fluid...............................12

7.8.3 Sharps and Contaminated Items ...................................................12
7.8.4 Cleaning ...........................................................................................13
7.9 FIRST AID REPORTING........................................................................13
7.10 Documentation and Record Keeping ...........................................13
8. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................13
9. REVIEW ..........................................................................................................13
10. FURTHER INFORMATION .........................................................................13


This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) documents Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) approach to the
management of first aid facilities and services at QUU controlled workplaces and company vehicles.
The overall purpose of this procedure is to ensure that risks associated with first aid are adequately
managed in order to minimise the risk of injury or harm to workers. This includes ensuring that trained first
aid personnel and first aid facilities are adequate for the immediate treatment of injuries and illnesses
that may arise in the workplace.

This SOP provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with first aid.
This procedure applies to all QUU staff, including contractors and other persons on QUU-controlled


Apply Advanced First Aid – nationally recognised training that provides additional competencies
required to apply advanced first aid procedures. This training is suitable for some high risk
Apply First Aid – nationally recognised competency required to recognise and respond to common life-
threatening injuries or illnesses, including life-support using cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and to
manage a casualty and incident until medical or other assistance arrives.
CPR – acronym used for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) - Workers/supervisors/managers appointed by the emergency
planning committee to direct and control the implementation of the facility’s emergency response
Emergency Services – internally or externally provided emergency services including ambulance
services, doctor/health clinic, Poisons Information Centre and fire and other emergency services.
First Aid – the immediate treatment or care given to a person suffering from an injury or illness until more
advanced care is provided or the person recovers.
First Aid Equipment – includes first aid kits and other equipment used to treat injuries and illnesses.
First Aid Facilities – include first aid rooms, clean water supplies and other facilities needed for
administering first aid.
First Aider – is a person who has successfully completed a nationally accredited training course or an
equivalent level of training that has given them the competencies required to administer first aid.
First Aid Room - a room equipped for the provision of first aid.
High Risk Site – a QUU controlled worksite where workers are exposed to hazards that could result in
serious injury or illness and would require first aid.
Large First Aid Kit – a clearly marked; secure and accessible box containing first aid materials (beyond
the contents of an emergency first aid pack) and is typically used when a First-Aid room is not supplied
on site.
Low Risk Site – a QUU controlled worksite where workers are not exposed to hazards that could result in
serious injury or illness such as QUU offices. Potential work-related injuries and illnesses requiring first aid
would be minor in nature.
Manage First Aid in the Workplace (Occupational First Aid) – nationally recognised training that provides
additional competencies required to apply advanced first aid procedures and to manage a first aid
Manager – as per QUU naming conventions, the Manager who has direct responsibility for the activity
being performed or the area the activity is occurring in.
Provide First Aid in Remote Situations – nationally recognised training that provides competencies
required to administer first aid in a remote and/or isolated situation, including preparing for aero-medical
evacuation. This training is suitable for high risk workplaces that are likely to have a major delay in
accessing emergency services.
Rescue – the recovery of an injured person from an incident site.
Sharps – are pointed or cutting implements that are capable of inflicting a penetrating injury.
Small First Aid Kit – a small first aid kit that is suitable for use in non-field work vehicles (e.g. pool cars).
Standard Precautions – are work practices that are applied to all persons receiving first aid
treatment/care and their blood and body substances, regardless of their infectious status, to ensure a
basic level of infection prevention and control. Standard precautions include hand hygiene, use of
personal protective equipment, appropriate handling and disposal of sharps and waste, cleaning
techniques and managing spills of blood and body substances.
Supervisor – term used for any QUU employee who acts or is appointed as a Supervisor, Coordinator or
Team Leader within QUU.
SMS – acronym used for QUU’s Safety Management System.
WHS – acronym used for Work Health and Safety.
Worker – employees, contractors, subcontractors, outworkers, apprentices and trainees, work experience
students, volunteers and PCBUs who are individuals if they perform work for the business.


Outlined below are responsibilities specific to first aid requirements at all QUU workplaces and controlled

QUU Executive and Senior Management (CEO, ELT, General Managers – Officer and Non-Officer
Appointed) are responsible for overseeing and ensuring the implementation of the requirements of this
SOP and related procedures within their respective functional areas. This includes ensuring all sites are
suitably risk assessed and have appropriate first aid facilities, services and resources to ensure that risks
associated with first aid are adequately managed to minimise the risk of injury or harm to workers.
Each site Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) is responsible for working collaboratively with site
Managers, Supervisors, workers and First Aiders to ensure first aid arrangements are in place and effective
at all sites within their area of responsibility. This includes ensuring:
 An annual first aid risk assessment is undertaken;
 First aid facilities, equipment and resources have been identified, established and
communicated to workers;
 The appointment of an adequate number of suitably trained / qualified First Aiders;
 Reviewing and resolving any first aid issues raised or escalated for management; and
 Compliance with this and required procedures at all sites.
Managers in all operational areas and QUU worksites are responsible for ensuring the review and
management of risks associated with first aid. This includes:
 Undertaking a first aid risk assessment in consultation with the relevant ECO to determine and
ensure the number of first aid personnel, equipment and facilities required for the workplace or
site is in place and appropriate to the layout, tasks, hazards, risks and the number of workers in
that area;
 Monitoring and ensuring all contractors who undertake work for or on behalf of QUU have
determined and implemented first aid arrangements and requirements in accordance with this
 Ensuring all workers are aware of this First Aid Procedure and have access to first aid equipment,
facilities and resources;
 Selecting and appointing, in consultation with the ECO an adequate number of suitably trained
first aid personnel (i.e. First Aiders) to administer first aid in the workplace;
 Clearly communicating to First Aiders that provision of first aid must not exceed their level of
training and expertise;
 Ensuring that all staff, contractors and visitors are provided with suitable first aid treatment if
required, including appropriate first aid facilities if staff or contractors are required to work after
 Ensuring first aid treatment is recorded in accordance with QUU WHS incident reporting process
(refer to the Health Management SOP).
 Monitoring and ensuring that First Aiders training details are recorded and kept up to date in the
QUU My Learning Space (MLS); and
 Ensuring that all First Aiders register their role against their name in the QUU employee online
directory (via the QUU Safety Intranet page).
Supervisors and Team Leaders in all operational areas and QUU worksites are responsible for ensuring that
risks associated with first aid are managed including:
 A first aid risk assessment has been completed for the site;
 Adequate first aid equipment, facilities and personnel are provided, accessible and known by

 Introduction to the work area/site first aider(s) is included in the local site induction;
 The names of First Aiders are captured in the online directory on QUU Safety Intranet page and
displayed on the site Safety Noticeboard;
 Ensuring a First Aid treatment record form is completed for each episode of first aid treatment,
reported in accordance with the Health Management SOP and registered in QPulse in
accordance with QUU’s WHS incident reporting process; and
 All workers and contractors are aware and comply with the requirements of this SOP.
All workers shall ensure that they:
 Follow the guidelines of this First Aid SOP and related procedures;
 Seek advice from First Aiders when required. For example, when accessing facilities provided for
first aid (e.g. first aid room);
 Notify the Supervisor if taking prescribed drugs which may inhibit the safe operation of plant and
 Report any first aid related incidents to their supervisor and
o Follow the injury management procedure; and
o Complete a QUU WHS Incident Report form in accordance with QUU WHS incident
reporting procedures.
First aiders appointed for and by QUU will:
 Undertake monthly checks of first aid equipment and facilities using the relevant first aid checklist;
 Maintain first aid equipment and facilities (including first aid kits) within their area/site;
 Be the first point of contact should a first aid injury/illness occur and undertake the initial
management of injuries and illnesses;
 Apply standard precautions when administering first aid to minimise the risk of illness and ensure a
basic level of infection prevention and control.
 Ensure that the Supervisor / Manager are informed of any work related injuries or illnesses;
 Ensure workers report all first aid incidents (included treatment) following the:
o Injury management procedure; and
o QUU WHS Incident Report form in accordance with QUU WHS incident reporting
procedures. in QPulse as per QUU’s WHS incident reporting procedures;
 Hold and maintain the required skills, competency and a current First Aider qualification as
detailed in this SOP and required by WHS legislation;
 Ensure their training details are recorded and kept up to date in the QUU My Learning Space
 Ensure their contact details and role as a First Aider are recorded and maintained in the QUU
employee online directory; and
 Provide first aid treatment within their level of training and expertise.
In the case of injury or illness occurring in the workplace, First Aiders must:
 Assess the situation quickly and calmly;
 Identify the nature of the injury or illness (as far as possible);
 Manage the casualty promptly and appropriately;
 Arrange for emergency services to attend (if required);

 Stay with the casualty until able to hand over to a health care professional; and
 Give further help if necessary.
The First Aiders shall ensure the following:
 Check first aid facilities on a monthly basis;
 Record all first aid treatment on the appropriate form;
 Review the first aid system every year for adequacy; and
 Ensure or arrange a contractor to ensure first aid kits are always fully stocked.
At all times when performing work on a QUU site or for/on behalf of QUU, contractors should have
available a first aid management plan or comply with QUU’s First Aid management requirements
detailed in this and related procedures and report any first aid related incidents to the relevant QUU
Manager and to their employing / contracting agency in accordance with QUU WHS incident reporting

 WHS Consultation and Communication Procedure (PRO361)
 WHS Hazard and Risk Management Procedure (PRO363)
 WHS Incident Reporting, Investigation and Escalation Procedure (PRO364)
 WHS Emergency Response and Preparedness Procedure (PRO365)
 Health Management Procedure (PRO367)
 Hazardous Chemicals SOP (PRO377)
 Fire Management SOP (PRO376)
 First Aid Risk Assessment (FOR526)
 Large First Aid Kit Checklist (CHE16)
 Small First Aid Kit Checklist (CHE17)
 First Aid Order Form (FOR527)

First aid requirements vary at each QUU workplace or controlled site and depend on a number of factors
such as the nature of work, type of hazards, the number of workers and the size, layout and location of
each site. QUU will determine first aid requirements (i.e. equipment, facilities and personnel) through a risk
management approach (Appendix A). This will involve:
 Identifying hazards that could result in work-related injury or illness;
 Assessing the type, severity and likelihood of injuries and illnesses;
 Providing appropriate first aid equipment, facilities and training; and
 Reviewing first aid requirements on a regular basis or as circumstances change.
The risk assessment process, including determining what first aid equipment and facilities are required,
must be undertaken in consultation with workers specifically:
 The number, location and contents of first aid kits and other equipment;
 The type of first aid facilities and procedures required at each site in accordance with this SOP;
 The number of first aiders.

Where QUU shares a workplace or site with a third party contractor or other business operator, QUU will
ensure the required level of consultation occurs to ensure all required first aid arrangements and
requirements are in place and effective. Consultation with other parties will be undertaken in
accordance with the QUU WHS Consultation and Communication Procedure (PRO361).
Refer to Appendix A and the WHS Hazard and Risk Management Procedure (PRO363) for further
guidance on QUU’s risk management process that must be applied.
A risk assessment shall be conducted annually for each QUU workplace and site using the First Aid Risk
Assessment Form (FOR526) to determine the first aid requirements for all persons working or accessing the
site. The first aid risk assessment is to be completed annually by the site Manager / Supervisor in
conjunction with the site ECO and appointed First Aiders, where suitable.
When undertaking the First Aid Risk Assessment Form (FOR526) and determining first aid requirements
the following issues must be considered:
 Hours and nature (e.g. fatigue management, working outside of normal working hours, lone
worker) of work being carried out;
 Hazards present that may result in injury/illness requiring first aid;
 Size, layout, location and nature of the workplace(s);
 First aid resources already in place (equipment, facilities and personnel);
 Remote or isolated work performed including locations / areas with restricted access or
communication services;
 Number, composition and distribution of workers including others (e.g. visitors, students) who may
be present at the work site;
 Needs of workers or visitors with a disability or known health concern;
 Distance between work areas to first aid and medical care an injured or ill person has to be
transported to (e.g. hospital, medical centres);
 Ease of contact, response times and access for emergency services;
 Past causes of injury, illness and near miss events; and
 Hazardous chemicals used, handled or stored at the workplace (refer to safety data sheets for
First aid equipment, facilities and first aiders must be accessible to workers whenever they work, including
those working in remote or isolated areas, night shifts and/or overtime.
7.3.1 First Aid Kits
All workers must be able to readily access a first aid kit. As a minimum a first aid kit will be available:
 With each QUU appointed First Aider;
 In each QUU owned vehicle;
 In multi-level office areas, one (1) at each the end of floor, within the Safety Zone point; and
 At a readily accessible location in non-administrative areas.
First aid kit contents will be relevant to the types of injuries that may be treated on site and also be
adjusted to take account of number of people who may be on site or treated at any one time and any
special requirements of the site.
Kits will contain (or contain directions to) the current contact details for ambulance and relevant first
Kits will not contain either prescribed or non-prescribed medication such as paracetamol, due to the
hazards associated with all medications.

The minimum content requirements of QUU first aid kits are detailed in the below checklists:
 Large First Aid Kit Checklist (CHE16)
 Small First Aid Kit Checklist (CHE17)
In summary first aid kits must:
 Be clearly identifiable by a white cross on a green background prominently displayed on the
 Include a list of contents within the kit;
 Be kept in a prominent location known to all personnel and able to be promptly retrieved;
 Be available in each QUU vehicle, stored in a way as to not become a projectile in the event of a
vehicle incident / collision;
 In high risk areas located in close proximity to areas where a higher risk of injury or illness has been
 Be made of material that will suitably protect contents from dust, moisture and contamination;
 Provide additional supplies if deemed required through a risk assessment (e.g. additional eye
 Under no circumstance stock prescription or non-prescription medications such as Paracetamol
or similar products; and
 Have their location included on emergency floor plans / diagrams.
Large First Aid Kits
Large first aid kits will be located in each workplace, each QUU field vehicle and readily accessible to
each first aider to ensure a rapid response for initial treatment of injuries or illnesses as per Section 6.3.1
The minimum content requirements of the Large First Aid Kit are listed in Large First Aid Kit Checklist
(CHE16) with additional contents added if required as determined required via the First Aid Risk
Assessment (FOR526).
Small First Aid Kits
Small first aid kits will be provided in QUU non-field vehicles (e.g. pool cars) or at more remote locations in
the workplace to speed up initial treatment of critical injuries or illnesses.
The minimum content requirements of the Emergency First Aid Packs are listed in Small First Aid
Kit Checklist (CHE17).
Snake Bite Kit
Where a risk assessment identifies a risk of a snake bite by workers in the field a snake bite kit must be
issued with a portable snake bite kit.
7.3.2 First Aid Signage
First aid signs to assist all persons on site easily and readily locate first aid equipment and facilities (e.g.
first aid kits and first aid rooms, where available) will be displayed in accordance with AS1319 – Safety
Signs for the Occupational Environment. All vehicles regardless of their classification must have a first aid
sticker appropriately affixed to the location of the first aid kit.
7.3.3 Other Equipment
The need for additional or specialised first aid equipment such as eyewash stations, emergency showers
and other specialist first aid equipment (e.g. defibrillators) will be determined through a formal First Aid
Risk Assessment (FOR526). Where determined required, specialised equipment will be located in areas
where injury or illness requiring this special equipment could occur.
Eye Wash and Shower Equipment
Eye wash and shower equipment may be permanently fixed or portable, depending on the work site.
Eye wash equipment should be provided where there is a risk of hazardous chemicals or infectious

substances causing eye injuries. Immediate access should be provided to shower equipment in work sites
where there is a risk of:
 exposure to hazardous chemicals resulting in skin absorption or contamination from infectious
substances; and
 serious burns to large or sensitive areas of the face or body (including chemical, electrical or
deep burns).
Shower facilities can consist of:
 an appropriate deluge facility;
 a permanently rigged hand-held shower hose; and
 for small, low risk work sites or where a fixed deluge facility is not practicable a portable plastic
eye wash facility must be available.
Portable, self-contained eye wash or shower units have their own flushing fluid which must be replaced
after use.
All exposed pipes leading to eye wash and shower equipment must be covered by insulating material to
prevent hot water being released and any risk of burns/scolding when first turned on in an emergency
Further guidance is available from the QUU Fire Management SOP (PRO376) and Hazardous
Chemicals SOP (PRO377).
7.3.4 First Aid Room
 A first aid room shall be provided at QUU workplaces where a formal First Aid Risk Assessment
(FOR526) identifies the requirement in which case the current First Aid Code of Practice must be
7.3.5 Maintaining First Aid Equipment and Facilities
The ECO at each site must ensure persons are identified and facilitate the active monitoring and
maintenance of first aid equipment and facilities. This typically would be the appointed first aider.
As a minimum the ECO and appointed First Aiders and other responsible persons must:
 Ensure first aid kits and facilities are readily accessible whenever workers and other persons are at
 Monitor access to first aid kits and ensure any items are replaced as soon as practical after use via
the approved QUU First Aid Order Form (FOR527). Undertake regular checks (after each use or, if
the kit is not used, at least once every 12 months) using the Large First Aid Checklist (CHE16) or
Small First Aid Checklist (CHE17) to ensure the kit contains a complete set of the required items.
o First aid kits located in QUU vehicles must be checked monthly by operators as per below.
o The associated first aid checklist provides an inventory list which must be signed and dated
after each check and handed to the Supervisor responsible for the site/vehicle.
 Ensure that items are in good working order, have not deteriorated and within their expiry dates
with sterile products sealed and not tampered with.
 Where a first aid room is provided ensure the ongoing maintenance of the facility and equipment
available within.
It is the responsibility of the operator of any plant or light vehicle fitted with a first aid kit or other
equipment to:
 Undertake monthly inspections using the Monthly Vehicle Checklist (Ref ##) (for QUU field
vehicles) or Small First Aid Checklist CHE17 (for non-field vehicles such as pool cars); and
 Arranging replenishment or swap via their First Aider or Team Leader / Supervisor using the QUU
First Aid Order Form (FOR527).

7.3.6 Reviewing First Aid Requirements
First aid arrangements must be reviewed each in consultation with First Aiders and workers, using the
First Aid Risk Assessment (FOR526) to ensure they remain adequate and effective. The annual review
 Confirming that all persons and other with first aid responsibilities (i.e. Managers, workers, First
Aiders) are aware familiar with them;
 Identifying if the way work is performed has changed, or new work practices have been
introduced, ensuring the arrangements are still adequate;
 Coordinating a mock first aid emergency to check that first aid procedures, facilities and
equipment are effective, accessible and suit the hazards relevant to the workplace or site;
 Review of incidents where first aid was administered to evaluate the effectiveness of first aid
provided and any improvements required; and
 Review of site hazard register and operational risk register to confirm first aid arrangements in
place are effective for any new hazards or risks identified.
To assist in the review of first aid arrangements and determining whether further improvements refer to
the first aid quick guides.
7.4.1 Appointment
The ECO in conjunction with the Site Manager must ensure for each QUU worksite under their control
 an adequate number of trained First Aiders are appointed;
 Workers are provided with an effective means of contacting First Aiders or emergency services;
 Information, instruction and training on how to respond if a serious injury or illness is provided to all
A First Aid Risk Assessment (FOR526) must be carried out annually for each QUU worksite to determine the
appropriate number of trained first aiders. As a minimum at least one trained first aider must be readily
 With each vehicle crew (typically the Team Leader);
 For every 50 workers – at low risk workplace;
 For every 25 workers – at a high risk workplace;
 For every 10 workers – at high risk remote or isolated workplaces that do not have timely access
to medical or ambulance services.
For further guidance, refer to the QUU First Aid Risk Assessment (FOR526).
7.4.2 Training
Appointed First Aiders must hold and maintain the relevant competencies and qualifications issued by a
Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Specifically QUU First Aiders will:
 Hold and renew (every three years) the nationally recognised Apply First Aid qualification;
 Attend RTO training in the approved course on a regular basis to refresh their knowledge, skills
and confirm their competence to provide first aid;
 Undertake CPR refresher training annually; and
 Undertake additional first aid training to respond to specific emergency situations in their
workplace, only if identified by the relevant ECO through the First Aid Risk Assessment (FOR526).
For example:
o Anaphylaxis training if workers with severe allergies are identified;

o Manage First Aid in the Workplace qualification if a first aid room is on site;
o Snake bite training;
o Provide First Aid in Remote Situations if the First Aid Risk Assessment for the workplace / site
identifies a major delay in accessing emergency services when working in remote or isolated
The site Manager or Supervisor, in conjunction with the ECO shall ensure that all designated First Aiders
hold a current Statement of Attainment with training and certificate records held in the QUU Learning
Management System - My Learning Space (MLS). A list of all current First Aiders must be maintained by
the site Manager/Supervisor and ECO and posted on the ‘Safety Noticeboard’.
A number of external organizations can be called upon to provide additional emergency assistance in
the event of injury or illness to personnel.
The ECO in conjunction with the site Manager / Supervisor will establish contact with these services to
ensure effective response action when/if required. For further information, refer to the QUU WHS
Emergency Response and Preparedness Procedure (PRO365).
Names and contact details for the following will be maintained by the site Manager/Supervisor and
displayed on the Safety Noticeboard and in other suitable locations (e.g. lunch room, first aid room
where available):
 First Aiders;
 Nearest ambulance service;
 Nearest fire and emergency service;
 Nearest doctor/health clinic where arrangements have been made for emergency care and
 Nearest hospital with accident and emergency facilities; and
 Poisons Information Centre.
All persons at a workplace (including contractors and visitors) will be informed of the location of the first
aid arrangements and facilities during the site specific induction and when there are any changes to
local first aid arrangements. This must include as a minimum:
 Location of first aid equipment and facilities;
 Names and location of persons trained to administer first aid; and
 Procedures to be followed when first aid is required.
All workers (especially those undertaking remote or isolated work) must have communication equipment
and systems available for use to ensure rapid communication with and response from first aiders or
external emergency services.
Any first aid needs that may require specific treatment in a medical emergency (e.g. severe allergies),
will be obtained from QUU workers during the recruitment and appointment process. Privacy must be
maintained throughout this process in accordance with QUU’s Information Security Policy (POL29).
Worker’s health information will not be released to First Aiders or any other unauthorised persons, without
the workers’ consent.
All First Aiders must apply standard precautions when administering first aid to minimise the risk of illness
and ensure a basic level of infection prevention and control when handling blood or body substances.
This includes ensuring appropriate:
 Hand hygiene practices;

 Use of personal protective equipment (i.e. gloves, goggles or face masks, protective clothing,
resuscitation masks for CPR etc.);
 Waste and sharps management (i.e. handling and disposal);
 Cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing techniques;
 Handling and cleaning soiled laundry and equipment;
 Blood and body substance contact and spills management; and
 Managing risks associated with first aider contact with blood or body substances, sharps or
contact with infectious diseases.
The site ECO is responsible for ensuring the management of the risks of infection due to contact with
blood or body substances.
All First Aiders will maintain current immunisations in accordance with the QUU Health
Management Procedure (PRO367) and related procedures.
7.8.1 Providing First Aid
Before providing first aid to any injured or ill person, First Aiders should assume they could be exposed to
infection. First Aiders should wash their hands with soap and water or apply alcohol-based hand rub
before and after administering first aid.
First aiders should wear personal protective equipment to prevent contact with blood and body
substances, including disposable gloves. Eye protection, a mask and protective clothing may also be
necessary if splashes of blood or body substances are likely to occur.
7.8.2 Accidental Contact with Blood or Body Fluid
If a First Aider or other person comes into contact with blood or body fluids other than their own (i.e.
unprotected first aid treatment; penetration from a needle or syringe) the following process must be
 Immediately wash the affected area with warm, soapy water and cover the wound with a
 Immediately notify the site Manager / Supervisor in accordance with the QUU Incident Reporting
process (section 7.9);
 Referred for prompt medical advice and treatment as required; and
 Complete an incident report for first aid treatment received.
First Aiders or other persons who come in contact with a person known to have a contagious illness;
sustains a sharps injury; OR suspects they are at risk from infection from blood or bodily fluid contact must
be referred for prompt medical advice.
7.8.3 Sharps and Contaminated Items
Disposable gloves must be worn at all times whilst dealing with sharps including waste bags and
containers which may or may not have been contaminated with blood or body fluid. Tongs or a similar
item should be made available to pick up sharp items safely.
All items (such as gloves, dressings, paper towelling) that are soiled with blood or body substances should
be placed in plastic waste bags and tied securely. Waste disposal should comply with state and local
government requirements.
Sharps, including scissors and tweezers, that have become contaminated with blood or body substances
should be disposed of in a rigid-walled, puncture-resistant sharps container by the person that used
them. The materials, design, construction, colour and markings of sharps containers must comply with:
 AS4031-1992 – Non-reusable containers for the collection of sharp medical items used in health
care areas; or
 AS/NZS4261-1994 – Reusable containers for the collection of sharp items used in human and
animal medical applications.

Hands must be washed with soapy water immediately after the clean-up process.
7.8.4 Cleaning
Cleaning should commence as soon as possible after an incident involving blood or body substances
has occurred. First aiders must wear disposable gloves when cleaning spills and if splashes of blood or
body substances may occur, additional protective equipment such as eye protection, plastic aprons
and masks must be worn. Surfaces that have been contaminated with blood or body substances should
be wiped with paper towelling and cleaned with warm soapy water. It is generally unnecessary to use
sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach) for managing spills but it may be used in specific circumstances,
for example if the surface is hard to clean.
Details of the incident reporting process must available with all first aid kits (i.e. site, office and within
each vehicle). An incident report must be completed whenever first aid is administered.
All first aid incidents must be reported by the worker to their immediate supervisor(s).
First aid incident reports are to be completed by the worker OR First Aider who provided treatment and
entered in QPulse in accordance with QUU’s WHS Incident Reporting, Investigation and Escalation
Procedure (PRO364).
7.10 Documentation and Record Keeping
A copy of all first aid records (i.e. completed first aid risk assessments, checklists etc) will be held in TRIM
with physical hard-copies securely kept / held at site in a manner that affords confidentiality (where
required), easily accessible for audit and review process.

The following references contain information used in the preparation and development of this First Aid
 Queensland Work Health and Safety Act 2011
 Queensland Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011
 Queensland First Aid Code of Practice 2004
 National Safe Work Australia First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice 2012

The First Aid SOP is to be reviewed every 3 years or earlier if:
 There is an identified risk to business
 A significant safety or serious injury event occurs
 Incident investigation or audit results show that application of the standard fails to deliver the
required outcomes
 There are changes in associated legislation
 There is evidence that the standard is not having a positive impact on safety-related KPIs.


For further information, contact your Health and Safety Representative or the QUU Safety Team.

11. Appendix A – First Aid Risk Management Process
Source: Safe Work Australia First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice, July 2012

Step 1 – Identify potential causes of workplace injury and illness

 Does the nature of the work being carried out pose a hazard to people’s health and safety?
 Have these hazards been identified in the work that is being carried out?
 Has incident and injury data been reviewed?
 Has consultation with workers and their HSRs occurred?
 Is specialist or external assistance required?

Step 2 – Assess the risk of workplace injury and illness

 How often does a hazard have the potential to cause harm?

 What type of injuries would the hazards cause?
 How serious are the injuries?
 Does the number and composition of workers and other people affect how first aid should be
 Could the size and location of the workplace or site affect how first aid is provided?

Step 3 – What first aid is required?

First aiders First aid kits & procedures First aid facilities
 How many first  What kits/modules are needed  Is a first aid room
aiders are needed? and where should they be required?
 What located?
competencies do  Is other first aid equipment
they require? needed?
 What training do  Who is responsible for
they need? maintaining the kits?
 What procedures are needed
for my workplace?

Step 4
Review first aid to ensure effectiveness


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