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# Split AC Components and Their Functions

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Assalamualaikum WR,WB …. good morning mr.

Dewi, my name is Elgaham

Rossiananto From IL2A number six.

I will explain about "Electrical home appliances"

# What is Split AC?

Being in the category of a tropical country makes the weather in Indonesia tends to be
hot so air conditioning is needed. The definition of split AC is a device that functions to
regulate the temperature conditions in the room to be lower than the existing
temperature in the surrounding environment. All types or tips of Air Conditioners or air
conditioners will work optimally if the room conditions are tight, there are no
ventilation holes or open windows. If a room has a split AC installed but the window or
ventilation is open, then the components or the AC working system to cool the air will
not function.

# Split AC components and their functions


Split AC components may not be common knowledge for everyone. Most even though they know
and use the air conditioner at home, they don't know what the components are and what their
functions are.

Let's try to dissect what components are in an AC unit along with their functions. By better
understanding the parts that are in your AC, it is hoped that you will be able to better understand if a
problem occurs with your AC unit.

Split AC section can be divided into 4 parts. Any part:

 Main component
 Supporting component
 Electricity

Cooling Material (Refrigerant) Let's discuss one by one the parts of this Split AC


The way a compressor works can actually be the same

 with the workings of the heart in the human body. The heart has a function to circulate or circulate
blood to all parts of the body. The AC compressor has almost the same function.

The AC compressor functions as a circulation center (pumping and circulating) refrigerant or

refrigerant throughout the air conditioner.

Another function of the compressor is to form two different pressure areas, the high and low
pressure areas.

There are three types of AC compressors on the market, namely:

Centrifugal Rotary reciprocating compressor

All three have different ways of working but have the same principle, namely creating compression
(pressure) and the velocity of the flow rate on the refrigerant or Freon as a fluid in the cooling


The function of the condenser is as a heat exchanger, lowering the temperature of the refrigerant
and changing the refrigerant form from gas to liquid.

To perform this function, usually the AC condenser uses air as the cooling medium (air cooling

Some of the heat in the refrigerant is released into the free air with the help of a fan (fan motor).

In order for this heat release process to take place quickly, the condenser pipe is designed to be
winding and equipped with fins. Therefore, cleaning this section, namely the condenser pipe fins, is
very important so that the refrigerant heat transfer is not disturbed. If this part is left dirty, then this
can result in the air conditioner being less cold.

Capillary pipe
The capillary pipe is also one of the main parts or components in the AC cooling system. The
capillary tube has a function to lower the refrigerant pressure and regulate the refrigerant flow to the

This caliper pipe has a very important function because it is a connector, by connecting two parts
that have different pressures, namely high pressure and low pressure.

The high pressure refrigerant before passing through the capillary tube will be changed or lowered in
pressure. As a result of the decrease in refrigerant pressure causes a decrease in temperature. In
this section (capillary tube) refrigerant reaches its lowest or coldest temperature.

The capillary tube is located between the filter and the evaporator.

When replacing and installing a new capillary tube, try not to bend it as much as possible because
this can cause blockages. Replacement capillary tube components must be adjusted to the diameter
and length of the previous pipe.


The function of the evaporator is to absorb and transfer heat from the air to the refrigerant. As a
result, the liquid form of the refrigerant after passing through the capillary tube will turn into a
gaseous state.

In simple terms the function of the evaporator is as a heat exchanger. Hot air around the air-
conditioned room is absorbed by the evaporator and enters through the pipe fins so that the
temperature of the air coming out of the fins is lower and the original condition or cold. Air-
conditioned room circulation is regulated by an indoor blower.

This part of the evaporator requires periodic cleaning. Cleaning the fins of the evaporator pipe is
very important because it will affect the rate of heat transfer in the room air. When the fins of the
evaporator pipe are clogged with dirt, the heat absorption of the air does not work properly. So that
the air coming out of the air conditioner feels less cold.

Expansion Valve
The expansion valve is used to atomize the liquid refrigerant. This expansion valve is
shaped like a nozzle which has a very small tip so that the liquid will be sprayed like a

# Split AC working principle

Process 1
Inside the air conditioner there is a gas called freon which functions to produce heat
and cold from the air released by the air conditioner. This gas is odorless, easy to
change phase, not explosive, not easy to react and does not damage metals.
The following is the flow of how the gas is conditioned so that the air conditioner can
produce hot and cold air.
First, the gas is pressurized by the compressor so that the gas changes phase to a
liquid which results in an increase in temperature.

2nd Process
Gas with a high temperature is then entered into the condenser and given a blow of air
on the condenser towards the outside so that the air absorbs heat from the hot freon
gas. The result is that the pressurized liquid exits the condenser at a lower temperature
than before.

3rd Process
In the Expansion Valve, the liquid is sprayed into an unpressurized area which
produces the freon liquid to change its phase to gas. Due to this change, the mass
density is lower so that the temperature that had previously dropped becomes even
lower. This is what causes the freon liquid to have a very low temperature.

4th Process
Furthermore, the freon gas that has fallen enters the evaporator and exhales air
through the evaporator so that the temperature of the air passing through the
evaporator becomes cold. The cold air is then channeled into a room that needs cold
air, such as an office room, etc. The freon gas is then recirculated through the
compressor with the same cycle as the above steps.
More Understanding Freon Gas (liquid
To better understand how AC works, namely freon gas in producing hot and cold air,
we can anomaly it with how a sponge works. When the sponge is given water (normal
temperature) we can't just remove the water. But when we compact / squeeze the
sponge, the water will come out (hot temperature). when we return it to its original
shape then the sponge will be drier than before (cold temperature)

# How to care for Split AC

1, Clean the AC Filter 

If you feel that the air coming out of the air conditioner is not as cold as usual, then it
could be a sign that the air conditioner in your home is dirty. This usually happens
because of a dirty AC filter problem. So, to fix this, you can clean this part of the AC

If you clean it yourself, you just need to open the filter section. That is the part that is
designed to be removed and installed easily. Then wash thoroughly using clean water
and an old toothbrush. However, if the filter is too dirty, it would be better if the filter is
replaced with a new one, which of course matches the model of the air conditioner in
your home.

However, if you are worried that you will damage it, it would be better if you call an AC
cleaning service. Remember, a very dirty filter will block airflow. Both the air entering,
and the air coming out of the AC. If this is allowed to continue, the air conditioner in your
home will be damaged.

2. Maintain AC Routinely
Air conditioning that stays good from time to time requires regular maintenance. It can't
just be a problem. For the maintenance and care of this air conditioner, it will be more
effective if it is done by an expert. You can call AC maintenance services not only for
filter problems, but also for total AC maintenance and cleaning. Even if your house uses
a split air conditioner, the indoor and outdoor machines must be cleaned.
Ideally, calling this AC maintenance service is done at least once every 3 months. That
way, the cleanliness and performance of the air conditioner in your home will still be

3. Installing the thermometer in the room

Installing a thermometer will keep you aware of the temperature. So you will always
monitor the air temperature of the air conditioner and room temperature.

If there is a discrepancy, you will know immediately and take the necessary action. Of
course, after first checking which part is the problem.

4. Closing the Doors and Various Air Entrances from the

The air conditioner will work effectively if there is no additional air from outside entering.
Because if there is, then your home AC compressor does more extra work. So, this air
conditioner will be easily damaged.

So, make sure to always close the doors, windows, air vents, or various other air inlets
from the outside when turning on the air conditioner. So that the AC work can be
effective and durable.

5. Always Check Freon Pressure

Freon is the material used in making the air cool. Now if the air coming out of the AC is
not cold, there is a possibility of a freon leak, which indicates a decrease in freon

So, so that the air conditioner always continues to work well, check the freon pressure
regularly. For example, every 6 months. And of course, for this to be done by an expert.
Because if a leak is detected, the freon pressure will be added immediately.

6. Always Take Advantage of the Timer Feature

Many air conditioners today use the timer feature. So to be effective, you can use this
feature. For example, by setting the time when the AC is working. From what time to
what time.

In addition to being effective, it can also save electricity, and avoid forgetting to turn off
the air conditioner when it is not needed.
7. Don't smoke in air-conditioned rooms
Never smoke in a room that uses air conditioning. Apart from the smell of cigarettes in
the air, cigarette smoke can also trigger AC damage. Yes, cigarette smoke will make
the inside of the air conditioner dirty faster.

In addition to the indoor air conditioner body, it will also look dirtier. And don't forget,
nicotine from cigarette smoke will settle in the evaporator. So the air coming out of the
air conditioner will actually make the room stuffy and the air is not cold enough.

 # Advantages of Split AC 

Simpler Shapes

Split air conditioners are usually rectangular in shape and mounted on the upper wall. With a
form that is so simple, your bed or house will save more space to put this air conditioner. In
addition, you also don't need to set aside a little of your floor so that it becomes a residence for
other types of air conditioners.

More Efficient Than Other Types

One of the advantages of split AC that makes it very attractive is because it uses more efficient
electricity. Compared to other types of AC, such as standing AC or central AC. This type of split
is the most capable of saving energy.

Faster Cooling Room Temperature

Although the shape is very simple and not as good as other types of air conditioners, this type of
split is able to cool the room very quickly. Split AC is even quite great at cooling the air for this
very energy efficient measure. So, you don't have to wait long for your room to cool down.

Can be Controlled Remotely

It is common knowledge that split AC is equipped with a remote that can be controlled remotely.
Thanks to today's technological sophistication, you can also control split AC with the help of a
smartphone that is equipped with a remote feature. This certainly makes it easier for you to turn
on the AC when you are lazy to move.

#Disadvantages of Split AC
Great Electricity When First Turned On
Even though it is very economical, the electricity consumption by split AC is very wasteful when
you first turn it on. This is because split AC requires a lot of energy to be able to move the
various components that are arranged in it. Therefore, once it is turned on, it is better for you to
use split AC to the maximum so that the energy that has been expended a lot at the beginning is
not wasted.

Can't Often Live and Die

One of the other disadvantages of split AC is that it is very wasteful when you often turn it on
and off. As explained earlier, split AC is very wasteful when it is turned on, when it is turned off,
this type of AC is also very wasteful. Not to mention the energy expended when turning it on.
That's why you must often hear don't often turn on and turn off the air conditioner. In addition,
the air conditioner will also be damaged quickly.

Difficult to Maintain Temperature

Although the room temperature will cool quickly if you use a split AC, however, the temperature
in the room will be difficult to maintain so you have to make sure the room temperature is

That's all my explanation, more or less sorry.

Thank you
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

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