10 Plagues: Aaron's Walking Stick
10 Plagues: Aaron's Walking Stick
10 Plagues: Aaron's Walking Stick
the stubbornness of the Pharaoh. The plagues came one Lord, your God in the desert if you do not go very
after another which caused harm and even death. Pharaoh far. Pray for me…’
was not easily convinced until the tenth plague. Even - Moses left the King and prayed to the Lord. The
before the ten plagues, Moses and his brother Aaron, flies left the king, his officials and his people; not
performed a miracle in front of the Pharaoh but he was not one fly remained. But even this time, the king
impressed since his magicians could produce the same became stubborn, and again he would not let the
trick. With that, the plagues had to start. people go.
- God of the Hebrews says, “let my people go, so
Aaron’s walking stick (Exodus 7:8-13) that they may worship me. If you again refuse to
let them go, I will punish you by sending a
“If the king demands that you prove yourselves by terrible disease on all your animals.’
performing a miracle, tell Aaron to take his walking stick - The next day, the Lord did as what he said, and
and throw it down in front of the king, and it will turn into all the animals of the Egyptians died, but not of
a snake.” So, Moses and Aaron went to the king and did as the animals of the Israelites died.
the Lord had commanded. Aaron threw his walking stick HAIL
down in front of the king and his officers, and it turned - The Lord, the God of Hebrews says, “Let my
into a snake. Then the king called for his wise men and people go, so that they will worship me. This
magicians, and by their magic they did the same thing. But time, I will punish not only your people, but I
Aaron’s stick swallowed theirs. The king however, will punish you as well, so that you may know
remained stubborn & just as the Lord had said, the king that there is no one like me in all the world…
would not listen to Moses and Aaron. tomorrow I will cause a heavy hailstorm, such
as Egypt has never known in all its history.
- Hail will fall on the people and animals left
10 PLAGUES outside unprotected, and they will all die.
- The king sent for Moses and Aaron and said,
BLOOD “This time I have sinned; the Lord is in the right,
- Then say to the king, “The Lord, God of the and my people and I are in the wrong. Pray to the
Hebrews, sent me to tell you to let his people go, Lord! We have had enough of this thunder and
so that they can worship him in the desert.” hail! I promised to let you go; you don’t have to
- River water turned into blood and the fishes died stay here any longer.’
and the river will stink so much that the Egyptians - When the king saw what had happened, he sinned
will not be able to drink from it. again. He and his officials remained as stubborn
FROG as ever and just as the Lord had foretold through
- “Go to the King and tell him that the Lord says, Moses, the king would not let the Israelites go.
‘Let my people go, so that they can worship me. If BOILS
you refuse, I will punish your country by - They got some ashes and stood before the King;
covering it with frogs… They will jump on you, Moses threw them into the air, and they produced
your people and all your officials.’ boils that became open sores on the people and the
- Aaron held it out over all the water, and the frogs animals.
came out and covered the land. - The magicians were not able to appear before
- The magicians used magic, they also made frogs Moses, because they were covered with boils, like
come up to the land. all the other Egyptians.
- Moses and Aaron left the king, and Moses prayed LOCUSTS
to the Lord to take away the frogs which he had - Then the Lord said to Moses, “Raise your hand
brought on the King. over the land of Egypt to bring the locusts.
GNATS They will come and eat everything that grows,
- Aaron struck the ground with his stick and all the everything that has survived the hail.”
dust in Egypt was turned into gnats, which - By morning it had brought the locusts. They came
covered the people and animals. in swarms and settled over the whole country. It
- The magicians tried to use their magics and said to was the largest swarm of locusts that had ever
the king, “God has done this!” But the king been seen or that ever would be seen again.
would not listen to Moses and Aaron. - Then the king hurriedly called Moses and Aaron
FLIES and said, “I have sinned against the Lord your
- “Tell him that the Lord says, “Let my people go, God and against you... pray to the Lord your God
so that they can worship me. I warn you that if to take away this fatal punishment from me.
you refuse, I will punish you my sending flies - Moses left the king and prayed to the Lord. And
on you, your officials, and your people…” the Lord changed the east wind into a very strong
- The Lord sent great swarms of flies into the king’s west wind, which picked up the locusts and blew
palace and the houses of his officials. The whole them into the Gulf of Suez. Not one locust was
land of Egypt was brought to ruin by the flies. left in all of Egypt. But the Lord made the king
stubborn, and he did not let the Israelites go.
DARKNESS - The exodus of the Israelites will be culminated by
- Moses raised his hand toward the sky, and there their crossing of the red/reed sea since the
was total darkness throughout Egypt for three Pharaoh changed his mind and pursued them with
days. The Egyptians could not see each other, and his soldiers who were all drawn when they also
no one left his house during that time. But the tried to cross the red sea. This is where the
Israelites had light where they were living. Israelites saw and experienced that it was
- The king called Moses and said, "You may go and really God/YHWH who freed them from Egypt
worship the Lord; even your women and children and protected them along the way from the
may go with you. ..... The Lord ade the king Egyptian soldiers who were pursuing them.
stubborn, and he would not let them go.
*PASS OVER MEAL- instead of doing a lamb
THE PASSOVER as the most important feast of
offering which they burn on top of an altar as a the Israelites
sacrifice also called “burnt offering”, they will take - Passover and Exodus are two events which are
the blood of the lamb and put it at their doorposts closely related with each other.
and lintel of their houses and they will eat the - The Passover meal was a reminder to the Israelites
roasted lamb with unleavened bread and bitter of the day God freed them from slavery. The
herbs. They will eat it in a hurried manner as if they Israelites celebrates the feast of the Passover
are ready for a journey. After eating the Pass over every year since it is their Independence Day.
meal,, they will enter their house since during the - Exodus means departure. When the settled in the
night, God will strike the Egyptians with the 10th promised land, they will celebrate this in the
plague. The blood will serve as a sign that will save temple in Jerusalem with the rituals of
them from the last plague. Slaughtering a paschal (Passover) lambs; the
consumption of its meat in a domestic meal. This
feast is called “Pesah” in Hebrew.
(Which housed the Ten Commandments is guarded by two
- covenant with the Israelites as His chosen people images (statues) of angels)
Commands: Adoration prayer, sacrifice, honoring
- “You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the
promises, vows
shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth
below or in the waters beneath the earth. You Practices: regular prayer time, offering day to God,
shall not bow down before them or worship inviting God to work in our lives, being faithful to our
them.”(exodus 20:2-4) vows and promises to God, helping our faith to grow by
- Obeying this means adoring and worshipping God participating in the Eucharistic and other sacraments,
alone. reading, guarding religious liberty in civil law.
THE SHIFT OF THE SABBATH DAY FROM - The fourth commandment is addressed
SATURDAY TO SUNDAY specifically to children in their relationship
with their father and mother, because this
- The Israelites observed the Sabbath day on the relationship is the most foundational. It likewise
seventh day of the week (Saturday), which concerns the ties of kinship between members of
marked the completion of God's creation of the the extended family. It requires honor, affection,
world. For us Christians, we celebrate the Lord's and gratitude toward elders and ancestors. Finally,
Day on Sunday, the first day of the week since it it extends to the duties of pupils to teachers,
was on that day that Jesus rose from the dead. employees to employers, subordinates to leaders,
This is why we call it the Lord's Day. citizens to their country, and to those who
administer or govern it.
- It reminds us of His Resurrection, and how He - Also, this commandment includes and
created the whole world new! This practice of presupposes the duties of parents, instructors,
worshipping on the first day of the week was teachers, leaders, and magistrates, those who
started by the Apostles (Acts 20:7) which we govern, and all who exercise authority over others
followed. This is why, one of the names/titles of or over a community of persons.
our Church is Apostolic. Another implication of
this is, we also give God the first day of our week. DUTY OF CHILDREN:
For the Israelites' symbolism, seven (7) is a
- Respect for parents (filial piety) derives from
perfect number, that is why they give it to God.
gratitude toward those who, by the gift of life,
their love and their work, have brought their
COMMANDS: observing Sunday as a day set aside for children into the world and enabled them to grow
God, as a day of rest, day of prayer, Mass on Sunday and in stature, wisdom, and grace. "With all your heart
holy days of obligation. honor your father, and do not forget the birth
pangs of your mother. Remember that through
PRACTICES: attending mass on Sunday, spending time your parents you were born; what can you give
with family, in reading, prayer, or works of charity. back to them that equals their gift to you?" (CCC,
- As long as a child lives at home with her/his
In the first three commandments, we received the gifts parents, the child should obey her/his parents in
of God's self-revelation to humanity. We also learn what all that they ask of her/him when it is for her/his
constitutes a proper response to this self-revelation and good or that of the family. "Children, obey your
thereby a proper relationship with God. The final seven parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord."
commandments are gifts that primarily reveal God's Children should also obey the reasonable
will for us in our relationships with each other. directions of their teachers and all to whom their
parents have entrusted them. But if a child is
After the first three commandments prescribing our duties
convinced in conscience that it would be morally
toward God comes seven others laying down our
wrong to obey a particular order, she/he must not
obligations toward ourselves and our fellow human
do so. (CCC, #2217)
beings. There is first a special commandment regarding
the important duties of children toward their parents, and HERE ARE SOME MORTAL SINS THAT GO
of parents toward their children. This is the fourth of the SPECIFICALLY AGAINST THE FOURTH
Ten Commandments. In a general way, Commandments COMMANDMENT:
5th, 6th, and 7th are concerned with actions, 8th is
concerned with words and 9th and 10th are with our SERIOUS FAILURE TO CARE FOR AGED
The commandment is very clear that we are to
honor our parents. That would include taking care
of them in their time of need. Our parents nurtured
4th COMMANDMENT us during our childhood and possibly even up to
our college years as well. It makes sense for us to
‘HONOR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER, THAT take care of them, and as long as their last will is
YOUR DAYS MAY BE LONG IN THE LAND WHICH not immoral, to follow that up for them.
- The fourth commandment opens the second table DISOBEDIENCE TO PARENTS,
of the Decalogue. It shows us the order of charity. SUPERIORS OR AUTHORITIES- We are not
God has willed that, after Him, we should honor to wish death or evil on anybody, but most
our parents to whom we owe life and who have importantly to our parents.
WISHING DEATH OR EVIL ON PARENTS- of the aggressor... The one is intended, the other is
We are not to wish death or evil on anybody, but not." (ST, I-II, 64.7)
most importantly to our parents. EUTHANASIA- it's the act of killing an
ABUSE OR SERIOUS NEGLECT OF individual for reasons considered to be merciful.
CHILDREN- This is where some people will Euthanasia is sinful for the same reason that
think it goes a little different. Yes, we are to honor abortion is sinful: it violates the rights of an
our parents, but parents must also take care of individual. On its surface, euthanasia may seem
their children. It is a mortal sin for parents to quite attractive, as it offers a solution to end
abuse or seriously neglect their children since they human suffering, but our Catechism observes it as
are individuals that God has given them to take a murder gravely contrary to the dignity of the
care of. They do not belong to them forever, nor human person and to the respect due to the living
are their property. Some abuses would be beating God, our Creator.
their own children especially treating as if they ABORTION- An abortion is a procedure to end a
already adult ones, starving their children for pregnancy. It uses medicine or surgery to remove
lengthy period of time. Serious neglect would also the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus.
include abandonment, failure to take care of their
children, and other such parenting failures.
Here we need to remark that while the Fifth
Commandment forbids murder, and, thus, the taking of
our own life, we must leave to God's mercy the judgment
“THOU SHALL NOT KILL.” (Exodus 20:13) of those who have committed suicide. At the same time,
we must remember our life is a gift given in trust. We do
- The "fifth word” of the Decalogue primarily not exercise complete control over it; God expects us to
reveals to us the sacredness of all human life. The give it back. Thus, the Catechism teaches: “Everyone is
human person is made in the image and likeness responsible for his life before God who has given it to
of God and, therefore, has an inalienable dignity him. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of
and worth. However, this sacredness rests life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and
fundamentally on the fact that every human preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls.
person is freely created by God out of love in We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has
order to share eternal life in communion with entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of.” (CCC,
God. In other words, the human person is sacred #2280)
because the human person is both made by God
and made for God. We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons
- The Fifth Commandment prohibition against who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him
killing clearly forbids direct and intentional alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary
killing. Murder is always gravely sinful, repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken
regardless of the form it takes. In a similar way, their own lives. (CCC, #2283)
indirectly bringing about a person's death, when
done intentionally, is also a clear violation of the
commandment. 6th COMMANDMENT
- Adultery is when a person gives to another the
HOMICIDE- the crime of killing another person love that belongs to a husband and wife. This is
or human. forbidden by the 6th Commandment. But implicit
MURDER- the same with homicide but with in the commandment is any form of undue sexual
intentions (pre-planned) activity that leads oneself or another into sin.
INFANTICIDE- the crime of killing a child - So, it covers a wide variety of subjects. Our
within a year of birth. bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and we
FRATRICIDE- killing one’s brother or sister. should therefore respect them and cover them
SUICIDE- the act of taking one’s own life may it modestly. We must also respect those of the
be voluntarily or intentionally. opposite sex. The 6th commandment forbids all
PARRICIDE- the killing of a parent or close impurity and immodesty in words, looks, and
relative. actions, whether alone or with others. Examples of
SELF-DEFENSE- In this case we need to this would be: touching one's own body or that of
consider what the Church's moral theologians another without necessity simply to satisfy sinful
name the Principle of Double Effect. St. Thomas curiosity, impure conversations, dirty jokes,
Aquinas explains this very simply when he writes, looking at bad pictures, and undue familiarity with
“The act of self-defense can have a double effect: the opposite sex.
the preservation of one's own life; and the killing - The Sixth Commandment summons spouses to
practice permanent and exclusive fidelity to one
another. Emotional and sexual fidelity are
essential to the commitment made in the marriage The Seventh and Eighth commandments are
covenant. God established marriage as a reflection concerned primarily with our duties toward two
of His fidelity to us. The vows made by the possessions of our neighbor - their material goods and
spouses at their wedding to be faithful to one their good reputation. Since human beings have the
another forever should witness the very covenant tendency to be selfish and neglectful of the rights of
God has made with us. others, God considered it necessary to lay down the
explicit commands: "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt
not bear false witness against thy neighbor". Like the other
- All people—married, single, religious, and commandments, these two commandments prescribe more
ordained—need to acquire the virtue of chastity. obligations than those which they explicitly assert. The
“Chastity means the successful integration of seventh commandment forbids not only stealing but
sexuality within the person and thus the inner every type of dishonest dealing; the eighth forbids not
unity of man in his bodily and spiritual being” only falsehood but also many other sins of the tongue
(CCC, #2337). Chastity unites our sexuality with such as gossiping, the unlawful revelation of secrets,
our entire human nature. It approaches sexuality and the likes.
as related to our spiritual natures so that sex is
seen as more than a physical act. Sexuality affects
the whole person because of the unity of body and The Ninth and Tenth commandments are closely related
soul. Jesus is the model of chastity. “Chastity with the Sixth and Seventh. The Ninth forbidding
includes an apprenticeship in self-mastery which interior sins regarding matters of purity, while the
is a training in human freedom” (CCC, #2339). Sixth forbids external acts; the Tenth forbidding those
The acquisition of chastity depends on self- internal sins the external performance of which is
discipline and leads to an internal freedom, which forbidden by the Seventh commandment.
enables human beings to temper sexual desires
according to God’s plan for the appropriate
expression of love in the marital relationship of a 7th COMMANDMENT
man and a woman.
“THOU SHALL NOT STEAL” (Exodus 20:15)
- The "seventh word” of the Decalogue primarily
THERE ARE NUMBER OF ACTS GO AGAINST reveals to us that God wants us to act justly and
THE 6TH COMMANDMENT: with charity in our relationships with one another.
In this way, we are able to live in communion
ADULTERY- a voluntary sexual activity (as
with God, who is just and loving. Specifically, the
sexual intercourse) committed by a wife to a
Seventh Commandment “commands justice and
married man and should be charged together.
charity in the care of earthly goods and the fruits
CONCUBINAGE- is an interpersonal and sexual
of men's labor.” It forbids the unjust taking or
relationship between a man and a woman in which
keeping of goods belonging to one's neighbor and
the couple does not want to a full marriage or
the wronging of another as regards his/her goods.
cannot enter into a full marriage.
- The seventh commandment forbids unjustly
FORNICATION- voluntary sexual intercourse
taking or keeping the goods of one's neighbor and
between two unmarried persons or two persons wronging him/her in any way with respect to
not married to each other. his/her goods. It commands justice and charity in
BIGAMY- the act of going through a marriage the care of earthly goods and the fruits of men's
ceremony while already married to another labor. For the sake of the common good, it
person. requires respect for the universal destination of
POLYGAMY- state of marriage to many spouses goods and respect for the right to private property.
Polygyny-marriage in which two or more Christian life strives to order this world's goods to
women share a husband. God and to fraternal charity. (CCC, 2401).
Polyandry-a woman has more than one
SEX PARTNERS -is against God's will as well. JUSTICE AND CHARITY
It demeans the sex act which reflects God's love
Justice- is the moral virtue that “consists in
and the fact that we are temples of the Holy Spirit.
the constant and firm will to give what is due
HOMOSEXUALITY- two men/women having to God and neighbor.”
sex is immoral in God's eyes.
Charity- is the theological virtue by “which
NOTE: (The Church teaches that Homosexuality is not a we love God above all things for His own
sin but the activity ‘sex acts' are sinful.) sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the
love of God.”
In conclusion, any sex outside of marriage is wrong in
God's eyes. No matter how "right" it feels at the moment.
Remember: CALUMNY- which is lying about
another and causing others to form false
Christ's warning on the danger of riches. Anyone who
negative opinions of the individual.
desires to be rich, that is, to have more material
possessions than what he needs will find it hard to -the making of false and
respect the property of their neighbor. And the more defamatory statements about someone in
we love the things of this earth, the harder we shall order to damage their reputation;
find it to love God. (synonymous to slander and defamation.)
The prosperous life of the Israelites in the Promised - As the Lord granted the Israelites’ demand,
Land/Canaan had some negative effect. They had Samuel anointed Saul as their first king. He was a
forgotten or become unfaithful to the God of their tall and handsome man from the tribe of
ancestors especially with their marriage to Canaanite Benjamin.
women which resulted in the worship of the Canaanite
god (Baal: their god of fertility). Their faith in God- - “Then, from a flask he had with him, Samuel
YHWH which was the only uniting force/element was no poured oil on Saul’s head; he also kissed him,
longer there. They were no longer strongly united as saying: “The Lord anoints you commander
people of God/YHWH. This situation often caused their over his heritage. You are to govern the Lord’s
defeat and oppression from their enemies. During this people Israel, and to save them from the grasp
period, the Israelites saw that the Canaanites/Philistines of their enemies round about.” This will be the
were so great that they needed to be united under one sign for you that the Lord has anointed you
military leader or king. Such demand was directed to commander over his heritage: (1 Samuel 10:1)
Samuel, who was the last of the judges of Israel.
- King Solomon fulfilled David’s plan to build a
temple for the Ark of the Covenant. The temple
was very large and impressive; it was made of the
best and finest materials. It became the visible
sign of God’s presence and served as a strong
reminder of the covenant between God and the
Israelites. The temple became the center of
Israel’s worship, faith and hope in God. The Ark
of the Covenant was placed inside the Holy of
Holies, the innermost and sacred part of the
Temple. The temple was built in the City of
Jerusalem. Because of the belief that God dwells
in his temple, Jerusalem became the City of God.