The Effects of Breaks On Low Back Pain, Discomfort, and Work Productivity in
The Effects of Breaks On Low Back Pain, Discomfort, and Work Productivity in
The Effects of Breaks On Low Back Pain, Discomfort, and Work Productivity in
Applied Ergonomics
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Review article
The effects of breaks on low back pain, discomfort, and work productivity in T
office workers: A systematic review of randomized and non-randomized
controlled trials
Pooriput Waongenngarm, Kantheera Areerak, Prawit Janwantanakul∗
Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Keywords: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of breaks on low back pain, discomfort, and work
Break productivity in office workers.
Spinal pain Publications were systematically searched in several databases from 1980 to December 2016. Relevant
Musculoskeletal disorders randomized and non-randomized controlled trials were retrieved and assessed for methodological quality by two
independent reviewers. Quality of evidence was assessed and rated according to GRADE guidelines.
Eight randomized controlled trials and three non-randomized controlled trials were included in this review, of
which 10 were rated as high-quality studies. The break programs were highly heterogeneous with work duration
ranging from 5 min to 2 h and break duration ranging from 20 s to 30 min. The results showed low-quality
evidence for the conflicting effect of breaks on pain and low-quality evidence for the positive effect of breaks on
discomfort. When stratified by type of breaks, moderate-quality evidence was found for the positive effect of
active breaks with postural change for pain and discomfort. Moderate-quality evidence indicated that the use of
breaks had no detrimental effect on work productivity.
More high-quality studies are needed before recommendations can be given. Within a number of methodo-
logical limitations that are present in the published studies, active breaks with postural change may be effective
in reducing pain in workers with acute low back pain and to prevent discomfort in healthy subjects.
1. Introduction subtle and regular spinal movements, while sitting (Dankaerts et al.,
2006; O'Sullivan et al., 2012). The prolonged postural loading of the
One common health problem experienced by office workers is low spine while sitting can reduce joint lubrication, fluid content of inter-
back pain (LBP). Approximately between 34% and 51% of office vertebral discs, and increase stiffness, which can be detrimental to back
workers experienced LBP in the preceding 12 months (Ayanniyi et al., health (Beach et al., 2005; Chan et al., 2011). Prolonged muscle acti-
2010; Janwantanakul et al., 2008) with the 1-year incident rate for LBP vation in static sitting may lead to localized muscle tension, muscle
at about 14–23% (Juul-Kristensen et al., 2004; Sitthipornvorakul et al., strains, muscle fatigue, and other soft-tissue damage, causing impair-
2015). Furthermore, the 1-year prevalence of chronic LBP has been ment of motor coordination and control as well as increased mechanical
reported to range from 15% to 45%, with a point prevalence of 30% stress on ligaments and intervertebral discs (Granata et al., 2004).
(Manchikanti et al., 2009). Low back pain causes personal suffering, Prolonged sitting also induces low back discomfort (Waongenngarm
disability, and impaired quality of life and work in general, which can et al., 2015), which is a strong predictor of LBP (Hamberg-van Reenen
pose a great socioeconomic burden for both patients and society et al., 2008).
(Manchikanti et al., 2014). Breaks are recommended for alleviating the adverse effects of pro-
Office workers are usually required to sit for long hours working on longed sitting with poor postures. Scheduled breaks can prevent the
a computer while spending most of their time in a sitting position. onset or progression of cumulative trauma disorders in the computer-
Occupational groups exposed to poor postures while sitting for longer ized workstation environment (Balci and Aghazadeh, 2004; Barredo
than half a day have a considerably increased risk of experiencing LBP and Mahon, 2007; Sheahan et al., 2016). A break is generally defined as
(Lis et al., 2007). Subjects with LBP are likely to be in sustained pos- the cessation of computer work tasks and can be either passive or ac-
tures and have large and infrequent spinal movements, rather than tive. For a passive break, operators leave their computer tasks to sit and
Corresponding author. Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
E-mail addresses: golff[email protected] (P. Waongenngarm), [email protected] (K. Areerak), [email protected] (P. Janwantanakul).
Received 23 April 2017; Received in revised form 1 December 2017; Accepted 4 December 2017
Available online 08 December 2017
0003-6870/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Waongenngarm et al. Applied Ergonomics 68 (2018) 230–239
relax during this period, while during active breaks, operators are re- comprising the characteristics of participants, intervention parameters,
quired to perform specific movements, exercises, or change their pos- outcomes, and results. The consensus method was used to resolve dis-
ture (Nakphet et al., 2014). Previous studies compared the beneficial agreements between the two reviewers. A third reviewer (PJ) was
effects of passive and active breaks, by assessing oxygenation in mus- consulted to achieve a final judgment if disagreement persisted.
cles, muscle activity, and discomfort in the neck and upper extremity.
The results showed that breaks – regardless of the type of activities
during the breaks – had a positive effect on the recovery of muscle 2.5. Data analysis
discomfort (Crenshaw et al., 2006; Nakphet et al., 2014). However, due
to the impracticalities and potential impact on work productivity of Conclusions were reached on the effectiveness of breaks based on
breaks, it is difficult to implement the breaks in an office setting the reported outcome of pain, discomfort, or work productivity using
without working being continued. Thus, standing breaks while per- the GRADE (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and
forming computer work have been recently introduced as an option to Evaluation) system, which was used to evaluate the overall quality of
reduce discomfort and pain in the low back while still maintaining the evidence and the strength of the recommendations (Furlan et al.,
worker productivity (Thorp et al., 2014). 2015). For each outcome, an a priori ranking of ‘high’, or ‘low’ was
To date, there have been no studies on the effects of the type of assigned depending on whether the majority of studies were categor-
breaks on pain and discomfort in the low back as well as work pro- ized as randomized controlled trials or non-randomized controlled trials
ductivity. Thus, the primary aim of this study was to systematically (Swinton et al., 2017). Five domains of quality were rated for each
review randomized and non-randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to comparison: (1) limitations of study design; (2) inconsistency; (3) in-
gain insights into the effectiveness of breaks on low back pain, dis- directness; (4) imprecision; (5) publication bias across all trials (Furlan
comfort, and work productivity in office workers. The secondary aim et al., 2015; Guyatt et al., 2011). A four-point rating scale ranging from
was to identify the type of breaks effective in reducing pain and pre- ‘high quality’ on one end to ‘very low quality’ on the other was em-
venting discomfort in the low back. ployed. The quality of the summary of findings was rated as moderate if
one, low if two, and very low if three of the criteria were not met. The
2. Methods following definitions of quality of evidence were applied (Balshem
et al., 2011):
2.1. Search strategy
• High quality: We are very confident that the true effect lies close to
Online searches were conducted on the Web of Science, PubMed, that of the estimate of the effect.
ScienceDirect, the Cochrane Library, PEDro, and Scopus databases from • Moderate quality: We are moderately confident in the effect esti-
1980–December 2016. The following keywords were used: back pain, mate: The true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect,
low back pain, chronic low back pain, LBP, break, pause, rest, rest but there is a possibility that it is substantially different.
break, micro-break, active break, passive break, and postural change. • Low quality: Our confidence in the effect estimate is limited: The
The search and full inclusion process was performed by two reviewers true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the
(PW and KA). After the inclusion of articles based on the selection effect.
criteria, references were searched for additional articles. • Very low quality: We have very little confidence in the effect esti-
mate: The true effect is likely to be substantially different from the
2.2. Selection of studies estimate of the effect.
P. Waongenngarm et al. Applied Ergonomics 68 (2018) 230–239
11 studies were included for The summary of evidence for the effectiveness of breaks and type of
GRADE analysis breaks on pain, discomfort, and work productivity are presented in
Tables 4 and 5.
Fig. 1. Flow diagram of the searching and screening process.
P. Waongenngarm et al.
Table 1
Methodological quality score of the 11 included studies.
Author Scores on the Cochrane Back and Neck Review Group expanded 13-item criteria Total Quality of
score study
Randomization Allocation Worker Care Outcome Drop- Intention to Selective Similar at Co-interventions Compliance Timing of the Other bias
concealed blinded provider assessor out treat outcome baseline avoided or similar acceptable outcome
blinded blinded rate reporting assessment
Sheahan et al. + ? – – – + + + + + + + + 9/13 High
Balci and - - - - - + + + + + + + + 8/13 High
Galinsky et al. + ? – – – + – + + + + + + 8/13 High
Henning et al. – ? – – – + + + + + + + + 8/13 High
Henning et al. – ? – – – + + + + + + + + 8/13 High
Thorp et al. + ? – – – + – + + + + + + 8/13 High
Henning et al. + ? – – – – – + ? + + + + 6/13 Low
Positive (%) 73 9 0 0 0 91 73 100 82 100 100 100 100
Table 2
Characteristics and results of the 11 included studies.
Davis and Kotowski, RCTa 37 call center employees I1: conventional workstation Discomfort I1 vs I2 = +
2014 (4 weeks; laboratory I2: conventional workstation with reminder I1 vs I3, I4 = +
study) software I2 vs I3, I4 = +
I3: sit-stand workstation Work I1 vs I2 vs I3 vs
I4: sit-stand workstation with reminders productivity I4 = 0
Galinsky et al., 2000 RCT: Pre-post 42 data-entry operators I: supplementary break Discomfort I vs C = +
experiment C: conventional break Work I vs C = 0
(4 weeks; productivity
field study)
Galinsky et al., 2007 RCT 51 employees VDU I1: stretching + conventional break Discomfort I1 vs I2 = +
(8 weeks; I2: stretching + supplementary break I3 vs I4 = +
field study) I1 vs I3 = 0
I2 vs I4 = 0
I3: non-stretching + conventional break Work I1 vs I2 = +
I4: non-stretching + supplementary break productivity I3 vs I4 = +
I1 vs I3 = 0
I2 vs I4 = 0
Henning et al., 1997 RCT 26 VDU operators for I1: breaks only Discomfort I1 vs I2 vs
(4 weeks; discomfort and C=0
field study) 34 VDU operators for work I2: breaks and exercises Work I1 vs I2 vs
productivity (larger site) C: no breaks or exercises productivity C=0
Lanhers et al., 2016 Cluster randomized trial 200 employees VDU I: received I-Preventive program Pain I vs C = 0
(4 months; field study) C: received no I-Preventive program
McLean et al., 2001 RCT: Pre-post 15 office workers I1: micro-breaks at 20 min intervals Discomfort I1 vs C = +
experiment I2: micro-breaks at 40 min intervals I2 vs C = +
(4 weeks; laboratory I3 vs C = +
study) I1 vs I2 vs
I3 = 0
I3: micro-breaks at their own discretion Work I1 vs C = 0
C: no breaks productivity I2 vs C = 0
I3 vs C = 0
I1 vs I2 vs
I3 = 0
Sheahan et al., 2016 RCT: Pre-post 8 university students with acute I1: 5 min of standing break every 30 min Pain I1, I2, I3 vs
experiment LBP C=+
(4 days; laboratory (Sig for MCID)
study) I2: 2.5 min of standing break every 15 min Work I1 vs I2 vs I3 vs
I3: 50 s of standing break every 5 min productivity C=0
C: no break
Thorp et al., 2014 RCT 23 overweight/obese office I1: SIT condition Discomfort I1 vs I2 = +
(5 days; laboratory workers I2: STAND-SIT condition Work I1 vs I2 = 0
study) productivity
Balci and Aghazadeh, Non-RCT (150 min; 10 male students I1: 60-min work/10-min break Discomfort I1 vs I2 vs
2004 laboratory study) I3 =+
I2: 30-min work/5-min break Work I1 vs I2 vs
I3: 15- min work/30-sec break (3 times) and 3 min productivity I3 =0
for the fourth time
Henning et al., 1994 Non-RCT 38 undergraduate psychology I1: regimented break Discomfort I1 vs I2 = +
(48 min; laboratory students I2: compensatory break Work I1 vs I2 = 0
study) productivity
Henning et al., 1996 Non-RCT 31 undergraduate psychology I1: break with feedback Discomfort I1 vs I2 = 0
(65 min; laboratory students I2: break without feedback Work I1 vs I2 = 0
study) productivity
Positive (+) if a break intervention was demonstrated to be statistically more effective than a control group.
Negative (−) if a break intervention was demonstrated to be statistically less effective than a control group.
Neutral (0) if a break intervention did not statistically differ from a control group.
I, intervention group; I1, intervention group 1; I2 intervention group 2; I3, intervention group 3; I4, intervention group 4; C, control group.
LBP, low back pain; RCT, randomized controlled trial; Non-RCT, non-randomized controlled trial; VDU, visual display unit; MCID, minimal clinically important difference.
The study stated that their study was a quasi-experimental design study. However, both reviewers of the present systematic review (PW and KA) identified such study as an RCT
design study because participants were randomly assigned to conditions and the conventional workstation condition in this study was considered the control group.
reduced discomfort of the low back compared to control groups. 2014; Galinsky et al., 2000; McLean et al., 2001). Moderate-quality
However, one low-quality RCT (Henning et al., 1997) and one high- evidence (1 RCT and 1 non-RCT, n = 61; imprecision) was found for
quality non-RCT (Henning et al., 1996, 1997) reported no significant the positive effect of active breaks without postural change for dis-
difference in low back discomfort between healthy workers who re- comfort reduction (Balci and Aghazadeh, 2004; Galinsky et al., 2007).
ceived and did not receive breaks. Low-quality evidence (1 RCT, n = 26; limitation in study design, im-
When stratified by break type, moderate-quality evidence (3 RCTs, precision) was found for no effect of passive breaks on low back dis-
n = 94; imprecision) was found for the positive effect of active breaks comfort (Henning et al., 1997). Moderate-quality evidence (2 RCTs,
with postural change for discomfort reduction (Davis and Kotowski, n = 60; imprecision) was found for the positive effect of standing
P. Waongenngarm et al.
Table 3
Details of break interventions (n = 11).
Davis and Kotowski, 2014 30 min Their own discretion For the conventional workstation with software reminders, software was loaded onto the computers Active breaks with postural change
to track computer activity and participants requested to make a postural change at 30-min intervals
(stood up and moved around). Participants used discretion when taking a break but were encouraged
to follow the prompts as much as possible.
30 min Their own discretion For the sit-stand workstation condition with software reminders, participants were instructed how to Standing breaks while performing
use the adjustment controller. All participants were encouraged to change the workstation height computer work
during the workday. The height of the workstation could be adjusted between 61.0 cm and 130.8 cm.
However, the actual height of the workstation during sit-stand conditions was self-selected and was
then specifically measured.
Galinsky et al., 2000 1h 5 min Participants were encouraged to get up and took at least a short walk away from their workstations Active breaks with postural change
during each break.
Galinsky et al., 2007 1h 5 min Participants were asked to perform stretching exercise. They included brief stretches targeting the Active breaks without postural
neck, shoulders, back, and upper extremities, and required no more than a total of 2 min to perform. change
Henning et al., 1997 1h 30 s (3 times) every 15 min and VDU operators were asked to cease all computer operations by removing their hands from the Passive breaks
3 min for the last time keyboard, avoiding looking at the VDU display, and also sitting back in their chairs and relaxing for
the duration of the break.
Lanhers et al., 2016 2h 30 s - 1.30 min each At regular intervals, a visual signal on the screen prompted VDU workers to take active breaks. The Active breaks without postural
exercises were easy to perform and most could be carried out while seated without needing specific change
McLean et al., 2001 20 or 40 min or their own 30 s Participants were prompted to get out of their chairs during each micro-break. They were not asked Active breaks with postural change
discretion to perform any particular activity during their break, but were asked to walk away from their
Sheahan et al., 2016 30 min, 5 min, Participants were required to stand in the middle of the room without leaning or stretching. They Active breaks with postural change
15 min, 2.5 min, were permitted to access their mobile phones or converse with the researcher.
5 min 50 s
Thorp et al., 2014 30 min sitting work 30 min standing work Participants were asked to perform their usual computer and/or telephone-based work tasks in a Standing breaks while performing
simulated office setting for 8 h/day in either a seated work posture (SIT condition) or while computer work
systematically interchanging every 30 min between a standing and seated work posture (STAND-SIT
Balci and Aghazadeh, 2004 60 min, 10 min, Participants performed simple exercises in the break periods. The exercises included hand, head, Active breaks without postural
30 min, 5 min, neck, back, and shoulder regions and were easily applicable in the offices. change
15 min 30 s (3 times) and 3 min for the last
time of each hour
Henning et al., 1994 5 min 20 s No information is available. Cannot specify
Henning et al., 1996 10 min 30 s No information is available. Cannot specify
Table 4
Summary of evidence for the effectiveness of breaks on pain, discomfort, and work productivity.
Pain 208 (2) No serious Serious No serious Serious None ++OO low a,b
Discomfort 273 (9) No serious Serious No serious Serious None ++OO low a,b
Work productivity 289 (10) No serious No serious No serious Serious None +++O moderate
Serious inconsistency (e.g., opposite direction of effects).
Serious imprecision (e.g., fewer than 400 participants were included or only one study included).
breaks while performing computer work for discomfort prevention indicated that three conclusions would alter. First, the level of evidence
(Davis and Kotowski, 2014; Thorp et al., 2014). for the effectiveness of breaks on discomfort would change from “low”
to “very low” and on work productivity would change from “moderate”
3.4.3. Evidence of the effectiveness of breaks on work productivity to “low”. Second, the level of evidence for the effectiveness of active
Six high-quality RCTs (Davis and Kotowski, 2014; Galinsky et al., breaks without postural change on discomfort would change from
2000, 2007; McLean et al., 2001; Sheahan et al., 2016; Thorp et al., “moderate” to “low” and on work productivity would change from
2014), three high-quality non-RCTs (Balci and Aghazadeh, 2004; “low” to “very low”. Third, the level of evidence for the effectiveness of
Henning et al., 1994, 1996), and one low-quality RCT (Henning et al., standing breaks while performing computer work on discomfort would
1997) investigated the effectiveness of break programs on work pro- change from “moderate” to “low” and on work productivity would
ductivity. Moderate-quality evidence (7 RCTs and 3 non-RCTs, change from “moderate” to “low”.
n = 289; imprecision) indicated no effect of break programs on work
productivity. 4. Discussion
When stratified by break type, moderate-quality evidence (4 RCTs,
n = 102; imprecision) indicated no effect of active breaks with postural The break interventions reported in this review included active
change on work productivity (Davis and Kotowski, 2014; Galinsky breaks with postural change, active breaks without postural change,
et al., 2000; McLean et al., 2001; Sheahan et al., 2016). Low-quality passive breaks, and standing breaks while performing computer tasks.
evidence (1 RCT and 1 non-RCT, n = 61; inconsistency, imprecision) This review summarized the results of seven high-quality RCTs, three
indicated no effect of active breaks without postural change on work high-quality non-RCTs, and one low-quality RCT investigating break
productivity (Balci and Aghazadeh, 2004; Galinsky et al., 2007). Low- interventions on low back pain, discomfort, and work productivity in
quality evidence (1 RCT, n = 34; limitation in study design, impreci- office workers. We found heterogeneity among studies as to specific
sion) indicated no effect of passive breaks on work productivity aspects such as study population, type of break, break protocol, method
(Henning et al., 1997). Moderate-quality evidence (2 RCTs, n = 60; of outcome assessment, and data presentation. Thus, the analysis of the
imprecision) indicated no effect of standing breaks while performing results was limited to a qualitative summary.
computer work on work productivity (Davis and Kotowski, 2014; Thorp
et al., 2014). 4.1. Methodological considerations
3.5. Sensitivity analysis Of the eleven included studies, none blinded the participants,
therapists who administered the therapy, and assessors, whereas nine of
Changing the cut-off point from ≥50 to ≥60% would not have the eleven studies were unclear about the concealment of treatment
altered our conclusions at all. With a cut-off point of ≥70%, the results allocation. Participant blinding ensures that the apparent effect (or lack
Table 5
Summary of evidence for the effectiveness of active breaks with/without postural change, passive breaks, and standing breaks while performing computer work on pain, discomfort, and
work productivity.
Serious limitations of study design (e.g., > 25% of participants from studies with low quality methods, risk of bias recommended by Cochrane Back and Neck Group < 7 points).
Serious inconsistency(e.g., opposite direction of effects).
Serious imprecision (e.g., fewer than 400 participants were included or only one study included).
Consistency for only one study cannot be evaluated.
P. Waongenngarm et al. Applied Ergonomics 68 (2018) 230–239
thereof) of treatment is not due to the placebo or Hawthorne effects. 4.3. Evidence of the effectiveness of breaks for pain, discomfort and work
Expectations are an important factor in placebo effects (Price et al., productivity
1999). Participants in the control group would have had no expecta-
tions, but the intervention group was prone to expectations. Blinding of All included studies investigated the effectiveness of breaks on pain,
all therapists and assessors is also important to guarantee that the ap- discomfort, or work productivity. Concerning the effect of breaks on
parent effect of treatment is not due to the therapist's/assessor's en- pain and discomfort in the low back, the current review showed that
thusiasm or lack of enthusiasm for the intervention or control condition breaks seem to be effective in discomfort prevention. Conflicting evi-
(Portney and Watkins, 2009). Participant, therapist, and assessor dence was found for the effect of breaks on low back pain reduction.
blinding are important for the internal validity of a study. However, it is However, when stratified by type of break, active breaks with postural
very difficult – perhaps impossible – to blind participants or therapists change was found to be effective in reducing low back pain and dis-
in studies regarding break interventions and to blind assessors in self- comfort. Active breaks without postural change or standing breaks
reported outcomes (e.g. pain and discomfort). while performing computer work were found to be effective in pre-
Concealed treatment allocation is important in preventing sys- vention of low back discomfort. Passive breaks were found to be in-
tematic and selection bias. Concealed treatment allocation ensures that effective in reducing both low back pain and discomfort. The findings
the sequence in which subjects would be allocated to treatment is not are consistent with previous research showing that active breaks are
disclosed before random allocation. If treatment allocation is not con- better than passive breaks (Asmussen and Mazin, 1978).
cealed, the decision of whether or not to include a person in the trial Active breaks with postural change require participants to change
could be influenced by knowledge of whether or not the subject is to their posture during breaks, leading to improvement in blood circula-
receive treatment (Portney and Watkins, 2009). However, concealment tion in the lumbar region, change in spinal curvature, delay in the onset
of treatment allocation was mentioned in only two of the eleven in- of any specific musculoskeletal discomfort, and increase in the flow of
cluded studies. In fact, concealment of treatment allocation is relatively synovial fluid to lubricate and nourish the intervertebral disc (Marras
easy to implement and describe in a published report (Elkins, 2013). et al., 1995; Thorp et al., 2014). Deconditioning from prolonged and
Future research should consider the concealment of treatment alloca- awkward positions, sustained postures, and repetitive movements may
tion to reduce bias and ensure that it is stated in the reports. lead to a reduction in the length of soft tissues, which consequently
limits the ranges of available motion in joints. Limited joint motion will
distort normal body biomechanics. Such distortions can contribute to
4.2. Study characteristics the risk of injury (Main et al., 2008). Thus, active breaks with postural
change may hypothetically be an effective intervention in the preven-
There was heterogeneity among the studies in terms of the popu- tion and treatment of LBP.
lation studied and break protocols. The majority of the included studies Breaks – either active/passive breaks or standing breaks while
(91%) investigated the effect of breaks in healthy subjects. Although performing computer tasks – appear to have no adverse effect on work
previous studies showed that both healthy and LBP subjects received productivity. A previous study showed that breaks did not affect per-
benefits from breaks by reducing low back pain and discomfort formance on skill-based tasks (i.e. typing and arithmetic) (Lee and
(McLean et al., 2001; Sheahan et al., 2016), back pain among office Duffy, 2015). Breaks have been found to promote concentration,
workers is unlikely to originate from identical causes. Implementing the alertness, motivation, and activity at work (Thorp et al., 2014). Feeling
same intervention for everyone would not be appropriate. Thus, ex- relaxed and refreshed after a break has been identified as having a
trapolation of results from one group of subjects to another should be positive effect on work productivity (Epstein et al., 2016).
undertaken with caution. Further research should attempt to in-
vestigate the effectiveness of breaks by selecting a more specific group 4.4. Sensitivity analysis
of subjects who would theoretically benefit from breaks for the study.
Different break protocols in terms of break type, work duration, and The methodological quality of the included studies ranged between
break duration were employed among the included studies. Thus, the 6 and 9. In this review, a priori cut-off point of ≥50% was used, which
current state of the literature limits comparability between trials. The might have influenced the level of evidence and potentially the results
type of break found to be effective in reducing both low back pain and of the review. Since all high-quality studies had total scores of greater
discomfort was that of active breaks with postural change by reducing than 60%, changing the cut-off point from ≥50 to ≥60% would not
LBP symptoms, musculoskeletal discomfort, back muscle fatigue, and have altered our conclusions. However, shifting the cut-off point from
mental fatigue in prolonged sitting tasks (Davis and Kotowski, 2014; ≥50 to ≥70% would mean only five studies qualify as high-quality
McLean et al., 2001; Sheahan et al., 2016). Active breaks have been studies. Several conclusions about the effectiveness of breaks, active
found to lead to a more variable muscle activity pattern and increase breaks without postural change, and standing breaks while performing
muscle oxygenation during computer work than passive breaks computer work on discomfort and work productivity would subse-
(Crenshaw et al., 2006; Samani et al., 2009). quently alter.
The work and break durations varied considerably, ranging from This variation in the level of evidence reflects the fact that there has
5 min to 2 h or their own discretion for work duration and from 20 s to been a small number of very good quality studies investigating the ef-
30 min or their own discretion for break duration. Optimal break fectiveness of breaks on discomfort and work productivity in office
scheduling is the appropriate combination of task demands (e.g. work workers. Thus, further study is required before firm conclusions can be
duration) and break duration (Kopardekar and Mital, 1994). Previous drawn.
studies showed that frequent (i.e. at least once every hour) and short
(i.e. less than 10 min) breaks lead to significant improvements in the 4.5. Strengths and limitations of the study
musculoskeletal disorders in office workers (Balci and Aghazadeh,
2003; Kopardekar and Mital, 1994). Taking a break every 2 h seems to The major strength of this review is that the studies were system-
be insufficient for adequate musculoskeletal recovery (Lanhers et al., atically searched, evaluated for their methodological quality by two
2016). Therefore, future studies should take into account work and independent reviewers, extracted and synthesized based on the number
break durations when setting the break protocols in the study of the of studies and the quality score of the studies. However, there are three
effectiveness of breaks. main methodological limitations of note. First, the search strategy was
limited only to full published reports in English. There is the possibility
that language bias may have affected the results of the review. Second,
P. Waongenngarm et al. Applied Ergonomics 68 (2018) 230–239
almost two thirds of the included studies were conducted in laboratory sense during computer mouse work. Impact of active versus passive pauses. Eur. J.
settings and follow-up periods were relatively short, ranging from Appl. Physiol. 97, 59–67.
Dankaerts, W., O'Sullivan, P., Burnett, A., Straker, L., 2006. Differences in sitting postures
48 min to 4 months. Therefore, generalization of the results from this are associated with nonspecific chronic low back pain disorders when patients are
review to real working situations or to the long-term effects of breaks subclassified. Spine 31, 698–704.
should be made with caution. Third, the researchers summarized the Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., 2014. Postural variability: an effective way to reduce mus-
culoskeletal discomfort in office work. Hum. Factors 56, 1249–1261.
results from studies with substantial heterogeneity in study character- Elkins, M., 2013. Concealed allocation in randomised trials. J. Physiother. 59, 134–136.
istics. This may explain the observed variation in the results among the Epstein, D.A., Avrahami, D., Biehl, J.T., 2016. Taking 5: work-breaks, productivity, and
studies. Future research is required to indicate whether differences in opportunities for personal informatics for knowledge workers. In: Proceedings of the
2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, Santa Clara,
these aspects affect the effectiveness of breaks on pain, discomfort, and California, USA, pp. 673–684.
work productivity. Furlan, A.D., Malmivaara, A., Chou, R., Maher, C.G., Deyo, R.A., Schoene, M., Bronfort,
G., van Tulder, M.W., Editorial Board of the Cochrane Back, N.G., 2015. 2015
Updated Method Guideline for Systematic Reviews in the Cochrane Back and Neck
5. Conclusions
Group. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). vol. 40. pp. 1660–1673.
Galinsky, T.L., Swanson, N.G., Sauter, S.L., Hurrell, J.J., Schleifer, L.M., 2000. A field
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