Experiment 3

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To calibrate vacuum gage with mercury manometer as standard.


Simple U-tube mercury manometer, vacuum gage dial type, and vacuum pump.


The measurement of low-pressure is a very specialized field, which requires

considerable care on the part of the calibration and researchers in the low-pressure

For moderate vacuum measurements the bourdon gage, manometers, and others
like diaphragm gages may be used. Before using the vacuum gage, dial type, in the
diverse industrial applications calibration of dial type vacuum gage is invariably
checked against the standard mercury manometer.

The vacuum gage is a bourdon gage with reverse action. Where the pressure is
applied to the inside of the tube causing elastic deformation to straighten it, the vacuum
inside the tube causes the reversal of the deformation into curling.

During the process of calibration, the first process is to obtain the vacuum in an
increasing value at constant interval. The second process is to obtain vacuum in a
decreasing value progressively back to the original first reading.

Fig. III.1 Schematic Diagram of the Vacuum Gage Calibration

With the mercury manometer in used, it is necessary to observe the temperature
near the mercury column so that the observed height of the mercury column can be
corrected to a temperature at which the relationship between pressure and height is
known. The coefficient of cubical expansion…

Table A. Coefficient of 3-Dimensional Expansion of Mercury

Temperature °C Coefficient of Expansion

0 0.000 0998
10 0.000 1000
20 0.000 1002
32 0.000 1004
43 0.000 1007

For very accurate work, allowance must be made for the linear expansion in the
capillary. Linear coefficient of expansion of mercury at 0°C is 0.000 018 per degree
Celsius. Observation taken in the calibrating of a vacuum gage should be recorded and
computed error tabulated in a form similar to the following:


Gage Reading
Number of
Decreasing Increasing Manometer Mean Error
Reading Mean
Vacuum Vacuum

The error of the gage is determined by the comparison of the mean of the
increasing and decreasing vacuum gage reading with the actual or manometer reading
of vacuum.


Using the data tabulated above, two curves are plotted:

1. Mean gage reading as abscissas and actual vacuum as ordinates. Use a large
scale in the cross-section paper for the curves or graphs. Unless plotted to a
large scale, curves/graphs will be of little value.
2. Error curve. Mean gage readings as abscissas and mean correction, positive, and
negative ordinates. Error curves should have the points if very irregular,
connected by a broken line rather than by a fair of average curve through them.

Hysteresis Calibration Loop. The increasing and decreasing readings of an

instrument are plotted on a cross – section paper against true or standard values,
a so-called “Hysteresis loop” is obtained if the work of calibration is done
carefully. See fig.111.2. The increasing ( also called the descending, value were
obtained first, and when plotted, made the values made the cde. In such case the
lower end of the curve will not usually close. The difference between the
increasing and decreasing values is caused by friction and lost motion. The
calibration curve is found by plotting a series of mean values, such as f in the
figure that is the mean of the reading at b and d.

An ideally perfect instrument will have no Hysteresis loop tin its calibration
curve, and both increasing and decreasing readings would fall on a 45-degree line on

If increasing values had been carried beyond the point c and then the decreasing
values had bee observe as at c’, the curve c’d’e would have bee obtained, the value of
c’ – c being the friction and lost motion in the instrument at the highest observed value.


1. Take and record the barometric pressure and temperature reading before proceeding
with the succeeding steps of the experiment.

2. Connect one end of the U-tube manometer A with a rubber tubing to the opening of
the T-joint B which is in communication with the vacuum vessel D. The other end of
the manometer must be left open to the atmosphere.

3. Attach the vacuum gage C, which is ideal type, to be calibrated to the other vessel D.
The other end of the same T-joint which is in communication with the vacuum vessel

4. Connect the rubber tubing the vacuum vessel D to the vacuum pump F. Make sure
that all joints are securely tight.

5. With the vacuum control valve E fully open, plug in the electric wire to the 220 V
main line. Partially close the vacuum control valve E until a reading is obtained from
both the manometer and the vacuum gage. Record both readings. Gradually close the
control valve E and take reading of both manometer and the vacuum gage.

6. Repeat the process of calibrating the vacuum gage at 5cm (2”) interval of the
mercury column of increasing vacuum until the full range of the gage is attained. This
is the so-called ascending vacuum calibration.

7. Reverse the procedure of step 6 by decreasing the vacuum until the zero is again
attained. This reverse procedure is the descending vacuum gage calibration, recording
the readings also at 5cm (2”) interval of the mercury column of the manometer.


Gage Reading Error % Error

Trial Ave. Manometer Error/Gage
Reading Reading



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