Low-Temperature Sintering of Barium Hexaferrites With Bi O /cuo Additives
Low-Temperature Sintering of Barium Hexaferrites With Bi O /cuo Additives
Low-Temperature Sintering of Barium Hexaferrites With Bi O /cuo Additives
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TMAG.2015.2434834, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
EU-13 1
Chuanjian Wu1, Zhong Yu1, Guohua Wu1, Ke Sun1, Yan Yang2, Xiaona Jiang1, Rongdi Guo1 and Zhongwen Lan1
State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China, Chengdu 610054, China
Department of Communication and Engineering, Chengdu Technological University, Chengdu 611730, China
Barium hexaferrites BaFe12O19 with Bi2O3/CuO additives were synthesized by the conventional oxide ceramic process. The results
manifest that, Bi2O3 additives mainly concentrate on the grain boundary regions, and whilst CuO additives could both enter into the
grain and segregate at the grain boundary regions. The appropriate sintering temperature of barium hexaferrites with Bi2O3 and
Bi2O3+CuO additives reach 1020ºC and 920ºC, respectively. As the amount of Bi 2O3 is 3.0wt%, the specimens of BaFe12O19 show
saturation magnetization (Ms) of 346kA/m, remanence (Mr) of 227kA/m and density (d) of 5.06g/cm3. Meanwhile, the combination of
3.0wt% Bi2O3 and 3.0wt% CuO additives significantly promotes grain growth and sintering densification, with a high saturation
magnetization of 371kA/m and density of 5.23g/cm3 for BaFe12O19, which are pretty close to theoretical values (380kA/m, 5.28g/cm3).
Moreover, the corresponding remanence could also rise by 10% comparing to the sintered samples with 3.0wt% Bi2O3.
Index Terms—Barium hexaferrites, Bi2O3/CuO additives, Low-temperature sintering, Magnetic properties, Density.
0018-9464 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TMAG.2015.2434834, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
EU-13 2
magnetization Ms and remanence Mr) at room temperature equilibrium diagram at 700ºC. In addition, the transformation
were carried out using vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) is discovered on crystallographic spinel structures by Li et al.
(Lake Shore 7410) with an applied field 15kOe. [18]: low-temperature (800-900ºC) tetragonal phase (t-
CuFe2O4) and high-temperature (~1000ºC) cubic phase (c-
III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS CuFe2O4). Therefore, it is concluded that the bismuth copper
oxides and copper ferrites could form on the grain boundary
A. Microstructure Observation regions and in the grains, respectively.
Fig.1 presents the typical fracture surface morphologies C. Sintering Mechanism
observed by FESEM for barium hexaferrites samples. It is
The melting point of bismuth oxides is 820ºC [19], while
clearly demonstrated in Fig.1 (a) that grain growth is not
bismuth copper oxides, located at the triple junction, could wet
complete and the densification degree is comparatively
more effectively grain boundaries and form a liquid-channel
inadequate. From Fig.1 (b), the grain sizes increase to 2~3μm,
structure. The eutectic melting point of ceramic composites
hexagonal-flake grains gradually emerge, and yet some pores
(bismuth copper oxide and bismuth oxide) plunges to 770ºC
are still detected. While doped with 3.0wt% Bi2O3+3.0wt%
[20]. D. Lisjak et al. [11], [12] had suggested that the low-
CuO additives at 920 ºC, barium hexaferrites show a further
temperature formation (copper ferrites) in the grains is also
densification and grain sizes are more uniform. As listed in
propitious to promote the ion and vacancy transformation
Table I, the density (d) of barium hexaferrites with 3.0wt%
among and in the grains, and then beneficial to promoting the
Bi2O3+3.0wt% CuO additives is approximately
sintering of barium and strontium hexaferrites. By introducing
5.21~5.25g/cm3, which is far beyond the sintered samples
collectively driving force in the grains and on the grain
with no (4.21~4.35g/cm3) and Bi2O3 (5.01~5.08g/cm3)
boundaries, the sintering temperature of barium hexaferrites
additives. It is concluded that the combination of 3.0wt%
with Bi2O3+CuO additives is therefore reduced to 920ºC, and
Bi2O3+3.0wt% CuO additives efficiently promotes sintering
the sintered samples become also dense.
densification of barium hexaferrites at the low temperature.
The backscattered electron (BE) image of barium D. Magnetic Properties
hexaferrites with 3.0wt% Bi2O3+3.0wt% CuO additives at The magnetic properties (saturation magnetization and
920ºC is plotted in Fig.2. Grains and grain boundaries are remanence) of barium hexaferrites with no, 3.0wt% Bi2O3 and
marked in the box and point, respectively. Obviously, Bismuth 3.0wt% Bi2O3+3.0wt% CuO additives are demonstrated in
element is not detected in the grains but on the grain Table I. With the increase of sintering temperature, saturation
boundaries, and whilst copper element is simultaneously magnetization of barium hexaferrites with no, 3.0wt% Bi2O3
observed in the grains and on the grain boundaries. By and 3.0wt% Bi2O3+3.0wt% CuO additives shows a constant
calculating the photoelectron counting areas, the molar ratio of increase, and the corresponding remanences achieve the
copper element in the grains and on the grain boundaries is maximum at 1350ºC, 1020ºC, and 920ºC, respectively. As
approximately 2.4:1, which indicates that copper oxide is known, the Ms and Mr could be calculated by the following
more prone to reside in the grains. relation: [21]
FIG.2: HERE Mr s d (1)
To investigate the composition of grains and grain where d and σs are the density and specific saturation
boundaries, the X-ray diffraction patterns for barium magnetization, respectively. The influence of the uniform
hexaferrites samples are illustrated in Fig.3. As shown, a weak microstructure is reflected by “k”. Obviously, barium
hematite peak could be seen in the XRD pattern of pre- hexaferrites with Bi2O3+CuO additives are more uniform and
sintering powders, and all the detected diffraction peaks are denser. It is thus found that magnetic properties (saturation
well indexed to hexagonal P63/mmc symmetry (barium magnetization and remanence) of barium hexaferrites with
hexaferrite) in the sintered samples with no and Bi2O3 Bi2O3+CuO additives are consumedly superior to sintered
additives. But for sintered barium hexaferrites with samples with no and Bi2O3 additives.
Bi2O3+CuO additives, the XRD pattern shows three TABLE I: HERE
distinguishable peaks: main phase is barium hexaferrite, two
For the same sintering temperature, magnetic properties of
tiny phases are copper ferrite and bismuth copper oxide.
barium hexaferrites with different additives are given in Fig.4.
Meanwhile, the sharper peak at 32.1o indicates crystal
As it is doped with Bi2O3 additives at 1020ºC, an initial
structure of barium hexaferrites with Bi2O3+CuO additives
increase in saturation magnetization and remanence followed
grows more completely. As indicated by Mallika et al. [17],
by a subsequent decrease is observed, and the corresponding
the bismuth copper oxides (Bi4CuO7/Bi2CuO4 and
maximum reaches 346kA/m at 3.0wt%, and 229kA/m at
Bi2CuO4/Bi2Cu2O5) have been already confirmed by the phase
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TMAG.2015.2434834, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
EU-13 3
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TMAG.2015.2434834, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
EU-13 4
Intensity (a.u.)
▼ ▼
26 28 30 32 34 36 38
2 Theta (degree)
Fig.3. X-ray diffraction patterns for barium hexaferrites: (a) pre-sintering
powders; (b) without additives, 1325ºC; (c) 3.0wt% Bi2O3, 1020ºC; (d)
3.0wt% Bi2O3+3.0wt% CuO, 920ºC.
360 240
320 200
Mr (kA/m)
Ms (kA/m)
Mr 400
3.0wt% Bi2O3, 1020℃
M (kA/m)
280 160
-15000 -7500 0 7500 15000
H (Oe)
240 120
0 1 3 2 4 5
Bi2O3 contents (%)
Ms (kA/m)
2.0 wt% Bi2O3
320 3.0 wt% Bi2O3
4.0 wt% Bi2O3
0 1 2 3 4 5
CuO contents (%)
Mr (kA/m)
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