Outlaws of Alkenstar AP - 3 of 3 - Smoking Gun
Outlaws of Alkenstar AP - 3 of 3 - Smoking Gun
Outlaws of Alkenstar AP - 3 of 3 - Smoking Gun
Smoking Gun
By Cole Kronewitter
A2 A5
B1 B8
Patrick Renie
Michael Sayre
Mark Seifter
Leo Glass
Janica Carter, Patrick Hurley, Avi Kool, Shay Snow,
and Solomon St. John
Denis Zhbankov
Escarp, Robert Lazzaretti, Lucas Villalva Machado,
Ian Perks, and Sandra Posada
Sonja Morris and Sarah E. Robinson
Sonja Morris
Erik Mona
Smoking Gun
The Smoking Gun 2
by Cole Kronewitter
Chapter 1: Arms Race 4
Chapter 2: Alkenstar Falls 24
Chapter 3: Blood in the Bilge 40
The Gunworks 64
by Cole Kronewitter
Adventure Toolbox 72
by Cole Kronewitter
Player Rules
Shieldmarshal Gear 73
Gunworks Wonders 74
Parsus’s Innovations 75
Emelett’s Incredible Tonics 76
Innate Vitrumancy 77
Clockwork Reanimator Archetype 78
Clockwork 80
Cranium Preserver 82
Ooze, Pyronite 83
Paizo Inc. Wraith, Smog 84
7120 185th Ave NE Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052-0577 Zombie, Shock 85
paizo.com Anjelique Loveless 86
Ibrium 88
Parsus 90
Smoking Gun The
Chapter 1:
Arms Race
Chapter 1: Arms Race ��������������������������������������������������� 4 UNLIKELY HEROES Chapter 2:
Grand Duchess Trietta Ricia approaches the characters directly and By the climactic conclusion of the Alkenstar Falls
explains that the situation has become dire. To find Loveless and the final adventure in the Outlaws
Chapter 3:
pyronite buyers, the party must investigate Loveless’s headquarters in the of Alkenstar Adventure Path, Blood in
shieldmarshals’ Vault of Secrets and rescue Alkenstar citizens who knew the characters will have found the Bilge
too much about the deputy’s schemes. The party’s best lead takes them to themselves in the roles of not only
Continuing the
the Gunworks far west of Alkenstar, where they learn about their enemies’ heroes, but veritable saviors of Campaign
plot to use pyronite to level Alken Falls. the Alkenstar. This might feel like
a dramatic twist considering the The Gunworks
Chapter 2: Alkenstar Falls �����������������������������������������24 characters’ ignominious beginnings Adventure
Around Alken Falls, their investigation leads the characters to the as vengeance-seeking bank robbers. Toolbox
Tinwound Hydroforge, where Parsus has used necromantic powers to fill Your players’ dispositions and play
the water purification plant with undead minions. The party must navigate styles will obviously impact their
electrified undead, clockwork monstrosities, and dangerous technology to feelings about this turn of fate. Some
find and defeat Parsus, who reveals that Loveless and Ibrium are on a players might sigh in relief as their
luxury riverboat headed right this way, pyronite in hand. character is redeemed in the eyes
of the public. Others might wish to
Chapter 3: Blood in the Bilge ������������������������������������40 retain their character’s hard-won
To save the day, the outlaws board a high-society riverboat called the hard-boiled reputation.
Gearsmoke as it cruises down the Ustradi. The vessel is loaded with Fortunately, “The Smoking
volatile pyronite, so the party must sneak around to disarm the bombs Gun” includes a diverse array of
before finally facing off against Deputy Loveless and Ibrium, upending the motivations for undertaking the
villains’ plot once and for all. adventure’s final chapters. Those
who want to save Alkenstar for
moral reasons might require no
further impetus, while mercenary-
minded adventurers can rest
assured that their efforts will be
Advancement Track well compensated. Furthermore,
“The Smoking Gun” is designed for four characters.
saving the day offers a pragmatic
solution to a problem that’s hounded
8 Characters should begin this adventure at 8th level. the characters since the campaign’s
start: their criminal status. The grand
10 Characters should advance to 10th level before Chapter 3. matter what a character intends to
do with their newly won freedom, it’s
hard to deny that a clean slate opens
The characters should reach 11th level after completing the adventure.
countless doors in the City of Smog.
Chapter 1:
Arms Race
At the end of the last adventure, the characters exacted Grand Duchess Trietta Ricia, is worried it may be only
vengeance on the malevolent mogul Ambrost Mugland. a matter of time before the secrets of pyronite are
Some of them though may still bear a grudge toward disseminated throughout the entire Inner Sea region.
Deputy Anjelique Loveless, whose machinations have Unbeknownst to Ricia, Loveless has, in tandem
been a thorn in the party’s side since the outlaws with Parsus and Ibrium, already solicited the
first came together. Furthermore, pyronite has fallen manufacture of a large quantity of pyronite. They
into far more dangerous hands than even Mugland’s. plan to blow up Alken Falls and eliminate Alkenstar’s
Parsus and Ibrium, powerful spellcasters from Geb heavily monitored mechanical ship lift system, the
and Nex respectively, have purchased the explosive’s Screw. In the process, they’ll sow chaos throughout
formula for their own mysterious ends. Loveless— the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar and create a new,
who is nowhere to be found—is the only one with faster waterway for shipping troops and goods across
the information necessary to find the buyers. With the the Mana Wastes.
cat thoroughly out of the bag, the leader of Alkenstar, The obvious question for this nefarious plot is: why?
Ibrium and Parsus know a quicker route along the Ustradi would be CHAPTER 1 SYNOPSIS
invaluable for both sides in case war between their two nations resumes, At the beginning of this adventure,
and they’d stand to make a good profit from their sponsors across the Grand Duchess Trietta Ricia herself
borders. Even if war doesn’t break out between Nex and Geb, the two will approaches the characters and
at least get to see what their newly purchased weapon of mass destruction explains the situation has become
is really capable of. dire. Pyronite isn’t only in the
For Loveless’s part, the twisted deputy has always yearned for greater hands of the characters’ arch-rival The
power within shieldmarshal hierarchy, and this development poses a unique Anjelique Loveless, but Mugland Smoking
opportunity to grasp the authority she believes she deserves. Up until managed to sell the formula to Gun
now, all her power grabs have been stymied by (legitimate) accusations of buyers before the characters
corruption. But if a devastating explosion rocks the very foundations of defeated him at the end of the Chapter 1:
her city, few will be able to argue against stronger, stricter shieldmarshal previous adventure. Arms Race
legislation—legislation which, conveniently, would place her in charge. If In this chapter, the characters Chapter 2:
all goes according to Loveless’s plan, mandatory conscription will become must track down the elusive Deputy Alkenstar Falls
the norm in Alkenstar and she will lead this new army of shieldmarshals Loveless and the pyronite buyers.
Chapter 3:
as a general. With so much power at her disposal, she could change the To do so, they must first investigate Blood in
fate of Alkenstar forever. Loveless’s headquarters in the the Bilge
shieldmarshals’ Vault of Secrets.
Continuing the
GETTING STARTED The investigation takes the party Campaign
The previous adventure, “Cradle of Quartz,” ended with the characters to a lavish gala in one of the city’s
finally exacting their revenge on Ambrost Mugland. After hearing the highest towers where they meet The Gunworks
news, Foebe Dunsmith asks the characters to meet at the Barrel & Bullet high-rollers who can clue them into Adventure
Saloon just before dawn the following day to discuss the future of pyronite Loveless’s ultimate motives. Toolbox
and Alkenstar. When they arrive, Dunsmith escorts the characters to a Finally, the characters must
back room, where they find a mysterious figure waiting. traverse the city to rescue citizens
on Loveless’s hit list. This takes
A black ten-gallon hat rests on a table near the back of the room. Behind the hat the party to the infamous firearms
sits a woman wearing unassuming, yet fine, clothes embroidered with the crest manufactory outside the city’s walls,
of Alkenstar. the Gunworks. Here, the party must
With a deferential bow and a murmur of, “My lady,” Foebe Dunsmith closes earn the garrison commander’s
the door, ensuring this meeting is private. trust by resolving mysteries and
Rising from her seat, Grand Duchess Trietta Ricia dons her hat and leans over defending the Gunworks from a
the table. She arches an eyebrow before speaking. “Agent Dunsmith has kept wasteland war horde’s assault. All
me appraised of your efforts regarding the pyronite situation. I’d hoped the trail the while, a tempestuous mana
might end with Mugland, but it seems Deputy Loveless is still at large with the storm rages on.
pyronite formula, along with two new faces—wizards from Geb and Nex named
Parsus and Ibrium, respectively. Obviously, the implications of this discovery
are dire.
“Pyronite is too powerful a weapon for one nation to wield alone,” Ricia
continues. “If the formula can’t be kept secret here in Alkenstar, I fear it must
be spread to all nations equally. The political situation between Nex and Geb is
tenuous, to say nothing of nations more distant from Alkenstar. If any single
power were to gain access to pyronite, they would gain a devastating advantage
in matters of war. To prevent this, I’ve begun preparations to distribute the
pyronite formula to as many foreign powers as necessary, including the hands
of unscrupulous nations close to home such as Nex and Geb. Take a moment to
let that set in.”
Ricia paces the room slowly and speaks methodically. “With all nations
ensured equal access to this new weapon, the current balance of power will
be preserved. At the moment, my hands are tied and the world will be forever
changed because of Gattlebee’s devastating invention.”
She stops pacing and looks up from the floor. “There’s still a small chance
to avoid this, however. If you can find Loveless, Parsus, and Ibrium, you could
prevent the formula from spreading further. This is my INTO THE VAULT OF SECRETS
preferred solution by far. Obviously, Alkenstar would be in The party’s first step toward finding Loveless,
a far safer position if no one—or, at least, only our own Dunsmith explains, is to infiltrate the Vault
nation—had access to this powerful new weapon.” of Secrets—a secret underground fortress
from which Alkenstar’s shieldmarshals
Ricia gauges the characters’ reaction operate. The Vault has several entrances,
to her news and offers to answer any all known only to vetted shieldmarshals
questions they might have. The following and national defense bureaucrats. Luckily,
are a few of the party’s most likely Dunsmith and Ricia have arranged a way
questions, along with Ricia’s replies. for the characters to gain access to one
Where do we start looking? “At of these entrances. Dunsmith outlines the
present, we know little about Parsus or characters’ mission as follows.
Ibrium, so the trail ends with Loveless, • Hijack the stagecoach. From time to time,
who’s also nowhere to be found. While shieldmarshals act as armed escorts for
we don’t know their plans, in order to use Alkenstar, transporting government
the pyronite formula, the trio will need cargo across the harsh wasteland
large quantities of the necessary outside the city walls. An armored
reagents to craft the explosives. stagecoach accompanied by four
This means they need funding, shieldmarshals is scheduled
material, transportation—all to return from the town of
things that can be tracked. As a Martel later this afternoon. To
Trietta Ricia
first step, I need you to infiltrate the gain access to the Vault of Secrets, the
Ironmaster’s Vault of Secrets, where Loveless and her characters will need to sneak aboard the stagecoach,
cronies have their offices. Hopefully, you can find either by stowing away or staging a stickup. The
some clues there.” Dunsmith can provide the party stagecoach is pulled by a pair of mindless clockwork
with more info about the Vault of Secrets after the steeds programmed to take the coach into the Vault
grand duchess departs (see below). of Secrets regardless of who’s aboard.
Why us? Shouldn’t Alkenstar’s best be working • Find info on Loveless. Once the characters are
on this? “Loveless has many allies, both high and inside the Vault, they can collect info on Loveless.
low, who’ve already stymied my official efforts. Dunsmith suggests they keep an eye out for
Even aside from the risk of alerting Loveless to our suspicious paperwork which might indicate
plans, Alkenstar’s bureaucracy is... formidable. Our Loveless’s whereabouts, her most recent dealings
city is like a lumbering engine set on a track: it’s with Alkenstar power brokers, or the names of
difficult to slow down and even more difficult to potential accomplices.
change directions. For nimble adjustments, I’ve found • Escape undetected. The Vault of Secrets is
unorthodox solutions—such as agents like you— crawling with shieldmarshals, both good and
are far more effective. So far your efforts have been bad. Fighting their way out simply isn’t an option.
outstanding, which is why I’ve selected you for this “I’ve no doubt you can handle a few of Loveless’s
important mission.” goons,” Dunsmith says, “but don’t stick around
What’s in it for us? “Apart from averting an any longer than you have to. Escape the way you
international disaster and saving Alkenstar? Money, came, and don’t look back.”
of course. Reputation, for another—or should I say
‘redemption’? Let me put it simply: if you’re successful, Dunsmith is able to provide a few additional
I will personally ensure you’re amply rewarded. details about the stagecoach. It’s crewed by four
Moreover, my political powers are significant. For shieldmarshals; two, named Otto and Lillie, are
complying with my requests, I can absolve you of the toughened warriors believed to be associated with
laws you’ve thus far broken, including any damage to Loveless and capable of putting up a real fight. The
your status Mugland or Loveless may have inflicted. I other two, Payton and Oakley, are shieldmarshal
can also help you out of binds in the future—within bookkeepers responsible for auditing, managing the
reason, of course.” Vault stockpiles, and other financial affairs—these two
Once she’s answered all of their questions, Grand are unlikely to be involved in Loveless’s schemes, and
Duchess Ricia excuses herself and leaves Dunsmith to so Dunsmith asks the characters to refrain from using
discuss the particulars of the party’s mission. lethal force against them.
Many of Loveless’s lower-level lackeys have taken CORRUPT SHIELDMARSHALS (2) CREATURE 7
to wearing pins or getting tattoos that depict a broken UNCOMMON LE MEDIUM HUMANOID
heart to signify to other shieldmarshals they enjoy Various law enforcers
the fearsome deputy’s favor and protection. Once the Perception +18 (+20 to Sense Motive or vs. Conceal An Object)
characters are inside the vaults, they should keep an eye Languages Common, Dwarven, Kelish
out for any shieldmarshals matching this description, Skills Acrobatics +17, Crafting +15, Diplomacy +15, Legal
then tail them to Loveless’s offices if they can’t locate Lore +13 The
them on their own. Loveless and her closest minions Str +4, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +2 Smoking
operate out of Vault 14, which should be right next to Items breastplate, +1 clan pistol (Pathfinder Guns & Gears Gun
the hangar where the stagecoach stops. 152) or +1 jezail (Guns & Gears 153), longsword
AC 25; Fort +15, Ref +18, Will +12 Chapter 1:
The stagecoach Dunsmith described arrives at Speed 25 feet Chapter 2:
Alkenstar from Martel shortly after noon, entering the Melee [one-action] longsword +17 (versatile P), Damage 1d8+7 slashing Alkenstar Falls
city in the Ferrous Quarter and rambling through the
Chapter 3:
streets to a warehouse in Steamhaven. This unassuming Blood in
brick warehouse contains a secret elevator down to the Bilge
the infamous Vault of Secrets.
Continuing the
The characters are free to stage their heist anywhere Campaign
along the stagecoach’s route. Built to transport heavy
cargo, the steel-sided stagecoach is 10 feet wide, 15 The Gunworks
feet long, and pulled by two powerful clockwork Adventure
steeds. If necessary, you can use the vehicle rules from Toolbox
the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide; use the stats for
an armored carriage (Pathfinder Guns & Gears 94)
for the stagecoach.
The Coach Heist: To approach the stagecoach
without being spotted, at least half the characters must
succeed at a DC 25 Stealth check or Deception check to
Create a Diversion. Once they’re close, the characters
can break into the stagecoach with four successful DC
25 Thievery checks or cling to the underside of the
stagecoach with a successful DC 25 Athletics check.
Finally, the characters also have the option of a simple
stickup: it takes three successful DC 25 Intimidation
checks to get Otto and Lillie to lay down their arms. In
the event of combat, the two shieldmarshals defend the
top of the carriage while Payton and Oakley attempt
to flee and get help.
Creatures: While traveling through dangerous
territory such as the city outskirts, Payton and Oakley
sit on a bench at the front of the stagecoach steering the
steeds, while Otto and Lillie ride atop the stagecoach’s
roof, which is fortified by a low wall for cover. Once
they reach the safety of Alkenstar however, the two
drivers reprogram the clockwork steeds to charge
ahead on auto-pilot. Likewise, Otto and Lillie holster
their guns and lounge on the roof, chit-chatting. Stat
blocks aren’t provided for Payton and Oakley, as
these two shieldmarshals are clerical workers and
aren’t trained for combat. For Otto and Lillie, as Corrupt Shieldmarshal
well as many of Loveless’s other lackeys, use the
following stat block.
Ranged [one-action] clan pistol +19 (concussive, fatal d10, magical, from the hangar, leaving the characters alone. From
range increment 80 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d6+3 piercing time to time, groups of shieldmarshals walk through
Ranged [one-action] jezail +19 (concussive, fatal aim d12, magical, this area. A door labeled “Vault 14” stands along the
range increment 90 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d8+3 southeast wall, marking the party’s destination. The
piercing door north of that one is labeled “Vault 15.”
Firearms Critical Specialization When the shieldmarshal A2. Shieldmarshal Bullpen: This room is filled with
makes a critical hit with a firearm weapon, the target desks normally staffed by Loveless’s shieldmarshal
must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or be stunned 1. cronies. The bullpen is currently empty.
Lawbringer [one-action] The shieldmarshal marks a foe for judgment, A3. Loveless’s Office: Two large glass windows look
granting the shieldmarshal a +10-foot circumstance out from this room to the bullpen outside, allowing
bonus to Speed whenever it Strides toward that creature. Loveless to glare at her subordinates. A large desk
The shieldmarshal’s Strikes against that creature deal an stands in the center of the room, with two chairs sitting
additional 2d8 precision damage. in front of it. As befits a deputy so exacting, Loveless’s
Reloading Strike [one-action] The shieldmarshal makes a melee office is organized with meticulous precision.
Strike against an opponent within reach and Interacts to A4. Shieldmarshal Offices: These two offices belong
reload a firearm in their other hand. to Loveless’s closest allies and confidants, Skedra and
Thorne. In stark contrast to their captain’s tidy office,
Aftermath: However the party boards or follows Skedra and Thorne have stacks of papers piling their
the stagecoach, the clockwork steeds automatically desks, along with drawers full of misplaced evidence
take the vehicle straight to a dingy warehouse in and pilfered trinkets.
Steamhaven. The carriage pulls into a clockwork A5. Vault 15 Offices: The rooms in this area mirror
freight elevator that, with a screeching of gears, lowers areas A2 through A4 in terms of layout and furniture.
down into area A1 in the Vault of Secrets below. Vault 15 is another division of the shieldmarshals, run
XP Award: If the characters sneak aboard or stick by a man named Braye Braisley. Braisley and his reports
up the stagecoach without causing a fight, award are completely ignorant of the corruption festering in
each character 60 XP as if they’d overcome a combat the vault next door. Currently, six shieldmarshals are
encounter. working in this area.
After 1 round of searching, loud footsteps echo ATTICUS CREATURE 7
through the hall in area A1, alerting the characters that UNIQUE LE MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID
someone is approaching. If they want sneak out of the Male human corrupt shieldmarshal (page 7)
vault undetected, they need to find the remaining clues Initiative Perception +18
fast! The characters have 2 more rounds to search, Skills Intimidation +15 (replaces Diplomacy)
after which the door to area A2 opens. At this point,
the party can’t continue searching without being LEADSMITHS (4) CREATURE 5 The
detected, so they need to find some way to deal with UNCOMMON NE MEDIUM DWARF HUMANOID Smoking
the newcomers. Various dwarven investigators for hire Gun
Creatures: When the door opens, read or paraphrase Perception +12; darkvision
the following. Languages Common, Dwarven Chapter 1:
Skills Athletics +17, Crafting +12, Intimidation +15, Stealth Arms Race
With a loud squeal, the vault door swings open and +12, Society +15 Chapter 2:
a uniformed shieldmarshal steps into the room, Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +0, Cha +0 Alkenstar Falls
accompanied by four burly dwarves wearing dark suits Items breastplate, club, dwarven scattergun (Guns & Gears
Chapter 3:
and bowler hats. 153) Blood in
“Alright, boys,” the shieldmarshal says, “Loveless wants Private Detective (1 minute) Frequency once per hour; the Bilge
us to get rid of anything that might raise questions before Effect The Leadsmith spends 1 minute examining a
Continuing the
the big show. Let’s get cleaning.” subject for clues. For the next 24 hours, whenever the Campaign
Leadsmith makes a Perception check or a skill check
The shieldmarshal is a Loveless lackey named using Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma to Recall The Gunworks
Atticus, whose hat prominently displays a broken Knowledge about this subject, the Leadsmith gains a +2 Adventure
heart pin. A character who makes a successful DC circumstance bonus to the check. Toolbox
22 Society check to Recall Knowledge identifies the AC 22; Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +10
four toughs as Leadsmiths, private detectives and HP 75
mercenaries who serve Alkenstar’s wealthy. The leader Speed 20 feet
of the Leadsmiths is a fearsome cyclops gunslinger Melee [one-action] club +15, Damage 1d6+6 bludgeoning
named Vewslog, though he isn’t present at this time. Ranged [one-action] club +15 (thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6+6
Loveless knows that agents of the grand duchess are bludgeoning
aware of her plans, so she’s hired the Leadsmiths to Ranged [one-action] dwarven scattergun +15 (concussive, dwarf,
clean up her back trail, removing any clues that might kickback, scatter 10 feet, range increment 50 feet,
make her look bad along the way. reload 2), Damage 1d8 piercing
If the characters are still in the room when Atticus Bully Effect The Leadsmith’s melee and ranged Strikes deal
and the Leadsmiths arrive, use encounter mode to an additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage to creatures that
determine everyone’s movements round by round. were Shoved within the past round.
Unless the characters are being exceptionally noisy Clear A Path [one-action] Requirements The Leadsmith is wielding
or purposefully standing out, the interlopers don’t a firearm or crossbow in one hand, and their other hand
immediately notice them. Atticus and the Leadsmiths either wields a one-handed melee weapon or is empty;
fan out and begin rifling through papers, starting on Effect The Leadsmith makes a melee attack and then
the north end of area A2 and then moving into the reloads their gun in one fluid movement. The Leadsmith
northern hallway to check out the areas marked A4. makes a one-handed melee weapon Strike or unarmed
If the characters are patient and careful, they might Strike against an opponent within reach, then Interacts
be able to sneak by the group without ever revealing to reload. The Leadsmith doesn’t need a free hand to
their presence. This requires each member of the party reload in this way.
to succeed at a Stealth or Deception check against the
Perception DC of the nearest enemy. If any characters Treasure: The corrupt shieldmarshals have hidden
are spotted, the Leadsmiths attack at once. some useful loot within their offices, including one
Though he thinks highly of himself, Atticus is dose of lich dust, an invisibility rune, two lawbringer’s
totally in the dark about Loveless’s actual plans. He’s lassos (page 73), and a single firearm round of
been calling her scheme “the big show,” but beyond explosive ammunition.
vague promises that Atticus will serve as one of the XP Award: If the characters recover the clues and
lieutenants of Loveless’s grand army, the deputy has sneak out without battling the Leadsmiths, award
given her stooge no information of real value. each character 90 XP.
CHASING LEADS Event Security: Unfortunately for the characters,
After searching Loveless’s offices, the characters have security for this event is run by the Leadsmiths,
three new leads to follow up on. The first of these who have thirty members in attendance, including
is the Ironmaker’s Art Gala, which takes place at 7 their cyclops leader Vewslog. The Leadsmiths’ leader
p.m. that evening, and the second is a public hanging possesses a cunning mind and wears fashionable,
at noon tomorrow, which provides a natural order aristocratic clothes to maintain a sophisticated
to pursue these events. The characters’ third lead is appearance. His professionalism and discipline have
a cattle hand named Dash, whose location will be the made the Leadsmiths into a powerful organization
difficult to determine without first rescuing Rhangyl with the support of many wealthy nobles.
Foruza, as Dash has gone into hiding. Thus, the party Before she left, Loveless made sure Vewslog had
should most likely pursue this lead last. descriptions of each character. However, she was also
sure to give him strict orders to avoid open bloodshed
EVENT 3: THE IRONMAKER’S ART GALA MODERATE 8 at the gala; such violence might cause her to lose the
While searching through Vault 14, the characters support of her high society backers.
discovered invitations (one for each character) to Art Critique: Not long after the gala begins,
attend the Ironmaker’s Art Gala. This high society Vewslog begins to worry the characters will get too
soiree is the perfect place for the characters to gather much information out of Tombend, especially if they
information from Loveless’s most powerful supporter, approach her directly. To head them off and cause a
an art collector named Christia Tombend (LN female distraction, he whispers to Tombend that the characters
human aristocrat 8). The gala is scheduled to begin at are famous art critics and asks her to introduce them.
7 p.m. that evening, which gives the characters some She steps into the center of the room and claps her
time to prepare. hands, announcing that the characters are her special
Going Up: The only way to reach the gala is through guests. She asks if they would honor her by providing
a long elevator ride to Tombend’s suite, which is near an artistic analysis for the gala’s attendees. Tombend
the top of a skyscraper in Graeson’s Fingers. Just directs the party to a large statue of metal and glass
before the elevator doors close on the bottom floor, a that resembles a scintillating jellyfish made from cubic
group of four gala guests rushes in and asks to ride the blocks. The crowd falls silent and steps back from the
elevator up with the characters. On the ride up, one characters, making them the center of attention for the
guest introduces himself as Irvine (a local nobleman) entire ballroom.
and asks how the characters know Tombend, along Each character can explain their reaction and make
with a few other probing questions, giving the a skill check to deal with the situation. For example,
characters a chance to practice their lies. characters can offer an intriguing critique of the art
When the elevator doors open, two Leadsmiths with a successful DC 24 Art Lore check, or they can
greet the characters and ask for their invitations. Small bluff their way through the encounter with a successful
firearms and decorative knives are common wardrobe DC 26 Society or Deception check. Each character
accoutrement in Alkenstar high society but any who rolls a successful check to publicly resolve the
characters carrying large weapons are asked to leave situation gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Deception,
them at the door. Diplomacy, Intimidation, and Society checks for the
Arrival: When the characters arrive at the ball, read remainder of the gala. Alternatively, characters who
or paraphrase the following to set the scene. succeed at a DC 29 Stealth or Deception check can
surreptitiously sneak away, cause a distraction, or
Crimson light from the setting sun filters into this large otherwise excuse themselves from the situation,
ballroom through dozens of ornate glass windows. A crystal though in this case they don’t gain the aforementioned
chandelier hangs above the center of the space, ornamented circumstance bonus.
with electrical wires that spark and jolt. The floor is decorated While this is happening, two Leadsmiths approach
with a mosaic of guns arranged in elaborate geometric Christia Tombend and attempt to escort her to the
patterns. Two dozen large sculptures crafted from steel and elevator and out of the party. Tombend is flustered
colored glass are arranged throughout the room, each with a about being forced to leave her own gala but
small plaque at their base. The sculptures depict a mixture of acquiesces. If a character catches up to her before she
the natural and mechanical, blending the disparate elements leaves, they can convince her to stay with a successful
together with sweeping lines and curves. On the east end of DC 19 Diplomacy check. In this case, she orders
the ballroom, a large banquet table is covered with delicate the Leadsmiths away and gaily rejoins the party, to
food and drink. Vewslog’s dismay.
Gathering Information: In order to find out the • The conscription bill currently faces dim prospects
details of Loveless’s plan the characters must as many feel the shieldmarshals and Alkenstar’s
interview the gala’s guests. The following are other defenses (like the Gunworks’s massive
a few examples of suitable guests; feel free to cannon, the Maw of Rovagug) are more
devise your own as well. than enough to defend the lands of
Christia Tombend: Tombend is the best source Alkenstar.
of information for the characters, if they can The
keep her at the party. She’s an ardent nationalist In addition to these clues, the gala is Smoking
who believes Alkenstar should be much more also a great opportunity to reveal some Gun
than just a great city–it should be a great background information about Loveless,
nation! She’s donated significant funds to Ibrium, and Parsus, contextualizing these Chapter 1:
Loveless and happily reveals clues about villains’ histories and foreshadowing Arms Race
her plans to any characters who succeed their abilities and personalities. Details Chapter 2:
at a DC 19 Diplomacy check to Make an for each of these NPCs can be found in the Alkenstar Falls
Impression on her. Adventure Toolbox starting on page 86. Limit
Chapter 3:
Powle Guthroy: An avid art such foreshadowing to the villains’ personal Blood in
enthusiast, Guthroy has snuck histories and proclivities and take care the Bilge
several bottles of elven absinthe not to give anything away about
Continuing the
(Gamemastery Guide 121) their current plans (which the Campaign
into the party, which characters will still need to
he claims help him see investigate later in this The Gunworks
the artwork as it truly adventure). Adventure
Christia Tombend
exists. Characters can gather XP Award: Once the party Toolbox
clues from him by drinking the absinthe and discovers all three clues, award each character
succeeding at a DC 24 Society or Art Lore check to 80 XP.
discuss the art.
Helain Maudele: This whimsical dance instructor TOMBEND’S SUITE
believes the body is a form of art all on its own. Christia Tombend is from a wealthy noble family
Characters can gather clues from Maudele by who has lived among the upper crust of Alkenstar
succeeding at a DC 24 Acrobatics or Athletics check for generations. She owns two entire floors on one of
to demonstrate their physical grace. the nine towers that compose the wealthy Alkenstari
Professor Hoop: A scholar of both the magical and district called Graeson’s Fingers. The upper floor
mechanical, Professor Hoop roams about the party serves as Tombend’s personal living quarters while
looking bored stiff. If the characters can impress her the lower floor is detailed below. The following areas
with a successful DC 24 Arcana, Religion, Occultism, correspond to the map of Tombend’s Suite on the
or Engineering Lore check to Recall Knowledge, she inside front cover of this volume.
calls over her wife Theome, who is an avid gossip and B1. Elevator: This large mechanical elevator runs
can provide the characters with one or more clues. from the ground floor of the skyscraper all the way
Clues: Before the characters leave the gala, they to the roof. A complex series of numbered levers on
should learn the following clues from Christia the western wall of the elevator allow riders to choose
Tombend or the other guests: their floor destination.
• Tombend purchased an enormous number of B2. Hallway: The southern wall of this hallway
firearms (enough to outfit an army) and donated is completely lined with windows, providing the
them to the shieldmarshals. characters with a sweeping view of smoggy Alkenstar.
• Tombend is gathering support for a bill that B3. Ballroom: This large ballroom is the center of
would enact mandatory conscription within Tombend’s social life. Nearly a hundred members of
Alkenstar, forcing 20% of all citizens to be the Alkenstari upper class are gathered in this room.
part of a standing army at any given time. This B4. Lion Room: This guest bedroom is outfitted
army would be placed under the control of a with a safari theme, including bed quilts that resemble
high-ranking shieldmarshal. Deputy Anjelique jungle leaves and a stuffed lion’s head over the bed.
Loveless, as a senior officer with decades of A gold statue of a chimera with the head of lion,
experience and a history of command, would be a elephant, and giraffe sits atop a dresser in the room.
prime contender for the role. It’s worth 100 gp.
B5. Cloud Room: This entire guest bedroom is white EVENT 4: GOING DOWN MODERATE 8
and decorated with furniture that depicts a cloud The only way in or out of Tombend’s suite is through
motif. A rain cloud mosaic, embedded with two small the mechanical elevator that spans the height of the
sapphires (worth 250 gp each), covers the ceiling of impressive tower (area B1). The Leadsmiths have set
the room. up an ambush for the characters as they leave the gala,
B6. Kitchens: Twelve kitchen staff busily work in away from prying eyes.
this hot room, preparing food that’s whisked away Elevator Walls: The walls of the elevator are made
by six waiters. The head chef is preparing the main of thin sheets of steel. Though they adequately hide the
course, which consists of 50 roasted peacocks. lift’s dangerous clockwork gears, the steel sheets are
B7. Library: This small private library is draped with relatively flimsy. Each 10-foot-square section of wall
Alkenstari flags and filled with nationalistic books. has the following features.
A character who peruses the library and succeeds at Hardness 5, HP 20 (BT 10)
any DC 26 Lore check to Recall Knowledge locates Force Open DC 20
a particularly rare book worth 10 gp. The characters Churning Gears If a wall is broken, a creature that moves
can find a total of 10 such books. into the exposed shaft surrounding the elevator falls
B8. Gun Room: This guest bedroom has a gun motif, down (DC 24 Reflex to Grab an Edge). Tombend’s suite
including a bed frame made of welded musket balls. A is 100 feet above the streets of Alkenstar. A creature
decorative musket worth 75 gp hangs on the wall. that falls down the shaft takes 3d6 bludgeoning
damage each round (DC 25 basic Reflex save), plus
damage as usual depending on the height of the fall.
hangings of particularly heinous criminals. Foruza Aftermath: The hanged man, Rhangyl Foruza (NG
is a successful river merchant who Loveless hired to male human river merchant 4), is a jocular fellow in
procure pyronite supplies. Once Foruza’s job was his fifties. After his rescue, he thanks the characters
done, Loveless fabricated evidence to implicate him profusely and invites them all to dine with him at the
in an unrelated murder, then had him arrested. The nearest available restaurant, where he attacks his food
characters know when and where Foruza is scheduled with special gusto. He happily provides the characters
to be executed, but otherwise have no idea where he’s the following clues. The
currently being held, making a last-minute rescue • A wizard named Ibrium hired Foruza to procure Smoking
mission their only option. chemicals, soda ash, and white salt from the Gun
As the characters arrive at Old Bridge, read or Spellscar Desert (all key components for crafting
paraphrase the following aloud to set the scene. pyronite) a week ago. He delivered a huge Chapter 1:
quantity of these supplies to the cattle yards in Arms Race
The hot sun beats down on the worn cobblestones of the Steamhaven and was arrested shortly afterward. Chapter 2:
bridge. A large wooden platform topped with a hangman’s • Foruza delivered the supplies to a cattle rustler Alkenstar Falls
noose is situated along the bridge’s northern side. A named Dash. The merchant tells the characters
Chapter 3:
symbol of crossed guns—the badge of the shieldmarshals— to look for her at a place called the Dead Spot Blood in
is etched into the wood of the platform. outside of Alkenstar, which is where she hides the Bilge
when laying low.
Continuing the
A map of this area appears on the inside front cover Campaign
of this volume. Treasure: One of the corrupt shieldmarshals wears
Creatures: In addition to the traffic moving along a gallows tooth on a hemp necklace. Additionally, The Gunworks
the southern half of the bridge, roughly 50 spectators Foruza gives the characters 250 gp from his personal Adventure
are gathered near the platform to watch the hanging. wealth in thanks. Toolbox
At 10 minutes to noon, an armored stagecoach XP Award: If the characters rescued Foruza without
(identical to the one in Event 1) arrives, escorted fighting the shieldmarshals, award each character 90
by three corrupt shieldmarshals. A character who XP, as if they’d defeated them in combat.
succeeds at a DC 19 Perception check notices that
each of these shieldmarshals has a broken heart tattoo EVENT 6: THE DEAD SPOT MODERATE 8
on their neck, marking them as Loveless’s goons. If After asking around, the characters can easily learn
unopposed, one shieldmarshal removes Foruza from the Dead Spot is roughly 25 miles outside Alkenstar,
the stagecoach, reads the charges against him (murder halfway between the city and the Gunworks to the
in the highest degree), and then hangs him at noon west. It’s a featureless circle of black sand, roughly a
sharp. The other two officers draw their guns and scan mile wide, where nothing grows. The place has an ill
the crowd, watchful for trouble. reputation and it’s rumored that anyone who dies in
The characters can rescue Foruza however they the Dead Spot rises as an undead. Depending on how
like. The most obvious solution is to stage a raid and fast they travel it takes the characters 1 to 2 days to
attack the shieldmarshals. As soon as an attack occurs, reach the Dead Spot. Read or paraphrase the following
the shieldmarshals immediately pull the lever on the when they arrive at its edge.
platform, which drops Foruza. He suffocates after
6 rounds if the characters don’t free him. A character The dusty wasteland abruptly ends at a circle of coal black
can sever the rope (which has an AC of 30) with a sand that stretches roughly a mile wide. The edge of the
successful ranged or melee Strike that deals piercing or circle is stark, as if the entire spot were made by a giant
slashing damage. Alternatively, the characters could use drop of ink spilled from the heavens. The sun beats down
subterfuge, perhaps posing as agents of Loveless with on the dark soil, creating lines of wavering heat, and the
new orders. In this case, the characters must succeed area exudes an aura of hanging dread, like an executioner’s
at a minimum of three successful skill checks (such as axe waiting to drop.
Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation) against the
shieldmarshals to convince them to let the prisoner go. Characters who succeed at a DC 22 Arcana or
Occultism check can determine the earth here is
CORRUPT SHIELDMARSHALS (3) CREATURE 7 suffused with necromantic energy, perhaps filtering up
Page 7 from some source buried miles deep.
Initiative Perception +18 Creatures: A cattle rustler named Dash has set up
Skills Intimidation +15 (replaces Diplomacy) a small camp in the exact center of the Dead Spot,
along with a herd of about 20 cattle. Dash is wary Roughly a week ago, after meeting the cattle
of the party at first, but relaxes a little if the rustlers in the Dead Spot, Parsus and the
characters mention they’re also outlaws. three riders escorted the cattle (and pyronite
Dash is a scrappy young woman, supplies) to the Gunworks. Parsus was
toughened by life on the streets, and she so intrigued by the Dead Spot that, after
has a habit of comparing everything accomplishing their mission, they killed the
to past street fights that she was in. three rustlers and returned here to animate
During their conversation, Dash can their corpses into dullahans, complete with
answer the following questions. new clockwork heads.
What are you doing out here? “Hiding
of course! I left Alkenstar a few days HEADLESS RUSTLERS (3) CREATURE 7
ago, soon as I learned the Leadsmiths were Variant dullahans (Pathfinder Bestiary 140)
on my trail. Those mercenaries’ attentions are Initiative Perception +14
rarely healthy for folks like me, so I came here Items +1 arquebus (Guns & Gears 152), full plate,
to lie low.” +1 longsword
How are you involved with the Ranged [one-action] keen striking arquebus +18
pyronite supplies? “I run with (concussive, fatal d12, kickback,
a gang of three other rustlers magical), Damage 2d8+10 piercing
named Emil, Anna, and Headshot Hunter Any firearm
Jessie, deadeyes all. Last wielded by the headless rustler
week, a fancy fella named Ibrium
Dash becomes keen (even if it’s not a
paid us to transport a bunch of supplies outside slashing weapon) and striking. If the headless
the city with our cattle—a real hush-hush type deal. rustler kills a creature with a critical hit using a firearm,
We took the goods here to the Dead Spot and met a the target is treated as if they were decapitated by the
necromancer named Parsus. What a creep. I bugged headless rustler’s Reap ability. These effects remain only
outta there right quick, the whole thing felt so wrong.” while the headless rustler holds the firearm.
Where did the pyronite supplies go? “I dunno. Throw Skull [two-actions] Interact; Frequency once (until a new
Emil, Anna, and Jessie went on with Parsus with the clockwork skull is crafted); Effect The headless rustler
shipment and I went back to Alkenstar to collect the throws its clockwork skull at a target within 30 feet. The
next herd. My crew should be back here soon though, skull explodes, dealing 8d6 fire damage to creatures in a
and I can put in a good word for you if you stick 15-foot radius (DC 23 basic Reflex save).
around. Maybe they can tell you where the supplies
ended up.” Treasure: After they’re destroyed, the headless
After the characters are done asking questions, rustlers’ steeds evaporate into a cloud of brimstone,
Dash gathers up the cattle. Emil, Anna, and Jessie are but their saddlebags remain. Inside the saddlebags is
expecting Dash to be alone and are always wary of some mundane traveling gear, plus a grim trophy and
a trap, so she tells the characters to make themselves two skull bombs (page 76).
scarce or else the three riders might not come. Once Jessie’s Journal: Jessie’s saddlebag also contains
they approach, Dash explains, she’ll provide the her personal journal, which details her encounter with
necessary introductions. With no other terrain nearby, Parsus and their journey transporting the pyronite
the best place for the characters to hide is among supplies to the Gunworks.
the cattle, which a character can accomplish with a For her part, Dash has no wish to continue onward
successful DC 22 Stealth check. Alternatively, less and returns to Alkenstar with the cattle.
stealthy characters can simply cling to the side of a
cow, hiding themselves from view with a successful DC AN EXPLOSIVE SITUATION
24 Fortitude save or Athletics check. After roughly 20 Still tracking the pyronite supplies, the characters next
minutes, the characters see three riders approaching travel to the Gunworks, where Alkenstar’s vast supply
on pale white horses, their faces under heavy cowls. of guns is manufactured. When they arrive, they
When the riders get within 30 feet Dash screams that find the mood at the fortress is tense. Loveless and
something’s wrong and runs. The riders remove their Ibrium recently visited to have their pyronite supplies
cowls, revealing that their heads have been replaced manufactured and they left the place in turmoil.
with clockwork skulls. If the characters don’t intervene, Loveless needs to build support for Tombend’s
they chase Dash with the intention to kill her. upcoming conscription legislation but many in
Alkenstar feel a larger army is unnecessary. The When the characters first arrive, the cyclops is
Maw of Rovagug, a massive cannon mounted on sitting on a rocking chair on the saloon’s front
the Gunworks’ walls, more than adequately protects porch, polishing his firearms. He tips his hat to the
Alkenstar from the west, most believe. Loveless knows characters when they arrive and, if they approach,
she needs to undermine the public’s confidence in this regards them cryptically. “Turn over enough stones
legendary siege engine. out here,” he says ominously, “and you’re bound to
To accomplish this, Loveless’s hired minion meet a rattlesnake.” The
Vewslog arrived 2 days ago (while the characters Smoking
were still in Alkenstar preventing a hanging) and Gun
surreptitiously released a horde of gremlins into the
Gunworks workshops, causing chaos. While Chapter 1:
this was occurring, he ventured into the Arms Race
Shattered Range to meet with his criminal Chapter 2:
contacts. These marauding bands of ogres Alkenstar Falls
and giants are called the Slugs of the Wastes
Chapter 3:
by most in Alkenstar, or simply “slugs” in casual Blood in
conversation. Using Alkenstari coin, Vewslog the Bilge
convinced the slugs to attack the Gunworks during
Continuing the
an upcoming mana storm, promising help from Campaign
within the fortress’s walls. Vewslog knows the raid is
doomed to failure, but he hopes that during the chaos The Gunworks
of the attack he can damage the Maw of Adventure
Rovagug, temporarily removing Alkenstar’s Toolbox
greatest weapon and raising an outcry from
Alkenstar’s citizenry.
By now, the party knows the
pyronite supplies were smuggled
to the Gunworks with a herd of
cattle, but they still need to piece
together what happened next.
In this part of the adventure, the
characters have some time to explore
the Gunworks, restock their supplies,
and collect clues from the Gunworks’ inhabitants
before ultimately helping defend it from Vewslog’s
monstrous forces. A gazetteer of the Gunworks,
including details of key locations, can be found on
page 64.
If the characters need some direction, the local
saloon owner—a mysterious ranger called Hatchet—
suggests they ask around the Gunworks and provides
a few helpful hints on where to get started. This is a
natural segue to Event 7.
The characters will likely want to vanquish Vewslog into the Western Ravage alone. He was gone all
immediately, but over a hundred shieldmarshals day and returned just before sundown.
defend the Gunworks, making open combat unwise.
Still, canny characters might arrange a covert battle The Leadsmiths’ Rooms: The Leadsmiths keep
with the cyclops during their stay. His statistics appear their two rooms locked with good locks. If the
on page 21. characters find a way in, they discover the rooms are
Gathering Clues: The Last Stop Saloon is filled filled with dozens of small metal cages. A character
with hardened outriders and wasteland travelers. who succeeds at a DC 24 Arcana or Occultism check
Characters who succeed at a DC 26 Diplomacy or DC to Recall Knowledge realizes these cages are Nexian
22 Intimidation check can learn one of the following in origin and designed to dampen the effects of hexes
pieces of information from the tavern’s rough and or curses. The Leadsmiths used these cages to ferry
tumble patrons. gremlins into the Gunworks.
• The talk of the town is that the Gunworks’ two Vewslog’s Tracks: The characters
inventor hubs—the Tower of Metallurgy and the can retrace Vewslog’s trip into the
Tower of Engineering—both experienced Western Ravage with a successful DC
strange accidents recently and each side is 24 Survival check to Track. If they do,
currently blaming the other. The heads of they discover, far in the wilderness, a
the towers (both geniuses with enormous place where his tracks intersect with those
egos) have grown increasingly paranoid of dozens of monstrous humanoids and
and aren’t talking with anyone taloned beasts. A character who succeeds
outside their own organization, at a DC 26 Survival or Nature check
fearful of spies. Both towers are to Recall Knowledge identifies the
demanding the shieldmarshals tracks as belonging to ogres and
deal with the “problems” in their enormous bats.
workshops, but so far Loy Ayton, Convincing Ayton: By this point,
the Gunworks’ garrison commander, has the characters likely have some
chosen not to act. wild stories to tell and at least some
• Deputy Loveless and a guest named evidence to back it up, but Loy Ayton runs
Ibrium both stayed at the saloon last things by the book. (See page 67 for more
week. Loveless met several times details about the garrison commander.)
with the Tower of Metallurgy, and If they visit asking about Loveless, he
Ibrium met several times with refuses to provide any details on her
the Tower of Engineering. whereabouts, because that’s official
They both had dinner with shieldmarshal business. If presented
Loy Ayton during the with evidence that she’s corrupt, he
final night of their dispatches a representative to Alkenstar
stay and then left on to run any charges of treason through
a small boat. No one the bureaucracy there, but getting an
knows where they went. actual arrest warrant could take days
• The garrison commander in or weeks. To solve the situation in a
charge of the shieldmarshals at the timely fashion, the characters will need
Gunworks is named Loy Ayton. While to find a way to convince Ayton to
not necessarily an ally of Loveless, bend the rules.
he’s dealt with her many times in XP Award: For gathering the clues,
the past, as they’re both high- award each character 60 XP.
ranking shieldmarshals. If anyone
knows where Loveless went, it’s Hatchet EVENT 8: BOMBS AWAY MODERATE 8
likely him. Knowing that Loveless visited the
• Yesterday, Vewslog—a cyclops Tower of Metallurgy, the party
currently staying at the Last will likely want to investigate the
Stop Saloon and the leader of a area and find out what she
notorious mercenary outfit called the was up to. A few days ago,
Leadsmiths—was spotted traveling the Leadsmiths secretly
unleashed a group of pugwampi gremlins (Bestiary but each time it’s in the area of an energy attack (such
193) into the laboratories to cover Loveless’s tracks. as the pyronite ooze’s explosion or a spell), the metal
This caused a series of explosions and chemical randomly changes its composition. Each time the
reactions, which spilled over onto the remaining spilled metal is caught in the area of an energy effect,
pyronite supplies and created a pyronite ooze. roll 1d6 and refer to the table below to determine the
When the characters arrive, a sleepless Della metal’s new composition.
Sangrey greets them. She explains that the bottom The
floor of the tower, the Hall of Crucibles, has been EXPERIMENTAL METAL COMPOSITIONS Smoking
the site of countless small explosions over the past d6 Effect Gun
few days. Yesterday the explosions died down 1 Transforms into a sandy material, making the area
long enough for Sangrey to send two alchemists to difficult terrain. Chapter 1:
investigate, but that only set off another round of 2 Crystallizes into razor shards, dealing 5d6 slashing Arms Race
explosions that killed them both. Sangrey asked Loy damage to creatures that use the Stride action in Chapter 2:
Ayton for shieldmarshal reinforcements, but so far the area (DC 26 basic Reflex save). Alkenstar Falls
he’s refused, claiming his soldiers aren’t equipped to 3 Transforms into a surface more slippery than
Chapter 3:
deal with alchemists’ messes. glass, making the area difficult terrain. Creatures Blood in
If the characters explain their interest in Loveless, that Stride in the area must succeed at a DC 26 the Bilge
Sangrey listens politely but doesn’t provide any Acrobatics check or fall prone.
Continuing the
information. She fully believes her current bad luck 4 Liquefies into a pool of molten metal, dealing 5d6 Campaign
is the result of spies from the Tower of Engineering fire damage to creatures that begin their turn in
and worries the characters might secretly be working the area (DC 26 basic Reflex save). The Gunworks
for Erdrik Marth, that tower’s master engineer. Only 5 Transforms into a glue-like substance. To Stride in Adventure
if the characters agree to investigate the source of the the area, creatures must first succeed at a DC 26 Toolbox
explosions does Sangrey promise to tell them about Athletics check to pull their legs free.
her dealings with Loveless. 6 The metal becomes inert and has no effect. It
Before they venture into the Hall of Crucibles, begins in this state.
Sangrey offers to lend the characters her blast suit
(page 74) to use, which is a prototype armor she built Creature: After the pugwampis were released in this
to protect from explosions. room, their unlucky magic caused a chain reaction
Read or paraphrase the following aloud to set the that transformed the pyronite supplies into a pyronite
scene for this encounter. ooze. The ooze quickly killed the pugwampis, but
was unable to blast its way through the thick metal
Two enormous crucibles, each larger than a wagon, stand doors leading out of the room. With nothing left to
in the center of this large hall. The westernmost crucible do, it went into hibernation, waiting for new creatures
stands upright, while the eastern crucible has tipped over, to enter its lair. It’s currently hiding within the
spilling a vast amount of cooled metal over the floor, which tipped-over crucible and can’t be seen from the door
glistens with an unusual sheen. Overhead, the ceiling into the room. When the characters walk around the
arches to a height of thirty feet and is painted with images crucible, it emerges to attack.
of cannons firing upon collapsing castles. A dozen smaller
alcoves circle the outer walls of the room, each containing PYRONITE OOZE CREATURE 10
a small crucible. Scorch marks and blast residue cover the Page 83
walls and floor in this room. Initiative Perception +14
All is initially quiet when the characters enter the Aftermath: After the characters slay the ooze, they
room, as the pyronite ooze doesn’t immediately attack. can investigate the room and find out what happened.
Once they deal with the ooze, the characters are free to A character who succeeds at a DC 24 Perception
investigate for clues. check discovers remnants of saltpeter, soda ash, and
A map of the Hall of Crucibles appears on the inside other pyronite supplies, indicating the materials were
front cover of this volume. stored here. Characters who succeed at a DC 24
Environmental Hazard: The eastern crucible in this Crafting check can tell that a chain reaction recently
room was filled with a batch of highly reactive metal, occurred in the hall, exposing a variety of chemicals
which spilled all over the floor when the crucible to the pyronite supplies and creating the ooze. With a
toppled. The molten metal is now completely cooled, successful DC 26 Survival check, a character uncovers
the dead pugwampis’ tracks, which lead to for producing pyronite. Marth is unwilling
the scorched (and nearly unidentifiable) to discuss the details of his arrangement
remains of a dozen pugwampis in one with the characters, whom he suspects are
corner. Finally, a character who succeeds spies for the Tower of Metallurgy. If they
at a DC 26 Arcana or Occultism check can deal with his gremlin problem,
can determine the pugwampis’ unlucky however, he promises to tell them
aura likely triggered the chain reaction. what he knows.
With all these clues discovered, only The Tower of Engineering is a large,
two questions remain: who released the rounded tower on the western end of
pugwampis? And why? the Gunworks. The lowest floor of this
Presented with this new information, tower is a single large hanger called the
Sangrey admits Loveless contracted the Hall of Siegecraft where the engineers
alchemists to make a bulk supply of work on their largest creations. Two steel
chemical compounds. Since she doesn’t doors lead from the courtyard of the
know the formula for pyronite, Gunworks into the hall. When the
Sangrey has no idea what characters enter the area, read
Loveless wanted with the or paraphrase the following.
chemicals; she’d simply
assumed they were for Della Sangrey The ground floor of this entire
shieldmarshal forensic work. A tower is one large hangar filled with
day or two before she departed, Loveless carted away mechanical contraptions. Four large wagons, festooned
an entire wagon full of the chemicals and left the rest with armor plating, cannons, and mounted musket turrets,
behind for later. have been parked throughout the room. Overhead, the
After the investigation, Sangrey is convinced ceiling arches to a height of thirty feet.
something nefarious is afoot, so she agrees to help
the characters. She explains while the Gunworks’ Use the map of the Hall of Siegecraft on the inside
garrison commander is in charge of military matters, front cover of this volume for this encounter.
the two inventors’ towers have just as much sway Creatures: Last year, Marth uncovered a damaged
on day-to-day operations. Sangrey proposes that she spiral centurion in the Spellscar Desert. The engineers
arrange a dinner meeting between the characters, have been tinkering with it ever since, outfitting it
herself, Master Engineer Erdrik Marth, and Garrison with dozens of guns and repairing it piece by piece.
Commander Loy Ayton. If the characters can get When the jinkin gremlins were released into this area,
Marth to come around to the idea, Sangrey and they quickly took up residence with the construct
Marth together can outvote Ayton and force him to and reactivated it with their tinkering. The gremlins
act against Loveless. (see Hazard below) and centurion lie in wait until the
Treasure: As thanks for defeating the pyronite ooze, characters come within 30 feet, at which point the
Sangrey gifts the characters her blast suit. centurion whirs to life and the gremlin horde uses its
Hexed Calamity reaction.
The second Gunworks individual of note for the BROKEN CENTURION CREATURE 9
characters is Erdrik Marth (further detailed on page Variant weak spiral centurion (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 6, 250)
67), master engineer at the Tower of Engineering. Initiative Perception +18
Just like in the Tower of Metallurgy, several days ago Misaligned Gears The spiral centurion loses access to
a Leadsmith released a horde of gremlins (jinkins, in its Rev Up ability, and if it Strides more than once per
this case) into the tower’s lowest level, the Hall of round, it takes 1d10 damage per Stride after the first.
Siegecraft, to cause mischief. Marth is aware of the Melee [one-action] dulled blade +21 (agile, sweep), Damage 2d10+3
gremlins, but believes they’re part of a plot by Della slashing
Sangrey to ruin his reputation. He petitioned Loy Ranged [one-action] cannon +21 (concussive, fatal d8, range
Ayton for shieldmarshals to clear out the gremlins, but increment 60 feet), Damage 3d6+4 piercing
Ayton considers the issue more akin to vermin removal Reload Guns [one-action] The spiral centurion loads ammo into its
and beneath the dignity of a military response. many guns.
Over the past week, Marth worked with Ibrium Whirling Fire [three-actions] Requirements The spiral centurion has
to manufacture the necessary casings and stabilizers used Reload Guns three times since the last time it used
Whirling Fire; Effect The spiral centurion spins furiously Aftermath: After the characters destroy the spiral
in place, firing its guns wildly and dealing 8d6 piercing centurion and scatter the gremlins, Marth bursts into
damage to creatures in a 60-foot radius (DC 28 basic the room with an excited “Hurrah!” He thanks the
Reflex save). Creatures further than 30 feet away gain a party profusely and is happy to explain that, over the
+4 circumstance bonus on their save against this attack. past week, his engineers crafted a large number of
casings and stabilizers for Ibrium, though he has no
Hazard: The gremlins are not a threat individually, inkling of what these parts are for. The
but as a large group they form a hazardous gremlin If the characters have already aided Della Sangrey, Smoking
horde that shares the same space as the spiral Marth agrees with her plan and promises to help the Gun
centurion. Once the three gremlin gangs composing characters convince Ayton to aid the party’s search for
the horde are scattered (see below) or the centurion is Loveless. If they haven’t helped Sangrey yet, Marth Chapter 1:
destroyed, hunting down and defeating the individual proposes the plan as described in Event 8. Arms Race
gremlins becomes a trivial task. Treasure: As thanks for defeating the gremlins, Chapter 2:
Marth gifts the characters an erraticannon (page 75). Alkenstar Falls
Stealth +18 (expert) Loy Ayton doesn’t make a habit of dining with the Bilge
Description Three gangs of gremlins hide within the spiral suspected outlaws, but in exchange for helping them
Continuing the
centurion, cackling with glee and hurling blasts of hex with their respective towers, Sangrey and Marth have Campaign
magic. The hazard occupies the same space as the spiral set up a dinner party in the garrison tower with him
centurion, moving with it. and the characters next evening. Coincidentally, a The Gunworks
Disable DC 25 Arcana, Occultism, or Religion (trained) to mana storm is due to roll in that night. According to Adventure
devise counter-hex symbols that frighten and scatter a the Gunworks prognosticators, this storm is tied to Toolbox
gremlin gang, or DC 28 Acrobatics or Stealth (expert) to transmutation magic, particularly magic that alters
capture and scatter a gremlin gang size. During storms such as these, the Gunworks seals
AC 27; Fort +11, Ref +17 and wards the doors and windows of its key structures,
Hardness 15 (while inside the centurion); HP 22 per gremlin dampening the worst magic-altering effects. This has
gang the added benefit of effectively trapping Ayton with
Hexed Calamity [reaction] Trigger A creature comes within 30 feet the characters, giving them all night to work him
of the gremlin horde; Effect Every firearm within 30 feet over with flattery and suggestion. On their way to
misfires (Guns & Gears 152). If a creature is holding the the garrison tower, Sangrey and Marth explain that
firearm, they can attempt a DC 27 Will save, negating Ayton is an unbending man, so they suggest playing
this effect on a success. The hazard rolls initiative. along with his hosting and waiting until the end of
Routine (3 actions; misfortune) The gremlin horde hurls one the (hopefully pleasant) evening before asking him
tinkering curse with each action, targeting an item within about Loveless.
60 feet wielded or worn by a creature. The creature must Ayton has other ideas, however. As soon as they
attempt a DC 27 Will save. The gremlin horde loses 1 arrive in his dining room at the top of the Garrison
action for each gremlin gang that’s scattered. Tower, the commander greets the characters and
Critical Success The hex bounces back to affect the says that, rather than dancing around the subject all
gremlin horde. For 1 round, all creatures gain a +1 evening, he’d prefer to discuss Loveless now and be
status bonus to checks to disable this hazard. done with it.
Success The item is unaffected. Discussing Loveless: As the conversation begins,
Failure The item becomes unreliable for 1 round. If a thunder rumbles outside and the mana storm begins
creature attempts to Activate the item or Interact to set in. Sangrey and Marth, with the help of the
with it, it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the characters, recount their experiences over the last week
action is wasted. If the item doesn’t have an active manufacturing pyronite components and the sinister
use (such a mundane cloak), the creature wearing the implications all this entails. Together, they press Ayton
item must instead immediately succeed at a DC 5 flat to act and, at the very least, reveal what he knows of
check or become tangled with the item and fall prone. Loveless’s plan.
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature wielding or Although he wants to keep out of Loveless’s
wearing the item also becomes clumsy 2. affairs, Ayton grudgingly admits that, everything
Reset If not captured or killed, the scattered gremlin gangs considered, the situation doesn’t look good. Against
regroup after 1d4 hours. his better judgment, he agrees to help the characters,
even though doing so violates official protocol. He cannon, and secretly planted pyronite charges along it.
agrees to temporarily arrest the Leadsmiths in the With the fuses already lit, the cannon will soon blow,
fortress and have his shieldmarshals scour devastating the Gunworks’ defenses. Meanwhile,
the countryside for signs of other Loveless Vewslog can blame the explosion on the slugs
cronies. As for Loveless herself, he believes and still look like a hero at the end of the day.
she’s likely headed for Alken Falls with It’s possible the characters already eliminated
the pyronite. The night before she left, Vewslog before the dinner party. In this case,
Ayton dined with Loveless and Ibrium the slugs are still in possession of the cannon,
and, after a few too many glasses of wine, which they grimly defend while their horde
the Nexian accidentally let slip something rushes the keep.
about “heading for Alken Falls” soon. Regardless Ayton asks the characters to
Under Attack: As the conversation is retake control of the cannon while he rushes
wrapping up, Ayton proposes they to the ramparts below to organize the
sit down and enjoy dinner shieldmarshals for battle and rally
together. But suddenly, reinforcements.
the sounds of gunfire Mana Storm: To complicate
erupt outside and alarm matters, all the fighting at the
bells start ringing. Gunworks occurs under the
The Gunworks is effects of a transmutation
under attack! mana storm, which alters
XP Award: Award the size. At the beginning of
characters 80 XP for finding Loy Ayton each round, roll 1d6 for each
out where Loveless is headed next. creature on the battlefield. On a roll
of 1, the creature shrinks one size smaller; on a roll of
ATTACK ON THE GUNWORKS 6, the creature grows one size larger.
When the alarms sound, Garrison Commander Ayton Transmutation magic can counteract these effects.
rushes to the balcony of his tower and looks below, As an action, a character can expend a prepared spell
beckoning the characters to come with him. Read or or spell slot for a transmutation spell they know to
paraphrase the following to set the scene. lock a creature’s current size into place for the duration
of the mana storm. For every 2 spell levels expended in
Sheets of rain pour over the stone fortifications of the this fashion, the character can also increase or decrease
Gunworks, which is alive with armed shieldmarshals the creature’s size by one category before locking it
rushing to the ramparts. Jolts of arcane energy sizzle into place. The targeted creature must be within 30
through the sky and a sudden flash of green lightning feet and can attempt a Will save to resist this effect
illuminates the landscape for miles around. In the distance, (against the caster’s spell DC).
a horde of monstrous warriors is charging through the hills
toward the fortress. An army approaches! EVENT 11: DEFENDING THE MAW SEVERE 8
The encroaching army is composed of several An enormous cannon, fashioned into the likeness of a
hundred ogres and hill giants—the so-called Slugs snarling monster, juts from the top of this tower like
of the Wastes—who have banded together under the the finger of an angry god. From end to end, the cannon
influence of Vewslog. Already, an advance war band measures roughly seventy-five feet long and is wide enough
mounted on enormous flying bats has killed the for multiple humans to stand atop. The mighty bombard
shieldmarshals surrounding the Maw of Rovagug rests atop a circular platform, powered by clockwork gears.
and captured the cannon, clearing the way for their Nearby, a ten-foot-wide steel hatch leads into the tower
brethren to approach. below. To the north, a single staircase winds from the
If everything has gone according to Vewslog’s courtyard of the Gunworks to the base of the cannon atop
plan, the cyclops is still free inside the keep with his the tower, which is a hundred feet from the ground.
Leadsmith mercenaries. Vewslog advised the slugs to
strike the Maw first and capture the cannon, but he also Loy Ayton has asked the characters to clear the
planned to betray them as soon as they’d accomplished enemies from this area. Once that’s done, the party
this. By the time the characters are exiting the tower, can proceed to Event 12 to fire the cannon at the
Vewslog has already killed the ogres, reclaimed the encroaching enemy horde.
Use the Maw of Rovagug map on the inside front Pistolero’s Retort [reaction] Trigger A foe within 60 feet
cover of this volume for this encounter. critically fails an attack roll against Vewslog; Effect
Clock’s Ticking: By the time the characters reach Vewslog makes a dueling pistol Strike against the
the Maw of Rovagug, Vewslog has just lit the fuse triggering foe.
of the pyronite charges he’s attached to the muzzle. Speed 30 feet
The pyronite will explode in 6 rounds, disabling the Melee [one-action] greataxe +19 (reach 10 feet, sweep), Damage
cannon, if the characters don’t disarm the charges. A 1d12+10 slashing The
character can disarm the charges with a successful DC Ranged [one-action] dueling pistol +21 (concealable, concussive, fatal Smoking
24 Thievery check to Disable a Device (or another type d10, magical, range increment 60 feet, reload 1), Damage Gun
of check, at your discretion). If the charges explode, 2d6+3 piercing plus 4d6 precision
they deal 20d6 fire damage to creatures and objects Deadeye Vewslog’s ranged attacks deal an additional 4d6 Chapter 1:
within 100 feet (DC 29 basic Reflex save). precision damage. Arms Race
Ammo Hatch: The large steel hatch in the floor Firearms Critical Specialization When Vewslog makes a Chapter 2:
of the Maw of Rovagug’s tower leads down into critical hit with a firearm, the target must succeed at a Alkenstar Falls
the tower, which is filled with complex clockwork DC 25 Fortitude save or become stunned 1.
Chapter 3:
machinery and enormous cannon balls. If a creature Blood in
falls into the hatch while it’s open, the creature takes the Bilge
5d6 bludgeoning damage
Continuing the
at the beginning of Campaign
its turn each round
from the crushing The Gunworks
gears inside the tower. A Adventure
creature inside the hatch Toolbox
can attempt a DC 26 Athletics or Acrobatics check to
escape and climb back out.
Creatures: If the characters haven’t dealt with
Vewslog yet, then he and four Leadsmiths are
defending the top of the tower, standing on the bodies
of the slain slug war party. Vewslog positions himself
atop the cannon, midway up the barrel, to prevent the
characters from reaching the pyronite charges at the
muzzle. The Leadsmiths know they face hanging if
their treachery is discovered, so they fight to the death
to ensure their plan succeeds.
Male cyclops gunslinger (Pathfinder Bestiary 68)
Perception +18; low-light vision
Languages Common, Cyclops, Jotun
Skills Athletics +20, Fortune-Telling Lore +19, Intimidation
+16, Survival +18
Str +4, Dex +6, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha –1
Items +1 striking dueling pistol (2; 40 rounds; Guns & Gears
152), greataxe, hide armor
AC 28; Fort +21, Ref +18, Will +15
HP 161 Vewslog
Ferocity [reaction] (Pathfinder Bestiary 343)
Flash of Insight [free-action] (divine, occult, fortune) Trigger Vewslog
is about to roll a d20; Frequency once per day; Effect
The cyclops peers into an occluded spectrum of possible
futures. He gets a success (but not a critical success) on
the roll instead of rolling.
Ricochet [two-actions] Frequency once per round; Effect Vewslog Ranged [one-action] wing +14 (agile), Damage 2d8+7 piercing
makes a ranged Strike and compares the attack roll
result to the AC of up to two foes, each of whom must EVENT 12: FIRING THE MAW MODERATE 8
be within 60 feet of Vewslog. Roll damage only once and After the characters defeat the tower’s defenders in
apply it to each creature hit. A ricochet counts as two Event 11, they can see the majority of the enemy
attacks for Vewslog’s multiple attack penalty. horde is still in the distance, but an advance war band
is approaching fast. The next wave of warriors will
LEADSMITHS (4) CREATURE 5 reach the Gunworks in just 3 rounds if the characters
Page 9 don’t do something. The Gunworks’ shieldmarshals
Initiative Perception +12 are still fighting off other slug warriors on the rampart
below the Maw of Rovagug, leaving the characters to
Alternatively, if Vewslog is out of the picture, then defend the cannon by themselves. If they don’t come
a war band of slugs occupies the Maw of Rovagug. to the idea themselves, Garrison Commander Ayton
This band consists of a slug warboss, three ogre slugs, roars orders at the characters, telling them to fire
and three mutant bats. The ogres fiercely defend the the cannon at the incoming horde to demoralize the
cannon to buy time for the rest of their horde to reach advance war band.
the Gunworks. Firing the Cannon: Typically the Maw of Rovagug
is operated by a crew of nine, with each member of
SLUG WARBOSS CREATURE 8 the crew performing one skill check each round. In a
Elite ogre boss (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 253) pinch, a minimum of three people can fire the cannon,
Initiative Perception +14 performing three skill checks per round each. Doing
this is difficult, however; a character performing
OGRE SLUG (3) CREATURE 5 multiple skill checks in a single round takes a –1
Variant elite ogre gluttons (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 253) penalty to the second check and a –2 penalty to the
Initiative Perception +8 third check. If the party needs additional help, both
Throw Powder Keg [two-actions] Frequency once (until the ogre Della Sangrey and Erdrik Marth are nearby. Although
acquires another powder keg); Effect The ogre lights and they avoid fighting, each has a skill check modifier
hurls a powder keg of gunpowder at a point within 40 of +18 for Crafting and Engineering Lore and gladly
feet. The fuse continues to burn for 1 round, during which helps fire the cannon.
time an adjacent creature can use an Interact action to The Maw of Rovagug can be used to target any
remove the lit fuse, rendering the keg harmless. At the point within 100 miles, affecting a 60-foot burst
start of the ogre’s next turn, if the fuse is still lit, the keg around the point of impact. The damage dealt by
explodes, dealing 3d8 fire damage and 3d8 bludgeoning the Maw of Rovagug depends on the number of
damage to creatures in a 15-foot burst (DC 22 basic successful checks the crew rolls while firing the
Reflex save). cannon. For each successful check, the cannon deals
2d6 fire and 2d6 bludgeoning damage; these amounts
MUTANT BATS (3) CREATURE 5 are doubled for critically successful checks. For
UNCOMMON N HUGE ANIMAL example, if the crew succeeds at all nine checks to fire
Mana Wastes mutated giant bats (Pathfinder Bestiary 39) the cannon, it deals 18d6 fire and 18d6 bludgeoning
Perception +16; echolocation (precise) 40 feet, low-light damage in a 60-foot burst. Firing the cannon occurs
vision in three phases, with each phase requiring three DC
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +13, Stealth +13 22 skill checks. Following are suggested skills for
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +4, Cha –2 each phase of firing the cannon, but feel free to allow
Echolocation A bat can use its hearing as a precise sense the characters to use different skills or class abilities
at the listed range. if it seems appropriate.
AC 22; Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +11 Load Ammo (Crafting, Engineering Lore, Thievery):
HP 75 The crew must swivel the firing platform (which can
Wing Thrash [reaction] Trigger An adjacent enemy damages rotate the cannon 360 degrees) and return the cannon
the mutant bat; Effect The bat makes one or two wing to a neutral position so they can load a shell from
Strikes—one against the triggering creature and one the ammo hatch. This process entails operating many
against another adjacent creature. complex levers and controls.
Speed 15 feet, fly 30 feet Ignite Cannon (Arcana, Crafting, Nature, Occultism,
Melee [one-action] fangs +14, Damage 2d10+7 slashing Religion): The crew must measure, distribute, and
ignite a complex system of alchemical charges, timing garrison armory as thanks for their incredible efforts.
the blast to occur at precisely the right moment. If the slugs reached the walls, the atmosphere in the
Aim Cannon (Engineering Lore, Perception, keep is more somber as the defenders’ bodies are laid
Warfare Lore): The crew must swivel the firing to rest and the dead are counted.
platform and adjust the angle of the cannon to In either event, Ayton suggests the characters
strike their target. If the crew doesn’t succeed at any check out the Glutted Golem, a riverside restaurant
checks during this stage, the cannon misses its attack and saloon in the Ferrous Quarter. The restaurant is The
entirely, dealing no damage. run by an old friend of Ayton’s, an ettin with heads Smoking
As the characters are operating the cannon, in named Germ and Gur, who used to serve in the Gun
the distance they can see that one hill giant in the Ravage Raiders at the Gunworks.
approaching horde has grown to enormous size under XP Award: For surviving the siege, award the Chapter 1:
the influence of the mana storm. The giant grows characters 80 XP each. Arms Race
larger each round, becoming Gargantuan by the time Chapter 2:
they reach the Gunworks. Alkenstar Falls
Each time the characters fire the cannon, a deafening
Chapter 3:
boom shakes the stonework of the entire citadel and Blood in
a blinding flash lights up the terrain for miles around. the Bilge
Using the cannon, the characters can scatter the
Continuing the
approaching horde by dealing a total of 250 damage Campaign
to it. This disbands the horde and routs the advance
war party. Alternatively, if the party can score just The Gunworks
one direct hit on the approaching Gargantuan hill Adventure
giant, the horde immediately breaks and flees. Toolbox
Scoring a direct hit on the hill giant requires
the characters to achieve three critical
successes during the Aim Cannon phase.
Creatures: If the characters fail to
turn back the horde after 3 rounds,
the advance war party reaches the
Gunworks’ walls and begins scaling
the fortification with ladders. Using
cannons that fire grappling hooks, four ogres (or
more at your discretion) climb to the top of the
tower where the Maw of Rovagug is located to battle
the characters.
Since the characters just completed a severe-
threat encounter during Event 11, this battle is
intentionally designed to be an easy skirmish,
letting the characters demonstrate their
strength against rank-and-file ogres. The real
consequence of failing to repel the horde is
dozens of shieldmarshals are slain during the
brief siege, which ultimately fails.
Chapter 2:
Alkenstar Falls
In Chapter 1, the characters learned that Loveless, EVENT 13: GLUTTED GOLEM STANDOFF
Ibrium, and Parsus have successfully manufactured a At the end of Chapter 1, Loy Ayton suggested the party
large quantity of pyronite, with which they intend to begin their investigation at a tavern called the Glutted
level Alken Falls. The party’s next step is to investigate Golem in the Ferrous Quarter. Read or paraphrase the
the area around the waterfall and uncover Loveless’s following to set the scene at the tavern.
scheme before it’s too late.
The potent aroma of seared beef, fish stew, and cigar
DISAPPEARANCES smoke wafts from the open front doors of this ramshackle
This chapter begins with the characters trying to restaurant. Inside, several dozen tables surround a
locate the villains’ pyronite shipment. Their first stop circular bar in the center of the large open dining area.
is the neighborhoods of the Ferrous Quarter and The entire back wall of the establishment opens onto a
Hellside, where locals have reported a recent rash of balcony that overlooks Alken Falls, filling the restaurant
disappearances around Alken Falls. with the low roar of rushing water in the distance.
The Glutted Golem’s customers include private bodyguards, mercenaries, CHAPTER 2 SYNOPSIS
and gunslingers, making the restaurant an excellent place to gather rumors. To secure the pyronite, the
An enormous ettin named Germ (left head) and Gur (right head) stands characters delve into Alkenstar’s
behind the Glutted Golem’s bar polishing glasses. Loquacious and gossipy, hydro-electric power plant, the
Germ and Gur are also happy to dish out rumors to friends of Loy Ayton. Tinwound Hydroforge. Here, a
Each character can attempt a single DC 26 Deception, Diplomacy, necromancer named Parsus has
Intimidation, or Society check to question a patron. On a successful check, filled the water purification plant The
the character learns one of the clues listed below (or two, on a critical with undead minions. The party Smoking
success). If the party doesn’t learn all the clues below, Germ and Gur provide must navigate electrified undead, Gun
them the remaining details. clockwork monstrosities, and
• Dozens of people have gone missing around Alken Falls recently. Most dangerous technology to find and Chapter 1:
of the disappearances have apparently been near the river at night. defeat Parsus, who reveals that their Arms Race
• A bounty hunter recently told Germ that she was hired to kidnap accomplices Loveless and Ibrium are Chapter 2:
Theevers Chalm, a local engineer who apparently on a luxury Ustradi riverboat headed Alkenstar Falls
owed money to bad people. Two nights ago, right this way, pyronite in hand.
Chapter 3:
she chased Theevers into Deadman’s Alley, Blood in
but a sudden cloud of smog filled the area the Bilge
as soon as she got there. She saw some sort
Continuing the
of phantom within the smoke and heard a Campaign
gunshot. When the smog cleared, the engineer
was gone. (See Event 14 below.) The Gunworks
• Last night, Emelett the Alchemist, leader of the Adventure
Incredible Emelett’s Traveling Medicine Show, Toolbox
went missing. A group of local mercenaries
was hired to investigate this morning, but they
couldn’t turn up much. (See Screw Overlook on
page 26.)
• Apparently, Shoma Lyzerius (or, if
Shoma is dead, an alchemist named
Lyles Cogsmith) was also recently
attacked by some sort of monster
and has holed up in Hellside.
Germ and Gur speculate that he
Germ and Gur
might have useful information about
whoever’s doing the kidnapping. (See Shoma’s Refuge on page 28.)
While these clues don’t reveal the location of the gives his employees potions that give them the strength
enemy, they do indicate that the characters are on the to perform amazing feats of physical prowess while
trail of a necromancer. they hawk his wares. Last night, Parsus, seeking to add
Treasure: A character who succeeds at a DC 30 more collected heads to his monstrous experiments,
Perception check while investigating the alleyway sent a handful of shock zombies to kidnap Emelett.
finds an unfired corpsecaller round (page 76), which The wily alchemist managed to escape capture but was
fell from Parsus’s pocket during the encounter. killed in the process. Now, it’s up to the characters to
find his body and discover what happened.
SCREW OVERLOOK When the characters arrive at the scene, they find
The Screw’s engineering wonder attracts large crowds the four remaining medicine-show employees packing
of visitors every day to marvel at its complexity or up their wagons and preparing to leave to town. Their
simply enjoy the sight of a machine that many in unofficial leader, a grumpy gnome named Farnoll,
Alkenstar view as a point of pride. To accommodate explains that Emelett went missing last night during
these viewers, Alkenstar officials created a large a thunderstorm. The employees fear that reporting
viewing platform overlooking the Screw, which is Emelett’s disappearance to the shieldmarshals would
often filled with covered wagons housing traveling lead to their arrest for selling questionable wares,
hucksters and merchants. so Farnoll hired a mercenary band to investigate the
Several weeks ago, Incredible Emelett’s Traveling scene this morning. As the mercenaries couldn’t locate
Medicine Show set up on the viewing platform to Emelett either, Farnoll and the others plan to skip
sell snake oil medicines and dangerous compounds town, leaving Emelett’s wagon and mobile laboratory
collected from the Mana Wastes. Emelett is a behind. Farnoll refused to pay the mercenaries for their
self-trained alchemist with a handful of performers failed work, but he’s willing to reward the characters if
under his employ. The not-so-incredible alchemist they can locate Emelett.
The following locations correspond to the Screw If the characters search the outside of the
Overlook map on page 26. wagon before entering, they notice that the
stopping block holding the wagon wheel in
C1. EMELETT’S WAGON place was kicked out. Although it’s currently
Farnoll suggests the characters stationary, a character who succeeds at a DC
start their search for Emelett in 26 Engineering Lore check determines
the alchemist’s personal wagon. that weight shifting inside the wagon The
could cause it to roll down the hill at Smoking
The door to this sturdy wagon any moment. Gun
hangs slightly askew. Inside is
a cozy living space with a small bed on This large wooden wagon sits near a hill at Chapter 1:
the western wall. Shelves cover the other the very edge of the plaza. Inside, the wagon is Arms Race
walls, crammed with books, jars of reagents, filled with an overpowering putrid stench. A large Chapter 2:
and pickled creatures. The cabin shows clear workbench is covered with test tubes and glass Alkenstar Falls
signs of a struggle. Shattered furniture is scattered beakers. Packed crates and jugs of liquids are
Chapter 3:
throughout the room, and shards of glass stored along the walls of the wagon. Blood in
sparkle on the floor. In the back is a wooden wall with the Bilge
a metal door. A sign on the door
Continuing the
The zombies initially attacked reads, “Danger: Keep Out.” Campaign
Emelett here, and he attempted to
defend himself by hurling bombs. After escaping his wagon, Emelett The Gunworks
The thunderous rainstorm outside Farnoll ran to this laboratory. He kicked out the Adventure
prevented anyone nearby from hearing the stopping block keeping the wagon in place and Toolbox
struggle and, with no help coming, Emelett eventually went inside, hoping to lure the zombies after him. Once
escaped out the back window of his wagon. they entered, he opened the dezullon cage, planning
Characters who succeed at a DC 26 Crafting check to run through to the door in the back of the cage,
to Identify Alchemy determine that the glass shards on escape the wagon, and then push the wagon down the
the floor are remnants of fire bombs flung toward the nearby hill with the zombies still inside. Unfortunately,
door. A character who succeeds at a DC 26 Survival the electric sparks emitted by the zombies enraged the
check notices that the shattered furniture was likely dezullons, causing them to attack both Emelett and
piled in front of the cabin door and then broken apart the zombies. Each plant ate one creature and then
by whatever invaded the cabin; the character also sees retreated back to its cage to digest the meal.
boot prints on the bed sheets. The boot prints lead to A character who enters the wagon must attempt a
a window in the back of the cabin that is still askew, DC 25 Fortitude save against the dezullons’ stench
then continue on the ground outside toward area C2. aura. A character who succeeds at a DC 24 Perception
Treasure: A character who succeeds at a DC 29 check notices that the apparently closed metal door
Perception check finds Emelett’s secret stash hidden in the cabin is actually slightly ajar. A character who
in a compartment at the head of his bed. The stash succeeds at a DC 26 Nature check identifies small
contains a bottle of mutagenic renovator and a jar of amounts of dezullon venom sprinkled on the floor,
mana-rattler liniment (both are detailed on page 77). indicating the plants were recently out of their cage.
Runaway Wagon: The wagon is currently
C2. EMELETT’S LABORATORY MODERATE 9 counterbalanced by the two dezullons, heavy with
Emelett’s tracks from area C1 lead to a large nearby digesting corpses, sitting in the back of the wagon.
wagon where Emelett concocted his snake-oil However, if these plants leave their cage, the weight in
medicines. The mercenaries searched this wagon as the wagon shifts toward the ramp to the east, causing
well, but the horrific dezullon stench that permeates the wagon to roll downhill. Once it’s started rolling, the
the area dissuaded them from doing a thorough job. enormously heavy wagon is difficult to stop. It travels
Before the characters enter the wagon, Farnoll at a rate of 60 feet per round. Characters outside can
warns them that Emelett keeps two pet dezullons in halt the wagon for 1 round with a successful DC 28
a compartment at the back of the wagon. Emelett Athletics check, permanently halting it on a critical
harvested venom from these plant creatures for his success. Alternatively, characters who move something
medicines. The plants pose a danger to everyone large in front of the wagon could potentially halt its
except Emelett, the one who feeds them. progress, at your discretion.
Creatures inside the rolling wagon must succeed SHOMA’S REFUGE
at a DC 28 Acrobatics each time they Stride or fall The characters’ third and final lead is their old foe
prone. If it isn’t stopped, after 3 rounds, the wagon Shoma Lyzerius, who was reportedly attacked on the
crashes through a railing at the bottom of the slope, streets of Ferrous Quarter. Shoma has fallen on hard
then plunges into the Ustradi River 200 feet below, times since the characters saw him last. He spent
quickly filling the cabin with water and sinking to the nearly all his social and political capital trying to steal
bottom of the 40-foot-deep waterway. the pyronite formula and now has little to his name.
Creatures: After their release, the enraged dezullons The characters can still find him in his laboratory in
quickly ate Emelett and one of the shock zombies. Hellside (this location is fully described in Pathfinder
With Emelett gone, the remaining zombies retreated Adventure Path #178: Punks in a Powder Keg).
and the dezullons returned to their cage to digest their If Shoma didn’t survive his first encounter with the
meals. When the characters open the door, the startled party, an arrogant upstart named Lyles Cogsmith (CN
dezullons immediately attack. Sluggish with food, they male gnome alchemist 3) has taken up residence in the
move at half Speed at first, but they quickly vomit lab and was the victim of the attack.
up their meals if attacked. Although Emelett is long When the characters arrive, Shoma demands that
deceased, the shock zombie is still half undead and, they explain what they want. However, he quickly
when vomited up, joins the fray. drops any pretense of pride and begs the characters for
aid. His lair is largely unchanged since the characters
CAPTURED DEZULLONS (2) CREATURE 9 last saw it, except that in his panicked state Shoma has
Weak dezullons (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 94) piled debris in front of the doorways.
Initiative Perception +16 Whether the characters are dealing with Shoma
Vomit [reaction] Trigger The dezullon is damaged by an attack; or Lyles, the alchemist should convey roughly the
Effect The dezullon vomits the contents of its stomach following points during their conversation.
into an adjacent unoccupied space, filling the space with What happened here? “Nothing yet. But I think
either a dead body or still-moving zombie (a body is in some... things... might be after me—and I’ll bet they’re
one of the dezullons, a zombie is in the other). Creatures coming back tonight. I’ve done too much work here
adjacent to the dezullon must succeed at a DC 26 to give it up, so I intend to make this my final stand.”
Reflex save or be splashed with a dose of the dezullon’s What things are after you? “Last night, I was on my
amnesia venom. way home from the bar when a cloud of smog settled
all around me. Amid all the coughing, I saw shapes
DISGORGED ZOMBIE CREATURE 6 floating through the smoke. I think they were corpses.
Variant shock zombie (page 85) I heard deep, booming laughter, and a voice called my
Initiative Perception +14 name. I saw a floating figure, like a wraith made from
HP 52 smoke approaching me. Luckily, I had a few extra
Melee [one-action] fist +16, Damage 1d12+7 bludgeoning plus 1d12 bombs on me, so I was able to cause an explosion and
electricity and amnesia venom (Pathfinder Bestiary 94) escape. But the voice told me that it would be back
tonight. You have to help me!”
Aftermath: After killing the dezullons, the characters Why is this creature chasing you? “I don’t know, but
can examine the corpses and determine that one of the voice seemed to know who I am. It told me that its
them is indeed Emelett; the dead huckster’s floppy hat master wanted to kill me—that they wanted to use my
bears his name in garish embroidered letters. Farnoll brain. What a hideous thought.”
thanks the characters for locating his missing boss, How can we help? “You can’t do much right now,
but he decides that getting out of town is likely still a but come back this evening and spend the night with
wise move. He doesn’t know why zombies were after me in my lab. Whenever the smog creature returns, we
Emelett, and he doesn’t intend to stay to find out. can battle it together!”
Characters who examine the dead zombie find that
it was created using a combination of necromancy EVENT 15: ATTACK ON SHOMA MODERATE 9
and clockwork engineering. Its body is reinforced with If the characters agree to help, Shoma lets them into
metal coils that seem to magnify and produce electricity. his laboratory and helps prepare their battle plans,
Treasure: As a reward for finding Emelett, Farnoll but he encourages them to follow up on their other
gives the characters 200 gp. Additionally, eight doses leads during the day. The monsters won’t come until
of snake oil and two effervescent decoctions (page 76) after dark, so the characters still have time to explore
are scattered throughout the laboratory wagon. Emelett’s caravan if they haven’t already done so.
That night after the characters have fortified TINWOUND HYDROFORGE
themselves in Shoma’s lab, the moon rises and casts Thanks to Shoma, the characters know that at least
a bright light over the city. Any characters looking some of the kidnappings around Hellside originated
out from the laboratory windows have a clear view from the Tinwound Hydroforge, making this a natural
of Alken Falls and can see clouds of billowing smog place for them to investigate next.
emerge from the Hydroforge and move directly The Hydroforge is a marvel of technomancy and
toward Shoma’s laboratory. eldritch engineering. It was originally built atop an The
Hazard: Shoma has booby-trapped his lab with ancient Nexian mage’s tower in 4608 ar, and these Smoking
dozens of vials of his custom explosive, lyzerium. (“If days it supplies many key buildings throughout Gun
I’m going down,” he explains, “I’m taking them with Alkenstar with electricity. Water-powered turbines in
me!”) Any area effects that deal fire damage within the the lower levels generate electricity, which is channeled Chapter 1:
lab trigger a chain reaction, dealing 1d8 fire damage into electrified rails on the structure’s upper levels. Arms Race
to all creatures in the laboratory and setting the entire Below ground, the Hydroforge provides an even more Chapter 2:
hideout on fire. Being a firebug, Shoma is reluctant to important service: purifying drinking water from the Alkenstar Falls
remove the booby-traps, but he can be convinced to do Ustradi River for the citizens of Alkenstar.
Chapter 3:
so by a character who succeeds at a DC 21 Diplomacy A week ago, under orders from Loveless, Parsus Blood in
or Intimidation check. marched a zombie horde across the bottom of the river the Bilge
Creatures: The clouds of smog are actually two at night and captured the Hydroforge. Loveless claims
Continuing the
smog wraiths, accompanied by a handful of their that she’s planning to detonate the pyronite inside this Campaign
favorite floating corpses for decoration. The smog building, but in reality she and Ibrium plan to betray
wraiths attempt to enter Shoma’s lair through the front Parsus. They will instead detonate the pyronite aboard The Gunworks
door if possible (so they can bring their corpses along a boat outside the Hydroforge, destroying the building Adventure
too), but they’re willing to incorporeally pass through and killing the necromancer inside. For their part, Parsus Toolbox
the walls if necessary. They do their best to fill the has also been preparing to betray Loveless and Ibrium.
entire laboratory with smog, and they smugly laugh They quickly killed the engineers and technicians of the
at Shoma while they attempt to kill him and the party. facility and used their corpses to explore the creation of
Shoma does his best to contribute to the fight, but by undead-mechanical hybrids. The Hydroforge is isolated
this point in the adventure the characters’ powers far and receives few visitors; so far only a handful of people
outrank his capabilities; thus, his stats aren’t included have noticed that the facility workers are missing. These
here, since he’ll likely have only a tangential effect on cases all fell under the purview of Loveless’s cronies,
the battle. who quickly buried the investigations. To supplement
the slain engineers, Parsus’s minions also abducted
SMOG WRAITHS (2) CREATURE 9 nearly a hundred additional victims over the past week,
Page 84 mainly from among Alkenstar’s poorest and most
Initiative Perception +19 vulnerable residents. Having thus created a small army
of undead, Parsus’s plan is very simple: when Loveless
Aftermath: Once the smog wraiths are destroyed, lands with the pyronite, the necromancer’s undead
Shoma thanks the PCs for saving his life and promises army will overwhelm her and Ibrium. Parsus will then
(somewhat sincerely) to help them out in the future. If set timers on the bombs to destroy the falls and flee
any characters were looking out the windows of the the area, leaving no one alive knowing that they were
laboratory, they likely saw the smog wraiths emerge ever involved.
from the Tinwound Hydroforge, which provides a Parsus has already created a host of undead
new lead for them to investigate. Alternatively, they monstrosities to inhabit the upper levels of the
could reach the same conclusion if they examine the Hydroforge. To ensure that the undead remain
floating corpses the smog wraiths brought along with undisturbed, Parsus flooded much of the lower level of
them, which all wear the standard-issue uniforms of the building. In addition to collecting victims from the
Hydroforge engineers. streets of Alkenstar to serve as shock troops, Parsus
Treasure: Among the corpses carried by the smog recently started kidnapping skilled engineers and
wraiths is a ruby ring worth 250 gp. Additionally, alchemists (such as Shoma and Emelett), whose severed
Shoma gifts the characters his last possession: a glassy, heads they incorporate into a new undead-mechanical
orange bauble he recently stole from a pawn shop. horror called a cranium preserver.
Unbeknownst to Shoma, this bauble is actually a The following locations correspond to the map of
reddish-orange elemental gem. the Tinwound Hydroforge on page 30.
D2 D3
D5 D9
D19 D20
D21 D22
D18 D18
1 6
D14 D14 D14 D14 2 5
3 4
Read or paraphrase the following as the characters UNCOMMON NE MEDIUM CONSTRUCT MINDLESS ZOMBIE
approach the Hydroforge. Variant zombie shambler (Pathfinder Bestiary 340)
Initiative Perception +0
The Tinwound Hydroforge sits atop a craggy island on HP 20; Immunities death effects, disease, mental,
the precipice of Alken Falls, like an ogre squatting atop a paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses slashing 5
mound of skulls. A multitude of steel towers jut from the The
compound’s domed roofs, crackling with electricity and D3. VIEWING PLATFORM MODERATE 9 Smoking
shrouded in smog. Near the main entrance, two enormous Gun
stone pipes suck vast amounts of water into the bowels Rushing water surrounds this viewing platform on three
of the building. On the western edge of the Hydroforge, a sides. To the east and west, stone pipes pull river water Chapter 1:
winding staircase leads to the roof. On the eastern end of from outside into two ten-foot-wide channels. The water Arms Race
the small island, two small landings allow for boats to dock. rushes north through each channel, passes through a row Chapter 2:
of churning machines, and cascades over the edge of the Alkenstar Falls
Although the Hydroforge is connected to Alkenstar waterfall. A circular table stands in the center of the viewing
Chapter 3:
through tunnels in the sewers, most visit the building platform. Two steel bridges span the water channels and Blood in
by boat. The docks on the island connect to shore connect to other areas of the complex. the Bilge
via a thick steel cable, which is used to tow them to
Continuing the
and from the island against the waterfall’s powerful Creatures that fall into the swiftly flowing water Campaign
current. Currently, four small boats are docked here, channel are pulled 20 feet per round toward the
belonging to the Hydroforge workers. waterfall unless they succeed at a DC 28 Athletics The Gunworks
The side door leading to area D6 is locked with a check to Swim. A creature that reaches the edge of the Adventure
good lock. waterfall in area D9 is sucked into a turbine and takes Toolbox
10d6 bludgeoning damage at the start of their turn
D2. FOYER each round until they succeed at a DC 31 Athletics or
Acrobatics check to wrench themselves free.
White marble tiles and a domed bronze ceiling give this Creatures: If the party killed the zombie in area D2
large room an air of ostentatiousness. A curved wooden or otherwise alerted the clockwork puppeteer to their
visitor desk stands in the center of the room, while several presence, the puppeteer sets an ambush here. As soon
large potted ferns decorate the walls. Sitting atop the as the characters enter this area, the puppeteers orders
desk is a small sign which reads “Tinwound Hydroforge Is the zombies in areas D4 and D7 to attack, attempting
Currently Closed to Visitors.” to flank the characters and crush them between two
zombie hordes. In this event, the zombies in area
Creature: A humanoid figure wearing the overalls D4 swarm through the multiple doors in that area,
of a Hydroforge technician sits behind the desk with while the zombies in D7 rush across the metal bridge
his feet propped up. The figure wears a wide-brimmed to attack. If a horde attempts to swim the channel,
hat over his face and, when the characters enter, he multiple zombies are swept away by the current,
points at the “closed” sign without lifting the hat. No reducing the horde’s HP to 160 and its size to just
matter what the characters say to the man, he merely 12 squares.
points at the “closed” sign over and over again. This
figure is actually a zombie controlled by the clockwork CLOCKWORK SHAMBLER HORDES (2) CREATURE 9
Characters who succeed at a DC 26 Perception check Variant shambler troop (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 302)
can detect a faint whiff of rot emanating from the Perception +14; darkvision
figure at the desk. Similarly, characters who succeed at Str +6, Dex +0, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –2
a DC 28 Perception check to Sense Motive can tell that Slow A shambler horde is permanently slowed 1 and can’t
figure is clearly controlled by some outside force, like use reactions.
a puppet. If a character knocks the hat off the figure’s AC 25; Fort +21, Ref +16, Will +17
face, they discover the creature behind the desk to be HP 240 (16 squares); Thresholds 160 (12 squares), 80 (8
a corpse with a spiderlike clockwork device embedded squares); Immunities death effects, disease, mental,
in its neck. The zombie rises to attack and the wails of paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses area
dozens of other zombies echo in unison from deeper damage 10, slashing 10, splash damage 5; Troop
within the building. Defenses Pathfinder Bestiary 3 306
Speed 20 feet; troop movement For those who can understand the drawings on the
Form Up [one-action] Pathfinder Bestiary 3 305 walls, the blueprints reveal a great deal about how the
Grave Tide The shambler troop is less organized than most Hydroforge is built. A character who succeeds at a DC
troops. It can move into other creatures’ spaces, and 31 Engineering Lore or Arcana check can study the
other creatures can move into its spaces. Its spaces are blueprints and derive a floor plan layout for one entire
difficult terrain to other creatures. floor of the building.
Shambling Onslaught [one-action] to [two-actions] Frequency once per round; The newer, rougher schematics scattered about the
Effect The shamblers lash out at any enemies in their desks belong to Parsus, who used this area to devise
squares or within 5 feet (DC 25 basic Reflex save). The the various technological innovations that currently
damage depends on the number of actions. haunt the Hydroforge’s halls.
[one-action] 3d6+9 bludgeoning damage The door to area D5 is labeled with signs that read
[two-actions] 3d8+13 bludgeoning damage “Maintenance” and “Danger: High Voltage.” It’s
Troop Movement Whenever a troop Strides, it first Forms locked with an average lock.
Up as a free action to condense into a Creatures: The clockwork puppeteer hid one of
20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus its zombie hordes in this room. Ideally, it keeps the
any missing squares), then moves horde here until the characters reach area D3. If the
up to its Speed. This works just characters enter this area first, though, the zombies
like a Gargantuan creature moving; immediately attack. In this case, the zombies in area
for instance, if any square of the D7 shamble from their hiding place as
troop enters difficult terrain, the extra well, leaving through the side door of
movement cost applies to the the building and entering area D2,
whole troop. attempting to flank the characters. It
takes this second horde 3 rounds to
Examining the Bodies: arrive, giving the characters a chance
The hordes are made up of to divide and conquer their foes.
both Hydroforge workers Treasure: Parsus’s designs were
(who wear blue-gray uniforms) intended for villainous uses,
and regular citizens of Alkenstar. but they’re undeniably
Disturbingly, about two dozen brilliant and innovative.
of the engineers’ bodies have all had If copied or taken, these
their heads removed. schematics are worth 400
Treasure: The Hydroforge workers gp to the scientists and scholars of Alkenstar.
were all well compensated in life. Additionally, a shock rune lies on one of the
Between their corpses the characters desks here.
can recover 130 gp in spare coin.
Energy crackles and hums throughout this
This large, open office is subdivided into ten-foot-wide shaft, which runs up to a
five smaller alcoves. Each alcove features metal hatch in the roof and down to a lower
a drafting table covered in schematics level of the complex. Thick metal cables
and drawing tools. Complex mechanical line the walls, and a metal ladder near the
blueprints cover the walls. Additional door allows for access to the upper and
schematics, clearly penned by a different lower levels.
hand, lie scattered on the desks.
Ten huge electric cables attached to
This area is the principal the turbines in area D9 run through the
workspace of the Hydroforge ceiling and into this maintenance shaft,
engineers who worked tirelessly Clockwork Shambler where they route power up to the roof
to maintain and modify the (area D11 via area D12) and down to
complex mechanical, magical, the winding gears of the Hydroforge
and electrical machinery that (area D24 via area D16).
makes the building function. Creatures: While there are no creatures on this
level, characters who peer down the maintenance shaft charge of monitoring the upper floor and maintaining
here can clearly see Glorianna Button huddled at the a semblance of normalcy to avoid attracting undo
bottom of the shaft (area D16). suspicion. The clockwork puppeteer prefers to act
from a distance and spends its time in the shadows
D6. SECONDARY VIEWING PLATFORM near the ceiling of this room. It remains hidden even
This area serves as a secondary viewing platform for if the characters kill the two zombie hordes under
observing the turbines, as well as an open space for its control, knowing that it can make a new army The
workers to gather. The stairs in the northeast corner with little effort. When the characters enter this area, Smoking
lead up 20 feet to area D11 on the roof. however, it descends from the chains to attack. Gun
Page 81 Arms Race
City maps and engineering schematics hang on the walls Initiative Stealth +25 Chapter 2:
of this room. A large table stands in the center of the area. Alkenstar Falls
Atop the table is a miniature model of the city of Alkenstar. Treasure: The various chains hanging in this room
Chapter 3:
Small red flags and lines of red thread crisscross the tiny all lead to the center of the domed ceiling, where they Blood in
city, all leading back to a central flag above a replica of the are secured to an immovable rod. the Bilge
Tinwound Hydroforge.
Continuing the
The Hydroforge’s engineers use this room to plot
out the city’s (currently limited) electricity grid. The deafening sounds of crashing water and whirring The Gunworks
Creatures: Similar to area D4, the clockwork machinery fill this area. Eight enormous turbines perch on Adventure
puppeteer has hidden one of its zombie hordes in this the edge of a waterfall in the back of the building. Streams Toolbox
room. Ideally, it keeps them here until the characters of water rush through them and then down the waterfall
reach area D3, but if the characters enter this area to the rocks below. The walls of the facility extend out into
first, the zombies immediately attack. In this case, the the air past the waterfall and downward to another level
zombies in area D4 shamble from their hiding place as below. A steel catwalk leads to a descending staircase.
well, moving across the bridge and trying to trap the
characters in a pincer. These massive machines generate the majority of
Treasure: A forgotten shock rune lies discarded on the Hydroforge’s power. The back wall of the building
the table next to the model city. is built out over the waterfall, with no floor below;
creatures that fall from the catwalk plummet 300 feet
D8. THE MACHINING DOME SEVERE 9 to the bottom of Alken Falls.
The stairs here lead down 20 feet to area D13.
In this room, emerald light filters through five floor-to-
ceiling glass windows, casting the area in a viridian glow. D10. STAIRS
Several workbenches stand against the outer walls of These stairs wind up 20 feet to area D11 on the roof of
the room and large gears, cogs, and pipes are scattered the building. Characters walking up the stairs can peer
across the room. The ceiling rises forty feet upward through the enormous green glass windows into area
into a shadowed half dome, from which hang dozens of D8, but the heavily tinted glass imparts a –4 penalty on
chains and winches designed to lift heavy machinery. A Perception checks to view the room inside.
half-dismantled mechanical device, as big as a merchant
cart, hangs suspended five feet off the floor. D11. ELECTRIC PILLARS MODERATE 9
The Hydroforge is filled with custom-built Ten pillars, each topped with a ring of metallic coils, are
machinery that requires near-constant maintenance. spaced in two even rows across the Hydroforge’s roof.
Technicians use this area to disassemble damaged Lances of electricity jump at random from pillar to pillar,
equipment and fabricate new parts to keep the facility illuminating the stonework with an azure light. Constant
running. The chains hanging from the ceiling are used sparks of lightning leap onto a large metal rail that hangs
to lift heavy objects and are controlled by a system of suspended between the pillars. Supported by steel pillars,
levers on the western wall. the metal rail leads away from the rooftop, across the river,
Creature: After taking control of the Hydroforge, and into the city. Ten large metal cables lead from the base
Parsus placed their newest clockwork minion in of each electric pillar to a metal hatch on the roof nearby.
The electric cables in area D5 lead up to the rooftop enormous arcs of lightning between them. While the
and eventually feed into these 10 pillars. Via complex characters explore the rooftop, assign each tower on
technomancy, the pillars amplify the power of the the roof a number, 1 through 10. At the beginning of
electricity and charge it into a metal rail. The electricity each round, roll 2d10; a bolt of lightning arcs in a
is transported along this rail to major buildings in straight line between the two numbered pillars you
Alkenstar. This system, while effective, is incredibly rolled, dealing 7d6 electricity damage to all creatures
expensive to maintain and works only over relatively in its path (DC 28 basic Reflex save). If you roll the
short distances, which has kept the wonders of the same number on both dice, no arc forms that round.
Hydroforge from spreading beyond Alkenstar thus far. Additionally, the rail is also very dangerous,
Hazard: Normally, engineers working in the control although it’s safely suspended out of reach 20 feet
room (area D17) regularly adjust the output of the from the ground. Creatures that come into contact
electric pillars to dissipate excess energy. With all the with it immediately take 20d6 electricity damage (DC
engineers dead, dangerous amounts of energy have 28 basic Reflex save) as fatal amounts of electricity arc
built up in the towers over the last week, creating through their body.
Creatures: This area has proved a natural haven
for some of Parsus’s undead-mechanical creations.
Six shock zombies hang from the rail between the
pillars, feasting on the vast amount of electricity
flowing through it. When the characters approach, the
zombies drop down to attack.
accommodate workers who need to stay overnight drench the area using a 3rd-level or higher water spell,
at the facility, often for several days in a row. Each such as a heightened hydraulic push, which similarly
room has six bunk beds. All told, approximately 50 prevents an explosion.
employees work at the Hydroforge. Creatures: When Parsus discovered this room, they
Treasure: Each room has six locked footlockers were delighted to find a new chemical with which
(each with an average lock), which the workers use to to experiment in the creation of undead. Through
store their personal effects. Parsus has little interest in trial and error, they eventually developed chemical The
material wealth and thus has not bothered to search zombies that proved to be highly explosive. Realizing Smoking
these rooms, so characters who search through the the danger of creating too many of these creatures in Gun
chests in all four rooms can uncover 150 gp worth of such a confined space, Parsus abandoned their project
valuables plus a standard potion of flying. after making eight such undead. Two of these chemical Chapter 1:
zombies currently hide within this room, completely Arms Race
D15. CHEMICAL FILTRATION LOW 9 submerged within the barrels of orange liquid. While Chapter 2:
inside the barrels, they can’t effectively hear, so they Alkenstar Falls
The acrid smell of chemicals suffuses this area. Eight don’t emerge to attack unless the characters make a
Chapter 3:
large bronze tanks are spaced throughout the room with very loud noise or walk within 5 feet of a barrel. Blood in
a complicated network of pipes connecting each tank to the Bilge
the next. Sounds of sloshing liquid and squealing pumps CHEMICAL ZOMBIES (2) CREATURE 6 Continuing the
echo from inside the tanks. Metal barrels are scattered Variant sulfur zombies (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 303) Campaign
throughout the room in a haphazard fashion. Some are Initiative Perception +12
tipped over, while others have their lids pried open and Quenchable Death Throes When a chemical zombie dies, The Gunworks
contain an orange liquid. its body explodes in a 30-foot burst of fire and debris Adventure
that deals 2d10 bludgeoning and 2d10 fire damage to Toolbox
Purifying chemicals added to the large tanks in each creature in the area (DC 21 basic Reflex save). If
this room make the water pumped here suitable the chemical zombie is soaked with water before it dies
for drinking. A character who succeeds at a DC 28 (such as by dousing it with a bucket of water or hitting it
Crafting check to Identify Alchemy can recognize the with a water spell like hydraulic push), the chemicals are
orange liquid in the barrels as a potent chemical that, neutralized and this ability doesn’t trigger.
though harmless when mixed with water, is flammable
and explosive when left exposed to air, such XP Award: On their own, the pair of zombies
as now. here are a trivial threat, but the explosive
Hazard: If a fire source (such as chemicals stored in this area make the
a blast or even a critically missed encounter significantly more dangerous.
Strike with a flaming weapon) Award the characters an additional 30
strikes anywhere in this room, it XP each for defeating the zombies.
triggers a chain reaction of chemical
explosions, dealing 10d6 fire damage D16. MAINTENANCE SHAFT
to all creatures in the area (DC 26 This area is the bottom of the
basic Reflex save). maintenance shaft described in area
The network of tanks and D5. Similar to D12 above,
pipes in this room features the door leading into
several release valves that, if this area is locked with
opened, spew gouts of water an average lock.
throughout this area, effectively Creature: During their
soaking everything in the room. If initial assault, Parsus
the room is soaked in this fashion, quickly overtook the upper
the chemicals are sufficiently floor of the Hydroforge
diluted to avoid triggering an and then used their undead
explosion. Releasing the valves servants to slowly root out anyone
to trigger this effect requires hiding throughout the complex
a character to succeed at three and turn them into a zombie.
DC 28 Thievery checks to Disable Chemical Zombie The only survivor of this
a Device. Alternatively, characters can massacre was an engineer named
Glorianna Button (CG female half-elf engineer 8), with the shipment.’ I don’t know who Loveless and
who is currently hiding in this room. Ibrium are, but the necromancer made
When she realized the building was it clear they were planning to kill them.”
under attack, Glorianna grabbed What do you know about the
her travel sack (packed with several Hydroforge? “Just about everything
dozen lunches) and headed for the there is to know. I’m one of the best
maintenance shaft to escape. She was engineers in this place! I can give you
dismayed to discover both the roof and advice on where to head next, if you
schematics room already occupied by need. I heard the pumps running earlier
undead, essentially trapping her in this this week, which probably means the
area. Reasoning that help would surely necromancer has flooded the lower levels.
arrive eventually, she’s survived here for If you want to get down there, you’ll need to
over a week now, rationing her sandwiches get to the control room and reverse the pumps.
and collecting condensation gathered from I can do it—if you protect me, of course!”
the roof hatch to drink. When the characters XP Award: For rescuing Glorianna, award
arrive, she is bursting with joy to see each character 40 XP.
living faces again. Treasure: To thank the party
Glorianna is a smart and for rescuing her, Glorianna
dedicated engineer who gives them a greater shrinking
lives for her work. She’s potion. The engineers
Glorianna Button
prone to complimenting just sometimes use these types of
about everyone she meets, and this potions for maintenance tasks.
is true for the player characters as well. Although
cheerful by nature, Glorianna is scarred by the horrors D17. CONTROL ROOM MODERATE 9
of seeing her coworkers killed and wants to leave the
Hydroforge as quickly as possible. Before she leaves, Five tall windows in this rounded room look into the
however, she’s willing to help the characters drain river outside, revealing an underwater vista of river fish,
the lower levels of the facility, if they can escort her city litter, and effluvium. Dashboards are evenly spaced
into the control room. During their conversation, between the windows of the room, covered in a dizzying
Glorianna can answer the characters’ questions, the array of knobs, levers, and dials.
most likely of which follow.
Who are you? “My name is Glorianna Button. I’m This is the central control room for the entire
an engineer here at the Hydroforge. I’ve been hiding in facility. Here, engineers can adjust the levels of
this maintenance room since the building was attacked electricity, manage the water purification, and control
a week ago. I think I’m the only one left.” the flow of water into or out of the Hydroforge. The
What happened here? “It was horrible! I didn’t see mechanisms and dials are very complex. In order to
how it started, but I heard the screams. Next thing, I drain the cistern and/or the sewer tunnels (areas D18,
know, people are running and zombies chasing them, D19, and D20), a character must succeed at three DC
killing everyone. I grabbed my bag and scurried into 31 Thievery checks to Disable a Device to manipulate
this area quick, but once I got in, I discovered there the controls. Alternatively, if Glorianna is with the
were already zombies on the upper floors. I was totally characters, she can handle the controls herself.
trapped—until you heroes came along!” Parsus had little patience for learning the controls
What do you know about Parsus or the zombies? and instead created a new minion, called a cranium
“Several days ago I tried to sneak out, but I almost preserver, which holds the severed heads of Hydroforge
got caught. I hid behind some barrels and, while I engineers. When Parsus wishes to leave the lower
was hiding, a pale wizard walked through the room levels of the complex, they simply order the cranium
followed by some... thing. It was partly mechanical preserver to this room to adjust the controls. (This
and spider-like, but the top of its back was covered creature is currently in area D24).
with jars and inside the jars were heads. I recognized Creatures: To protect the room in their absence,
some of the faces. It was horrible... Parsus tasked two smog wraiths with guarding it. The
“The creature called the figure ‘necromancer’ and characters are likely to encounter the wraiths here, but
the two, they were talking, and the necromancer said, the undead sometimes patrol this level, drifting between
‘Loveless and Ibrium will be arriving any day now areas D13, D14, and D17. Currently, the wraiths lie
in hiding just outside the glass windows, submerged D20. WATER TUNNELS MODERATE 9
in the waters of the river. When the characters enter
the room, the smog wraiths drift through the glass to The walls of these tunnels are built of old bricks, now
attack, filling the control room with smog. covered in a thin layer of slime. Pipes crisscross the ceiling
in these halls and lead to alcoves, where they disappear into
SMOG WRAITHS (2) CREATURE 9 the walls. Clockwork gears wind along the ceiling, powering
Page 84 pumps that push liquid through the vibrating pipes. Oil drips The
Initiative Perception +19 from the gears and leaks from the walls everywhere. Smoking
D18. CISTERN Once they’ve been purified, the waters of the
Hydroforge are all routed here, where they’re Chapter 1:
The steels walls of the circular room form a massive distributed through a series of pipes into Alkenstar’s Arms Race
cylinder tank filled with crystal-clear water. A single main water grid. Each alcove is a junction that Chapter 2:
catwalk extends over the water, leading through the center connects to pipes that route water throughout the Alkenstar Falls
of the tank. The surface is completely still, and a hushed city. The controls in area D17 can be used to activate
Chapter 3:
silence permeates the room. pumps to flood or drain these tunnels. Blood in
If the characters venture into these tunnels while the Bilge
This room is the final stage of the purification they’re still flooded, this area is filled with murky river
Continuing the
system. Clean water is stored in this cistern, with water, which reduces visibility to 10 feet. Campaign
excess water flowing into the water tunnels in the Creatures: When Parsus traveled to Alkenstar from
Hydroforge’s deepest sub-level (area D20). From the Geb, they took a Gebbite barge along the Ustradi The Gunworks
tunnels, the water travels via a complex network of River. Underneath the water, this boat was actually Adventure
pipes to the rest of the city. towed by three enormous skeletal crocodiles. These Toolbox
The ceiling of the cistern room rises 20 feet above were some of Parsus’s first undead creations, and the
the catwalk. The catwalk is just a few feet over the necromancer has been tinkering with them for years.
surface of the water in the 40-foot-deep cistern tank. Once Parsus arrived in Alkenstar, they hid the skeletons
Although it’s difficult to see it from the catwalk, at the bottom of the river, then moved them to the
there’s a massive hatch at the bottom of the tank, in Hydroforge once Parsus’s takeover was complete.
the southwest corner, which leads to area D22. The Instead of a claw Strike, the crocodiles have bite
technicians use this hatch to periodically drain the and tail strikes, along with number of other stat
tank for maintenance. modifications. The crocodiles spread themselves out
Creatures: There usually aren’t any creatures in this through the tunnels in this area (including the tunnels
room. If Parsus learns that there are enemies in the near D21 and D22) and attempt to use their Skull Shot
Hydroforge, they post guards on the catwalk here. ability to separate the party and pick off lone characters.
The guards are either the smog wraiths from area D17
or the chemical zombies from area D23; in the latter SKELETAL CROCODILES (3) CREATURE 8
case, the zombies cling to the underside of the catwalk Variant elite skeletal hulks (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 299)
waiting to attack. Initiative Perception +18
Treasure: Characters who succeed at a DC 26 Melee [one-action] bite +20 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d6+13 piercing
Perception check can spot the outline of a corpse at plus Grab
the bottom of the tank. During the chaos of the initial Melee [one-action] tail +20 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+13
attack, this untrustworthy engineer stole the funding bludgeoning
lockbox set aside for facility maintenance and attempted Broad Swipe [two-actions] As skeletal hulk, but with its tail Strike.
to flee into the sewers. The engineer fell from catwalk Reconfigure [three-actions] Part machine and part skeleton, the
and drowned in the cistern. If recovered, the body still crocodile reconfigures its mechanical components,
carries the lockbox, which contains 500 gp. either reducing its size to Large or returning its size to
Huge if it is currently Large.
D19. SUBMERGED STAIRWELL Skull Shot [two-actions] The skeletal crocodile detaches its skull and
The stairs here descend 40 feet to area D20 in the fires it at a target within 30 feet, making a bite Strike.
lowest level of the complex. If the characters haven’t If the Strike is successful and the target is Large or
yet drained the lower levels of the facility, the lower smaller, the crocodile uses a heavy chain to retract its
portion of the stairwell is submerged in river water, skull back to its body, dragging the targeted creature 30
making traversal difficult. feet. This ability replaces Massive Rush.
D21. RIVER GATE Hazard: Creatures can safely move through the
A 10-foot-wide steel door is built into the wall of the gear-riddled room at half Speed. Creatures attempting
tunnel here. This door opens directly into the Ustradi to move at full Speed must succeed at a DC 26
River. Engineers open this door via the control room Acrobatics check to nimbly leap from gear to gear. On
(area D17) to periodically “flush” the tunnels. a failure, the creature falls prone. On a critical failure,
The door can be opened from here with five the creature falls prone and becomes caught in the
successful DC 30 Thievery checks. Opening the door gears. In this case, the creature becomes restrained and
causes a wall of water to flood into the tunnels, likely takes 6d6 bludgeoning damage at the start of its turn
crushing or drowning anyone caught in the deluge. each round until it succeeds at a DC 28 Acrobatics or
Athletics check to free itself from the gears.
D22. CISTERN GATE Creatures: To protect their refuge, Parsus has
This door is identical to the one just south (area D21), stationed six chemical zombies in this room. When
except that it opens into the main cistern (area D18). the characters enter, three zombies are hunched down
behind vertical gears in the room and three others
D23. THE UNDERCOGS MODERATE 9 are hidden below the gears in the floor of the room.
While hidden beneath the gears, the zombies have
An impossibly complex array of gears and cogs fills this greater cover, granting a +4 bonus to AC, Reflex
cramped space. The top layer of cogs are mostly horizontal, saves, and Stealth. If possible, the zombies wait until
creating a patchwork floor of rotating wheels. A number the characters are in the middle of the room before
large of vertical gears also jut from the floor, creating a series shambling out to attack.
of dangerous obstacles that obscure portions of the room. The zombies beneath the floor are automatically
squished in the gears as they climb up through the
While excavating the foundation for the Hydroforge floor, taking 6d6 bludgeoning damage. Rather than
over a hundred years ago, the builders of Alkenstar becoming caught, the gears merely tear through the
discovered the ruins of a Nexian tower. At the bottom flesh of the zombie, allowing the undead to clamber
of this tower was a network of clockwork gears through by leaving pieces of itself behind.
still winding after all this time. Ever pragmatic, the
architects incorporated the gears into the Hydroforge. CHEMICAL ZOMBIES (6) CREATURE 6
Page 35
Initiative Perception +12
when fully extended. These piston pumps are labeled abandon their plans in Alkenstar and to return to Geb.
1 through 6 on the map. At the beginning of the first If the characters accept the truce, Parsus tells them that
round of combat, the odd-numbered piston Loveless is planning to use a huge load of pyronite
pumps lift 30 feet to their full height, to demolish Alken Falls. The shieldmarshal
while the even-numbered piston pumps hopes to use the resulting turmoil to place
plunge down to become flush with the herself at the head of a shieldmarshal army.
floor of the room. At the beginning Parsus and Ibrium would also benefit from The
of each round after this, the piston this outcome, since leveling the massive Smoking
pumps alternate positions, so that half waterfall would expedite trade for both Gun
the pumps are always raised and the Geb and Nex, and they’d each stand to
other half lowered. make a tidy profit from their sponsors Chapter 1:
The central gear in the middle of the across the borders. “Or, at the very least,” Arms Race
floor completes a full rotation every Parsus muses, “we’d get to see exactly Chapter 2:
4 rounds. At the beginning of each what this pyronite can really do.” Alkenstar Falls
round, move all creatures standing Parsus tells the characters that if
Chapter 3:
on the gear one quarter-turn they want to stop Loveless, Blood in
around the gear in a they should head her the Bilge
clockwise direction. off farther up the
Continuing the
Creatures: After they Ustradi, before she Campaign
slaughtered the engineers reaches Alkenstar.
of the Hydroforge, Parsus Loveless and Ibrium The Gunworks
quickly realized that a wealth Parsus are currently aboard a Adventure
of technological knowledge lay riverboat called the Gearsmoke, Toolbox
at their feet. They removed the severed heads of the which is loaded with pyronite and set to arrive in
engineers and incorporated them into a new creation Alkenstar within the next few days. Parsus contributed
called a cranium preserver. Using the collective to the effort by creating three clockwork keys, each
engineering genius of these preserved heads, Parsus has of which corresponds to one clockwork pyronite
made experimental breakthroughs at an alarming rate, bomb somewhere on the Gearsmoke. Once armed,
to the point that they have nearly forgotten about their a clockwork bomb can’t be disabled without first
bargain with Loveless. When the characters arrive, inserting the corresponding key. Deputy Loveless also
Parsus at first assumes that the characters have come has a remote detonator that she can use to trigger all
to steal from their genius, and they attack viciously. three bombs as a last resort. Parsus gives the characters
When they realize that the characters are merely one clockwork key and says that Ibrium and Loveless
interested in the pyronite, they’re almost disappointed, have the other two keys.
but keep up the attack until defeat seems imminent From this information, the characters learn that
(see Parsus Surrenders below). they need to infiltrate the Gearsmoke and locate the
During combat, the cranium preserver fights on three clockwork bombs and two remaining keys
the gear in the center of room, while Parsus jumps before confronting Loveless. If she triggers the remote
between the moving pumps, keeping out of range and detonator (which she’ll almost certainly do if openly
peppering the characters with spells. assaulted), the characters will have only moments to
kill Loveless and then race through the ship to disarm
CRANIUM PRESERVER CREATURE 10 any bombs that are still armed.
Page 82 If the characters kill Parsus before the necromancer
Initiative Perception +19 can reveal the final phase of the plan, the party can
learn the above information from Parsus’s cranium
PARSUS CREATURE 10 preserver minion. Once the preserver is destroyed,
Page 91 the preserved heads in its body regain enough of their
Initiative Perception +20 former minds for long enough to relay what they
know of Parsus’s plans to the characters.
Parsus Surrenders: When reduced to 30 Hit Points Treasure: A grievous rune is embedded within the
or fewer, Parsus calls off their attack and surrenders. clockwork gears of the cranium preserver, helping
They offer to help the party defeat Loveless in sharpen its cranium extraction tools. (This doesn’t
exchange for their life, calmly swearing to also affect the cranium preserver’s stats.)
Chapter 3:
Blood in
the Bilge
After the party leaves the Hydroforge, their employer Although the characters could potentially fly or
Foebe Dunsmith seeks them out for a progress report. swim onto the boat, Dunsmith cautions against this
Once caught up on Loveless’s plot, she helps the approach. They need to stay undercover long enough
characters form a plan to board the Gearsmoke. to explore the entire ship and locate the bombs, so
At the moment, the boat could be anywhere on the stealth is key. Loveless’s most skilled cronies will be
Ustradi River. “But,” Dunsmith says, “it’s scheduled aboard the ship, and they’ll certainly be on the lookout
to stop at a high-class tavern called the Bridgehouse for trouble. Dunsmith advises the party infiltrate the
in Martel tomorrow afternoon.” The Bridgehouse is Bridgehouse and either convince some of the guests
a large tavern and warehouse built on the side of the there to give them their boarding tickets (allowing the
bridge that crosses over the Ustradi River in Martel. characters to pose as rich passengers) or stow away in
The Gearsmoke stops there to pick up wealthy clients the cargo as it’s loaded from the warehouse to the ship.
staying in town. Passengers board by way of a lift Once aboard, the party can take their time locating the
attached to a crane that hangs over the boat. bombs and bomb keys before confronting Loveless.
The settlement of Martel holds most of Alkenstar’s material wealth. In the final chapter of the Outlaws
Located halfway between Alkenstar and the Gunworks, the small city is of Alkenstar Adventure Path,
centered around two immense buildings joined together by a series of metal the characters stow away on a
and stone bridges. Attached to one of the larger bridges is a tavern called high-society riverboat called the
the Bridgehouse, frequented by wealthy clientele visiting Martel to check Gearsmoke. Whether by slowly
on their vaults. Rather than being built atop the bridge, the Bridgehouse cruising along the water or by way The
juts out over the water from the side, supported by a grid of thick beams of Ibrium’s powerful teleportation Smoking
and steel bars. ritual, it’s only a matter of time Gun
The Gearsmoke is set to arrive at the Bridgehouse midafternoon. The before the pyronite-laden vessel
characters have two obvious options for boarding the boat: acquire some reaches its final destination at the Chapter 1:
tickets in the common room or stow away in the luggage in the warehouse. end of the Ustradi River: Alken Falls. Arms Race
To do so, they can explore the following locations of the Bridgehouse, Unless the characters can find and Chapter 2:
which correspond to the map of the Bridgehouse on page 42. disarm the three clockwork bombs Alkenstar Falls
aboard the ship and defeat Deputy
Chapter 3:
E1. COMMON ROOM Loveless and Ibrium, the city of Blood in
Alkenstar as they know it will never the Bilge
The sounds of jovial conversation and the scent of roasted meat fill this finely be the same.
Continuing the
appointed common room. A sign on the door near the bar reads “Warehouse: Campaign
Keep Out.” In the center of the room, a wooden railing surrounds a circular
opening in the floor, and the roar of the swiftly flowing Ustradi can be The Gunworks
heard from far below. A thick chain connected to a mechanical crane Adventure
holds a wooden platform aloft over the opening. Toolbox
if the characters bet something equally valuable, such to be moved about the warehouse or lowered to ships
as 30 gp or a small magic item. To win the contest, waiting below. The rails are secured to the ceiling and
the characters must best the Revelers in at least two hang 10 feet above the platforms; the ceiling itself is 20
out of three increasingly difficult performances. The feet above the platforms. Characters can use the rails
crowd in the taproom judges the contest. For the first to move from platform to platform, using either Climb
performance, the characters must succeed at a DC 24 (DC 26 Athletics) to hang from the rails or Balance
Performance check to outperform the Revelers. For (DC 26 Acrobatics) to walk atop them. Spaces with
the second and third performances, the DC is 26 and crates, barrels, or other cargo are difficult terrain.
28, respectively. Standing near the central platform is a large pile
XP Award: For successfully acquiring enough tickets of bags and suitcases, which are tagged with labels
to board the Gearsmoke, award each character 60 XP. marking them as cargo for the Gearsmoke. Several
crates and large bags are big enough to hold a person,
E2. WAREHOUSE LOW 10 allowing characters to stow away inside the luggage
if they like. To Squeeze inside a container, a character
Much of the warehouse has no floor to speak of. Instead, a must attempt a DC 26 Acrobatics check. On a success,
network of wooden platforms, each stacked with luggage the character gains a +2 circumstance bonus (or +4
and crates, dangles from a complex system of chain tracks on a critical success) to Stealth checks to Hide inside
attached to the ceiling. Many feet below, the Ustradi river the crate during the inspection phase of moving the
flows steadily eastward. luggage (see Event 16 on the next page). A character
who critically fails the Acrobatics check takes a –2
In addition to providing food and lodging to travelers, penalty to Stealth checks instead.
Vernon Croaker also stores cargo and luggage in this Creatures: Before the characters can stow away
warehouse. The rail system allows for the platforms inside the luggage, they must first contend with the
warehouse’s unusual guardians. Years ago, Vernon When the boat arrives, two Gearsmoke crew
Croaker purchased three large dweomercats to protect members and four shieldmarshals ascend the lift
his warehouse. The beasts stalk across the rails and nap to area E1. The crew are there to collect tickets and
atop high crates in the corners of the room. They’re luggage, while the shieldmarshals have orders from
trained to attack everyone but Vernon. If possible, they Loveless to apprehend any suspicious boarders.
stay hidden behind cargo and spring forward to catch Line Inspection: Before boarding, the crew members
the characters by surprise. instruct the passengers to form an orderly line and The
Each dweomercat wears a clockwork collar that present their tickets. The shieldmarshals walk down Smoking
partially controls its actions. While the dweomercats the line looking for anyone matching the characters’ Gun
are alive and fighting, characters can attempt to descriptions. Characters who’ve donned a disguise
remove these collars during combat with a DC 31 can attempt a DC 24 Deception check to Impersonate Chapter 1:
Thievery check to Disable a Device. A character who a different passenger. Alternatively, characters who Arms Race
lands a critical hit against a dweomercat can choose to succeed at a DC 24 Deception or Performance check Chapter 2:
break the collar instead of damaging the creature. As can Create a Diversion to avoid notice. Alkenstar Falls
soon as a dweomercat is freed from its collar, it casts If a character makes no effort to hide or mask their
Chapter 3:
dimension door to flee back into the wilderness. identity, the shieldmarshals automatically notice them. Blood in
Vernon Croaker is currently working in area E3, but The corrupt guards order the character at gunpoint to the Bilge
if combat breaks out in the warehouse he emerges to follow them to the building’s warehouse where they
Continuing the
shout orders at his dweomercats. intend to kill them, out of sight of the other passengers. Campaign
If they bypass the shieldmarshals’ inspection, the
ELITE DWEOMERCATS (3) CREATURE 8 characters are lowered down the elevator platform The Gunworks
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 6, 103 and shown to their rooms on the ship in area F15. Adventure
Initiative Perception +17 Luggage Inspection: After boarding the passengers, Toolbox
the shieldmarshals and crew members move back to
E3. WAREHOUSE CONTROL the warehouse to load the luggage. The crew members
This room houses a complicated system of levers that operate the controls in area E3 while the shieldmarshals
control the clockwork cranes in area E2. Anyone inspect the luggage in area E2. Each character Hiding
controlling the levers can move, raise, or lower cargo in inside the luggage must attempt a DC 24 Stealth
the warehouse. Characters who examine the controls check. On a failed check, a shieldmarshal notices
and succeed at a DC 21 Thievery or Engineering Lore something suspicious and decides to plunge her blade
check can figure out how to use the levers. into the luggage to “see if anything squeaks.” The
Creature: Vernon Croaker sorts through passengers’ shieldmarshal makes a melee longsword Strike against
luggage in this room in preparation for the arrival the character’s AC; the character is restrained while in
of the Gearsmoke. Vernon isn’t a real threat to the the luggage. A hit character who succeeds at a DC 29
characters (use the stats for an innkeeper from page Fortitude save can hold completely still through the
239 of the Gamemastery Guide) but this doesn’t attack (which deals 1d8+7 piercing damage, as usual);
stop him from attacking potential stowaways. If the at this the shieldmarshal shrugs, convinced there’s
characters apprehend him, Vernon is willing to help nothing alive inside the luggage after all.
them sneak aboard the Gearsmoke—particularly if If the characters manage to avoid notice, they’re
they appeal to his greedy nature by promising payment lowered by crane, along with the rest of the luggage,
or some other favor. down to the side of the ship. There the crew loads
Treasure: Croaker keeps a bag of dust of disappearance the luggage through a large metal hatch into area F1.
in this room. Creatures: If the characters fail to stay hidden in
the luggage, the four shieldmarshals attack.
The Gearsmoke pulls up to the Bridgehouse in the CORRUPT SHIELDMARSHALS (4) CREATURE 7
midafternoon. By this point, the characters should Page 7
have either acquired enough tickets to pose as Initiative Perception +18
passengers or stowed away among the luggage in the
warehouse. With a squeal of gears and chugging of XP Award: If the characters manage to sneak aboard
clockwork engines, the Gearsmoke comes to a halt the Gearsmoke without fighting the shieldmarshals,
directly beneath the Bridgehouse, approximately 60 award each character 60 XP as if they’d defeated the
feet below the building. shieldmarshals in combat.
F34 F33 F30 F29
F12 F15 F16 F17
F3 F2
F11 F9
F8 F1 F5 F7
F10 F6
F10 F3
THE GEARSMOKE they’re treated like any other band of raiders. Every
Once a mere cargo ship, several years ago a group 1d4 rounds, four shieldmarshals and one or more
of Nexian financiers (led by none other than Ibrium) clockwork buccaneers (page 80) arrive and open fire
retrofitted the Gearsmoke into a luxury river cruiser. on the characters until the party is overwhelmed or
Since then, the vessel has proved enormously popular driven away. If the characters openly attack Loveless,
with Alkenstar’s wealthiest aristocrats and business she does exactly as Parsus warned and remotely
entrepreneurs as well as travelers and foreign activates the bombs on the ship. This means the The
dignitaries, all of whom use the river excursion to characters have mere minutes to defeat Loveless, find Smoking
escape the heat and smog of the city. all the bomb keys, and deactivate the bombs hidden Gun
The Gearsmoke has four levels, each with throughout the ship. This will likely prove to be an
10-foot-high ceilings, except for the lowest level, which impossible task and the Gearsmoke will explode, Chapter 1:
is still a cargo hold and has 15-feet-high ceilings. The killing all aboard. For advice on moving forward Arms Race
upper decks feature luxurious accommodations, dance after this dire event, see Continuing the Campaign Chapter 2:
floors, and gambling tables. on page 60. Alkenstar Falls
Shieldmarshal Patrols: Magical outflow, mutated Navigating the Ducts: A complex series of ventilation
Chapter 3:
river beasts, and raiders from the shore all make travel ducts pumps air throughout the lower three levels of Blood in
along the Ustradi a perilous endeavor. To keep the the Gearsmoke. Medium creatures can enter the ducts the Bilge
ship safe, an armed security detail patrols the upper and Squeeze through them with a successful DC 22
Continuing the
decks at all times. For this particular trip, Loveless Acrobatics check, while Small creatures can move Campaign
has “graciously” offered the security services of her through the ducts as difficult terrain. The various
own shieldmarshal squad free of charge. All told, duct entrances are marked on the map. To keep things The Gunworks
approximately 24 corrupt shieldmarshals are currently simple, assume that the characters are able to travel Adventure
aboard the Gearsmoke, with eight patrolling the ship from one duct entrance to another in a more or less Toolbox
at any given time. When not on patrol, shieldmarshals straight line and measure the distance accordingly.
can be found sleeping in areas F32 and F33, gambling Due to a recurring problem with river oozes seeping
in area F18, or smoking in the cigar lounge in F12. onto the ship, the Gearsmoke now periodically flushes
Many of Loveless’s cronies are using the cruise as the ventilation system with steam several times per
an excuse for debauchery, so most of the off-duty day at random intervals. During such flushes, all duct
shieldmarshals the characters encounter will likely be entrances automatically close for 30 minutes while
unarmed and unprepared for combat. hot steam is pumped through the system. This steam
The eight patrolling shieldmarshals usually move in is severe heat, which deals 1d6 fire damage per round
groups of four. One group patrols the decks in areas
F18 and F19, while the other patrols the corridors
between areas F12 and F17. With no cover to hide
behind, characters attempting to fly or
swim to the boat are likely spotted
immediately. Similarly, nearly all areas
of the ship are in the line of sight of at
least a few passengers, so characters
who magically transport themselves
to the boat quickly cause a stir and
put the shieldmarshals on high alert.
The best ways for the characters to
board the ship discretely are detailed
under Event 16 (page 43).
Once they’re on the ship,
characters who pose as passengers
or who conceal their adventuring
gear don’t attract the attention of
shieldmarshals unless they engage in
openly disruptive behavior. The Gearsmoke
Caught: If the characters are caught
trying to openly board the ship,
best way to accomplish this is by talking to the other
LOVELESS’S PLAN passengers and crew members to gain information
Loveless’s master plan is to detonate the pyronite about what’s happening on the ship. According to the
piled inside the Gearsmoke near Alken Falls, leveling crew, the ship is due to arrive in Alkenstar tomorrow
the waterfall entirely and killing Parsus, whom afternoon, which gives the characters all day and night
she believes to be in the Tinwound Hydroforge. to search the ship and rest before battling Loveless.
She hopes the chaos of this attack, along with the A character can learn a rumor with a successful
destruction of the Maw of Rovagug by Vewslog, will check (or two rumors on a critical success) from
be enough create a panic in Alkenstar and pass her the sources below. On a critically failed check, the
mandatory conscription bill. This will swell the ranks character’s current interlocutor clams up and refuses
of the shieldmarshals by the thousands and put her to give any further information.
in charge of a full-fledged army. Golem Gamblers: The most popular card game
The original plan was to simply ride the played on the Gearsmoke is called golem, which is
Gearsmoke until it reached Alken Falls, but by this popular throughout the Inner Sea region. You can
point, Loveless is aware that enemies are on her tail. simulate a game of golem by actually playing it (the
As such, she and Ibrium came up with a contingency rules for this card game can be found on page 76 of
plan. Ibrium has secretly inscribed magical runes Pathfinder Adventure Path #159: All or Nothing).
throughout the ship, which gradually absorb the Alternatively, characters could win one or more hands
wayward arcane energies emanating from the Mana by succeeding at a Games Lore or Deception check.
Wastes. Once enough magic is absorbed, Ibrium can Similarly, a character who succeeds at a Thievery check
trigger the runes to instantly teleport the entire ship can palm enough cards to win a hand by cheating.
to the edge of Alken Falls. Of course, teleportation The DC for these checks ranges from 25 (playing at
magic has at least a small chance of going awry in a low-stakes table) to 29 (playing against seasoned
the Mana Wastes, so this backup plan is purely a gamblers for high stakes). The minimum bid at any
last resort. table is 1 gp, but high rollers sometimes bid as high as
Once the Gearsmoke is near Alken Falls and the 100 gp per hand. Of course, a character who wins too
bombs are armed, Loveless plans to use a rowboat to often will quickly find themselves without any takers
escape the ship while the timer on the bombs ticks left to gamble against.
down. For his part, Ibrium plans to use teleportation Characters who win a hand or two tend to loosen
magic to flee the scene. tongues as people warm up to new winners at the
table, allowing them to acquire one or more rumors.
Ask the Crew: Roughly 40 crew members constantly
bustle around the ship, seeing to the needs of every
to any creatures in the ducts. Trapped characters guest. A character who succeeds at a DC 27 Diplomacy
can open a sealed duct entrance by succeeding at a or Intimidation check can talk to a crew member long
DC 27 Thievery check to Disable a Device or a DC enough to learn a rumor or two. The crew members
29 Athletics check to Force Open. Alternatively, a also know the layout of the ship, making them a good
character can burst through the wall of the duct with source of information for navigating.
a successful DC 31 Athletics check to Force Open. Characters who fail several checks to talk with
The top floor of the Gearsmoke, where Loveless has a crew member (or critically fail a single check)
set up her lair, is ventilated through windows alone cause the sailor to become suspicious and report the
and doesn’t contain any ducts. characters. In this case, First Mate Parker and two
clockwork buccaneers summon the characters to area
GEARSMOKE EVENTS F25 for questioning. If the characters fail to dupe or
The following event encounters occur while the party impress the first mate, he might have them followed
is on the Gearsmoke. Due to the freeform nature of for the remainder of the journey to ensure they stay
this part of the adventure, these events could take out of trouble.
place in any order and, in some cases, simultaneously. Spy on Shieldmarshals: A character can attempt
a DC 28 Stealth check to eavesdrop on some of the
EVENT 17: RIVERBOAT RUMORS shieldmarshals patrolling the ship. A successful check
Once the characters are aboard the ship they need to yields a rumor, but on a failed check the shieldmarshals
find the pyronite bombs and the matching clockwork notice the character and report them to Loveless, who
bomb keys without drawing undo attention. The arranges an ambush (see Event 20 on page 48).
Rumors: A character who succeeds one of the above this luxurious vessel thanks to the support and oversight
checks learns one of the following pieces of the Gearsmoke’s owner, Master Ibrium.” She gestures
of information (or other rumors, at to the handsome, dark-eyed human next to her,
your discretion). who only nods slightly. “Our host has generously
• Cargo hold #3 is closed for provided us with yet another gift today, which
the remainder of the voyage. he’s asked me to unveil now. Without further
Strange noises and a hideous ado, release the elephant!” The
stench are wafting up through Mechanical cranks groan and a steel platform Smoking
the vents above this area. rises from the decks below, filling the open Gun
• The ship’s owner, Ibrium, has space in the dance floor. Atop the platform is
suites in the Nexian quarters of the an enormous glass sculpture of an elephant so Chapter 1:
boat, where he’s currently staying lifelike some guests gasp. Inside the glass Arms Race
with a host of glass clockwork servants elephant’s hollow torso is a dizzying array Chapter 2:
and his medusa lover. of gears, springs, and other clockwork parts Alkenstar Falls
• Alethsia, Ibrium’s medusa that catch the light in a scintillating
Chapter 3:
companion, was seen carrying display. As soon as the platform Blood in
a strange clockwork key stops moving, as if on cue, the the Bilge
around her neck. glass elephant moves with
Continuing the
• Loveless and her crew of mechanical precision, lifting Campaign
corrupt shieldmarshals have Captain Elford its trunk before releasing a brassy
permanently rented out the bar and trumpeting sound. The impressive display sends The Gunworks
suites on the top floor of the boat. the crowd into a flurry of applause. Adventure
• The shieldmarshals brought a lot of cargo with Toolbox
them when they boarded, including three massive Although none of the guests would recognize it as
crates and two astonishing metal contraptions. such, characters who look inside the elephant can
Unbeknownst to most, these crates contained the clearly see among its inner workings the tell-tale
pyronite bombs and the metal contraptions are in fuses and cylinders of a massive bundle of pyronite—
fact high-powered gatling guns. one of the three clockwork bombs aboard this ship.
• As members of the upper class, many guests Ibrium has chosen to hide this clockwork bomb in
aboard the Gearsmoke might know biographical plain sight. After its unveiling, the clockwork elephant
details about either Loveless or Ibrium, making stays atop the elevator platform in area F18 for the
this a good place to reveal information from their remainder of the voyage, making dramatic poses and
backstories; see the NPCs’ full backgrounds on unleashing the occasional trumpet. To disable the
pages 86–89 of this volume. bomb without alerting anyone, the characters will
need to find a way to lower the elephant back down
XP Award: For acquiring all these rumors or locating to the cargo hold below.
all three bombs, award each character 80 XP.
EVENT 18: UNVEILING THE ELEPHANT There are three pyronite bombs hidden in areas F8,
During late afternoon or early evening of the first day F18, and F33 on the Gearsmoke. The respective keys
on the boat, Captain Elford (LN female human ship for these bombs are held by Parsus (see Chapter 2),
captain 6, Gamemastery Guide 243) invites all the Alethsia (area F23), and Loveless (area F33). Each
guests up to area F18 for a grand unveiling. Captain bomb measures roughly 5 feet wide, 10 feet long, and
Elford and Ibrium walk up to the railing in area F29 5 feet tall. The outer casings of the bombs are made of
and address the crowd below. metal plating with intricate gears, concealing bundles
of pyronite rods. Currently, the bombs are in a “ready”
Crowds of genteel gamblers and debutantes cluster around state, in which they’re partially armed. In addition to
the outer edges of the upper deck’s dance floor, looking her clockwork key, Loveless also carries a clockwork
up toward the stern at the captain on the top deck. The bomb control, which is remotely connected to all three
captain raises her hand and speaks. bombs. When she activates the control, the bombs fully
“Greetings, esteemed guests,” she says. “I’m Captain arm and explode in a matter of moments.
Elford and it’s my pleasure to welcome you aboard the The exact length of time it takes for the bombs to
Gearsmoke. As some of you may know, we’re able to sail on explode is left up to your discretion and should depend
fire and 50d6 bludgeoning damage to each creature
CREW LEVEL on the Gearsmoke and anyone within 150 feet of the
The bottom level of the ship (areas F1 to F11) consists boat (DC 33 basic Reflex save; a critical success is a
of storage hulls, maintenance rooms, and living success instead).
quarters for most of the crew members. This area
is off limits to guests and, during daylight hours, EVENT 20: COUNTERATTACK SEVERE 10
often bustling with crew members going to and fro. At some point during the journey—perhaps after the
The Gearsmoke doesn’t typically have trouble with characters disable one of the bombs, defeat Alethsia in
guests wandering down here, but if any passengers area F23, or sabotage the engine in area F7—Loveless
are caught on this level, they’re escorted back pieces together that her enemies have managed to
upstairs. Following this, the clockwork buccaneers in board the ship. Rather than openly attacking the
area F2 are ordered to patrol this level (and some of characters, she attempts a subtler approach at first.
the hallways above) to keep an eye out for further She’s still confident in her plan and believes she may
intruders. The clockworks are programmed to escort even be able to use the situation to her advantage.
passengers to the passenger level, grappling and The characters are outlaws, after all, and could be
forcibly moving anyone who refuses to comply. After convenient scapegoats to blame for the Gearsmoke’s
1 minute of nonlethal grappling, the clockworks explosion if her scheme goes awry.
switch to lethal tactics. To set her trap, Loveless has three of her corrupt
Each time the characters journey down to this shieldmarshals haul a large 5-foot-by-10-foot crate
level, everyone in the party must attempt a DC 24 (shaped like one of the clockwork bombs) out
Stealth check to avoid being spotted by passing crew of her quarters on the top deck. The beleaguered
members or clockwork automatons. Alternatively, a shieldmarshals haul the heavy crate down through
character who succeeds at a DC 27 Deception check all levels of the ship to area F9 (or some other area,
can successfully Impersonate a crew member and at your discretion), making sure everyone on the ship
walk through these areas uncontested. sees them during the process.
Creatures: Loveless, of course, hopes her ruse will
draw the characters to investigate the crate. When they
arrive, they discover the three shieldmarshals lying in
on how far the characters have made it through the wait, ready to attack. Even worse, a powerful glass
Gearsmoke. In general, if the characters have acquired golem created by Ibrium is inside the crate. It bursts
the keys or have a good plan for deactivating the forth to attack when combat begins.
remaining bombs, you should give them just enough to
time (probably up to a minute) to successfully carry out GLASS GOLEM CREATURE 8
their plan with only moments to spare. If the characters Pathfinder Bestiary 2 131
inadvertently trigger a bomb early, then you might give Initiative Perception +14
them several minutes to come up with a plan to flee
the boat or perhaps toss the bomb overboard before CORRUPT SHIELDMARSHALS (3) CREATURE 7
it explodes. A character can determine how much time Page 7
remains on an activated bomb with a successful DC 20 Initiative Perception +18
Thievery check to Disable a Device or a DC 20 Crafting
or Engineering Lore check to Recall Knowledge. GEARSMOKE LOCATIONS
Disarming a bomb with the matching clockwork Depending on how they managed to get aboard,
key requires a character to spend one Interact the characters might begin their exploration of the
action while adjacent to the bomb. Disarming a Gearsmoke in the cargo hold (area F1), a guest room
bomb without the key is far more difficult. Doing (any of the room in area F15), or somewhere else.
so requires five successful DC 30 Thievery checks Once aboard, they’re free to explore the vessel as
to Disable a Device; a character who critically fails they please.
one check causes the bomb to fully arm and explode Gearsmoke Features: Unless otherwise noted, the
shortly thereafter. Once a bomb is disarmed, Loveless ceilings in the Gearsmoke are 10 feet high (or 15 feet
cannot reactivate it with her remote control. high on the lowest level), the walls are made of brass
Each bomb has a Bulk of 70, making them very of equivalent strength to steel (Hardness 9, HP 36 [BT
difficult to move without at least four or five people 18]), and the doors are all reinforced wood (Hardness
helping. When they explode, each bomb deals 50d6 15, HP 60 [BT 30]).
The following locations correspond to the map of F3. CREW QUARTERS
the Gearsmoke on page 44. Within this text, relative Each of these cramped rooms are filled with bunk
features of the Gearsmoke are described using beds stacked three high. Each room contains enough
nautical vessel terms. Thus, “forward” refers to the beds to house nine crew members. The crew members
ship’s front (or bow); “aft” is toward the ship’s rear keep footlockers, locked with simple locks, below
(or stern); and “port” and “starboard” refer to the their bunks but they typically keep little of value in
left and right sides of the ship, respectively, while one them. Crew members are on their feet working most The
is standing at the stern looking toward the bow. of the day and come to these areas only to sleep Smoking
between shifts. Gun
F4. SUPPLY ROOM Chapter 1:
Motes of dust flit through the air of this large cargo hold. Here crew members store supplies such as bedding, Arms Race
The hold is piled high with crates and boxes. A huge metal pillows, and cleaning materials. During daylight Chapter 2:
hatch built into the ship’s starboard hull allows access to hours, the supply room is busy as crew fetch supplies Alkenstar Falls
the exterior. to take care of the passengers. A wooden rack on the
Chapter 3:
wall holds spare keys for each guest bedroom on the Blood in
If the characters sneak aboard the ship inside ship (areas F15, F19, F20, F21, and F24). the Bilge
crates or luggage, they start their journey aboard the
Continuing the
Gearsmoke in this mundane cargo hold. As soon as F5. STAIRS Campaign
the boat sets sail, crew members come and go from the These stairs lead up to area F14.
area to collect luggage and distribute it to the guest The Gunworks
bedrooms. If the characters don’t stealthily extricate F6. CARGO HOLD #3 MODERATE 10 Adventure
themselves from the luggage they’ve stowed away in, Toolbox
they might get caught or find themselves delivered to This large cargo hold is stacked high with boxes and large
an unsuspecting guest’s personal cabin. crates. There is a wide opening in the center of the room,
After a few hours, once all luggage is delivered, the where four pillars lead up to a wide shaft in the ceiling.
cargo hold remains largely empty. A big metal hatch in Clockwork gears cover the pillars, which are connected to
the starboard wall, used for loading cargo, opens up a platform designed to lift cargo.
to the river outside; the water is roughly level with the
floor of the cargo hold. This room stores some of the largest cargo on the
ship, which is loaded and unloaded by a clockwork
F2. BREAK ROOM elevator that connects to the top deck (area F18). The
The crew members of the Gearsmoke seldom have metal pillars, positioned at each corner of the elevator,
time for breaks during their multi-day shifts, but when are mechanical tracks along which it moves up and
they do, they often congregate in small groups in down. The forward starboard pillar houses a mechanical
this messy lounge. Posters on the wall depict famous control panel that raises and lowers the elevator.
performers from Alkenstar opera shows, and a round Creature: For the first few hours aboard the ship,
table in the room serves as a place to play cards. The a clockwork elephant composed entirely from glass
door on the aft wall is a metal hatch that rusted shut stands on the elevator in this room, covered with a
long ago. The crew members now access the aft part of large cloth to keep it hidden. However, after Event 18
the lower level via the stairs in area F7 or the elevator (page 47), Ibrium has the elephant lifted to the upper
in area F6, but a character who succeeds at a DC 32 deck for display. Even on the upper deck, it still stands
Athletics check can Force Open the door here. atop the elevator platform, meaning the characters
Creatures: The Gearsmoke keeps three clockwork can lower the elephant back into this room using the
buccaneers stationed in this room, where they can be elevator controls. As the characters likely discovered
retrieved quickly if there’s trouble on the upper decks. during the unveiling, Ibrium elected to hide his
The constructs stand completely motionless along the pyronite bomb within the clockwork elephant to keep
wall. They ignore crew members but are programmed it safe from tampering. The clockwork key to disable
to escort any non-personnel they encounter upstairs. this bomb is located with Alethsia in area F23.
The elephant was programmed to put on a display
CLOCKWORK BUCCANEERS (3) CREATURE 9 and continues to make poses even after it’s lowered to
Page 80 this area. Characters who inspect the clockwork beast
Initiative Perception +18 discover a large hatch on the elephant’s back, which can
be unlocked to allow access to the pyronite bomb inside the elephant and disable the bomb (or perhaps push
the construct. As soon as someone other than Ibrium or it overboard) before it explodes and destroys the
Alethsia touches the glass hatch however, the elephant Gearsmoke.
goes berserk and attacks. As long as the glass elephant
is attacking, opening the hatch to disable the bomb isn’t GLASS ELEPHANT CREATURE 12
easy. To attempt to open the hatch, characters must UNIQUE N HUGE CLOCKWORK CONSTRUCT MINDLESS
ride the elephant’s back during combat. This requires Bomb-laden clockwork sculpture
a successful DC 27 Acrobatics check to Balance or Perception +22; darkvision
Athletics check to Climb each round or they’ll be thrown Skills Athletics +25
from the beast. The hatch can be opened with three Str +8, Dex +0, Con +5, Int –5, Wis +3, Cha –5
successful DC 27 Thievery checks to Disable a Device or Wind-Up 24 hours, DC 29, standby
Athletics checks to Force Open. AC 32; Fort +25, Ref +19, Will +17
Of course, characters could also access the bomb HP 245; Immunities death effects, disease, doomed,
by simply destroying the elephant. This is also a tricky drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal
proposition though, considering the volatility of the attacks, paralyzed, poisoned, sickened, unconscious;
explosive contained in the glass sculpture. Even simply Weaknesses sonic 15; Resistances physical 10 (except
attacking the clockwork creature is dangerous. adamantine or bludgeoning)
During combat, characters can choose to take a –2 Vulnerable to Shatter The glass elephant is affected by the
penalty to their attack rolls to intentionally aim their shatter spell as though it were an unattended object.
attacks away from the center of the elephant. Rolling Spell Reflection [reaction] (abjuration, arcane) Trigger The glass
a successful attack in this way allows a character elephant is targeted by a spell; Effect The elephant
to damage the clockwork creature safely. If the positions its reflective magical surfaces to turn the
characters choose to attack normally and roll a spell back on the caster. It tries to counteract the spell,
critical miss (or if they use another ability that might making an Athletics check for its counteract check.
penetrate the elephant’s chest), their attack strikes the If it successfully counteracts the spell, the
clockwork bomb inside the elephant and causes it to effect is turned back on the caster.
arm. In this case, the party has only a few moments (5 Speed 45 feet
rounds, possibly more at your discretion) to destroy Melee [one-action] tusk +21 (reach 15 feet),
Damage 3d8+15 piercing
Melee [one-action] trunk +21 (reach 15 feet), Effect
grabbing trunk
Melee [one-action] foot +21 (reach 10 feet), Damage
3d10+15 bludgeoning
Dual Tusks [one-action] The glass elephant makes
two tusk Strikes, each against a different
creature. This counts as one attack for the
elephant’s multiple attack penalty, and the
penalty doesn’t increase until after both attacks.
Grabbing Trunk A Medium or smaller creature hit by the
glass elephant’s trunk is grabbed. If the elephant moves,
it can bring the grabbed creature along with it.
Trample [three-actions] Large or smaller, foot, DC 32
The scent of burning oil and river water fills this engine
room. The stern consists of an enormous metal paddle
that churns through the river and propels the ship. Two have departed. The catoblepas hasn’t eaten in several
enormous gears in the middle of the room pull giant chains days and is furious, attacking anyone in sight. If the
that turn the paddle wheel. The chains are connected to characters manage to open the metal hatch to the river,
a large clockwork engine, which whirrs and chugs noisily. the catoblepas jumps from the boat and swims away.
lock; most guests carry their room keys with them
NEXIAN SUITES wherever they go. Each guest room can comfortably
Areas F19 through F23 make up the Nexian suites of accommodate up to four guests. During the small
the Gearsmoke. These rooms are devoted to housing hours of the morning, most of these rooms are filled
Nexian travelers and are decorated in Nexian style, with sleeping occupants. Otherwise, roughly a third of
giving them all the comforts of home. Ibrium invested the rooms are occupied at any given time.
a substantial sum to finance the construction of Treasure: Since the guests traveling aboard
the Gearsmoke and ensured there would be a wing the Gearsmoke are mostly the wealthy elite from
that catered to travelers from Nex. He, of course, Alkenstar, their rooms often contain a fair number of
has recently insured the Gearsmoke with bankers valuables. For each room they search, the characters
in Quantium, meaning when the ship explodes he can uncover 4d10 gp in jewelry or gambling earnings
stands to make a tidy sum. For this leg of the voyage, (up to a maximum total of 500 gp across all the
Ibrium rented out the entire Nexian wing for him, his rooms labeled F15). If more than a few rooms are
lover, and their entourage of clockworks and glass robbed however, the captain responds by activating
creatures. To help sell the insurance fraud, he has three clockwork buccaneers (page 80) to patrol the
brought along a large number of unique and valuable hall for thieves.
clockworks and sculptures, which he plans to use as
evidence that he had no hand in the explosion. F16. KITCHEN
F15. GUEST ROOMS A long buffet table stands against the forward wall of this
dining hall. Five dining tables are scattered throughout the
This cozy sleeping cabin is appointed with a twin bed along rest of the space. The aft wall opens out to the massive
one wall, plus two bunk beds along the other wall. A small paddle wheel that propels the boat, churning through the
closet and nightstand are the room’s only other furnishings. river with a rush of roaring water.
All unlabeled rooms on this deck are F15. The door While many guests choose to eat their meals on
to each of these rooms is locked with an average the entertainment deck above, this area is the ship’s
primary dining hall. It’s busiest from breakfast at 7 Ibrium sleeps in this room, though he spends most
a.m. until just after lunch at noon, then again from of his time elsewhere on the ship. The door is locked
supper at 5 p.m. until after dark. The two staircases with an average lock. The mosaic on the ceiling is of
here lead up to area F18. the archmage Nex.
Creatures: Ibrium has created several prototype
F18. ENTERTAINMENT DECK glass clockwork buccaneers as part of his experiments
with glass and geomancy. He views the current The
Round tables surround the outer rim of this open-air deck. clockwork buccaneers of the Gearsmoke as brutish Smoking
A dance floor in the center abuts a mechanical elevator. and crude. After the explosion of the ship, he plans Gun
Near the ship’s stern, a small balcony juts out over the to build an even bigger, more elegant vessel, which
paddle wheel, providing a view of the churning wake of will be crewed by his beautiful glass clockworks. He’s Chapter 1:
the boat. Large canopies hang over the top of the deck in left three glass buccaneers in this room to protect his Arms Race
many places, providing shade for guests. belongings. Chapter 2:
Alkenstar Falls
This is the primary entertainment area of the GLASS BUCCANEERS (3) CREATURE 9 Chapter 3:
Gearsmoke. Guests spend most of their time here, Variant clockwork buccaneers (page 80) Blood in
gambling or dancing away the hours. Even late into Initiative Perception +18 the Bilge
the night, at least a few guests wander the deck, HP 154; Immunities death effects, disease, doomed,
Continuing the
looking out over the water. drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal Campaign
Creatures: After the glass elephant’s grand attacks, paralyzed, poisoned, sickened, unconscious;
unveiling (Event 18), Ibrium’s bestial construct stands Weaknesses sonic 10; Resistances physical 5 (except The Gunworks
atop the elevator platform in the center of this deck, adamantine or bludgeoning) Adventure
making poses to entertain the guests. It’s presumed Toolbox
the characters move the elephant below deck and
disarm the bomb inside it in area F6. If the characters
try to access the bomb inside the elephant while it’s
up here, guests call out and alert the shieldmarshals
in area F32, three of which arrive on the scene to
dispatch the characters.
Vulnerable to Shatter The glass buccaneer is affected by F21. LUXURY ROOM
the shatter spell as though it were an unattended object. This area is identical to area F20, except this room is
Spell Reflection [reaction] (abjuration, arcane) Trigger The glass unoccupied and has no treasure. The door is locked
buccaneer is targeted by a spell; Effect The buccaneer with an average lock.
positions its reflective magical surfaces to turn the spell
back on the caster. It tries to counteract the spell, making F22. SERVANT’S QUARTERS
an Athletics check for its counteract check. If it successfully This simply decorated room is equipped with four
counteracts the spell, the effect is turned back on the caster. bunk beds, a wardrobe, and several chests for storing
luggage or clothing.
Treasure: Ibrium has a number of valuables stashed These rooms are intended for the servants of Nexian
in the drawers of this room, including 280 gp, an aristocracy, who rarely travel without at least a small
engraved mithral scarab talisman worth 400 gp, and entourage. Normally, Ibrium would bring servants as
12 jade gems worth 10 gp each. well, but given the illicit nature of his current journey,
he opted to leave his servants behind in Nex. These
rooms are currently empty.
Variant elite medusa (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 234)
Initiative Perception +18
Glass Gaze As Petrifying Gaze, except victims
are transformed into glass instead of stone.
Spells such as stone to flesh still affect the petrified
creatures as usual.
Treasure: There are a total of six glass statues in the F27. STAIRS
room that could potentially be revived with a stone This stairwell has a bench for sitting, but is otherwise
to flesh spell. One of the victims is a wealthy Nexian empty. The staircase here leads up to area F34.
merchant who, if revived, thanks the party with a gift
of 800 gp. In addition to this, Alethsia also carries a F28. FIRST MATE’S CABIN
clockwork key around her neck, which is keyed to the
bomb within the clockwork elephant (area F6). This is room is filled with rich furnishings, most of which The
New Feat: Upon destroying Alethsia, the characters are covered beneath piles of crumpled clothing and clutter. Smoking
gain access to the Glass Skin feat (page 77). Gun
This room is the living quarters of First Mate Parker
F24. LUXURY ROOMS (CN male human bosun 3, Gamemastery Guide 243). Chapter 1:
These luxury rooms are similar to area F19, except Parker is a slovenly fellow who seems surrounded by Arms Race
they lack the Nexian theme and are decorated in a perpetual disorder. Despite this, he performs his job Chapter 2:
more typical Alkenstari fashion. All three of these adequately and is well regarded by Captain Elford. Alkenstar Falls
rooms are currently rented by high rollers who spend Unbeknownst to the captain, Parker routinely sneaks
Chapter 3:
most of their time gambling on the entertainment off during his night shift at the helm to gamble in Blood in
deck. Each room is locked with an average lock. disguise. He’s deeply in debt and his room contains no the Bilge
Treasure: Each of these rooms contain roughly 350 wealth whatsoever, although characters who succeed
Continuing the
gp in jewelry or gambling earnings. If a guest discovers at a DC 26 Perception check can discover his ledger Campaign
their room has been burglarized, the captain responds of massive gambling debts hidden among the clutter.
by activating clockwork buccaneers and posting them The Gunworks
in the hall outside these quarters. F29. UPPER ENTERTAINMENT DECK Adventure
F25. CAPTAIN’S DINING ROOM Two wide staircases lead up to this area, which is the highest
open-air deck on the ship. The aft end of the deck is defined
Stained-glass windows depicting brave sailors on a stormy by a carved wooden railing that looks out over the larger
sea have been inlaid to either side of every door in this entertainment deck below. The forward end of the deck ends
room. The center of the room contains a long oval table with a wall of cabins lined with arched glass windows.
beneath a chandelier crafted from antique pistols.
Like area F18, this deck has a number of gambling
The captain and first mate of the Gearsmoke tables around the outer edge, with a small clearing in
typically dine in this room. On most nights, Captain the middle for dancing or entertainment. The door
Elford carefully selects a handful of guests aboard leading into area F30 is locked with an average lock.
the ship to dine with her as a special honor. For the A sign hanging from the door reads “Private Party:
remainder of the day, this room is usually empty. Bar Closed.” Characters who succeed at a DC 27
Perception while examining the door discover a small
F26. CAPTAIN’S CABIN alarm bell is attached to the other side; the bell can be
disabled with a successful DC 29 Thievery check.
This spartan room is decorated with sturdy, well-crafted Characters can also peer through gaps in the
furniture and little else. window curtains and see into areas F31 and F32.
Looking through the windows without being seen
This room is the living quarters of Captain Elford. by the shieldmarshals within requires a character to
Elford is a stern woman who hopes to one day succeed at a DC 28 Stealth check.
command a fleet of ships on the open sea. She’s vastly
overqualified for her current post and somewhat F30. THE KILL ZONE MODERATE 10
resents being a cruise captain, but she does her job Loveless and her lackeys have laid a trap in this
well nonetheless. After dusk, she can usually be found hallway to kill any intruders. The door leading into
here reading or sleeping, but during the day she spends this hallway from area F29 is rigged with a small
most of her time piloting the boat in area F34. alarm bell that, if triggered, alerts the shieldmarshals
Treasure: Captain Elford keeps a chest, locked with in areas F32. To avoid accidentally triggering their
a good lock, stowed beneath her bed. Inside are 125 own trap, shieldmarshals wishing to enter this hallway
gp, a vanishing coin, and an explosive ammunition first knock on the window to area F32. This alerts
firearm round. the shieldmarshals inside, who look out to see who
knocked and then walk to area F30 to switch off the right next to the bar (area F33). Loveless has rented
bell alarm to allow the newcomers to enter. Unlike out these rooms and the bar nearby to house her
most of the Gearsmoke, this interior hallway (along shieldmarshal lackeys. Each room contains one gatling
with the areas marked F31) was built after the ship gun and several crates of ammo hidden beneath the
was created and has walls made of wood. white sheet in the corner of the room.
Creatures: All told, six shieldmarshals lurk in the Gatling Guns: Loveless commissioned this pair of
areas marked F32, three in each room. If alerted, one experimental firearms years ago from the Gunworks.
shieldmarshal in each room runs to the gatling gun, They’ve proved to be powerful weapons but are often
while the other two ready actions to shoot anyone who short-lived as the barrels quickly overheat and warp
enters from area F31. The gatling guns are powerful from repeated use. For short bursts of fire, though,
enough to shoot straight through the walls of areas they’re quite deadly.
F30 and F31, which are composed of thin wood, so A person trained in the use of the gatling gun can
when the shieldmarshals open fire they fill this hallway operate it by spending 3 Interact actions each round
and the adjacent sitting rooms (areas F31) with a to feed ammo into the machine while it fires a spray of
spray of bullets. Creatures in either area take 2d12+13 bullets. The gun deals 2d12+13 piercing damage to all
piercing damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save), but they creatures in a 60-foot cone (DC 29 basic Reflex save).
have standard cover thanks to the walls and gain a +2 The gatling gun can fire for 4 rounds before it must be
bonus to their Reflex saves against the gatling guns. reloaded, which takes 1 minute. Each gun is 50 Bulk
A full description of how each gatling gun works is and, if moved to a new location, takes 10 minutes to
provided in area F32. properly assemble. Each round the gatling gun fires,
there is a 5% chance (roll a DC 2 flat check) that the
CORRUPT SHIELDMARSHALS (6) CREATURE 7 barrel jams and explodes, breaking the machine.
Page 7 A character can figure out how to use a gatling gun
Initiative Perception +18 by succeeding at a DC 29 Engineering Lore or Crafting
check. Note the walls to area F33 are composed of
F31. LUXURY SITTING ROOM steel bulkhead, so the gun can’t be fired through the
wall into the room where Loveless resides.
Several cushioned benches and ottomans decorate this Creatures: Three shieldmarshals are stationed in
cozy sitting room. A large oil painting hangs from the wall, each of these rooms at all times. If they hear the sound
depicting ships at sea. Arched windows, mostly shrouded of the alarm in area F30, the guards quickly get ready
by white curtains, run along the aft wall of the room. to attack, as described in that area. If they spot people
peering into their room from the aft windows, they
Two luxury suites (composed of areas F31 and usually just curse at them before rising to close the
F32) stand on opposite sides of the hallway in area curtains completely. If they recognize the characters,
F30. These two sitting rooms are otherwise identical. however, they run out to fight the party head-on.
The windows on the wall look out onto the upper The characters most likely fight all six shieldmarshals
entertainment deck in area F29. The shieldmarshals as part of a single encounter in area F30. If the
typically spend their time in the larger bedroom suite, characters avoid that ambush though, they can attack
so this room is usually empty. each group of shieldmarshals individually. In this case,
each trio is a trivial encounter.
This large bedroom is outfitted with rich furniture, including
a canopy bed, wardrobe, sofa, and small dining table. Dim A large bar fills the center of this room, surrounded by
light filters into the room through arched windows in the cushioned red stools and several small tables. Sleeping
corner, which are mostly covered by curtains. In one corner cots, clearly set up for temporary use, are scattered
of the room, a white sheet is draped over a bulky statue or throughout the large cabin.
mechanical contraption, shrouding it from view.
During most trips, this room is the ship’s liveliest
These two bedrooms flank opposite sides of the area, filled with drinking and gambling guests. For this
same hallway (area F30). They both fetch a high price trip however, Loveless has rented out the entire bar.
as luxury suites, each with an adjacent sitting room Loveless and Ibrium spend the majority of the river
(areas F31) and positioned on the top deck of the ship cruise hidden away in this room, remotely monitoring
the ship’s progress through the eyes and ears of of combat, the boat tilts toward the stern, causing the
Loveless’s shieldmarshals and the boat’s crew, who heavy bomb to crash through the hallways and doors
regularly report here. When the characters first arrive, of the ship until it reaches the edge of the stern in area
Loveless and Ibrium are accompanied by two of the F18, where it becomes stuck in place, jammed on a
deputy’s loyal followers. rupture in the deck. On the third and fourth round
Before confronting Loveless here, the characters of combat, it remains stuck here. On the fifth round,
have hopefully recovered Alethsia’s clockwork key and the bomb finally crashes through the floor to area The
disabled the two bombs elsewhere on the Gearsmoke, F17 below, then slides across the ship toward the Smoking
meaning there’s only one bomb left. Loveless didn’t bow, tumbling through a hallway before coming to a Gun
trust leaving the final bomb out of her sight, so rest in area F12. It remains stuck in this room until it
it’s located in this room with her. By the time the explodes or is disarmed. Chapter 1:
characters enter this area, Loveless has already armed Creatures: This is where Deputy Loveless, Ibrium, Arms Race
all remaining functional bombs on the ship, which are and two of Loveless’s favorite underlings make their Chapter 2:
set to explode in just seconds or minutes. She carries final stand against the party. Alkenstar Falls
the clockwork key to the final bomb in this room in
Chapter 3:
her pocket. IBRIUM CREATURE 10 Blood in
Final Countdown: By now, Loveless and Ibrium Page 88 the Bilge
know their plan is close to failure, so they trigger their Initiative Perception +20
Continuing the
last contingency. Just as the characters enter this area, Campaign
several things happen all at once, starting with Ibrium CORRUPT SHIELDMARSHALS (2) CREATURE 7
activating his teleportation ritual, which instantly Page 7 The Gunworks
transports the entire boat to the precipice of the Alken Initiative Perception +18 Adventure
Falls. The sudden teleportation causes catastrophic Toolbox
damage to the ship, rupturing the hull in several places ANJELIQUE LOVELESS CREATURE 11
and throwing the boat off kilter. Page 86
Off-Kilter Boat: Once Ibrium enacts his ritual, the Initiative Perception +24
entire boat is teleported to a rocky outcropping just
on the edge of the Alken Falls, now directly under the
middle of the ship’s hull. For the next 10 rounds,
the boat slowly rocks back and forth
as it reaches equilibrium atop
the rock. At the beginning of
the first round of combat,
before any creature can act, the
boat tilts toward the bow. Each
creature standing on the deck of
the Gearsmoke must succeed at a DC
27 Fortitude or Reflex save (creature’s
choice) or stumble 10 feet toward the bow of the
boat and become flat-footed until the start of the
next round; on a critical failure, the creature also
falls prone. At the start of the next round, the boat
tilts toward the stern, triggering the same process
in reverse. The boat continues to rock this way for
10 rounds or until the pyronite bomb detonates,
whichever happens first.
Runaway Bomb: At the beginning of the
first round of combat, before any creature
can act and after Ibrium has enacted his
Gatling Gun
ritual, a hole ruptures open in the floor of
this room, causing the bomb to fall through
to the hallway outside area F22 as the ship
tilts toward the bow. On the second round
This room contains all the controls necessary to
THE FINAL ENCOUNTER operate the Gearsmoke. A character who succeeds at a
The encounter against Loveless, Ibrium, and the DC 22 Sailing Lore check can use the wheel and levers
elite shieldmarshals in area F33 is the final, climactic to alter the course of the ship, increase or decrease
encounter of the Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure the engine speed, or open and close the cargo hatch
Path. It’s on the high end of a severe-threat containers in areas F8 and F6. The stairs in this room
encounter for 10th-level characters, so the party lead down to area F27.
will almost certainly need to stick together to Creatures: During the day, Captain Elford can
survive. If one or more characters abandon the fight usually be found in this room along with several
to pursue the runaway bomb, consider having one crew members. At night, the wheel is usually manned
or two of the enemies from this room pursue them by First Mate Parker, although on quiet nights, he
to ensure the characters who remain in this room sometimes abandons his post to go gambling, leaving
aren’t totally overwhelmed. lower-ranking crew members in charge.
A lot of this final encounter hinges on the
assumption that Ibrium activates his teleportation CLOCK’S TICKING
ritual as soon as the characters enter the area. If After the party has confronted Deputy Loveless and
your players have taken great efforts to hide their her accomplices in area F33, the characters must
efforts from the adventure’s villains or found some overcome one final event encounter to save the day
way to get the jump on Ibrium and Loveless, this and finish the adventure.
uninterruptible scene might seem farfetched or
outright unfair. In this case, you can modify the EVENT 21: TICKING TIME BOMB MODERATE 10
encounter so Ibrium instead completes the ritual Once Loveless activates the clockwork bomb in area
in the midst of combat; to do so, he must spend 2 F33, the characters don’t have long before it explodes,
actions to Cast a Spell, and the characters might be taking them and everyone on the Gearsmoke with
able to interrupt this spell. it. After recovering the final clockwork key from
When in doubt, err on the side of your players. Loveless, the party must race through the ship as it
Simply put, if the people at your table would have teeters at the edge of Alken Falls.
more fun disrupting Loveless and Ibrium’s scheme During this chase encounter, the characters must
before it has even the slightest chance of success— overcome six obstacles in order to reach the bomb and
and their characters make all the right moves disarm it. The characters have 6 rounds to overcome
to accomplish this feat—then you’re likely better these obstacles, after which the bomb explodes as
off playing out that scene rather than forcing a described in Event 19 (page 47). Each chase round
potentially frustrating climactic scene. (Of course, it’s represents 1 minute of in-game time, but this duration
highly unlikely the characters don’t bungle at least can be modified depending on how far away the bomb
part of their mission on the Gearsmoke, in which is from the party. This chase assumes the runaway
case you shouldn’t be afraid to say “Bombs away!” bomb (area F33) has traveled its entire course and
and run the encounter as written.) ended up in area F12. If the characters somehow
managed to slow down or stop the bomb along the
way (a difficult prospect given the heavy bomb’s
weight and momentum), then each chase round might
Aftermath: After defeating Loveless and Ibrium, the instead represent 30 seconds of in-world time or, on
characters will still need to recover the clockwork key the extreme end, just 6 seconds.
from Loveless and then scramble to disarm the last This chase encounter uses the same rules detailed on
bomb (or bombs). See Event 21 for details of how to page 156 of the Gamemastery Guide. For convenience,
handle this final race against the clock. the rules are summarized here.
Each round, the characters must attempt checks to
F34. CAPTAIN’S WHEEL earn enough Chase Points to overcome their current
obstacle, with each character attempting one of the
The curved wall of this room is filled with floor-to-ceiling listed checks for the obstacle. Each success earns the
windows that look out the bow of the ship and over the party 1 Chase Point, whereas a critical success awards
river below. A shiny steel steering wheel stands in the 2 Chase Points. On a critical failure, the party loses
center of the room, surrounded by an assortment of 1 Chase Point (the party can never have fewer that 0
mechanical levers. Chase Points). The party must collectively accrue the
number of Chase Points indicated in the obstacle. For Through the turbulent rupture, DC 29 Fortitude save to
example, for the first obstacle, Rocking Boat, once the force themselves through the painful stream of water
party accrues 4 Chase Points, they progress to the next The hull ruptures, spewing a powerful stream of water into
obstacle; it might take only two characters to overcome the ship.
the obstacle (if they both roll critical successes), in
which case the remaining characters in the party can MALFUNCTIONING CLOCKWORK OBSTACLE 10
proceed to roll checks for the next obstacle. Initiative Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 22 Crafting or Thievery The
order doesn’t matter; players can take their turns each check to remove the debris and calm the clockwork, DC Smoking
round in any order they like. 25 Deception to feint and dodge around the clockwork Gun
Players can and should come up with creative ways A clockwork buccaneer, damaged by debris, goes berserk
of overcoming obstacles that play into their strengths, and blocks the characters’ path. Chapter 1:
in which case you should use one of the listed DCs Arms Race
for whatever type of check the player convinces you CRASHING WAVE OBSTACLE 10 Chapter 2:
is appropriate. At your discretion, an especially useful Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 25 Athletics check to Swim Alkenstar Falls
action—such as a character casting their highest-level through the wave, DC 22 Nature or Fishing Lore to
Chapter 3:
spell or activating an item’s once-a-day ability—allows accurately predict the movement of the tides and act Blood in
the party to bypass an obstacle entirely. accordingly, DC 29 Perception to hear the wave coming the Bilge
If the characters didn’t disarm the other bombs and find a safe refuge
Continuing the
before Loveless triggered the detonation sequence, A wave of water crashes through the hallways and decks Campaign
they’ll need to scramble all over the boat to disarm of the ship, rushing from one end of the boat the other.
those as well. In this case, you can divide the following The Gunworks
obstacles between the total number of bombs that Concluding the Chase: After navigating through Adventure
need to be disarmed, or you can devise additional all six obstacles, the characters reach the clockwork Toolbox
chase obstacles for the other bombs. bomb and can use the key to deactivate it. Shortly
afterward, the Gearsmoke finally reaches equilibrium
ROCKING BOAT OBSTACLE 10 atop the waterfall and stops rocking back and forth,
Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 23 Acrobatics to Balance and allowing all passengers to be safely evacuated. If the
avoid falling, DC 26 Athletics to grab onto something, or characters fail to overcome their obstacles within 6
DC 22 Sailing Lore to keep your sea legs rounds, the bomb explodes. For suggestions on how
The Gearsmoke suddenly shifts and rocks violently. to proceed in the instance of this dire possibility, see
What if the Party Fails? on page 63.
TELEPORTATION ARCS OBSTACLE 10 XP Award: For successfully overcoming all the
Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 23 Arcana, Nature, or obstacles, award each character 80 XP.
Occultism to predict the path of the arcs and avoid them,
DC 27 Will save to avoid being teleported after being CONCLUSION
struck With Loveless defeated and the bombs disabled, the
Latent magical energy, leftover from Ibrium’s powerful characters are celebrated as heroes who rescued the
spell, arcs through the ship in flashes of purple lightning. Gearsmoke and saved Alkenstar from disaster. Over
The lightning teleports those it strikes to random nearby the coming weeks, the Gearsmoke is hauled from its
locations, slowing their progress. perch atop the falls and a statue of the characters is
erected in its place, honoring them as saviors of the
PANICKED CROWD OBSTACLE 10 city. If they’re still alive Loveless, Ibrium, and Parsus
Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 22 Diplomacy to Make are all put on special trial, which Grand Duchess
an Impression or Intimidation to Coerce the crowd to Trietta Ricia personally ensures is fair. They’re all
clear a path, DC 25 Religion to calm the crowd with an eventually sentenced to lifelong imprisonment.
appropriate maxim or religious passage For saving the day, the grand duchess awards the
A crowd of panicked guests completely blocks the party with 2,000 gp. She also ensures the crimes for
characters’ path as a panicking crew member tells everyone which they were wrongly accused at the beginning
to make peace with their gods. of the Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure Path are
expunged from the city’s records.
RUPTURED HULL OBSTACLE 10 The Adventure Path may be over, but your campaign
Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 22 Crafting check to plug doesn’t have to be. For ideas for future adventures, see
the rupture with debris, DC 25 Acrobatics to Tumble Continuing the Campaign on page 60.
the Campaign The
Chapter 1:
Arms Race
The Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure Path concludes Katapesh, and Cheliax. Potent artifacts, deeds to Chapter 2:
with the heroes vanquishing Deputy Loveless and gem mines, keys to private demiplanes, and even Alkenstar Falls
saving Alkenstar from disaster. But what does this more outlandish offers are all on the table for the
Chapter 3:
mean for the story you and your friends have created? characters. Will they maintain their allegiance to Blood in
This section includes suggestions for how the world Ricia and Alkenstar or play the bidders against one the Bilge
could change in the aftermath of the characters’ another for the highest offer?
Continuing the
heroics, ideas for continuing your players’ adventures, It’s more likely, however, that the secret for Campaign
and advice for how to keep the game going even if the pyronite does escape out into the world, either
party didn’t survive the campaign. during the campaign or shortly after. In this case, the The Gunworks
first two powers to adopt the pyronite for military Adventure
CAMPAIGN CONSEQUENCES use are Nex, which develops units of flying apes Toolbox
In the aftermath of Loveless’s downfall, Grand capable of bombarding enemies with pyronite from
Duchess Ricia promotes Foebe Dunsmith to the the sky; and Geb, which create legions of quickened
position of temporary inquisitor, allowing her to lead zombie sappers strapped with pyronite to devastate
a thorough investigation of the entire shieldmarshal enemy fortifications. Luckily, as Ricia predicted, the
force and purge any remaining Loveless supporters relatively even disbursement of the formula means
from their ranks. With this last task accomplished, that the nations maintain an uneasy stalemate, since
Dunsmith then elects to retire to a small ranch outside no one side is eager to provoke the others into an
the city to raise and breed mutant cattle. Now that the all‑out war. Soon, the secret of pyronite spreads
powerful criminal organizations headed by Loveless farther afield to Qadira, Osirion, and Absalom,
and Mugland are both dismantled, Vivielle Ramslay changing the world forever.
fills the power vacuum, becoming one of the largest The new demand for pyronite creates a sudden rush
power brokers in the Alkenstar underworld. to the Spellscar Desert, which contains deposits of
Of course, the most significant consequence of the the special white salt required to stabilize the potent
campaign hinges on the fate of Gattlebee’s pyronite explosive, a salt found nowhere else in Golarion.
formula, which had fallen into the hands of Loveless, Overnight, a horde of adventurers and prospectors
Ibrium, Parsus, Mugland, and Kosowana (and flock to the region to harvest the salt and sell it to
perhaps others) over the course of the campaign. alchemists in distant lands for a massive profit. Bidding
Ricia has many other agents, so it’s possible that, wars erupt over guides and gunslingers from Alkenstar
if the characters apprehended all the major villains who know how to navigate the strange wasteland
with access to the formula, the grand duchess’s forces and find salt deposits. The greatest beneficiaries of
were able to capture all the remaining criminals this sudden salt rush are the mutant denizens of the
who knew the formula as well. In this case, the Spellscar Desert, who intimately know its terrain and
pyronite formula remains a secret—at least for a ultimately decide who may enter and who may leave
while. This puts the characters in the enviable but their unpredictable home territory. The incredible
dangerous position of being the only actors at large wealth flocking to the region allows formerly small
with access to the formula. Eventually, a mysterious mutant war bands to purchase powerful weaponry,
(and inhuman) broker calling himself Mr. Gallows expand their ranks, and unify into powerful forces. In
approaches them with an offer to sell the formula. time, as mutant leaders battle for supremacy, a new
He takes the characters to a private auction attended nation might be born within the Spellscar Desert, its
by representatives from nations such as Nex, Geb, coffers filled by ever growing demand for pyronite salt.
MORE ADVENTURES IN Quarter slaughterhouse from which they can torment
ALKENSTAR all those involved in Parsus’s death or other downfall.
Following the events of the campaign, the characters Drakar begins his campaign of terror by leaving a
have a number of new avenues of adventure. talking severed head at the gates of Alkenstar Castle to
deliver a dire message: during tomorrow’s first night of
THE BLOOD LORD’S REVENGE the full moon, Drakar’s hunt will begin—starting with
Upon Parsus’s defeat, word of the matter eventually Grand Duchess Ricia. In response, Ricia gathers her
reaches their vampiric father, Drakar Fademore (NE most powerful servants (including the characters) and
male vampire overlord 14). Drakar bears only a fortifies the castle. But Drakar and his minions possess
distant love for Parsus, but he nonetheless ventures to innate abilities that make them nearly impossible to
Alkenstar to seek vengeance as a matter of honor. The detect or track. The blood lord and his children slip
vampire and his six children, along with their pack into the castle and begin a wild hunt through the
of vampiric yeth hounds, establish a lair in a Ferrous fortress halls, forcing the characters to move Ricia
from room to room and battle Parsus’s lesser siblings.
By the end of the night, Ricia (hopefully) still lives,
but Drakar and several of Parsus’s surviving siblings
have escaped. In order to capture the vampires running
amok in her city, Ricia proposes releasing Parsus from
prison (or raising them from the dead). Once returned
to action, Parsus is more than willing to help locate
and exact revenge on their father, although likely via
unorthodox and possibly grisly methods. Eventually,
with Parsus’s help, the characters can track Drakar
to his slaughterhouse domain and slay the wicked
vampire and his damned entourage.
Although this brings an end to Parsus’s dhampir
siblings, Drakar himself is not so easily dispatched.
Parsus explains that their father removed his withered
heart centuries ago and hid it somewhere within the
Fademore estate. To kill the blood lord for good, the
party must journey to Geb and assault the haunted
ancestral home. Inside a cursed hedge maze in
the center of the grounds, the characters locate
a blood‑weeping tree guarded by the ghosts of
every Nexian wizard Drakar has ever killed.
Deep inside the tree, the vampire’s heart still beats,
waiting for the characters to drive a stake through it.
must be undone at the same time. Thus, to reach the WHAT IF THE PARTY FAILS?
bottom of the treasury and access Ibrium’s vault, the It’s possible that the characters fail to stop Loveless’s
party must infiltrate both sides of the structure at once. plan, particularly if she triggers her bombs on the
Accomplishing this feat requires at least eight heist Gearsmoke before the party can defuse them. Even the
members to activate all the various timed locks in utter destruction of the ship and the characters along
unison, meaning the characters will need to assemble with it doesn’t have to spell the end of the campaign,
a crack team of cat burglars to execute their scheme. however. The following scenario presents one possible The
Luckily the party has a wealth of Alkenstar contacts option for continuing the campaign in the instance of Smoking
to draw from, including Phera Wyndslow, Vivielle the characters’ deaths. Gun
Ramslay, and others, though convincing everyone to Six months after their defeat, the characters wake in
take part in such a risky endeavor might not be easy. the middle of the Spellscar Desert. As their memories Chapter 1:
After infiltrating the facility, disabling deadly traps, gradually return, they discover that after their death, Arms Race
and battling clockwork guardians, the characters Parsus re‑animated their corpses, turning them into Chapter 2:
at last breach Ibrium’s vault. Inside, they find a pile clockwork servants that blend elements of machinery Alkenstar Falls
of gold and also learn that Ibrium’s benefactor is an and necromancy. The party served Parsus for months
Chapter 3:
Arclord of Nex named Kiamal, who possesses some as personal bodyguards before a freak mana storm Blood in
of Nex’s original writings detailing methods for returned their souls to their bodies. Parsus fled amid the Bilge
teleporting huge objects. It was Kiamal who taught the turmoil. If Parsus didn’t survive the campaign, then
Continuing the
Ibrium how to teleport the Gearsmoke using latent it was Ibrium who animated the characters’ corpses— Campaign
magic from the Mana Wastes, and it seems that her encasing them in glass like grim trophies.
plan this whole time was merely to use the ship as an The characters track Parsus across the desert to The Gunworks
initial test. In anticipation of this test’s success, she exact their revenge before returning to Alkenstar, a Adventure
provided Ibrium with construction diagrams (not yet city that looks very different from the way they left it. Toolbox
knowing of his failure) for building vast teleportation Loveless has ascended to the highest levels of power
stabilizers within Alkenstar. If her theories are correct, after either surviving her plan or being resurrected in a
these stabilizers would be capable of transporting the similar fashion to the characters. Under her influence,
entire city across the face of Golarion. the shieldmarshals now make up a powerful army.
No doubt troubled by these plans and perhaps at Loveless plans to wield this force against both Nex
the behest of Ricia, the characters must journey to and Geb in a bid for power over eastern Garund.
Quantium to confront Kiamal. The Arclord lives within To reverse their undead conditions, the characters
a flying tower that randomly teleports throughout the must brave Alkenstar’s most conflict‑torn districts.
city and leaves uninvited guests floating in thin air. To In the anarchic Ironside Quarter, they find unusual
access the tower, the characters will need to ingratiate allies in the form of like‑minded outcasts and leaders
themselves with Kiamal’s monstrous associates, of the rebellion. However, only by returning to
including a sphinx named Apitesh and a calikang noble pyronite’s ground zero—the flooded crater that was
named Uluoshko, who each possess magical tokens Alken Falls—can the party reverse‑engineer Parsus’s
allowing them to safely visit the tower. Inside the necromantic designs and restore their living forms.
tower, the characters battle Kiamal’s many teleporting Now once again among the world of the living, the
minions before confronting Kiamal herself—only to characters become the new leaders of the resistance
discover that their foe is a mere simulacrum. against Loveless. By enlisting the aid of geniuses from
The real Kiamal teleported to the Mana Wastes around Alkenstar, the underdogs amass a force of
shortly after Ibrium’s demise. For years, she has delved clockwork warriors to combat Loveless’s legion of
ever deeper into Nex’s book of magic, mastering murderous shieldmarshals. Loveless herself is fortified
potent teleportation spells. Giddy with power, she within a massive rolling castle powered by clockwork
intends to transport all of Alkenstar to the outskirts of gears, from which she commands an ever‑widening
Quantium, combining the two cities (and eventually swath of wasteland around Alkenstar. The castle is
all the other major cities of Golarion) into one grand, equipped with mighty cannons and protected by
chimeric metropolis. To save Alkenstar, the party must deadly pyronite golems whose lobbed ammunition can
race through the city and dismantle her half‑finished quickly reduce enemy fortifications to rubble. To put
teleportation stabilizers—all the while battling an end to Loveless’s ironclad tyranny, the characters
extraplanar and alien creatures magically transported must infiltrate this mighty fortress, best Loveless’s
into the city from every side of the cosmos—before most deadly servants, and destroy the arch‑deputy
finally defeating the evil Arclord. once and for all.
The Gunworks The
Chapter 1:
Arms Race
Perched atop a craggy hill on the edge of Lake of Lake Ustradi, the site provides an unparalleled Chapter 2:
Ustradi sits a massive castle with a commanding view of the surrounding region. When the city of Alkenstar Falls
view of the surrounding wasteland. This citadel is Alkenstar was founded, Ancil Alkenstar knew river
Chapter 3:
the Gunworks, where Alkenstar’s engineers and trade would be key to his fledgling nation’s survival Blood in
metallurgists labor to advance the city’s black powder and growth. He devoted substantial resources to the Bilge
and firearms technology. The walls of the keep are securing the Ustradi River, which at the time was
Continuing the
angular and jutting. Behind their protection stand ruled by dozens of petty kings, each vying to maintain Campaign
three large towers as well as the Gunworks’ proudest absolute control over their section of the water.
achievement: a massive cannon known as the Maw of One by one, Ancil defeated each of these would-be The Gunworks
Rovagug, which looms atop the castle like the horn of rulers until he reached a fortress atop a prominent Adventure
a mighty beast. rocky outcropping near Lake Ustradi. After driving Toolbox
The acrid scent of gunpowder lingers over the out the violent berserkers inhabiting the wooden
fortress, spread through the wastes by a near-constant fortress, Alkenstar’s commanders left behind a strong
breeze that wafts from Lake Ustradi. During the day, garrison of shieldmarshals to protect the spot, which
the courtyard hums with the haggling of artificers and has remained in the hands of the Grand Duchy of
the whinnying of horses, punctuated frequently by Alkenstar ever since.
resounding booms. Newcomers often dive for cover Construction of the Gunworks, as it’s known today,
during the first explosion of the morning, while local was completed in 4620 ar. With the might of Alkenstar
residents barely look up from their tasks, accustomed growing, Ancil recognized the shieldmarshal’s demand
as they are to the deafening crescendos that emanate for more, deadlier firearms was quickly outstripping
from the Gunworks’ testing chambers. the city’s ability to manufacture them. He also knew
After a brief flurry of bartering in the Artificers’ the best alchemical and metallurgical experiments
Market at dusk, blessed quiet falls over the castle were usually the most dangerous, and permitting such
at nightfall. Behind the protection of the keep’s work to be conducted within the city’s walls was folly.
wall, engineers and inventors scribe their latest He ordered the wooden fortress near Lake Ustradi
innovations to parchment by lantern light, while leveled and raised a new fortification in its place. This
adventurers and card sharks carouse late into the castle would have three functions: a bastion against
evening at the Last Stop Saloon. Meanwhile, stoic giant raiders from the west, a manufactory where
shieldmarshals stand watch atop the walls, eyes and firearms could be produced at a rapid pace, and a
ears alert for any encroaching raiders or mutated research and development facility for new types of
beasts. Occasionally, the booming of ominous drums dangerous technology.
echoes across the lake from deep within the Western When it was finished at last, the Gunworks swiftly
Ravage—a grim reminder that past the walls of filled with brilliant young minds from the city seeking
the Gunworks, the comforts of the city come to an to work on innovative science. Over the decades, they
abrupt and violent end. outfitted the shieldmarshals with powerful firearms
and ever-greater siege bombards. Eventually, they
HISTORY developed a massive mobile cannon, greater than any
War bands have battled for dominance along the the world had seen. They boasted that its fearsome
rocky outcropping upon which the Gunworks is size alone could inspire opponents to lay down their
built since the beginning of Nex and Geb’s ancient arms in surrender, thus winning battles without
war millennia ago. A strategic mound on the shore ever firing a shot. This theory was put to the test
the pride of Alkenstar was tarnished. But the citizens
THE GUNWORKS SETTLEMENT 8 of the Gunworks were used to sudden turns of
LN TOWN fortune, and they weren’t disheartened for long. They
Military fortress in charge of producing firearms began building a new, even more fearsome bombard
for Alkenstar with renewed vigor. Though somewhat smaller than
Government garrison commander (appointed their previous effort and lacking its mobility, this latest
military leader) weapon had a far greater range and was thoroughly
Population 875 (85% human, 8% dwarves, 2% tested. Because the new cannon was effective at
halflings, 5% other) a distance of nearly 50 miles, the engineers could
Languages Common, Dwarven, Halfling, Kelish construct it within the walls of the Gunworks, ensuring
Religions Abadar, Brigh, Erastil it would not easily fall into enemy hands. They dubbed
Threats giant raiders from the Western Ravage, their devastating new weapon the Maw of Rovagug.
mana storms, spies from other nations, In 4699 ar, new troubles began brewing in the
subterranean mutants in ancient tunnels Western Ravage. After a successful raid on the docks
Gun Smithy The Gunworks is the primary of the Gunworks, a mutated giant calling himself
production point for firearms in all Golarion. Lord Gorge united several war bands from the wastes.
Visitors from Alkenstar can purchase firearms Dubbing them his “Slugs of the Wastes” (as poetic a
up to 18th level in this fortress, although items phrase as the warmonger could muster), Lord Gorge
of 12th level and higher are usually made quickly set about organizing the monstrous hordes
to order and may still be in the experimental into a fierce guerilla force to torment Alkenstar. The
stages of development. Selling firearms to hordes engaged in regular raids along the Ustradi
foreigners is discouraged; when bartering for River. By hurling boulders and triggering landslides,
goods, NPCs begin with an attitude two steps the giants sank or blockaded dozens of river boats and
worse than usual toward characters who aren’t rafts bearing firearm-laden cargo from the Gunworks.
citizens of Alkenstar. Firearms higher than 8th River traffic slowed to a crawl. For three years,
level aren’t sold to foreigners without special the Gunworks relied upon “gun runs” to deliver new
dispensation from the garrison commander. firearms to Alkenstar—madcap sprints in which grim
Della Sangrey (CG female half-elf metallurgist) shieldmarshals steered heavily armored stagecoaches
brilliant lead scientist for the Tower of pulled by clockwork steeds. Usually, such gun runs
Metallurgy were successful. Occasionally, the runs ended in tragedy
Erdrik Marth (LG male human engineer) excitable as marauding giants intercepted carriages, slaughtered
and easily flustered lead engineer for the Tower the crew, and made off with the goods. Lord Gorge
of Engineering ordered any captured stagecoaches to be retrofitted for
Goltor Baird (LN female half-giant ranger) grizzled his ogre minions. Soon, berserkers astride spike-covered
veteran of hundreds of wilderness campaigns; war wagons chased shieldmarshals across the desert,
leader of the Ravage Raiders practically eliminating the viability of gun runs.
Loy Ayton (LN male human gunslinger) disciplined One summer, a band of daring shieldmarshals
and stern garrison commander of the fortress ranged deep into the Western Ravage and located
Lord Gorge’s war camp. At the cost of many lives, they
relayed the camp’s coordinates to the Gunworks. Once
the coordinates were received, a single blast from the
in 4684 ar, when the Gorilla King of Usaro led a Maw of Rovagug obliterated the camp and Lord
surprise attack against Alkenstar. His army invaded Gorge along with it. Without their leader, the might of
Alkenstar’s hinterlands via hidden tunnels beneath the united war bands was shattered at last.
the Shattered Range. The Gunworks’ bombard was The returning shieldmarshals were hailed as heroes
wheeled to the field of battle, but when the invaders and formed into a new special unit called the Ravage
refused to retreat and it came time to ignite the Raiders. These elite commandos were charged with
cannon, the weapon misfired. The gorilla hordes patrolling the Mana Wastes to ensure no Slug war
quickly overran the cannon’s position, slaughtered bands ever united again. However, some whisper
the artillerists there, and hauled the cannon away as rumors that a new power is emerging along the
a prize for their simian lord. Western Ravage. Supposedly, one of Lord Gorge’s
The forces of the Gorilla King were eventually daughters survived the blast that killed her father and
repulsed. Although the Gunworks stood unconquered, is looking for a way to continue Gorge’s bloody legacy.
Harnessing the rogue magic of the Spellscar Desert, his office—part vault door and part puzzle. Visitors
she purposefully mutates her giant servants so they are still welcome to visit Erdrik any time they please,
can breathe underwater, burrow underground, and, in provided they can figure out how to open his door.
some cases, fly. If her efforts are allowed to continue,
“Lordess Gorge” will soon have a force of mutated GOLTOR BAIRD
raiders far surpassing the original Slugs of the Wastes. The current leader of the Ravage Raiders is Goltor
Baird, a half-giant ranger with decades of wasteland The
NOTABLE PERSONALITIES experience. Goltor grew up among the Slugs of the Smoking
The Gunworks is filled with a strange blend of Wastes and served under Lord Gorge during his Gun
personalities, ranging from eccentric intellectuals reign of terror. The course of her life changed when
who pursue knowledge for its own sake to leathery a band of shieldmarshals, led by a young Loy Ayton, Chapter 1:
roughnecks whose gruff and ruthless personalities cornered and slaughtered Goltor’s war band. Loy Arms Race
make them well-suited to guarding the remote outpost. sensed something unusual in Goltor and ultimately Chapter 2:
decided to spare the young ranger’s life. She joined Alkenstar Falls
DELLA SANGREY the Ravage Raiders soon after and has served them
Chapter 3:
Della Sangrey is the head metallurgist of the Tower loyally ever since. Blood in
of Metallurgy. All in the Gunworks recognize her Goltor assumed command of the Ravage Raiders the Bilge
brilliance, even though she has a habit of speaking four years ago after a mutated blue dragon with eight
Continuing the
slowly and overexplaining things to those she deems her eyes and spider-like pincers ate her predecessor. She Campaign
intellectual inferior, which is nearly everyone. Sangrey still hunts for the dragon, named Y’maxxinara, to
is meticulous in her methods and teaches the same this day. The Gunworks
precision to her students when overseeing their (often Adventure
quite dangerous) experiments. Outside the scientific LOY AYTON Toolbox
arena, she is considerably more flexible and has a Loy Ayton is the Gunworks’ garrison commander.
reputation for bending rules and finding loopholes in Although he’s ostensibly in charge of the entire
pursuit of the greater good. She frequently associates fortress, Loy usually allows Della Sangrey and Erdrik
with adventurers who display a similar willingness to Marth to run their towers with little intervention.
play outside the lines and often pays them to procure Now in his later years, he’s a surprisingly laconic
rare materials for her research. man whose typical leadership style is to let non-fatal
matters work themselves out. Ayton runs things by the
ERDRIK MARTH book and is usually content to follow all the necessary
Erdrik Marth is chief engineer of the Tower of bureaucratic protocols, even if they take unreasonably
Engineering. He’s an excitable man, small in stature, long. Once his mind is made up, however, he is quick
with a habit of speaking in hurried bursts. Although to act and unbending in his convictions.
he finds the longstanding rivalry between the Tower Although one could scarcely guess it by his easy
of Engineering and the Tower of Metallurgy a tad manner, Loy is a battle-hardened gunslinger who has
childish, he nevertheless finds himself frequently at served in countless dangerous missions throughout
odds with Della Sangrey. Erdrik has a fascination with the wastelands. He has an uncanny eye for talent
the ancient golems and constructs of the Spellscar and for solving multiple problems simultaneously,
Desert. Every year, he takes a monthlong sabbatical especially when it comes to trading favors with visiting
and leads a group of hired adventurers into the bizarre adventurers.
wasteland to excavate mechanical wonders from the
hard-packed soil. THE THUNDER FAIR
Erdrik was raised by a rock gnome named Olteo, who Every year during the height of summer, pavilions are
taught Erdrik everything he knew about metalworking erected, dozens of boats dock along the riverside, and
and artisanship. Deeply passionate about his work, the wealthy elite of Alkenstar arrive to see the latest
Erdrik saves his highest respect for other engineers wonders manufactured by the minds of the Gunworks.
and artisans. According to the customary bylaws This festival, called the Thunder Fair, is the main
of the Tower of Engineering, Erdrik is bound to battleground in the intense rivalry between the Tower
meet with any visitor to the tower who requests of Metallurgy and the Tower of Engineering.
an audience. After several months of particularly The Thunder Fair’s most spectacular and hotly
annoying petitioners seeking his engineering expertise, anticipated competition is called the Bombard
Erdrik had a complex mechanical door installed in Battle. In the days before the fair, the towers set up
boulders (and sometimes statues) at intervals in the living person hidden beneath the suit of armor. Sable
desert beyond the Gunworks’ walls. The factions Clockwork is the talk of the upcoming Thunder
then compete to see who can demolish the boulders Fair, and all hope for the enigmatic jouster’s return.
most effectively and at the greatest range, while This year, special foreign security measures are
spectators watch from a safe distance with spyglasses. underway; according to rumors, a group of powerful
The Bombard Battle keeps adventurers in demand thieves calling themselves the Wraith Council is
year-round at the Gunworks, as each tower constantly planning a heist at the upcoming Thunder Fair.
work to secure rare reagents for testing their latest The thieves are rumored to be remnants of distant
engines of destruction. Most years, the grand duchess Westcrown’s defunct but legendary Council of
or her most trusted bureaucrats personally attend the Thieves. When Cheliax caught wind of the rumors,
Bombard Battle, making note of promising inventions the country sent a contingent of Hellknights from the
that should receive grants from the Grand Duchy of Order of the Gate to the Gunworks to apprehend the
Alkenstar. rogues. The Hellknights are led by Signifer Dolazzan,
Past Thunder Fairs were plagued by attacks from who claims to have special knowledge of the Wraith
mutated titan centipedes (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 50; Council and has asked shieldmarshals to aid Cheliax
burrow speed of 50 feet instead of climb speed). These in preventing the upcoming heist. So far, Dolazzan’s
beasts seem attracted to the explosions that pulverize entreaties have been rudely rebuffed. Many at the
the desert sands during the festival. To keep the Gunworks speculate about the Order of the Gate’s
centipede numbers down, the garrison commander arrival, since this branch of Hellknights is known to
annually honors the bravest and most cunning specialize in conjuring and summoning outsiders. The
badlands rangers with the position of wastehunter. order’s presence in Alkenstar could indicate a potential
Each wastehunter leads a hunting party that scours extraplanar threat, though Dolazzan has remained
the desert for miles around the citadel. The hunts tight-lipped on the matter until he secures local aid.
almost always encounter at least a few centipedes,
and the battles are fierce and deadly, but the result is LOCATIONS
a safe Thunder Fair. By the end of the month, up to The following locations correspond to the map of the
half a dozen titan centipede heads are mounted above Gunworks on page 70.
the gates of the Gunworks where they remain as
grisly trophies for the duration of the Thunder Fair. 1. STOCKYARD
Another unique Thunder Fair attraction is blast In addition to larders of grain and preserved foods,
lancing. Blast lancing bouts are essentially jousting the Gunworks also maintains a large herd of cattle
tournaments, except the jousters ride clockwork that keeps the garrison supplied with fresh meat
steeds and carry special weapons called blast lances year-round. Since raiders are a constant danger, the
(page 74). The blast lance delivers a powerful blast herd is typically moved within the fortress walls at
upon striking an opponent, occasionally throwing night and kept within this fenced area. During the day,
a rider up to a dozen feet from their mount. To they are let out to graze on the dry grasses surrounding
mitigate the fatal nature of blast lancing contests the keep under the watchful eye of Clif Warken, the
(severe injuries and death are common occurrences), head cattle hand.
wealthy contestants often enter clockwork jousters Several times per year, Clif is provided with a large
into the competition in their stead. Nowadays, stipend to purchase new cattle for the Gunworks.
roughly half the jousters in blast lancing bouts For the past several years running, instead of buying
are constructs. Of course, young and foolhardy normal cattle, he’s purchased stolen cattle from cattle
aristocrats eagerly compete each year, and many rustlers for half the price and pocketed the difference.
do so with the protection of specially reinforced He has yet to be caught, further emboldening him
plate armor. The winner of last year’s blast lancing to experiment with smuggling illicit goods into the
tournament was a mysterious figure whose name fortress at night along with the herd.
on the tourney bracket was Sable Clockwork. The
stoic competitor appeared in a suit of full plate mail 2. LAST STOP SALOON
festooned with gears and powered by clockwork This large saloon is the last watering hole for
windings. The figure spoke no words during the adventurers headed from Alkenstar to the Western
entire tournament and bested each challenger with Ravage. The saloon is frequented by a wide variety
unmatched skill. None can say for sure whether of gunslingers, card sharks, and deadly mercenaries
Sable Clockwork was a construct or actually a in addition to off-duty shieldmarshals. Due to the
local presence the Ravage Raiders, many of whom 4. TOWER OF ENGINEERING
are half-ogre or half-giant, roughly a third of the Chief Engineer Erdrik Marth supervises operations
furniture and lodgings in the saloon are sized for Large within the Tower of Engineering, where the region’s
creatures. A wide porch runs around the entire saloon, best engineers design and construct large guns and siege
from which gunslingers lounging in rocking chairs size weaponry for Alkenstar’s holdings. The engineers live
up the Gunworks’ newest arrivals. in dormitories on the upper floors, while the tower’s
The proprietor of the inn is a retired one-eyed middle floors consist of crafting workshops. The The
ranger called Hatchet. No one knows Hatchet’s real ground floor, a hangar filled with the largest weapons Smoking
name, despite much speculation by saloon regulars. of war currently under development, is known as the Gun
Hatchet remains tightlipped on the issue. Some say Hall of Siegecraft.
he is merely stoic, while others say Hatchet has a On the roof of the tower, visible from the plains Chapter 1:
troubled past and built the Last Stop Saloon to lay outside the Gunworks, is an incredibly complex Arms Race
low on the edge of civilization. machine of winding gears and intricate mechanisms Chapter 2:
The saloon gets rowdy during afternoons and Alkenstar Falls
evenings. A popular drinking game involves ordering
Chapter 3:
a round of shots every time the patrons hear a boom Blood in
outside (which is often, due to the constant testing of the Bilge
explosives and black powder in the Gunworks). Years
Continuing the
ago, an adventuring band returned to the saloon Campaign
with the skull of a half-giant skald from a Slug war
band. During mana storms, this skull—now mounted The Gunworks
on the wall over the bar—takes on a life of its own Adventure
and sings guttural battle ballads. Regulars know the Toolbox
words to these songs by now, but newcomers often
gawk in horror.
Inside this reinforced tower, Alkenstar’s finest
alchemists and metallurgists continually devise new
alloys and explosive compounds under the guidance
of Master Metallurgist Della Sangrey. The tower’s
rank-and-file researchers live in dormitories on
the upper floors, while the lower levels house
labs with workbenches covered in pipes and
beakers and vials used for testing chemical
compounds—an area the metallurgists call the
Glassworks. Under the ground floor is the Hall of
Crucibles, a cavernous chamber dominated by two
enormous crucibles used to smelt new alloys and a
dozen smaller crucibles for test batches.
Further down, in a hallway known only to Della
and a few of the tower’s oldest metallurgists, is a
locked adamantine door. Years ago, an experiment
developing a self-repairing alloy ran awry, and the
newly created metal began growing through the
labs of the tower, slowly consuming everything in its
path. Attempts to destroy the metal proved fruitless,
so the metallurgists sealed away the infected portion Goltor Baird
of the tower with an adamantine door, which has
remained closed ever since. Not even Della knows
what lies on the other side or what has become of the
all-consuming metal in the years since it was isolated
from the rest of the tower.
Lake Ustradi
4 6
11 1 7
that the engineers affectionately named the Machine by its sudden powers of cognition, the clockwork
Ponderous. A small diamond rotates inside the heart network has so far not revealed its self-awareness;
of the fiendishly complex machine. To gain admission rather, the cogs of its mechanical mind are formulating
to the Tower of Engineering, applicants must retrieve far-reaching plans.
the diamond without disrupting the device. Few who
try this test succeed; those who do not only gain 6. GARRISON TOWER
admittance to the prestigious Tower of Engineering Approximately 300 shieldmarshals live within this
but they also get to keep the valuable diamond. large tower under the disciplined eye of Garrison
Commander Loy Ayton. Many of Alkenstar’s greenest,
5. MANUFACTORY most adventurous shieldmarshals specifically request a
The majority of Alkenstar’s firearms are crafted in this post at the Gunworks in the hopes of seeing action in
long, low building. Most of the Gunworks’ engineers the Western Ravage. To counteract the spirited nature
and metallurgists long ago lost interest in the rote of his inexperienced garrison, Loy runs operations
construction of mass-produced firearms, so they with militaristic precision and ensures new recruits
constructed this building, which serves as a clockwork are too exhausted to even think of starting trouble for
assembly line. Only a handful of technicians are trouble’s sake. In time, recruits who prove themselves
required to ensure the assembly line’s smooth capable are recommended for promotion to the
operation, allowing most of the Gunworks’ occupants Ravage Raiders, which is where the real action lies.
to focus their attentions on more interesting projects
and experiments. A mana storm recently swept over 7. RAVAGE RAIDER BUNKER
the Gunworks and, unbeknownst to anyone, bestowed The Ravage Raiders unit was established as an
a mysterious sentience upon the network of clockwork elite shieldmarshal force charged with scouting
machines within the Manufactory. Overwhelmed and obstructing the Slug war bands roving the
Western Ravage. Over the years, their membership 10. LAKE DOCK
grew to include many orcs, half-ogres, and mutants, Located just outside the Gunworks’ walls, these stone
whose unique ancestries make them particularly buildings are sometimes raided by agile Slug war bands
well-suited to infiltrating, gathering information, and seeking an easy score. The docks supply the fortress
sabotaging the fearsome wasteland raider gangs. Due with material from Alkenstar via boat along the
to the extreme danger of the Ravage Raiders’ missions, Ustradi River. To discourage raiders, shieldmarshals
only the most skilled shieldmarshals are promoted to greet every newly arriving ship and help unload cargo The
this respected unit. to get it inside the fortress as fast as possible. The Smoking
The current leader of the Ravage Raiders is Goltor docks have been burned and rebuilt dozens of times Gun
Baird, a half-giant ranger with decades of experience. over the years. Some claim bricked-over rooms and
buried sublevels exist within the structures, sealed Chapter 1:
8. MAW OF ROVAGUG away and long forgotten. Arms Race
The Maw of Rovagug, the second-largest cannon in Although it has the capacity to produce many Chapter 2:
all Golarion, stands atop this tower, which is itself firearms, the Gunworks has long kept production Alkenstar Falls
part of the cannon’s complex machinery. A huge levels artificially low. This has always rankled the
Chapter 3:
platform allows the Maw to rotate 360 degrees and minds of some of the Gunworks’ most ardent creators, Blood in
fire in any direction. The interior of the tower is who prefer to produce a wide variety of weapons for the Bilge
filled with clockwork elevators that lift the cannon’s experimentation and testing. For centuries, many of
Continuing the
massive ammunition rounds from storage to the roof. these artificers circumvented production-limiting Campaign
The cannon is capable of protecting the walls of mandates by dumping excess weaponry into Lake
Alkenstar up to a range of nearly 50 miles. Firing such Ustradi, which is quite deep even just a few dozen The Gunworks
great distances requires careful planning, calculation, yards from the docks. Loy Ayton put an end to this Adventure
and patience to avoid wasting both time and pricey wasteful insubordination, but decades of discarded Toolbox
ammunition. To ensure their strikes land true, the experimental technology remains lost at the bottom of
Gunworks sends outriders to scout wasteland targets the murky waters.
and relay information back to the Gunworks to
calibrate the giant gun’s angle and direction. Specially 11. THE COLLAPSED TOWER
trained hawks and other animals often relay messages Over a decade ago, testing of a new explosive
between outriders and the Gunworks to avoid either compound triggered a chain reaction that collapsed
side having to rely on spells or magic items, which can an entire wing of the Gunworks. Upon investigation,
be risky during mana storms. adventurers found a series of strange tunnels beneath
the rubble predating construction of the citadel.
9. ARTIFICERS’ MARKET After several adventurers went missing, the garrison
After the day’s work is done and the Mana Wastes commander sealed the tunnel entrance with a heavy
descend into a hauntingly beautiful twilight, the small steel door and ordered all excavation to cease.
marketplace behind the Gunworks’ walls comes alive. In recent years, perhaps disturbed at the thought of
Engineers and metallurgists ply their scraps, personal compromising unknown tunnels beneath the fortress,
experiments, and duds in equal measure. Ostensibly, Loy Ayton has reconsidered this approach. The doors
all the firearms crafted at the Gunworks are for the now stand open from dawn to dusk each day and the
use of Alkenstar citizens only. In reality, the city’s garrison commander pays a bounty to adventurers
bureaucrats long ago gave up trying to shut down willing to venture into the caves and return with maps
this gray market, as prohibition only drove the sales of the tunnels. Initial forays revealed tortuous tunnels
underground. Alkenstar politicians feign ignorance of and extensive caverns. The upper caves are said to be
the Artificers’ Market as long as Gunworks inhabitants inhabited by roaming colonies of mobile fungi, unusual
agree to sell their goods only to citizens of Alkenstar insects, and—if the wilder rumors are to be believed—
and not foreigners. bands of mutant humanoids with mole-like features.
Adventurers heading into the Western Ravage often Several adventurers returned to the surface bearing
stop at the market to purchase weapons and armor. ancient Nexian artifacts, indicating undiscovered ruins
The engineers treat such adventurers as both customers may lie deeper in the tunnels.
and research assistants, and many sellers are willing to Newly sketched maps of the tunnels (often of
vend their more experimental wares at steep discounts dubious value) are common gambling items at the Last
to those who agree to report their experiences with the Stop Saloon, sometimes trading hands several times
unproven technology. per night.
Toolbox The
Chapter 1:
Arms Race
SHIELDMARSHAL GEAR 1 for 1 minute. It also takes 4d6 persistent mental Chapter 2:
When the characters finally best Deputy Loveless, damage and is cursed with a hex of impending Alkenstar Falls
they can recover her two infamous signature doom. If the target falls unconscious from damage
Chapter 3:
weapons: her hex blaster and redeemer’s pistol. These dealt by this Strike or the persistent mental Blood in
unique items acquired a considerable reputation damage, it remains unconscious for 1 day or until the Bilge
during the time they were in her possession and are this curse is removed. After 1 day, if the creature
Continuing the
recognized by many throughout Alkenstar, granting is still unconscious, it must succeed at a DC 28 Campaign
additional notoriety to characters who wield them. Fortitude save or die; this effect has the death and
In addition to these two items, the characters also incapacitation traits. The Gunworks
have the opportunity to recover several lawbringer’s Adventure
lassos from corrupt shieldmarshals over the course of LAWBRINGER’S LASSO ITEM 4 Toolbox
Price 100 gp
HEX BLASTER ITEM 11 Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 1
UNIQUE CURSE EMOTION ENCHANTMENT FEAR MAGICAL MENTAL OCCULT This enchanted lasso is a net (Advanced Player’s Guide
Price 1,400 gp 249) that can be used to Grapple creatures up
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2 to 30 feet away, requires a DC 18 Athletics
This +2 striking fearsome check to Force Open, and has an Escape
arquebus (Advanced DC of 18. It’s permanently attached
Players Guide 260, to a 30-foot rope.
Guns & Gears 152) is While using the lawbringer’s
composed of warped lasso to Grapple, you receive
and twisted wood a +1 item bonus to Grapple
engraved with eerie Redeemer’s Pistol checks against creatures
runes. When the weapon with the chaotic trait. If
fires, the blast sometimes sounds like the cackling of a you roll a critical failure
diabolical witch. on your attempt to Grapple
Activate [one-action] command; Frequency once per day; Effect a chaotic creature with the lawbringer’s lasso, you get a
You afflict a creature you can see with a hex of failure instead.
impending doom. The hex lasts for 1 minute. As long
as the creature is hexed, when you hit it with a round REDEEMER’S PISTOL ITEM 11
from the hex blaster, the creature must attempt a DC UNIQUE ABJURATION GOOD MAGICAL MENTAL
28 Will save at the end of your turn; the creature Price 1,400 gp
attempts a single Will save regardless of the number Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
of times you hit it. This +2 striking dueling pistol (Guns & Gears 152) is
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. fashioned from silvery steel that glistens with a radiant
Success The creature is frightened 1. It also takes 1d6 light. You can choose to make a nonlethal attack with the
persistent mental damage. redeemer’s pistol without taking a –2 penalty; if you do so,
Failure The creature is frightened 2. It also takes 2d6 the attack deals 1d6 additional mental damage. You can
persistent mental damage. also call forth the redemptive spirit within the gun to pass
Critical Failure The creature is frightened 2 and slowed judgment on your foes.
Activate [reaction] command; Frequency once per day; Trigger
to load firearm ammunition into the base of the weapon
An enemy within 30 feet damages you; Effect The more easily than it might seem from the design. It takes 2
protective spirit within the gun imposes a vision of actions to reload a blast lance.
redemption in your foe’s mind. The foe must choose Activate [free-action] command; Trigger You strike a foe with the
one of the following options. blast lance; Requirements The blast lance is loaded
• You’re unharmed by the triggering damage. with a round; Effect You fire a blast of gunpowder
• You gain resistance to all damage against the through the weapon that deals 2d8 fire damage. The
triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. After foe must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save.
the damaging effect is applied, the enemy Critical Success The target is unaffected by the blast
becomes enfeebled 2 until the end of its next of gunpowder and the blast lance misfires and jams
turn and takes 4 persistent good damage. (Guns & Gears 107, 153).
Success The target takes half the fire damage.
GUNWORKS WONDERS Failure The target takes the full fire damage and
The characters visit the Gunworks in Chapter 1 is pushed back 5 feet. You can Stride after it, but
of this adventure, during which time they can find you must move the same distance and in the same
unusual marvels and technological innovations, direction.
including all the unusual items in the section Critical Failure The target takes double damage and
below. While these items aren’t widespread in the is pushed back 10 feet. You can Stride after it, but
Gunworks, especially the erraticannon, at your you must move the same distance and in the same
discretion the characters might be able to buy these direction.
items at the Artificers’ Market. Even more unusual Type blast lance; Level 4; Price 100 gp
and experimental items could be found for Type greater blast lance; Level 8; Price 500 gp
Blast Lance
sale at the market at your discretion, as well A greater blast lance is a +1 striking lance whose
as more typical items crafted in the Tower of blast deals 3d8 fire damage instead of 2d8 fire
Metallurgy using rare metals such as adamantine damage. The Fortitude save DC is 24.
or mithral.
If the characters aren’t natives of Alkenstar, BLAST SUIT ITEM 9
then they’re normally prohibited from purchasing UNCOMMON ABJURATION INVESTED MAGICAL
items higher than 8th level at the Gunworks. Price 650 gp
They can bypass this prohibition by obtaining Usage worn armor; Bulk 2
permission from the garrison commander, Crafted from heavy steel plating and riveted
Loy Ayton. The most straight-forward together with cunning precision, this suit of +1
means of gaining this permission is resilient full plate is specifically designed
by helping Loy deal with the crises to protect against sudden explosions. This
at either the Tower of Metallurgy added layer of security comes at the cost
or Tower of Engineering in of movement, however.
Chapter 1 of this adventure. At Activate [reaction] command; Trigger
your discretion, the characters You’re affected by an area effect
might earn Ayton’s approval that requires a Reflex save, or you
by another means, such as would take splash damage from a
impressing him with their scatter weapon; Effect The blast
tactical acumen, skill with suit locks together into a rigid
advanced weaponry, or powers bulwark, protecting you from the
of persuasion. blast but preventing you from moving from
your position under any circumstances. You
BLAST LANCE ITEM 4+ become immobilized, gain a +2 circumstance
UNCOMMON EVOCATION FIRE MAGICAL bonus to your Reflex save against area effects,
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2 and gain resistance 5 to all damage you would
This weapon is a long +1 lance with a normally take from area effects and scatter
muzzle built into the pointed tip, allowing Blast Suit splash damage (this doesn’t damage the blast
the user to fire the chamber after a suit). These effects persist for as long as the
successful melee attack. A barrel running suit remains in the locked position. You can
down the length of the lance allows you Interact with the suit to unlock it.
ERRATICANNON ITEM 9 Critical Failure The target shrinks to Tiny size for 1 minute.
RARE MAGICAL TRANSMUTATION Its reach becomes 0 feet, and it’s enfeebled 2 for this
Price 700 gp duration.
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
This +1 striking hand cannon (Guns & Gears 153) is STAR GRENADE ITEM 1+
modifications it’s barely recognizable as Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L The
a firearm. A large hopper at the top of Activate [one-action] Smoking
the gun allows any type of ammunition These unusual gunpowder bombs, typically marked with a Gun
(including arrows, bolts, stone bullets, symbol of a four-pointed star on their outer surface, explode
and firearm rounds) to be fed into the outward in the shape of a cross whenever they Strike a target. Chapter 1:
machine, which converts the ammunition When you throw a star Arms Race
into blasts of raw, destructive energy. grenade, arrange two Chapter 2:
Each time you attack with the perpendicular 25-foot lines Alkenstar Falls
weapon, roll 1d8 to determine the Erraticannon over the target, both centered
Chapter 3:
damage type of the Strike—all of on the target and moving straight through the Blood in
the erraticannon’s weapon damage is target, not diagonally. Creatures other than the target within the Bilge
converted to that damage type for the Strike. Additionally, these two lines take splash damage (typically 8 squares take
Continuing the
roll another d8, and the erraticannon deals 1d6 additional splash damage for a Medium creature). Any effect that alters Campaign
damage of this second damage type. or adjusts the splash area’s shape or size, like the alchemist
feat Expanded Splash, doesn’t apply to star grenades. The Gunworks
d8 Damage Type Type lesser; Level 1; Price 3 gp Adventure
1 Acid The bomb deals 1d8 fire damage and 1 splash damage. Toolbox
2 Cold Type moderate; Level 3; Price 10 gp
3 Electricity You gain a +1 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals
4 Fire 2d8 fire damage and 2 splash damage.
5 Sonic Type greater; Level 11; Price 250 gp
6 Bludgeoning You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals
7 Piercing 3d8 fire damage and 3 splash damage.
8 Slashing Type major; Level 17; Price 2,500 gp
You gain a +3 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals
Activate [two-actions] Frequency once per day; Effect You set the 4d8 fire damage and 4 splash damage.
erraticannon to maximum power and unleash a blast
that deals 1d6 acid, 1d6 cold, 1d6 electricity, 1d6 fire, 1d6 PARSUS’S INNOVATIONS
sonic, 1d6 bludgeoning, 1d6 piercing, and 1d6 slashing During their time in the City of Smog, the Gebbite
damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 25 basic necromancer Parsus (page 90) has developed a
Reflex save). peculiar affinity for the innovations of Alkenstar. To
marry the occult magic of their grim homeland with
REDUCER ROUND ITEM 5 Alkenstar’s brass clockworks, Parsus
Price 25 gp necromancy and engineering into
Ammunition round bizarre items that showcase the best—
Activate [one-action] Interact in their mind—of both worlds.
This bullet is fashioned from a rubbery The following items represent some of Parsus’s
substance and stamped with the more successful inventions. If the characters
image of a diminutive ant twitching in spare Parsus’s life, they offer to teach the party
surprise. The bullet deals no damage on to craft these items or even build some for the
a successful hit. Instead, the target must
Star Grenade characters. Alternatively, Parsus has stored the
attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save. formula to create each item within their cranium
Success The target is unaffected. preserver servant (page 39). After destroying the undead
Failure The target shrinks to Tiny size for 1d4 rounds. monstrosity, the characters can extract this knowledge
Its reach becomes 0 feet, and it’s enfeebled 1 for this from the cranium preserver’s remains with a successful
duration. DC 26 Arcana, Occultism, or Engineering Lore check.
CORPSE COMPASS ITEM 3 within 30 feet. The skull explodes, dealing 7d6 fire
UNCOMMON DIVINATION MAGICAL NECROMANCY damage to creatures within a 15-foot burst (DC 24
Price 45 gp basic Reflex save). The skull is permanently destroyed
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L and can’t be used again, and the throwing creature is
This bone compass, made of the bones of sapient permanently blinded and headless.
creatures that died violent deaths, is eerily
effective when it comes to locating EMELETT’S INCREDIBLE
corpses. If you know you’re Tracking TONICS
a creature that’s dead, you can use During their investigation in Chapter
the compass’s idiosyncrasies to your 2, the characters come across
advantage and gain a +2 item bonus to Incredible Emelett’s Traveling
your Survival check to do so. Otherwise, Medicine Show. Before his untimely
it works as a normal compass. demise, Emelett made the majority
of his wealth selling snake oil to the
CORPSECALLER ROUND ITEM 9 unsuspecting public and tricking
Price 130 gp Skull Bomb that rarely had any effect, except
Ammunition round in their own minds. Emelett wasn’t
Activate [one-action] Interact entirely a huckster, however, and had some
This bullet is crafted entirely from obsidian and engraved genuinely beneficial potions for sale.
with hair-thin runes. When an activated corpsecaller After Emelett’s death, Farnoll and the other
round hits a target, the struck creature is called to members of the medicine show leave his wagon
the grave. It takes 4d10 negative damage with a DC and laboratory behind when they skip town.
25 Fortitude saving throw. The characters could find these items within the
Critical Success The foe is unaffected. laboratory or reverse-engineer the formulas to
Success The foe takes half damage. create them from Emelett’s haphazard notes, given
Failure The foe takes full damage and is doomed 1. If enough time. If the PCs manage to create their own
the foe dies within the next 24 hours, its corpse stock of Emelett’s genuine items, they find there’s
is tethered to the Negative Energy Plane, still some genuine demand for Emelett’s
making it easier to raise as an undead. potions, particularly the effervescent
Creatures using the create undead decoction, which is popular with
ritual on the foe’s corpse receive a +2 Alkenstar nobility. Several months
circumstance bonus to their primary ago, Emelett sold an entire crate of
and secondary skill checks for the these potions to an aristocrat for a
ritual. party, but the soiree ended in disaster
Critical Failure As failure, except the foe after the drunken guests encased most of
takes double damage and is doomed 2. the aristocrat’s belongings in bubbles
Effervescent Decoction and floated them into the night sky
SKULL BOMB ITEM 8 above the city.
This device is a human-sized skull crafted entirely from Price 160 gp
metal plating and clockwork gears, which slots easily into a Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
human skeleton in the spot where an ordinary skull would Activate [one-action] Interact
normally be located. While performing a create undead This bubbly potion is purportedly made from winds
ritual, you can attach this skull bomb to the target creature gathered from the Mana Wastes and distilled into a liquor.
in place of its own head. In order to do so, the target For 1 hour after you imbibe the decoction, you can
creature must be Medium and have the humanoid trait. The belch fizzy foam around willing creatures or unattended
target creature can have only one skull bomb attached in objects, surrounding them with a pink bubble. Once per
this fashion. The creature gains the following ability. minute, you can belch a bubble by using two Interact
Throw Skull [two-actions] (manipulate) The creature detaches its actions. This has effects similar to a levitate spell, except
skull bomb and hurls the volatile explosive at a point you can’t control the bubbles; they rise 10 feet per round
on their own. The bubble is sturdy enough to resist minor Alethsia once considered her powers a curse. Now
bumps or heavy winds, but if the item or creature takes however, she sees her talents the same way Ibrium
any damage, the bubble pops, causing the levitation effect does, as gifts. Most who receive Alethsia’s “gift of
to end. If the creature surrounded by the bubble uses a glass” are unwilling subjects who become shattered
move action rather than just ride within the bubble, the sculptures. What none realize is the medusa’s
bubble also pops. unique powers can, in fact, be learned—but only
by personally destroying Alethsia. Upon her death, The
MANA-RATTLER LINIMENT ITEM 9 Alethsia’s corpse releases her vitrumantic powers in Smoking
UNCOMMON ALCHEMICAL CONSUMABLE ELIXIR MORPH a sudden surge of arcane magic. The energy enters Gun
Price 110 gp nearby characters and grants them access to the
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L Glass Skin aftermath feat. Chapter 1:
Activate [one-action] Interact Every feat that has the aftermath trait is a Arms Race
According to reports, as well as Emelett’s own class feat but can be taken by a character of any Chapter 2:
marketing pitches, this lotion is derived from rare class, provided the character has gone through Alkenstar Falls
mana rattlesnakes whose oils ward against poison the unlikely ordeal that unlocks it. The feat
Chapter 3:
and disease. When applied, you can attempt to gains the appropriate trait for the class Blood in
counteract a poison or disease effect currently of the character who selected it. If an the Bilge
afflicting you. The potion has a counteract appropriate story event occurs that fits the
Continuing the
level of 5 and a +15 modifier for the roll. You prerequisites of an aftermath feat of the Campaign
also acquire a serpentine appearance, growing character’s level or lower, you might allow
fangs and scaly skin. For 1 hour, you gain a the character to immediately retrain a class The Gunworks
fangs unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing feat into the appropriate aftermath feat. An Adventure
damage plus 1 poison damage. aftermath feat isn’t something a character Toolbox
can typically remove once they have one, so
MUTAGENIC RENOVATOR ITEM 10 they can’t retrain it in the normal manner;
UNCOMMON ABJURATION CONSUMABLE MAGICAL POTION a special quest or item is usually required.
Price 180 gp Aftermath feats are further detailed in
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L Pathfinder Dark Archive.
Activate [one-action] Interact Mana-Rattler Liniment
This sludgy concoction is said to be derived GLASS SKIN FEAT 10
from liquefied mutant scales. For 1 hour after you imbibe RARE ABJURATION AFTERMATH
the potion, your skin warps and mutates to grant you Prerequisites You were present at the death of the medusa
resistance 5 to one type of energy damage. When you Alethsia, whose vitrumantic powers were passed on to
first drink the potion, choose either acid, cold, electricity, you in the wake of her destruction.
fire, or sonic damage. The potion starts by granting you Even if vitrumancy is a mystery to you, your blood and
resistance against this type of damage. Each time you take flesh know the secrets of the art of arcane glass. Patches of
damage from one of these listed energy types other than your skin to flicker into glass without warning. By focusing
the one you currently resist, your skin mutates, causing the effect, you can concentrate the glass into a powerful
you to lose the energy resistance previously granted by protective layer of magical obsidian. Once per day, you can
this potion and gain resistance to the type of energy by cast stoneskin on yourself as an innate primal spell, though
which you were most recently damaged, and the potion’s the spell covers you in a layer of glass instead of stone.
duration decreases by 10 minutes. The resistance shifts During this innate stoneskin, you gain the Shatter Glass
only after you take the damage, so it doesn’t apply to the reaction. At 18th level, the stoneskin is heightened to 6th
first instance of damage. level instead of 4th.
Shatter Glass [reaction] Trigger An adjacent creature Strikes
INNATE VITRUMANCY you with a melee weapon or unarmed attack and
The medusa Alethsia’s unique glass magic makes her deals damage; Requirements Your innate stoneskin
an oddity even among medusas. To the mage Ibrium, from Glass Skin is active; Effect You shatter some
though, she was nothing short of a marvel. By of the glass on your skin to damage your attacker.
studying Alethsia’s gifts and honing her innate power The attacker takes 3d10 damage and the duration of
to turn living creatures to glass, Ibrium unlocked the stoneskin decreases by 1 minute. At 14th level,
potent secrets in the mysterious magical art known the damage increases to 4d10, and at 18th level, the
as vitrumancy. damage increases to 5d10.
CLOCKWORK REANIMATOR Similarly, via careful tinkering and anatomical study,
ARCHETYPE you learned how to make a powerful necromechanical
Characters who befriend or conscript Parsus in ally. Finally, your technological prowess is such that
Chapter 2 might convince the necromancer to share you can use your innovations to force even powerful,
the secrets of their profane magic. This grants the free-willed undead to obey you.
party access to the following rare archetype. The secret to your success is a combination of
alchemy and clockwork, machines and magic, science
CLOCKWORK REANIMATOR and spellcasting. Of course, crafting the shell of a
You have unlocked the secret connections between wind-up zombie is one matter—your primary focus is
necromancy and clockwork locomotion, giving you on the craftwork necessary to make the whole thing
the unholy power to reanimate corpses. These minions work together. To you, the magic involved is only a
shuffle forth with the mindless motions of the unliving means to an end, a way to make science more efficient
and are little more than puppets under your control. through necromancy and potentially a little bit of
evocation for some electric power.
While some think your creations are vile, you see
beauty in utility and believe animated corpses are
tools that can be used for good or ill. For better or
worse, when it comes to results, the science you’ve
cobbled together fulfills the most important criterium
for any new innovation: it works, plain and simple.
Your reanimated clockwork corpses are stable,
effective, and, more importantly, they don’t rampage
or crave the flesh of the living in the same way an
undead would. Plus, they aren’t vulnerable to positive
energy, making them easier to use around good clerics
and their ilk without your minions taking friendly fire.
(Except Pharasmins, always so inconveniently up in
arms about the whole “desecrating the bodies of the
dead” thing. They can’t learn the difference between
the stench of undeath and the smell of progress.)
HIJACK UNDEAD [three-actions] FEAT 4 a basic Reflex save, with a DC equal to the higher of your
ARCHETYPE class DC or spell DC.
Prerequisites Clockwork Reanimator Dedication
Frequency once per hour IMPROVED HIJACK UNDEAD FEAT 14
Your clockwork devices can commandeer the bodies of ARCHETYPE
undead, bending them to your will. Make a melee Strike Prerequisites Clockwork Reanimator Dedication, Hijack
against an adjacent undead creature. On a success, instead Undead The
of taking damage, the target becomes controlled by you Undead creatures find it all but impossible to resist your Smoking
if its level is equal to or lower than your level – 3. It can commands. When you use Hijack Undead, if the undead Gun
attempt a Will saving throw against the higher of your fails its save, it becomes your minion for 10 minutes. If it
class DC or spell DC to resist being controlled by you. If critically fails, it becomes your minion for 24 hours. Chapter 1:
the target is already under someone else’s command, the Arms Race
controlling creature also rolls a saving throw, and the PARAGON REANIMATED COMPANION FEAT 14 Chapter 2:
undead uses the better result. ARCHETYPE Alkenstar Falls
Critical Success The target is unaffected and temporarily Prerequisites Incredible Reanimated Companion
Chapter 3:
immune for 24 hours. You have reached the pinnacle of necromantic science, Blood in
Success The target is unaffected. creating a mechanical zombie unlike any the world has seen the Bilge
Failure The undead creature becomes a minion under your before. Your reanimated construct companion becomes a
Continuing the
control for 1 minute. The control ends if you or an ally paragon construct companion. Campaign
attacks the minion undead.
Critical Failure As failure, but the duration is 1 hour. UNWIND DEATH [three-actions] FEAT 16 The Gunworks
IT’S ALIVE! FEAT 6 Prerequisites Clockwork Reanimator Dedication Toolbox
ARCHETYPE Requirements The target’s body must be mostly intact.
Prerequisites Clockwork Reanimator Dedication Combining necromancy with the mysterious temporal
You’ve mastered the use of electrical energy to power your powers of clockwork, you wind a creature backward from
clockwork creations. Whenever your construct companion the moment of its death. Attempt a DC 40 Crafting check to
takes electricity damage, it gains temporary Hit Points revive a dead creature that has been dead for no more than
equal to either half the electricity damage it took or your 3 rounds. If you succeed, the target returns to life with
level, whichever is lower. These temporary Hit Points last the effects of raise dead, except it still has the wounded
for up to 1 minute. condition it had before dying, increased by 1 (or wounded
1 if it wasn’t wounded before dying). Whether you succeed
INCREDIBLE REANIMATED COMPANION FEAT 8 or fail, the target is then temporarily immune to Unwind
ARCHETYPE Death for 1 day.
Prerequisites Advanced Reanimated Companion
You imbue the necrotized flesh of your reanimated ZOMBIE HORDE [three-actions] FEAT 20
construct companion with strange chemicals and fine-tune ARCHETYPE
the clockwork within, enhancing all its capabilities. It Prerequisites Clockwork Reanimator Dedication
becomes an incredible construct companion. You built your reanimated construct companion of modular
components from various corpses. Its unique makeup
SELF-DESTRUCT [reaction] FEAT 12 enables your companion to split into dozens or even
ARCHETYPE hundreds of much smaller corpse constructs. Acting as
Prerequisites Clockwork Reanimator Dedication one, this shambling swarm can overwhelm your enemies.
Trigger Your reanimated clockwork companion is reduced You Command your reanimated construct companion.
to 0 Hit Points. Instead of its normal actions, the companion splits into a
Requirements You’re within 60 feet of your reanimated horde of Small and Tiny construct companions within a
clockwork companion. 30-foot emanation from its original space. The horde makes
You’ve installed a self-destruct device within your a Strike against each foe within the emanation with a +2
construct companion, which you can trigger with a special circumstance bonus to its attack rolls. The multiple attack
device from up to 60 feet away. When you activate the penalty doesn’t increase until after the companion makes
device, your reanimated construct companion explodes, all the attacks. The miniature companions recombine into
dealing 2d6 fire damage per level to all creatures in a a single companion of their original size at any location
30-foot radius. Creatures caught in the blast can attempt within the emanation.
As one delves deeper into the industrial heart of Alkenstar, the clockwork
CLOCKWORK SHANTIES adversaries one faces become ever more complex and deadly.
Some inventors choose to imbue
their clockwork buccaneers with CLOCKWORK BUCCANEER
automated voice modules instead Clockwork buccaneers are powerful constructs designed for naval combat.
of water tanks. Buccaneers can use Whereas most clockwork creations sink to the ocean floor while at sea,
these prerecorded songs or phrases clockwork buccaneers can use their water jets to easily propel themselves
to inspire living crew members or through the water or leap aboard enemy ships. In addition to an internal
strike fear into enemies. water tank and hydraulic pumps, most clockwork buccaneers are equipped
with a cutlass and arm gun loaded with scatter shot.
Clockwork puppeteers are grim constructs capable of controlling corpses
like puppets. They typically stand 12 feet tall and have spindly legs and
long arms ending with scalpel-like claws. Dozens of metallic strings, CLOCKWORK FREE WILL
composed of interlocking clockwork links, hang from their wrists. Although mindless, clockwork
puppeteers display an unusual
CLOCKWORK PUPPETEER CREATURE 12 ability to reason and make choices The
RARE N LARGE CLOCKWORK CONSTRUCT MINDLESS independently. This appearance Smoking
Perception +20; darkvision of free will is, however, merely Gun
Skills Stealth +25 an illusion. In truth, a puppeteer’s
Str +6, Dex +6, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –5 clockwork “brain” is so complex Chapter 1:
Wind Up 24 hours, DC 22, standby it bears a powerful semblance of Arms Race
AC 33; Fort +22, Ref +25, Will +19 agency. Creating these brains is Chapter 2:
HP 205; Immunities death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, a taxing and expensive endeavor, Alkenstar Falls
mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poisoned, sickened, which is why clockwork puppeteers
Chapter 3:
unconscious; Weaknesses electricity 10, orichalcum 10; Resistances physical are among the rarest kinds of Blood in
10 (except adamantine or orichalcum) clockwork. the Bilge
Clockwork Swarm (aura) 30 feet. A cloud of flying, spiderlike clockworks
Continuing the
surrounds the clockwork puppeteer. A creature that ends its turn in the cloud Campaign
takes 4d8 piercing damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save).
Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet The Gunworks
Melee [one-action] claw +24, Damage 3d10+9 slashing Adventure
Ranged [one-action] string +24 (range 60 feet), Damage 3d8+9 slashing Toolbox
plus clockwork string
Clockwork String Any creature hit by the puppeteer’s
string is grabbed. The puppeteer can move while
it has a creature grabbed with its string, but
it automatically releases the creature if the
puppeteer moves beyond the string’s 60-foot
length. The puppeteer can use up to six
strings at a time. It can release any creature
grabbed by a string as a free action. Each
string has AC 30, and its Escape DC is 32.
A string can be severed by a Strike that deals
at least 20 slashing damage to it. This doesn’t
deal any damage to the clockwork puppeteer.
Create Puppet [reaction] (arcane) Trigger A creature
grabbed by the puppeteer’s clockwork string
dies; Effect The triggering creature’s body
becomes infested with tiny clockworks.
This puppet is fully under the clockwork
puppeteer’s control and has statistics
identical to a zombie of its size (Bestiary 340)
with the following exceptions: It loses the
undead trait, loses negative healing, loses its
weakness to positive damage, and gains the
construct trait.
Pull String [one-action] The puppeteer reins in a creature
grabbed by its string. The puppeteer attempts
an Athletics check against the creature’s
Fortitude DC. On a success, the puppeteer
pulls the creature 15 feet closer to it (30 feet
closer on a critical success).
Cranium Preserver
Cranium preservers serve necromancers as walking laboratories for
AMALGAMATED undead. A typical cranium preserver has a metallic and spider-like body,
PERSONALITY which holds aloft a large central glass vat surrounded by a dozen or more
A cranium preserver has its own smaller, head-sized glass vats. Each vat is filled with a special embalming
independent personality that is fluid that can preserve the minds of slain enemies.
derived from the amalgamated
thoughts of the preserved CRANIUM PRESERVER CREATURE 10
heads it collected. These heads RARE NE LARGE CONSTRUCT
are subservient to the cranium Perception +19; darkvision
preserver’s overriding will, but Languages Common, any languages spoken by its preserved heads
swapping out preserved heads Skills Lore (any known by its preserved heads) +19, Occultism +22, Religion +22
seems to affect the creature’s Str +7, Dex +0, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +0, Cha +0
desires. Some cranium preservers Undead Crafter The cranium preserver knows one version of the create undead
stocked with heads from ritual for every four heads it has preserved (a typical cranium preserver has 12
good-hearted individuals even have preserved heads). The cranium preserver can use its heads to make separate
moments where they appear to rolls as both the primary and secondary casters of the ritual.
show remorse for their vile deeds. AC 28; Fort +22, Ref +16, Will +19
HP 220; Immunities death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing,
necromancy, negative, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poisoned, sickened,
unconscious; Weaknesses electricity 10, positive 10
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] cranium remover +23 (deadly d12, sweep), Damage 3d8+9 slashing
Ranged [one-action] embalming fluid +21 (range 120 feet), Damage 2d8+3 mental plus
2d8+3 negative
Occult Rituals DC 29; create undead (mummies, skeletons, and zombies)
Jettison Cranium [two-actions] (incapacitation, mental, negative) The cranium preserver
ejects one of its preserved-head jars at a point within 100 feet. The jar
explodes, and all creatures in a 10-foot burst must attempt a DC 28 Will save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes 2d8 mental damage and 2d8 negative damage.
Failure The creature takes 4d8 mental damage and 4d8 negative damage.
The discharged mental anguish released from the preserved head causes
the creature to become confused for 1 round.
Critical Failure The creature takes 8d8 mental and 8d8 negative damage.
The discharged mental anguish released from the preserved head causes
the creature to become confused for 2 rounds.
Slosh Whenever the cranium preserver ends a Stride, the movement
causes necrotic embalming fluid and preserved body parts to
slosh about and spill from its central vat. Each creature adjacent
to the cranium preserver when it finishes its Stride must attempt
a DC 26 Will save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes 1d8 mental damage and 1d8
negative damage.
Failure The creature takes 2d8 mental damage and 2d8
negative damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes 4d8 mental and 4d8
negative damage. If the creature is alive, the preserved
body parts sense the presence of a living creature and
cling to it, causing the creature to become clumsy 2 for
1 round.
Ooze, Pyronite
With the discovery of the incredible gelatinous explosive called pyronite,
it was perhaps inevitable alchemical monstrosities made of the stuff would UNSTABLE HIBERNATION
soon follow. So-called pyronite oozes sometimes spontaneously manifest After crawling on the ceiling or
from stockpiles of pyronite or other powerful explosives, typically amid into some other darkened corner,
mana storms or when affected by powerful magic. pyronite oozes sometimes go into a The
Pyronite oozes have an extremely unstable life cycle and are defined by dormant state for days or months. Smoking
their ability to continuously explode and reform themselves. A pyronite While in this torpor, they become Gun
ooze’s violent explosions hinder observations, making it difficult to learn even more dangerous as unstable
anything from the volatile jelly. To complicate matters further, pyronite chemicals seep from the ooze and Chapter 1:
oozes seem drawn to other unstable alchemical concoctions. Test subjects form into crystals on its surface. Arms Race
brought to the Spellscar Desert have been observed bathing themselves These crystals are highly explosive. Chapter 2:
in pools of magic-polluted effluvia. Although they typically reform The ooze’s hibernation ends when Alkenstar Falls
into a single entity after exploding, pyronite oozes bathed in chemicals a slight movement or small spark
Chapter 3:
sometimes remain apart after splitting, creating two independent oozes. ignites the crystals, triggering its Blood in
Some speculate that an as yet unknown reagent must be essential for the Exploding Split ability and dealing the Bilge
oozes to reproduce on their own. twice the usual amount of damage.
Continuing the
The Gunworks
Perception +14; no vision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet Adventure
Skills Athletics +22 Toolbox
Str +7, Dex –5, Con +7, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5
AC 19; Fort +24, Ref +14, Will +19
HP 350; Immunities bludgeoning, critical hits, fire, mental, precision,
unconscious, visual; Weaknesses cold 15
Constant Explosions (aura, fire) 5 feet. 4d6 fire, DC 29 basic Reflex save. This
aura can’t cause other pyronite oozes to split.
Rejoin If two or more Medium pyronite oozes end their turn in adjacent
spaces, they merge into a Large pyronite ooze, combining their
current Hit Points.
Split When a Large pyronite ooze is hit by an attack that would deal
bludgeoning or fire damage and it has 10 or more HP, it explodes, dealing
6d6 fire damage to creatures in a 10-foot radius (DC 29 basic Reflex save).
This explosion can’t cause other pyronite oozes to split. After exploding, the
ooze splits into two Medium pyronite oozes, each with half the original’s HP,
which each fly through the air and land 15 feet from the original ooze in a
random direction. If no space is unoccupied where the ooze would land, it
automatically pushes creatures and objects out of the way to fill a space (the
GM decides if an object or creature is too big or sturdy to push).
Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet
Melee [one-action] pseudopod +23 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10+10 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] blast +21 (fire, range increment 40 feet), Damage
3d8+3 fire; this can’t cause other pyronite oozes to split
Exploding Split [two-actions] Requirements The pyronite ooze is Large; Effect
The pyronite ooze explodes in a violent conflagration, dealing 3d6
fire and 3d6 bludgeoning damage to all creatures in a 30-foot
radius (DC 29 basic Reflex save). This explosion can’t
cause other pyronite oozes to split. After exploding,
the ooze splits into two Medium pyronite oozes
(see above), but this splitting doesn’t deal
additional damage.
Wraith, Smog
Clouds of choking fumes and toxic smog continuously shroud these
SMOG LORDS potent undead. They constantly belch forth noxious vapors and find great
In rare cases, evil druids slain by city- humor in the death of creatures too weak to resist their vile fumes. These
dwelling foes rise as powerful smog fetid vapors are so dense the corpses of a smog wraith’s victims can float
wraiths called smog lords. These among them.
unholy beings wield all the usual Though it’s possible to create smog wraiths through necromancy, most
powers of a smog wraith, as well as are the result of industrialists, inventors, and polluters who in life relished
potent primal magic with which to opportunities to exploit nature for profit, power, or prestige. In death,
wither and destroy civilization. these wretched souls can rise as smog wraiths to continue their spoliation.
Zombie, Shock
Shock zombies are hideous undead covered with bolts and electrical wiring.
Most have two large electric coils mounted on their backs to absorb and NATURE SHOCK
project electricity. If uncontrolled, shock zombies often wander far afield While most shock zombies
in search of inventors’ labs or lightning storms to draw power from. In a are created through combined
pinch, the natural electric currents inside living creatures more than suffice. necromancy and engineering, some The
have more natural origins. Corpses of Smoking
ZOMBIE ABILITIES creatures slain by lightning strikes or Gun
You can modify shock zombies with the following zombie abilities, in lightning magic sometimes arise as
addition to those available to all zombies (Bestiary 340). Most shock shock zombies without the need for Chapter 1:
zombies have one of these abilities; if you give a shock zombie more, you mechanical components. Arms Race
might want to increase its level and adjust its statistics. Chapter 2:
Arcing Strikes (electricity) When a shock zombie hits a creature with a melee Alkenstar Falls
attack, an arc of lighting leaps to a second creature, dealing 1d12 electricity
Chapter 3:
damage. This secondary target must be within 10 feet of the shock zombie’s Blood in
original target and must be the creature closest to the original target (if the Bilge
multiple creatures are equidistant, the shock zombie chooses which to affect).
Continuing the
Breath Weapon [two-actions] (electricity, evocation) The shock zombie breathes lightning, Campaign
dealing 4d12 electricity damage in a 40-foot line (DC 24 basic
Reflex save). It can’t use its Breath Weapon again for 1 minute. The Gunworks
Electromechanical Phasing [two-actions] (electricity) Frequency once Adventure
per day; Effect The shock zombie activates its electromechanical Toolbox
components and begins phasing in and out of reality. The shock
zombie casts blink as a 4th-level divine innate spell.
Lightning Rod [reaction] (electricity) Trigger A spell or ability with
the electricity trait is used within 30 feet of the
shock zombie; Effect The shock zombie attempts to
counteract the spell or ability (counteract level 3,
counteract modifier +17), harmlessly redirecting the
electricity into one of its electricity coils.
Anjelique Loveless
Ruthless Corrupt Deputy
Decades ago, an Osirian paladin named Entarish and and order to the wilderness around Alkenstar. The
a river hag named Gris Nightspittle fought a deadly long years wore on her, however, and she slowly lost
battle inside a forgotten pharaoh’s tomb. Both escaped touch with the short-lived humans that surrounded
from the conflict gravely injured, and after that day her. Now, she’s torn between upholding lawful ideals
the two became mortal enemies hellbent on undoing and dealing out bloody punishment to those she
the work of the other. After years of conflict, Gris deems unworthy. Her silver pistol still possesses some
eventually concocted a devious plan to bring Entarish of Entarish’s grace and frequently misfires when she
to his knees. In the ruins of flooded temple beneath a attempts to use it for an evil act. Often, while away
hunter’s moon, Gris gave birth to a changling infant from prying eyes, she will draw the pistol on her
and left the child on Entarish’s doorstep. Gris knew captured fugitives and fire, allowing the gun to decide
that foolish Entarish, in his weakness, would care for if the person is worthy of life.
the cursed babe. Anjelique’s primary motivation is power. As an elf,
Even though he suspected Gris was tied to the child, she’s been a shieldmarshal for nearly a century and
Entarish played into the hag’s plot. He named the has outlived her original peers. Because of her lengthy
infant Anjelique and served as her father and mentor, tenure and ruthless pursuit of her own personal brand
raising her to follow a virtuous path in spite of her of justice, few question her continued presence on
wretched heritage. Yet for all Entarish’s noble efforts, the force. Anjelique has spent years advocating for a
Anjelique possessed a cruel disposition and wicked larger Alkenstari army, though she made little progress
temper. When she came of age, Gris approached the on this front until just recently. She believes that by
young woman in the dead of night and revealed the arranging a series of disasters, she can shock the city’s
truth of her birth. Gris then commanded Anjelique to political elite into action. By way of this scheme,
kill her adopted father and join the hag’s side. Anjelique hopes to disgrace the current shieldmarshal
To Gris’s surprise, Anjelique refused her mother’s command structure while simultaneously rising
grim commandment. In a rage, Gris gathered her through the ranks to assume control of a new army
most powerful minions and finally slew Entarish, of conscripted shieldmarshals. Ultimately, she wants
overwhelming the paladin while Anjelique was away. to use this army to bring order to the lawless frontier
When she discovered her father had been slain, beyond Alkenstar’s walls, which she believes is what
Anjelique recovered his holy sword and set out to find Entarish would have wanted.
Gris. The cunning hag thought Anjelique had finally
given in to her evil birthright and returned home, CAMPAIGN ROLE
but instead she avenged her fallen parent by soaking Deputy Loveless has been a thorn in the player
his sword in Gris’s blood and claiming the hag’s characters’ sides since the first chapter of this
blackwood staff. Adventure Path, and possibly even before then. Her
After fulfilling her vendetta, Anjelique wandered scheme to use pyronite as a means of securing political
through the world alone, aimless and in search of power is just one more entry on her lengthy resume of
meaning. Although she constantly carries Entarish’s sins against the party, but it’s this elaborate plot that
virtuous words in her thoughts, her troubled past and ultimately enables the PCs to achieve vengeance when
cursed birthright cast an unholy pall across her mind. they face off against Anjelique on the Gearsmoke in
Finally Anjelique resolved to walk a righteous this adventure’s final chapter.
path in the name of her father by joining Alkenstar’s
shieldmarshals. She commissioned the grand duchy’s ANJELIQUE LOVELESS CREATURE 11
best gunsmith to forge Entarish’s blade into an UNIQUE LE MEDIUM CHANGELING ELF HUMANOID
enchanted silver pistol and Gris’s staff into a magical Female elf changeling shieldmarshal deputy
long gun. For nearly a century, Anjelique brought law Perception +24; low-light vision
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven ranged Strike against a creature stuck with a planted
Skills Acrobatics +26, Crafting +21, Intimidation +23, Legal charge, Anjelique can choose to shoot a bullet through
Lore +19, Thievery +21 the charge, dealing normal damage and detonating the
Str +3, Dex +7, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +3 charge immediately. A creature can use an Interact
Items blazons of shared power (attached to pistol and action to find and remove a planted charge from itself or
reinforced stock; Guns & Gears 183), +1 resilient an adjacent creature. These pyronite charges have the
breastplate, hex blaster (page 73, 10 rounds), infused infused trait and are inert until activated by Anjelique. The
pyronite charge (6), redeemer’s pistol (page 73, 10 rounds) Tormenting Shot [two-actions] Anjelique makes a ranged Strike and Smoking
AC 30; Fort +24, Ref +26, Will +21 deals an additional 2d8 piercing damage on a hit. If the Gun
HP 200 target is frightened, it also takes 2d6 persistent bleed
Stubborn Resolve [reaction] Frequency once per day; Trigger damage on a hit. Chapter 1:
Anjelique fails or critically fails a saving Arms Race
throw; Effect Anjelique treats a critical Chapter 2:
failure as a failure, or a failure as a success. Alkenstar Falls
Speed 25 feet
Chapter 3:
Melee [one-action] reinforced stock +24 (finesse, magical, Blood in
two-hand d6), Damage 2d4+6 bludgeoning plus the Bilge
plant pyronite charge
Continuing the
Ranged [one-action] hex blaster +24 (concussive, fatal d12, kickback, Campaign
magical, range increment 150 feet, reload 1), Damage
2d8+6 piercing The Gunworks
Ranged [one-action] redeemer’s pistol +24 (concealable, concussive, Adventure
fatal d10, magical, range increment 60 feet, reload 1), Toolbox
Damage 2d6+6 piercing
Firearms Critical Specialization When Anjelique makes a
critical hit with a firearm, the target must succeed a DC
34 Fortitude save or be stunned 1.
Lawbringer’s Pursuit [one-action] Anjelique Strides and then either
Interacts to reload her gun or makes an Intimidation
check to Demoralize a foe.
Mentor’s Curse The grace of Anjelique’s champion mentor
inhabits the redeemer’s pistol she carries, passing
judgment on her actions. If she attempts to make a
redeemer’s pistol Strike against a good-aligned creature,
she must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the gun
misfires (Guns & Gears 107).
Parting Shot [reaction] Trigger Anjelique would die or gain
the dying condition; Effect Anjelique reloads her
currently wielded firearm if necessary and makes
a ranged Strike against an enemy, treating a
successful attack as a critical hit. Whether
successful or not, after making this attack,
Anjelique dies.
Plant Pyronite Charge After making a
successful melee Strike against a creature,
Anjelique makes a Thievery check against
the target’s Perception DC. On a success,
she activates and secretly plants a specially
formulated sticky pyronite charge on the creature.
This charge detonates after 3 rounds, dealing 4d8 fire
damage to all creatures within a 10-foot radius (DC 34
basic Reflex save) and detonating any other pyronite
charges within the area. After making a successful
Cold-Hearted Nexian Vitrumancer
Ibrium was raised within the palaces of Nex’s capital, invested the bulk of his fortune in an ill-advised
Quantium. His mother, Tolliya, was a powerful mage scheme to magically transform vast swathes of Nexian
who played a large role in the political machinations wasteland into arable farmland. The investment
of the Council of Three and Nine, but Ibrium never proved a disaster and Ibrium was financially ruined.
showed much interest in politics. Instead, his interests During this dark hour, a mysterious Arclord of Nex
lay firmly in the arcane, and in his youth he showed named Kiamal approached the vitrumancer. She
all the signs of a gifted wizard-to-be. Tolliya ensured offered to provide a sizable loan to Ibrium in exchange
her son had access to the best education possible, for his services in Alkenstar. A new war between Nex
hiring private tutors from across the Inner Sea and and Geb was inevitable, Kiamal explained, and those
conjuring eldritch creatures from distant planes to with financial interests in Alkenstar would profit
advise the young spellcaster. When Ibrium at last came greatly once the conflict was ignited. In exchange for
of age, Tolliya gifted him a precious heirloom of their travelling to the city and finding a way to profit from
house—a wizard’s staff topped with a basilisk eye. the inevitable war, Kiamal promised Ibrium a lavish
The gift turned out to be a formative one as it sum in Nexian gold.
sparked Ibrium’s interest in petrification and, soon Ibrium was quick to accept the offer, even if
after, a lifelong study of spells related to earth and Kiamal’s motives didn’t ring true. Why would the
fire. The promising young wizard developed his own Arclord, whose wealth seemed bottomless, need to
personal form of magic, vitrumancy, specializing in the further fill her coffers through schemes in Alkenstar?
conjuration and transmutation of glass. Ibrium was too desperate to labor over such questions,
Ibrium’s passion for glass and petrification magic so he simply embarked for the City of Smog with
caused him to cross paths with a variety of colorful Alethsia in tow. When they arrived in the new city,
individuals. One such character was a young medusa Ibrium quickly fell in with prominent politicians and
named Alethsia, who’d journeyed to Quantium in the warmongering nobles who also believed a Geb-Nex
hopes of finding a magical way to remove her unusual conflict was imminent. Amid these grim social circles,
curse—a petrifying gaze that turned her victims not to he met Deputy Anjelique Loveless and Parsus. After
stone, but statues of solid glass. Ibrium wrote to Kiamal describing Anjelique’s plan to
Ashamed of her cursed gaze, Alethsia was an artist demolish Alken Falls, Kiamal provided Ibrium with
at heart who hoped to someday live among humans an arcane ritual, supposedly transcribed from the
and pursue her sculpture work in peace. Ibrium heard books of Nex himself, which would allow the wizard
rumors of the unusual glassy-gazed medusa through to teleport the bomb-laden Gearsmoke directly to the
some contacts and tracked her down. He was instantly waterfall at the city’s center.
smitten. He convinced her that her gaze wasn’t a curse
but a gift, and together they used her unique “talent” CAMPAIGN ROLE
to destroy Ibrium’s mother’s political enemies. Ever Despite his haughty demeanor and role as one of the
since that day, the two have been steadfast lovers. chief antagonists for this adventure, at the end of the
Wherever she goes, Alethsia brings along a host of day Ibrium is mostly a pawn in a great game being
glass statues (her previous victims), which she sculpts played by far more powerful entities. On one hand,
and modifies to “perfect” their beauty. From time he serves his mysterious patron Kiamal, who seems to
to time, she becomes frustrated with her work and have her own inscrutable plans for Alkenstar, while on
smashes them into glass powder, which Ibrium then the other he allows Anjelique to dictate their plans to
transforms into sand sentries. demolish Alken Falls. If Ibrium survives the adventure,
Several years ago, Ibrium’s mother was assassinated he likely discovers both his employers couldn’t be
in the midst of a power struggle in Quantium, leaving trusted—Anjelique planned to have him killed via
Ibrium as the sole heir to their estate. He quickly poison, and Kiamal washes her hands clean of Ibrium
as soon as she receives word of his catastrophic failure. hydraulic push, pummeling rubble (×2; Advanced Player’s
Deeper in debt than ever and with no allies left, Ibrium Guide 223); Cantrips (5th) daze, detect magic, message,
could prove a useful tool for the PCs, perhaps giving shield, sigil
them information on his patron or revealing the Vitrumancy Ibrium has modified certain spells to
location of her vault in Martel. incorporate glass into their manifestation. Whenever
Ibrium is an arrogant man who, despite living Ibrium casts fireball, hydraulic push, or pummeling
a life of extreme privilege, believes he has earned rubble, the spell deals slashing damage instead of its The
everything that’s come his way and that he deserves normal damage type as the damaging component is Smoking
only the best. He’s a pathological liar and narcissist replaced with shards of razor-sharp glass. Gun
who sincerely doesn’t recall any of his many failures or
shortcomings. Ibrium’s role in Anjelique’s plan doesn’t Chapter 1:
become clear until this adventure, but he’s lived in Arms Race
the city of Alkenstar for nearly two years now and is Chapter 2:
known for displaying his obnoxious wealth (which is Alkenstar Falls
secretly funded by Kiamal).
Chapter 3:
At your discretion, the party might meet Ibrium Blood in
earlier in the campaign—perhaps as a guest the Bilge
at a high-class establishment like the Steaming
Continuing the
Kingdom, or just as a passerby on the streets who Campaign
splatters mud on the characters as he zooms past
on a luxurious litter borne aloft by glass clockwork The Gunworks
servants. Of course, the haughty wizard has little time Adventure
or patience for those whom he deems beneath him, so Toolbox
it’s unlikely he’d linger in the party’s company.
Male human vitrumancer and Nexian agent
Perception +20
Languages Common, Terran
Skills Arcana +24, Deception +19, Diplomacy +19, Elemental
Lore +22, Nex Lore +22, Society +19
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +3
Items wand of wall of stone
AC 28; Fort +16, Ref +19, Will +22
HP 145
Vitrumantic Stoneskin [reaction] Trigger An adjacent creature
Strikes Ibrium with a melee weapon or unarmed
attack and deals damage; Requirements Ibrium has a
stoneskin spell currently active; Effect Ibrium’s unique
stoneskin spell manifests as a protective layer of deadly
sharp glass. Glass shards burst out from Ibrium’s skin,
dealing 3d10 piercing damage to the attacker.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] glass spike +21 (deadly d12, earth, finesse,
magical), Damage 3d10 piercing
Ranged [one-action] glass spike +21 (deadly d12, earth, magical,
range increment 60 feet), Damage 3d10 piercing
Arcane Prepared Spells DC 33, attack +25; 5th elemental
form (earth only), impaling spike (×2; Pathfinder
Advanced Player’s Guide 221); 4th fly, stoneskin, wall
of fire; 3rd earthbind, fireball (×2); 2nd heat metal
(Advanced Player’s Guide 220), hydraulic push (×2); 1st
Macabre Inventor of Clockwork Abominations
Parsus grew up on a large estate in the outskirts of the discovered they had become a potent necromancer.
Axan Woods of Geb, in a lonely and twisted landscape Parsus’s siblings had meanwhile become master
of haunted trees, inscrutable ruins, and misty forest hunters and earned their father’s favor, while Parsus
trails. Parsus and their six older siblings are all was ultimately cast aside and forgotten. In time, their
dhampirs, half-vampire progeny born from a vampire craving for approval turned into deep hatred for the
and mortal union. Their father is Drakar Fademore, a entire Fademore family.
powerful vampire and Blood Lord of Geb—one of 60 Several years ago, Drakar turned over finances of
undead leaders who oversee the dread empire’s unholy the Fademore estate to Rhyst, Parsus’s eldest sister.
administration. Ever the pragmatist, Rhyst quickly decided to save her
From an early age, Father Fademore taught his brood father from any further embarrassment and sent Parsus
to revile magic users, and he instilled in the children away from the estate. If a new war between Nex and
an unquenchable thirst for arcanists’ blood. Under Geb were to break out, the city of Alkenstar to the
the patriarch’s guidance, Parsus and their siblings north would be a ripe ground for investment, Rhyst
participated in “blood hunts.” On such occasions, the explained to a seething Parsus. The necromancer had no
family would gather a host of vampiric yeth hounds choice but to board a Gebbite barge pulled by massive
and chase spellcasting victims through the woods skeletal crocodiles (fruits of their own childhood
for days at a time. Unlike their elder siblings, Parsus projects) and set out for Alkenstar. Once in the city,
possessed little skill with martial arts and enjoyed they half-heartedly looked for ways their family might
neither combat nor hunting. Instead, their passions profit from war, but primarily focused on studying
drew them to study magic and science. Parsus’s father the city’s fascinating clockwork wonders. Eventually,
looked on these pursuits with disdain, viewing them as a shieldmarshal named Anjelique discovered Parsus
paltry hobbies that paled in comparison to the honor, and decided the promising spellcaster could help her
glory, and bloodshed of a spirited hunt. The Fademore further her own violent schemes.
family had earned its status through bloodshed during
Geb’s great war with Nex, specializing in hunting and CAMPAIGN ROLE
killing the wizards of Quantium. Instead of learning Although they were ordered to Alkenstar to find a way
to hunt wizards, like a true Fademore, Parsus was to profit from a war between Nex and Geb, Parsus
interested in becoming one. has little interest in money and mainly thirsts for
After letting Parsus’s obsession grow for years, knowledge. More than anything, Parsus’s true enemies
Drakar eventually decided to draw them into the are their family, particularly their father Drakar and
family hunts by force. He took Parsus deep into the eldest sister Rhyst. They dream of revenge daily and,
Axan Woods and left them there, telling them to live though they would never admit it, below this hatred,
or die as they wish, but not to return home without a some part of Parsus still yearns for acceptance from
fresh kill. Rather than giving into their feral instincts, their family.
Parsus instead studied the stars to navigate their way Though a vile individual with disturbing sensibilities,
home and developed a magical snare to kill a forest the true Parsus is little more than a pawn in Anjelique
dryad. They returned home triumphant, believing they and Ibrium’s grand plan. Parsus was primarily following
proved the value of knowledge over instinct. Drakar, orders when they took over the Tinwound Hydroplant
however, was displeased. and slaughtered its caretakers, and the necromancer
For the next decade, Drakar’s tests and challenges stoically explains as much when the player characters
for Parsus grew ever more brutal. Through it all, apprehend them in the factory’s blood-soaked engine
Parsus refused to abandon their love of knowledge and room. If Parsus survives the adventure, they hold no
magic. Each test only served to further strengthen their particular grudge against the characters, sensing a
resolve and honed their skills until, one day, Parsus kinship with them, as they are themselves, after all,
only following orders. Regardless, Parsus has no wish Necromechanical Innovation Although a necromancer by
to confront Anjelique or Ibrium, recognizing the duo training, Parsus recently developed a complex device
has thoroughly outplayed them. The only way to called a necromechanical innovation. This device allows
convinced Parsus to aid the characters’ pursuits is by Parsus to use their Clockwork Necromancy, Explode,
ensuring that doing so would mean snubbing Parsus’s and Necromatic Winding abilities. It otherwise functions
most hated adversary, their father Drakar. as an inventor weapon innovation (Guns & Gears 18)
with no modifications. The
Pangender dhampir necromancer
Perception +20 Chapter 1:
Languages Common, Necril Arms Race
Skills Arcana +24, Deception +19, Geb Lore +22, Chapter 2:
Intimidation +19, Society +19, Undead Lore +22 Alkenstar Falls
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +0, Cha +0
Chapter 3:
Items clockwork key to clockwork bomb in area F8, corpse Blood in
compass (page 76), corpsecaller round (page 76), +2 the Bilge
striking slide pistol (Guns & Gears 153)
Continuing the
AC 29; Fort +18, Ref +18, Will +20; +2 status to saves vs. Campaign
disease and mental
HP 160, negative healing The Gunworks
Speed 25 feet Adventure
Melee [one-action] claw +21 (agile), Damage 3d8+7 slashing Toolbox
Melee [one-action] necromechanical innovation +21, Damage 2d10+7
Ranged [one-action] slide pistol +20 (capacity 5, concussive, fatal
d10, magical, range increment 30 feet, reload 1), Damage
2d6+3 piercing
Arcane Prepared Spells DC 31, attack +23; 5th cloudkill,
enervation (×2; Advanced Player’s Guide 218); 4th fly,
seal fate (Advanced Player’s Guide 224), vampiric maiden
(Advanced Player’s Guide 227); 3rd bind undead, vampiric
touch (×2); 2nd false life, mirror image, spectral hand; 1st
grim tendrils (×2), unseen servant; Cantrips (5th) acid
splash, chill touch, detect magic, message, ray of frost
Clockwork Necromancy [two-actions] (evil, necromancy, unstable)
Parsus winds their necromechanical innovation (see
below) to infuse a corpse-riddled area with necromantic
energy. The innovation casts black tentacles on a point
within 100 feet, causing the dead body parts in a 10-foot
burst to briefly animate and scrabble at creatures within
the area for 1 round.
Explode [two-actions] (manipulate, necromancy, unstable) Parsus
pushes their necromechanical innovation beyond its
normal limits, dealing 10d6 negative damage in a 10-foot
emanation (DC 31 basic Reflex save). Parsus can choose
to include themself in this effect.
Necromatic Winding [one-action] (manipulate, necromancy) Parsus
winds up their necromechanical innovation. They
choose an active effect with the necromancy trait that
originated from one of their spells or abilities (such
as Clockwork Necromancy). The effect’s duration
extends to the end of Parsus’s next turn.
Next Month
by Mike Kimmel by Mike Kimmel
When things go wrong on one of Geb’s zombie‑worked Geb’s Great Factions control the undead nation’s
farms, novice troubleshooters discover that the rot economy. Learn how to leverage influence with them
goes deep. Gang warfare, old political rivalries, and throughout the Blood Lords Adventure Path!
undead monsters put these new agents to the test.
GRAYDIRGE The Blood Lords Adventure Path begins! This volume
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500 FEET
Capital District
Pilot’s Square
Auburn Hill
Auburn District
Ustradi Heights
Ironside Quarter
A Bullet is Best
engeance-seeking vigilantes must infiltrate Alkenstar’s upper crust, master a
potent combination of eldritch magic and clockwork engineering, and wield the
awesome power of black powder to stop their archenemy’s plot to upend the
city. In this action-packed finale, the party members face their greatest challenges
yet. Can they clear their names and settle their gunmetal grudges? Or will the forces
of evil draw first? The Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure Path concludes with “The
Smoking Gun,” a complete adventure for 8th- to 10th-level characters.