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Indian handloom industry is one of the oldest and largest cottage industries in country.
Handloom industry plays a vital role in the Indian economy. Handloom sector occupies an
important position as the one of the primary employment provider after agriculture. More
than 16 million weavers are making their livelihood from handlooms, while uploading the
cultural fabric of different states alive. It is one of the important sectors in the country that
provides low cost, sustainable livelihood opportunities to millions of people. But recently it
has been losing its importance and more widerspread perception is that handloom weaving is
in deep crisis and is caught in a endless circle of low productivity and wages and is thus
unable to retain a compitative edge against powerloom.

In recent of kodiyala in particular handloom industry carried a vital role in the state’s
economy. Because of it’s vast employment generation potential. A very large number of
looms were located in Kodiyala. There are both men and women weavers for whom weaving
were a way of life. Kodiyala is home to hundreds of padmashalis, a telugu speaking weavers
community who migrated from Andrapradesh.

Tradition weaving was done mainly on handlooms and was their primary source of income.
They were colony weavers who produced “rich, colourful saris and dhothis, unique in nature
and style with eye catching motifs”.

Tipu sulthan, the ruler of srirangapatna and mysore was said to be immensely fond of cotton
clothwoven and produced by the Kodiyala weavers. This began a long, proud relationship
between the community and mysore royalty. This intricate design of Kodiyala sarees by the
weaver’s soon caught the eye the royal house hould at sriranga patna. Handloom were mainly
used by the weavers to weave the sarees since the reign of Tipu sulthan and it used to take 3-
4 days to complete a single saree to1-3 waevers working on it.

In Indian villages weaving has been a hobby for several countries. A part from weaving the
Kodiyala village people are also involving in other occupation like, dying, designing. The
woven cloth used to protect the body and later developed in to form of dress. Which
expressed the cultural values of the people and their identity. The basic need was satisfied
from the early days of civilization by the handloom industry weaving is done by artisans
without any formal education and without technical too.
Handloom is mainly done by the co-operative sector, because more than 50 percent of the
handloom weavers have been brought under the co-operative fold has been affected. There
are two major institutional structures in handloom weaving. Such as cooperatives and master
weavers, are closely interrelated as is their growth performance.

There are large number of factors that affect the market. These factors can be either internal
i.e.within the handloom sectors as well as external from whole textile industry.

Kodiyala as abudant resources like cheap labour fully skilled artisans, low power cost, ample
raw material. If these resources will be utilized effectively kodiyala textile or handloom
industry will be developed country. Growth and development of handloom industry has a
direct bearing on the improvement of the economy of the nation. There are various factors
responsible for decline of handloom industry and the problem associated with production,
finance and marketing plays very important role. Hence this research work is to study the
problem and prospects of handloom industry in kodiyala.


Greeshma [2001], It has been noticed that the handloom production disclosed a declining
trend over the past 10 years. It has been detailed that the co-operative societies failed to
guarantee a regular supply of yarn to weavers and were often controlled by a few entities.

Ajithan [2006], it was found that there are good possibilities for the handloom industry in
kerala during the post-globalization period. Which is noticeble in the increase in handloom
export from kerala during that period.

Kumar [2008], The handloom co-opreatives in kerala are in the grip of a crisis in terms of
economic indicators such as production, marketing and finance and depend heavily on the
budgetary support of the government for the survival.

Raj and Kumar [2008], made an analytical study on handloom products production and
marketing. It was found in their study that the societies in ramanathapuram district are facing
wide fluctuation in yarn price, lack of availability of skilled labour force and was thus
suggested for formulation of production pattern and sales design to accelerate the handloom
products in the market.

Tripathy [2009], made an attempt to study the problems and prospectives of handloom
industry in orissa it was summarized in the study that in decentralized handloom industry
there are many problems due to illiteracy of the weavers in adeque finance and procurement
of raw materials, The study also suggested that handloom product marketer should
understand the customer preferences about design and colour combination product
development quality control and cost control in handloom products.

Kumuda.A.and Rizwana.M.[2013], in their article has described about the problems faced by
the handloom industry and particularly pointed out the problems of handloom in co-opreative
society weavers in erode district.

Raju G.etal [2014],in their study about the financial status of the handloom weavers and at
last summed up that handloom area has consistently been a feeble contender against
powerloom and factory areas.

Swami and Jain [2014],A study of “stratergy for sustainable development of handloom
industry” to explore the problem of the handloom industry and suggest a suitable stratergy to
bring an economic growth of handloom weavers. The data was collected through observation
method. Interview schedule secondary souces. They suggest that creating something
innovative which is best suited for handloom industry

John and Kamini [2016], this study conducted on socioeconomic status of women
entrepreneurs in handloom industry. Suffers technological backwardness and it’s productivity
is affected despite strenuous labour input. This study also suggest that viable technique may
be evolved which will motivate there entrepreneur to become successful.

Muneendra and Prakash [2016], a study explored about the situation of handloom in AP and
derived that the situation is diminishing is large numbers of the weavers are moving to
different professions because of helpless profit, joblessness and decreasing interest for their

Rao [2017], this study clarified about the issues of the handloom weavers in Krishna area and
justified the presence of handloom in india because of high business potential in this area.

Chouhan and Roy [2017], this study explained about the financial profile of handloom
weavers and inferred that industry is over whelmed by the made labours with exceptionally
low degree of education level and therefore are confronting various issued of less
compensation. Expanded cost of yarn, the shortfall of government uphold, absence of home
grown market.

There are several studies have been made on handloom industry and potentially
district ie, kodiyala the place handloom, this study is very significant for the future
potentialities of handloom in mandya.


Handloom industry in kodiyala suffer many problems like low income, low
demand for the handloom product and shortage of working capital, rawmaterial and
technology and weavers find it is difficult to maintain a better standard of living in the
handloom industry.

The present study has been undertaken by the researcher to analyse the problems and
prospects of handloom industry in kodiyala. This research was conducted through
investigation to find out the remedies to the problems confronting in handloom industry.


1. To study the performance of handloom industry in Karnataka.

2. To study the major problems and prospects of the handloom industry in kodiyala.
3. To study the impact of handloom industry on the handloom owners and weavers of
the study area.
4. To study the utilisation of available schemes from government on handloom
industry in kodiyala.
5. To find out the marketing practices of handloom industry in kodiyala.


The present study adopts the descriptive and exploratory research

methodology. Based on primary and secondary sources of data .the primary data is collected
with the help of to well questionnaire with the respondent to collect information about the
problems and prospects of the handloom units in kodiyala.


The study would provide information about the problems of the handloom
industry in kodiyala. The study also throw light on the prospects of handloom industry. Study
covers both men and women weavers, likewise weavers have been selected from co-opreative
society it includes both primary weavers .owners include private master weavers, owners
include private master weavers and independent weavers, but ignored industrial cooperative
societies as they act by goernament.

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