Graduation Project: Structure Analysis Unit "3" Supervisors: Dr:Osman Ramadan Dr:Hatem Osman

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Graduation project

Structure Analysis
Shorouk academy

Unit “3”

Dr:Osman ramadan
Dr:Hatem osman

Designed by :
Ismail magdy ismail

June 2010
 Structure design criteria
 Design loads
 Floors Plan
 Analysis Model
 Design of Flat slabs
 Design of floors Beams
 Design of Stairs
 Design of Columns
 Design of Foundations
 Design of Retaining Walls
Structure design
1: Structure Design Criteria.

1-1: Description of project.

The building consists of 3 floors (Ground floor, first floor, Roof) and a bedroom

The bedroom level is -2.2 meter used as a Garage, first floor level is 0.9 meter and floor height is
3 meter

1-2: structural system.

1-2-1: ground floor.

The ground floor system consists of Flat slab with Drop panels and Marginal beams at outer

1-2-2:typical floor .

The typical floors consist of Flat slab and beams around stairs and 2 marginal beams at 2 sides

The foundation system is Isolated footing as per soil report

1-3: Standards and code.

The Egyptian Code (ECP 203-2007)

1-4: Material and stresses.

1-4-1: Concrete.

The characteristic concrete cylinder compressive strength after 28 days shall be as


-Footing 250 kg/cm2

-Beams, Slabs, Columns 250 kg/cm2

1-4-2: Steel Reinforcement.

-Fy for Bars, Stirrups 3600 Kg/cm2

1-5: Concrete Cover.

Concrete cover to steel reinforcement shall be provided to protect the reinforcement

Corrosion as per ECP
The clear concrete cover shall be at least as following:
1. Concrete permanently exposed to soil = 7.5 cm
2. Slabs = 2 cm
3. Beams and columns = 4 cm

1-6: Loads.

1-6-1: All floors

Live load for rooms = 200 kg/cm2
Live load for balconies and stairs = 300 Kg/cm2
Wall Equivalent load = 150 Kg/cm2
Finishes = 150 Kg/cm2

- Own weight of reinforced concrete = 250 kg/m3

- Own weight of plain concrete = 220 kg/m3

1-6-2: Lateral Loads:

Lateral loads were ignored in analysis due to the small height of building and its Very low

1-7: Loads Combination:

As stated at ECP:

Wu = 1.4 D.L + 1.6 L.L

J=0.2 ( torsion coefficient )

Floors Plan
Design of Flat slab
2-1:Flat slab design:

Maximum Negative moment = -7.5 mt

Maximum Positive moment = 4 mt

D = C1√Mu*105/Fcu*B

So…. D= 17 cm

 Take T = 22 cm
 Use mesh of 5 Ø 12 per meter

Mr = 3.9 mt

So…..use extra mesh at negative Moment to support 7.5 mt

As = Mu*105/Fy*J*D


So…..use 3 Ø 16 , 3 Ø 12 for 3 meter on negative moment

2-2: Deflection check:

Maximum deflection = 1.2 Cm

Distance between columns = 10 meter

So ……Allowable deflection = 1000/250=4 cm

 Deflection is Safe

For solid slab Max moment = 2 mt

Use Ts = 12 cm and mesh of 5 Ø 12

Analysis Model
3: Design of Beams.

3-1: design of beam 1:

Maximum Moment = 5.5 mt

Section of negative Moment


take b = 25 cm

So d = 41.3 cm…………..take 45 cm

So T= 50 cm


As = 4.3 cm

Use 4 Ø 16 Upper steel and 2 Ø 12 Lower steel

Section of positive moment

As = Mu/Fy*J*D = 3.5 cm2

Use 4 Ø 16 Lower steel and 2 Ø 12 Upper steel

3-2: Check shear on beam:

Qu at Critical section = 5.5 ton

qu = 5.5*103/25*50=4.4 kg/cm2

qcu = 0.24 gazr Fcu/Gama c = 3.1 kg/cm2

qu max = 0.7 gazr Fcu/Gama c = 9.1 kg/cm2

qcu < qu < qu max

So……. qsu = qu – 0.5 qcu = 2.9 kg/cm2

Ast = qsu *b*s/Fy/Gama s take S = 20 cm

Ast = 0.46

Use 5 Ø 8 per meter as Stirrups

3-2:Beams Table.

Beam Upper Steel Lower Steel

Right side Middle Left side
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 4 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 4 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 4 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 4 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 4 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 4 Ø 16
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12
2 Ø 16 2 Ø 12 2 Ø 16 2 Ø 16
Use 5 Ø 8 as stirrups for all beams.
Design of Columns
4-1: Design of Typical Column:

Take section of column 30*30 cm

Lamda = K*H/B

= 1.2*2.8/0.3 = 12.8

Lamda > 10 Long column

M add = P * Delta

 Design of Column No 18 ( Critical Column )

P u= 102 ton M = 2.5 mt

e = 2.5/102

= 0.025 m

e/t = 0.025/0.3 = 0.08 < 0.5 ezan Ignore M and design for Pu only

Pu = o.35 Fcu*Ac + 0.67 As*Fy As = 0.1 Ac

102*103= 0.35*250*Ac +0.67*0.1 As * 3600

Ac=310 Minimum 30*30 cm

Take section 40*40 cm For Punching

4-2: Check Punching:


Type: Column
fcu 250 kg/cm

Q ultimite 40.00 ton

Breadth of Column 40.00 cm
Length of Column 40.00 cm
Total Depth of Slab 22.00 cm
2.50 cm

Depth of Punching
Sec. 19.50
Breadth of Critical
Sec. 59.50
Length of Critical
Sec. 59.50
 4 Column Type Factor
Apunching 4641 cm Area of punching section

bo 238 cm Perimeter of punching section

q1 17.03 kg/cm Equation No.1 q1 =2.5x(xd/bo+0.2)x√(Fcu/2.5)
q2 19.36 kg/cm Equation No.2 q2 =(0.5+a/b)x√(Fcu/2.5)
q3 12.91 kg/cm Equation No.3 q3 =√(Fcu/2.5)
qall 12.91 kg/cm Allowable punching shear =Minimum value of Equation 1,2&3


qact = Qpunchingx  / Apunching

 1.15 Column Type Factor ( Internal )
Apunching 4641 cm Area of punching section
Q ultimite 40 ton

qact 9.91 kg/cm

< qall 12.91 kg/cm


4-3Design of Columns:

fcu=250 kg/cm2
fy=3600 kg/cm2

column F3 total Ac b t chosen Reinforcement
Ton cm2 cm cm cm2
C11 44.25 1600.00 40.00 40.00 16.00 8 Ø 16
C17 87.78 1600.00 40.00 40.00 16.00 8 Ø 16
C16 80.63 1600.00 40.00 40.00 16.00 8 Ø 16
C15 95.57 1600.00 40.00 40.00 16.00 8 Ø 16
C18 102.65 1600.00 40.00 40.00 16.00 8 Ø 16
C10 77.69 1600.00 40.00 40.00 16.00 8 Ø 16
C13 58.95 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C12 58.76 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C1 42.27 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C19 101.53 1600.00 40.00 40.00 16.00 8 Ø 16
C20 60.13 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C6 32.36 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C5 56.67 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C4 54.41 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C3 48.96 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C2 57.59 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C9 30.84 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C8 49.10 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C7 45.44 900.00 30.00 30.00 9.00 6 Ø 16
C14 100.06 1600.00 40.00 40.00 16.00 8 Ø 16

using stirrups of 5 Ø 8 per meter

Design of
5-1: Design of isolated footing.

((sheet excel print

out ))
Maximum spacing between bars = 20 cms….so use 5 Ø 16 for all Foundations
All isolated foundations with Constant dimensions
Plain Concrete 200*200*25
Reinforced Concrete 150*150*50
5-2: Design of Combined footing:


5-3 : Design of Retaining wall:

(( excel sheet print out ))

6 : Design of stairs and its beams .

6-1: Design of stairs .

Using cantilever stair

M= w*L2/2

(0.6*1.6 + 2.5*1*.25*1.4) * 1.52/2 = 2.06 mt

D = c1√Mu/Fcu*b= 12 cm

Take d = 18 cm t = 20 cm

As = Mu/Fy*J*d = 3.65 cm2

Use 5 Ø 12 per meter

And 5 Ø 10 at secondary direction

6-2: Design of stairs beams.

Mu = 3.7 mt Mt = 1.89

T = 50 cm

As = use 3 Ø 16 lower steel 2 Ø 12 Upper steel

Use 5 Ø 12 for stirrups and extend it into stairs

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