(Paula M. Singer, Gail Griffith) Succession Planni

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in the Library
Developing Leaders, Managing Change

Paula M. Singer with Gail Griffith

American Library Association

Chicagoâ•… 2010
Paula M. Singer is president of the Singer Group, through which she maintains a heavy consult-
ing schedule on human resources topics, including compensation studies, leadership development,
strategic planning/implementation, orga�nization design and development, performance manage-
ment, and board development. Since publication of the first edition of Developing a Compensation
Plan (2002), she has cowritten Winning with Library Leadership (2004, with Christi Olson), Human
Resources for Results (2007, with Jeanne Goodrich), and the second edition of Developing a Com-
pensation Plan (2009, with Laura Francisco). She has also coauthored articles in Public Libraries,
Bottom Line, and Library Journal. Singer holds a BS in industrial design and labor relations from
Cornell University, an MS in administrative sciences from Johns Hopkins University, and an MS
in orga�nization development and a PhD in human and orga�nization systems from the Fielding

Gail Griffith has enjoyed a thirty-five-year career in libraries, with over twenty-five years as a pub-
lic library administrator responsible for public ser�vices, orga�nization development, and human
resources. In 2008 she retired as deputy director of the Carroll County (Md.) Public Library. Since
1992, Griffith has consulted with library, local government, and nonprofit clients. Her areas of
expertise include strategic planning and orga�nization design, and she is also a skilled trainer, par-
ticularly in the areas of leadership development and team building. She holds a BA in sociology
from Otterbein College, an MS in applied behavioral science from Johns Hopkins University, and
an MLS from the University of Maryland.

While extensive effort has gone into ensuring the reliability of information appearing in this book,
the publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, on the accuracy or reliability of the information,
and does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused
by errors or omissions in this publication.

The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National
Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Singer, Paula M.
Succession planning in the library : developing leaders, managing change / Paula M. Singer
with Gail Griffith.
p.â•… cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8389-1036-8 (alk. paper)
1. Library administration. 2. Manpower planning. 3. Library planning. 4. Library
employees. 5. Organizational change. 6. Library administration—United States. 7. Manpower
planning—United States. 8. Library planning—United States. 9. Library employees—United
States. I. Griffith, Gail. II. Title.
Z678.S57 2010


Copyright © 2010 by the American Library Association. All rights reserved except those which may
be granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976.

ISBN-13: 978-0-8389-1036-8

Printed in the United States of America

14 13 12 11 10 54321

Acknowledgments v
Introduction vii

1 Succession Planning and Development:

Ensuring the Library’s Future 1

2 A Framework for Building Bench Strength 15

3 How Do We Know What We Need? Key Positions,

the Right Work, and Library Competencies 27

4 Succession Planning and Development Process 47

5 Strategies for Developing Staff: Talent Pools and Beyond 69

6 Succession Planning for the Library Director 87

7 Additional Stories of Library Succession

Planning and Development Programs 115

Resources 141
Index 143


We thank the public library directors, human resource directors, and train-
ing coordinators who contributed their time, best practices, and examples to make
this book so much richer. In particular, we thank Karen Bosch Cobb and Camille
Turner, Fresno County (Calif.) Public Library; Charles Brown and Rick Ricker,
Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (N.C.); Melinda Cervantes,
Santa Clara County (Calif.) Library; Margaret Donnellan Todd, County of Los
Angeles (Calif.) Public Library; Thomas Galanate, Queens Borough (N.Y.) Public
Library; Donna Lauffer and Tiffany Hentschel, Johnson County (Kans.) Library;
Patrick Losinski, Columbus (Ohio) Metropolitan Library; Jean Mantegna, Balti-
more County (Md.) Public Library; George Needham, OCLC; Pat Olafson, Sno-
Isle (Wash.) Libraries; Neel Parikh, Pierce County (Wash.) Library System; Terri
Schell, Harford County (Md.) Public Library; Tracey Strobel, Cuyahoga County
(Ohio) Public Library; and Patty Wong and Gina Duncan, Yolo County (Calif.).
We also want to show our appreciation to Linda Saferite and Shauna McCon-
nell of Tulsa City County (Okla.) Library for sharing their thoughts and programs
about succession planning and leadership development, as well as Lynn Wheeler,
director of Carroll County (Md.) Public Library, for helping us solicit best practices.
Finally, many thanks to our editor, John Thomas, for keeping us jargonless, comma
and capital letter appropriate, and free of redundancies.
Paula offers special thanks to Gail, without whom this book would not have
left my Mac in this decade; our clients, who often coexperiment in creating new
best practices; Jeanne Goodrich, with whom early thoughts, presentations, and
articles were created; my brother Ezra Singer, who shared some of his own best
practices from corporate America; and of course my supportive husband, Michael
Pearlman. Without Michael’s encouragement (as well as shopping and cooking),
writing would not be an option.


When we began to write this book, the plan was to focus only on succession
planning—that is, why to have a plan and how to design a succession planning
program. We saw a great need for this topic to be addressed in the library commu-
nity for a variety of reasons. Beyond that, as we traveled around the country work-
ing with clients and offering workshops on human resources and related topics,
not only were we asked for information about succession planning, but our eyes
told us more dramatically than a graph or chart could—more than three-fourths
of our clients and workshop participants were older than 50. This isn’t shocking;
just look around.
We can see that a change is coming, but are we planning for it? Do we have the
capacity? Libraries will need to manage this change to serve their communities
effectively as great numbers of experienced workers retire. In the past few years, we
have seen several publications lamenting the statistics and forecasting upcoming
baby boomer retirements. We realized that most of the how-tos didn’t quite address
the situation facing libraries, so we agreed to write one.
However, as we began to write, reflect on our own experience, and conduct
research, we recognized that to be really useful we needed to broaden the topic
of succession planning, especially beyond succession planning for the top jobs.
This book therefore includes information on how to retain employees so they are
motivated and stay, and how to develop high-quality performers so you have succes-
sors at all levels where and when they are needed at your library. We also help you
assess your current workforce, not only to identify those ready for retirement but to
rejuvenate midcareer staff and capitalize on the knowledge, skills, and abilities of
those contemplating retirement and soon-to-retire members of your workforce.
This book also includes a chapter devoted to planning for the succession of the
library director, designed for both new and potential library directors and library
boards of trustees or commissions. 1 Planning for the succession of the library
director is simply a different situation. In addition, the transition surrounding the
departure of a library director and installation of a new recruit is another topic
that warrants attention. The way this transition is managed can be an opportunity

viii Introduction

for learning and growth or one marked by divisive- been generous in sharing their stories with us; we
ness and trauma. How libraries can make the most of have woven some throughout the book, and others are
this situation is a topic we determined needed to be offered in chapter 7.
addressed. We hope this book provides you with a lot of mate-
The first three chapters of this book deal with suc- rial and ideas to think about and struggle with. Not
cession planning for all positions below that of library every idea will fit your library; not every plan will be
director and are designed to help you develop a plan appropriate for your culture. Pick what you think will
that fits your library. Chapter 1 explains why libraries work and adopt it if useful, tailoring it to meet your
need to attend to succession planning and how to needs for succession.
make the case for it. Chapter 2 gives you a framework What is unique about this book? Several things.
of what you need for a successful program and how to First, it is for and about libraries. You are not offered
put one into place, and chapter 3 dives deeper to help cases about Microsoft or asked to adopt processes
you determine which positions are key at your library that work for orga�nizations with tens of thousands of
and develop the competencies that are foundational employees. Because this book is tailored for the library
to an effective succession plan. world, many of the choices we made and our recom-
Chapters 4 and 5 speak to retention. One of the mendations are focused to be pertinent and useful
most important aspects of succession planning in this for much smaller orga�nizations with limited human
day and age in libraries of all types is “growing our resources staff and a leadership team that is already
own”—and keeping them. Younger new hires want on overload.
growth, experience, a social environment, challenges, One of our colleagues (OK, it was Paula’s cousin
and more. Long-ser�vice workers are the bearers of Rachel) is a deputy of a large government orga�nization.
institutional history and a great deal of knowledge. In preparation for (yet another) succession planning
Many are able and willing to work past retirement. Is meeting, she and other members of the management
that a good thing? Research shows that members of staff were given a questionnaire of about twenty-seven
Generation Y leave their jobs at the drop of the hat pages to complete. She did not have the time, nor did
(e.g., they want vacation time they haven’t yet earned most of her cohort, to invest in this elaborate process.
and you need them to cover the desk), and it is not Some of her peers, she shared, declined to complete
unusual for these workers to have seven jobs by the age the paperwork in the scrupulous manner that usually
of 35. Money is part of it, but certainly not the only marks their work; rather, she said with a sly smile,
contributing factor. In these chapters you can explore several copied the work of another.
a variety of ways to help retain the employees you want We do not think the library management popula-
to keep—at least for longer than the norm. tion would do that, and we want you to know that we
Chapter 6 focuses on planning for the succession of actively sought to streamline the process to the fullest
a new leader, the library director. In this chapter we dis- extent possible. You will find agendas, forms, and pro-
cuss why succession planning should begin long before cesses that are easy to use.
the leader decides to retire and needs to continue after This book is geared to libraries of all sizes, from
the new leader joins the library; we also provide steps small rural to large urban, and should also be useful to
for doing this, as well as an emergency process—the similar public, private, and not-for-profit orgaÂ�nizations.
“God forbid the library director gets hit by a truck or It includes examples of public and academic libraries
resigns abruptly” process. Needless to say, there is also and their cultures.
a process for when you have the time to do it right and Realizing the active role that both leadership and
plan in advance. This discussion is also of importance employees need to take as libraries push or fly through
to governing boards who are responsible for recruiting to 2020, we refer to the process holistically as succes-
and hiring the directors. Making the right selection is sion planning and development. We need to plan for
the most important job that library trustees have. This succession, and in collaboration with our staff we need
responsibility includes doing whatever is needed to to focus on employee development and retention.
ensure a smooth transition for the new leader. Finally, we wrote this book to be useful to library
This book has many stories and cases—most from managers and leaders as well as trustees.
peer libraries. Library directors and their human Good luck with succession planning and develop-
resource directors from around the country have ment. Do send us your stories.
Introduction ix

1. For the purpose of simplicity, unless referring to a spe- dean, CEO, executive director, county librarian, chief
cific person we use the title library director to refer to librarian, and more. In addition, we write she and her
the person responsible for running the library, though throughout for simplicity and ease of reading; this is not
realizing that many libraries use other titles including in any way to discount the hes and hims in libraries.

Succession Planning
and Development
Ensuring the Library’s Future

[Succession management is] more than “replacement planning,” or simply filling openings as they occur.
Comprehensive succession management integrates talent management with orga�nizational strategic plan-
ning. It anticipates changes in management. . . . A strategic business plan can only be realized when the
right people are in the right place and at the right times to do the right things. Having the necessary intellec-
tual capital to compete is a given in today’s fast-paced world.
—William J. Rothwell, Effective Succession Planning

Having the right people in the right place and at the right times to do the right
things—this happens only when the library has engaged in an ongoing process of
identifying, assessing, and developing talent to ensure leadership and management
continuity throughout the orga�nization. It is more than replacement planning,
although finding backups to fill key vacancies, especially for senior-level positions,
is certainly a part of the process. Succession planning goes further and is broader. It
is about developing talent, so that individuals have the capacity to assume greater
responsibilities, do their jobs better, and take on an expanded management or
leadership role in their work. Every time a manager makes a work assignment, she
is preparing the employee for the future by building on her ability. Work experience
builds competence, and different kinds of work experiences build different kinds of
competence. The library with a succession planning process understands this and
continually works to build its bench strength by developing staff at all levels.
Succession planning, for the purposes of this book, is defined as a systematic
effort by the library to ensure continuity in key positions, retain and develop intel-
lectual and knowledge capital for the future, and encourage individual advance-
ment. It is designed to be ongoing, owned by leadership. It encourages a focus on
aligning staff and leadership with the library’s strategic goals and objectives.
We read the stories in newspapers and the business press: an orga�nization with
tremendous influence and clout goes from leading edge to leaderless in one hor-
rible stroke of fate. Not too long ago, McDonald’s Corporation announced the sud-
den death of its chairman and CEO, Jim Cantalupo. Yet the company continued,
hardly skipping a beat, announcing just twenty-four hours after the tragedy a new
chairman and CEO. Investors barely responded to the news, and the $40 billion
multinational purveyor of Big Macs and supersize fries survives better than most
of our waistlines.
Or consider these orgaÂ�nizations with iconic leaders: Dave Thomas of Wendy’s,
Sam Walton of Walmart, or Habitat for Humanity founder Millard Fuller. Each
of these orga�nizations lost a founder who was its public face, yet each manages
to live on without missing a beat, and even thrive. Though you might be hard
pressed to name their current CEOs (in the case of Walmart, Mike Duke is the

2 Succession Planning and Development

third CEO to follow Sam Walton), Wendy’s, Walmart, of retirement, most perceptive managers understand
and Habitat for Humanity all worked hard to ensure that there is not a huge cadre of trained, skilled work-
that new leadership would be ready. In addition, they ers ready to step into their places. Other factors are
developed and prepared new leaders who would not also shrinking the available labor market for libraries,
be carbon copies of those they succeeded—rather, particularly in some areas of the country. Populations
they would have the talent, understanding, and skills continue to shift to the Sunbelt for better weather, to
to help their orga�nizations progress through the unique the southern states for a lower cost of living, or west for
challenges the future would present. How did these the Promised Land, where at the time of this writing
companies make such smooth transitions? What can housing is more affordable than ever even though state
libraries learn from them? and local governments are struggling financially. Tradi-
The saving grace for each one was succession plan- tional sources of labor—new college and library school
ning. They were prepared for a leadership change and graduates—will be highly sought as their cohort shrinks.
could handle a crisis if, and when, one occurred. The labor market is becoming more ethnically diverse,
Succession planning is a common program in most with more individuals for whom English is a second lan-
large corporations. Leaders of these orga�nizations guage. All of this means that libraries have to redefine
understand that they are obliged to stakeholders to the attributes of their top candidates, learning to value
ensure a successful transition. Without plans for replac- multiculturalism, older part-time workers, employee
ing top leadership talent, whether the departure is sud- attributes other than advanced education, and employ-
den or not, the orga�nization will suffer. ees who value their leisure time to the extent that they
refuse to work more than forty hours a week.
As your library tries to address people issues, talent
Do the Right Thing supply, and succession, there are several trends you
can count on. We are sure you will recognize many of
Many library leaders understand that they, too, have them in figure 1.1.
enormous responsibilities to stakeholders—the mem- The public sector, where many of our public, aca-
bers of the public who rely on their libraries for edu- demic, and school libraries live, has additional burdens
cation, Internet, storytime, research, enrichment, that private employers may resolve by requiring man-
and enjoyment—as well as to the library’s employees. agement degrees. In private industry most managers
Libraries have adopted what William J. Rothwell calls possess MBAs and formal management training, but
comprehensive succession planning, which anticipates in the library world managers come from the ranks
changes in management and creates a strategic plan of librarianship. Although this situation is changing,
that puts “the right people . . . in the right place . . . at library managers rarely receive formal instruction
the right times to do the right things.” These libraries on how to develop strategic plans and achieve goals,
are prepared for whatever comes down the road. negotiate effectively, motivate staff, prepare budgets,
Succession planning is more than planning for manage buildings, or maximize employees’ poten-
contingencies like the proverbial Mack truck wiping tial. Even in a tight economy, library managers are
out your management team (God forbid). It means usually paid less than those in the private sector and
assessing the key positions (not just top management often receive promotions to management positions in
positions, but all specialties and areas of expertise) that lieu of higher pay, bonuses, or other perks simply not
could become vacant in the near future and providing available to their library bosses as ways to award their
training, mentoring, special assignments, and other achievements.
developmental opportunities so that staff members are What do the numbers say? The demographics tell
ready to move into them when the time comes. This us that in the United States there are about 72 mil-
development of “bench strength” (skilled backups for lion baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1965.
key positions at all levels) is important in small and The According to the Department of Labor, 11,000
large libraries alike. Forward-thinking libraries are Americans turn 50 every day, and projections based on
doing just this. the U.S. Census indicate that an average of 4.6 adults
At the root of the issue is the appreciation that the turn 65 each minute.
library’s most important, most valuable asset is its peo- This older population will increase dramatically
ple. With the large cohort of baby boomers on the cusp from 1995 until 2025, a period in which members
Figure 1.1
A Checklist of Trends to Count On
Aging. The average age of employees will continue to rise, and the workforce will become more
multigenerational. Proportionately, mature workers are the fastest-growing age segment, and
large employers can expect to double their percentage of workers over 55 during the next five to
ten years.
More ethnic diversity. By demographic standards, the racial and ethnic mix is changing very rapidly,
with minorities now accounting for one-third of younger workers. But fewer and fewer are going
to library school as other opportunities have opened up for people of color, people who speak
other languages, and so on.
Increasing lifestyle/life-stage variety. People are no longer “acting their age.” Their life plans are no
longer linear and predictable. They differ wildly in how they integrate work and other pursuits into
their lives.
Tightening labor markets. As the rate of labor force growth plummets to 2 to 3 percent per
decade, labor markets will tighten and competition for talented people will intensify. Of course,
this competition for the best and the brightest will affect not only libraries. There will be a lot
of competition for government workers at all levels, as well as workers in the business world,
education, nonprofits—anywhere that talent and skills are needed.
Shortages of skills and experience. As the baby boom generation reaches retirement age,
organizations face a potentially debilitating brain drain of skills and experience.
Shortages of workers. Overall demand for workers is already beginning to exceed supply. The gap
is projected to grow to millions, perhaps tens of millions, of workers, with potentially profound
effects on economic output and standard of living. The current economic climate, with its high
unemployment rate, will slow this demand in the short term. But the overall shortfall is inevitable
as the population ages.
Shortages of educated candidates. Despite continuing progress in average educational
achievement, colleges will graduate too few candidates to fill the technical, information-intensive,
judgment-intensive jobs five years from now.
Pressure on training and development. Employers must not only encourage employees’ continuing
education but also provide that education directly to maintain needed skills levels.
Tension around HR policies and practices. The whole range of management practices—
compensation, benefits, and especially work arrangements—must appeal to the new workforce
and accommodate the expanding variety of workers’ needs and preferences.
Strain on organizational coherence. As the workforce diversifies and disperses—adopting flexible
schedules, telework, and other technology-enabled arrangements—leaders must find new ways
to cultivate and nourish organizational culture and identify.

Source: Adapted from Ken Dychtwald, Tamara J. Erickson, and Robert Morison, Workforce Crisis: How to Beat the Coming
Shortage of Skills and Talent (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2006), 26–27.

Note: We eliminated one of the trends to watch for: that of an increasing number of women entering the workforce. We did
not find it pertinent to this discussion.

4 Succession Planning and Development

of the populations ages 35–44 and 45–54 actually Lynch and her colleagues also pointed out a related
decrease, especially the former (figure 1.2). In the trend: between 1990 and 2000 the number of working
years between 2005 and 2020, this younger popula- credentialed librarians grew by 22 percent. Much of
tion actually decreases by 15 percent (figure 1.3). The this growth came from people who entered the field
talent pool following the baby boomers is a shrinking as a second career or who had delayed entry into the
traditional leadership pool. workforce—most often women in their late thirties or
Such numbers are sobering for those of us working early forties, who will soon approach retirement age;
in and with libraries. In landmark research conducted this is the factor that has provided the brief reprieve
using 1990 census data, the ALA Office for Research mentioned above but will result in an even larger
and Statistics estimated that 40 percent of all U.S. pool of retirees. Because library workers are dispro-
librarians would be eligible to retire at age 65 with portionately middle-age and older, the percentage of
their baby boomer colleagues by the end of 2014. younger workers, in their twenties and early thirties,
Recently, using updated census data, Mary Jo Lynch is comparatively quite small. In 1999, ALA estimated
and others found that these numbers have shifted and that only 7 percent of the library workforce was ages
provide a brief reprieve—but only a brief one. These 20–29.2 As you can see in figure 1.4, the 2000 census
findings indicate that retirements are likely to peak data show that the smallest cohort of librarians will
between 2015 and 2020, when more than 45 per- reach age 65 between 2040 and 2044; these are the
cent of librarians will reach retirement age. It is now people born between 1975 and 1979, who at this writ-
expected that “the greatest estimated retirement wave ing are 30 or under. “Young talent” is not entering the
will occur between 2010 and 2020, creating a potential library workforce in great numbers.
deficit of library and information science graduates As if that weren’t frightening enough, ALA’s “Diver-
between 2015 and 2019.”1 sity Counts” study points to the difficulty of retaining

Figure 1.2
U.S. Population by Age, 1965–2025

90000 16-24 yr olds
25-34 yr olds
Population (000s)

35-44 yr olds
70000 45-54 yr olds
60000 55 & older
1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 2025


Source: Stacy Poulos and Demetra Smith Nightingale, “Employment and Training Policy Implications of the Aging Baby
Boom Generation,” (Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, June 1, 1997; www.urban.org/url.cfm?ID=407145). The report was
prepared for the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, under Contract No. F-5532-5-00-80-30.
Succession Planning and Development 5

library workers at all levels under the age of 45. This in the library and information science field that may
includes those who entered the library workforce as result from retirement of current workers over the next
career changers in their thirties or forties. Attrition decade.
rates for both credentialed MLS librarians and library Libraries are experiencing labor shortages now,
support staff are so high that they suggest a lack of and many have for several years. But as these charts
opportunities and structure for staff who might be show, the severest deficit is yet to come. Libraries must
recruited into professional practice or promoted into accelerate their planning and consideration of how
more responsible positions within libraries. The study they will deal with this reality. Even though the reces-
points to a sion’s impact may force some older workers to delay
retirement in the short term, the long-term shift in
revolving door effect where individuals are compelled population is inevitable.
by competing workforce opportunities or by delayed Before moving away from the numbers, we want
access to managerial leadership to leave the library for to mention that this material is pertinent to our col-
greener pastures elsewhere. More so than a matter of leagues across the border in Canada as well as halfway
not having enough individuals in the pipeline to fill around the world in Australia. The Canadian Library
. . . positions, these numbers point to what can be fore- Association’s 8Rs 2003 study, “The Future of Human
seen in the LIS field as a crisis of leadership.3 Resources in Canadian Libraries” reports that 50 per-
cent of Canadian library professionals were over the
There will be even more data coming with comple- age of 45 and that, after 2006, there would be double
tion of “The Future of Librarians in the Workforce” the number of librarians turning 65 than there had
study (www.libraryworkforce.org), conducted by Dr. been in the previous two years.4 Jenny McCarthy, in
José-Marie Griffiths and funded by the Institute of “Planning Future Workforce: An Australian Perspec-
Museum and Library SerÂ�vices. One of the study’s goals tive,” writes that 53 percent of Australian librarians
is to identify the nature of anticipated labor shortages are over age 45 and 20 percent over 55, whereas only

Figure 1.3
Shrinking of Traditional Leadership Pools:
35- to 44-year-olds in the United States







1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Source: Paula Singer and Jeanne Goodrich, “Library Leadership: The Next Generation,” presented at ALA 2004, Orlando, Fla.
6 Succession Planning and Development

12.2 percent of the total Australian workforce is over Who will run the library? Individuals identified by
55. In her own library, the Queensland University of current staff and managers as qualified and trainable,
Technology Library, the average age of staff is 43, with and who are given the right opportunities to develop
34 percent of them over 50. Of staff holding senior into next-generation library leadership, will run the
management roles, 80 percent are over 50, and a large library.
portion of supervisory staff are also over 50.5 It is no Planning for an orderly succession is the right thing,
surprise that the profession worldwide is asking, Who ensuring continuity for all constituents, including
will run the libraries when this talent leaves? members of the community who rely on library pro-

Trends: The Numbers

1. Aging Workforce: By 2010 . . . • Length of time employees stay with an orgaÂ�
• 35–44 year old group will decline by 10%.
Employee tenure: 4 years (BLS)
• 45–54 year old workers will grow by 21%.
Executive tenure: 3 years (HR Magazine)
• 55–64 year olds will expand by 54%.
CEO tenure: 3.6 years (Spencer Stuart)
• 64 million (40% of the workforce) could retire.
• The average 38-year-old has already held 10.2
2. Shortage of Qualified Candidates
jobs! (BLS)
• Workers between the ages of 26–35 have less
4. Four Generations Working Side by Side
education than those 36–45 years old. By 2020,
For the first time in history, 4 generations are working
only 32% of the workforce will have a college
together side by side. Each generation is defined by:
• Social events and life/family circumstances
• The continuing shift toward a knowledge-
based economy (and certainly libraries) requires • Different needs, motivators, work/communica-
higher levels of education; costs increased tions styles
by 63% at public schools and 47% in private
• Life plans that are no longer linear and predict-
• The Employment Policy Foundation projects
• People no longer acting their age
that the U.S. will need 18 million college gradu-
ates by 2012, a shortage of 6 million. 5. Our Multigenerational Workforce
• New entrants to the workforce will be less pre- • 150 million employees:
pared to take on higher levels of responsibility.
Schwarzkopf (before 1946; 1 million over 75
• The time available to experience and acquire still working), 6.5%
knowledge is diminished.
Baby boomers (1946–1964), 41.5%
• The size of the workforce is slowing—a 0.6%
Generation X (1965–1977), 29.5%
growth rate is projected for the next several
decades. Generation Y (1978–1990), 22.5%
3. Free Agent Workforce • 6–7 million entering the workforce over the
next 3 years
• Job-hopping, tech-savvy, fulfillment-seeking,
self-reliant, independent workers.

Source: Denise Kruse and Patrick Magers, Emerging Leader Focus Group Results, presentation February 2008.
Succession Planning and Development 7

grams and ser�vices. A rigorous system of succession ensuring that the key work is accomplished by top-
planning provides a source of strong in-house candi- flight staff, and that knowledge is shared and trans-
dates who can compete effectively for the key posi- ferred in a healthy, collaborative way. Succession
tions that become available. Providing high-potential planning is a vital tool for implementing your library’s
employees with developmental challenges helps retain strategic plan.
them. And it does even more: it also prepares them to Are you convinced yet?
step into new challenges and future leadership posi- What else do you need to make a case that embark-
tions. Succession planning also provides for the orderly ing on succession planning is a good use of your time
transfer of knowledge from the skilled, highly experi- and energy? What are the arguments you need to make
enced employees to the new generation of leadership to your library director or board? Here are some addi-
and others in key positions without the loss of critical tional ideas; use those that fit your situation.
information. 1. As has been written and said so often, succes-
Ultimately, succession planning is a plus for any sion planning is not an end in itself. It is a means to
orga�nization. Lost productivity and lost expertise are an end.6 Succession planning is an important step to
minimized. Costs are controlled because internal tal- achieving your library’s goals and strategic plan. It is
ent with in-depth knowledge of the institution can be a way to ensure that you have the right people, in the
developed rather than recruited from the outside. It right place, at the right time, doing the right work. Hav-
can also be useful for recruitment. A library with a vis- ing a human resources plan that supports the library’s
ible succession planning and development program is strategic plan (along with facilities, technology, budget,
more attractive to external candidates. And when the and other supporting plans) is a way to ensure that this
process recognizes talent from nontraditional candi- happens.
dates, diversity can be celebrated and leveraged to the 2. Succession planning and development help you
library’s advantage. systematically identify and develop employees with
Succession planning is proactive. You do not wait high potential for key positions. From traveling the
for the talent and those in key positions to leave; you country talking to clients and colleagues, we know
are ahead of the curve, anticipating, developing, and that one outcome of budget cuts, new technology,

Figure 1.4
Number of Librarians Reaching Age 65 (2000 Census base)






2000-04 2005-09 2010-14 2015-19 2020-24 2025-29 2030-34 2035-39 2040-44

Source: Mary Jo Lynch, Stephen Tordella, and Thomas Godfrey, “Retirement and Recruitment: A Deeper Look,” American
Libraries 36, no. 1 (January 2005): 26.
8 Succession Planning and Development

streamlined work processes, and empowered staff is is the time required to get her up to speed on the tech-
fewer middle managers in libraries. Until recently, nical aspects of the job and what is happening at your
these members of the workforce were the ranks from library, as well as on the library’s culture and how things
which leadership came. Thus it becomes increas- are done in the new environment.
ingly important to identify, reward, and develop high- 6. Regardless of your attention to succession plan-
Â�potential staff—at every key level for every key job. ning at the leadership level, you will still be stymied
3. Baby boomers who leave us take with them a without a succession planning program that incorpo-
tremendous store of orga�nizational knowledge and his- rates talent development at all levels, including the
tory. It is important to transfer that intellectual capital, creation of a culture that fosters employee develop-
because once it disappears it cannot be recovered. ment and retention. Look around your library. How
4. Recruitment is not going to be as easy as it once many, or what percentage, have been employees in
was. Librarians have more choices of jobs to take in your institution for more than twenty years? fifteen
far more lucrative positions and industries. As the years? ten years? You won’t be seeing such high num-
economy recovers, it will be become evident that we bers in the next decade. There has been a significant
are facing a seller’s market. Employees are increasingly change in the psychological contract between an orgaÂ�
selective about where they go to work. This holds true nization and the members of its workforce—any orgaÂ�
even for library directors and other senior members of nization, any workforce, not just libraries. Loyalty, for
leadership. Not only is competition stiff for the well- the most part, is a thing of the past.7 Staff members in
qualified candidates in these roles, many of them are generations X and Y have more loyalty to their profes-
also quite content where they are. How can you keep sion than to their employer (and even more to their
yours, grow yours, and plan in case/when your key family, friends, and other activities). The rewards,
leadership says good-bye? opportunities for growth and challenge, and team
5. Not only is it important to develop staff to meet leadership roles that come with succession planning
the difficulties of replacing employees in key posi- also help keep your high-potential, high-performing
tions, but, as good stewards of public funds, we must employees in place.
also consider the cost of turnover, which is a cost you
should be able to avoid in many cases. The cost of turn-
over can easily add up to as much as twice the salary Bringing It All Back Home
and benefits of the person leaving. First is the staffing
cost—that is, the actual cost to hire. This can include What do your numbers tell you?
fees for a search firm or advertisements and the cost If these arguments in the previous section do not
of time to screen résumés, identify and train interview make the case, pull out the data and take a look at your
panels, serve on a panel, and so forth. But these are not own demographics. Most library directors and boards
the only costs. There is also the lost productivity cre- respond to hard data. Start by taking a snapshot of your
ated by a vacancy, the training costs to prepare a new workforce by age. Figure 1.5 provides an example of
employee, and “acting pay” if your union contract or what it might look like.
HR policies require that you pay the employee filling Then take it further. An important new step in this
a higher-level position additional salary. You also need research is to look at who is eligible for retirement.
to consider the costs of work actually not getting done: This isn’t too hard to do and the information, what-
projects unfinished, priorities not met, and the actual ever HR/payroll system you are using, should be read-
money spent on substitutes and temporary employees ily available. Look at the age of each member of the
whose value added is limited to keeping the doors open library’s workforce. See who they are and when each
and desks covered rather than moving library strategy will be eligible for retirement. Do it for a rolling three-
and projects forward. And there is, of course, the impact year period. Then look at this information with a focus
on colleagues who often are asked to pick up extra work on different positions and levels. For example, conduct
(or just do it because it is the right thing, although it such an analysis for those in the position of librarian,
too takes its toll). Finally, there are the training costs branch manager, and departmental leader for each
of time in orientation and bringing the new employee branch and your central facility, plus other key posi-
up to speed—the new hire’s time along with the time tions in your library. (Needless to say, you will have to
of her supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates. This adjust these numbers as you learn of retirements and
Succession Planning and Development 9

review your employee turnover statistics.) Showing process. The first thing we did was analyze the status
your library director or board of trustees this informa- at the time. This is what we found:
tion just might do the trick.
Sno-Isle Libraries in Washington State went through Leadership (director and deputies, department
this exercise. We show you the process and form they and assistant department heads)
used in chapter 3 and give the full Sno-Isle story in Total: 24
chapter 7. ages 55+ 10 (42%)
ages 50–54 5 (21%)

Every Picture Tells a Story

These demographics included public ser�vice as
We worked with a large East Coast urban library that well as all other members of leadership (e.g., finance,
realized it was time to begin a succession planning HR, marketing, IT). Of the nine remaining members

Figure 1.5
Workforce Snapshot Example

Age Range

Position 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65+

Clerk I 10 12 10 5 5 6 5 4 2 1

Clerk II 3 5 2 1 1

Clerical 8 1 1 2

Paraprof I 2 10 12 10 6 5

Paraprof II 3 6 5 12 10 1

Librarian I 2 6 6 2 2

Librarian II 4 4 3 5

Branch Mgr 1 2 3 5 1

Division 2 1 1

Asst 2 1

Director 1
10 Succession Planning and Development

of leadership under the age of 50, none were in public 4. What percentage of your leaders would be se-
ser�vices. That raised a red flag: it meant that all fifteen lected if they were applying today for their cur-
members of the senior leadership over the age of 50 rent positions?
were in public serÂ�vices—vital areas, of course, to meet-
5. What does turnover look like at your library?
ing community needs.
Do employees at all levels leave the library to
What about the next level down, the talent pool
advance professionally or to meet their personal
to follow? How did this client fare when it looked at
or career goals? How many people who are
its branch and division managers? Would there be
ready or being groomed for promotion at any
ready replacements from this group for the members
level typically leave the library before they get
of senior leadership? No, these demographics were
that promotion?
even worse:
6. Is critical turnover high? Critical turnover is the
Branch and Division Managers percentage or number of high-potential workers
Total: 63 who leave the library as compared to average or
ages 55+ 29 (46%) fully successful employees. Does your library
ages 50–54 16 (25%)

Even if this client were doing a perfect job of prepar-

ing branch and division managers to step up, many of Local Government
them might retire with—or before—the senior leader- Takes Action
ship group.
Would the talent pool at the next level down be Local governments seem to be a bit ahead of the
ready to move up to senior leadership? In most orga� library world in this arena. The HR department of
nizations, this is not very likely. And it is scary when Henrico County, Virginia, recognized the looming
you think about the impact of recruiting for so many demographic crisis and developed its Succession
Management Program. This local government, which
key positions on the commitment you make every day
includes the state capital, Richmond, was concerned
to your stakeholders. What would Habitat for Human- with the impending loss of intellectual capital and
ity or Wendy’s be thinking about if it seemed likely that the projected dearth of “traditional” job candi-
45 percent of their key leaders and managers would be dates. Acting on these concerns, the county created
able to retire within five years? Certainly they would be a systematic approach to sustaining the workforce.
looking at ways to keep their orga�nizations viable. This program consisted of five well-thought-out,
In addition to looking at the demographics of your integrated activities: (1) identifying key positions
library, ask the following questions to see if your library for succession planning; (2) identifying the desired
needs to worry about talent:8 competencies associated with top performance in
those positions; (3) developing employees as ulti-
mate position candidates; (4) assessing develop-
1. Do key positions have weak bench strength,
ment results against needs; and (5) evaluating pro-
that is, are only a few employees ready now to gram success. Implementation was a collaborative
assume the positions? Do managers complain process, engaging upper management support to
that they have trouble finding employees ready set specific, measurable objectives and provide a
or willing to take a promotion as vacancies structured, creative learning environment in which
occur? to develop future leaders. Leadership was provided
with distinct developmental strategies targeted to
2. Has your library experienced a long-term va- address specific competency gaps. The HR depart-
cancy in a key leadership position (large branch ment received its thirty-first Achievement Award
manager or department head and above) in the from the National Association of Counties to recog-
past year? Did you have to go outside to fill the nize the innovation. This program further supports
position? What was the cost to the library? one of the county’s value statements: We recognize
that our employees are a valuable resource to be
3. Are key positions filled—but with less than full treated with equality, fairness and justice.9
confidence? Has the library had to compromise
on experience or leadership quality to fit certain
Succession Planning and Development 11

have a plan to retain high-performing and key place, and three others ready to take the place of the
employees (see chapters 4 and 5)? one promoted into the new job? One of our clients is
this fortunate. This client has been working on leader-
7. Have the business challenges faced by your
ship development and succession planning for several
managers and leaders changed significantly dur-
years. Her library has developed employees via leader-
ing the past five to ten years? Does your library
ship classes, webinars, community exposure, commit-
have the bench strength to staff its strategic and
tee experiences, and job rotation. She is not only lucky
other plans for the changes that will come in
but smart. Her investment in planning has paid off.
the next five to ten years?
Think about the situations in your library, your own
8. Is the time to fill positions too long, or perceived best practices and horror stories. These will also help
by managers to be too long? you make a case to library leadership about moving
the agenda for succession planning and development
9. Do employees or managers complain that deci-
sions about who to promote or transfer are made
The future is around the corner. As the builders of
on criteria other than best qualified, such as
great library systems, you have invested heavily in cre-
friendship and favoritism?
ating lasting orga�nizations. What you do now ensures
10. Is there a process to respond quickly to sudden, the viability of your orga�nization going forward.
surprise losses of key talent? How long would it In summary, figure 1.6 shows the major reasons for
take to replace a key member of your workforce succession planning and development. Which are the
who resigned, retired, or died? most pressing to you?
Now that you have assessed your needs, take some
If the answers to these questions make you ner�vous, time to think through your answers to the following
or if you do not know the answers, it is time for man- questions:
agement, and in some cases (pertaining only to the
position of library director) your board of trustees, to • What are our library’s particular goals in devel-
become increasingly invested in this topic. oping a succession management program?
In your library system, which are the most important • How does our program contribute to helping
issues and concerns from the list above that you are fac- the library achieve its mission and strategic
ing? Do you have any “horror stories?” For example, plan?
are you staffing some key positions with retirees from • What outcomes and results will we measure
other libraries because your bench strength is weak— to assess success?
the result of a training and development hiatus for too • What shall we name the program?
many years? Did you have such a difficult time recruit-
ing a deputy director that you had to promote from Now you have a picture of why to engage in succes-
several levels down to fill the gap? If a large branch sion planning in your library and the information to
or regional manager left next week, could you quickly build a case. Chapter 2 takes you through the steps to
think of at least three employees ready to take her make it happen.
Figure 1.6
Reasons to Develop a Succession Planning Program

for Our
Reason Library? Impact/Notes
Provide source of in-house replacements

Retain key talent

Prepare individuals for future challenges

Increase library’s human capital by provid-

ing for critical/timely knowledge transfer

Accelerate development of key individuals

Provide challenging, growth-oriented,

and rewarding career opportunities

Ensure continuity of management culture

Avoid lost productivity (new

person’s learning curve)

Control costs—developing internal talent is

less expensive than hiring from the outside

Make organization more attrac-

tive to job candidates

Support diversity goals

Succession Planning and Development 13

Parts of this and subsequent chapters are adopted from was designed to be 3Rs—recruitment, retention,
Paula Singer, Jeanne Goodrich, and Linda Goldberg, and retirement. The additional Rs—remuneration,
“Your Library’s Future,” Library Journal 129, no. 17 restructuring, reaccreditation, repatriation, and
(October 15, 2004): 38–40. rejuvenation—emerged from the data.
1. Mary Jo Lynch, Stephen Tordello, and Thomas 5. Jenny McCarthy, “Planning a Future Workforce:
Godfrey, “Retirement and Recruitment: A Deeper An Australian Perspective,” New Review of Academic
Look,” American Libraries 36, no. 1 (January 2005): Librarianship 11, no. 1 (April 2005): 41–56.
26. Study details are available at www.ala.org/ala/ 6. See, for example, Jeanne Goodrich and Paula Singer,
research/librarystaffstats/recruitment/recruitretire Human Resources for Results: The Right Person for the
-adeeperlook.pdf and www.ala.org/ala/research/ Right Job (Chicago: American Library Association,
librarystaffstats/recruitment/recruitretire-adeeperlook 2007).
7. Ibid., 91.
2. Mary Jo Lynch, Age of Librarians, www.ala.org/ala/
8. Adapted from Audrey Smith, William Byham, and
Matthew Paese, Grow Your Own Leaders: How to Iden-
tify, Develop, and Retain Leadership Talent (Upper
3. Denise M. Davis and Tracie Hall, Diversity Counts Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall 2002), 4.
Report (2006). See www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/offices/
9. Henrico County Virginia Succession Management
diversity/diversitycounts/divcounts.cfm for report and
Program, www.co.henrico.va.us/departments/hr/
associated data.
4. The Future of Human Resources in Canadian ment-program/.
Libraries, University of Alberta, www.ls.ualberta.ca/
8rs/8RsFutureofHRLibraries.pdf. The original study

A Framework for Building

Bench Strength
The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
—John F. Kennedy

This chapter can help you create a succession and development plan that
fits your library’s needs and culture. Since there is no one-size-fits-all plan and we
wish to create a useful model for many types of libraries, we offer a framework, sug-
gestions, and questions to ask as you create a plan that fits your library, its culture
and environment.
Unlike typical succession or replacement planning that concentrates only
on a few senior leadership positions, we propose a system that develops a broad
range of high-performing members of the workforce. The focus is on building
bench strength, the library’s ability to fill a wide range of vacancies from within.
This bench strength should be built throughout the library rather than on a few
potential replacements for a few leadership positions. In addition, we believe the
library has to plan for the future of several key positions that are not in leadership
roles but contribute significantly to the library accomplishing its strategic goals or
are difficult to recruit: government documents librarian, archivist, faculty/liaison
librarian, head cataloger, circulation supervisor, security supervisor, to name a few.
Doing this helps build the long-term success of the library.
It is in this context that we recommend a variety of methods to build the library’s
bench strength. We elaborate on these models in chapter 5.

 uccession Planning and Development:

What It Takes to Succeed
Succession planning and development happen only when the right ingredients
are there at the start. They are

• commitment from top management

• ownership
• vision of what the library needs
• snapshot of present conditions

16 A Framework for Building Bench Strength

• openness to nontraditional sources of talent see beyond the four walls of the library, and a strong
• culture customer focus. A second imperative is for staff to be
• training and development programs trained and groomed to be competitive with the best
• objectivity candidates from outside the library system and with
each other. The Public Library of Charlotte and Meck-
Commitment from Top Management lenburg County seeks a good, strong pool of candidates
when a position opens and hopes to be able to say “a
Leadership has to see the planning and development selection of one is difficult since we have four or five
program as an important endeavor, one that requires good candidates.”
focused attention and dedicated resources. The devel- Brown embraces a big picture of staff development.
opment needed to improve a library’s overall bench Although he seeks to retain staff with high potential,
strength must come from all managers and leaders in he is proud of those who leave for senior positions at
the orgaÂ�nization, not just a few who are exceptionally other library systems across the country. “Even if we
skilled at developing their staffs. lose some high potentials, it still speaks well of this
In most orga�nizations it is easy to spot the highly library. Staff are being trained so well that other librar-
skilled leaders and managers; they are the people ies want our staff.”
whose staffs step up to volunteer for stretch assign- Brown’s third point provides the foundation of his
ments, team leadership, and promotion. They may views on succession planning: the significance of hav-
also be the people to whose departments employees ing bench strength when a leader leaves the library
who “need a little work” are transferred, because senior system. He believes that there must be some one or
leadership has confidence in their ability to help some- preferably several internal candidates in a position to
one get on a good track and realize her potential. compete with the best and ready to take on any leader-
There will always be managers and leaders who have ship position should someone retire, move on, or get
exceptional development skills, but an orgaÂ�nization hit by the metaphorical bus. “If a leader doesn’t leave
that depends on only a few people to develop its entire a bench, I’m not sure he’s been successful as a leader.
bench strength will fail. Managers and leaders must That is one of the most important jobs of a leader.”
first understand the need to devote time, energy, and Columbus Metropolitan Library’s evolving phi-
resources to developing staff; many of them must also losophy of succession management focuses on attract-
strengthen their own skills and abilities in this area; and ing, mentoring, and empowering people so they can
they must also encourage the managers they supervise compete for senior-level positions in leadership. Like
in their long-term efforts. Managers and leaders must Brown, Losinski wants to develop staff so they can
understand that building bench strength is a key part of compete for, not be awarded, positions. These library
their job, not a set of new tasks that takes away from their directors are looking for the best, wish to cast a wide
“real work.” That understanding sets in when senior net, and would like to see their staff strongly compet-
leadership continues to set goals, provide resources, and ing against the top people nationwide in and outside
hold themselves and others accountable for results. the library world. If staff members leave to join other
Two library directors who have demonstrated their libraries, that too is all right. Many of the directors,
commitment to succession planning efforts are Charles deputy directors, and others we spoke with are also
Brown, director of libraries of the Public Library of comfortable knowing that they may lose some strong
Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (N.C.), and incumbents to other library systems.
Patrick Losinski, executive director of the Columbus Losinski brought out an interesting point: “If five
(Ohio) Metropolitan Library. They shared insights positions become vacant and if we fill them with out-
with us. siders, that means we don’t really have a succession
When it comes to succession planning, Brown management plan, do we? . . . Clearly,” he continued,
emphasizes three points. One is the importance of pro- “we have been inadequately preparing our people for
viding developmental opportunities so staff are ready the next level.”
to move up when the time is right. The competencies
he considers necessary for future leaders not only are Ownership
technical but must reflect superb communications
skills, a good attitude, the ability to deal effectively with The HR department may develop succession planning;
change, the skill to get along with others, the vision to it may administer it. But it must be sponsored and
A Framework for Building Bench Strength 17

owned by management. The HR unit, as a business will change over the planning horizon and ideas of
partner to library leadership, is vested in the continuity how the library will recruit or develop these skills. Ask
of the orga�nization, but management has the vision, the following questions:
talent, and skills to identify the attributes of future
leadership and provide development opportunities and • What is your workforce situation? What short-
the feedback necessary for high-potential employees to ages will you face? Involving which skills?
morph into leaders. We spoke with libraries from coast Where? When?
to coast, and each one that considered its succession • Where and when will retirements hit you the
planning program successful had one thing in com- hardest? What key skills and experience must
mon: the library director was an enthusiastic sponsor. you retain and pass along?
In smaller libraries without HR departments or • What motivates staff at your library? What are
personnel specialists, the library director probably their passions? Why do employees join, stay,
already takes the lead in thinking about these issues. and leave your library?
In such circumstances, do not hesitate to ask your • Which skill sets and talent will move your
city or county HR staff for support. One of our cli- library forward? Which will help fulfill your
ents, Patty Wong, director of Yolo County (Calif.) strategic plan and meet the needs of your cus-
Library, has created such a partnership with the Yolo tomers, patrons, and taxpayers?
County HR department, resulting in help and support • From where do you recruit? What are your
with workforce and succession planning, orga�nization feeder programs? Will this continue? Some
design, and classification issues—all at no cost to the library schools are closing; fewer people are
library. attending library school and, given the changes
in the economy, we are seeing a reluctance to
Vision of What the Library Needs move clear across the country for a job.
• What do the employees who are eligible for
To achieve strategic alignment of your staffing with retirement want to do? Retire? Work at some-
your library’s needs, you must work from your library’s thing else? Come back to the library on a part-
strategic plan. You set important targets, goals, and time or substitute basis? Mentor?
questions during your strategic planning process. You • Review the “Checklist of Trends to Count
studied the changing demographics of the library serÂ� On” from chapter 1 (figure 1.1). How will
vice area, how they will directly affect the library, and you prepare for them? Record your ideas in a
over what time period the changes will hit. The ques- worksheet, as in figure 2.1.
tion now is, do you have the human capital to support
your goals and make them happen? For example, if Openness to Nontraditional
your strategic plan calls for teaching students and Sources of Talent
seniors alike how to use social networking tools, you
need to ask if you have staff with the technical, train- If library leaders continue to look for employees in
ing, and interpersonal skills to do this. If not, will traditional labor markets, they may fail. More likely,
you train? Develop? Hire externally? Who are your leadership will have to redefine the ideal worker, who
internal candidates? Why did you select them? What may be part-time, multilingual, young, telecommut-
knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies (char- ing, or not a librarian. Alternatives to traditional work-
acteristics that describe successful performance) have ing hours and locations will facilitate staffing. This is
they demonstrated to enable them to undertake this increasingly true as family patterns change and gas
training? prices continue to rise and fall.
Rethink the work as well as the worker. When
Snapshot of Present Conditions do you need an MLS-prepared librarian and when
are you filling the vacancy with a candidate with an
Do whatever is necessary to get a frank, objective, and MLS just because you always have? Maybe you could
accurate understanding of the current workforce. You consider a teacher instead of a children’s librarian,
need a solid sense of which talents currently are found maybe a library associate with supervisory experience
in the orga�nization and which are currently lacking. to supervise circulation or a party planner to run your
You need a good understanding of how the skill sets events.
Figure 2.1
Checklist of Trends to Count on: Worksheet

What are its What are the local What action plans
implications for our consequences that should we adopt
library? How critical will stem from this to prepare for and
Trend is this trend for us? trend? manage this trend?

Aging workforce with more

generations in the workplace

More ethnic diversity in general

population, but not so much
in library school graduates

Increasing lifestyle/life stage

variety and differences in how
people will integrate work and
other pursuits into their lives

Tightening labor markets mean

increasing competition for the
best and brightest workers

Shortages of skills and

experience as baby
boomers retire

Shortages of workers once the

economy begins to improve

Shortages of educated
candidates for increasingly
technical jobs

Pressure on training and

will need to provide
more of it directly

Tension around HR policies

and practices as compensation,
benefits, and work arrangements
must appeal to the new
workforce with differing
needs and preferences

Strain on organizational
coherence as the workforce
diversifies and disperses

A Framework for Building Bench Strength 19

Culture yours does not have one, this is the time to begin to
institute it. Whether or not you go forward with a suc-
Managers and leaders must be, or must learn to be, cession planning and development process, the type
comfortable identifying and discussing high, medium, and pace of change we all live in requires continuous
and low performers as well as high, medium, and low learning, and learning how to learn. “Just in time”
potential for increased responsibilities and promotional learning and development, though important for tech-
opportunities. It is also helpful if there is an effective nical and other skills, is insufficient to cultivate new
performance management system in place and super- leadership over a period of years. It takes foresight and
visors are able to coach and provide feedback. We patience to get there. Leadership development is a key
cannot say enough about this. So often, employees activity of many libraries across the county. Leadership
do not get a clear and specific message about what skills are needed across the library of today and in the
their performance goals are, and what specifically library today’s leaders will leave behind.
they are doing that is on- or off-track. It is impossible
for someone to learn what to start, stop, or continue Objectivity
doing unless a manager provides feedback that is clear,
honest, and direct. Leaders must be able to put aside their biases about
A wonderful example of managers handling staff employees and positions and keep an open mind about
members’ questions and concerns comes from Pat both. As hard as it is, this is the time to let go of the
Olafson, the HR director of Sno-Isle Libraries. We preconceptions we have about a staff member and
asked her if there is any jealousy among staff not given focus on her performance and potential and not on
the opportunities afforded to those who have been poor performance ten years ago that has improved
tapped for additional development in the library’s suc- measurably over the years. This is also the time to keep
cession planning program. an open mind about hidden talents in employees that
Olafson did not hesitate in her answer. She did not to date have not even been considered. You may find
equivocate, fall into the fairness and equity rap, or indi- yourself being very surprised. Likewise, you may be
cate any defensive posture or avoidance with employees. so accustomed to hiring someone with a particular
She said simply that when that occurs she responds, and credential to fill a position that you do not stop to ques-
encourages managers to respond, as follows: tion what the position requires today—and will require
in the next few years. “The way we’ve always done it”
I understand that you are concerned that you are not might not be the best way to do it now.
given development opportunities. Let’s talk about your
performance. Are there any issues with your perfor-
mance? If so, how can you correct them? If not, have Case Study: The Bravo
you let your supervisor know that you are interested in
these opportunities? What opportunities do think you County Public Library
are ready to tackle? Why? Let’s look at your résumé.
Let’s talk about your talents vis-à-vis the library’s lead- Succession planning is a trip to the future. We have to
ership competencies. Let’s talk about what you can plot the course carefully and follow all the route mark-
do so that you are someone senior staff seeks out for ers to get there; otherwise, we will get lost in space.
development. We examine ten steps to get us there by way of Bravo
County Public Library—a fictional library embodying
Your program will be supported even further if man- the characteristics and experience of several librar-
agers and leaders are held accountable through their ies (see figure 2.2). Bravo County is a medium-sized
own performance review process for staff development. public library with six branches and about 275 FTE
This will take time and becomes a critical compe- staff. The library has historically enjoyed strong fund-
tency for this process. It also takes commitment and ing support, although its funding has eroded during
honesty—and practice. the recession.
The library system experienced its strongest growth
Training and Development Programs in the late 1980s to early 1990s, when positions were
created to staff several new branch libraries. Many
Succession planning works best when the library employees hired then were in their midthirties
already has a culture of learning and development. If and early forties, and the library is now beginning
20 A Framework for Building Bench Strength

to experience its first wave of retirements from that technology programs and ser�vices), continuing empha-
cohort. In addition, every member of the library’s senior sis on early literacy, and serÂ�vices and collections that
leadership team is either currently eligible to retire or support the needs of the area’s small but visible and
will be eligible within the next three years, although growing Spanish-speaking population.
only one will have reached the traditional retirement Here is the way this public library system worked
age of 65 by then. (Retirement eligibility is based on through the steps of developing its succession planning
length of ser�vice, age, or a combination of the two.) and development program.
Bravo County Public Library sits on the outskirts of
a major metropolitan area. It has never paid the high- 1. Review Your Library’s Strategic Direction
est salaries in its geographic market and in terms of
salary is at about the middle of its local cohort of librar- Where is your library heading?1 Are you planning to
ies. Although Bravo County is considered a desirable keep on the same path, holding programs and ser�
place to live overall, it has no public transportation vices to the status quo, or make significant changes?
and the city is more than an hour’s drive from some Are changes in your customer base going to force
areas of the county. Together, these two factors have alterations in the way you manage your library? Con-
sometimes made recruiting staff difficult, despite the sidering the enormous shifts in the population’s age
library’s excellent reputation. and diversity, tremendous changes in our access to
The library system is well used by county residents, information, social networking, and the role of the
who appreciate its ability to keep pace with new tech- library (and librarian) in today’s society, you are prob-
nologies and ser�vices that meet the needs of the coun- ably due to make some strategic shifts. How will those
ty’s increasingly diverse residents. The community was changes influence the serÂ�vice to your current custom-
very involved in the library’s latest strategic planning ers and new partners as you develop serÂ�vices for the
process and is asking for more (and more creative) future? From your library’s strategic plan and your
uses of technology, more ser�vices for teens (including knowledge of human resource and library trends, you

Figure 2.2
Getting There: A Step-by-Step Map
1. Review your library’s 2. Identify critical 3. Create a profile of 4. Identify competencies
strategic direction positions these positions and common to key
the competencies positions
that will be needed

8. Create development 7. Diagnose 6. Project future 5. Develop or update

plans development vacancies and identify the performance
needs development pool management system
to get an accurate
picture of employees’
job performance
9. Implement 10. Review progress
development and update plans Don’t forget to keep
opportunities tabs on the library’s
changing strategies
and update your
plan accordingly!
A Framework for Building Bench Strength 21

know what skills and competencies are needed for branch manager wants to (or should) become
the next three to five years. Will the members of your a division head. Nor does it mean that a great
workforce have them? Will they still be there? Will division head cannot come from the ranks
you have the right staff (both technical and leader- of the IT or outreach departments—or from
ship), with the right skills, to do the right work? With somewhere else unexpected. Career paths
succession planning and development, your library can, and should, be individualized rather than
can better align your human resource requirements prescribed.
with the demands and requirements of your internal
needs as well as the external environment. Succession At Bravo County: It was already evident that the
planning and development need to be linked with entire senior leadership team was at risk for retirement
strategic planning the same way technology, facilities, in the next few years. When the HR director looked
and budgeting are; they too can support the visionary at the strategic plan it became clear that there were at
process. least two key positions in the IT department, and the
At Bravo County: The library examined staff devel- position of marketing and programming coordinator
opment needs as part of its strategic planning and would be key for the strategic plan’s emphasis on early
implementation process. Their HR director quickly literacy and Spanish-speaking programs. Other skills
made the basic assessment recorded in figure 2.3, called for in the plan—such as working with teens,
which was added to the annual system training needs developing a facility with social networking technolo-
assessment. gies, and partnering skills—were present in the sys-
tem although not the responsibility of any particular
2. Identify the Critical positions or individuals. Some skills, such as Spanish-
Positions in the Library language collection development and cataloging and
support for English-language learning, did not appear
What are the key positions in the library—senior to be present.
leaders as well as critical positions and those that are As the HR director began to talk with branch
difficult to recruit? Identify them. Once you have a managers and department heads about the abilities
strategic plan and know where the library is heading, of their staffs to implement the strategic plan, the
you can look at the key work, key positions, and key names of some high-potential staff began to emerge.
employees. How? Ask the following questions of key More than one branch manager mentioned staff
managers and leaders: members who spoke Spanish, were connected to that
community, and were willing and able to take on more
• What is the role of your department in imple- responsibility, even if it meant transferring to another
menting our strategic plan? What are the key work location. Names of others who were good at
functions your department must accomplish working with teens, had formed great relationships
to make us successful? with local schools, or had ideas about using social
• What are the key areas in the library system networking tools to promote library programs also
that require continuity and development of came up. The HR director did not know whether there
employees? Why? would be any new positions created—but she was
• Who are the key people we want to develop beginning to feel more optimistic that the library’s
and nurture for the future? Why was each goals could be met by developing the current staff.
mentioned? She took a deep breath and decided to focus first on
• Do the high-potential employees in your those current positions the library was most at risk of
department believe they have a career path? needing to fill: the senior leadership team.
What do you—and they—see as their future
here? Remember that different individuals— 3. Create a Profile of Positions and
with different skills, experiences, and goals— Competencies Needed to Meet Leadership
may want their careers to take different paths.
Roles and Service Demands
It may be typical for a division head in your
library to come from the ranks of branch What skills do the next generation of leaders and other
managers, but that does not mean that every critical or hard-to-recruit positions need? Should they
Figure 2.3
Staff Development Needs

Plan Focus Development Needs Notes
Technology Forecasting—what is coming Some needs can be met by course
(more, and along, and what should we offerings or self-directed learning.
more creative choose? Create action learning projects for teams
uses) Hands-on in chosen technologies as implementation decisions are made.
for public service staff. Forecasting and futuring—may need
How to manage new expert help and some culture change
technologies for IT staff. so we are doing more scouting and
rewarding staff for it.

Teens Need to know what schools are May be able to develop more partnerships
(including doing. to serve this group. Assumption is that
technology) Public service staff need to staff have partnership skills but may
know about teen/tween need to test that.
development stages and Can do some hands-on, some expert
needs. knowledge, some action learning for
Social networking technologies teams that are developing programs.
are likely targets—which to
use, and how? Hands-on.

Early Literacy Already have strong program Have done a lot of training on this topic.
for early literacy. Need to stay Need to make sure that new staff gets
on top of emerging research, it, too.
make sure all staff can Involve expert partners in early childhood
incorporate into programs. education.
Coaching and mentoring skills Can experienced staff coach and mentor
development for experienced new staff and others as programs need
staff so they can help new to change?

Spanish Spanish language for public Not many staff are fluent in Spanish,
(programs, service and outreach. though some have taken basic courses.
collection, Collection development: what Look at community colleges, school
and services) does community need and system ESL trainers, and other sources
where to get? of instruction for Spanish in the
Cataloging—? workplace.
Need to know what programs Collection development staff not
will meet needs and how best experienced with foreign-language
to deliver them. collections.
We do almost no original cataloging—can
purchase cataloging but may not
have flexibility we need without more
Need to draw on community partners—
assuming staff have skills to do that but
might want to test the assumption.
Action learning opportunities for teams as
projects are implemented.

A Framework for Building Bench Strength 23

be especially adept at understanding and applying since these may indicate critical untapped areas for
technology? Extremely flexible and insightful when skill development. Ignoring them will leave you with-
dealing with employees of different cultures, back- out the ability to meet the library’s goals.
grounds, and motivations? If you had to write a job At Bravo County: At that leadership team meeting,
description of the library’s next-generation leader, what some trends and themes began to emerge. It became
skills, knowledge, abilities, and experiences would clear that the group thought that every leader, regard-
you list as critical for sustained orga�nizational perfor- less of their job title, needed the following competen-
mance? Think about what you need these people to cies:
do. What are the critical performance objectives that
must be met for your library?2 Look even beyond the • Flexibility: the ability to adapt to a rapidly
specific skills you have identified and consider all the changing environment; be an enthusiastic
characteristics that will be important for competent lifelong learner.
leaders to exhibit. • Model customer-centered serÂ�vice: create serÂ�
At Bravo County: The HR director began to ask vices based on what customers want and need,
herself what the library would be looking for if it had not just on what we think they should have or
to recruit a new senior leadership team today, or if she that we are able to do.
had to fill other key positions. She suspected that the • Be a futurist: know the trends and think about
library would grow many of its own new leaders, but how we could use them to the customer’s ben-
whether they came up from the ranks or in from the efit and in our everyday work.
outside, she knew that the library had to articulate • Sensitivity to customers and staff from other
what it was looking for—before it had to go looking. cultures and backgrounds as well as those with
At a senior leadership staff meeting she posed sev- diverse needs.
eral questions: If you decided to retire tomorrow, what • Use teamwork to get work done and to grow;
important characteristics would we need to look for hold self and team accountable for results;
in your replacement? In five years, what do you think ensure team learns from both success and
your position should look like? To implement our failure.
strategic plan and meet community needs, what would
you be doing? What about those a level or two down 5. Develop or Update the Performance
from you—what would we be looking for in those Management System
people? The group brainstormed quite a list. Not sur-
prisingly, the list included different technical skills Does your performance management system link
needed for each position, such as accounting and employee performance to the library’s strategic goals?
budgeting skills for the finance director, knowledge Do performance reviews provide an adequate assess-
of current and emerging marketing techniques for the ment of your employees’ ability to do the right work?
marketing director, and experience with proprietary If not, you need to update the system so that it pro-
and open-source software for the IT director. The vides the data you need to get a realistic assessment of
list also included competencies such as the ability to employees’ skills and abilities.
adapt to a rapidly changing environment and the skills At Bravo County: The HR director had recently
needed to influence others. The HR director asked worked with a staff team to update and revise the per-
everyone to put notes about their ideas on their current formance management system. The team was begin-
job descriptions and send them to her so that she could ning a round of training for supervisors to help them
create profiles from their ideas. build skill in writing meaningful comments and creat-
ing individual development plans.
4. Identify Competencies
Common to Key Positions 6. Project Future Vacancies and
Identify the Development Pool
Review the profiles you have created and look for
trends and themes. Which competencies are required You have an existing staff of employees at all stages of
for all, or most of, the positions? Building these will their careers. You need an inventory of employees just
bring the most return for your efforts. But don’t ignore as you need an inventory of materials in the reference
competencies that apply only to one or two positions, section. This entails looking at who is currently on
24 A Framework for Building Bench Strength

staff, how much longer you expect them to stay (they would likely have to search externally to fill one or two
may retire, take a break, move to another location, of the positions.
or change careers), and what their capabilities are,
given growth and development opportunities. Do you 7. Diagnose Developmental Needs
have the employees who, with proper mentoring and
assignments, can provide the critical skills, abilities, With your potential leadership pool identified, the next
and knowledge identified in the previous step? Now step is ensuring that they have the skills, knowledge,
you can determine your potential leadership and other abilities, competencies, and experience to take on the
needs and who might be available to fill them. You mantle of leadership. Reviewing your candidates against
may find that you have adequate staff to meet future the job specifications, including competencies, should
needs. If not, you will need to look outside your orga� result in some clearly identified developmental gaps.
nization. At Bravo County: The HR director thought about
At Bravo County: Since the entire senior leadership the profiles and competencies she had developed with
team was at risk for retirement, the HR director con- the senior leadership team earlier in light of the can-
centrated on this group first. There were five positions didates identified in the development pool for each
to be considered, and she developed the assessment position. She saw that
shown in figure 2.4.
As she looked at the list, she realized that some • branch manager Adam B needed more experi-
of the people in the pool were very close to being ence working with customers and staff from
ready for promotion while others would need much other cultures
more development. And for two of the positions there • IT manager Jim W was strong in managing
seemed to be only one likely candidate even ready for the security of the library’s IT systems but
development. She would look further and talk with needed more experience in customer-centered
the senior leaders about their ideas. In all, she saw that thinking
the library might be able to fill some of the positions • training manager Donna F sometimes strug-
internally with just a little more development work but gled to put new technology into practice for

Figure 2.4
Development Pool

Position Development Pool

Public Services Director Adam B, Branch Manager
Debbie E, Branch Manager
Pat T, Collection Development Manager
Steven W, Customer Services Manager

IT Director Jim W, IT Manager

Finance Director Sonia B, Grants Manager

HR Director Cathy C, HR Asst. Director

Donna F, Training Manager

Marketing Director Sara R, Marketing Assistant

Anne T, Development Assistant
A Framework for Building Bench Strength 25

herself, even though she sometimes provided At Bravo County: The HR director, along with other
technology training to staff members of the senior leadership team, watched as
• marketing assistant Sara R had been on a sys- candidates took advantage of the development oppor-
tem team but had never led one tunities in their plans. She also passed along news
about new opportunities. And she kept in touch with
8. Create Development Plans for the supervisors to see how candidates were doing. She
Your High-Potential Candidates worried about those positions for which only one can-
didate had been identified. Her new mantra became
Be deliberate in your approach and plan in plenty of “It’s a process,” and she kept in touch with the senior
lead time. You may believe that leaders are born, not leadership team and others, looking for new candidates
made, but they all need time to gestate. Plan to close to develop.
the developmental gaps you have identified by care-
fully selected training programs, special assignments, 10. Review Progress and Update Plans
leadership opportunities, and other means.
At Bravo County: The HR director met with the Tell your high-potential candidates that you are giving
supervisors of each candidate in the development them developmental opportunities for future lead-
pool and asked them to be sure they agreed with her ership positions. Tell them what their gaps are and
assessment and that the identified developmental how you see these specific opportunities helping them
needs could be addressed. She suggested that each bridge the gaps. Provide plenty of feedback on how
supervisor talk with the candidate to create a work- they are progressing. If they are not progressing or
able plan for development. These needs could be meeting expectations, lay the cards on the table. (See
addressed by formal training, work projects, team chapter 4 for talking points with employees at differ-
leadership (there would be plenty of new teams com- ent levels of potential.) If they are meeting expecta-
ing along as the strategic plan was implemented), or tions, provide additional assignments to challenge
self-study. The senior leaders were also willing to work their learning. The more experience they have before
with and mentor candidates as they went along. In they have to take on the leadership role, the greater the
every case, leaders and managers needed to structure likelihood of success.
opportunities for the candidates to demonstrate what This is also a time to get a macro view of how your
they were able to learn; a project, a product, a proposal development program is progressing. At this point you
for a new program or ser�vice, or the development of have invested a great deal in developing your high-
a relevant new partnership would be good examples. potential employees. Are they progressing in the way
Even though the library had individual development you envisioned? Have you actually promoted any of
plans in each performance review, the HR director them—and, if so, are they performing in the way you
encouraged these supervisors not to wait for the next expected?
review process but to develop and implement a plan Evaluate your efforts by asking both senior leaders
immediately. and high-potential staff what is working well in your
program and what should change. Talk one-on-one
9. Implement Development Opportunities with leaders and participants if you can. The key ques-
tions to ask include these:
Your high-potential candidates need care and cultiva-
tion to amass the skills still needed. Provide that lead • Which developmental activities have been
time (two years is a good time frame), and develop most effective? Why do you say that? (You
several high-potential candidates in parallel to pre- could give them a list of activities and ask
pare for the alternatives. If you are developing bench them to react to each one, or leave the ques-
strength, you want ideally to prepare several people to tion more open ended.)
become strong candidates for promotion. In addition, • Which activities would you change in order
it is impossible to know how many future opportuni- to make them more effective? What should
ties there may be. And even if you have a “first choice” we do differently?
on your bench, she may abruptly redirect her career • Which activities should be eliminated because
or be enticed by another employer. It is always best to they are not providing a significant return to
be prepared. the library?
26 A Framework for Building Bench Strength

• What other activities should we consider to my friends who work in different library systems I
adding to help fill any knowledge or training tell them about the team I am leading, the training and
gaps? mentoring I am getting, and the opportunities here to
learn and grow. They usually ask me if we are hiring!”
At Bravo County: The HR director checked in with The HR director couldn’t wait to share that feedback
the senior leadership team early on as the developmen- with the senior leadership team.
tal opportunities were put into place, and she kept in On the basis of the group’s largely successful expe-
touch. Near the end of the first year, she decided to rience, the HR director knew that now was the time
take a closer look. She met with the senior leadership to offer more systematic development opportunities
team to ask what changes, if any, they had seen in the throughout the library. Senior leaders were on board
candidates who were in development. They felt that, because they had helped to shape the program and
of the ten who had been originally identified, seven had seen candidates become stronger and more suc-
were progressing nicely. They had completed their cessful. They would be among the program’s greatest
original development plans and were ready for more cheerleaders as others were brought on board, mak-
opportunities. One or two of them had already taken ing it more likely that developing staff at all levels
on other, smaller, projects. Two were coming along, would become the new way of doing business at Bravo
but more slowly than anticipated. One was on the County Public Library.
verge of deciding not to pursue a promotion.
When asked what they thought was working well, One of our urban library clients raised an important
senior leaders agreed that the opportunity to learn by question: What is the potential downside of grooming
leading teams, while being mentored, had worked someone to be ready before the position envisioned
well. It met both library and individual needs (in other for her opens up? We do not see this as a problem.
words, it was a good fit with the library’s culture), and With the turnover many libraries are experiencing and
leaders could see what the candidates were learning the increased need for people to work on or manage
and how they were applying it. They also had the special projects (IT, building, planning, E-rate submis-
opportunity to model learning from failure as well as sions, outreach—the list can go on and on), we think
from success. What would they change at this point? there will be something for people to do in most every
The senior leaders suggested that some of the candi- situation. Of course, there is a risk that someone who
dates might be ready for a brief rotation into some is ready for a promotion that is not available will leave
other part of the library, so that they could experience the orga�nization to get one. But we think there is a
more of the big picture. For example, IT manager Jim greater risk in not providing development opportuni-
could benefit from working in the customer ser�vices ties. People often leave because they are bored or are
department for a few months, and branch manager not able to grow their skills, whether or not a promo-
Debbie could learn by working in the IT department. tion is available. And your library’s reputation suffers as
The leadership team agreed to offer the opportunity a result, making it difficult to recruit other staff.
to candidates who were interested, and the HR direc-
tor agreed to work with the managers in the affected
departments. Notes
The HR director also asked the candidates them- 1. We are assuming that your library has a strategic plan
or identified goals. If your library does not, see, for
selves how things were going. Seven of them said they
example, Sandra Nelson, Strategic Planning for Results
had learned a lot and were ready for more. Two said (Chicago: American Library Association, 2008).
they were making progress but struggling a bit to keep
2. An excellent model for thinking this through is pro-
up with their development plans and wanted to take vided in Lou Adler, Hire with Your Head: Using Power
things a bit more slowly. One person said that, although Hiring to Build Great Companies, 2nd ed. (Hoboken,
she had been interested in promotion, this opportunity N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, 2002). The concepts
had changed her mind. To a person, they expressed presented there work perfectly well for libraries and for
their appreciation for the opportunity to develop. One hiring, internal promotion, and performance manage-
of the top candidates told this story: “Whenever I talk ment situations.

How Do We Know What We Need?

Key Positions, the Right Work, and Library Competencies

The information in this chapter will help you identify the competen-
cies that employees must possess in order to move the library’s strategic plan or
goals forward; we focus first on those needed for key positions within the library.
Identifying competencies is important in both talent development and succession
planning. It provides standards against which you assess those identified as having
high potential (which we explain in chapter 4).

Identifying Key Positions

There are a variety of ways to identify key positions, and they differ from library to
library. Generally, a key position exerts critical influence on library-wide activities
operationally, strategically, or both. Traditionally key positions were limited to those
at the top of the library’s hierarchy, since that is where most important problem
solving and decision making took place. That is no longer the case. Problem solving
and decision making have become diffused throughout libraries; they may reside
at many points on the orga�nizational chart, where, as often as not, employees are
leading from all positions. Criteria to be considered to assist in the identification
of key positions include the following:
Critical task: Do you have any positions that would stop a critical task from
occurring if the incumbent were to leave, such that the library would suffer in the
absence of this function?
Leadership positions (e.g., associate/assistant/deputy library directors and depart-
ment heads): Depending on the size of the library, consider taking the analysis of
leadership positions further. For each leadership/management position, ask what
function it uniquely contributes to the library’s current mission and to the accom-
plishment of the strategic plan. If the position were vacant, would the function
still operate effectively and efficiently? If the answer is no, then you are looking at
a key position.
Future projects: These positions are based on where your library is heading in
the future from a strategic standpoint. They may include a director of outreach

28 How Do We Know What We Need?

where one does not exist or a coordinator of innovation not filling it at all. Look at the work to see if the posi-
or strategic initiatives when such a focus is desired. tion and its responsibilities still add value to the library.
Consequences of a vacancy: Are there any other Does it still fit into the overall strategy and goals of the
positions which, if vacated, would raise an uproar library? If not, do not fill the job. If it does fit in, ask if
and bring severe consequences (decisions not made, the work can be done differently and more effectively
customer complaints not satisfied, branches not open, through process improvement or other methods.1 Assess
computers not started, materials not ordered)? whether the work is the right work. For example, does
Other: What other mission-critical positions exist in the public library need two MLS catalogers? Is ongo-
your library? One could be the archivist, especially if, ing authority work critical to your mission and strategy,
as in Yolo County Library, there is only one and she or can you let that go? Moving to other options, assess
serves as both county archivist and records manager whether the work can be reallocated to others. With-
for the county. Who oversees government documents, out overloading the others, can another department
tween ser�vices, or your state historical room? Who runs handle it, or can two departments merge and take
your branch that provides ser�vices to the blind and over the work? Can the work be contracted out at less
physically handicapped? to Russian immigrants? How cost or completed by a temporary employee, part-time
difficult would it be to fill these positions? These are employee, or substitute? Being even more creative, how
possible key positions. about accomplishing the work via job rotation (devel-
Libraries should follow a consistent format in track- opmental assignment) or library school interns? What
ing key positions by answering the following questions about reengineering the work or calling in retirees?
for each position: For example, Queens Borough Public Library offers
incentives to retirees who want to stay on in some
• What are the requirements (knowledge, skills, capacity and assist with the transfer of their knowledge
abilities, competencies) for this position? and experience (see chapter 7).
• Who holds this position now? There are many possibilities for filling a position
• Is anyone ready to replace the incumbent if when a vacancy occurs. Keeping open about what
needed? Are there specific positions that could needs to be done, what the right work is at this point
provide needed developmental experience for in the library’s history, and who needs to do it leads
these key positions? to a more effective workforce with resources assigned
• What are the career or retirement plans of the where they best meet the needs of your community.
• Is this work critical?
• Can the work be split up and accomplished J ob Descriptions and
by one or more others? Can it be outsourced? Competencies
After you identify key positions, it is important to keep
Sno-Isle (Wash.) Libraries did an excellent job con- job descriptions up to date. Job descriptions and com-
ducting such a review. Pat Olafson, the libraries’ HR petencies are the source documents for work require-
director, clearly depicted many of these steps in an ments needed to prepare possible replacements for
easy-to-capture spreadsheet. See the story of Sno-Isle key positions. The job description should lay out the
Libraries in chapter 7 for an example of her spread- essential functions of the job along with its duties and
sheet with hypothetical information filled in to provide responsibilities.2
a picture of the process and for a more detailed expla- Most libraries require job descriptions. Typically
nation of how it was used. a job description describes the nature of the work to
be done as well as its level of complexity, the supervi-
sion received or provided, the education and experi-
Other Ways of Replacing ence required, and the physical requirements of the
Key Positions job. People who work with job descriptions call these
requirements “KSAs,” short for knowledge, skills, and
Before a vacancy occurs and certainly before filling abilities.
a position or planning for successors, a library should A competency is “a cluster of related knowledge,
consider other options to filling the position, including skills and attitudes that affects a major part of one’s
How Do We Know What We Need? 29

job that correlates with performance on the job, that defining competencies is to ensure that they are con-
can be measured against well-accepted standards, and sistent throughout the library regardless of job, level,
that can be improved via training and development.” department, or location. Once you have competencies
In other words, they are the skills, knowledge, and in place, the job of selecting high-level performers
personal attributes that contribute to an individual’s as part of your succession planning and leadership
success in a particular position. Two examples are development process becomes more concrete and less
“Uses teamwork and project management skills to subjective. By engaging in this exercise, you reap huge
benefit the library and its users” and “Models self- rewards. Indeed, you will have outlined the criteria
management.”3 that define individual as well as orgaÂ�nizational success
Competencies and KSAs are related, but competen- in your library. In the remainder of this chapter, we
cies go beyond the KSAs required for any individual show you how to take a customized, culture-specific
job. They add, sometimes implicitly, the attitudes and approach as well as some shortcuts to developing com-
values that are the foundation for behavior and per- petencies.
formance. Whether or not it is intentional, many job The beneficial effects of competencies on the library
descriptions contain a mix of KSAs and competencies. can be seen in many ways:
Consider these brief examples of statements related to
intellectual freedom: • Competencies are tied to the values of your
library and therefore serve to foster these
Competency: Models the library’s approach to intel- values.
lectual freedom to ensure the community ben- • Competencies provide clear and specific
efits. definitions that support the purpose of the
Knowledge: Knows the principles of intellectual library.
freedom as set forth by ALA position papers and • Competencies provide clear guidelines as to
library board policy. what it takes for your library to be successful.
• Competencies provide practical tools and
Skill: Develops clear and timely written responses guidelines for performance management.
to complaints from customers about the library’s • Competencies target training needs required
collection. Consistently applies library board for the development of staff. This process
policy in making collection development deci- results in the development of a library that has
sions. Trains staff to respond appropriately and a continuous and dynamic learning environ-
effectively to customer complaints. ment—a necessity for survival in the twenty-
Ability: Ability to communicate effectively with a first century.
broad range of customers and staff about contro-
versial issues. As Josephine Bryant and Kay Poustie write in the
Bertelsmann Foundation’s 2001 report Competencies
Your strategic plan spells out what ser�vices the Needed by Public Library Staff:
library wants to provide during the next several years.
These ser�vices were defined by assessing the needs of The [competency] system is behaviourally anchored
your community—be it a city, county, or district, your so that both managers and employees can see what
students, the hospital staff, or the corporation you is expected of them. The system can also be used to
serve. The library’s challenge is to respond to these integrate several human resources functions:
needs with the staff it has now, can develop, or can The model can be used as the basis for executive
acquire.4 development, recruitment, selection, compensation,
performance appraisal, career development, job design,
and orga�nization design. In its crudest form, it is a yard-
stick for measuring how someone is performing, com-
Competencies: Just a BuzzWord, paring current performance to an ideal, and suggesting
or Is There More to It? actions that can be taken to improve that performance.
What makes the competency model concept work is
Competencies describe specifically what kinds of skills, its simplicity, the prevailing conditions in the company
behaviors, and personal characteristics all employees that provide a fertile bed in which it can grow, manag-
are expected to demonstrate. The goal in selecting and ers believing in it, and employees accepting it.5
30 How Do We Know What We Need?

The outcome of the work of developing compe- critical elements of the competency, and (2) levels of
tencies is that you will have a list and description of proficiency, which are described as scales for assess-
what your library values and needs to achieve success ment purposes. Again, assessment here does directly
at the orga�nizational level and what employees and translate to performance evaluation. In this context,
teams need to achieve success. This model does more assessment is most often used to identify and develop
than support succession planning and development; needed training across categories of staff. You will
competencies can be at the center of many of your probably not find levels of proficiency in published
human resource policies and programs as they specify competency sets, since they are usually added as
performance management criteria, help plan careers, needed by the users. You might consider a scale as
and highlight training and development needs, to simple as 1-2-3:
name a few.
A common approach to developing competencies 1. Does not demonstrate.
is to focus on the people doing the job, that is, the
2. Often demonstrates.
knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to do their
job successfully rather than the work itself. This means 3. Consistently demonstrates.
that cognitive (knowing), behavioral, and affective
(feeling) factors are all at work in a competency. Thus According to Bryant and Poustie, competencies fall
a competency includes into one of three main categories: core, behavioral,
and technical.
knowledge, that is, what is known and understood
about a subject in order to ensure successful Core (or basic) competencies usually reflect the
performance on the job. An example might be competencies that are essential to the library’s
knowledge and understanding of the social and success. These competencies reflect what an
intellectual needs of a library’s customer group orgaÂ�nization does best and are based on the val-
such as seniors or preschool children. ues of the library. They are considered necessary
for all jobs in the library, and all employees are
skills necessary to process this knowledge. An exam-
expected to demonstrate these competencies.
ple might be effective communication skills.
An example of such a competency is customer
appropriate attitudes and values, which are exhib- ser�vice.
ited in behavioral characteristics that impact the
Behavioral competencies apply to those perfor-
way knowledge and skills are brought to bear on
mance characteristics that influence and drive
the job. These are usually internal evaluations
performance. They are usually relevant to several
of what might be considered good or important,
jobs, job levels, or job families, across the library.
such as the insistence on giving the best ser�vice
Leadership competencies and teamwork could
possible at all times.
be placed in this category.
If you are a supervisor, you know that attitudes and Technical or professional competencies relate to
values are important, but they are not the same as technical knowledge or skills that are critical
behaviors. We evaluate performance on the basis of for a specific job/role to be successful. Com-
observable behaviors, not on attitudes and values, petencies in negotiating a reference interview,
which are often the invisible building blocks of behav- research skills, or learning new databases are
ior. We know when someone values customer ser�vice prime examples for librarian positions.
in the same way we do, because we observe her using
negotiation and listening skills to make appropriate In many ways, technical competencies are the least
exceptions to the rules for customers. But we coach important set of competencies. Most of our staff mem-
and evaluate on observable behaviors—not on the bers have the technical skills to do their jobs, or they
competencies that build the foundation. pick them up in day-to-day observation and certainly as
Competencies define what success looks like within their performance is managed. In our work and client
the context of a job such as manager, librarian, or issues we see that it is the behavioral and interpersonal
supervisor. Each competency developed by a library competencies, as well as those around problem solving
should consist of (1) a definition that contains all the and personal mastery, that really make a difference. As
How Do We Know What We Need? 31

work changes, other key competencies staff members WebJunction has also linked to competencies pub-
need are comfort with ambiguity and change, flex- lished by library orga�nizations around the country to
ibility, and creativity. make your research even easier.
Competencies should hold true for several years
to ensure stability and that development of staff can
Ways to Build a be focused, and yet they need to be fluid as they are
Competency Model affected by the changing work environment.

There are a variety of ways to build a competency Developing a Competency Model

model. Bryant and Poustie examine four methods in through Focus Groups
terms of cost, probability of accuracy, and probability
of usage (see figure 3.1). To increase the probability of usage, ownership, and
Although you can look at and even adopt some of success, we have seen Bryant and Poustie’s third model
the competencies of other libraries, they really need used successfully with some variation. The variation
to reflect your library’s culture, needs, and values. consists of two additional steps. The first step is to work
An excellent place to start is the Competency Index with a committee that includes a cross section (diago-
for the Library Field published online in 2009 by nal slice) of library staff and management to select
WebJunction (www.webjunction.org/competencies). and validate the model or competencies selected. The

Figure 3.1
Building a Competency Model: Four Methods

Probability Probability
Method Cost of Accuracy of Usage
1. Use outside consultant to interview High High Low
a sample of top performers for
each target population group and
compare with interview of average
performers. Capture what the top
performers do more frequently.

2. Use outside consultants to train Medium High Medium

insiders to do the tasks in method 1.

3. Begin with a model from another respected Low High Low

company (with permission); interview a
handful of top performers to determine
if the borrowed model accurately
describes what the top performers do.

4. Assemble a group of managers and, using a Low Medium High

facilitator, brainstorm about the attributes
of top performers today and in the future.

Source: Adapted from Josephine Bryant and Kay Poustie, Competencies Needed by Public Library Staff (Gütersloh:
Bertelsmann Foundation, 2001), 3–4.
32 How Do We Know What We Need?

second step is to hold focus groups to test the compe- 9. Decide in advance whether you are willing and
tencies and levels of proficiency. The cost and time able to send the participants your draft notes
factors increase slightly, but the probability of usage and allow them to add comments. This is not
increases from low to high. a standard procedure, and it adds time to your
For good results, follow these ten tips as you use process—so if you want to do it, allow plenty of
focus groups: extra time.
10. Thank people for participating and tell them
1. Aim for a group of six to eight people.
what your next steps will be.
2. Invite staff to get the representation you need,
whether that be geographic representation,
different levels and kinds of jobs represented, Developing a Competency Model
length of ser�vice, or something else. Make sure by Interviewing Top Performers
you invite people who will speak up.
An alternative to using focus groups is to identify exem-
3. Depending on how many questions you have, plary performers—individuals who are particularly
allow one to two hours for the session. It often good at demonstrating a competency. Then interview
takes a little more time than you expect, and them. This process takes more time than conducting
it is better to dismiss people early than to shut focus groups, but it has the advantage of being more
down a conversation too soon. flexible to schedule. In addition, it gives top perform-
4. Establish a few ground rules at the beginning ers a bit more recognition for being exemplary. And by
of the session, such as taking some time one-on-one, the conversation may go
deeper than that of a focus group. If you can interview
• Everyone is expected to contribute to the discus- only a few individuals and want broader input, you can
sion. also choose to compile interview results and ask a focus
• Responses will be aggregated before they are group or committee to provide their reactions. Record
reported, not attributed to specific individuals. results in a form such as figure 3.2.
(This is standard practice, even if you do not
expect to discuss anything sensitive. It does affect
people’s willingness to be frank.) Case Study, Public Library: City of
5. Determine whether you will take notes directly Toronto Core Competencies
on a laptop or use chart paper and transcribe These core competencies for the City of Toronto were
the notes later. In either case, consider invit- developed on the basis of the kind of orga�nization and
ing someone to help you take notes. Be sure culture desired and the city’s values and aspirations.
to introduce the person (and her role) to the They apply to all municipal employees, including those
group. at the Toronto Public Library. The behavioral charac-
6. Use open-ended questions: What do you like teristics of the core competencies are as follows:6
about these competencies? What’s missing? Customer serÂ�vice orientation
What would you change? How would you go
about helping someone to develop these com- • Clarifies expectations
petencies? What else should we think about? • Takes personal responsibility
7. If no one responds to a question immediately, • Takes action for the customer
allow a minute of “soak time” for people to • Addresses underlying customer needs
process the question and prepare a response.
• Uses a long-term approach
8. Spend your time recording what people say,
not explaining or defending. You are there to Fiscal responsibility
ask and listen, not to lecture. Ask clarifying • Understands key resource issues affecting one’s
questions if needed to be sure you record their responsibilities and business priorities using
responses accurately. resources to increase customer value
Figure 3.2
Interview Guide to Collect Competency
Development Strategies
Use this interview guide to collect information about how to build competencies in the context of your
library’s unique culture. Select several exemplary performers who have been identified as especially good at
demonstrating a given competency. Indicate that competency next to the label “competency” below. Then
spend about 15 minutes to interview each exemplary performer using the questions appearing below. When
you are finished, analyze the results by identifying common themes and patterns across all the interview
Competency: _________________________________________________________________
Name: _________________________________ Title: ________________________________
Years of Experience in Job: _______________ Date: ________________________________
Interviewed by: _______________________________________________________________

1. Think of a time when you were asked to demonstrate this competency.

a. What was the situation?
b. When did this situation occur?
c. What did you do?
d. How do you believe the experience helped you demonstrate this competency?
e. If you had a mentee or trainee, and she participated in an experience like this, would it help to build
the competency?
2. Who are some people in this library who are exceptionally good at demonstrating this competency to whom
you could refer your mentee or trainee?
3. What are some work experiences in the library that you believe your mentee/trainee should be given to
build or demonstrate the competency?
4. How might the pressure to produce by specific deadlines help to build or demonstrate the competency?
5. Where would you send people—to what branch or department—to build and/or demonstrate this com-
petency? (Where are the centers of excellence for this competency in the organization, and why do you
think so?)
6. List special and specific work assignments that would be particularly useful in building or demonstrating
this competency.
7. If someone asked you for advice on how to build this competency in this library, what advice would you
give them?
8. Could you think of some upcoming or pending library projects that might be especially useful to build this
competency? What are they, and why do you think they could help to build the competency?
The next step in identifying the competencies is to feed back the results to the exemplary performers to make
sure that you heard what was said, to achieve consensus, and to verify that the assignments recommended
would actually build the competencies. The competencies could then be linked to training and development
needs as well as informing the succession planning and development process.

Source: Adapted from William J. Rothwell, Effective Succession Planning: Ensuring Leadership Continuity and Building
Talent from Within, 3rd ed. (New York: AMACOM, 2005), 208.

34 How Do We Know What We Need?

• Demonstrates fiscal prudence as the need for librarians to work collaboratively with
• Models effective utilization academics, researchers, learning designers, and IT
• Advocates benefits for the orgaÂ�nization QUT, along with its cohort the Librarians of the
Innovation Australian Technology Network (LATN), commis-
sioned a consultant to “identify overall issues and con-
• Seeks new solutions
cerns related to succession and workforce planning
• Takes action new to the job or function among the libraries and their universities and to make
• Introduces new ideas to the orgaÂ�nization recommendations for the LATN group as a whole
and its individual members to address these issues.”
• Introduces new ideas to the public sector The recommendations for the QUT library included
• Encourages innovation in others the following: development of a workforce and suc-
cession plan; conduct of an inventory of skills and
Results orientation
attitudes needed by the library for both the short and
• Wants to do job well long term; revision of selection criteria (for positions)
• Works to achieve goals to focus on learning agility, personal attributes, and
leadership qualities; consideration of all vacancies to
• Sets own standards to improve performance
see if requirements have changed or new priorities
• Sets and strives to meet higher standards of per- need to be addressed; encouragement of staff to take a
formance proactive stance in their own career development; and
• Conducts cost-benefit analyses identification of staff with leadership and management
potential and allow them to take on greater challenges.
• Takes calculated entrepreneurial risks
As an outcome of these recommendations, their first
Teamwork task was to investigate the role of the faculty/liaison
• Cooperates and contributes librarian, which is the position at the development and
delivery end of many of the new trends and ser�vices,
• Promotes team cooperation especially in learning and teaching support and the
• Builds a high-performing team identification and management of access to electronic
information sources.
Case Study, Academic Library: Through focused development of key competen-
cies, not only will employees be better prepared to
Queensland University of Technology
compete for vacancies, they will also be exhibiting
The competencies selected by the Queensland (Aus- the key attributes needed to drive the library’s strategic
tralia) University of Technology (QUT) were borrowed plan.
from the British Chartered Institute of Library and
Information Professionals’ research for the summary
shown in figure 3.3 of the professional and informa- Leader Competencies
tion and generic skills library professionals need for the
twenty-first century in order to best align library ser�vices Leadership development has been the focus of a great
with the university’s strategic plan.7 They were adopted deal of study and work. It is of particular interest to
to align with the university’s change in approach to us as we look to grow the next generation of library
learning and teaching, particularly with respect to leaders. Building the leadership capacity of staff at all
providing students with more flexible learning. In levels suggests that developing leadership competen-
addition, the university’s strategic plan announced cies deserves focused attention. Libraries, of course,
its intention to double the number of higher-degree are not the only orga�nizations interested in developing
research students and expand significantly its overall leaders. In fact, we can learn a great deal from the work
research capacity and performance. The implication of other orgaÂ�nizations—particularly those in the public
for the library in providing the range and level of ser� sector. This group of orga�nizations has a lot in com-
vices to support this growth was significant and indi- mon with both public and academic libraries. Librar-
cated a changing role for the academic library as well ies are often publicly funded (in whole or in part),
How Do We Know What We Need? 35

making them a part of the public sector. More than to the competencies that are most important to help
that, they are usually part of a local, state, or national leaders acquire. 8 The three primary development
political environment and must function well in this needs are
milieu in order to survive.
knowledge and understanding outside the employee’s
Public Sector Leader Competencies own department or functional area. In many cases,
employees’ previous career experiences have
In her research of public sector succession planning not exposed them to other areas of government.
practices, Mary Young found several themes related As a result, they need to understand what other

Figure 3.3
Summary of Library Skills (Academic)
for the Twenty-first Century

Professional Information Skills Generic Skills

Knowledge Management Project Management

Information architecture Planning and evaluation
Information and communication People management
Technology skills Research skills
Technical (traditional) professional skills Bids and proposals

Subject Expertise Critical Skills

Collection management Thinking
Collection description Planning and evaluation
Technical (traditional) professional skills Analysis
Problem solving

Information Technology Leadership

Design General management
Application Communication skills
Systems Strategic management
User support (problem solving) People skills
Financial skills

Service Development Promotion and Marketing

User information Design appreciation
Surveys Presentation skills
Service impact analysis Multiprofessional appreciation
Planning and evaluation
Promotion and market
36 How Do We Know What We Need?

departments or functions do and how that work and begin to help staff develop them. For example,
is connected to their own. Translating to libraries, the California Library Association’s Competencies
this would be about helping the employee learn for California Librarians in the 21st Century (www
more about what happens in the branch if they .cla-net.org/resources/articles/r_competencies.php)
have not worked in one for years, how books includes political awareness as a core competency for
get selected and processed, or even how the librarians. California libraries such as those in Fresno
marketing department’s work brings customers and Santa Clara counties encourage involvement in
of all ages in. local business and community orga�nizations and with
local government and nonprofit agencies to help staff
knowledge and understanding at the enterprise level.
identify and enlist the help of strategic partners. More
In part, this content area is an aggregation of
detail about each library’s efforts appears in their stories
learning about other departments and functions;
in chapter 7.
it is about how all the pieces fit together. In addi-
Structuring learning opportunities for staff around
tion, it is about work at the executive level—the
internal (library) and external (government and com-
tasks, functions, and challenges that are impor-
munity) decision making, as the libraries in Fresno
tant at these levels above departments or agen-
and Santa Clara counties have done, is a way of help-
cies, including knowledge and understanding
ing them grasp the bigger picture. As can be seen
of the orgaÂ�nization’s relationship to its broader
with recent budget cuts and changes to the political
environment. Again in the library world, how
climate, acquiring these skills, and being comfortable
does your library determine strategy? Who makes
using them, might be one of the competencies that
that decision? On what knowledge and with what
separates senior leaders from others.
In addition to these three competencies, Young
a broad network of relationships. Knowledge and found the following specific skills that managers and
understanding are important, but they do not leaders typically need to develop:
assure a leader’s effectiveness. The third critical
area libraries need to help leaders develop is • getting things done in this government or in
building a broad network of relationships—across this orgaÂ�nization/jurisdiction
departments and functions, at many levels, and • managing change
in the library’s wider environment. Do employees • managing conflict
in your library realize that they are a department • managing the public
in a college or local jurisdiction? • managing the media

Why are these particular items so important in To a more limited extent, some respondents reported
developing leaders? Not because they are the most several more basic supervisory skills that even experi-
critical skills or hardest to develop, but because these enced managers need to develop:
are the competencies that individual employees are
least able to develop on their own. These three com- • managing employees, including influencing,
petencies are “boundary-spanning: they are about motivating, developing, and retaining
stretching employees’ knowledge, understanding, and • dealing with civil serÂ�vice and personnel poli-
working relationships and exposing them to people cies
and aspects of the orgaÂ�nization outside their current • professional skills such as making presenta-
sphere. These objectives have important implications tions, managing projects, facilitating meetings,
for how libraries go about developing leaders.”9 We evaluating performance, and leading teams
discuss how to help people develop these competen-
cies in chapter 5. Sad to say, we have seen that too many managers
Another way of looking at these three development in library systems are underdeveloped in these areas.
needs is that they help people develop competencies The solution is not to penalize them for not having
around political awareness and operate effectively these competencies but to realize that they were not
in a broader political environment. We have seen given (or did not take) earlier opportunities to develop
some libraries identify these competencies as critical them. Fortunately, we are seeing many libraries begin
How Do We Know What We Need? 37

to address these issues by providing supervisory train- 9. Self-management: demonstrates self-control.

ing opportunities for their managers. Some libraries Maintains optimism, energy, and stamina.
open this training to staff who may want to move into Manages stress well and models work/life bal-
supervisory positions as a way to help them decide ance.
whether that is something they really want to do and,
10. Decision making: effectively collects and ana-
if so, to prepare. We offer more detail about some of
lyzes data/input from others, considers alterna-
these programs in chapter 5.
tives, makes sound and timely decisions, col-
laborates in group decisions, and understands
Leadership Competencies and the impact of decisions on others.
Emotional Intelligence
11. Political savvy: accepts and understands the
Leadership competencies run through your entire political dimension of orga�nizational life, antici-
library, regardless of department, function, or posi- pates political consequences, and maneuvers
tion/classification. Right Management studied effectively through complex situations.
emerging leaders, which it defined as those who 12. Delegating: effectively transfers responsibility
(usually) manage others, contribute significantly to and authority to others and holds them account-
business results, are perceived as having potential for able for achieving results.
promotion or additional leadership responsibilities,
and would cause pain if they left the orga�nization. The biggest gaps found in the study came under
The highest rated competencies for these leaders self-awareness, political savvy, delegating, self-
were �management, leadership, and decision making. Our
experience affirms these gaps. We are sure they do not
1. Focus on results: concentrates on the achieve- surprise you, and you may even find the same in your
ment of business results by effectively structur- own library. You may note that some of these compe-
ing and carrying out work. tencies relate to the concept of emotional intelligence
(EI) as developed by Daniel Goleman.10 Emotional
2. Taking initiative: takes urgent action to accom-
intelligence “defines how we manage behavior, navi-
plish objectives and achieve business results; is
gate social complexities, and make personal decisions
proactive; takes action to achieve goals beyond
that achieve positive results.”11 Although it is beyond
what is required.
the scope of this book for us to discuss emotional intel-
3. Leadership: establishes and communicates a ligence and its importance in the workforce, we list the
vision for the orga�nization. Inspires and empow- EI components of the Bar-On Emotional Intelligence
ers others. Leads by example. Inventory (www.eiconsortium.org/measures/eqi.html)
4. Trust/integrity: trusted by others. Maintains as examples:
reputation for truthfulness, credibility, confi- Intrapersonal scale
dentiality, and authenticity.
• Self-regard
5. Self-awareness: understands personal strengths, • Emotional self-awareness
limitations, needs, and values. • Assertiveness
• Independence
6. Building bonds/collaboration: builds positive • Self-actualization
working relationships with others. Demonstrates
the willingness and capacity to collaborate and Interpersonal scale
build partnerships with others. • Empathy
7. Creativity/managing innovation: effectively • Social responsibility
• Interpersonal relationship
manages and encourages the creativity of
others. Adaptability scale
8. Learning/self-development: demonstrates com- • Reality testing
mitment to ongoing learning and professional • Flexibility
self-improvement. Willing to be coached. • Problem solving
38 How Do We Know What We Need?

Stress management scale strategic goals; team or group members setting,

• Stress tolerance clarifying, and sharing expectations, leading to
• Impulse control commitment and ownership.
Collaboration: creating a shared understanding
General mood scale and interdependency among staff and others
• Optimism who come together to solve a problem; applied
• Happiness in complex, new, unfamiliar, and challenging
We believe emotional intelligence to be critical to
the success of leaders in any orga�nization and at any
level. It has been shown that it is the key to 27–46 Technical, Leadership, and
percent of workplace success (per Dr. Reuven Bar-On) Implementation Skills
and that it accounts for 85–95 percent of the difference Another way to view competencies is in terms of three
between a “good leader” and an “excellent leader” (per major categories: library and information system–
Goleman). It has also been shown that one can use related skills and knowledge, leadership skills, and
emotional intelligence to boost job performance. It is implementation skills. Leadership competencies are
so critical to success, write Bradberry and Greaves, that often personal attributes, and implementation com-
it “accounts for 60 percent of performance in all types petencies are how one gets things done. Paul Cantor,
of jobs. It’s the single biggest predictor of performance in “Succession Planning: Often Requested, Rarely
in the workplace and the strongest drive of leadership Delivered,” tells a wonderful and clear story from the
and personal excellence.”12 Bible that really illustrates the difference:
Although we mention it in this section on leader
competencies, we hope you consider helping employ- In the Bible, Noah demonstrated the differences
ees at all levels in your library to develop and strengthen among these three types of competencies. God told
their emotional intelligence. As we said earlier, these Noah that it was going to rain and that he wanted
Noah to build an ark and put all kinds of animals on
competencies rather than technical competencies are
it. Therefore, Noah knew what the industry risks were
now most likely to be the drivers of potential, perfor- (it’s going to rain) and what should be done about it
mance, or success at any level. (build an ark and put the animals on it). However,
knowledge of what the risks are, and what should be
Connection, Contribution, and Collaboration done about them, doesn’t get the job done.
But Noah, starting with the limited instruction on
Today’s orgaÂ�nization is usually characterized by its ark building provided by God, did get the ark built on
networked, flat structure. Change is the expected, not time—and today we would say on budget—demon-
the unusual. Flexibility and adaptability are inherent strating that he had the implementation skills needed
and required of everyone. The values in such a library to take action and manage risk.
Noah’s implementation skills can be distinguished
system are relationships; sharing information; localized
from his leadership skills. He demonstrated leadership
solutions that fit the culture of the branch, department, skills by convincing all those animals to board the ark
and your library; and a culture that values openness and not eat each other up during the voyage.14
and effectiveness as opposed to (only) efficiency. In
Winning with Library Leadership, Christi Olson and
Paula Singer note that leaders in such complex systems Existing Competency Models
as academic and public libraries find themselves need-
ing to focus around three key competencies: connec- To select for future leadership, identify the competen-
tion, contribution, and collaboration.13 cies that best reflect your strategic direction. In addi-
tion to those noted above, there are many competency
Connection: making the right connections between
directories that include competency definitions and
people and orga�nizations, linking people together
assessment options. Library leaders can rely on their
for a common goal; uses the approach of power
HR staff or a consultant to facilitate model develop-
“with” rather than power “over.”
ment or appoint an individual or team to research and
Contribution: making explicit to each employee develop a model. A generic model is available through
how her work or job ties to fulfilling the library’s the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an initiative
How Do We Know What We Need? 39

to assess future workforce needs (http://wdr.doleta situations. Conceptual thinking includes reason-
.gov/SCANS/). Johnson County (Kans.) Library, for ing that is creative and imaginative.
example, used this model to select four competencies
Customer Service Orientation: a desire to identify
it wanted its current and potential leaders to acquire:
and meet/exceed the requirements of internal
leads change, influences people, achieves results, and
and external customers. Recognizing the variety
fosters communication. Johnson County’s detailed
of customers in communities and at all levels
definitions of these competencies, along with the
of the orga�nization and accommodating their
competencies developed by the City of Toronto, the
diverse needs.
New Jersey Library Association, and the Ohio Library
Council, follow. Developing Others: a genuine intent to foster the
If the prospect of developing competencies is daunt- long-term success and growth of others by assist-
ing, remember that you do not need to start from ing with identification of individual needs and by
scratch, nor do you need an exhaustive set of com- providing monitoring and feedback.
petencies that covers everything staff need to demon- Planning and organizing one’s work and the work of
strate. Start with a few competencies that are most criti- others to ensure goals are met. Seeks to develop
cal to your success. Remember the Johnson County others to the extent that tasks and responsibili-
Library example of looking at other models and pick- ties can be delegated and minimal supervision
ing four competencies to focus on. Spend your energy is required.
on competencies that will bring your library the great-
est return. Fiscal Responsibility: the ability to effectively man-
Whether you are creating your own competencies age and optimize human, financial and physical
or adapting ones used by others, you must involve staff resources, qualitative and quantitative measure-
and managers and get feedback, buy-in, and owner- ment, planning and control of resources to maxi-
ship. These are the competencies that will drive your mize results.
succession planning and development process forward. Holding People Accountable: ensuring others meet
You will be recruiting on the basis of these competen- objectives and expectations in an appropriate
cies, measuring performance against them, training and effective manner. Ensuring the performance
and developing to them, and selecting high-potential management process is conducted in the divi-
performers who meet and exceed them in your suc- sion/work unit throughout the year. Provides
cession planning process. You learn how select high- clear direction, appropriate tools, resources and
potential performers in chapter 4. authority to support success.
Impact and Influence: the ability to persuade, con-
City of Toronto Competency Definition
vince, influence, motivate or communicate with
Adaptability: the willingness and ability to be flex- others to gain commitment.
ible and work effectively with various individuals Innovation: an effort to enhance performance by
or groups in a changing environment. Being being creative, promoting new ideas and intro-
open to understanding and appreciating differ- ducing new solutions or procedures.
ent and opposing perspectives, adjusting one’s
approach to changing situations and accepting Leadership: the ability to create and communicate
changes. a vision and engage others in its achievement. It
is the ability to demonstrate behaviors that model
Continuous Learning: taking actions to improve and support the orgaÂ�nization’s aspirations and
skills, knowledge and abilities. Applying con- values and ensure its success.
cepts, strategies and expertise that contribute to
one’s marketability and the orgaÂ�nization’s ongo- Leading Change: the ability to initiate, facilitate
ing success. or implement a change. Helping staff and the
orgaÂ�nization’s stakeholders understand what the
Conceptual Thinking: the ability to identify patterns change means to them, building a shared vision
or connections between situations or ideas that and providing the ongoing guidance and support
are not obviously related, and to identify key or which will generate and maintain enthusiasm
underlying issues and/or principles in complex and commitment to the change process.
40 How Do We Know What We Need?

Listening and Understanding: the ability to prac- Strategic Orientation: the ability to link long-range
tice active listening, understand and respond visions and concepts to daily work. Strategic orien-
appropriately when interacting with individuals tation moves from understanding business funda-
and groups. Reflecting on your verbal and non- mentals and strategies to a sophisticated awareness
verbal behavior. The ability to effectively liaise of the impact of the external environment on
with management, staff, union representatives, strategies and how external factors affect choices.
elected officials, other governments, community
Striving for Clarity and Quality: an effort to increase
groups and the general public.
quality and consistency, and reduce uncertainty
Organizational Awareness: the understanding and through behaviors such as monitoring and check-
ability to work within structures and relation- ing for accuracy, insisting on clarity of roles and
ships in one’s own orgaÂ�nization or in other orgaÂ� functions, etc.
nizations. Knows the formal decision-making
Teamwork: being part of a team and working co-
processes. The ability to identify the decision-
operatively with others. “Team” is broadly defined
makers and individuals who can influence them,
as any task or process-oriented group of individu-
and to predict how new events or situations will
als working towards a common goal.
affect individuals and groups both within and
external to the orga�nization. Source: Josephine Bryant and Kay Poustie, Competencies
Needed by Public Library Staff (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann
Planning, Organizing and Coordinating: proac- Foundation, 2001), 3–4.
tively planning, establishing priorities, allocating
resources, implementing plans, and monitoring
and adjusting work to accomplish goals. New Jersey Library Association Core
Competencies for Librarians
Problem Solving: understanding a situation by break-
ing it apart into smaller pieces, or tracing the Preamble
implications of a situation in a step-by-step way.
The ability to orga�nize information, identify key These competencies pertain to the delivery of ser�
factors [and] underlying causes, troubleshoot and vices to all ages, to all constituencies, and for all types
generate solutions. Setting priorities, determin- of libraries. Competencies are the skills, technical
ing responsibilities, making decisions and taking knowledge and personal attributes that enable indi-
appropriate action. viduals to contribute positively to their orga�nizations
and the library profession. These Core Competencies
Relationship Building: establishing, building, and apply to all librarians. Companion documents have
maintaining strong and reciprocal relationships been created to focus on the specific skills needed for
and a network of contacts to keep a pulse on specialized areas of librarianship. Throughout this
public, political and internal issues and to make document the terms patron, user, and customer are
informed decisions. Identifying who to involve used interchangeably.
and when and how to involve them in order to This document is intended for several purposes:
accomplish objectives and minimize obstacles.
Responsiveness to the Public: ensuring that the stra- • To educate communities, governing bodies
tegic direction and ser�vice delivery of the orga� and funding agencies about the importance
nization are sensitive to public needs through an of the knowledge and skills of professional
awareness of how orga�nization programs, poli- librarians.
cies and decisions impact public interests and • To develop job descriptions and evaluation
concerns. tools for professional positions.
• To design policies, particularly as these poli-
Results Orientation: the desire or drive to achieve or cies relate to the orga�nization and staffing of
surpass identified goals. Establishes performance libraries.
objectives and measures to continuously improve • To guide students attending graduate library
performance and the standard of excellence in school.
the orgaÂ�nization. Includes innovative or entre- • To apprise library school faculty who are
preneurial behaviors. involved in the development of curricula of
How Do We Know What We Need? 41

the continuously changing needs of the pro- Source: Adapted from the American Association of Law
fession. Libraries’ Competencies for Law Librarianship, approved
by NJLA Professional Development Committee February
• To assist in planning staff development pro-
28, 2006, approved by the NJLA Executive Board March
grams. 14, 2006, New Jersey Library Association, www.njla.org/
• To motivate professionals to take responsibility resources/competencies.html.
for managing the development of one’s own
Johnson County Library Tier II
Core Competencies Leadership Competencies
• Demonstrates a strong commitment to excel- Leads Change
lent customer ser�vice.
• Recognizes and addresses the diverse nature of Learns Continually
the library’s patrons and community. Creativity/Innovation
• Understands and supports the culture and External Awareness
context of the library and, if applicable, its Flexibility
parent institution. Resilience
• Demonstrates knowledge of the library system SerÂ�vice Motivation
and the library profession. Thinks Strategically
• Understands the social, political, and eco- Vision
nomic context in which the library exists. Promotes the library’s vision, goals, priorities, and
• Demonstrates knowledge of library and infor- values. Balances change and continuity; continually
mation science theory, information creation, strives to improve customer ser�vice and program per-
orga�nization, and delivery. formance; creates a work environment that encourages
• Adheres to the Code of Ethics of the American creative thinking; and maintains focus, intensity, and
Library Association. persistence, even under adversity.
• Exhibits leadership skills including critical
thinking, risk taking, and creativity, regardless Key Characteristics
of position within the management structure. 1. Exercises leadership and motivates team mem-
• Demonstrates commitment to working with bers to incorporate JCL’s mission, vision, and
others to achieve common goals. values into strategic planning as well as into
• Acts within the orgaÂ�nization to implement the the full range of the orgaÂ�nization’s activities;
principles of knowledge management. encourages creative thinking and innovation;
• Exhibits an understanding of the importance influences others toward a spirit of serÂ�vice;
of a multidisciplinary and cross-functional designs and implements new or cutting-edge
approach to programs and projects within the programs/processes.
• Monitors and implements changes in technol- 2. Identifies and integrates key issues affecting the
ogy and information systems. orga�nization, including political, economic,
• Shares knowledge and expertise with users social, technological, and administrative factors.
and colleagues.
3. Is open to change and new information; toler-
• Displays excellent communication skills and
ates ambiguity; adapts behavior and work meth-
is able to promote the library and advocate
ods in response to new information, changing
for its needs.
conditions, or unexpected obstacles; adjusts
• Communicates effectively with publishers and
rapidly to new situations warranting attention
other information providers to advance the
and resolution.
interests of the library.
• Recognizes the value of professional network- 4. Displays a high level of initiative, effort, and
ing and actively participates in professional commitment to public ser�vice; proactive and
associations. achievement-oriented; self-motivated; pursues
• Actively pursues personal and professional self-development; seeks feedback from others
growth through continuing education. and opportunities to master new knowledge.
42 How Do We Know What We Need?

5. Deals effectively with pressure; maintains focus Achieves Results

and intensity and remains persistent, even under Accountability
adversity; recovers quickly with setbacks. Customer Ser�vice
Influences People Entrepreneurship
Solves Problems
Conflict Management Technical Creativity
Leverages Diversity Political Savvy
Builds Teams Stresses accountability and continuous improvement.
Makes timely and effective decisions based on the
Designs and implements strategies that maximize library’s mission, vision, and values. Identifies the inter-
employee potential and fosters high ethical standards nal and external politics that impact the work of the
in meeting the orgaÂ�nization’s vision, mission, and orgaÂ�nization.
Key Characteristics
Key Characteristics
1. Understands and appropriately applies pro-
1. Provides leadership by inspiring, motivating, cedures and policies; keeps current on issues,
and guiding others toward goal accomplish- practices, and procedures.
ment; empowers people by sharing power and
2. Exercises good judgment in structuring and
orga�nizing work and sets priorities; balances the
2. Effectively uses of the orgaÂ�nization’s perfor- interests of patrons and readily readjusts priori-
mance management system (e.g., accurate per- ties to respond to customer demands.
formance plans and appraisals, and takes action
3. Anticipates and identifies, diagnoses, and con-
to reward, counsel, and remove employees, as
sults on potential or actual problem areas.
4. Holds self and others accountable for decisions
3. Values cultural diversity and other differences;
and work performance.
fosters an environment in which people who
are culturally diverse can work together coop- 5. Identifies opportunities to develop and/or pro-
eratively and effectively in achieving orga� mote new materials, programs, and ser�vices
nizational goals. within or outside of the orga�nization.
4. Assesses employees’ unique developmental 6. Maintains appropriate skill level regarding cur-
needs and provides developmental opportu- rent and new technologies.
nities that maximize employees’ capabilities
and contributes to the achievement of orga� Fosters Communication
nizational goals; develops leadership in others
through coaching and mentoring. Influences/Negotiates
Interpersonal Skills
5. Fosters commitment, team spirit, pride, trust, Oral Communication
and group identity. Partners
6. Resolves conflicts in a positive and constructive Written Communication
Creates an environment conducive to an open
7. Recognizes, encourages, and participates in exchange of ideas. Explains, advocates, and expresses
the dynamic nature of leadership and follower- facts and ideas about the library when communicating
ship. with individuals and groups internally and externally.
How Do We Know What We Need? 43

Key Characteristics
1. Represents and speaks for the orga�nization and 3. Collaborates with others; cooperates with others
its work to those within and outside the library; to obtain information and accomplish goals;
elicits feedback, listens effectively, and clarifies facilitates win-win situations.
information; facilitates an open exchange of
4. Considers and responds appropriately to the
needs, feelings, and capabilities of different peo-
2. Establishes and maintains working relationships ple in different situations; is tactful and treats
within the library and throughout the commu- others with respect.
nity; approaches each problem situation with
5. Communicates effectively in written and oral
a clear perception of orga�nizational goals; gets
reports, memoranda, and other documents in
understanding and support from higher-level
a clear, orga�nized, and timely manner.
Source: Johnson County Library.

Ohio Library Council, Core Competencies for Library Staff

Competency Definition Skills and Behaviors Possible Training Units

Adaptability The ability to Interprets and Current and Future Trends
adjust to changing responds quickly sessions
situations. to new or changed Time Management
responsibilities, Keeping Your Balance in
methods and the Midst of Change
procedures Workshop (NEO-RLS)
Learns and applies new Change Management:
skills Effectively Dealing
Remains positive and with Organizational
productive and Individual Change

Communication The ability, Listens to others and veri- Interpersonal

through both fies understanding of Communication
verbal and the message Intranet/library website tour
written methods, Uses a variety of commu- and orientation
to provide nication methods in Library’s e-mail and
concise, timely the most appropriate paperwork orientation
and accurate forms, in the manner
information, that best enables the
internally and message to be under-
externally, among stood
all organizational Responds to the com-
levels and with all ments and questions
of the appropriate of others in a timely
people. manner
Uses appropriate language
Knows how to find and
use information on the
staff intranet

Ohio Library Council, Core Competencies for Library Staff (cont.)
Competency Definition Skills and Behaviors Possible Training Units
Customer The ability Welcomes interactions Intellectual Freedom course
Service to efficiently, Consistently greets Customer Service
effectively and patrons and staff with Diversity Awareness
positively meet a smile Emotional Intelligence class
the library needs Strives to make library Library’s Policy Manual ori-
of internal resources accessible entation
and external to all members of the Conflict Resolution
customers. community The Customer Is Always
Proactively anticipates and Right: Building and
addresses patron and Teaching Client Rela�
staff expectations and tionship Skills @ www
needs .sirsidynixinstitute.com/
Knows when it is archive.php
appropriate to bend Emotional Customer Service:
the rules and explains Turning Customers into
positively when denials Friends Who’ll Return
are required Again and Again @ www

Organizational The knowledge Understands and identi- Intranet/library website tour

Awareness and ability to fies with the goals and and orientation
support the values of the library and All-department tour of li-
library’s mission, models and actively brary with possible shad-
vision, culture communicates them owing sessions
and structure. effectively Library’s Policy Manual ori-
Knows and appropriately entation
follows the library’s hi- OLC’s Online Orientation
erarchy Program: www.olc.org/
Knows, understands, and orientation/index.html
appropriately applies
policies and procedures
Keeps current on informa-
tion sent by administra-

Personal The commitment Ensures accuracy and Ingredients to Workplace

Responsibility to take appropriate completeness of work Success (SWON Libraries)
action to meet Accepts responsibility for Time Management
patron and library accomplishments and
goals and needs, seeks to correct and
as well as accept learn from mistakes
responsibility Continually seeks oppor-
for the results. tunities for learning and
Evaluates own strengths
and weaknesses and
seeks feedback from
others for improvement

Competency Definition Skills and Behaviors Possible Training Units
Problem The ability to Solves problems in a Library’s Policy Manual
Solving understand the timely manner orientation
entire perspective Acquires new information Role-Playing workshop
of a situation or and applies knowledge PC and Library Technology
issue, identifying to analyze issues and Troubleshooting
patterns or resolve problems
connections Breaks problems down
between into components to
situations, identify required tasks
assessing or activities
problems and Formulates new and imag-
troubleshooting inative solutions that
in order to identify reflect careful consid-
effective solutions. eration of patron and
library needs and goals
Considers risks, benefits,
and impact of solution
on the present and
future library environ-
Transfers learning from
one situation to solve a
problem in another
Consults with appropriate
staff members before
implementing solutions

Team Work The ability to work Willingly assists others by Interpersonal

collaboratively sharing expertise and Communication
with others time Conflict Resolution
to achieve Prepared to complete All-department tour of the
organizational assigned tasks library with possible
goals and Respects the ideas and shadowing sessions
objectives. opinions of others Facilitation and Meeting
Gives and accepts Techniques
feedback in a positive Library Conflict
manner Management for
Proactively involves others Consenting Adults—
to solve problems and Turning Enemies
achieve results which into Allies @ www
meet the needs of the .sirsidynixinstitute.com/
library archive.php

Source: OLC Core Competencies: www.olc.org/CoreCompetencies.asp; revised January 2008.

Note: SWON: SouthWest and Neighboring Libraries; NEO-RLS: Northeast Ohio Regional Library System.

46 How Do We Know What We Need?

â•⁄ 1. To help with such questions, see, for example, â•⁄ 8. Mary B. Young, Building the Leadership Pipeline
Sara Laughlin, Denise Shockley, and Ray Wilson, in the Local, State, and Federal Government, CPS
The Library’s Continuous Improvement Fieldbook Human Resource SerÂ�vices, 2005, access via www
(Chicago: American Library Association, 2003). .workforceplanning.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/
â•⁄ 2. T
 o help with writing job descriptions, see, for example, community/workforce_and_succession_planning/
Paula M. Singer and Laura Francisco, Developing 1442/resources/267538.
a Compensation Plan for Your Library, 2nd ed. â•⁄ 9. Ibid., 8.
(Chicago: American Library Association, 2009). 10. See, for example, Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis,
â•⁄ 3. Scott B. Parry, “The Quest for Competencies,” and Annie McKee, Primal Leadership: Realizing the
Training 33, no. 7 (July 1996): 50. Power of Emotional Intelligence (Boston: Harvard
â•⁄ 4. To identify the staff KSAs you need to implement Business School Press, 2002).
your strategic plan, see, for example, Jeanne Goo- 11. Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves, The Emotional
drich and Paula Singer, Human Resources for Results: Intelligence Quickbook: Everything You Need to
The Right Person for the Right Job (Chicago: Ameri- Know to Put Your EQ to Work (New York: Simon and
can Library Association, 2007). Schuster, 2005).
â•⁄ 5. This passage and the following discussion are 12. Ibid., 52.
drawn from Josephine Bryant and Kay Poustie, 13. Christi Olson and Paula Singer, Winning with
Competencies Needed by Public Library Staff Library Leadership: Enhancing Ser�vices through Con-
(Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation, 2001). nection, Contribution, and Collaboration (Chicago:
â•⁄ 6. Ibid., 10–11. American Library Association, 2004).
â•⁄ 7. The following discussion is taken from Jenny 14. Paul Cantor, “Succession Planning: Often
McCarthy, “Planning a Future Workforce: An Requested, Rarely Delivered,” Ivey Business Journal,
Australian Perspective,” New Review of Academic www.iveybusinessjournal.com/article.asp?intArticle_
Librarianship 11, no. 1 (April 2005): 41–56. ID=531.

Succession Planning and

Development Process

Once your library has the infrastructure outlined in the previous chapters,
you are ready to implement the actual succession planning and development
process. This is a three-phase process that consists of (1) identifying and assessing
talent, (2) creating succession plans, and (3) creating and implementing individual
development plans (figure 4.1). This chapter provides a framework to support the
library in making effective and consistent decisions about employees. It includes
the tools you need to assess talent; create individual development plans that help
retain and advance high-level performers and provide feedback to employees at
all levels of performance and potential; and grow a pipeline of talented employees
ready to grow, learn, and take on new responsibilities while enabling the library to
fill vacancies quickly and easily. In addition, following this process strengthens the
library by guaranteeing that the career moves of high-potential and talented staff
are planned and designed to develop leadership and fill the key positions needed
in the short and long terms.

Phase I: Identifying and Assessing Talent

One of the key (and hardest) aspects of any succession management and devel-
opment process is talent identification. In this phase of the process, you identify
employees with the potential (often called “high potentials”) for success in filling
key roles, including leadership, and develop a talent profile for each. This process
is completed by a succession planning committee—the leadership team or a subset
of it convened for this purpose—and should always include the library director
and HR director.
There are several ways for the library to proceed as it assesses talent:
The first choice point involves scope. Will identification and assessment be made
of all library employees? Will talent profiles be created for all? In the alternative,
will it be limited to target groups of employees by level (e.g., all first-line manag-
ers)? Will the talent review focus only on leadership and star employees brought

48 Succession Planning and Development Process

to the committee by HR, a library manager, or leader? first level of review and bring their completed talent
Successful talent reviews have been conducted in all profiles to the succession planning committee. If the
of these ways. Choosing the first or second option helps library is small enough that most members of the suc-
ensure that no one falls through the cracks because cession planning committee have a picture of the staff,
they are not visible or have a personality difference even if it is just the top layers of staff, you will benefit
with their boss. Regardless of which method you chose, from having the input of all. Numerous perspectives
it is advisable that you begin the talent review process are likely to broaden the picture painted of the indi-
with senior leadership and other key positions, because vidual.
these positions are usually hardest to fill and are staffed The third choice point involves the composition
with employees most likely to retire in the shortest of the committee that performs the second level of
time frame. review—the succession planning committee. This
The second choice point pertains to who completes group should always include the library director, the
this first level of talent review; that is, who (specifically) HR director (if the library is large enough to have one),
compiles the information to create the individual tal- and a group of senior leaders. They are responsible
ent profile. Should it be done by the employee’s man- for the activities in phases 1 and 2 of the succession
ager or supervisor and then brought to the succession planning and development process and work from
planning committee for review? In the alternative, a focused agenda to complete their work. The HR
should the committee as a whole review staff under director typically chairs the process and ensures that
consideration and complete the profile together? In pre-session work (such as first-level talent reviews, if
large library systems where leadership is not likely to done by managers) is completed.
be aware of the abilities and potential of most staff Once these choices have been made, leaders com-
members, it is suggested that managers conduct the plete the following steps for each employee under

Figure 4.1
Succession Planning and Development Process Map

• Career feedback
• Evaluate performance Phase 2: Creating
• Time-bound individual
• Define potential Succession Plans
development plans (IDPs)
• Select a code based on
• Measurable actions; follow-
performance and potential
• Assess retention risk • Identify:
• Complete a talent profile • Talent and successors
• Build a leadership overview • Organizational needs
• Conduct succession planning and risks Phase 3: Creating and
and development review • Bench strength Implementing Individual
sessions Development Plans

Phase 1: Identifying and

Assessing Talent

Team and Individual Organization and Individual Organization and Individual

Succession Planning and Development Process 49

review, producing a completed talent profile for each the library system), leadership can obtain a picture of
employee (figure 4.2). its entire workforce and examine employees’ potential
and possibilities for development, change, lateral trans-
1. Evaluate Performance fer, or promotion.
During this step, leadership and HR are able to
The first step of assessing talent requires an accurate, focus on the individual’s key talent and ability for
completed performance appraisal for each employee. growth and increased contributions within the library
It would be shortsighted to build a talent profile on system. Leadership should be keyed into looking
potential alone; performance ratings/profiles must be for high-potential employees. But what is, who is,
included as well. You should easily be able to translate a “high-potential employee”? Employees with high
the following definitions to your own form and process. potential are the library’s future leaders and holders of
If you do not have an appraisal form, you may wish to key positions. Broadly, they are the members of your
consider employees as high, medium, and low per- workforce who are able and willing to advance two
formers in terms of the following definitions (and then or more levels in the library, are possible candidates
develop a form and a process): for key positions, or have not yet reached a plateau
in their career. High potentials are not the same as
High-performing employees are rated “exceeds expec-
stars. Although being rated as a star or as exceeding
tations.” They consistently meet and often exceed
expectations (or whatever language the library uses
goals, consistently meet and often go beyond
to identify those in the top performance category) in
expectations defined in competencies, and are
the employee’s current job is usually a prerequisite
viewed as outstanding performers.
to identification as a high potential, not all stars are
Medium performers are often rated as “fully meets necessarily high potentials; advancement and lead-
expectations.” Most of the members of your ership potential involve criteria other than current
workforce are likely to fall into this category: performance, not the least of which are ability, aspira-
employees who fully meet expectations, consis- tion, and engagement.
tently meet most goals, consistently perform at a Every library identifies its own key positions (see
satisfactory level in most areas, and may exceed chapter 3), yet experience shows us that many are at
expectations in some. These employees perform a loss about defining “high potential.” What follows
all aspects of the job with minimal errors and is a way for library leadership to view the differences
exhibit most of the competency behaviors. Oth- between low-, growth-, and high-potential performers
ers rely on these employees to perform all aspects based on ability, aspiration, and engagement. Start
of their jobs with a high degree of proficiency. with these definitions and view them as a draft. Feel
These performers do have some room for perfor- free to alter and add, so that you create criteria and a
mance growth. narrative that fit your culture. You may find criteria
Low performers do not meet the expectations of the more applicable than ability, aspiration, and engage-
job. Though these employees may perform some ment, or your culture may suggest different definitions
aspects of the job well, they need improvement. or language for them. Some possibilities include prior
leadership experience, education, learning agility,
In this process, each employee is identified as a low, assessment against competencies (often reviewed in
medium, or high performer. This rating will be com- the performance management process), leadership
bined with a rating of potential in the next step before ability based on the library’s leadership competencies,
it is entered into the individual talent profile. risk-taking ability, and project management experi-
2. Define Potential The definitions below can help you assess the poten-
tial of each employee in terms of ability, employee
In this next step the library determines the ability and aspiration, and how engaged each is in her job and
motivation of individual staff members to take on with the library. But first, before you review employees,
new or more senior roles in the short and long terms. here are some tips:
According to many library directors, this is one of the
Be objective.
most difficult aspects of the process. But by conducting
this review systematically and globally (i.e., throughout Be future oriented; do not focus on the past year.
Figure 4.2
Individual Talent Profile
Name: Potential
Title: Performance Current Prior KC ET P
Location: Rating: (H/M/L)

Hire Date: Potential: (H/G/L) KC KC ET
Date in Position: Risk: (H/M/L)
# of Direct Reports: IDP in Place:
Yes/no AR IR IR
Talent Code:


Library Core Rating Development Functional Rating Development

Competencies: (1–5) Actions Competencies: (1–5) Actions
Customer Service


Recommended Next Internal Library/

Timing Timing
Position(s): Successors Function

Internal Successors External

Timing Library


Positions w/Library Years in Job

Positions Prior to Joining the Library Years in Job

Degree or Certification School or Association Date Received:

Completed by:


Succession Planning and Development Process 51

Ask: is this employee capable of moving to the next unaware of what a competency is, please refer to
level (e.g., branch manager if presently a librar- chapter 3.)
ian, youth coordinator, or subject specialist) or to
a leadership or department head role? Ensure that you hold no biases, like recency (bas-
ing an opinion of most recent performance) or
Does this employee consistently demonstrate com- halo-or-horns effects stemming from a positive
petencies at the next level (high potential), some- or negative experience potentially from years
times demonstrate the next level of competencies ago. There are other biases you might have
(growth potential), or not demonstrate competen- about individual employees as well. Maybe she
cies at the next level (low potential)? (If you are is not like you in temperament, personality, or

Standards for Judging Potential

Here is an alternate list of criteria for judging employee potential. Adapted here for consistency and to fit the library
world, they offer a perspective that adds value to any discussion of potential.

High Potential/Promotable • Frequently demonstrates leadership skills that

are high for current positions.
• Exhibits operating, technical, and professional
skills that are extremely broad and deep. • Adds new skills when the job calls for it.
• Exhibits managerial skills that are expected at • Aspires to greater challenges but primarily at
the next highest level. the same level.
• Demonstrates leadership skills that are • Is motivated to do more than is expected.
expected at the next highest level.
• Has a big-picture perspective beyond current
• Regularly works at building new skills and abili- position.
• Is focused on the success of own area and the
• Aspires to higher-level challenges and oppor- team.
Key Contributor
• Demonstrates “fire in the belly.”
• On balance, exhibits operating, technical, pro-
• Has a business perspective beyond current fessional, managerial, and leadership skills that
level at the library. are acceptable for current level.
• Is oriented toward total library results, not just • Demonstrates little effort to build new skills but
focused on the success of own area. keeps current skills sharp.
Growth Potential/Emerging Talent • Aspires to stay with the library.
• Exhibits operating, technical, and professional • Is motivated to do what is needed in current job.
skills that are high for current position and level
• Understands the job.
at the library.
• Is focused primarily on success in the technical/
• Exhibits managerial skills that are high for cur-
professional aspects of the job.
rent level. Note: This employee may have the desire but has not
demonstrated the ability to progress to a larger job.

Source: Adapted from Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, and James Noel, The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership-
Powered Company (San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons, 2001), 172–74.
52 Succession Planning and Development Process

style. Maybe she comes from a different culture; does not actively seek and may not be open to
reminds you of your mom, dad, or child; is of a development, feedback, and opportunities.
different generation, nationality, gender, level of • Engagement. May not appear to be happy with the
ability, or sexual orientation—or doesn’t laugh library system or its future plans, or infrequently
at your jokes. We tend to want to hire, promote, goes above and beyond.
and work with people who are like us—but such
an approach seriously limits the candidate pool Growth-potential employee
(and, of course, can be illegal). Reflect on your • Ability. Has solid competencies in current job;
thoughts and feelings about the individuals you occasionally exhibits the knowledge, skills, and
are reviewing for potential. Separate feelings competencies needed for the next level or another
from facts about performance and potential as job; is smart; exhibits high emotional intelligence
a star employee, high potential, or upcoming (e.g., self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy) as
well as strong social and interpersonal skills.
library leader. Talking with a trusted colleague or
HR about employees has helped many reviewers • Aspiration. Conveys the motivation and ability for
separate potential biases from employees’ actual development and advancement; insightful about
ability and performance. own ability and seeks feedback from others.

The leadership team should ask: Does the employee • Engagement. Is committed to the library, excited
about challenges and new directions, often goes
demonstrate competencies, knowledge, skills,
above and beyond.
and abilities at that next level? How do you know
this? Do performance evaluations document it? High-potential employee
What about performance as a member of a key • Ability. Has a track record of results and leadership
team or committee? Do her projects come in on that is clearly superior to peers; demonstrates the
time and within budget? Does she have a role as knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies of the
an informal leader in the library? How does she next level; is smart, analytical, thinks systemically
use that influence? Do other employees ask her and critically; possesses a high degree of emotional
to be assigned to their committees or projects? intelligence and social and interpersonal skills.
What comments on the performance appraisal, • Aspiration. Demonstrates the motivation, drive,
about actual situations, are indicative of the com- and ambition to rise in the library; aware of own
petencies needed to move to additional chal- strengths and limitations, actively seeks develop-
lenges in your orga�nization? ment.

Finally (and especially where there are gaps), do • Engagement. Values and enjoys being part of the
not rely only on anecdotal evidence. Many off- library; is excited to be involved in projects; often
the-shelf objective and job-related assessments goes above and beyond.
are available for evaluating the potential of indi- Others rate employees on competencies, as shown
vidual employees. Results provide the library, as in figure 4.3.
well as the individual, with important feedback
as well as input into a development plan. 3. Select Code Based on Employee’s
After reflection, leaders determine each employ- Performance and Potential
ee’s potential for growth or expanded roles within the
library as low, growth, or high (L, G, H), using the At this point you have determined a rating for perfor-
following definitions (or something like them): mance (low, medium, or high) and one for potential
(low, growth, or high). Now it is time to determine
Low-potential employee a code that takes both ratings into account. Coding
• Ability. May be a solid performer with consistent makes it much more likely that staff are evaluated
execution but has not demonstrated the capacity consistently and on the same terms.
for growth in terms of a larger volume (e.g., larger Use the matrix shown in figure 4.4 to integrate the
branch) or role (e.g., reference librarian to adult employee’s performance and potential and to select an
ser�vices supervisor). appropriate code for succession planning. To complete
• Aspiration. May not have the motivation or interest this matrix, simply identify an employee’s performance
to advance or transfer laterally into other positions; (low/medium/high) and potential (low/growth/high)
Succession Planning and Development Process 53

and then choose the category where performance on more responsibility; promotable within 12–24
meets potential. You can use the code definitions months; lateral transfer within 8–12 months.
below to confirm alignment with your view of the staff
Key Contributor (KC). Consistent performer and
member’s talent and potential with the library.
well placed in current position; management
Each box on the matrix has a code that acts as a kind
should provide individual with committee or
of shorthand to describe the employee’s performance
other assignments to see how employee responds.
and potential:
Manager should value the person in this position
Promotable (P). Excellent performer; has a history and support her efforts.
of high performance ratings and consistently
Improvement Required (IR). Inconsistent per-
exceeds expectations; high-potential employee;
former; may lack knowledge, skills, abilities,
has taken on more responsibility; is ready for next
competencies, or motivation in one or more
level position; seeks a promotion.
areas; could become a concern requiring action
Emerging Talent (ET). Excellent performer; typi- if performance does not improve; not promot-
cally given high performance ratings by manager able; performance improvement plan should
or supervisor; shows growth potential; can take be in place.

Figure 4.3
Individual Potential Assessment Form
Directions: Supervisors rate employees (all, or those felt to be high potential) against various factors leading to
success at your library, such as skills, values, competencies, and abilities that are felt to be correlated with future
success at the next level of responsibility.


Needs Exceeds
Improvement Adequate Requirements
Success Factors/
Competencies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Dealing with change

2. Customer intimacy

3. Representing the library

4. Achievement

5. Strategic/critical

6. Self-awareness

7. Relating to others
54 Succession Planning and Development Process

Action Required (AR). Poor performer in current Another way to classify employees by performance
role; transfer if appropriate position in library and potential is through use of a performance/potential
system can be found or ask to leave; time line for grid (see figure 4.5), using the following definitions:
action is required.
Stars are the “exceed expectations” performers who
New Hire (NH). Too new to rate; usually less than are perceived to have high potential for future
six months in current position. advancement. They are a key source to replace
incumbents in key positions.
Now you are ready to transfer the code that identi-
fies the employee in terms of performance and poten- Steady Producers also exceed expectations in their
tial onto the talent profile form (figure 4.2, upper right performance in the current position, but they are
corner). There is no box labeled NH for new hires, not identified as having strong potential to fill key
since they are considered too new for leaders to assess positions at the library. Since they are still highly
performance and potential accurately. productive, the strategy is to capitalize on their
You might also want to use the figure 4.4 matrix, skills and knowledge and keep them productive
or some variation of it, to get a picture of all members and motivated.
of a unit or classification of employees at once. For Question Marks are poor performers in their cur-
example, you might place all librarians, or all staff from rent position, but they might have potential in
one unit, on the matrix to get a picture of emerging another position or in the future. The best strat-
and potential leadership. This approach circumvents egy for working with these employees is to focus
the possibility of staff with potential falling through on improving their performance, ideally to turn
the cracks, since everyone is considered systematically. them into stars. Consider coaching, mentoring,
You will be surprised at how many quiet shining stars or job rotation to help improve performance and
emerge through this methodical exercise. productivity.

Figure 4.4
Charting Performance and Potential


Low Growth High

Key Contributor—KC Emerging Talent—ET Promotable—P

Key Contributor—KC Key Contributor—KC Emerging Talent—ET


New Action Improvement Improvement Required—IR

Hire—NH Required—AR Required—IR
Succession Planning and Development Process 55

Deadwood are poor performers seen as having little opmental position; might make known that she is seek-
potential for growth at the library. Because of ing to leave the library, or is interviewing elsewhere;
retirements, layoffs, limited expansions, and bud- is having performance problems; spouse is relocating.
get cuts, fewer of these performers are left in most Examples of risk factors based on intuition are the
libraries. Where they do exist, supervisors should managers’ (or employees’) perception of readiness for
be coached to help them improve productivity or the next level; leaders’ perception of risk or fit; per-
to ease them out. ceived satisfaction with direction in which the library
is going; and satisfaction with current job, peer group,
4. Assess Retention Risk or supervisor. The risk factor selected, along with the
rationale for it, should be discussed at the succession
Now that talent has been identified, there are still a planning committee meeting. Examples of other fac-
few steps remaining. One is to assess the degree of tors, which may or may not be based on knowledge
risk that the staff person might leave the library in the and yet should be considered, are dissatisfaction with
next year. It is suggested that you identify the level of compensation or benefits; recently passed over for a
risk as high, medium, or low (H, M, L) and enter it on promotion; personal or family issues; dissatisfaction
the individual talent profile. High risk implies that the with job rotation assignment (e.g., to branch farther
manager or others believe the person will not be in her from home); does not feel included by peer group
current job for the next year, medium that she may not or recognized by manager; dissatisfied with potential
be, and low that she likely will remain in her current for career growth or communications flow; does not
position for the next twelve months. Your reason for agree with the direction in which the library is heading
selecting a high/medium/low risk factor can be based based on its recent planning process; feels lacking in
on knowledge you have or on your intuition. (Note: the information or training needed to be successful;
don’t minimize the importance of rumors, and don’t does not feel challenged and empowered to make a
overestimate their validity either.) Some examples meaningful contribution to the library; does not feel
of risk based on knowledge include these: employee recognized and appreciated for contribution to the
might be promoted or given a lateral position or devel- success of work group or the library; does not feel part

Figure 4.5
Charting Performance and Potential: Alternate Grid

Steady Producers Stars


Strategy: Keep turnover low. Strategy: Keep turnover low.


Keep them motivated and Accelerate development.


productive where they are.

Deadwood Question Marks

Strategy: Convert to Steady Strategy: Convert to Steady Producers.
Producers. Terminate them if Terminate them if they can’t be salvaged.

they can’t be salvaged.

low high

Future Potential

Source: Adapted from George S. Odiorne, Strategic Management of Human Resources: A Portfolio Approach (San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 1984), 305.
56 Succession Planning and Development Process

of an effective, diverse, and winning team; and, most At this point, leadership has already identified key
important, does not have a good, mutually respectful positions, including those in leadership. From their risk
relationship with supervisor. and retirement analysis, they know which positions may
become vacant. High-potential employees are identi-
5. Complete the Talent Profile fied, and developmental needs are at least identified.
Now is the time to identify successor candidates.
The next step is to complete the talent profile forms When considering successor candidates, start by ask-
to create in-depth, individualized profiles. You have ing the following questions: How would this position
already entered results from the assessments you have further develop the employee being considered? Would
completed to date regarding performance, potential, the employee be interested in this opportunity?
and risk. Now be sure you have collected information Figure 4.8 is a sample of a succession planning
from prior performance reviews and the individual’s report summary for leadership positions. As you can
résumé. The completed profile serves as basis for dis- see, it builds on the leadership overview prepared for
cussion in the succession planning committee meet- the review sessions.
ing. Figure 4.6 is a filled-out example profile. One easy way to assess bench strength, to see if the
library can fill vacancies from within with relative
6. Build Leadership Overview ease, is through replacement charting or planning.
Replacement charting was the original goal of succes-
The next step is to create a talent summary of the sion planning before it broadened out to include, as in
library’s leadership team or any group under consider- the case of this book, talent development and building
ation (e.g., all branches, all librarians). You can create a pipeline of employees ready to fill vacancies.
the overview from the information listed in the indi- Replacement charting indicates one or more suc-
vidual talent profiles. The resulting overview provides cessors for key positions and also helps to create a
a comprehensive, high-level view of top talent and the management inventory for the library. Smaller libraries
multiple leadership opportunities available. Figure 4.7 may not need this at all, but larger libraries will find
is a sample version of a leadership overview. it useful. Figure 4.9 is one format for a replacement
chart. It lists the positions in the hierarchy. Successors
7. Conduct Succession Planning and are identified under each position with a notation
Development Review Sessions as to readiness to take on the higher-level job. The
number “1” identifies those ready for the promotion
The succession planning committee meets to review immediately, number “2” those ready in six months,
employees with an eye toward growing leaders and and so on. Those identified as successors should be
providing development opportunities to maximize both stars and high potentials, or those with a talent
their potential at the library. At the review sessions, profile coded Promotable and Emerging Talent. If they
the committee uses the completed individual talent are not, review why the selected code was assigned;
profiles and leadership overviews to move into phase 2 is the identified successor truly a successor or just a
of the process—creating succession pans. fill-in in the event of vacancy? In either event, plan to
create a robust individual development plan for those
identified as replacements (unless there is indication of
 hase II: Creating
P interest being limited to filling the position only until
Succession Plans a replacement is located internally or externally).

Leaders create succession plans on the basis of orga�

nizational needs, goals, and priorities as well as indi-  hase III: Creating and
viduals’ performance, potential, ability, and motiva- Implementing Individual
tion. To accomplish this, they utilize the documents Development Plans
completed in phase 1 to prioritize needs and potential
candidates to fulfill these needs. Leadership evaluates Talent Development
library needs in the future through the risk assessments
and anticipated retirements to identify bench strength A good understanding of where employees fall in
and internal candidates for positions. the matrix is not where developing talent stops—it is
Figure 4.6
Individual Talent Profile: Completed Sample
Name: Jane Smith Potential
Title: Branch Mgr Performance Current Prior KC ET P
Location: West Regional Rating: (H/M/L) H H

Hire Date: 10/1/00 Potential: (H/G/L) H G KC KC ET
Date in Position: 6/30/05 Risk: (H/M/L) M M
# of Direct Reports: 6 IDP in Place: Y
Yes/no AR IR IR
Talent Code: P


Library Core Rating Development Functional Rating Development

Competencies: (1–5) Actions Competencies: (1–5) Actions
Customer Service 5 Reference 5
Teamwork 4 Lead new outreach Technology 5
Adaptability 5 Facilities Mgmt 4 Serve on
planning team
for South


Recommended Next Internal Library/

Timing Timing
Position(s): Successors Function
Public Services Director 1 yr

Internal Successors External

Timing Library
Sam Jones—Br. Mgr. @ 12-18 mo. None
smaller branch known
Sally Green—Adult 12-18 mo.
Department Mgr. @ West


Positions w/Library Years in Job

Branch Manager—West Regional 4
Branch Manager—South Branch 5

Positions Prior to Joining the Library Years in Job

Outreach Manager—Green County Library 4
Children’s Librarian—Anytown Library 3

Degree or Certification School or Association Date Received:

MLS State University 1993
Online Trainer Online University 2000
Results Boot Camp PLA 2008

Completed by:
Date: 7/1/09

Figure 4.7
Sample Leadership Overview

Position/ Talent Developmental Recommended

Employee Title Location Code Needs Next Position Timing Notes
Jenny Fir Deputy Central KC Current position:
Director managing four

Jane Tree Director, Central P Executive coaching

Public to improve
Services understanding of
impact of behavior
on individuals
and groups

John Oak Manager, Central ET Experience with

Central and building projects
Outreach and facilities

Harry Maple Director, Central KC Excellent in current

Research role; does not seek
and Strategy promotion; does
not hold an MLS

Annie Pea Manager, Central ET Leadership

Community development;
Branches presentation skills
Succession Planning and Development Process 59

actually where it begins. The critical work comes from when there are others equally or better skilled.
providing feedback and developing staff. Although In other words, there are no assurances; no
each employee is different, each more or less fits into employee is anointed to fill the position of
one of the nine matrix categories according to perfor- another.
mance and potential. Still, it is not sufficient merely to • Assess retention risks and develop a specific
identify an employee by category; providing useful and plan if appropriate and allowable within civil
insightful feedback is key to talent development. How ser�vice or other rules.
managers and leaders approach each employee and
their individual situations requires thought. It calls for Tips for Development
honest feedback of potential along with a meaningful • Help the employee create and implement a
conversation about the individual’s career growth and vigorous individual development plan (IDP;
development. Below are some things to think about, see below).
tips for development, and talking points for managers • Establish frequent one-on-one sessions to dis-
and leaders to reflect upon when giving feedback to cuss career goals and progress in meeting IDP
(1) promotable/high-potential employees, (2) emerg- goals. Openly discuss concerns the employee
ing talent, (3) fully successful key contributors, and (4) may have about the future. This is particu-
employees requiring performance improvement. Do larly important to members of generations
not forget that every employee, regardless of category, is X and Y.
different; it is the manager’s role to consider the needs • Develop “stretch assignments” by delegat-
and motivations of each employee, how they receive ing projects or responsibilities you are cur-
and internalize feedback, and to act accordingly. rently doing (in the important, not mundane,
• Look for opportunities for the employee to get
Potential Employees
broader visibility and “showcase” her talents
Key Considerations
(e.g., task force assignments, presentations to
The primary challenge in working with high-potential library leadership or the board of trustees).
employees is to communicate that they are valued • Allow the employee to stand in for you at
without prematurely raising expectations about promo- meetings or provide backup when you are
tions. These employees often want to see that they are out of the office or on vacation.
making measurable progress toward their career goals. • Encourage the employee to present at state
As a result, they actively seek additional responsibilities and national library conferences and to get
that broaden skills or offer new challenges. They may involved in these (and other) orga�nizations to
need help from you to modify their sense of urgency develop talents, learn new skills, get exposed
for promotion. Here are several ideas for working with to other ideas, and take on leadership roles in
them: a nonwork environment. Encourage volunteer
work with local nonprofit groups of any type
• Give frequent reassurance that you and the as well as participation in Rotary, chamber of
library regard them highly. commerce, or other business associations.
• Do not make promises about promotions or • Identify cross-functional developmental (lat-
next assignments unless the situation is very eral) moves or rotational assignments.
clear. • Arrange a mentoring relationship with a well-
• Most libraries are unable to provide compen- regarded, successful internal or external leader
sation increases that align with this level of who can assist in targeted developmental
performance. But, to the extent you can, pro- needs.
vide salary increases, incentives, and awards • Ask the employee to participate in 360-degree
commensurate with performance. In addition feedback or other developmental assessments
to or in lieu of monetary recognition, provide to gain more insight into career strengths and
recognition to such employees in the manner developmental needs.
they want to receive it. • Partner with a coach for targeted developmen-
• Make sure the employee understands the tal needs or prepare for the role in a promo-
competitive nature of promotion decisions tional assignment.
Figure 4.8
sample Succession Planning Report Summary

Position/ Talent Developmental Recommended

Employee Title Location Code Needs Next Position Timing Notes
Jenny Fir Deputy Central KC Current position:
Director managing four

Jane Tree Director, Central P Executive coaching Deputy Director 12

Public to improve months
Services understanding of
impact of behavior
on individuals
and groups

John Oak Manager, Central ET Experience with Director, Public 9–12

Central and building projects Services months
Outreach and facilities

Harry Maple Director, Central KC Excellent in current Not at

Research role; does not seek this time
and Strategy promotion; does
not hold an MLS

Annie Pea Manager, Central ET Leadership Manager, Central 18+

Community development; and Outreach months
Branches presentation skills
Figure 4.9
Replacement Charting Using a Demand Forecast
Table 1
Key Leadership Position or Approx. Months until
Knowledge Base Primary Skills and Knowledge Required Needed

Central Library Director • Knowledge of librarianship 60

• Well-developed leadership/coaching skills
• Networking within community

Table 2
Three Potential Successors’
Successors, in Order Readiness Developmental
of Readiness Levela Strengths Experiences Needed

Central Director
• Knowledge of
• Well-developed
coaching skills
• Networking
within community

Anni Reference 1 Strong leadership skills Community

Strong reference skills networking

John Smith 3 Good reference skills Community


Jerri Frank 4 Good communicator, Leadership/coaching

networker skills

Source: Adapted from Paula Singer and Jeanne Goodrich, “Workforce Planning in Your Library,” PLA Spring Symposium,
2007, San Jose, Calif.

1 = ready now; 2 = ready within 6 months; 3 = ready within 12 months; 4 = ready within 24 months

62 Succession Planning and Development Process

Suggested Talking Points (please use your own words) • We will continue to have this type of dialogue
on a (insert frequency) basis as a part of our
• It is important to spend some time with you regular meetings. I look forward to our future
specifically to have a conversation about your discussions.
career goals and aspirations.
• You are highly regarded by me and other lead- What is it like to be identified and developed as key
ers throughout the library. You continue to talent? Succession planning has been a key initiative
be an excellent performer—always delivering at OCLC for more than ten years. George Needham
results in a manner that is congruent with is vice president of Global and Regional Councils at
our library’s goals, mission, and values. For OCLC. He went through the first and more recent
example (insert appropriate examples). You talent management and succession planning programs
continue to expand the scope of your respon- at OCLC and is also someone who identifies and
sibilities, and your work is consistently high manages others. We asked him to remember being
quality (again, insert examples—be they the identified as someone with high potential and being
quality of responses to reference questions, invited to participate in the first program. He paused
helping a page team leader work out sched- for a few seconds to reflect, and I could hear the feel-
ules, forming a partnership with the local day ing in his voice: “It was an honor to learn that my boss
care center, etc.). These are exactly the types feels that way [about my potential]. It was a heady
of characteristics we look for in our future pro- feeling.” Very appreciative of the opportunities, he
fessionals/leaders (as appropriate). (It is critical said that it made him feel valued and very loyal. He
to use specific examples of the employee’s worked harder, stayed longer, and now gives back by
observed behavior so that she understands developing others.
exactly what you value.)
• Based on your performance, it is appropriate Emerging Talent
to begin considering other opportunities for Key Considerations
you to enhance your career within our library. The primary challenge in working with emerging
Just to check, is that something you want? talent is to convey that they are valued without prema-
If so, let’s talk about what those possibilities turely raising expectations about growth opportunities.
might look like (and really listen to what is Development plans for these staff members should
being said). include activities that help clarify their growth or per-
• Now let’s discuss how to align your IDP prop- formance potential.
erly with where you would like to see your
career heading. • Give frequent reassurance that you and the
• Please keep in mind that your performance library hold them in high regard.
(both results and behaviors as articulated in • Avoid absolute promises about promotions or
the competencies—the what and the how) in next assignments unless the situation is very
your current position is one of the most impor- clear.
tant factors in determining future advance- • Most libraries are unable to provide compen-
ment. We encourage you to continue provid- sation increases that align with this level of
ing the exceptional performance you have performance. But, to the extent you can, pro-
been demonstrating. vide salary increases, incentives, and awards
• It is also important for us to ensure that we commensurate with the performance. In addi-
have a qualified individual who is ready to tion to or in lieu of monetary recognition,
move into your position. Let’s talk about provide recognition to this employee in the
who may be a potential successor for you manner she wants to receive it.
and what we need to do to get her ready (if • Make sure the employee understands the com-
appropriate). petitive nature of promotion decisions when
• What other questions do you have for me? there are others equally or better skilled. Cre-
How can I support you in your development? ate teams of highly talented peers to accelerate
What else could I be doing to help make your growth and elevate the level of performance.
work more satisfying and for you to feel that • Consistently assess retention risks and develop
you are learning and growing? specific plans, if appropriate.
Succession Planning and Development Process 63

Tips for Development level of performance you have been demon-

• Ensure that a vigorous IDP exists and is being • What other questions do you have for me?
implemented. How can I support you in your development?
• Establish frequent one-on-one meetings to dis- What else could I be doing to help make your
cuss career goals and progress in meeting those work more satisfying and for you to feel that
goals. Openly discuss concerns the employee you are learning and growing?
may have about her future. • We will continue to have this type of dialogue
• Develop “stretch assignments” by delegating on a (insert frequency) basis as a part of our
projects or responsibilities you are currently regular communication. I look forward to our
doing (in important, not mundane, areas). future discussions.
• Look for opportunities for the staff member
to get broader visibility and “showcase” her Key Contributor
talents (e.g., task force assignments, presen- Everyone eventually reaches a level beyond which
tations to library leadership or the board of promotion would be ill advised (for both the individual
trustees). and the library). This limitation does not imply poor
• Allow the employee to stand in for you at performance in the current position. Typical types of
meetings or provide backup when you are key contributor:
out of the office or on vacation.
• Identify cross-functional and other develop- • Strong individual contributor who may be well
mental assignments. placed in her current assignment, whether
• Arrange a mentoring relationship with a highly cataloger, circulation clerk, or department
regarded, successful internal or external leader head.
who can assist in targeted developmental • Employee who prefers to remain in her cur-
needs. rent role. Not everyone wants to rise in the
• Ask the employee to participate in 360-degree library hierarchy; sometimes overachiever
feedback or other developmental assessments leaders forget that.
to gain more insight into career strengths and • Staff member with limited experience in
developmental needs. broader, more strategic, or big-picture roles
or tasks and little or no desire to gain more.
Suggested Talking Points
• Staff member with limited ability, or desire, to
• It is important to spend some time to have a supervise or manage others.
discussion with you regarding your career. • Employee who is simply not as qualified as
• You know that you are well regarded by library others in the position in the library.
leadership and me. You continue to be a very
strong performer—consistently delivering Key Considerations
results in a manner that is consistent with Regardless of the scenario, your conclusion is that
library values (insert appropriate examples for the time being the present position is the one for
of observable behavior). You demonstrate the which the individual is best suited. Your role is to man-
desire and capacity for further development age the employee’s career expectations constructively.
and growth. Just to check, is that something Here are several ideas on how to provide feedback to
you want? these members of the workforce (most employees are
• Let’s talk for a moment about your career likely to fall into this category):
• Now let’s discuss how to align your IDP prop- • Regularly recognize contributions the em-
erly with where you would like to see your ployee is making (especially directly following
career go. the initial career discussion).
• Please keep in mind that your performance • Gain a clear understanding of the real rea-
(both results and behaviors) in your current sons behind the employee’s desire (if any)
position is one of the most important fac- for career advancement. Is the motivation
tors in determining future advancement. We income growth, a position or title of “impor-
encourage you to continue providing the high tance,” professional recognition, the need for
64 Succession Planning and Development Process

continued challenge and growth, or some- • I am committed to helping you continue to

thing else? Acknowledge these needs and grow and develop in the direction that best
develop an understanding that they may not suits you and the library. I look forward to
be met immediately or that an alternative way working through the details with you as part
of meeting them may need to be determined. of your IDP.
This is critical because these are good, solid
employees who are contributing a great deal Employees Who Require Improvement
to the library and are successful in their roles. Key Considerations
There are likely many opportunities to meet Employees who require improvement may fall into
all but the desire for increased income. Point this area for several different reasons. In general, this
out opportunities for expansion of current employee is either not meeting expectations from a
responsibilities and the room for growth in performance standpoint or is exhibiting low growth
compensation without a promotion. potential in terms of ability or motivation to succeed.
The main point of focus is to discuss the sustained
Tips for Development improvements required to remain in the position and
• Ensure that an appropriate IDP exists and is with the library. In some cases, a lateral move into
being implemented. another position may be the appropriate solution. If
• Establish regular time to discuss career goals so, keep in mind that at some point this employee was
and progress in meeting those goals. likely seen as having potential and good job perfor-
• Openly discuss concerns the employee may mance. She may even have been promoted at some
have about her future. point. You need to reassure her of your commitment
• Identify what the employee is “best at” and to work with her to improve performance. You should
leverage that skill in other parts of the library. also assess factors that could cause this individual
• Provide opportunities for the staff member to to lose motivation and leave the library rather than
“showcase” her skills. improve performance and stay.
• Assign special projects or “stretch assignments”
Tips for Development
that provide challenge and visibility both func-
tionally and cross-functionally. • Develop and implement a healthy perfor-
• Use the employee to help train new staff in her mance improvement plan. The plan should
classification or below. be time bound with specific measurable
• Allow the employee to stand in for you at actions.
meetings or provide backup when you are • Establish check-in meetings to discuss career
out of the office or on vacation. goals and performance progress.
• Consider a job rotation to provide appropriate • Openly discuss concerns the employee may
technical skill or leadership experiences. have about her future.
• Identify what the employee is “best at” and
Suggested Talking Points leverage that skill.
• I want to have a discussion regarding your • Provide structured on-the-job training with a
performance and career growth. trainer, peer, or supervisor.
• As you know from our past performance dis- • Engage the employee in appropriate educa-
cussions, you have made numerous important tion-based programs.
and significant contributions in your position
Suggested Talking Points
as (insert job title). You are a solid, highly suc-
cessful performer with consistent execution • I want to respond to your questions about
(or insert applicable comments and applicable your potential for career growth here at the
examples of observed behavior). library.
• We believe it is in your best interest—and • As you know from our past discussions, I have
the library’s—to continue to challenge you to several concerns regarding your performance.
develop your skills and competencies in your Specifically, you are not demonstrating (insert
current position. appropriate skills, observable behavior, etc).
Succession Planning and Development Process 65

• Your most concentrated effort right now needs Individual Development Plans
to be focused on improving and sustaining your
performance in the areas I just mentioned. Development plans are based on thoughtful feedback,
• I sincerely want to see you turn this situation the individual’s career interests, and orgaÂ�nizational
around. Therefore, I will work with you to needs. A time-bound development plan assists in
create a targeted plan that incorporates (insert closing the skill and competency gaps between an
appropriate tactics). employee’s current role and her next position, be it a
• We will meet on a biweekly basis to discuss lateral or promotional opportunity. By creating an IDP,
your performance plan objectives and progress. managers are able to identify specific activities and
As your performance improves, we can talk opportunities for each individual on their staff.
more specifically about your career growth. Once you have assessed the employee’s potential
• Aside from the steps that I have mentioned, and performance, consider what key experiences
how else can I support you in your develop- would most benefit them in reaching their career
ment? What do you specifically need from goals. These experiences serve as the framework for
me? Please don’t hesitate to discuss with me the IDP and must include the what, how, and when
any future ideas you may have. of activities to ensure that the employee is making
progress toward her next position. An IDP is essen-
Feedback Styles tially a learning contract that conveys what learning
gap is being filled (e.g., what competency or skills are
In the context of career development discussions and acquired), what the employee will learn, how she will
feedback, it is important to know the person to whom learn it, and how this learning is to be demonstrated.
feedback is being given and to account for personal Figure 4.11 is a sample IDP.
style, needs, and motivations when planning these con- A few tips:
versations. The literature and anecdotal evidence point
to the ways members of different generations view and It is critical that managers understand staff mem-
seek feedback, summarized in figure 4.10. Consider bers’ needs and desires, as well as the needs
these ideas for volunteers as well as staff. of the library, when identifying activities for

Figure 4.10
Feedback Preference by Generation

Traditionalists (born 1922–1943) Baby Boomers (1943–1960)

• No news is good news • Like and expect feedback once a year and
• Do not seek applause appreciate a lot of documentation
• Seek a subtle acknowledgment that what they • Good at giving feedback to others, but not
have done makes a difference necessarily receiving or needing it

Generation X (1960–1980) Millennials/Generation Y (1980–2000)

• Seek a lot of feedback and on a regular basis. • Seek and value instantaneous feedback, at the
“Sorry to interrupt,” I’ve heard members in this push of the button
age group say in the middle of a conversation • Accustomed to frequent praise, so may mistake
or meeting, “how am I doing?” silence for disapproval
• Need positive feedback to know that they are • Need to know that they are doing a good job
on the right track
Figure 4.11
Sample Individual Development Plan

Name: __Jane Smith_________________________________ Department: __Branch Manager—West Regional______________

Date Prepared: __7/15/09_____________________

Development Goal Development Activities Development Success Involvement of Target

What competencies for How are you going How will you know you Others Date
knowledge, skills, or to do this? have learned it? How will Did you get their Start?
abilities are you going you demonstrate it? agreement? Are Completion?
to learn or develop? additional resources

Models team leadership Lead new outreach team • Team members learn what • Identify community 9/1/09
by building consensus to develop programs for community wants and partners—schools, through
and helping a diverse English-language learners agree on a way to provide it nonprofits, churches 6/30/10
group develop to (Spanish-speaking families) • Team produces 3–5 • Programming and
meet a system goal new to our community programs that can be used marketing coordinator
as models for the system • Training manager—for
• Community members team development
attend programs and say needs
they are on target

Designs and manages Serve on renovation design • Research best practices • West Regional staff, to 1/1/10
facilities so they are team for South Branch of other libraries and implement ideas through
customer-centered contribute ideas • Facilities director, for 12/30/10
and easy to use • Use some of the ideas at resources needed at
West Regional West

Supervisor’s Signature: __________________________________ Staff Member’s Signature: ________________________________

Succession Planning and Development Process 67

the development plan. Employees own their Activities and time line should be captured in the
development plan, so you should work with them employee’s development plan.
on a regular basis to foster their development and Do not just assume that, once it is completed, you
prepare them for career growth. and the employee can check off the IDP box. Rather,
managers and employees should schedule regular
To create IDPs, managers and employees must con-
conversations to check progress, reevaluate activities,
duct the following two activities: First, determine
and provide feedback, support, and recognition. Prog-
a lateral career move or the next-level position on
ress toward completing the IDP should be a regular
the basis of career goals. Then, jointly identify
component of each performance review.
the gaps in the employee’s current role to the
IDPs are useful for staff at all levels, independent
skills, knowledge, abilities, and competencies
of whether they have been identified as candidates
needed in the next-level position or to enhance
for a succession planning program. OCLC is a good
performance in the current position. It is possible
example of an orga�nization with both a strong suc-
that the employee’s next career move will not be
cession planning program and a strong focus on indi-
within your orga�nization, perhaps because you
vidual career development for all employees (see
do not have an opportunity for her when she is
chapter 7).
ready. Yet IDPs are for everyone, whether they
At the County of Los Angeles Public Library, every
are “growing in place” or preparing to move up
librarian (levels 1–5) is interviewed by her boss in July
or move on.
of each year. They discuss the librarian’s career goals
We suggest that, once the areas of development to and how the library, and the manager, can help the
focus on have been determined, development librarian reach them. These discussions are separate
activities should be structured to include a variety from and in addition to the performance management
of approaches, including on-the-job experiences process and conversations surrounding it. The assistant
(70 percent), relationships (20 percent), and edu- director of public ser�vices reads all plans.
cation (10 percent) (see figure 4.12). Margaret Donnellan Todd, the county librarian,
reports several additional outcomes to this method of
Identify and schedule specific time-bound (i.e., development planning. First, managers get to know the
six to eighteen months) activities that provide the librarians, even all new level 1s. They are able to dis-
employee with an opportunity to demonstrate compe- cuss how realistic or inconsistent with performance an
tence or to work to close the gap between her current employee’s goals are, then use this occasion to reinforce
position and the next (lateral or promotional) position. any changes in performance needed for the librarian to

Figure 4.12
Development Action Suggestions

Experiences (70%) Relationships (20%) Education (10%)

The most effective Forming formal or informal Education includes both formal
developmental relationships with peers and training and self-directed learning
opportunities are on-the- leaders provide a variety of opportunities. Examples:
job experiences. Examples: perspectives not otherwise • Classroom training
• Stretch assignment considered. Examples: • E-learning
• Job shadowing • Mentoring • Self-directed learning, including
• Job rotation • Executive coaching reading
• Job swap • Feedback
68 Succession Planning and Development Process

proceed with her career goals. This is not always a mat- Note
ter of poor performance or attitude. Todd shared a story Special thanks to Paula’s brother, Ezra D. Singer, senior
about a manager who told a librarian that she could not vice president of Limited Brands, for some ideas used in
be promoted or developed unless some changes were this chapter.
made. However, this librarian is creative with an artistic
(rather than managerial) temperament. She decided to
alter her career goals rather than change.

Strategies for Developing Staff

Talent Pools and Beyond

Our “legacy” staff members (and that may include us) entered the workforce
at a time when there was an implied lifelong contract between employer and
employees: both expected an employee to spend her whole career in one or maybe
two places, so if the employee met performance standards, she essentially had a job
for life. In today’s world, that contract no longer exists. The new contract is about
mutuality of purpose. Employers cannot promise to “take care of” an employee
for life, and employees stay only as long as their needs are met.
The new employment relationship is about mutual benefit, and developing
talent benefits both the library and the staff member. In such a scenario, we ask,
are we ready for these employer and employee realities?
Employer perspective:
• Your education is not a qualifier for this job.
• We are not offering you a job for life, and we do not expect you to spend your
lifetime here.
• You may not work with the same workmates while employed here.
• You will be part of many self-managed teams responsible for a full range of
• Your assignments will provide learning experiences that enhance your employ-
• We expect you to support our vision and values passionately while employed

Employee perspective:
• I know my stability will be based on my reputation for performance.
• I will be responsible for managing my own benefits.
• I will continue to hone my skills and grow.
• I will embrace entrepreneurship.
• I will always be open to new jobs and new employment opportunities inside the
library and elsewhere.

70 Strategies for Developing Staff

If the library provides top-notch training and tools for Grow Your Own Workforce
employees, in return it will have ready, competent
employees who are continually growing to meet the There are many ways to provide support for employees
library’s changing needs. seeking a bachelor’s degree or MLS. Give employees
Developing talent throughout the library is key who are working full-time while attending college or
to having an effective succession planning program. library school tuition assistance (any little bit helps) as
Many traditional succession planning programs focus well as some time off to study every week. Just an hour
on identifying and developing one to three successors or two makes a huge difference to a working student.
to key positions, especially at the leadership level. If you cannot afford tuition assistance or paid time to
This is certainly an important aspect of a succession study—or even if you can—support students in devel-
planning and development program, but we think it oping practical projects for their course work, and use
is even more effective to develop talent pools. In this those projects to benefit customers. A student who
model, the library helps to create as many backups as can point to her project being used by the library can
possible among talented staff members at all levels see the value of her education and see how the library
who are willing and motivated to develop themselves. values her contribution. Support may also be more
All staff in the talent pool are developed in accordance formal. For example, the Fresno County (Calif.) Pub-
with both the library’s and the individual’s short- and lic Library has a librarian trainee program in which
longer-term needs. an MLS student may be selected to work under the
To be effective, a talent pool should be paired direction of a librarian and receive mentoring along
with competency models (chapter 3), suitable per- with preprofessional training and work experience.
formance management practices to encourage (See this story in chapter 7 for more detail.)
individual development and performance, the right
strategies to assess employees’ potential (chapter 4),
and appropriate developmental efforts that align  romote MLS Students to
individual goals with orga�nizational needs. When an Interim Grade Level
a vacancy occurs, individuals compete. Instead of
offering the job to those with the most tenure or After a student has successfully completed one-half
to the personal favorites of immediate supervisors, of the degree, reclassify her job from library associate
individuals are prepared to compete on the basis of to librarian trainee or another title. Award a grade
demonstrated track records in performing their work increase as well as a salary increase. The employee
and developing themselves. will value your appreciation and show it in her work
In the library world, several examples of potential as well as in her loyalty and decision to remain after
talent pools come to mind—for example, branch graduation.
manager, regional manager, department head (based Taking this approach can also have a downside. It is
on specialty as well as management and leadership one thing to encourage someone with great potential
competencies), circulation and technical process- to go to school; it is another thing entirely to promote
ing supervisors, subject specialist. But why use talent anyone who completes a degree, whether or not she
pools only for specific positions? Why not develop all is someone you would hire to fill an MLS position.
employees (who are willing and able) to the level of The disadvantage of paying for education rather than
“exceeds expectations.” Can you imagine a library for job responsibilities is that you may find yourself
system where all employees are adding that kind of paying for an MLS when the incumbent is not doing
value? MLS-level work, or eventually paying someone an
Whether your library is large or small, there are sev- MLS salary when she is not someone you would have
eral things you might consider to help your staff grow promoted into an MLS position.
and develop. In this chapter we provide a variety of Another option is to encourage staff with demon-
examples, and there are several more in chapter 7. In strated potential to apply for available MLS jobs even
addition, you should capitalize on programs offered by before they finish their coursework. Promote them
your jurisdiction/academic institution, and be mind- and hire them at a provisional rate, giving them salary
ful of requirements or limitations in your civil ser�vice increases at milestones to degree completion. This is
rules or union contract. a useful practice when it is hard to recruit qualified
Strategies for Developing Staff 71

MLS librarians and results in loyalty, too. Encouraging pete for vacant positions, sometimes against external
people to apply even if they have not completed the candidates who already have an MLS. But even when
qualification helps them demonstrate their interest in a student is not promoted, the library gets a return
advancement and gain skill in interviewing. You may on its investment, because it finds that students are
discover previously hidden potential and then provide engaged in learning and in applying what they learn
coaching or mentoring to help your students become to their work.
stronger candidates for promotion.
The Carroll County (Md.) Public Library has used
this model to promote several MLS students into MLS Develop a Program of Job
jobs, with great success. Over the years they found that Rotation and Cross-Training
they were not seeing the quality of external candidates
they wanted to fill entry-level MLS positions, yet they Have staff swap jobs for three to six months. All will
had several experienced bachelor’s-prepared staff who return with increased job knowledge, vitality, perspec-
demonstrated the library’s core competencies (e.g., tive, and appreciation of the library, its work, and the
customer ser�vice and teamwork) and were interested workforce. Do this as part of a structured program in
in developing themselves. The library supported some which staff members keep a journal or record ques-
staff in pursuit of MLS degrees in order to “grow their tions they encounter and discuss their key learnings
own” librarians, but there were not enough students with their peers, a coach, or both.
graduating quickly enough to compete for vacancies Alternately, job rotation can be less extensive. You
coming available. So the library began to advertise to can rotate library associates assigned to the central
staff that students enrolled in an MLS program would facility into a branch for a week or rotate employees
be considered for some (clearly identified) MLS jobs. among branches, if you have more than one building.
Students began to apply for these jobs, and one or two Cross-train public ser�vice, technical ser�vices, and busi-
staff members even enrolled in MLS programs after ness office employees. Not only do such assignments
seeing such job postings. Though it is never a given that develop the individuals involved, they provide the
an MLS student will be promoted, internal candidates library with a more flexible and capable workforce,
who have demonstrated their interest have the advan- reducing work stoppages or backlogs when vacation is
tage of having their work seen over time. Successful taken or someone is out on extended sick leave. The
candidates have had several things in common: Santa Clara County (Calif.) Library story in chapter 7
provides examples of several approaches to job rota-
• relevant experience (such as supervisory expe- tion, including an example of how one manager’s
rience) acquired from previous jobs medical leave resulted in developmental opportunities
• demonstrated competencies in the library’s for three staff members.
core areas, such as customer serÂ�vice or team- Don’t just send these staff off without learning objec-
work, and good progress in learning the techni- tives. Employees undertaking a job rotation should
cal competencies of their jobs (and sometimes develop an IDP that clarifies developmental goals for
of the jobs a level above theirs) taking or seeking the assignment (see chapter 4). The
• enough employment history with the library person is expected acquire new knowledge, skills, and
to have been identified (even informally) as abilities as an outcome of the job rotation.
Promotable or Emerging Talent “It’s like springtime renewal when a person takes
over a new area,” says Patrick Losinski, executive
These librarians would be the first to admit that director of Columbus (Ohio) Metropolitan Library.
taking on a new and higher-level position while com- Columbus Metro also “switches deck chairs” around
pleting graduate school is not easy. Several of them (as Losinski calls it), rotating or combining jobs. In
have talked about “running to keep up” with all the one recent example, collection development staff and
competing demands on their time. Despite this, they technical ser�vices staff were supervised by the market-
have brought to the system a new energy level as their ing department. This is one way to help someone see
new ideas and new skills are put to use. It is important the bigger picture, in this case to support centralized
to note that not every MLS student gets a promotion, collections. Losinski was able to report seeing new
even after completing the degree. They must com- ways of thinking within three weeks. Switching deck
72 Strategies for Developing Staff

chairs was also mandatory for five branch managers in challenge, and Melinda Cervantes, the library’s execu-
order to provide lateral transfers, new challenges, and tive director and county librarian, celebrates their suc-
new ways of thinking. cess along with them.
Many of the branch managers in Cuyahoga County Shared leadership models such as task groups and
(Ohio) Public Library were reassigned when this committees are frequently used to develop employees
twenty-eight-branch library system reorga�nized. The at Fresno County (Calif.) Public Library. A combina-
reorga�nization resulted in a rotational move for all tion of employees having subject knowledge, those
branch managers with less than three years of tenure new to librarianship, and long-term staff participate
in their branch. Yes, there were some tears and some on the same committee. For example, a task force
opposition; a few branch managers even retired a little was created to plan the events around the library’s
sooner than planned. Despite some short-term pain, hundred-year anniversary as a county library.
library director (and current PLA president) Sari Feld- Fresno County Public Library also capitalizes on
man and her mover-and-shaker deputy Tracey Strobel staff development under civil ser�vice regulations,
report that the move was energizing overall. They see even though they are often seen as limiting options.
branch managers as pivotal to making the library’s For example, a special salary upgrade for up to nine
mission a reality, and according to Strobel this move months can be offered to an employee filling a tempo-
“ramped everything up” across the system. The “jolt” rary vacancy. In this manner, a Librarian II who might
reenergized the whole system, with staff rising to work have the years of experience to qualify as a Librarian III
with (and impress) their new bosses, managers looking (supervisor) could work in a higher classification dur-
at their new location and staff with fresh eyes, and all ing a vacancy or leave. This not only helps the library
facing and growing from new challenges. New branch provide continuous ser�vices but provides the librar-
teams initiated many changes; more than a few of ian with the range of experiences needed to compete
these resulted in higher efficiencies, improvement for promotion opportunities. County librarian Karen
to effectiveness, increased circulation, higher door Bosch Cobb and training librarian Camille Turner
counts, and more. have used this approach to create opportunities for all,
resulting in staff with more competencies, trained and
available for promotion.
Take Advantage of Task Forces
and Interim Job Assignments
Action Learning
Do not repeatedly ask the same people to serve on
task forces or committees. For each new task force or Learning through action serves to help employees
job assignment, seek out a promising person who has develop critical competencies by completing impor-
not been given an opportunity to participate. Ask her tant library work. An action learning team tackles a
to serve. If she agrees, provide support and watch her strategic issue and makes recommendations to library
blossom. leadership. Action learning has also been used to
Fast teams are frequently used for problem solving select, assess, and develop stars and high-potential
and employee development at Santa Clara County employees to new levels of knowledge, skills, experi-
(Calif.) Library. A fast team provides an intensive focus ence, and competencies. The characteristics of action
to an issue or problem facing the library. There are few learning are as follows:
people on fast teams, three to five, from targeted orga�
nizational units. Teams usually meet for no more than • It is a team-based approach to learning.
four weeks. The team decides who will chair it, how • The team works on real-world problems or
many meetings are needed, and how communications business challenges that are often for high
up, down, and sideways will take place. One fast team stakes.
rolled out chat reference. Another was tasked to pro- • There is often a training component such
vide the community with help getting connected with as team functioning or problem solving
the library. Charters for fast teams have a reasonable built in.
scope, and staff members provide their best thinking • The real-world challenge is a stretch assign-
and research. The library has seen people rise to the ment that extends beyond members’ experi-
Strategies for Developing Staff 73

ence. Thus, teams are challenged and put performance evaluation, it is essential that everyone
into a stressful situation while knowing their involved understand the purposes of the evaluation
work will be reviewed and supported by lead- and receive thorough training in applying the pro-
ership. cess.

Action learning is a prime source of development

at the County of Los Angeles (Calif.) Public Library, Create a Dual Career Ladder
reports county librarian Margaret Donnellan Todd. System for Librarians
When Todd took on the director’s role in 2001, she
found a gap in candidates for potential leadership Career ladders allow employees to focus on their
positions and few employees between the ages of 40 expertise as, for example, an individual contributor
and 50. She was not too surprised; the library, like (e.g., children’s librarian) without having to take on
many in California, had faced several waves of finan- a management role to earn more. In this scenario, an
cial problems, resulting in hiring freezes and talented employee might advance from Librarian I to II by tak-
employees moving on. She realized that she had to ing on more responsibility in collection development,
promote sooner than she might have wanted in order conducting research, or designing new programs in
to fill vacancies, from employees who had the tools but early childhood learning. Other options might include
not the experience; she likened it to skipping a grade in the Librarian I moving up by becoming a specialist
school. Action learning became her way to fill the gap. in literacy, readers’ advisory, information technology,
The library began this strategy after one of its librar- or training. Some libraries, such as Queens Borough
ians attended an Urban Libraries Council Executive (N.Y.) Public Library, have career ladders that extend
Leadership Institute (ELI) program. through supervisory and management levels in order to
The library’s action learning teams do not include prepare even senior managers to fill anticipated vacan-
senior managers and are limited to librarians early in cies due to upcoming retirements (see chapter 7 for
their career. A chair is appointed and a charter pro- more detail).
vided. Management helps shape the scope of work and There are many ways to acknowledge and reward
then steps out of the picture. Action learning teams your staff for increasing their responsibility and value
engage in real work, often advancing strategic initia- to the library outside advancement to a management
tives of the library. Teams have engaged in practical as position. Though the library may ultimately place the
well as theoretical (policy) work, including providing employee in a higher grade level and pay a higher sal-
ser�vices to seniors, studying the future of electronic ary, that amount will be far less than the cost of replac-
ser�vices, and creating a model for warehousing lesser- ing her if she goes elsewhere or the cost of low morale
used books. Todd reports that the system has seen and mistakes if she takes a management job she does
many librarians rise to the occasion, acquire new skills not really desire, just to earn more.
and confidence, and flourish as leaders.

Offer Coaching to
Implement a 360-Degree Managers and Leaders
Feedback Program
Most employees are not ready to take on management/
In a 360-degree feedback program, performance data leadership roles when first promoted to them. And why
are obtained from peers, subordinates, and the supervi- would they be? It is an entirely new role they were not
sor in order to provide an assessment of an employee’s taught in library school or as individual contributors.
performance up, down, and sideways in the orga� There are job content and process coaches. As the
nization. It provides full circle, or 360-degree, feed- name implies, a job content coach helps the leader
back. This type of evaluation process offers employees learn what the job entails. A process coach, on the
a learning tool and feedback mechanism to promote other hand, focuses attention on how the leader affects
growth and development. There are a variety of ways others, creates roles and boundaries, creates an agenda,
to conduct a 360-degree feedback program, and not all and works with a group to achieve results. The coach
are expensive. As with other approaches to employee especially works with the leader to gain an awareness
74 Strategies for Developing Staff

of the special competencies needed at the new orga� Expectations for the mentoring relationship should
nizational level. be identified clearly. Define the results you expect and
Where do you find a coach? A staff member who discuss responsibilities, roles, and expectations with
is already experienced in that job, especially if her both mentor and mentee. Provide training for mentors.
experience includes supervisory coaching for staff, Monitor and evaluate progress, and reset expectations
can do most job content coaching. Process coaching as the relationship grows and changes. The formal men-
requires some different skills, including the ability to tor/mentee relationship is not intended to be perma-
maintain objectivity. Some HR departments provide nent. The final phase of the formal relationship should
process coaching. For some top leadership positions, encourage independence at the appropriate time. Lois
the library may be willing to pay for an experienced Zachary’s Mentor’s Guide is a wonderful resource for
process coach from outside the orga�nization. There developing a mentoring program or relationship.2 An
may be someone in your library who already has the example of a successful internal, informal mentoring
right skills or is interested in developing them to fill program is included in the OCLC story in chapter 7.
a unique and valuable role; providing training for a In this program, a vice president of one division may
“designated coach”—or a coaching team—may be mentor a young employee in another division. Both
a worthwhile investment. An excellent resource on mentor and mentee learn from each other and build
coaching is Ruth Metz’s Coaching in the Library.1 relationships that allow both to understand what hap-
The County of Los Angeles Public Library provides pens in other parts of the orga�nization as well.
an external coach to its action learning teams, team The “Build the Bench” program at the Public
leaders, and management. The coach helps members Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (N.C.)
through sticky situations and covers team effectiveness, created an “intimate type of learning environment”
presentation skills, and problem solving. Observing the for high-potential managers. Rick Ricker, HR dep-
teams allows the coach to see people in action, show- uty director, told us that six high-potential managers
ing her who the high achievers are and who needs to (defined as potential to be promoted into a senior man-
develop which strengths; who talks a good game but agement position) were identified and paired with six
has little substance; who is quiet but very capable. senior managers, who were tasked to provide mentor-
The process brings valuable input to management to ing and one-on-one development as well as exposure to
augment the talent assessment process. The library’s different management styles. All twelve were provided
action learning teams typically work on their own with mentor/mentee training to help set goals and
once they are chartered; the executive team does not expectations. The program offered collaborative proj-
get involved unless asked. The coach, however, may ect work and development over an eight-week period.
suggest that a team or team member call the county Feedback was provided to the mentee managers and
librarian, for example, to ascertain direction or under- the executive leadership team about the potential for
stand the politics of a course of action. Often teams success and development needs of each participant.
members say they “do not want to bother her,” but Participants also worked on an action learning project:
of course they are missing a valuable resource and small groups were responsible for creating a section of
opportunity. An important learning experience results a disaster recovery plan for the library and then cohe-
in either case. sively working (intergroup or across teams) to develop
an effective plan. One manager from this group has
since been promoted. All have created IDPs that will
Assign Mentors to New and help them acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and
Longer-Term Employees experiences to move toward their career goals.
Mentoring is an ongoing activity at Santa Clara
Mentoring can be a powerful tool in employee devel- County Library. There is no formal program, but
opment, especially when an employee is promoted or mentoring is institutionalized and has helped many
assumes a new role. An effective mentoring process employees. Sarah Flowers is one:
takes some thought and planning. It is important to
match the mentor and the mentee carefully. Their I was hired as a program librarian at the Morgan Hill
personal styles and interests should be compatible. Library. I had a very good mentor in Catharine Fouts,
Allow a trial period for the relationship to settle in, and who was the community librarian then. She spent a
if there are problems make needed adjustments. lot of time with me, talking about her own under-
Strategies for Developing Staff 75

standing of the system and her own philosophy of provides library school students with practical experi-
management. She was tremendously influential in my ence, often ending up with them working for us as
own development as a leader. Beyond that, though, librarians.
probably the best thing she did for me was to take at
least one four- to six-week vacation every year, leaving
me in charge. After three years, she transferred to Los Offer On-the-Job Training
Altos and I was promoted to community librarian. I
continued to call on her as a resource on how to do
my new job, until she retired a couple of years later. Both formal and informal on-the-job training can be
Probably one of the biggest opportunities I was given offered. The informal situation is like shadowing. It
during the time I was a community librarian was to be requires matching a high-potential employee with a
on the negotiating team for the SEIU contract nego- star performer and permitting observation and dia-
tiations. It was very helpful to have that background logue about the work, situations encountered, how
when I applied for the deputy county librarian job. they were handled in the manner they were, and why.
[During a vacancy] I was asked to work out-of-class Formal on-the-job training is more akin to reference
as deputy county librarian for six or eight weeks. That or the training offered on databases or a new inte-
was a big help in preparing me too [for the job I cur-
grated library system. In this approach a training plan
rently have]. I realized later that of course Julie knew
she was leaving and wanted to start training someone is developed, usually following a tell/show/do/follow-
for her job. up format of instruction. Formal on-the-job training
is a popular approach to staff development. All of the
Nancy Howe is currently the deputy county librar- following programs have a leadership or management
ian and has spent most of her library career with Santa curriculum as their cornerstone, but most use more
Clara County. She has moved to a new position or than one strategy—not only classroom learning or
been promoted six times during her fourteen-year on-the-job training—to help staff grow.
tenure. Howe says that she has found ample opportuni-
ties for new challenges within the Santa Clara County Baltimore County Public Library
Did you know that twenty percent of our top man-
I spent most of my career working in the not-for-profit agement team (Branch Managers, AO Department
sector, and only came to the library when I was staying Heads, and Executive Leadership) are eligible to retire
home raising my family. I started working as a substi- today? We are in the midst of the “graying of the pro-
tute librarian, almost as a hobby, but quickly decided fession” and must position ourselves to be ready for
that my personal ambition was to bring my commu- inevitable staff retirements in the near future. That
nity and managerial experiences from my previous is where you enter the picture. This memo describes
career to the library. Santa Clara County Library is three different succession management initiatives for
large enough to have lots of movement and I always FY-2009 designed for staff members that a) wish to
have been quick to raise my hand to take on a project, improve upon management and leadership skills to
often that no one else wanted to do. I told my super- be more effective in their current role; or b) aspire to
visors that I wanted to advance and I received lots of move into higher-level supervisory and management
encouragement. In taking the deputy position, I really positions within BCPL. Please note that while these
am stretching myself by managing the technology side programs serve to strengthen your skills in leadership,
of the library. I am grateful to Melinda as well as other supervision, and management, participation does
people who have sensed my passion and believed in not guarantee promotion into future management
my abilities. From working as a substitute librarian in vacancies.
every one of our libraries, to a supervising librarian, This is how Jean Mantegna, HR manager of Baltimore
adult ser�vices manager, staff development librarian, County Public Library (BCPL), opens the invitation
community librarian and now as deputy, I have a sent to all staff to participate in the library’s succession
breadth and depth of experience that I can apply to
management initiatives.3 She then goes on to describe
future positions, either inside this system or elsewhere.
I love the Santa Clara County Library for its values the three succession management initiatives: Leader-
and am proud to be a part of it throughout my library ship Development Program, Supervisory Skills for
career. It’s my turn now to mentor many of our new New Supervisors, and the Effective Managing Series.
hires, and one of my proudest accomplishments was BCPL’s philosophy is one of creating a pipeline—a
having a hand in creating our intern program that pool of viable candidates ready to fill management
76 Strategies for Developing Staff

vacancies when, as Mantegna puts it, “the baby boom- class size of twenty-one was too large and the nine-
ers bust out to retirement.” Individual staff members month time line too short.
are not selected for grooming into targeted positions, To date, thirty-four employees have completed the
and it is acknowledged that leadership competencies program with excellent results. Seven participants
are desired at every level in the orga�nization. have been promoted into managerial positions, and
several learned that management is not for them. A
Leadership Development Program few left BCPL, taking their newly acquired leadership
skills to another library system. Regardless of whether
In its third year, the Leadership Development Program anyone is actually promoted, there are many positive
is intended “to provide learning opportunities around outcomes. According to Jean, program graduates are
qualities of leadership for staff members that aspire to more self-aware, have a better sense of what they want
future management roles.” The program is both theo- their career to look like, have acquired project manage-
retical and practical (mostly the later) and very experi- ment skills, have learned new skills and competencies,
ential. Increasing competencies around self-awareness and, most important, are leaders in their position.
and learning by doing are critical components.
Mantegna and Jim Fish, the library’s director, part- Supervisory Skills for
nered with the Community Colleges of Baltimore New Managers
County to design the program. Sessions take place in
half- to full-day sessions on a college campus covering BCPL offers Supervisory Skills for New Managers in a
the following topics: communications, team building, blended learning environment (face-to-face, indepen-
project management, problem solving, conflict reso- dent, and group) as a way to introduce supervisory skills
lution, and managing change. Participants learn how to employees new to their role or aspiring to supervisory
to work as a member of a cross-functional team with positions. The curriculum is broadly shaped around the
other leaders at varying levels of the orga�nization. They topics of communications, leadership, management,
are also developing their leadership competencies personal development, and team building.
from the list of twenty selected by the system.4 The Division of Library Development and Ser�vices
Phase two of the program begins six months into of the Maryland State Department of Education pur-
the program, after participants learn how to function chased the license to online business skills courses pro-
as a team. They begin to work on a team project—a vided by Skillsoft, a provider of on-demand e-learning
project of key importance to the library, one that drives training programs of both business and technical topics.
its work plan forward. The most recent project is to Participants complete three courses selected by BCPL.
develop virtual new staff orientation. Prior projects The schedule alternates, with participants completing a
include ser�vice to new populations; self-check evalua- self-paced course individually one month and meeting
tion and recommendations for improvement; ser�vice as a group to debrief it the following month. During the
to teens; and improving the telephone system. Each debriefing, in a highly interactive way, supervisors share
project has a sponsor (a seasoned manager within their learning and discuss how it applies to supervising
the library system), and seasoned managers provide staff at BCPL.
developmental coaching throughout the experience The first three topics of independent learning taken
as an aid to the learning process. Continuing educa- over a six-month period are “Becoming a Manager—
tion units are provided for the full-day programs with Responsibilities and Fears,” “Communicating as a
the college. Leader,” and “Leading through Change.” Starting in
Peer feedback is provided to and by all (a skill also month seven of this ten-month class and twice in alter-
practiced in the program). At project completion, nating months, teams of two are formed to review the
presentations are made to the administrative council. course catalog, select a topic that addresses a specific
Feedback is unfailingly followed by a well-deserved area of skill development, and present their learning to
celebration. the group. They share key points, along with a review
BCPL, always a learning orga�nization, has made of the course, noting what they liked and disliked
some recent changes to the program. The current class about it.
is limited to seven participants, and the length of the Individual learning is not limited to the classes or
program has increased from nine to sixteen months. topics. All learners have access to the full catalog of
Feedback from the first year demonstrated that the programs until the site license expires.
Strategies for Developing Staff 77

Effective Managing Series • Wearing two hats effectively: representing your

people to leadership and leadership to your
The third BCPL succession management initiative people
is the Effective Managing Series. As outlined in the • Working with accountability as a personal
course description, the purpose of this series “is to development process; reviews, monitoring
provide an opportunity for less-seasoned supervisors employee growth over the year
and managers to come together as a learning commu- • Understanding the managed group
nity to explore and develop their unique management • The skills of raising and maintaining high
styles in the context of BCPL’s culture and philosophy morale
of effective management.” This program runs for ten • Commitment to your own training beyond
months. With a little bit of theory but mostly lively the training
discussion and practical application, it covers the fol- • Getting good buy-in, giving direction, dealing
lowing topics: with spot problems, expecting response, and
having a framework for dealing with lack of
• Managing oneself follow-through
• Planning and evaluation • Integration of Business of People skills
• OrgaÂ�nizing oneself/time management
• Delegating In the first year, one hundred of the library’s manag-
• Managing change ers, in ten groups of ten, went through ten five-hour
• Managing challenges, conflicts, and crises sessions each month. In the second year, fifty more
• Managing one’s boss/managing others managers will go through the program—this time
• Communication run by library staff who completed a train-the-trainer
• Decision making program in partnership with trainers from Business
• To be determined (as selected by the group) of People. Outcomes, from Losinski’s perspective,
have been very positive: “It’s the best thing we’ve ever
These classes are facilitated by Mantegna, Fish, and done.” In addition, all managers now have a common
experienced managers, who view it as an opportunity language and shared experiences. “Staff,” Losinski
to give back, to model different managerial styles to notes, “are dealing with resistance and change far
participants, and to transfer their institutional knowl- more effectively; they are also more empathetic and
edge to the next generation of BCPL leaders. results-oriented as managers; their listening skills have
been fine-tuned; they understand how to get buy-in
Columbus Metropolitan Library from staff, give and accept feedback; and hold staff
accountable. Trust has gone up and managers are feel-
Though it is known for creating and even selling ing good about systemwide decisions that are made.
strong training and development programs, Colum- Staff are using the training, and using the language.”
bus Metropolitan Library did not have a standard According to Losinski, “It is sticking!”
curriculum to support managers and leaders or those
aspiring to move up. Patrick Losinski, the library’s Cuyahoga County Public Library
executive director, and his staff went on a search for
a program of study and selected Business of People Sometimes events or circumstances signal that it is
leadership training (www.businessofpeople.net), based time to do something differently. Cuyahoga County
in Columbus. The program focuses on how one uses Public Library (CCPL) was at just such a point when
oneself to develop the core foundational skills of lead- the system lost five branch managers over a short
ership, acknowledging that each person is the most period of time. The jobs were posted, but leadership
powerful force for change in her orga�nization. The did not see the caliber of candidates they expected.
curriculum includes Applicants simply did not have the knowledge, expe-
rience, or understanding of the job. CCPL recruited
• Great people skills: contact skills (two ses- branch managers externally, but library director Sari
sions) Feldman and deputy director Tracey Strobel thought
• Commitment to the ongoing enhancement of the library system had not adequately developed inter-
the managed group nal candidates. They then put their heads together
78 Strategies for Developing Staff

and, working with a consultant, designed the two-day about the library’s new customer serÂ�vice model, trends
Branch Leadership Academy to expose staff to the roles in libraries, and best practices for bosses. How-to ses-
and expectations of a branch manager. They expected sions on analyzing library metrics and problem solving
ten to fifteen staff to apply; forty-eight librarians vol- and risk taking were followed by exercises in which
unteered to attend the learning event. Feldman and the potential branch managers could put into practice
Strobel structured it as an opportunity for interested what they had just learned.
staff to learn the expectations, including competencies, A panel of senior branch managers shared experi-
of a branch manager in their system. ences of connecting with their community, and all
engaged in an exercise called “community opportunity
Context scenario.” Later, after sharing information on circula-
tion, holds, and other library data, Strobel described
Per its strategic plan, CCPL focuses on six priorities: initiatives the library was planning over the next one to
connect with reading; ensure every child enters school three years to create efficiencies and improve customer
ready to learn; help youth to reach maximum poten- ser�vice. Participants learned about them here first.
tial; put Cuyahoga County back to work; keep seniors A few of the initiatives included changes in delivery
healthy, happy, and independent; and connect with models, online booking of meeting rooms managed
new Americans. One way to fulfill these priorities is centrally, online program registration, systemwide
through community partnerships. Therefore, it is no centralized selection of materials, floating collections,
surprise that CCPL branch managers are expected programming with experts, and a rethinking of mate-
to know their communities and local players well. rials security measures. It was truly added value that
Indeed, branch managers are expected to be proac- forty-eight system leaders were in on the new customer
tively involved in the community and to be seen as ser�vice model and other initiatives and, as a critical
important players at the community level. For exam- mass, could help move these initiatives forward.
ple, library staff and branch managers are expected Evaluations showed that one of the most highly
to have an impact in and on workforce development, valued discussions took place at the end of the session
serve as a gateway for new immigrants, and take a when Feldman and Strobel, along with two regional
leadership role in early childhood education. Strobel managers, shared their expectations of branch manag-
offered an example of difference in expectations for ers, took questions, and provided sincere answers about
different levels of library staff: while it is anticipated leadership.
that the adult librarian will serve as liaison with the Of the forty-eight attendees, five have become
senior center twice a month and have a connection branch managers and eleven have received other pro-
with the senior center director, the branch manager motions (nine at CCPL and two elsewhere). Eight
is expected to be visible in the community, liaise with or so participants decided either to slow down on the
mayor and city council members, serve on a chamber track to management or not to pursue a management
of commerce board, and attend Rotary lunches, press position. Strobel speaks of the Branch Leadership
briefings, and Kiwanis breakfasts, to name a few. The Academy as a huge success, one that CCPL plans to
expectations and competencies flow directly from the offer again in the near future.
library’s mission statement.
Harford County Public Library
Leadership Academy
Application Process Harford County Public Library (HCPL) used the
changing economic climate to analyze its staff devel-
All public ser�vice librarians and subject specialists with opment program. Library director Audra Caplan and
more than one year of experience were invited to apply HR director Terri Schell realized that limited funds
(see figure 5.1). To be accepted into the Branch Lead- would compel the library to hire and retain the right
ership Academy, candidates were required to link their people in the right job with the right skills. The com-
desire to attend with a commitment to, and experience ponents of the library’s program are staff development,
with, CCPL’s branch manager competencies (taken competencies, supervisory training, mentoring, and
directly from the job description of branch manager). leadership development.
The agenda for the Leadership Academy included Succession planning is one part of HCPL’s staff
welcomes by Feldman and Strobel and discussions development program, which is designed “for cultivat-
Strategies for Developing Staff 79

ing knowledgeable and skilled staff, developing strong customer ser�vice; communications skills; team player;
supervisors, managers, and administrators, and prepar- dependability; efficient management of job responsi-
ing emergent leaders for the libraries of tomorrow.” bilities; knowledgeable of policies, procedures, and
As portrayed in figure 5.2, HCPL begins its focus on technology; and problem solver. Successful managers
staff development from an employee’s first day on the are expected to mentor and cross-train employees,
job, indeed during the recruitment process. Reten- recognize and reward employee performance, dem-
tion starts at orientation, and development is about onstrate leadership, and serve as an employee/system
continuous learning. HCPL builds staff knowledge liaison. Staff are recruited and promoted on the basis
and skills through both in-house and external efforts, of these competencies, and training is offered regu-
using a variety of learning modalities. Mentoring is an larly. An HCPL-specific refresher course, “Concepts
opportunity provided to new supervisors, managers, and Culture,” is offered to incumbents twice per year.
administrators, and other professional staff. Also offered regularly are classes on innovation, a key
In 2000, HCPL developed a competency-based orgaÂ�nizational value articulated in the library’s strate-
performance management system. Working with a gic plan.
committee and consultant, the system identified and Caplan and Schell know that, for HCPL to remain
defined seven core and four managerial competen- a thriving twenty-first-century library, staff need to be
cies. The core competencies, on which all employees developed into successful leaders—and that leader-
are assessed, are sensitivity to internal and external ship occurs not just at the top but throughout the

Figure 5.1
Announcement and Application of
Branch Leadership Academy
Announcement and Application of Branch Leadership Academy
We are pleased to announce the first Branch Leadership Academy scheduled to take place on September 26
& 27, 2006 at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Our goal is to identify and begin developing individuals with
strong leadership capabilities, enthusiasm, flexibility, and collaborative skills who are interested in applying for
a Branch Manager position in the next 1–3 years. Staff members who have worked as a PSL I, II, III or Subject
Specialist for at least one year are eligible to apply. Topics will include the new customer service model and
current trends in library service. Instructors will include Sari Feldman, Jeanne Goodrich and Jodi Berg.
To apply, please select three of the competencies for branch managers below. Write a paragraph for each
of the three illustrating how you have demonstrated your ability to meet that competency. Your application
should include your name and location, and be no longer than one page.
Required competencies for Branch Managers:
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills in interpersonal and group situations including the
ability to actively listen, consider diverse perspectives, and resolve conflict.
• Demonstrated commitment to embracing change and ability to initiate and facilitate change.
• Possesses the ability to analyze data, recommend action as a result of that analysis and execute
suggested improvements.
• Proven ability to develop and effectively administer a budget.
• Proven ability to hire, coach and mentor the best possible workforce and a capacity to encourage and
nurture individual initiative.
• Skilled at creating strategic alliances and community partnerships by developing and maintaining
effective relationships with community leaders and change agents.
• Committed to providing direct service to the public and actively modeling best practices to employees.
• Demonstrated skill in using technology appropriate to the job and the proclivity to embrace and adapt
quickly to changes in technologies introduced to meet customer needs or improve organizational
Figure 5.2
Harford County Public Library Staff Development Program
A framework for cultivating knowledgeable and skilled staff, developing strong supervisors, managers, and administra-
tors, and preparing emergent leaders for the libraries of tomorrow.

Mentoring Staff
Orientation of Staff Building Staff (guidance outside Succession Planning and
Recruiting and Hiring (onboarding) Knowledge and Skills of supervisor) Transitional Leadership

Recruiting New Employee In-House Efforts Mentoring • Focus on proactive

• Expand recruiting efforts • New hire—first day • Ongoing technology means to prepare staff for
Program promotional opportunities
to increase candidate introduction to HR, training Establish mentor
pool payroll, technology • Job-specific skills • Provide organizational
relationship for
• Seek new sources based training, and branch • Basic supervision education:
• new supervisors,
on changing technology visit (introduction) Establish formal work
and interests of • Orientation manual • Advanced supervision rotation assignments
administrators, and
applicants completed within 90 program Offer cross-training at peer
other professional
• Analyze candidates days of hire • Leadership development level within and outside
staff, whether hired
in additional ways to • Assign orientation peer • Management of department/branch
from outside or
identify broad potential (buddy) development Develop broader
promoted from
• Attend NEO program • Identified organizational understanding
Hiring within; coordinated
under the direction training needs of department
• Use appropriate, trained by HR
of HR • Develop in-branch responsibilities and
interview panel members • a defined purpose
2-day program every professional collection of relationships, including
• Use updated position or skill
other month training materials the library board
description • leadership role and
3rd day conducted • Manage anticipated
• Incorporate “hard” skills Outside Efforts responsibilities;
three times a year personnel shortages in key
and “soft” skills into the • Tuition reimbursement coordinated
on shared vision positions
interview assessment for higher education through senior staff
(concepts and • Identify through a variety
process • Support participation of methods those staff who
• Set the tone for the in local, state, and have potential to become
organization and Employees changing national professional successful supervisors,
employee position or location organizations managers, administrators,
• Adapt practices to • Review of benefit • Leadership development and leaders
maximize number of changes • Local and state- • Develop individualized
candidates likely to be • Department overview sponsored offerings development plan to
successful in promotional • Building/location • Identified individual strengthen necessary skills
situations overview training needs
Strategies for Developing Staff 81

orga�nization. Accordingly, the library system created seen in figure 5.3, skills to be acquired include proj-
and HR offers a basic supervision course for all supervi- ect management, facilitator training, and advanced
sors and those considering a supervisory position. This leadership skills. Still in development, the program
course is offered as self-study and in the classroom. offers nineteen topics to choose from, including pub-
Learners are provided with a video and new supervi- lic speaking, the Public Information Act, intellectual
sor toolbox consisting of eight DVDs and a workbook. freedom, strategic planning, seeing the big picture, and
They are expected to review this material in advance
and be prepared for classroom study by the time train-
ing begins. One advantage of this program is that all
supervisors go through it, thus enhancing consistency
in practice, application, and language. An unantici- Figure 5.3
pated outcome has been that some employees, peeking Harford County
through the window of what is really involved in super-
vision, choose to opt out before making what might be Public Library
a poor career choice. Many participants express a new Leadership Program
appreciation of what a supervisor—their supervisor—
actually does. This look into the backroom work of Advanced information for
supervision, if nothing else, shows the library as a sys- experienced managers and other
tem leaving participants with a bigger picture of the professionals to gain more experience
library world. to advance on the career ladder
To support the transition into supervision and lead-
ership, the library created a mentoring program. The
program received very positive feedback from its first Project management
group of thirteen mentoring pairs and helped accul-
turate leaders into their new roles.
Succession planning is HCPL’s most recent addi-
tion to staff development. The succession planning Facilitator training for teams/work
program was purposefully developed as a proactive groups and building consensus
means to “prepare staff for promotional opportunities,
allow for orga�nizational education, manage anticipated
personnel shortages in key positions, identify staff who Mentoring with senior
administration (individual or
have potential to become successful supervisors, man- small-group mentoring based on
agers, administrators and leadership, and develop indi- identified skill sets)
vidualized development plans to strengthen necessary
skills.” Rotation into other departments
In thinking holistically about succession planning, (branch staff into admin; admin
HCPL realized that it did not really know how many into branch; admin into other
employees were interested in staying in their current admin)
positions and how many aspired to a leadership role.
To learn more about staff wishes, they conducted a Advanced leadership skills (to be
needs assessment and asked. To their surprise, findings defined)
Examples may include
indicated that many employees sought new responsi- Public speaking
bilities, including leadership roles. The next step for Public Information Act
HR was to take supervisory training to the leadership Intellectual freedom
and executive level. Strategic plan/goals and
A leadership program offering advanced information
Seeing the big picture
for senior staff to gain more experience was custom- Completion of CPLA (Certified
designed to meet HCPL’s culture and strategic needs. Public Library Administrator)
It is a blended program offered through print, online, through ALA
and face-to-face meetings. It is designed for participants
to L.E.A.D.: learn, experience, apply, and develop. As
82 Strategies for Developing Staff

completing ALA’s Certified Public Library Administra- ity; Salary Administration; Ethics for Supervisors and
tor course. Managers; Library Practices and Policies; Essentials of
Mentoring by a senior library administrator is a Leadership; Working through Conflict; and Behavioral
key component of leadership development at HCPL, Interviewing Techniques.
where leaders are expected to take a global approach, The plan going forward for this program is the
engaging in big-picture and systems thinking. To help creation of virtual classrooms, to save both time and
them acquire this perspective, HCPL plans to structure money. The goal of the manager training program is
rotational assignments for leaders to spend a month or to improve individual as well as orga�nizational success
more in other departments to learn what really hap- and to develop future leaders for the orga�nization.
pens throughout the system at the senior level. The Leadership Learning Initiative was created for
HCPL’s philosophy and approach are to develop newly hired managers and supervisors throughout the
all people and provide everyone the same opportunity system. Seeking a diversity of candidates, the library
to move to the next level. Until budget costs became invited employees of all levels and with different types
prohibitive, HCPL provided tuition reimbursement of experience to participate.
for employees attending library school. At one time, The initial iteration was a six-month program
graduates were automatically promoted to librarians; built around Rachel Singer Gordon’s The Accidental
now, graduates compete for professional-level positions Library Manager: Who Am I?5 The core curriculum
in order to ensure that the library is promoting those also focuses on developing managers in the areas of
with the most leadership potential. Figure 5.4 shows conflict resolution, building successful teams, and
the development tracks that will be offered during FY communications—competencies PLCMC finds to be
2010 and 2011. Caplan and Schell realize that there the building blocks all supervisors and managers need
will not be enough leadership positions for all employ- to be successful. Multifaceted and multimedia, the
ees ready, willing, and able to take the mantle, but they curriculum consists of a combination of face-to-face
too are thinking globally—globally for all public librar- meetings, virtual meetings, in-house speakers, and
ies, knowing that talented employees might leave for external community speakers (see figure 5.5).
another system. If they do, Caplan and Schell are proud The pilot program received rave reviews, and PLCMC
of their contribution to leadership at other libraries. plans to implement it again, and on an ongoing basis.
The change they will make is to shorten it, keep the class
Public Library of Charlotte and size to twelve participants, offer classes more frequently,
Mecklenburg County and eliminate redundancies that may occur with the
manager training program. New action learning projects
The Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg pertaining to the system’s mission, values, or strategic
County (PLCMC) has engaged in three efforts to date plan will be identified as the program continues.
that involve leadership development and succession
planning: manager training, a leadership learning initia- Notes
1. Ruth Metz, Coaching in the Library: A Management
tive for new supervisors and managers, and the “Build
Strategy for Achieving Excellence (Chicago: American
the Bench” mentoring program described earlier. Library Association, 2002).
The manager curriculum was designed internally
2. Lois J. Zachary, The Mentor’s Guide: Facilitating
for all managers, is mandatory, and must be completed
Effective Learning Relationships (San Francisco:
within eighteen months. The curriculum consists of Jossey-Bass, 2000).
nine courses designed to build the competencies of
3. As of 2009, BCPL has seventeen branches and four
integrity, customer ser�vice, communication, individual bookmobiles. The population of its ser�vice area is
leadership/influencing, teamwork and collaboration, 788,994. It has 482,361 cardholders. One of the book
planning, orga�nizing and work management, visionary authors (Paula) and her husband are two of those
leadership, analysis/problem assessment, and maximiz- cardholders.
ing performance. Most courses are taught by internal 4. A resource suggested by Jean Mantegna is Marshall
staff—senior members of the HR department. Manag- Goldsmith et al., Global Leadership: The Next Gen-
ers can register easily on a PeopleSoft module at their eration (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Financial Times
desk. Each course is scheduled for between two hours Prentice Hall Books, 2003).
and one day. The curriculum includes these courses: 5. Rachel Singer Gordon, The Accidental Library
New Employee Orientation; Communicating and Lis- Manager: Who Am I? (Medford, N.J.: Information
tening; Sexual Harassment: A Manager’s Responsibil- Today, 2004).
Figure 5.4
FY10–FY11 Harford County Public Library Learning and Development Tracks

Relationships L.E.A.D. Program
(Customer Service (Learn, Experience, Apply,
General Skills Modules) Supervisory Training Programs Develop)

• Better Organization • Civility and Internal Basic Supervisory Training Core Classes
• Book Group Moderators Training Citizenship • Defining Leadership from the
• Communicating the Right Message; • Behaviors/
Continue to offer same core topics Systems Thinking/Big-Picture
Mastering the Written Word Professionalism Perspective l
NOTE: Look at modifications:
• Continuing the Quest for Innovation • Coping during • Big Picture—Project Management
• Design to include fewer face-to-
• Disability Training—Communication, Difficult Times and • Fiscal Awareness—Systems Budget
face meetings but longer sessions
Sign Language, Homebound Staffing Shortages (state, local, and fees or service
when done to cover multiple
• Facilitation Skills • Creating a Positive vs. expenditures—capital and
• Fun Is Allowed! FISH Concepts Work Environment operating)
• Design to include yearly drop-in
and Other Avenues for Fun and • Customer • Organizational Education:
at any time for (1) new supervisors
Recognition in the Workplace Service Recovery Understanding Your Value to
so s/he does not have to wait
• Handling Stress and Maintaining a Techniques the Organization (strategic
until another class is formed; (2)
Positive Attitude • Direct and Indirect planning)
experienced supervisors to attend
• Healthier Living Customer Service Understanding the Work of Others
certain segments as desired
• HCPL Culture and Concepts Skills, tailored to through Rotation
• Intellectual Freedom and Material job specifics (e.g., Advanced Supervisory/ • Influencing Others:
Changes reference interview Management Training Political Advocacy/Savvy
• Leading from Any Position: Positively skills, etc.) where Working with a Library Board,
Impacting My Department/Team appropriate Friends’ Groups, Elected Officials
• Influencing your staff through
• Project Management: Department/ • Emotionally Public Speaking
sharing information appropriately
Team Activities Speaking • Library Environment (national,
• More effective/creative
• Public/Personal Safety: Work (compassion, etc.) state, and local)
scheduling, including budget
Environment (Blackbelt Librarian, etc.) • Handling Difficult • Using Your Passion to Inspire/Lead
and Personal Safety Customers, External Others (HOPE—Helping Other
• Recognizing potential conflicts
• Readers’ Advisory and Internal People Excel)
and using as opportunities for
• Taking on Change in Difficult and • Managing Conflict
proactive/positive action Add-On Development
Good Times • Personality
• Understanding the work of others
• Time Management Conflicts Program
through rotation
NOTE: Admin Department Info • Supporting Each • Formal Mentoring for Transitional
• Others to be determined
Sessions to be scheduled Other Leaders

Figure 5.5
Leadership Learning Initiative: Calendar
This calendar outlines the learning experiences that the Leadership Academy participants can expect to be involved in over
the next six months. The dates and times given are accurate at the time of publication but may be subject to adjustment
based on the availability of the participants and associated resources. Every effort will be made to minimize any changes,
participants will be notified in such instances and attempts will be made to accommodate schedules.

Date and Time Event

Commitment Involvement Experience Experience Description

March In-person Program A description of the Leadership Experience

2 hours description program and time commitment requirements.

Kick-off—1-hour “The Accidental Library Manager—Who Am

workshop, “The I?” This workshop will engage participants in
Accidental Library identifying their unique instinctual style that
Manager—Who impacts what they do and how they do it.
Am I?”

April Self-paced online “The Accidental “The Accidental Library Manager” takes a practical
1 hour workshop Library Manager,” look at the skills and background new and potential
a prerecorded library managers need to succeed in their positions.
Dynix-Sirsi It reassures those with little preparation for their
workshop management roles, who never realized they would be
going into management (or never intended to do so),
or whose library school coursework failed to prepare
them for the challenges of management. In an era
where younger and potential managers are told what
their elders think they “need to lead,” find out what
library staff really want from their managers, how to
use your current background to succeed, and how
to reduce the fear inherent in common concerns.

April Online group Debrief and Participants will meet virtually to discuss their
1–1.5 hours discussion— discuss “The observations from the prerecorded workshop
Live Meeting Accidental Library “The Accidental Library Manager.”
or Talking Manager”

May Self-paced online “Building a Many people think of team development as provid-
1–1.5 hours workshop Successful Team” ing a pep talk to a group when spirits are low or
(A pre-coursework challenges are fierce. Or they think of assembling a
assignment group of people who have the right mix of technical
will be given to skills to get the job done and then just letting them
participants for do it. But team development is much more than this.
completion prior Leaders who effectively develop teams know how to
to starting the fully utilize available resources. They help the team
online workshop.) efficiently and enthusiastically accomplish its mission.

May In-person Team Low-ropes This in-person activity will seek to involve
2 hours Building Activity course or other participants in an interactive team-building
similar highly exercise to problem solve.
interactive activity

Date and Time Event
Commitment Involvement Experience Experience Description

June Self-paced online “Communication” Effective communicators think clearly and speak
1 hour workshop (A pre-coursework and write succinctly in order to accomplish their
assignment goal—to inform, instruct, or influence others.
will be given to
participants for
completion prior
to starting the
online workshop.)

June Online group Debrief and Participants will meet virtually to discuss
1–1.5 hours discussion— Discussion— their observation and assignments resulting
Live Meeting “Communication” from online workshop “Communication.”
or Talking

July In-person Guest presenter TBA

3 hours workshop from Mecklenburg
County Training
and Consultation
will decide on
relevant topic.

August Self-paced online “Managing Disagreement among people is inevitable. When

1–1.5 hours workshop Conflict” differences cause people to become angry and
(A pre-coursework close-minded, the resulting conflict disrupts
assignment working relationships and has a negative effect
will be given to on quality, productivity, communication, and
participants for cooperation. Managing conflict means dealing with
completion prior differing ideas, interests, or perceptions in a way
to starting the that addresses both the personal and the practical
online workshop.) needs of those involved. Properly managed conflict
can help people understand others, encourage
creativity and innovation, improve the ability to
accomplish tasks, and maintain ongoing functional
relationships between the people involved.

August Online group Debrief and Participants will meet virtually to discuss their
1–1.5 hours discussion— Discussion— observations and assignments resulting from
Live Meeting “Managing online workshop “Managing Conflict.”
or Talking Conflict”

September In-person Program Participants will have the opportunity to

half-day wrap-up and Perspectives provide perspectives as a result of involvement.
Graduation Graduation A leadership presentation will be required.


Succession Planning for

the Library Director
Dear Paula,

Here is what I’ve been thinking about this evening. I’m looking down the road, trying to figure out what to
do as I plan to retire, and find a process that will work for me and the institution I’ve devoted so much of my
life to. What I’m after is not the “normal” routine, and I don’t want to consult or work full-time—instead
I want to be an example of how things can work better (and incidentally perhaps encourage baby boomer
directors to stay on board longer?).
So often you see this happen: director leaves, then there’s a big recruitment show, looking for the perfect
candidate who can do this, that, and the other. Often we go through the process twice if we don’t find the
perfect somebody the first time. There are always a limited number of seasoned choices, and so they end
up hiring an inside person that you have to assume wasn’t quite ready (or why go through the big recruit-
ment?). In the end, the board and VPs end up compromising in some way to take a “known” person and
“develop them.”
My idea is: when you look at research and what baby boomers say they want in their future, you hear:
—more free time
—less money is ok
—creativity, doing new things, learning new things
and so on.
So what should boards, VPs, even directors do/look for/plan for when your director approaches age 60?
Can the board look for ways to move the director to a more senior role (i.e., fund-raising, marketing, capital
project planning) and “grow” the bench strength?
Does it have to be all or nothing? You work full bore . . . until you stop. And the cycle begins again. Or
is there a way that boards and executives can look ahead and see if a transition to start this process means
they can tap into a known resource longer? Maybe 4 or 5 years before the “normal retirement” date, the
board should make a point to find out what the director is planning.
Right now, directors retire and then go consult. Well, they could have done some of this for their own
orgaÂ�nization! This would not work if the “transitioning director” butts into all the library business. But if
they put their consultant hat on, work fewer hours, move office to another place in building, have a set work
plan . . . then it can work. The individual and the institution can both benefit.

Your retiring friend,

Director, Smithville University Library

Many library boards and local governments across the country will
be going through a search process for a library director over the next five to ten
years—some more than once. Some boards and local government officials will
be putting their heads in the sand to avoid thinking about this issue; others will
peek up slowly, until they willingly engage in the process. It is, after all, their most
important function. Why is it so difficult? It is not hard to answer this question. It
is about change, it is about real work, it is about risk, challenge, and uncertainly.
It is also about evaluation and assessment. There will be more meetings, more
dialogue, and a need to talk honestly and look at yourselves—as leaders—and
at your orgaÂ�nization—as an important entity in your community or educational
institution. It is hard: change is hard, and costly, and frightening—and it the most
important activity the members of a board will undertake. While fraught with
challenge, this period is also filled with opportunity if you take the time to pause

88 Succession Planning for the Library Director

and reflect before rushing to fill the vacancy. This plans are? If she resigned tomorrow, what would you
chapter helps you navigate the white water of both. do? What would the library do? If you do not have
Unlike the other chapters in this book, this one answers to these questions, read on. Succession plan-
is written and directed first to those library boards of ning is not something that should take place at the
trustees that hire library directors, second to library last minute, at the time the director resigns; rather, it
directors, and third to everyone else—staff, consul- should begin well before—even several years before—
tants, students, and faculty. Our values are reflected the need arises. It is about planning; indeed, it is a
in our belief that the board’s role is to set policy and form of risk management and an important part of
that the library director, with staff, is responsible for governance. Think about it this way: it is like writing
implementing policy. Further, research and our expe- a will or signing up for homeowner’s insurance. You
rience have taught us that trustees should steer far away are trying, in these cases, to minimize risks. Just like
from micromanaging the library; the most important succession planning.
task of the board is to recruit, retain, evaluate, provide Figure 6.1 is a quick survey to help you assess your
feedback to, engage in dialogue with, and support the level of risk should your library director depart. Take
library director—as well as to terminate the library a few minutes to answer these questions by checking
director if warranted. There is no more important off yes or no. If you checked off no to four or more
function. We direct this chapter to you, the library questions, you may be risking a difficult transition to
board, to support your efforts in director succession a new director; this is a good time to begin placing
planning. If your library does not have a governing succession issues on your agenda, building a case for
board—if, for example, a university search commit- leadership development throughout the orgaÂ�nization
tee or city or county hires the director—many of the (see especially chapter 1), and creating an emergency
principles that follow still hold true. succession plan.
We hope you are reading this before you have to
hire a new library director, because the most effec-
tive boards are thinking and planning ahead in order Why Plan?
to stay ahead. They are looking at ways to capitalize
on the inevitable opportunity they will have to shape The primary purpose of an effective succession plan
the library and search for the new. They may even be for a library director is to facilitate a seamless transition
working with retiring directors to create new models to the new director. A commitment from the board of
for succession, like those envisioned in the e-mail that trustees or other governing body to a timely planning
opens this chapter, that could bring the library new process ensures that the library makes this transition
benefits and create a win for everyone. There will be most effectively and successfully, so that the transition
many retirements in the next five to ten years as baby appears seamless to the library’s community stakehold-
boomers leave our libraries. It will be a very competi- ers. There are many decisions to make, prompted by
tive time. We are not seeing a plethora of members of many questions, outlined below. These questions are
the Generation X community ready and waiting in the about time lines, responsibilities, and desired out-
wings—and that is why we are writing this chapter to comes—all of which guide the planning process. To
help libraries, their boards, or other governing bodies be most effective, the process must be systematic and
plan for the inevitable, be proactive, rise to their fidu- suited to your library’s specific needs.
ciary responsibility, and continue to meet community In other words, what follows is not in and of itself a
needs. But if you find yourselves with a hiring emer- succession plan for your library director. There is no
gency, this chapter can still help you. It offers a step- one single cookie-cutter plan. Rather, to be effective,
by-step emergency plan for succession that you, your the board of trustees, with staff support, must engage
departing director, HR department, and city or county in a dialogue that responds to key questions. There is
leadership should become very familiar with. no one right answer to these very delicate questions.
What is important to note is that the process is a criti-
cal aspect and can make or break a succession. The
Assessing the Risk other crucial and often neglected aspect of a leader-
ship change is that it is a transition and needs to be
Ask yourself: is our library director over the age of considered holistically, not as a one-day or one-time
50? Is she eligible to retire? Do you know what her event. The questions and issues we build into the
Figure 6.1
Risk Self-Assessment

Question Yes No
â•⁄ 1. Our library has a strategic plan in place with goals and objectives for three years.

â•⁄ 2. Our strategic plan includes goals for leadership and/or people development.

â•⁄ 3. Our library has a written emergency succession plan.

â•⁄ 4. Our library director has been in her position for less than ten years.

â•⁄ 5. Our library director has said either formally or informally that she
plans to remain with the library for four or more years.

â•⁄ 6. Library leadership (staff ) performs as a high-performing team, such that:

a. there is a solid culture in place in which leadership team members support one
another and can reach decisions as a group efficiently and harmoniously;
b. staff leaders share leadership of the library with the library director in having
significant input into all major library-wide decisions;
c. staff leaders can lead the library in the absence of the library director; and
d. staff leaders have the authority to make and carry out decisions within their respective
areas of responsibility.

â•⁄ 7. (For libraries where the director has fund-raising responsibility) Our library
director shares responsibility for fund-raising and/or the relationships we need
for fund-raising (including grantors) with other staff and board members.

â•⁄ 8. Our board of trustees evaluates the library director at least annually
based on performance and achievement of strategic goals.

â•⁄ 9. The members of our board of trustees engage in an annual

evaluation of the board’s performance.

10. Based on its self-evaluation, our board of trustees performs its major
governance roles in a satisfactory manner. These include financial and
executive support as well as policy development and strategic planning.

11. The board of trustees has a plan for developing its own officers so that
they are comfortable and knowledgeable when assuming office.

12. ( To the extent allowed by state law) Our board of trustees has a
committee or task force responsible for identifying and supporting new
board members who have skills needed to support the library.

13. Financial systems meet government and industry standards; financial

reports are up to date and provide accurate data needed for those board
and staff members responsible for maintaining the library’s viability.

90 Succession Planning for the Library Director

figure 6.1 (cont.)

Question Yes No
14. Operational manuals are in place for key systems; they are both useful and accessible.

15. Our senior staff have documented their major responsibilities and each
has developed a staff person who can take over if needed.

16. The board of trustees has clearly defined term limits.

17. Our board represents a level of economic, cultural, and racial

diversity approximate to our library’s community.

Source: Adapted from Tom Adams, Succession Planning and Executive Transition Management for Nonprofit Boards of Directors
(Baltimore: Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2006), 3.

following outline for succession planning address both open, you will see many opportunities in this time of
of these aspects of recruiting a library director, helping transition. Not rushing, and taking the time to look
to make the transition a smooth and successful one. forward, will help you hire the right leader, one who
Our outlined plan is broken into three major phases: has the competencies to bring the library to new phases
preparation, recruitment, and transition. of growth in line with its strategy.

Getting Started: Should You

 hase I: Preparation (When
P Use a Consultant?
You Have Time to Plan)
In recent times many libraries, large and small, have
During this first phase the library has an opportunity to been engaging search consultants or transition consul-
take stock, reflect on the past, anticipate and plan for tants. Some consultants generally focus their attention
the future, and identify the competencies needed by on helping the library recruit a new director. Some
the incoming library director. Keep in mind that each assist the board of trustees to ascertain the needs and
library needs different competencies of its director expectations of the library or to prepare for the arrival
at different points in its life cycle as well as in accor- of the new director. Some help the library build inter-
dance with changing community, staff, governance, nal and board capacity so that it is in stronger shape
or other needs. Libraries facing a union drive, major before welcoming the new director. Others recom-
fund-raising or bond challenge, building projects or mend working through the roles of the board and
construction difficulties, technology overhaul, politi- director so there is an easier transition and both can hit
cal upheaval or contentious board relations, low staff the ground running in an effective and healthy manner
morale, or other challenges require unique skills sets (yes, this includes eliminating practices of microman-
of their director. Be very honest, first to yourselves and agement, promoting open communications, creating
then to your candidates, about your needs and the a performance plan, and other forms of open feedback
knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies required and dialogue). In a few cases, “houses are cleaned,”
of the director entering your system. with ineffective or inattentive staff and board members
Do not skip over the preparation aspects of this pro- being retired early or otherwise asked to leave prior to
cess. When a library hears that its director is leaving, the new director coming on board. There are pros and
it is too easy to just rush into the hiring phase. Do that cons to retaining the ser�vices of a consultant.
at your own peril. Remember: sometimes you have to
Why retain a consultant?
go slow to go fast. The work you do in the preparation
phase provides a foundation that enhances the suc- • Unlike library staff, the consultant is an expert
cess of the library and its incoming director. If you are experienced in the search or transition process.
Succession Planning for the Library Director 91

She can also provide an unbiased perspective, Identify Library Vulnerabilities

and the library is the beneficiary of best practices
learned from her research and experience with This is an excellent time to take a realistic look at the
other orga�nizations. state of the library and to design and implement strate-
• A consultant who specializes in libraries (academic gies where they are needed. For example, this might
or public) knows, and has connections with, many be the time to create a position of deputy or assistant
of the most effective leaders in the country—some director—perhaps a step the director had been avoid-
of whom may never consider applying for a posi- ing. Or it might be a good time to create an advisory
tion advertised in a journal but would respond to board for marketing, or fund-raising—if the assessment
a phone call from a respected colleague. identifies these as areas of weakness. Ensure that the
• A consultant can help provide an objective assess- library’s financial and HR systems are in order, so that
ment of a library’s situation and help identify issues the library’s daily operations can run smoothly during
library leadership may not have been able to articu- any period of interim leadership.
late effectively.
• The board of trustees may desire a fresh look at the Solidify the Management Team
library’s strategy, its structure, and the nature and
scope of the position of library director. This is also a time to think about staffing in light of
• You may recognize the need for external help with what is required to achieve the strategic direction. For
the transition, because you do not have the time to example, suppose there is a gap in marketing compe-
devote to a search or for other reasons. tencies at the staff and leadership levels, and strategies
to move the library forward indicate a need for mar-
Why conduct the search in-house?
keting expertise. In that case it would be appropriate
• Members of the board of trustees and staff have to establish a plan to develop these competencies in
the expertise and time to conduct the search and the senior staff, agree to hire a senior staff person with
design a transition process. these competencies, or retain the ser�vices of a market-
• Consultants are an extra expense. ing consultant. You may realize some salary savings in
• Board members may see every candidate fresh the turnover of the director position, and now is the
by not having relationships with potential candi- time to use whatever financial flexibility is associated
dates. with her departure. But whether the changes you need
• Your staff or board members have been active
cost money or not, consider what changes should be
in the state and national library associations and made in leadership, systems, staffing, or structure to
personally know or are aware of potential candi- ease the director’s transition into your library and her
dates. ability to hit the ground running.
Also at this time, the board should ensure that
• An external consultant cannot know the details of
your situation as well as you do. there is staff or board backup for key director func-
tions. It is also critical that administrative systems
If you are considering engaging a consultant to help (especially financial and human resources) are in
with a search and transition but do not know where order, so that the library can operate effectively during
to start, appendix 6.1 is a list of tasks from a request the transition to a new director, which often involves
for proposal sent by a library client. It provides a clear a period when the library must function with interim
picture of the work that must be done—whether by leadership.
trustees, staff, or consultant.
Assess Staff for
Primary Tasks of the Preparation Phase Leadership Potential
In this phase, you begin looking at yourself and your Whether or not you have a succession plan in place,
library. Taking the time to assess the library’s strategy, you should ask:
culture, and governance honestly supports and guides
the succession planning process. It also helps your • Are there current employees who have the
library board’s capacity building and development potential to fill any given position? Now? After
process. a formal training and development process?
92 Succession Planning for the Library Director

• Are these employees interested and motivated time to make sure that staff and board members also
to pursue this growth opportunity? know and have connections with these leaders.
• Will the succession planning process in which
your library is engaging put in place a formal Prepare a Communications Plan
training and development process to cultivate
these new leaders? This is one of the most important steps. Communi-
cations to all key stakeholders (city/county officials,
Identify the Library’s Broad higher education leadership, board of trustees, Friends
of the Library, library foundation, community leaders,
Strategic Directions
and staff) should be ongoing, sincere, and transparent.
Where are you in implementing the strategic plan? Updates at each step in the process are critical. Con-
How are your customers and partners responding? Is nect with stakeholders (internal and in the commu-
the annual performance evaluation for the director tied nity); talk to them about their needs and expectations
to progress measured against your strategic initiatives? for a new director in your community. Determine
Is there a process for the new director to provide input by whom and how communication will be handled.
to the plan? Board members may develop the plan or assign com-
munication responsibilities to a board committee or
Build the Board’s staff member to be coordinated.
Leadership Abilities The communications plan you prepare now will be
used regularly and often with staff, board members,
Is your board operating at an optimal level? Is there a and all stakeholders is to keep them up to date on the
job description for the trustees? Does the board have status of the search and transition. It should utilize all
trouble making decisions or working through conflict? of your library’s communication channels, such as your
Is there agreement about the kind of authority you website and intranet, newsletter, and news releases.
are prepared to give the next director and what kind Ultimately, it will
of accountability mechanisms you should consider
to ensure responsible board oversight? Assess board • Announce why the director is leaving and
governance practices and orga�nizational health, look- highlight her many accomplishments.
ing at mission, vision, and strategic and operational • Announce the formation of a search comÂ�
planning processes. This is an ideal time to build the mittee.
leadership capacity of the board and its members. A • Invite community input regarding possible
board member with orga�nizational or board develop- attributes for success, candidates, and orga�
ment skills can do this, although you might prefer to nizational priorities.
use an objective outsider to help you address these • Circulate the profile and encourage applicants
often complex, difficult, and very human issues. to apply.
Using a consultant to interview the departing • Provide status reports.
director as well as individual board members in con- • Announce selection of the new director
fidence can really assist the process of moving ahead and let the community know how they can
quickly. The consultant can use this information to meet her.
help move the board forward in its thinking about
roles, relationships, and how board members can At every milestone in the process, your communica-
individually and collectively support the library and tions plan should answer these questions: who needs to
its director. know what is happening, and how do we tell them?

Back Up the Library Director’s Set Financial Parameters

key Relationships
Discuss possible financial and budgetary issues for
Too often we find that the library director is the only the succession (hiring costs, severance package costs
person who knows key elected and appointed govern- for the exiting director, training and development and
ment officials, important community leaders, grantors, compensation package for the new director, fee for a
and executive directors of other partners. This is the search or transition consultant if used).
Succession Planning for the Library Director 93

Deal with the Personal and Set a fixed departure date. Everyone needs to be
Professional Barriers for able to move forward, and there is much work to do.
the Departing Director Or, you may even decide to continue some new kind
of working arrangement with the departing director,
Issues might be the degree to which the director is redefining what retirement means. In that case, all par-
emotionally and financially prepared for retirement or ties want and need clarity about what the new arrange-
the best exit strategy to make all parties feel good about ments and roles are—and are not.
the ending. You will want to help make the departing Make plans now for when and how you will say
director’s transition as easy as possible, especially if good-bye, publicly and graciously, to the departing
she is appreciated throughout the community and has director. Celebrate her successes and contributions.
served for a long time.

Example: ABC County Public Library

Whether you are working with a consultant or doing the work yourselves, the first thing to look at is context.
We use ABC County Public Library’s recruitment process as an example. ABC County Public Library is a medium-
sized, top-flight library with whom we worked on succession planning. The library was in stable condition; no
factors at the time led the board or staff to think they needed a succession plan for their staff or library director.
The director was motivated to develop a succession plan by an aging senior staff, the board of trustees by
a desire for good governance. Interviews with senior staff and members of the board, data analysis of staff
demographics (age, eligibility for retirement, replacement for key tasks/positions, leadership development
programs in place, etc.), the library’s strategic plan, and a sense that community needs were changing led to an
understanding of the context of the system as summarized below.

Staff Context
• The library director is an effective, nationally respected, long-term employee with a good relationship with
the community, board, and staff.
• Many members of ABC’s senior staff are nearing retirement age or eligibility for retirement. Although
the director is not planning to leave her position in the short term, the board, as part of its governance
responsibility, wishes to ensure that a plan is in place “in the event something happens.”
• The director has major fund-raising responsibilities, which she handles with little staff involvement or sup-
• Most senior staff members are long term as well as strong. Several are cross-trained and have a big-picture
perspective of the library, but most understand and care about only their own department. None currently
has the skills or relationships to work with current or prospective funders or grantees, elected officials, or
the county administrator, and only the director of marketing has ever engaged in legislative activity at the
local or state level.
• There is no identified heir apparent to the position of library director from among the library’s senior staff.
• ABC is currently updating its strategic plan, and systemwide succession planning has begun.

Board of Trustees Context

• The library board of trustees wishes to collect community data in order to evaluate perceived shifts in
changing community demographics, wants, and needs.
• The board has limited capacity to support the library in the (limited) number of members (five), skills, time,
and professional support that would ordinarily be available to augment the talents and experience of
senior staff.1
• Although there is little evidence of micromanagement, roles, responsibilities, and expectations of board
members are not clear. There are no explicit job descriptions for board members or officers, and commit-
tee responsibilities are vague.
• One member of the board has quite a bit of experience with transitions.
• The library director and board chair communicate regularly and effectively.
94 Succession Planning for the Library Director

Example: ABC County Public Library (cont.)

We suggested questions and steps to prepare ABC County Public Library for a library director succession. We
reminded the leadership that a side benefit of engaging in this process is that it helps build capacity by taking
stock, opening up to new strategic directions, and making changes based on current and anticipated challenges
and opportunities. The steps we recommended included the following:
1. Complete the library’s strategic plan; obtain board approval and support.
2. Engage in board capacity building and development work. Look at effectiveness, leadership, and skills
needed in support of library operations. Ask the hard questions pertaining to governance, library
culture, strategic direction, and others (such as those outlined above). To this end, we suggested that
ABC Library do the following:
• Hold a board retreat with senior staff to engage in this assessment.
• Given that the board had only five members, we suggested the creation of an advisory task force
with skills in marketing and finance, areas identified for strengthening in the board assessment
process, to augment the skills of the board. Although not an explicitly stated outcome, we also saw
this as an opportunity for the board to audition potential members and at minimum to think about
the kinds of skills needed to fill upcoming board vacancies.
3. Continue its succession planning process (library-wide) as well as incorporate a leadership
development component to tap and develop staff at all levels of the library as soon as feasible. Not
only does this action increase staff retention, but also a leadership pipeline emerges and staff members
assume higher levels of responsibility with increased performance. Through this process, capacity is
built, and the library is strengthened.
4. Learn if any members of the library’s senior staff aspire to the position of library director or other
leadership role. Depending on relationships, this could be done by the HR department or by the
departing director. We have seen it done by both, as well as by an external consultant in the process of
creating a succession plan or leadership development program.
5. Integrate succession planning into the strategic plan and training and development plans.
6. We also suggested that ABC Public Library’s director (and senior staff ) take some actions:
• Prepare an orgaÂ�nizational overview and an executive profile, defining critical competencies,
knowledge, skills, and abilities as well as desired management style and outcomes for the position.
• Align position descriptions with the library’s human resource and strategic plans.
• Consider any changes to the orgaÂ�nizational structure. In this case we asked if it was time to consider
a model that included a deputy director/COO so that the director could devote more time to
external relations. We also suggested that the library consider centralized collection development
and programming in order to free up staff time to devote to customer ser�vice, outreach, and
specialized ser�vices to a new immigrant population as well as homeschoolers.

 hase II: Recruitment

P You may find it useful to adapt your process outline
and Selection into a meeting schedule for the search committee,
Primary Tasks of the Recruitment such as in figure 6.3. This makes a nice overview to
use in your communications plan with internal stake-
and Selection Phase
holders as well.
As soon as the library director announces her intention
to leave the system and sets a date for so doing, the Develop an Up-to-Date
recruitment and selection process begins. Figure 6.2 Job Description
presents a basic outline of this process, and you may
also be able to use it to record the progress of your Although your inclination may be to reach for the
own recruitment. We elaborate on some elements of departing director’s job description, resist the temp-
the process below. tation. Instead of looking to the past and what was,
Succession Planning for the Library Director 95

focus on the future. Look forward toward the library’s create the most frustration, confusion, or dysfunctional
aspirations and then shape the job, and job descrip- behavior within the library that the board wants the
tion, around your current and future leadership needs. director to change? Does the new director need to
What are the core values, beliefs, and assumptions fit the current culture, or is she expected to change
about how the library operates that are important for it? How? (See “Questions to Help You Find a New
the new director to understand? What are the “non- Library Director” below.)
negotiable” behaviors that the director should uphold Completing a profile of the ideal candidate helps
and nurture? What current processes and activities you update the library director’s job description as well

Figure 6.2
Library Director Recruitment Process Outline
1. Position Description
a. Develop ideal candidate characteristics.
b. Revise and finalize position description.
c. If desired, develop web-based survey tool to solicit input on library director knowledge, skills, abilities,
and competencies.
Time line Finalize position description by _____
Finalize survey tool by _____
2. Decisions Regarding Recruitment Responsibilities
a. Determine whether to hire search or transition consultants.
b. Determine whether assistance is available from local government/university officials.
c. Which tasks will board members perform? Who will handle each?
d. Will HR or others staff the process? Who, and which tasks?
Time line Decisions made by _____
3. Identification of Potential Candidates
a. Share position description and candidate characteristics with key constituents to garner input and
names of potential candidates, including
library board of trustees
past board members
ALA, PLA, ACRL, state library associations, etc.
state library
other local or regional libraries
other key constituents as appropriate
b. Advertise according to any institutional or government/civil service rules and channels.
Time line Begin position description distribution week of _____
Résumés will be accepted through _____
4. Screening of Candidates
a. Develop consistent screening criteria and methodology based on position description and candidate
characteristics to evaluate remaining candidates.
96 Succession Planning for the Library Director

figure 6.2 (cont.)

b. Establish interview guidelines and the key questions you plan to ask.
Time line Review and finalize criteria, methodology, and questions by _____
c. Perform an initial “paper screening” of potential candidates to match past experience to position
description of ideal candidate characteristics.
Time line Perform “paper screening” by _____
d. Decide if you will conduct screening interviews by phone or in person.
e. Determine individual(s) to conduct screening interviews—search committee members or outside
consultant (please note that staff is not suggested as an option).
f. Establish process for selecting no more than three lead candidates for the library director position.
Time line Screen, review, and select lead candidates by _____
g. Conduct reference and general background checks on lead candidates.
Time line Have background results by _____
5. Search committee/full board interviews of lead candidates
a. Conduct interviews of lead candidates by search committee or full board of trustees.
Time line Conduct interviews on _____
6. Staff and Community Review of Final Candidates
a. Finalists (separately) hold open forums to which staff members are invited to listen and ask questions.
Staff is asked for their written feedback to be sent to the chair of the search committee.
b. In an open or by-invitation forum, members of the community also have an opportunity to hear from
candidates and ask questions from their perspective. Library systems might also consider hosting a
cocktail party or other event where community members and staff can get to know the finalists on a
less formal basis.
Time line Public events scheduled on _____
7. Final Decision/Offer
a. Executive committee makes final decision and offer to candidate.
Time line Offer made by _____
8. Formal and informal meet and greets of new library director for staff, board, and key constituents
Time line Meet and greets scheduled on _____

as recruitment materials such as job postings. Craft a transformational change agent, entrepreneur,
profile by answering these questions. community builder, strategic thinker/actor)?
• Does the new director have to be a librarian?
• What are the desired experiences and qualifi- • Does she need to be politically astute?
cations of the director? • Does she need to have skills in fund develop-
• How are your library’s values and needs ment?
matched to the director? • Does she need to be skilled in working with
• What is exceptional about your library and a union?
why is this job a wonderful opportunity? • How does the director attend to the board’s
• What leadership skills and competencies are feelings and needs?
unique to the library’s needs and challenges? • How does the director envision changes in
• What are the key attributes needed (e.g., orgaÂ�nizational functioning?
visionary, seasoned manager who provides • How does the director communicate and inter-
stability and structure, turnaround expert, act with the board?
Succession Planning for the Library Director 97

Appendix 6.2 is a public library director job descrip- Appoint a Selection Committee
tion and is used with the permission of that director.
It is tailored to one library’s specific situation and goes Such a task force, appointed by the board, might be
so far as to indicate by weighted values how the board composed of members of the board as well as key
of trustees wants the new director to spend her time. constituents such as county elected or appointed offi-
Your board might ask the library’s HR director to gather cials, the school system superintendent, the director
some examples from other libraries that should be of the county’s literacy group, the head of the United
suitable models. Way, a teenager, and a representative from the cham-
ber of commerce. The library’s HR director staffs the

Figure 6.3
Search Committee, Overview of Meeting Schedule
1. Kick-off session: 1½-hour phone session, week of September 3
Review of process
Review and finalize candidate selection rubric
Review and finalize candidate screening process
2. Initial candidate review: 1-hour phone session, week of September 24
Check in on résumés received
Review of web survey results
Determine if enough qualified candidates to move to next steps
3. Candidate review and selection of interviewees: 2-hour in-person meeting, week of October 15
Review of initial candidate screening interviews relative to selection rubric
Select no more than six final candidates to be interviewed by committee
Outline final candidate interview process/questions
4. Final candidate interviews: two half-day sessions, Thursday, November 1, and Tuesday, November 6
Conduct interviews with each candidate
Complete post-interview debriefings based on selection rubric
Recommend no more than two final candidates to continue process
5. Final candidate recommendation to board of trustees: 1½-hour phone or in-person, week of November 17
Review feedback from staff and key constituent meetings with two final candidates
Recommend final candidate to board of trustees
98 Succession Planning for the Library Director

committee process. The charge for this group is very that staff should be kept informed and that ongoing
specific: identify and prioritize the key competencies, communication is important to staff at all levels, but
knowledge, skills, and abilities that the next library that they should not play a deciding role in selec-
director should possess before advertising the position. tion. We strongly support Tom Gilmore’s thoughtful
Input from the library’s key constituencies is important perspective: “The only universally wrong step a board
to this process. Ultimately, the full board will interview can take (and many do) is not to have thought through
the final two or three candidates. When finalists are how the staff will be involved and be kept informed
brought in for interviews, the selection committee at all stages of the process.”2 Gilmore suggests that
members will attend public presentations or meet- staff should be very involved in assessing the library’s
and-greet sessions and provide feedback to the board, strategic challenges and identifying the characteristics
to help them make a better decision. needed of the director as well as in recommending
Should you use staff in the recruitment process? candidates and resources for recruitment. Staff should
There are differences of opinion about how and to also be invited to meet the final candidates, often as
what extent staff should be involved in the leadership part of an interview process, and provide their advice
selection and transition process. We believe, again, and input. However, the final selection should not

Questions to Help You Find a New Library Director

Tom Gilmore suggests ten questions that should be asked that will help specify the desired characteristics of a new
leader and place the job in a strategic context. Adapted for the library world, they are as follows:
1. What are the strategic challenges facing this (community, population, or faculty and
library leader in the coming six months? Year? student base)? Your circulation? Note that
Two to three years? these activities may very well be different if
2. How would you know or suspect within the there is, or will be, a deputy director or COO in
first three months whether your choice was place.
going to be successful? What would the early 7. Given your forward-looking perspective and
indications be? strategy, what will be the typical daily, weekly,
3. What people and roles does this person need monthly, and annual activities of the job?
to interact with? What specific behaviors does 8. What are five to seven key adjectives that
each of them want from this leader? Where describe the ideal candidate?
might conflicts arise? 9. What skills and past experience must the
4. What behaviors, attitudes, and skills are new director possess? Which of them are the
required to be effective in relating to the nonnegotiables? Which are the “nice to haves”?
major stakeholder group? They will not be the 10. Sometimes we like to start with this question:
same for each. Consider staff, board members, where do you want the library to be in five
county officials, funders, and others. years, and what skills will be important to have
5. What are the leaders’ day-to-day tasks and to get there? (Consider viewing the responses
responsibilities? How does the overall flow of to the second part of this question when it is
work occur? What particular skills would add time to bring new trustees on board. Letting
value? Which ones are essential? the appointing authority know what skills
6. What are the magnitudes of the major internal would be helpful to support the library may
tasks, such as budget size and complexity, lead to selection of board members who can
numbers of employees supervised, total augment the library’s skills base with some
employees, and other important measures? helpful and timely expertise.)
What is the size of your ser�vice area

Source: Adapted from Thomas N. Gilmore, Finding and Retaining Your Next Chief Executive: Making the Training Work
(Washington, D.C.: BoardSource, 1992), 18.
Succession Planning for the Library Director 99

be made by staff; that is a decision to be made by the • After search committee conversations, draft
board of trustees. the job description and other collateral public
In general, we agree that staff should not serve on the relations materials.
search committee. If your library has an HR director, it • Help prepare the communications plan for
would be appropriate to ask her to staff the process and staff and community.
work directly with the members of the search commit- • Advertise the job opening as appropriate, for
tee. If not working with a search or transition consultant example, in Library Journal, Library Hotline.
the HR director should, at a minimum, support the • Determine how and when candidates will
search committee by engaging in the following tasks: receive communications throughout the pro-
cess, and who will communicate with candi-
• Work closely with the committee chair dates.
throughout the process in a support capacity. • Screen résumés against established criteria.
• Issue invitations to serve on the search com- • Prepare summaries of highly qualified candi-
mittee, prepare agendas (with committee dates for the search committee.
chair), and arrange for meeting room space, • Provide sample interview questions and any
refreshments, and so forth. other preparation needed by interviewers.
• Take notes at meetings; send to committee • Schedule telephone screening interviews on
members. behalf of the search committee.

The Top Job

The Columbus Metropolitan Library board of trustees emergency. Several members of his leadership team
is (rightly) now concerned about succession planning expressed interest in development toward the execu-
for Patrick Losinski, the library’s executive director. They tive director slot should it become vacant in the next
have asked him to submit a plan that includes three five years. Going out ten years, the recommendation
different scenarios: replacement in ten years, replace- for replacement was to look beyond the current lead-
ment in five years, and an unexpected, immediate ership team.
emergency. This is an important process for all directors Step three was to prepare profiles of the identi-
and their boards to go through. fied staff members, including their role, tenure with
It started with a frank discussion with the board Columbus Metropolitan Library, work history, educa-
of trustees to clarify their philosophy of succession tional background, strengths, accomplishments at the
management at the most senior level. Did they wish to library, budget managed, direct reports and number
identify a few potential candidates among the leader- of indirect reports, developmental opportunities, and
ship team and groom them for this position? Or did current salary.
they want to continue the philosophy endorsed for Finally, Losinski provided the members of the board
the orga�nization as a whole: invest in the growth and with a list of recruitment firms and other resources.
development of all people, but without an implied “I feel great,” said Losinski when asked how he felt
promise of elevation? The board reaffirmed its philoso- about going through this process. On one hand, of
phy of open competition to fill this position, believing course, it is a crucial exercise for the library’s board
that it is in the best interest of the library to open this and chief executive to accept. On the other hand, I
(and all) positions to both external and internal can- wondered, was it a little like planning for one’s demise?
didates. “We have a business to run,” Losinski noted. Losinski clearly focused on the former, proud to be
“Individual interests should not supersede the needs part of a team capable of handling something that is
of the enterprise.” sensitive and an important part of his, and the board’s,
Once the philosophy was clear, Losinski talked with responsibility. He did not find the exercise at all threat-
the members of his leadership team. He identified ening, seeing instead the greater good of sustainability
some who could engage as coleaders in case of an and growth of leadership.
100 Succession Planning for the Library Director

• Schedule and arrange interviews for finalists. this team to help them clarify roles, responsibilities,
• Check references. and expectations. The group worked together rather
• Suggest, based on data, a fair and equitable effectively—until a shift in roles occurred. One of the
compensation and benefits package for the team members was assigned by the board to work with
person selected. Determine who will handle the search consultant and staff the search committee.
the offer and salary negotiations. Although this individual was capable, other team mem-
bers became jealous and insecure because they were not
The HR director must act with the highest integrity privy to the same information as their colleague. This
and utmost confidentiality throughout this process. made for a less than effective process and also affected
You may wonder if another staff member could take the team’s longer-term working relationships.
on this role. The answer is possibly, and probably not.
In our experience, general staff are accustomed to and Plan the Search, and Search
respect the barrier of silence from HR staff about all
personnel issues. They do not have the same expecta- Plan a national, or at least regional, search. To assist
tions of other staff, nor are other staff members accus- with this, the board asks the library director and senior
tomed to this level of confidentiality. Keep in mind staff for a list of five to ten key library leaders to talk
that the confidentiality extends beyond your library. with who either might be interested in the job or
Many applying for the position will not make their could recommend other viable candidates. Through
interest known at their present workplace. Recruiting conference attendance and journal reading, staff and
at this level must be handled delicately and with the board members also keep an eye out for current and
utmost confidence. Many high-potential and highly emerging leaders. The library announces the position
visible candidates working in other libraries will not vacancy formally, using a variety of communications
apply unless confidentially can be guaranteed unless channels including its website, statewide and national
and until they are named as a finalist. electronic discussion lists, and professional journals.
There are other considerations as well. Consider the The library’s public relations staff helps by develop-
plight of one system that did not have a full-time HR ing a piece that sells the position, the library, and the
manager. With the resignation of the library director, community to potential applicants. (See appendix 6.3
the library’s four senior managers were asked to function for an example developed by consultant June Garcia
as a team in an “interim director” role. We worked with for the Santa Cruz Public Libraries.)

What to Do in an Unplanned Transition:

The First 72 Hours
1. Convene the executive committee or board 4. Review and make changes to check-signing
of trustees to decide/affirm who the acting authority and related security issues.
library director is. 5. Communicate with external stakeholders
2. Clarify the responsibilities of the acting about the circumstances of the departure and
director and who on the board will provide the interim plans.
supervision and support. 6. Appoint a transition/search committee chair
3. Clearly communicate to the board and staff and committee and begin the broader work
(and, if appropriate, city, county, or other of assessing the library and commencing an
officials) about a short-term plan and a time effective succession planning and transition
line for developing a longer-term plan to find process.
the next permanent library director.

Source: Adapted from Thomas N. Gilmore, Finding and Retaining Your Next Chief Executive: Making the Training Work
(Washington, D.C.: BoardSource, 1992), 10.
Succession Planning for the Library Director 101

Note the individual responsible for each recruit- staff. They will have many questions that are rarely
ment step (as in figure 6.2). Add more time, because articulated: What is my role? Will she like me? Will
a search always takes longer than one thinks it will. she bring in her own leadership team? Will I have a
The board can take advantage of any additional time job here? Will I like and be a part of any changes in
to plan and prepare adequately. direction or strategy? Where will I fit in? Is it time for
me to get off the bus? Rumors fly and water cooler
Identify an Interim Library Director chatting increases substantially. Having a schedule,
sticking to it, and communicating regularly help to
This should not be a candidate for the permanent allay the anxiety.
position. Establish a separate job description for the Another thing that reduces staff anxiety is helping
interim position that articulates scope, boundaries, the leader get off to a good start—ensuring that she too
duties, and responsibilities. If the interim director is a has a smooth transition. Board members set the tone
member of the library’s senior staff, the library should for that transition and for how they will work with the
provide a salary supplement in the form of a separate incoming director. From the time they offer the job
check or temporary pay increase (rather than part of and begin negotiating a salary and employment agree-
base pay). ment, they are beginning to orient the new director to
the culture of the orga�nization. Thus, they must give
Communicate some thought to structuring the kind of orientation
that serves their board, the library, and the new director
It is critical to begin implementing the communica- well. Considering these questions can help:
tions plan you began to develop in the preparation
phase so that all of the library’s key stakeholders—both • Who on the board will serve as the direc-
internal and external—are kept informed throughout tor’s primary contact for management and
the process. Figure 6.4 is one example. coaching? How—and how often—will the
board expect to hear from or meet with the
Phase III: Transition • Who on the board can help introduce the
director to community partners, university
Trustees need to be aware that a leadership transition or local government department heads, and
is a time of stress and anxiety for staff, especially senior other valuable people outside the library? How

Figure 6.4
Example of a Succinct Update
Memo to Library Staff sent on behalf of Mary Smith, Board Chair
I wanted to quickly update all of you on our Library Director recruitment process. The Search Committee met
earlier this week and reviewed the résumés and initial screening interview results on the seven most qualified
candidates. From that meeting, we selected three individuals for the Search Committee to interview next
week. After those interviews are completed, the Search Committee will determine whether one or all of these
candidates will become finalists.
We have sent the candidates copies of our new strategic and facilities plan as well as a variety of additional
background information. We’ve asked the three candidates, based on their review of this material, to outline
for us what their 90-day entry strategy would be; how they would help the Library realize our new vision and
mission; and what steps they would take to move the organization’s key priorities forward.
I will be back in touch after those interviews are completed and the Committee has had an opportunity to
determine next steps.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]
or 999-1234.
102 Succession Planning for the Library Director

can the board pave the way for the director to The trustees of one of our academic library clients
establish her new network of connections? made the mistake of not worrying about succession
• What role should senior (or other) staff take in planning since the library director, who was 60 years
orienting the director? old, said that he was planning to stay for another five
• What are the performance goals and expecta- years, at least until age 65. They did not want to upset
tions for and with the newly hired director at the director, whom they valued highly, by raising the
three, six, and twelve months? What mecha- issue of succession planning before he was ready for
nisms will be used to review performance and it. And what happened? They were surprised—and so
share feedback? was he! His daughter had triplets, and he and his wife
• How quickly can the new library director be decided to move cross-country to help her. The moral
scheduled to go through the same orientation is clear: every library should have at least an emergency
process that all staff attend? plan for library director succession at all times.
An emergency succession plan ensures the continu-
Remember that your new director will have a list of ous coverage of executive and administrative duties
tasks to undertake shortly after coming on board that critical to the ongoing operations of the library and
will be a part of her orientation to the job, the staff, the its ser�vices to its customers or patrons and funders,
community, and the board of trustees. These important political officials, and others by outlining policies and
activities include (if a public library director) meet- procedures for the temporary appointment of an acting
ing local elected and appointed officials, community executive director.
leaders, partners, funders, media representatives, and There are several key components to such a plan. It
local and statewide library directors. She will also should identify the priority functions of the library direc-
want to meet all staff quickly, especially those who tor, both the general functions of a library (or any) leader
report directly to her, and visit all branches; spend time as well as tasks that are exclusive to your library. Second,
reviewing the budget, policies, HR policies, strategic, the plan should specify what happens in the event of
facilities, marketing, technology, and other important a short- or long-term absence of the library director.
library documents; meet with all board members one- This includes notification of trustees, the process that
to-one and as a group; and review bylaws, the trustee the board or board president begins once notified, the
manual, and other relevant documents. Be prepared to compensation and authority of an acting director (as
help your new director into each of these tasks. specified in a previously developed job description), and
Finally, don’t forget that there is another element provisions for recruiting a new director.
to being new in a community. If you have ever moved Another component of the emergency succession
to take a new job, whether across town or across the plan should be the identification of one or two senior
country, you know that your orientation to the commu- staff members capable of appointment to the position
nity is not complete until you find a trustworthy auto of acting or interim director. If the board decides to
mechanic, the best bakery, a good handyman, a great divide the functions of the director, these should be
hairdresser, the physicians who take your new health clearly delineated in writing. If necessary, any provi-
insurance plan, and so on. Your new director will not sions for cross-training staff to help them fulfill priority
really feel at home until she knows the territory, so director functions should be made. Such cross-training
be sure to let her know that, when she needs a local should begin with the adoption of the plan.
recommendation, you stand ready to help. Finally, a communications plan and protocol should
be outlined, including categories of constituents (e.g.,
public officials, customers) who should be personally
Emergency Succession Plan notified, how (in writing, personally, by phone) and
by whom (the board, interim director, other), and in
Sometimes a surprise happens: the director lets you what time frame.
know, with little or no warning, that she is leaving the If the succession plan has to be implemented in an
job for another opportunity, family issues, health, or emergency, the board should ensure that the following
other reasons. In the worst case, she has been struck are in place:
by a bus or challenged by a major illness, and there
is little time to prepare. That is why it is important to • Board members who have experience in
have in place, at a minimum, an emergency plan. search/transition
Succession Planning for the Library Director 103

• Senior staff member(s) or others who can serve Summary

as interim director
• An up-to-date job description for the position There is work to be done to plan and implement a suc-
of interim or acting library director cession planning process for any library. With guidance
• A key contact list to notify individuals and and following the tasks outlined in this chapter, the
communicate plans/status board of trustees, library director and leadership staff
• Written procedures for conducting a search should engage in important conversations that answer
(with and without a search firm) and for the many of the questions posed in this chapter. Answers to
selection process those questions will shape the process and the outcome
• Identification of a key spokesperson for the for the new library director and the community served
library board by the library. The time invested at the outset will yield
greater dividends than anything you can produce while
addressing an unexpected emergency vacancy.

Appendix 6.1
Minimum Consultant Requirements for a Library Director Search and Transition Process

The Consultant will:

Assist the Board of Trustees in determining Library Assist the Board of Trustees in the applicant assessment
needs. process.
1. Review the Library’s current strategic plan, Facili- 9. Facilitate Board’s screening of applicants by devel-
ties Study, and other information about the Library oping appropriate quantitative and qualitative can-
and its community. didate assessment tools (e.g., rubrics, checklists)
2. Facilitate a meeting of the Library Board to identify to determine which candidates will be invited to
characteristics wanted in a new Director and an participate in the interview process.
application process likely to identify and attract
Assist the Board of Trustees in screening applications.
such a person.
10. Facilitate by telephone conference call the Board’s
3. Solicit the opinions of library staff and others
screening of applicants to determine which candi-
as appropriate, as to characteristics needed and
dates will be invited to participate in the interview
wanted in a new director.
11. Recommend to the Board the names of the candi-
Assist the Board of Trustees in the recruitment of can-
dates who should be interviewed.
12. Check references of each finalist before any inter-
4. Develop recruitment materials such as advertise-
views are scheduled and convey results to the
ments for professional journals and websites.
5. Place advertisements and distribute other recruit-
13. Notify candidates being invited to final inter-
ment materials.
6. Develop and send letters to prospective candi-
14. Notify candidates who are not being invited to final
7. Prepare list of individuals who should be encour-
aged to apply for the position and distribute recruit- Assist the Board of Trustees in conducting the interview
ment information to them. process.
8. Develop and implement a process to acknowledge 15. Propose interview process and time line to the
receipt of applications and to help ensure candi- Board and revise based on Board’s comments and
date confidentiality. suggestions.
104 Succession Planning for the Library Director

16. Coordinate with library staff the preparation of a 23. Conduct a pre-hire background check of the
persuasive orientation packet of library and local preferred candidate, including [credit check], aca-
information that will be distributed to finalists prior demic credentials, driving records, and county and
to the interviews. federal records for past or current criminal or civil
17. Contact finalists to be interviewed and review inter- cases.
view process with them. 24. Notify other finalists of appointment of new
18. Make all travel and hotel arrangements for all director.
interviewees. 25. Assist the Board with the development of a transi-
19. Develop documents to be used during final inter- tion plan, which also provides an orientation for
views, including interview questions, scoring the new director.
sheets, and response forms to be used by open- Clerical and administrative tasks
forum participants. (See “Assist Board in the appli-
26. Perform all clerical and administrative tasks associ-
cant assessment process,” above.)
ated with the search (writing and sending letters,
20. Develop schedule for final interviews including placing ads, making travel arrangements, preparing
specific times for packets for Board review, tracking and summariz-
a. Orientation tours ing responses, etc.) with the exception of the com-
b. Interviews with the Library Board piling and sending of persuasive packets about the
c. Open forums to allow staff and invited guests library system and the local area and the provision
to hear presentations by and interact with each of information to the consultant (as stated in the
finalist Library responsibilities, below).

d. Coordinate the interview process, attending The Library will:

events and participating in interviews and
other related activities 1. Develop, provide, and arrange for the consultant
to receive in a timely and expeditious manner and
suitable format for use and review by the consul-
Facilitate the Board of Trustees’ selection of the new
tant, at no expense to consultant, copies of all
documents, materials, policies, and other data and
21. Facilitate the Board’s selection of the best candi- information necessary to consultant’s performance
date from among the finalists. of the above tasks.
22. Provide assistance to the Library Board, as
requested, in negotiation of employment terms Source: Adapted from an RFP issued by the Somerset
with the finalist selected to be the new director. County (Md.) Library board; used with permission.
Succession Planning for the Library Director 105

Appendix 6.2
Omaha Library Director Job Description

I. Basic Purpose: The Library Director leads community â•⁄ 7. Able to plan creatively for future trends and
and library staff efforts to meet present and future library needs.
needs of the metropolitan community by optimizing â•⁄ 8. Optimistic and “can-do” by nature. Gets things
use of available resources while striving for increased done!
resources in order to reach or exceed the median level
â•⁄ 9. Self-starter who likes to keep people well
of serÂ�vices within Omaha’s peer-group libraries.
informed and lead by personal example—of
II. Dimensions of the Job: highest ethical character.
A. Serving library needs of a 450,000-citizen metro- 10. Likes to work hard. Realizes that this is an
politan community. FLSA exempt leadership position. Willing to
B. Lead a staff of approximately 110 full-time and 140 invest the time to do it well.
part-time (65 FTE) employees. 11. Without physical (as set forth in Exhibit A),
C. Oversee a library collection of approx. 2.5 million personal, or legal difficulties that could nega-
items. tively impact job performance in any way.

D. Manage a ten-library system, with an annual bud- IV. Specific Job Circumstances: This position encoun-
get of approximately $10 million. ters the following realities that are specific to leading
Omaha Public Library system:
III. Job Qualifications: To be fully qualified, the Library
Director should have: A. The Omaha Library Director reports directly to the
OPL Board of Trustees, which by law is authorized
A. Education: A Master’s Degree in Library Science
to “take charge of, manage, and control the Omaha
from an American Library Association–accredited
Public Library.” Members of this nine-person board
institution, or an equivalent degree, so as to under-
are appointed by Omaha’s mayor, confirmed by
stand library operations as well as the needs of
its City Council, and serve a three-year term that
orga�nizational leadership.
can be extended for only three additional years
B. Experience: At least five years of library-related (maximum time on board of six years). Appointees
experience that includes the demonstrated ability generally have skills and experience in areas not
to successfully plan, orga�nize, motivate, control, directly related to library operations. Thus educat-
and lead within a library environment. ing and clearly informing Trustees is an important
C. Personal qualities: Demonstrated personal qualities responsibility of the Library Director.
that include the following:
B. The vast majority of library funding comes from
â•⁄ 1. Understanding of library needs and interests. Omaha’s General Fund and requires approval of
â•⁄ 2. Knowledge of how outstanding libraries are the Mayor and City Council. This political pro-
operated. cess has historically resulted in annual per capita
library funding below the median of comparable
â•⁄ 3. Ability to understand and deal well with
peer-city libraries. The Library Director is thus
diverse peoples, including community and
challenged to achieve improved funding while
political leaders, volunteers, employees, and
managing available resources to best achieve Board
current or potential library users.
approved library objectives.
â•⁄ 4. Communications skills that are down to earth,
honest, open, clear, and persuasive. C. Omaha’s library staff is represented by two city
government bargaining unions and is subject to
â•⁄ 5. Technologically literate and able to direct
City personnel policies. The Library Director must
technology use productively.
manage these interests while striving to develop a
â•⁄ 6. Problem solver through use of motivated team motivated, well-orgaÂ�nized, cohesive, and produc-
effort. tive library staff.
106 Succession Planning for the Library Director

V. Job Evaluation: The dimensions and requirements of VI. Accountabilities: Set forth below are accountabilities
this position are set forth below: that are specific to successful job performance by the
Director. These should guide the day-to-day activity
A. Know-how:
of the Director and will be used by the Board when
1. Technical—acceptable job performance re- evaluating the Director’s performance and determining
quires a solid understanding of library prin- compensation.
ciples, methods, practices, materials, and The Board may change these accountabilities, or
trends. the required time input factors, in order to rebalance
2. Managerial—acceptable performance requires Board priorities or reflect changes to strategic or tacti-
internal and external integration and coordi- cal plans. The Director must be very sensitive to these
nation of functions affecting the success of changes and understand their implications. This docu-
Omaha’s library system. ment is the Board’s primary vehicle for communicating
3. Human Relations—acceptable performance job expectations to its chief executive officer/Director
requires a high degree of understanding of and will be evaluated annually.
interpersonal relationships and motivation of The Director has personal authority and responsi-
stakeholders. bility for some accountabilities. These are designated
4. Scope—job accountabilities involve responsi- below with a (P).
bilities that have long-term impact on library On others the Director’s involvement is primarily
ser�vice to the community. The Director should through the management of others, even though final
provide continuity of leadership. responsibility lies with the Director. These are noted
with an (M).
B. Problem solving: Some require the Director to secure Board approval
1. Thinking Environment—approximately 60% before implementation. An (A) is used to designate
of this job involves clearly defined thinking these accountabilities.
environments, 30% is only broadly defined by In any one year, the Board may wish the Director
Board policy and objectives, while the remain- to emphasize certain accountabilities. These are desig-
ing 10% is thinking “outside the box.” nated below by showing the year of emphasis after the
2. Thinking challenge—answers to problems accountability. For example, [2003] would designate
that must be solved by the Director generally emphasis for the year 2003.
have known choices, although expansion of A. Objectives and results (25% of Director’s time
choices is also important. The challenge is input):
more in selection of the right alternative and
1. Develop measurable input and output objec-
implementing it well.
tives for OPL that can be compared to objec-
C. Scope: tive results achieved by other public libraries.
1. Freedom to Act—approximately 40% of this Review and adjust as needed. (A)
job is subject to City practice and procedure, 2. Distribute the above objectives throughout
and 60% to library policies and goals that are the OPL staff and assign appropriate respon-
subject to Board approval. The Director must sibilities so that the largest possible number of
feel free to “stretch” for new ideas and solu- employees are involved in working to achieve
tions but understand where City and/or Board them. (P) [2003]
approval or coordination is either appropriate
3. Measure results regularly against objectives
or required.
and motivate all contributing parties toward
2. Magnitude and Impact—actions affect the achieving them. (M)
entire Omaha library system, often for many
4. Maintain ongoing contact with directors of
years to come. No other position within the
other well-run libraries in order to learn ways
Omaha Public Library has more impact upon
to better achieve goals that improve OPL ser�
library ser�vices in the community than does its
vices; then implement them. (P)
Succession Planning for the Library Director 107

5. Regularly measure community opinions 8. Keep the OPL Board regularly informed about
regarding library needs and how OPL is doing. current operations, opportunities, problems,
Use results to improve. (M) and proposed solutions thereto. (P)
B. Planning (20% of Director’s time input) D. Financial management (15% of Director’s time
1. Maintain an ongoing knowledge of current input)
library trends and improved ser�vice ideas. 1. Direct preparation of the annual operating
Communicate resulting recommendations to budget for review and approval by the OPL
the OPL Board and staff. (P) Board, City administration, and the City
2. Facilitate the development, approval, and Council. Ensure estimates are as cost efficient
achievement of an ongoing long-term strategic and accurate as possible and resources are
plan. See that the long-term plan is reviewed allocated to the highest and best uses. (M)
and updated annually, without destroying the 2. Lead staff efforts to identify and implement
ongoing nature and value of previous plans. (A) sound means of cost control and reduc-
3. Facilitate the development of capital expen- tion. (M)
diture plans and their coordination with City 3. Seek out and strive to secure funding from
officials. (A) sources that will complement and expand
4. Lead development and implementation of upon ser�vices that are and should be paid for
annual plans for library operations. Ensure by the City of Omaha. These efforts should be
that Board priorities are emphasized appropri- coordinated with those of the Omaha Public
ately in these plans. (P) Library Foundation. (P) [2003]
5. Orga�nize efforts to ensure that staff members 4. Direct coordination of OPL financial man-
have specific current assignments aimed at agement with all required governmental and
achieving both long-term and short-term private orga�nizations. (M)
plans. (P) [2003] 5. Keep the OPL Board well informed on all
significant financial matters. (M)
C. Library operations and facilities (20% of time
input) E. Government and community relations (20% of
1. Orga�nize the OPL staff so as to optimize time)
human resource utilization. (P) [2003] 1. Direct efforts to maintain open and construc-
tive communications with the State, City,
2. Establish through personal example and
sound leadership a motivated, can-do, ser�vice- County, other libraries in the metropolitan
area, and community groups, in order to sup-
oriented culture and attitude throughout the
port improved library ser�vices. (M)
OPL staff. (P)
2. Seek out and develop with other orga�nizations
3. Ensure that the OPL staff is competent and
possible joint ventures that will provide syner-
well trained to manage libraries and serve pub-
gies that lead to more cost-efficient and better
lic library needs. (M)
library ser�vices. (P) [2003]
4. Control library operations so that expenditures
3. Develop customer-focused library ser�vices that
remain within budgeted amounts. (M)
increase public library use and market them
5. Control library material expenditures in order effectively. (M)
to optimize resources and best serve customer
4. Represent the OPL on the Mayor’s Cabinet,
needs. (M)
if requested to do so. (P)
6. Coordinate the construction, renovation, and 5. Lead staff efforts to implement OPL Board
maintenance of library buildings and equip- policies relating to community relations and
ment with staff and City depts. to ensure that marketing. (M)
quality ongoing ser�vice is provided. (M)
7. Monitor library ser�vice levels and make all
necessary corrections to provide high-quality
public ser�vice. (M)
108 Succession Planning for the Library Director

VII. Compensation: Compensation for the Director of B. The Board’s Executive Committee and the Library
OPL is set by the OPL Board of Trustees and will be Director will discuss job performance issues at least
confirmed to the Director in writing. The Director will quarterly.
participate in the City’s fringe benefit programs and
follow City vacation and holiday schedules. The OPL C. The Director will submit a written status report
Board may implement performance bonus programs
before each monthly Board meeting.
for the Director if it determines their use can result in
improving measurable library results. IX. Amendments: This Position Description for the Library
Director may be changed only by a majority vote of the
VIII. Performance Review:
OPL Board of Trustees.
A. The Board will review job performance with the
Director in November of each year, give the Direc- Source: Used by permission of Rivkah Sass, Director,
tor a written evaluation, and highlight areas the Omaha Public Library.
Board wishes to emphasize in the new year.
Succession Planning for the Library Director 109

Appendix 6.3
Director Search Promotional Piece, Santa Cruz Public Libraries


Cruz Libraries Library Director Search 2009

About the City & About the Library Numbers Snapshot Job Description Compensation & How to Apply
County Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Benefits Page 4
Page 1 Page 4

The City and the County

Santa Cruz County is located on the California coast at the Santa Cruz County has over 250,000 residents and includes!four
north end of Monterey Bay, 65 miles south of San Francisco and incorporated cities. The largest is the City of Santa Cruz, with a
35 miles from Silicon Valley. Its natural beauty is present in population of approximately 60,000. !The other incorporated
pristine beaches, lush redwood forests, and rich farmland. It cities are!Capitola, Scotts Valley, and!Watsonville. The Santa
has an ideal Mediterranean climate with low humidity and Cruz Beach Boardwalk draws tourists, and the pedestrian-
sunshine 300 days a year. Residents and tourists alike enjoy 29 friendly downtown is filled with tree-lined streets, quaint
miles of beaches and six state parks providing opportunities for shops, and outdoor bistros. The library’s administrative offices
a multitude of recreational activities such as sailing, fishing, are located in the Santa Cruz downtown in a newly renovated
golf, tennis, hiking, and surfing. The Monterey Bay is part of green commercial building, Santa Cruz’ first.
the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, which extends
The great natural beauty of the area, the temperate climate, and
from Marin County down the Big Sur Coast to Cambria.
the vast and varied cultural resources combine to make Santa
Cultural amenities include the Santa Cruz County Symphony,
Cruz County a very desirable place to live and work.
the Cabrillo Music Festival, Shakespeare Santa Cruz, the
McPherson Museum of Art and History, and a host of other Learn more at:
The area benefits from a diversified economy that is
anchored by vibrant high technology, manufacturing,
agriculture, education, and tourism. The high-quality school http://www.ci.santa-cruz.ca.us
system includes Cabrillo Community College and the
University of California at Santa Cruz. http://www.ci.capitola.ca.us


Santa Cruz Public Libraries! 1

110 Succession Planning for the Library Director


literacy and teens. “First 5 Family Place” BY THE NUMBERS: FY08/09

The Library provides service to home care providers
and day care centers, as well as special Facilities: 10 branches
programs for preschoolers and their Budget: $12.5 million
Santa Cruz Public Libraries is a city-
parents followed by meetings with
county library system providing the Expenditures per capita: $60.64
professionals who coach on topics such
widest range of services to all county Staff: 134
as nutrition and reading readiness. A
residents with the exception of residents
previous grant titled “A Place of Our Active borrowers: 60,589
in the City of Watsonville, who are served
Own” helped develop effective library
by an independent library. Ten libraries Registered borrowers: 127,078
service for young adults through
serve more than 200,000 residents,
switching the primary service focus of a Registrations as % of population: 61%
utilizing a budget of almost $12,500,000 to
small neighborhood library to young Materials budget per capita: $4.01
circulate over 2,000,000 items a year.
Collections include materials in the usual Materials budget: $832,000
broad range of formats, special collections The library system operates pursuant to
of musical scores and sheet music, Holdings: 560,439
a Joint Powers Agreement that includes
Californiana, and genealogical items, all the County of Santa Cruz and the cities Circulation (FY07/08): 2,159,868
to fulfill the mission of helping of Santa Cruz, Capitola, and Scotts Circulation per capita: 10.5
community residents meet their needs. Valley. The governing body of the library
Outreach is provided through a system includes elected officials from Number of programs: 2,221
bookmobile serving preschoolers and each member jurisdiction, as well as Program attendance: 41,874
seniors. three citizens.
A staff of 134 handles about 300,000 Relationships among member
reference questions a year, providing jurisdictions are excellent, as is the
service six days a week in most branches. Future plans include migrating to an
relationship between the Library Board
An active Friends organization recruits open source integrated library system
and the City of Santa Cruz. Formally, the
volunteers who donate more than 16,000 and capital projects such as expanding a
Santa Cruz City Manager is the hiring
hours of service each year. These branch parking lot, building a
authority for the position of Library
volunteers assist staff in providing over replacement branch, and assisting in the
Director, subject to the consent of the
2,000 programs from preschool story construction of two new facilities.
Library Board. In fact, the Library Board
times and class visits, to “Munching with and City of Santa Cruz administration are These are exciting times for this
Mozart” and book discussions with working together to conduct the ambitious library system.
author visits for adults. The Summer recruitment and select the next Library
Reading Program features the popular Director. This reporting and governing Learn more about the library by visiting
Festival of the Book, as well as a kids- structure has worked very well for all us at http://www.santacruzpl.org
only book sale. parties. The larger community is highly
supportive of library services, so the
In striving to meet community needs,
overall environment is positive and
recent grants have focused on preschool

2! Santa Cruz Public Libraries

Succession Planning for the Library Director 111


The Job The Ideal Candidate

The Library Director is responsible
! Is able to work collaboratively and harmoniously with the
for the strategic and day-to-day
Library Joint Powers Board, the Friends of the Library, the staff,
operations of the library system in
and other key stakeholders throughout the county in achieving
accordance with the policies and
library goals and objectives.
regulations established by the Joint
Powers Board and the City of Santa ! Works successfully with elected and appointed government
Cruz. officials.

The Library Director: ! Is a valuable city department head.

! Is responsible for planning, ! Effectively advocates for the library and its services.
organizing, implementing, and
evaluating systemwide library and ! Is willing and able to be an effective, visible library leader in
related information services to meet the needs of the the community.
community, both immediate and long range. ! Is able to develop and communicate a shared vision of future
! Prepares the library's annual budget for submission to the library services.
Library Board and the City of Santa Cruz.!Implements the ! Communicates openly, clearly and concisely.
adopted budget.
! Excels in developing, leading, and motivating staff.
! Conducts the personnel administration, financial affairs, and
general administration of the library system in accordance with ! Is skilled in strategic planning and plan implementation.
adopted policies and procedures.
! Empowers staff with the authority and resources to carry out
! Hires and supervises library employees. delegated responsibilities.

! Maintains effective public relations with public officials, civic ! Has a demonstrated record of effective fiscal management.
groups, the media, and the community.
! Has excellent project management skills.
! Serves as a city department head and participates in the
! Is a creative problem solver.
work of the city's executive group.
! Makes wise and fair judgments.
Education and Experience ! Is customer service oriented.
Qualified candidates will have:
! Acts with a high level of integrity.
! A!Master's degree in Library Science from a library school
accredited by the American Library Association. ! Develops relationships based on dependability and honesty.

! Is active in professional and civic organizations.

! Five years increasingly responsible professional library
experience, including three years in an administrative capacity.

Santa Cruz Public Libraries! 3

112 Succession Planning for the Library Director


! $480 per month car allowance.

Compensation and Benefits
! Long-term disability insurance.
The salary is negotiable from $10,747 to $13,714 per month.
The City also offers an attractive benefits package including: ! $25,000 term life insurance.

! 80 hours vacation per year for up to 5 years of service, 120 ! $500 tuition reimbursement per year.
hours vacation per year for 5 to 10 years of service, and 120
For more details, go to www.ci.santa-cruz.ca.us/hr/specs/
hours vacation per year plus 8 hours for each year of service
after 10 years to a maximum of 160 hours.!

! 8 hours of sick leave per month. How to apply

! Up to 11 specific paid holidays and 24 hours of floating
To be considered for this exceptional opportunity, please submit a
holidays per year.
cover letter, resume, and contact information for a minimum of
! 40 hours of paid birth/adoptive leave. three references by February 25, 2009 to:

! 80 hours of management leave per year, with the option to June Garcia
convert up to 60 hours to cash. 1195 South Harrison Street
Denver, CO 80210
! $1,300 annual optional benefit for purchase of additional
vacation, placement in a deferred compensation account, or
cash payment. Applications received by February 25, 2009 will receive first
consideration. This position is open until filled.
! PERS medical plan, family dental, family vision, and
employee assistance program. Inquiries are welcome. Please contact June Garcia at 303-522-2225
or [email protected]
! Optional benefits including: Medical and Dependent Care
Reimbursement Accounts, Voluntary Life Insurance, Accident
Protection, and Cancer and Critical Illness Protection.
Photo Credits: Jim Bourne, Kyer Wiltshire, and the Santa Cruz Conference &
! PERS 2% at 55 plan with participation in an IRS 414 (H)(2) Visitors Council
plan.! No Social Security is withheld.

! Deferred compensation program.

Santa Cruz Public Libraries" 4

Succession Planning for the Library Director 113

1. Typically members of a board of trustees bring expertise “open the doors” to the library executive for fund-
needed by the library. Examples may include profes- raising and community opportunities.
sionals in the fields of law, marketing, fund-raising, 2. Thomas N. Gilmore, Finding and Retaining Your Next
finance, human resources, construction management Chief Executive: Making the Training Work (Washing-
(if building), information technology, and orga�nization ton, D.C.: BoardSource, 1992), 18.
development. In addition, members of the board can

Additional Stories of Library

Succession Planning and
Development Programs

Forward-thinking libraries around the country are engaged in a

variety of succession planning and development activities. Library directors and
HR directors from eleven libraries, as well as a vice president of OCLC, generously
shared some of their experiences with us, and we in turn share their stories with
you. We use illustrations from Baltimore County (Md.) Public Library, Colum-
bus (Ohio) Metropolitan Library, County of Los Angeles (Calif.) Public Library,
Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Public Library, Harford County (Md.) Public Library,
and the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (N.C.) throughout
earlier chapters of the book. In this chapter we present seven more stories.
We think each orgaÂ�nization’s story is unique and will be valuable as you think
about how to begin or strengthen your own succession planning and development
activities. Each library is trying to grow the next generation of library leadership.
Each is doing so in a way that fits its own culture and in some cases to meet very
specific needs. And as you can tell from reading the stories, there is no one right
way to build and implement a plan. The thing is to begin.

Fresno County Public Library

The Vision of the library is that Fresno County residents of all ages will have free
access to library ser�vices and materials to enhance the quality of their lives and fur-
ther life-long learning.

This vision from the mission statement of Fresno County (Calif.) Public Library
(FCPL) is to be taken seriously; Fresno’s population is expected to experience tre-
mendous growth. To support this increase, most of the county’s branch libraries as
well as central will need to expand. Libraries will need more materials, computers,
and meeting rooms to better serve their communities and experienced, competent
staff to support them.
Karen Bosch Cobb, county librarian, joined FCPL in 1972 and has served
as director since 2003. Like so many library directors and county librarians, she

116 Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs

looked around at the management team and saw that the library’s management team. In addition, two other
many could be retiring within close proximity of each librarians attended the Eureka (Calif.) Leadership
other—and perhaps sooner rather than later. program, completing a joint customer serÂ�vice and
The FCPL succession management and talent culture-altering project now called “People First!” Staff
development experience has been colored by past members regularly attend workshops and webinars
good fortune. In 1998 a sales tax measure resulted in sponsored by the statewide Infopeople library staff
amazing growth for the library. New positions were cre- training initiative. Over twenty employees participated
ated, new serÂ�vices and programs offered. The library in Infopeople’s Building Leadership series of monthly
grew from 143 to 320 staff members in a relatively classes, and many learn from OCLC and ULC confer-
short time. Prior to 1998 many of these positions were ences, webinars, and materials. ULC provided a grant
filled by baby boomers, who are a large group of the to allow seven employees to attend library school.
library’s formal and informal leaders. After 1998 new
entry-level librarians filled many new positions. Growing Our Own
Bosch Cobb spoke of a variety of strategies the
library utilizes to develop leaders, including execu- One example of growing your own is a librarian trainee
tive training through Infopeople, the Urban Libraries program in which paraprofessionals (library assistants)
Council Executive Leadership Institute, and Califor- who have a bachelor’s degree are selected to work
nia State Library Eureka Leadership Institute; special under the direction of a librarian as they attend library
salary upgrades during leaves of absences; responsibil- school. Librarian Trainee is a provisional classification
ity charting; serving on task forces and committees; and incumbents must complete eligibility require-
shadowing managers; taking on lead responsibilities; ments for a Librarian I within three years to retain
growing its own librarians through the use of librarian employment with Fresno County. These employees
trainee classification; participation in community lead- receive preprofessional training, mentoring, and work
ership opportunities; one-on-one coaching to help staff experience while in the program. The goal is to pro-
seeking a promotion develop a résumé and prepare for mote trainees to the Librarian class when they have
interviews; and staff forums. Several of these initiatives successfully completed an MLIS or MLS program.
are described below. The Friends of the Library supports the program by
offering scholarships of up to $2,500 for those attend-
Staff Development ing library school.
Fresno also promotes staff development by encour-
Bosch Cobb believes in committing time, energy, and aging involvement with committees and projects in the
money to continuous staff development. Opportunities CLA and ALA as well as attending conferences. Not
were identified that would develop competencies in only does this help build staff members’ professional
FCPL staff, with the California Library Association’s development, the library generally benefits from the
(CLA) personal and professional competencies used knowledge and experiences gained through participa-
as a starting point.1 tion.
Training is one of the ways to develop these and Bosch Cobb talked about outreach as an important
other competencies; both internal and external train- component of the library’s mission and sees not one
ing opportunities are available. FCPL employs a full- but three libraries: the physical branches, the virtual
time training coordinator librarian, Camille Turner, library, and the library in the community. Because
who both offers programs and helps staff find the the library in the community is so vital, staff members
appropriate learning forums. Turner graduated from are encouraged not only to take library ser�vices to the
Infopeople’s Master Trainer Program, which added community but to take on leadership positions in local
skills to her repertoire of facilitating staff develop- nonprofit and other agencies as well as attend local
ment. Four librarians have completed Urban Libraries leadership programs (such as Fresno Leadership).
Council’s (ULC) Executive Leadership Institute (ELI) FCPL’s tactic for filling promotions is a bit unusual.
program. Their projects included supporting the rural In this system, by library practice, all vacancies are
community and working with the business community offered internally first. Most transfers and promo-
to create an awareness of how the library can sup- tions are viewed as opportunities for staff to grow. If
port economic development; developing homework an employee wants to, the training and development
centers; and expanding world language serÂ�vices. Two activities are available—as are the vacancies—to make
fellows of the ELI program are currently members of it happen. The ability to move up into leadership posi-
Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs 117

tions is touted as a benefit of working at FCPL when nesses of the orga�nization and to obtain key resources
recruiting. It has been a successful marketing tool. and assistance to support the achievement of mutual
goals. To gain knowledge in this arena as well as to
A Tool: Responsibility Charting promote big-picture thinking, a variety of new experi-
ences were suggested. These include attending Fresno
An important tool Fresno began using some years and Clovis business conferences, board of supervisor
ago that has served to develop leaders is responsibility and city council meetings, the State of the County
charting (see figure 7.1). Bosch Cobb recommends breakfast, and the California Library Association’s legis-
this tool—long used by orgaÂ�nization development lative day; in-house training on how to get items on the
practitioners to help clarify roles and responsibilities— board of supervisor’s agenda and on the best and worst
to managers and supervisors for major or complex proj- experiences in the political sphere; attendance at San
ects throughout the library. She has found it to be very Joaquin Valley Library System committee meetings
useful in clarifying who is responsible for what and to as an orientation to local library governing; obtaining
what degree. Outcomes of using this tool have been experience with elements of urban planning; attending
quicker goal attainment, increased accountability of Friends of the Library board, council, and oversight
staff, less time wasted in meetings, less duplication of committee meetings; and visiting branches and obtain-
effort, and staff who are clear about responsibilities. ing an overview of ser�vice areas and goals.
As can be seen in the example chart, for each project I ended my conversations with Bosch Cobb and
all tasks and decisions to be made are listed along the Turner with two questions: “Is it working?” and “Given
vertical axis and key stakeholders are listed horizontally. budget cuts and hiring freezes, will you continue suc-
Key stakeholders are anyone touched by the project. cession planning and staff development?” Bosch Cobb
In each box one of the following codes should be provided positive answers to both. Many employees
entered: A (approve), R (responsible), C (consulted), I (seventeen) have been promoted, and vacancies are
(informed), DK (don’t know, and need to determine), successfully filled rather quickly without having to worry
Blank (no relationship to task). about new employees learning their staff, culture, orga�
There are several tips useful to completing the nization, county, software, and so forth. Newly pro-
chart: moted employees are ready to go on day one. “We will
continue carrying some things forward that are time-
• Define each task and the people involved by tested and make changes as well,” Bosch Cobb said.
both name and title; be very clear. The program is reviewed and updated every twelve to
• Assign one “R” for each task; only one person eighteen months, to ensure that it is relevant and meet-
can be responsible. ing the library’s needs. Examples of recent changes are
• The person assigned the “R” role must under- the opportunities to increase political awareness and
stand and accept the conditions of perfor- savvy mentioned above and a move toward e-learning.
mance on the task, including accountability Continue? “Yes,” said Bosch Cobb. “You can’t stop.
for budget, time frame, completion dates, and If we are going to move ahead, there is always a need
milestones. to engage in staff development.”
• Only the “R” person and the “Cs” need to
meet with regard to the task.
Johnson County Library
As you can see from figure 7.2, Fresno also uses this
format to track involvement in system meetings as a Johnson County (Kans.) Library (JCL) is a busy met-
way of building and tracking the structure for stake- ropolitan library, as of 2009 serving 370,000 residents
holders to interact on a regular basis. via thirteen facilities, supported by 365 employees.2 For
some years, JCL administrators experienced a shortage
Where Is FCPL Now? of qualified candidates for midlevel and senior man-
agement positions. Recognizing in addition impending
Recently the California Library Association and the retirements from baby boomers and projections for
Fresno County Public Library updated their competen- fewer new graduates from MLS programs, the library
cies to include “develop political savvy and awareness,” decided to develop an internal leadership development
that is, be able to identify and enlist the support of program to grow its own leaders and create its own
strategic partners to complement strengths and weak- recruitment pool.
Figure 7.1
Fresno County Public Library Responsibility Chart
County Assoc. Co. Public
Stakeholders Librarian Librarian Managers Supervisors SLA LA's Service Staff Aides Maintenance

Codes A=Approve I=Informed

R=Responsible DK=Don’t Know
C=Consulted Blank=No Relationship

Tips Define each task and the people involved by name and position
Assign only one 'R' for each task
The 'R' person should understand and accept the conditions of performance: budget, time frame, completion dates, milestones,
Only the 'R' and the 'C's' need to meet in regards to the task.
Figure 7.2
Example of Fresno County Public Library Responsibility
Chart Used to Track Ongoing Meetings
Assoc. SJVLS
County Co. Bus. Adult Ref Youth Support Program Lib Lib Comm Training Libn
Stakeholders Libn Libn Mgr Svcs Svcs Svcs Services Manager PIO Supervisors I/II III Libs SLA Libn LA Trainee

1 Monday Meeting Weekly x x x x x x x x x occasional

2 times a
2 Assoc. Co. Libn month x Opt. Opt. Rep x monthly Opt Branch Opt occasional
by RS Mandatory

3 Meetings varies x x x x x x x

Community Comm
4 Libraries Quarterly Opt Opt x Tech Libs x opt
All one person

5 SLA Month x Opt x x x

6 Supervisors Monthly x x x x All Central

7 Librarian I/II/III Monthly x x x

120 Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs

Then deputy and now library director Donna Lauffer • Independent study initiated with a 360-degree
and her leadership team identified the need on two lev- feedback evaluation on the seven behavioral
els. First, there was a need for leadership at every level competencies, developing an individual devel-
in making decisions and leading projects to make the opment plan, followed by evaluations.
library more stable and simultaneously more nimble. • Project teamwork (using a Project Runway for-
In addition, managers and senior leaders interested in mat but without voting anyone off the show)
advancement needed to build skills in creating, lead- based on real library needs from the strategic
ing, and managing systemwide projects. The library plan, utilizing a budget and parameters within
aspired to change—both individual and orgaÂ�nizational which to work.
change—resulting in a culture of leadership develop- • Mentoring by the leadership development
ment that naturally generated leaders and succession steering committee, whose members were
rather than a series of programs or initiatives. trained by external specialists.
Here is how the program was described in a nom�
ination for the National Association of Counties Because the partial funding obtained was dedi-
Achievement Award it won in 2009 (prepared by Pat cated to Tier 2, no paid instructors could be used.
Hassan and modified). The library created a leader- Instead, former staff development coordinator Tiffany
ship development steering committee that conceived Hentschel and other library managers taught sessions.
a two-tiered, two-year program to address the two levels University of Missouri–Columbia professors and public
of need, utilizing consultants only for the design of the administration budget experts provided some in-kind
Tier 2 curriculum. Piloting Tier 1 in 2007 and Tier support. In addition, the library could not afford to
2 in 2008 was a learning experience that would guide hire substitutes to cover off-desk time that participants
Cycle 2, which began with the second Tier 1 group spent in the program.
in January 2009. Almost immediately, time constraints forced
changes to the program. The first casualty was indi-
First Cycle, Tier 1 vidual development plans, in favor of the project team-
work that required more immediate attention, team
After nearly two years of planning that included interaction, and revolving deadlines—in addition to
obtaining partial funding, partners, and a curriculum tangible results. Lack of off-desk time and uneven sup-
design, the leadership development steering commit- port by some managers were added factors. Mentoring
tee launched Tier 1 in January 2007. Tier 1 was open was also uneven, working well with some assigned
to all staff, and its twenty-seven participants included a pairs but not with others.
cross section of staff: pages, clerks, paraprofessional and The project teams, however, provided high-impact
professional librarians, supervisors, and managers. change to the library and the highest sense of satisfac-
Tier 1 focused on developing behaviors rather than tion among participants. One of the projects, the “Art
technical skills. Seven identified behavioral compe- in the Stacks” public exhibits program, received a new
tencies served as the basis for all learning: personal name, logo, and contact list.
accountability, listening and responding, teamwork
and cooperation, initiative, flexibility, customer ser�vice First Cycle, Tier 2
orientation, and genuineness. (These same behaviors
had been identified in prior years as behavioral compe- To design the curriculum for Tier 2, the library hired
tencies that supported the library’s values, but because Paula Singer and Christi A. Olson as consultants. The
the steering committee members felt that these were intention was that the first Tier 2 graduates would
not extensive enough for full leadership development, teach Tier 2 in ensuing years, with no further use of
Tier 2 was required.) consultants. The consultants envisioned that Tier 2
Over eleven months, each participant was expected participants would develop helpful and relevant con-
to spend 240 hours in four components: ceptual frameworks, build leadership skills, and learn
how to focus on achieving results for strategic initia-
• Classroom learning including four-hour tives and complex projects.
monthly sessions about library governance, Tier 2 focused on four key leadership compe-
public governance, and the behavioral com- tencies: leads change, influences people, achieves
petencies. results, and fosters communications. (For more about
Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs 121

competencies, including the leadership competencies Criteria of success:

adopted by Johnson County Library, see chapter 3).
• Create a culture of ad hoc work teams that
The consultants designed a program consisting of
come to life and bring everyone’s best work
eight modules, weekly online sessions, and three
consultant-led face-to-face workshops. The three
• Bring ideas into the orgaÂ�nization and have a
workshops focused on problem diagnosis and resolu-
“spirit of innovation” on a daily basis.
tion, skills development, and group learning. Steer-
• Stop saying and acting “You can’t do that” and
ing committee members led all other coursework.
“It’s always been done that way.”
In addition, participants were expected to spend 1.5
• Be forward thinking, carry a forward-looking
hours per week on reading and written assignments.
Tier 2 also utilized self-�assessments and individual
• Produce better integration across projects.
development plans.
• New leaders emerge and are encouraged and
Tier 2 goals included increasing leadership skills in
complex project management, orga�nizing and man-
• Participants develop or hone key competen-
aging systemwide meetings, resolving problems in a
cies required for successful change and growth
group setting, and facilitating public and community
of themselves and JCL.
forums. Participants also learned to adapt to and man-
age change at all levels of orga�nizations. Program goals:
As with Tier 1, the Tier 2 curriculum had to be
• Prepare people for library leadership in a com-
adjusted midway. By May, the steering committee had
plex environment.
dropped individual written assignments and journal-
• Engage more people in the orgaÂ�nization to
ing in favor of concentrating on two chief vehicles for
work actively on strategic initiatives and com-
learning: (1) monthly breakfast discussions (moderated
munity needs.
in turn by steering committee members) of concepts in
• Fill the identified leadership gap.
consultant-identified management/leadership books;
• Foster better communication among a broader
and (2) action learning team projects that addressed
group of leaders.
strategic goals. Each team was given background, a
• Create management depth and opportunities
budget, and parameters with which to work intensively
to practice skills.
over ten months to produce recommendations for solu-
• Increase skills in complex project manage-
tions to specific issues on materials handling, internal
ment, orga�nizing and managing systemwide
communication, orga�nizational culture, and a new
meetings, resolving problems in a group set-
way of thinking. These were already on the library’s
ting, and facilitating public and community
work agenda, and Tier 2 participants invited other staff
members to assist them in intensive investigation and
• Adapt to and manage change at all levels of
problem solving.
The group read and discussed Good to Great: Why
Some Companies Make the Leap . . . and Others Don’t The first Tier 2’s thirteen graduates included five
and Good to Great and the Social Sectors: A Mono- senior managers, two members of the leadership devel-
graph to Accompany Good to Great, both by Collins; opment steering committee, and six Tier 1 gradu-
The Leadership Challenge, by Kouzes and Posner; ates. Tier 2 concluded with a celebratory luncheon at
Winning with Library Leadership: Enhancing Ser�vices which library board members heard presentations on
through Connection, Contribution, and Collaboration, the team projects.
by Olson and Singer; Difficult Conversations: How to
Discuss What Matters Most, by Stone, Patton, and Second Cycle, Tier 1
Heen; and selections from The Human Relations Read-
ing Book, 8th edition, edited by Cooke et al. As the second two-year cycle began in January 2009,
The consultants joined the Tier 2 group for three the steering committee made the following adjust-
two-day sessions—for a kickoff and introduction to ments to the existing Tier 1 plan, based on input from
leadership, for lessons about diagnosing and resolving the first Tier 1 class and initial feedback from par-
problems and developing skills, and for a concluding ticipants in the second Tier 1: (1) All work time for
session. Tier 1 was scheduled in advance and relayed to both
122 Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs

participants and their supervisors; this helped supervi- 66 percent felt that new ideas were brought into the
sors understand the commitment up front and plan orgaÂ�nization with a “spirit of orgaÂ�nization” on a daily
schedules. (2) The number of projects was decreased. basis; 85 percent felt that they were empowered to find
(3) Reading materials for upcoming lectures are to be a new way of doing things; 83 percent felt that they
provided in advance. (4) All presenters will incorporate were free to be forward thinking; 59 percent felt that
more interaction into presentations. (5) More field there was better integration across projects; 67 percent
trips will be part of the agenda. Mentoring will be felt that new leaders emerged from the process; and 67
retained as part of the program. percent felt that they developed or honed key compe-
tencies for successful change and continued personal
Results/Success of the Program and orga�nizational growth.
Regarding overall effectiveness of Tier 2, 83 percent
The retirement crunch did hit the Johnson County of participants felt that they had increased their lead-
Library in 2007 with eleven retirements, in addition ership skills, 75 percent felt that their new knowledge
to normal turnover, and Tier 1 resulted almost imme- would be valuable in performing their current jobs,
diately in movement among staff: seven Tier 1 partici- and 75 percent felt that what they learned would be
pants were promoted or transferred during the course valuable in new senior positions.
of the program, including three to management posi- After evaluating their experiences with the first cycle
tions. Many expressed that they applied for jobs they of Tier 1 and Tier 2 and their outcomes, library admin-
would not have considered prior to the program, as istrators believe the leadership development program
even partway through the program they had gained has been extremely beneficial for the orga�nization as a
new confidence and had a better understanding of whole. So important is this effort to the library’s long-
the orga�nization. By the same token, managers began term success that administrators asked the entire library
to notice a better appreciation for the complexity of staff to support the effort by backfilling for frontline
decision-making processes in the library. Four mem- participants’ time spent in the program—not for just
bers of Tier 2 have been promoted to date. one year but ongoing since 2007. The entire orga�
An unintended consequence of Tier 1 was that the nization has stretched to ensure the success of this
library’s biennial staff engagement survey at the end of program.
2007 reflected improved scores of more than 7 percent
in two areas—satisfaction, loyalty, and growth and
development. Online Computer
Library Center
Tier 2
Based in Dublin, Ohio, the Online Computer Library
The Tier 2 pilot included members of the steering Center (OCLC) is a nonprofit, membership, com-
committee, members of the leadership team, and puter library ser�vice and research orga�nization dedi-
several others. It was a tumultuous time. The library cated to the public purposes of furthering access to the
director retired, the staff development coordinator world’s information and reducing information costs.
resigned to take a promotion with the county, and the More than 71,000 libraries in 112 countries and ter-
committee chair resigned. Time was limited, work- ritories around the world use OCLC ser�vices to locate,
loads high, and reflection less valued by participants acquire, catalog, lend, and preserve library materials.
than the consultants. We include the OCLC story because most libraries are
Outcomes for Tier 2 were evaluated carefully, on members, the orga�nization knows libraries at a deep
the basis of the success criteria and program goals listed level, with 1,250 employees OCLC is larger than most
above, resulting in a 37-page report by the consultants library systems, and OCLC is committed to leadership
with tables and a listing of all comments submitted by and career development. It also has a formal succes-
participants. With one exception, all participants felt sion planning program. I spent some time talking with
that the correct goals for success were identified. George Needham, OCLC vice president, Global and
Regarding program success, participants’ evalua- Regional Councils, to learn about that program.
tions revealed that 83 percent felt that the program Motivated by the graying of vice presidents and
resulted in creating an orga�nizational culture of ad hoc directors, succession planning has been a key initia-
work teams that bring everyone’s best work forward; tive of OCLC for almost eleven years, since president
Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs 123

and CEO Robert L. “Jay” Jordan first joined the orgaÂ� managers. A recent program was “Outcome Think-
nization. Since that time, the talent management ing—Building Leaders,” offered by Impression Man-
and succession planning program has evolved and agement Professionals (www.impressionmanagement
remains a key senior leadership initiative. Top-level .com), described as a program to build on new ways of
commitment to the program is vital, as is the strong thinking in order to execute and focus on results as well
support of HR. as on building the plans to achieve them. Offered over
The first iteration of succession planning focused two days, the program series includes Managing Your
on leadership development, mostly in terms of pro- Message, SMART (strategic mindsets and articulate in
viding technical business expertise. Sixty or so vice real time) Leadership, and Conflict Harmonizer.
presidents, directors, and others from around the world
were invited to attend a program designed for this pur- Mentoring
pose by Ohio State University’s Center for Leadership
Development. Focused on business operations, the Internal, informal mentoring is a strong component
program was dubbed “Business School in a Box.” It of OCLC’s succession planning processes. These
was a two-week program, offered one week at a time relationships often cross divisions and are cross-
separated by six months. Topics included how to read �hierarchical, with staff and vice presidents exposed
spreadsheets and financial reports, mergers and acqui- to each other. For example, one of his colleague vice
sitions, and conducting due diligence. There were presidents asked Needham to mentor a young cre-
also self-assessments designed to identify strengths ative individual. They meet for lunch once a month
and weaknesses and build on strengths. In truth, the and discuss libraries, OCLC culture, management
assessment process did not pass the “smell test,” and style, and other topics. Training is provided, includ-
several participants referred to it as “one step away ing documents and checklists, to help mentors and
from voodoo.” mentees successfully negotiate and maximize the
Many positive outcomes resulted from this pro- relationship. In the OCLC culture, anyone can feel
gram. Two participants were later promoted to vice free to ask for mentoring. Outcomes of these relation-
president, the commonality of language increased ships include familiarity with the talent in the orga�
understanding and effectiveness, and the interaction nization, exposure to difference styles of management
with professors and OCLC staff from all over the world and leadership, safe feedback on issues of importance,
enhanced cohesion and trust, thus improving business a perspective on orga�nizational life and politics, and
outcomes. a breakdown of narrow departmental tunnel vision.
Talent management and succession planning is now Needham notes, “I learned at least as much about
a far more formal program and includes many of the online community, breaking technology, and blog-
steps and processes outlined in this book. Leadership ging from my mentee as he ever learned about librar-
reviews key positions and key contributors in the context ies from me!”
of OCLC’s strategic plan and human resources needs
toward talent utilization and competency develop- Individual and Career Development Plans
ment. It includes a 360-degree feedback assessment for
learning how one is perceived and where skills might While OCLC has a strong talent management and
be missing. The well-respected Birkman Method (see succession planning program (see chapter 4), it also
www.birkman.com) has replaced the “near voodoo” has a strong focus on individual career development
assessment tool. Managers, directors, and vice presi- for all employees. It trains managers and employees to
dents identify employees in management positions on develop IDPs and expects every employee to have one.
the basis of performance and potential. Managers and The orga�nization ensures that this happens by includ-
above can self-nominate. Anyone wishing to participate ing employee IDPs as a factor on which all managers
in the program must complete an application, which are evaluated.
includes an individual talent development profile of On its website one can find that OCLC
career goals, strengths, and development areas.
Development plans are made for and with partici- recognizes the importance of continuous develop-
pants (key talent candidates), who are also invited to ment and training to ensure employees have the
attend special training programs around key leadership knowledge and tools to perform their job responsibili-
competencies with OCLC leadership and participants’ ties at the highest level and to meet the challenges
124 Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs

of a demanding library environment in a rapidly The Library System’s serÂ�vices and resources bring
changing information age. OCLC encourages the world of information and imagination to com-
employees to develop their skills through the various munities. Customers will find helpful, welcoming
programs and development opportunities provided staff who:
by the orgaÂ�nization, as well as academic offerings • Answer questions.
through our tuition reimbursement program.3
• Help find good books to read.
The orga�nization provides development and training
• Assist with using the Library’s many
opportunities for employees in the areas of individual
resources, including books, magazines,
development planning, management and leadership music, movies, audio books, computers and
development, technology training, individual and team online resources.
assessments and coaching, office automation, quality
The Library strives to grow and change along with the
control, ethics and compliance training, and workforce
needs of its customers and constantly reevaluates what
harassment training. Through WebJunction, it also and how it offers ser�vices.5
offers employees online self-paced learning in a variety
of genres.4 Tuition reimbursement (to a maximum Parikh and the board of trustees knew that succes-
of $5,250 per year) is also provided to employees for sion planning and the development of leaders would
courses that are relevant to their current position or to be critical if the system was to grow and change along
one to which the employee might reasonably aspire. with the needs of its customers. The board, comprising
OCLC also supports library staff in developing their business executives, requested that a succession plan
skills and knowledge through a series of awards and be developed. The request was supported by PCLS’s
scholarships for new librarians, established profession- then new HR director, Holly Gorski, who remarked,
als, researchers, librarians in developing countries, and “Tumbleweeds will be blowing through this place if
ALA Spectrum scholars. we don’t do something!”
After much study and dialogue, in 2005 Parikh and
her executive team decided not to take the route of
Pierce County Library System determining who was going to retire and identifying
succession for particular positions. Instead, like others,
The Pierce County Library System (PCLS) is head- they chose a multipronged approach to develop all
quartered near Tacoma, Washington. Its seventeen staff, improve leadership throughout the orga�nization,
branches, two family bookmobiles, and an Explorers’ and create a learning orgaÂ�nization. An early step was
Kids bookmobile bring people together, enrich lives, to evaluate the employee pool to determine who and
and provide children and adults with opportunities what percentage of employees could potentially retire
to learn. The library is an independent junior taxing within the next ten years (assuming a retirement age
district. With a 2009 budget of almost $29 million, it of 65). Their analysis led to identifying three different
serves 534,000 over 1,600 square miles. categories of employees:
Led by executive director Neel Parikh since 1994,
PCLS is funded by a separate property tax levy. County • Top-level leadership: Executive team and lead-
citizens showed their support for the library by reautho- ership team (department heads and managing
rizing the library system’s levy, to meet the needs of its librarians).
growing and changing communities—definitely a bless- • Specialty positions: Individuals who do not
ing, and an obligation to the community, that Parikh come from the library profession for whom the
does not take lightly. PCLS made four levy promises library would expect to recruit replacements
to the community: new materials and faster ser�vice, 20 outside the orga�nization. Generally for indi-
percent more open hours, additional ser�vices for kids viduals who lead these departments, PCLS
and teenagers, and upgraded ser�vices and technology would not expect their replacement to come
for customers by offering more computers with Internet from within the library.
access in libraries for public use and computer classes • Library professional or clerical: Individuals
for adults. The library’s customer focus of giving those who develop expertise working in the system
who responded positively to the levy, and all members and would potentially be eligible for higher-
of the communities served, what they want is seen in level positions within the orga�nization. This
the following statement of ser�vices: category divides between MLS librarian
Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs 125

career-track and paraprofessional supervisory of assuring that we are growing people and ‘potential
and specialist positions. successors’ ”:
Hiring—Get the Right People on the Bus: Recruit
In 2009, Parikh shared the following analysis with
and hire high potential talent and ensure that we are
the PCLS board: hiring people that share the library’s vision and with
potential to grow and contribute to the library. A key
We have many positions in the orga�nization for which element is regular evaluation of the orga�nizational
we have no trouble recruiting replacements (e.g., structure and job descriptions to ensure the library can
library pages, branch assistants, custodians). Some of meet future goals. This includes recruiting talented
them may become supervisors or become librarians. new graduates from library school or individuals from
I will describe the situation in various tiers. libraries across the country, in addition to talent in
Executive Leadership Roles: There are 24 Depart- professions. As PCLS gains a national reputation, we
ment Heads and top-level administrators. 37.5% will are able to attract talent nationwide.
be eligible to retire in the next 10 years. However, Nurture/Growth: Create an environment that fos-
looking more closely at the number, you see a differ- ters and supports learning and growth. We must offer
ent picture. Of the Executive Team, only 1 out of 6 opportunities to learn and actively support individual
will be eligible to retire, or 16%. The major impact growth. This includes not only formal training within
on the orga�nization would be the retirement of pro- the library or outside, but also creating an environ-
fessional librarians in leadership roles. It is important ment that encourages experimentation, risk taking
to note that the library system is becoming nationally and decision-making. This is the core philosophy that
known for innovative serÂ�vices. It is likely that high- led to the creation of the “Learning OrgaÂ�nization” and
level positions that become vacant will also attract the Learning Department.
national attention for applicants. PCLS ideally will Create Opportunities to Lead: This element in-
look for a balance of internal and external. cludes not only the opportunity to lead projects, but
Mid-level Supervisors and Specialists: Of 58 em- also ensuring that our orga�nizational structure allows
ployees 43% will be eligible for retirement in the individuals to develop leadership skills in preparation
next 10 years. The majority of that falls in the branch for higher level positions. This also means evaluating
clerical supervisory role. This area is a target for at- our orga�nizational structure to ensure that it supports
tention for developing leadership skills or leadership future goals and creating career-ladder positions that
opportunities for individuals in the orga�nizations to would lead to positions of increased responsibility.
move into these positions. We are also looking closely
at these positions because of the need to expand the
Parikh is definitely taking a systems approach to
number of opportunities for librarians to develop su-
pervisory experience. succession planning. Several projects were begun to
The above analysis covers 82 individuals or ap- support the succession planning initiative. By category,
proximately 23% of the employees in the library. The those completed and those in progress at the time of
other 277 employees are generally entry-level posi- this writing are noted in figure 7.3.
tions (such as pages, branch assistants, librarians) I wanted to know more about some of these initia-
or specialty positions (such as Finance Department, tives, and Parikh was happy to share. She knew that
custodians, facilities maintenance, graphic designers). a culture change was required to create a succession
There are high retirement rates in some of those cate- plan, leaders at all levels, and a truly customer-focused
gories, but it also easy to recruit for those positions. For library. One leverage point was through defining lead-
instance, nearly half of the page positions are eligible
ership, and leadership behaviors, at PCLS. The origi-
for retirement. We have no problem recruiting for
this position. For example, earlier this year over 100 nal list of leadership descriptors was drafted by Parikh
people applied for a single part-time page vacancy. and deputy director Georgia Lomax and vetted by the
These individuals are an extremely important core to executive team, then introduced to the leadership team
the learning orga�nization and we will pay attention (which includes all branch managers and department
to their learning and growth, building potential for heads). As part of the rollout and training, managers
leadership roles. learned to act and then tell what leadership descriptors
they were using. They now ask, and ask themselves,
In another memo to the board, Parikh summarizes these same questions. In a series of meetings in each
the library’s approach to succession planning in the branch and five at the main library, Parikh and Lomax
areas of hiring, nurture/growth, and creating oppor- introduced them to all staff. The final list of leadership
tunities to lead. All, she wrote, “are an important part descriptors is found as figure 7.4.
Figure 7.3
Pierce County Library System
Succession Planning Initiatives

Category Projects Completed Projects in Process

Hire the Right People

• Hiring process that attracts • Competency Based Hiring • Hiring process improvement
and selects talent for Leadership Team and and improved recruitment
• Clear understanding and Librarians • Evaluation/Feedback: Use six-
expectation of desired skills • Skills and Qualities for all month probationary period
and qualities employees effectively
• Competitive salaries • Leadership Descriptors • Organizational Structure: What
• Classification and do we need to provide future
Compensation Plan: service and accomplish system
competitive salaries goals?
• Improve recruitment for • Competency based hiring for
special professions all positions

Provide opportunities and • Commitment to Learning • Working to hold managers and
support individual learning Organization and creation of supervisors accountable for
either through formal training Learning Team supporting learning
or outside experience • Increase resources devoted • Improve coaching skills
to learning • Personal learning plans
• Tuition Assistance Program
• Coaching/mentor training
for managers

Creating Leadership Opportunities

Creating leadership • Project management • Improving and clarifying the
opportunities for individuals • I2P2: Idea Incubator Project: decision-making process
to lead either in a project or How to grow ideas (develop • Create effective cross
through a library position a process) while modeling functional teams
the kinds of behaviors • Reducing silos between work
that support it (learning teams
organization culture) • Evaluating organizational
• Participation in Executive structure to provide more
Leadership Institute career-track positions/
opportunities to develop skills

Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs 127

Figure 7.4
Pierce County Library System Leadership Descriptors
1. Leadership Team members are the leadership of PCLS. You are critical to the Library’s success.
• Leaders model excellence in action and attitude
• Leaders are actively engaged in creating our future
• Leaders empower and engage every employee to be involved in helping the Library achieve its vision
• Leaders create a positive environment based on respect and fun
• Leaders give staff permission and support to grow, contribute and succeed
• Leaders hold themselves responsible and accountable for being the leadership of PCLS
2. Leadership and ideas happen at every level at PCLS. Together we insure that we achieve our vision for
library service to PCLS communities. PCLS’s leadership culture:
• Creates a customer-focused environment that insures delivering excellent service to every customer
• Values and fosters teamwork and respects the importance of everyone’s role in the Library’s success
• Fosters an environment where we continually learn, seek improvement, takes risks and accept and learn
from failure
• Communicates and shares knowledge effectively and proactively, and expects two-way discussion, and
listens to understand
• Encourages and supports innovation and creativity
• Empowers decision making and action at the appropriate level and minimizes top-down control and
gate keeping
• Coaches and mentors others and develops leadership and contribution at all levels
• Encourages and supports initiative in problem solving and organizational improvement
• Relies on judgment, not rules
• Is concerned with the entire organization’s success

“All staff need to be leaders,” was the message Parikh not work for them. The dos and don’ts were simply
sent. Staff responded to one question: “How can we more effective in this culture. In rolling out the skills
help you become a leader at PCLS?” The responses and qualities, HR director Holly Gorski wrote:
led to training, coaching, and I2P2, an idea incubator
project. Still in pilot stages, I2P2 is designed to encour- These are the skills and qualities all of us need in
age ideas and risk taking as well as incubate ideas of order to work together and provide outstanding library
potential ser�vices and programs in a safe environment. ser�vice, now and in the future. We are currently work-
ing to change the Library System’s hiring process to
As in numerous libraries and other orga�nizations, too
ensure new employees are selected based on these
many employees felt inhibited about putting ideas for- attributes. In 2009 we will be changing the perfor-
ward. Parikh and the executive team knew that, for the mance appraisals for all positions to focus on these
library to develop a strong culture of customer focus, as well.
all ideas would be needed and all staff would need to
be accountable. The learning culture being fostered by PCLS relies
The leadership descriptors were further operation- heavily on coaching, modeling behavior, and setting
alized by core skills and qualities required of all staff expectations. Training is based on an 80:20 model,
members along with behavioral dos and don’ts for with only 20 percent classroom based. Much of the rest
each. The nine skills/qualities identified are customer is in-the-moment, just-in-time training and coaching.
focus, teamwork, professional integrity, leadership, The newly created Learning Team developed “Foun-
communication, problem solving, change and learn- dations of the PCLS Learning OrgaÂ�nization” (figure
ing, positive attitude, and diversity (see figure 7.5). 7.6). This document articulates the critical elements
They had started with competencies, but that just did for PCLS to be a successful learning orga�nization. The
Figure 7.5
Pierce County Library System Skills and Qualities

What This Looks Like at Work (General Dos and Don’ts)

Skills/Qualities and
Definitions Do Don’t

1. Customer Focus
We (PCLS staff ) strive Consistently acknowledge all Ignore customers by focusing
to understand and customers as soon as they enter the too intently on the task
exceed our customers’ building/our work area. Let them in front of us. Look up! Be
expectations. We know we are available (by greeting, aware!
treat all people with smiling, offering to help—take the Forget to wear our name tag or
courtesy and respect cue from the customer). other staff identification.
and are welcoming Remember and show that the Adhere rigidly to rules
and approachable. We customer is more important regardless of the situation.
are aware of cultural than the rule or the task. Express Assume we know what is best
differences that may empathy for customers and offer for customers.
impact how people prefer alternative solutions whenever Treat customers’ inability to use
to experience the library possible. the library as their problem,
and take our cues from Save the time of the customer instead of ours.
the customer to adapt whenever possible. Look for ways Say “that’s not my job” or
our styles accordingly. to streamline our policies and otherwise refuse to help
Note: “Customer” procedures, to present materials customers.
always means both effectively, to encourage customers Act or speak in a condescending
coworkers and the public, to use the library successfully on manner toward customers.
including both current their own. Allow personal distractions to
and potential library Recognize that, and behave as if, compromise our willingness
users. our goal is a successful customer or ability to address customer
experience, not just the completion needs and expectations
of our specific task. when we’re on the job.
Express empathy for the customer and
if difficulties arise offer alternative
solutions. Follow up by exploring
ways to prevent similar difficulties in
the future.
Anticipate customer needs and
provide the right level of service for
that customer (customize service).
Demonstrate good listening skills.
Promote library services and programs
by matching them to the customer’s
Seek ways to help non-English-
speaking people and people with
reading or learning challenges use
our libraries and access our services.

What This Looks Like at Work (General Dos and Don’ts)
Skills/Qualities and
Definitions Do Don’t

2. Teamwork
We work effectively with Offer to help coworkers in all positions Say “that’s not my job” or avoid
our team, work group, as needed. offering assistance to others.
and across organizational Share information that others might Neglect our share of the work.
lines to accomplish the find helpful in performing their own Treat coworkers disrespectfully
library system’s goals. tasks. or dismiss differing opinions.
We build respectful Contribute to achieving the Insist on our own point of view
relationships within organization’s goals. and/or refuse to compromise.
and between units and Build rapport among coworkers and Dismiss suggestions from
among individuals. other departments. customers or colleagues
We encourage and Respect others’ ideas and abilities. because “they just don’t get it.”
support other staff. Accept and consider suggestions
from customers and colleagues for
improvements in our work.
Be dependable.

3. Professional
We project a professional Project a positive image of the library Complain about the job and/or
attitude and image and to the community. the workplace.
adhere to a high standard Effectively explain and uphold the Disseminate information that
of professional conduct. library’s policies on customer should be confidential
We value and respect confidentiality. according to library policies.
customer confidentiality. Show pride in our work, conduct, and Act or dress in a manner
appearance. that demonstrates a lack
of respect for customers
or is not conducive to
accomplishing our work.
Withhold or ignore information
that affects the smooth
operation of the library.

4. Leadership
We accept responsibility Demonstrate a willingness to seek, Meet new ideas with disdain or
and make decisions explore, and accept new ideas. be unwilling to explore new
appropriate to our Focus on the future instead of the past. ways of thinking and doing
position and the situation. Accept new decisions once they have things.
We contribute, support, been made. Replay or dwell upon past
and encourage new Stay calm in difficult situations such disappointments or
ideas. We demonstrate as handling angry customers and difficulties.
grace under pressure. emergencies. Defer all decisions to other staff.
Tell the truth and offer hope. Lose control in difficult
Blame others or refuse to accept


figure 7.5 (cont.)
What This Looks Like at Work (General Dos and Don’ts)
Skills/Qualities and
Definitions Do Don’t

5. Communication
We effectively Actively listen to others and Assume that we understand
communicate, both paraphrase what they say to check without listening or asking
verbally and in writing. for understanding. for clarification.
We listen to understand Tailor our message and its delivery to Forget to check our e-mail and
and use constructive the audience and situation. the staff web bulletin board
approaches to resolving Write and speak in a professional every shift.
workplace issues. We manner; convey our expectations
freely share new ideas. clearly so that others are not left to
Provide and willingly receive effective
feedback: address the situation,
behavior, and its impact.
Use a pleasant tone of voice
appropriate for the situation.

6. Problem Solving
We develop effective Rely on judgment over rules to help Rigidly enforce “the rules”
approaches to address customers with special situations; even when exceptions are
customer needs and use common sense. appropriate.
solve problems. We use Always offer other service options to Ignore or contribute to
good judgment to resolve customers if we are unable to meet problems.
conflicts. We address their specific need. Seek ways to Contribute to or ignore a
customer behavior and be able to meet their needs in the disruptive or dysfunctional
issues when necessary. future. workplace.
We are solution oriented. Use actual data/evidence to support
our recommendations and
Look to nonlibrary models as well as
other libraries for possible solutions
to library challenges.

7. Change and
We positively respond to Actively seek opportunities to improve Assume that things are “good
organizational change library operations and customer enough” because “no one has
and show a willingness success. complained.”
to learn new ways to Stay current with new library Fail to stay current with new
accomplish work. We and technology trends and library and technology trends
are flexible. We take the developments that may affect our and developments that may
initiative to look for ways positions. affect our position.
to develop as individuals Readily adopt new policies and Insist on doing things the old
and to improve the procedures. way after being informed of
library system. We are Be open to new ideas from all sources. new policies and procedures.
strategic thinkers. Take responsibility for pursuing Reject new ideas without due
learning opportunities within the consideration.
organization. Ignore available learning
Share what we’ve learned with others. opportunities.

Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs 131

What This Looks Like at Work (General Dos and Don’ts)

Skills/Qualities and
Definitions Do Don’t

8. Positive Attitude
We are enthusiastic about Greet customers (including coworkers) Ignore customers or fail to greet
our work and like to every day. them.
have fun. We are positive Actively support the library’s programs Refuse to try something just
role models for one and initiatives. because we might not be
another and remember Look for ways to make something good at it.
that we represent the work, not reasons why it can’t work. Allow unhappy moods to affect
library and its mission Bring concerns to the person who our working environment.
in the community. can do something about them in a Complain about coworkers or
respectful manner and in the proper job in presence of public or
setting. in otherwise inappropriate
Demonstrate enjoyment of our jobs; settings and ways.
smile! Act as though customers are
Strive to make using the library a bothering or interrupting us.
pleasant and productive experience. Gossip!
Respect the workplace as a “no gossip

9. Diversity
We understand and Know that EVERYONE is our customer Be discourteous, make
are committed to the and treat ALL people with courtesy disparaging remarks, or
principles of diversity. and respect. Enable all customers to otherwise treat anyone with
We strive to understand easily access and enjoy our services. disrespect. Pick and choose
the needs of all people Understand and effectively explain the who we feel comfortable
in our community. We library’s policies and procedures helping.
treat all people with concerning intellectual freedom. Contradict library’s policies and
courtesy and respect Seek ways to help non-English- procedures on intellectual
and are welcoming speaking people and people with freedom.
and approachable. We reading or learning challenges use
uphold the principles of our libraries and access our services.
intellectual freedom.

team also used this document to develop a work plan leaders ready to fill vacancies, all employees would
with strategies for each of the items listed. be taking on the role of leader (at their appropriate
Staff members are retooling their perspectives, look- level), things would be happening and getting done,
ing beyond their immediate actions and behaviors to expectations would be set, and staff would be stepping
what the implications of their behavior are regarding up with ideas as well as taking responsibility for their
internal and external customers alike. Employees are decisions and behaviors. Staff would be asking the
constantly asked, and ask each other, “What is the right questions, retooling their thinking, constantly
customer perspective on this action or this policy?” A modeling customer focus. Staff would be living the
recent illustration is going beyond making a simple leadership descriptors.
change pertaining to e-mail on the server (good inter- PCLS is spending a lot of time and money creating
nal customer ser�vice) to assessing the implications for a culture and a legacy of staff ready to move into new,
staff members working at home or away from the office different, and higher-level positions. In some ways it
(great leadership and customer-focused behavior). is the hard way to create a succession plan; in oth-
I asked Parikh how she would know she was suc- ers, it is the only way. I asked Parikh about the time
cessful. She responded by saying that there would be and money, especially in this economy. With further
132 Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs

Figure 7.6
Foundations of the PCLS Learning Organization
1. The burden of learning is on the individual. It is the right and responsibility of staff to learn and
acquire new skills. Learning is necessary and urgent to any successful organization. Everyone knows
the difference between learning and training.
2. Everyone needs to know what the organization’s big-picture success looks like and each indi-
vidual’s part in creating that success. This is a shift from the “my tasks” orientation to more univer-
sal knowledge of how an individual’s task fits in with the team’s task. Everyone is responsible for the
team’s task, as well as the organization’s success. Also need to have a view of what is happening in the
library world in general and what that success looks like.
3. Learning happens at all levels of the organization. Curiosity is seen as a good thing. Recognition
that everyone learns.
4. Organic communication is encouraged. Communication is the responsibility of all staff and happens
at all levels. Assumes that there is no such thing as too much information and it is the responsibility of
the individual to seek out and share information.
5. There is a consistency of policy implementation and practice. There are clear boundaries within
which staff can operate to help the customer.
6. Curiosity is encouraged; learning is supported; new skills are actively sought at all levels. Every-
one is responsible for the success of the learning organization and ideas come from anywhere and
7. Coaching and mentoring happens at all levels. This includes peer-to-peer mentoring and includes
both formal and informal processes.
8. Feedback at all levels is an essential ingredient to success. It must be constructive and well
thought-out and everyone must do it.
9. Mistakes are a learning opportunity for everyone involved.

developmental plans tied to succession planning, I is $127.5 million. In fiscal year 2009, QBPL circu-
was curious: was she going to continue this effort? At lated 23 million items, opened its doors to 16 million
their current level of intensity? “Yes,” she said, “It’s people, and offered 30,000 programs. It has 6.7 million
essential: we are investing in our future. Staff salaries items in its collections and supports 827,500 active
and benefits comprise 70 percent of the library’s bud- borrowers.
get. We must keep developing staff so they are ready, Like the County of Los Angeles Public Library, it
willing, and able to provide customer-focused ser� is a large and diverse library system with many needs,
vice—especially when this generation retires.” With including that for a strong cadre of potential managers
some realism and a smile she continued, “We are and leaders. Succession planning at QBPL, though
ballot based, as an independent taxing authority—if not formal, is purposeful. What follows are several
we are not relevant, we are toast!” initiatives described by Tom Galante, CEO and library

 ueens Borough
Q Succession Planning for Community
Public Library Branch Managers: Money and Education
Queens Borough (N.Y.) Public Library (QBPL), The library recently made some orga�nizational changes
Library Journal’s 2009 Library of the Year, serves to facilitate midmanagement development and suc-
2.2 million people from sixty-two locations plus seven cession planning. It took money. Many of the forty
adult learning centers and two family literacy centers. assistant community branch manager positions were
It circulates the highest number of books and other open. Senior librarians did not want to promote into
library materials in the country. The library’s budget the position, for there was little salary incentive to do
Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs 133

so. To fill the vacancies, the library added $3,000 to community library managers. In addition, various sup-
the salary. That broke the ice. The assistant manager port departments include an assistant director position.
positions are now filled. All in these positions lead major orga�nizational initia-
But that was not enough to prepare for the future. tives as part of their development as senior leaders. All
Assistant community branch manager is a key feeder are observed, supported, and developed to be able, at a
position in the community library system, so the need minimum, to serve in an interim capacity in the event
to provide learning and development opportunities of a department head vacancy.
for the incumbents was clear. The library contracted
with a library school that created and facilitated a Knowledge Management and
management certification program for twenty-five Capitalizing on Retirees
employees. Many were assistant branch managers.
The curriculum included the topics of management, Galante is concerned about losing good people to early
budget and finance, technology management, human (or regular) retirement. To date, knowledge transfer
resource management, building management, and planning has been minimal. To help the system buy
general administration. A course with a rigorous cur- some time, and to appeal to those retiring and looking
riculum, it was offered on-site, once a week for six for more flexibility and free time, two policy changes
months. Homework was required. After completion of were made. First, QBPL now provides an opportunity
five courses over three years, all participants graduated. for those interested in retiring to work part-time. Sec-
“The outcome,” said Galante, “has been great. These ond, the library is offering retirees the ability to work
employees, current and prospective library managers, at a lower-level position yet keep their seniority when
have been networking, sharing their experiences, and setting the pay rate. For example, if the individual was
learning from each other. They have begun peer coach- paid at fifteen-year experience in the salary range of the
ing and all have a broader view of the orga�nization. . . . job she is leaving, her new salary remains at the fifteen-
And,” he adds proudly, “there have already been a year salary range of the new position. This option has
number of promotions.” proven attractive to retirees who might have otherwise
left the system without transferring their knowledge,
Dual Career Ladders mentoring new staff, or supporting programs.

To support retention of professional librarians, includ- Transfers and Job Rotation

ing its library managers, QBPL restructured its com-
pensation structure, including new positions, enhanc- Similar to other libraries, QBPL has been rotating staff
ing its already existing dual career ladders for librarians into different community branches and central. With
and managers. To the positions of senior librarian, over seventy locations, there are many opportunities for
supervising librarian, and principal librarian a second job transfer. Because the demographics of this system
level was added. For senior librarian positions, a third vary widely, staff transferring often find themselves in
level was added to support promotions into select assis- a very different environment serving a different com-
tant manager positions. (The move from Librarian I to munity and customer. According to Galante, “This
Librarian II is relatively automatic.) In both ladders, provides a broader view and creates stronger, flex-
after six months of satisfactory performance, jobholders ible, customer-oriented staff.” For union-represented
are automatically moved to the next level and receive positions, the labor agreement provides for internal
a salary increase. transfers for similar positions based on seniority if
QBPL-specified job requirements are met; for union
Succession Planning at the Senior Level and nonunion supervisory and management positions,
interviewing is done to select the best candidate from
The library has taken a similar approach to creating external and internal applicants.
a pipeline for systemwide management positions. Rotations and transfers extend to the top of the
Because the size of the system justifies it, QBPL has library system as well. In addition to the COO, whose
seven associate and assistant director positions report- responsibilities include all public ser�vices, a dozen
ing to public ser�vice department heads (directors). department heads report directly to him. With a few
Four of those positions are responsible for supervising exceptions, half of them trade jobs every year.
134 Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs

On the Lookout library system,” she said, “seeks to prepare staff for their
next job and provides the opportunity to develop lead-
Galante acknowledged that he is always recruiting, ership within their current job.” In addition to formal
always on the lookout for talent. He knows that not all leadership development, she mentioned three targeted
positions can, or should, be filled from within. He has strategies: fast teams (see chapter 5), job rotation, and
been networking and searching for a new wave of man- development outside of SCCL.
agers: creative individuals who can support the new
ser�vice model of delivering to customers what they Job Rotation
want and need. He also wants to recruit leaders who
can deal with City Hall—not a typical competency, or Job rotation is in its first iteration at SCCL. It is
desire, of many senior library managers. Which is why designed to help staff acquire big-picture thinking
he is always looking. and deliver districtwide ser�vice while supporting staff
to grow, stretch, and explore. One facet of job rotation
is moving community library staff into other com-
Santa Clara County Library munity libraries and into headquarters jobs as well as
ensuring that employees assigned to headquarters have
According to executive director and county librar- experiences in community libraries. At another level,
ian Melinda Cervantes, succession planning at Santa the library is trying out the rotation of three senior
Clara County Library (SCCL) starts at the point of hir- management positions among the incumbents for
ing, where a solid job description reflecting the desired twelve-month periods: systemwide circulation man-
skill set and competencies propels the library toward its ager, reference librarian (which includes 24/7 virtual
strategic BHAG (big hairy audacious goal): “Building reference and assisting with collection development),
upon our reputation for ser�vice excellence, the Santa and ser�vices managers (adult, youth).
Clara County Library will have the highest percent- An opportunity arose when a community librar-
age of library serÂ�vice area cardholders in the nation.” ian took medical leave. To fill the gap, the library
The three specific areas the library will focus on in the interviewed qualified managers to take a temporary
next five years are convenience, public awareness and assignment at the largest and busiest library in the
marketing, and information literacy. system (2.5 million annual circulation). This resulted
So how does Cervantes find and develop the lead- in an experienced community librarian from a much
ership that will continually propel the library toward smaller library having the opportunity to take on new
meeting its BHAG? She engages in two distinct pro- challenges, learn, and grow. Consequently, a program
cesses, one external and the other internal. librarian (manager) became the acting community
librarian, and a librarian became a program librarian
External View (adult or youth ser�vices manager) for the same period
of time.
One way to locate leadership is by investing years Cervantes shares two success stories. One shining
actively watching, waiting, and creating a good reputa- star in the orga�nization stepped forward and volun-
tion for the library. Cervantes keeps her eyes and ears teered on an early version of the library’s web page
open for the up-and-comers in the library community. redesign. This star, Allison Parham, is now an elec-
She goes out of her way to meet them when their paths tronic resources librarian and leading a formal web
cross, reads the articles they write, and watches them redesign project for the library.
present at conferences. Cervantes invests her time Paul Sims, formerly an SCCL librarian, is now
so she has a front-row seat as talent rises. When the the technical ser�vices manager for Mountain View
library’s deputy county librarian retired last year, and Public Library. (“Sometimes our succession planning
when several community librarians (managers) retired, benefits other libraries!”) Sims graduated from the San
several librarians nationwide were invited to participate Jose State University MLIS program and went on to
in the county’s recruitment process. become an adjunct faculty member. Building on his
enthusiasm for the SJSU/MLIS program, Sims asked
Internal Focus if he could offer an orientation to potential students
from SCCL staff ranks. He developed the presenta-
Cervantes’s most important and intense focus is inter- tion, including PowerPoint slides, and promoted the
nal. SCCL really works developing internal staff. “This workshop to recent graduates, current MLIS students,
Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs 135

and potential librarians. Both Cervantes and Sarah having a variety of smaller, targeted leadership develop-
Flowers (former deputy county librarian) were invited ment programs in addition to formal, large programs.
to speak about their own career paths and the SCCL
opportunities afforded to MLIS graduates. At least
two of the dozen or so who attended this workshop Sno-Isle Libraries
enrolled in the SJSU/MLIS program, and one or more
completed their undergraduate degree requirements Located in the north Puget Sound region of Washing-
with Sims’s encouragement. “Succession planning,” ton State, Sno-Isle Libraries, with twenty-one locations
said Cervantes, “can be viral.” in Snohomish County and Island County, serves as a
community doorway to reading, resources, and lifelong
Development beyond Boundaries learning and a center for people, ideas, and culture.
Jonalyn Woolf-Ivory is the library director. Pat Olafson,
This library system goes beyond its own boundaries to HR director, explained some of the library’s efforts in
develop staff. Staff members at all levels are encour- succession planning.
aged to become involved and engaged with the Cali- Olafson and her colleagues have been thinking
fornia Library Association, ALA, PLA, and the Urban quite a bit about succession planning in recent years.
Libraries Council (and pays institutional membership Familiar with the literature on the graying of the library
dues and conference attendance fees). This ensures workforce, and looking (literally) at the members of the
that the library’s name is out there, which results in Sno-Isle workforce, they decided to identify poten-
attracting high-quality candidates when vacancies tial vacancies and to develop a backup plan toward
occur. Of course, library staff and the library gain ensuring stability and continuity in providing excellent
as well. Involved employees learn from their efforts library ser�vice to the communities served. The board
with CLA and other professional associations, develop of trustees was also interested in having bench strength
technical and leadership skills, and build networks. for senior positions in the orga�nization.
Because one of its goals is to be involved with the cit- The first step was to identify key jobs. Olafson then
ies and county it serves, SCCL also encourages ser�vice matched the key positions with the people in them to
on local chambers of commerce, the arts and culture, ascertain the level of risk of retirement each one might
nonprofits, and other key constituent communities. be in—that is, she looked at data on each individual
The library pays the dues of managers and supports holding these jobs to get a deeper understanding of
involvement and leadership opportunities in local their age and ser�vice and a picture of when retirements
volunteer orga�nizations for all staff. might take place. She created a schema of employees:
One manager who stands out to Cervantes is at immediate risk (IR), at risk (AR), and at low risk (LR)
Rosanne Macek, Morgan Hill community librarian. for retirement.
Macek joined the SCCL staff as a children’s program Olafson defined these categories in concrete terms
librarian in 2001, became community librarian in based on the retirement eligibility provisions of the
2002, completed the Leadership Morgan Hill program pension plans. Those in IR are 60 years of age and
sponsored by the Morgan Hill Rotary Club, and is now above today with an anticipated (for the purpose of
working on a master’s degree in public administration this exercise) retirement date in the next five years.
using the library’s tuition reimbursement program. AR staff in key positions are ages 55–59 or age 50 with
SCCL has been working actively on succession at least ten years of ser�vice. It is anticipated that these
planning since 2005. At the time it was facing sev- individuals will move into the IR category in the next
eral retirements among key library managers. Earlier, five years. LR employees do not fall into either of the
deputy county librarian Julie Farnsworth had created other categories by age or experience.6 Another orga�
a leadership training program for potential leaders and nization’s definitions might differ depending on retire-
invited employees to self-identify. Participants in the ment plan provisions covering its employees.
leadership program completed nine classes covering all Olafson then linked those in key positions to their
aspects of management and leadership in the SCCL risk of retirement. Among those in key positions, she
system. More than fifty emerging leaders completed found four IR and three AR staff members holding key
the program during two series of classes. positions. Olafson mentioned some examples, starting
SCCL places a premium on developing leaders with the library director, and included herself. The
internally and wisely also pays attention to future lead- director, at age 55, has twenty-nine years of pension
ers nationwide. Cervantes showed us the importance of ser�vice credits. She is viewed as AR. Olafson, the HR
136 Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs

director, needed to code her own position as IR. At branch renovation projects and creating a preventive
age 63 with more than fifteen years of pension ser�vice maintenance plan for every building. She is now the
credits, she is eligible to retire within five years. key contact for building issues in each branch. In addi-
Over the years, with encouragement from the board, tion, she attends community and board meetings and
positions have been installed that not only filled a meets regularly with the library director. Previously she
workload need but also were intended as immedi- was a manager of a large building and will have the
ate temporary backup in case of a vacancy in some opportunity to return to this position at the end of two
management positions. For example, several of the years. Of course, by allowing staff to take a temporary
larger Sno-Isle community libraries have an assistant job and return to their original job, Sno-Isle created a
managing librarian position, and there is an assistant whole string of temporary positions, creating develop-
manager in collection development. Incumbents in mental opportunities for many across the system. At
these positions could step in until a replacement is the end of two years the library leadership, with input
hired when someone in a key position and IR retires from the incumbent, will decide whether to retain the
earlier than anticipated. Such a backup plan, along facilities job as a temporary developmental position or
with the outcome of the analysis of key positions and make it a regular assignment.
risk of retirement, is clearly and cleanly shown with Along with creating development opportunities
fictional data in figure 7.7. in a variety of jobs, Karri Matau, director of strategic
Library leadership took this approach further and initiatives, is charged with creating a leadership devel-
realized that some of those designated as “backup opment program for the orgaÂ�nization. This program,
until filled” might not take (or even want) the vacant which will support succession planning efforts, is still
key position or might not be ready to take on the full in developmental stages.
responsibility long term when the time comes. With Many—if not most—libraries find themselves in
encouragement from the board to develop a deeper difficult financial straits because of the recession.
bench and to work toward “growing their own,” Sno- Thinking about this, I asked Olafson a question for
Isle identified “developmental positions” (designated which she had an interesting and clear answer. “Pat,”
“Dev” on the chart; defined as a position, not a per- I asked, “in the beginning of this conversation, you
son) that could be a step toward a key position. Here talked about the budget constraints facing Sno-Isle
Olafson again looked at ser�vice and age, this time for Libraries. You mentioned the potential of a hiring
individuals currently holding positions categorized freeze. How much leadership development and suc-
as developmental to determine who might retire and cession planning do you plan to continue in these
create an opening in one of those jobs. They too were tough times?”
coded as IR, AR, and LR. This analysis indicated that Olafson’s answer was not one I often hear. “We
several developmental positions could be open in the know we need to have leadership development initia-
next few years due to retirements. This provided a list tives and succession planning in process even when
of potential developmental opportunities. times are bleak. Strong, skilled employees are a key
In addition, Sno-Isle has experimented with cre- ingredient to facing tough times and to carrying out
ating one developmental position to broaden the our strategic plan. The library district cannot afford to
experience of those who may be interested in library put leadership development on the back burner.”
administration. The facilities manager job was recently Sno-Isle library leadership has made a choice—one
created (as a temporary position, for two years only) to that has them working diligently to ensure that knowl-
provide developmental work experience in facilities edge is transferred as long-term employees get ready
management and capital facilities development. The to move into the next phase of their lives and younger
incumbent is acquiring a great deal of experience members of the workforce get ready to take the baton
and exposure working on special assignments such as and bring the library into the future.
Figure 7.7
Sample Tracking with Sno-Isle Libraries’ Template

Succession Planning—Potential Retirement Vacancies Key and Developmental Positions

Immediate Risk (IR) = (1) age 60 or older today; (2) age 55 or older with at least 15 years of service; (3) any age with 30 years in Plan 1
IR is potential retirement in next 5 years
At Risk (AR) = (1) will move into the IR category in the next five years, i.e., ages 55–59; or (2) age 50 with 10 years of service
AR is potential retirement in next 6–10 years
Low Risk (LR) = all other
Note: PLAN 2 eligibility is age 65 with 5+ years or age 55 with at least 20 years
PLAN 1 eligibility is any age with 30+; or age 55 with 25+; or age 60 with 5+
Retirement service credits may be transferred from previous participating employers (indicated with a + sign)

Risk Ret. Ret. Svc. Backup until

Level Position Name Title Service Age Plan Yrs. Fill? Filled

IR Key AC Finance Director 20 58 1 20 Y Grants Analyst

IR Key BD Programming Director 5 57 1 25+ Y Children’s
IR Key CE Marketing Director 27 60 2 27 Y Marketing
IR Key DF Branch Manager 15 55 2 26+ Y Adult Services
(largest branch) Manager
AR Key EG Assistant Director, 17 54 2 17 Y Programming
Public Services Director
AR Key FH Collection Development 22 53 2 22 Y Collection
Manager Development
AR Key ST Circulation Manager 14 52 2 14 Y Interlibrary
Loan Manager


FIGURE 7.7 (cont.)

Risk Ret. Ret. Svc. Backup until

Level Position Name Title Service Age Plan Yrs. Fill? Filled

AR Key RF Branch Manager 15 50 2 15 N regional

(medium branch) management
LR Key JJ Training Manager 5 45 2 5 N outsource
LR Key MS IT Manager 8 43 2 8 Y IT Technician
IR Deva LB Grants Analyst/Accountant 21 58 2 21

IR Dev AW Outreach Librarian 20 65 1 27+

IR Dev FF Marketing Assistant 17 60 1 17

IR Dev TS Adult Services 16 66 2 16

Manager (branch)
AR Dev IH Branch Manager 11 54 2 14+
(small branch)
AR Dev PM Collection Development 1 51 2 10+
AR Dev JL Assistant Circulation 15 53 2 15
LR Dev RS Children’s Services 10 42 2 10
Manager (branch)
LR Dev JS HR Assistant 7 40 2 7

LR Dev PS Interlibrary Loan Manager 6 45 2 6

In this context, developmental means the position can be a development step toward a key position. The intent is to use this information to identify
developmental positions that potentially will come open, not individuals to be developed.

Note: Because Sno-Isle’s original chart did not capture the discussion about whether to fill a vacant position or redistribute or outsource some of its duties,
we added a column labeled “Fill?” as a reminder to examine every vacant position for the opportunities it may bring.
Additional Stories of Library Succession Planning and Development Programs 139

1. Competencies for California Librarians in the 21st 3. Online Computer Library Center (OCLC): Career
Century, http://cla-net.org/resources/articles/r_com Development, www.oclc.org/us/en/careers/develop
petencies.php. Professional competencies relate to ment/default.htm.
the librarian’s skills and knowledge in the areas of 4. OCLC: WebJunction, www.oclc.org/us/en/webjunc
information resources, information access, technol- tion/default.htm.
ogy, management and research, and the ability to use
5. Pierce County Library: Fast Facts, www.piercecounty
these competencies as a basis for providing library and
information ser�vices. Personal competencies represent
a set of skills, attitudes, and values that enable librar- 6. As with many states, the State of Washington has two
ians to provide valuable and valued ser�vice, communi- pension plans, one more generous than the other. To
cate well, survive in the new world of information, and keep this discussion simple, we eliminate the dimen-
focus on continued learning throughout their careers. sion that would consider whether the employee is a
These skills, attitudes, and values can be acquired member of Plan 1 or 2, in which members have differ-
through education and experience the same as profes- ent criteria of eligibility for full retirement benefits.
sional skills and knowledge.
2. Much of this story is taken from JCL’s winning
application for the National Association for Counties
Leadership Development Award.

General Publications
Barner, Robert. Bench Strength: Developing the Depth and Versatility of Your OrgaÂ�nization’s
Leadership Talent. New York: AMACOM, 2006.
Berger, Lance A., and Dorothy R. Berger, eds. The Talent Management Handbook: Creating
Organizational Excellence by Identifying, Developing, and Promoting Your Best People. New
York: McGraw Hill, 2004.
Bryant, Josephine, and Kay Poustie. Competencies Needed by Public Library Staff. Gütersloh,
Bertelsmann Foundation, 2001. www.public-libraries.net/html/x_media/pdf/competencies.pdf.
Byham, William C., Audrey B. Smith, and Matthew J. Paese. Grow Your Own Leaders: How to
Identify, Develop, and Retain Leadership Talent. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,
Cappelli, Peter. Talent on Demand: Managing Talent in an Age of Uncertainty. Boston: Harvard
Business School Press, 2008.
Charan, Ram. Leaders at All Levels: Deepening Your Talent Pool to Solve the Succession Crisis. San
Francisco: John Wiley and Sons, 2008.
Charan, Ram, Stephen Drotter, and James Noel. The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the
Leadership-Powered Company. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
Dychtwald, Ken, Tamara J. Erickson, and Robert Morison. Workforce Crisis: How to Beat the
Coming Shortage of Skills and Talent. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2006.
Fegley, S. “Society for Human Resource Management 2006 Succession Planning Survey Report.”
Alexandria, Va.: Society for Human Resources Management, 2006.
Gay, M., and Doris Sims. Building Tomorrow’s Talent. Bloomington, Ind.: Authorhouse, 2006.
Goleman, Daniel, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee. Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of
Emotional Intelligence. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2002.
Goodrich, Jeanne, and Paula Singer. Human Resources for Results: The Right Person for the Right
Job. Chicago: American Library Association, 2007.
Groysberg, Boris, and Amanda Cowen. Developing Leaders. Boston: Harvard Business School
Press, 2006.
Laughlin, Sara, Denise Shockley, and Ray Wilson. The Library’s Continuous Improvement
Fieldbook. Chicago: American Library Association, 2003.
Lawler, Edward E., III. Talent: Making People Your Competitive Advantage. San Francisco: John
Wiley and Sons, 2008.
Managing Your Career. Lessons Learned series. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2007.
Mayo, Dianne, and Jeanne Goodrich. Staffing for Results. Chicago: American Library Association,
Mendelsohn, Steve, and Ron Komers. “How to Win the Talent Wars by Understanding Critical
Factors.” HR News: The Magazine of the International Public Management Association for
Human Resources, February 2008, 22–26.
Moyers, Robert L. The Nonprofit Chief Executive’s Ten Basic Responsibilities. Washington, D.C.:
BoardSource, 2006.
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation. Managing Executive Transitions. Washington, D.C.:
Community Development Leadership Project, 1999.
Nelson, Sandra. Strategic Planning for Results. Chicago: American Library Association, 2008.
142 Resources

Odiorne, George S. Strategic Management of Human Resources: Tierney, Thomas J. The Nonprofit Sector’s Leadership Deficit
A Portfolio Approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984. White Paper. Bridgespan Group, 2006. www.bridgespan.org/
Rothwell, William J. Effective Succession Planning: Ensuring nonprofit-leadership-deficit.aspx?resource=Articles.
Leadership Continuity and Building Talent from Within,
3rd ed. New York: AMACOM, 2005.
Rothwell, W. J., J. Alexander, and M. Bernhard, eds. Case Stud-
Internet Resources
BoardSource. www.boardsource.org.
ies in Government Succession Planning: Action-Oriented
Building Successful Orga�nizations: Workforce Planning in HHS.
Strategies for Public-Sector Human Capital Management,
Workforce Planning, Succession Planning, and Talent Man-
Model used by the federal Department of Health and
agement. Amherst, Mass.: HRD Press, 2008.
Human Ser�vices.
Schiemann, William A. Reinventing Talent Management:
Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy.
How to Maximize Performance in the New Marketplace.
California’s Coming Retirement Wave. www.ccsce.com/
Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, 2009.
Singer, Paula M., and Laura L. Francisco. Developing a
Insights on current retirement projections within the
Compensation Plan for Your Library, 2nd ed. Chicago:
state of California.
American Library Association, 2009.
Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in
Thorne, Kaye. The Essential Guide to Managing Talent:
Organizations. Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Inventory.
How Top Companies Recruit, Train and Retain the Best
Employees. Philadelphia: Kogan Page, 2007.
Georgia Merit System. Georgia’s Flexible Succession Planning
Ulrich, David, and Wayne Brockbank. The HR Value
Model. www.gms.state.ga.us/pdfs/sp/sp.ga_sp_model_
Proposition. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2005.
Young, Mary B. Building the Leadership Pipeline in the Local,
Best practices in succession planning for State of
State, and Federal Government. Sacramento, Calif.: CPS
Georgia. Includes model training materials.
Human Resource Ser�vices, 2005. www.workforceplanning
International Public Management Association for Human
Resources. www.IPMA-HR.org.
New York State Department of Civil Service. Workforce and
Succession Planning. www.cs.state.ny.us/succession
Library Director/CEO planning/.
Succession Planning Extensive information related to workforce planning and
succession planning best practices.
Annie E. Casey Foundation. Executive Transitions Monograph
Series. 7 vols. Baltimore: Annie E. Casey Foundation, Pew Center on the States. Management Lab Manual. www
2004–2008. .pewcenteronthestates.org/initiatives_detail.aspx?initiative
————Â�. Helping OrgaÂ�nizations Achieve Successful Leadership ID=54240.
Transitions. Baltimore: Annie E. Casey Foundation and ————. Training and Employee Development. www.pewcenter
Association of Small Foundations, 2009. onthestates.org/initiatives_detail.aspx?initiativeID=51226.
Association of Small Foundations. Primer Series: Investing in Society for Human Resource Management. www.shrm.org.
Nonprofit Leaders. Washington, D.C.: Association of Small State of California. Leadership Challenge. http://cpr.ca.gov/
Foundations, 2009. CPR_Report/Issues_and_Recommendations/Chapter_7_
Axelrod, Nancy. Chief Executive Succession Planning: The Statewide_Operations/Personnel_Management/SO42.html.
Board’s Role in Securing Your OrgaÂ�nization’s Future. Information related to a study of public employees in
Washington, D.C.: BoardSource, 2002. California, Spring 2004.
Bell, Jeanne, Richard Moyers, and Timothy Wolfred. Daring State of Colorado. Succession Planning Strategy. www.colorado
to Lead 2006. CompassPoint Nonprofit Ser�vices and .gov/cs/Satellite/DPA-DHR/DHR/1248577225227.
the Meyer Foundation, 2006. www.compasspoint.org/ Best practices in workforce planning.
assets/194_daringtolead06final.pdf. State of Texas Human Resources. Workforce Planning Guide.
Cornelius, Marla, Patrick Corvington, and Albert Ruesga. http://sao.hr.state.tx.us/Workforce/guide.html.
Ready to Lead? Next Generation Leaders Speak Out. Best-practice information in workforce development.
Baltimore: Annie E. Casey Foundation, Meyer Foundation, United States Office of Personnel Management. Retirement
CompassPoint Nonprofit Ser�vices, and idealist.org, 2008. Statistics. www.opm.gov/feddata/retire/rs-projections.pdf.
Gilmore, Tom N. Making a Leadership Change: How Research related to retirement projections in the federal
Organizations and Leaders Can Handle Leadership government.
Transitions Successfully. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988. ————. Workforce Planning Model. www.opm.gov/hcaaf_
Kets de Vries, Manfred. “The Dark Side of CEO Succession.” resource_center/assets/Sa_tool4.pdf.
Harvard Business Review 88, no. 1 (1988): 56–60. Model used by the federal government’s Office of
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation. Managing Executive Personnel Management.
Transitions. Washington, D.C.: Community Development Washington State Department of Personnel. Workforce
Leadership Project, 1999. Planning. www.dop.wa.gov/strategichr/WorkforcePlanning/
Peters, Jeanne, and Timothy Wolfred. Daring to Lead. Pages/default.aspx.
CompassPoint Nonprofit Ser�vices and the Meyer Foundation, Workforce planning guide, including tools.
2001. www.compasspoint.org/assets/5_daring.pdf. Workforce Planning for Wisconsin State Government.
Tebbe, Don. Chief Executive Transitions: How to Hire www.workforceplanning.wi.gov.
and Support a Nonprofit CEO. Washington, D.C.: Best-practice information in workforce development for
BoardSource, 2009. the State of Wisconsin.

A British Chartered Institute of Library and

abilities (KSA), 28–30. See also competencies Information Professionals, 34
The Accidental Library Manager (Gordon), 82 Brown, Charles, 16
action learning, 72–73 Bryant, Josephine, 29, 30, 31
Adams, Tom, 90 budgets
advertising job openings, 99 recession and, 136
aging of workforce, 2–6, 18 for succession planning, 92
ALA Business of Leadership website, 77
Certified Public Library Administrator
course, 82 C
Diversity Counts study, 4–5 California Library Association, 36, 117, 135
Office for Research and Statistics, 4 Canadian Library Association, 5
assessing talent. See talent assessment candidates. See job candidates
Australia’s “Planning Future Workforce,” 5–6 Cantalupo, Jim, 1
Cantor, Paul, 38
B Caplan, Audra, 78–79, 82
baby boomers career ladders, 73, 133
feedback preferences, 65 Carroll County (Md.) Public Library, 71
nearing retirement, 2–4, 8, 87 Cervantes, Melinda, 72, 75, 134–135
Baltimore County Public Library, 75–77 Charan, Ram, 51
Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Inventory, civil service regulations, 72
37–38 Coaching in the Library (Metz), 74
behavioral competencies coaching strategies, 73–74
case study, 32 collaboration, defined, 38
defined, 30 Collins, Jim, 121
bench strength, building. See staff/leadership Columbus (Ohio) Metropolitan Library
development job rotation, 71
Berg, Jodi, 79 staff development, 77
Bertelsmann Foundation, 29 succession planning, 16, 99
BHAG, 134 communications plan
Birkman Method, 123 implementing, 101
board of directors/trustees preparing, 92, 99
building leadership abilities, 92 Community Colleges of Baltimore County, 76
library director, succession planning for, competencies
87–113 approach to developing, 30
Bosch Cobb, Karen, 72, 115–117 beneficial effects, 29–30
Bradberry, Travis, 38 categories of, 30

144 index

competencies (cont.) employee turnover, costs of, 8 I

City of Toronto definition, 39–40 ethnic diversity, 3 implementation competencies, 38
creating profile of needed, 21–23 Executive Leadership Institute program, individual development plans (IDPs)
via cross-training, 71–72 Urban Libraries Council, 73, 116 about, 65–68
defined, 28–29 job rotations and, 71
emotional intelligence and, 37–38 F OCLC and, 67, 123–124
Harford County (Md.) Public Library, Farnsworth, Julie, 135 Public Library of Charlotte and
79 fast teams, 72 Mecklenberg County (N.C.) and, 74
identifying common, 23 feedback Infopeople Building Leadership series,
identifying for key positions, 28–29 peer, 76 116
via job rotation, 71–72 preferences by generation, 65 Institute of Museum and Library Services,
Johnson County (Kans.) Library 360-degree, 73 5
definition, 41–43 Feldman, Sari, 72, 77–79 interviews, collecting competency
leadership development, 34–38 Finding and Retaining Your Next Chief development strategies, 32–33
New Jersey Library Association Executive (Gilmore), 98, 100 inventory of employees, 23–24
definition, 40–41 Fish, Jim, 76, 77
Ohio Library Council definition, Flowers, Sarah, 74–75, 135 J
43–45 focus groups, 31–32 job candidates
Pierce County (Wash.) Library System, Fouts, Catherine, 74–75 library director selection, 94–101
127–131 free agent workforce, 3, 6 openness to nontraditional, 17
Competencies Needed by Public Staff Fresno County (Calif.) Public Library shortage of, 3, 6
(Bryant and Poustie), 29, 31 responsibility chart, 118–119 job content coaches, 73–74
Competency Index for the Library Field, staff development, 70, 72, 115–117 job descriptions
31 succession planning, 115–117 for key positions, 28–29
competency models Friends of the Library, 117 for library directors, 94–97, 105–108
case studies, 32–34 Fuller, Millard, 1 job recruitment
via focus groups, 31–32 “The Future of Human Resources in current difficulties, 8
generic, 38–39 Canadian Libraries,” 5 Harford County (Md.) Public Library,
via interviews of top performers, 32–33 “The Future of Librarians in the 80
connection Workforce” study, 5 for library director, 94–101
backing up, 92 job rotation
defined, 38 G about, 71–72
importance of, 38 Galante, Tom, 132–134 Columbus (Ohio) Metropolitan
leader competencies and, 36 Garcia, June, 100 Library, 71
consultants Generation X feedback preferences, Queens Borough (N.Y.) Public Library,
deciding whether to use, 90–91 65 133
example of requirements for, 103–104 Generation Y feedback preferences, Santa Clara County (Calif.) Library,
Johnson County (Kans.) Library and, 65 71, 134
120–121 Gilmore, Tom, 98, 100 Johnson County (Kans.) Library, 39,
contribution, defined, 38 Goleman, Daniel, 37–38 41–43, 117–122
Cooke, Alfred, 121 Good to Great (Collins), 121 Jordan, Robert L., 123
core competencies, 30 Good to Great and the Social Sectors judging potential. See talent assessment
County of Los Angeles Public Library, 67, (Collins), 121
73–74, 132 Goodrich, Jeanne, 61, 79 K
cross-training, 71–72 Gordon, Rachel Singer, 82 Kennedy, John F., 15
culture. See organizational culture Gorski, Holly, 124, 127 key positions
Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Public Library, Greaves, Jean, 38 core competencies for, 28–29
72, 77–78 Griffiths, José-Marie, 5 creating profile of needed, 21–23
identifying, 27–28, 135
D H identifying competencies common to, 23
development. See staff/leadership Habitat for Humanity, 1–2 job descriptions for, 28–29
development Harford County (Md.) Public Library, options in replacing, 28
Difficult Conversations (Stone et al.), 78–83 knowledge (KSA), 28–30. See also
121 Heen, Sheila, 121 competencies
Drotter, Stephen, 51 Hentschel, Tiffany, 120 Kouzes, Jim, 121
Duke, Mike, 1 Howe, Nancy, 75 KSAs (knowledge, skills, abilities), 28–30.
human resources See also competencies
E accommodating workforce, 3
Effective Succession Planning (Rothwell), “The Future of Human Resources in L
1, 33 Canadian Libraries,” 5 labor markets
emergency succession plan, 102–103 process coaching, 74 anticipating labor shortage, 5
emotional intelligence (EI), 37–38 search committee and, 99–100 tightening of, 3
index 145

Lauffer, Donna, 120 O public sector

The Leadership Challenge (Kouzes and OCLC (Online Computer Library burdens of jobs in, 2
Posner), 121 Center) leader competencies, 35–37
leadership competencies about, 122–123
about, 34–35, 38 IDPs and, 67, 123–124 Q
emotional intelligence and, 37–38 mentoring program and, 74, 123 Queens Borough (N.Y.) Public Library
in public sector, 35–37 succession planning and, 62, 67 career ladders, 73, 133
See also key positions Odiorne, George S., 55 job rotation, 133
leadership development. See key positions; Ohio Library Council, 39, 43–45 retiree incentives, 28, 133
staff/leadership development Ohio State University, 123 success planning, 132–133
Leadership Learning Initiative, 82, 84–85 Olafson, Pat, 19, 28, 135–136 Queensland University of Technology
The Leadership Pipeline (Charan et al.), Olson, Christi, 38, 120, 121 (QUT), 34–35
51 Omaha (Neb.) Public Library, 105–108
Librarians of the Australian Technology onboarding, 80 R
Network (LATN), 34 on-the-job training Reading Book for Human Relations
library director, succession planning for by Baltimore County Public Library, Training (Cooke et al.), 121
emergency succession plan, 102–103 75–77 recruitment. See job recruitment
library examples, 93–94 by Columbus (Ohio) Metropolitan relationships. See connection
preparation phase, 90–94 Library, 77 responsibility chart, sample, 118–119
rationale for planning, 88–90 by Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Public retention. See staff retention
recruitment and selection phase, Library, 77–78 retirement, aging workforce and, 2–4
94–101 by Harford County (Md.) Public Ricker, Rick, 74
risk assessment, 88–90 Library, 78–83 Right Management, 37
search process, 87–88 by Public Library of Charlotte and risk assessment
transition phase, 101–102 Mecklenberg County (N.C.), 82, for library director succession planning,
Library Hotline, 99 84–85 88–90, 91
Library Journal, 99, 132 organizational culture for retirement, 135–136
lifestyle variety, 3 staff development and, 19 for staff retention, 55–56
local governments, taking action, 10 strain on coherence, 3 rotation, job, 71–72, 133–134
Lomax, Georgia, 125 training and development programs, 19 Rothwell, William J., 1, 2, 33
Losinki, Patrick, 16, 71, 77, 99 See also workforce
Lynch, Mary Jo, 4 S
P San Joaquin (Calif.) Valley Library
M Parham, Allison, 134 System, 117
Macek, Rosanne, 135 Parikh, Neel, 124–132 San Jose State University, 134
management commitment, 16–17 Patton, Bruce, 121 Santa Clara County (Calif.) Library
Mantegna, Jean, 75, 76, 77 peer feedback, 76 fast training, 72
Maryland State Department of Education, performance evaluation job rotation, 71, 134
76 creating individual development plans, mentoring program, 74–75
Matau, Kari, 136 65–68 staff development, 135
McCarthy, Jenny, 5–6 for emerging talent, 62–63 Santa Cruz (Calif.) Public Libraries, 100,
McDonald’s Corporation, 1 for employees who require 109–112
mentoring strategies improvement, 64–65 Sass, Rivkah, 108
about, 74–75 feedback preferences by generation, Schell, Teri, 78–79, 82
Harford County (Md.) Public Library, 65 search committees, 97–100
80 for high-performing employees, 49 selection committees, 97–100
OCLC and, 74, 123 for high-potential employees, 59–62 Sims, Paul, 134
Mentor’s Guide (Zachary), 74 for key contributors, 63–64 Singer, Paula, 38, 61, 120, 121
Metz, Ruth, 74 low performers, 49 skills (KSA)
millennials, feedback preferences, 65 medium performers, 49 as job description requirements, 28,
MLS studies, 70–71 performance management system, 23, 79 29, 30
Morgan Hill (Calif.) Rotary Club, 135 Pierce County (Wash.) Library System, leadership competencies and, 38
Mountain View (Calif.) Public Library, 124–132 See also competencies
134 Posner, Barry, 121 Sno-Isle (Wash.) Libraries
multigenerational workforce, 6 potential, judging. See talent assessment identifying key positions, 28
Poustie, Kay, 29, 30, 31 organizational culture, 19
N process coaches, 73–74 staff orientation, 80
National Association of Counties, 10, 120 Public Library of Charlotte and staff retention
Needham, George, 62, 122, 123 Mecklenberg County (N.C.) ALA Diversity Counts study, 4–5
network of relationships. See connection IDPs, 74 risk assessment, 55–56
New Jersey Library Association, 39, 40–41 staff development, 82, 84–85 staff/leadership development
Noel, James, 51 succession planning, 16, 82, 84–85 action learning, 72–73
146 index

staff/leadership development (cont.) workforce snapshot by age, 8–10 T

case study, 19–26 workforce snapshot of present talent assessment
coaching strategies, 73–74 conditions, 17 assessing individual’s potential, 49–52
creating development plans, 25 See also key positions; talent assessing retention risk, 55–56
creating individual development plans, assessment building leadership overview, 56
56–68 stakeholders, responsibilities to, 2 “Charting Performance and Potential”
creating profile of needed Stone, Douglas, 121 form, 54–55
competencies, 21–23 Strategic Management of Human completing a talent profile, 56
cross-training, 71–72 Resources (Odiorne), 55 conducting review sessions, 56
development action suggestions, 67 strategic planning creating individual development plans,
diagnosing developmental needs, about aging workforce, 2–4 65–68
24–25 need for accelerating, 5 determining performance ratings,
dual career ladder system, 73 requirements for successful, 15–19 52–55
for emerging talent, 62–63 reviewing strategic direction, 20–21, 92 for emerging talent, 62–63
for employees who require Strobel, Tracey, 72, 77–78 for employees who require
improvement, 64–65 succession planning improvement, 64–65
Fresno County (Calif.) Public Library, Baltimore County Public Library, feedback preference by generation, 65
70, 72, 115–117 75–77 for high-potential employees, 59–62
Harford County (Md.) Public Library, benefits of, 7–8 importance of, 47–48
78–83 building bench strength, 15–26 “Individual Potential Assessment”
for high-potential employees, 59–62 Columbus (Ohio) Metropolitan form, 53
identifying candidates, 23–24 Library, 16, 99 “Individual Talent Profile” form, 50, 57
identifying common competencies, 23 creating individual development plans, for key contributors, 63–64
identifying critical positions, 21 56–68 performance evaluation and, 49
identifying/assessing talent, 47–56 creating succession plans, 56 “Sample Leadership Overview” form,
implementing opportunities, 25 Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Public 58
importance of, 8 Library, 77–79 standards for judging potential, 51
interim job assignments and, 72 defined, 1 during succession planning, 91–92
job rotation, 71–72 emergency succession plan, 102–103 task forces, 72
for key contributors, 63–64 Fresno County (Calif.) Public Library, technical competencies, 30, 38
leader competencies, 34–38 115–117 Thomas, Dave, 1
mentoring strategies, 74–75 Harford County (Md.) Public Library, 360-degree feedback, 73
new employment realities, 69–70 78–83 tightening labor markets, 3
objectivity in, 19 identifying/assessing talent, 47–56 Todd, Margaret Donnellan, 67–68, 73
on-the-job training, 75–82 importance of, 8 Toronto, City of
organizational culture, 19 Johnson County (Kans.) Library, competency definition, 39–40
Pierce County (Wash.) Library System, 117–121 Toronto Public Library case study,
127–132 management commitment, 16 32–34
Public Library of Charlotte and Pierce County (Wash.) Library System, traditionalists, feedback preferences, 65
Mecklenberg County (N.C.) 124–126 trainee programs, 70
example, 82, 84–85 Public Library of Charlotte and training
projecting future vacancies, 23–24 Mecklenberg County (N.C.), 16, by Baltimore County Public Library,
promoting to interim grade levels, 82, 84–85 75–77
70–71 Queens Borough (N.Y.) Public Library, by Columbus (Ohio) Metropolitan
Queens Borough (N.Y.) Public Library, 132–133 Library, 77
133 reasons for developing, 12 cross-training, 71–72
requirements for successful, 15–19 replacement chart using demand by Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Public
reviewing progress, 25–26 forecast, 61 Library, 77–78
reviewing strategic direction, 20–21 report summary example, 60 Fresno County (Calif.) Public Library,
sample individual development plan, requirements for successful, 15–19 116
66 Santa Clara County (Calif.) Library, by Harford County (Md.) Public
Santa Clara County (Calif.) Library, 134 Library, 78–83
135 smooth transitions, 1–2 job rotation as, 71–72
Sno-Isle (Wash.) Libraries, 135–136 Sno-Isle (Wash.) Libraries, 135–138 on-the-job, 75–82
strategic planning for, 17 workforce trends and, 2–6, 18 organizational culture and, 19
supporting degree programs, 70 See also library director, succession pressure for, 3
task forces and, 72 planning for by Public Library of Charlotte and
360-degree feedback, 73 Succession Planning and Executive Mecklenberg County (N.C.), 82,
“Trends to Count On” worksheet, 18 Transition Management for 84–85
updating performance management Nonprofit Boards of Directors staff orientation, 80
system, 23 (Adams), 90 supervision, 79–80
updating plans, 25–26 supervision training, 79–80 transitional leadership, 80, 87, 101–102
index 147

Turner, Camille, 72, 116, 117 WebJunction, 31, 124 Y

turnover, costs of, 8 Wendy’s International, Inc., 1–2 Yolo County (Calif.) Library, 17, 28
Winning with Library Leadership (Olson Young, Mary, 35, 36
U and Singer), 38, 121
University of Missouri-Columbia, 120 Wong, Patty, 17 Z
Urban Libraries Council (ULC), 73, 116, Woolf-Ivory, Jonalyn, 135 Zachary, Lois, 74
135 workforce
U.S. Census, 2 assessing future needs, 39
U.S. Department of Labor, 2, 38 multigenerational, 6
taking snapshot by age, 8–10
W taking snapshot of present conditions,
Walmart, 1–2 17
Walton, Sam, 1–2 trends in, 2–6, 18
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