Iot Module 1
Iot Module 1
Iot Module 1
What Is loT?
Inflection Point
World Population
6.307 7.83
6721 6 894
2003 2008 2010 2015
FIgure 1-2 Tbe Rapid Growth in the Number of Devices Connected to the mtc
loT Irnpact 9
Today, we are seeing automobiles produced with thousands of sensors, to measure every
thing from fuel consumption to location to the entertainment your family is watching
during the ride,. As automobile manufacturers strive to reinvent the drivingexperience
these sensors are becoming IP-enabled to allow easy communication with other systems
both inside and outside the car. In addition, new sensors and communication technolo-
gies are being developed to allow vehicles to "talk" to other vehicles, traffic signals,
School zones, and other elements of the transportation
ing to
infrastructure. We are now start
realize a truly connected
transportation solution.
MOst connected roadways solutions focus on resolving today's transportation challenges.
nese challenges can be classified into.the three categories highlighted in Table 1-2.
Jable 1-2 Current
Challen, Being Addressed by Connected Roaduays
Challenge Supporting Data
NCCording to the US Department of Transportation, 5.6 million crashes
WEre reported in 2012 alone, resulting in more than 33,000 fatalities.
01 and the enablement of connected vehicle technologies will empower
urivers with the tools they need to anticipate
potential crashes and
STgnificantly reduce the number of lives lost each
10 Chapter 1: What ls loT?
Supporting Data
Challenge vehicle
More than a billion the roads worldwide. Connected
cars are on
Mobiliry operators and drivers
to make
mobility applications can enable system
more informed decisions,
which can, in turn, reduce travel delays.
of travel delay per year, and reducing
Congestion causes 5.5 billion hours
travel delays is more critical than ever before. In addition,
between mass transit, emergency response vehicles, and traffic management
infrastructures help optimize the, routing of vehicles, further reducing
potential delays.
Environment According to the American Public Transportation Association, each year
transit systems can collectively reduce carbon dioxide (CO,) emissions
by 16.2 million metric tons by reducing private vehicle miles. Connected
vehicle environmental applications will give all travelers the real-time
information they need to make "green" transportation choices.
Sources: Traffic Safety Facts, 2010; National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, June 2012; and
WHO Global Status Report on Road Safety, 2013.
By addressing the challenges in Table 1-2, connected roadways will bring many benefits
to society. These benefits include reduced
traffic jams and urbancongestion, decreased
casualties and fatalities, increased response time for emergency vehicles, and reduced
vehicle emissions.
Forexample, with IoT-connected roadways, a concept known as Intersection
Assist Movement
(IMA) is possible. This application warns a driver (or
response in a self-driving car) when it is not safe to
triggers the appropriate
enter an intersection
due to a high
probability of a collision-perhaps because another car has run a
into the wrong lane. Thanks to the stop sign or strayed
communications system between the vehicles and the
infrastructure, this sort of scenario can be handled quickly and
graphical representation of IMA. safely. See Figure 1-4 for
Figure 1-4 Application of Inrersection Movement Assist
loT Challerigos 23
paints an impressive
cture, it docs not come without SIg
abled future
W h i l ea n l o 7 - e n a b l e d
able Description
can be scale of OT can be several
large, the
As withany other
nascent technology{ various protocols and
nd architectures
are ockeying for
market share ana standardizationwithin lotc
basee-o propretaryelem ofF
these protocols and architectures are
others are open. Recentlol standarare helpingiminimizethis nrLd and
butthere are pften variousprotocOlsand implementations availa or
oT nerworksThe prominent protocols and architectures-especialy
open, standards-based implementations-are the subject of this booi
For more information on loT architectures, see Chapter 2, "IoT Netwo.
Architecture and Design." Chapter4, "Connecting Smart Objects."
Chapter 5, TP as the loT Network Layer," and Chapter 6, "Application
Protocols for IoT," take amore in-depth look at the protocols that make up
This chapter provides an introductory look at the Internet of Things and answers the
question "What is loT?" loT is about connecting the unconnected, enabling smart
to communicate with other objects, systems, and people. The end result is an objects
network that allows more control of the physical world and the intelligent
enablement of advanced
This chapter also provides a historical look at loT, along with a current view of loT
as the
evolutionary phase of the Internet. This chapter details a few high-level use cases
show the impact of loT and some of to
the ways it will be changing our world.
A number of loT
concepts and terms are defined throughout this chapter. The differ-
encesbetween loT and
and OT. The last sectiondigitization discussed, as well as the convergence between IT
details the challenges faced by loT.
This chapter
should leave you with a clearer
addition, this chapter serves as
understanding of what loT is all about. In
into loT in the foundational block from which you can dive
following chapters. further
boesr- o ank
Comparing loT Architectures 35
and end-
Network.layer ís is the communication domain for the loT devices
pointsItincludes the devices themselves and thecommunications networy that links
them.Embodimentsof this communicationsinfrastructureinclude wirelessmesh
technologies, such as IEEE 802.15.4, and wireless goint-to-multipoint system3)
as IEEE 801.1 1ah. Also included are
wired device connections, such as IEEE 1901
TheloT World Forum (loTWF) Standardized
I n 2014 the loTWEarchitectural committee (led by Cisco,TBM, Rockwell various IoT
model While
and others) ublisheda seven-layefloT architecturalreterence
6ffersa clean, simpli-
referencemodels exist,theone put forth by the loT World Forum and access. It pro-
f i e d perspective on loT and includes edge computing dataatorage,
Each of
vides asuccinct way ofvisualizing loTfrom atechnicabperspective.
encompasses theentire model)
layersis broken down into specific functions, and(security
Model published by the loTWF. A
Figure 2-2 details the loT Reference
Data Abstraction
(Aggregation & Access)
Data Accumulation
Edge Computing
(Data Element Analysis & Transfomation)
(Communication & Processing Units)
Figure 2-2 loT Reference Model Published by the loT World Forum
36 Chapter 2: loT Network Architecture
defines a
set f levels with
Model dedicata
Or a
coud service dl data
As shown in Figure 2-2, the either a other tu
could be machines,
fro the
trol flowing trom center devices,
originating from
the stack,
center), to the edge, which
up are able tto
data travels r e f e r c n c e modcl, we are
intelligent end nodes.
to the
and goes orthbound
the following:
into smaller
thedOT problen) eto one
one another
each layer
and how they relate)to
be provided by different vendors
D Define a systemjn to interoperability
defining(interface_ thae leads
Have aprocess pf transition points between leve
at the
Define atiered security model that isenforced,
of the loOT
closely at each of the s e v e n layers
sections look more
h e following
Reference Model.
1: Physical Devices
and Controllers Layer
Layer Reference Model is the physical devices
and eóntrollers
The first layer of the loT of Things including the various
home to the "things"in theIprernet
layer.This layer is jnfoURmation. Thesize of
and receive
endpoint devices and that(send
in a factory. Their
can range from almost microscopicsensors togianthnachines ànd/or
"Things and beingcapable of being
queried controlledh
primary function isgenerating data
over a network.
Layer 2: Connectivity Layer
Inthesecond layer of the IoT Reference Model, thelfocus is on connectivity. The most
importan functionpf thisloT layer is the reliable and timel transmission of data.
More specitically.chis includeytransmissions between Layer 1 devices and the netwórk
and between the netwokandinformation processingthat occurs at Layer 3 (the edge
As you may notice, the connectivity layer encompasses all
networking elementsof
loT and doesn't really distinguish between the last-mile network (the network between
the sensor/endpoint and the loT gateway, this chapter), gateway, and
backhaul networks. Functions of the connectivity layer are detailed in
Figure 2-3.
Comparing loT Architectures 37
(Communication and Processing Units)
Layer 2 Functions:
Communications Between Layer 1 Devices
Reliable Delivery of Intormation Across the Network
Switching and Routing
Translation Between Protocols
Network Level Security
Layer 3 Functions:
and Reformat
for Processing at
Higher Levels Data Ready for
.Filter Data to Reduce Processing at
Traffic Higher Level Higher Levels
Assess Data for
Notification, or Other Actions
Data Packets
Figure 2-4 IoT Reference Model Layer 3 Functions
38 Chapter 2: loT Network Architecture and Design
C o i ' r
The Core loT Functional Stack 43
thisbook isthat loT isnot just about the control of loT devices but, rather, the(useful
insights gained from the datayenerated bythose devices Thus the applications layer
typically has both analytics an industry-specifi loT controlsystemcomponents.
You will notice that security is central to the entire architecture, both from network con-
nectivity and data management perspectives. The chapters in Part I, "Engineering loT
Networks," discuss security at cach laycer. Chapter 8 is dedicated to the subject of securing
loT systems. The industry chapters in Part 11, "loT in Industry," highlight how lessons
learned in Parts 1, "Introduction to loT" and Il can be applied to specific industries. Each
of the Part l chapters examines the issue of loT security for a particular sector.
The architectural framework presented in Figure 2-7 reflects the flow of the chapters in
this book. To help navigate your way through this book, chapter numbers are híghlighted
next to the various layers of the stack.
The remainder of this chapter provides a high-level examination of each layer of this
model and lays the foundation for a detailed examinatión of the technologies involved
at each layer presented in Part I, and it gives you the tools you need to understand how
these technologies are applied in key industries in Part II
Things" layer: At this layer, the physical devices need to fit the constraints of the
environmentmwhich they are deployed while still being able to provide theinforma
tion needed.
Communications network layer When smart objects are not self-contained, they
need to.communicatewith an external system, In many cases, this communication
uses a.wireless technology. This layer has four sublayers:
(Accesshetworksublayer: The last mile of the loT nerwork is the access network of wireless technologies such as 802.11áh, 802.15.4g,
and LoRa. The sensors connected to the access network may also be wred.
A r c h i t e c t u r e
44 Chapter 2: loT Network
nunication system
in a given
around a common e a t
s m a r t objects
The role of the
role of t
s m a r t objects.
organizes multiple with the medium iro
c o m m u n i c a t e s
through a
is processed
ed the
to forward the collected
central station
where the
the reae.
is the
headend function, reason this
backhaul) to a (application)
It is not the intention of this book to endorse any one specific loT architectural
framework. In fact, it can be noted thatpromote
on the
architectures may differ somewhat
industry use case or technology being deployed. and each has merit in
the loT
heterogeneity problem discussed earlier. Thus, in this hook we present solving
framework that highlights the fundamental an loT
huilding blocks that are crmmon to most loT
systems and which is intended to
help you in designing an loT network. This framework
ispresented as two parallel stacks: The loT Data Management and Compute Stack
Core loT Functional Stack. Reducing the framework and the
in no
down to a
pair of three layer stack
way suggests that the model lacks the detail
loT necessary to develop a
strategy. Rather. the intention is to sophrsticated
sinnplify loT architecture into its most basic
building blocks and then to use it as a foundation
to understand key
ment principles that are applied to design and deploy
plex models are still covered, but industry-specific use cases. All the layers of mere
to they are grouped here in funetional blocks that are com
Figure 2-6 illustrates the simplified lol model easy
in this honk
Core loT
Functional Stack loT Data Management
and Compute Stack
Network Fog
Nearly every published IoT model includes core layers similar to those
left side of Figure 2-6, shown on the
including "things," a communications network, and
However, unlike other models, the framework presented applications.
data management into parallel and here separates the core loT and
aligned stacks, allowing you to carefully examine the
functions of both the network and the applications at each stage of a complex loT
This separation gives you better system.
visibility into the functions of each layer.
The presentation of theCore loT Functional Stack JIn three layers is meant to
youf understanding of thé loT architecture nto its most foundational buildingsimplity
blocks. )
imalO f course, such asimple architectureneeds to beexpanded on. The network communica-
Ao tions layerof theloT stackitselinvolvesa significant amount of detail and incorporates
a vasarray of technologiessonsider for a moment the heterogeneity of loT sensors
and the many difterent ways that exist to connect them to a network. The network
communications layer needs to consolidate these tagether, offer gateway and backhaul
technologies, and ultimately bring the data back to a central location for analysis
and processing.
and Design
42 Chapter 2: l0T Network Architecture
Many of the last-mile technologies used in loT are chosen to meet the s
ments of the endpoints and are unlikely to ever be seen in the IT domain. H Specific req
network between the gateway and the data center is composed mostly af
Functional Staek- The three data aanagement layers are the edge of the Core1lt
within the sensors themselves), the fog layer (data layer (data man
network), and layer (data management inmanagement
in the
gateways and1agemenn
loT Data
Management and Compute Stack is examinedcloud or central data centerit
ter.Figure 2-7 highlights an éxpanded view of in greater detail later in this The
the lol architecture presented in a
this bo
Chapters 9-15 Vertical Specific Apps
(SCADA, MDMs,etc.)
Core loT
Chapter 7 Analytics Functional Stack loT Data Management
and Compute Stack
cycl conditioning
ycles can be pulses can be
smooth the coordinate
coordinated with
tated with your neighbor's,
energy demand the app ppliances in your house and your washing machine
in the
Efficiency applies to also spikes on the grid. neighborhood to
communicate to regulate theM2M commununicatións. In mining environments,
trucks, for flows betwec drills, vehicles
neeas ln
example, making sure
it. draglines,
that dump truck is
bulldozers, and dump
smart cities, a «
always available when bulldozer
automatically by public vehicles communicate, A traffic jam is detccted and a
number oftransportation,
temporarily rerouteanticipatea
egulate the and the system can
quantity, instantaneous or buses servicing a specific line based buses
on traffic and
Part l of this
learned over trending. customer
book provides
ne lessons learned are detailed examples of how loT is
always shaping specific
efficiency over time. New that architecting industries.
open loT systems allows for increased
the upcoming years. When applications
and possibilities for an loT
system will appear in
for building
system open the possibility of newan loT
network, you should make sure to keep the
smart objects and more
traffic on the system.
loT Data Management and
con One or
JOne of the key
Compute Stack
messages in the first two chapters of this book is that the masSIve
of loT networks is
fundamentally driving new
architectures. For instance, Figure 1-2 in
Chapter 1 illustrates how the "things" connected to the Internet are
exponentially, with a prediction by Cisco that by 2020 there will be continuing
more than 50 grow
lion devices connected to some
form of an IP network. Clearly, traditional IT networks
are not
prepared for this magnitude of network devices. However, beyond the network
architecture itself, consider the data that is generated by these devices. If the number of
devices is beyond conventional numbers, surely the data generated by these devices must
also be of serious concern.
In fact, the data generated by loT sensors is one of the single biggest challenges in build-
ing an loT system. In the case of modern IT networks, by the data sourced a computer
the client/server communications model, and it serves
or server is typically generated by
sensor networks, vast majorityof data generated is the
the needs of the application. In
use on its own. For example, the majority of data generated
unstructured and of very little
more than polling data;
the communications system simply
smart meter is nothing its own
by a is still active. This data on
connection to the meter
determines whether a network data read by the meter
value of a smart meter is the metering
value. The real raw polling data
froma different
is of very little However, if you look at the
(MMS). a utility may
have millions
management system useful. For example,
be very show
intormation can
of the smart grid start to
perspective, If whole sections with
area. combined
entire service be analyzed and
covering its this data can
of meters
to the
in the grid, to
of connectivity electrical demand
and whether the
an interruption weather reports determine
of data, such
as intormation can help
what is happening.
whether s o m e otherproblem
of power o r quickly
a complete picture meters is truly
a loss
of this data can help theutility fashion.
to the analytics
disruption in
connection a
loss of Moreover,
repair the
in the grid. service outage
d e t
e r m i n e
and Design
64 Chapter 2: lOT twork
A natural l
ocation for
outside the to the cloud and data
location is connect
closertothe oT system.
ing to the network, and theneed fo more efficiency
and those requirements (tendto bring he need
These new requirements include the following:
of industrial systems)
matter for many types
shutdowns orrestoreelectrical
latency:(Milliseconds res
inimizing line
as when you are trying to prevent manufacturing the data can
make a differ.
that collected
Service. Analyzingdata close to thé device
ence between/averting disaster and a
cascading system
Offshoreoilrigsgenerate 500 GB ot dataweekly
Onserxing networkbandwidth: It isnot practical/to
10 TB for every 30minutes flight.
ommercial generate
jets or hundreds ofthousands ofedge
ransport vastamounts of data from thousands
critical analysesdo not
devices to thecoud Noris itnecessary because many
require Cloud-scaleprocessing and storage.
a wide geographic
Increasing local eficiency<Collecting and securing data across
areawith different environmental condition_ may not be useful. The environmental
conditionsinone area will (rigger a local responseindependent from the conditions
of anothetsite Jundreds of miles away.Analyzing both areas in the same cloud
tem may not be necessary for immediate efficiency.
Data Center/Cloud
Core Network
The solution to the
challenges mentioned in the previous section is to distribute data
management throughout the loT system, as close to the edge of the
i? petwork as
sible.The best-known embodiment ofedge services in loTtog computing. Any pes
with computing, storage, and network Eonnectivit) can be( fog node device
Pxamples îmtcturde
industrial controllers, switches, foutèrs) embedded servers) and tor
loT data close to where it is collected minimizes
gateways Analyzing
latency, offloads gigabytes of network
traffic from the core network, and keeps sensitive data inside the local network.
gathering (such as
is that the fog noddallows ntelligence it allows
An advantage of this structure and in dong so, better
analytics) andcontrol Jrom
the closest possible point, introduces a new layer to the
dne sense,
constrained-networks, In
pertormanee-ever referred to as the "tog layet] Figure 2-13
one that is often
traditionakIT computing model and Compute Stack
in the loT Data Management
shows the placè the fog layer
Datà Center/Cloud
Transactional Response Times
oloo 010101
Tens of Thousands 001 Fog Layer
Multi-Service Edge
Millsecond/Sub-Second Response
Embedded Systems uo Smart Objects
and Sensors
Low Power
and Compure Stack wirh Fog Compuring8
Figure 2-15 The loT,Data Management
éccomplished)veryclose to
the édge devic sittingas closehas
Fogservices aretypically this is that thetog nod
possiblejQne significant advantage of
theloT endpointsas because of its geographic proxim
the Sensors it is managing
contextual awarenesSot an oil derricktha
example, there might be a fog router.on
ity to those sensors.
at that location. Because
the fog node is able to anay
sensor activity
monitoring all the
Or Stack 67
loT Date Management and Compute
over the backhaul networh to the cloud, Ih this way, it i_pérforming distributed anaiytics
such that the volume of datá sentupstream is greatyreduced and is much ore use
application and analytics servers
residing in the ¬loud.
In addition hasing contextual awareness gives foghodesthe ability toteact to events)
the loT networ much moreguickly than in the(traditional IT compute modewnicn
Would likely incur greater
latency and have slower response times. The fog layer thus con
provides a distributed edge control loop capability, where devices can be monitored,
trolled, and analyzed in real time without the need to wait for communication rrom
central analytics and application servers in the cloud.
The value of, this model is clear. For example, tire pressure sensors on a large truck in an
open-pit mine might continually report measurements all day long. There may be only
minor pressure changes that are well within tolerance limits, making continual report
ing to the cloud unnecessary. Is it really useful to continually send such data back to the
{ cloud over a potentially expensive backhaul connection? With a fog node on the truck,
it is possible to not only measure the pressure of all tires at once but also combine this
data with information coming from other sensors in the engine, hydraulics, and so on.
With this approach, the fog node sends alert data upstream only if an actual problemnis
beginning to occur on the truck that affects operarional efficiency/
loTfog computing enables datato bepreprocessed and.correlatedwith other inputs to
producereleyant informationjThisatá can then beused ésreal-time,actionable knowl-
o edgebf loT-enabled)applicationsJLonger term, this data cànbeused to gain a deeper
understanding of network behavior and systems for the purpose of developing proactive
policies, processes, and responses.
Fog applications are as diverse as the Internet of Things itself. What they have i
mon is data reduction-monitoring or analyzing real-time data from network-connected
equipment settings,
things and then initiating an action, such as locking a door, changingvalve in response to a
applying the brakes on a train, zooming a video camera, opening
setof APls for monitoring, provisioning, and controlling the physicaresourcesn a stan-
dardized wayThe abstraction layer alsoequires a mechaniswto supportvirtualization,
the ability tarun multiple operating systemspr serviceeentainers-an-physical
devices to suppork multitenancy and application(conaístenc) açross the loT system.
Definition of a common communications servicestramework is being addressed by
E goups such as oneM2M, discussed earlierlFigure 2-16 illustratesthe hierarchical natur
6 4 of edge, fog, and cloud computing across an IoT system.J
Applicatlon "B_Cloud"
High Latdncy Cloud Layer
Applicatlon "A_Cloud
(Core Data Center)
Applilcationa Cor
Aanliaatlan"A Faa"
Eog Computing Leyer Application "A_Fog" AppllcationO Pog
CMultServic Edge
(loT Gateway 9 6o s COs O s
End-Polnt Appllcetion B
End-Polnt Appllcation A
Edpe Layer
Embedded Systems and OS
Machines, etc) CVMC VM
Across a n
loT System
Low Latency Management
and Data
Figure 2 - 1 6