Administrator Guide

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Administrator Guide

April 26, 2017 2016.2

General Notices
Sample Code

NetSuite Inc. may provide sample code in SuiteAnswers, the Help Center, User Guides, or elsewhere
through help links. All such sample code is provided “as is” and “as available,” for use only with an
authorized NetSuite Service account, and is made available as a SuiteCloud Technology subject to the
SuiteCloud Terms of Service at

NetSuite may modify or remove sample code at any time without notice.

No Excessive Use of the Service

As the Service is a multi-tenant service offering on shared databases, customers may not use the
Service in excess of limits or thresholds that NetSuite considers commercially reasonable for the
Service.  If NetSuite reasonably concludes that a customer’s use is excessive and/or will cause
immediate or ongoing performance issues for one or more of NetSuite’s other customers, NetSuite
may slow down or throttle such customer’s excess use until such time that the customer’s use stays
within reasonable limits. If a customer’s particular usage pattern requires a higher limit or threshold,
then the customer should procure a subscription to the Service that accommodates a higher limit and/
or threshold that more effectively aligns with the customer’s actual usage pattern.

Integration with Third Party Applications

NetSuite may make available to Customer certain features designed to interoperate with third party
applications. To use such features, Customer may be required to obtain access to such third party
applications from their providers, and may be required to grant NetSuite access to Customer’s
account(s) on such third party applications. NetSuite cannot guarantee the continued availability of
such Service features or integration, and may cease providing them without entitling Customer to
any refund, credit, or other compensation, if for example and without limitation, the provider of a
third party application ceases to make such third party application generally available or available
for interoperation with the corresponding Service features or integration in a manner acceptable to


This document is the property of NetSuite Inc., and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without
prior written approval of NetSuite Inc. For NetSuite trademark and service mark information, see

© 2017 NetSuite Inc.

Table of Contents
Administering a NetSuite Account ............................................................................................ 1
Guidelines for NetSuite Administrators ..................................................................................... 3
Centers Overview .................................................................................................................. 7
NetSuite Standard Centers .................................................................................................. 7
Pages Common to all Centers ............................................................................................. 9
The Home Page ........................................................................................................... 10
The Activities Page ....................................................................................................... 10
The Documents Page ................................................................................................... 11
The Setup Page ........................................................................................................... 11
The NetSuite Account Center ............................................................................................. 12
The Classic Center ........................................................................................................... 14
The E-Commerce Management Center ................................................................................ 15
The Support Center ......................................................................................................... 15
The Sales Center .............................................................................................................. 15
Enabling Features ................................................................................................................ 18
Enabling General Company Features .................................................................................. 18
Enabling Accounting Features ............................................................................................ 21
Enabling Tax Features ....................................................................................................... 24
Enabling Transaction-Related Features ................................................................................ 25
Enabling Items and Inventory Features ............................................................................... 28
Enabling Employee and Payroll Features ............................................................................. 30
Enabling CRM and SFA Features ........................................................................................ 32
Enabling Analytics Features ............................................................................................... 34
Enabling Ecommerce Features ........................................................................................... 34
Enabling SuiteCloud Features ............................................................................................ 36
Defining Company Settings ................................................................................................... 38
Setting Up Company Information ....................................................................................... 38
Setting Company Preferences ............................................................................................ 43
Understanding Different NetSuite Preference Levels ......................................................... 44
General Account Preferences ......................................................................................... 44
Overriding Company Preferences ................................................................................... 51
Setting Up Multiple Languages ...................................................................................... 52
Setting Custom Preferences .......................................................................................... 53
Setting Up Accounting Contexts ..................................................................................... 53
Setting Date Formats .................................................................................................... 54
Setting Number Formats ............................................................................................... 55
Renaming Records and Transactions .................................................................................. 57
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers ................................................................................. 59
Records and Transactions Available for Auto-Numbering ................................................... 65
Transaction Numbering Audit Log .................................................................................. 71
Setting Up States, Provinces, and Counties .......................................................................... 72
Reviewing Supported Countries ......................................................................................... 73
Setting Printing and Fax Preferences .................................................................................. 73
Setting Email Preferences ................................................................................................. 78
Setting Up Duplicate Detection .......................................................................................... 83
Using System Alerts ......................................................................................................... 87
Configuring Administrative Notifications ............................................................................. 87
Managing Plug-ins ............................................................................................................ 90
Using SuiteCloud Plus ....................................................................................................... 91
Setting Up Transactions for NetSuite CRM+ ......................................................................... 92
The Setup Page for NetSuite CRM+ Users ........................................................................... 95
Using Telephony Integration .............................................................................................. 96
Setting Up TAPI Telephony Integration ............................................................................ 96
Setting Up CTI Telephony Integration .............................................................................. 97
Using Classifications in NetSuite ............................................................................................ 99
Working with Classifications .............................................................................................. 99
Working with Departments and Classes .............................................................................. 99
Creating Classes ......................................................................................................... 100
Modifying and Deleting Classes .................................................................................... 101
Restricting Access to Records by Class .......................................................................... 101
Creating Departments ................................................................................................. 102
Modifying and Deleting Departments ............................................................................ 103
Restricting Access to Records by Department ................................................................. 103
Converting Classes to Departments .............................................................................. 104
Converting Classes to Locations ................................................................................... 104
Working with Custom Segments ................................................................................... 105
Working with Locations ................................................................................................... 105
Creating Locations ...................................................................................................... 106
Modifying and Deleting Locations ................................................................................. 108
Making a Location Inactive .......................................................................................... 108
Associating a Transaction with a Location ...................................................................... 109
Searching for a Transaction by Location ........................................................................ 109
Restricting Access to Records by Location ...................................................................... 110
Using Per-Line Classifications ........................................................................................... 111
Customizing Forms for Per-Line and Header Classifications .............................................. 112
Getting Started with OneWorld ............................................................................................ 113
Understanding NetSuite OneWorld ................................................................................... 113
Setting Up OneWorld ...................................................................................................... 115
Understanding Subsidiaries ......................................................................................... 116
Planning Your Subsidiary Hierarchy .............................................................................. 118
Understanding Multiple Currencies in OneWorld ............................................................ 119
Understanding Nexuses and Taxes in OneWorld ............................................................. 119
Understanding NetSuite Editions .................................................................................. 120
Setting Up Subsidiaries ............................................................................................... 121
Deleting Subsidiary Records ........................................................................................ 127
Adding or Removing Nexuses from a Subsidiary ............................................................. 127
Locking Transactions by Subsidiary ............................................................................... 127
Using Subsidiary-Specific Transaction Auto-Numbering .................................................... 129
Setting Up Accounts in OneWorld ................................................................................. 129
Setting Up Payroll in OneWorld .................................................................................... 130
Setting Up Inventory in OneWorld ................................................................................ 130
Setting Up Multiple Vendors in OneWorld ...................................................................... 131
Using Logos in OneWorld ............................................................................................ 131
Associating Subsidiaries with Entities ............................................................................ 132
Associating Subsidiaries with Items .............................................................................. 133
Associating Subsidiaries with Shipping Items ................................................................. 134
Controlling Employee Access to Subsidiaries .................................................................. 135
Consolidated Reporting in OneWorld ................................................................................ 139
Understanding Subsidiary Context for Reports ............................................................... 140
Displaying Currency for Multiple Subsidiary Search Results .............................................. 142
Working with OneWorld Accounting/ERP ........................................................................... 142
Working with OneWorld CRM .......................................................................................... 143
Using Consolidated Quotas and Forecasts in OneWorld ................................................... 143
Working with Employee and Partner Commissions in OneWorld ....................................... 143
Setting Subsidiaries on Online Forms in OneWorld ......................................................... 146
Working with OneWorld E-Commerce ............................................................................... 147
Tracking Changes in NetSuite ............................................................................................... 148
Auditing Master Data and Configuration Changes in NetSuite ............................................... 148
System Notes Overview .................................................................................................. 154
Auditing Account Preferences .......................................................................................... 155
Documenting Changes .................................................................................................... 155
Audit Enablement .......................................................................................................... 156
Internal Controls in NetSuite ............................................................................................... 159
Out of the Box Internal Controls ...................................................................................... 159
Internal Controls that Require Basic Configuration .............................................................. 161
Managing Transactions ....................................................................................................... 164
Recording a Reason for Deleting a Transaction ................................................................... 164
Reviewing Transaction History .......................................................................................... 165
Transaction System Information and Communication Subtabs .......................................... 165
Granting User Access to Transaction History .................................................................. 166
Viewing Transaction System Notes ................................................................................ 166
Using the Transaction Audit Trail .................................................................................. 167
Tracking Financial Account Changes .............................................................................. 168
Line-Level Audit Trail for Transactions ........................................................................... 169
Transaction Line-Level History Window ......................................................................... 170
Auditing Data Changes using Searches .................................................................................. 172
Searching System Notes .................................................................................................. 172
Viewing an Audit Trail for a Record Type ........................................................................... 174
Searching for Deleted Records ......................................................................................... 175
Understanding the Context for Changes ............................................................................ 176
Avoiding Duplicates ............................................................................................................ 180
Avoiding Duplicate Transaction Numbers .......................................................................... 180
Duplicate Transaction Number Warnings ........................................................................... 180
Using Auto-Generated Numbering for Transactions ............................................................ 181
Avoiding Duplicate Processing of Memorized Transactions ................................................... 181
Data Center Moves Reference Documentation ....................................................................... 183
Understanding Multiple Data Centers ............................................................................... 183
Product Features to Verify for Data Center Moves .............................................................. 185
Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers ................................................................ 188
Account Mobility Tasks ........................................................................................................ 192
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page ............................................................................. 192
Pre Move Tasks .......................................................................................................... 193
Post Move Tasks ........................................................................................................ 196
NetSuite Environments Overview ......................................................................................... 204
Understanding NetSuite Environments .............................................................................. 204
NetSuite Sandbox ............................................................................................................... 207
About Sandbox in the European Union (EU) ....................................................................... 208
Features Available for Testing in a Sandbox ....................................................................... 211
Logging in to Your Sandbox Account ................................................................................. 215
Granting Access to Your Sandbox Account ......................................................................... 216
Working with Multiple Sandbox Accounts .......................................................................... 217
Using the Sandbox Accounts Page .................................................................................... 218
Refreshing Sandbox Accounts .......................................................................................... 222
Requesting a Refresh .................................................................................................. 224
Data That is Not Copied from Production to Sandbox ..................................................... 226
Credit Card Processing in Your Sandbox After a Refresh .................................................. 227
When a Sandbox Account Expires .................................................................................... 227
Setting Preferences for Sandbox Email .............................................................................. 228
NetSuite Development Accounts .......................................................................................... 230
Features Available in Development Accounts ..................................................................... 231
Logging in to Development Accounts ................................................................................ 231
Granting Access to Development Accounts ........................................................................ 231
Contacting Support for Development Account Issues .......................................................... 232
Performance Best Practices ................................................................................................. 233
Optimizing SuiteScript Performance .................................................................................. 233
Optimizing SuiteTalk Performance .................................................................................... 235
Optimizing SuiteFlow Performance ................................................................................... 235
Optimizing Custom Form Performance ............................................................................. 235
Increasing Speed and Performance in NetSuite ...................................................................... 236
Identifying Performance Issues ........................................................................................ 236
Improving Server Performance ........................................................................................ 238
Speeding up your Searches and Reports ....................................................................... 238
Optimizing Search Performance ................................................................................... 239
Scheduling Long Running Reports ................................................................................ 239
Improving Network Performance ...................................................................................... 240
Improving Client Performance ......................................................................................... 240
Adjusting Browser Settings .......................................................................................... 241
Troubleshooting Performance Issues .................................................................................... 244
Slow Loading of Dropdown Lists ...................................................................................... 244
Slow Display of Transaction Line Item Values ..................................................................... 245
Slow Performance when Adding Transaction Line Items ...................................................... 246
Slow Loading of List Rows ............................................................................................... 246
Slow Loading of Sublist Rows ........................................................................................... 247
Slow-Running Report ...................................................................................................... 247
Slow-Running Saved Search ............................................................................................. 248
Slow Export of Report or Saved Search Results .................................................................. 248
Slow Execution of a Single Action on a Record ................................................................... 249
Slow Load of a Standard List Page .................................................................................... 249
Slow-Running Bulk Process .............................................................................................. 250
Slow Loading of Key Performance Indicators ...................................................................... 251
Slow CSV Import ............................................................................................................ 251
Slow Web Services .......................................................................................................... 252
Slow Loading of a Website Page ....................................................................................... 253
Slow Loading of an Online Customer Form Embedded in a Website ...................................... 253
Slow Loading of an Online Case Form Embedded in a Website ............................................. 254
Slow Web Store Checkout ............................................................................................... 254
Troubleshooting Problems with Firewalls and Proxy Servers ................................................. 255
Getting Help with Performance Issues from NetSuite Customer Support ................................ 256
Using a Trace Route to Troubleshoot Performance Issues ................................................ 257
Administering a NetSuite Account 1

Administering a NetSuite Account

Review the following subject areas in NetSuite’s administrator documentation for guidance in
administering your NetSuite account:

■ Account Setup
□ Centers Overview
□ Enabling Features
□ Defining Company Settings
□ Using Classifications in NetSuite
□ Getting Started with OneWorld
■ Managing Users and Roles
□ NetSuite Access Overview
□ Managing NetSuite Roles
□ Managing NetSuite Users
□ Understanding NetSuite Permissions
■ CSV Imports Overview
■ Auditing and Data Management
□ Tracking Changes in NetSuite
□ Avoiding Duplicates
□ Managing Transactions
■ NetSuite Environments
□ Understanding NetSuite Environments
□ NetSuite Sandbox
□ NetSuite Development Accounts
■ NetSuite Data Centers
□ Understanding Multiple Data Centers
□ Product Features to Verify for Data Center Moves
□ Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers
□ Account Mobility Tasks
■ Performance
□ Application Performance Management (APM)
□ Performance Best Practices
□ Troubleshooting Performance Issues
■ Authentication
□ Understanding Password Requirements and Policies
□ Understanding NetSuite Login Pages
□ Token-based Authentication
□ Two-Factor Authentication
□ Device ID Authentication
□ Inbound Single Sign-on
Administering a NetSuite Account 2

□ SAML Single Sign-on

□ OpenID Single Sign-on
□ Outbound Single Sign-on (SuiteSignOn)
■ Guidelines for NetSuite Administrators
Guidelines for NetSuite Administrators 3

Guidelines for NetSuite Administrators

The following sections list guidelines for NetSuite account administrators:

■ Account Guidelines
■ Security Guidelines
■ Role and Permission Guidelines
■ Customization Guidelines
■ Data Migration Guidelines
■ Release Preparation Guidelines
■ Sandbox Account Guidelines

For links to other NetSuite help topics aimed at account administrators, see Administering a NetSuite

Account Guidelines
■ To enable logins through NetSuite, you must create a login page hosted on NetSuite's secure server
and display a link to this login page on a different page. For more information, see the help topic
Displaying Login Fields on Your Web Page.
■ You should always follow the best practice of ensuring that your NetSuite account and related
integrations are data center agnostic. Never hard-code URLs or other identifiers to specify a
particular data center. For more information, see Understanding Multiple Data Centers.

To find your account number:

1. Go to the Home dashboard.

2. Right-click and then select View Page Source.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find your account number, followed by your login, listed in
the following format: <!—[TSTDRV1380623] [[email protected]]

Security Guidelines
■ Set a strong password policy that has at least a 10–character minimum and includes at least three
of these four character types: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, non-alphanumeric ASCII characters.
■ When creating new users, always require that they change their password the first time they log in.
■ Monitor the Login Audit Trail’s Security Challenge column to determine if outside people are trying
to access the system.
■ Use IP Address Restriction for users that handle confidential data. This feature supports the
restriction of users’ NetSuite access to specific computers. You can restrict at the company or
employee level.
■ When an employee leaves, immediately remove their access to NetSuite:
□ Mark the employee record as inactive
□ Remove the assigned roles and global permissions
Role and Permission Guidelines 4

Role and Permission Guidelines

■ Give employees only the amount of access they need to do their job.
■ Separate roles by job function. For users with multiple job functions, create roles for each job
■ Carefully consider the permissions assigned to a role. Create roles to limit users to only the
permissions they need to do their job.
■ Have a backup administrator role.
■ Avoid using the Full Access role.
■ Never assign standard roles to users, including the Administrator role.
■ Customize standard roles and assign custom roles to users.
■ Assign each role being used to yourself and test the role. Verify that the role has all permissions and
access to necessary data from beginning to end of a required process.
■ Assign new and custom roles before a user starts accessing the account.
■ Audit roles using saved searches.
■ Use the Global Permissions Feature to assign permissions to employees.
■ Ensure that any role that needs to see Customer or Vendor transactional information has the Lists >
Financial History permission enabled. This permission enables viewing of the transactions related to
the entity.
■ Global Permissions apply to every role assigned to an employee; assign Global Permissions
■ Audit permission assigned to employees using saved searches.
■ Consider the level of role permissions and use restrictions when necessary to further control access
to a record.
■ An account administrator can set preferences that tailor the NetSuite environment to the needs of
a particular role. The preferences set for a role serve as the defaults for any account users who log
in with that role. Role-based preferences are defined on the Preferences subtab of a custom role

Customization Guidelines
■ Before customizing, identify what is unique to your business and what is needed to support your
business practices.
■ Assess whether the required functionality exists in NetSuite.
■ Plan and design before you act.
■ Limit who can add custom elements.
■ Custom fields:
□ Field naming convention: _abbreviation_description
□ Use the Description field to provide business reasons for the field, who asked for it, and notes
for the backup administrator.
■ Custom forms:
□ Use custom forms as your preferred forms. Treat standard forms as templates for your custom
□ Create a naming convention.
Data Migration Guidelines 5

□ Define a custom field as mandatory on the custom form, do not define it as mandatory at the
field level.
■ Custom records:
□ Save your custom record first, then add fields.
□ Use permissions only when the record is ready to be used.
■ Test incrementally as you work with custom records and elements.
■ Use permissions only when the custom record is ready to be used.

Data Migration Guidelines

■ Import Customer records first.
■ Import Contact records second.
■ Consider values associated with the Global Subscription Status field.
■ Designate one address as the primary address when importing multiple email addresses.
■ When importing various transactions:
□ Do not import large numbers of historical transactions — storage costs money. The space
allowed for your account is listed on your sales order.
□ Use entity account names and numbers when importing transactions, not the Chart of Accounts
□ Imported transactions behave as if they were created in the user interface. If you import an
invoice or vendor bill with inventory items, that transaction affects the inventory.
□ When you import open accounts payable and accounts receivable transactions, make sure the
amounts are not duplicated in account balances you import later.
■ Use the following best practices to facilitate successful imports:
□ Scrub your data before importing it.
□ Save data from other applications into separate CSV files, with the exception of importing
Customer/Prospect/Lead with contacts.
□ Apply CSV file formatting guidelines. Adjust data to conform to NetSuite file conventions and
record types.
□ Perform test imports with a sample set of data; use only two or three records to start.
□ Perform import tasks during off-peak hours.
□ Break large jobs into smaller chunks to improve performance.
□ The record limit per imported file is 25,000.
□ Identify whether the imports will take place in production or on the sandbox.

Release Preparation Guidelines

■ Monitor the New Release portlet on your dashboard.
■ Learn the New Release process.
■ Refer to SuiteAnswers for the latest release news and training.
■ Log into and use your Release Preview account to prepare, preview, and manage your release
Sandbox Account Guidelines 6

■ If you find an issue, contact support from your Release Preview account to report that issue.
■ Develop and use a test plan.
■ Testing in your NetSuite Release Preview environment, when it is available, can be helpful in
identifying potential problems. If you encounter difficulties when testing in Release Preview, it
might indicate that your processes are tied to a specific data center. Testing in Release Preview is
not a foolproof method of finding all potential problems, but it could help to raise awareness in
certain areas. For example, URLs could be hard-coded with data center specific identifiers, or some
processes might not be using dynamic discovery methods.
■ NetSuite recommends choosing the Send Email To option on the Email Preferences page for both
the Sandbox and Release Preview environments. This option ensures email messages from your
Sandbox and Release Preview environments are delivered to the addresses you specify.

Sandbox Account Guidelines

■ Only refresh your sandbox when you are completely ready: A refresh completely replaces the
content of the sandbox account with the content of the production account. After your sandbox
account has been refreshed from production, it cannot be restored to its prior state. For example,
bundles (SuiteApps) created in your sandbox that have not been installed on your production
account will be overwritten by a sandbox refresh request.
■ Before requesting a sandbox refresh, please ensure that your company is fully notified and ready
for the refresh from production. After you click Refresh Sandbox, and confirm by clicking Submit,
the sandbox account is offline and cannot be accessed. You cannot cancel the refresh request.
■ There is a 30–day grace period after expiration during which an inactive sandbox account can be re-
activated and the data retained. If you do not renew the sandbox account before this grace period
ends, the sandbox is deleted and the data is purged. Contact your NetSuite account representative
for more information.
■ Which sandbox does a user enter on login? It depends on the user’s default role, or the “last logged
into” role. To avoid confusion, a user can set a role in one sandbox account as their default role if
they usually prefer to work in that sandbox.
■ NetSuite recommends choosing the Send Email To option on the Email Preferences page for both
the Sandbox and Release Preview environments. This option ensures email messages from your
Sandbox and Release Preview environments are delivered to the addresses you specify.
Centers Overview 7

Centers Overview
The flexible NetSuite user interface adjusts automatically to different users' business needs. For each
user, NetSuite displays a variable set of tabbed pages, called a center, based on the user's assigned
role. Each NetSuite center provides, for users with related roles, the pages and links they need to do
their jobs.

Each tabbed page of each center displays a collection of real-time data called a dashboard.
Dashboard data is displayed in a variety of dynamic data display windows called portlets. NetSuite
allows individual users to personalize their own dashboards, and allows administrators to publish
personalized dashboards to other users.

When a user logs in to NetSuite, the system determines the user's default assigned role and displays
the associated center. If a user has multiple assigned roles, NetSuite provides a list of them under the
dropdown arrow in the upper right corner, that can be used to change roles. When a user changes
roles, the interface refreshes to display a different center as needed.

NetSuite includes several standard centers. Each standard center is designed to make the most-used
links easy to find for the roles that use that center. For example, the Accounting Center's tabbed pages
provide data and links that are relevant for Accountants, Bookkeepers, Payroll Managers, and Clerks.

■ To review a list of standard centers and their related roles, see NetSuite Standard Centers.
■ To understand the special NetSuite Account Center and the special roles that can access it, see The
NetSuite Account Center.
■ To understand the design of standard centers, see the following:
□ The Classic Center
□ The Sales Center

Note: If the standard Sales Center does not meet your needs, see the help topic The
Enhanced Sales Center SuiteApp.

□ The E-Commerce Management Center

□ Pages Common to all Centers

For users with business needs that do not match the setup of the standard centers, NetSuite supports
customization of the user interface in the following ways:

■ Create custom centers with custom tabs and links. See the help topic Creating and Editing Custom
■ Add custom tabs to standard or custom centers. See the help topic Creating Center Tabs.
■ Add custom links to standard or custom centers. See the help topic Creating Center Links.
■ Create custom roles that use custom centers. See the help topic Customizing or Creating NetSuite

NetSuite Standard Centers

When you open NetSuite for the first time, a default set of tabbed pages, called a center, displays. The
tabbed pages included in the center are based on your default assigned role.

The following table lists NetSuite's standard centers and the roles they support. Click on the links in
the table links to review information specific to that center. Also, see Pages Common to all Centers for
more information.
NetSuite Standard Centers 8

Note: If these centers do not meet your needs, you can modify them by adding custom tabs
and links, or you can create custom centers and custom roles. For information, see the help
topic Custom Centers.

Center Standard Roles in this Pages (Tabs) Displayed


The Accounting Center ■ A/P Clerk Activities

■ A/R Clerk Customers
Note: The revenue roles and tab Revenue
■ Accountant Vendors
are available only when advanced
revenue management is enabled. ■ Accountant (Reviewer) Payroll and HR (Except for
A/P Clerk role)
■ Bookkeeper
■ CFO Reports
■ Payroll Manager Documents
■ Revenue Accountant Payments (Payroll Manager
■ Revenue Manager role only)

The Classic Center ■ Administrator Activities

■ Full Access Payments (Payroll Setup
role only)
■ Payroll Setup Transactions

The E-Commerce Management Center ■ Store Manager Activities

■ Intranet Manager Web Site
Contacts (Store Manager
role only)

Engineering ■ Engineer Activities

*Only available with the Issue ■ Engineering Manager Issues
Management feature. Reports
■ Issue Administrator Documents
■ QA Engineer Support
■ QA Manager

The Executive Center ■ CEO Activities

■ CEO (Hands Off) Sales
NetSuite Standard Centers 9

Center Standard Roles in this Pages (Tabs) Displayed


The Marketing Center ■ Marketing Activities

Administrator Leads
■ Marketing Manager Campaigns
■ Marketing Assistant Documents

The Project Center Consultant Activities

Time & Expenses

The Sales Center ■ Sales Administrator Activities

■ Sales Manager Leads
Note: If the standard Sales Opportunities
■ Sales Person Customers
Center does not meet your needs,
see the help topic The Enhanced Forecast
Sales Center SuiteApp. Reports

The Shipping Center Warehouse Manager Activities


The Support Center ■ PM Manager Activities

■ Product Manager Cases
■ Support Administrator Issues
■ Support Manager Reports
■ Support Person

The System Administrator Center System Administrator Activities


Pages Common to all Centers

The following pages (or tabs) are included in all centers and are accessible to all roles:

■ The Home Page

■ The Activities Page
■ The Documents Page
Pages Common to all Centers 10

■ The Setup Page

The Home Page

The Home page displays every time you log in to NetSuite.

Some of the features the Home page are:

■ A quick and easy search tool by type of record

■ Key Performance Indicators that show the business statistics most important to you
■ Shortcuts that link to the areas you use most
■ Reminders that alert you to important things that need to be done
■ Settings that include:
□ Adding information to your Home page
□ Individual preferences for working throughout the entire NetSuite application
□ A tool for synchronizing events, contacts, and tasks
□ A link for changing your email and password

To set up your Home page, click Personalize. In the Add Content panel that appears, you can choose
the other content items to include on your dashboard.

The Activities Page

The Activities page is used to display your calendar, events, tasks, and phone calls, and other activities.
You can customize this page by adding individual portlets such as Phone Calls, Tasks, Activities Links,
Calendars, Quick Add: New Events, and more. For information on personalizing your dashboard, see
the help topic Adding a Portlet to a Dashboard.

For example, the Activities Links portlet provides links to quickly access various activity list pages. You
can also create new records (for example: events, tasks, and phone calls) or search existing activity

On list pages, you can customize your view, filter the listed records, create new records, and perform
other actions as appropriate for the record. Clicking the Events link, for example, displays a list page of
your events. Your first day on the job, it might look like this:
Pages Common to all Centers 11

You can view your calendar and scheduled events using the Calendar portlet. For more information,
see the help topic Navigating Your Calendar.

In the Tasks and Phone Calls portlets, you can quickly create new tasks or phone calls or edit existing

To reorganize the portlets on the page, click and hold the upper right corner of the portlet and drag it
to where you want it positioned on the page.

For more information about the various types of activities and records on this page, see:

■ Working with Your Calendar and Activities

■ Working with Events
■ Working with CRM Tasks or Project Tasks
■ Working with Phone Calls
■ Attaching Events, Tasks, and Calls to Records and Transactions

The Documents Page

The Documents page and navigation menu allow you to manage your documents and templates.

You can click the Documents tab or Documents Overview menu link to access the NetSuite File Cabinet,
where you can store and organize your business documents online and then associate them with
company, customer, contact, vendor, other name, partner, task, event and case records.

In the File Cabinet, you can quickly search for, download, move, and delete existing files. You can use
Add buttons to upload additional files to the File Cabinet. For more information, see the help topic
Working with the File Cabinet.

Additional menu items on the Documents page include:

■ Files
■ Templates has the following menu items:
□ Email Templates: see the help topic Working with Email Templates.
□ Fax Templates: see the help topic Using Fax Templates.
□ Letter Templates Using Letter Templates.
□ PDF Templates: see the help topic Advanced PDF/HTML Templates
□ Select Template Files to access the template files in the File Cabinet.
For more information, see the help topic Working with Email Templates.

Available menu items vary based on the features you have enabled in your account. If Mail Merge is
enabled in your account, see the help topic Working with Mail Merge.

The Setup Page

The Setup page is where NetSuite account administrators (and other users with a role granting
permission) manage the details of your NetSuite account. The menu items available on the Setup page
depends on your assigned role and permissions. If you are not an account administrator, many setup
tasks are unavailable to you. Some menu items available on the Setup page are unique to a specific
role or roles. See the following topics for information about Setup page menu items.

■ Company: see Setting Company Preferences.

■ Accounting: see the help topic General Accounting.
Pages Common to all Centers 12

■ Sales: see the help topic Setting Up SFA.

■ Marketing: see the help topic Setting Up Marketing.
■ Support: see the help topic Support Management.
■ Issues: see the help topic Issue Management. In particular, see the help topic Setting Issue
Management Preferences.
■ Import/Export: see the help topics CSV Imports Overview and Additional Import and Export
■ Users/Roles: See the help topic Managing Users & Roles.
■ Integration: see the following topics:
□ Setting Company-Wide Preferences
□ Using the Web Services Usage Log
□ Web Services Security
□ Setting Up SuiteSignOn Integration (Outbound single sign-on)
□ Setting Up Inbound Single Sign-on

You may also see the following menu items on the Setup page, depending on what features are
enabled in your account.

■ Payroll: depending on which payroll feature your company is using, see either NetSuite Payroll or
Payroll Solutions.
■ Customization: see the help topic Customization.
■ Site Builder: see the help topic SuiteCommerce Site Builder. See also SuiteCommerce Overview.

The NetSuite Account Center

The NetSuite Account Center portlet (located on the Support tab) is the access point to the NetSuite
Account Center. The NetSuite Account Center enables certain employees from your company to access
the customer center for your NetSuite account.

The only employees who can access the NetSuite Account Center are those assigned one of two special
roles: the NetSuite Support Center role and the NetSuite Support Center (Basic) role. The account
administrator must exercise good judgement when deciding which users should be assigned these
roles. Access should be limited to only those employees in your company who are required to perform
specific tasks related to your NetSuite account.

These special roles are not displayed in the results of a search for all roles in your account (Setup >
Users/Roles > Manage Roles > Search). They are also not listed in the Standard Roles Permissions Table.

However, these roles are available in the dropdown list when assigning roles to a user. Be very sure you
understand the implications of the role permissions before you assign either of these roles to users.

■ NetSuite Support Center (Basic) role has no transaction permissions. Users in this role see only
cases, issues, and contact Support links in the Customer Center - Home Links portlet.

■ The NetSuite Support Center role has transaction permissions. Users in this role see links to make
payments, review statements, transactions, and estimates, review support cases and issues, edit the
user profile, and contact Support in the Customer Center - Home Links portlet.
The NetSuite Account Center 13

See the following tables to compare role permissions.

Permissions: NetSuite Support Center

View Create Edit Full

Transactions: Transactions: Transactions: Transactions:

■ Cash Sale ■ Generate ■ Customer ■ Find Transaction

■ Customer Deposit Statements Payment Setup:

■ Deposit Application ■ Item Fulfillment

■ Deleted Records
■ Estimate ■ Return
■ Invoice

■ Accounts Receivable
■ Non Posting Registers

■ Return Authorization
■ Sales Order Transaction

Permissions: NetSuite Support Center (Basic)

View Create Edit Full

None None None None

The same permission comparison information is available through in the User Interface. See the help
topic Showing Role Permission Differences.

To give an employee access to the NetSuite Account Center portlet:

1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.
2. Click Edit next to the name of the employee you want to give access.
3. On the Access subtab, select NetSuite Support Center or NetSuite Support Center (Basic) in
the Role field.
4. Click Add.
5. Click Save.

The employee might need to log out and log back in again to see the NetSuite Account Center link.

The NetSuite Account Center displays the following portlets and tabs:

■ The Customer Center - Home Links portlet – users with the NetSuite Support Center role may make
payments, review statements, transactions, and estimates, review support cases and issues, edit
The NetSuite Account Center 14

the user profile, and contact Support. Users with the NetSuite Support Center (Basic) role can view
support cases and issues and contact Support.
■ The SuiteIdeas tab – Click the link to launch the SuiteIdeas site and review and vote for NetSuite
product enhancements. For information, see the help topic Voting for Enhancements.
■ On the Storage Info tab – see a summary of storage usage for your account, categorized by file,
data and record type. The Storage Info data in the NetSuite Account Center is updated monthly,
on the first week of the following month. For example, the data showing as of February 1 is the
storage information data for the month of January. For more current storage information, see the
Total Storage Size (MB) entry on Billable Components tab of the Billing Information page at Setup
> Company > NetSuite Account Information > View Billing Information. The Total Storage Size (MB)
information on the Billing Information page is updated weekly, as can be seen on the Component
Usage tab.

Exiting the NetSuite Account Center

Exiting the NetSuite Account Center is slightly different than the usual procedure for switching to
another role. You are, in effect, leaving NetSuite’s account and returning to the account of your

To exit the NetSuite Account Center:

1. From the Change roles icon, select View All Roles.
2. On the Choose Roles page, click the desired role.

The Classic Center

The Classic Center is the set of pages seen by the Administrator, Full Access, and Payroll Setup roles.

The Lists Page

If you log in with the Administrator role or if you use the classic interface, all lists can be found on the
Lists page.

A list is a group of records of a specific type. List records include customers, vendors, items, employees,
partners, and more.

NetSuite requires you to enter records before you fill out transactions. After you enter a record, it is
included in lists. For example, if you want to pay a bill for a new vendor, you must first create a new
vendor record. Then, when you go to the Enter Bills page, you can choose the vendor from the list.

The Search link at the upper left of most list pages brings you to a search page for the list record type,
where you can enter filter criteria to search for a specific record, or set of records.

To view a list:
1. Click Lists Overview.
2. On the Lists page, click the link for the type of list you want to see.

Here are some procedures you can use with most lists:

■ Click a column heading to sort the list by that column.

■ Click a View link or a name to drill down to the detail record.
The Classic Center 15

■ Check the Show Inactives box to see inactive records.

If the Show Inactives box is checked, you can inactivate records on many lists by checking the boxes
in the Inactive column and clicking Save.
■ Select a different View to show only specific information.
■ Select a different alphabetical group if you have a long list and want to see records that aren't
If you view the list in report format, all records are included without breaking long lists into smaller
■ Click Refresh after you select new list options.
■ Click Print to print the list.
■ Click New to create a new record.
■ Click Export to export this list as a CSV file that can be opened in a spreadsheet program.
■ Click Customize View to create a custom view for the list.

The E-Commerce Management Center

The roles of Store Manager and Intranet Manager belong to the E-Commerce Management Center.
Users with these roles can set up your website, configure your domain, and preview the site on the
Setup tab.

For more information about the different options available for setting up and building a website, see
the help topic SuiteCommerce.

The Web Site page also displays in this center. It contains portlets that can be configured to display
various statistics to help you analyze the effectiveness of your website. The E-Commerce Management
Center - Links portlet provides an alternative method of accessing the same items that are listed in
menu on the Web Site page.

The Support Center

The Setup Page

Set up the Support Center specifying preferences for how you want to use the Customer Service
feature and create case issues, types, origins, rules, and territories.

For more information, see the help topic Setting Up Case Management. In particular, see the help topic
Setting Up Support Checklist.

The Sales Center

The Opportunities Page

You can use the Opportunities tab to access your important lead, prospect, and customer records. You
can then create opportunities, estimates, and sales orders for your customers to drive up sales.

View items and promotion codes that can help you create opportunities, and report your success with
the Open Opportunities by Sales Rep, Open Estimates, and Prospect Analysis Summary reports.
The Sales Center 16

Click the name of a record or transaction to go to the corresponding list. Click New next to the link to
create a new record or transaction. Click Search next to the link to set criteria for searching records or
transactions of that type.

You can personalize the Opportunities page by choosing to display customized portlets of information.
Click Personalize Dashboard, and in the Add Content panel that appears, you can choose to display
snapshots relevant to your opportunities and estimates, add reminders to display, and set up saved
searches to display results, among other options.

The Prospects Page

From the Prospects page, you can access your calendar, view and create prospect and contact records,
view reports on prospects, and create estimates or sales orders for prospects.

View your prospect and contact records under the Relationships heading. Records hold valuable
communication information as well as CRM information such as events, tasks, and related documents.

Under the Transactions heading, create new Promotion Codes, prepare estimates, and enter sales

Under the Other heading, conduct searches or conduct mass updates. Click CRM Lists to create new
lead sources.

View reports on prospects under the Prospect Reports heading. You can print, email, or export reports
or view them in separate applications like Microsoft® Excel.

You can personalize the Prospects page by choosing to display customized portlets of information.
Click Personalize Dashboard, and in the Add Content panel that appears, you can choose to display
snapshots relevant to your prospects, add reminders to display, and set up saved searches to display
results, among other options.

The Leads Page

From the Leads page, you can access your calendar, view and create lead and contact records, view
reports on leads, and create estimates or sales orders for leads.

View your lead and contact records under the Relationships heading. Records hold valuable
communication information as well as CRM information such as events, tasks, and related documents.

Under the Transactions heading, create new Promotion Codes, prepare estimates, and enter sales

Under the Other heading, conduct searches or conduct mass updates. Click CRM Lists to create new
lead sources.

View reports on leads under the Lead Reports heading. You can print, email, or export reports or view
them in separate applications like Microsoft® Excel.

You can personalize the Leads page by choosing to display customized portlets of information.
Click Personalize Dashboard, and in the Add Content panel that appears, you can choose to display
snapshots relevant to your leads, add reminders to display, and set up saved searches to display
results, among other options.

The Forecast Page

You can set up the Forecast page to show snapshots and portlets to give you at-a-glance information
on predicted future sales. In the Settings portlet, click Customize Page. Choose to display snapshots
relevant to your sales probability, set up reminders and set up saved searches among other options.
The Sales Center 17

In the Sales Center-Forecast portlet, you can prepare estimates, enter sales orders and enter cash
sales under the Transactions heading. Under the Reports heading, view your Sales Forecast Summary
Report, open estimates and sales orders and see which promotion codes and lead sources are bringing
in the most business.
Enabling Features 18

Enabling Features
The Enable Features page is where you turn on or off features in NetSuite.

Note: Changes made to feature settings are captured in system notes. For more information,
see Searching System Notes.

To enable features:
1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
2. Check the boxes next to features you want to use.
3. Assign any permissions related to the newly enabled features to custom roles as necessary.
When you newly enable a feature in your account, you must consider permissions associated
with the added feature. Customized roles that you have already assigned to users may need to
be updated to reflect the proper permissions associated with the added feature. See the help
topic Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

Note: Depending on the product you subscribe to, some features may not be available for
you to use. If you have questions about the availability of the features mentioned below, please
contact your account representative.

The following topics describe the features available on each subtab of the Enable Features page.

■ Enabling General Company Features

■ Enabling Accounting Features
■ Enabling Tax Features
■ Enabling Transaction-Related Features
■ Enabling Items and Inventory Features
■ Enabling Employee and Payroll Features
■ Enabling CRM and SFA Features
■ Enabling Analytics Features
■ Enabling Ecommerce Features
■ Enabling SuiteCloud Features

Important: You can click the Audit Trail link in this page header to review a list of changes
to enabled features, including the users who made the changes, dates of the changes, and
whether the feature was enabled or disabled. See Auditing Account Preferences.

Enabling General Company Features

You can enable the following features on the Company subtab of the Enable Features page.

Feature Description


Departments Track and classify your transactions by category. This adds a link to
Departments on your Lists page.

Locations Track activity by location. This adds a link to Locations on your Lists page.
Enabling General Company Features 19

Feature Description

Classes Sort transactions in any way you find helpful. This adds a link to Classes on
your Lists page.


Projects Track projects for customers. A project is a subrecord of a customer record that
shows costs and revenues for a particular project.

Project Management Track additional information about projects and keep them separate from

Job Costing and Calculate costs for project labor and account for those costs in your general
Project Budgeting ledger, and create project specific cost and billing budgets.

Related SuiteApp For more information, see the help topic Project Task Manager.
Project Task Manager

ERP General

Multiple Units of Define various units used to stock, purchase, and sell inventory items, and
Measure track non-monetary accounts. The Statistical Accounts feature must be
enabled. (Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the Accounting
subtab, Statistical Accounts is listed under Advanced Features.)

Use Deletion Reason Make it mandatory for users to provide a reason for deleting transaction
records. All transactions listed at Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers
on the Transaction Numbers subtab are affected by this feature.
This feature can be disabled after use.

Resource Management

Resource Allocations Allocate resources to projects, view and manage resource allocations, and
monitor utilization rates.


Multi-Language Check this box to do the following:

■ Allow users to choose the language of the NetSuite user interface. See the
help topic Choosing a Language for Your NetSuite User Interface.
■ Allow customers to see item names, descriptions, and expense categories
in the language selected on the customer's record on printed transaction
■ Allow translation of website elements to display in each visitor's language.
These elements include Web site items, saved searches, tabs, categories,
email forms, text, and images, and formatted Web site text. See the help
topic Setting Up a Site for Multiple Languages.
Note that only the system-supported languages available as user preferences
are supported for printed transaction forms. Additional languages are
supported for website translations.
At Setup > Company > General Preferences, you need to specify the languages
for which you want to provide translation strings for items on printed
transaction forms and/or your website. See Setting Up Multiple Languages.
After you have specified a language in General Preferences, you can translate
item names and descriptions on item records or by going to Lists > Mass
Update > Bulk Update Translation. See the help topic Multi-Language Names
and Descriptions.

Multiple Currencies Use foreign currencies for sales and purchase transactions and account for
the fluctuations in exchange rates. This feature enables the creation of sales
transactions in multiple currencies for individual customers and to track open
Enabling General Company Features 20

Feature Description
balances in each transaction currency. This feature also enables you to enter
purchase transactions in multiple currencies for individual vendors, and keep
track of open balances in each transaction currency. When you create a vendor
record, you set a primary currency and additional currencies available for
transactions with that vendor. See the help topic Working with Currencies.
When the Foreign Currency Management feature of Multi-Book Accounting is
enabled, this feature is also required and cannot be disabled.

Important: In a past release, the functionality associated with the

Multiple Currencies, Multi-Currency Customers, and Multi-Currency
Vendors features were combined in the Multiple Currencies feature.
If you are new to NetSuite, already using all three features, or not
using all three features, only the Multiple Currencies box will appear
on the Company subtab of the Enable Features page. You can enable
or disable this feature. When you enable this feature, you gain access
to support for multiple currency customers and vendors. If you are
already using Multiple Currencies and Multi-Currency Customers or
Multi-Currency Vendors but not all three features, you will continue
to see and maintain three boxes on the Company subtab. Regardless
of the number of boxes visible in your account, the functionality
associated with these three features remains the same.

Note: After qualifying revaluation transactions, the system generates

the Realized Gain/Loss, Unrealized Gain/Loss, Unrealized Matching
Gain/Loss, Rounding Gain/Loss accounts. Depending on the year in
which your NetSuite account was established, you may also have the
Exchange Rate Variance account.

Currency Exchange Automatically update currency exchange rates by the specified provider one
Rate Integration time each day.
Agree to the Notice, as required. NetSuite stores the user ID and time and date
stamp of account changes in system notes.
Click the Xignite or Thomson Reuters Forex Data link to go to their respective

Note: To choose an exchange rate provider, method for obtaining

exchange rates, and anchor currencies, go to Setup > Accounting
> Preferences > Accounting Preferences. On the General subtab,
under Exchange Rate Integration, select a Rate Provider. For more
information, see the help topic Exchange Rate Integration.

Data Management

Inline Editing Edit records directly from their corresponding lists and from search results.

Note: When this feature is enabled, inline editing is available by

default for all search results in dashboard portlets. However, each
Custom Search portlet has an Allow Inline Editing setup option that you
can use to enable or disable inline editing for specific portlets. See the
help topic Displaying Saved Search Results in Dashboard Portlets.

File Cabinet Enable the ability to upload or link to documents and images, and then
associate them with records your customers, vendors, and employees can
Enabling General Company Features 21

Feature Description

Duplicate Detection & Have NetSuite compare customer and contact records and notify you of
Merge possible duplicates.

Related SuiteApp Click this link to install the Box.NET SuiteApp. This SuiteApp enables you to
Box Document upload documents to your Box.NET account and associate those documents
Managements with your NetSuite account.

Note: This SuiteApp is maintained and supported directly by Box.


IP Address Rules Create access rules for employees based on the IP address of the computer
used to log in.
For more information about this feature, see the help topic Enabling and
Creating IP Address Rules.


Related SuiteApp For more information about NetSuite’s social collaboration tool, see the help
SuiteSocial topic SuiteSocial.


Mobile Push Check to enable users to receive push notifications on mobile devices.

Enabling Accounting Features

You can enable the following features on the Accounting subtab of the Enable Features page. Many of
these features create system-generated accounts when enabled. These accounts are included in the
descriptions. For a complete listing of system-generated accounts, see the help topic Feature-Specific,
System-Generated Accounts.

Feature Description

Basic Features

Accounting Use NetSuite for your business's accounting.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated

Undeposited Funds and Refunds Payable accounts. If you are using
NetSuite Canadian Edition, you will also have Payable and Expenses
accounts. If you are using NetSuite (U.S.), you will have the additional
Sales Tax Payable account.

A/R (Accounts Maintain accounts receivables records and track invoices, receipts, cash sales,
Receivable) payments, and customer records.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Accounts

Receivable account.

A/P (Accounts Maintain accounts payable records and track purchases, bills, vendors, and
Payable) payee records.
Enabling Accounting Features 22

Feature Description

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Accounts

Payable account.

Accounting Periods Group transactions as they occur during periods of time, and to allow
management of financials by these defined time periods.

GL Audit Numbering Apply gapless numbering sequences to all GL posting transactions. This kind of
numbering is required for some country's annual auditing. When this feature
is enabled, GL audit numbering is listed as a task required as part of the period
close process.
The Accounting Periods feature is a requirement for using the GL Audit
Numbering feature.
GL audit numbering is independent of other transaction numbering you have
set up at Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.

Advanced Features

Expense Allocation Account for fixed expenses without splitting them among individual
departments, classes or locations in advance of incurring the expenses.

Dynamic Allocation Dynamically calculate the weight of any statistical allocation, based on the
balance of the statistical account through statistical journals, at the time the
allocation journal is generated.
This feature also enables you to run multiple dynamic allocation schedules in a
specific sequence, or batch.
This is an enhancement to the fixed rate allocation where you must specify the
fixed allocation weight for the entire life cycle of the allocation schedule.
This feature cannot be disabled after it has been used.

Amortization Allocate an expense across a range of time and then recognize the expense in
increments, only as goods or services are used. For example, defer a prepaid
expense such as insurance and amortize the proper amount over the period
the insurance is in effect.
Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Deferred Expense and
Accumulated Depreciation accounts.

Advanced Revenue Enable advanced revenue management. This feature automates revenue
Management forecasting, allocation, recognition, reclassification, and auditing. It is compliant
with the ASC 606 revenue standard.
When you enable this feature, it cannot be disabled. Accounting Periods must
also be checked.
Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Deferred Revenue, Unbilled
Receivables, and Revenue Arrangement (non-posting) accounts.

Multiple Budgets Create multiple budgets for the same combination of customer, item, class,
location or department criteria.

Intercompany Time Allow intercompany time entries and expense transactions, and the transfer
and Expense of time and/or expense charges from one subsidiary to another in a OneWorld

Warning: If this feature is disabled, users cannot enter intercompany

time or expenses, meaning records that have different subsidiaries for
employee and customer.

When this feature is enabled, by default users can enter intercompany

time and expenses. You can change related preferences to disallow either
intercompany time or expenses, or to enable the creation of automated
Enabling Accounting Features 23

Feature Description
intercompany adjustments for expenses. These preferences are available at
Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences, on the General subtab.

Note: If you enabled this feature after April 2014, when you created
a qualifying journal entry the system created a single Intercompany
Clearing Account of the Type: Other Current Asset. The account was set
to the Root Subsidiary and included all child subsidiaries. Adjustment
journal entries correctly posted to this new account, and no other
currency-locked Intercompany Clearing Accounts were created.
If you enabled this feature prior to April 2014, when you created a
new adjustment journal entry the system created a new Intercompany
Clearing Account (no currency), which became the parent of all other
existing clearing accounts. New adjustment journal entries use this
parent account, and the existing currency-locked Intercompany Clearing
Account remained intact. If you edit a transaction that originally posted
to the existing currency-locked Intercompany Clearing Account, the GL
Impact of that transaction affects that account.

Automated Create intercompany sales orders from intercompany purchase orders,

Intercompany reconcile intercompany transactions, and generate intercompany elimination
Management journal entries automatically using the Period Close Checklist.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated CTA

Elimination account after a qualifying transaction. For example, a user
must first run the Elimination process so that an Elimination Journal
Entry is created that uses this account.

Automated Enable the cross-subsidiary order and fulfillment process for external orders.
Intercompany Drop

Consolidated Enable this feature to apply payments, credits, and deposits either through
Payments the top-level customer or through individual subcustomers and to print
consolidated customer statements.
For more information, see the help topic Consolidated Payments.

Multiple Calendars Use the Multiple Calendars feature to create different accounting period
and tax period rollups for your subsidiaries. Create fiscal calendars to define
accounting and tax period rollups.

Statistical Accounts Track non-monetary data and then use this information on reports and
income statements to view its relationship with the financial activity of your
If you check the Dynamic Allocation box, located under Advanced Features,
you can run any allocation schedule weighted by the balance of a statistical
Multiple Units of Measure must be enabled to use this feature.
This feature cannot be disabled after it has been used.
Enabling Accounting Features 24

Enabling Multi-Book Accounting Features

Important: Multi-Book Accounting is available only in NetSuite OneWorld accounts. Please
contact your sales or account representative to find out how to get Multi-Book Accounting. The
assistance of NetSuite Professional Services is required to implement this feature.

Multi-Book Accounting  

Multi-Book Accounting Use multiple accounting books to manage your business.

For more information, see the help topic Multi-Book Accounting

Chart of Accounts Mapping Allow different account values to be used across accounting books.
Multi-Book Accounting must also be checked.
For more information, see the help topic Chart of Accounts Mapping.

Foreign Currency Manage foreign currency transactions automatically across accounting

Management books. Multi-Book Accounting must also be checked. The feature must
be enabled on the Company tab.
For more information, see the help topic Foreign Currency

Revenue and Expense Recognize revenue and amortize expenses per accounting book. Multi-
Management Book Accounting must also be checked.
For more information, see the help topic Revenue and Expense

Enabling Tax Features

On the Tax subtab of the Enable Features page, you can enable tax features, and access the installation
pages of related SuiteApps:

Feature Description

Advanced Taxes Use the Advanced Taxes feature. This feature enables you to use tax
schedules to track taxes for each nexus in which your company is required to
pay taxes.

Warning: If you enable Advanced Taxes, then you cannot disable it

in the future.

For more information, see the help topic Advanced Taxes.

EU Mini One Stop Shop Check this box if your company is registered for the EU Mini One Stop Shop
(MOSS) VAT scheme. The MOSS feature in NetSuite enables you to charge the
appropriate tax on B2C sales of digital services based on the VAT rate of the
customer’s EU member state. For more information, see the help topic EU
Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS).

Related SuiteApps For more information about installing the tax SuiteApps, see the help topic
Taxation Features Provided by SuiteApps from NetSuite.
■ International Tax
■ Tax Audit Files
■ Withholding Tax
Enabling Tax Features 25

Feature Description
■ Supplementary Tax

Enabling Transaction-Related Features

You can enable the following features on the Transactions subtab of the Enable Features page.

Feature Description

Basic Features

Estimates Provide estimates to your customers and then convert them into invoices.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Estimates


Sales Orders Track customer orders and then convert them into invoices.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Sales

Orders account.

Return Authorizations Use return authorization numbers to track approved returns.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Return

Authorizations account.

Purchase Orders Issue purchase orders, receive against those orders and create bills from
those receipts.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Purchase

Orders account.

Vendor Return Use return authorization numbers to track items you return to vendors.
Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Vendor
Return Authorizations and Purchases Returned Not Credited

Request for Quote Send a request to one or more vendors asking them to provide specifics
about their pricing, terms and conditions in regard to a purchase contract for
a product they sell.

Requisitions Use Requisition transactions to initiate the purchasing process when an

employee or company representative needs something that must be
purchased using company funds. The person requesting the purchase
(requestor) specifies which items, services or expenses they need a buyer
to purchase. Buyers can then use requisitions to create the purchase orders
necessary to fulfill the requisition requests.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated

Requisitions account.

Purchase Contracts Allows purchasing managers and buyers to use contracted terms, pricing,
and delivery schedules when purchasing materials for a company. For
Enabling Transaction-Related Features 26

Feature Description
example, instead of having terms and pricing based only on a specific
purchase order being placed, buyers can automatically take advantage of
quantity-based terms and discounts based on an annual volume of goods or
services purchased.

Blanket Purchase Orders Improve buyer efficiency and accuracy and potentially reduce procurement
spending. Blanket purchase orders define a pre-determined price for a
set quantity of items you will buy from a vendor during a time period.
The blanket purchase order specifies the item, price, quantity, terms and
effective time period.

Related SuiteApp For more information, see the following.

■ Advanced ■ Using Standard SuiteFlow Workflows (SuiteApps) for Approval Routing

Procurement ■ Warranty and Repairs Management
■ Warranty and Repairs


Multiple Prices Set at least four different price levels for each item.

Quantity Pricing Enable quantity pricing, which lets you automatically apply different sales
prices to items that depend on the quantity being sold. This enables you to
offer discounts to customers who buy in bulk.

Gross Profit Enable Gross Profit estimates and track gross profits at the item and
transaction level.
(Gross Profit = Sales – Costs)
Gross profit estimates are based on a complex interaction of prices,
discounts, costs, and ultimately gross profits at several levels.
Gross profit estimates supply decision-making information to sales teams
and executives throughout the sales process, from the opportunity stage
early in the sales cycle on through to the issuance of an invoice.

Alternate Sales Amount Calculate alternate sales amounts on sales orders, estimates, opportunities,
and return authorizations.
Alternate sales amounts can be used to calculate commission and sales
forecasts and can be used to measure quotas.

Promotion Codes Create codes that can be used to associate customers and sales with
partners and track campaign return on investment.
If you associate a discount item with a promotion code, the code can be used
as a coupon code for any item or for specific items that you select when
creating the code.

Related SuiteApp For more information, see the help topic Advanced Promotions.
Advanced Promotions

Shipping & Receiving

Advanced Shipping Fulfill and bill your sales orders in separate steps.

Pick, Pack, and Ship Allow greater flexibility to process orders by using separate transactions to
pick items from inventory, pack them to be shipped, and then ship the items
to the customer.

Shipping Label Integrate your UPS or FedEx account with NetSuite, allowing you to receive
Integration tracking numbers and print bar code shipping labels.

Advanced Receiving Receive orders separately from bills.

Enabling Transaction-Related Features 27

Feature Description

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Accrued

Purchases account.

Multiple Shipping Allow shipment to several different addresses and use of different shipping
Routes methods on the same transaction.


Bill Costs to Customers Purchase goods and services and sell them directly to your customers.

Advanced Billing Create billing schedules to invoice sales over a range of time or a contract
term, such as a one-year membership billed monthly. Billing schedules
manage the billing process to track when to invoice customers and how
much to bill.
The Advanced Billing feature requires that you also enable the Sales Orders

Charged-based Billing Enable Charge-Based Billing, so that you can create billable charges for
projects. Charges are calculated according to charge rules. These charge
rules can be based on fixed dates, project progress, milestones, or on time
entries. Enabling this feature adds the Charge-Based billing type for projects
and a Create Charges page to your account.

Billing Operations Create and manage bill runs, bill run schedules, and billing groups. After
clicking Save, new menu options are available from the Transactions > Billing

Payment Processing

Credit Card Payments Accept credit card payments.

Note: Enabling both this feature and Customer Access creates the
system-generated Unapproved Customer Payments account.

Credit Card Soft If you sell products under varying brand or company names, check this box
Descriptors to create a list of the names used and associate those descriptors with the
items you sell under each name.
When customers receive credit card statements, the descriptor associated
with the item purchased is shown.

Send Purchase Card With the Purchase Card Data module, NetSuite identifies when payments
Data are made with a purchase card so you can take advantage of potential lower
card processing fees.
Purchase cards, also called Level II and Level III cards, can bring cost savings
to you, the merchant, and to your customers.
When you enter a credit card payment for a customer, NetSuite determines,
based on the card's bank identification number (BIN), whether or not it is a
purchase card. It then passes the extended transaction data along with the
payment authorization request for processing.

PayPal Integration Allow customers to pay with PayPal. This enables you to set up PayPal as a
payment method. Customers are taken to the PayPal site for checkout, and
payment is deposited into your PayPal account.

Electronic Funds Allow customers to pay electronically.

Transfer You must set up this service before you can use it. To do this, go to Setup >
Set Up ACH Processing.
Enabling Transaction-Related Features 28

Feature Description

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Failed

ACH Transactions account.

ACH Vendor Payments Check this box to pay vendors and pay employee expense report using ACH

Enabling Items and Inventory Features

You can enable the following features on the Items & Inventory subtab of the Enable Features page.

Feature Description


Drop Shipments & Special Ship items from your vendor directly to your customer.

Matrix Items Track inventory and pricing of items separately based on item options,
such as tracking shirts by color and size.

Multiple Vendors Manage procurement of items you buy from more than one vendor.
Identify and track each vendor's name, item code, and purchase price.

Gift Certificates Sell gift certificate items of set or variable amounts to customers. When
customers purchase gift certificates, they enter recipient information, and
the gift certificate message, amount, and code is emailed to the recipient.
Gift certificates are applied toward the total order amount and can be
reused if there is a remaining amount after a sale.

Sell Downloadable Files Enable download item records and online forms with downloads
included. You can attach files to download item records that customers
can purchase and download in the Web store. The online forms with
downloads allow you to offer leads free downloads when they provide
their contact information.
You can also use this feature to share files with customers free of charge.
For example, you can attach the customer's terms of service to the
customer record, and the customer can access the file through the
Customer Center.

Bar Coding and Item Labels Generate bar codes to identify transactions and items. Then, you can
print labels with the item's bar code.


Inventory Track quantities and profit from buying and selling inventory.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated

Inventory Asset and Cost Of Goods Sold accounts.

Multi-Location Inventory Track inventory for multiple locations.

You must also enable Locations, Inventory, Advanced Shipping and
Advanced Receiving.
Enabling Items and Inventory Features 29

Feature Description

Note: After you have enabled the Multi-Location Inventory

feature and distributed items, you cannot turn the feature off
without contacting Customer Support.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated

Transfer Orders and Inventory In Transit accounts.

Assembly Items Use raw materials (inventory items) to build assembly items in NetSuite.

Work Orders Use assembly work orders to track the production of assembly items
needed for stock or to fill orders. Work orders track the quantities of
assemblies that need to be built and the quantities of components, or
member items, needed to do so.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Work

Orders account.

Serialized Inventory Track the purchase and sale of physical inventory items by assigning a
serial number to each item.

Note: After you have enabled the Serialized Inventory feature

and serialized items have been created, the Serialized Inventory
feature may not be turned off.

Lot Tracking Assign lot numbers to groups of inventory items for tracking purposes.

Note: After you have enabled the Lot Tracking feature and the
lot tracking items have been created, the Lot Tracking feature may
not be turned off.

Bin Management Create bin records that identify the places you store inventory items
within your warehouse and track on-hand quantities.
Tracking bins helps warehouse employees know exactly where to go to
find items they need when picking and fulfilling orders. Bins also specify
exactly where items need to be put away in stock when you receive them.

Advanced Bin / Numbered Manage bins and use them with serial and lot numbered inventory.
Inventory Management

Advanced Inventory Enable NetSuite to anticipate demand for items and adjust suggested
Management item ordering. Purchases of new stock are based on previous purchases
and sales of items.

Landed Cost Track the costs associated with purchasing items apart from the material
cost. For example, landed cost can include duty fees, insurance, and
shipping cost.

Demand Planning Calculate future demand for items and use demand plans and supply
plans to regulate inventory replenishment. You must enable the
Advanced Inventory Management feature to use this feature.
For more details, read the help topic Demand Planning.

Distribution Resource Use the Distribution Resource Planning feature to plan and optimize
Planning inventory across locations and, for OneWorld accounts, subsidiaries.
Items can be transferred between locations to meet supply needs within
a preset distribution network.
Enabling Items and Inventory Features 30

Feature Description

Available to Promise Check item availability based on outstanding transfer orders, purchase
orders, work orders, and sales orders. Read the help topic Available to

Standard Costing Identify costing opportunities by maintaining standard costs across cost
categories and perform variance analysis. Read the help topic Standard

Group Average Costing Group average costing enables you to track one average cost for an item
across multiple locations within a defined group.
Group average costing is available only when you have enabled the
Multi-Location Inventory feature. Group average costing is available for
inventory items and assembly items.

Manufacturing Work In Allows WIP tracking with work order issue and completion against a work
Process order. Read the help topic Manufacturing Work In Process (WIP).

Inventory Count Support improved tracking of inventory and tighter control over assets.
When this feature is enabled, you can enter regular periodic counts of on-
hand item quantities to maintain inventory accuracy. Keeping an accurate
item count can help reduce required safety stock, which lowers your
overhead costs.

Manufacturing Routing and Record quantity completions, resource costs, and overheads against a list
Work Center of work order operations.

Related SuiteApps For more information, see the following.

■ Supply Chain ■ Supply Chain Management Reports

Management ■ Grid Order Management
■ Grid Order Management

Enabling Employee and Payroll Features

You can enable the following features on the Employees subtab of the Enable Features page.

Feature Description


Payroll Pay your employees through the NetSuite Premier Payroll Service. Calculate
wages, deductions, and liabilities, and always have the latest tax data. This
feature supports U.S. payroll only.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Payroll

Adjustments account.

Enhanced Premier Use the Enhanced Premier Payroll user interface. This interface is for
Payroll creating payrolls and is designed to enable fast creation, editing, reviews, and
processing of large payroll batches with thousands of paychecks per payroll.
Enhanced premier payroll includes the ability to pause payroll calculations
and supports mass edits for earnings, deductions, taxes, and contributions.

Service Printed Check Use your payroll service provider to print check stubs.
and Stubs
Enabling Employee and Payroll Features 31

Feature Description

Paycheck Journal Allow Web services integrations with external payroll systems and building
of custom payroll solutions with SuiteScript. This feature supports payroll
solutions in any country, and for non-U.S. subsidiaries in OneWorld accounts.

Service Printed W-2S Use NetSuite Premier Payroll to process and file W-2 and 1099 forms.
and 1099S

Time & Expenses

Expense Reports Track employee expenses and turn them into bills.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated

Unapproved Expense Reports, Advances Paid, and Accounts Payable

Approval Routing Set up an approval hierarchy required to process expense reports and
purchase requests.
If this feature is not enabled, each expense report or purchase request is
automatically routed to the employee's immediate supervisor and then to
When this feature is enabled, after an employee enters an expense report
or purchase request, additional processing of the transaction depends on
the employee's expense limit or purchase limit, the employee's designated
supervisor or approver, and the approval limit of the supervisor or approver.

Per-Employee Billing Create billing classes that set billable time rates when different employees
Rates charge different rates for the same service.
If you associate a billing class with an employee and set rates for the billing
class on a service item, the proper rate defaults to bill the customer on time
tracking transactions.

Billing Rate Cards Define different rates for groups of billing classes.

Purchase Requests Allow employees to enter purchase requests online.

Time Tracking Let employees record the hours they work.

Warning: The following capabilities are not available to NetSuite

CRM+ users. Other users may be able to:

■ Record billable hours and invoice customers for them.

■ Record time for payroll items.

Weekly Timesheets Track employee time with a customizable weekly timesheet.

Important: Time Tracking is required to use Weekly Timesheets.

Time Tracking for CRM Track time associated with cases, tasks, and events.
When this option is enabled, a Time subtab is available on case, task, and
event records.


Employee Commissions Create schedules that calculate commissions for sales representatives and
their managers and pay commissions when they are earned.
Enabling Employee and Payroll Features 32

Feature Description

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated

Commissions Payable account.

Commission on Custom Create custom transaction column fields for use as the commission basis on
Fields commission schedules. Custom transaction column fields must be of currency
type and can be based on any standard or custom currency amount field.


Global Permissions Enable the assigning of permissions directly to employees as well as to roles.
When this feature is enabled, a Global Permissions subtab is available on the
Access subtab of each employee record.

Enabling CRM and SFA Features

You can enable the following features on the CRM subtab of the Enable Features page.

Feature Description

Basic Features

Customer Relationship Manage all your business relationships with lists of contacts,
Management companies, events, and tasks.

Sales Force Automation Use SFA to manage your sales process.

Customer Support and Service Track, route, and manage customer support request.

Marketing Automation Create targeted marketing campaigns and customize your email
You must agree to the NetSuite Marketing Application Terms of
Service before you can enable this feature. To agree to the terms,
click Terms of Service. Read the terms, check the box at the bottom
of the page and click Close Window.

Related SuiteApp For more information, see the help topic Creating Email Campaigns
Campaign Assistant Using the Campaign Assistant.


Opportunities Create opportunity records you can use to track sales


Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated

Opportunities account.

Lead Conversion Convert leads to prospects, contacts, opportunities, and tasks.

Before you begin using the Lead Conversion feature, you should do
the following:

■ Set the Default Lead Type preference to Individual at Setup >

Company > General Preferences.
■ Set the Preferred Lead Form preference to Standard Lead Form
at Setup > Sales > Sales Preferences.

Advanced Forecasting Manage your sales forecast as three different amounts—worst

case, most likely, and upside.
Enabling CRM and SFA Features 33

Feature Description

Team Selling Assign sales teams to transactions and customers.

Team Selling lets you calculate split commission for multiple sales
representatives on a transaction.

Historical Metrics Track historical pipeline and forecast KPIs for the company and for
each representative.
Historical forecast and pipeline amounts can be used for
comparison KPIs.


Email Case Capture Forward your support email to NetSuite. Then, when a message
is received by NetSuite, a case is automatically created using
information from the email message.

Automated Case Escalation Set up rules and assignments that determine when a case is

Issue Management Use issue records to track problems with products that need
resolution outside of the support team.

Knowledge Base Create a searchable database for FAQs, support cases and more.

Help Desk Track internal support cases submitted by employees separately

from support cases submitted by customers.


Online Forms Add forms to your existing Web store or site to provide new leads
and customer service.

Mail Merge Create and manage fax, email, letter, and PDF documents you
create for those you do business with.
You must agree to the NetSuite Marketing Application Terms of
Service before you can enable this feature. To agree to the terms,
click Terms of Service. Read the terms, check the box at the bottom
of the page and click Close Window.

CRM Template Categories Categorize your email and campaign templates.

You can create new categories at Documents > Templates >
Template Categories > New.

Capture Email Replies Track all replies to email that was originally sent from NetSuite.
For example, if a support representative responds to a case record
by email and the customer replies to the email, the response is
automatically saved on the case record as well.

Subscription Categories Categorize campaigns into different subscriptions. This allows

message recipients to subscribe to some kinds of campaigns and
unsubscribe from others.

Upsell Manager Use NetSuite's search capabilities to match customers with items
they are likely to buy.

Sales Campaigns Sales campaigns allow sales representatives to send email

campaigns to their customers and track their responses.


Partner Relationship Management Use records to manage your partners. Track the sales your
partners bring in by associating partners with promotion codes or
including partner codes in links to online forms.
Enabling CRM and SFA Features 34

Feature Description
You must enable this feature to enable the Partner Access and
Advanced Partner Access features.

Partner Commissions/Royalties Create schedules that calculate commission for partners and pay
commission when it is earned.

Note: Enabling this feature creates the system-generated

Commissions Payable account.

Multi-Partner Management Associate more than one partner with each sales transaction.

Enabling Analytics Features

You can enable the following features on the Analytics subtab of the Enable Features page.

Feature Description


KPI Scorecards Add the ability to display a portlet on your dashboard that shows the
results of multiple KPIs for multiple date or period ranges.


SuiteAnalytics Connect Enable the SuiteAnalytics Connect feature to access and query your
NetSuite data using SQL through database standards such as ODBC,

Third-Party Analytics Integration

Export to Tableau® Enable users to export saved search and report results as Tableau®
Workbooks workbooks.

Enabling Ecommerce Features

You can enable the following features on the Web Presence subtab of the Enable Features page.

Feature Description

Web Site

Web Site Create a website that provides your customers with information about
your company and its goods and services.

Web Store Run a store that seamlessly integrates with NetSuite accounting. If you
check this, you must also check Allow Online Ordering, Operate a Web
site and Use Sales Orders.

Advanced Site Customization Use HTML templates to customize the appearance of your website.

Multiple Web Sites Create more than one website in your NetSuite account, each with its
own branding, look, and feel.
Each site can have a separate URL, separate items, and separate
shopping carts. In addition, each site can have a different source.

Advanced Web Reports Gain access to detailed page hits and hosted page reports, customer
page reports, keyword, referrer, and new visitor reports.
Enabling Ecommerce Features 35

Feature Description

Advanced Web Search Use an advanced search form in your website.

Descriptive URLs Allow tab, category and item pages of your website to use descriptive
URL components of your choosing for search engine optimization.

Note: You can only enable the Descriptive URLs feature if you
have set up a domain.
For Site Builder: Setup > Site Builder > Setup Tasks > Set Up Web
For SuiteCommerce Advanced: Setup > SuiteCommerce
Advanced> Set Up Web Site. Click Edit next to a website, then
click the Domains.

URL Component Aliases Manage URL components used for facets in your SuiteCommerce
Advanced website. Also, track multiple URL component aliases on item
and category records. For more information, read the help topic URL

Site Management Tools When this feature is enabled, the Site Management Tools administrator
interface is enabled on your SuiteCommerce Advanced site. This feature
lets you manage content, add landing pages, and enhance existing
pages on your SCA site.
To enable this feature, the SuiteCommerce Advanced feature must also
be enabled. For more information on Site Management Tools, see the
help topic Site Management Tools Overview.

Customizable Checkout Create a customizable checkout subdomain for your site.


Asynchronous afterSubmit When this feature is enabled, afterSubmit user events are triggered
Sales Order Processing asynchronously when a sales order is created during web store
When an afterSubmit user event runs in asynchronous mode, the next
page is loaded during the period of time the afterSubmit user event is
still processing. Web store Sales Orders process afterSubmit scripts in
the background.
This is a global setting. This setting causes all afterSubmit user events
and workflows triggered by web store checkout to run asynchronously.

Commerce Categories Enable commerce categories. Commerce categories let you create a
hierarchical structure of categories and subcategories for organizing
your items. For more information on commerce categories, see the help
topic Commerce Categories.


Host HTML Files Upload your HTML website to your NetSuite file cabinet. You can then
publish your website as a tab as your Home page or in conjunction with
NetSuite's Shopping cart and Checkout tabs.
Use NetSuite smart tags in the HTML of your website to pull information
directly from your account to display in your website.

External Catalog Site (WSDK) Use NetSuite's shopping cart and checkout pages with your Web catalog
or Web store. If you check this, you must also check Allow Online
Ordering, Use Sales Orders, Operate a Web Site and Operate a Web

Document Publishing Publish links to your Microsoft® Word, PowerPoint, and other
document files in your file cabinet to your intranet or website. When
Enabling Ecommerce Features 36

Feature Description
you click this link from your site, the document opens in a separate
window for viewing.
Enabling Document Publishing adds a Publishing subtab to the records
of all files in your file cabinet.
If you do not check this box, you can only publish images from your file
cabinet to your intranet or website.

Intranet Check this box to create an internal website to publish information for
your company.


Customer Access Give customers online access to their invoice and payment information.

Online Ordering Give customers limited access to your account so they can place orders
online. If you check this, you must also check Allow Customer Access.

Vendor Access Give vendors online access to their transaction history and purchase

Partner Access Give partners online access to view reports, promotions codes and their
partner records.

Advanced Partner Access Assign an Advanced Partner Center role to partners that gives access to
more records and transactions than the Standard Partner Center.

Enabling SuiteCloud Features

You can enable the following features on the SuiteCloud subtab of the Enable Features page.

Feature Description


Item Options Create and use item-specific options on purchase and sales

Custom Records Create a database of information specific to your business. This feature
is also required for center and tab customization.

Advanced PDF/HTML Enable powerful, template-based rendering of selected transactions.

Templates The Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature provides a template-based
model for print customization of transaction and entry forms.
These HTML-based templates provide greatly expanded customization
capabilities over the previously supported transaction form layouts,
now known as basic layouts.


Client SuiteScript Add advanced functionality to your account with industry-standard


Server SuiteScript Use server-side scripting to customize your business workflows and

SuiteScript Server Pages Support the creation of SSP applications to use website and other

SuiteFlow Enable automation of business processes without custom code.

Enabling SuiteCloud Features 37

Feature Description

Custom GL Lines Support plug-ins that allow for GL impact customization.

Custom Transactions Allow creation of custom transaction types for your business.

Custom Segments Allow creation of custom segments for your business.


Create Bundles with Enable the packaging together of groups of customization objects so
SuiteBundler they can be shared between NetSuite accounts.

SuiteTalk (Web Services)

Web Services Enable NetSuite's web services API. This feature lets you integrate
external systems and to migrate data using a standards-based

Manage Authentication

SuiteSignOn Enable single sign-on integration in your account. This feature permits
you to bypass the authentication step when accessing an integrated
third-party application from the NetSuite user interface.

OpenID Single Sign-on Enable authentication with a Google Account. This feature allows users
to link directly to NetSuite from a variety of Google applications, without
logging in to NetSuite separately.

SAML Single Sign-on Enable single sign-on access from external applications to NetSuite,
using authentication from a third-party identity provider compliant with
SAML v2.0.
For more information, see the help topic SAML Single Sign-on.

Token-based Authentication Enable NetSuite’s token-based authentication feature. For more

information, see the help topic Token-based Authentication.

Note: The features Client SuiteScript and Server SuiteScript

must also be enabled to use token-based authentication with

Integration Add-ons

Telephony Integration Dial using any TAPI-enabled telephone hardware from any phone
number field in the application.

Related SuiteApp For more information, see the help topic Installing the NetSuite for
Outlook Integration Outlook SuiteApp.

Real User Monitoring

SuiteCommerce Real User Enable real user monitoring data collection.


SuiteCloud Development Framework

SuiteCloud Development Enable SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF).

Framework For more information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
Framework (Beta).

Note: The features Client SuiteScript, Server SuiteScript, and

SuiteTalk (Web Services) must also be enabled to use SDF.
Defining Company Settings 38

Defining Company Settings

For information about the various company settings you need to define to set up your NetSuite
account, see the following:

■ Setting Up Company Information

■ Setting Company Preferences
■ Setting Up Multiple Languages
■ Enabling and Creating IP Address Rules
■ Renaming Records and Transactions
■ Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers
■ Setting Up States, Provinces, and Counties
■ Reviewing Supported Countries
■ Setting Printing and Fax Preferences
■ Setting Email Preferences
■ Setting Up Duplicate Detection
■ Using System Alerts
■ Configuring Administrative Notifications
■ Using SuiteCloud Plus

If you are using NetSuite CRM+, see the following:

■ Setting Up Transactions for NetSuite CRM+

■ The Setup Page for NetSuite CRM+ Users
■ Using Telephony Integration

Setting Up Company Information

The Company Information page is where an administrator, or another user with Set Up Company
permission, can enter basic identifying information for an account.
Setting up company information requires View permission, and changes made to company information
are captured in system notes. For more information, see Searching System Notes.

Important: If you plan to set up a OneWorld account with multiple subsidiaries, the data that
you enter on the Company Information page provide the values that NetSuite uses to create
your root (top-level) subsidiary. After defining your root subsidiary, you can create additional
child subsidiaries at lower levels in an organizational hierarchy. For more information, see
Setting Up OneWorld.

Note: You can add custom fields and user event scripts to the Company record in both single
instance and OneWorld accounts. Customizing the company record enables you to add fields
and business logic that are specific to the country or region in which your business operates. Go
to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Other Custom Fields. In single instance accounts,
select Company as the Record Type. In OneWorld accounts, select Subsidiary as the Record
Type. Complete the fields as required and then save the custom field. For more information, see
the help topic Creating a Custom Field.

To enter basic company information:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Company Information.
Setting Up Company Information 39

2. On the Set Up Company page, enter your company information:

■ Company Name – Enter your company's name the way it should appear on all forms except
■ Purge Account (Demo Accounts Only) – Check this box when a demo account is no longer
needed, to indicate that the account can be removed. If you check this box, all account logins
are disabled and account data is purged from the databases.
■ Legal Name – Enter the legal name of your company.
■ Ship to Attention – Enter the name of your company as it should appear on shipping labels.

Note: This field is required for UPS Integration.

■ Company Logo (Forms) – Select your company logo to show on printed and emailed
transaction forms.
To upload a logo, go to Documents > Files > Images > New. Be sure to check the Available
Without Login box. Logos must be in JPG or GIF file format.
If you have uploaded a logo, but do not see it in the list, make sure that the correct folder
is selected in the Company Logo Folder list on the Setup > Company > General Preferences

Note: To print your logo on standard forms, the logo must be no more than 200
pixels wide and 60 pixels high.

■ Company Logo (Pages) – Select a company logo to show on the pages of your Customer,
Partner, and Vendor Centers.
■ Display Logo Internally – Check this box to show the logo selected in the Company Logo
(Pages) field on all pages of your NetSuite account next to the NetSuite logo.
■ Web Site – Enter the URL of your website.
■ Return Email Address – Enter the return email address used to send email forms and reports
from NetSuite.
■ Fax – Enter an optional fax number for your company.
■ Currency – (Available when the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled.) Choose a base
currency for the company. Choose carefully because after transactions have been entered
with the selected base currency, this field is no longer editable.
To add a currency, go to Lists > Accounting > Currencies > New. For information about
working with multiple currencies, see the help topic Working with Currencies. You can format
the currency on the currency record.
■ Currency fields – (Available when the Multiple Currencies feature is not enabled.) Use these
fields to select a currency and format how currency amounts appear on reports and printed
□ Currency Locale – Select a country to determine the currency for your account.
□ Format Sample – This field displays the default currency format for the currency. The
currency format is the combination of the symbol, thousands separator, level of decimal
precision, and negative symbol used to display amounts on transactions.
□ Override Currency Format – Check this box to override the default currency format for
this currency.
Customized currency formats apply to currency fields displayed on the screen including
viewing forms, editing and creating new forms, list pages, search results, and printed
documents. Customized currency formats are not reflected in reports or CSV import and
export results.
Setting Up Company Information 40

□ Currency Symbol – Enter the text and currency symbol you want to use for this currency.
Include spaces if you want to separate the symbol from the currency value.
□ Symbol Placement – Select to place the currency symbol before or after the number.
The Format Sample field shows how currency amounts will display using the customized
currency format.
See the help topic Customizing Currency Formats for more information about currency
■ National business identification number – (This number varies from country to country. It is
usually assigned by a national tax agency.)
□ Australia - ABN – Enter your ABN (Australian Business Number), which is required if your
company is required to be registered for the goods and services tax (GST). If you do not
have an ABN, and you need one, please visit the Australian Taxation Office website at
□ Canada - Business Number – Enter the 15-digit registration number that identifies your
company to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If you do not have a Business Number,
visit the CRA website at
□ UK - VAT Registration No. – Enter your company's VAT registration number. If you
do not have a VAT registration number, please visit the HMR&C website at http://
□ US - Employer Identification Number – Enter your company's U.S. federal employer
identification number (EIN). If you do not have an EIN, visit the IRS website at http://
■ ACN (Australia only) – Enter your ACN (Australian Company Number). For information about
the ACN, see
■ SSN or TIN – If your business is a proprietorship or you do not have an EIN, enter your tax ID
number or your SSN.
■ If your account has the EU Mini One Stop Shop feature enabled:
□ MOSS Applies – Check this box if the Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) VAT scheme applies to
this company.
□ MOSS Nexus – Select the EU member state (tax nexus) where you are registered for MOSS
VAT returns.
■ UPS 3rd Party Billing Account Number – Available when Third Party Billing is enabled on
the Preferences subtab at Setup > Accounting > Shipping. Enter the UPS account number
that should be used by default when Third Party Billing is selected on a UPS-integrated
item fulfillment. This can be your company's master account number that should be used
regardless of location.
You can override this account number on item fulfillments to enter another 3rd party
To set a default for customers when billing recipients, enter the customer's UPS or FedEx
account number on the customer record.
Setting Up Company Information 41

■ FedEx 3rd Party Billing Account Number – Available when Third Party Billing is enabled on
the Preferences subtab at Setup > Accounting > Shipping. Enter the FedEx account number
that should be used by default when Bill Third Party is selected on FedEx-integrated item
■ 3rd Party Billing Zip – Available when Third Party Billing is enabled on the Preferences subtab
at Setup > Accounting > Shipping. Enter the zip code or postal code associated with the 3rd
party accounts.
■ 3rd Party Billing Country – Available when Third Party Billing is enabled on the Preferences
subtab at Setup > Accounting > Shipping. Select the country associated with the 3rd party
account numbers.
■ First Fiscal Month – Select the first month of your fiscal year.
■ Time Zone – Select the time zone where your company is located. Individuals can set their
personal time zones at Home > Set Preferences.
■ Allowed IP Addresses – Available when the IP Address Rules feature is enabled. Enter the IP
addresses from which you want to allow access to your NetSuite account.

Note: Enter valid dotted-decimal IP addresses in a comma-separated list. The

numbers in each of the four segments of the IP address (the numbers between the
dots) must be between 0 and 255.

You can use the following formats:

Important: You can enter up to 4000 characters. Use shorter forms of notation
to enter addresses (such as or in the following
examples) if necessary.

□ A single IP address, such as

□ A range of IP addresses, with a dash and no spaces between, such as You can use–99 to indicate the same range.
□ A list of IP address separated by spaces or commas such as,,...
□ An IP address with full netmask, such as A netmask defines
which bits of the IP address are valid. The example means “use the first three segments
(255.255.255) but not the fourth segment (0)”.
□ An IP address and bitmask, such as The “24” indicates the number of
bits from the beginning to use as validation – the same IP addresses are valid as in the
previous example (255 means 8 bits).
□ An IP address and mask, such as or
Think carefully when using this type of notation. The mask is a binary number. For
example, the IP address and mask does not indicate only one IP
address is allowed. The IP address matches the mask in this example. There
are more IP addresses that match the mask than are immediately obvious.
□ The text "NONE" – denies access from all IP addresses.
□ The text "ALL" – allows all IP addresses.

Note: You can override this setting for individual employees and for custom roles.

□ For individual employees on employee records, clear the Inherit IP Rules from Company
box and make an entry in the IP Address Restriction field on the Access subtab.
□ For custom roles, clear the Restrict this role by IP address box on role records.
Setting Up Company Information 42

If a user attempts to log in from an IP address that is not listed here (or on the employee
record), login will fail, unless the restriction has been overridden.
Inbound single sign-on access to NetSuite respects IP address restriction rules.
For more information, see the help topic Enabling and Creating IP Address Rules.
3. Set up address information.

To set up address information:

You can define separate shipping and return addresses, in addition to the main address defined for
your company. If you do not define a separate shipping or return address, it defaults to be the same as
the main address. You do not need to define a billing address at the company level. Billing addresses
can be defined on transactions as needed.

Note: The following steps list the address fields included in the default address form. The
address form shown may vary according to the country where the company is located, and
depends on the custom address forms defined in your account. For more information, see the
help topic Customizing Address Forms.

1. To enter your main business address information, click the Edit link next to the Address field and
complete the following:
■ Country – Select your company's country here.
■ Attention – Enter the person at this address who should be notified of receipt of documents
or goods.
■ Addressee – Enter the company name that should show on the shipping label here.
■ Phone – Enter the phone number of your company.
■ Address 1 – Enter your company's address the way it should appear on all forms except
■ Address 2 – Enter an optional second address line the way it should appear on all forms
except checks.
■ City – Enter your company's city the way it should appear on all forms except checks.
■ Zip – Enter your company's postal code the way it should appear on all forms except checks.
■ Address – The address information that you enter in the above fields will automatically
appear in this field. Here, you can see how your address will appear on all forms except
checks. You can check the Override box to edit this formatting.
2. To enter your address for receiving shipments, if your company uses a separate address, click
the Edit link next to the Shipping Address field and complete the following:
■ Country – Select the country for the location where you receive shipments.
■ Attention – Enter the person at this address who should be notified of receipt of documents
or goods.
■ Addressee – Enter the company name that should show on the shipping label here.
■ Phone – Enter the phone number of your company.
■ Address 1 – Enter the street address for the location where you receive shipments.
■ Address 2 – Enter the second line of the street address for the location where you receive
■ City – Enter the city for the location where you receive shipments.
■ Zip – Enter the zip or postal code for the location where you receive shipments.
■ Country – Select the country for the location where you receive shipments.
Setting Up Company Information 43

■ Address – This field displays the address for receiving shipments, as entered in the preceding
fields. You can check the Override box to edit this formatting.
3. To enter your address for receiving returns, if your company uses a separate address, click the
Edit link next to the Return Address field and complete the following:
■ Country – Select the country for the location where you receive returned orders.
■ Attention – Enter the person at this address who should be notified of receipt of documents
or goods.
■ Addressee – Enter the company name that should show on the shipping label here.
■ Phone – Enter the phone number of your company.
■ Address 1 – Enter the street address for the location where you receive returned orders.
■ Address 2 – Enter the second line of the street address for the location where you receive
returned orders.
■ City – Enter the city for the location where you receive returned orders.
■ Zip – Enter the zip or postal code for the location where you receive returned orders.
■ Address – This field displays the address for receiving returned orders, as entered in the
preceding fields. You can check the Override box to edit this formatting.
The return address is used for return forms.
4. Click Save.

To update this information at any time, return to Setup > Company > Company Information, make
changes, and save your changes.

Setting Company Preferences

An administrator, or another user with the Set Up Company permission, can set company preferences
for how information is input and processed in NetSuite, on the General Preferences page.
This page is available at Setup > Company > General Preferences. These preferences apply to all users
in the account.
Some of the preferences available here also can be set at the subsidiary (OneWorld only), role, or
individual user level. See Understanding Different NetSuite Preference Levels. You can prohibit these
types of overrides on the Overriding Preferences subtab of this page. See Overriding Company
For information about the General Preferences page, see:

■ General Account Preferences

■ Overriding Company Preferences
■ NetSuite Password Requirements
■ Setting Up Multiple Languages
■ Setting Custom Preferences
■ Setting Up Accounting Contexts

Important: You can click the Audit Trail link in this page header to review a list of changes
to general company preferences, including the users who made the changes, dates of the
changes, and preference values before and after changes. This list includes preferences that
have been reset through scripting. See Auditing Account Preferences.

Other company preferences pages are available from the Setup > Accounting, Setup > Sales, and Setup
> Marketing menus.
Setting Company Preferences 44

Understanding Different NetSuite Preference Levels

NetSuite offers a variety of preferences that you can set to tailor the NetSuite environment to your
individual needs. These preferences are available at the levels shown in the following table:

Preference Type Applies To Set By Set On For details, see

User Current user User Home > Set Setting Personal

only Preferences page Preferences

Role Users logging Account Role record, Setting Role-

in with the role Administrator Preferences subtab Based Preferences

Subsidiary Users assigned Account Subsidiary record, Editing Subsidiary

(OneWorld only) to the Administrator Preferences subtab Records

Company All users in the Account Setup > Company Setting Company
account Administrator > Preferences > Preferences
General Preferences
( Administrator )

■ The preferences that you can set at each level vary according to the edition of NetSuite you are
using and the features enabled in your account.
■ The same preferences are available at the user and role levels. Some of these preferences are also
available at the company and subsidiary levels.
■ If a company-level preference is set not to allow overrides, you cannot set this preference at the
subsidiary, role, or user levels. See Overriding Company Preferences.
■ If the same preference is set at multiple levels, these conflicting preferences are processed in the
following order:
□ An individual user preference takes precedence over role, subsidiary, and company preferences.
□ A role-based preference takes precedence over subsidiary and company preferences.
□ A subsidiary-based preference takes precedence over a company preference.
□ A company preference takes precedence over the system default.

General Account Preferences

To set up general preferences:

1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences.

2. Enter values and select text in preferences fields.
3. Click Save when done.

To update or make changes to these preferences at any time, return to Setup > Company > General
Preferences, make changes, and click Save.
Setting Company Preferences 45

Note: Changes made to general preferences are captured in system notes. For more
information, see Searching System Notes.

General Preferences:

Preference Setting

Date Format Select the format for abbreviated dates.

(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)
For more information, see Setting Date Formats.

Long Date Format Select the format for formal dates.

(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)
For more information, see Setting Date Formats.

Time Format Select the format for time entries to display online and in printed forms.
(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)

Number Format Select the format to display numbers entered on transaction forms and
entity forms online. Users can override this preference at Home > Set
Preferences. For more information, see Setting Number Formats.

Negative Number Select the format to display negative numbers entered on transaction forms
Format and entity forms online. User can override this preference at Home > Set
Preferences. For more information, see Setting Number Formats.

Phone Number Format Select a default phone number format. When users enter phone numbers,
they automatically change to this format. The format that you specify here is
used on all online forms.
(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)

First Day of Week Select the day to begin each calendar week.

Note: If you use Weekly Timesheets, updating the selected first day
of the week will apply to any new timesheets. Existing timesheets
will not be changed. This may result in shorter timesheets to
accommodate the change.

Search Sorting Select the alphabetical order to use for search results. Select Language
Specific to use the alphabetical order specific to your NetSuite language
settings. Select English (U.S.) to use the U.S. English alphabetical order.
(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent overrides, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)

Add Primary Contact to Check this box to add the primary contact for each entity to its Bill To
Bill To Address address.

Use Last Name First for Check this box to list employees by last name first for tax and payroll
Employees purposes.
Setting Company Preferences 46

Preference Setting

Use Last Name First for Check this box to list all entities (including contacts, customers, partners, and
Entities vendors) by last name first for tax and payroll purposes.

Note: This preference applies to entity records defined as

Individual (not Company) entered after the preference is set. You will
need to do a mass update to set this preference for preexisting entity

Pre-Populate Contact Check this box to automatically fill address fields with customer addresses
Address for contacts created from customer record.

Show Employees as Check this box to create a contact record for each employee record.
Warning: Be aware that enabling this preference can make
changes to employee records visible in the audit trail to users with
access to contact records. Do not enable this preference if you do
not want users with access to contact records to be able to view
employee record changes.

Show Display Name with Check this box to display both item name and display code when an item is
Item Codes selected on transactions and records.

Password Policy Password Policy was introduced in 2014.1. Built-in password policies support
three levels of password validation for NetSuite users. These policies enforce
the following requirements for password length and content:

■ Strong: minimum length of 10 characters, at least 3 of these four

character types — uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, non-
alphanumeric ASCII characters
■ Medium: minimum length of 8 characters, at least 2 of these four
character types — uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, non-
alphanumeric ASCII characters
■ Weak (Not Recommended): minimum length of 6 characters

Note: The selected password policy determines the minimum

acceptable value for the Minimum Password Length field. The policy
does not affect the Password Expiration in Days field value.

All NetSuite accounts are set to a Strong policy by default. For more
information, see the help topic NetSuite Password Requirements.

Minimum Password The Minimum Password Length is the minimum number of characters
Length required for user passwords. The default value for this field is determined by
the selected password policy. Because the default password policy is Strong,
the default Minimum Password Length is 10 characters.
You can, if desired, make the minimum password length value longer than
the minimum required by the policy. You cannot make this value shorter.
As of 2014.1, if any users in your account have the View Unencrypted Credit
Cards permission, a Strong policy is required. In these cases, you cannot
change the default Password Policy value.
As of 2014.1, passwords for new users logging in with the Customer
Center role, and for website shoppers, require a minimum of 6 characters.
Passwords for Customer Center users and website shoppers who existed
before that release were not affected by this change.
For more information, see the help topic NetSuite Password Requirements.
Setting Company Preferences 47

Preference Setting

Password Expiration in Enter the number of days that users can continue to log in to your NetSuite
Days account before they are prompted to change their password.

Note: As of December 10, 2015, valid values are 1-365. Values

entered before that date are not affected by this limit. However, if
any data on the General Preferences page is changed, only valid
values within this range will be accepted for the Password Expiration
in Days field. For accounts provisioned after this date, the value for
Password Expiration in Days is set to 180 days by default.

Days are calculated from the date that each user last changed their
password, not from the date that the company preference is changed. Dates
of the previous password change and current password expiration are
displayed in the user’s My login audit portal.

Important: As of 2014.1, it is strongly recommended that you set

a value for Password Expiration in Days to ensure that the Password
Policy is applied to existing users.

■ Employees using a role with the View Unencrypted Credit Card

permission are prompted to update passwords at least every 90 days,
unless the value set here is less than 90 days.
■ You can enable the Require Password Change on Next Login option on
employee records; or you can use CSV import to update this option on
many employee records at one time.

Note: Passwords for users with a Customer Center role do not

expire. That is, the value set in the Password Expiration in Days field
is not applied to Customer Center users’ passwords.

For more information, see the help topic NetSuite Password Requirements.

Internal Web Site Select the site from which tabs can be published to the internal centers.

Allow Free-Form States Check this box to allow the entry of free-form text in State/Province fields.
in Addresses
■ When this preference is enabled, the State/Province field is a free-form
text field. You can type any text into the field, and it is not converted to
standard state or province identifiers. The text you enter is stored on the
record or transaction.
■ When this preference is disabled, the State/Province field is a dropdown
where you can choose from standard U.S. States and Canadian Provinces.
Any text you enter is converted to standard state or province identifiers.
This preference affects the State/Province field on entity records, location
records and transactions. It also affects the search fields on entity, location,
and transaction searches.
This preference does not affect Web store address entries or UPS and FedEx
shipping. UPS and FedEx look exclusively at the Zip Code and Country fields
to determine shipping rates.

Use State Abbreviations Check this box to use the standard abbreviations for states in address fields
in Addresses and labels.
If you clear this box, the full name of the state is used.

Company Logo Folder Select the File Cabinet folder where your company (and for OneWorld
accounts, subsidiary) logo is or will be stored.
Setting Company Preferences 48

Preference Setting
This selection determines the files that are listed in the Company Logo
(Forms) and Company Logo (Pages) on the Setup > Company > General
Preferences page.
In OneWorld accounts, these files are also listed in the Subsidiary Logo
(Forms) on the Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > Subsidiary page. The
logo selected on the Setup Company Information page is used for the main
subsidiary. Logos for other subsidiaries can be set on their Subsidiary pages.

Default Role for New Select the role assigned by default to customers granted NetSuite access.
Customers This role displays on the Access subtab when Customer records are edited.

Customer Center Enter the message to display to users of the Customer Center.
Welcome Message When a customer is logged in, this message is followed by the customer's
name. When no customer is logged in, it is followed by “Guest”.

Show Help Link in Clear this check box to remove the online help link so it is not visible to
Customer Center Customer Center users.
By default, this box is checked and the help link is available.
This preference does not affect any other centers.

Horizontal Labels Check this box to display labels to the left of fields on record pages. By
default labels appear above fields.

Screen Font By default, the font is Open Sans. Select the default font for text displayed in
online pages.
(By default, users can override this preference on the Appearance subtab at
Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for
this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.)

Delay Loading of Sublists Check this box to delay loading of information on subtabs until they are
clicked. Enabling this preference decreases page-load times.
(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent this, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)

Landing Page Select a tab created by a custom Suitelet deployment to be the first page
displayed when users log into this NetSuite account. This preference
overrides any user-defined landing page preferences for a standard or
custom center tab set at Home > Set Preferences. If both this preference
and the user landing page preference are unset, the user's Home page is the
initial landing page.
The list of available landing pages includes all deployed Suitelets, by their
deployment IDs. This list does not include Suitelets that do not have at least
one deployment.
This preference is intended for use in cases where an initial account setup
assistant is displayed for account setup and configuration.

Number of Rows in List When users look at a long list in NetSuite, the list is divided into segments.
Segments Enter the maximum number of records for each segment.
For example, if you have 200 customers and you would like them to be
displayed in groups of 25 per page, then set the segment size to 25. To see
the next set of 25, users can click the Next icon. Click the Previous icon to
return to previous segments of the list.
(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent this, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)

Maximum Entries in Enter the maximum number of records to display in lists. After a list has
Dropdowns reached the limit you set here, the list will pop up in a window of its own.
The highest number you can enter is 500.
Setting Company Preferences 49

Preference Setting
If you always want lists to pop up, set the maximum to zero. If you always
want lists to be lists, set the maximum to 500.
(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent this, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)

Note: The Case/Task/Event field for time transactions is displayed

as a list only if the sum of all company-wide case, task, and event
records is less than 5000 and less than the number entered here.
Roles that can enter time transactions on behalf of other employees
will always have a pop-up field displayed.

Log System Notes on When this preference is enabled, system notes are generated only when
Update Only records are updated, not when they are created. Record creation system
notes are not needed because data is available in the newly created record
This preference was added in 2012.2. By default, it is enabled in all accounts
as of that release or later, and disabled in all accounts that existed before
that release.
NetSuite recommends that this option be enabled in all accounts, to provide
storage savings and performance improvements.
Before you enable this option, you should first review any saved searches
containing system notes fields, as these searches may use data from record
creation system notes. If your account includes searches that rely on record
creation system notes, you can either revise the searches before enabling
the Log System Notes on Update Only option, or you can leave this option

Show Quick Add Row on Check this box to allow quick add on direct editable lists. Quick add allows
Lists users to create new records from lists and only add basic information. Users
can turn this preference off on individual lists.
(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent this, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)

Show List When Only Check this box to return search results as a list when there is only one record
One Result in results. By default, NetSuite opens the individual record when there is
only one record in search results.

Note: When this preference is enabled, NetSuite no longer

automatically selects a single result from the suggestion list.

(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent this, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)

Default Customer Type Choose whether new customers are classified as individuals or companies
by default.
For companies, company names are used. For individuals, first and last
names are used.

Default Lead Type Choose whether new Leads are classified as individuals or companies by
For companies, company names are used. For individuals, first and last
names are used.

Default Vendor Type Choose whether new vendors are classified as individuals or companies by
Setting Company Preferences 50

Preference Setting
For companies, company names are used. For individuals, first and last
names are used.

Default Partner Type Choose whether new partners are classified as individuals or companies by
For companies, company names are used. For individuals, first and last
names are used.

Auto Name Customers Check this box to cause the Auto box on customer records to be checked by
default, so that the customer ID is copied from the customer name.
When the Auto box is not checked, users can enter the ID rather than have it
copied from the name.

Show Individuals as Check this box to create a contact record for each individual-type customer
Contacts record.

Hide Attachment Folders Check this box if you want the default attachment folders to only show in the
file cabinet for administrators. All roles will still have access to files that are
attached to customers and other records.
The following folders are affected:

■ Attachments Received
■ Attachments Sent
■ Mail Merge

Assign Tasks to Partners Check this box to make it possible for tasks to be assigned to partners.

Note: Before a task can be assigned to a partner, the Assign Tasks

box on the Info subtab of the partner's record must be checked.

Email Employee on Check this box to cause email messages to be automatically sent to
Approvals employees when their supervisors approve their expense reports.

Maintenance Complete Check this box to cause email messages to be sent automatically to all active
Email Notification account administrators when scheduled account maintenance is complete.

Show Reports in Grid Check this box to display reports in a grid format by default.
(By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences.
To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the
Overriding Preferences subtab.)

Collapse VSOE Column Check this box to collapse the VSOE column for sales transactions such as
by Default on Sales sales orders, invoices, and cash sales.

Time Selectors Use Fiscal When this box is checked, date range selectors for fiscal elements (for
Calendars Based on First example, this fiscal year) account for the First Fiscal Month setting in Setup >
Month Company > Company Information.
When this box is not checked, time selectors strictly reflect definitions for
accounting years, quarters, and periods, as defined in the custom Fiscal
For example, a company has a custom Fiscal Calendar for 2014 aligned with
business weeks. The calendar starts on the first Monday of March, which
falls on March 3, 2014 and ends on March 1, 2015. The First Fiscal Month is
set to March. If the Time Selectors Use Calendars Based on First Month box
is checked, the this fiscal year selector returns a date range from March 1,
2014 to February 28, 2015. If the box is not checked, this selector returns a
date range of March 3, 2014 to March 1, 2015.
Setting Company Preferences 51

Preference Setting

Web Site Hosting Files This box is checked by default. It affects how files in the Web Site Hosting
Always Available Files Folder are made available online. This is a global setting that can
override the Available Without Login check box setting on individual file

■ When the box is checked, your settings for the Available Without Login
check box on individual files are ignored. Files stored in the Web Site
Hosting Files Folder are accessible on any URL listed on the file.
■ When the box is cleared, your settings for the Available Without Login
check box on individual files are recognized. You can clear the Available
Without Login box on individual files stored in the Web Site Hosting Files
folder to make them unavailable on a shopping domain.

Show Transaction Check this box to display the Transaction Numbers subtab at Setup >
Numbering Setup Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.
Auto-generated numbers for transaction records are internal numbers
that cannot be overwritten. These are unique, gapless numbers that are
generated when transaction records are created.
Set up of internal transaction numbers requires that this box be checked. By
default, this box is not checked.
For more information about transaction numbers, see Auto-Generated
Transaction Numbers. For details about auto-generated numbering, see
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers.

Asynchronous Project Check this box to enable your project plans to recalculate in the background
Plan Recalculation when time is tracked against that project.
When project plans recalculate asynchronously, you maintain access to
NetSuite and your project plans during recalculation.

Note: Because recalculations are asynchronous, project plan data

may be out of date when accessed before the recalculations are

When the recalculation is complete, the updated project plan is displayed

the next time it is opened. If the recalculation fails for any reason, a warning
appears at the top of the project the next time it is opened.

Preferred Subcustomer Select the form to use by default when subcustomers are created.

Overriding Company Preferences

Some company preferences can be overridden by subsidiary-level preferences (OneWorld only),
role-level preferences, and user preferences set by individual employees. You can disallow individual
overrides of company preferences on the Overriding Preferences subtab of Setup > Company >
General Preferences.

To prohibit individual overrides of company preferences:

1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences.

2. On the Overriding Preferences subtab, clear the Allow Override box next to the preferences you
do not want to be overridden by individual user preferences.
3. Click Save.
Setting Company Preferences 52

After you have prohibited an override, individuals cannot set their own preferences. Note that it is not
possible to prohibit overrides of company preferences by subsidiary-level or role-level preferences.

A company preference may have been set on one of the preferences pages available from the Setup
menu by an administrator or by other users with setup permissions, or may be system-generated.

Setting Up Multiple Languages

If the Multi-Language feature has been enabled in your account:

System-Supported Languages
■ Users can choose from the following system-supported languages to be used for their NetSuite user

□ Chinese (Simplified) □ Italian

□ Chinese (Traditional) □ Japanese
□ Czech □ Korean
□ Danish □ Portuguese (Brazilian)
□ Dutch □ Russian
□ English □ Spanish
(International) □ Spanish (Latin America)
□ English (U.S.) □ Swedish
□ French □ Thai
□ French (Canada) □ Turkish
□ German

These choices are available in user preferences as soon as the Multi-Language feature is enabled.
See the help topic Choosing a Language for Your NetSuite User Interface.
■ Customers can be allowed to see item names, descriptions, and expense categories in the language
selected on the customer's record on printed transaction forms.
□ Only these system-supported languages are supported on printed transaction forms, because
NetSuite provides pre-translated strings for general terms.
□ To enable the entry of item translation strings in a specific language, you need to specify that
language on the Languages subtab of the General Preferences page, as described in Enabling the
Entry of Translation Strings for a Specific Language.
■ Website elements can be translated to display in each visitor's language. These elements include
Web site items, saved searches, tabs, categories, email forms, text, and images, and formatted Web
site text.
□ The system-supported languages are supported for website translations. The following
languages also are supported for website translations:

▬ Afrikaans ▬ Estonian ▬ Indonesian ▬ Romanian

▬ Albanian ▬ Filipino ▬ Kannada ▬ Serbian (Cyrillic)
▬ Arabic ▬ Finnish ▬ Latvian ▬ Serbian (Latin)
▬ Armenian ▬ Lithuanian ▬ Slovak
Setting Company Preferences 53

▬ Bahasa ▬ French ▬ Luxembourg ▬ Slovenian

Malay (Canada) ish ▬ Tamil
▬ Bengali ▬ Greek ▬ Marathi ▬ Telugu
▬ Bosnian ▬ Gujarati ▬ Norwegian ▬ Ukrainian
▬ Bulgarian ▬ Hebrew ▬ Persian ▬ Vietnamese
▬ Croatian ▬ Hindi (Iran)

▬ Hungarian ▬ Polish

▬ Icelandic ▬ Punjabi

□ To enable the entry of website translation strings in a specific language, you need to specify that
language on the Languages subtab of the General Preferences page, as described in Enabling the
Entry of Translation Strings for a Specific Language.

Enabling the Entry of Translation Strings for a Specific Language

To enable the entry of translation strings for a specific language:

1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences.
2. Click the Languages subtab.
3. Select a language that you want to be able to use for translating.

Note: Your “base language” does not appear in the list. That is, the language
determined by your country when your account was established is not available as a
language for translation. For example, if your language base language is English (US), then
you will not see it in the list, but you can see English (International).

4. Click Add.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each language you want available.
6. Click Save.

You can now go to Lists > Mass Update > Bulk Update Translation to enter items translations for each
of these languages. For more information, see the help topics Multi-Language Names and Descriptions
and Setting Up a Site for Multiple Languages.

Setting Custom Preferences

The Custom Preferences subtab on the General Preferences page, available at Setup > Company
> General Preferences includes preferences that can be applied as parameters for SuiteScript and
SuiteBundler code. If you are not using these features, this subtab may not be available.

For information about how to set up these preferences and how they are used, see the help topic
Creating Script Parameters.

Setting Up Accounting Contexts

The Accounting Contexts subtab on the General Preferences page at Setup > Company > General
Preferences. is visible by default in OneWorld accounts. If you do not have a OneWorld account, this
subtab is not visible.
Setting Company Preferences 54

An accounting context can be a one-to-one relationship between a country’s local GAAP (Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles) reporting requirements and a statutory chart of accounts (COA). It can
also be a unique relationship that meets your company’s specific needs. Accounting contexts are useful
when users prefer to work in a local GAAP context, rather than in the consolidated context with one
centralized COA. Accounting contexts are also useful if you have Multi-Book Accounting provisioned in
your account. You can set an accounting context specific for your secondary book and use it for your
secondary book reports.

When one accounting context exists in your system, users can select their preferred accounting context
at Home > Set Preferences. When users select an accounting context, all transactions including system-
generated transactions post to the defined COA account name and number. For information about
user preferences, see the help topic Setting General Preferences.

An administrator or a user with the Set Up Company permission can set up accounting contexts. To
set up an accounting context, enter the name and then optionally, select the language in which the
account name and number should be translated. Click Add after each defined accounting context. Click

Note: The available languages are based on the values defined on the Languages subtab. For
information about the Languages subtab, see Setting Up Multiple Languages.

When an accounting context exists in your system, the Localization subtab on the account record
enables you to enter different account names, languages, and numbers for a single account.

The account name that displays is based on the order of the following conditions:

1. If any line on the Localization subtab represents both the accounting context language and the
user’s preferred language, the account name displays in this language.
2. If there is a line only for the user’s preferred language, the account name displays in this
3. If there is a line only for the accounting context language, the account name displays in this
4. If none of these conditions exist, the account name displays as defined on the account record.

The account number that displays is based on the order of the following conditions:

1. If any line on the Localization subtab represents both the accounting context language and the
user’s preferred language, the account number displays in this language.
2. If this condition does not exist, the account number displays as defined on the account record.

When viewing the detail report associated with a specific summary report, the accounting context
defaults to the selection on the summary report and cannot be changed.

You can create saved searches based on accounting context.

On transactions that display the account field, users see the name and number defined in their
selected accounting context.

For information about creating an account, see the help topic Creating Accounts. For information about
entering account names, languages, and numbers for a single account, see the help topic Editing an

Setting Date Formats

You can choose from U.S. or international formats for dates. Choose a format for dates in your account
at Setup > Company > General Preferences.
Setting Company Preferences 55

After you have chosen the format for dates, that format appears on reports, forms and data-entry

The table below shows the date formats available and shortcut entry examples for each.

Date Format Shortcut Entry Example

DD-Mon-YYYY DD-Mon-YYYY 14-Feb-2001

  DDMonYYYY 14-Feb-2001

  DD-Mon-YY 14-Feb-1

  DDMonYY 14Feb01


DD.MM.YYYY DD.MM.YYYY 14.02.2001

  DDMMYYYY 14022001

  DD.MM.YY 14.2.1

  DDMMYY 140201


DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY 14/02/2001

  DDMMYYYY 14022001

  DD/MM/YY 14/2/1

  DDMMYY 140201


MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY 02/14/2001

  MMDDYYYY 02142001

  MM/DD/YY 2/14/1

  MMDDYY 021401

If you use an alternate format that does not contain punctuation, you must enter all digits, including
leading zeroes, for the month, day and year.

No matter which date format you choose, you can also click the Pick icon or link next to a date field.
When you do, a calendar pops up and you can select a date.

Setting Number Formats

Set the Number Format and Negative Number Format preferences to determine how numbers display
on the screen for transaction forms, entity forms, and search results. These formats also apply to the
list pages associated with these forms and fields that can be edited inline.

You can set the number format preferences at the company, subsidiary, and user levels. This enables
users to work in NetSuite with familiar number formats customary for their region and prevents errors
that result from incorrectly interpreting numbers on the screen.

The Number Format preference provides the following format options for thousands separators and
decimal places:

■ thousands separator: comma, period, space, reverse comma

■ decimal places: comma, period
Setting Company Preferences 56

Users do not have to key in numbers with separators. Numbers are formatted according to the
selected preferences upon tabbing out of a field.

The Negative Number Format preference provides two options to display negative numbers:

■ minus sign: -100

■ parentheses: (100)

You can set the Number Format and Negative Number Format preferences at the following levels. The
default formats are 1,000,000.00 and -100.

■ Company - go to Setup > Company > Preferences > General Preferences (Administrator). For
instructions, see General Account Preferences.
■ Subsidiary - go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries > New (Administrator) For
instructions, see Editing Subsidiary Records.
■ User - go to Home > Set Preferences. Setting the preferences at the user level affects all roles
associated with that user. For instructions, see the help topic Setting General Preferences.

Key Points for Number Format Preferences

■ Number format preferences do not apply to exports, Web services, SuiteScript, and CSV imports.
■ Currency format settings apply to amounts on reports and printed transactions.
■ Values with a currency symbol, such as €123,45 or $123.45, render according to the currency
format, not the number format preference.
■ On the screen, foreign currency amounts render in the format for the currency. Base currency
amounts displayed in columns on transactions forms and subtabs follow the number format
■ The user preference setting for number format overrides the subsidiary and company format
■ Number format preferences do not apply to custom fields created before 2012.1, unless you
explicitly enable the Apply Formatting preference. This preference also enables you to prevent
Setting Company Preferences 57

custom fields created after 2012.1 from using number formatting. For details, see the help topic
Setting Display Options for Custom Fields.

Renaming Records and Transactions

You can change the names of your records and transactions from NetSuite's default names to names
that fit the terminology of your company on the Rename Records/Transactions page. On this page, you
can also change the names of account types used in NetSuite. For screenshots of the different areas of
this page, see Sections of the Rename Records/Transactions Page.
By changing the names of your records and transactions, your employees do not have to change
their terms to fit NetSuite's terms. Instead, NetSuite changes to fit the terms your employees are
accustomed to using.
When you change the names of records or transactions, those names change in most places they
appear in NetSuite to your preferred term. You can always return to the Rename Records/Transactions
page to change them to the default name or to another term.

Notes on the Rename Records/Transaction Page

Keep the following important details in mind when renaming records or transactions on this page.

■ Name changes made in the Rename Records/Transactions page apply to the Language preference
you currently have set at Home > Set Preferences only, not to every language. You need to reset
your Language preference to each language that your account uses and repeat the renaming
process. If you do not rename records and transactions with a language set as the preference,
users in your account will continue to see the original Record/Transaction names when they set that
language as their preference.
■ Field labels for records and transactions on previously created custom forms do not change as
a result of the changes you make on the Rename Records/Transactions page. You will need to
manually edit field labels on custom forms.
■ Name changes are applied to standard NetSuite element names (standard records, transactions,
and page names), but not to elements you have customized. In the example in step 3 of the
following procedure, the standard entity record named “Customer” is renamed “Client”. In this
account, you could also have a custom center tab named “Customer”. The name change will not be
applied to this custom element.

To change the names of records or transactions:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Rename Records/Transactions.
2. On the Rename Records/Transactions page, the default names for records are autofilled in the
3. In the fields at the top half of the page, edit the names of relationship records to better suit your
For example, in the Name for Customer field, you can change Customer to Client.
4. Click the Transaction Names subtab.
■ In the Name column, you can rename your transactions. For example, in the Name column of
the Cash Sale row, you can change Cash Sale to Sales Receipt.
■ In the Abbreviation column, change the abbreviation of these transactions to match the new
name. For example, in the Cash Sale row, change RCPT to SALERCPT.
Transaction abbreviations often show in lists of transactions, such as the Transactions subtab on
relationship records, in the audit trail and on registers.
Renaming Records and Transactions 58

5. Click the Account Type Names subtab.

In the Name column, you can change the names of your accounts in NetSuite.
6. When you have finished renaming records, transactions, and accounts, click Save.
7. If different languages are used in your account, go to Home > Set Preferences, change your
Language preference to another language used in your account, and repeat steps 1-6.
8. Continue this process for each language used in your account, until you have completed
renaming in each language.

Your record, transaction, and account names are now renamed everywhere in NetSuite to your new
name. Return to Setup > Company > Rename Records/Transactions to edit these names.

Sections of the Rename Records/Transactions Page

The Setup > Company > Rename Records/Transactions page includes the following sections:

■ Body (Record Names)

■ Transaction Names Subtab
■ Account Type Names

Body (Record Names)

In the body of the Rename Records/Transactions page, you can change the names of standard NetSuite
non-transactional record types.

Transaction Names Subtab

On the Transaction Names subtab of the Rename Records/Transactions page, you can change the
names and abbreviations of standard NetSuite transaction types.
Renaming Records and Transactions 59

Account Type Names

On the Account Type Names subtab of the Rename Records/Transactions page, you can change the
names of standard NetSuite account types.

Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers

The Set Up Auto-Generated Numbers page enables you to choose the record types that should be
automatically numbered in the order in which they are created. On this page you can also add prefixes
and suffixes to auto-generated numbers. Prefixes and suffixes are useful in determining a record,
transaction, or document’s type and estimated age at a glance.

For example, you may choose to enable auto-generated numbering for the customer record type in
your account and prefix the number with CUST. Each time you add a new customer record, the record
number increases sequentially by one. When you view your customer list, you can quickly see that
CUST0025 is a newer customer than CUST0004.

When you set a record type to have auto-generated numbers, the number replaces the name that was
stored in the Company Name field. Record numbers cannot be reverted back to names after auto-
generated numbering has been enabled and the records have been updated.

Note: Auto-generated numbers are always enabled for transaction record types and
document types.

Important: Internal IDs are assigned to records to assist with parallel processing. This means
that an internal ID assigned to a new record can be significantly higher in value than the second
highest number.

Internal IDs do not indicate when a record was created even though assignment of internal IDs
to new records is sequential.

■ Overwrite Entity and CRM Record Type Numbers

■ Auto-Generated Document Numbers
■ Auto-Generated Transaction Numbers
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 60

■ Reset Initial Transaction and Document Numbering Sequences

■ Reporting
■ Set Up Auto-Generated Numbering

Overwrite Entity and CRM Record Type Numbers

For some entity and CRM record types, you can enable the Allow Override option to permit users to
manually enter numbers other than the auto-generated numbers. Be aware that overwriting these
record type numbers permits users to create duplicate numbers or numbering gaps. Use this feature
with caution.

After a manual override in a number sequence, the next auto-generated number follows the higher
number in the series.

■ For example, the most recently created record has an auto-generated number of 53. Someone
creates a record and manually assigns it number 05. The next record created is automatically
assigned number 54.
■ For example, if customer record number 101 is overwritten and set to 1001, auto-generated
numbers begins at 1002.

Additionally, when a record number is manually overwritten with a higher value, auto-generated
numbers begins at the next sequential number. Use this feature with caution.

Auto-Generated Document Numbers

Auto-generated numbers for document types are external numbers such as the number for a vendor
bill, or account based numbers such as a check number. Document numbers can also be type based,
which store a document number for type based transactions. Type based numbers are available as
custom columns in searches and lists.

When a document type has the Allow Override option enabled, users can unintentionally introduce
duplicated document numbers and numbering gaps into your account. To prevent duplicated
document type numbers and numbering gaps, you can customize transaction type records to display
the Generate TranID on Save box. When this box is checked, NetSuite records the document number
when the user saves the transaction record, rather than when the user opens the transaction record.
This ensures that the document number is unique for the document type, as if the Allow Override
option was not enabled. To display the Generate TranID on Save box on transaction type records and
on standard reports, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms. Locate the transaction type to
be customized and then click the Customize link next to the transaction name. Click the Screen Fields
subtab. In the Label column, locate Generate TranID on Save, check the Show box and then save the

If the Allow Override option is enabled for a specific document type and the Generate TranID on Save
box is not visible in the user interface, NetSuite records the document number when the user opens
the transaction record. This permits multiple instances of the same transaction record being assigned
the same TranID value. For example, User One opens a transaction record assigned TranID 100. Before
User One saves the transaction record, User Two opens a second instance of the same transaction
record, which is assigned the same TranID 100.
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 61

Note: If you attempt to save a record that has a duplicate TranID, NetSuite presents an error
message. You can cancel the message and save the duplicated number.

Important: For external numbering sequences such as vendor bill, the document number
is unique for each vendor, which permits the same document number being assigned to more
than one vendor. NetSuite prevents a vendor from having a duplicated document number on
the same transaction type. This applies to all four external transaction types whether recorded
through the user interface or through a CSV import: Bill (Vendor Bill), Bill Credit (Vendor Credit),
Credit Card Charge (Customer Credit Card), and Credit Card Refund (CCard Refund).

Warning: Updating document numbers irreversibly modifies all of the document numbers on
historical transactions.

Auto-Generated Transaction Numbers

Auto-generated numbers for transaction records are internal, gapless numbers that cannot be
overwritten and are generated when the record is saved. These internal numbers are generated for
each transaction type.

The Transaction Numbers subtab, formerly named Transactions subtab, at Setup > Company > Auto-
Generated Numbers is not visible by default. If you must configure transaction type options, you can
display the Transaction Numbers subtab. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences and check the
Show Transaction Numbering Setup box.

Important: If your account is new to NetSuite as of 2016.1, default prefixes are automatically
assigned to each transaction type. The default prefix is the internal system name for the
transaction type. For example, the default prefix for the Bill transaction type is VENDBILL. You
can modify the default prefix to suit your unique requirements. You can also delete the default

Some of the configuration options specified on the former Transactions subtab now appear on the
new Transaction Numbers subtab. This occurs for account-based and externally generated numbered
transactions because these configuration options modified both document number and transaction
number sequences. Account-based and externally generated transactions include the following:

■ Bill (Vendor Bill), Externally generated

■ Bill Credit (Vendor Credit), Externally generated
■ Bill Payment (Vendor Payment), Account-based
■ Check, Account-based
■ Credit Card Charge (Customer Credit Card), Externally generated
■ Credit Card Refund (CCard Refund), Externally generated
■ Customer Refund, Account-based
■ Paycheck, Account-based
■ Paycheck Journal, Regular
■ Payroll Liability Check, Account-based
■ Sales Tax Payment (Tax Payment), Account-based
■ Tax Liability Cheque (Tax Liability), Account-based
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 62

Configuration options specified for transaction types other than account-based or externally generated
numbers were copied to the Document Numbers subtab. You can reconfigure options on the
Document Numbers subtab, as required.

If you do not have auto-generated numbering set up in your account, document type numbers are
configured for the beginning number, which is set to 1.

By default, internal transaction numbers do not display on transaction type records or standard
reports, but you can customize any transaction type record to display this number. To display internal
transaction numbers on transaction records, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms. Locate
the transaction type to be customized and then click the Customize link next to the transaction name.
Click the Screen Fields subtab. In the Label column, locate Transaction Number, check the Show box
and then save the record. For information about customizing transaction forms, see the help topic
Custom Forms.

Internal transaction numbers are searchable when the number is hidden or visible on the user

Successful CSV transaction imports are numbered according to the internal transaction numbering
sequence at the time of the import.

Copied transactions are numbered according to the internal transaction numbering sequence at the
time of the import.

Important: In the former Transactions subtab, NetSuite permitted overwriting the

internal number of transaction records where the Allow Override option was enabled for the
transaction type. In these historical transactions, there may be duplicate internal numbering.
In the new Transaction Numbers subtab, NetSuite prohibits overwriting transaction type
numbering sequences, instead permitting the overwriting of document numbers. NetSuite does
not renumber historical internal transaction numbers.

Reset Initial Transaction and Document Numbering

In some countries, resetting an initial transaction number each fiscal year is a legal requirement. Users
with the Administrator role can reset the initial record number for both transaction type numbers and
document type numbers.

Be aware that resetting the initial number permits duplicate numbering in your account. In addition,
if you reset the initial document number during the update of an existing transaction type record, the
document number on that transaction record is not updated. Use this feature with caution. Ensure that
you understand the risks associated with resetting transaction type and document type numbering

Auto-generated numbering is tracked by the Transaction Numbering Audit Log. For more information,
see Transaction Numbering Audit Log.

By default, transaction lists display only the Document Number field in searches and reporting. If you
plan to include the Transaction Number field, be aware that this value is different from the value in the
Document Number field for the following transaction types.

* Bill (Vendor Bill), Externally generated

Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 63

* Bill Credit (Vendor Credit), Externally generated

* Bill Payment (Vendor Payment), Account-based

* Check, Account-based

* Credit Card Charge (Customer Credit Card), Externally generated

* Credit Card Refund (CCard Refund), Externally generated

* Customer Refund, Account-based

* Paycheck, Account-based

* Paycheck Journal, Regular

* Payroll Liability Check, Account-based

* Sales Tax Payment (Tax Payment), Account-based

* Tax Liability Cheque (Tax Liability), Account-based

For all other transaction types these two values are the same.

Set Up Auto-Generated Numbering

Use the steps below to set up auto-generated numbering for Entities, CRM records, and Schedules.
These steps also help you configure transaction type numbers and document type numbers.

Note: Multi-Book Accounting has no impact on transaction numbering.

To set up auto-generated numbering:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.
2. On the Entities, CRM, and Schedules subtabs, check the Enable box for each record type you
want automatically numbered from least recent to most recent.
3. For subrecords, check the Within Parent Group box to attach the subrecord number to the
parent record number.
4. In the Prefix column, enter any letters or numbers that you want to appear in front of every
record number of this type.
For example, you may want to have every customer record begin with CUST for quick identifying
in a list.

5. In the Suffix column, enter any letters or numbers you want to appear after every record
number of that type.
6. In the Minimum Digits column, enter the lowest number of digits you want in your auto-
generated numbering code. Valid values for this field range from 0–20.
For example, if you enter 4, your first record is 0001.
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 64

7. In the Initial Number column, enter the number you want your first numbered record to be.

Note: Changing the initial number for an entity record type, CRM record type, or
schedule record type sets the next number in the series of auto-generated numbered
records. It does not change the numbering scheme.

On document type numbers and transaction type numbers, users with the Administrator role
can reset the initial number. Check the Update Initial Number box to enable the Initial Number
field for editing, then enter the new initial number.

Warning: Resetting the initial number permits duplicate numbering in your account.
In addition, if you reset the initial document number during the update of an existing
transaction type record, the document number on that transaction record is not updated.

8. For document type numbers, check the Use Subsidiary box to use the document prefix for
numbering that is specified on the subsidiary record.
For transaction type numbers, check the Use Subsidiary box to use the transaction prefix for
numbering that is specified on the subsidiary record.
Edit or create prefixes for each subsidiary at Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > New > List or
Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > New.

Note: NetSuite uses the document or transaction prefix for numbering only if it is
specified on the subsidiary record.

Note: The Use Subsidiary column appears only in NetSuite OneWorld accounts.

9. For document type numbers, check the Use Location box to use the document prefix for
numbering that is specified on the location record.
For transaction type numbers, check the Use Location box to use the transaction prefix for
numbering that is specified on the location record.
Edit or create prefixes for each location at Setup > Company > Locations > New > List or Setup >
Company > Locations > New.

Note: NetSuite uses the document or transaction prefix for numbering ONLY if it is
specified on the location record.

10. On the Entities, Document Numbers, and CRM subtabs, check the Allow Override box to be
able to enter your own name or number on records.
Checking this box clears the Auto box on records.
If you do not check this box, you cannot edit the numbers on records that serve as the record
The following document number types cannot be overwritten:
■ Bill (Vendor Bill), Externally referenced
■ Bill Credit (Vendor Credit), Externally referenced
■ Bill Payment (Vendor Payment), Account-based
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 65

■ Check, Account-based
■ Credit Card Charge (Customer Credit Card), Externally referenced
■ Credit Card Refund (CCard Refund), Externally referenced
■ Customer Refund, Account-based
■ Paycheck, Account-based
■ Payroll Liability Check, Account-based
■ Sales Tax Payment (Tax Payment), Account-based
■ Tax Liability Cheque (Tax Liability), Account-based
11. Check the Update box to assign a number to all existing records of that type, starting with the
next available number or the number you enter in the Initial Number column, whichever is
When your existing records are numbered, the former name moves to the Company Name field
on that record. If the Company Name field is already filled, the former name displays next to the
new number.

Warning: Updating document numbers irreversibly modifies all of the document

numbers on historical transactions.

Important: The Update column is used to auto-generate numbers for records that
have not been previously numbered. If you change the initial number for a record type
and then check the Update box, auto-generated numbering assigns the new number to
the next record created but does not renumber existing records.

Note: On existing employee records that are numbered, the former name moves to the
First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name fields.

Note: On document type numbers and transaction type numbers, the Update box is
disabled if you have checked the Use Location box or the Use Subsidiary box.

12. Click Save.

Important: The Reset button clears unsaved data entered on the form or record in the
current browser window. It does not reset auto-generated numbers and it does not impact data
that has been saved to the database. The Reset button does not refresh the record to display
data saved on the record since you first loaded the page. For more information, see the help
topic Using Buttons in NetSuite.

Records and Transactions Available for Auto-Numbering

All record, document type, and transaction type numbers are tracked in the Transaction Numbering
Audit Log.

Note: Multi-Book Accounting has no impact on transaction numbering.

On the Entities subtab, you can replace the names of the following record types with numbers:
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 66

Customer Subcustomer

Project Employee

Partner Subpartner


Document Numbers

Important: For existing customers, configuration options specified on the Transactions

subtab prior to 2015.2 were copied to the new Document Numbers subtab. You can reconfigure
options on the Document Numbers subtab, as required. If the Transaction Numbers subtab is
visible, you can configure options there, as required. To make the Transaction Numbers subtab
visible, go to Setup > Company > General Preferences. Check the Show Transaction Numbering
Setup box and then save your change.

For new customers, document type numbers are not configured, except for the beginning
number, which is set to 1.

Some document types listed on the Document Numbers subtab may not be available if the related
features are not enabled in your account.

Auto-generated numbers for document types are external numbers such as the number for a vendor
bill, or account based numbers such as a check number. Document numbers can also be type based,
which store a document number for type based transactions. Type based numbers are available as
custom columns in searches and lists.

When a document type has the Allow Override option enabled, users can unintentionally introduce
duplicated document numbers and numbering gaps into your account. To prevent duplicated
document type numbers and numbering gaps, you can customize transaction type records to display
the Generate TranID on Save check box. When this box is checked, NetSuite records the document
number when the user saves the transaction record, rather than when the user opens the transaction
record. This ensures that the document number is unique for the document type, as if the Allow
Override option was not enabled. To display the Generate TranID on Save box on transaction type
records and on standard reports, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms. Locate the
transaction type to be customized and then click the Customize link next to the transaction name. Click
the Screen Fields subtab. In the Label column, locate Generate TranID on Save, check the Show box and
then save the record.

If the Allow Override option is enabled for a specific document type and the Generate TranID on Save
box is not visible in the user interface, NetSuite records the document number when the user opens
the transaction record. This permits multiple instances of the same transaction record being assigned
the same TranID value. For example, User One opens a transaction record assigned TranID 100. Before
User One saves the transaction record, User Two opens a second instance of the same transaction
record, which is assigned the same TranID 100.
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 67

Important: For external numbering sequences such as vendor bill, the document number
is unique for each vendor, which permits the same document number being assigned to more
than one vendor. NetSuite prevents a vendor from having a duplicated document number on
the same transaction type. This applies to all four external transaction types whether recorded
through the user interface or through a CSV import: Bill (Vendor Bill), Bill Credit (Vendor Credit),
Credit Card Charge (Customer Credit Card), and Credit Card Refund (CCard Refund).

Warning: Updating document numbers irreversibly modifies all of the document numbers on
historical transactions.

You can place letters in front of or after the numbers of the following document types:

Assembly Build Assembly Unbuild

Bin Putaway Worksheet Bin Transfer

Blanket Purchase Order Cash Refund

Cash Sale Commission

Credit Memo Currency Revaluation

Custom Customer Deposit

Deposit Deposit Application

Estimate Expense Report

Finance Charge Inventory Adjustment

Note: This numbering sequence is

shared with Invoice.

Inventory Cost Revaluation Inventory Count

Inventory Distribution Inventory Transfer

Inventory Worksheet Invoice

Note: This numbering sequence is shared

with Finance Charge.

Item Fulfillment Item Receipt

Journal Opportunity

Paycheck Journal Payment (Customer)

Payroll Adjustment Purchase Contract


Purchase Order Request For Quote

Requisition Return Authorization

Revenue Commitment Revenue Commitment Reversal

Revenue Contract Sales Order

Statement Charge Store Pickup Fulfillment

Tegata Payable Tegata Receivable

Transfer Transfer Order

Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 68

Vendor Request For Quote Vendor Return Authorization

Work Order Work Order Close

Work Order Completion Work Order Issue

Transaction Numbers
Some transaction types listed on the Transaction Numbers subtab may not be available if the related
features are not enabled in your account.

Auto-generated numbers for transaction records are internal, gapless numbers that cannot be
overwritten and are generated when the record is saved. These internal numbers are generated for
each transaction type.

The Transaction Numbers subtab, formerly named Transactions subtab, at Setup > Company > Auto-
Generated Numbers is invisible by default. If you must configure transaction type options, you can
display the Transaction Numbers subtab. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences and check the
Show Transaction Numbering Setup box.

Some of the configuration options specified on the former Transactions subtab now appear on the
new Transaction Numbers subtab. This occurs for account-based and externally generated numbered
transactions because these configuration options modified both document number and transaction
number sequences. Account-based and externally generated transactions include the following:

■ Bill (Vendor Bill), Externally generated

■ Bill Credit (Vendor Credit), Externally generated
■ Bill Payment (Vendor Payment), Account-based
■ Check, Account-based
■ Credit Card Charge (Customer Credit Card), Externally generated
■ Credit Card Refund (CCard Refund), Externally generated
■ Customer Refund, Account-based
■ Paycheck, Account-based
■ Paycheck Journal, Regular
■ Payroll Liability Check, Account-based
■ Sales Tax Payment (Tax Payment), Account-based
■ Tax Liability Cheque (Tax Liability), Account-based

Configuration options specified for transaction types other than account-based or externally generated
numbers were copied to the Document Numbers subtab. You can reconfigure options on the
Document Numbers subtab, as required.

If you do not have auto-generated numbering set up in your account, document type numbers are
configured for the beginning number, which is set to 1.

By default, internal transaction numbers do not display on transaction type records or standard
reports, but you can customize any transaction type record to display this number. To display internal
transaction numbers on transaction records, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms. Locate
the transaction type to be customized and then click the Customize link next to the transaction name.
Click the Screen Fields subtab. In the Label column, locate Transaction Number, check the Show box
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 69

and then save the record. For information about customizing transaction forms, see the help topic
Custom Forms.
Internal transaction numbers are searchable when the number is hidden or visible on the user
Successful CSV transaction imports are numbered according to the internal transaction numbering
sequence at the time the import.
Copied transactions are numbered according to the internal transaction numbering sequence at the
time of the import.

Important: In the former Transactions subtab, NetSuite permitted overwriting the

internal number of transaction records where the Allow Override option was enabled for the
transaction type. In these historical transactions, there may be duplicate internal numbering.
In the new Transaction Numbers subtab, NetSuite prohibits overwriting transaction type
numbering sequences, instead permitting the overwriting of document numbers. NetSuite does
not renumber historical internal transaction numbers.

If the Use Deletion Reason feature is enabled in your account, users must provide a reason for deleting
transaction type records. For more information about the feature, see Recording a Reason for Deleting
a Transaction.
You can place letters in front of or after the numbers of the following transaction types:

Assembly Build Assembly Unbuild

Bill (Vendor Bill) Bill Credit (Vendor Credit)

Bill Payment (Vendor Payment) Bin Putaway Worksheet

Bin Transfer Blanket Purchase Order

CCard Refund (Credit Card Refund) Cash Refund

Cash Sale Check

Commission Credit Card (Customer Credit Card Charge)

Credit Memo Currency Revaluation

Custom Customer Deposit

Customer Refund Deposit

Deposit Application Estimate

Expense Report Finance Charge

Note: This numbering sequence is shared with


Fixed Asset Accrual Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Cost Revaluation Inventory Count

Inventory Distribution Inventory Transfer

Inventory Worksheet Invoice

Note: This numbering sequence is shared with

Finance Charge.

Item Fulfillment Item Receipt

Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 70

Journal Opportunity

Paycheck Paycheck Journal

Payment (Customer) Payroll Adjustment


Payroll Liability Check Purchase Contract

Purchase Order Request For Quote

Requisition Return Authorization

Revenue Commitment Revenue Commitment Reversal

Revenue Contract Sales Order

Sales Tax Payment (Tax Payment) Statement Charge

Store Pickup Fulfillment Tax Liability Cheque (Tax Liability)

Tegata Payable Tegata Receivable

Transfer Transfer Order

Vendor Request For Quote Vendor Return Authorization

Work Order Work Order Close

Work Order Completion Work Order Issue

Account-based transaction types such as Check, where the numbering sequence is dependent upon a
particular account, and transaction types where the numbers are used for external reference such as
Vendor Bill, display an additional read-only, auto-generated number in the Transaction Number field.

The following list provides the transaction types where the numbering sequences are either account-
based or externally referenced:

■ Bill (Vendor Bill), Externally referenced

■ Bill Credit (Vendor Credit), Externally referenced
■ Bill Payment (Vendor Payment), Account-based
■ Check, Account-based
■ Credit Card Charge (Customer Credit Card), Externally referenced
■ Credit Card Refund (CCard Refund), Externally referenced
■ Customer Refund, Account-based
■ Paycheck, Account-based
■ Payroll Liability Check, Account-based
■ Sales Tax Payment (Tax Payment), Account-based
■ Tax Liability Cheque (Tax Liability), Account-based
Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers 71

Note: The Transaction Number field is visible by default on standard NetSuite forms and not
visible by default on customized forms. You can, however, customize a form to display this field.

By default, transaction lists display only the Number field in searches and reporting. If you plan
to include the new Transaction Number field, be aware that this value is different from the
value in the Number field for the account-based and externally referenced transaction types
listed above. For all other transaction types, these two values will be the same.

Important: If you copy an externally referenced transaction such as Vendor Bill, the reference
number is not copied. This is to avoid duplicate numbers in the system.

Warning: You cannot auto-generate numbers for journals if you enable the Always Allow Per-
line Classifications on Journals preference.

On the CRM subtab, you can replace the names of the following records with numbers:

Campaign Issue

Solution Support Case

On the Schedules subtab, you can replace the names of the following records with numbers:

Amortization Schedule Revenue Recognition Schedule

Transaction Numbering Audit Log

The Transaction Numbering Audit Log provides a complete list of every internal transaction number
including the numbers that were assigned to transactions that have been deleted or failed to be
created. Transactions such as these include cash sales that fail due to problems with credit card
processing. For more information about internal transaction numbers, see Auto-Generated Transaction

Administrators and other users with the Lists type permission Access to transaction numbering audit
log can view this audit log at Transactions > Management > Transaction Numbering Audit Log.

This audit log includes the transaction type, number, date and time the transaction number was
assigned, and the creator of the transaction. The subsidiary and location for the transactions display if
you base your auto-generated numbering on those criteria.

If a transaction is deleted, the date and time it was deleted and the person who deleted it are listed. If a
transaction failed to be created, the reason displays in the Message column.

If the Use Deletion Reason feature is enabled in your account, the log also provides the reason a user
deleted a transaction record, and any related memo. For more information about the feature, see
Recording a Reason for Deleting a Transaction.
Setting Up States, Provinces, and Counties 72

Setting Up States, Provinces, and Counties

At Setup > Company > States/Provinces/Counties, you can:

■ View lists of system-provided states and provinces for supported countries

■ Add and edit custom states, provinces, and counties
■ Set up lists of custom states, provinces, and counties for supported countries
■ Print lists of states, provinces, and counties available for use in NetSuite records

To view a list of available states, provinces, and counties, expand the Filters and select a country from
the Country list. Only countries with lists of system-provided or custom (or both) states, provinces, or
counties are available for selection.

System names do not have an Edit link, because system states and provinces are not editable. Custom
states, provinces, and counties that you have added do have an Edit link. You can click an Edit link to
make changes.

To add a state, province, or county to be used on NetSuite records, click the New button. On the
New State/Province/County page, select a country from the list, enter a full name and a short name
(abbreviation) for the state, province, or county you want to add, and click Save.

To print a list of states, provinces, and counties for a country, select the country from the list and click
the Print button.

You can set up lists for supported countries that do not have system-provided states, provinces, and

To set up a list of states, provinces, and counties for a supported country:

1. Go to Setup > Company > States/Provinces/Counties > New.
2. On the New State/Province/County page, select the country, and enter a full name and a short
name (abbreviation) for the state, province, or county you want to add.
3. Click Save. The States/Provinces/Counties refreshes with the new list you created.
You can now select the country and view its list. Click the Edit link next to the state, province, or
county to make changes.
Setting Up States, Provinces, and Counties 73

4. Repeat Steps 2–3 to add more custom states, provinces, and counties.

Reviewing Supported Countries

At Setup > Company > Countries, you can:

■ View a list of countries available for use in NetSuite records

■ Click the Print button to print the list of supported countries
■ Click a country name link to review its address template and the script used to start mapping
programs when users click Map links next to addresses on NetSuite pages.
■ Click an Edit link for a country to modify its address template or mapping program script. (if you
have associated permissions)

If you are referencing countries in your customizations and integrations built on the SuiteCloud
Platform, be aware of the following:

■ Web services integrations reference countries using country enumerations that are specific to
SuiteTalk web services. For a list of these enumerations, see the help topic Country Enumerations.
■ CSV imports reference countries using country names, or labels, as listed in Country Names for CSV
■ SuiteScripts generally reference countries using ISO country codes, which are not maintained by
NetSuite. Some SuiteScript APIs may also reference country names.
■ SuiteAnalytics Connect integrations reference countries using ISO country codes.

Setting Printing and Fax Preferences

The Printing & Fax Preferences page is where you set up preferences for printing forms, and set up the
fax service. Preferences set on these pages affect all users in your NetSuite account.

Note: Use the Web Site Setup page to set preferences for sending email from your website.
For more information, see the help topic Web Site Email Preferences.

Printing and Fax Preferences

You must register with eFax® or Faxaway® to use NetSuite for faxing. Visit or to register before setting your fax preferences.

To set your printing and faxing preferences:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Printing & Fax Preferences.

2. Click the name of each subtab to view instructions for setting printing and fax preferences.
■ Printing
■ Fax
Setting Printing and Fax Preferences 74


Field Description

Save Toner When Printing Check the Save Toner When Printing box to choose a form style that
saves ink or toner.

Field Description

Customers Default to Check the Customers Default to Transactions box as appropriate on the
Print Transactions Print subtab.
Default to deliver customer transactions by printing, by email, by fax, or
by a combination of the three. The delivery preferences you define will
default on all new customer records you create. Later, you can change the
settings on individual customer records as needed by checking or clearing
the appropriate boxes.

Vendors Default to Print Check the Vendors Default to Transactions box as appropriate on the Print
Transactions subtab.
Default to deliver vendor transactions by printing, by email, by fax, or
by a combination of the three. The delivery preferences you define will
default on all new vendor records you create. Later, you can change the
settings on individual vendor records as needed by checking or clearing the
appropriate boxes.

Print Return Form with Check the Print Return Form with Packing Slip box to print a return form
Packing Slip every time you print a packing slip.

Print Remittance Check the Print Remittance Form With Invoices & Statements box to include
Form With Invoices & a remittance form on invoices and statements.
Statements The remittance form details payment information the customer needs to
make a payment, including the invoice number and statement amount due,
the name to make checks payable to and the address to mail the payment

Print Transaction Forms Check the Print Transaction Forms Landscape box to print transaction
Landscape forms in landscape format.

Note: To utilize this preference, you must use a standard

transaction PDF layout. Use either a standard transaction form with
a standard transaction PDF layout or use a custom transaction form
associated with a standard PDF layout.

Print Separate Voucher Remittance information for payments against many bills may not fit on a
for Bill Payments single check voucher. In such a case, you can print a separate voucher page
that includes all of the remittance advice. Then, you can send this expanded
voucher page to the vendor along with the check.
When you print a separate voucher, no bills are listed on the voucher part
of the check. The actual check voucher indicates that the remittance advice
is on a separate page.

Print Accounts on Check the Print Accounts on Vouchers box to print the name of the account
Vouchers used on checks.
Setting Printing and Fax Preferences 75

Field Description

Print Discount and Check the Print Discount and Shipping Lines in Columns box to show
Shipping Lines in discount and shipping items with descriptions as line-items in transaction
Columns columns.
If you clear this box, the footer of the transaction shows only a shipping-
item name and the total shipping and handling cost.

Print Business Number Check the Print Business Number on Forms box if you want your Federal ID
on Forms or EIN printed in the header of your transaction forms.

Use Location Address on Check the Use Location Address on Forms box if you want to print the
Forms address and logo of the location identified in the body of a transaction.

Note: This does not apply to locations identified by line-items on


The address and logo for each location is identified on the location record.
This preference does not apply to printing statements.

Advanced PDF/HTML Printing

By default the preferred transaction PDF basic layout or transaction HTML basic layout is used to
format printed item detail statements, item labels, and mailing labels. If the Advanced PDF/HTML
Templates feature is enabled in your account, you can use an advanced template instead. For
information about advanced printing, see the help topic Advanced PDF/HTML Templates. For
information about transaction layouts, see the help topic Transaction Form PDF Layouts.

Field Description

Use for Item Detail Statements Check to use the preferred advanced template to format printed
item detail statements.

Use for Item Labels Check to use the preferred advanced template to format printed
item labels.

Use for Mailing Labels Check to use the preferred advanced template to format printed
mailing labels.

Check Printing
Note: These preferences do not affect the position of layout elements on the check form.

Field Description

Default Check Type In the Default Check Type field, select the type of checks you use:

■ Select Standard for checks printed without a voucher, three to an 8.5 by 11-
inch sheet.
■ Select Voucher for checks printed at the top of an 8.5 by 11-inch sheet, with
voucher information printed on a bottom stub.
One check prints per sheet.

Font In the Font field, select the type font to use when printing checks.
Print checks at Transactions > Management > Print Checks and Forms.
Setting Printing and Fax Preferences 76

Field Description

Font Size In the Font Size field, enter the font size to use when printing checks.

Note: To set preferences on reports (such as fonts and format) to generate PDFs, see the help
topic Reporting Preferences on the Set Preferences Page.

Field Description

Use Logo Image DPI When Check the Use Logo Image DPI When Printing box to print logos in PDFs at
Printing a higher resolution for clarity.

Logo Scaling Factor In the Logo Scaling Factor field, enter a number to control the size of a
logo when printing a PDF.
For example, enter 1 to size it at 100% and 0.8 to size it at 80%.

Add Extra Space Between Check the Add Extra Space Between Items box if you want to add space
Items between line items on PDF transactions.
This space is added only to line items and is in addition to your selected
line spacing settings.

Line Spacing In the Line Spacing field, select how you want the lines on your PDF forms
to be spaced.
This does not affect HTML forms.

Extend Columns to Bottom Check the Extend Columns to Bottom of Page box if you want columns on
of Page PDF forms to extend to the bottom of the page, whether or not there is an
entire page of data within the column. Totals are shown directly beneath
the last line of data.
If you do not turn on this preference, data on the form is totaled at the
bottom of the page.

Form Size Measurements Select whether you want to enter measurements for PDF layout elements
in Imperial (English) or metric units.

Template Folders
Field Description

Letter In the Letter field, select the file cabinet folder you want to store your letter templates
in by default.
This field appears only if you have enabled the Mail Merge feature.

PDF In the PDF field, select the file cabinet folder you want to store your PDF templates in
by default.
This field appears only if you have enabled the Mail Merge feature.

Field Description

Sales Form Disclaimer Enter a disclaimer to appear at the bottom of your sales forms. Some
examples of sales forms include invoices, sales orders and credit memos.
Setting Printing and Fax Preferences 77

Field Description

Purchase Form Disclaimer Enter a disclaimer to appear at the bottom of your purchase orders.

Statement Disclaimer Enter a disclaimer to appear at the bottom of your customer statements.

Payment Receipt Enter a disclaimer to appear at the bottom of payment receipts.


Packing Slip Message Enter a message to appear at the bottom of your packing slips.

Return Policy Enter your return policy to appear on return forms.

Remittance Slip Message Enter a message to appear at the bottom of your remittance slips.

You must register with eFax® or Faxaway® to use NetSuite for faxing. Visit or to register before setting your fax preferences.

Note: Free eFax accounts do not function with NetSuite. To use eFax with NetSuite, you must
set up a pay account with eFax.

Field Description

Customers Default to Fax Check the Customers Default to Transactions box as appropriate on the Fax
Transactions subtab.
Default to deliver customer transactions by printing, by email, by fax, or
by a combination of the three. The delivery preferences you define will
default on all new customer records you create. Later, you can change the
settings on individual customer records as needed by checking or clearing
the appropriate boxes.

Vendors Default to Fax Check the Vendors Default to Transactions box as appropriate on the Fax
Transactions subtab.
Default to deliver vendor transactions by printing, by email, by fax, or
by a combination of the three. The delivery preferences you define will
default on all new vendor records you create. Later, you can change the
settings on individual vendor records as needed by checking or clearing the
appropriate boxes.

Send Faxes Using After you have registered for a fax service, select the fax service you have
registered with.

Registered Email Address Enter the email address you used to set up your fax service.

Mode Select standard or fine as the quality of your fax.

This only applies if you registered with eFax.

Send Cover Page Check this box to send a cover page with your fax.
This only applies if you registered with eFax.

Send Confirmation Email Check this box to receive an e-mail message containing a copy of the fax
you sent.

Fax Template Folder Select the file cabinet folder you want to store your fax templates in by

Prepend a '1' to Number To add a 1 to the beginning of a fax number when dialing, check this box.
When Sending a Fax
Setting Email Preferences 78

Setting Email Preferences

The Email Preferences page is where you set up global email preferences for your company.
Preferences set on these pages will affect all users in your NetSuite account.

Note: Use the Set Up Web Site page to set preferences for sending email from your website.
For more information, see the help topic Web Site Email Preferences.

To set your email preferences:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Email > Email Preferences.

2. Complete the required fields as detailed below.
3. Click Save.


Field Description

Global BCC List List email addresses to which you want to send blind copies of outbound
(Separate Addresses email messages, including emailed transaction forms, individually sent
with Commas) email, email merges, campaign email, and system response email.
Separate multiple addresses with commas.
To enter BCC email addresses intended for outbound messages from the
Web store, see the help topic Web Site Email Preferences.

Global Footer Enter text to be included at the bottom of each outbound email message,
other than transactions, including emailed transaction forms, individually
sent email, email merges, campaign email, and system response email.
This text can meet legal requirements and serve as a disclaimer.

Note: This email uses HTML based on your setting in the Email
Using HTML field at Home > Set Preferences on the Transactions
subtab under Printing.

To enter content intended for outbound messages from the Web store, see
the help topic Web Site Email Preferences.

Default Mail Merge Select the campaign email domain you want selected by default on your
Domain email and templates.
A campaign domain is required if you send more than 10,000 bulk email per
You can create new campaign email domains. For Site Builder, go to Setup
> Site Builder > Setup Tasks > Set Up Web Site or for SuiteCommerce
Advanced, go to Setup > SuiteCommerce Advanced> Set Up Web Site. Click
the Domains subtab.

Enable Email Alerts for To improve performance and avoid unnecessary email, by default saved
WS and CSV Imports search email alerts are not sent for updates made by CSV imports or web
services integrations. Check this box to cause email alerts to be sent for CSV
imports and Web services integrations.

Remove Email Addresses Select the number of days delay before email addresses that returned a
From Bounced Email bounce message are removed from the Bounced Email Address list. Email
Address list After addresses on this list are not sent email from NetSuite during this period.
Setting Email Preferences 79

Field Description
This includes all types of email, including individual and bulk email messages
through mail merge or marketing campaigns.


Field Description

Customers Default to Check the Customers Default to Transactions box as appropriate for Email.
Email Transactions Default to deliver customer transactions by printing, by email, by fax, or
by a combination of the three. The delivery preferences you define will
default on all new customer records you create. Later, you can change the
settings on individual customer records as needed by checking or clearing
the appropriate boxes.

Vendors Default to Email Check the Vendors Default to Transactions box as appropriate for Email.
Transactions Default to deliver vendor transactions by printing, by email, by fax, or
by a combination of the three. The delivery preferences you define will
default on all new vendor records you create. Later, you can change the
settings on individual vendor records as needed by checking or clearing
the appropriate boxes.

Send to all Administrators Check the Send to all Administrators box to send every employee with the
Administrator role a copy of each transaction form emailed to customers
or vendors.
Security-sensitive emails are always sent to the actual owner of the email
address. For example, password reset emails do not obey preferences that
override routing rules (such as the Send to all Administrators preference).
Examples of security-sensitive emails include:

■ Reset Password
■ Change Password
■ Change Email Address
■ Security Questions (Setup or Update)
■ Two-Factor Authentication Setup
■ One-Time Password

CC (Separate Addresses List email addresses to which you want to send copies of emailed
with Commas transaction forms.
Separate multiple addresses with commas or semicolons.
You can email copies of forms to all Administrators, all Administrators and
those you specify in the CC field, or only those you specify in the CC field.

From Address for Emailed In the From Address for Emailed Forms field, select the email address to
Forms show in the From field of email you send with NetSuite:

■ Company Return Email Address – Email is sent from the address you
enter in the Return Email Address field at Setup > Company > Company
■ Subsidiary Return Email Address – Email forms generated in NetSuite
are sent using the email address defined in the Return Email Address
field at Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries.
This option is useful when you have many subsidiaries and you send
forms to your customers and vendors using email. You can use this
setting to be certain that customers or vendors reply using an email
Setting Email Preferences 80

Field Description
address from the appropriate subsidiary and the information is
delivered where it belongs.

Note: This option is available only in NetSuite OneWorld


■ User Email Address – Email is sent from the address you enter in
the From Email Address field at Home > Set Preferences. If you do
not enter an email address here, email is sent from your login email

Use Popup for Main Check this box if you want to view and modify the email you send when
Transaction Email Button you click the Email button while viewing a transaction.
With this preference enabled, when you click the Email button on a
transaction, an email form opens, allowing you to modify the recipients
and email text.
If this preference is disabled, when you click the Email button on a
transaction, the transaction email is sent immediately.

Field Description

Template Folder In the Template Folder field, select the file cabinet folder you want to store
your mail templates in by default.

User Access Email In the User Access Template field, select the template to use when notifying
Template an employee that they have been given access to your account.
To create additional templates to go in this dropdown, go to Setup >
Company > Email > Email System Templates and click New Template.

Customer Center Email In the Customer Center Template field, select the template to use when
Template notifying customers that they have been given access to the Customer
To create additional templates to go in this dropdown, go to Setup >
Company > Email > System Email Templates and click New Template.

Partner Center Email In the Partner Center Template field, select the template to use when
Template notifying partners that they have been given access to the Partner Center or
Advanced Partner Center.
To create additional templates to go in this dropdown, go to Setup >
Company > Email > System Email Templates and click New Template.

Webstore Template Select which file cabinet folder to store templates used by the Web store for
Folder outbound email messages.

Domain Keys
For information on Domain Keys, see the help topic DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).

Field Description

Add DKIM Signature Check this box to insert a DKIM header into all outgoing email messages
to Messages sent from your NetSuite account. This code header contains the domain key
information but does not add any text to your messages.
Setting Email Preferences 81

Field Description

Domain Selector Enter where the public key is located in the DNS entry of the domain. Do not
include the ._domainkey suffix that you include when setting up your domain
with your domain provider. This is the same domain selector you enter when
setting up the domain with your domain provider. For example, if you are using for your domain hosting, enter the TXT name you entered as the
Host in the TXT (Text) section of the Total DNS Control Panel.

Domain Name Enter the domain name where the public key is stored.

Private Domain Key Enter the private domain keys used for signing in one of the following ways:

■ Enter them manually.

■ Click the Generate Key Pairs link to have NetSuite generate it for you.

Public Domain Key Enter the public domain keys used for signing in one of the following ways:

■ Enter them manually.

■ Click the Generate Key Pairs link to have NetSuite generate it for you.

DNS Entry After generating or entering your domain keys, the complete DNS entry for your
domain is shown in this field.
You can paste this DNS entry into the domain settings with your domain

Verify DNS Entry Click the Verify DNS Entry link to test your DKIM setup. The results of this
verification test are shown in this field.
For information on the results of this test, see the help topic DKIM Setup

Email Address Click the Send Test Email to DKIM Reflector link to test DKIM. This result is sent
to Receive Test to the company email address specified in the Return Email Address field at
Response Setup > Company > Company Information.

Compose DMARC Check this box if you want to send all email from NetSuite in DMARC compliant
Compliant Email format. This preference applies to all email sent from NetSuite unless you use a
Messages 3rd party SMTP server. If you use a 3rd party SMTP server, you must configure it
separately to send DMARC compliant email.

Forward Email If you use the Capture Email Replies feature, check this box if you want all email
Replies in DMARC routed by this feature to be DMARC-compliant.
compliant format

Sandbox and Release Preview Email Preferences

Set preferences for the routing of email messages from your Sandbox and Release Preview

Important: NetSuite recommends choosing the Send Email To option for both the Sandbox
and Release Preview environments.

There are exceptions to the email routing rules you specify. Security-sensitive emails will be always sent
to the actual owner of the email address. For example, password reset emails do not obey preferences
that override routing rules.

Examples of security-sensitive emails include:

■ Reset Password
■ Change Password
Setting Email Preferences 82

■ Change Email Address

■ Security Questions (Setup or Update)
■ Two-Factor Authentication Setup
■ One-Time Password

Option Description

Send Email To (NetSuite Choose this option to ensure email messages are delivered to specific
recommends this option.) addresses.

■ Enter the email address or email addresses to which to deliver email

messages. Separate each email address entered with a comma.
■ Choose this option when testing your web store in your Sandbox or
in your Release Preview environment. This option ensures web store
generated email messages are routed to the desired recipient.

Send Email to Logged In Choose this option to route email messages to the user logged in to the
User NetSuite UI.
If you select this option, be aware of the following behaviors:

■ Email messages initiated by an error in a scheduled script follow the

notification settings in the script record.
■ Email messages generated from web stores will not be sent to the user
logged in to the NetSuite UI. For example, an order notification email
message would be sent to the shopper’s email address, not the logged
in user’s email address. To prevent this, choose the Send Email To
option instead.

Do Not Send Emails Choose this option if you do not want any email messages sent.

Third Party SMTP Configuration for Bulk Email

You can choose to set up a third party SMTP server for sending bulk email. This setup permits you
to use your own infrastructure and maintain control over all aspects of your outgoing bulk email
communications from NetSuite. Supported message types include:

■ Marketing campaigns
■ Bulk merges
■ Sales campaigns

When the validation process is successful, the system automatically checks the Validated for Bulk box.
Setting Email Preferences 83

Note: After a server has been validated for bulk and is active, it will appear as an option in
the Default SMTP for Bulk field in Email Preferences, see Setup > Company > Email > Email

Setting Up Duplicate Detection

After you enable the Duplicate Detection feature at Setup > Company > Enable Features, you need to
set criteria to use when searching for duplicates before records can be flagged. By default, NetSuite
searches for duplicates by email address.

Duplicate Detection Preferences

You can change how NetSuite searches for duplicates on the Duplicate Detection page. You can have
NetSuite search for duplicates among customer, contact, partner, or vendor records and search for
matching information in certain fields.

To prevent you from merging records that are not duplicates, you can only merge records if they have
the same tax registration number or if both records do not have tax registration numbers entered. If
you use NetSuite OneWorld, records with different subsidiaries cannot be merged.

To set up Duplicate Detection:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Company Management > Duplicate Detection.

2. Check the box next to each type of record you would like use duplicate detection with.
For example, check the Detect Customer Duplicates box to be alerted of possible duplicate
customer records.
There are four types of records you can detect duplicates for:
■ Customer
■ Vendor
■ Partner
■ Contact
Setting Up Duplicate Detection 84

3. For each type of record, in the Fields to Match On box, select the fields from respective record
type you want to use when searching for similar information.
Depending on your settings in Home > Set Preferences, you may see all fields listed in the form
or you may have to click the Select Multiple icon , and select your fields from there.

For a record of type Customer, selecting the field Company Name, makes the system search for
duplicate matches in the Company Name field in the Customer Form.
Records must have matching information in all of the fields you select to be returned as possible
For example, if you check the Detect Customer Duplicated box and then select phone and email
in the Fields to Match On field, customers must have a matching phone number and a matching
email address to be considered duplicates.

You can base duplicate detection criteria on custom fields. On the Set Up Duplicate Detection
page, the list of fields for each entity type includes To create or modify custom entity fields: you
Setting Up Duplicate Detection 85

have created for those record types. Check the Store Value box when creating a custom entity
field to make it available as criteria in duplicate detection.
4. If you want to exclude specific email domains from Email (domain only) duplicate detection, click
the Exclude Domains subtab, and enter the domains you want to exclude. Press Enter after
each domain. Enter these excluded domains without the top-level domain (.com, .net, etc.). For
example, to exclude Gmail email addresses, you would enter gmail.

Click anywhere on the list, press Enter and type the domain to be included without the dot com
or dot net ending.
5. On the Other Preferences tab, check the Show Duplicate Warning Popup on Records if you
want to present a popup warning when a user clicks Save while the cursor is in a duplicate
criteria field.
Normally, users are warned of possible duplicates when they click from a duplicate criteria field
on a record to another field. Sometimes the cursor is still in a duplicate criteria field when the
user clicks Save, and this standard warning is not presented. Enabling this preference allows
users to still be notified.

6. Choose how you would like to resolve duplicate records that have conflicting login access.
If two duplicate records each have login access, but the records have different email addresses,
they are considered to have conflicting login access. The following options are available:
■ Manually - Duplicate records with conflicting login access are not merged. You must manually
remove the login access of one of the records before they can be merged.
Setting Up Duplicate Detection 86

■ By deleting the duplicates' access - When merging records, the login access of duplicate
records is deleted when it is merged into the master record.
7. Click Save.

When you click Save, NetSuite begins searching for duplicate records based on your criteria.

Note: The initial search can take a significant amount of time based on the number of
customer and contact records you have in your account. You will not see duplicate alerts or be
able to merge records until this initial search is complete.

After the search is complete, possible duplicate records are flagged with a notice and a link to a page
where you can decide how to manage the duplicates. For more information, see the help topic Merging
or Deleting Duplicate Records.

You can also go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Duplicate Record Merge to search for all possible
duplicate contact and customer records based on the criteria you have set.

Duplicate Entity Management Permission

Access to the Manage Duplicates page is controlled by the Duplicate Entity Management permission.

To limit a role's ability to perform merges:

1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

2. Click Customize or Edit for a role.
3. On the Permissions tab, click Lists.
4. Add the Duplicate Entity Management permission to the role.
5. Select View to hide the Merge button from users with this role.

Duplicate Record Notification

Users are notified of potential duplicates in three ways:

■ When you open a record that has potential duplicates, a notice is shown at the top of the page with
a link to potential duplicates. You can click this link to open the
■ When you are creating a new record and enter matching data in fields that are set up as duplicate
criteria, a warning is shown at the top of the page with a link to the potential duplicates. If you have
permission to view those records, you can click a link to open those matching records.
■ When you add a record from a list by using Quick Add or you use the Inline Editing feature to make
changes to a record that would make it a duplicate, you also receive a popup warning.

These notifications can help reduce the number of duplicate records created in your NetSuite account.

Note: For OneWorld accounts, cross subsidiary records are not treated as duplicates. For
example, two entities belonging to different subsidiaries will not be listed as duplicates on the
Manage Duplicates Page.

Certain words or phrases are skipped over when NetSuite searches for duplicates. For a list of these
words, see the help topic Words Excluded from Duplicate Detection Matching.
Using System Alerts 87

Using System Alerts

A System Alert notifies administrators of problems NetSuite encounters when processing a transaction
and advises how to correct the problem. Only Administrators have access to system alerts.
System alerts appear in the Reminders portlet on the Home tab after you have activated the reminder.

To activate the System Alerts reminder:

1. Click the Personalize Dashboard link in the Settings portlet or the Personalize link in the top
right corner of the Home page.
2. In the Add Content panel, click or drag and drop the Reminders item.
3. In the Reminders portlet, click the Set Up link.
4. Check the NetSuite System Alerts to Acknowledge box.
5. Click Save.

To view a system alert, click the reminder in the Reminders portlet on the Home page. System alerts
also can be accessed at Setup > Company > System Alerts.
The AMT system alert notifies you that an automatic memorized transaction has failed to post because
it does not have a location reference. AMT alerts appear as a system alert in the Reminders portlet of
the Home page.

To view a system alert:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Company Management > System Alerts.
The System Alerts page opens. The type, date, and name of each alert is shown.
To also show system alerts that have been acknowledged, click the Show acknowledged alerts
2. On the System Alerts page, click the name of the system alert in the Name column. The system
alert record opens and shows these fields:
■ Type – the type of alert
■ Date/Time – the date and time of the alert
■ Name – the name of the alert
■ Acknowledged – if the alert has been acknowledged
■ Description – a description of the alert
■ User email – the user email address
■ Document – the document type and number
■ Resolution – the suggestion resolution for the error
3. Read the resolution to determine what steps to take to correct the transaction error.
4. Check the Acknowledged box to mark the alert acknowledged.
After an alert is marked acknowledged, the related reminder no longer appears in the
Reminders portlet.
5. Click Save.

A list of system alert records can be accessed at Setup > Company > System Alerts.

Configuring Administrative Notifications

NetSuite uses in-account notifications, displayed when you log in, to provide important information.
Configuring Administrative Notifications 88

By default, all notifications are presented to all account administrators. However, you can configure in-
account notifications beyond the default settings. Go to Setup > Company > Company Management
> Administrative Notifications to select the users who you want to receive notifications, and to view
information about when and by whom notifications have been confirmed.

You can define configuration settings separately for each of the notification types listed below:

■ Administrative Notifications - Announce upcoming changes to feature availability in your account.

Important: This category also includes Login Failure notifications.

■ Billing and Renewal Notices - Alert you to payment requirements when you purchase new features
and notify you when it is time to renew your contract with NetSuite.
■ Legal Notifications - Notify you of changes that require administrator acceptance, such as a
modification to the Terms of Service (TOS).
■ Scheduled Maintenance - Provide the date and time when scheduled maintenance tasks may affect
access to your account.
■ Service Release Notifications - Occur prior to the release of a new version of NetSuite. These
notifications provide information about access to the Release Preview environment, and the time-
frame when your account will be upgraded.

The Administrative Notifications page is available to account administrators, and to other users with
the Setup Company permission.

■ On the Options subtab, you can:

□ Designate multiple users, in addition to administrators, as notification recipients.

Important: You may be able to set users that do not have login access to NetSuite as
notification recipients, but users without login access will not receive notification emails.

□ Elect to send notifications by email, in addition to displaying them in the user interface.
□ Require all recipients to confirm a notification, instead of the first recipient to see it.
For more information, see Setting Administrative Notification Options.
■ On the Confirmed subtab, you can:
□ View the date and time when a recipient has confirmed that they read a notification.
□ View the name of the recipient who confirmed they read the notification.
For more information, see Reviewing Notification Confirmations.
■ On the Pending Confirmation subtab, you can:
□ View the notifications that have yet to be confirmed.
□ View the name of the recipient who has not yet confirmed that they read the notification.
Configuring Administrative Notifications 89

For more information, see Reviewing Pending Confirmations.

Setting Administrative Notification Options

To set options for administrative notifications:
1. Go to Setup > Company > Company Management > Administrative Notifications.
2. Click the Edit button, then review the following columns on the Options subtab and make
changes as desired:
■ Include Admins
□ Indicates whether all account administrators should be added to the list of recipients for
the selected type of notifications.
□ Default value is set to Yes.
■ Recipients
□ Lists the specific set of users to receive in-account notifications of the selected type.
□ Default is empty.
□ You can define multiple recipients for each notification type, by using the SHIFT or
CONTROL keys while selecting from the Recipients list.
□ Individual users and groups are available in the list.

Note: Only employee users, and groups made up exclusively of employee users
are available, because you cannot select Customer Center, Partner Center, or
Vendor Center users as recipients.

■ Send Email
□ Indicates whether email messages containing notifications should be sent to recipients, in
addition to in-account messages.
□ Default setting is disabled.
□ Check the box to enable this option.
□ If this option is enabled, email messages are sent to the complete list of recipients.
■ Require Each Recipient to Accept
□ Indicates whether all recipients should be required to confirm in-account notifications of
this type.
□ Default setting is disabled, so that after the first recipient confirms a notification of the
selected type, no other users see it.
□ To ensure that all selected recipients see all in-account notifications of the selected type,
check the box.
3. When you are satisfied with settings, click Save.

Reviewing Notification Confirmations

You can review the Confirmed subtab of the notifications page for details about notifications that have
been confirmed by all required recipients.

■ Notification Type - Shows the type of notification.

■ Confirmed By - Shows the names of users who have confirmed that they read the notification.
Configuring Administrative Notifications 90

■ Date Confirmed - Shows the date and time the user confirmed they read the notification.
■ Message Text - Shows the text of the notification message.
■ Date emailed - Shows the date when the notification was sent via email.

Reviewing Pending Confirmations

You can review the Pending Confirmation subtab for details about the notifications that have not
yet been confirmed by all required recipients.
■ Notification Type - Shows the type of notification.
■ Require Each Recipient to Accept - Shows whether you indicated on the Options subtab, that each
notification recipient was required to confirm that they read the notification.
■ Confirmed By - Shows the names of recipients who have confirmed they read the notification.
■ Not Confirmed By - Shows the names of those who have not yet confirmed they read the
■ Message Text - Shows the text of the notification message from NetSuite.
■ Start Date - Shows the date when the notification message was originally posted.
■ Expiration Date - Shows the last date the notification message will be posted.

Managing Plug-ins
A plug-in is functionality, defined by an interface, that can be customized. After a plug-in is
implemented, you can override the plug-in’s default logic with logic that suits your organization's needs.

Core plug-ins are provided by NetSuite, and are typically part of a major release. A core plug-in’s
interface defines functions that are executed within the core NetSuite code. For more information
about core plug-ins, see the help topic Core Plug-in Overview.

Custom plug-ins are alternate implementations of an interface that are developed by third-party
solution providers who bundle them as part of a SuiteApp. For more information about custom plug-
ins, see the help topic Custom Plug-in Overview.

When a plug-in’s implementations are ready to be utilized, the organization's NetSuite administrator
activates the implementations available to each account.

To view the plug-in implementations available in an account, go to Customization > Plug-ins > Manage

The Manage Plug-in Implementations window lists the core and custom plug-in implementations that
are available in the current account. To inactivate an implementation, clear the box. To activate an
implementation, check the box.

Make changes as required. Then, click Save.

Viewing Plug-in Implementation System Notes

To view the activity of your plug-in implementation, use the System Notes subtab.

To view plug-in implementation system notes:

1. Go to Customization > Plug-ins > Plug-in Implementations. Click Edit beside the implementation
that you want to view.
Managing Plug-ins 91

2. Click the System Notes subtab.

Note: Previously, plug-in implementation information was listed on the History subtab,
but that subtab is no longer updated. New plug-in implementation activity is captured on
the System Notes subtab.

The system note for a change on a plug-in implementation record captures the following information:

■ Date when the change was made

■ Who made the change
■ Context for the change (for example, UI)
■ Type of change, for example, Edit
■ Field changed
■ Old value
■ New value

Using SuiteCloud Plus

If you are using SuiteCloud features, the purchase of a SuiteCloud Plus license can enhance
performance by:

■ Increasing the threads available for Web services through support of a concurrent Web services
■ Increasing the number of queues available for scheduled scripts
■ Increasing the number of queues and threads available for CSV import jobs

The purchase of multiple SuiteCloud Plus licenses further increases the number of concurrent Web
services users supported, the number of queues for scheduled scripts, and the number of threads per
CSV import job. There is no increase in capacity for other features, just the ones listed here.

The following table illustrates SuiteCloud Plus support:

SuiteCloud Plus Concurrent Web Scheduled Script CSV Import Daily ERP Monthly ERP
Licenses Services Users Queues Queues / Transactions Transactions
Threads Per / Commerce / Commerce
Queue Transactions Transactions

1 1 (10 threads) 5 5 Queues / 2 15,000 / 1,500 150,000 / 15,000

Using SuiteCloud Plus 92

SuiteCloud Plus Concurrent Web Scheduled Script CSV Import Daily ERP Monthly ERP
Licenses Services Users Queues Queues / Transactions Transactions
Threads Per / Commerce / Commerce
Queue Transactions Transactions

2 2 (20 threads) 10 5 Queues / 5 30,000 / 3,000 300,000 / 30,000

3 3 (30 threads) 15 5 Queues / 10 60,000 / 6,000 600,000 / 60,000
5 5 (50 threads) 20 5 Queues / 10 100,000 / 10,000 1,000,000 / 100,000
10 10 (100 threads) 25 5 Queues / 10 300,000 / 30,000 3,000,000 / 300,000

Note: Some accounts are not eligible to purchase more than one SuiteCloud Plus license.
Contact your sales representative or account manager to discuss SuiteCloud Plus.

SuiteCloud licensing may be offered in conjunction with Service Tiers. Higher daily and monthly
transaction volumes are possible in specific scenarios for some tiers. For information about
Service Tier offerings, see this fact sheet.

For more details about using SuiteCloud Plus, see the following help topics:

■ Deploying Scheduled Scripts to Multiple Queues Through SuiteCloud Plus

■ Enabling Web Services Concurrent Users with SuiteCloud Plus
■ Using Multiple Threads and Multiple Queues to Run CSV Import Jobs

Setting Up Transactions for NetSuite CRM+

Important: The information in this section pertains only to users of the NetSuite CRM+
product. Users of other NetSuite products can refer to Setting Accounting Preferences.

In NetSuite CRM+, you can use the Set Up Transactions page to set preferences for processing your

To set up transactions:
1. Go to Setup > Company > Set Up Transactions.
2. On the Set Up Transactions page, select the preferences you want to set up.
See the sections below for descriptions of these preferences.
(Preferences that appear vary depending on the features you have enabled.)
3. Click Save.

Descriptions of each subtab on the Set Up Transactions page follow.

General Subtab
■ Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions – Check this box to consolidate projects on customer
invoices. You can create invoices for one customer including multiple projects.
You are no longer able to issue invoices to a specific project, instead you issue the invoices to the
Setting Up Transactions for NetSuite CRM+ 93

■ Maximum # of Quantity-based Price Levels – Enter a number to set a limit for the most price levels
allowed to be assigned to an item when using Quantity Pricing.
■ Allow Discounts per Price Level on Quantity Pricing Schedules – Check this box if you want to
enter different quantity discounts for each price level on quantity pricing schedules.
■ Default Estimate Expiration (in days) – Enter the default number of days before you want quotes to
■ Duplicate Number Warnings – Choose to have everyone with access to your account receive
duplicate number warnings when transactions are submitted with the same numbers. This
preference overrides the individual preference set at Home > Set Preferences.
If you clear this box, individuals can decide to have duplicate number warnings by setting the
preference at Home > Set Preferences.
■ Make Departments Mandatory – Check this box to make the Department field required on
records and transactions. If you check this box, records and transactions cannot be saved without
completing this field.
■ Make Classes Mandatory – Check this box to make the Class field required on records and
transactions. If you check this box, records and transactions cannot be saved without completing
this field.
■ Make Locations Mandatory – Check this box to make the Location field required on records and
transactions. If you check this box, records and transactions cannot be saved without completing
this field.
■ Allow Per-Line Departments – Check this box to associate a department with individual line items
on a transaction. When this preference is on, you can choose a different department for each line
item on transactions.
Clear this box to select a department in the header of a transaction. When this preference is off, the
department chosen in the header applies to all line items on the transaction.
■ Allow Per-Line Classes – Check this box to associate a class with individual line items on a
transaction. When this preference is on, you can choose a different class for each line item on
Clear this box to select a class in the header of a transaction. When this preference is off, the class
chosen in the header applies to all line items on the transaction.
■ Allow Per-Line Locations – Check this box to associate a location with individual line items on a
transaction. When this preference is on, you can choose a different location for each line item on
Clear this box to select a location in the header of a transaction. When this preference is off, the
location chosen in the header applies to all line items on the transaction.

Reporting Subtab
Check the Include Shipping Costs in Sales and Forecast Reports to have shipping and handling costs
includes in order totals for sales and forecasting reports.

Ordering/Shipping Subtab
■ Default Shipping Method – Select the shipping method you want to appear automatically on bills
and invoices.
You can choose other shipping methods when you enter transactions.
To add choices to this list, go to Lists > New Shipping Items.
■ Default Sales Order Status – Choose your default status for sales orders:
Setting Up Transactions for NetSuite CRM+ 94

□ Choose Pending Approval if your company uses the approval process for sales orders.
□ Choose Pending Fulfillment if your company does not use the approval process for sales orders.
You can still choose your sales order status at the time you enter a transaction.
■ Require Re-approval on Edit of Sales Order – Choose to require re-approval when someone edits a
sales order that was previously approved.
Partially fulfilled sales orders are not affected by this preference. After a sales order is partially
fulfilled, the status cannot be changed back to pending approval.
■ Send E-mail Confirmation when Sales Order Cancelled – Check this box if you want an e-mail sent
to the customer when a sales order is canceled.
■ Default Return Auth. Status – Select Pending Approval if your company uses the approval process
for return authorizations.
Select Pending Fulfillment if your company does not use the approval process for return
You can still choose any return authorization status when you enter a transaction.
■ Charge for Shipping – Check this box to charge shipping by weight, by percent of total order or by a
flat rate.
After you check this box, go to Lists > Shipping Items > New to create shipping items.
After you create shipping items, you can select them on product invoices. Your customers can also
select shipping items when making a purchase from your Web store.
■ Charge Handling Separate from Shipping – Check this box to charge a separate handling charge in
addition to shipping charges.
■ Default Item Weight in Lbs. – Enter a default shipping weight for items without a weight set on
their item records.
If you do not enter a weight here, NetSuite uses 1 pound as the default weight. Item weight is used
to determine shipping cost if you charge shipping per item or use UPS real-time rates.

Time & Expenses Subtab

■ Override Rates on Time Records – Check this box if you want the option to lock the billable rate
you enter on time records so the billable rate is not affected by any rate changes that may happen
before this customer is actually invoiced.
If you check this, you can use different price levels by going to Setup > Enable Features >
Customers/Sales, and checking the Use Multiple Prices box.
Clear this box if you have the rate field in time tracking and you do not want employees to see the
service item rates. Then, the rate is kept in the system, but will no longer show in time tracking.
■ Combine Detail Items on Expense Report Transactions– This preference affects detail items on
expense reports.
Check this box if you want to combine line items from the same category on a single expense report
submitted by an employee.
For example, if an employee enters a single expense report that contains two entries for
entertainment costs, the total shows as one line item for entertainment costs on the invoice.
Clear this box to detail each expense report line item individually.
This preference does not combine expense categories from multiple expense reports submitted by
the same employee.
■ Require Approvals on Time Records – Check this box to require supervisors to approve their
employees' time transactions.
Setting Up Transactions for NetSuite CRM+ 95

If you don't check this, time transactions can be billed to customers or included in the payroll run
without the approval of a supervisor.
■ Automatically Notify Supervisor – Check this box to send supervisors e-mail messages when they
need to approve expense reports and purchase requests.
If you check this, you must also check either Use Expense Reports, Enable Purchase Requests or
both at Setup > Enable Features.

Tax Subtab
■ Tax Code Lists Include – Choose what you want to appear in the Tax field on sales transactions:
□ Tax Groups Only
□ Tax Groups and Tax Items
□ Tax Items Only
You can create Tax Groups at Lists > Accounting > Tax Groups > New. You can create tax items at
Lists > Accounting > Tax Items > New.
The Tax Code Lists Include preference does not apply to journals.

The Setup Page for NetSuite CRM+ Users

Important: The information in this section pertains only to users of the NetSuite CRM+
product. Users of other NetSuite products can refer to The Setup Page.

The Setup page is where you manage the administrative details of your NetSuite CRM+ account. Set
up your NetSuite CRM+ account by entering company information, enabling features and setting your
preferences for processing, storing, and accessing information.

It is best to enter this information as soon as possible after your NetSuite CRM+ account is activated so
that information and data you enter is processed correctly.

The links that show depend on the features you have enabled and the role you are using. Features are
enabled by an administrator at Setup > Company > Enable Features.

The Setup page includes the following categories:

■ Company – This category contains links to records for establishing a company address and
contacts, enabling features and setting preferences, and viewing your account billing terms and
■ Accounting – This category contains links to set up expense categories, tax information, other
accounting lists, and employee-related lists.
■ Sales Force Automation – This category contains links to set up your sales force automation,
including customer statuses, sales rules, territories, and commissions.
■ Marketing – Set up marketing campaigns and online customer forms.
■ Support – This category contains links to set up customer support management, including support
case email, case types, case origins, case territories, online case forms, escalation rules and
■ Web Site – This category contains links to customize item and category layouts for your website, or
customize the colors in your site.
The Setup Page for NetSuite CRM+ Users 96

■ Import/Export – This category contains links to transfer your data in and out of NetSuite CRM+ or
set up an XML import for information exchange between applications.
■ Users/Roles – This category contains links to edit user accounts and roles or view the audit trail.
■ Integration – Set Up XML Import and web services.

You can also click New next to a setup link to create a new record of that type.

Using Telephony Integration

NetSuite provides two options for integrating NetSuite with a telephone system. Each requires different
technology for implementation:

■ Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) – for placing outbound calls with NetSuite.
With TAPI you can click on the phone icon next to a phone number and your phone system will
automatically dial the number. TAPI only works on Windows operating systems (not Mac or Linux).
For more information, see Setting Up TAPI Telephony Integration.
■ Use Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) – for receiving and routing inbound calls. As calls
come in, the CTI application queries customer information in NetSuite and presents it to the
sales or support representative in a browser window using Screen Population technology. The
representative has the required information on the screen when speaking with the customer. For
more information, see Setting Up CTI Telephony Integration.

To integrate your NetSuite account with either TAPI or CTI technology, the account administrator
must first enable the Telephony Integration feature at Setup > Company > Enable Features, on the
SuiteCloud subtab. Then, each user who plans to use Telephony Integration must go to Home > Set
Preferences and follow the directions provided on the Telephony subtab.

For instructions on making calls automatically from NetSuite records, see the help topic Making Calls
From NetSuite.

Setting Up TAPI Telephony Integration

Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) must be set up individually on each user's PC. You
must have a TAPI compliant phone and software such as Artisoft's® TeleVantage.

To set up TAPI integration, the account administrator must first enable the Telephony Integration
feature at Home > Set Preferences on the Telephony subtab. After downloading the driver, enter the
name of the TAPI enabled phone.

Note: Two versions of TAPI are available, TAPI 2.x and TAPI 3.x. NetSuite supports both TAPI

To set up telephony integration with a TAPI device:

1. Go to Home > Set Preferences.

2. On the Telephony subtab, in the Telephony Option field, select TAPI Device.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to download the file, which contains the executable file needed to
install the required drivers for Telephony Integration.
Using Telephony Integration 97

4. In the TAPI Device field, enter the device that controls communication with your phone. If you do
not know the name of your TAPI device, you can use a sample program at to
find this information.
5. In the Prefix to Dial Out field, enter any numbers that must be dialed before dialing a phone
number in your phone system. For example, you may need to dial 9 or 1 before a number.
6. Click Save.

If you have trouble locating the name of your TAPI device or receive an error message that it could not
be found, try the following troubleshooting tips:

■ If the name of your TAPI device ends with extension.tsp, try leaving out this extension when
entering the name in NetSuite.
■ The TAPI Device field is case-sensitive and must match your device name exactly.
■ Download a sample program here to test dialing from your phone. From the exceletel Web page,
click the EXE link to download the etQuickDial program.
When the program has downloaded, open the program and view all TAPI-enabled devices on your
computer in the Active field. Select the device you are using, and check the Active box. Then enter a
phone number to dial and click Dial to make sure the call is initiated from your device correctly.

To learn how to initiate and end calls, see the help topic Making Calls From NetSuite.

Setting Up CTI Telephony Integration

To use Computer Telephony Integration (CTI), you must set up an account with one of our partners,
Contactual or Five9. Software provided by these partners uses VoIP to work with your NetSuite account
to provide click-to-call for out bound calls and Screen Population (Screen Pop) technology for incoming

To set up your account for CTI, an account administrator must go to Setup > Company > Enable
Features. On the SuiteCloud subtab, check the boxes next to Telephony Integration and Web Services.

To set up telephony integration with CTI:

1. Go to Home > Set Preferences, and click the Telephony subtab.
2. In the Telephony Option field, select CTI.
3. In the CTI URL field, enter the URL corresponding to the partner you have chosen:
Using Telephony Integration 98

■ Contactual –{phone}
■ Five9 –{phone}
4. Click Save.

Note: See Contactual or Five9's documentation for more information on setting up partner
software to work with NetSuite.

To learn how to initiate and end calls, see the help topic Making Calls From NetSuite.
Using Classifications in NetSuite 99

Using Classifications in NetSuite

■ Working with Classifications
■ Working with Departments and Classes
■ Working with Locations
■ Using Per-Line Classifications

Working with Classifications

Departments, Classes, and Locations are classifications that you can use to identify and categorize
records in your NetSuite account. You can also define classifications for your organization’s needs by
creating custom segments. Classifications enable you to better organize data and preserve accuracy.

To use each classification, you must enable the feature and then set up records. After you have set
up classification records, you can use them to identify other records in your NetSuite account. For
example, you can enable the Departments feature and then set up a record for each department. You
can select a department on each employee record or select a location on each sales order. You can
identify employees by department and then run financial reports by location.

To create additional custom classification fields similar to class, department, and location, you use the
Custom Segments feature. You can create an unlimited number of custom segments and add them to
specific record types. For more information, see the help topic Custom Segments.

See the topics below to get started using classifications:

■ Working with Departments and Classes

■ Working with Custom Segments
■ Working with Locations

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiaries are the primary classification used to organize your
NetSuite records. Departments, classes, locations, and custom segments can be used in addition
to subsidiaries. If you use these classifications, you must associate them with a subsidiary. This
association enables you to select the department, class, location, or custom segment on the record
or transaction related to that subsidiary. For more information about using subsidiaries, see
Understanding Subsidiaries and Setting Up Subsidiaries.

In addition, if you plan to enable the Intercompany Time and Expense feature for OneWorld, you
must determine a strategy for handling classifications on intercompany time and expenses. You can
either make classifications non-mandatory for journal entries, or set up global classifications that are
available to all subsidiaries. Without a defined strategy, errors may occur for automated intercompany
adjustments. For information about using this feature, see the help topic Enabling Intercompany Time
and Expenses.

Working with Departments and Classes

Departments and classes are categories that you create to track records such as financials,
transactions, and employees.

Departments are listed first on transactions, and are useful when designating transactions and
employees as part of an internal team. For example, you can create a department for each team of
Working with Departments and Classes 100

employees dedicated to a certain area of business, and then track income and expenses by each
department over any time period.

Classes are useful for wider segments within your business. For example, you can create a department
for your sales team, and create classes to track information on sales transactions such as new
customers and repeat customers. Sales orders would then indicate whether the transaction was
created for a new or repeat customer. This is useful in tracking where income and expenses are

To set up departments, go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Departments > New.

To set up classes, go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Classes > New.

After you have set up departments and classes, you can select them on forms and records.

Creating Classes
Classes are categories that you can create to track records such as financials, transactions, and
employees. For example, you own a janitorial service and you want to track income and expenses
separately for household and commercial accounts. You set up a class for each account type and track
the financial performance of each class over any time period.

To enable classes, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the Company subtab, check the
Classes box and then click Save.

To create a class record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Classes > New.
2. Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the name of the class.
3. If this class is a subclass of another, in the Subclass of field, select the parent class.
4. If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, in the Subsidiary field, select one or multiple
To select multiple subsidiaries, hold down Ctrl and click each subsidiary.
A subsidiary must be associated with a class for the class to be selected on a transaction or
record related to that subsidiary.
5. If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, check the Include Children box to associate the class
with all the child subsidiaries of each subsidiary selected in the Subsidiary field.
6. Check the Class is Inactive box to inactivate this class record.
Inactive classes do not appear in lists of classes on records and transactions.

Note: To inactivate classes from the Classes list at Setup > Company > Classifications >
Classes, check the Show Inactives box, check one or more boxes in the Inactive column,
and then click Submit.

7. Click Save.

You can restrict access to transaction, employee, partner, and optionally item records based on their
assigned class values. You can also limit the classes that users can assign to these records. Class
restrictions can be defined per user role and then applied to all users logged in with that role. For more
information, see Restricting Access to Records by Class.

You also can apply class restrictions to custom records, if the custom record type includes a Class
field. You can add this field directly from the Class record by clicking the New Field button. For more
information, see the help topic Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.
Working with Departments and Classes 101

Modifying and Deleting Classes

At any time you can edit an existing class. Any change you make overwrites historical transactions. For
example, if you change the name of the class NorthEast to North East, all historical transactions for that
class appear as North East.

You can delete a class only if there are no dependent transactions. If there are any historical
transactions, you cannot delete the class.

To modify a class record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Classes.
2. Click the Edit link to the left of the class you want to modify.
3. On the Class page, modify the class as needed.
4. Click Save.

To delete a class record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Classes.
2. Click the Edit link to the left of the class you want to delete.
3. On the Class page, in the Actions menu, click Delete.
4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Restricting Access to Records by Class

If your account has the Classes feature enabled, you can restrict access to transaction, employee,
partner, and optionally item records based on their assigned class values. You can also limit the classes
that users can assign to these records. Class restrictions can be defined per user role and then applied
to all users logged in with that role.

Important: Any account in the Chart of Accounts list that does not have an assigned class
is not subject to the own, subordinate, and unassigned or own and subordinates only

The following settings for the Class Restrictions field on the Role page define class-related restrictions
for transaction and customer records:

■ none - no default – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not determined
by this field. A default selection does not appear.
■ none - default to own – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not
determined by this field. Fields of this type will select the user by default.
■ own, subordinate, and unassigned – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee,
sales rep, or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor
hierarchy. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates. If the select field is optional, then
the user may leave the value unassigned. Note that unassigned is technically a null value when used
for filtering.
■ own and subordinates only – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee, sales rep,
or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor hierarchy
with the exception of unassigned records. Consequently, unassigned records are filtered and denied
access. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates.
Working with Departments and Classes 102

Check the Allow Viewing box to permit users logged in with this role to see, but not edit, records for
classes to which the role does not have access.

Check the Apply to Items box to apply the class restrictions defined here to item records, in addition to
transaction and customer records.

To set up a role to include these restrictions, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles. Click a
Customize or Edit link, or click the New button.

Important: In NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary restrictions automatically apply to classes. For

example, if Class A is assigned to only Subsidiary X and a role is restricted to Subsidiary X, users
with that role have access to only Class A, even if that role does not have any class restrictions.

You can also apply role-based, class restrictions to custom records. For more information, see the help
topic Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.

Creating Departments
Departments are categories that you can create to separate and track records such as financials,
transactions, and employees. For example, you can create a department for each team of employees
dedicated to a certain area of business, and then track income and expenses by each department over
any time period.

To enable Departments, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the Company subtab, check the
Departments box and then click Save.

To create a department record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Departments > New.
2. Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the name of the department.
3. If this department is a subdepartment of another, in the Subdepartment of field, select the
parent department.
4. If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, in the Subsidiary field, select one or multiple
To select multiple subsidiaries, hold down Ctrl and click each subsidiary.
A subsidiary must be associated with a department for the department to be selected on a
transaction or record related to that subsidiary.
5. If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, check the Include Children box to associate the
department with all the child subsidiaries of each subsidiary selected in the Subsidiary field.
6. Check the Department is Inactive box to inactivate this department record.
Inactive departments do not appear in lists of departments on records and transactions.

Note: To inactivate departments from the Departments list at Setup > Company >
Classifications > Departments, check the Show Inactives box, check one or more boxes in
the Inactive column, and then click Submit.

7. Click Save.

You can restrict access to transaction, employee, partner, and optionally item records based on their
assigned department values. You can also limit the departments that users can assign to these records.
Department restrictions can be defined per user role and then applied to all users logged in with that
role. For more information, see Restricting Access to Records by Department.
Working with Departments and Classes 103

You also can apply department restrictions to custom records, if the custom record type includes a
Department field. You can add this field directly from the Department record by clicking the New Field
button. For more information, see the help topic Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.

Modifying and Deleting Departments

At any time you can edit an existing department. Any change you make overwrites historical
transactions. For example, if you change the name of the department NorthEast to North East, all
historical transactions for that department appear as North East.

You can delete a department only if there are no dependent transactions. If there are any historical
transactions, you cannot delete the department.

To modify a department record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Departments.

2. Click the Edit link to the left of the department you want to modify.
3. On the Department page, modify the department as needed.
4. Click Save.

To delete a department record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Departments.

2. Click the Edit link to the left of the department you want to delete.
3. On the Department page, in the Actions menu, click Delete.
4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Restricting Access to Records by Department

If your account has the Departments feature enabled, you can restrict access to transaction, employee,
partner, and optionally item records based on their assigned department values. You can also limit the
departments that users can assign to these records. Department restrictions can be defined per user
role and then applied to all users logged in with that role.

Important: Any account in the Chart of Accounts list that does not have an assigned
department is not subject to the own, subordinate, and unassigned or own and subordinates
only restrictions.

The following settings for the Department Restrictions field on the Role page define department-
related restrictions for transaction and customer records:

■ none - no default – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not determined
by this field. A default selection does not appear.
■ none - default to own – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not
determined by this field. Fields of this type will select the user by default.
■ own, subordinate, and unassigned – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee,
sales rep, or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor
hierarchy. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates. If the select field is optional, then
Working with Departments and Classes 104

the user may leave the value unassigned. Note that unassigned is technically a null value when used
for filtering.
■ own and subordinates only – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee, sales rep,
or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor hierarchy
with the exception of unassigned records. Consequently, unassigned records are filtered and denied
access. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates.

Check the Allow Viewing box to permit users logged in with this role to see, but not edit, records for
departments to which the role does not have access.

Check the Apply to Items box to apply the department restrictions defined here to item records, in
addition to transaction and customer records.

To set up a role to include these restrictions, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles. Click a
Customize or Edit link, or click the New button.

Important: In NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary restrictions automatically apply to departments.

For example, if Department A is assigned to only Subsidiary X and a role is restricted to
Subsidiary X, users with that role have access to only Department A, even if that role does not
have any department restrictions.

You can also apply role-based, department restrictions to custom records. For more information, see
the help topic Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.

Converting Classes to Departments

Classes and departments are categories you create to track and classify your transactions. When
you generate a transaction, departments are always listed first. If you are using classes to represent
departments, you can convert them to departments and then create new classes to further detail and
categorize your business.

For example, you currently have a class for your sales department, but you want to create classes for
inside sales and outside sales. If you convert your sales department class to a department, you can
create new classes that categorize the different areas of the sales department.

Warning: The conversion process overrides existing departments, deletes all class
information, and is irreversible.

To convert classes to departments:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Convert Classes to Departments.
2. To convert your classes to departments, click Save.
3. To view your new departments, go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Departments.

Converting Classes to Locations

You can use the Locations feature to track inventory, employees, and transactions for multiple
company locations. If you were previously using classes for this purpose, you can convert all your class
information to location information.

When you use this feature, all class are converted to locations, including historical transactions. On
financial reports that show classes or locations, values that previously appeared on class are now
displayed on location.
Working with Departments and Classes 105

Warning: The conversion process overrides existing locations, deletes all class information,
and is irreversible.

To convert classes to locations:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Convert Classes.
2. To convert your classes to locations, click Save.
3. To view your new locations, go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations.

Working with Custom Segments

The Custom Segments feature lets you create custom classification fields similar to class and
department. You can create an unlimited number of custom segments, define possible values for each
segment, and add the segments to specific record types. People working in NetSuite can then use the
segments to classify records appropriately.
You can configure segments to display on the GL Impact page. Also, standard NetSuite reports can be
customized to use custom segments as filters and columns. In financial reports, custom segments can
be added as a horizontal dimension. The functionality of custom segments enhances your ability to
categorize data and meet your organization’s unique reporting and analysis needs.
To enable custom segments, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the SuiteCloud subtab,
check the Custom Segments box, and then click Save.
To create a custom segment record, see the help topic Creating a Custom Segment.

Working with Locations

The Locations feature enables you to track information about employees and transactions for multiple
offices or warehouses. For example, you can create locations for the corporate office and all of the
sales offices, or for warehouses in several states. You can associate transactions and employees with
each location, and then filter report data by location.
To enable the Locations feature, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the Company subtab,
check the Locations box and then click Save.
To track data by location, you must enter a record for each location you want to track. Then, you can
associate employees and transactions with a location record. For more information, see Creating
You can use the Locations feature to do the following:

■ Associate transactions with a location.

Sales and purchases can be grouped by location, as well as bank transactions like checks, deposits,
and credit card purchases.
You can search transactions associated with a location and filter reports to show data specific to
each location. For more information, see Associating a Transaction with a Location and Searching
for a Transaction by Location.
■ Associate employees with a location.
Choose a location on the employee's record to associate them with a location. By customizing
employee roles at Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles, you can restrict employee access to data for
only their location. For example, you can restrict access for warehouse personnel who handle item
receipts or fulfillments at a single location. For more information, see the help topic Associating an
Employee with a Location.
Working with Locations 106

■ Assign fulfillment locations to sales order lines automatically

If the Automatic Location Assignment feature is enabled, you can use location records to represent
your fulfillment locations and assign those locations to sales order lines automatically. NetSuite
assigns locations to sales orders based on the customer shipping address, the fulfillment locations
in your organization, and one or more rules that define the assignment criteria (such as the location
type or the distance to the shipping address). For more information, see the help topic Automating
Order Fulfillment.
The Automatic Location Assignment feature is part of the Advanced Order Management module –
contact your NetSuite representative for more information.

Important: To associate items with a location, you must enable the Multi-Location Inventory
feature. Before you enable this feature, NetSuite recommends that you read the help topic
Multi-Location Inventory to determine if this feature is appropriate for your company. After you
have enabled the Multi-Location Inventory feature and distributed items, you cannot disable
the feature without first contacting Customer Support. Note that the Multi-Location Inventory
feature is required for OneWorld accounts that are using the Inventory feature.

Creating Locations
You can create a location record for each of your company's locations. Then you can track employees
and transactions by location.

Important: NetSuite permits you to create up to 50 location records in your NetSuite

account. If you require more than the maximum of 50 locations, you must contact Customer
Support to submit a location increase request for further evaluation of your business
requirements. If your request is approved, you are required to sign a disclaimer regarding this
request. Contact NetSuite Customer Support for details.

Warning: NetSuite does not recommend using locations to identify areas within your
warehouse such as a bin, shelf, or dock. Using locations for this purpose creates difficulties with
fulfillments, LIFO and FIFO costing, and NetSuite reporting.

To create a location record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations > New.
2. Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the name of the location.
This name appears on forms and reports that require you to choose a location. For example, you
might name one location Georgia Warehouse and another California Warehouse.
3. If this location is a sublocation of another, in the Sublocation of field, select the parent location.
4. If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, in the Subsidiary field, select one or multiple
To select multiple subsidiaries, hold down Ctrl and click each subsidiary.
A subsidiary must be associated with a location for the location to be selected on a transaction
or record related to that subsidiary.
OneWorld accounts using the Inventory feature must associate each location with a single
subsidiary. OneWorld accounts not using this feature can associate each location with no
subsidiary, one subsidiary, or multiple subsidiaries. For information about working with
subsidiaries, see Understanding Subsidiaries and Setting Up Subsidiaries.
5. If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, check the Include Children box to associate the
location with all the child subsidiaries of each subsidiary selected in the Subsidiary field.
Working with Locations 107

Important: The Include Children box is not available in NetSuite OneWorld accounts
with the Inventory feature enabled.

6. Check the Location is Inactive box to inactivate this location record.

Inactive locations do not appear in lists of locations on records and transactions.

Note: To inactivate locations from the Locations list at Setup > Company >
Classifications > Locations, check the Show Inactives box, check one or more boxes in the
Inactive column, and then click Submit.

7. Select the kind of location: Store, Warehouse, or Undefined.

The location type is one of the criteria that the Automatic Location Assignment feature uses
when determining the ideal fulfillment location. You can set the location to Undefined to
represent locations that are neither a store nor a warehouse.
8. Select the time zone for the location.
9. If you want to use location-specific document and transaction numbering, in the Document
Number Prefix, Transaction Number Prefix, or both fields, enter up to eight alphanumeric
characters to be a prefix for autogenerated numbers.
This prefix indicates that document numbers and transaction numbers are associated with this

Note: You must set up location-specific transaction numbering on the Set Up Auto-
Generated Numbers page at Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers. On the
Document Numbers subtab of this page, check the Use Location box next to each type of
transaction that you want use location-specific numbering.

10. Select a location-specific logo to display on printed and emailed transaction forms.
To upload a logo, go to Documents > Files > Images > New. Check the Available Without Login

Note: Logos must be in JPG or GIF format. For your logo to be printed on standard
forms, the logo must be no more than 200 pixels wide and 60 pixels high.

11. Check the Make Inventory Available box if inventory at this location can be stocked and can be
committed on sales or fulfillments.
Clear this box if inventory at this location can be stocked, but cannot be committed on sales or

Note: To track inventory items by location, you must enable the Multi-Location
Inventory feature. For more information, see the help topic Multi-Location Inventory.
Note that the Multi-Location Inventory feature is required for OneWorld accounts using
the Inventory feature.

12. Check the Make Inventory Available in Web Store box if you want on-hand inventory stored at
the location to be included in the total quantity available that is displayed in your Web store.

Note: On existing location records, when you check this box or clear it and then click
Save, the Locations in Queue page displays the locations that are currently processing.

13. If you use the Multi-Location Inventory and Advanced Bin Management features, and want to
use bins to track inventory at this location, check the Use Bins box.
For more information, see the help topic Bin Management By Location.
Working with Locations 108

14. Check the Include in Supply Planning box to include this location in supply planning
calculations. When the Plan Through Distribution Network preference is enabled, NetSuite
completes supply planning calculations including only locations that have this setting enabled.

Note: This option is available only when the Demand Planning feature is enabled.

15. Enter address information for the location.

Note: In OneWorld accounts, the Country, Addressee, and State fields are filled in
automatically with information from the subsidiary. Change the address information as

16. Click Save.

You can restrict access to transaction, employee, partner, and optionally item records based on their
assigned location values. You can also limit the locations that users can assign to these records.
Location restrictions can be defined per user role and then applied to all users logged in with that role.
For more information, see Restricting Access to Records by Location.

You also can apply location restrictions to custom records, if the custom record type includes a
Location field. You can add this field directly from the Location record by clicking the New Field button.
For more information, see the help topic Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.

Modifying and Deleting Locations

At any time you can edit an existing location. Any change you make overwrites historical transactions.
For example, if you change the name of the location NorthEast to North East, all historical transactions
for that location appear as North East.

You can delete a location only if there are no dependent transactions. If there are any historical
transactions, you cannot delete the location.

To modify a location record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations.
2. Click the Edit link to the left of the location you want to modify.
3. On the Location page, modify the location as needed.
4. Click Save.

To delete a location record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations.
2. Click the Edit link to the left of the location you want to delete.
3. On the Location page, in the Actions menu, click Delete.
4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Making a Location Inactive

If you no longer track information for a location, you can make the location inactive to prevent it from
displaying in lists of locations on records and transactions.

To inactivate a location:
1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations.
Working with Locations 109

2. Click Edit next to the name of the location record you want to inactivate.
3. Check the Location is Inactive box.

Note: If you inactivate a main location record, child location records are not
automatically inactivated.

4. Click Save.

To inactivate locations from the Locations list at Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations, check
the Show Inactives box, check one or more boxes in the Inactive column and then click Submit.

Associating a Transaction with a Location

When you associate transactions with a location, you can create and fulfill sales orders by location,
create and receive purchase orders by locations, and search transactions by locations. You can also
filter reports to obtain an accurate representation of sales, purchases, and employee data for each
company location. To filter reports by location, choose a location in the footer of the report.

The Location field is mandatory for inventory transactions when Locations is enabled.

To associate a transaction with a location:

1. Click the link for the transaction you want to create.
2. On the transaction page, in the Location field, select a location from the list.
3. Fill in additional transaction data as needed.
4. Click Save.

Searching for a Transaction by Location

The Locations feature enables you to track information about employees and transactions for multiple
offices or warehouses. For example, you can create locations for the corporate office and all of
the sales offices, or for warehouses in several states. You can limit employee access to company
information, and monitor sales or purchasing volumes per location. You can filter reports to display
data for one or all locations.

To enable the Locations feature, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the Company subtab,
check the Locations box and then click Save.

You can associate an employee with a location by choosing a location on the employee's record.
Employee roles can be customized to access only data that is relevant to their location. For example,
you can restrict access for warehouse personnel who handle item receipts or fulfillments at a single
location. To customize roles, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

You can classify transactions by location to precisely track data. For example, you can choose which
location processes each sales and purchase transaction.

After transactions have been associated with a location, you can then search transactions by location.

To search for a transaction by location:

1. Go to Transactions > Management > Search Transactions.
2. On the Search Transactions page, in the Locations field, choose:
■ any of – finds transactions associated with chosen locations
■ none of – finds transactions not associated with chosen locations
Working with Locations 110

3. In the text box beneath the Locations field, choose the locations to include (any of) or exclude
(none of) in your search.
To select multiple locations, press and hold Ctrl and then click each location.
4. Select or enter additional criteria in other fields to further narrow your search.
5. Click Submit.

When you have finished, the Search Results page appears listing the transactions that meet the criteria
of your search. To view a transaction on the list, click the date next to the transaction. When the
transaction opens, you can edit it or create a new transaction.

Restricting Access to Records by Location

If your account has the Locations feature enabled, you can restrict access to transaction, employee,
partner, and optionally item records based on their assigned location values. You can also limit the
locations that users can assign to these records. Location restrictions can be defined per user role and
then applied to all users logged in with that role.

Important: Any account in the Chart of Accounts list that does not have an assigned location
is not subject to the own, subordinate, and unassigned or own and subordinates only

The following settings for the Location Restrictions field on the Role page define location-related
restrictions for transaction and customer records:

■ none - no default – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not determined
by this field. A default selection does not appear.
■ none - default to own – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not
determined by this field. Fields of this type will select the user by default.
■ own, subordinate, and unassigned – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee,
sales rep, or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor
hierarchy. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates. If the select field is optional, then
the user may leave the value unassigned. Note that unassigned is technically a null value when used
for filtering.
■ own and subordinates only – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee, sales rep,
or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor hierarchy
with the exception of unassigned records. Consequently, unassigned records are filtered and denied
access. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates.

Check the Allow Viewing box to permit users logged in with this role to see, but not edit, records for
locations to which the role does not have access.

Check the Apply to Items box to apply the location restrictions defined here to item records, in
addition to transaction and customer records.

To set up a role to include these restrictions, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles. Click a
Customize or Edit link, or click the New button.

Important: In NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary restrictions automatically apply to locations. For

example, if Location A is assigned to only Subsidiary X and a role is restricted to Subsidiary X,
users with that role have access to only Location A, even if that role does not have any location

You can also apply role-based, location restrictions to custom records. For more information, see the
help topic Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.
Using Per-Line Classifications 111

Using Per-Line Classifications

If you enable classifications such as departments, classes, locations, and custom segments, a field
for the classification shows in the header of transaction forms. When a classification is selected in a
transaction header, all lines on that transaction are associated with the selected classification. For
example, if you choose the location East Coast in the Location field on a sales order, all lines on that
sales order are associated with the East Coast.

You can also choose to use per-line classifications that enable you to select a classification on each
transaction line. Per-line classifications can be used either instead of header classifications or in
addition to them.

Per-Line Classifications Only

If you use per-line classifications instead of header classifications, a classification field shows for each
transaction line but does not show in the header. For example, if you have the Locations feature
enabled, a Location field shows on each transaction line. You can choose the location East Coast on
one line and choose West Coast on another line.

The items on each line are associated with individual locations, but the entire transaction is not
associated with a location. For example, on an invoice, line one is associated with East Coast and line
two is associated with West Coast, but the Accounts Receivable line is associated with no location.

Per-Line Classifications with Header Classifications

If you use per-line classes, departments, locations, or custom segments, you can customize transaction
forms to identify the classification at both the header and line level at the same time.

For example, if you have enabled both the Locations feature and the Allow Per-Line Locations
preference, then a Location field displays on each transaction line and in the form header. You can
choose the location East Coast on one line and choose West Coast on another line. Then, you can
choose the location United States in the transaction header and the Accounts Receivable line is
associated with the United States.

These classifications can be useful if you identify legal entities or geographical segments by location
and wish to report separate balance sheets and income statements by those segments. From the
previous example, a sales order can post line items to the correct locations (East and West Coast), while
the header location provides a correct income statement to be run for United States transaction totals.
For example:

Location: United States

Sublocation: East Coast

Sublocation: West Coast

When you use a form customized to show a class, department, location, or custom segment at both
the header and line level, both fields are required. If either the line or header field is not filled, both
fields are cleared unless they are mandatory. If you have also enabled a preference to make classes,
departments, locations, or custom segments mandatory, the selection is mandatory at both the header
and line level.

Note: Transaction lines for tax and shipping use the class selected in the transaction header, if

The following preferences can be set at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences:
Using Per-Line Classifications 112

■ Make Departments Mandatory

■ Make Classes Mandatory
■ Make Locations Mandatory
■ Allow Per-Line Departments
■ Allow Per-Line Classes
■ Always Allow Per-Line Classifications on Journals
For only journal entries, this preference overrides any other Allow Per-Line preferences you have
■ Allow Non-Balancing Classifications on Journals
■ Allow Empty Classifications on Journals

For more information on these preferences, see the help topic Setting Accounting Preferences.

To specify that a custom segment is mandatory, check the Mandatory box on the Validation &
Defaulting subtab on the Custom Segment configuration page.

For more information on how to customize a form to identify a classification at both the header and
line level, see Customizing Forms for Per-Line and Header Classifications.

Customizing Forms for Per-Line and Header

If you have enabled preferences to use per-line classes, departments, locations, or custom segments,
you can customize transaction forms to identify the classification at both the header and line level at
the same time.

To customize a form to identify a classification at both the header and line level, open a new
transaction and click Customize. Then follow the steps below to choose which fields appear on the
form and whether they are mandatory.

1. Enter a name for the custom form.

2. On the subtab Screen Fields > Main:
■ Show column – Check the box next to Class, Department, or Location to use the fields in
the transaction header.
■ Mandatory column – Check the box next to Class, Department, or Location to require the
header field to be completed on this form.
3. On the subtab Screen Fields > Columns, check the box in the Show column next to Class,
Department, or Location to use the fields on individual transaction lines.
4. Complete other fields as necessary.
5. Click Save.

The classification fields you have indicated are available for use when you use the customized form.
Getting Started with OneWorld 113

Getting Started with OneWorld

You can use NetSuite OneWorld to manage multiple areas of your multinational, multicompany
business including financials, customers, e-commerce, Services Resource Planning (SRP), business
intelligence, and tax and compliance management.
Global Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
To manage financials, NetSuite OneWorld enables you to adjust for currency, taxation, and legal
compliance differences at the local level, with regional and global business consolidation and roll-up,
providing worldwide business visibility in real time.
Global Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
To manage customers, NetSuite OneWorld enables you to manage a complex multinational sales
organization that requires multiple languages and currencies. It provides global visibility to every
aspect of CRM including quotas, forecasts, sales, customers, partners, support cases, issues, leads, and
Global E-commerce
To manage e-commerce, NetSuite OneWorld enables you to conduct web business around the globe
with multi-language, multi-currency, multi-country, and multi-brand web stores that can be run and
managed from a single NetSuite account.
Global Services Resource Planning (SRP)
With SRP, NetSuite OneWorld streamlines the complete services lifecycle from marketing to project
management, service delivery, billing, and revenue management, helping you drive repeat business
from existing clients.
Global Business Intelligence
To manage business intelligence, NetSuite OneWorld provides real-time visibility across your entire
enterprise, enabling unprecedented access to financial, customer, and business data worldwide. It
provides multiple levels of consolidated reporting, and enterprise-wide Key Performance Indicators
Overview (KPIs) display in real time on dashboards.
Global Tax and Compliance Management
Growing regulatory challenges, compliance risk, financial penalties, and more frequent system-
based tax audits burden businesses with ever more complex tax compliance requirements. The
NetSuite OneWorld tax and compliance management capabilities provide a robust foundation
for transparency, automation, simplicity, and controls in the management of your global tax and
compliance responsibilities.
To get started with NetSuite OneWorld, see the following:

■ Understanding NetSuite OneWorld

■ Setting Up OneWorld
■ Consolidated Reporting in OneWorld
■ Working with OneWorld Accounting/ERP
■ Working with OneWorld CRM
■ Working with OneWorld E-Commerce

Understanding NetSuite OneWorld

NetSuite OneWorld supports global, multi-subsidiary organizations. With OneWorld, an organization
can use a single NetSuite account to manage records and transactions for multiple legal entities, or
Understanding NetSuite OneWorld 114

Understanding Subsidiaries, conducting business across multiple tax jurisdictions, or Understanding

Nexuses and Taxes in OneWorld, involving multiple currencies.

A OneWorld account organizes both domestic and international subsidiaries into a single hierarchical
structure. Each subsidiary is treated as a distinct legal entity for taxation and regulation purposes, and
is associated with a specific nexus and a specific base currency. This base currency is the currency in
which the subsidiary manages its financials. Subsidiary-specific data is available for reporting, and
data for multiple subsidiaries can be rolled up into consolidated reports in the currency of a parent

OneWorld supports local and foreign currencies for transactions with foreign companies and between
subsidiaries. Consolidated reports including aggregated financial statements provide foreign currency
translation and consolidation for all child subsidiaries of a selected parent subsidiary.

OneWorld Capabilities
With OneWorld, you can manage inter-related business processes across multiple subsidiaries. Some
of the capabilities that OneWorld provides include:

■ Accounting and Financial Consolidation

Each subsidiary completes transactions in its own base currency. Subsidiaries share inventory items
and have unique items. Using a single chart of accounts as well as subsidiary-specific accounts you
prepare consolidated and subsidiary financial statements in the appropriate currencies. You can
also enter intercompany journal entries and eliminate profits for transactions among subsidiaries.
■ Tax and Regulatory Compliance
Each subsidiary has one or more locations unique to that subsidiary, enabling you to administer
location-based tax and regulatory requirements.
■ Customer Relationship Management
With OneWorld you can manage your sales organization and customer relationships. Sales quotas
and forecasts span subsidiaries and sales organizations. Sales people can sell and be commissioned
across subsidiaries. Marketing campaigns and the leads obtained could be shared by one or more
■ Shared or Unique Web Stores
Subsidiaries can have dedicated or shared Web stores with unique items.
■ SuiteCloud
SuiteCloud supports OneWorld with SuiteTalk (Web Services), SuiteScript, SuiteBuilder
(customization), and SuiteAnalytics Connect.
■ Reporting and Search
OneWorld supports reporting in the base currency of each subsidiary, its parent subsidiary, and the
top-level, root-parent subsidiary. Financial statements, dashboards, and Key Performance Indicators
Overview can display consolidated roll-ups and side-by-side comparisons of subsidiaries.

Who Should Use OneWorld?

Although most companies can adapt the capabilities of OneWorld to meet the requirements of their
particular business operations and structure, OneWorld provides the most value to organizations with
the following characteristics:

■ Subsidiaries exist as separate legal entities, particularly foreign subsidiaries.

Understanding NetSuite OneWorld 115

■ The top-level, or root-parent subsidiary, owns 100% of all subsidiaries. Affiliates, franchisees, joint
ventures, and similar shared-ownership entities require more specialized accounting treatment. For
more information, see Setting Up OneWorld and Defining Company Settings.
■ All subsidiaries have similar business processes. For example, a wholesale distribution company
with similar operations in multiple countries can take advantage of company-level preferences. For
more information, see Setting Company Preferences.
■ All subsidiaries generally use the same chart of accounts and fiscal periods. However, a company
could set up country-specific accounts to meet statutory or internal reporting requirements.
For more information, see the help topics Working with the Chart of Accounts and Working with
Accounting Periods.

Implementing OneWorld
A new NetSuite account can be set up to use OneWorld, and an existing account can be upgraded to
use OneWorld. Any edition of NetSuite can be upgraded. This is a one-time upgrade to your NetSuite
account that cannot be reversed.

If you are interested in OneWorld, contact your account representative.

Through a well-planned and careful implementation coordinated by NetSuite Professional Services, you
can take full advantage of the benefits of OneWorld's features and confidently complete a successful
OneWorld implementation.

Setting Up OneWorld
You must complete the following steps to set up your OneWorld account.

1. Ensure that you have a thorough understanding of how subsidiaries including elimination
subsidiaries are organized in OneWorld accounts. See Understanding Subsidiaries and
Understanding Elimination Subsidiaries.
2. Plan your subsidiary hierarchy and create a visual representation of this structure. See Planning
Your Subsidiary Hierarchy.
3. Ensure that currencies to be used by subsidiaries are set up in your account.
For an overview of how multiple currencies are used in OneWorld, see Understanding Multiple
Currencies in OneWorld.
For details about setting up currencies and exchange rates, see the help topics Creating
Currency Records and Setting Currency Exchange Rates.
4. Ensure that tax jurisdictions (nexuses) to be used by subsidiaries and related tax items are set
up in your account.
■ For an overview of how nexuses are used in OneWorld, see Understanding Nexuses and
Taxes in OneWorld.
■ For details about setting up taxes, see the help topic Enabling and Setting Up Taxation
5. Create subsidiary records, starting from the top-level or root subsidiary, and working your way
down through child and grandchild subsidiaries.
■ You can create both subsidiaries representing legal entities and elimination subsidiaries. For
instructions, see Creating Subsidiary Records.
■ After you have saved each subsidiary record, you can edit its nexuses and preferences as
necessary. See Editing Subsidiary Records.
Setting Up OneWorld 116

■ You can delete a subsidiary if there are no associated transactions or records. See Deleting
Subsidiary Records.
6. Complete the following as necessary:
■ Setting Up Accounts in OneWorld
■ Setting Up Automated Intercompany Management
■ Setting Up Payroll in OneWorld
■ Setting Up Inventory in OneWorld
■ Setting Up Multiple Vendors in OneWorld
■ Associating Subsidiaries with Entities
■ Associating Subsidiaries with Items
■ Controlling Employee Access to Subsidiaries
■ Locking Transactions by Subsidiary

Understanding Subsidiaries
A NetSuite OneWorld account enables you to manage data for a hierarchical structure of separate legal
entities, or subsidiaries. This structure is organized as a tree that rolls up to a root, or top-level parent
subsidiary. The root subsidiary is the highest-level subsidiary in your account, and all other subsidiaries
are below it in the hierarchy. If an account that is upgraded to OneWorld has preexisting data, this data
is used for the root subsidiary.

Note: You can purchase two different types of subsidiaries for your NetSuite OneWorld
account. If you have subsidiaries to which you book journal entries only for reconciliation
purposes, you can purchase G/L only subsidiaries. Purchase operating subsidiaries for those
where you record transactions. Contact your NetSuite account representative for pricing

Each subsidiary represents a separate company within your global organization. Subsidiaries can be
international or domestic. When you create a subsidiary record in NetSuite, the country you define for
its address determines the NetSuite edition and tax nexus associated with that subsidiary.

In addition to the subsidiaries representing your organization's separate legal entities, you must
create elimination subsidiaries for use in balancing consolidated financials. Each OneWorld account
transaction generally posts to a single subsidiary, with the exception of transactions between two
subsidiaries. Intercompany transactions include intercompany sales and purchases, intercompany
Setting Up OneWorld 117

inventory transfers, and intercompany journal entries. Because intercompany transactions post
to two subsidiaries, the revenues and expenses associated with them must be eliminated at the
consolidated level to maintain balanced financials. Elimination journal entries, associated with
elimination subsidiaries, are used to maintain this balance. For more information, see Understanding
Elimination Subsidiaries.
You can create up to 124 subsidiary records in addition to the root subsidiary, for a total of 125.

Note: License fees for subsidiaries do not include charges for elimination subsidiaries,
and elimination subsidiaries do not count toward the maximum of 125 subsidiaries. Inactive
subsidiaries also do not count toward the maximum.

Understanding Elimination Subsidiaries

When related companies within a consolidated company transact, keeping correct books may require
eliminating the revenue or expenses for subsidiaries at the consolidated level to remove the effect of
investment in subsidiaries.
For example, intercompany transaction balances may require elimination for the following reasons:

■ Sales between subsidiaries

■ Inventory transfers between subsidiaries
■ Loans between subsidiaries

You use elimination subsidiaries to post journal entries that balance consolidated books. These journal
entries, called elimination journal entries, reverse the impact of the intercompany transactions. Each
elimination journal entry is posted to an elimination subsidiary. Note that ONLY journal entries post
to elimination subsidiaries. No other transactions post to elimination subsidiaries. See the help topic
Understanding Elimination Journal Entries.
Create an elimination subsidiary for any subsidiary that has child subsidiaries and create it as a child
of the parent subsidiary. Set the currency to the same currency as the base currency of the parent
subsidiary. An elimination subsidiary cannot be a parent.
The following illustration shows a sample subsidiary hierarchy that includes an elimination subsidiary.

You create elimination subsidiaries in the same manner that you create other subsidiaries except that
you check the Elimination box on the subsidiary record. For more information, see Creating Subsidiary
License fees for subsidiaries do not include charges for elimination subsidiaries, and elimination
subsidiaries do not count toward the maximum of 125 subsidiaries.
Note the following about elimination subsidiaries and transactions:

■ An elimination subsidiary must use the same base currency as their direct parent subsidiary.
■ When using consolidated exchange rates, an elimination subsidiary must use a consolidated
exchange rate of 1 to its direct parent subsidiary.
Setting Up OneWorld 118

■ An elimination subsidiary can be selected only for journal entries, not for other transactions.
■ A journal entry that is associated with an elimination subsidiary is a normal journal entry, not an
intercompany journal entry. It posts to a single subsidiary, which is an elimination subsidiary. For
more information about journal entries in OneWorld, see the help topic Making Journal Entries in
■ Elimination transactions post only to the elimination subsidiary and do not affect the general ledger
of non-elimination subsidiaries.
■ Elimination journal entries can be generated automatically if you enable the Automated
Intercompany Management feature. For more information, see Understanding Automated
Intercompany Management.
■ An elimination subsidiary cannot be selected on a bank account record or a credit card account
■ An elimination subsidiary cannot be selected on item records.

Planning Your Subsidiary Hierarchy

Before you create subsidiary records in NetSuite you should plan the structure of your organization's
subsidiaries because for each subsidiary record you create you must define its parent. As you create
subsidiaries, a hierarchical structure is automatically defined. This hierarchy is very difficult to modify
after it is defined.

Important: If your account has been provisioned for Multi-Book Accounting, the hierarchy
cannot be modified.

Note: You can purchase two different types of subsidiaries for your NetSuite OneWorld
account. If you have subsidiaries to which you book journal entries only for reconciliation
purposes, you can purchase G/L only subsidiaries. Purchase operating subsidiaries for those
where you record transactions. Contact your NetSuite account representative for pricing

It is recommended that you diagram the parent-child relationships in your subsidiary hierarchy,
starting at the top with the root subsidiary. This visual representation can help you consider how you
want to organize and consolidate data, for both accounting and reporting purposes.

As you diagram your subsidiary hierarchy, it is a good idea to record the country, base currency, and
tax nexuses for each subsidiary. A base currency is the currency in which a subsidiary manages its
financials. After a base currency is defined and saved on a subsidiary record, it cannot be changed.
A nexus is a tax jurisdiction. Nexuses can be added and changed on subsidiary records. The country
entered on a subsidiary record automatically determines the first tax nexus and NetSuite edition
associated with that subsidiary.

After you have diagrammed a hierarchy of subsidiaries representing all legal entities in your
organization, you should include one elimination subsidiary as a child of each parent subsidiary. The
elimination subsidiary should use the same base currency.

The subsidiary hierarchy diagram can serve as a roadmap for setting up subsidiaries. You can refer
to the base currency listed for each subsidiary to ensure that all necessary currencies are set up in
NetSuite. See Understanding Multiple Currencies in OneWorld. You can refer to the country listed
for each subsidiary to ensure that all required tax nexuses are set up in NetSuite and linked to the
appropriate country. See Understanding Nexuses and Taxes in OneWorld. Use your diagram to
reference the order in which to create subsidiary records, in top-down order, beginning with the root.
Be aware that you cannot change the Subsubsidiary of field after you create subsidiary record. See
Creating Subsidiary Records.
Setting Up OneWorld 119

Understanding Multiple Currencies in OneWorld

The NetSuite Multiple Currencies feature provides support for transactions with customers and
vendors that use currencies other than the currency in which your company manages its financials. The
currency used to manage your company's financials is called the base currency, and other currencies
used by customers and vendors are referred to as foreign currencies.
The Multiple Currencies feature is required for NetSuite OneWorld accounts. With NetSuite OneWorld,
each subsidiary can have a separate base currency. The base currency is used to manage the
subsidiary's financials. A subsidiary's base currency cannot be changed after the subsidiary record has
been saved.
As you are planning your subsidiary hierarchy, you must determine the base currency of your root
subsidiary, then the base currencies of all of your other subsidiaries. All subsidiary base currencies as
well as any other currencies in which transactions are recorded should be set up in NetSuite. See the
help topic Creating Currency Records.
When a transaction is entered for a subsidiary, the currency defined on the customer's or vendor's
NetSuite record determines the currency used to present the transaction amounts. If a customer or
vendor has a currency different from the subsidiary, the transaction must use two currencies, the
foreign currency used by the customer or vendor and the base currency used by the subsidiary.
Currency exchange rates are used to convert foreign currencies to base currencies, providing default
rates for transactions in currencies other than the base currency. Exchange rates are expressed in
terms of base currency units per foreign currency units. You must set up a Currency Exchange Rates list
in NetSuite. See the help topic Setting Currency Exchange Rates. You can enable the Currency Exchange
Rate Integration feature to automatically update currency exchange rates on a nightly basis. See the
help topic Using the Currency Exchange Rate Integration Feature.
Consolidated reports use a separate Consolidated Exchange Rates table to translate child subsidiaries'
amounts to roll up into consolidated parent subsidiary amounts. See Consolidated Reporting in
OneWorld and Using Consolidated Exchange Rates. Reports that include budget as well as actual
amounts such as some financial statements can use a separate Budget Exchange Rates table for
translation of budget amounts. See the help topics Working with OneWorld Financial Statements and
Running Subsidiary-Specific Budget Reports.
Over time, variances in exchange rates can affect the value of foreign currency transactions. NetSuite
automatically calculates and posts exchange rate variance amounts for transactions that close during
each accounting period. See the help topic Accounting for Fluctuation in Exchange Rates. In addition,
before you close each period you are required to revalue open balances to account for variances. See
the help topic Revaluing Open Currency Balances.

Understanding Nexuses and Taxes in OneWorld

A nexus is a tax jurisdiction. Nexuses are part of the NetSuite Advanced Taxes feature, which is
required for OneWorld. Each subsidiary must be associated with at least one nexus. The first nexus is
automatically assigned to a subsidiary based on the country entered for the subsidiary's address. A
subsidiary can have more than one nexus. A nexus and its related tax items can be shared by multiple
After you save a subsidiary record, a Nexuses subtab is available where you can add or remove
nexuses. See Editing Subsidiary Records.

Important: For U.S. subsidiaries, a state nexus is required. For Canada subsidiaries, a
province nexus is required.

It is best to create and set up taxes for nexuses before creating subsidiary records. You can create a
nexus at Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Nexuses > New. See the help topic Creating Tax Nexuses. You
Setting Up OneWorld 120

set up taxes for nexuses at Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Set Up Taxes. When you create a subsidiary, if
a nexus does not yet exist for the subsidiary's country, it is automatically created when the subsidiary
record is saved. However, all that is created for the nexus is a name and description. It still must be set
up at Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Set Up Taxes.

You should understand and set up the following tax features and items to set up tax nexuses:

■ Advanced Taxes Feature - This feature provides management of taxes for multiple tax jurisdictions
and must be enabled in OneWorld accounts. See the help topic Enabling Advanced Taxes.
■ Tax Agency Vendors - These vendors represent taxing authorities to whom you pay collected taxes.
The system automatically creates a tax agency vendor when you create a tax nexus. For more
information, see the help topic Setting Up Tax Agencies as Vendors.
Multiple subsidiaries can pay taxes to the same tax agency. When you set up a new subsidiary that
shares a tax nexus with an existing subsidiary, a copy of the preferred tax vendor for that nexus is
created and associated with the new subsidiary. The copy is necessary because you cannot share
a vendor tax agency with multiple subsidiaries. You CAN, however, share non tax agency vendors
with multiple subsidiaries. For more information, see the help topic Sharing Vendors with Multiple
■ Tax Control Accounts - These are Other Current Liability Accounts that you can set up in your
General Ledger to post and track tax collection and payments. See the help topic Tax Control
Accounts Overview.
■ Tax Types - These types provide categories used to link each tax code or tax group to a tax control
account. Available tax types depend upon the country selected for the tax code. See the help topic
Tax Types Overview.
■ Tax Codes and Tax Groups - A tax code represents a tax collected from customers in a specific
geographic area and paid on their behalf to a taxing authority, based on a specific percentage rate.
You can create tax groups that combine taxes for all tax jurisdictions relevant to a transaction. See
the help topics Tax Codes Overview and Tax Groups Overview.
■ Tax Schedules - Tax schedules allow different calculations of taxes on items, for different nexuses.
When you enable the Advanced Taxes feature, the system creates tax schedules for each tax code.
See the help topic Creating Tax Schedules.
■ Tax Reporting Periods - (Editions other than US and Canada) You can set up these periods to track
tax reporting separately from accounting periods. In a OneWorld account, the same tax reporting
periods apply across all subsidiaries that use the feature. See the help topic Setting Up Tax Periods.

Note: Available tax items and features vary for different NetSuite editions. See Understanding
NetSuite Editions.

Understanding NetSuite Editions

The following localized editions of NetSuite are available. Each edition has differences in the user
interface and feature capabilities.

Subsidiaries within a single OneWorld account may use different NetSuite editions. When you create a
subsidiary record in NetSuite, the country you define for its address determines the NetSuite edition.

■ NetSuite (US)
■ NetSuite Australia (AU)
■ NetSuite Canada (CA)
■ NetSuite Japan (JP)
■ NetSuite UK (UK)
Setting Up OneWorld 121

■ NetSuite International (XX) (This edition is not country-specific, and is used for countries that do
not have a localized edition. You can customize tax functions, using the Advanced Taxes feature, for
specific countries.

An important difference among editions is their different handling of taxes, as shown in the following

  US Australia Canada Japan Edition UK Edition Internat'l OneWorld

Edition Edition Edition Edition

Precoded Requires YES YES YES YES NO Based on

Tax? state tax Subsidiary Edition

Type of Tax Sales Tax GST GST, PST Consumption VAT N/A Based on
Tax Subsidiary Edition


Reporting Across All Subs,
Periods? unless you
enable Multiple
Calendars. See
the help topic
Enabling Multiple

Foreign NO YES NO YES YES YES Based on

Trade Subsidiary Edition

Setting Up Subsidiaries
Before you begin setting up subsidiaries for your OneWorld account, ensure you review the following
help topics:

■ Understanding Subsidiaries
■ Understanding Elimination Subsidiaries
■ Planning Your Subsidiary Hierarchy
■ Understanding Multiple Currencies in OneWorld
■ Understanding Nexuses and Taxes in OneWorld

You must create a record for each subsidiary including elimination subsidiaries. After you have created
and saved a subsidiary record, you can edit tax nexuses and preferences on that record. See the
following help topics:

■ Creating Subsidiary Records

■ Editing Subsidiary Records
■ Deleting Subsidiary Records
■ Adding or Removing Nexuses from a Subsidiary

After you create subsidiaries for your OneWorld account, you can then associate subsidiaries with
customers, employees, vendors, partners, items, and shipping items. For information and guidelines,
see the following help topics:

■ Associating Subsidiaries with Entities

■ Associating Subsidiaries with Items
■ Associating Subsidiaries with Shipping Items

Creating Subsidiary Records

Create a subsidiary record for each legal entity in your organization, and a separate elimination
subsidiary record as a child of each parent subsidiary. It is recommended that you create subsidiary
Setting Up OneWorld 122

records in a top-down fashion, beginning with the root subsidiary, then all of its child subsidiaries, then
the next level of subsidiaries, and so on. This order is recommended because you must define the
parent for each child subsidiary in the Subsubsidiary of field on the subsidiary record.

Note: You can purchase two different types of subsidiaries for your NetSuite OneWorld
account. If you have subsidiaries to which you book journal entries only for reconciliation
purposes, you can purchase G/L only subsidiaries. Purchase operating subsidiaries for those
where you record transactions. Contact your NetSuite account representative for pricing

Important: If an account that is upgraded to OneWorld has preexisting data, this data is used
for the root subsidiary.

Be aware that the following values cannot be changed after you have saved a subsidiary record:

■ Subsubsidiary of (the parent subsidiary)

■ Elimination
■ Currency
■ Edition
■ Country

Also be aware that you cannot delete the subsidiary where the ID is equal to 1.

You can create up to 124 subsidiary records, in addition to the root subsidiary, for a total of 125.
License fees for subsidiaries do not include charges for elimination subsidiaries, and elimination
subsidiaries do not count toward the maximum of 125 subsidiaries. Inactive subsidiaries also do not
count toward the maximum.

You can lock transactions by subsidiary based on the country of the subsidiary to comply with country-
specific accounting regulations. See Locking Transactions by Subsidiary.

Important: To benefit from the automatic tax code provisioning feature, you must first
install the International Tax Reports in your account before creating subsidiaries. In OneWorld
accounts that have the International Tax Reports SuiteApp, when you add a new subsidiary
country the system creates the nexus for it and, at the same time, creates the VAT/GST tax
codes for that nexus. Therefore, you must have the International Tax Reports SuiteApp
already installed before you add the subsidiary. (Without the International Tax Reports
SuiteApp, when you create a subsidiary country, NetSuite also adds its nexus, but provides
only a few default tax codes.) For more information, see the help topic Automatic Tax Code

Note: You can add custom fields and user event scripts to subsidiary records. Customizing
subsidiary records enables you to add fields and business logic that are specific to the countries
or regions in which your business operates. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >
Other Custom Fields. Select Subsidiary as the Record Type. Complete the fields as required and
then save the custom field. For more information, see the help topic Creating a Custom Field.

To create a subsidiary record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > New.
2. Enter up to 83 alphanumeric characters for the name of the subsidiary.
3. Select the parent subsidiary in the Subsubsidiary of field.
This value cannot be changed after you save the subsidiary record.
Setting Up OneWorld 123

4. Check the Subsidiary is Inactive box if this subsidiary is no longer active or used in your account.
Inactivated subsidiaries no longer show in the Subsidiary field on records and transactions
unless they are currently attached to a record. Web sites of inactive subsidiaries are no longer
available online.
5. Check the Always Display Subsidiary Name box to display only the subsidiary name with your
role in the upper right corner of a page. In addition, when logging in to an external account, such
as an employee center, vendor center, or customer center, the dashboard displays only the logo
of the subsidiary, not the parent company logo.
Clear this box to display both the parent and the subsidiary name in your account.
6. In the Subsidiary Logo (Forms) field, select the logo image to be used on all forms by this
Click New to upload a logo. Logos must be in JPG or GIF format.

Note: The logo selected in this field does not affect pages in your account. The logo
displayed on pages is determined by the selection in the Subsidiary Logo (Pages) field.

7. In the Subsidiary Logo (Pages) field, select the logo image to be displayed on all pages for this
Click New to upload a logo. Logos must be in JPG or GIF format.

Note: The logo selected in this field does not affect printed forms. The logo on printed
forms is determined by the selection in the Subsidiary Logo (Forms) field.

8. Enter the URL of this subsidiary's Web site.

9. If auto-generated numbering is enabled in your account and you want to use subsidiary-specific
numbering for transactions, enter a prefix to signify this subsidiary in transaction numbers.
You can enter up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
You must also enable subsidiary-specific transaction numbering at Setup > Company > Auto-
Generated Numbers. For more information, see Using Subsidiary-Specific Transaction Auto-
10. Enter the legal name of this subsidiary as it appears on tax documents.
11. Enter a return email address.
You can specify that email forms generated in NetSuite are sent using this email address. This is
useful when you have many subsidiaries and you want customers or vendors to reply using an
email address from the appropriate subsidiary. For information about setting email preferences,
see Setting Email Preferences.
12. Enter a fax number.
13. Check the Elimination box if this subsidiary record is to be used for only intercompany journal
entries that reverse transactions between subsidiaries.
This value cannot be changed after you save the subsidiary record.
If you need information about elimination subsidiaries, see Understanding Elimination
If you need information about intercompany journal entries, see the help topic Making
Intercompany Journal Entries.
14. If this subsidiary uses multiple languages, select the default language for NetSuite users in this
You can enable multiple languages in the International section on the Company subtab at Setup
> Company > Enable Features.
Setting Up OneWorld 124

Individual users can choose their language at Home > Set Preferences.
15. If this subsidiary uses multiple calendars, select the calendars to roll up accounting and tax
The fiscal calendar determines the start date for the accounting year.
The tax fiscal calendar determines the start date for the tax year.
You can enable multiple calendars in the Advanced Features section on the Accounting subtab
at Setup > Company > Enable Features.
16. Select the base currency used by this subsidiary.
This value can be the same as or different from the base currency of the parent. This value
cannot be changed after you save the subsidiary record.
Elimination subsidiaries default to the base currency of the parent subsidiary.

Note: The NetSuite Edition used by the subsidiary is automatically populated based on
the country entered for the subsidiary address. The following subsidiaries are available:

■ AU - NetSuite Australia
■ CA - NetSuite Canada
■ XX - NetSuite International (This edition is not country-specific. It is used for countries that
do not have their own edition. The underlying tax engine needs to be customized for each
■ JP - NetSuite Japan
■ UK - NetSuite UK
■ US - NetSuite US
17. Enter the appropriate tax identification numbers for this subsidiary.
The fields that display depend on the country entered for the address.
18. Enter the name or department that should be notified of shipment or return arrivals.
19. Enter the name or department that should appear on shipping labels and return addresses.
After you save the subsidiary record you can enter the address for shipping and returns.
20. If your account has the EU Mini One Stop Shop feature enabled:
a. Check the MOSS Applies box if the Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) VAT scheme applies to this
b. In the MOSS Nexus field, select the EU member state (tax nexus) where you are registered
for MOSS VAT returns.
21. To enter the general business address and phone number for this subsidiary, click the Edit link
next to the Address field to display an address popup.

Note: The address form displayed in the popup may vary according to the country
where the subsidiary is located, and depends on the custom address forms defined in
your account. For more information, see the help topic Customizing Address Forms.

■ The country entered here determines the first tax nexus and the NetSuite edition for the
■ This address is shown, instead of the company address entered at Setup > Company > Setup
Tasks > Company Information, on printed transaction forms for customers or vendors.
■ Click the Override box to edit the default address in the Address field.
22. Click Save.
Setting Up OneWorld 125

After you have saved a subsidiary record for the first time, you can return to the record to edit most
of the fields you defined as well as additional fields on Shipping Address, Return Address, Nexuses,
Preferences, Translation, and System Notes subtabs. For more information, see Editing Subsidiary

If the Intercompany Time and Expense feature is enabled in your account, an Intercompany Account
is automatically associated with a subsidiary after qualifying transactions are created in the system
such as a journal to eliminate Time and Expense. This account is determined by the subsidiary's base
currency. It is used to offset the transfer of charges from intercompany time and expenses from this
subsidiary to another. For more information, see the help topics Enabling Intercompany Time and
Expenses and Intercompany Clearing Account.

Editing Subsidiary Records

After you have saved a subsidiary record for the first time, you can edit most of the values you entered
for it. Also, additional subtabs are available for you to do the following:

■ Define the subsidiary's address as it should appear on shipping labels

■ Define the address that should appear as a return address
■ Add or remove tax nexuses associated with the subsidiary
■ Set preferences for system email templates, date, time, phone number formats, time zone, default
payable account, default advance account, check layout, and CSV files formatting
■ Define alternate subsidiary names to display in other languages
■ View the date and time fields were modified and by whom

Be aware that you cannot delete the subsidiary where the ID is equal to 1.

Important: The following values cannot be edited after you have saved a subsidiary record:
Subsidiarity of, Elimination, Currency, Edition, and Country.

If you have not yet entered transactions for a subsidiary, you can change the base currency by
performing the following tasks:

# Delete the nexus.

# Delete the subsidiaries related to that nexus.

# Recreate the nexus.

# Recreate the subsidiaries using the correct currency and then re-associate them with the

For subsidiary planning information, see Planning Your Subsidiary Hierarchy.

Note: You can add custom fields and user event scripts to subsidiary records. Customizing
subsidiary records enables you to add fields and business logic that are specific to the countries
or regions in which your business operates. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >
Other Custom Fields. Select Subsidiary as the Record Type. Complete the fields as required and
then save the custom field. For more information, see the help topic Creating a Custom Field.

To edit a subsidiary record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries and then click List.
2. Click the Edit link next to a subsidiary.
Setting Up OneWorld 126

3. Edit the main fields as required.

4. To define the address to be displayed for the subsidiary on shipping labels, click the Addresses
subtab, and click the Edit link for the Shipping Address field.
The address you enter here is used instead of the shipping address set at Setup > Company >
Setup Tasks > Company Information.
5. To define the address to be displayed for the subsidiary as a return address, click the Addresses
subtab, and click the Edit link next to the Return Address field.
The address you enter here is used instead of the return address set at Setup > Company >
Setup Tasks > Company Information.
6. To add or remove tax nexuses associated with the subsidiary, click the Nexuses subtab. See
Adding or Removing Nexuses from a Subsidiary.
7. To set preferences for the subsidiary, click the Preferences subtab.
1. Select the type of check you print by default for this subsidiary.
2. Select the email templates you want used to send email to employees, customers, and
partners when you grant them access to your NetSuite account.
For more information, see the help topic Working with Email Templates.
3. Select the date, time, and number formats used by this subsidiary.
4. Choose the format used for phone numbers in this subsidiary.
5. Select the time zone for this subsidiary.
6. Select the first day of the week for this subsidiary.
7. Select the alphabetical order to use for search results.
8. Select how you want time transactions rounded for this subsidiary.
9. Select a default payable account for expense reports for this subsidiary.
10. Select a default account for advances to apply on expense reports for this subsidiary.
11. Choose the check layout used when printing checks for this subsidiary.
12. Choose how this subsidiary contacts NetSuite Support.
13. Choose how this subsidiary is contacted by NetSuite Support.
14. Set the formatting preferences for CSV data to be imported by the Import Assistant.
With NetSuite OneWorld, most company preferences are shared by all subsidiaries in the global
organization. This includes all of the preferences set on the Setup tab that are not set specifically
on subsidiary records. Classes, departments, and locations are shared globally and can be
linked to specific subsidiaries and their children. For more information, see Setting Company
The subsidiary-specific preferences set on this page take precedence over company preferences
in the event that they conflict. Any user preferences set at Home > Set Preferences take
precedence over subsidiary-specific and company preferences. For more information, see the
help topic Setting Personal Preferences.
8. If you have enabled auto generated numbering by subsidiary for specific transactions, click the
Numbers subtab to specify the initial number for each transaction type.

Note: To enable auto-generated numbering by subsidiary for specific transactions,

go to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers. Click the Transactions subtab and
then check the Use Subsidiary box for any transaction that should use the subsidiary’s
numbering. For more information, see Using Subsidiary-Specific Transaction Auto-

9. Click Save.
Setting Up OneWorld 127

Deleting Subsidiary Records

You can delete subsidiaries that have been created and saved, and those that do not have transactions
or records. For information about deleting transactions, see the help topic Voiding, Deleting, or Closing

You can also delete a subsidiary if the only action you have performed is to add tax agency addresses.

Be aware that you cannot delete the subsidiary where the ID is equal to 1.

To delete an existing subsidiary record:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries and then click List.
2. Click the Edit link next to a subsidiary record that you want to delete.
3. From the Subsidiary page, under Actions, click Delete.
4. At the prompt to confirm the action, click OK.

Adding or Removing Nexuses from a Subsidiary

To add or remove nexuses from a subsidiary:
1. Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries and then click List.
2. Click the Edit link next to a subsidiary.
3. Click the Nexuses subtab.
4. To add a nexus:
a. Select a nexus from the list on an empty row.
b. Click Add.
Only nexuses that have been created in NetSuite are listed here.
5. To remove a nexus:
a. Click the row for the nexus.
b. Click Remove.
You can remove a nexus from a subsidiary only if the subsidiary does not have any transactions
associated with the nexus. If you try to remove a nexus from a subsidiary that has transactions
associated with the nexus, the system displays an error message containing a list of those
transactions. To remove the nexus from the subsidiary, you must delete or modify those
transactions. You can click each transaction in the error message to view the transaction record.
6. Click Save.

For information about nexuses, see Understanding Nexuses and Taxes in OneWorld.

Locking Transactions by Subsidiary

Note: This feature requires Transaction Locking SuiteApp (Bundle ID 8791).

In certain countries, accounting regulations require you to have a system in place to lock transactions
to prevent anyone from making changes to them. In NetSuite, you can do this by installing the
Setting Up OneWorld 128

Transaction Locking SuiteApp (Bundle ID 8791), which is available at no cost from the NetSuite bundle

The Transaction Locking SuiteApp locks transactions by hiding the Edit and Delete buttons from the
following transaction records:

■ Invoice
■ Cash Sale
■ Credit Memo
■ Vendor Bill
■ Vendor Credit
■ Journal
■ Vendor Payment
■ Customer Payment
■ Customer Refund
■ Customer Deposit
■ Cash Refund

This transaction locking affects transaction records only in subsidiaries set up for the following

■ Austria
■ Brazil
■ Denmark
■ Germany
■ Israel
■ Sweden
■ Switzerland
■ Czech Republic

Warning: After you install this SuiteApp, all roles lose access to the Edit and Delete buttons on
those transaction records.

To install the Transaction Locking SuiteApp:

1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.
2. On the Install Bundle page, enter the following search criteria:
Location : Repository
Availability : Public
Keywords : Transaction Locking, or the bundle ID 8791
3. Click Search.
4. On the search result page, click Transaction Locking.
5. Click Install.
6. Review the Preview Bundle Install page.
7. Click Install Bundle.

For more information, see the help topic Installing a Bundle.

Setting Up OneWorld 129

Using Subsidiary-Specific Transaction Auto-Numbering

With NetSuite OneWorld, each subsidiary can use individual numbering sequences for transactions. For
example, transactions associated with Subsidiary A can use the numbering prefix SubA.

Numbering transactions by subsidiary can be useful so users with access to only one subsidiary do
not encounter numbering gaps for transactions because they cannot see transactions for another
subsidiary. Also, some countries require unique numbering without gaps for each legal entity.

Note: A transaction inherits its subsidiary from its entity (customer or vendor). See Associating
Subsidiaries with Entities.

To set up or update auto numbering for a subsidiary:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries and then click List.
2. Click Edit next to the subsidiary record.
3. In the Transaction Prefix field, enter the prefix.
For example, for Subsidiary A, enter SubA.
4. If you have enabled auto-generated numbering by subsidiary for specific transactions, click the
Numbers subtab to specify the initial number for each transaction type.

Note: To enable auto-generated numbering by subsidiary for specific transactions,

go to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers. Click the Transactions subtab and
then check the Use Subsidiary box for any transaction that should use the subsidiary’s

Important: If you choose to auto-number by subsidiary, you cannot auto-number by


5. Click Save.

Setting Up Accounts in OneWorld

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can choose to associate an account with one or more specific
subsidiaries, to limit availability of the account to the selected subsidiaries only.

Note: Bank accounts and credit card accounts are restricted to one subsidiary. When you
create a bank account or credit card account, you can select only one subsidiary for the account.

Also, each account is assigned two exchange rate types: a general rate type that is used for the income
statement, balance sheet, and other general purposes, and a cash flow rate type that is used for the
cash flow statement. Choices of rate types are Current, Average, or Historical.

Go to Setup > Accounting > Manage G/L > Chart of Accounts and click an Edit link for an account to set
up an account record as follows:

1. In the General Rate Type field, select Current, Average, or Historical to determine which
consolidated rate to use in all cases except Cash Flow. For example, the General rate is used for
financial statements and general reports.
2. In the Cash Flow Rate Type field, select Current, Average, or Historical to determine which
consolidated rate to use. For example, Long-term assets use the Historical rate type and the
balance sheet uses the Current rate type on the cash flow statement.
Setting Up OneWorld 130

3. If necessary, select one or more subsidiaries in the Subsidiaries field.

■ If the root subsidiary is selected and the Include Children box is checked, then all
subsidiaries can access the account.
■ If one or more subsidiaries are selected, then the account can only be selected for records
and transactions associated with those subsidiaries.

For more details about rate types, see the help topic Understanding Consolidated Exchange Rate

For more information about setting up accounts, see the help topic Creating Accounts.

Note: If the Intercompany Time and Expense feature is enabled in your account, an
intercompany clearing account is automatically created when there is an associated transaction.
For more information, see the help topic Intercompany Clearing Account.

Setting Up Payroll in OneWorld

When using NetSuite OneWorld, you can run payroll only for U.S. subsidiaries. You must designate a
subsidiary each time you set up payroll preferences, update payroll information, or create a payroll.
The Subsidiary list on these pages includes only subsidiaries with valid U.S. addresses, based on zip
code. Also, each subsidiary must have the following:

■ Unique Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
■ Unique NetSuite vendor record per tax agency
For example, if your organization includes two subsidiaries located in California, you would need to
set up two differently named NetSuite vendor records for the IRS, and two differently named vendor
records for the California Franchise Tax Board.

Only employees assigned to a U.S. subsidiary designated to process payroll can be included in payroll
processing. Employees assigned to subsidiaries other than the one designated for payroll cannot be
processed for payroll.

Setting Up Inventory in OneWorld

In a NetSuite OneWorld account, the Inventory feature functions the same as the Multi-Location
Inventory feature. If you enable Inventory, Multi-Location Inventory is automatically enabled. For
information about this feature, see the help topic Multi-Location Inventory.

After enabling the Inventory feature for OneWorld, you must associate each location with only one
subsidiary. When you do not use the Inventory feature, you have the option to associate each location
with no subsidiary, one subsidiary, or multiple subsidiaries.

In NetSuite accounts that are not enabled for OneWorld, you can enter initial quantities on hand in
each location when you create an item record. However, in a NetSuite OneWorld account, you cannot
enter initial quantities on hand when you create an item record. You must first create the item record,
and then afterward, you must enter an inventory adjustment to specify the initial quantities in each
location. See the help topics Creating Item Records and Adjusting Inventory for more details.

Importing Inventory Data into OneWorld Accounts

When you are importing inventory data into your account, NetSuite does not support importing
historical data that is dated prior to the date of the OneWorld upgrade in your account. Doing so may
Setting Up OneWorld 131

cause inaccuracies in your inventory data. Import only data that is dated later than the OneWorld
upgrade and initial Multi-Location Inventory distribution to maintain accurate inventory information.

Setting Up Multiple Vendors in OneWorld

If you use the Drop Shipments & Special Orders feature in NetSuite OneWorld, you are required to use
the Multiple Vendors feature.

When you use Multiple Vendors, on each item record you must specify a preferred vendor for each
subsidiary to be able to drop ship or special order items for that subsidiary.

When using the Order Items form, if a preferred vendor is associated with the subsidiary, it defaults on
the form for each line.

When viewing the item list, the preferred vendor associated with the root subsidiary (highest-level
parent) shows by default.

If an item has a preferred vendor, the purchase price is shown on the item record in the root
subsidiary's preferred vendor currency.

Using Logos in OneWorld

When you set up subsidiaries in your OneWorld account, you can choose the logo that displays for
each subsidiary when viewing pages or printing out transactions. Each subsidiary can use an individual
logo to distinguish itself from the others.

To use the subsidiary logo and address from the transaction record when printing, use advanced
templates. For more information, see the help topic Advanced PDF/HTML Templates. If you print
transactions using basic layouts, the logo and address are sourced from the vendor’s primary

On each subsidiary record, use the following fields to determine which logos are displayed on pages
and printed on transactions.

To set up subsidiary logos:

1. Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries, click List, and then click the Edit link for a subsidiary.
■ In the Subsidiary Logo (Forms) field, select the logo image to be used on all forms by this
Click New to upload a logo. Logos must be in JPG or GIF format.
The logo selected in this field does not affect pages in your account. The logo displayed on
pages is determined by the selection in the Subsidiary Logo (Pages) field.
■ In the Subsidiary Logo (Pages) field, select the logo image to be displayed on all pages for
this subsidiary.
Click New to upload a logo. Logos must be in JPG or GIF format.
The logo selected in this field does not affect printed forms. The logo on printed forms is
determined by the selection in the Subsidiary Logo (Forms) field.
2. Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Company Information.
3. In the Display Logo Internally field, check the box to display the logo selected in the Subsidiary
Logo (Pages) field when someone logs in to an internal center. The logo shows on all pages of
your NetSuite account next to the NetSuite logo.
External centers in your NetSuite account are the Partner Center, Vendor Center, and Customer
Center and they display the logo selected in the Company Logo (Pages) field. All other internal
Setting Up OneWorld 132

centers display the logo selected at Subsidiary Logo (Pages) when the preference to display the
logo is enabled on the Company Information page.
4. Go to Home > Set Preferences.
5. On the Analytics subtab, when you enable the preferences to Print Company Logo and Display
Report Title on Screen, then the logo selected in the Subsidiary Logo (Forms) field displays on
reports you view or print.

If these logo options are not configured for the subsidiary of an entity who logs in, NetSuite checks
each parent subsidiary in hierarchical order to find a subsidiary with the logo settings configured. If no
subsidiary has logo settings configured, NetSuite pages display logos based on the company settings at
Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Company Information.

Associating Subsidiaries with Entities

In a OneWorld account, you must assign a subsidiary to each entity record before you can enter
transactions for the entity. A transaction inherits its subsidiary from its entity. Other records referenced
on the transaction, such as items or departments, are limited by values associated with that subsidiary.

This requirement applies to the following records:

■ Employees - See Assigning a Subsidiary to an Employee

■ Vendors - See Assigning a Subsidiary to a Vendor
■ Partners - See Assigning a Subsidiary to a Partner
■ Customers - See Assigning a Subsidiary to a Customer

To assign an entity to a subsidiary, open the record, and select a subsidiary in the Subsidiary field.
When you select a subsidiary, the fields on the form change to reflect the address format, tax fields and
other information appropriate to the subsidiary.

An entity can only be assigned to a single subsidiary. If a customer or other entity has relationships
with multiple subsidiaries, you must create a sub-record for each subsidiary relationship. Sub-entities
can be assigned different subsidiaries and different base currencies than that of the parent record.

You can assign entities from one subsidiary to an entity associated with a different subsidiary in some
cases. For example, associating entities with different subsidiaries is acceptable in these cases:

■ Contacts on Customer, Partner, Vendor, Group, Competitor, and Project records

■ Employees and Contacts on Group records
■ Employees on Project records

Note: After a transaction has posted for the entity, you cannot change the subsidiary selected
on the entity record.

Assigning a Subsidiary to an Employee

After you define a subsidiary on an employee record, by default that employee can only access records
associated with that subsidiary. To give an employee access to other subsidiaries' records, you can set
up subsidiary access for the employee's assigned role. See Controlling Employee Access to Subsidiaries.

To assign a subsidiary to an employee:

1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees, and click the Edit link next to an employee.
2. Click the Info subtab, select from the Subsidiary list, and click Save.
Setting Up OneWorld 133

Assigning a Subsidiary to a Vendor

The subsidiary assigned to a vendor is generally associated with any transactions involving that vendor.
For tax agency vendor records, it is important to set the subsidiary to match the subsidiary linked to
the nexus using that tax agency.

To assign a subsidiary to a vendor:

1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors, and click the Edit link next to a vendor.
2. Select from the Subsidiary list and click Save.

Note: You can share a vendor record with multiple subsidiaries. For more information,
see the help topic Sharing Vendors with Multiple Subsidiaries.

Assigning a Subsidiary to a Partner

The subsidiary you assign to a partner limits the records that the partner can access to those
associated with that subsidiary.

To assign a subsidiary to a partner:

1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Partners, and click the Edit link next to a partner.
2. Select from the Subsidiary list and click Save.

Assigning a Subsidiary to a Customer

The subsidiary assigned to a customer is generally associated with any transactions involving that

When a lead or contact is generated from an online form, the country associated with the form is
matched to the country of the subsidiary, and that subsidiary is associated with the new record. If
multiple subsidiaries are related to a country or no country is entered, then the root subsidiary is
associated with the new entity.

If you have enabled the Accept Payment Through Top Level Customer preference, parent customers
and their sub-customers must be associated with the same subsidiaries and must both use the same

To assign a subsidiary to a customer:

1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers, and click the Edit link next to a customer.
2. Select from the Subsidiary list click Save.

Warning: Customers and their associated projects should be associated with the same

Associating Subsidiaries with Items

With NetSuite OneWorld, fields are added to item records that permit items to be shared by several
Setting Up OneWorld 134

In the Subsidiary field, you can select one or multiple subsidiaries. To select multiple subsidiaries, press
and hold the Ctrl key while selecting each subsidiary.

You can also check the Include Children box to share the item with all the sub-subsidiaries associated
with each subsidiary selected in the Subsidiary field.

Note: When sharing items across subsidiaries, all of the options selected on the item record
must be compatible across subsidiaries. For example, when entering an inventory item to be
shared across subsidiaries, you should select Income and Asset accounts on the item record
that are also shared across the same subsidiaries.

A subsidiary must be associated with an item in order for the item to be added to a transaction related
to that subsidiary. For example, you enter a sales order and select a customer associated with the
Wolfe US subsidiary on the transaction. When you select an item to add to the sales order, only items
associated with Wolfe US can be added to the sales order.

When creating a Gift Certificate item record, the Income Account and the Liability Account fields show a
list of accounts that is restricted based on the subsidiary selected. If multiple subsidiaries are selected,
only accounts common to all selected subsidiaries are displayed.

In NetSuite accounts that are not enabled for OneWorld, you can enter initial quantities on hand in
each location when you create an item record. However, in a NetSuite OneWorld account, you cannot
enter initial quantities on hand when you create an item record. You must first create the item record,
and then afterwards, you must enter an inventory adjustment to specify the initial quantities in each

Associating Subsidiaries with Shipping Items

In NetSuite OneWorld, you assign a shipping item to a subsidiary so it can be used for transactions. You
can associate only one subsidiary with a shipping item, but you can create multiple shipping items for
the same shipping service. This enables you to use the shipping services of a carrier across multiple
subsidiaries while respecting currencies and posting to the appropriate subsidiary accounts.

Shipping items for the same service have a unique Ship Name but share the same Display/Code name
so you can utilize the real-time rates and shipping label integration features associated with the carrier.

For example, you have two subsidiaries, one for your operations in the United States and one for
operations in Canada. You use UPS Ground service for shipping needs in both subsidiaries. Create a
shipping item for each subsidiary with a Ship Name that identifies the subsidiary where it is to be used:

  US Subsidiary Canada Subsidiary

Ship Name UPS Ground - US UPS Ground - CA

Display Name /Code UPS Ground UPS Ground

Subsidiaries US Canada

When you select a customer on a transaction, only shipping items for the subsidiary attached to that
customer display in the list for Shipping Method.

In the Web store, if a shopper has not registered before and does not have a customer record, he
or she can choose shipping items associated with the subsidiary Web site being viewed. When a
registered customer logs in to your Web store, the shopper can only see shipping items associated with
the customer's record. A shopper in Canada sees only shipping items associated with the Canadian
Setting Up OneWorld 135

To associate a subsidiary with a shipping item:

Follow the instructions for creating a shipping item at Creating Shipping Items, which include a step to
select the subsidiary for the shipping item. You can select only one subsidiary for a shipping item.

To create multiple shipping items for the same shipping service:

1. Edit an existing shipping item at Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items. Click Edit next to the
shipping item you want to modify.
Create a new shipping item at Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items > New.
2. In the Ship Name field, enter an internal name for the shipping item. To identify the shipping
item by subsidiary, include the subsidiary in the name, for example, UPS Ground - U.S.
3. The Display Name/Code defaults from the shipping service you select as the real-time rate on
the Shipping Rate subtab. This is the shipping method name as it appears to customers visiting
your Web store, on printed invoices, and in centers such as the Customer Center. You cannot
modify the Display Name/Code.
4. In the Subsidiaries field, select the subsidiary you want to offer this shipping item in.
5. Click Save.

Controlling Employee Access to Subsidiaries

By default, an employee only has access to data for the subsidiary assigned on the employee record.
See Assigning a Subsidiary to an Employee.

You can allow an employee access to data for additional subsidiaries by customizing the Subsidiaries
field for the employee's assigned role at Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > Manage Roles. The
Subsidiaries field is a multi-select box.

The Role page also includes an Allow Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing box that can be checked to
permit users logged in with that role to see data from subsidiaries other than those selected in the Role
page's Subsidiaries list.

Note: Users with the Book Record Restriction option enabled override permissions granted by
the Allow Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing option.

The specific records and transactions that employees can view and edit for accessible subsidiaries are
limited by the complete set of permissions defined for their assigned roles. For example, employees
of the U.S. subsidiary by default would only be able to view and edit data for the U.S. subsidiary. If
you customize the U.S. Controller role to select the U.S. subsidiary, Mexico subsidiary, and Canada
subsidiary in the Subsidiaries list, then employees assigned the U.S. Controller role could view and edit
data for all three of these subsidiaries. Also, if you checked the Allow Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing
box for the U.S. Controller role, employees assigned this role could view data for all subsidiaries other
than the three selected ones.

Note: If an employee has access to all active subsidiaries, but not to one or more inactive
subsidiaries, the employee is considered to have access to all subsidiaries.

The following choices are dependent on the subsidiaries selected for the user's assigned role, or if
none are selected there, on the subsidiary assigned to the employee record:

■ Available subsidiary(ies) in the Subsidiary field when the user creates new entity and item records
□ See Associating Subsidiaries with Entities and Associating Subsidiaries with Items.
Setting Up OneWorld 136

■ Available entities when the user creates new transactions

□ Generally, users can create transactions only for entities associated with subsidiaries to which
they have access.
□ Time and expense entry forms are exceptions to this general rule, in that they permit creation of
transactions for customers or projects associated with other subsidiaries as long as they are not
■ Available subsidiaries in Subsidiary Context list when the user runs reports
■ Available classes, departments, and locations in footer filters on reports

A user can restrict the records displayed in NetSuite to those for a single subsidiary by setting
preferences on the Restrict View subtab of Home > Set Preferences. See Restricting Your Subsidiary

Important: To generate automated intercompany adjustments for expenses, supported by

the Intercompany Time and Expense feature, a user must have access to all subsidiaries. For
information about this capability, see the help topic Enabling Intercompany Time and Expenses.

Restricting Your Subsidiary View

If you are assigned a role with access to multiple subsidiaries, sometimes you may want to limit the
data with which you are working in NetSuite, to records from a selected parent subsidiary and its child
subsidiaries, or even to records from only a single subsidiary.

For many reports, you can select a subsidiary after you run the report, by selecting from a Subsidiary
Context list in the footer of the results page. These reports support consolidation, or rollup of
subsidiary results. See Understanding Subsidiary Context for Reports. However, for some reports
that do not support consolidation, you must set your user preferences to restrict your view to a single
subsidiary before you can run the report.

You can restrict the data shown in the current login session including the user interface, searches, and
reports, on the Restrict View subtab at Home > Set Preferences.

To restrict the view to a parent subsidiary and its children, select the parent subsidiary from the
Subsidiary list and check the Include Sub-Subsidiaries box.

To restrict the view to a single subsidiary, select it from the Subsidiary list and do not check the Include
Sub-Subsidiaries box.

When you restrict your subsidiary view, the departments, locations, and classes available to you are
limited to those associated with the selected subsidiary.

The view restrictions you set here apply only to the current login session for current role. The next time
you log in with this role, your normal settings are applied.

Note: It you select your root subsidiary in the Subsidiary list, all subsidiaries are included.
Therefore, You need not check the Include Sub-Subsidiaries box.

Working with Subsidiary Navigator

Subsidiary Navigator enables you to limit the information displayed on your dashboard, searches, and
reports to a specific subsidiary or group of subsidiaries. The portlet contains a chart from which you
can select the subsidiary whose records you want to display. Choosing a subsidiary is equivalent to
setting the Restrict View to a subsidiary option in Home > Set Preferences.
Setting Up OneWorld 137

Note: Subsidiary Navigator only works for OneWorld accounts.

Read the following help topics to learn more about Subsidiary Navigator:

■ Installing Subsidiary Navigator

■ Using Subsidiary Navigator

Installing Subsidiary Navigator

Before you install Subsidiary Navigator, make sure that the following NetSuite features are enabled:

■ Client SuiteScript
■ Server SuiteScript
■ Subsidiary

Subsidiary Navigator is available for installation as a SuiteApp:

■ Name – Subsidiary Navigator

■ Bundle ID – 44281
■ Location – Production (Account ID 3802169)

Subsidiary Navigator is a managed SuiteApp and is automatically updated whenever there are changes.
These issue fixes and enhancements are available after the SuiteApp is updated in your account.

For information on installing SuiteApps, see the help topic Installing a Bundle.

Using Subsidiary Navigator

Setting Up Subsidiary Navigator

1. From your dashboard, click Personalize.
2. You can set up Subsidiary Navigator as a Dashboard SuiteApp or as a custom portlet.
■ To set up Subsidiary Navigator as a dashboard SuiteApp, go to the Dashboard SuiteApps
section, and then click the Subsidiary Navigator icon.
The Subsidiary Navigator portlet will be added to the dashboard. Note that Dashboard
SuiteApps are available only from the home page dashboard.
■ To set up Subsidiary Navigator as a custom portlet:
1. Go to the Standard Content section, and then click the Custom Portlet icon.
A custom portlet will be added to the dashboard.
2. On the Custom Portlet, click the Set Up link.

The Custom Content pop-up opens.

Setting Up OneWorld 138

3. On the Source field, select Subsidiary Navigator from the list.

4. Click Save.

Changing Subsidiary Navigator Display Settings

To change display settings for Subsidiary Navigator:

1. On the Subsidiary Navigator portlet, click Settings on the upper left corner.
2. Set values for the following:
■ Enable Tooltip – Click to enable or disable the company information tooltip for each
subsidiary. When you point your mouse on a subsidiary, the tooltip displays the country,
currency, and address of the subsidiary.
■ Show Logo – You can choose to display or hide the company logos on the Subsidiary
Navigator portlet. Check the box to display subsidiary logos on the current user's account.
Click the slider to show or hide company logos for all users on this account.

Note: The Enable Tooltip setting and the Show Logo slider option is available only on
the Administrator’s account.

Changes to these settings are applied immediately. Click anywhere outside the settings area to hide the

Restricting Access Using the Subsidiary Navigator

You can restrict your view to a particular subsidiary or group of subsidiaries. You can do this in one of
two ways:

■ Click a subsidiary from the portlet.

■ Click the Change Subsidiary link below the centers tabs.

The selected subsidiary and all of the sub-subsidiaries are highlighted. Portlets on the dashboard
update automatically to show records for the selected subsidiaries.
Setting Up OneWorld 139

Note: The settings apply for the duration of your current session. Normal settings are restored
on the next login.

When logged in using a custom role, the Subsidiary Navigator Portlet displays the subsidiaries assigned
for that particular role.
Below is an example of the subsidiaries selected for a custom role:

For this example, the Subsidiary Navigator displays the selected sub-subsidiaries and the parent
subsidiary only.

Note: Users need access to more than one subsidiary for Subsidiary Navigator to work.
If a custom role has no subsidiary selected for it, the restriction defaults to the subsidiary of the

If a custom role only has sub-subsidiaries selected for it, the Subsidiary Navigator displays the
sub-subsidiaries, its parent subsidiary, and any other subsidiaries that connect it to the root
subsidiary. Users can click the parent subsidiary but doing so does not affect the behavior of the
portlets on the dashboard. The portlets only display records for the sub-subsidiaries selected
for the role.

Important: If a custom role has the Allow Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing option enabled,
clicking a subsidiary node in the Subsidiary Navigator portlet displays all relevant records
including those which the role is not granted access. Users with the role may open all displayed
records but are not able to edit those to which access is not granted.

Consolidated Reporting in OneWorld

With OneWorld, you can view data consolidated from multiple subsidiaries on many reports.
Consolidated Reporting in OneWorld 140

Important: Some reports do not support consolidation and can return results for only
one subsidiary at a time. Before you can run one of these reports, you must set your user
preferences to restrict your view to a single subsidiary, at Home > Set Preferences on the
Restrict View subtab.

If a report can show consolidated information, the Subsidiary Context field in the footer of the
report includes options appended with (Consolidated) such as in the report titled HEADQUARTERS
(Consolidated). When you select a consolidated subsidiary on a report, data is displayed for the
selected subsidiary and for all of its child subsidiaries including elimination subsidiaries. For example,
if you choose Subsidiary Context HEADQUARTERS (Consolidated), the report displays consolidated data
for the UK and all of its child subsidiaries, Germany, Ireland, and Italy.
When you select an option that is not consolidated, data is displayed for only the single selected
subsidiary. For example, selecting Subsidiary Context UK displays only the UK subsidiary data, or
selecting Subsidiary Context Germany displays only the German subsidiary data.
If NetSuite Professional Services has provisioned Multi-Book Accounting in your account, you can run
consolidated reporting on any accounting book enabled for consolidation.
For more description and examples of the Subsidiary Context filter, see Understanding Subsidiary
Context for Reports.
When data is displayed for a single subsidiary, the base currency of that subsidiary is used for
amounts. When consolidated data is displayed for multiple related subsidiaries, the base currency of
the parent is used for amounts. Consolidated reports use the Consolidated Exchange Rates table to
translate child subsidiaries' amounts to roll up into consolidated parent subsidiary amounts. See the
help topic Using Consolidated Exchange Rates. Reports that include budget as well as actual amounts
such as some financial statements, can use a separate Budget Exchange Rates table for translation of
budget amounts. See the help topic Running Subsidiary-Specific Budget Reports.
Financial statements have other specialized capabilities in OneWorld, including subsidiary-specific
layouts. See the help topic Working with OneWorld Financial Statements. Consolidated balance sheet
and cash flow statement reports use a special account called Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA)
to achieve balance when there is more than one currency. This account is necessary because the rate
types of accounts may differ, resulting in different rates being used that can cause an imbalance.
The CTA is also used wherever consolidation across accounts with different rate types occurs such as
the consolidated trial balance. For more information, see the help topic Understanding Cumulative
Translation Adjustment (CTA).

Understanding Subsidiary Context for Reports

If you have access to multiple subsidiaries, you can view the data for all subsidiaries at one time
or for individual subsidiaries by using the Subsidiary Context footer filter on reports that support
consolidation of results across subsidiaries.
If your account has been provisioned for Multi-Book Accounting, you can run consolidated reports for
any accounting book enabled for consolidation. Use the Accounting Book list to choose the primary or
secondary accounting book that correlates with the selected subsidiary context.

Important: Some reports do not support consolidation and can return results for only one
subsidiary at a time. These reports do not include the Subsidiary Context filter. Before you can
run one of these reports, you must set your user preferences to restrict your view to a single
subsidiary, at Home > Set Preferences on the Restrict View subtab.

Selecting a subsidiary filters the report data to display only data from the selected subsidiary. Note that
elimination subsidiaries are available as options. In the case of consolidated subsidiaries, data is shown
for all child subsidiaries of the consolidated parent subsidiary including elimination subsidiaries.
Consolidated Reporting in OneWorld 141

For example, if a company has the following subsidiary hierarchy:

The Subsidiary Context filter on reports would be organized as follows:

Wolfe US (Consolidated)

Wolfe US

Wolfe Germany

Wolfe UK (Consolidated)

Wolfe UK

Wolfe Japan

Wolfe Singapore

A virtual consolidated node is inserted for each parent. By selecting the consolidated node you get
a summary of all transactions associated with the child subsidiaries underneath the node including
elimination subsidiaries, if any.

When using a role that is restricted to certain subsidiaries, you are provided a different view based on
your level of access.

Using the hierarchy from the example above, if you had access to only the Japan subsidiary, you would
see the following choices in the Subsidiary Context filter on reports:

Wolfe US (Context)

Wolfe UK (Context)

Wolfe Japan

You would see the following for each selection:

Selection Transactions Included Currency Shown Financial Statement


Wolfe US (Context) Wolfe Japan US dollar Wolfe US

Wolfe UK (Context) Wolfe Japan British pound (GBP) Wolfe UK

Wolfe Japan Wolfe Japan Japanese yen Wolfe Japan

Consolidated Reporting in OneWorld 142

Because this role has access that is restricted to a single subsidiary, no consolidated data is included.
However, you can still see the data in Wolfe Japan as it would appear in the currencies and layouts of
parent subsidiaries.

Displaying Currency for Multiple Subsidiary Search

When viewing search results for multiple subsidiaries, the results shown are converted by the
consolidated rate table into the currency of the lowest common parent (LCP).

For example, a business hierarchy looks like this:

If a user with access to the Singapore and Japan subsidiaries ran a search, the user would see all
currency amounts displayed in UK pounds since Wolfe UK is the LCA for these subsidiaries. If the user
had access to Japan and Germany, currency amounts would show in US dollars.

Individual users can choose to limit the data they see to a single subsidiary at Home > Set Preferences
> Restrict View. For more information, see Restricting Your Subsidiary View.

Important: You can select the type of exchange rate applied to and advanced search or saved
search of transactions, by choosing a Consolidated Exchange Rate option for search results. See
the help topic Selecting Exchange Rate Types for Transaction Searches.

Working with OneWorld Accounting/ERP

See the following help topics for details about how OneWorld affects accounting, ERP functions:

■ Defining Subsidiaries for OneWorld Transactions

■ Making Journal Entries in OneWorld
■ Locking Accounting Periods in OneWorld
■ Enabling Intercompany Time and Expenses
■ Creating Intercompany Allocation Schedules
■ Working with Subsidiary Budgets in OneWorld
■ Working with Project Management in OneWorld
Working with OneWorld Accounting/ERP 143

■ Intercompany Inventory Transfers - Non-Arm's Length

■ Cost Estimate Types in NetSuite OneWorld

Working with OneWorld CRM

NetSuite OneWorld enables you to run your global sales force within a single NetSuite account.

Each customer, or other entity, is associated with a single subsidiary, enabling you to track forecasts
and quotas on a subsidiary basis.

For more information on specific tasks, see the following:

■ Using Consolidated Quotas and Forecasts in OneWorld

■ Working with Employee and Partner Commissions in OneWorld
■ Setting Subsidiaries on Online Forms in OneWorld

Using Consolidated Quotas and Forecasts in OneWorld

With the OneWorld upgrade, you can track sales totals across subsidiaries, enabling you to set quotas
and analyze the sales forecasts for your global organization.

Using Consolidated Quotas

When establishing a sales quota, you must select a subsidiary or a consolidated subsidiary. This
determines which sales count towards the quota.

To create a quota, go to Transactions > Quota/Forecast > Establish Quotas, and select a sales rep. In the
Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary or consolidated subsidiary you want to base this quota on.

If you select a consolidated subsidiary, sales made by this sales rep for the parent subsidiary and all
of its child subsidiaries are counted toward the quota. If you select a single subsidiary, only the sales
made for that subsidiary count toward the quota.

Consolidated Sales Forecasting

When sales reps save their forecasts, they can choose which subsidiaries they are saving their forecasts

If you select a subsidiary, the sales forecast represents the rep's forecast for the parent subsidiary and
all of its child subsidiaries. The sales rep's quota for that subsidiary is shown in the Quota field.

Working with Employee and Partner Commissions in

With NetSuite OneWorld, employees and partners can earn commission for sales made for any

Commission schedules have a subsidiary field. Commission plans can include any commission
schedules regardless of the subsidiary chosen on those schedules.

If you are basing a commission schedule on quota, you must have a quota entered for the selected
Working with OneWorld CRM 144

Any transactions made for the selected subsidiary, or for any subsidiaries beneath it in the subsidiary
hierarchy are used to calculate commissions for sales reps assigned to the commission schedule.
Commission schedule amounts are entered in the base currency of the selected subsidiary. The
consolidated exchange rates table is used to calculate values for transactions for other subsidiaries
with different base currencies.

If the employee or partner makes a sale on behalf of a subsidiary other than the one they are assigned
to (that is, the subsidiary selected on the employee or vendor record), the commission is generated
according to the following:

■ If you have a commission schedule in the currency of one subsidiary, and a sales rep makes a sale
on behalf of one of the child subsidiaries, the commission calculation is converted to the sales rep's
currency by using the consolidated exchange rate table.
■ The commission calculation is performed based on the currency of the subsidiary assigned to the
commission schedule. All values on reports and Kips display the commission in that currency even if
the currency assigned to the partner or employee's subsidiary is different
■ The commission transaction that is generated is always in the base currency of the subsidiary
assigned to the employee or partner (on the partner's vendor record). If necessary, a commission
created for a schedule assigned to another subsidiary is converted from the exchange rates on the
transaction to the currency of the employee or partner.
■ After commission is authorized or approved, the commission expense and payable always impact
the books of the subsidiary assigned to the employee or partner. This is true even if the transaction
that generated the commission is related to a different subsidiary than that of the employee or
partner or if the commission schedule is assigned to another subsidiary.

Sales reps from different subsidiaries can be assigned to sales managers from the same or
other subsidiaries. The sales for subordinate sales reps roll up to the sales manager by using the
consolidated exchange rates between the subsidiaries for the period in which the sales transaction is

Using Consolidated Exchange Rates with Commissions

When commission amounts are converted to the base currency of the employee or partner's
subsidiary, the exchange rates at Lists > Accounting > Consolidated Exchange Rates are used.

For example, if a company had the following subsidiary hierarchy:

Three invoices qualify for commission:

Transaction Subsidiary Currency Commission Amount

Invoice 1 US USD $100

Invoice 2 UK GBP £100

Working with OneWorld CRM 145

Transaction Subsidiary Currency Commission Amount

Invoice 3 Germany euro €100

The estimated commission reports, commission plan and commission transaction show the
commission amounts converted to the US dollar according to the exchange rates in the consolidated
rate table for the period in which each transaction was booked:

Amount Exchange Rate USD Amount

$100 US to US: 1 $100

£100 UK to US: 2 $200

€100 EURO to US:.5 $50

Note: The exchange rates used for commission calculations are stored, and if the rate on the
consolidated rate table changes, the schedule must be recalculated to reflect the change.

Using this same example, if a quota was set for this sales rep and associated with the US subsidiary, the
quota would include sales made on behalf of the US and both of its child subsidiaries.

Using Quota-Based Commission Schedules in OneWorld

When you create a quota-based schedule for a subsidiary that has child subsidiaries, the transactions
from those child subsidiaries are reflected in the quota amount used for commission.

For example, if your company has the following subsidiary hierarchy:

If you establish a quota for the US parent subsidiary and for Wolfe UK:

■ Sales made on behalf of the US, UK or Germany subsidiaries are included toward the US quota.
■ The UK quota would only include sales made on behalf of the UK subsidiary.

Following this example, a rep is assigned a commission plan with a schedule that is associated with the
US subsidiary. This schedule pays 10% of all sales exceeding quota.

The rep has a quota of $3000 for this period, and he makes the following sales:

Transaction Subsidiary Currency Amount Rate Amount in USD

Invoice 1 US USD $1000 US to US: $1000
Invoice 2 UK GBP £1000 UK to US: $2000
Working with OneWorld CRM 146

Transaction Subsidiary Currency Amount Rate Amount in USD

Invoice 3 CAN CAD $1000 CAN to $500
US: .5

The rep exceeded his quota by $500 and receives a commission payout equal to 10% of $500, or $50

Note: If changes are made to the consolidated exchange rates, the commission schedule must
be recalculated.

Authorizing Commissions in OneWorld

The Authorize Commission page has a subsidiary list that filters the list based on the subsidiary of the
employee or partner.

The accounts that are selected on this page must be accessible to the chosen subsidiary.

When authorizing commission in bulk, the currency rate that is used is the most recent transaction
currency in the currency rate table for each respective currency. For example, if a Canadian rep
is earning commission on a US commission schedule, the schedule generates the commission
transaction in US dollars. This ultimately needs to be posted to the Canadian subsidiary's books in
Canadian dollars. The rate used for this conversion is based on the rate stored in the consolidated
exchange rate table.

The currency rates used during authorization are the most recent exchange rates in the currency
exchange rate table at Lists > Accounting > Currency Exchange Rates.

The By Transaction and By Period subtabs on the individual commission pages now include the
following columns:

■ Currency – This is the currency of the commission transaction (which is the same as the currency of
the subsidiary assigned to the employee or partner.
■ Subsidiary – This is the subsidiary to which the commission transaction is posted.
■ Exchange Rate – This column shows only for partner commission. This determines the rate from
the base currency of the subsidiary assigned to the partner to the partner's transaction currency.
For example, assume that you have a partner that is paid in Canadian dollars assigned to a UK
subsidiary who sells on behalf of a US subsidiary. The commission schedule would be in US dollars.
The exchange rate on each line of the commission transaction would use a rate to convert the
amount from USD to GBP, and the exchange rate in the header would convert the amount from GBP
to the partner's currency, CAD.

Setting Subsidiaries on Online Forms in OneWorld

With NetSuite OneWorld, online forms include the Subsidiary field.

The Subsidiary field is always considered when determining if the records created by a form is a
duplicate. You cannot clear the box in the Search column for this field. This field is also hidden by

If a customer fills out an online form and the information matches a customer record for another
subsidiary, a new record is created. A customer is only considered a duplicate if there is another
matching customer record with the same subsidiary as the one selected on the online form.

You can set the subsidiary on an online form in the following ways:
Working with OneWorld CRM 147

■ Add the Subsidiary field to the form, and allow those that fill out the form to select a subsidiary.
■ Pass the subsidiary through the URL with the &subsidiary parameter. This enables you to hide the
field on the form.
■ Set the default subsidiary on the Set Up Workflow subtab of the online form record in the Default
Subsidiary field.
■ Select the subsidiary that is included in the visitor ID of the person submitting the form. The visitor
ID is tracked in the cookie that is issued when someone visits your Web site.

If more than one method is utilized, the subsidiary is selected in the following order of precedence:

1. The subsidiary manually selected in the Subsidiary field.

2. The subsidiary set by the URL's parameter.
3. The subsidiary in the visitor ID (cookie).
4. The default subsidiary set in the Default Subsidiary field on the Set Up Workflow subtab of the
online form.

If you use online customer forms to create contact records, the contact is assigned the subsidiary
associated with the customer record it is tied to.

Working with OneWorld E-Commerce

When you use the Web Site feature in a NetSuite OneWorld account, you can associate multiple
subsidiaries to a Web site, where each subsidiary has its own version or view of the Web site. When a
site visitor comes to your parent Web site, they can choose the subsidiary site they want to view. See
the help topic Web Site and Subsidiaries.
Tracking Changes in NetSuite 148

Tracking Changes in NetSuite

The following topics provide information about tracking changes in NetSuite:

■ Auditing Master Data and Configuration Changes in NetSuite

■ System Notes Overview
■ Auditing Account Preferences
■ Documenting Changes
■ Audit Enablement

Auditing Master Data and Configuration Changes

in NetSuite
This section provides details about NetSuite features for tracking changes, including links to a wide
variety of related topics. This background about NetSuite’s auditing capabilities is intended to assist
you in developing a strategy to achieve your control objectives. This content will be enhanced as new
information is added and as existing procedures are refined, so check back regularly for updates.

■ Tools for Auditing in NetSuite

■ Auditing Changes to Enabled Features
■ Auditing Changes to Configuration Settings
■ Tracking Roles and Permissions
■ Auditing Changes to Customization Objects
■ Tracking User Logins
■ Tracking Key Financial Record Audit Trails

Tools for Auditing in NetSuite

NetSuite provides system notes that track many data and configuration changes. In most cases, you
can determine whether a record, or a group of configuration settings, supports system notes based on
whether a System Notes subtab is available on its NetSuite page. For more information about system
notes, see System Notes Overview.

You can use NetSuite’s search capabilities to access system notes for auditing purposes.

■ A general system note search can return system notes for all record types. A system note search can
be filtered by record type, so that the results include only system notes for a particular record type.
See Searching System Notes.
■ Searches of record types that support system notes can include system notes details in results. For
example, a customer search can include values for system notes fields related to customer record
changes in results. This support is based on a join between system notes records and their related
parent records. See the help topic Defining an Advanced Search.
■ System notes include a Context field. The context describes how the change was made. For
example, users and external systems can perform updates through the user interface, web
services, SuiteScript, and a variety of other methods. Each method is considered a context. See
Understanding the Context for Changes.

NetSuite provides predefined audit trails for many frequently used records. Audit trails are searches of
system notes, with filters and results already defined.
Auditing Master Data and Configuration Changes in NetSuite 149

■ An audit trail link, available at the top of most list pages, can return system notes for a particular
record type. See Viewing an Audit Trail for a Record Type.
■ The audit trail for transaction records is available at Transactions > Management > View Audit Trail.
See Using the Transaction Audit Trail.

Also see Auditing Data Changes using Searches.

Many record types also include a History subtab where you can track updates to each record, including
line-level changes.

The deleted record search type lets you retrieve details about records that have been deleted. See
Searching for Deleted Records.

Auditing Changes to Enabled Features

The Enable Features page (Setup > Company > Enable Features) indicates which features are currently
enabled for use in a NetSuite account. Although this page does not have a System Notes tab, it does
support system notes.

You can create a system note saved search that returns system notes for the Enable Features page,
by choosing the Enable Feature filter for the Record Type field of the search. You can run this search
regularly to track changes to enabled features.

The Enable Features page includes a link to an Audit Trail page. It is available from the More link in the
upper right of the page. See Auditing Account Preferences.

Auditing Changes to Configuration Settings

Changes to general configuration settings that have a financial impact are logged in system notes.
Areas covered by these system notes include: company information, general preferences, accounting
lists, and tax setup.

For a list of the specific pages covered, see System Notes for Changes to Configuration and Setup

The Company Information page (Setup > Company > Company Information) has a System Notes
subtab. Most of the other configuration pages do not have this tab. You can create a system note saved
search that returns system notes for these pages, by setting a filter for the Record Type field of the
search. For system notes for the Company Information page, choose the Company Information filter.
For system notes for the General Preferences and Accounting Preferences pages, choose the Company
Preferences filter. For system notes for an accounting list, set a filter that matches the name of that

The General Preferences and Accounting Preferences configuration pages include a link to an Audit
Trail page. It is available from the More link in the upper right of the page. See Auditing Account

Tracking Roles and Permissions

You can use searches to return details about role and permission assignments in your NetSuite

■ NetSuite provides a simple role search you can use to find a particular role or set or roles, or to
return a list of roles and their characteristics. For information about running simple searches, see
the help topic Defining a Simple Search.
Auditing Master Data and Configuration Changes in NetSuite 150

■ You can use the SuiteScript Search APIs to create and automate role searches. For more
information see the help topic Search APIs. Note that role record searches do not support the
nlapiLoadSearch(type, id) search API.
■ You can create advanced employee and role record saved searches to find information about roles
and permissions. For example, you can verify permissions assigned to a role, or verify permissions
assigned to an employee or an employee’s role. For information about auditing permissions, see the
help topics Using Searches to Audit Roles and Using Searches to Audit Permissions By Employee.
■ A History subtab is available on the Access subtab of the Employee record, that shows changes to
roles and global permissions assignments for the employee. This subtab includes date/time, user,
and a description for each change.
■ NetSuite provides a function you can use to quickly review the differences in permissions between
roles. See the help topic Showing Role Permission Differences.

Auditing Changes to Customization Objects

See the following for tips for tracking changes to customizations in your account:

■ Custom Lists, Custom Records, and Custom Transactions

■ Custom Fields
■ Custom Forms
■ SuiteScripts
■ Plug-in Implementations
■ Workflows
■ Bundles
■ Customized Reports and Saved Searches

Custom Lists, Custom Records, and Custom Transactions

Each custom list definition page has a History subtab and a System Notes subtab. These subtabs have
mostly the same information, except the System Notes subtab includes the context for changes.

Each custom record type definition page has a History subtab and a System Notes subtab. The System
Notes subtab has additional fields not included on the History subtab, and the History subtab includes
Notes. You can include system notes fields in a custom record type search, by selecting them on the
Results tab of the saved search definition page. You can create a system note saved search that returns
system notes for a custom record type, by choosing the record type name as a filter for the Record
Type field of the search.

Currently each custom transaction type definition page does not have a History subtab or System
Notes subtab. You can include system notes fields in a custom transaction type search, by selecting
them on the Results tab of the saved search definition page. (To create a search for a custom
transaction type, you need to create a Transaction search and set the Type field to the specific
custom transaction type.) You can create a system note saved search that returns system notes for
all transactions, including custom transaction types, by choosing the Transaction filter for the Record
Type field of the search.

Custom Fields
Each custom field definition page, for most types of custom fields, has a History subtab and a System
Notes subtab, both of which are displayed under History. These two subtabs have slightly varying
Auditing Master Data and Configuration Changes in NetSuite 151

System notes for fields with encrypted stored values mask old and new field values, displaying
asterisks only, for security reasons.

History and system notes are supported for custom entity fields, custom item fields, custom
transaction body fields, custom transaction column fields, custom transaction item option fields, and
other custom fields.

History and system notes currently are not supported for custom item number fields or custom

Custom Forms
Each custom form definition page has a History subtab. For each change, this subtab lists the date/
time, user, type of change, and any notes.

History is supported for custom entry forms, custom transaction forms, and custom address forms.

As of 2016.2, script and script deployment records have a System Notes subtab. Existing script and
script deployment records that already had history associated with them before 2016.2 have a History
subtab and a System Notes subtab. The History subtab lists logged activity that occurred before 2016.2,
and the information on this subtab is no longer updated. Any activity as of 2016.2 or later is logged on
the System Notes subtab.

Each system note for a change to a script or script deployment captures the following information:

■ Date when the change was made

■ Who made the change
■ Context for the change (for example, UI)
■ Type of change, for example, Edit
■ Field changed
■ Old value
■ New value

During script execution, a detailed script execution log is generated when either an unexpected error
occurs or the nlapiLogExecution method is called. See the help topic Creating Script Execution Logs.

NetSuite provides access to the current and past runtime statuses of all SuiteScript 1.0 scheduled
scripts that have been executed in your account. See the help topic Monitoring a Scheduled Script's
Runtime Status. A similar page is provided for monitoring the status of SuiteScript 2.0 map/reduce

You can view a list of all record types that have user event or global client scripts associated with them
in your account. See the help topic Using the Scripted Records Page.

Change management for edits to script files can be handled outside of NetSuite, through the source
control management system used by script developers.

Plug-in Implementations
As of 2016.2, plug-in implementation records have a System Notes subtab. Existing plug-in
implementation records that already had history associated with them before 2016.2 have a History
subtab and a System Notes subtab. The History subtab lists logged activity that occurred before 2016.2,
and the information on this subtab is no longer updated. Any activity as of 2016.2 or later is logged on
the System Notes subtab.
Auditing Master Data and Configuration Changes in NetSuite 152

Eachc system note for a change to a plug-in implementation captures the following information:

■ Date when the change was made

■ Who made the change
■ Context for the change (for example, UI)
■ Type of change, for example, Edit
■ Field changed
■ Old value
■ New value

The Workflow Manager that is used to build workflows in NetSuite includes extensive History
information about changes to the workflow defintion. See the help topic Workflow Definition Page
History Subtab. As of 2016.2, the Workflow History Record Statistics dialog provides a way to view
workflow history statistics and supports the purging of history records for finished workflow instances.
The record purge is logged on the Workflow Definition page History tab. When a purge completes, an
email is sent to the user that initiated the purge. See the help topic Workflow Instance and History
Record Purges.

You can run a search to get a list of workflow instances that completed or are currently in progress for
a specific workflow definition or multiple workflow definitions. See the help topic Workflow Instance

For more detailed monitoring of what a workflow is doing, you can enable logging that tracks all actions
and transitions that execute on a record for each state that a workflow enters. See the help topic
Workflow Execution Log.

NetSuite supports tracking of all bundle installations, updates, and bundle uninstallations in your
account. See the help topic Viewing the Bundle Audit Trail.

For bundles that you create, the Bundle Builder supports versioning. A Version field is available on
the Bundle Basics page when you are creating or editing a bundle. You can deprecate an out of date
bundle, to indicate the version of the bundle that should replace it. See the help topic Deprecating a

Customized Reports and Saved Searches

You can use the Analytics Audit Trail search to display audit trail data covering changes to the defintions
of saved searches, custom reports, report schedules, and financial report layouts. See the help topic
Audit Trail Search.

Information on execution of saved searches is available via the saved search Execution Log and the
Saved Searches list. See the help topic Auditing Saved Search Execution.

Tracking User Logins

You can use the Login Audit Trail to keep track of account users, when they have logged in, and from
where. See the help topic Using the Login Audit Trail. This specialized search includes fields to track
tokens associated to users, for accounts that use token-based authentication. See the help topic Using
the Login Audit Trail to Track Tokens and Users.
Auditing Master Data and Configuration Changes in NetSuite 153

Tracking Key Financial Record Audit Trails

See the following for tips for tracking changes to key financial records:

■ General Transaction Audit Trail

■ Tracking Transaction Deletion
■ Tracking Revenue Recognition Changes
■ Tracking Changes to Items
■ Tracking Changes to Journal Entries
■ Tracking Changes to Projects

General Transaction Audit Trail

NetSuite stores data on each entry that a user makes to create, change, or delete a transaction. This
data includes all users involved in the history of this transaction, each user's action, the date and
time of that action, whether there was an account impacted, and the amount after the change. This
historical data may be referred to as system notes, an audit trail, or as history. NetSuite provides a
variety of methods for you to retrieve historical details about changes made to transaction records. See
the following for information:

■ Transaction System Information and Communication Subtabs

■ Granting User Access to Transaction History
■ Using the Transaction Audit Trail
■ Viewing Transaction System Notes
■ General Ledger Tracking in Transaction System Notes
■ Tracking Financial Account Changes
■ Line-Level Audit Trail for Transactions
■ Transaction Line-Level History Window

Tracking Transaction Deletion

The deleted record search type lets you retrieve details about records that have been deleted. See
Searching for Deleted Records. To search for deleted transactions, choose the Transaction filter for the
Record Type field of the search.
Some countries legally require that a reason is provided whenever a transaction is deleted. The Use
Deletion Reason feature satisfies this requirement by making it mandatory for users to record the
reason for deleting a transaction. For details, see Recording a Reason for Deleting a Transaction. The
field that tracks deletion reasons is available to SuiteScript and web services.

Tracking Revenue Recognition Changes

System notes are supported for advanced revenue management records, including revenue
arrangements, revenue elements, revenue recognition rules, revenue recognition plans, and advanced
revenue setup records. For details, see the help topic Tracking Changes in Revenue Recognition

Tracking Changes to Items

An audit trail link is available on the Items list page. This link provides access to a simple search page
where you can search for items by old value or new value, as well as by other field values.
Auditing Master Data and Configuration Changes in NetSuite 154

Each item record includes a System Information subtab that provides system notes, a list of active
workflows on the item, and a history of workflows executed against the item.

Tracking Changes to Journal Entries

Each journal entry record includes a System Information subtab that provides system notes, a list of
active workflows on the journal entry, and a history of workflows executed against the journal entry.

Tracking Changes to Projects

An audit trail link is available on the Projects list page. This link provides access to a simple search page
where you can search for projects by old value or new value, as well as by other field values.

Each project record includes a System Information subtab that provides system notes, a list of active
workflows on the project, and a history of workflows executed against the project.

System Notes Overview

NetSuite uses System Notes to track any changes made to a record. A system note for a change on
a record captures the date when the change was made, who made the change, the type of change,
and the old and new value in the record. System notes are logged on custom records as well as
standard records. Anyone with view access to a record can view the system notes for that record. When
searching system notes, you can search for certain records, use advanced search filters, create a saved
search, or export the information for additional analysis.

System notes are also logged on changes to general configuration settings that have a financial impact.
Setting changes that are logged include:

■ Company information
■ General preferences
■ Enable features
■ Accounting lists
■ Tax setup

An audit trail is a search for system note records related to a certain record type. The Transaction Audit
Trail enables you to produce a report that provides a detailed history of all transactions entered into
NetSuite, or you can view system notes for multiple transactions. The audit trail provides information
about the transaction, who entered the transaction, and when the transaction was created or modified.
The Transaction Audit Trail report is available to the CEO, CEO (Hands Off), CFO, Full Access, and
Support Administrator roles.

Perform a review of system notes and audit trails regularly. As part of an Activity Logging Review, users
with appropriate permission should review items like system notes in addition to reviewing specific
field changes, script changes, and expired access, and any other ongoing auditing that is required by
your organization.

Viewing System Notes on Configuration Settings

To view system notes on configuration and setup pages, create a saved search. On the Standard
subtab, specify the filter for system notes you want to view:

■ To view system notes for enabled features, enter Record Type is Enable Features
■ To view system notes for company preferences, enter Record Type is Company Preferences
System Notes Overview 155

On the Available Filters subtab, you can specify that the search results can be filtered by record type.
For more information, see the help topic Creating Saved Searches for System Notes.

Viewing System Notes on a Record

To review changes made to a record, open the record and select System Information > System Notes.
Details about every change related to the record are listed. For transactions, the System Notes subtab
also shows system logs.

Use the Field dropdown list on the System Notes subtab to see changes for a certain field.

For more information, see Auditing Master Data and Configuration Changes in NetSuite.

Auditing Account Preferences

The Enable Features, General Preferences, and Accounting Preferences configuration pages include a
link to an Audit Trail page.

Account administrators can use the Audit Trail to review a list of changes, including the names of
changed preferences and features, who changed them, when they were changed, what the values of
the preference were before and after the changes, and whether the changed features were enabled or

To access the Audit Trail link:

1. Go to the desired Setup page:
■ For Enable Features:
access this page at Setup > Company > Enable Features.
■ For General Preferences:
access this page at Setup > Company > General Preferences.
■ For Accounting Preferences:
access this page at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.
2. Click More and select Audit Trail from the dropdown list.
3. If desired, filter the result list by selecting from the Feature, User, Preference, or Modified by

Note: The General Preferences and Accounting Preferences pages support SuiteScript. If a
preference has been reset through scripting, NetSuite administrators will be able to view all
details regarding the change.

Important: Although SuiteScript developers will be able to programmatically obtain values on

the Enable Features page, SuiteScript cannot be used to set or change values.

Documenting Changes
It is important that you design appropriate controls in your system development life cycle (SDLC)
related to customizations of the NetSuite application, such as custom roles, scripts, custom records,
workflows, and other customizations. Your change management process should ensure that changes
are authorized, tested, approved, and documented.
Documenting Changes 156

You should document changes on a standard change request form. This form can be physical, but an
electronic form is recommended. For example, depending on the nature of the change, the NetSuite
product team maintains change documentation through issue records, production maintenance
records (a custom record type created for this purpose), or feature records.

Depending on business needs, NetSuite custom records can be tailored to serve as change request
forms. Ideally, whatever documentation is used, the form should contain information that can easily
be completed by the requestor. The request should be tracked internally via a document repository
tool, and should include an approval mechanism to move the request from stage to stage in the
change management process. A benefit to using issue records or custom records within NetSuite is
that you can run saved searches these records to generate a list of all changes for specific periods.
Saved searches also support filtering to deliver information needed for audits or reviews. Using custom
records also makes it easier to ensure that required fields are completed before tickets are closed,
and that approvals are obtained before a change request moves to the next level. Fields such as
attachments of test plans, or summary of test results can be required within the request.

A change request form should include information such as:

■ Requestor name
■ Date of change request
■ Description of change request
■ Reason for change
■ Assignee to implement change
■ Authorization to begin work to implement change

Custom forms can be combined with a workflow to ensure that approvals are routed automatically
when specific steps are completed. For example, after a requestor submits the form, it can go to
an authorized individual or group to approve the change. The request can then be routed to other
approvers as it moves through the following steps of the process:

■ Development
■ Testing / Quality Assurance (QA)
■ Implementation in Production

Each step along the way should be documented on the request form. This documentation provides
point-in-time information on each change, identifying the environment in which the code change
resides, responsibility for the change, and the impact of the change.

As with any process, exceptions may occur, and when they do, the change management process
needs to document how to handle these exceptions and capture appropriate evidence. It is possible,
for example, that if production code breaks, a developer may be required to go directly into the
production code to quickly correct the problem. That change would then be worked backwards into
the other environments, like test and development. In this example, that emergency change would
be documented on the request form. It would be noted who performed the change in the production
environment, when it was performed and why it did not follow normal SDLC procedures. It is important
to capture these details as evidence for auditors. A well-controlled program code change management
process includes strong segregation-of-duties controls to ensure the right people are making the code
changes and moving code to the correct environments, only after receiving the proper approvals.

Audit Enablement
The NetSuite application has many features that enable user entities to build and manage proper
internal controls over its financial reporting. The use of NetSuite as a financial system provides the
Audit Enablement 157

opportunity for financial process controls to exist in a single system for the organization and then
extend that functionality with applications from Fastpath or FloDocs.

There are several customizations that can be done to help ensure that financial transactions are
reasonably free from misstatements due to errors. These include:

■ Workflows to establish dual authorization to address segregation of duties issues

Workflows provide additional segregation of duties controls beyond logical security. For example,
workflows can provide approval limits and prevent users from approving their own transactions.
Workflows can be designed and built in NetSuite by organizations to meet that company’s specific
■ Scripting
Scripts are another way to establish controls that not built into NetSuite by default. For example:
currently within NetSuite, invoices are required to be reviewed and approved by the person who
created the PO and who is the business owner for the expense. This requirement enables the
Accounts Payable team to determine whether the invoices from the vendors are appropriate, and
to ensure that they are matched against the proper invoice. Currently, this determination is done
through scripting. When the Accounts Payable team creates an invoice against a vendor and PO, an
email is sent to the business owner requesting approval of the invoice for payment.
■ Audit trail saved searches to monitor specific transactions
For most financial transactions in NetSuite, an audit trail is established and can be tracked and
searched. Changes to roles, customizations released into the system, transactions created, as well
as other common changes., can all be tracked in the system, with some exceptions. Saved search
alerts can be created to identify items outside of ordinary processing. A saved search alert for any
transactions initiated by personnel who would not normally be initiating such transactions is an
example. A company may want to identify any POs created by Accounts Payable because they
are part of the procure-to-pay process. Monitoring POs created by Accounts Payable could allow
management to detect any questionable transactions, especially if the user is involved in another
part of the process. Monitoring changes to credit levels, terms, and addresses are other examples of
changes that can be monitored through saved searches.
■ Manual controls
There are some areas in NetSuite not yet addressed by automatic control. It is important to review
these items and ensure that controls outside the system are established to monitor these types of
□ Audit trails for journal entries post-approval
Currently, there is no audit trail to detect when a journal entry is edited after it has been
approved, or when the approver edits the entry prior to approval. Therefore, it is important to
establish proper journal entry review and account reconciliations. It may also be prudent to add
spending reviews for expense or disbursement accounts to check for any unusual entries. As the
reviews are now the key controls, proper segregation of duties should be used for selecting the
□ Audit trails for account setup
Account setup is currently not tracked, except for the header information (user who performed
an edit, date and time). This tracking does not include details of changes. It is important to
establish post-setup reviews by a different person, and also to establish controls for certain
significant transactions that can be impacted by changes to the setup. One example is the credit
limit for customers. This feature can be turned on or off, which could allow customers to exceed
their credit limits. A periodic review of customer balances against their credit limits could be
used to detect whether any have exceeded their limits. Because there may be instances where
the excess to the credit limit is approved, it is important to carefully design and establish how
approval is obtained and documented.
□ Three-way matching for PO, invoice, and receipt of goods
Audit Enablement 158

NetSuite does not currently support a three-way match. Consequently, it is important to

establish a process to monitor purchases. Monitoring, scripting, and evidence of approval
may be used to support purchase and invoice authorization. Within NetSuite, the Accounts
Payable team monitors and ensures that there is a PO before any transaction is entered into
with a vendor, and if this is not the case, a PO violation is reported and monitored. Invoices are
approved and validated to ensure that they do not go over the PO amount. Invoices over the
PO amount require another approved PO or will result in a reported PO violation. The Accounts
Payable team also validates that services or goods are being received.

NetSuite is a tool designed to help its customers meet their business needs, but it is up to customers
to ensure that they properly understand their requirements and figure out how they can use NetSuite
to meet those requirements. The implementation of controls to enable auditing is customizable for
each customer’s business needs. Customers should properly understand their risks, how they want
to address them, the level of controls to be put in place, and how they will monitor these controls.
They also need to understand their compliance obligations, and the requirements for each of these
Internal Controls in NetSuite 159

Internal Controls in NetSuite

This section lists internal controls that are readily available in NetSuite. This listing is provided as a
reference to assist you in building strong internal controls in your NetSuite environment.

■ Some controls are supported “out of the box”, meaning they do not require setup after your
NetSuite account is operational. See Out of the Box Internal Controls.
■ Other controls require some basic setup in the NetSuite UI before they are available. See Internal
Controls that Require Basic Configuration.

No customizations are required for you to utilize any of these general controls in your NetSuite
environment. Audited companies should consider taking credit for the partial or full mitigation of risks
provided these internal controls.

Many internal control processes specific to your company may require the creation of some basic
customizations, such as custom fields, custom records, workflows, and scripts. These types of custom
solutions may be available as NetSuite Professional Services SuiteSolutions, SuiteApps, or Partner
Applications. Or these solutions can be built by NetSuite developers.

Warning: This content is not intended to be an all-inclusive list or to represent what a

company needs to adopt in order to be SOX-compliant. There are many other internal controls
available in NetSuite and all companies should take a risk— based approach to ensuring
materially accurate financial statements. This content provides examples of internal controls
utilized in our system.

Out of the Box Internal Controls

The following internal controls do not require any setup after your NetSuite account is operational.

■ Accounts Receivable
□ Outstanding invoices are aged and added to an A/R aging report in real time.
■ Financial Close
□ General ledger accounts automatically roll up into financial statement line items.
□ The financial statement consolidation process is performed on a real-time basis.
□ The general ledger is automatically configured to include all accounts with balances.
□ All transactions automatically roll up into the general ledger in real-time.
□ Transactions cannot be posted to closed periods in NetSuite.
□ Out of balance transactions are automatically rejected.
□ Transactions referencing a closed period are automatically rejected.
□ Transactions containing an invalid or inactive GL segment, for example, account or cost center,
are automatically rejected.
□ CTA (cumulative translation adjustments) are automatically calculated in NetSuite.
□ FX (currency translation) related adjustments are automatically calculated in NetSuite.
□ Access to open and close the GL accounting period in NetSuite is restricted to selected users.
After a GL period is closed, NetSuite subsequently does not allow posting of any GL-impacting
entries to a closed period.
□ Allocation weight is dynamically calculated when an allocation journal is generated, based on the
current statistical account balance.
Out of the Box Internal Controls 160

□ Elimination journal entries are automatically generated based on intercompany transactions.

□ Password strength for access to NetSuite accounts is required to comply with password policy.
□ Calculation is automatic for a reversing journal entry that voids checks and transactions on days
or periods different from the original transaction date.
□ Journal entries require approval in line with Journal Entry Approval Policy prior to posting to the
general ledger.
□ Transactions posted outside of a posting period can be prevented or can initiate a warning.
□ Limitations can be set on the individuals who can impact the account listed on an item record.
□ A gapless numbering sequence is applied to all GL-posting transactions.
■ Financial Reporting
□ Financial statements are automatically generated for each separate entity in NetSuite.
□ Financial reports for each entity are automatically prepared in their local currency and are
converted in real-time into headquarters currency for consolidation purposes.
■ Fixed Assets
□ NetSuite automatically calculates depreciation expense.
□ The Fixed Asset Module automatically calculates and posts the depreciation expense to the asset
record and to the related journal entries to the General Ledger.
■ Inventory
□ NetSuite values inventory at standard cost.
□ Inventory transactions created and/or edited in closed periods can be disallowed.
■ IT General Controls
□ A minimum password length is required to comply with password policy.
□ Users are required to update their passwords with a regular frequency.
□ System notes are captured on the creation of all records and are not editable by users.
□ System notes are captured on the edit of all records and are not editable by users.
□ System notes are captured on the import and export of all custom fields.
■ Order to Cash
□ Items purchased in a sales order for a customer are automatically reflected in the invoice and
are automatically sent to the customer by email when the Save & Email button on the Next Bill
tab is clicked. The order status of the sales order is automatically changed to Partially Fulfilled
(several invoices or installment) or Billed (single invoice).
□ For orders on an installment basis, the billing schedule in the body of a sales order for a
customer is automatically populated in NetSuite and can be viewed on the History tab of the
customer record. This tab indicates scheduled billing dates and amounts for each date.
□ Upon invoicing, NetSuite automatically generates an entry.
□ NetSuite prevents creation of a customer with a blank credit limit.
□ NetSuite creates invoices only after an order has been shipped.
□ NetSuite restricts changes made to item quantity, pricing, and shipping income per sales order
during the invoicing process.
□ NetSuite books an entry to debit Accounts Receivable and to credit Revenue upon invoice
□ NetSuite places an order on hold when the customer exceeds the assigned credit limit. There is
a workflow trigger, where an increase in the credit limit, if applicable, is generated and approved
by the CFO.
Out of the Box Internal Controls 161

□ When a customer exceeds their credit limit, NetSuite can enforce an automatic hold or simply
initiate a warning message.
□ Orders that are entered into NetSuite, but not yet billed, can be included in customer credit limit
□ Standard grace periods for overdue invoices prior to placing a customer on hold can be set up in
line with the customer credit policy.
□ Edits to previously approved sales orders are disallowed.
□ NetSuite prohibits users from making any changes to a revenue recognition schedule for a
transaction after the A/R period has been closed.
■ Procure to Pay
□ Records and transactions can optionally be limited by the department of the individual entering
or editing them.
□ Records and transactions can optionally be limited by the class of the individual entering or
editing them.
□ Records and transactions can optionally be limited by the location of the individual entering or
editing them.
■ Revenue
□ NetSuite does not allow revenue recognition greater than 100% of the total amount of the
■ Time Entry
□ Time entry requires supervisor approval.
□ There is a maximum number of hours an employee can enter for a given week in line with the
HCM policy.
□ There is a maximum number of hours an employee can enter for a given day in line with the
HCM policy.
□ There is a minimum number of hours an employee can enter for a given day in line with the
HCM policy.

Internal Controls that Require Basic Configuration

The following controls require some basic setup in the NetSuite UI.

■ Accounts Receivable
□ Open receivables identified by user-defined conditions, such as large invoices or exceeding the
credit limit, are automatically identified and routed for review.
■ Financial Close
□ The amount of expense to be amortized per month is automatically spread based on the
amortization schedule prepared by A/P.
□ NetSuite automatically allocates the expenses to different departments based on the allocation
□ Access to open and close the sub-ledgers (A/P, A/R, and Payroll) and the general ledger is
restricted to approved roles.
□ Elimination journal entries are automatically generated based on intercompany drop-ship
workflow transactions.
□ Intercompany accounts are automatically reconciled.
Internal Controls that Require Basic Configuration 162

■ Commissions
□ Monthly, NetSuite automatically calculates eligible commission amounts based on the plan type
linked to the participant (employee or partner).
□ After a commission is approved, it is automatically posted to A/P and to the general ledger, and
is auto-populated for the payroll run.
□ Commissions are calculated and processed in line with standard compensation agreements.
■ Fixed Assets
□ Edit access to the Fixed Asset Module is restricted to users with approved roles only.
□ NetSuite FAM is configured to calculate monthly depreciation based on the asset’s cost,
depreciation method, and useful life.
■ Human Resources and Payroll
□ Edit access to the Payroll folder, which contains the Payroll Worksheet, is restricted to users with
approved roles.
□ NetSuite auto-populates employee hours and expenses after appropriate approvals are
obtained in the system.
□ Once a payroll is committed, the related payroll taxes, benefits, bonuses, and commission
expenses are automatically calculated and posted to the general ledger.
■ IT General Controls
□ NetSuite compares contact and customer records and provides notifications of possible
duplicate records.
□ Employee access can be restricted based upon IP address.
■ Order to Cash
□ A general ledger journal entry is automatically created when an authorized credit memo is
created and approved.
□ A journal entry is automatically generated when a batch payment posting is created and
□ After all payments from a bank batch are applied, a deposit activity is performed in NetSuite and
the related journal entry is automatically generated.
□ When payment from the bank for a single activity is applied, a deposit activity is performed in
NetSuite, and the related journal entry to accounts receivable is automatically generated.
□ Unbilled approved T&M hours are automatically populated in NS for invoicing.
□ NetSuite only allows fulfillment and shipment of inventory if the following conditions are met:
▬ Sales order is in Pending Fulfillment or Partially Fulfilled status and is not on hold for any
▬ Part numbers of items being fulfilled match part numbers on the Sales order and the
quantity being fulfilled does not exceed the quantity on the sales order.
▬ For serialized inventory items, such as switches, each fulfilled serial number matches a serial
number that exists in finished goods inventory.
□ Shipping amounts are automatically calculated and applied to transactions based on rules.
□ A 1099 or W2 is required prior to vendor approval.
■ Procure to Pay
□ NetSuite automatically routes a PO for approval based on the approval policy set. Only POs that
have been properly approved can be processed for invoicing.
□ Spending thresholds on POs are built into a workflow as required by governance.
□ Spending thresholds on non-PO spending are built into a workflow as required by governance.
Internal Controls that Require Basic Configuration 163

□ Use of vendors in purchase orders is restricted to pre-approved vendors.

□ Updates to vendor information route automatically for review to designated approvers.
□ Non-inventory purchase requests are automatically routed for approval request to the relevant
□ Inventory purchase requests are automatically routed for approval request to the relevant
□ A three-way match is automatically performed for POs that have lines mapped to item receivable
general ledger accounts.  The control is configured at the item-level.  If any item quantity or
price does not match, an error message is displayed, the invoice is not posted, and the invoice is
placed in Pending Approval status in NetSuite.
□ Expense reports are automatically routed to the employee’s manager and, after approval by the
manager, to A/P for review and approval. After approval by the employee manager and A/P, the
expense report is marked for payment.
□ Purchase requests are routed for approval based on set approval limits.
□ Expense reports are routed for approval based on set approval limits.
■ Revenue
□ The relative fair value allocation at the time of an invoice is applied. The allocations are based
on the relative fair values for all line items in the invoice based on the BESP data contained in
□ On invoicing, NetSuite creates a service amortization schedule for all of the service line items on
□ NetSuite is set up to defer revenue and the related COGS per terms and conditions set out in
the customer master file. These terms include: rights of return, acceptance, shipping terms, and
□ NetSuite automatically recognizes and defers revenue based on the Revenue Recognition Policy.
(Note: The Revenue Recognition Policy must be set up in NetSuite for each item.)
□ NetSuite is configured to recognize revenue on a monthly straight-line basis, prorated daily basis
for the first and last month, for subscription and support revenue based on the provisioned
date, contract start and end dates, and revenue recognition schedule.
Managing Transactions 164

Managing Transactions
NetSuite provides several features that enable you to record reasons for deleting transactions and view
transaction history. See the following topics.

■ Recording a Reason for Deleting a Transaction

■ Reviewing Transaction History
■ Transaction System Information and Communication Subtabs
■ Granting User Access to Transaction History
■ Viewing Transaction System Notes
■ Using the Transaction Audit Trail
■ Tracking Financial Account Changes
■ Line-Level Audit Trail for Transactions
■ Transaction Line-Level History Window

Recording a Reason for Deleting a Transaction

In some countries, providing the reason why a transaction was deleted is a legal requirement. The
Use Deletion Reason feature satisfies this requirement by making it mandatory for users to record the
reason for deleting a transaction.
How to Enable the Feature
To enable the Use Deletion Reason feature, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features > Company
subtab > ERP General section. Check the box and then click Save.
Transaction Types Impacted by the Feature
All of the transactions listed at Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers on the Transaction
Numbers subtab are impacted by the Use Deletion Reason feature. When this feature is enabled,
users must provide a reason for deleting a transaction record. The Transaction Numbering Audit
Log provides a list of the deleted transactions, their transaction number, and the date on which the
transaction was deleted and by whom. It also provides the reason the user deleted the transaction
record and any related memo. For a list of transactions on the Transactions subtab, see Records and
Transactions Available for Auto-Numbering. For information about the Transaction Numbering Audit
Log, see Transaction Numbering Audit Log.
Deletion Reasons: Standard and Unique
The Use Deletion Reason feature includes two standard deletion reasons: Original Document Damaged
and Other. These two deletion reasons are available throughout your NetSuite account. If users choose
the standard deletion reason Original Document Damaged, writing a memo is optional. If users choose
the standard deletion reason Other, writing a memo is required.
Users with the Administrator role or access to Accounting Lists can create and modify deletion reasons.
To create, modify, inactivate, and choose display languages for a unique deletion reason, go to Setup
> Accounting > Accounting Lists > New and click Transaction Deletion Reason. Complete the fields, as
required and then save the record. For more information about accounting lists, see the help topic
Setting Up Accounting Lists.

Note: Transaction deletion reasons must be unique to avoid duplication, and cannot exceed
30 characters. The name is case sensitive, therefore, the transaction deletion reason MY CODE is
unique from the transaction deletion reason my code.

Account Changes Due to Disabling the Feature

Recording a Reason for Deleting a Transaction 165

You can disable the feature at any time. Transactions to be deleted will no longer require a deletion
reason. Deletion reasons will not be accessible from Accounting Lists. The Transaction Numbering
Audit Log will continue to provide the deleted transactions and transaction numbers, deletion date,
user performing the deletion, reason for deletion, and any related memo.

Reviewing Transaction History

There may be times when you have questions about a transaction such as:

■ When was it created, and by whom?

■ Have there been any changes to it?
■ Did someone void or delete it, and when?

NetSuite stores data on each entry that a user makes to create, change, or delete a transaction. This
data includes all users involved in the history of this transaction, each user's action, the date and time
of that action, if there was an account impacted, and the amount after the change.
This historical data may be referred to as system notes, an audit trail, or as history. NetSuite provides a
variety of methods for you to retrieve historical details about changes made to transaction records. See
the following topics for information:

■ Transaction System Information and Communication Subtabs

■ Granting User Access to Transaction History
■ Viewing Transaction System Notes
■ General Ledger Tracking in Transaction System Notes
■ Using the Transaction Audit Trail
■ Tracking Financial Account Changes
■ Line-Level Audit Trail for Transactions
■ Transaction Line-Level History Window

NetSuite also provides a more general system note search function that retrieves details about other
types of records in addition to transactions. For information about this function, see Searching System

Transaction System Information and Communication

The following subtabs can be used to track tasks and information or send messages associated with
transactions you enter in NetSuite:

■ System Information subtab

On the System Information subtab, you can find system notes which track the date and time of each
update to the transaction. System notes also track each user who made changes to the transaction.
For more information, see Viewing Transaction System Notes.
If you use the SuiteFlow feature, you can also see the Active Workflows and Workflow History
subtabs. For more information, see the help topic Viewing Workflow Activity.
■ Communication subtab
Use the Communication subtab to create and send messages to your customer. You can add the
message as an HTML or PDF attachment or embed the transaction within the body of the message.
The Communication subtab tracks all related email and faxes sent and received.
Reviewing Transaction History 166

When creating some transactions, you can create and add tasks, events and phone calls associated
with the transaction from the Communication subtab. After you save the transaction, this
information is combined on an Activities subtab. This enables you to track meetings and conference
calls you schedule in the process of finalizing a sale.

To use transaction subtabs, go to the Transactions tab and click the type of transaction you want
to use. On the transaction form, click the System Information or Communication subtab. Not all
transaction records have a System Information or Communication subtab.

■ The System Information subtab is available on most transaction records. However, some records
available from the Transactions menu are not classified by the system as transactions and do not
provide the System Information subtab, including Amortization Schedules, Budgets, Commissions,
Partner Commissions, Paychecks, and Quotas.
■ The Communication subtab is not included on all transaction records.

Granting User Access to Transaction History

The Financial History permission is required for users to view transaction history. Some roles have this
permission by default, such as accounting clerks and sales administrators. To review permissions for
standard roles, see the help topic Standard Roles Permissions Table.
An administrator or a user with the Full Access role can provide other users with access to transaction
histories by customizing their roles to include the Financial History permission. For example, support
reps can be allowed to see the sales transactions that customers inquire about.

To create a custom role with transaction history access:

1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > Manage Roles.
2. Click Customize next to the name of the role you want to customize.
3. In the Name field, enter the name for this new role.
This role name will be available in employee records on the Access subtab.
4. On the Permissions subtab, click the Lists subtab.
5. In the Permission column, select Financial History.
6. In the Level column, select View.
7. Click Add.
8. Click Save.

Now, employees with the new customized role can view the Transaction History subtab on customer
records and click the links to view those transactions.
To assign employees this custom role, go to Lists > Employees > Employees, and click Edit beside the
employee you want to assign the role. Click the Access subtab. Select the new role in the Role field, and
click Add/Edit. Click Save.

Important: If the Global Permissions feature is enabled, the Financial History permission also
can be added on a per-employee basis. For information, see the help topic Using the Global
Permissions Feature.

Viewing Transaction System Notes

To review changes made to an individual transaction, on that transaction record's System Information
subtab, click the System Notes subtab. System notes are details stored about each change.
Reviewing Transaction History 167

By default, system notes for all transaction fields are listed. Select from the Field dropdown list to list
only changes for one selected field.

On the System Notes subtab, you can view past details related to the transaction, including system
logs. System notes list each change made to the transaction, with the following information:

■ Date/Time – when each change was made to the transaction. The date/time is shown in the
company timezone.
■ Set by – the user that made each change.
□ Some changes are made by the system, for example, fields where values are auto-populated.
■ Field – the field where each change was made.
□ If you are using the Accounting feature, system notes include general ledger impact of changes
with an entry of Impact in this column. For information, see the help topic General Ledger
Tracking in Transaction System Notes.
■ Type – the type of each change.
■ Old Value/New Value – the data in the field before it was edited and the new information entered
for each change.

Note the following:

■ The setting for Log System Notes on Updates Only at Setup > Company > General Preferences
determines whether system notes are generated when a transaction is created. This preference was
introduced in Version 2012 Release 2. By default, it is enabled for new accounts as of that release or
later, and disabled for accounts that existed before that release.
■ Click the Customize View button to define criteria for filtering system notes and/or to change the
displayed results columns. Clicking this button opens a Saved System Note Search definition page.
After you have defined this type of search, you can select it from the View dropdown list for an
alternate system notes display. For information about creating this type of search, see the help topic
Creating Saved Searches for System Notes.
■ System notes on the System Information subtab relate to each transaction as a whole. Line-level
system notes also are available from History links for individual items, expenses, and journal line
items on transactions. For more information, see Line-Level Audit Trail for Transactions.
■ To view system notes for multiple transactions, filtered by field values, go to Transactions >
Management > View Audit Trail. For more information, see Using the Transaction Audit Trail.

Using the Transaction Audit Trail

The Transaction Audit Trail enables you to produce a report that provides a detailed history of all
transactions entered into NetSuite. The audit trail provides information about the transaction, who
entered the transaction, and when the transaction was created or modified.

To view the Transaction Audit Trail, go to Transactions > Management > View Audit Trail. In the NetSuite
U.K. edition, go to Transactions > Other.

View Audit Trail Page

On the View Audit Trail page, you can filter the report to limit audit trail results to a manageable
number or to focus on a group of specific transactions. Filters can be based on:

■ User(s) who entered transaction edits

■ Action taken for the transactions: create, change, or delete
■ Transactions date range, either relative (such as last month) or absolute
Reviewing Transaction History 168

■ Amount of transactions, defined as an exact number or a range

■ Type(s) of transactions
■ Account(s) affected by transactions
■ Entity or entities involved in transaction, defined by name
Can be customers, employees, partners, vendors, or other entities

Audit Results Page

Select the desired filter options and then click Submit to open the Audit Results page. This list includes
the following columns of data:

■ Date and time that the transaction change was executed

■ Name of the user who made the change
■ The action taken: create, change, or delete
■ Type of transaction
■ Internal ID
■ Transaction number
■ Posting date of transaction chang.
■ Account affected
■ Amount

By default, the Audit Results page sorts transactions by their system-generated Internal ID. Click the
text at the top of any column to sort the list using that attribute.
The page displays a one-line summary for each transaction. Click on a transaction's link in the Date/
Time column to view details and G/L Impact for that transaction.
For more information about audit results data, see Tracking Financial Account Changes.

Other Ways to View System Notes

■ You can view system notes for an individual transaction on the transaction record. Click the System
Information subtab, then the System Notes subtab. For more information, see Viewing Transaction
System Notes.
■ Line-level system notes are available from History links next to individual items, expenses, and
journal line items on transactions. For more information, see Line-Level Audit Trail for Transactions.
■ To view system notes for multiple transactions, filtered by field values, go to Transactions >
Management > View Audit Trail. For more information, see Using the Transaction Audit Trail.
■ A system note search is available at Reports > New Search. The system note search includes system
notes for records other than transactions, provides different filter fields from the transaction audit
trail, and offers additional functionality including the ability to export data, advanced search filters
and results options, and the creation of saved searches. For more information, see Searching
System Notes.

Tracking Financial Account Changes

You can use the audit trail function to search for changes made to your financial accounts.

To use the Audit Trail:

1. Go to Transactions > Management > View Audit Trail ( Administrator ).
Reviewing Transaction History 169

2. Select criteria to quickly find the information you seek.

For example, which user performed the action, between which dates the transactions were
changed, or which account the transactions affected. You can select more than one user, action,
transaction type, account, or name by pressing your keyboard's Ctrl key while selecting with your
3. Click Submit.

When the Audit Results page appears, there are 8 columns that contain information:

■ Date/Time – This is the date and time your data was saved.
All times are expressed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). When Daylight Savings Time is in effect, all
times are expressed in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
If you import data or load sample data, all the dates and times of existing transactions appear as
the date and time your data was loaded.
■ Username – This is the name of the person who created, changed, or deleted the transaction.
If your company memorizes transactions, the name of the user who created these transactions
■ Action – This is what was done to the transaction. This can be CREATE, CHANGE, or DELETE.
If you void a transaction, CHANGE appears.
■ Type – This is the type of transaction that was created, changed, or deleted.
■ Number – This is the number specific to each transaction. For example, invoice number 18 or check
number 1400.
■ Post Date – This is the date your transaction was posted to the account.
■ Account – This is the financial account that is affected by the transaction. For example, if you create
an invoice, Accounts Receivable appears in the Account column.
If no account was affected, the corresponding field in this column is blank.
■ Amount – This is the total amount of the transaction.
Deleted and voided transactions have zero in this column. Zero also appears in this column next to
changed transactions if you made a change that didn't affect the original amount.

Click any date in the Date/Time column to view the details of a transaction. When the Audit Results
page appears with the particular transaction you selected, click View. The details for this transaction
appears. If you want to make changes, click Edit, enter your changes, and then click Save.

Line-Level Audit Trail for Transactions

The audit trail for transactions includes the ability to track updates to individual line items. You can
view the audit trail for individual line items directly from each transaction record's listings for items,
expenses, and journal line items.

On a transaction record, each line item includes a History link that you can click to open a new window
displaying all updates to that particular line item. This link is visible to users with Notes Tab permission.

Note: The line-level audit trail does not track the initial creation or deletion of line items. Only
updates to existing line items are tracked.

Export Line-Level System Notes Data

This History window includes buttons you can click to export line-level history data as a CSV or XLS file.
For more information about the History window's contents, see Transaction Line-Level History Window.
Reviewing Transaction History 170

Include Line-Level System Notes in Saved Searches

To review the history of multiple line items at one time, create a transaction saved search that includes
one or more Line System Notes fields in its results. You can also use Line System Notes fields as
transaction saved search filters to return only selected line-item history data.

Note: In a past release, NetSuite introduced a new company preference, Log System Notes on
Update Only. (See General Account Preferences.) Before you enable this option in an account
that existed before that release, you should first review any saved searches containing system
notes fields, as these searches may use data from record creation system notes. If your account
includes searches that rely on record creation system notes, you can either revise the searches
before enabling the Log System Notes on Update Only option, or you can leave this option

For example, a case search may use record creation system notes fields to retrieve dates when
cases were first escalated. To make this search work with the Log System Notes on Update Only
option enabled, this search would need to be edited to use expressions and to return values for
cases' Date Created field if the escalation date was not available through record update system
notes fields.

Other Ways to View System Notes

You can retrieve transaction system notes other than line-level in the following ways:

■ You can view each transaction's header-level system notes on the transaction record's History
subtab, System Notes subtab. For more information, see Viewing Transaction System Notes.
■ To view system notes for multiple transactions, filtered by field values, go to Transactions >
Management > View Audit Trail. For more information, see Using the Transaction Audit Trail.
■ A system note search is available at Reports > New Search. The system note search includes system
notes for records other than transactions and provides different filter fields from the transaction
audit trail. It also offers additional functionality including the ability to export data, advanced search
filters and results options, and the creation of saved searches. For more information, see Searching
System Notes.

Transaction Line-Level History Window

The history window that appears when you click a History link for a transaction line item includes the
following columns:

■ action that occurred to update the transaction line item

■ date and time of the action
■ specific field altered (if applicable)
■ transaction line number
■ new value of the line item after the action
■ old value of the line item before the action
■ posting date of the transaction
■ transaction type
■ username of the user performing the action

The following fields are tracked in the History window:

Reviewing Transaction History 171

■ All custom fields

■ Alt.Sales
■ Amortization Residual
■ Amount
■ Billable
■ Billing Schedule
■ Class
■ Closed
■ Commit
■ Create PO
■ Customer
■ Delay Rev. Rec.
■ Department
■ Item
■ Cost Category
■ License Code
■ Location
■ Memo
■ PO Rate
■ PO Vendor
■ Price Level
■ Quantity
■ Rate
■ Restock
■ Revenue Recognition End Date
■ Revenue Recognition Schedule
■ Revenue Recognition Start Date
■ Revenue Recognition Term in Months
■ Tax
■ Units

Note: The line-level audit trail does not track the initial creation or deletion of line items. Only
updates to existing line items are tracked.
Auditing Data Changes using Searches 172

Auditing Data Changes using Searches

To monitor changes made to NetSuite data, you can search system notes records.

You can use the following tools to access system notes records:

■ A general system notes search can return system notes for all record types. A system notes search
can be filtered by record type, so that the results include only system notes for a particular record
type. See Searching System Notes.
■ Searches of record types that support system notes can include system notes details in results. For
example, a customer search can include values for system notes fields related to customer record
changes in results. This support is based on a join between system notes records and their related
parent records. See the help topic Defining an Advanced Search.
■ An audit trail link, available at the top of most list pages, can return system notes for a particular
record type. See Viewing an Audit Trail for a Record Type.
■ The audit trail for transaction records is available at Transactions > Management > View Audit Trail.
See Using the Transaction Audit Trail.
■ System notes are not created by the execution of saved searches, because they do not change data.
However, each saved search has a log listing the users who have run or exported the search. This
log shows who has used the search in the past 60 days, with the dates and times of each execution.
You can also see an audit trail about changes made to each saved search. See the help topic Audit
Trail for Saved Searches, Reports and Schedules.
Known Limitations: If you search for System Notes Fields and you elect to use Type = Change as
a filter, NetSuite will return all results having type Change, Set or Unset as these are all internally
considered a change. As a workaround, you can also use the following formula: Formula (text): is
change: {systemnotes.type}.

Additionally, the Deleted Record search type lets you retrieve details about records that have been
deleted. For information about searching for deleted records, see Searching for Deleted Records.

Searching System Notes

Each system note record stores details about a specific change made to a NetSuite record.

NetSuite provides a system note search that you can use to retrieve system notes data. To use this
search, go to Reports > New Search and click System Note.

■ Use a simple search to retrieve system notes data filtered by: the user(s) who entered the changes,
the date and time of the changes, the type of change, the field(s) changed, the value before the
changes, the context for the change, and the value after the changes. For information, see the help
topic Defining a Simple Search.
■ Use an advanced search to retrieve system notes based on more advanced filtering and results
display options. For information about the capabilities available, see the help topic Defining an
Advanced Search.
■ Use a saved search to take advantage of additional functionality such as emailing search results,
and of course, the ability to quickly rerun the search. For information, see the help topic Defining a
Saved Search.

System notes fields also are available to be used as filters and displayed as results for other record
types' advanced and saved searches, including the following: contact, customer, employee, issue, item,
project, opportunity, partner, transaction, and vendor.
Searching System Notes 173

More about System Notes

■ System Notes for existing records are never purged. The only time system notes are ever deleted is
when the record containing the system notes is deleted.
■ There is a company preference, Log System Notes on Update Only, that enables you to view log
system notes when updates occur. See General Account Preferences.

Important: Before you enable this option in an account that existed before that release,
you should first review any saved searches containing system notes fields, as these searches
may use data from record creation system notes. If your account includes searches that rely
on record creation system notes, you can either revise the searches before enabling the Log
System Notes on Update Only option, or you can leave this option disabled.

For example, a case search may use record creation system notes fields to retrieve dates when
cases were first escalated. To make this search work with the Log System Notes on Update Only
option enabled, this search would need to be edited to use expressions and to return values for
cases' Date Created field if the escalation date was not available through record update system
notes fields.

System Notes for Changes to Configuration and Setup

System notes log changes made to enabled features, company information, and account-level

The following configuration and setup page changes are captured in system notes:

■ Company Information (Setup > Company > Company Information)

■ Enable Features (Setup > Company > General Preferences
■ General Preferences (Setup > Company > Enable Features)
■ Expense Categories (Setup > Accounting > Expense Categories)
■ Accounting Lists: Payment Method (Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists)
■ Accounting Lists: Term (Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists)
■ Accounting Lists: Cost Category (Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists)
■ Accounting Lists: Budget Category (Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists)
■ Accounting Lists: Subscription Term (Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists)
■ Accounting Preferences (Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences)
■ Location Costing Groups (Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Location Costing Groups)
■ Nexuses (Setup > Accounting > Nexuses)
■ Tax Types (Setup > Accounting > Tax Types)
■ Tax Codes (Setup > Accounting > Tax Codes)
■ Tax Groups (Setup > Accounting > Tax Groups)

Account administrators can use searches to find system notes that were generated on configuration
and setup pages. For example, you can create a saved search that shows system notes on features that
were enabled.

You can also filter the search results based on record type.
Searching System Notes 174

Other Methods for Viewing System Notes

NetSuite provides a variety of other methods that you can use to retrieve system notes for particular
record types.

■ The audit trail function enables you to retrieve filtered sets of system notes for a selected record
type. For information about using the audit trail, see Viewing an Audit Trail for a Record Type and
Using the Transaction Audit Trail.
■ Each individual transaction record includes a System Notes subtab on the History subtab where
you can view system notes for that transaction. See Viewing Transaction System Notes . History for
individual line items also may be available from transaction records. See Line-Level Audit Trail for
■ Each individual record of a type other than transaction, such as Employee or Customer, includes a
System Notes subtab on the General subtab where you can view system notes for that record.

Viewing an Audit Trail for a Record Type

You can view an audit trail to see a list of changes made to a selected record type, such as Employee or
Customer. An audit trail is a search for system note records related to a selected record type.

An Audit Trail link is available from most record type list pages. (These list pages usually are available
from the Lists tab.) When you click an Audit Trail link on a list page, an Audit Trail page opens. On this
page, you can define field values as filters, to limit results to more relevant data of a manageable size.

To search a record's audit trail:

1. Go to the list for the record type you want to search.

For example, to search for changes on customer records, go to Lists > Customers.
2. In the header of the list, click Audit Trail.

3. On the Audit Trail page, set the criteria for your search.
Viewing an Audit Trail for a Record Type 175

You can search system notes by:

■ The user ID of the person who made change.
■ The date and time the change was made.
■ The type of change (for example, whether the field was set for the first time or updated from
a previous value).
■ The field changed.
■ The value before the change.
■ The value after the change.
■ The context for the change. For more information on context, see Understanding the Context
for Changes.
4. Click Submit.

Note the following:

■ The audit trail for transaction records is available at Transactions > Management > View Audit Trail.
For more information, see Using the Transaction Audit Trail.
■ A system note search that is more general than the audit trail function is available at Reports >
New Search. The system note search includes system notes for multiple record types, and offers
additional functionality, including the ability to export data, advanced search filters and results
options, and the creation of saved searches. For more information, see Searching System Notes.

Searching for Deleted Records

When a record is deleted, NetSuite retains some data about it. You can retrieve this data by using the
Deleted Record search type. To use this search type, go to Reports > New Search and click Deleted
Searching for Deleted Records 176

You can retrieve the following data:

■ The date and time the record was deleted.

■ The name of the user who deleted the record.
■ The context for the record’s deletion. For more information on context, see Understanding the
Context for Changes.
■ The record’s type.
■ The record’s name. Note that the values the system returns for this column vary depending on the
record type. For some record types, such as entities and items, this column reflects the value of the
record's Name field. For other record types, the Name column may include a more general label.
■ Optionally, the record’s external ID.

You can also use most of these fields as search criteria. The only exception is external ID.

The following screenshot shows results typical of a Deleted Record search.

As with other search types, you can use a simple search, an advanced search, or a saved search, as

■ Simple search – The most basic approach. For more information, see the help topic Defining a
Simple Search.
■ Advanced search – Lets you select the fields that should be returned and specify how results should
be sorted. For more information, see the help topic Defining an Advanced Search.
■ Saved search – Lets you save your search criteria and rerun the search later. For more information,
see the help topic Defining a Saved Search.

Note: By default, the Deleted Record search type is available to only those users with the
Administrators or Full Access role. However, you can grant other roles access using the Deleted
Record search permission. Users who have this permission will see results about any type of
record that was deleted, even if they do not have permission to create or modify that record

You can run deleted records searches in SuiteScript. You can view a record in the SuiteScript Records
Browser to determine whether it supports this type of search. For details, see the help topic Deleted
Record Search.

The retrieval of deleted records in web services is a bit different. You can use the getDeleted operation
rather than running a search. For a complete list of supported record types for this operation, refer to
the DeletedRecordType enumeration in the coreTypes xsd.

Understanding the Context for Changes

When viewing data about records, you can view the context for each change. The context describes
how the change was made. For example, users and external systems can perform updates through the
user interface, Web services, SuiteScript, and a variety of other methods. Each method is considered a
context. For a full list of contexts, see Available Context Values.

You can view context data in any of the following ways:

■ Each change to a record is typically recorded in a system notes record. This record describes the
context for the change, among other details. For help navigating to system notes records and using
the System Notes search type, see Searching System Notes. For help finding system notes data
using the Audit Trail feature, see Viewing an Audit Trail for a Record Type.
Understanding the Context for Changes 177

■ When a record is deleted, you can typically view the context for the record’s deletion. You do this
using the Deleted Record search type. For more information about this search type, see Searching
for Deleted Records.

Note: Context was introduced in Version 2014 Releases 2. Prior to this release, context data
was not collected. For that reason, it is not possible to show the context for changes made
before your account was upgraded to Version 2014 Release 2.

Available Context Values

The following table summarizes possible context values.

Important: For further details about how the system assigns context values, see Usage

Context Change Initiated Through Corresponding Help Topic

Bulk Processing Any of the pages in the user interface  

that let you mark multiple records for
simultaneous processing. Such pages
include the Authorize Commissions page
(at Transactions > Commissions > Authorize
Employee Commissions) and the Mark
Work Orders Built page (at Transactions >
Manufacturing > Mark Work Orders Built).

Campaign A campaign response Tracking Campaign Responses


CSV The CSV Import Assistant CSV Imports Overview

Mass Update The utility at Lists > Mass Update > Mass Making Mass Changes or
Updates Updates

Mobile The mobile interface. However, not all  

changes initiated through the mobile
interface have this context label. For details,
see Some Contexts Occur Within Other

Scheduled A workflow configured to run at a specific Initiating a Workflow on a

Workflow time or interval. Schedule
See also Workflow.

Script (Bundle A specialized script that performs processing Bundle Installation Scripts
Installation) as part of a bundle installation, update, or

Script (Client) A script that runs in the browser Client Scripts

Script (Mass A script that initiates a Mass Update Mass Update Scripts

Script (Portlet) A script rendered in the NetSuite dashboard Portlet Scripts

Script (RESTlet) A script invoked by an HTTP request to a RESTlets

system-generated URL

Script (Scheduled) A script configured to run at a specific time or Scheduled Scripts

Understanding the Context for Changes 178

Context Change Initiated Through Corresponding Help Topic

Script (SSP A script implemented using the SuiteScript SSP Application Overview
Application) Server Pages feature

Script (Suitelet) A script that operates in a request-response Suitelets

model using extensions of the SuiteScript API

Script (User A script triggered by an action performed on User Event Scripts

Event) a record

Script (Workflow A script invoked as a custom action from a Workflow Action Scripts
Action) workflow state

UI The user interface. However, not all changes  

initiated through the user interface have this
context label. For details, see Some Contexts
Occur Within Other Contexts.

Web Services A SuiteTalk (Web Services) SOAP request SuiteTalk Platform Overview

Web Store A SuiteCommerce website Types of SuiteCommerce Sites

Workflow A SuiteFlow workflow that occurs nlapiInitiateWorkflowAsync(

asynchronously. Examples include workflows recordType, id, workflowId,
initiated by nlapiInitiateWorkflowAsync initialValues); Subscribe To
and workflows invoked because they are Record Action
subscribed to other records.
If a workflow is triggered synchronously, by
an event, the resulting changes generally
share the same context as the triggering
event. For examples, see Related Changes
May Share a Single Context.
Changes made by scheduled workflows have
a context of Scheduled Workflow.

Usage Notes
Be aware of the following conditions.

Some Contexts Occur Within Other Contexts

The list of available context values includes some contexts that occur within other contexts. For
example, one context is UI, but other contexts are specific parts of the UI. In these cases, the system
uses the more specific label. For example:

■ All CSV imports are initiated through the user interface, but a change made by the Import Assistant
is labeled CSV, not UI.
■ If a user conducts a Mass Update from a mobile device, the context listed is Mass Update, not

Related Changes May Share a Single Context

Note that if one change triggers another change, generally the system lists the same context for both
changes, even if they occurred in different ways. The context listed is the context for the change that
triggered the series of events.
Understanding the Context for Changes 179

The reason for this behavior is as follows: The system does not save a context value for each discrete
field change. Rather, the system logs a context value for each operation, such as each save operation,
which may include many field changes. However, a System Notes record is created for each field
change, and each field change must list a context value. For this reason, if one change directly triggers
a sequence of events resulting in subsequent changes, the system lists the same context for all

The following hypothetical cases illustrate this concept:

■ A scheduled workflow runs, changing Field A on a particular record. If that scheduled workflow
triggers a SuiteScript that makes a change to Field B, the context for both changes is Scheduled
■ A user edits a record. The user’s actions trigger a workflow that makes other changes to the record.
All changes have the same context, which is UI.
■ The CSV Import Assistant is used to import a record. Some aspect of the new record triggers a
workflow, which makes changes to the newly imported record. The context for all changes is CSV
Avoiding Duplicates 180

Avoiding Duplicates
The topics listed below can help you avoid unintended duplicate entries in NetSuite.

■ Avoiding Duplicate Transaction Numbers

■ Duplicate Transaction Number Warnings
■ Using Auto-Generated Numbering for Transactions
■ Avoiding Duplicate Processing of Memorized Transactions

Important: On a transaction, use caution when you click the Submit button. If you click
Submit more than one time, multiple transactions may be created.

Avoiding Duplicate Transaction Numbers

NetSuite provides a number of methods you can use to avoid the entry of duplicate transaction

■ Set a user-level preference to receive a warning when a duplicate transaction number is entered. Go
to Home > Set Preferences. On the Transactions subtab, check the Duplicate Number Warnings box.
■ Set an account-level preference to receive a warning when a duplicate transaction number is
entered. For information, see Duplicate Transaction Number Warnings.
■ Use auto-generated numbering for transactions. For information, see Using Auto-Generated
Numbering for Transactions.

Important: If auto-generated numbering is enabled in a OneWorld account, subsidiary-

specific prefixes for transaction numbers can be defined in subsidiary records. This ensures
that each subsidiary's transactions has its own numbering sequence. See Using Subsidiary-
Specific Transaction Auto-Numbering.

Duplicate Transaction Number Warnings

An administrator can set up an account so that all users are alerted when they attempt to save
transaction records with duplicate transaction numbers.

To enable this warning, an administrator can go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting
Preferences. On the Items/Transactions subtab in the Other Transaction Preferences section, check
the Duplicate Number Warnings box. When this box is checked, each user in your NetSuite account
receives a message when attempting to save a transaction record with the same number as another
record of the same type. When the warning is displayed, a user can enter a different transaction
number before attempting to save again.
Duplicate Transaction Number Warnings 181

Note: Users who have not checked the Duplicate Number Warnings box at Home > Set
Preferences on the Transactions subtab will receive this warning. To prevent the warning from
appearing for these users, an administrator must check the Allow Override box for Duplicate
Number Warnings at Setup > Company > General Preferences.

Important: On a transaction, use caution when you click the Submit button. If you click
Submit more than one time, multiple transactions may be created.

Using Auto-Generated Numbering for

When enabled, the auto-generated numbering feature prevents assigning duplicate numbers to
transactions in NetSuite. This ensures that the number cannot be edited and cannot be duplicated.
Auto-generated numbering for transactions is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. For
information about this feature, see Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbers.

To have transaction numbers generated when forms are saved:

1. An administrator can go to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.
2. Click the Transactions subtab.
3. To ensure that no duplicate transaction numbers are used, clear the box in the Allow Override
column for each transaction.
4. Click Save.
When you create a transaction, the number field reads To be generated. When you return to the
transaction, the generated number shows in this field. For example, if you create an invoice, the
Invoice # field reads To be generated. When you save the invoice, a number is assigned. If you
return to the invoice at Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices > List, you can view the number for
the invoice.

Warning: You cannot auto-generate numbers for journals if you enable the Always Allow Per-
line Classifications on Journals preference.

Warning: You should never override auto-generated numbers to delete any part of a default
prefix or suffix on transaction numbers. Doing this may corrupt data used in transaction

Important: If auto-generated numbering is enabled in a OneWorld account, subsidiary-

specific prefixes for transaction numbers can be defined in subsidiary records. This ensures
that each subsidiary's transactions has its own numbering sequence. See Using Subsidiary-
Specific Transaction Auto-Numbering.

Avoiding Duplicate Processing of Memorized

You can avoid duplicate processing of memorized transactions in a bulk update by customizing a
Memorized Transaction Search form:
Avoiding Duplicate Processing of Memorized Transactions 182

1. Go to Transactions > Management > Enter Memorized Transactions > List ( Administrator ).
2. In the header, click Search.
3. On the Memorized Transaction Search page, click Personalize Search.
4. On the custom search form, enter a search title.
5. Click the Results subtab.
6. Select Being Processed for the result column.

7. Click Add.
8. Click Save.

When you view the results of this search, the Being Processed column displays Yes or No to indicate
if a memorized transaction is being processed as part of a bulk update. If the column displays Yes for
a transaction and you select the transaction for processing, it is possible to duplicate processing. Best
practice is to avoid processing transactions that display Yes in the Being Processed column.

If you do submit a memorized transaction that is currently in a processing state, NetSuite displays an
error message on the Processed Orders page and the memorized transaction is not processed.
Data Center Moves Reference Documentation 183

Data Center Moves Reference

Review the following sections to understand the areas that might be impacted when your account is
scheduled for a move to a different data center:

■ Understanding Multiple Data Centers

■ Product Features to Verify for Data Center Moves
■ Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers
■ FAQ: Data Center Moves

For details about the specific tasks that you need to review and complete when your account is
scheduled for a data center move, see Account Mobility Tasks.

Understanding Multiple Data Centers

NetSuite customer accounts have been hosted in multiple data centers since 2012. Support for more
than one data center means that multiple domains, or URLs, are supported for access to NetSuite. The
URL to use for access varies according to the data center for your NetSuite account. It is important to
be aware of the impact of a change to your account’s data center. For details about how URLs map to
different data centers, see Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers.
You should aim to set up your account to be data center agnostic, as much as possible. An account
is data center agnostic when its processes, including customizations and integrations, can function
properly running on any data center. You can make progress toward the goal of a data center agnostic
account by limiting dependencies on hard-coded URLs.
To get a better understanding of the impact of multiple data centers, see:

■ Understanding the Impact on the NetSuite User Interface

■ Understanding the Product Features that May be Impacted by a Data Center Move
■ Dynamic Discovery of URLs for Web Services and RESTlet Clients
■ Testing in Release Preview
■ Preparing Your Account for Moving to a Different Data Center

For help with preparing for a data center move, see:

■ Account Mobility Tasks

■ Product Features to Verify for Data Center Moves
■ FAQ: Data Center Moves

Understanding the Impact on the NetSuite User Interface

Support for multiple domains does not impact how you log in to the NetSuite user interface (UI) from a
browser. All customers can continue to use the URL and users are redirected
automatically to a different URL as necessary.
Follow these best practices for creating links and references to NetSuite objects and records to ensure
that they are not data center specific.

■ Use NetSuite shortcuts rather than creating bookmarks in your browser. For more information on
creating shortcuts in NetSuite, see the help topic Shortcuts Portlet.
Understanding Multiple Data Centers 184

■ Use relative links to reference objects in NetSuite rather than absolute links. For an example of
relative (NetSuite-hosted) and absolute (externally hosted) URLs, see the help topic RESTlet URL and

Understanding the Product Features that May be

Impacted by a Data Center Move
When an account is moved to a different data center, URL references in your web services integrations,
SuiteScripts, single sign-on integrations, customizations, SuiteAnalytics Connect settings, web store
settings, email campaign settings, and email case capture settings may need to be adjusted to use the
correct URL for the new data center.
If your account is scheduled to be moved to a different data center, you need to replace hard-coded
URLs with dynamically discovered URLs, wherever possible, before the move. Some hard-coded URLs
cannot be made dynamic; you will need to modify these URLs to map to the data center where your
account is scheduled to be moved. Look at the Account Mobility Tasks page in the NetSuite UI to see
what specific product areas need to be addressed in your account. For more information, see Account
Mobility Tasks in the NetSuite Help Center.

Dynamic Discovery of URLs for Web Services and RESTlet Clients

Integrated clients need to incorporate logic that determines the correct URL for NetSuite access, so that
these clients will work as desired. NetSuite provides tools to support dynamic discovery of URLs for
integrated clients. Partners should use these tools to ensure that their solutions work across multiple
NetSuite domains.
Do not use hard-coded URLs in web services or RESTlets, as they will not work across all data centers.
Instead, investigate the following alternatives:

■ The SOAP-based API, getDataCenterUrls, is available in 2012.2 and later web services endpoints.
See the help topic getDataCenterUrls.
■ A REST roles service is available for use with RESTlets and for web services users who have not
upgraded to the 2012.2 or later endpoint. See the help topic Using the REST roles Service to Get
User Accounts, Roles, and Domains.

For more details and code examples, see the help topic Understanding the Effects of Accounts' Host
Data Center on URLs.

Note: For information on the correct URL to use for sandbox, EU sandbox, and Release
Preview, and EU Release Preview environments for web services and RESTlet clients, see
Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers.

Testing in Release Preview

Testing in your NetSuite Release Preview environment, when it is available, can be helpful in identifying
potential problems. If you encounter difficulties when testing in Release Preview, it might indicate that
your processes are tied to a specific data center. Testing in Release Preview is not a foolproof method
of finding all potential problems, but it could help to raise awareness in certain areas. For example,
URLs could be hard-coded with data center specific identifiers, or some processes might not be using
dynamic discovery methods.
For more information on testing in Release Preview, see the following topics:

■ The New Release Process

■ Release Preview Test Plan
Understanding Multiple Data Centers 185

■ ReleasePreviewTestPlan_Template.xls

Preparing Your Account for Moving to a Different Data

If your account is selected to move to a different data center, you will need to perform certain tasks
before the move and other tasks soon after the move is complete. The Account Mobility Tasks page in
the NetSuite UI provides the information you should need to make your preparations and to ensure all
your account operates efficiently after the move.
Users with an Administrator role or a System Administrator role can access the Account Mobility Tasks
page at Setup > Company > Company Management > Account Mobility Tasks. You can use the Account
Mobility Task page to help you track your progress as you prepare to move. After the move, continue to
use the page to ensure you complete all final tasks.
See the Account Mobility Tasks section in the NetSuite Help Center for more information.
See also:

■ Product Features to Verify for Data Center Moves

■ FAQ: Data Center Moves

Product Features to Verify for Data Center Moves

The following resources are available in the NetSuite Help Center and SuiteAnswers to help you ensure
your account and integrations are not bound to a specific data center.

■ Changes to make before your scheduled move

■ Changes to make after your scheduled move

Changes to make before your scheduled move

Product Feature Summary of Concern Relevant Help Topics

Web Stores and Email NetSuite implemented a data center If you have domains
Campaigns agnostic CNAME(Alias) feature in 2014. that require DNS record
Your account might be Domain records might require to updates, the Account
affected if: updating before your account is moved Mobility Tasks page will
to a different data center. show you exactly what you
■ If you have an active need to do.
website hosted on Site For more information, see
Important: No downtime on
Builder (the original web Verify Domain Names in
existing web sites or impact to
store product) or Suite the Account Mobility Tasks
other functions is expected as
Commerce Advanced (the section of the NetSuite
the result of this change.
platform-based web store Help Center.
■ If you have custom
domains setup for email
campaigns or secure
checkout domains.

Web service integrations Web service integrations must See Verify Active Web
dynamically determine the correct URL Services Integrations in
for NetSuite access. the Account Mobility Tasks
Product Features to Verify for Data Center Moves 186

Product Feature Summary of Concern Relevant Help Topics

section of the NetSuite
Help Center.
See also Dynamic
Discovery of URLs for
Web Services and RESTlet

SuiteScript (including Verify that your SuiteScript code, See Verify Potential Script
RESTlets) including RESTlets, and other Problems in the Account
integrations do not contain hard-coded Mobility Tasks section of
references to specific domains and URLs. the NetSuite Help Center.
See also Dynamic
Discovery of URLs for
Web Services and RESTlet

Integrated clients Integrated clients that access NetSuite See Dynamic Discovery of
need to incorporate logic that URLs for Web Services and
determines the correct URL, so that RESTlet Clients.
these clients will work as desired.
NetSuite provides tools to support
dynamic discovery of URLs for integrated

SuiteSignOn (Outbound SuiteSignOn integration code See Verify SuiteSignOn

Single Sign-on) dynamically populates the dc and (Outbound Single Sign-on)
env parameters for NetSuite access, in the Account Mobility
to ensure that integrations work Tasks section of the
for NetSuite accounts on all data NetSuite Help Center.
centers. After the move, the dc and env See also Mappings of dc
parameters are automatically updated and env URL Parameter
to reflect your new data center location, Values.
you do not need to do anything in
NetSuite to make that happen.
However, you must verify that external
applications are using these parameters,
and are able to handle the change that
occurs due to the move. Ensure that
the external applications have not hard-
coded information that is exchanged in
the handshake.

CRM Forms If you have scripts that create NetSuite See Modify Scripts that
records by posting data directly to CRM Post Directly to CRM
forms without first performing a GET Forms in the Account
method to retrieve the data (also called Mobility Tasks section of
screen scraping) you need to make the NetSuite Help Center.

Shortcuts or hard-coded links Verify that your customizations do not See Locate and Remove
in customizations such as contain hard-coded references to URLs. Any Hard-coded
custom fields or tabs. References to NetSuite
Sites in the Account
Mobility Tasks section of
the NetSuite Help Center.
See also Understanding
the Impact on the NetSuite
Product Features to Verify for Data Center Moves 187

Product Feature Summary of Concern Relevant Help Topics

User Interface for best

Changes to make after your scheduled move

Product Feature Summary of Concern Relevant Help Topics

Sandbox task for Administrators must refresh the NA See the following topics in the
customers moved sandbox. After the refreshed sandbox is NetSuite Help Center:
from a data center in up and running in the EU data center, they
North America (NA) to must inform sandbox users that the method ■ Task For Customers
a European Union (EU) of accessing the sandbox has changed. Moved to a European
data center. When logged into the production account, Union Data Center
users access an EU sandbox by changing ■ About Sandbox in the
roles to a sandbox role. European Union (EU)
■ EU Sandbox Login

SuiteAnalytics Connect If the SuiteAnalytics Connect feature is See Update SuiteAnalytics

enabled in your NetSuite account, and your Connect Data Sources in
■ ODBC account is moved to a different data center, the Account Mobility Tasks
■ JDBC users will need to make updates to the data section of the NetSuite Help
sources to map to the new data center. Center.
See also:

■ Accessing the Connect

Service Using an ODBC
■ Accessing the Connect
Service Using a JDBC
■ Accessing the Connect
Service Using an ADO.NET
Data Provider.

Email Case Capture Customers much change the NetSuite See Updates for Email Case
Address used for case capture in their email Capture in the Account
infrastructure settings. Mobility Tasks section of the
NetSuite Help Center.
See also Using Email Case
Capture if you wish to review
the initial setup instructions
for case capture.

SAML Single Sign-on The SAML Service Provider (SP) metadata See Update SAML Single Sign-
differs for each data center. The person on in the Account Mobility
responsible for managing your SAML setup Tasks section of the NetSuite
must update the NetSuite SP metadata to Help Center.
reflect the new data center. Also, refer to your IDP
documentation for specific
information on how to make
the update.

Inbound Single Sign-on Depending on your implementation of See Update Inbound Single
Inbound Single Sign-on, you might need to Sign-on in the Account
Mobility Tasks section of the
Product Features to Verify for Data Center Moves 188

Product Feature Summary of Concern Relevant Help Topics

make changes to two parameters after your NetSuite Help Center. See
account is moved to a different data center: also Tables of Single Sign-
on Redirect URL Parameters
■ If you are using the landingurl and Web Store Access Only
 parameter in your implementation of Parameters.
Inbound Single Sign-on, and if the URL
contains, you must update
the URL to include the appropriate data
center identifier after the move.
■ Before the move, if you were using the d
(domain) parameter as recommended in
requests for web store access, update it
as appropriate to reflect the domain of
your new data center.

Email Capture Plug-ins If you have implemented one or more Email See Update Email Capture
Capture Plug-ins in your account, each Email Plug-ins in the Account
Capture Plug-in has a unique, dedicated Mobility Tasks section of the
email address. This address is usually NetSuite Help Center.
mapped to an alias in your company’s
email infrastructure. You must update
the email capture address in your email
In some cases, email is sent from outside
sources - people or applications - directly to
the email capture address. You must inform
these outside sources of the change to the
email capture address.

Warehouse If you are using the Warehouse See Update the NetSuite
Management System Management System SuiteApp in your Carrier Integrator Application
SuiteApp account, after a move to a different data and the NSWMS Print Driver
center, you must update the configuration in the Account Mobility Tasks
file for the NetSuite Carrier Integrator section of the NetSuite Help
Application and the NSWMS Print Driver. Center.
The URL for the web services endpoint must
be changed to reflect your new data center.

Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers

You should always follow the best practice of ensuring that your NetSuite account and related
integrations are data center agnostic. Never hard-code URLs or other identifiers to specify a particular
data center. (See Understanding Multiple Data Centers for more information.)

Testing in your NetSuite Release Preview environment, when it is available, can be helpful in identifying
potential problems. If you encounter difficulties when testing in Release Preview, it might indicate that
your processes are tied to a specific data center. Testing in Release Preview is not a fool proof method
of finding all potential problems, but it could help to raise awareness in certain areas. For example,
URLs could be hard-coded with data center specific identifiers, or some processes might not be using
dynamic discovery methods.

For more information on testing in Release Preview, see the following topics:

■ The New Release Process

Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers 189

■ Release Preview Test Plan

■ ReleasePreviewTestPlan_Template.xls

However, you may need to know the URLs and identifiers for an environment located in a particular
data center, or you might want a better understanding of NetSuite URLs.

NetSuite Production URLs

See the following table for examples of Production URLs.

Data Center ID Data Center Name Location ID Production Environment

(dc parameter) (in URLs) URLs

001 NA West


002 NA East na1


003 NA Northwest na2


016 EU Central eu2

Note: This data
center hosts all
EU production
environments. odbcserver.eu2.

018 EU West eu1

Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers 190

Data Center ID Data Center Name Location ID Production Environment

(dc parameter) (in URLs) URLs
Note: This data
center hosts all EU
sandbox and EU
Release Preview odbcserver.eu1.

Sandbox and Release Preview URLs for North American

Data Centers
See the following table for examples of sandbox and Release Preview URLs.

Important: Users access an EU sandbox through their production URL. It is not necessary
to enter a URL to go to an EU sandbox. Users access an EU sandbox by switching from a
production role to a sandbox role.

Environment URLs

Sandbox system.sandbox.
Note: These URLs are only for access to sandboxes in North webservices.sandbox.
American data centers. EU sandbox users do not enter a
different URL for UI access. When logged into their production
URL, they switch from a production role to a sandbox role. forms.sandbox.netsuite.
See About Sandbox in the European Union (EU) for more com
information. odbcserver.sandbox.

Release Preview (also called “beta”)

Note: These URLs are only for access to Release Preview
in North American data centers. EU Release Preview users
do not enter a different URL for UI access. When logged into
their production URL, they switch from a production role to odbcserver.beta.
a Release Preview role. See the Release Preview Test Plan for
more information.

What makes up a NetSuite URL?

NetSuite URLs are strings made up of the following parameters:


Note: NetSuite production URLs do not use the <Environment> parameter.

■ ServiceType examples:
□ system is used for UI access.
Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers 191

□ webservices is used for a web services call.

□ rest is used for a RESTlet.
□ odbcserver is used for an ODBC call.
□ forms is used for forms hosted online, used in SuiteScript, usually in Suitelets.

■ LocationId examples:
□ Is omitted for NA West.
□ na1 indicates NA East.
□ na2 indicates NA Northwest.
□ eu1 indicates EU West.
□ eu2 indicates EU Central.

Note: As the use of NetSuite grows and we add new data centers, the list of possible
location identifiers will also continue to grow.

■ Environment examples:
□ Is omitted for the production environment.
□ sandbox indicates an NA sandbox environment.
□ beta indicates a release preview environment in a North American data center.

More about location identifiers and specific environments:

■ Production URLs can either omit a <LocationId>, or can include a <LocationId> such as na1,
na2, eu1, or eu2. Production URLs omit the <Environment> parameter.
■ EU sandbox URLs in the European Union contain the <LocationId> eu1 and omit the
<Environment> parameter.
■ URLs for sandboxes in North American data centers omit a <LocationId>, and contain the
<Environment> parameter sandbox.
■ URLs for Release Preview in North American data centers omit the <LocationId>, and contain the
<Environment> parameter beta (indicating release preview).

Other NetSuite URLs

For information on other NetSuite URLs, see the following topics.

■ For information on constructing web site shopping URLs, see the help topic Web Site URL
■ For information on SuiteScript Debugger URLs, see the help topics Before Using the SuiteScript
Debugger, Ad Hoc Debugging, or Deployed Debugging.
Account Mobility Tasks 192

Account Mobility Tasks

Users with an Administrator role or a System Administrator role can access the Account Mobility Tasks
page at Setup > Company > Company Management > Account Mobility Tasks. The following topics
describe the main Account Mobility Tasks page, and the individual task pages specific to features that
will be affected when an account is moved to a different data center.

■ About the Account Mobility Tasks Page

□ Pre Move Tasks
See the following sections for specific information about tasks that must be completed before
your account is moved to a different data center:
▬ Verify Domain Names
▬ Verify Potential Script Problems
▬ Verify Active Web Services Integrations
▬ Verify SuiteSignOn (Outbound Single Sign-on)
▬ Modify Scripts that Post Directly to CRM Forms
▬ Locate and Remove Any Hard-coded References to NetSuite Sites
□ Post Move Tasks
See the following sections for specific information about tasks that must be completed after
your account is moved to a different data center:
▬ Update SuiteAnalytics Connect Data Sources
▬ Updates for Email Case Capture
▬ Update SAML Single Sign-on
▬ Update Inbound Single Sign-on
▬ Update Email Capture Plug-ins
▬ Update the NetSuite Carrier Integrator Application and the NSWMS Print Driver

For information about other things to take into consideration when preparing your account for a move
to a different data center, see the following topics:

■ Understanding Multiple Data Centers

■ Product Features to Verify for Data Center Moves
■ FAQ: Data Center Moves

About the Account Mobility Tasks Page

The Account Mobility Tasks page shows all the tasks you need to review and complete when
your account is scheduled for a data center move. You can use this page to track your progress
in completing the required tasks. You can also use this page to ensure you are following the
recommended best practices and to ensure your account is not tied to a specific data center.
Items in the Pre Move and Post Move task lists can vary depending on the features that are enabled
and active in your account. The main Account Mobility Tasks page displays only features and the tasks
as appropriate for your account. When your account is scheduled to move to a different data center,
a banner is displayed across the top of the page indicating your move date. Click on a link in the task
column to go to an information page for that task.
There are three status icons for tasks: Not Started, In Progress, and Completed. All tasks initially
display the Not Started status and the status fields will not become active until your move date has
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 193

been assigned. Before a move date is assigned, you can use the pages to identify and begin work on
updating any issues identified. However, the status will not change to In Progress and you will not be
able to mark a task as completed until after your move date has been assigned.

Pre Move Tasks

You must complete the Pre-Move Tasks well before the date your account is scheduled for a move to a
different data center. For more information on a each pre-move task, see the following topics:

■ Verify Domain Names

■ Verify Potential Script Problems
■ Verify Active Web Services Integrations
■ Verify SuiteSignOn (Outbound Single Sign-on)
■ Modify Scripts that Post Directly to CRM Forms
■ Locate and Remove Any Hard-coded References to NetSuite Sites

Verify Domain Names

If you see this task on your Pre Move Task List, Site Builder or Suite Commerce Advanced features are
enabled in your account. Click the link in the Task column to open the page detailing what must be
done to complete this task.
The table lists all the domains registered with NetSuite in your account. You must perform any updates
for this task outside of NetSuite, with your domain name provider, not in the NetSuite UI. Visit your
domain provider's web site, or contact your domain provider for details.

Note: If you have a campaign email domain, that domain will also be listed in this table. You
must update your DNS records to point your email domain name to the hosting servers at
NetSuite using CNAME(Alias) records.

To verify and update domain names:

1. Note the status for each row in the Domain Name column. Go to the first row where the status is
Not Started or In Progress (that is, the row does not display the green Completed icon).
2. Update the DNS CNAME(Alias) record with your domain provider so that it reflects the Expected
Record Value.
3. The Current Record Value will automatically be updated when the new information in the DNS
record is propagated to all DNS servers. The time can vary from 15 minutes to two hours. If the
Current Record Value does not update after two hours has elapsed, there might be a problem
with the CNAME(Alias)record. Verify with your domain provider that the changes made to the
record are correct.
4. The status of this task will automatically be updated to Completed when the Current Record
Value matches the Expected Record Value.

Note: On the main Account Mobility Tasks page, the Completed By column will display
the name System.

Verify Potential Script Problems

If you see this task on your Pre Move Task List, there are active scripts in your NetSuite account that
appear to have hard-coded URLs. Click the link in the Task column to open the page detailing what
must be done to complete this task.
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 194

The table lists all the scripts in your account that have been identified as potentially containing an
instance of a hard-coded URL. Each row contains details to help you identify the script in question.

To verify potential script problems:

1. For each script listed, verify it is using dynamic discovery methods to determine the correct data
center and does not contain hard-coded URLs to a specific data center.

Note: Only the first instance of a potential problem is shown. There may be multiple
instances of a problem in the script identified. You must review the entire script and
resolve all problems in the script.

2. If you find hard-coded URLs, replace them with dynamic discovery methods. See the help topic
Using the REST roles Service to Get User Accounts, Roles, and Domains for more information.
3. When you have reviewed all your scripts, click Task Completed.
4. Click OK on the confirmation message, or click Cancel if you are not finished with this task.

Verify Active Web Services Integrations

If you see this task on your Pre Move Task List, the Web Services feature is enabled in your NetSuite
account. Click the link in the Task column to open the page detailing what must be done to complete
this task.

The table lists all the active web services integrations in your account. The table includes the web
services version (the endpoint), the IP address, and the count (the number of times the web services
integration has been used in the last 30 days).

Note: The table lists the active web service integrations. It does not indicate whether data
center identifiers have been hard-coded. You must review each one in the list and verify it is
using a dynamic discovery method for the data center

To verify active web services integrations:

1. For each integration listed, verify it is using a dynamic discovery method, such as
getDataCenterUrls. Ensure that the integration incudes logic for determining the correct web
services URL for the data center associated with your NetSuite account. This login should be
used for every request except the initial getDataCenterUrls call.

Important: All web services integrations must include logic to dynamically discover the
correct URL. If the getDataCenterUrls operation is not included in the endpoint you
are using, use the roles REST service to obtain the correct URL.

■ The SOAP-based API, getDataCenterUrls, is available in 2012.2 and later web services
endpoints. See the help topic getDataCenterUrls.
■ The rest REST service is available for use with RESTlets and for web services users who have
not upgraded to the 2012.2 or later endpoint. See the help topic Using the REST roles Service
to Get User Accounts, Roles, and Domains.
2. When you have reviewed all your web services integrations, and made updates as required, click
Task Completed.
3. Click OK on the confirmation message, or click Cancel if you are not finished with this task.
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 195

Verify SuiteSignOn (Outbound Single Sign-on)

If you see this task on your Pre Move Task List, the SuiteSignOn (outbound single sign-on) feature is
enabled in your NetSuite account. Click the link in the Task column to open the page detailing what
must be done to complete this task.

SuiteSignOn integration code dynamically populates the dc and env parameters for NetSuite access,
to ensure that integrations work for NetSuite accounts on all data centers. After the move, the dc and
env parameters are automatically updated to reflect your new data center location, you do not need to
do anything in NetSuite to make that happen. However, you must verify that external applications are
using these parameters, and are able to handle the change that occurs due to the move. Ensure that
the external applications have not hard-coded information that is exchanged in the handshake.

For more information about these parameters, see the help topic Mappings of dc and env URL
Parameter Values. See also the SuiteSignOn Sequence Diagram and Connection Details to understand
the interactions between NetSuite and external applications.

To verify SuiteSignOn code:

1. For each of your SuiteSignOn (outbound single sign-on) integrations, verify that the external
applications to which these integrations connect are able to parse the dc and env parameters
that are passed to them.

Important: If you do not own the external application, contact the owner of the
external application to ensure they can handle the change that will occur after your

2. When you have reviewed all your SuiteSignOn integrations, and contacted the owners of the
external applications as necessary, click Task Completed.
3. Click OK on the confirmation message, or click Cancel if you are not finished with this task.

See the help topic Outbound Single Sign-on (SuiteSignOn) for more information about this feature.

Modify Scripts that Post Directly to CRM Forms

If you see this task on your Pre Move Task List, it indicates that you have scripts that create NetSuite
records by posting data directly to CRM forms without first performing a GET method to retrieve the
data. There are scripts in your account that are posting directly to CRM forms using an API or another
method that does not perform a GET, only a POST. Creating records using only the POST method
is known as screen scraping. Screen scraping will no longer work after your account is moved to a
different data center, as the data to be posted will be lost.

To prevent this data loss, before the move, you must modify your scripts to use the
nlapiCreateRecord function to create cases, create leads, create custom records, or request

To locate and modify scripts that are posting directly to CRM forms:
1. Review each row in the table. Each row displays the following information:
a. an IP address
b. the count (the number of times the external form has been posted to in your account in
the last 30 days)
c. the external form to which data is being directly posted
Use this information to locate each script that must be modified.
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 196

2. Modify each script to use the nlapiCreateRecord function to create the appropriate records.
See the help topic nlapiCreateRecord(type, initializeValues) for more information.

Locate and Remove Any Hard-coded References to NetSuite

Important: This task cannot be listed on the Account Mobility Tasks page, as it concerns your
company’s IT infrastructure, such as your company’s internal network or DNS server. NetSuite
has no visibility into your company’s IT infrastructure, therefore, we cannot tell whether your
company has hard-coded IP addresses or URLs configured in your systems.

As a best practice, NetSuite always recommends against hard-coding IP addresses and URLs. See the
help topic Understanding NetSuite IP Addresses. If your company has any hard-coded NetSuite-related
IP addresses or URLs in your internal systems, you must remove them before the move.

Verify with your IT department that there are no hard-coded IP addresses or URLs for NetSuite-
related sites (for example, for your NetSuite-hosted website or web store) in your company’s network

If you determine that NetSuite-related IP addresses or URLs have been hard-coded in your company’s
infrastructure, remove them before the move, or users within your company’s network will experience
degraded performance until they are removed.

Post Move Tasks

See the following sections for more information on the tasks you must perform soon after your
account has been moved to a new data center.

■ Task For Customers Moved to a European Union Data Center

■ Update SuiteAnalytics Connect Data Sources
■ Updates for Email Case Capture
■ Update SAML Single Sign-on
■ Update Inbound Single Sign-on
■ Update Email Capture Plug-ins
■ Update the NetSuite Carrier Integrator Application and the NSWMS Print Driver

Task For Customers Moved to a European Union Data Center

Important: This task is not shown on the Account Mobility Tasks page. Administrators of
sandboxes associated to a production account that has been moved to a European Union (EU)
data center should refresh the sandboxes as soon as possible after the move of the production
account has been completed.

When a customer’s production account is moved to a different data center, the associated sandboxes
are not moved. Users can continue to access and use their sandboxes from the sandbox URL (https://

However, for customers whose production account has been moved from a data center in North
America (NA) to a European Union (EU) data center, Administrators must do the following:

■ Refresh the sandbox.

■ Inform users that the way they will access the sandbox has changed.
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 197

Important: This post move task to refresh associated sandboxes only applies to customers
whose production account has been moved to an EU data center.

Refreshing an NA Sandbox to Move It to the EU

Refreshing the sandbox moves the sandbox from an NA data center to an EU data center. See About
Sandbox in the European Union (EU) for more information.

To refresh the sandbox:

1. Ensure your sandbox users are ready for a refresh.
2. Log in to your production account.
3. Go to Setup > Company > Sandbox Accounts.
4. Select Administrator Only or All Users.
5. Click Refresh Sandbox.
The sandbox will be offline and unavailable for use until the refresh is complete.
6. Click Submit on the Confirmation page.
7. When the refresh is complete, ensure users are aware of the new way to access the sandbox.
8. Repeat this procedure for each sandbox associated with this production account.

Note: If you need more information about the refresh process, see Refreshing Sandbox
Accounts and Using the Sandbox Accounts Page.

Accessing an EU Sandbox
After the refresh is complete, Administrator must inform sandbox users that to access their sandbox
roles, they must use the production URL ( When logged into the
production account, users access their sandbox by changing roles to a sandbox role. For more
information, see EU Sandbox Login.

Warning: After a sandbox that is hosted in a North American data center (an NA sandbox)
has been refreshed, it is moved to a data center in the European Union (EU) and becomes an
EU sandbox. Users will no longer have access to the NA sandbox. Users will no longer be able to
access the sandbox from the URL. Users attempting to log in
to the sandbox using the URL will encounter error messages.

Update SuiteAnalytics Connect Data Sources

If you see this task on your Post Move Task List, the SuiteAnalytics Connect feature is enabled in your
NetSuite account.

After a move to a different data center, the host server settings must be updated. Account users may
encounter connection problems accessing data through the Connect driver (ODBC, JDBC, or ADO.NET).
They will need to update the host server settings for their Connect driver to map to the new data
center. NetSuite recommends downloading the most current version the appropriate Connect driver,
and install it on their computers. This automatically updates the host server settings.

To update SuiteAnalytics Connect data sources:

1. Each person using the SuiteAnalytics Connect feature must download the latest version of the
appropriate Connect driver (ODBC, JDBC, or ADO.NET).
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 198

2. Each person must install the new driver on their computer. This automatically updates the host
server settings.
3. When all SuiteAnalytics Connect users have completed these steps, click Task Complete.
4. Click OK on the confirmation message, or click Cancel if you are not finished with this task.

Updates for Email Case Capture

If you see this task on your Post Move Task List, the Email Case Capture feature is enabled in your
NetSuite account. As a part of the move process, NetSuite updates the NetSuite Address and the
NetSuite Inbound Email Address fields. The NetSuite Address is located on the Inbound Email tab at
Setup > Support > Preferences > Support Preferences. To locate the NetSuite addresses attached to
a case profile, go to Setup > Support > Case Profiles and click View to see the NetSuite Inbound Email

Note: There can be many separate case profile in an account, each with a unique NetSuite
Inbound Email Address.

After your data center move is complete, the system administrator in your company needs to update
all instances where the NetSuite Address or NetSuite Inbound Email Address is used in your email

For more information about the setup for Email Case Capture, see the help topic Using Email Case

To update the NetSuite Address for Email Case Capture:

1. In the NetSuite UI, locate the NetSuite Address field on the Inbound Email tab at Setup >
Support > Preferences > Support Preferences. A user with an Administrator role can view this
information if your system administrator does not have the necessary permissions.

Note: The NetSuite Address field includes the company ID and a randomly
generated series of characters called a hash, in the following format:
Before the move, the NetSuite Address is similar to this example:
[email protected].
After the move, the address could look like:
[email protected].
A data center identifier (for example, .na1. or .na2.) has been added to the NetSuite

2. Update all instances of the NetSuite Address in your company’s email system, Domain Name
Server (DNS). or mail routing infrastructure. For example, for Email Case Capture, the NetSuite
Address is mapped to your Contact address for support.
a. Verify the User you created for your support address is pointing to the address you set up
for your customers to contact you.
b. Wherever the Contact address (for example, [email protected]) is configured in your
system, update the mapping in your system to reflect the new NetSuite Address found in
step 1.
3. Update the mapping or routing rules in your system to reflect the new NetSuite Address.
4. After the system administrator has updated all instances of the NetSuite Address in your email
system, and updated the mapping or routing rules in your system, click Task Complete.
5. Click OK on the confirmation message, or click Cancel if you are not finished with this task.
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 199

Important: If you do not update your email system after the move is complete, you risk slow
performance in email delivery and in case capture generated by email.

To make updates to the NetSuite Address attached to a case profile:

1. Go to Setup > Support > Case Profiles to locate the NetSuite Inbound Email Address for each
case profile in your account.

Note: The NetSuite Inbound Email Address field includes the company ID and
a randomly generated series of characters called a hash, in the following format:
Before the move, the NetSuite Inbound Email Address is similar to this example:
[email protected].
After the move, the address could look like:
[email protected].
A data center identifier (for example, .na1. or .na2.) has been added to the NetSuite
Inbound Email Address.

2. Click View on the desired profile.

3. Copy the NetSuite Inbound Email Address for this case profile.
4. In the email system for each case profile:
a. Verify the User you created for your support address is pointing to the address you set up
for your customers to contact you.
b. Wherever the Contact address (for example, [email protected]) is configured in
your system, update the mapping in your system to reflect the new NetSuite Inbound
Email Address for this case profile.

Note: The NetSuite Inbound Email Address might be configured in your

company’s email system, DNS, or mail routing infrastructure. It is mapped to your
Contact address for support.

c. Update the mapping or routing rules in your system to reflect the new NetSuite Inbound
Email Address.
5. After the system administrator has updated all instances of the NetSuite Inbound Email
Address in your email system, and updated the mapping or routing rules in your system, click
Task Complete.
6. Click OK on the confirmation message, or click Cancel if you are not finished with this task.

Update SAML Single Sign-on

If you see this task on your Post Move Task List, the SAML Single Sign-on feature is enabled in your
NetSuite account. The SAML Service Provider (SP) metadata differs for each data center. It is very
important that you upload the SP metatdata file from your new data center to your IDP.

Warning: If you do not make the required changes, after the move, the login operation might
fail, and the single log out function will fail.

To make updates for SAML Single Sign-on:

1. The person responsible for managing your SAML setup must update the NetSuite SP metadata
to reflect the new data center. The link to the NetSuite Service Provider Metadata file is on the
SAML Setup page. See the help topic Completing the SAML Setup Page for more information.
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 200

Note: Refer to your IDP documentation for specific information on how to make the

2. After updating the NetSuite SP metadata as appropriate for your new data center, click Task
3. Click OK on the confirmation message, or click Cancel if you are not finished with this task.

Update Inbound Single Sign-on

If you see this task on your Post Move Task List, the Inbound Single Sign-on feature is enabled in your
NetSuite account. Depending on your implementation of Inbound Single Sign-on, there are several data
center specific parameters that can be affected by the move, and might need to be updated in your

The landingurl Parameter

If you are using the landingurl parameter in your implementation of Inbound Single Sign-on, and
if the URL contains, you must update the URL to include the appropriate data center
identifier after the move.

For example, if your account was previously hosted in the NA West data center, the landingURL
parameter could have contained or
If your account was moved to the NA Northwest data center, you would update these to or

After your account is moved, update your landingurl parameter absolute URLs to ensure they are
pointing to the correct data center. For more information on the correct data center identifiers to use,
see Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers.

Web Store Access Parameters

NetSuite has always required that Inbound Single Sign-on requests for web store access to a NetSuite-
hosted checkout domain include the c parameter (the NetSuite company ID) and the site ID to be
routed correctly.

NetSuite also recommends including the domain (d) parameter in Inbound Single Sign-on requests for
web store access to NetSuite-hosted checkout domains.

After your account is moved to a different data center, these Inbound Single Sign-on requests will
automatically be redirected to the correct data center. However, if you notice degraded performance
after the move, add (as recommended) or update the d parameter in your Inbound Single Sign-on
requests for web store access to reflect the domain of your new data center.

To update Inbound Single Sign-on requests:

1. If you are using the landingurl parameter in your implementation of Inbound Single Sign-on,
and if the URL contains, update the URL to include the appropriate data center
identifier after the move.
2. Investigate Inbound Single Sign-on requests for web store access that contain
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 201

Note: These steps do not apply to web stores with custom checkout domains.

a. If you were already using the d parameter before the move, update it as appropriate to
reflect the domain of your new data center.
b. If you are not using the d parameter and notice degraded performance after the move
(for example, the requests time-out), add the appropriate d parameter for your new data
3. After you have verified that the recommended and required parameters are included in your
Inbound Single Sign-on requests for web store access, click Task Complete.
4. Click OK on the confirmation message, or click Cancel if you are not finished with this task.

See the Web Store Access Only Parameters table for the more information about the checkout URLs.

For more information on all available Inbound Single Sign-on parameters, see Tables of Single Sign-on
Redirect URL Parameters.

Update Email Capture Plug-ins

Important: This task is not currently listed on the Account Mobility Tasks page, but you must
make changes for this feature after your account is moved to a different data center.

If you have implemented one or more Email Capture Plug-ins in your account, you must make
some changes after your account is moved to a different data center. Each Email Capture Plug-
in has a unique, dedicated email address. The Email Capture address is usually mapped to an
alias in your company’s email infrastructure. (An alias email address is a human-readable email
address used by your customers.) The Email Capture Plug-in address looks similar to this example:
[email protected]

Emails sent to the alias email address are forwarded to the Email Capture Plug-in address.

For example, your customer sends an email to [email protected] and the mapping in your
email infrastructure forwards the email to [email protected]
(the Email Capture Plug-in address).

To update an Email Capture Plug-in:

Only a user with an Administrator role can access the Manage Plug-ins page.

1. Go to Customization > Plug-ins > Manage Plug-ins.

2. Locate the Email Capture Plug-in email address for the first implementation of the Plug-in in your
account listed on the Manage page.

Note: The email address for each Email Capture Plug-in includes the company ID
and a randomly generated series of characters called a hash, in the following format:
Before the move, the email address looked similar to this example:
[email protected].
After the move, the address might look like this:
[email protected].

3. In your email infrastructure, update the domain portion (for example, of the Email Capture Plug-in email address to reflect your new data
center location.
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 202

Note: A data center identifier (for example, .na1. or .na2.) has been added to the
domain portion ( ) of the email address. The data center
identifier differs depending on which data center your account is moved to.
For more information about data center identifiers, see Understanding NetSuite URLs
and Data Centers.

4. Repeat this procedure for each implementation of the Email Capture Plug-in in your account.

Important: In some cases, the email capture address is not mapped in your email
infrastructure. Instead, email is sent from outside sources - people or applications - directly to
the email capture address. In these cases, you must inform these outside sources of the change
to the domain portion of the email capture address.

Update the NetSuite Carrier Integrator Application and the

NSWMS Print Driver

Important: This task is not currently listed on the Account Mobility Tasks page, but if you are
using the Warehouse Management System SuiteApp in your account, you must make changes
after your account is moved to a different data center.

If you are using the Warehouse Management System SuiteApp in your account, after a move to
a different data center, you must update the configuration file for the NetSuite Carrier Integrator
Application and the NSWMS Print Driver. The URL for the web services endpoint must be changed to
reflect your new data center.

Identify all shipping stations in the warehouse, and all the print servers where the NetSuite Carrier
Integrator application or the NSWMS print driver is configured. If the NetSuite Carrier Integrator
application is running, close the application and complete the following procedure.

To update the NetSuite Carrier Integrator configuration file:

1. Locate the shortcut icon for the NetSuite Carrier Integrator application on the desktop. Right–
click, and select Open file location.

The installation folder of the NetSuite Carrier

Integrator application displays.
About the Account Mobility Tasks Page 203

2. Open the NetSuiteCarrierIntegrator.exe CONFIG file with a text editor such as Notepad, and
search for
3. Continue to search the file until you locate the URL for the NetSuite web services endpoint in the
Application settings section of the CONFIG file.

4. Edit the domain string in the URL to reflect the appropriate data center location.
For example, if your account was moved to the NA East data center, change / to /

Note: You are adding a data center identifier (for example, na1 or na2) to the domain
string / of the URL. The data center identifier differs
depending on the data center to which your account was moved. For more information
about data center identifiers, see Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers.

5. Save the CONFIG file, and start the NetSuite Carrier Integrator application.
6. Repeat this procedure on each computer (all shipping stations and all print servers) on which the
NetSuite Carrier Integrator application or the NSWMS print driver is configured.
NetSuite Environments Overview 204

NetSuite Environments Overview

The Understanding NetSuite Environments help topic provides summary-level descriptions of the
different NetSuite environments, or types of accounts.
More in-depth descriptions are available for specialized environments used by account administrators
and developers to build and test customizations. See the following:

■ NetSuite Sandbox
■ NetSuite Development Accounts

Understanding NetSuite Environments

In addition to the live production environment, NetSuite provides customers with various
environments to use to run their business. An environment is simply a place to work. Sometimes the
words environment and account are used interchangeably.
NetSuite environments include:

■ The Production Environment

■ The Release Preview Environment
■ The Sandbox Environment
■ The Development Account Environment

The Production Environment

The production (or live) environment is where you do the daily work necessary to run your business.
Most users will spend most of their time working in the production environment.
Users access their production environment by opening a browser window and going to, and enter their email address and password. They will automatically be
connected to their NetSuite production account in the correct data center. For more information about
this, see Understanding Multiple Data Centers and Understanding NetSuite URLs and Data Centers.

The Release Preview Environment

All customers with a NetSuite account can get access to the Release Preview environment when
it is available. Release Preview is available twice a year, right before each NetSuite release. This
environment lets you test your daily business processes with the new features available in the
upcoming release.
When it is available, users access their Release Preview environment by opening a browser window,
typing the appropriate URL, and typing their NetSuite email address and password on the login page.

Important: Important: For the 2017.1 Release Preview period, the URL for access to the
Release Preview UI for some customers has changed.

Release Preview for Customer Accounts in North American Data

There is no change in how to access the Release Preview UI for customers with accounts are running
in North American (NA) data centers. These customers will continue to access the UI for their Release
Preview environment from the URL
Understanding NetSuite Environments 205

Release Preview for Customer Accounts in European Union Data

Customers with accounts running in a European Union (EU) data centers will access the UI for their
Release Preview environment from the same URL as their production environment, https:// Initially, only users with an Administrator role have access to the EU Release
Preview environment.

A user with an Administrator role should go to the URL and log in
to NetSuite, then change roles to the Release Preview Administrator role. An Administrator can grant
access to EU Release Preview to other users as needed for testing.

Users can also access their Release Preview environment from the New Release portlet.

See the help topics The New Release Process and the Release Preview Test Plan for more information.

The Sandbox Environment

A NetSuite sandbox is a safe and isolated environment where you can develop new processes and
applications. You can use a sandbox to test and train your employees in existing integrations and
processes without affecting your production data. The data in the sandbox is a copy of your production
data. The sandbox can be refreshed from production, bringing in new data and customizations. Each
refresh overwrites the previous sandbox. You can purchase one sandbox or several sandboxes to
allow for development and testing teams to have their own environments in which to experiment. See
NetSuite Sandbox for more information.

Sandbox for Customers in North American Data Centers

Customers with production accounts running in North American (NA) data centers access their NA
sandboxes by opening a browser window and going to, and
entering their NetSuite email address and password.

Sandbox for Customers in European Union Data Centers

Customers with production accounts running in European Union (EU) data centers began to access to
EU Sandbox accounts in 2016.2. Customers with existing sandboxes who are moved to a data center in
the EU can continue to use their sandboxes as usual. However, the first time a refresh is requested for
an existing sandbox, it will be automatically transformed into an EU Sandbox, and hosted in an EU data

An EU Sandbox provides all the features of our original sandbox offering, with a few differences.
Users access their EU Sandbox roles from the same URL they use to access their production account.
Production and Sandbox roles are clearly labeled in the Account Type column on the Choose Roles
page. Account administrators and system administrators can modify the sandbox account name by
adding a suffix to help distinguish it from other accounts. See About Sandbox in the European Union
(EU) for more information.

The Development Account Environment

The NetSuite development account is a team development environment, isolated from your production
environment. It provides an improved experience for developers of NetSuite customizations.
NetSuite development accounts are never refreshed with production data. This separation of these
Understanding NetSuite Environments 206

development accounts prevents in-progress customizations from being overwritten by refreshes

and enables controlled access to sensitive, restricted, and financial data. These lightweight accounts
support rapid deployment and testing processes.

Warning: The development account is isolated from the production environment, but not in
the same way as a sandbox environment. For example, invoices will be created and email will be
sent from this environment, so ensure that you use only test data in this environment. NetSuite
recommends that you do not add real customer information, such as contact information, to a
development account.

Users access the Development account the same way they access their production environment. Open
a browser window and go to, and enter their email address and password.
Their role in the Development account can be selected from the Choose Roles page.

The best time to begin using Development Accounts is at the start of a new project. It can be difficult
to migrate to a Development Account if you are already in the middle of a development project in your
sandbox. NetSuite recommends finishing your existing projects in your sandbox, and starting new
projects in your Development account.

Note: You need multiple sandbox accounts if you have multiple large projects which need
distinct environments for User Acceptance Testing (UAT).

For more information about the development account, see NetSuite Development Accounts and
SuiteApp Development Process with SuiteBundler.
NetSuite Sandbox 207

NetSuite Sandbox
A NetSuite Sandbox is a safe and isolated test environment in which you can develop and test new
applications and customizations without worrying about affecting your production account. You can
have one or more sandbox accounts provisioned for each production account. Each sandbox account
has the same configuration, data, and customization as your company's production account.
Sandbox accounts provide ideal environments for:

■ Testing customization elements before deployment.

■ Fixing issues with existing customizations.
■ Trying out third-party integration features.
■ Training employees in existing and new business practices in an environment identical to your
production account.

Actions you take in sandbox accounts, such as transaction entries, record deletions, and form
customizations, have no effect on your NetSuite production account. You can feel free to make changes
in a sandbox account without altering your production data.

Note: For more information on acquiring one or more sandbox accounts, contact your
NetSuite account representative.

The Choose Role page and Change Roles list help users distinguish between their production roles and
sandbox roles. For users who have roles in both production and sandbox:

■ The Account Type column on the Choose Role page identifies roles as either a Production or a
Sandbox role.

■ In the Change Roles list, sandbox roles are identified by an icon.

Review the following for more details about sandboxes:

■ For information about the newest sandbox offering from NetSuite, see About Sandbox in the
European Union (EU).
■ Some features are not fully available for testing in a sandbox account. For details, see Features
Available for Testing in a Sandbox.
■ For information on how to log in to your Sandbox account, see Logging in to Your Sandbox Account.
■ For information about providing sandbox account access to users, see Granting Access to Your
Sandbox Account.
■ For information about using more than one sandbox, see Working with Multiple Sandbox Accounts.
About Sandbox in the European Union (EU) 208

■ Account administrators and users with the System Administrator role can review details about the
sandbox account(s) associated with a production account, and initiate the first copy of production
data into newly provisioned sandbox accounts. See Using the Sandbox Accounts Page.
■ Sandbox accounts can be periodically refreshed from production, upon your request. See
Refreshing Sandbox Accounts. This task is managed through the Sandbox Accounts page in your
production account.

Important: During the upgrade period for a new NetSuite release, please pay attention
to your scheduled upgrade date. Do not request a sandbox refresh when the upgrade date
is near. A refresh will fail if it does not complete before your scheduled upgrade begins. See
Scheduled Version Upgrade Dates and Refresh Requests.

■ For details about what happens when a sandbox account expires, see When a Sandbox Account
■ For instructions on setting preferences for email messages coming from your sandbox account, see
Setting Preferences for Sandbox Email.
■ For instructions on how to view your website on a Sandbox environment, see the help topic
Previewing your Site Builder Site on NetSuite Sandbox.

About Sandbox in the European Union (EU)

NetSuite introduced sandboxes to European Union (EU) data centers in 2016.1. Referred to as an
EU sandbox, this environment is currently only available for customers located in EU data centers.
When necessary to distinguish between sandboxes in documentation, all sandboxes located in North
American data centers will be referred to as NA sandboxes. EU sandboxes are very similar to NA
sandboxes, with a few notable differences.

■ Access to all of your roles, including those in your EU sandbox, is from the same URL as your
production environment (
□ Users with roles in both production and all sandbox environments will see their roles labeled in
the Account Type column.

□ In the Change Roles list, all sandbox roles are identified by an icon.
■ In an EU sandbox, Administrators have the ability to add a suffix to the sandbox Account Name for
identification purposes. See Account Name Suffix: Labeling Your EU Sandbox.
■ There are a few important differences between NA and EU sandboxes that affect behavior and
testing capabilities:
□ In NA sandboxes, there is a primary sandbox and there might be secondary sandboxes. See
Primary Sandbox and Secondary Sandboxes for more information. There is no concept of a
primary sandbox the EU, all EU sandboxes are secondary sandboxes.
□ Different account ID numbering conventions are used for NA and EU sandboxes. See Account ID
Numbering Conventions for EU Sandbox.
About Sandbox in the European Union (EU) 209

□ There are a few features can only be tested or deployed in a primary sandbox. Review the Notes
column in Testing Features in a Sandbox for details.

For more information, see also:

■ When Your Account is Moved to a Data Center in the European Union

■ EU Sandbox Similarities with Your Production Account

When Your Account is Moved to a Data Center in the

European Union
For NetSuite customers whose production account is moved to an EU data center: sandbox users can
continue to access and use your existing NA sandbox accounts from the usual sandbox URL (https:// However, after the move to the EU, the first time you refresh a sandbox,
users will no longer be able access that sandbox in the same way.

Important: When the sandbox refresh is complete, the way users access the EU sandbox is

After the refresh is complete, sandbox users must use their production URL (https:// to access to their sandbox roles. Use the Choose Role page, or the Change Roles
list, to switch from a production role to a sandbox role.
See EU Sandbox Login for more information.

Account ID Numbering Conventions for EU Sandbox

In NA sandboxes, there is a primary sandbox and there might be a secondary sandbox, or secondary
sandboxes. The account ID for the primary sandbox is the same as the account ID of the production
account. Secondary sandboxes might, or might not, have the same account ID as the production
account, appended with _SB2, _SB3, and so on. (For more information, see Primary Sandbox and
Secondary Sandboxes.)
In EU sandboxes, there is no concept of a primary sandbox; all EU sandboxes are secondary
sandboxes. The account ID is always the same as the account ID for your production account,
appended with _SB1, _SB2, _SB3, and so on.
For example:

■ Production account ID: 123456

■ EU sandbox account ID: 123456_SB1
■ EU sandbox account ID: 123456_SB2
■ EU sandbox account ID: 123456_SB3

See the following table to compare the account ID numbering conventions EU sandboxes and NA
sandboxes (sandboxes in North American data centers). See also Primary Sandbox and Secondary
Sandboxes for more information.
The following table identifies changes that occur to existing NA sandbox account IDs after a production
account is moved to the EU, and the sandbox is refreshed.

Account IDs in NA Data Centers Account IDs in EU Data Centers

■ Production account ID: 345678 ■ Production account ID: 345678

■ Primary Sandbox account ID: 345678 ■ EU sandbox account ID: 345678_SB1
About Sandbox in the European Union (EU) 210

Account IDs in NA Data Centers Account IDs in EU Data Centers

■ Secondary Sandbox account ID: 345678_SB2 ■ EU sandbox account ID: 345678_SB2
■ Secondary Sandbox account ID: 345678_SB3 ■ EU sandbox account ID: 345678_SB3

Important: After a sandbox has been moved to an EU data center, users access the sandbox
from their production account by switching roles on the Choose Role page or Change Roles list.

Account Name Suffix: Labeling Your EU Sandbox

In an EU sandbox, administrators have the option of adding a suffix to the account name to help users
differentiate between multiple sandboxes. After entering the desired text for the suffix, and submit the
request for a sandbox refresh (click Copy Data to Sandbox or Refresh Sandbox), the suffix is appended
to the Account Name.

For example, the text in the Account Name Suffix field as shown in the screenshot is appended to
the Account Name after the refresh request is submitted by clicking Copy Data to Sandbox. (You do
not need to refresh both sandboxes at the same time, this is only an example.) In this example, after
submitting the refresh request, the account names would change as shown in the following:

■ EU sandbox account ID: 123456_SB1

Account Name: MyCompany, Inc. - Integration Testing
■ EU sandbox account ID: 123456_SB2
Account Name: MyCompany, Inc. - Training Sandbox

Important: The Account Name Suffix field remains available for editing until you enter your
desired text for the suffix and submit a refresh request. After submitting the refresh request,
the Account Name Suffix field is no longer shown on the Sandbox Accounts page.

You can also modify your EU sandbox Account Name by going to Setup > Company > Company
Information (in the EU sandbox account) and editing the Company Name field.
About Sandbox in the European Union (EU) 211

EU Sandbox Similarities with Your Production Account

As has been documented throughout this section, there are some similarities between EU sandbox and
your production account. Similarities with your production account include:

■ Users access EU sandbox from the same URL as for their production account. Users can see both
their production roles and their sandbox roles, and switch between these roles, when logged in to
NetSuite. See Logging in to Your Sandbox Account.
■ The account ID for EU sandbox environments is the same as the account ID for your production
account, appended with _SB1, _SB2, _SB3, and so on. See Account ID Numbering Conventions for EU
■ EU sandboxes are taken offline and upgraded to the new release at the same time as your
production account is upgraded. See Scheduled Version Upgrade Dates and Refresh Requests.

Features Available for Testing in a Sandbox

In the sandbox environment, some features are only available in a limited form, and some features are
not available for testing. See the Testing Features in a Sandbox for details.

A sandbox is a copy of your production account, as of a specific date and time. As a sandbox is only
a copy of the information from your production account, some actions you perform in the sandbox
do not affect information displayed in your sandbox. A few behind-the-scenes tasks that run in your
production account do not run in your sandbox.

For example, billable components information is not calculated for the sandbox. In your production
account, to view your Total Storage Size (MB) information, go to Setup > Company > View Billing
Information. The billing information page in your sandbox displays the billing information copied from
production. Therefore, the Total Storage Size (MB) information displayed in the sandbox is not changed
by actions you perform in the sandbox, such as deleting custom records.

During sandbox refreshes, certain things are not copied from your production account. For more
information, see Data That is Not Copied from Production to Sandbox.

Primary Sandbox and Secondary Sandboxes

There are a few features can only be tested or deployed in a primary sandbox. Review the Testing
Features in a Sandbox for details.
Features Available for Testing in a Sandbox 212

Note: A primary sandbox only exists for a sandbox located in North American (NA) data
centers. There is no concept of a primary sandbox in an EU sandbox. All EU sandboxes are
secondary sandboxes.

A primary sandbox is a sandbox that has the same NetSuite account ID as the production environment.
A secondary sandbox has a NetSuite account ID with a suffix such as _SB2 or _SB3.

For example:

■ Production account ID: 654321

■ Primary sandbox account ID: 654321
■ Secondary sandbox account ID: 321654_SB2
■ Secondary sandbox account ID: 321654_SB3

You can compare the account ID numbering conventions for NA sandboxes to those for EU sandboxes.
See Account ID Numbering Conventions for EU Sandbox.

Users with an Administrator or System Administrator role can view the account IDs of your sandboxes.
Go to Setup > Company > Sandbox Accounts.

Important: For certain features, complete set up in your production account, then request a
refresh of your primary sandbox to move the feature to the sandbox account. Specifically:

If your company uses Two-Factor Authentication using RSA SecurID (2FA using RSA) perform
all 2FA tasks in your production account to ensure proper synchronization with the RSA server.
After all 2FA using RSA tasks are completed in your production account, refresh your primary
sandbox to make 2FA available there.

You cannot share RSA tokens between your production environment and an EU sandbox. A
separate set of RSA tokens is required to test 2FA using RSA in an EU sandbox.

The following table describes functionality available for testing in your NetSuite sandbox. Review the
Testing Notes column for special information regarding testing in primary and secondary sandboxes or
in an EU sandbox.

Testing Features in a Sandbox

Feature Availability Testing Notes

ACH Vendor Payments Test-mode only No actions taken (no payments sent).

Alternative Payment Test-mode only No actions taken (no payments sent).

Methods Test mode is on for all payment processing profiles.

Bulk Merge Yes  

Credit Card Processing Test-mode only No actions taken.

To test your billing processes or credit card
processing, use only test credit card numbers and a
valid expiration date.

Important: See Credit Card Processing in

Your Sandbox After a Refresh.

CDN Caching Yes See the help topic CDN Caching for information on
enabling this feature.
Features Available for Testing in a Sandbox 213

Feature Availability Testing Notes

CTI Integration Yes  

(Contactual, Five9)

CSV Import Yes  

Custom Records Yes Some security-sensitive fields on custom records

(such as fields related to passwords and security
questions) will display the value ENCRYPTED in an NA
Security-sensitive fields on custom records in EU
sandbox will display the same values displayed in the
production environment.

Currency Exchange Yes You must manually update rates in your sandbox or
Rate Integration refresh from production to get updated rates.

Direct Deposit Yes No actions taken

Electronic Funds Test-mode only No actions taken (no funds transferred).


Email Campaigns Yes Email campaigns must have fewer than 25 recipients.

Email Case Capture Yes  

Email Notifications and Yes See Setting Preferences for Sandbox Email for more
Outgoing Email information.

Fax No  

Intellesync Yes  

Memorized No No actions taken.


NetSuite for Outlook No  

Online Bill Pay No  

Outlook Integration No  

Payroll No  

PayPal Integration Test-mode only No actions taken.

Perquest Yes No actions taken.

Reports Yes Scheduled Reports do not send emails. Alert Me

Scheduled Reports When Ready reports do send emails (assuming a user
initiates this action).

Note: The company preference for sandbox

email is evaluated after the report is executed
and prepares to send email. Depending on
the preference specified, the email is sent to
a specific user or not sent at all. See Setting
Preferences for Sandbox Email for more

Saved Searches Yes Scheduled Searches and Email Alerts behave as they
do in the production environment.
Features Available for Testing in a Sandbox 214

Feature Availability Testing Notes

Scheduled Saved
Searches Note: The company preference for sandbox
email is evaluated after the search is executed
and prepares to send email. Depending on
the preference specified, the email is sent to
a specific user or not sent at all. See Setting
Preferences for Sandbox Email for more

Scheduled SuiteScripts Yes  

Secure Domains No  

Server SuiteScript Yes  

Client SuiteScript Yes  

SuiteAnalytics Connect Yes  

(formerly ODBC)

SuiteApps (Bundles) Yes See the help topic SuiteApps and Sandbox Accounts.
In particular, see the help topic Sandbox Refresh
Impact on Bundles.

SuiteFlow (Workflows) Yes Workflows or workflow actions will not execute as

scheduled, but can be executed manually.

Note: Workflow history logs from

production are not copied to the sandbox
environment. Workflow instances are not
copied to the sandbox environment..

Telephony Integration Yes  


Token-based Yes Tokens created using NetSuite’s Token-based

Authentication Authentication feature in the production environment
are not copied to your sandbox. To test this feature,
you must create tokens in the sandbox environment.
Each time your sandbox is refreshed, you must create
new tokens in the sandbox.

Two-Factor Yes For 2FA using RSA, tokens are copied from production
Authentication to your primary sandbox. Do not make any changes
to tokens in your NA sandbox. The tokens are
managed by a single RSA server, so changes made in
your primary sandbox will also affect your production
and Release Preview environments.

Note: You cannot share RSA tokens between

your production environment and an EU
sandbox. A separate set of RSA tokens is
required to test 2FA using RSA in an EU
sandbox environment.

When logging in to systems or environments that

share an RSA server, a One Time Password (OTP) can
be used only a single time. For example, users must
Features Available for Testing in a Sandbox 215

Feature Availability Testing Notes

obtain an OTP to log into the production account and
obtain a new OTP to log in to the sandbox account.
2FA by Phone—SMS authentication required roles are
copied from your production environment to your
sandbox. However, mobile phone numbers are not
copied. After a refresh, users will need to set up their
mobile phone numbers in the sandbox just as they
did in the production account.

UPS/FedEx Integration Test-mode only No actions taken

for Shipping labels

UPS/FedEx Integration Yes  

for Rate querying

Web Services Yes The SOAP requests and responses for each job can
be viewed in the Web Services Usage Log. In sandbox
environments, requests and responses are accessible
for one day. For more information, see the help topic
Using the Web Services Usage Log.

Website and Web Store Yes Domains are not copied from your production
account to your sandbox. After a sandbox refresh, you
must set up domains in the sandbox. See the help
topic Previewing your Site Builder Site on NetSuite

Note: If you have multiple sandboxes,

ensure that across all of your sandboxes, the
domains are unique. An error message is
generated if there are duplicate domains.

Logging in to Your Sandbox Account

By default, new sandbox accounts are accessible only to NetSuite account administrators. If you are
not an administrator and do not have access to your sandbox account, contact your NetSuite account
administrator for access.

The login procedure is different for customers with accounts running in North American (NA) data
centers and customers with accounts running in European Union (EU) data centers. To distinguish
between these sandboxes, we refer to a sandbox as either an NA sandbox or an EU sandbox.

NA Sandbox Login
Use the following URL to log in to your NA sandbox:

EU Sandbox Login
If you have an EU sandbox, you can see your sandbox roles when you log in to your production account
( All of your roles (your production roles and your sandbox roles) are
listed on the Choose Role page. You can identify the roles in the Account Type column on the Choose
Role page.
Logging in to Your Sandbox Account 216

Note: If you do not have any roles in a sandbox, you will not see the Account Type column.

You can also determine which role is a sandbox role by looking for the SB icon in the Change Roles list.

Granting Access to Your Sandbox Account

On the Sandbox Accounts page, account administrators can select who can access the sandbox: only
users with an administrator role, or all users.

Preference for Access After Sandbox Refresh

A preference is provided on the Sandbox Accounts page to indicate who should have access to a
sandbox account after it is refreshed: either administrators only or all users. If the Administrators only
option is selected, only the Administrator role is copied to the sandbox. That is, for a user with multiple
roles, only the administrator role for that user is copied to the sandbox. For more information, see
Refreshing Sandbox Accounts. After a refresh of a sandbox account is complete, access can be added
or removed as necessary for individual users in that account.

To grant sandbox access to individual users:

Important: Customer Center and Partner Center roles are never allowed access to sandbox

1. Log in to your sandbox account in an Administrator role.

■ For an NA sandbox, the URL is
■ To access an EU sandbox, from your production account (the URL is https:// on the Choose Role page or from the Change Roles list, switch to an
Administrator role that is indicated in the Account Type column as Sandbox.
Granting Access to Your Sandbox Account 217

See Logging in to Your Sandbox Account for more information.

2. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees and select the employee record on sandbox.
3. On the Access subtab in the employee record, check the Grant Access box and enter any
required information.
4. Click Save.
The employee to whom you have granted access can now log in to your sandbox account.

To grant sandbox access to all users of your production account, you must go to the Sandbox Accounts
page in your production account, select the All Users option for Access After Sandbox Refresh, and
click Refresh Sandbox to request a refresh of your sandbox account.

To remove sandbox access from individual users:

1. Log in to your sandbox account in an Administrator role.

■ For an NA sandbox, the URL is
■ To access an EU sandbox, from your production account (the URL is https:// on the Choose Role page or from the Change Roles list, switch to an
Administrator role that is indicated in the Account Type column as Sandbox.
See Logging in to Your Sandbox Account for more information.
2. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees and select the employee record on sandbox.
3. On the Access subtab in the employee record, clear the Grant Access box.
4. Click Save.
The employee to whom you have removed access can no longer log in to your sandbox account.

Important: During the upgrade period for a new NetSuite release, please pay attention
to your scheduled upgrade date. Do not request a sandbox refresh when the upgrade date
is near. A refresh will fail if it does not complete before your scheduled upgrade begins. See
Scheduled Version Upgrade Dates and Refresh Requests.

Note: For web services users, the URL for the WSDL differs between your production account
and your sandbox account. If you want to use web services in an NA sandbox, you will need to
go to a URL like the following:

Working with Multiple Sandbox Accounts

You can use sandbox accounts to test bundles that you create or test SuiteApps from third-party
sources such as independent software vendors (ISVs). You can use a single sandbox account to develop
and test bundles or use multiple sandbox accounts for additional flexibility. For example, you could use
one sandbox account for development and one for testing.

Note: When you request a refresh of your sandbox accounts, the bundle definition in the
sandbox environment is completely overwritten so that it mirrors the production environment.

For more information, see the help topic SuiteApps and Sandbox Accounts.
Working with Multiple Sandbox Accounts 218

Important: If you have multiple sandboxes, for websites and web stores, ensure that across
all of your sandboxes, the domains are unique. An error message is generated if there are
duplicate domains.

About Multiple Sandbox Accounts

Review the following for more details about working with multiple sandbox accounts:

■ If multiple sandbox accounts are associated with a single production account, users and their
assigned roles are duplicated across these accounts.

Tip: Which sandbox does a user enter on login? It depends on the user’s default role, or the
“last logged into” role. To avoid confusion, a user can set a role in one sandbox account as
their default role if they usually prefer to work in that sandbox.

■ Each user has a separate role for each sandbox account on the Choose Role page and in the Change
Roles list. When logged in to an NA sandbox in NetSuite (, a user can
switch between sandbox accounts by switching between these different roles.

Note: If you have an EU sandbox, your sandbox roles are accessed from the same URL
( as is used for your production account. Production and Sandbox roles
are labeled on the Choose Role page.

■ Each sandbox account has its own unique ID. There are several ways you can determine the
sandbox account ID for a particular sandbox.
□ If you are logged in to your sandbox account, go to Setup > Company > Billing Questions. In the
Contact Support Online Section, you can see the Account Number and User Name.

□ If you are logged in to your production account, go to Setup > Company > Sandbox Accounts.
□ Customer Support can find it for you. Go to Support > SuiteAnswers > Contact Support by
■ To distinguish between multiple NA sandboxes, an administrator could change the company name
(Setup > Company > Company Information) to identify each sandbox, however, this name change
will be overwritten when the sandboxes are refreshed.

Using the Sandbox Accounts Page

The Sandbox Accounts page is available in production accounts, at Setup > Company > Sandbox
Accounts, to account administrators and to users logged in with the System Administrator role. This
Using the Sandbox Accounts Page 219

page is not available to any other roles. You can use this page to review details about your sandbox
accounts and to request refreshes of these accounts.

Important: Log in to your production account to see the Sandbox Accounts page. This page
displays details about all sandbox accounts associated with the production account to which
you are logged in.


1. Account Status is displayed to the left of the Sandbox Account heading.

2. The Account ID (scompid) is displayed to the right of the Sandbox Account


3. General account information.

4. Refresh Summary information.

5. The Refresh Status indicator is displayed here.

Sandbox Accounts Page Fields

On the Sandbox Accounts page, each account is listed by NetSuite account ID. Account status is
displayed to the right of the Sandbox Account heading.

Account Status
■ Online: A green check

■ Offline: An empty circle. The account is not available for use. A sandbox being refreshed will display
this status until the refresh process is complete.
■ Expired: a red X.
The account was not renewed as of the expiration date and is no longer available for use.

The following information is displayed in this section:
Using the Sandbox Accounts Page 220

■ Sandbox Account - Name of sandbox account.

■ Expiration Date - Date the sandbox account is scheduled to expire.
■ Last Refresh - Date when the most recent refresh of the account was completed.
■ Last Refresh Requestor - User who requested the most recent refresh.
■ Production Snapshot Date - Date and time of the production snapshot used for the most recent
refresh. The backup copy is taken from the night before the sandbox refresh starts. This date may
not be the same as the date the refresh was requested or the date it was completed. (Note that
the time is formatted according to the current user’s Time Format preference, set at Home > Set
■ Access After Sandbox Refresh - You can choose to provide default account access to all users or
only to administrators after the refresh. The selection you make remains in effect for subsequent
refreshes unless you change it.
□ All Users - If you select this option, after the refresh you can remove access from users as

Important: Customer Center roles are not copied during sandbox refreshes. Even
if you select this option to give all users access after the refresh, users assigned the
Customer Center role are excluded from this access. Because of this limitation, customer
login functionality does not work in sandbox after a refresh, even if it has been working
in the production account. If you want to set up this functionality to work in sandbox, you
can do a CSV import of customer records into the sandbox account, to set passwords and
Give Access to True for customer users.

□ Administrators Only - If you select this option, after the refresh you can add access to users as

Important: Only the Administrator role is copied to the sandbox. That is, for a user
with multiple roles, only the administrator role for that user is copied to the sandbox.

Refresh Summary
The following information is displayed in this section:

■ Refreshes Used / Refreshes Total - Number of refreshes used out of the total number of refreshes
available. If you have multiple sandbox accounts, the refresh count is shared between all of the
sandbox accounts.
■ Estimated Refresh Time - Estimated number of hours required for the refresh to complete. (Note
that this estimate is not exact.)
■ Date Refresh Requested - Date and time when the most recent refresh was requested.

Note: The time is formatted according to the current user’s Time Format preference, set at
Home > Set Preferences.

■ Refresh Status - Status of the most recent refresh.

□ When a refresh fails, a popup error message displays. This message includes an error ticket
number that you can provide to Customer Support to help them resolve the issue.
□ When the production account and the sandbox account are not running the same version, a red
x displays, and a popup version mismatch error displays.
□ For more information, see More About Sandbox Refresh Statuses
Using the Sandbox Accounts Page 221

More About Sandbox Refresh Statuses

The following section lists the various refresh statuses that are displayed, and describes what each
status means.

■ Awaiting Processing: The refresh request has been submitted and will be processed in the order
■ Pending Copy to Sandbox This notice only appears for newly provisioned sandboxes.
Administrators can choose when to initiate the copy of data from the production account to the
The Copy Data to Sandbox button only appears on the Sandbox Accounts page of newly
provisioned sandboxes. Click Copy Data to Sandbox to initiate the copy of data from the associated
production account. The sandbox status will not change to online until the copy of data is
completed. (After the initial data copy to the sandbox has completed, the Refresh Sandbox button
is displayed on the Sandbox Accounts page.)
■ Delayed: The refresh progress has been delayed. There are occasions when the refresh estimate
prediction software initially assigns the Delayed status to a refresh request. If a sandbox status is
set to Delayed before entering Refresh in Progress, access to the existing sandbox is maintained
until the status changes to Refresh in Progress. If your refresh request is in Delayed status, an
Administrator can check the Sandbox Accounts page to verify whether your existing sandbox is still
online and accessible.
■ Refresh In Progress: The sandbox refresh is ongoing.
■ Refresh Failed: An error occurred during the refresh process. NetSuite Customer Support will
intervene to help resolve the problem.
When a refresh fails, a popup error message displays. This message includes an error ticket number
that you can provide to NetSuite Customer Support to help them resolve the issue. The Refresh
Failed status can also be reported when the sandbox and the production account are running
different versions of NetSuite software. This can occur during the new release period, when the
production account has been upgraded, but the sandbox has not yet been upgraded to the new
■ Complete: The sandbox refresh process is complete, and the sandbox account status is online and

You can click the Refresh Sandbox button on the Sandbox Accounts page to request a refresh of a
sandbox account.

Important: During the upgrade period for a new NetSuite release, please pay attention
to your scheduled upgrade date. Do not request a sandbox refresh when the upgrade date
is near. A refresh will fail if it does not complete before your scheduled upgrade begins. See
Scheduled Version Upgrade Dates and Refresh Requests.

For details on how to request a refresh, see Refreshing Sandbox Accounts.

Warning: A refresh completely replaces the content of the sandbox account with the content
of the production account. After your sandbox account has been refreshed from production, it
cannot be restored to its prior state. Before submitting a request to refresh a sandbox account,
please ensure that your company is fully notified and ready for the refresh from production.
Your refresh request cannot be cancelled or otherwise modified in any way after it has been

For new sandbox accounts, you need to initiate the copy of data from the associated production
account by clicking the Copy Data to Sandbox button. This action must be completed before a
Using the Sandbox Accounts Page 222

new sandbox account comes online. This requirement was new as of 2013.1. Prior to this release,
production data was automatically copied to new sandbox accounts as part of account provisioning.

Note: Refresh Sandbox and Copy Data to Sandbox buttons are not displayed on the Sandbox
Accounts page during NetSuite releases unless both the sandbox account and its associated
production account are running the same version of NetSuite. When they are not running the
same version, the Refresh Status field displays a popup version mismatch error.

Refreshing Sandbox Accounts

Each of your sandbox accounts can be refreshed from production upon your request. Refreshing
a sandbox account copies all configuration, data, user passwords, and customizations from your
production account into the sandbox account. Any changes you have made to the sandbox account are

As of July 2016, NetSuite improved our refresh estimate prediction process. The value you see in the
Estimated Refresh Time field on the Sandbox Accounts page is a more reliable predictor of how long it
will take for a sandbox refresh to complete.

NetSuite also added a refresh status of Delayed. You can verify the status of a refresh on the Sandbox
Accounts page. The Delayed status lets you know when the refresh progress has stalled. If a sandbox
refresh status is changed to Delayed, the Estimated Refresh Time field is blank. When the refresh
resumes, the estimated refresh time is recalculated, and the new value is displayed in the Estimated
Refresh Time field.

There are occasions when the improved prediction process initially assigns a Delayed status to a
refresh. If a sandbox is set to Delayed status before entering Refresh in Progress, access to the existing
sandbox is maintained until the status changes to Refresh in Progress. If your refresh request is in
Delayed status, an Administrator can check the Sandbox Accounts page to verify whether your existing
sandbox is still online and accessible.

For specific information about sandbox refreshes, see the following:

■ Scheduled Version Upgrade Dates and Refresh Requests

Refreshing Sandbox Accounts 223

■ Requesting a Refresh
■ Data That is Not Copied from Production to Sandbox
■ Credit Card Processing in Your Sandbox After a Refresh

If you use SuiteApps (Bundles) in your sandbox, see also SuiteApps and Sandbox Accounts. In
particular, see the help topic Sandbox Refresh Impact on Bundles.

Scheduled Version Upgrade Dates and Refresh Requests

During the upgrade period for a new NetSuite release, please pay attention to your scheduled upgrade
date. Do not request a sandbox refresh when the upgrade date is near. A sandbox refresh request will
fail if it does not complete before your scheduled version upgrade begins.

Use your best judgement to decide when to request a sandbox refresh during the version upgrade
period for a new NetSuite release. For example, if it usually takes approximately two days for your
sandbox refresh to complete, and:

■ if your scheduled version upgrade date is 72 hours (three days) away, defer your refresh request
until your production and sandbox upgrades are complete.
■ if your scheduled version upgrade date is a week away, you might decide to go ahead and refresh
your sandbox.

Important: All NA sandboxes are taken offline for upgrade at 4 pm Friday Pacific Time
regardless of region, the same day of the production account upgrade. All EU sandboxes
are taken offline for upgrade at the same time as the production account is taken offline for
upgrade. The time to complete a sandbox upgrade can vary depending on the amount of data
in the account. Average time is about an hour and most complete within 8 hours, but times can

A sandbox account can only be refreshed from its associated production account. A sandbox account
cannot be refreshed from another sandbox account. Although each sandbox account is related to its
production account, no formal relationships exist among sandbox accounts tied to a single production
account. Change management across your sandbox accounts is your responsibility.

Note: If you have a premium tier production account, system notes on records are included in
a refresh of your primary sandbox. System notes are never included in refreshes of secondary
sandboxes. All EU sandboxes are secondary sandboxes, so system notes are not included in a

You can request a refresh and monitor its status on the Sandbox Accounts page. This page is available
to users with the Administrator or System Administrator roles. Go to Setup > Company > Sandbox

After you submit a refresh request, the sandbox account status is shifted to offline and the account is
unavailable for use until the refresh is complete.

Important: During the upgrade period for a new NetSuite release, please pay attention to
your scheduled upgrade date. Do not request a sandbox refresh when the upgrade date is
near. A refresh will fail if it does not complete before your scheduled upgrade begins.

You do not need to refresh all of your sandbox accounts at the same time. You can refresh each
sandbox account individually, based on need.
Refreshing Sandbox Accounts 224

Warning: A refresh completely replaces the content of the sandbox account with the content
of the production account. After your sandbox account has been refreshed from production, it
cannot be restored to its prior state.

For example, bundles (SuiteApps) created in your sandbox that have not been installed on your
production account will be overwritten by a sandbox refresh request.

Before requesting a sandbox refresh, please ensure that your company is fully notified and
ready for the refresh from production. After you click Refresh Sandbox, and confirm by clicking
Submit, the sandbox account is offline and cannot be accessed. You cannot cancel the refresh

About Sandbox Refreshes

An email notification is sent each time a sandbox refresh completes. This email is sent to all account
administrators. It includes the sandbox account name and ID, the date the refresh was requested, the
user who requested the refresh, the data of the production data used to refresh the sandbox, and the
number of refreshes used and remaining.

Be aware of the following information about sandbox refreshes:

■ You do not need to refresh a sandbox to update it to the latest NetSuite version.
Sandbox accounts are automatically updated to the same release level as the associated production
account when the production account is updated. A refresh is not required for this type of update.
■ Sandbox refreshes cannot be done when a sandbox account is running a different version of
NetSuite than the associated production account is running.
During the release of a new version of NetSuite, there may be a period of time when your
production account has been updated to the latest version but your sandbox account has not
yet been updated, or vice versa. A refresh cannot occur in this case. If you request a refresh, it is
delayed until both sandbox and production accounts have both been updated to the latest version.
During this period, the Sandbox Refresh page displays a red X in the Refresh Status page with a
popup version mismatch error.

Important: All NA sandbox accounts are taken offline for upgrade at 4 pm Friday
Pacific Time regardless of region, the same day of the production account upgrade. All EU
sandboxes are taken offline for upgrade at the same time as the production account is taken
offline for upgrade. The time to complete a sandbox upgrade can vary depending on the
amount of data in the account. Average time is about an hour and most complete within 8
hours, but times can vary.

■ If a role with SAML Single Sign-on permission is added in production, after the next sandbox refresh,
this role is displayed in the View All Roles page in the sandbox account. However, any roles that
are modified or added on an employee record that has the SAML Single Sign-on permission do not
appear in the View All Roles page in the sandbox account.

Requesting a Refresh
To submit a sandbox refresh request:

1. Log in to the production account that is associated with the sandbox account(s) you want to be
Refreshing Sandbox Accounts 225

Important: During the upgrade period for a new NetSuite release, please pay attention
to your scheduled upgrade date. Do not request a sandbox refresh when the upgrade
date is near. A refresh will fail if it does not complete before your scheduled upgrade
begins. See Scheduled Version Upgrade Dates and Refresh Requests.

2. Go to Setup > Company > Sandbox Accounts.

3. For each sandbox account to be refreshed, do the following:
a. Indicate which users should have access after the refresh occurs:
■ To allow access only to the account administrator, select the Administrators Only
option. If the Administrators only option is selected, only the Administrator role is
copied to the sandbox. That is, for a user with multiple roles, only the administrator
role for that user is copied to the sandbox.
(You can grant access to additional users as needed. See Granting Access to Your
Sandbox Account.)
■ To allow access to all existing production account users (except Customer Center users)
select the All Users option.

Note: All other fields on the Sandbox Accounts page are read-only fields that
provide status information about account refreshes. This information includes
the estimated number of hours required for the sandbox refresh to complete. For
more details, see Sandbox Accounts Page Fields.

b. Click Refresh Sandbox.

A confirmation page warns that after NetSuite receives and processes a refresh request,
the sandbox account status will be shifted to offline, and the account will be unavailable
for use until completion of the refresh.
c. Click Submit on the Confirmation page.
After you confirm, NetSuite receives and processes the request immediately, so your
sandbox account status is shifted to offline right away, and the sandbox will be
unavailable for use until completion of the refresh.

Important: The Production Snapshot is taken from the backup that occurred the night
before the actual refresh starts. This is not necessarily the same date the refresh was
requested, but depends on when your refresh request starts processing.

4. You can monitor the Refresh Status and view the Estimated Refresh Time (In Hours) on the
Sandbox Accounts page.
■ Awaiting Processing
■ Pending Copy to Sandbox
■ Delayed
■ Refresh In Progress
■ Refresh Failed
■ Complete
For more information, see Using the Sandbox Accounts Page and More About Sandbox Refresh
Refreshing Sandbox Accounts 226

Data That is Not Copied from Production to Sandbox

During sandbox refreshes, the following things are not copied from production:

■ Websites and web store domains

Domains are not copied from your production account to your sandbox. After a sandbox refresh,
you must set up domains in the sandbox. If you have multiple sandboxes, ensure that across all
of your sandboxes, the domains are unique. An error message is generated if there are duplicate
domains. See the help topic Previewing your Site Builder Site on NetSuite Sandbox.
■ Customer Center role assignments for customer users
Customer Center role assignments for customer users are not copied from production accounts
to sandbox accounts during refreshes. Due to this limitation, customer login functionality does not
work in sandbox after a refresh, even if it has been working in the production account. If you want
to set up this functionality to work in sandbox, you can do a CSV import of customer records into
the sandbox account, to set passwords and Give Access to True for customer users.
For more information, see the help topic CSV Imports.
■ Inbound single sign-on mappings
The mappings between users' external credentials and their NetSuite credentials that are used for
inbound single sign-on access to NetSuite, are not copied from production accounts to sandbox
accounts during refreshes. These mappings must be recreated in sandbox accounts for any users
who require inbound single sign-on access to these accounts. The mapping can be recreated either
through the web services mapSso operation or upon user login. For more information, see the
help topic Inbound Single Sign-on. See also Creating the Initial Mapping of the Administrator Role
for Inbound Single Sign-on and Mapping Users and Roles for Inbound Single Sign-on Access to
■ System notes on records
System notes are not copied from production to sandbox, with the following exception. If you have
a premium tier production account, system notes on records are included in a refresh of your
primary sandbox. System notes are never included in refreshes of secondary sandboxes. All EU
sandboxes are secondary sandboxes, so system notes are not included in an EU sandbox refresh.
For more information about system notes, see System Notes Overview.
■ SuiteFlow (workflow)
SuiteFlow (workflow) history logs are not copied from production to the sandbox. For more
information, see and Workflow History Subtab. Workflow instances are not copied from production
to the sandbox.
■ 2FA by Phone
SMS authentication required roles are copied from your production environment to your sandbox.
However, mobile phone numbers are not copied. Users will need to set up their mobile phone
numbers in the sandbox just as they did in the production account. For more information, see the
help topics 2FA by Phone, in particular, Setting Up Your Phone Number in NetSuite.
■ Token-based Authentication (TBA)
Tokens created in your production environment are not copied to your sandbox during a refresh.
To test token-based authentication in your sandbox, you must create tokens in the sandbox
environment. Each time your sandbox is refreshed, you will need to create new tokens in the
sandbox. For information about creating tokens, see the help topic Managing TBA Tokens.
■ Integration records
A sandbox refresh is one of the few ways that an integration record can be uninstalled from
a NetSuite account. That is, if a record was created in your sandbox but not installed in your
production environment, it is removed as part of the sandbox refresh. After the refresh, the record
Refreshing Sandbox Accounts 227

can be auto-installed back into the sandbox, if the record was configured to permit authentication
with user credentials, and if you have the application ID.
If you auto-install the record, be aware that data specific to the first installation is not retained. That
is, the Web Services Execution Log from the previous installation is not retained. Additionally, the
State field and Note field do not retain the values they had when the record was removed.
For information about the Integration record, see the help topic Managing Integrations. See also
Using Integration Records in Sandbox Accounts.

Credit Card Processing in Your Sandbox After a Refresh

As of November 2014, an account administrator must complete the following procedure to process
credit card transactions in your sandbox account after a refresh.

To enable credit card profiles for use in sandbox:

1. Log in to your sandbox account.
2. Go to Setup > Accounting > Financial Statements > Payment Processing Profiles.
3. Click Edit next to the payment processing profile you want to use in your sandbox account.
4. On the payment processing profile, under Authentication Credentials, re-enter the credentials
required for this profile.
5. Click Save.
6. Repeat these steps for each payment processing profile you want to use in your sandbox

Important: Each time you refresh your sandbox account, you must repeat this procedure
to process credit card transactions in your sandbox. No change is required in your production
NetSuite account.

When a Sandbox Account Expires

Sandbox accounts come with expiration dates. When a sandbox account is not renewed and expires,
the status of the sandbox is set to inactive. Users are no longer be able to log in to an inactive sandbox
account. Before 2014.2, account administrators could view the sandbox expiration date on the
Sandbox Account page.

Starting with 2014.2, administrators of sandbox accounts receive email notifications before a sandbox
account expires, so they can renew the account without experiencing an interruption of sandbox
availability or potential data loss. The notification process is completely automated, no action on the
part of the administrator is required.

Administrators are notified by email several times before the expiration date, giving them plenty of
time to renew the sandbox account. The first notification email is automatically generated one month
before the sandbox expires. Notifications continue on a weekly basis until the sandbox account is
renewed. If the sandbox account is not renewed, a final notification email arrives on the expiration

There is a 30–day grace period after expiration during which an inactive sandbox account can be re-
activated and the data retained. If you do not renew the sandbox account before this grace period
ends, the sandbox is deleted and the data is purged. Contact your NetSuite account representative for
more information.
When a Sandbox Account Expires 228

Warning: Data from expired sandbox accounts is purged after 30 days and cannot be

Setting Preferences for Sandbox Email

When you use a sandbox account, anyone with the Administrator role can set a preference for delivery
of email messages from the Sandbox account. NetSuite recommends choosing the Send Email To
option. You can enter specific email addresses (separated by commas) giving you complete control over
exactly who receives email messages from your sandbox.

For example, if you are testing marketing campaigns in your sandbox account, you might not want
customers to receive email messages generated by those campaigns until they have been finalized and
rolled out in your production account. You might want email messages from your sandbox account
delivered only to yourself, or to the people in your organization who are responsible for designing
the new campaigns. You might want to ensure email messages generated from sandbox web stores
are not delivered to recipients outside your organization. In all these cases, choose the Send Email To

Important: Email messages generated from sandbox web stores will not be sent to the user
logged in to the NetSuite UI. For example, an order notification email message would be sent to
the shopper’s email address, not the logged in user’s email address. To prevent this, choose the
Send Email To option.

There are exceptions to the email routing rules you specify. Security-sensitive emails will be always sent
to the actual owner of the email address. For example, password reset emails do not obey preferences
that override routing rules.

Examples of security-sensitive emails include:

■ Reset Password
■ Change Password
■ Change Email Address
■ Security Questions (Setup or Update)
■ Two-Factor Authentication Setup
■ One-Time Password

Set preferences for sandbox email delivery in your production account on the Email Preferences page.

To set email delivery preferences for all sandbox accounts:

1. Log in to your NetSuite production account.
2. Go to Setup > Company > Email > Email Preferences.
3. Choose your preference in the Sandbox and Release Preview section. Under Sandbox Options,
choose from the following:

Option Description

Send Email To (NetSuite Choose this option to ensure email messages are delivered to
recommends this option.) specific addresses.

■ Enter the email address or email addresses to which to deliver

email messages. Separate each email address entered with a
Setting Preferences for Sandbox Email 229

Option Description
■ Choose this option when testing your web store in your sandbox
environment. This option ensures web store generated email
messages are routed to the desired recipient.

Send Email to Logged In Choose this option to route email messages to the user logged in to
User the NetSuite UI.
If you select this option, be aware of the following behaviors:

■ Email messages initiated by an error in a scheduled script follow

the notification settings in the script record.
■ Email messages generated from web stores will not be sent to
the user logged in to the NetSuite UI. For example, an order
notification email message would be sent to the shopper’s email
address, not the logged in user’s email address. To prevent this,
choose the Send Email To option instead.

Do Not Send Emails Choose this option if you do not want any email messages sent.

4. Click Save.
5. On the Sandbox Accounts page, click Copy Data to Sandbox (or Refresh Sandbox). Your email
delivery preferences will be applied to all your sandbox accounts.

Important: During the upgrade period for a new NetSuite release, please pay attention
to your scheduled upgrade date. Do not request a sandbox refresh when the upgrade date
is near. A refresh will fail if it does not complete before your scheduled upgrade begins. See
Scheduled Version Upgrade Dates and Refresh Requests.

After your sandbox account has been refreshed, you can log in to modify your email preferences
directly on the sandbox account. This way, if you use multiple sandbox accounts, you can set different
preferences for email delivery in each account.

Note: Upon refresh, the settings in your sandbox accounts always revert to the sandbox email
preferences you set in your production account.
NetSuite Development Accounts 230

NetSuite Development Accounts

A NetSuite development account is an environment, isolated from your production account, in which
you can develop and test new applications and customizations without worrying about affecting your
production account.

The best time to begin using Development Accounts is at the start of a new project. It can be difficult
to migrate to a Development Account if you are already in the middle of a development project in your
sandbox. NetSuite recommends finishing your existing projects in your sandbox, and starting new
projects in your Development account.

Note: You need multiple sandbox accounts if you have multiple large projects which need
distinct environments for User Acceptance Testing (UAT).

Development accounts have the same features and NetSuite-provisioned SuiteApps as your company's
production account, but do not contain any production data. You can populate the account with only
the data you need for development and testing purposes.

One of the benefits of using a development account is that you can, for example, let outside partners
develop something for you. This is one reason that NetSuite recommends you enter only non-sensitive
test data in development accounts.

Warning: Do not enter sensitive information or any real customer data, such as contact
information or credit card numbers, in development accounts. Transactions will be processed
and invoices will be generated.

Note: Email messages sent from Development Accounts are delivered to the logged-in user.

Development accounts are never refreshed, unlike sandbox accounts, so you never have to worry
about your work in progress being accidentally overwritten by a refresh.

Development accounts provide ideal environments for:

■ Creating new applications and customizations.

■ Testing customization elements before deployment.
■ Fixing issues with existing customizations.
■ Trying out third-party integration features.

Actions you take in development accounts, such as transaction entries, record deletions, and form
customizations, have no effect on your NetSuite production account. However, development accounts
are not guarded from external touch points in the same way as sandbox and release preview accounts
can be. For example, in Sandbox and Release Preview, you can specify how you want email to be
handled in these accounts. You cannot configure email delivery from a development account in a
similar manner. Email messages sent from Development Accounts are delivered to the logged-in user.

■ For recommended best practices for using development accounts with SuiteBundler, see the help
topic SuiteApp Development Process with SuiteBundler.
■ For information on acquiring one or more development accounts, contact your NetSuite account

Administrators can change the name of each development account at Setup > Company Information to
make it easier to distinguish among these accounts. Development accounts are not refreshed, unlike
sandbox accounts, so these changes will not be overwritten.
Features Available in Development Accounts 231

Features Available in Development Accounts

The development account is different from a sandbox environment, in that the development account
does not contain a copy of your production data. When the development account is provisioned,
NetSuite makes available the same features and NetSuite-provisioned SuiteApps that are available in
your production account. SuiteApps created by third parties are not included in development accounts
when they are provisioned. Any customization object can be created or installed into these accounts
with SuiteBundler. See the help topic SuiteApp Development Process with SuiteBundler.

Warning: Do not enter sensitive information or any real customer data, such as contact
information or credit card numbers, in development accounts. Transactions will be processed
and invoices will be generated.

Note: Email messages sent from Development Accounts are delivered to the logged-in user.

Logging in to Development Accounts

Users access development accounts in the same way that they access their production environment.
They can open a browser window and go to and enter their email address and
password on the login page. Their role in a development account can be selected from the Choose Role
page or Change Roles list. The appropriate role to choose is identified in the Account Type column on
the Choose Role page.

By default, new development accounts are only accessible to the administrator for whom the account
was provisioned. This administrator can create up to 10 users for each account. See Granting Access
to Development Accounts. Users who need access to development accounts should contact this

Granting Access to Development Accounts

Account administrators can select 10 users who can access each development account. Users must be
created separately in each development account.

To grant development account access to a user:

1. Log in to a development account.
Granting Access to Development Accounts 232

2. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees > New and create an employee record for the user.

Note: If this user is an employee in your production account, you can enter the
username, email address, assign a role, and check the Give Access box on the Access
subtab. You do not need to enter a password. When prompted whether the user should
inherit the password from the production account, click Yes. For more information about
creating an employee record, see the help topic Adding an Employee.

3. Click Save.
The employee to whom you have granted access can now log in to this development account.

Contacting Support for Development Account

To report problems with your development account in this release, create a support case. You will need
to provide your account ID when creating a case. Go to Setup > Company > Company Information to
view the Account ID field, located below the Time Zone field in the right column.

Important: The way you contact NetSuite Support, and the way you create a case varies
depending on the level of support purchased with your account.

You can submit a question or issue online to NetSuite support professionals. You can send questions or
comments by email 24 hours a day. You will receive a response by email as soon as possible. Response
times vary depending on the level of support you have purchased and the support team's current case
load. To improve response times, please provide lots of information (more is better), and if applicable,
include steps to reproduce the problem.

Contact Support by Phone is available to customers with Gold or Platinum support, and to eligible
NetSuite Partners, 24 hour a day, seven days a week. Call the number provided by your account
manager. Please have your account number ready when you call for quicker assistance.
Performance Best Practices 233

Performance Best Practices

This section outlines some commonly used best practices for optimizing NetSuite performance. The
following topics introduce some suggested guidelines:

■ Optimizing SuiteScript Performance

■ Optimizing SuiteTalk Performance
■ Optimizing SuiteFlow Performance
■ Optimizing Custom Form Performance

Other resources for managing NetSuite performance include:

■ The Application Performance Management (Beta) SuiteApp supports observation and performance
management of NetSuite customizations and business critical operations. See the help topic
Application Performance Management (APM).
■ The purchase of a SuiteCloud Plus license can enhance performance by increasing the threads
available for Web services through support of a concurrent Web services user, increasing the
number of queues available for scheduled scripts, and increasing the number of queues and
threads available for CSV import jobs. For more details, see Using SuiteCloud Plus.
■ Help topics in the Troubleshooting Performance Issues section provides tips for handling various
NetSuite application performance issues compiled by NetSuite Customer Support.
■ Increasing Speed and Performance in NetSuite provides additional tips for optimizing performance
of the NetSuite user interface.
■ Script Optimization provides additional tips for optimizing performance of SuiteScripts.
■ Best Practices for Web Site Performance provides recommendations to optimizing performance on
web sites built with NetSuite Site Builder.
■ The SuiteApp Architectural Fundamentals & Examples (SAFE) Guide, provided for ISVs (independent
software vendors) who build custom SuiteApp solutions for deployment into customer accounts,
includes a variety of best practices, some of which relate to performance optimization. See
%20Fundamentals%20Guide in SuiteAnswers.

Optimizing SuiteScript Performance

Check to see if there are custom scripts in your account at Customization > Scripting > Scripts. The
following guidelines are suggested to optimize script performance:

■ General Scripting Guidelines

■ Accessing Records in Scripts
■ Scripting Searches
■ Using Multiple Script Queues

General Scripting Guidelines

■ Save retrieved values on a variable and use again on succeeding calls.
■ Execute a block of code only if it satisfies a condition.
Optimizing SuiteScript Performance 234

■ Remove redundant operations or actions and lines of code which are no longer used within the
script execution.
■ Remove duplicate logic on a script that is already performed by other events.
■ Combine similar scripts/functions whenever possible.
■ Inactivate scripts/deployments that are no longer needed.
■ Utilize asynchronous processing for user events.
■ Use built-in permissions (by leveraging Run as Role) instead of scripting permissions.
■ Utilize nlapiSubmitField() instead of nlapiSubmitRecord().
■ Utilize nlapiLookupField() instead of nlapiLoadRecord().

Accessing Records in Scripts

■ Retrieve records in read-only mode using nlapiGetNewRecord().
■ Do not set field values on the record object returned by nlapiGetNewRecord() because it is read-
■ If applicable, change the trigger of a script to avoid reloading a record.
■ Avoid using multiple calls to nlapiLoadRecord as part of a trial and error approach.
■ Avoid saving records multiple times in an After Record Submit event.
■ Avoid loading and submitting a record on a Before Record Submit trigger.
■ Minimize API calls that perform load, search, or save record operations.

Scripting Searches
■ Optimize search filters and columns. Make your search results faster by:
□ Filtering inactive records.
□ Entering shorter date range criteria.
□ Using faster operators such as starts with/between/within instead of contains/formulas.
□ Removing unnecessary columns.
■ Add fields to search results columns to avoid using nlapiLoadRecord or nlapiLookupField. This
improves performance by eliminating the operation of loading the entire nlobjRecord.
■ Remove search results columns that are not used by a script. Comment out any lines that add
columns to search results, here the returned values are not used by the succeeding script logic.
■ Combine searches of the same record type by using merged filters. Wherever possible, combine
searches for the same record into one main search with merged filters. This improves performance
by minimizing search instances.

Using Multiple Script Queues

If you are using multiple script queues, you can optimize them for performance.

■ Scripts can be deployed for future execution. You can select the queue at deployment. Multiple
deployments enable concurrent execution of a single script.
■ Spread work evenly across queues, so a script can be programmatically deployed to a queue right
away. To schedule a script, use nlapiScheduleScript(scriptId, deployId, params).
Optimizing SuiteTalk Performance 235

Optimizing SuiteTalk Performance

The following guidelines are suggested to optimize web services performance:

■ Request Level Credentials mechanism is preferred.

■ Use a Web Services Only form to minimize time to retrieve field values, included sourced fields and
formula fields.
■ Advanced Search allows reference to an existing saved search.
■ Use context API to run minimal user event scripts for real time integration.
■ Disable SuiteScript and workflow triggers for historical data imports.
■ Use list operations when possible. This approach works with multiple record types, for example,
addList Customer then Sales Order. The ideal list size is ~20 transactions, 50 entities/items, and 100
custom records.
■ Optimize system notes logging.
□ Disable System Notes for custom fields (SOAP preference).
□ Log System Notes on update only (general preference).
□ Disable System Notes for custom record type.

Optimizing SuiteFlow Performance

The following guidelines are suggested to optimize workflow performance:

■ Combine multiple workflows that have the same logic and functions into a single workflow.
■ Filter workflow execution by execution context and/or event type.
■ Scheduled workflows that operate on records with static data, or data that does not change often,
can be converted to event-based workflows instead. This way, the workflows do not execute on the
records unnecessarily.

Optimizing Custom Form Performance

To optimize form performance, use a minimalist approach with your custom forms. Ensure that you:

■ Use the fewest fields and sublists possible.

■ Minimize client scripts and workflows on forms, and manage them carefully.
■ Implement server callbacks only as required.
■ Use the free browser tool to audit the scripts on a form page
Increasing Speed and Performance in NetSuite 236

Increasing Speed and Performance in

In general terms, performance indicates how well a computer system or application is doing the work it
is supposed to do.

The NetSuite application is designed to use bandwidth more efficiently than many other websites.
In technical terms, NetSuite delivers a lower binary-to-text ratio than most websites, and we use
patent-pending browser-side caching algorithms to further reduce bandwidth requirements. The
actual bandwidth required will vary for each account, depending upon the number of users and how
NetSuite is used. A user of a typical NetSuite account does not require more than 56 Kbps of dedicated

Now that you know NetSuite is designed for optimal bandwidth performance, here are some other
topics covering how to further optimize the performance of the NetSuite application on your computer.

■ Identifying Performance Issues

■ Improving Server Performance
■ Improving Network Performance
■ Improving Client Performance
■ Speeding up your Searches and Reports

The following sections describe some basic steps for optimizing NetSuite performance.

■ Adjusting NetSuite Preferences

■ Adjusting Browser Settings
■ Configuring Dashboard Portlets

For tips to manage search and reporting performance, please read:

■ Optimizing Search Performance

■ Scheduling Long Running Reports

For tips to manage script-related performance issues, please read:

■ User Event Best Practices

■ How Many User Events Can I Have on One Record?

The following tip can help troubleshoot general performance issues:

■ Using a Trace Route to Troubleshoot Performance Issues

Identifying Performance Issues

Several different factors can contribute to performance issues. For example, slow performance in the
NetSuite application could be due to slow performance on a server at NetSuite, network performance,
or the performance of your computer, also known as client performance.

The information below can help you to identify the source of the performance issue you may be
experiencing, and provide guidance for troubleshooting. You can also find useful data to give NetSuite
customer support if needed.
Identifying Performance Issues 237

Gathering Performance Details

To help identify performance issues, you can double-click the NetSuite logo in the upper left corner
of any page in the NetSuite application to display Performance Details. This window is also known
as the Page Email and Time (or PET) window. It collects performance details that can be helpful for
troubleshooting. If necessary, you can copy the information displayed to provide data to NetSuite
Customer Support.

The Performance Details (or PET) window includes the following data:

■ Total – Displays total page load time in seconds.

Note: This data may not apply to reports, dashboards, centers, or saved searches.

■ Server – Displays the percentage of the total page load time spent on retrieving information from
the NetSuite server.
If this row has the highest percentage in the list, see Improving Server Performance.
■ Server SuiteScript – Displays as a percentage the server time that was spent on server-side
■ Server Workflow –Displays as a percentage the amount of server time that was spent on workflows.
■ Network – Displays the percentage of the total page load time it takes for data to travel from the
NetSuite servers to your computer.
If this row has the highest percentage in the list, the problem could be related to your Internet
Service provider (ISP). See Improving Network Performance.
■ Client – Displays the percentage of the total page load time it takes for your computer to render the
If this row has the highest percentage in the list, see Improving Client Performance.
■ Page – Displays the Web address of the page you are viewing in the application.
■ Email – Displays your email address.
■ Time – Displays system date and time.

The information in the Performance Details window is based on the data sent to the client from the
server. Occasionally, when the end to end time metric is not sent from the server, only the client, page,
email and time are shown.

If you experience slow performance consistently on a certain page, then use the information displayed
in the Performance Details (or PET) window to create a case with NetSuite Customer Support.

To copy performance details into a support case:

1. Double-click the NetSuite logo at the top left of the page that exhibits slow performance.
2. Select all the text in the window, and copy.
3. Click the Support tab.
Identifying Performance Issues 238

4. Click the SuiteAnswers link.

5. On the SuiteAnswers site, select Contact Support Online.
6. In the What would you like to do? field, select Report a performance problem.
7. Paste the text into the Message field.
8. Click Submit.

Improving Server Performance

Sever performance is measured as the time spent retrieving data from a NetSuite server. Adjusting
NetSuite preferences can also improve server performance.

Adjusting NetSuite Preferences

NetSuite includes many preferences that you can modify to configure your system for optimum
performance. To review available preference options, go to Home > Set Preferences.

Adjust the following preferences to speed page loading:

■ On the Appearance subtab, Centers & Dashboards section, set the Landing Page preference to
open NetSuite to a page other than the Home page. You can set this preference to open NetSuite on
the page that you visit most frequently.
■ On the General subtab, Optimizing NetSuite section:
□ Enable the Delay Loading of Sublists preference to initially load NetSuite pages without data on
When this preference is enabled, the data on each subtab is loaded only when the subtab is
clicked. This shortens the initial page loading time.
□ Set the Number of Rows in List Segments field to a lower number to speed the loading of pages
containing long lists.
NetSuite recommends a segment size of 50. When a page includes a long list of records, the list
is divided into segments, with one segment loaded at a time. Resetting this preference decreases
the size of each segment.
□ Set the Maximum Entries in Dropdowns field to a lower number to speed the loading of pages
containing dropdown lists with large numbers of options.
A setting of 50 or less is recommended, unless you find your workflow requires larger menus.
Any list with more results than this setting appears in a popup instead of a dropdown list. Using
popups speeds page load time.
▬ With dropdown lists, all values in a list are loaded when you access a page.
▬ With popup list fields, the lists are not loaded until you search for an item or click the list icon.
You can quickly search and automatically complete fields by entering the first few letters of
the item and pressing the Tab key.

Speeding up your Searches and Reports

Displaying many thousands of rows of search results or report data can put considerable load on a
NetSuite server. Consequently, you may experience a delay in the display of your search results, or
your report.
Improving Server Performance 239

The topics below describe ways in which you can optimize NetSuite to display your search results and
reports more quickly.

■ Optimizing Search Performance

■ Scheduling Long Running Reports

Optimizing Search Performance

NetSuite provides powerful search capabilities that enable you to retrieve the precise information you
need from a potentially vast amount of stored data. However, going through a large number of stored
records can slow down search results. Review the following tips for managing search performance.

For information about different types of NetSuite searches, see the help topic Search Overview. For
details about preferences you can set for searches, go to Home > Set Preferences, and click on field
names on the Analytics subtab.

Avoiding the “Contains” Condition in Searches

The contains condition is one of the most resource-expensive search mechanisms. Try to replace this
condition wherever possible to improve search performance:

■ If all the records you want to retrieve begin with the value you are attempting to match, use “starts
with” or “keywords” instead of “contains”.
For example, if you are searching for all records for customers with names beginning with
“Goldman”, such as “Goldman Sachs-NY” and “Goldman Sachs-SF”, you can define search criteria of
“Name/ID starts with Goldman”, rather than “Name/ID contains Goldman”.
■ If all the records you want to retrieve contain words beginning with the value you are attempting to
match, use “has keywords” instead of “contains”.
For example, if you are searching for all records for customers with the word “Toys” in their names,
such as “KayBee Toys” and “Toys R' Us”, you can define search criteria of “Name/ID has keywords

Scheduling Long-Running Saved Searches

NetSuite offers you the option of scheduling saved searches and having results emailed to the
recipients you choose, so you do not have to stop your work to wait for long-running searches. On the
Email subtab of a Saved Search definition page, you can choose the date or dates when you want to
run the search, and select one or more recipients for emailed search results. Scheduled saved searches
are run at 2 a.m. Pacific time on selected dates. For more information, see the help topic Enabling
Saved Search Scheduled Email.

Scheduling Long Running Reports

If you discover that a report takes a long time to return results, you can click Schedule in the footer
of the report. Clicking the Schedule button opens the Schedule Report page where you can create a
schedule to automatically email the report. Schedules can be created for standard and saved reports
and can be sent to other users.

On the Schedule Report page you can select recipients, enter a message, and/or select attachments
to include with the emailed report. You can then use the options on the Recurrence tab to define how
often you want this report emailed to the recipients.
Improving Server Performance 240

For more information, see the help topic Scheduling a Report.

If performance of a scheduled report or saved search is abnormally slow, log a case with NetSuite
Customer Support.

Warning: If your report is not returning results quickly enough, do not repeatedly attempt to
run it while the original report is still running. Executing multiple reports at the same time can
cause significant performance issues.

Improving Network Performance

Network performance is measured as the time it takes for data to travel from a server at NetSuite to
your computer. Some pages in NetSuite may take longer to load than others.

The following issues are symptoms of network performance problems:

■ A form, such as a customer record, or transaction taking a long time to finish loading.
■ A report taking a long time to display data on the page.

Use the Performance Details (or PET) window to determine if network time accounts for a large amount
(for example, 25% or more) of the total time to bring up a slow page. For more information, see
Gathering Performance Details.

If you are experiencing issues similar to the ones listed above, we recommend that you log in to
NetSuite using Users in Europe and Asia may notice
better performance logging in on system2. If the system2 domain provides better performance, then
you can continue to use this domain to work as usual in your NetSuite account.

If you notice persistent slowness due to network performance, see Getting Help with Performance
Issues from NetSuite Customer Support to learn how to submit a case to NetSuite Customer Support.

Improving Client Performance

Client performance is measured as the time it takes for your computer to render a page. Other
applications running on your computer in addition to NetSuite are using your computer's resources.
These applications may impact the performance of the NetSuite application on your computer.

Some client performance problems may appear in one browser and not in another. For example, if
you display a list of sales orders with Internet Explorer 8, the page may render more slowly than if you
display sales orders with Firefox. These differences may result from browser configuration, security
defenders, and/or individual browser add-ons.

Also note that some NetSuite tasks require intensive resources, for example creation of a sales order
with 200 items.

Identifying Client Performance Issues

To identify client performance issues:
1. Right-click the toolbar on your computer. Select Start Task Manager.
2. Click the Processes tab.
Improving Client Performance 241

3. Click Memory to sort the processes based on memory usage, or RAM.

There are no universal requirements for the amount of Random Access Memory (RAM) or how fast a
computer must be to run NetSuite. The requirements depend on the way your computer is being used
and on the other applications running on your computer. For example, your computer may be able to
run NetSuite but is not powerful enough to run NetSuite with your Voice Over IP (VOIP) application. Or,
your computer is powerful enough to run your VOIP application and NetSuite at the same time, but
cannot create a sales order that contains 200 line items.

Troubleshooting Client Performance Issues

To troubleshoot client performance issues:
1. Close all the applications you are not using. If you need to run more than one application
consider increasing your computer resources.
2. Check your Security Defender (Anti Spyware/Virus/Phishing) firewall application. Some of these
applications check the page before loading it on your browser; this check can cause a delay.
3. Remove any spyware that could be using your computer's resources.
4. Determine whether the issue is only happening for one type of form. Try to determine what is
different about the form as compared to other forms that load more quickly.
5. Test on different browsers. You can install Firefox on your computer for free. Load the page
using Firefox, then load the page using Internet Explorer. Use the browser that displays the page
6. Determine whether there are add-ons running on your browser, like Anti Virus, Anti SPAM, or
phishing? Eliminate browser add-ons, one by one, to identify the cause of the issue.
7. For more information about improving browser performance, see Adjusting Browser Settings.

Configuring Dashboard Portlets

NetSuite provides great flexibility for dashboard configuration, giving you the freedom to include a
large number of portlets on every page. Be aware that the loading of real-time data for portlets can
increase page loading times. For example, Key Performance Indicators portlets and custom saved
search portlets may be slow to load.

When you are setting up your dashboard, consider ways to manage page loading performance.

■ If you would like easy access to a portlet's information but do not need to see it right on your
dashboard, consider adding a shortcut in the shortcuts portlet, rather than placing an additional
portlet on the dashboard. For information, see the help topic Shortcuts Portlet.
■ If you want to include slow-loading portlets on your dashboard, you can avoid loading their data at
initial page load by minimizing them.
To minimize a portlet, click the portlet's title.
Then, after a page has been loaded, you can click the title of a minimized portlet to display the data.

Adjusting Browser Settings

In some cases slow performance in the NetSuite user interface or in a web store may be caused by
browser issues.
Improving Client Performance 242

To verify whether a performance issue is caused by the browser:

1. Check the browser version.
■ Verify that the browser version is supported by NetSuite. For more information, see the help
topic Supported Browsers for NetSuite.
■ Ensure that you are using the latest version of the browser.
■ Use of trial, development, or early adoption browser versions is not recommended.
2. Check whether the problem is occurring on other supported browsers.

Adjusting browser settings to cache pages in your Web browser enables you to quickly access the
pages you visit frequently. These adjustments make pages load faster and reduce the possibility of
JavaScript error messages.

NetSuite recommends that you adjust browser settings to maximize your NetSuite performance. For
information, see:

■ Caching Pages in Internet Explorer

■ Caching Pages in Firefox
■ Enabling Caching of Secure Pages in Firefox
■ Caching Pages in Chrome

Caching Pages in Internet Explorer

To cache pages and improve performance in Internet Explorer:
1. In your browser header, go to Tools > Internet Options.
2. On the General tab, in the Temporary Internet Files or Browsing history section, click Settings.
a. In the Check for newer versions of stored pages section, select Automatically.

Warning: Do not choose the Never option. The Never option does not
significantly improve performance but can create security issues by delivering Web
pages that contain expired data.

b. In the Temporary Internet files folder section, set Amount of disk space to use: to 50MB.
c. Click OK.
3. Click the Security tab.
a. Click the Trusted Sites icon, and then click the Sites button.
b. Enter the address https://* and click Add.
c. Click OK.
4. Click the Privacy tab.
The Settings section should not require any changes.
NetSuite recommends setting the slider to Medium or Medium High.
Setting privacy to High requires that you manually enter, https://, and as allowed sites by clicking the Sites
5. In the Pop-up Blocker section, if the Block pop-ups box is checked, click Settings.
a. Enter the address, and click Add.
b. Click Close.
Improving Client Performance 243

6. Click the Advanced tab.

a. Under the HTTP 1.1 section ensure that both the Use HTTP 1.1 and Use HTTP 1.1 through
proxy connections boxes are checked.
These settings guarantee that all content on a page is delivered as rapidly as possible.
b. Under the Security section, clear the box for Do not save encrypted pages to disk.
If you must ensure that none of your cached content is ever accessible, check the Empty
Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed box instead. This will cause
NetSuite to perform more slowly upon login, but all subsequent pages will perform well.
7. Click Apply, and then click OK.

Caching Pages in Firefox

To cache pages in Firefox:

1. In the browser heading, go to Tools > Options.
2. Click the Advanced icon.
3. In the Cache section, edit your settings to “Use up to: 50 MB of disk space for the cache.”
4. Click OK.
Close all open browser windows after changing your settings, and then open a new browser
window before logging back in to your NetSuite account.
If you encounter JavaScript errors after making these changes, hold down the Ctrl key while
clicking the Refresh button in your browser. This forces an update of your cached JavaScript files.
If this change does not result in performance improvements, you can check to see whether the
caching of secure pages currently is enabled.

Enabling Caching of Secure Pages in Firefox

Note that client performance can be adversely impacted because of the default setting in Firefox not to
cache secure pages.

To enable caching in Firefox for secure pages (

1. Open a Firefox browser window.
2. In the address bar, type the text below:


3. Click Go.
4. Scroll down to the preference browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl.
5. Right-click on the preference line and select Toggle to set the Value to “true.”
Firefox now caches secure pages, including all pages. By caching
these pages, Firefox can load pages more quickly.

Caching Pages in Chrome

Chrome comes with most caching optimization in place, so no manual configuration is required.
Troubleshooting Performance Issues 244

Troubleshooting Performance Issues

This section provides tips for handling various NetSuite application performance issues. Each topic
includes suggested steps you can take to improve slow performance for a specific aspect of NetSuite.
This information has been compiled by NetSuite Customer Support, based on their experiences
troubleshooting performance issues.

Before consulting the troubleshooting tips, check to see if there are any system
issues currently being addressed, and the resolution path.

To help with troubleshooting performance issues, use the Application Performance Management (APM)
SuiteApp to monitor and manage NetSuite performance for business critical operations. APM compiles
information into a performance dashboard that highlights performance issues and anomalies, and
links to more detail. For more information, see the help topic Application Performance Management

See the following topics for help with performance issues:

■ Slow Loading of Dropdown Lists

■ Slow Display of Transaction Line Item Values
■ Slow Performance when Adding Transaction Line Items
■ Slow Loading of List Rows
■ Slow Loading of Sublist Rows
■ Slow-Running Report
■ Slow-Running Saved Search
■ Slow Export of Report or Saved Search Results
■ Slow Execution of a Single Action on a Record
■ Slow Load of a Standard List Page
■ Slow-Running Bulk Process
■ Slow Loading of Key Performance Indicators
■ Slow CSV Import
■ Slow Web Services
■ Slow Loading of a Website Page
■ Slow Loading of an Online Customer Form Embedded in a Website
■ Slow Loading of an Online Case Form Embedded in a Website
■ Slow Web Store Checkout
■ Getting Help with Performance Issues from NetSuite Customer Support

Slow Loading of Dropdown Lists

Dropdown lists allow users to select values and are widely used in the NetSuite application.

If loading the dropdown list takes longer than usual:

1. Check the Maximum Entries in Dropdowns field at Home > Set Preferences, on the General
subtab, in the Optimizing NetSuite section. Set this value to 25 or less to reduce load times. For
more information, see the help topic Setting General Preferences.
Slow Loading of Dropdown Lists 245

2. If you are using Internet Explorer, check the Prefer Native Select Fields Over NS Dropdowns in
Internet Explorer option at Home > Set Preferences on the General subtab, in the Optimizing
NetSuite section. For more information, see the help topic Setting General Preferences.
3. Check whether the Editing a Custom Field.
a. If the field is a custom field:
■ To see what kind of custom field it is, go to Customization > Lists, Records, and Fields,
and check the list of different custom fields to find the specific custom field.
■ Review the description of the field in Kinds of Custom Fields.
■ Ensure that the basic properties of this kind of custom field are appropriate for the
intended purpose.
■ For information about how to define a custom field see the help topic Creating a
Custom Field.
b. If the field is a standard field, contact NetSuite Customer Support.
4. Check whether a client script function is being triggered.
■ See the help topic Using the Scripted Records Page.
■ Be aware that the following client script functions may affect fields:
□ Validate Field
□ Field Changed
□ Post Sourcing
For more information see the help topics Client Event Types and Client Script Best Practices.

Slow Display of Transaction Line Item Values

When you are creating or editing a transaction, each time you add a line item, a list of available items
displays for you to make a selection.

If loading the list of available items to add on a transaction takes longer than usual:
1. Check the Maximum Entries in Dropdowns field at Home > Set Preferences on the General
subtab, in the Optimizing NetSuite section. Set this value to 25 or less to reduce load times. For
more information, see the help topic Setting General Preferences.
2. Check whether the form is a standard or custom form.
a. If the form is customized, check its settings to see whether an item saved search is used to
filter the items available to be added.
■ Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms and edit the transaction form.
■ On the Screen Fields subtab, click the Columns subtab, and see whether the Item
Filter dropdown list is populated.
■ If a saved search is selected in the Item Filter dropdown list, the performance problem
may be related to the saved search.
□ Run the saved search to see if it runs slowly. If it does, the problem is related to the
saved search.
□ Determine the number of item records returned by the saved search. See Speeding
up your Searches and Reports.
□ Check the criteria and results of the saved search to see if it can be enhanced to
run faster. See the help topics Defining an Advanced Search and Optimizing Search
Slow Display of Transaction Line Item Values 246

b. If the form is a standard form, contact NetSuite Customer Support.

Slow Performance when Adding Transaction Line

Most transactions require you to enter one or more line items to account for the transaction total. Line
items you enter determine the changes that post in NetSuite when you process the transaction. For
more information, see the help topic Entering Transaction Line Items.

If there is a noticeable delay from the time an item is selected on a transaction line
to the time it is added:
1. Check whether a client script function is being triggered.
Be aware that the following client script functions may affect fields:
■ Line Init
■ Post Sourcing
■ Validate Line
■ Validate Insert
■ Validate Delete
■ Recalc
For more information see the help topics Client Event Types and Client Script Best Practices.

Slow Loading of List Rows

You can use NetSuite lists to access individual records or to work with multiple records at one time. For
more information, see the help topic Working with Lists.

If loading a list takes longer than usual:

1. Check the Number of Rows in List Segments field at Home > Set Preferences on the General
subtab, in the Optimizing NetSuite section. Set this value to 25 or less to reduce load times. For
more information, see the help topic Setting General Preferences.
2. Check whether the list view is standard or custom.
3. If the list view is custom, switch to the default view and observe whether performance is still
slow. See the help topic Working with List Views, Sublist Views, and Dashboard Views.
4. If performance is faster with the default view, use that view or modify the custom list view for
better performance.
■ For help editing a customized list view, see the help topic Customizing List Views.
□ A best practice is to select only the columns that are needed. The selected fields for results
and available filters affect performance because they determine the volume of data
returned for display in the list.
■ For help using a saved search as a list view, see the help topic Using a Saved Search as a View.
□ Determine the number of records returned by the saved search. For more information,
see Speeding up your Searches and Reports.
□ Check the criteria and results of the saved search to see if they can be limited. For more
information, see the help topics Defining an Advanced Search and Optimizing Search
Slow Loading of List Rows 247

□ Run the saved search to check its performance. If it runs slowly, then the problem is with
the saved search.
5. If the list is standard, contact NetSuite Customer Support.
6. If the list view cannot be customized, contact NetSuite Customer Support.

Slow Loading of Sublist Rows

Sublists are lists that are viewed in a subtab.

If loading a sublist takes longer than usual:

1. Check the account setting for loading of sublists (clear the Delay Loading of Sublists box on
Setup > Company Preferences > General). If your records have a large number of sublists, enable
this option. Load time of the page improves if the sublists are not on the initial tab.
2. Check whether the sublist view is standard or custom.
3. If the sublist view is custom, switch to the default view and observe whether performance is
still slow. For more information, see the help topic Working with List Views, Sublist Views, and
Dashboard Views.
4. If performance is faster with the default view, use that view or modify the custom sublist view for
better performance.
■ For help editing a customized sublist view, see the help topic Customizing Sublist Views.
□ A best practice is to select only the columns that are needed. The selected fields for results
and available filters affect performance because they determine the volume of data
returned for display in the list.
■ For help using a saved search as a list view, see the help topic Using a Saved Search as a View.
□ Determine the number of records returned by the saved search. For more information,
see Speeding up your Searches and Reports.
□ Check the criteria and results of the saved search to see if they can be limited. For more
information, see the help topics Defining an Advanced Search and Optimizing Search
□ Run the saved search to check its performance. If it runs slowly, then the problem is with
the saved search.
5. If the sublist is standard, contact NetSuite Customer Support.

Slow-Running Report
A large number of standard reports are available from the Reports tab. Customized versions of some
reports may also be available.

If loading report results takes longer than usual:

1. Check whether the report is standard or custom.
2. If the report is customized:
■ Determine the volume of data being returned. For more information, see Speeding up your
Searches and Reports.
■ Check the customizations applied to the report and assess whether these can be modified to
get better results.
□ A best practice is to select only the columns that are needed.
Slow-Running Report 248

■ Consider scheduling the report to be run in the background, if you do not need real-time
information. For more information, see Scheduling Long Running Reports.
3. If the report is standard, contact NetSuite Customer Support.
For a list of standard reports, see the help topic Standard Reports.

Slow-Running Saved Search

A saved search is a reusable search definition that can have many advanced search filters and results
display options. After you have defined a saved search, the users designated as audience members can
access the search by title from NetSuite saved search menus, or from links to search results.

If loading search results takes longer than usual:

1. Check the settings of the search.
■ Determine the number of records being returned. For more information, see Speeding up
your Searches and Reports.
■ Check the criteria and results of the saved search to see if they can be modified for better
□ A best practice is to select only the fields that are needed on the Results subtab.
□ You may be able to use a formula to simplify filter criteria. Large data gathered from
multiple filters may display results faster when a single formula filter is used instead. For
more information, see the help topic Search Formula Examples and Tips.
2. Consider scheduling the saved search to be run in the background, if you do not need real-time
information. See the help topic Sending Saved Search Email.
3. Consider using the high volume data export capability for saved searches. See the help topic
Persisting Search Results.

Saved Search Custom Fields

If your saved search is slow, limit the use of saved search custom fields that run large aggregate
searches. The number of queries executed grows with each saved search field.

All searches are run every time a record is loaded (to view or edit). The saved search custom field is not
stored, and the search is executed each time the page loads. Instead of adding a field to the page, it is
better to use a saved search page.

You can add a record ID filter to the saved search page to get the field value filtered by the record ID.
This way, you do not slow down every page load.

Slow Export of Report or Saved Search Results

You can export your report as a CSV file or a PDF file, or export the data to Microsoft® Word, or
Microsoft® Excel. You also can export most NetSuite search results as a CSV file or a PDF file, or export
the data to Microsoft® Excel.

If exporting results from a report or a saved search takes longer than usual:
1. Determine the number of records being returned. For more information, see Speeding up your
Searches and Reports, and the SuiteAnswers article Error Message: “This Search Has Timed Out”
when trying to Export the Saved Search.
Slow Export of Report or Saved Search Results 249

2. Compare the performance of exports to different file formats, to see if another file format has
better performance. See the Comparing Export Formats section in Exporting Reports, Searches,
and Lists.
3. Perform a trace route to determine if there is an issue with the network.
Exporting is similar to downloading data and requires a strong and stable internet connection.
For more information, see Using a Trace Route to Troubleshoot Performance Issues.
4. Areas of the world where network is heavily monitored (for example, China) may experience
network-related issues when downloading reports. NetSuite is not the ISP and does not own the
network monitoring. Using a VPN connection might help improve the download speed.

Slow Execution of a Single Action on a Record

The actions that users can perform on a NetSuite record are view, edit, create, and delete.

If completing an action on a record is taking longer than usual:

1. After the action has completed, review the Performance Details.

You can double-click the NetSuite logo in the upper left corner of any page in the NetSuite
application to display Performance Details. This page is also known as the Page Email and Time
(PET) window. For more information, see Identifying Performance Issues.
■ If the largest portion of time is associated with the server:
□ See Improving Server Performance for tips.
□ Check whether SuiteScript time or workflow time make up a large portion of the server
time. If so, see the help topics User Event Best Practices and the SuiteAnswers article
SuiteScript Best Practice: Convert After Submit to Before Submit Logic.
□ If further investigation is required, log a case with Customer Support.
■ If the largest portion of time is associated with the client:
□ See Improving Client Performance and the SuiteAnswers article Client Side Performance
Causes for tips.
□ Determine whether the problem is related to the browser. See Adjusting Browser Settings.
□ Determine whether a client script function is being triggered. See the following:
▬ Using the Scripted Records Page
▬ Client Event Types
▬ Client Script Best Practices
■ If the largest portion of time is associated with the network:
□ Perform a trace route going to See Using a Trace Route to
Troubleshoot Performance Issues.
□ If possible, connect to a different network and observe whether the problem is still
present. This step helps to isolate potential network factors.

Slow Load of a Standard List Page

NetSuite provides list pages for bulk transaction processing such as Approve Sales Orders and Bill
Slow Load of a Standard List Page 250

If loading a standard list page is taking longer than usual:

1. Check the number of transactions displayed on the page.

■ Transactions are listed in a sublist, with the fields required for the process.
■ The value for each field is pulled from each transaction record before being displayed in the
■ The time it takes to pull field values from a single record is multiplied by the number of
transactions listed.
2. Check whether the list is customized.
■ Click Customize.
■ On the Additional Columns tab, review how many columns are selected.
■ Additional columns affect performance; it is a best practice to only select the columns that
are required.
3. Add filters to the list of transactions.
■ Filters can positively impact performance by limiting the transactions listed.
■ A best practice is to display only the transactions to be processed.
4. After the action has completed, review the Performance Details.
You can double-click the NetSuite logo in the upper left corner of any page in the NetSuite
application to display Performance Details. This window is also known as the Page Email and
Time (PET) window. For more information, see Identifying Performance Issues.
■ If the largest portion of time is associated with the server, log a case with NetSuite Customer
■ If the largest portion of time is associated with the client:
□ See Improving Client Performance and the SuiteAnswers article Client Side Performance
Causes for tips.
□ Determine whether the problem is related to the browser. See Adjusting Browser Settings.
□ Determine whether a client script function is being triggered. See the following:
▬ Using the Scripted Records Page
▬ Client Event Types
▬ Client Script Best Practices
■ If the largest portion of time is associated with the network:
□ Perform a trace route going to See Using a Trace Route to
Troubleshoot Performance Issues.
□ If possible, connect to a different network and observe whether the problem is still
present. This step helps to isolate potential network factors.

Slow-Running Bulk Process

Many operations in NetSuite can be performed as bulk processes. These include tasks such as approval
of journal entries and fulfillment of sales orders, and mass updates of field values that may be
standard or customized.

If a bulk process takes a long time to complete:

Consider the number of records being processed.

Slow-Running Bulk Process 251

■ A bulk process can take longer to complete if a larger number of records is involved.
■ Some bulk processes are limited to a defined number of records that can be processed at one time,
and do not complete successfully if the number of records exceeds this threshold.
■ For more information, search for the following topics in SuiteAnswers:
□ Maximum Number of Sales Orders That Can be Processed in Bulk Fulfill Page
□ Bulk Billing Purchase Order Limit
□ Mass Update Limitation
□ Bulk Merge Limit Per Month
□ Line Limit for Vendor Bill Variance Journal Entries
□ Revenue Recognition Enhancements

Slow Loading of Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) synthesize raw data into critical business metrics that can be
displayed in dashboard portlets. For more information, see the help topic Key Performance Indicators

If loading a KPI takes too long after it has been executed:

1. Consider the amount of data being processed.
The volume of data being processed can affect performance. More time could be required to
process a greater volume of data.
2. Check whether the KPI is standard or custom.
■ If the KPI is custom, review the saved search used as a basis for the custom KPI. See the
troubleshooting steps in Slow-Running Saved Search and Optimizing Search Performance.
■ If the KPI is standard, contact NetSuite Customer Support.
For a list of standard KPIs, see the help topic Standard Key Performance Indicators Table.
3. Consider using the Cached Data option in the KPI portlet’s setup settings to prevent the KPI
portlet from updating data on page load. When this option is selected, the KPIs data is updated
every 12 hours or when you click the Refresh icon in the KPI portlet.

Slow CSV Import

CSV import is the most commonly used method for transferring small to medium-sized data sets from
other applications into NetSuite. You can use an Import Assistant to step through the process for most
CSV imports. For more information, see the help topic CSV Imports Overview.

If a CSV import is taking longer than usual:

1. Assess the volume of data being imported.
The number of rows and columns in a CSV file affect the performance of a CSV import. You may
be able to break up a large import job into multiple, smaller jobs. See the help topic General CSV
File Conventions for best practices.
2. Check the Run Server SuiteScripts and Trigger Workflows option at Setup > Import/Export >
CSV Import Preferences.
Slow CSV Import 252

For information about this option see the help topic Setting CSV Import Preferences.
■ If possible, disable this option to improve CSV import performance.
■ For instances that require some scripts or workflows to execute for data changes occurring
during CSV imports, NetSuite recommends that you make sure that other unneeded scripts
and workflows do not execute during CSV imports.
□ For scripts, add a condition that prevents execution when the context is CSV import. See
the help topic nlobjContext for information about the getExecutionContext() method to
use for this purpose.
□ For workflows, clear the CSV option in the Context field. See the following for more
▬ Creating a Workflow
▬ Workflow Context Types
▬ Context Types Reference
3. If your account has one or more SuiteCloud Plus licenses, try running a slow CSV import on a
different queue.
See the help topic Using Multiple Threads and Multiple Queues to Run CSV Import Jobs.

Slow Web Services

The SuiteTalk Platform provides programmatic access to NetSuite data and business processes through
an XML-based application programming interface (API), using SOAP-based web services and HTTPS

If a web services operation is taking longer than usual:

1. Assess the volume of data involved in the web services request.
For information about factors that affect web services performance, see the following:
■ Understanding Web Services Governance
■ Web Services (SuiteTalk) FAQ
■ Web Services Processing
2. Check the preferences set for web services, at Setup > Integration > Web Services Preferences.
For more information, see the help topic Setting Company-Wide Preferences.
3. Run tests to determine whether the problem is isolated to web services only or also occurs in
other contexts.
■ Simulate the action in a single record in the UI, to see whether a timeout error is
■ For addList or upsert operations, try to do a similar process through an add/update CSV
import job.
If the problem occurs in these other contexts, then it is more general and not related to your
web services.
4. For web services search operations, check the search definition.
■ If the search is being created in web services, see help topics about web services search
operations for tips.
■ If the web services search references an existing saved search, see the troubleshooting step
in Slow performance when running Saved Searches.
Slow Loading of a Website Page 253

Slow Loading of a Website Page

You can use NetSuite to host your website.

If loading a page for a NetSuite-hosted website is taking longer than usual:

1. Check whether the website is using Site Builder or SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA).
See the following for information:
■ Best Practices for Web Site Performance (Site Builder)
■ SuiteAnswers article Accessing Web Site is Slow after Clearing the Browser’s Cache
2. Use the network tool available in the browser developer tools.
■ For Internet Explorer: HTTPWATCH at
■ For Firefox: FireBug at
■ For Chrome: Google Developer Tool at
3. Identify the page where slow performance is occurring.
4. If the problem just began occurring, check with the person who manages your website to
determine if changes have been made recently.

Slow Loading of an Online Customer Form

Embedded in a Website
An online customer form can be embedded in a website.

If loading an online customer form in a website is taking longer than usual:

1. Load the publishable URL of the form independently from the website to determine whether the
problem is related to the form load or the page itself.
a. Go to Setup > Marketing > Online Customer Forms.
b. View the form embedded in the website.
c. On the External subtab, click Publishable Form URL.
d. Use the URL to load the plain form, without website customizations.
2. Check the setup of the online customer form. Consider the following properties that may affect
■ Select Fields
□ Fields that source values may take more time to load, depending on the size of the
sourced data.
□ Having a large number of select fields may add to the time required to load the form on
the page. Do not include fields that are not needed.
■ Custom Code
□ When a script function is triggered after a form is loaded, users may not be able to
interact with the page immediately.
□ It may seem like the page is still loading because it is not yet responsive, but instead the
script is still running.
Slow Loading of an Online Customer Form Embedded in a Website 254

For more information, see the help topic Creating an Online Customer Form.

Slow Loading of an Online Case Form Embedded

in a Website
An online case form can be embedded in a website.

If loading an online case form in a website is taking longer than usual:

1. Load the publishable URL of the form independently from the website to determine whether the
problem is related to the form load or the page itself.
a. Go to Setup > Support > Online Case Forms.
b. View the form embedded in the website.
c. On the External subtab, click Publishable Form URL.
d. Use the URL to load the plain form, without website customizations.
2. Check the setup of the online case form. Consider the following properties that may affect
■ Select Fields
□ Fields that source values may take more time to load, depending on the size of the
sourced data.
□ Having a large number of select fields may add to the time required to load the form on
the page.
■ Custom Code
□ When a script function is triggered after a form is loaded, users may not be able to
interact with the page immediately.
□ It may seem like the page is still loading because it is not yet responsive, but instead the
script is still running.
For more information, see the help topic Online Case Forms.

Slow Web Store Checkout

The web store checkout process includes the following tasks:

■ Add an item to the shopping cart

■ Apply a promotion code
■ Register as a new customer
■ Log in as a returning customer
■ Log in as a guest
■ Select a shipping option
■ Select a payment option
■ Submit the order
■ Load the order confirmation page
Slow Web Store Checkout 255

If the checkout process using NetSuite’s cart and checkout is taking longer than
1. Use the network tool available in the browser developer tools.
■ For Internet Explorer: HTTPWATCH at
■ For Firefox: FireBug at
■ For Chrome: Google Developer Tool at
2. Identify the page where slow performance is occurring.
3. Check whether standard checkout or reference checkout is implemented in the website.
■ Standard checkout is the default checkout provided with Site Builder. If your website is using
this type of checkout:
□ Check for elements such as heavy images and scripts implemented in the Shopping and
Checkout tabs. These can affect performance because loading elements with large file
sizes may require more time.
□ You can make changes by navigating to Lists > Web Site > Tabs, and editing the Shopping
tab or the Checkout tab.
■ Reference checkout is NetSuite's reference implementation of the web store checkout
process, which includes customized login, cart, and checkout pages, along with associated
source files and assets. If your website is using this type of checkout, you can try to modify
any customizations that have been made to these pages to achieve better performance.
4. Check whether Scriptable Cart and Checkout is enabled in Setup > Site Builder > Set Up Web
■ This feature allows client-side scripts to be triggered in the website, which may contribute to
page load time.
■ For more information, see the help topic Deploying and Running Scriptable Cart.
5. If the problem just began occurring, check with the person who manages your website to
determine if changes have been made recently.

Troubleshooting Problems with Firewalls and

Proxy Servers

Firewalls and NetSuite

A firewall is generally set up to protect your network or computer from unwanted Internet traffic. The
primary function of a firewall is to let good traffic pass through while bad traffic is blocked. If your
company uses a firewall to monitor Internet traffic, your network manager may need to modify the
firewall to use NetSuite successfully.

If you are experiencing performance issues, pages that load slowly, or frequent time-outs, try accessing
NetSuite from a location outside of the firewall. If you determine that the firewall may be a problem, try
making the following changes to the firewall:

■ Set up the firewall to allow all traffic to and from:

Troubleshooting Problems with Firewalls and Proxy Servers 256

■ Open the following Ports:
□ Port 80 for non-secure http pages
□ Port 443 for secure https pages
□ Port 1708 for SuiteAnalytics Connect access

Proxy Servers and NetSuite

A proxy server is not recommended for use with NetSuite.

When your company uses a proxy server for internet traffic, and you visit a Web page from your work
station, a request is sent to the proxy server for that page. The proxy server retrieves the page from
the Internet and forwards the page to your computer. The page is then cached, or saved, on the proxy
server's disk drive for future use. For subsequent requests of the same page, the proxy server returns
the cached version of the page stored on its drive instead of accessing a current version of the page
from the Internet.

Cached pages returned by a proxy server can cause problems when using NetSuite, because you need
to view accurate and up to date information about your company, but the proxy server shows cached
pages with stale data.

Getting Help with Performance Issues from

NetSuite Customer Support
Generally, when you encounter performance issues with NetSuite, log a case with NetSuite Customer
Support if any of the following are true:

■ The problem has arisen suddenly.

■ The problem is isolated to a single record, role, or user, or to a small set of records, roles, or users.
■ You need further assistance.

If you notice persistent slowness due to network performance, report the problem to NetSuite
Customer Support only after you have observed a high percentage in the Network section of the
Performance Details (or PET) window at least three times in succession. For more information, see
Gathering Performance Details.

To open a case with Customer Support,

1. Click the Support tab.
2. Click the SuiteAnswers link.
3. On the SuiteAnswers site, select Contact Support Online.
4. In the What would you like to do? field, select Report a performance problem.
5. Add detailed information about the issue you are experiencing into the Message field.

When you report a Network Performance issue to Customer Support, please include answers to the
questions below. This information will help to diagnose and resolve the problem quickly.

■ What browser are you using? Do you have any plug-ins installed?
■ Are you using a firewall? If so, what is the name and version of the firewall software or device? What
ports are open?
Getting Help with Performance Issues from NetSuite Customer Support 257

■ Are you using a proxy for your HTTP Connections? If so, what is the name and version of the
software? For more information, see Troubleshooting Problems with Firewalls and Proxy Servers.
■ Are you using an anti-virus or anti-spyware application? If so, what is the name and version of the
■ Include your public IP address in the case.
To get this information, go to

The more information you add to a case, the better NetSuite Customer Support can serve you. If you
are using a PC, open a command prompt and run the following commands to gather more information
to add to your case:

■ Execute a dnslookup on the affected domain and include the output. For example, if you are having
trouble with, then type the command below in a Command Prompt window,
and press Enter.


■ Execute a traceroute on the affected domain and include the output. For more information, see
Using a Trace Route to Troubleshoot Performance Issues.
■ Execute the following commands, and add the results to your case.

telnet 443

Using a Trace Route to Troubleshoot Performance Issues

You can perform a trace route (tracert) to determine if the performance issues you are experiencing
are due to your Internet connection or to NetSuite server performance.

To perform a trace route:

On a PC:
1. Open a command window.
a. Click the Start icon on the Windows Taskbar.
b. Type cmd.
c. Press Enter
2. At the command prompt type cd\.
3. Press Enter.
4. At the C:\> prompt type


5. Press Enter.

On a Mac:
1. Open the Network Utility application.
By default, this application is located in the Utilities folder, found inside the Applications folder
on the main system hard drive (Hard Drive > Applications > Utilities > Network Utility).
Getting Help with Performance Issues from NetSuite Customer Support 258

2. Click the Traceroute tab.

3. Enter in the network address box, and click Trace.

The results of this command will show the path taken from your computer and every hop taken to
reach NetSuite. Look for "Timed Out" or any result over 200ms. The first line which reads Timed Out or
is over 200ms may indicate a connection problem.

If the first problematic line is within the first three lines, this usually indicates a connectivity issue within
your own network. Please contact your network administrator, and provide the results of your trace

If the first problematic line appears after the first three lines and before the last three result lines, this
indicates there may be a problem with a router you travel through prior to reaching NetSuite's servers.
Please contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) with the results of the trace route so they can further
investigate any connection problems.

If you are getting timed out within the last three result lines, this may point to a performance problem
with NetSuite's network providers. Contact NetSuite Support for assistance.

To copy the results of the trace route and paste them into a NetSuite support case:
1. On a PC:
1. At the command prompt type cd\.
2. Press Enter.
3. At the C:\> prompt type:

tracert.exe ­-4 ­-d>>results.txt

4. Press Enter.
5. Open My Computer from your desktop, and then open the (C:) drive.
6. Double-click the results.txt file to open it.
7. Copy the results of the trace route.
2. On a Mac:
1. Highlight the results of the trace route.
2. Go to Edit > Copy.
3. In NetSuite, click the Support tab.
4. Click the SuiteAnswers link.
5. On the SuiteAnswers site, click Contact Support Online.
6. Paste the trace route results into the Message field.

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