Lesson 2: Obey Your Parents

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Big Idea: Obey your parents.

Key Question: What should obedience look like?
Memory Verse: Obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord. (Colossians 3:20)

Overview: Today we’re learning our second Kid Basics that will help you survive as a kid. Our first one was about
putting God first. Instead of just spending time with friends or watching TV, you need to make time for God, too. This
one is about you and your parents. Did you know God cares about how you act toward your parents? He does! He
gave you parents to help you grow up safe and strong. They feed you, put a roof over your head, and drive you
everywhere. Parents are really important for your survival as a kid. So, God wants you to respect them by following
their rules. He wants you to be obedient. Their rules are for your protection. After all, you’re just a kid! You don’t know
everything there is to know. You need your parents’ help. You know what’s really great? When you’re obedient, your
parents will be pleased and so will God. You know why? Because the Bible says to obey your parents. Obedience is
really important. Remember, obey your parents if you want to survive and win at being a kid!


Puzzle key for 2nd-5th Activity #1: Across: 3 bible 4 happy
5 min PLAY: Begin working on Activity Page #1. Down: 1 parents 2 obey

5 min WARM UP: What are some rules at home that are easy Allow each kid to share. The point: get kids thinking about
to obey? Which ones are harder? obedience and why it’s important.

5 min PREVIEW: Draw the bubbles on a whiteboard and fill in

the Big Idea, Memory Verse, and Key Question. (If Answer: Teach the kids the ICE of obedience. Here’s how to
applicable, have kids fill in their bubbles on the Kids obey:
Activity Page.) 1. Immediately- do it right away, first time you’re asked
2. Cheerfully- do it with a happy heart and no complaining
3. Exactly- do precisely what you’re asked
20 min LARGE GROUP: Gather for songs and videos with other Real obedience isn’t half-hearted or done with complaining.
kids. Then return to small group to finish this guide. Obedience is as much about the heart as it is about the
action. You should choose to obey your parents because it
pleases and honors God.
5 min RECAP: Read the Lesson Overview from the Teacher’s Bonus Questions: How well do you think you do at obeying
Guide and then answer the KEY QUESTION. your parents? Why is it hard to obey sometimes?

5 min EXPLORE: Read Ezekiel 36:26-27. What does it mean This verse talks about the promise of what Jesus came to do.
to be stubborn? Who gives us a new heart? What does Because of our sin, our hearts were hard (stubborn) and we
that new heart want to do? didn’t want to honor or obey God. We wanted to do things
our own way. But, when we trust in Jesus, our hearts are
10 min PLAY: Choose a group activity from Activity Page #2. changed. We want to obey God which includes obeying our
parents. The next time you’re tempted to disobey, remember
that God has performed heart surgery! Choose the heart that
5 min CLOSE: wants to obey!
❏ Think about ICE. Which one will you work on?
❏ Share prayer requests and pray as a class. Have each kid share which one they will work to improve on
this week. Follow up next week to see how they did.

Activity #1

Obedience flower or kite Supplies needed

Kids can create a craft to hang in their room or on the refrigerator to remember to
● cardstock
obey their parents. Use either the kite template (page 6) or flower template (page 7)
● kite or flower template
per kid. Boys may prefer the kite. Print on cardstock. Have the kids cut out all of the
pieces. Then, have them glue the flower or kite to the stalk (string) then add the (page 6 or 7), one per kid
leaves (flags), gluing to the back of the stock. Let them color if they have time. ● scissors
● glue
● crayons

Activity #2

Keys to Obedience Supplies needed

This is a great craft to remind the kids the important elements of obedience. ● card stock
Use the “key” template (page 5), and print on cardstock. Give a pre-cut set
● scissors
to each kid. Give each child a pre-cut verse also. Allow the kids to color the
keys and verse then have them hole punch each one. Help them pull a ● yarn, pre cut
string through all the holes and tie a knot to hold them all together. ● hole punch
● keys template (page 5),
one per kid, pre cut
● crayons

l ess in Find videos and other helpful resources for
he ll this lesson @ pursueGOD.org/survival-kids.
t c h t nd fi .
Wa deo a lank
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1. Kids Basic #2 = ________________ your parents.

2. We should obey our parents because the _____________________ says so!

3. We should also obey our parents for our _______________________________.

4. Don’t forget your “ICE”. Kids should obey ______________________________,

______________________________, and ______________________________.

e Get great tips for family time

h on lk
i t a @ pursueGOD.org/family.
c t w you t n.
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Co ther e le
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1. What are some of the rules at home that are easy to obey? Which ones
are harder to obey?
2. What’s the first reason to obey our parents?
3. What’s the second reason to obey our parents?
4. Write out I-C-E on a piece of paper, and fill in the three words that explain
how to obey. Then write out your memory verse on that same piece of
paper. Put it on the fridge to remind you about obedience.

Don’t forget to pray

e as a family this week!
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e mo y and eek.
M da w
to the

Obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord.

Colossians 3:20

Learn the 3 basic truths of the Christian

Answer Key: 1. obey 2. bible 3. protection 4. immediately, cheerfully, exactly faith @ pursueGOD.org/foundations-kids.


Obey your parents. Obey your parents
for this pleases the Lord.
Colossians 3:20

Instructions: Color the picture.

More @ pursueGOD.org.




Obey your parents,

for this pleases
the Lord
Colossians 3:20

More @ pursueGOD.org.

Obey your parents,

for this pleases
the Lord.

Colossians 3:20

Share your
Keep your
room clean

Use kind Respect

words your

More @ pursueGOD.org.

Obey your
for this pleases
the Lord

Colossians 3:20

Keep your your toys
room clean

Use kind your
words things

More @ pursueGOD.org.

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