A. Philosophical Foundations: Content
A. Philosophical Foundations: Content
A. Philosophical Foundations: Content
• Existentialism is mainly a European (1904-1987)
philosophy that originated before the turn of the
country, and became popular after World War II. - was a leading educational philosopher of
the 20th century.
• This doctrine emphasizes that there are no
values outside man, and thus, suggests that human - As an American educator and educational
beings should have the freedom to make choices philosopher, Brameld was best known as the
and then be responsible for the consequence of founder of Social Reconstructionism.
these choices.
KNOWLEDGE AIM: To improve and reconstruct society.
●Life-long goal Education for change
● Gained through personal decisions and ❖ Evolved from a critical perspective of the
work of the progressivists who put much emphasis
on the needs of the child, sometimes at the
●Freely chosen
expense of societal needs.
● Determined by one’s responsible choice
and reflection
ROLE: Teacher acts as agent of change and
RECONSTRUCTIONISM ❖ Teaching principles that come from a social
justice and democratic perspective means putting
• Reconstructionism views education as a them into practice within the classroom
means to reconstruct society.
❖ Teachers who are actively involved in a joint ● Learning Theories: Behaviorism or
achievement of something new, may be mentioned association theories; cognitive-information
as 'agents of change' when they accomplish a processing theories and humanistic theories
desired effect (or change) at school. (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2004).
Psychological Foundation
Psychological foundation is based on
• Pragmatism, also referred to as individual differences, every student has
experimentalism, is based on change, process in their own unique personality, and they have
relativity. In contrast to the traditional philosophies, differences in their learning and skills.
i.e., idealism and realism, pragmatism. suggests Psychology plays a vital role in the
that the value of an idea lies in its actual teaching-learning process as it is the
consequences. foundation for all types of educational
• Learning occurs as a person engages in related programs.
problem-solving which is transferable to a wide In the past curriculum for child development
variety of subjects and situations. and learning, it was developed in traditional
ways without keeping in view the
KNOWLEDGE psychological implication of the
●Based on one’s experience development of the curriculum.
●Process Today psychology is the core and
●Gained through the use of scientific method and
foundation element of all the learning
trial and error
processes; curriculum development, Child
●Situational and relative mental development, teaching methods,
●Subject to change and verification learning theories, administration of
● Determined by norms established in society education system and planning, character
building of the students, the attitude of
students and teacher, the society, the use of
different technologies.
Psychological Perspectives Influencing
“A teacher must have a good understanding of
child psychology to be effective.” Psychological influences of curriculum can best
be understood through theories of learning.
What is Psychology? These theories of learning are classified into
The word psychology is derived from the Greek four broad categories as follows:
word psyche (soul). It is a discipline devoted to the Behaviorism
study of behavior, mind, and thought. Specifically, it
deals with the study of the mental process that
determines a person’s behavior and thinking.
● Provides a basis to understand the teaching
and learning process.
● It unifies elements of the learning process.
Behaviorism is a philosophy of psychology
● Questions which can be addressed are: based on the proposition that all things that
How should curriculum be organized to enhance organisms do like acting, thinking, and
learning? What is the optimum level of students’ feeling can and should be regarded as
participation in learning the various contents of the behaviors.
Learning is considered a habit-formation. When a particular response or behavior is
Behaviorists emphasize on the learners reinforced (rewarded), the individual is
active engagement and reinforcements and conditioned to respond.
rewards that encourage continuing effort Positive and Negative Reinforcement
over time. Punishment/Consequence
Behaviorists believe that what one learns is Robert Gagne (1916-2002)
influenced by altering or conditioning the
environment. Teaching is regarded as He proposed the Hierarchy Learning Theory
arranging learning experiences in such a Learning follows a hierarchy
way as to promote desirable behavior. Behavior is based on prerequisite condition
He introduced tasking in the foundation of
Proponents under Behaviorism
Ivan Pavlov (1849- 1936) 2. COGNITIVISM
Russian psychologist - is a learning theory that focusses on how
He is the father of the Classical information is received, organized, stored and
Conditioning Theory, the S-R Theory retrieved by the mind. Therefore, cognitivism looks
He showed that an organism can associate beyond observable behaviour, viewing learning as
a particular stimulus (S) with a particular internal mental processes.
response (R).
Stimulus=Response - it is involving conscious intellectual activity such
as thinking, reasoning, or remembering
Therefore, learning is the result of an
association formed between a stimulus and - it is the learner process the received information
a response. seeking ways to understand it related to already
Edward Thorndike (1874-1949) known information within his memory
Father of modern educational What is a Cognitivist in psychology?
psychology and founder of behavioral
psychology Cognitive psychologists examine internal
He championed the Connectionism mental processes such as memory,
Theory perception, learning and language, and they
Defined learning as a connection or are concerned with how people understand,
association of an increasing number of diagnose, and solve problems and make
habits. decisions.
Three Major Laws of Thorndike Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Learning Theory