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Company Overview: Leading Global Manufacturer of Pushing, Pulling, Lifting, and Rotating Solutions

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Company Overview

Leading global manufacturer of pushing, pulling,

lifting, and rotating solutions
Everything we do is about delivering
customer value

Innovation Driven Customer Excellence Proven Results

Committed to developing Focused on providing our Dedicated to manufacturing
innovative solutions that customers with excellent products and solutions
help our customers maintain service and solutions that that help our customers
their competitive edge in help them increase brand maximize productivity,
their market place through loyalty, customer satisfaction minimize downtime, and
increased performance and and customer retention. lead in their markets.

Why choose TWG

Tough jobs demand the power and reliability of today’s most advanced equipment and technology.
Reputations depend on it. And nowhere is quality and performance more important than in the
infrastructure, energy and marine sectors—where workers need to rely on their equipment to do
the job, day in and day out.

TWG is an operating company of the Dover Corporation—a global manufacturer employing

more than 29,000 people and with annual revenues over $7 billion. TWG is a leading global
manufacturer of winches, hoists, slewing ring bearings, swing drives, electronic monitoring
systems, and more. In addition, TWG offers a vast range of essential parts and products
across seven model lines: DP Winch, Gear Products, Greer, LANTEC, Pullmaster, Tulsa Winch,
and RUFNEK— with over one million units installed.

Known around the world for superior quality, innovative design, and unmatched reliability, our
products deliver powerful, state-of-the-art performance to ensure each and every job gets done
more efficiently.

Industry-leading performance
Integrated crane
and reliability
solutions that rise
above the competition HOIST
• 5,000-75,000 lbs (22.2-333.6 kN) line pull
• Smooth or grooved cable drums for wire or
Meeting the needs of today’s crane synthetic fiber rope
manufacturing can be a challenge. With • Static and drum brakes
demanding government regulations, • Line pull and torque available real time
• Determination of hoist and rope health
rising costs, and compressed timelines,
manufacturers need a partner they can LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR
trust to deliver reliable, quality parts on • Greer MG6/TS7
• Greer Vision
time and on budget. What’s more, they
• Multiple language options including Chinese,
need a flexible, innovative partner who Spanish, French and Russian
understands their business goals and • 2 CAN J1939 displays-large and small
can custom design systems to optimize • Fastest calibration time in the industry
productivity and performance. ANTI-TWO BLOCK SWITCHES - WIRED OR
That’s where we come in. At TWG, we • Allows both 360-degree rotation and +/-
do more than provide the industry’s best 22-degree swivel (wired)
selection of hoists, winches, slewing ring • Small footprint with universal mounting
bearings, and swing drives. With industry adaptor (wired)
• Quick disconnect feature for easy cable
insight, we develop smart interactive
replacement (wired)
solutions— components and electronic • Wireless ATB option available as a stand-alone
monitoring systems that seamlessly product or integrated with our LMI
communicate with other parts of the
machine and operator to provide greater • Provides both direction of rotation and speed
control. These smart, interactive systems of cable drum remotely
streamline your operation and increase • Meets OSHA 1926.1416 and 1926.1401
efficiency—providing the technology and requirements
engineering you need to revolutionize your • Alarms when the minimum number of wraps is
equipment and maximize ROI. exceeded Reeling Drum
• For boom extensions of 35, 90, 110 and 200
feet (10.6 m, 27.2 m, 33.3 m and 60.5 m)
• Measures boom length and angle
• Carries ATB signals

• Both planetary and worm gear options with
torque ratings of 375-45,000 ft-lbs
(.04-61 kNm)
• Static and dynamic brakes
• Work area definition and angular rotation
feedback options


• Single and double row ball bearings up to 6
feet (1.8 m) diameter
• Bending moment capacity up to 3 million ft-lbs
(4 MNm)
• Option for negative internal clearance

Energy industry Industry-leading performance
and reliability
solutions that
maximize productivity • 15 models with multiple gear ratios
• Up to 1,200 HP (894 kW) and 8 pump pads to
The energy sector plays a crucial role in the SAE standards
infrastructure and ongoing maintenance of • Multiple input options including a torsional
our modern world. Industry employees work
daily in hazardous conditions and put in long, BUMPER WINCH
hard hours, which is why manufacturers of • Planetary with 8,000-30,000 lbs
today’s energy equipment must choose (35.5-133.4 kN) line pull
components with a trusted reputation for • Air, hydraulic, or manual freespool
quality and dependability. • Fairleads and cable hold down options


TWG products and components are • Single and double row ball bearings up to
custom-designed for use in a wide variety 6 feet (1.8m) diameter
of energy sector applications, including • Bending moment capacity up to 3 million ft-lbs
both onshore and offshore equipment (4MNm)
and machinery. From winches and hoists • Option for negative internal clearance
for drill rigs to hydraulic pump drives for
thumper trucks, our cutting-edge solutions
• Both planetary and worm gear options with
are engineered to perform under pressure. torque ratings of 375-45,000 ft-lbs (.04-61
Built to last longer under tough conditions, kNm)
TWG products stand up to mud, debris, • Static and dynamic brakes
saltwater and harsh weather. So they • Work area definition and angular rotation
don’t just give you better, more powerful feedback options
performance—they also break down less
often, keeping productivity at a maximum. • Hook winch and boom winch assembled in a
common frame
With industry-leading quality, technology, and • Hook winch with freefall clutch for release and
design, TWG real-time electronic monitoring engagement under full load
systems offer innovative custom solutions • Meets ASME B30.14 and ISO 8813
that meet the requirements of even the
most demanding energy manufacturers.
• Multiple language options including Chinese,
Spanish, French, Russian and Portuguese
• 2 CAN J1939 displays, large and small
• Fastest calibration time in the industry

• Planetary with 8,000-30,000 lbs
(35.5-133.4 kN) line pull
• Air, hydraulic, or manual freespool
• Fairleads and cable hold down options

Industry-leading performance
Marine industry
and reliability
solutions that
minimize downtime WINCH
• 1,000-300,000 lbs (4.4 to 1334.4 kN) line pull
• Air, hydraulic, or manual clutch
From commercial fishing to oceanography, • Fairleads and cable hold down options
to maintaining essential waterways, the
marine sector is comprised of some of the HYDRAULIC PUMP DRIVE
most demanding industries in the world. • 15 models with multiple gear ratios
That’s why it’s crucial that manufacturers • Up to 1,200 HP (894 kW) and 8 pump pads to
of today’s marine equipment use SAE standards
• Multiple input options including a torsional
components with a trusted reputation
for quality and dependability—ones that
minimize downtime while maximizing SLEWING RING BEARING
productivity. • Single and double row ball bearings up to 6 ft
(1.8 m) diameter
Purpose-built for the marine market, • Bending moment capacity up to 3 M ft-lbs
our products feature corrosion resistant (4 MNm)
• Option for negative internal clearance
sealing surfaces and all rotating
components completely enclosed in an oil HOIST
bath. In addition, our marine products can • Dual drive available
be made in accordance with many industry • 5,000-75,000 lbs (22.2-333.6 kN) line pull
standards including American Petroleum • Smooth or grooved cable drums for wire or
Institute (API), American Bureau of Shipping synthetic fiber rope
• Static and drum brakes
(ABS), and Det Norske Veritas (DNV).
• Line pull and torque available real time
• Determination of hoist and rope health
Used in a wide variety of marine
applications, TWG products are SWING DRIVE/GEAR DRIVE
custom designed for power, efficiency, • Both planetary and worm gear options with
and long-lasting reliability. From winches torque ratings of 375-45,000 ft-lbs
and hoists for fishing boats, to hydraulic (.04-61 kNm)
• Static and dynamic brakes
pump drives for dredges and tugboats, our • Work area definition and angular rotation
cutting-edge solutions are engineered to feedback options
perform under pressure. To keep working
under the harshest conditions, TWG ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEM
products stand up to extreme • Load moment indicator
temperatures, wind, and salt water. Our • Anti-two block switches – wired or wireless
• Work area indicator
durable, hard-working products deliver
• Drum rotation/last layer indicator
superior performance—and they break • Torque sensors
down less often, so operators can achieve
peak productivity, day in and day out. With
industry-leading quality, technology and
design, TWG real-time electronic
monitoring systems offer innovative
custom solutions that meet the
requirements of the marine sector’s
most demanding manufacturers.

TWG’s Portfolio of Leading Brands

Greer ®
Since 1993 Greer has been designing and manufacturing specialized
electronic load information systems, sensor networks, and computing
and data-logging technology for the mobile equipment industry. The
brand's key markets include energy, infrastructure, and recovery.

Dp Winch ®

Since 1970 dp Winch has been designing and manufacturing a wide

range of planetary winches, capstans, and bumper packages for
utility trucks, towing, and recovery vehicles and trailers. The brand's
key markets include towing, recovery, and utility.

Gear Products ®
Since 1967 Gear Products has been designing and manufacturing
custom-designed planetary and worm gear winches, swing drives,
auger drives, slewing ring bearings, hydraulic pump drives, and
rotators for trucks, cranes and heavy equipment.

“ Known around the world for superior quality, innovative design, and
unmatched reliability, our products deliver powerful, state-of-the-art
performance to ensure each and every job gets done more efficiently."

Tulsa Winch ®
Since 1929 Tulsa Winch has been designing and manufacturing a full
complement of worm gear and hydraulic winches and swing drives for
large oilfield trucks, heavy haul tractor packages, digger derricks,
cranes and aerial work platforms. The brand's key markets include
energy and infrastructure.

Pullmaster ®

Since 1965 Pullmaster has been designing and manufacturing

planetary winches for commercial fishing boats, caisson drilling
equipment, pipe layers, tractor/ skidders, and dredges. The brand's
key markets include infrastructure, marine, and forestry.

Lantec ®
Since 1965 LANTEC has been designing and manufacturing hydraulic
winches, hoists, and gear reducers for the oil and gas, infrastructure,
and marine markets. The brand's key markets include infrastructure
and energy.

Rufnek ®

Since 1997 Rufnek has been designing and manufacturing worm gear
and planetary for large oilfield trucks. The brand's key markets
include onshore energy.
TWG Global Foot Print

Surrey, BC

Jenks, OK

For over 91 years, TWG, an operating company of the Dover Corporation, has been a global leader in manufacturing
winches, hoists, slewing ring bearings, swing drives, electronic monitoring systems, and more. TWG serves the
Infrastructure, Energy, Recovery, Natural Resource, and Marine markets, providing a range of essential parts and
products across seven model lines: DP Winch, Gear Products, Greer, Pullmaster, LANTEC, Tulsa Winch, and RUFNEK.

Contact Us Today Contact Us Today

TWG Headquarters, 11135 S James Ave
www.dovertwg.com TWG Canada, 19350 22nd Ave
Jenks, OK 74037 USA Surrey, BC V3Z 3S6 CANADA
(918) 298-8300 I [email protected] (604) 547-2100 I [email protected]


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