Epoxy Civil Engineering
Epoxy Civil Engineering
Epoxy Civil Engineering
for Civil
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ....................................................1
Bond Strength...................................................15
Waterborne Systems.......................................15
Test Methods.....................................................17
Epoxy-based construction products are used widely This guide is intended for formulators of epoxy- INTRODUCTION
around the world. A broad range of performance based civil engineering materials. Air Products
and application characteristics can be obtained with manufactures a broad line of epoxy curing agents
epoxies, including the following: and modifiers that offers the high performance
• High strength and dimensional stability needed to meet the formulator’s requirements.
• Good adhesion to concrete Curing agent recommendations are provided for
• Ability to be formulated to 100% solids each type of application, and product performance
• Very good chemical resistance data are given for many of the recommended
• Good intercoat adhesion products. See the table below for a list of the
• No volatile monomers featured products.
• Good cure under cold, damp conditions Additional performance data for Air Products’
• Low cure shrinkage epoxy curing agents are included in the following
A system’s performance is heavily dependent on literature:
the choice of epoxy curing agent. Performance can • Epoxy Curing Agents for Flooring Applications
be further optimized with the proper choice of resin, • Epoxy Curing Agents and Diluents Product Guide
modifiers, pigments, fillers and additives. In • Technical data sheets for each product
addition, the application conditions, application For samples or additional information on these
technique and surface preparation greatly influence and other products, contact your sales
the system. representative or one of the Air Products offices
listed on the back cover of this guide.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Because of the wide variety of civil engineering night/weekend work). Materials with the right
AND PRODUCT applications, the primary performance requirements performance and safety characteristics help the
of each type of application should be considered. applicator comply with owner requirements at
RECOMMENDATIONS The formulator should prioritize the desired system minimum cost.
properties to guide selection of the proper curing Civil engineering epoxy applications use
agent. Performance requirements can be influenced predominantly modified aliphatic amine,
greatly by the owner’s operating requirements (for amidoamine and modified cycloaliphatic amine
example, a requirement for no odor or for only curing agents. Standard polyamides are not used
Table 1 (Continued)
Other Applications Accelerators
Chemically Anchor
Resistant Deck Machine Tile Bolt Joint Penetrating Polymer
Linings Membranes Grouts Grouts Adhesives Fillers Sealers Concrete
Modified Aliphatics
1608 •
1637LV • •
1638 • •
1768 • •• ••
1784 •
1856 • ••
2071 • •
2089M ••
2432 •• • •• ••
2137 •
2349 •• •
2396 •• •
2439 ••
2443 •
501 • •
502 • • • •
506 •
Modified Cycloaliphatics
1618 • •
1693 ••
2074 •
2143 • •
2280 ••
2286 • •
2368 • •
2423 •• • •
360 •
401 •
Flexible Epoxy
Ancarez® 2364 Modifier ••* •• •• ••
Ancamine 2390 Curing Agent •* •• ••
•• Preferred Recommendation • Recommendation *Ancarez 2364 or Ancamine 2390 can be used to formulate flexible membranes for secondary containment systems. 3
FLOORING Epoxy flooring systems have been used for many Other types of specialty floors include terrazzo
years to provide cost-effective, superior and pebblebond for decorative applications, and
performance in industrial, commercial and electrostatic dissipative (ESD) and electro-
institutional applications. The primary purposes conductive for electronic manufacturing
of an epoxy floor are: or flammable handling areas.
• to protect the substrate from chemicals, loads Since floor service conditions and performance
and traffic, impact, wear and stains requirements can vary widely, the specifier needs to
• to improve the cleanliness of the facility and assess each factor to select the right material.
minimize concrete dust generation Performance parameters include chemical
• to improve the appearance and brightness resistance, adhesion to concrete, hardness, stain
of the facility resistance, flexibility, abrasion resistance, strength,
Epoxy floors are used in facilities such as and impact and thermal shock resistance. High-
chemical plants, assembly areas, warehouses, performance curing agents with fast cure speed,
kitchens and hospitals. Table 2 outlines the basic such as Ancamine 2432 and 2089M, can be used
types of epoxy flooring systems. Refer to Air to accelerate flooring system cure and provide a
Products’ publication, Epoxy Curing Agents for quick return to service.
Flooring Applications, for more detailed curing
agent recommendations and data for model
floor formulations.
Primers/Sealers Broadcast Floors
Primers provide a good surface for bonding of the Broadcast floors are applied in multiple layers
flooring material. They also retard outgassing of with sand cast into a liquid epoxy binder. This
the concrete which can cause bubbles in the floor technique is often used to provide a decorative
coating. Primers are especially needed with floors effect. For the intermediate layer, we recommend
that are not resin rich (such as trowelable floors). fast aliphatics such as Ancamine 1768 or 1638
A good bond is indicated by a direct pull-off bond curing agents, or fast amidoamines such as
strength of at least 200 psi between the primer and Ancamide 2349 or 501 curing agents. For the top
the concrete and/or failure in the concrete substrate. layer, where good appearance is usually desired,
Good adhesion to damp concrete is often desired we recommend using the same curing agents as
because at application time the concrete surface for self-leveling floors.
may not be completely dry due to previous use,
the location or recent cleaning. Trowelable Floors
Primers and sealers are generally based on Trowelable floors, which may also be referred to as
100% solids or waterborne systems—use of mortars or toppings, are designed to be finished
solventborne systems has declined because of odor and compacted using hand or power trowels. They
and safety issues. As shown in Table 2, moderate to are designed for heavy-duty applications and can be
low-viscosity curing agents that give good adhesion used to level rough concrete surfaces. Trowelable
to damp concrete are recommended. Ancamide floors are multiple-layer systems which include a
2443 curing agent can also be used as a reactive primer, a trowel coat and a topcoat. The base
modifier to lower system viscosity. Ancamine K54 trowel coat typically uses modified aliphatic or
curing agent, used at ≤ 5 phr, may be used to amidoamine curing agents. Modified cycloaliphatic
enhance adhesion to damp concrete. curing agents are often used for the topcoat. Refer
to our brochure, Epoxy Curing Agents for Flooring
Self-Leveling Floors Applications, for trowelable floor curing agent
Self-leveling floors are designed to provide very recommendations and data.
good appearance with a minimum amount of
finishing. They are used in dairies, chemical
process areas and food preparation areas. Self-
leveling floors need good flow, good surface
appearance and, often, chemical resistance. High-
performance modified cycloaliphatics are the most
frequently used curing agents for these applications.
Refer to our brochure, Epoxy Curing Agents for
Flooring Applications, for self-leveling floor curing
agent recommendations and data.
CONCRETE REPAIR Concrete repair systems restore structural integrity, • Quick Strength Build: For fast turnaround time
prevent further damage to the structures and/or and lower downtime costs.
improve appearance. Epoxy-based repair materials • Ease of Application: To minimize labor costs
can offer much higher performance than and risk of failure.
cementitious-based materials. These epoxy • Chemical Resistance and Water Resistance
performance factors include: • Low Cure Shrinkage
• Bonding to the Substrate: The direct pull-off test • Flowability or Non-Sagging: Depending on the
is frequently used to test bonds in coatings, while application.
slant shear (ASTM C882) is often used to test Repair materials are often applied to high
repair mortars and adhesives. thicknesses, and therefore are mostly 100%
• Compressive, Flexural and Tensile Strength: The solids systems to avoid bubbling or insufficient
formulator should take into account the strength cure. Binder requirements and curing agent
of concrete (typically 350-600 psi in tensile, recommendations for concrete repair materials
4,000 psi in compressive and 2,000 psi in shear) are listed in Table 3.
when developing an epoxy system. Standard Specification ASTM C881 can be used
• Modulus, Dimensional Stability and Creep to classify epoxy materials for concrete repair. This
Resistance: In structural repairs, the modulus standard specifies performance characteristics for
should be similar to that of the substrate in order materials by product type, viscosity and application
to achieve uniform load transfer. If the repair is temperature range. ASTM C881 recommendations
non-structural, however, a lower modulus may are included on page 16. The various concrete
be desirable to reduce the potential for repair applications are described in more detail on
cracking and delamination and to enhance the following page.
vibration dampening.
Crack Injection Concrete Adhesives
Crack injection is used to repair cracked, hollow Adhesives are used to bond precast segments and
plane or honeycombed concrete. Crack injection other materials to concrete. Epoxy adhesives are
materials are generally unfilled and need to have also used to bond steel or composite reinforcement
low viscosity and good wetting. The injection to concrete to add load-bearing capacity. Bond
material should also be moisture-tolerant, it should strength is the most important parameter, and,
bond well to wet or dry concrete, and it should cure in general, epoxies provide a good bond to
at low temperatures. A balance of gel time and construction materials. Sufficient working time
reactivity is needed since longer gel times will allow is desired to allow positioning of the bonded
better penetration. Low-viscosity modified aliphatics elements, while fast strength development can
and amidoamines are recommended. Ancamide speed up the job time. Sufficient viscosity and
2443 curing agent can also be used as a reactive thixotropy are required so that the adhesive will
modifier to lower the system viscosity. not run out of the bond line. Products that give
Epoxies used in the seal cap paste should an excellent bond to dry or damp concrete, such
be sag resistant and fast setting. Modified as Ancamide 2353 and 2396 curing agents,
aliphatics, such as Ancamine 1638 curing are recommended.
agent, are recommended.
Bonding Agents
Repair Mortars Bonding agents are used to improve the bond
Mortars are heavily filled materials used for between hardened existing concrete and new,
concrete patching and structural repair. The most freshly poured concrete. The bonding agent helps
important requirement for mortars is a good bond to ensure that the bond is stronger than the concrete
the substrate. Strength and high modulus for itself, and it also helps prevent migration of
effective stress transfer across the concrete/epoxy chlorides through the concrete. The bonding agent
interface are also important. In some applications, may include fillers up to a 2:1 filler/binder ratio
the epoxy mortar can distribute loads across depending on application requirements. We
underlying concrete because of its superior recommend curing agents with moderate pot life
compressive strength and high flexural modulus. In and good moisture tolerance such as Ancamide
addition, the contractor wants application ease and 2353 and 2396 for a 100% solids system, or
a fast set for quick return to service. For vertical and Anquamide 360 for a waterborne system.
overhead applications, non-sagging systems are
needed. For underwater applications, specially- Paving Overlays
designed mortars are available. Epoxy overlays are used to repair deteriorated
Mortars generally consist of 4 to 7 parts of fine concrete bridge and parking decks. Overlays can
aggregate to one part epoxy binder, so the binder also be applied directly over steel bridge plates with
should be moderate to low viscosity for good filler no concrete slab. The overlays restore riding quality,
wetting and workability. High-modulus modified improve skid resistance and retard penetration of
aliphatics and amidoamines are recommended. chlorides to prevent corrosion of the reinforcement.
They also add much less weight than cementitious
Repair Grouts repair materials. Proper preventive maintenance
Epoxy grouts are filled materials designed to flow using epoxy overlays is much less expensive than
into and seal voids and cracks. They can be used to full repair for concrete bridge decks. The overlay
bond pre-placed aggregate or to replace damaged systems require abrasion resistance, toughness and
concrete sections, as in underwater column repair. a fast set to return the road to service quickly.
Epoxy grout systems should be flowable, but they
should not allow settling of the fillers after
placement. Sufficient pot life is also needed for
placement. We recommend low-viscosity,
moderate-pot life curing agents.
OTHER APPLICATIONS There are many other types of civil engineering Ambient Cure Epoxy Formulations, for curing agent
applications that use epoxies but are not included recommendations and data on which products
in the previous flooring and concrete repair resist specific reagents. Also refer to our brochure,
classifications. The binder performance Epoxy Curing Agents and Modifiers for Secondary
requirements for some of these applications are Containment, for further information.
summarized in Table 4. These applications are A membrane of flexible epoxy is sometimes
described in more detail below. used under the chemically resistant topcoat to
provide crack bridging. Ancarez 2364 modifier and
Chemically Resistant Linings/ Ancamine 2390 curing agent-based formulations
Secondary Containment are recommended for these membranes.
Linings are used to protect concrete in chemical
processing systems, wastewater treatment plants, Bridge and Parking Deck Membranes
sewers, paper mills and food plants. The linings are Deck membranes are flexible systems that provide
applied in trenches, spillways, pads, pits, sumps, skid-resistant wear surfaces and prevent permeation
pipe chases, drum containment areas and loading of water into the concrete in order to limit
areas. They can also be used to repair the internal freeze/thaw damage, corrosion of rebar and leakage
surfaces of storage tanks. Low permeability, to the levels below. These membranes are used on
resistance to chemical degradation and resistance bridge decks, parking garages, pedestrian walkways
to cracking are important requirements for and balconies. Epoxy systems used in these
these applications. applications need to provide good tear strength,
Epoxy novolac and bis-F-based resins are often abrasion resistance and low-temperature flexibility.
used in linings because of their improved chemical Ancarez 2364 modifier (with a curing agent such as
resistance versus standard bis-A resin. In addition, Ancamine 1768) or Ancamine 2390 curing agent-
the use of reinforcement materials and fillers in based formulations can best meet these
these systems helps reduce permeation rates and requirements. Refer to Air Products’ bulletin,
provides protection against traffic, abrasion, impact, Flexibilizing Epoxy Formulations, for
thermal shock and thermal cycling. Refer to Air formulating guidelines.
Products’ bulletin, Chemical Resistance for
Machine Grouts Penetrating Sealers
Machine grouts and chocking compounds are Penetrating sealers are low-viscosity materials
used to construct bases and mount mechanical designed to penetrate into the pores of the concrete
equipment. The epoxy system used in these surface without forming a film on the surface. The
applications protects the underlying concrete from sealer controls dusting and inhibits penetration of
vibration and chemicals. High strength and creep moisture, chloride ions and chemicals. It continues
resistance are important performance attributes. to provide protection even if the top surface is
Moderately fast cure is also often desired to enable worn away. Penetrating sealers are used for floors,
quick machine mounting and return to service. highways, bridge decks, parking decks and general
We recommend high-strength aliphatics and building structures (walls). They are generally
amidoamines such as Ancamine 1638 and low-solids materials with sufficient pot life for
Ancamide 2349 curing agents. penetration. Very low-viscosity products, such as
Ancamine 2286 and 2074 and Ancamide 2443
Tile Grouts and Bedding Compounds curing agents, are suitable for this application.
Epoxies are used in tile grouts (the filler between
tiles or bricks) and bedding compounds (the Polymer Concrete
adhesive used to bond the tiles to the substrate). Polymer concrete with epoxy as the binder is used
Epoxy tile grouts are used in such applications as to make precast pieces for construction. These
food processing plants, institutional kitchens, systems typically have a 5:1 to 15:1 filler-to-binder
breweries and bathrooms, where better chemical ratio. Compared with normal Portland cement,
resistance and durability are required. The epoxy polymer concrete offers improved strength, better
binder in grout applications should be emulsifiable vibration damping, protection against corrosive
in the uncured state if water wipability is desired for environments, minimal water permeability and
easy clean-up. Ancamide 2439 curing agent is good freeze/thaw resistance. Standard and improved-
designed to meet AARII tile grout specifications. performance amidoamines, such as Ancamide
Ancamide 2396, Ancamine 2432 and modified 2349 and 2396 curing agents, are recommended
cycloaliphatics such as Ancamine 2143 and 2423 for polymer concrete applications.
curing agents will give improved chemical
resistance for tile grouts. The modified
cycloaliphatic amines give the best color stability.
Joint Fillers
Epoxy fillers are used for construction joints or to
fill-in cracks in concrete floors and slabs. A
semi-rigid filled epoxy can support wheel loads and
prevent concrete deterioration at the edge of the
joint or crack. Epoxy fillers typically require 40-
100% elongation and a Shore D hardness of 50
or more. Ancarez 2364 modifier and Ancamine
2390 curing agent-based formulations can best
meet these requirements.
PRODUCT Performance data for many of the Air Products at stoichiometry with undiluted resin (standard
PERFORMANCE DATA curing agents recommended for civil engineering bisphenol-A-based liquid resin, EEW=190). Table 6
applications are summarized in Tables 5 and 6. shows data with diluted resin (a 90% bis-A resin,
Although the tables show comparative data for 10% Epodil® 748 diluent blend). Epodil 748 is a
unfilled binder formulations, the data can be monofunctional diluent commonly used in civil
useful in predicting performance in filled systems. engineering formulations.
Test methods are described in the Appendix.
Table 5 shows data for the curing agents formulated
Bis-A-Based Resin (EEW=190)–Parts 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Curing Agent–Parts 20 26 15 50 40 40 50 40 46
Curing Agent Viscosity, cP 3,500 1,500 100 220 50 3,000 700 100 300
Mixed Viscosity, cP 14,200 8,350 4,680 2,820 1,580 10,800 4,650 2,540 2,100
Gel Time, min, 150g mass at 77 °F (25 °C) 14 16 15 10 120 9 8 15 27
Thin Film Set Time, hr
at 77 °F (25 °C) 3.0 2.5 2.5 1.5 12 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0
at 40 °F (5 °C) 10.0 6.5 5.5 5.0 40 3.5 3.5 5.0 8.0
Physical Properties (after 7 day cure at 77 °F)
Strength, psi 16,400 11,900 13,900 13,300 17,400 15,400 15,600 12,300 11,700
Modulus, thousand psi 422 165 383 349 409 402 424 267 356
Strength, psi 9,500 5,800 11,500 10,300 12,400 11,000 11,000 9,500
Modulus, thousand psi 493 599 485 509 606 491 577 474
Elongation, % 2.5 1.6 4.1 2.8 4.4 3.9 3.3 4.8
Strength, psi 20,200 14,700 15,900 15,000 20,900 18,200 18,000 15,700
Modulus, thousand psi 663 665 594 583 658 447 648 525
Tg, °F 139 141 127 130 116 132 132 126 131
*Formulations used for the bond strength test include 5 phr Ancamine K54 curing agent.
In general, the addition of diluent lowers the diluents. Air Products offers a full range of reactive
mixed viscosity significantly and increases diluents for civil engineering—refer to our Epoxy
flexibility (elongation), but it also slows the cure Product Guide for more information on these products.
speed and decreases the ultimate physical strength. Following are descriptions of specific
The type and level of diluent used influences the performance parameters and the recommended
effect on handling and performance properties. curing agents to use to meet these requirements.
Difunctional reactive diluents will generally offer
faster reactivity and higher strength and modulus
compared with systems that use monofunctional
Table 5 (Continued)
Modified Cycloaliphatics Amidoamines / Polyamides
2074 2280 2368 2423 2137 2349 2353 2396 502
Bis-A-Based Resin (EEW=190)–Parts 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Curing Agent–Parts 50 58 52 60 70 35 60 49 50
Curing Agent Viscosity, cP 60 450 200 1,200 1,800 800 3,000 680 300
Mixed Viscosity, cP 1,030 2,860 1,400 4,280 4,660 5,250 5,800 3,700 2,160
Gel Time, min, 150g mass at 77 °F (25 °C) 32 50 32 17 27 45 65 102 115
Thin Film Set Time, hr
at 77 °F (25 °C) 4.5 6.0 5.3 3.5 3.0 4.8 4.5 8.5 12
at 40 °F (5 °C) 14 19 16 9.5 18 18 20 28 38
Physical Properties (after 7 day cure at 77 °F)
Strength, psi 10,000 10,400 14,000 11,800 7,700 13,700 14,300 13,600 10,800
Modulus, thousand psi 326 307 384 315 240 344 388 345 297
Strength, psi 8,800 7,700 8,000 8,900 6,500 8,100 9,800 8,600 6,400
Modulus, thousand psi 452 390 282 480 419 470 403 243 181
Elongation, % 4.6 3.2 3.3 3.2 8.5 2.3 6.7 4.3 5.9
Strength, psi 14,500 13,600 14,600 15,300 9,800 14,700 16,300 17,300 12,700
Modulus, thousand psi 560 500 535 556 315 583 516 496 392
Tg, °F 124 122 136 126 109 131 148 137 125
*Formulations used for the bond strength test include 5 phr Ancamine K54 curing agent.
PRODUCT Viscosity formulations in Tables 5 and 6. Ancamine 1784,
PERFORMANCE DATA Very low viscosity is needed for crack injection, 2286, 2074 and 2368 and Ancamide 2443 curing
(continued) penetrating sealers and flowable grouts. Low agents give the lowest mixed viscosity.
viscosity facilitates high filler loading and wetting in Ancamide 2443 is also useful as a co-curing
flooring systems and mortars. Materials to be used agent to reduce viscosity in civil engineering
at low temperatures need low viscosity, since epoxy formulations. In addition, viscosity is commonly
system viscosity will increase significantly with modified with reactive diluents used on the resin
lower temperatures. Viscosity levels are provided side of the formulation. Refer to our Epoxy Product
for both the straight curing agents and the mixed Guide for the reactive diluents available from
Air Products.
Table 6 Formulation Properties with 90% Bis-A-Based Liquid Resin / 10% Epodil 748 Diluent Blend
Modified Aliphatics
1608 1637LV 1638 1768 1784 1856 2071 2089M 2432
Bis-A-Based Resin (EEW=190)–Parts 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Epodil 748 Diluent–Parts 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Curing Agent–Parts 22.3 25.4 15.7 48.2 43.6 37 48.2 38.1 44.7
Curing Agent Viscosity, cP 3,500 1,500 100 220 50 3,000 700 100 300
Mixed Viscosity, cP 3,550 2,280 1,140 780 600 2,860 1,640 920 1,000
Gel Time, min, 150g mass at 77 °F (25 °C) 19 18 14 9 144 16 11 18 29
Thin Film Set Time, hr
at 77 °F (25 °C) 3.0 2.5 2.8 3.5 15 1.8 2.8 3.0 2.6
at 40 °F (5 °C) >44 10 15 7.5 >48 6.3 9.3 9.5 9.5
Physical Properties (after 7 day cure at 77 °F)
Strength, psi 15,900 14,600 17,600 14,700 13,300 14,900 14,200 11,700 9,400
Modulus, thousand psi 364 356 402 347 350 368 373 319 286
Strength, psi 8,200 11,200 10,700 9,900 7,400 11,200 10,000 10,100 7,500
Modulus, thousand psi 536 497 516 464 410 530 523 449 382
Elongation, % 1.8 3.4 2.6 5.9 4.0 3.3 2.6 4.2 7.6
Strength, psi 17,700 21,400 15,800 15,400 12,400 17,400 18,200 15,900 11,800
Modulus, thousand psi 660 697 581 445 380 648 601 545 395
Tg, °F 158 148 133 137 115 143 133 135 123
*Formulations used for the bond strength test include 5 phr Ancamine K54 curing agent. NT= Not Tested
Cure Speed needed for an applied epoxy to cure before it can be set. These products can be used as straight curing
Owners often demand a quick return to service for put into service. Although greatly influenced by the agents or as accelerators with other curing agents,
repairs done on continually operating production choice of curing agent, system set time also as summarized in Table 1.
facilities and highways. Downtime costs can be depends on the choice of fillers and additives as Gel time, which is an indicator of pot life (the
significantly higher than the cost of the job itself. well as the applied thickness. Set time is highly time the applicator has to apply the formulated
Fast cure is especially important in flooring, repair temperature-dependent and increases at lower product after mixing), was measured on a 150 gram
mortars, paving compounds and anchor bolt temperatures. In general, modified aliphatics, such mass. The actual pot life of the formulated epoxy
adhesives. as Ancamine 2432, 2089M and 1856 curing agents, system depends on the modifiers and fillers
Cure speed was measured using the thin film offer very fast set times. Ancamine 2423 curing added, the size of the mixing container and the
set time (TFST) test. TFST is an indicator of the time agent, a modified cycloaliphatic, also offers very fast mixing temperature.
Table 6 (Continued)
Modified Cycloaliphatics Amidoamines / Polyamides
1618 2074 2143 2280 2286 2368 2423 2137 2349 2353 2396 501 502 506
Bis-A-Based Resin (EEW=190)–Parts 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Epodil 748 Diluent–Parts 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Curing Agent–Parts 58 46.7 59 55.8 49 50.2 58 76.1 35 60 47.2 34.9 45.7 53.4
Curing Agent Viscosity, cP 400 60 600 450 60 200 1,200 1,800 800 3,000 680 600 300 250
Mixed Viscosity, cP 1,370 530 1,810 1,240 520 590 2,020 2,240 1,730 3,020 1,440 1,560 930 780
Gel Time, min, 150g mass at 77°F (25 °C) 74 55 82 79 55 35 21 43 59 56 145 46 126 406
Thin Film Set Time, hr
at 77 °F (25 °C) 7.3 8.3 9.3 8.8 10.5 6.0 4.5 3.5 6.8 4.5 12 10 13 35
at 40 °F (5 °C) NT 20 NT 29 NT 18 NT 20 31 25 35 NT >40 NT
Physical Properties (after 7 day cure at 77 °F)
Strength, psi 9,500 11,800 10,400 6,900 11,400 11,900 10,100 3,800 13,800 12,000 10,900 13,200 8,700 8,100
Modulus, thousand psi 312 340 326 231 367 336 283 122 325 310 279 318 234 217
Strength, psi 6,100 7,700 6,900 4,900 7,400 8,200 7,200 2,700 8,900 8,500 8,700 7,800 4,600 4,400
Modulus, thousand psi 204 400 189 218 191 254 337 128 463 376 190 352 211 98
Elongation, % 7.0 4.5 8.0 12 5.7 4.0 6.7 14 7.3 7.8 8.6 7.9 21 26
Strength, psi 10,100 12,200 10,600 9,700 11,800 15,200 11,300 3,300 16,000 14,100 13,600 14,000 9,200 9,200
Modulus, thousand psi 378 450 383 303 431 467 394 96 475 407 389 396 259 257
Tg, °F 111 120 117 100 113 136 118 109 141 131 126 131 137 117
*Formulations used for the bond strength test include 5 phr Ancamine K54 curing agent. NT= Not Tested
PRODUCT Strength and Modulus Unfilled curing agent formulations were tested
PERFORMANCE DATA When developing an epoxy system, the formulator for compressive, tensile, and flexural strength and
(continued) should consider the strength limits of the substrate. modulus using ASTM standard methods.
For Portland cement concrete, these limits normally Modified aliphatics, such as Ancamine 1637LV,
range from 350-600 psi for tensile; 3,000-5,000 psi 1638, 1856 and 2089M curing agents, give very
for compressive; and 1,500-2,500 psi for shear. In high strength and modulus with both diluted and
some applications, such as trowelable floors, high- undiluted resin. Strength values imparted by
strength epoxy systems can help spread point loads modified cycloaliphatics and amidoamines/
across the concrete. When using these systems for polyamides generally are not as high as for
structural repairs, the modulus should be similar to modified aliphatics, but they are still far greater than
that of the substrate in order to achieve uniform load the strength of normal concrete and more than
transfer. If the repair is non-structural, however, a adequate for most civil engineering applications.
lower modulus may be desired for stress relief and For applications where lower modulus is
vibration damping to reduce the potential for desired, amidoamines, such as Ancamide 2137,
cracking and delamination. 502 and 506 curing agents, are recommended with
diluted resin. Strength and modulus data for model
filled flooring systems are included in our brochure,
Epoxy Curing Agents for Flooring Applications.
Table 8 ASTM C882 with 90% Bis-A-Based Liquid Resin / 10% Epodil 748 Diluent Blend
1856 2089M 2432 2074 2280 2353 2396
C882 – Slant Shear Bond Strength
Type I Class C (>60 °F)
2 day cure, psi 2,260 2,490 2,410 2,020 590 2,330 750
14 day cure, psi 2,090 2,660 2,240 3,330 2,100 2,200 2,490
Type II
14 day cure, psi 1,550 1,300 1,710
Type I Class B (40 °F–60 °F)
2 day cure, psi 2,530 2,620 1,280 1,630 660 310
14 day cure, psi 2,970 2,220 2,650 1,910 2,390 1,930
Note: Formulations used for the ASTM C882 test include 5 phr Ancamine K54 curing agent.
Bond Strength Chemical Resistance Waterborne Systems
Unfilled formulations were measured for: Chemical resistance is often a major consideration Waterborne epoxy formulations are used as sealers,
• Bond strength to damp concrete using the direct in choosing epoxy materials over alternative primers, block fillers and paints for concrete. They
pull-off test after a seven-day cure at 72 °F and chemistries. Chemical resistance is required in offer better hardness, chemical resistance and
40 °F, as described in the Appendix. Bonding to flooring, secondary containment linings and other abrasion resistance than other waterborne polymers
damp concrete is more difficult than bonding to applications. The material used must not degrade or (such as acrylics). Use of a waterborne system can
dry, so dry concrete bond strength is expected to allow permeation of chemicals to the substrate. provide advantages in easier cleanup, reduced
be as good as or better than the reported bond to For outstanding overall chemical resistance, we solvent use and an environmentally friendly
damp concrete. Damp concrete bonding was recommend Ancamine 2432, 2280 or 2422 curing perception. We recommend Anquamide 360 or
measured since many civil engineering agents (for use with novolac resins). Refer to Air Anquamine 401 curing agents for sealers and
applications have the potential to be applied to Products’ bulletin, Chemical Resistance for primers, and Anquamine 401 curing agent for floor
damp concrete under field conditions. Results Ambient Cure Epoxy Formulations, and the and wall paints. Refer to our Epoxy Product Guide
are shown in Tables 5 and 6. Ancamine 2422 curing agent Technical Data Sheet and the technical data sheets for more details.
• ASTM C882 slant shear bond strength for for product recommendations and test data for
selected products under Type I Class C (>60 °F), specific reagents. In addition to the high-chemical Blush and Waterspot Resistance
Type II and Type I Class B (40 °F–60 °F) resistance cycloaliphatic and aliphatic curing agents Blush and waterspot resistance are important
conditions as specified in the ASTM C881 described in the bulletin, Ancamide 2396 and 2353 performance attributes in flooring because of the
specification. ASTM C882 test results are curing agents are recommended to give much better requirement for good appearance. Modified
included for several curing agent formulations chemical resistance than standard amidoamines cycloaliphatics offer good blush and waterspot
in Tables 7 and 8. and polyamides. resistance, with Ancamine 2280 and 2143 curing
Note: The formulations tested for bond strength all agents giving the best performance. In addition,
included 5 phr of Ancamine K54 curing agent. Low-Temperature Cure Ancamine 2089M curing agent gives the least
For coating-type applications, direct pull-off Almost all civil engineering applications rely on blush of the accelerator recommendations.
tests are typically used (200 psi minimum is ambient conditions for cure—the use of applied Ancamide 2396 and 2353 curing agents give
typical), while slant shear bond strength tests are heat is usually not feasible. In many cases, the better blush resistance than standard amidoamines
often used for repair materials. system must be formulated to cure under a wide and polyamides.
Most of the curing agents provide greater than range of temperatures and humidity. Application at
low temperatures is often desired in civil Increased Flexibility
300 psi pull-off strength to damp concrete when
cured at 72 °F. However, when cured at 40 °F, there engineering to extend the season and help reduce Epoxies with greater flexibility are more resistant to
is a wider range of results, with Ancamine 2432, job delays. Some epoxy curing agents do not cure stresses that can cause fracture or disbondment.
2074, 2280 and 2368 curing agents providing >300 well under low temperatures. For complete cure at High flexibility is needed in crack bridging
psi with undiluted resin; and Ancamine 1856, low temperatures (down to 40 °F or even lower), we membranes and joint sealants.
2089M, 2432, 2074 and 2280 and Ancamide 2353 recommend modified cycloaliphatics as well as Flexibility was measured using the tensile
curing agents giving >300 psi with diluted resin. At Ancamine 2432, 1856, 1768 and 1637LV curing elongation test. Some curing agents, such as
low-temperature cure conditions, some products, agents. In addition, Ancamide 2353 and 2396 Ancamide 2137 and 506, can give moderate
such as Ancamine 1608 and 1638 curing agents, curing agents give more complete cure at low flexibility when used with diluted resin. Ancarez
give a relatively poor bond to damp concrete (<50 temperatures than standard amidoamines and 2364 modifier is recommended when high
psi), but the bond to dry concrete is expected to polyamides. elongation and formulating versatility are desired.
be much better. Ancamine K54 curing agent is Ancamine 2390 curing agent gives high flexibility
recommended for use as an additive at the ≤ 5 phr with a 1:1 mix ratio. At lower use levels, Ancarez
level to improve the epoxy system bond to dry or 2364 modifier can also be used to toughen epoxy
damp concrete. systems for improved impact resistance. Refer to Air
Products’ bulletin, Flexibilizing Epoxy Formulations,
for formulating guidelines.
ASTM C881 SPECIFICATION ASTM C881, “Standard Specification for Epoxy The performance of the formulated system
Resin Base Bonding Systems for Concrete,” is depends on all of the components, including the
sometimes referenced by formulators and users curing agent, fillers, additives, resins, etc. The
of epoxy-based civil engineering products. The curing agent, in particular, can have a major impact
specification lists seven product types for specific on the performance of the product. Key parameters
applications. For each type, several specifications for the ASTM C881 specification are ASTM C882
are listed such as compressive strength, bond (slant shear bond strength) test results. ASTM C882
strength and gel time. The specification also test results are shown in Tables 7 and 8 for several
references three grades according to product unfilled curing agent formulations. Our
flow characteristics and six classes for different recommendations for Types I, II, III, IV and V are
product application temperature ranges. A user can summarized in Table 10 as a guide in helping the
specify the type, grade and class of the material formulator meet the ASTM C881 specifications.
desired. Table 9 lists the types, grades and classes
that are included.
Table 10
Curing Agent Recommendations
Table 9 ASTM C881 Classifications for ASTM C881 Types I–V
Type – Describes Application Grade
I Bonding hardened concrete to hardened concrete or other materials; non-load bearing 1 2 3
II Bonding fresh concrete to hardened concrete; non-load bearing Class
III Bonding skid-resistant material to hardened concrete; traffic-bearing surfaces A 2089M 1856 1856
(thermal/mechanical movement) 2432 2396
(II, V only)
IV Bonding hardened concrete to hardened concrete or other materials; load bearing
B 1856 2280 2280
V Bonding fresh concrete to hardened concrete; load bearing
2074 2353 2353
VI Bonding and sealing segmental precast elements with internal tendons and span-by-span 2089M 2396 2396
erection; temporary post-tensioning applied 2432
VII Sealing (nonstress) segmental precast elements; temporary post-tensioning not applied
C 2074 2280 2280
Grade – Describes Viscosity 2280 2353 2353
1 Low viscosity 2396 2396 2396
2 Medium viscosity
Type III applications require a flexibilizer such as Ancarez
3 Non-sagging
2364 or Ancamine 2390. Grade 1 recommendations can be
Class – Describes Use Temperature (Substrate) During Application used to formulate Grade 3 systems for sag resistance using
thickening agents.
Types I–V
A Below 40 °F (4.5 °C)
B Between 40 and 60 °F (4.5 and 15.5 °C)
C Above 60 °F (15.5 °C)
Types VI–VII
D Between 40 and 65 °F (4.5 and 18.3 °C)
E Between 60 and 80 °F (15.5 and 26.7 °C)
F Between 75 and 90 °F (24.0 and 32.2 °C)
Color – Specified by Purchaser
Test Methods
• Curing Agent Viscosity: At 77 °F, ASTM
D445-83, Brookfield RVTD, Spindle 4
• Mixed Viscosity: Viscosity of blended curing
agent and resin/diluent measured after
mixing for 4 minutes at 77 °F using ASTM
D445-83, Brookfield RVTD, Spindle 4.
• Gel Time (150 gram mass): Techne GT-4
Gelation Timer
• Thin Film Set Time (TFST): BK Drying
• Compressive Strength and Modulus:
ASTM D695-85
• Tensile Strength, Modulus and Elongation:
ASTM D638-86
• Flexural Strength and Modulus: ASTM
• Tg (Glass Transition Temperature):
ASTM D3418-82
• Bond Strength to Damp Concrete:
ASTM 4541. Samples were prepared by
immersing blocks of ASTM C109 cement
mortar in water for 24 hours. The blocks
were then removed from the water, the
excess water was wiped from the surface,
and formulated epoxy was applied
immediately. The epoxy was allowed to
cure for seven days before testing.
• Slant Shear Bond Strength: ASTM C882
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