Audubon 2016 Summer
Audubon 2016 Summer
Audubon 2016 Summer
S U MME R 2 01 6
You Looking
For Me?
An expedition deep
inside Equatorial Guinea’s
caldera of lost birds
Meet the
Frontiers Land of the Lost Birds
An expedition experiences hardship and hope as it
records the birdlife of a remote and untrammeled
caldera on the central African island of Bioko.
By Alisa Opar/Photography by Tristan Spinski
30 36
Above: Jacob
Cooper searches
for birds on Bioko.
Cover: A
photographed at
the Moka Wildlife
Center on Bioko
Island, Equatorial
Photo by Tristan
W hen we came up with the three such stories, which we’ve We want to
idea for a series of photo- served up as this issue’s visual greet- hear your
driven stories that capture the vast ing. I think the mix does a nice job stories about
12 Field Notes range of inspiring ways that people’s of representing what we’re trying people and
Collaboration trumps conflict at passion for birds comes to life, we to get at with Flock Together. We their glori-
Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife knew we’d struck gold. What better meet Dalaikhan Itale, a hunter in ously unique
Refuge; voters in Florida deliver a nexus could there be to train our the Altai Mountains of Mongolia, interactions
resounding victory to the Everglades; photographers’ lenses upon than the whose weapon is Golden Eagles, with the birds
in a low-tech setting, scientists look intersection of birds and the people which he began training when they love.
to crack the code on bird-safe glass; who care about them? That, after he was 13; Nicole Castaneda, a
beating back yet another challenge all, is the place where the Audubon dedicated volunteer feeding berries
to the Grand Canyon. Society and our members are most to American Robin fledglings at
at home. On an oddly pragmatic the Sharon Audubon Center in
level, we were also looking to create Connecticut; and Chris Parish,
something that would entice us to whose Arizona-based crew captured
be happy: More frequently than 70 California Condors last year, ul-
we’d like here at Audubon, we find timately treating 20 of them for lead
ourselves drawn to stories that reflect poisoning before releasing them.
our world in all of its darker shadings That, in fact, is the beautiful, nearly
(climate change, habitat destruction, subliminal moment that unites
greed-driven despoliation). I make these three hugely varied tales: the
no apologies for that, but I also rec- release of the birds back to the wild,
44 Field Guide ognize that gazing with no reprieve and the fostering of their ability
Birding What to do when your into the darkness is a recipe for to survive and thrive there. If this
bird guide just isn't getting it done. demoralization and defeat, and there series of single shots has whet your
Travel This year, see boreal birds are certainly just as many or more appetite for more, I beseech you to
where they spend their summers. positive stories in and around our head to
Photography Some basics on world as there are distressing ones. to see full galleries for each of these
boat-based bird photography. Our “Flock Together” series, which stories, plus many more that you
made its debut last issue and which haven’t seen in the magazine.
52 Illustrated Aviary we’ve just launched big online, is one And if you know of other great
An artist maps out a stunning image of way of ensuring that we highlight tales of people and their gloriously
a long-distance migrator, the Red Knot. those stories, that we spend enough unique interactions with the birds
By Claire Brewster time in the light. they love, we want to hear about
If you’ve paged through the them. Just shoot us a note (and a
magazine from the front cover to photo, if possible) to flocktogether@
arrive at these words, you’ve already Help us keep the
experienced tantalizing tastes of inspiration coming.
Customer service: 844-428-3826 or [email protected]. The observations and opinions expressed in Audubon magazine are those of the respective authors and
should not be interpreted as representing the official views of the National Audubon Society. Volume 118, Number 4, Summer 2016. Audubon, ISSN 0097-7136, the magazine
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n january a group of armed
men took control of Malheur Na-
Wildlife Refuge in the high
solutions that allow both birds and
beef to thrive. “It is ironic that they
picked Malheur,” says partnership
Malheur. In
four decades the number of ducks
and geese hatched at Malheur has
dropped tenfold and migratory birds
a landscape
desert of southeast Oregon. For 41 member Bob Sallinger, conservation that is very have declined up to 90 percent.
days they occupied its headquarters, director at Portland Audubon. “In a conflicted, it In early April, soon after U.S.
looting electronics, overflowing landscape that is very conflicted, it is is a place of Fish and Wildlife Service fish
the septic system, bulldozing over a place of collaboration.” collaboration.” biologist Linda Beck regained
Native American artifacts—all told, Gary Marshall, a rancher who access to the refuge, she toured the
doing $6 million worth of dam- grazes cattle on the refuge, was eight-inch-deep lake by airboat. She
age—and deploying armed guards among the first to sign on when the made a butt-rattling loop around an
to patrol the 300 square miles of High Desert Partnership formed in artificial island built for Caspian
sagebrush meadows and river valleys 2005. He was tired of seeing land- Terns and cut the motor. The
where 320 bird species occur. High use conflicts play out in faraway chocolate-milk-colored water was
among their demands was for the courts. “We have intelligent people flat and silent, the lone bird a gull
feds to turn over control of Malheur right here,” he says. The group’s first flying overhead. “In summer there
to surrounding Harney County. In effort was to create a 15-year Com- are pods of carp by the thousands,”
a Facebook video, Ammon Bundy, prehensive Conservation Plan for Beck says. “You look over the water
one of the group’s leaders, explained, the refuge. People fought. But they and see them gulping for air.” This
“We’re doing this so the people can also listened. Everyone agreed on summer she’ll attack the fish on
have their land and their resources the final plan, under which grazing multiple fronts: permit recreational
back where they belong.” permits are issued every five years and commercial fishing and herd
Locals, however, had little instead of annually, and cattle are carp with traps and screens into areas
interest in their help. That’s because kept in higher pasture into the sum- g where they can be easily culled.
Malheur doesn’t exemplify the classic mer to allow the chicks of Sandhill JOINT VENTURE Back in 1908, when refuge
hard-drawn battle lines in the West, Cranes, Bobolinks, and other birds Clockwise, from champion William L. Finley visit-
but exactly the opposite—a growing to hatch in the wet meadows. top left: rancher ed the lake, he saw a maze of plants
trend of joint rancher-conservationist Since then the group has Gary Marshall; bursting with ducks, geese, grebes,
initiatives. Over the past decade a launched restoration projects on gate to the refuge; pelicans, gulls, and herons: a “vast
group called the High Desert Part- more than 100,000 acres of forests fish biologist extent of green tules—acres, square
nership has brought together people and wetlands. Hours before one of Linda Beck; a miles of birds.” With the help
from more than 30 organizations, the occupiers was shot and killed Canada Goose on of the High Desert Partnership,
including ranchers, refuge biologists, in a standoff with police, the group a haystack outside multitudes of birds will occupy the
and greens, who are working to find received news that it had won a the refuge. refuge once again.
A Victory for
Florida’s Everglades
A new act ensures 20 years of funding to restore
the imperiled River of Grass.
The Climate
In 2014 Audu-
bon’s climate
models revealed
that the ranges of
Western, Moun-
tain, and Eastern
Bluebirds might
be disrupted by
climate change.
This year marks
the start of a pilot
program to test
those predictions
in the field. The
new citizen sci-
ence effort, called
Climate Watch,
tapped volun-
teers from one
Audubon center
and 19 chapters
in 10 states to
count bluebirds
during weeks-
long intervals in
January and June.
“Hard data, real
numbers, on what
sort of effect cli-
mate has on one
particular creature
will be invaluable,”
says Mark Del-
wiche, a Climate
Watch participant
and president of
the Snake River
Audubon Society
in Idaho. The
next phase of the
program, which
includes addi-
tional species and
locations, begins
in 2017.
—Liz Bergstrom
At the mouth of
the Shark River,
an incoming
tide from the
Gulf of Mexico
mixes with
estuary water.
The imprint of a
Mourning Dove is the
dramatic residue of a
lethal encounter.
So far, nine
types of glass
o a bird on the wing, a pane of glass isn’t just a window
T to the world: It is the world. A reflection of trees, shrubs,
and sky make the view seem like an extension of its habitat.
and several
such as
stickers and
The illusion can be deadly. Every year in the United States, film, have
an estimated 365 million to 988 million birds die from earned the
collisions with glass. It’s a design flaw birds themselves are “bird-friendly”
now helping to correct. stamp.
The Powdermill Avian Research Center in rural Rector,
Pennsylvania, runs the only bird-safe-glass testing tunnel in
the country. Manufacturers that add visible stripes, dots (a.k.a.
fritting), or other patterns to glass send products there to be
appraised by birds captured on the property. The tunnel itself
isn’t all that flashy: It’s a 25-foot-long wooden box, based on a
design by ornithologist Martin Rössler, that sits on a swivel so
that it can be aligned with the sun. But it’s effective. Birds fly
toward one of two windows at the end of the tunnel before
being caught by a net and released unharmed.
Each season, during spring and fall migration, researchers
test up to 30 new prototypes. The American Bird Conservancy
certifies those that pass as “bird-friendly”—a stamp of avian
approval that nine types of glass and several products, such as
Tunnel Vision
stickers and films, have so far earned. Architects have already 1 A researcher selects a songbird (col-
incorporated them into buildings, including at Vassar College lected and banded on-site) and records
and the Philadelphia Zoo. Homeowners have been a tougher its measurements, the date and time,
sell. But as Lucas DeGroote, avian research coordinator at and weather conditions. The bird is then
pushed through a sleeve installed in the
Powdermill, observes, “People are often surprised by how front of the tunnel, where it sits in the
attractive yet effective these products can be.” researcher’s hand to get its bearings.
2The released bird flies toward two 3 A light flashes as the bird hits the net, 4 A door at the end of the tunnel opens
glass panes—one regular glass, the other helping researchers identify the bird’s posi- so the bird can escape. If it hasn’t flown
the treated glass being tested. A mist net tion when they review its flight. Its chosen to the end within 30 seconds, or if it hov-
in front of the glass prevents a collision. path is a measure of the treated pane’s ers in front of the panes before alighting
Angled mirrors intensify the reflection on bird-friendliness. A product is "effective" if on the net, the flight isn’t counted. Birds
the panes, making the cloud-and-sky back- at least 70 percent of birds veer from it; 85 are used just once, though each proto-
ground behind the glass look like an exit. percent means "highly effective." type is put through at least 80 trials.
M ore than a century ago
President Theodore Roosevelt
rounding the canyon to keep ura-
nium mining from threatening the
Attack on a created Grand Canyon National
Monument, calling the vast chasm
purity of their water. Advocates are
pushing President Barack Obama
National Treasure “the one great sight which every
American should see.”
to create the Greater Grand Can-
yon Heritage National Monument
Fifty years ago the U.S. government tried Today the iconic landmark has and permanently put an end to new
to strip the Grand Canyon of its grandeur. national park status, and the pro- mining claims in the locale.
tected area has expanded to encom- This isn’t the first time the
Now, new forces threaten it again. pass the entire 277-mile formation. Grand Canyon has faced the threat
BY BOB WYSS But for Arizona’s indigenous tribes, of development, and it certainly
such as the Havasupai and Navajo, won’t be the last. The breathtaking
that’s not enough. They’re seeking layers of sandstone, shale, and lime-
to protect 1.7 million acres sur- stone that draw millions of visitors
Nobody knows
precisely how
many bird
species occur in
Equatorial Guinea.
To find out, a
crew of American
scientists is
surveying the
most remote
reaches of the
African nation,
the birdlife even
as rampant
threatens it.
Members of the
Biodiversity Initiative on
an expedition in Bioko,
Equatorial Guinea. To
their left lie the pirate-
plagued waters of the
Gulf of Guinea. To
the right looms their
ultimate destination: a
7,400-foot-high caldera.
o sign marks the start of the trail
to one of the last unspoiled habitats in all
of Africa. I wouldn’t see it anyway. I’m
crammed into an 11-passenger van carry-
ing 13 people and a heap of backpacks as it navigates
to that unmarked spot in a scientific reserve that
sprawls across the southern end of Bioko, a moun-
tainous tropical island 20 miles off the west coast of
central Africa. A sweaty forearm is smashed against
my sweaty shoulder. Three knees dig into my back
through the thin seat. I’m not complaining—the
porters behind me will lug our expedition’s gear
for two days over 18 rugged miles into the Gran
Caldera de Luba, a rainforest-blanketed volcanic
crater whose 7,400-foot-high walls create a natural
sanctuary for a dazzling array of wildlife. The few
dozen people who make the arduous journey each
year come mostly to survey monkeys. Our group is
venturing into this primeval realm to document its
far-lesser-known inhabitants, especially birds.
If we’re really, really lucky, I’m told, we’ll spot
the near-mythical Grey-necked Picathartes, a bird
whose global population might number as few as
3,500 individuals. If we’re insanely lucky, we’ll dis-
cover a new species. g up 4,000 feet in elevation gain. Equatoguineans, it
Just outside Ureca, the only village on Bioko’s south HEART OF THE seems, don’t believe in switchbacks. At our midway
coast, our driver stops on the brand-new road that bi- CALDERA break, Luke L. Powell, 34, a conservation ecologist
sects the 200-square-mile Gran Caldera de Luba Sci- The sheer walls of the at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, barely
entific Reserve. Sandal-clad porters scramble out, heft caldera (below) create seems winded; he’d popped a caffeine pill. Jacob C.
overstuffed backpacks, and disappear into the forest. a haven for wildlife, Cooper, 24, a University of Kansas master’s student
The rest of us—me, four scientists, an Equatoguinean protecting birds and who recently modeled the range and distribution of
college student, and a photographer—slip on daypacks mammals from hunting nearly every hummingbird species in the world, has
and follow two guides on a zigzagging eight-mile route and deforestation. binoculars to his eyes and is calling out bird species.
through dense forest and along black-sand beach to Years of bird work in I can’t follow a word. (He’s speaking fast. In Latin.)
Moraka, a field camp where a half-dozen volunteers the Amazon taught Next to me, cursing his smoking habit, is Jared Wolfe,
monitor primates and nesting sea turtles each winter, Luke Powell (opposite) 35, a research ecologist with the U.S. Forest Service
and where we’ll crash tonight. The forest trail is dot- to carry a machete in who studies the effects of climate change on birds.
ted with spent shotgun shells from bushmeat poachers tropical forests and to His fiancée (and the group’s mammal expert), Kristin
who hunt monkeys, small antelope called duikers, and put his binoculars on Brzeski, 32, a conservation geneticist who studies coy-
large birds such as Black-casqued Hornbills. Hunting a rope harness, which otes at Princeton University, is doing yogic stretches.
is illegal in protected areas like this, but there’s scant reduces bounce when It’s the crew’s first trip to the caldera, and Brz-
manpower to enforce the bans. To get where hunters navigating rough terrain. eski’s first year with the Biodiversity Initiative. The
don’t go, a guide tells me, you need to suffer. guys founded the group in 2013 to explore the un-
I understand what he means the next day as we derstudied birdlife in Equatorial Guinea, a country
gasp up the crater’s flank. The only sign of humans that is home to precisely zero professional orni-
is the root-tangled trail leading 10 grueling miles thologists. So far their annual expeditions on Bioko
and the sliver of mainland between Cameroon and
Gabon have added 11 names to the country’s avian
list of roughly 400 species. They expect to turn up
dozens more. They also aim to help boost conser-
vation in this rapidly changing country, where oil
riches are fueling booming development.
At last we crest the ridge, then drop down the
vertiginous inner wall, grasping poles driven into the
ground. At the bottom lies our last obstacle: the Ole
River. The water traces an old lava flow, shooting
out of the crater in a dramatic 75-foot waterfall and
tumbling down to the ocean far below. It’s January,
height of the dry season, so we boulder-hop across
the thigh-high water to Hormigas Camp. From
April through October, when there’s more than 30
feet of rain, the river swells immensely, blocking
human access for most of the rainy season.
We use the last hour of sunlight to search for the
on with his petrodollar-fueled plans to massively ex-
quatorial guinea is the kind of place pand infrastructure. Most ambitious is Oyala, the new
biologists go gaga over. Its mainland jungles capital rising out of the rainforest on the mainland;
boast rare animals like picathartes, chimpan- unlike Malabo, the current capital, which is on Bioko,
zees, elephants, and gorillas. Bioko is even it’s safe from seaborne coup attempts, like one in 2009.
more intriguing. Islands aren’t usually flush with pri- Now, with oil production waning, Obiang is looking
mates or forest birds, which are unlikely to cross open to build up other industries, including ecotourism.
more birds than the nets snag. He places the captives
ur first morning at hormigas in cotton bags and delivers them to the banding sta-
(“ants,” in Spanish) we swig instant cof- tion. Motove, the novice, removes a Forest Robin from
fee and devour rice and Spam that the a bag. Under Wolfe’s patient guidance, he attaches a
cook, Apolonio, reheats on the fire. The numbered aluminum leg band, calls out species name,
conversation revolves around vivid dreams induced age, sex, wing and tail length, molt condition, and fat
by malaria meds. That, and hyraxes. The rabbit-size, presence, which Brzeski records; over time, recaptures
nocturnal mammals have an earsplitting territorial reveal critical information about the survival of bird
call that begins as insistent shrieks and grows to a populations. Next, Powell collects blood and a feather
desperate pitch. They scream for hours. for an avian malaria study and genetic analysis. Any
Powell breaks in. It’s time to split into two bags with guano smears will go to a researcher in the
groups and go birding. United Kingdom, who will determine the birds’ diets.
“Yes,” Wolfe agrees. “I’ll take Jacob.” Cooper may use some of this data for his Ph.D.
“No way,” says Powell. “We’ll flip for him.” project on mountain-dwelling birds in Cameroon
They know Cooper will tally the most birds. Wolfe and Equatorial Guinea, comparing the birds’ genetics
grumbles good-naturedly when he loses the toss. He, and songs. Differences could indicate that a subspe-
Brzeski, and guide Cirilo head north. I go south with cies has diverged into a distinct species.
Powell, Cooper, and Amancio Motove Etingüe, a stu- Motove processes a bird every 20 minutes or so.
dent at the National University of Equatorial Guinea. Wolfe watches carefully for signs of stress—yawning
Our guide, Miguel, is from Ureca. He strolls noise- beak, drooping head or eyelids—ready to intervene if
lessly, hands behind him, pausing to point out duikers necessary. It never is. I ask Wolfe how long one bird
bounding through tangled undergrowth and monkeys takes him. “Maybe a minute or two?” Later, when
in treetops. He stops me from stepping on bratwurst- dark clouds gather and a few fat raindrops fall, Wolfe
size turds of drills, highly endangered primates we jumps in so they can release the birds before it pours.
haven’t seen yet. We mark the spot for Brzeski. I time him: 58 seconds flat.
We move slowly, looking, listening. Cooper, audio Around 11 a.m., as banding is wrapping up, Wolfe
recorder running, notes a heated exchange between goes to check the picathartes nets. An hour later he’s
two Chestnut Wattle-eyes, plump, flycatcher-like g back. “Guys, I think I heard it!” Finding empty nets,
birds. African Grey Parrots, abundant on Bioko but BIRDS OF BIOKO he scrambled below the waterfall, where he flushed
dwindling nearly everywhere else due to the pet trade Clockwise, from top something in the thick vegetation and heard a cough-
and deforestation, gab in the canopy. A Hadada Ibis right: Green Twinspot, a ing noise. He’s sure it was a pica. As we pack up that
floats overhead. Somewhere a Chocolate-backed ground-feeding bird; the afternoon to go to North Camp for three days, Pow-
Kingfisher calls mournfully; the best regional guide- Olive Sunbird resembles ell laments moving four miles from the caldera’s only
book says it occurs only at far lower elevations. We a hummingbird, but it known nesting site. Brzeski sets up a video camera on
step over a column of vicious driver ants that may perches, rather than the ledge. Don’t get your hopes up, she tells me. At
have attracted the insectivorous Velvet-mantled hovers, when consuming that distance, any animal across the 40-foot expanse
Drongo, whose unmistakable grating electronic nectar; the shy Forest will likely be an unidentifiable blur.
sound cuts through the ubiquitous chups and whistles Robin is more often
of the Little Greenbul. heard than seen; the mile out of camp, i’m sorely missing
An unfamiliar song sends Cooper and Powell white spots and red the porters. And chiding myself for not
searching for the vocalist. It’s reddish, with a short eye indicate that this adding weights to my training hikes.
bill: a Rufous Flycatcher-Thrush. Grey-headed Negrita I forget my discomfort when we see the
Cooper shakes his head. “It sounds really weird.” is an adult; this Green monkey skeleton. Brzeski and Wolfe are flabbergasted.
“Different subspecies?” Twinspot’s bright-red They were here yesterday on their Cooper-less hike; it
Cooper shrugs. “It could just be an alternate song facial feathers identify it wasn’t. Maybe they somehow missed it. Or perhaps
I’m not familiar with. I need to do more research.” as a male; the Mountain it died yesterday afternoon and driver ants picked it
In all, the two teams detect about three dozen spe- Sawwing, a member of clean overnight. It’s unsettlingly plausible. The tiny
cies. “It’s not very birdy,” says Powell. Maybe, Wolfe the swallow family. carnivores are known for stripping prey to the bone.
data year-round will expand the knowledge of the
ver the next two days, brzeski sets country’s avifauna, and the presence of surveyors in
up camera traps and everyone else settles protected areas would help deter illegal activities, as
into banding. Motove handles birds they witnessed during the logging run-in.
with greater confidence, from petite Boots on the ground are vital, says the BBPP’s
hummingbird-like Olive Sunbirds to a hearty Grey- Gonder. At Moraka, the sea turtle camp, poachers stay
headed Negrita, a black finch whose red irises indi- away when volunteers are present. When they leave,
cate it’s an adult male. He cuts his processing time hunters move in, evidenced by the shotgun shells.
in half. “It’s like one pop quiz after another,” he says. Continued on page 50
Before traveling to the caldera, the team conducted
a two-day session on banding and mammal surveys for
16 students from the national university. It’s the third
year they’ve taught the course, where they met Motove
last year. “There aren’t a lot of people here who study
ecology, forestry, or biology,” says Maximiliano Fero, a
botanist and the research chair at the university, and the
person who issues biological sample export permits for
the Biodiversity Initiative. “Little by little it’s growing,
but that’s why collaborations with international part-
ners like the Biodiversity Initiative are so desirable.”
On paper, a quarter of Equatorial Guinea is
protected, but poaching and illicit logging are
rampant. The country’s protected-areas agency,
INDEFOR-AP, is motivated to do biological sur-
veys and crack down on illegal activity, the BBPP’S
Cronin says, “but they have a shoestring budget
and little political support.”
Bushmeat is a major conservation threat. It’s a
staple here, sold at a huge Malabo market and road-
side stands. The BBPP has tracked bushmeat sales, a
proxy for hunting levels, for nearly two decades. Last
year Cronin and colleagues reported that from 1997
to 2010, Malabo market surveyors counted more than
35,000 monkeys (illegal to kill since 2007), nearly
59,000 duikers, some 81,000 rodents, and more than
4,100 birds, including Black-casqued Hornbills, Great
Blue Turacos, and Palm-nut Vultures. Sales have in-
creased over time, tracking economic prosperity.
Deforestation is the other main danger to wildlife.
“The rate of deforestation in Equatorial Guinea is at an
all-time high,” says Katy Gonder, the BBPP’s director.
That’s largely due to clearing land for Oyala, the new
capital, though logging occurs in reserves throughout
the country, as Biodiversity Initiative members have
Airborne robots that look and behave like real live birds are
not only superior to today’s drones. They are a sign of a future in
which machines will seamlessly blend with nature to gather secret
intelligence, protect our crops, and maybe even deliver the mail.
uke roberts, a 26-year- oratories around the world, are far superior to the
old musician with an tiny, energy-hogging flying gizmos of today. They
ash-blond Mohawk and a have a host of uses: gathering intelligence; delivering
scruffy chin, sits at a table packages to hard-to-reach places; doing aerial sur-
littered with wires, spare veillance—for example, tracking the spread of for-
parts, and half-assembled est fires, which in 2015 cost the federal government
robots. Behind him stands $2 billion to control. When they’re built to resemble
a red and black human- raptors, they can keep pest birds in check around air-
sized bot with four-foot- ports, farmlands, and landfills. In 2011, in just five
long arms and a gray com- states (California, Michigan, New York, Oregon,
puter screen for a face. This and Washington), birds damaged $189 million
is the University of Maryland’s Robotics Center, Size 0.6 pounds; about worth of blueberries, cherries, honeycrisp apples, and
in College Park, a 35-minute drive from Washing- a 47-inch wingspan wine grapes. At landfills, birds interfere with daily
ton, D.C., and where Roberts completed his mas- Purpose Gathering informa- operations, and their droppings contain pathogens
ter’s degree. Here students’ mechanical creations tion and intelligence; carrying dangerous to humans and livestock. When birds get
learn to walk, crawl, and even fly. out search-and-rescue mis- sucked into airplane engines, they can cause crashes.
Unlike some of the other hulking bots stand- sions; monitoring farm fields Bird robots promise to overcome such problems—
ing about the room, Roberts’s consists of just a few Accomplished Flapping saving both money and human lives.
carbon fiber sticks about 30 inches long, a whir flight; adept maneuvering
of wires and sensors, and microchips. It weighs (steep climbs, sharp dives, ince the time of leonardo da vinci,
roughly half a pound. “The skeleton holds all the fast turns); measuring its who sketched and even possibly tested a
electronics,” he explains, pointing at the flight own flight vitals; partially flapping-winged glider, people have been
controller, which translates the human pilot’s com- recharging in flight trying—and failing—to make a birdlike
mands into the computer code that activates the Future goals Self-adjusting aerial machine. There have been major hurdles to
wings’ gears, along with other vital parts. “This is to wind and turbulence; overcome. The biggest among them: weight. En-
the battery, and this is the brain.” fully recharging in flight gines that could generate sufficient lift and com-
Using rubber bands to tie on the wings made of puters capable of matching birds’ brains’ ability
Mylar (the material used to make the thin film in to process large amounts of sensory info were too
helium balloons), he demonstrates how to quickly heavy to fly. Re-creating birds’ wings, which consist
assemble the bot. Suddenly a creature takes shape, of dozens of bones and muscles, called for moving
looking like a cross between a dragonfly and a parts that could be both tiny and lightweight but
pterodactyl. Holding it in his outstretched hand also durable enough to withstand hours of flight.
the way a medieval hunter displays a falcon, he Today it’s possible to overcome these challenges
pushes a button on his remote control box and using tiny electronics and computer processors, as
the “bird,” named Robo Raven, starts flapping well as 3D printing for building intricate mechani-
its wings. After examining it closely to make sure cal parts from various composite materials. Roberts’s
nothing is loose, Roberts deems it ready for a test adviser, Satyandra K. Gupta, who was a professor of
flight. Then he removes the wings and packs it up mechanical engineering at the University of Mary-
for transport to the airfield. land for more than 17 years (he recently accepted a
In the morning, Roberts arrives at the field, new job at the University of Southern California in
reassembles Robo Raven, and launches it into the Los Angeles), says that the technological advances
air. It flies off quietly, with only the gentle sound in this last decade were a boon to building winged
of flapping wings. The gadget looks so real that bots. “A lot of motors and microcontrollers and all
local hawks have attacked and destroyed different other miniature [electronics] are now available,”
versions of it more than once. Unlike all other hu- says Gupta. “These things were too bulky before to
man-built aerial machinery—the bulky, noisy metal create a flying prototype.”
monstrosities incongruent with nature—it blends That doesn’t mean building bird robots is easy.
into the landscape like a living, breathing thing. No Gupta, a stout man with a touch of gray at his tem-
existing manmade flying machinery comes close to ples, who has been fascinated with birds since his
achieving this feat. Helicopters maneuver well, but childhood in Mathura, near New Delhi, can’t count
they’re inefficient because they burn fuel to gener- how many Robo Ravens crashed to the ground dur-
ate lift and propulsion. Planes are better on energy Unlike all other ing the three and a half years his students worked on
use because they create lift with their wings, though human-built aerial the bot. From the outset, the team designed it to use
they are less maneuverable. Rockets have the pitfalls machinery—the its two wings independently—like real birds do. To
of both, plus they take off with deafening blasts. bulky, noisy metal achieve that, the team powers each wing by a sepa-
Modern micro air vehicles, better known as monstrosities incon- rate motor. “It’s like having two muscles,” Roberts
drones, inherited the same problems as helicopters gruent with nature— says. “You can flap each wing at a different angle or
and planes. Powered by propellers, certain kinds it blends into the at a different frequency.”
can use a lot of energy and stay airborne for only landscape like a liv- Gupta and his students see Robo Ravens being
a short time—rarely more than 30 minutes. They ing, breathing thing. used for information gathering as well as for search-
don’t handle turbulence well; a gust of wind can No existing man- and-rescue operations. The bots could, for instance,
send them tumbling. made flying machin- stealthily circle a spot where enemy troops are hiding.
Winged robots, like Robo Raven and several ery comes close to Or they could hover over a hard-to-reach area, look-
other so-called “bird bots” being developed at lab- achieving this feat. ing for lost hikers or mountain climbers—and do so
Each bird in the five-generation collection has ther scientists are finding inspi-
its own unique features. Robo Raven II carries ration in birds’ perching and grasping
sensors that monitor its ascent, descent, and wing talents. Justin Thomas, a Ph.D. stu-
speed. Raven III can partially recharge in flight, dent at the University of Pennsylvania’s
thanks to its solar batteries—little dark squares GRASP Lab, studies aerial robotics, including the
glued to its Mylar wings. Generation IV flies on ability to seize objects at high speed. In 2011 his lab
autopilot. Roberts’s baby, Robo Raven V, has self- devised an experiment in which a trio of quadcop-
adjusting features—like real birds do—to man- ters built a small structure from Lego-like blocks.
prey evolved a way to do so: During the capture mo- inside a tornado, but it could use its talons to perch
ment, they swing their legs backward so their claws on a tree near the storm’s path, supplying impor-
move slower in relation to their prey. Thomas and tant information to meteorologists. And it could
his team borrowed that trick. They built a quadcop- serve as the police’s eyes and ears in shootouts or
ter with raptor-like legs, which it sweeps back when terrorist attacks. Equipped with microphones and
For decades Southern California’s Salton Sea has teetered on the edge
of ecological disaster. Now this critical bird habitat may finally be saved.
he people who live around the salton rely on what is essentially a huge ag sump. Burrow-
42 AUDUBON | SUMMER 2016 To learn more about Audubon California’s efforts to help the Salton Sea, visit
getting half of its electricity from renewable sourc- g and bulrushes grow thick in the water, and stands
es by 2030, and generate funds for restoration ef- WATERBIRD WORLD of willow and cottonwood on the nearby shore are
forts. In March an Australian company, Controlled Human vacationers may periodically flooded to mimic natural river cycles.
Thermal Resources, took the first steps toward gain- have abandoned the Farmer Al Kalin, whose family has grown alfalfa
ing approval for a 250-megawatt geothermal plant sea, but birds continue and sugar beets in the valley for three generations,
on the lake’s southern shore. to flock to the expansive worked on the marsh and has long believed that
Whatever framework is approved promises to aquatic habitat. Up to it’s these relatively small, inexpensive plots—rather
stand as one of the most significant restoration 30 percent of American than large-scale projects that would cost exponen-
projects in the country, says U.S. Fish and Wildlife White Pelicans winter tially more—that will best cover exposed lakebed.
biologist Chris Schoneman. here, and Double-crested “I’ve been preaching that for years,” he says.
Implementing the plan will cost billions of Cormorants breed here Wilcox says the paralysis that gripped bureau-
dollars over dozens of years, and where all of that in larger numbers than at cracies for so long could be blamed in part on the
cash will come from has yet to be hammered out. any other inland site. “silver bullet syndrome.” A lot of years were spent
Still, managers won’t be starting from scratch. trying to find the perfect solution, he says. “There
Some $80 million of the $7.5 billion state water isn’t one. It’s a very complex problem.” It’s an in-
bond California voters passed in 2014 is ear- escapable issue that touches everyone around the
marked for the Salton Sea, and in January, Gov- Wilcox says Salton Sea, Wilcox continues, whether they real-
ernor Brown proposed another $80 million in aid. the paralysis ize it or not.
In addition, President Obama’s 2017 budget, an- that gripped A September 2014 study published by the Pacific
nounced in February, included $3 million to build bureaucracies for Institute, an Oakland-based think tank focused
wetland habitat along the Alamo River, which so long could be on water policy, predicts a staggering financial toll
drains into the lake’s southern end. Wilcox says blamed in part on without intervention. Impacts to property values,
he’s working closely with federal agencies to iden- the “silver bullet public health, recreational revenue, and natural hab-
tify other funding streams, including the Natural syndrome.” A itats could cost the region as much as $70 billion
Resources Conservation Service. lot of years were over the next 30 years. “We should all care about
Glimmers of what’s likely to come already exist. not having a disaster at the sea,” Wilcox says. “We
spent trying to
On the southern shore sits a 640-acre marsh the should be above that kind of thing, frankly.”
IID created over the past seven years for endan-
find the perfect Forces of nature determined the fate of the
gered Ridgway’s and California Black Rails. The solution, he Salton Sea in its past iterations. This time, it’s up
area is divided into “cells” of varying sizes, some says. “There to us. a
up to tens of acres, where grebes and coots pad- isn’t one. It’s a
dle along, frequently diving in the four-foot-deep very complex Tyler Hayden wrote about last year’s Santa Barbara
water to snatch up the abundant crawfish. Cattails problem.” oil spill in the July-August 2015 issue.
identifying a bird is like solving a mystery. Every gumshoe birder gathers clues from the subject’s
appearance. But what happens when those clues don’t materialize, or when they add up to a species that
defies logic? With no point of reference, judging size can be tough. Catch a bird in the wrong light and it
looks washed out. Even worse are oddballs that turn up with missing feathers or field marks painted on by
brushes with nature. To crack those cases, you’ll need to know both the environment and the nuances
between species—but also be ready to second-guess yourself. Follow the tips our experts gleaned from their
own hard-won experience. This is the universe testing your skills. You’ll become a better birder because of it.
Tips to
Build Your
The Audubon
Birds of North
America app lets
you narrow spe-
cies by size (look
under “Explore
Birds,” then “Ad-
vanced Search”).
But when size
is distorted, try
these other
Wing Shape
Choices such as
tapered, pointed,
swept, and fin-
gered could help
lead you to the
correct species. A
P E RS PECTIVE By Nick Lund (The Birdist) of differing sizes stand next to each other, but that short-winged bird,
hardly ever happens because birds are jerks. So then for example, could
Size Can Be Deceiving what do you do? be a Northern
My advice is to pretend like you’re playing Pac- Bobwhite, a Vir-
In spring and fall, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs Man. In the video game, Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man ginia Rail, or even
are easy to spot along marshes and shorelines across look identical, except that Ms. Pac-Man wears a a Least Bittern.
the United States. What’s not as easy? ID-ing them. bow. You’ll need to find that bow—the feature that
Both birds have a white eye ring, checkered backs, distinguishes each pair of lookalike birds. Locomotion
white bellies, and, of course, bright-yellow legs. The For the Greater Yellowlegs, it’s the head- to bill- What is the bird’s
only obvious difference is their size: The Greater is length ratio, which is larger than that of the Lesser flight pattern like?
greater and the Lesser is lesser. Yellowlegs. (Hey, I didn’t say it would be a cinch.) If it hovers, it may
There are quite a few examples of such puzzling The bill length also differs for Hairy and Downy be a humming-
pairs. Cooper’s Hawks and Hairy Woodpeck- Woodpeckers. Adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls have bird, a kestrel, or
ers both have avian “Mini-Me’s” (Sharp-shinned yellow legs, while adult Great Black-backed Gulls a White-tailed
Hawks and Downy Woodpeckers, respectively). wear shades of pink. Also focus on leg and bill color Kite. If it gets
There are greater and lesser versions of scaup, to separate the white herons. in formation, it
black-backed gulls, and prairie-chickens. White Once you learn to look for these features, you’ll be could be an ibis,
herons come in a bunch of sizes, too. able to size up most birds. The yellowlegs, however, a cormorant, or a
Identification can be a snap when two species might haunt you forever. European Starling.
richest and warmest, and the shadows under leaves them while they’re
and shimmering heat waves are absent. To make the feeding—simply
most of every minute, use an app like Sun Surveyor by getting to know
or Helios to track the sun’s position each day. their butts.
If you’re still having trouble seeing field marks,
you may need better optics. Even the low-priced Go-To Bins phase-correcting ($3,249) binoculars
birding models on the market today are far superior For a starter pair, coatings on the are worth every
to the bins you may have inherited from your grand- the Vortex Dia- Eagle Optics penny when it
father’s Army days. When testing them, don’t look mondback 4x42 Ranger ED 8x42 comes to clarity and
at objects in bright sunlight—aim at dark corners Roof Prism (above; ($400) offer supe- brightness. (Disclo-
or the undersides of tables. The best pairs will have $269) has great rior transmission. sure: Stiteler has a
coated glass, which gives you a brighter image no light-gathering abil- Swarovski’s EL sponsorship with Northern Pintail
matter how rough the lighting. ity. The dielectric, Range 8x42 W B Swarovski.) The four-inch
tail feathers on
the male are key:
They’re longer
than those of any
other dabbling
For the telltale
IDENTIFICATION By Kenn Kaufman Dirty birds. Once in Arizona, a friend phoned to say sign of a male
he’d found a flock of Harris’s Sparrows—the only North mallard, find two
Birds of a Different Feather American sparrows that have black faces. At the scene I black curls stick-
instead found White-crowned Sparrows that had been ing up like the
sometimes, even when you see a bird in perfect feeding on fallen olives. Discoloration like this happens ends of a well-
light, its feathers might not match its expected form. a lot. Hummingbirds may end up smeared with pollen. twirled mustache
But the occasional curveball is part of what makes Swans’ heads and necks are often tainted orange by .
birding fun. The only way to prepare is to learn minerals. And in one case, a Greater Yellowlegs covered
common species and not jump to any conclusions. in oil was identified as a Spotted Redshank. (Above
Remember, even birds can get weird. middle: a Black-chinned Hummingbird with pollen.)
Balding birds. A few missing feathers can utterly Leucistic or albino birds. As an obsessive 10-year-old
change your impression of a bird. On one birding boat birder, I learned about two oft-seen conditions that can
trip off the New Jersey coast, a bizarre bird flying low cause birds to lack their usual pigments. At the time, I’d Green-winged
over the waves grabbed my attention. With a small found a pure-white bird I was thrilled to ID as a Snow Teal
head and stubby tail, it had the entire crew guessing: Bunting. Sure, it seemed odd that this Arctic species Two gold patches
Was it a dark petrel or an odd shearwater? Could it should be hanging out in Kansas in July, but I couldn’t flash beneath
be a member of the auk family? After circling at a imagine what else it could be. After watching it for a the male’s tail.
distance, the mystery bird landed on the boat. It was a couple of days, I crossed Snow Bunting off my life list. (They’re visible
Mourning Dove that had lost its tail feathers. (Above Clearly I was looking at a pigment-free House Sparrow. when the bird is
left: a molting Northern Cardinal.) (Above right: a leucistic Eastern Screech-Owl.) upright, too.)
Adirondack Park,
New York
Established: 1892
Bird Species: 200
Listen for the call of the
Common Loon in the
six-million-acre Ad-
irondack Park. See Gray
Jays, Mourning and
Canada Warblers, and,
with luck, even a Spruce
Grouse or Black-backed
Woodpecker. Hike
high peaks like Wakely
Mountain in pursuit
of the rare Bicknell’s
Thrush. On breaks, stop
at craft breweries or ride
for most of north america, the birds
of the boreal forest—the vast swath of
5 a bobsled in Lake Placid.
The Adirondack Birding
Festival happens in June,
spruce woods, bogs, and northern hard-
but guided warbler walks
woods stretching across the top of the occur all summer.
Trips to Boreal
continent—appear only fleetingly, if they’re Hotspots
seen at all. You might find a flock of Algonquin Provincial
Grail Bird Park, Ontario
Spruce Grouse
Common Redpolls feeding in a Minnesota Established: 1893
This elegant bird field in January or a Blackburnian Warbler Bird Species: 275
can seem hard perched in a Tennessee treetop in May. But Algonquin is a place
to find—not to find the “Big Four”
because it’s shy
those moments are elusive, and some boreal boreal birds: the Spruce
but because it’s birds never dip south. Take control of your Grouse, Black-backed
tame. Spruce destiny by heading north this summer to Woodpecker, Gray Jay,
Grouse may
see these species where they nest and breed. Moosehorn National and Boreal Chickadee. It
sit motionless Wildlife Refuge, Maine is also famous for weekly
as you walk by You might hear the call of a Common Established: 1973 “wolf howls” in August
just a few feet Loon or the drumming of a Black-backed Bird Species: 175 and for excellent hiking
away. Males Woodpecker. Venture beyond the well- A diverse landscape of and canoeing. A park
sometimes stand hills, shores, lakes, streams, map highlights water
along road edges
trodden boardwalks and pathways for a and bogs makes Moose- routes, easy day paddles,
at dawn, and glimpse of the rare Bicknell’s Thrush. And horn a magnet for birds, and places to camp.
hens with chicks while you’re traveling, there are plenty of including Spruce Grouse, The visitors’ center and
prowl dirt roads Boreal Chickadees, and nearby one-mile Spruce
and trails in
other activities and attractions to explore. Blackburnian Warblers.
midsummer. Paddle a kayak alongside beluga whales, Drive an hour south to
search for seabirds on a whale-watching the historic lighthouse at
tour, visit craft breweries and museums, or Quoddy Head State Park,
the country’s easternmost
even take a thrilling ride on a bobsled. You point—and a perfect look-
won’t be bored in the boreal. —Mel White out for scoping seabirds.
Bog Boardwalk Trail
provide an introduction
to the park’s rich wildlife
and history.
Wildlife Safety
As you’re traveling
in the North Coun-
Churchill, Manitoba try, always follow
Established: 1717 rules about dealing
Bird Species: 195 with bears, and
The town of Churchill, keep your distance
on the shore of Hud- from moose; they
son Bay, is the place to look docile, but
see polar bears in fall, IF YOU WA N T TO… they are extremely
but in summer, boreal aggressive when
birds are the big draw. Let Someone Else Write the Itinerary disturbed or
Forest meets tundra threatened.
here, providing habitat North Huron Birding Trail Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, or, as locals refer to it, “the U.P.,”
for Willow Ptarmigans, offers remarkable scenery and legendary birding. The new North Huron Birding Biting Bugs
Parasitic Jaegers, North- Trail highlights 30 of the best sites near the peninsula’s eastern tip. Boreal forest Big mammals may
ern Hawk Owls, Bo- zones here offer a wide variety of nesting birds: Northern Goshawks hunt the for- get all the public-
hemian Waxwings, and est interior, Blackburnian Warblers sing from the spruce tops, and Yellow-bellied ity, but you’re far
more. Summer bonus: Flycatchers lurk in the bogs. Search for Sharp-tailed Grouse in the open areas, and more likely to
several thousand beluga Sedge Wrens, Le Conte’s Sparrows, or even the elusive Yellow Rail in the meadows. be bothered by
whales that gather in the At night, Common Loons serenade campers with their wild yodeling. Learn more at mosquitoes, flies,
Churchill River estuary., and explore other birding trails at—K.K. and other pesky in-
sects. Be prepared
with long-sleeved
shirts, repellent,
and even a head
Train Travel
Anchorage, Alaska Most people visit
Established: Circa 1914 Churchill by plane,
Bird Species: 250 but for a true ad-
Imagine seeing Rock venture, consider
Ptarmigans, Gray- the 48-hour rail
crowned Rosy-Finches, journey from Win-
and White-winged nipeg. The train
Crossbills on a morning departs Sunday
hike and dining on king and Tuesday
crab a few hours later. G EA R mornings.
Welcome to Anchorage,
which offers excellent Comfort Zone Camp in style with the Big Agnes Krumholtz UL2 mtnGLO Trip Prep
birding just minutes from ($650), a durable, two-person tent with LED lights and a Goal Zero solar panel, For more facts
downtown. Between bird fan, and battery. Then hit the trail for a full day of birding: The Thule Stir 20L Hiking and information
quests, fly in a helicopter Pack ($100) is comfortable, has quick-access pockets, and weighs only a pound. about boreal birds
over a glacier, tour the You’ll forget you’re carrying the super-compact Patagonia Alpine Houdini jacket and high-latitude
kennel of an Iditarod ($199)—until the wind picks up or it starts raining. The 18-ounce Yeti Rambler birding, visit the
“musher,” or visit the Bottle ($40) keeps coffee hot or water chilled all day. The fully loaded Boker Plus Boreal Songbird
Anchorage Museum. Tech-Tool Outdoor 7 ($73) features three blades, scissors, and an awl. Initiative’s website:
Go for a Paddle
Grail Bird with a kayak or canoe, you can take your bird
Black-capped photography to places inaccessible by foot. Kay-
Petrel aks, which sit low in the water, can handle nearly
A fast flier of any aquatic environment—from ponds and lakes to
deepwater zones, offshore swells. Their shallow draft puts you at eye GE AR
the Black-capped level with birds. Chop or swells can make steadying a
Petrel is almost camera impossible, so choose your moments carefully: All Aboard The steady Necky Manitou 130R kayak
Wait for calm water, and then shoot handheld or use a (left; $1,500) has a large cockpit, ample storage, and a
Rules of the Rookery Near-shore islands offer both relative safety to colonial nesting birds,
such as herons and Roseate Spoonbills, and unique opportunities for kayak- or canoe-borne
bird photographers. They also require particular care, since flushing birds off their nests leaves
eggs or nestlings vulnerable to predators and the elements. As you approach a rookery, re-
move your paddle from the water, and glide forward quietly. Stay at least 50 yards away. If
you seem to be disturbing any of the birds, back off. Never land on the island or get out of your Expert
boat. You’ll get the most interesting photos during the nest-building and chick-rearing stages. Tips
Gary Luhm It’s hard to get good shots on sunny days unless you shoot very early or late. Better to choose a
bright, overcast day, which will allow for even lighting on all sides of the island. Keep your shut- Clean Sweep
Kayak photogra- ter speed high, at least 1/500th of a second. If your camera has image stabilization or vibration Remove salt spray
pher Gary Luhm reduction, make sure they’re turned on. Last, stay into the early evening, when you can get when you’re back
tried for 10 years to some great flight shots of birds returning to roost for the night. —Melissa Groo on dry land. Use
record the court- a microfiber lens
ship ritual of the cloth and fluid to
Western Grebe. wipe the lens, and
Three years ago carefully swab the
he finally captured body (including
it on the Potholes inside the battery
Reservoir in compartment and
Washington State. under the pop-up
The birds carry out flash, if you have
an intricate dance one) with cotton
that culminates pads soaked in
in a quick-footed rubbing alcohol.
maneuver called
rushing. “It’s just Lighten Up
fabulous to watch,” Stepping down
he says. from a full-frame
camera quickly
reduces heft. Pho-
tographer Gary
Luhm sometimes
switches from a
Canon DSLR to
a cropped-frame
camera (in his
“We’ve seen a lot of international researchers and g The scientists exuberantly exchange high-fives,
organizations come and go,” says Gonder. “Equato- SOUTHERN LIVING everyone yammering as the red-capped bird hops
rial Guinea is a very challenging place to do conser- The beaches of southern comically across the screen. Powell asks, “What was
vation work. You have to have buy-in at all levels, Bioko are nesting grounds the time stamp?” Brzeski checks. The bird triggered
from local people to the highest echelons of govern- for four species of sea the camera 26 hours ago. “We’re going to try and
ment.” The BBPP has worked extensively with the turtle (above), whose catch it, right?” says Powell.
government to put in place conservation policies, to eggs and meat are a We have three hours of sunlight. Wolfe, visibly
create protected areas on Bioko, to help found an sought-after food source torn, goes with Brzeski to hit the other camera
environmental studies department at the university, for locals. Expedition traps. The rest of us—Powell, Cooper, Motove,
and to hire locals to do everything from conduct- members (opposite) walk photographer Tristan Spinski, and I—will try to
ing wildlife surveys to providing tourism support. to Moraka field camp on capture the elusive bird.
Gonder’s encouraged by the Biodiversity Initiative’s the first day of the trip Powell is in full leader mode, instructing Motove
drive to return every year, to collaborate, and to ex- to the caldera, spotting to set up two nets, one on either side of the 150-foot-
pand its reach. “Luke and his people seem very com- numerous birds, including high ceiba tree the picathartes strutted past. He puts
mitted,” she says, “and we need that here.” Western Reef-Herons the chances of catching it at 10 percent. “Well,” he re-
Powell says they’re in it for the long haul—but not and Pied Crows. considers after a moment, “make that seven percent.”
forever. “We want to become obsolete,” he says. “To Cooper shares that skepticism. He’s spent count-
train people here to do conservation science, and then less hours in Cameroonian forests searching for this
let them protect their own natural heritage.” bird. Once, at a newly built nest, he waited so long
he literally watched the mud dry. “We don’t stand a
n our penultimate day in the cal- chance, but we have to try,” he says.
dera, we leave North Camp for Hormi- Nets up, we huddle around Powell for final in-
gas. Brzeski and Wolfe stop at the cam- structions: We’re each to take a quadrant, face away
era traps along the trail to swap out used from the net, and keep still. Spinski will position
cards for blank ones; a Moraka volunteer will retrieve himself across from the tree, the best vantage point
them in April. They fall behind. Cooper is explaining for getting a shot. If a pica wanders into our quadrant,
his distrust of baboons and fear of snapping turtles we’re to let everyone know, then shoo it into the net.
when their screams jolt us to a stop. “Are they hurt?” “It probably won’t hurt you,” Powell says. “It’s about
asks Cooper. We can’t tell. We race back up the trail. one-third the size of a chicken.”
Brzeski and Wolfe meet us part way, she trium- I am certain that if the bird enters my quadrant,
phantly holding her digital camera in the air like a I will blow the capture. I want reinforcements. I ask
trophy, he shouting: “Picathartes! Picathartes!” how to alert everyone if I spot the bird.
orters appear the next morning and Volume 118, Number 4, Summer 2016. Audubon, ISSN 0097-
take off with our packs. After a last round of 7136, the magazine of the National Audubon Society, will be
banding—nine birds, one a recapture—we published six times in 2016 (January, March, May, Summer, Fall,
follow, crossing the river, climbing up and Winter). Editorial and advertising offices: 225 Varick Street,
out of the crater. We spend the night at Moraka, the 7th Floor, New York, NY, 10014; 212-979-3000. Postmaster:
crashing waves barely dampening the hyrax cries. The Send address changes to National Audubon Society, P.O. Box
next day we retrace the path along the beach, each step 727, Neenah, WI, 54957-0727. Periodical preferred postage
drawing us closer to cold beer and fried chicken. The paid at New York, NY, and additional mailing offices. Canadian
caldera rises in the distance, impossibly far away. GST Number is R127073195. Canada Post International Pub-
The scientists spread out at the Moka field station lications Mail (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No.
the next morning. Cooper is birding; he adds the Great 190314. Printed in USA.
knife, pen, and tracing paper are Claire Brewster’s essential tools for craft-
ing her nature-inspired paper sculptures. This iteration of Audubon’s Red Knot
was cut from The Times Atlas of the World from the 1970s, given to her by a
friend. Brewster, 48, who lives in Central London, likes using maps in her art
because “you learn so much about the changes in the world from them,” she
says. The colors, patterns, and quality of the printing and paper add to their
appeal. What’s more, maps are symbolic of movement, which is particularly
apt for the Red Knot, a record holder for one of the longest yearly migrations See all of John
of any bird (nearly 19,000 miles to and from its Arctic breeding area to its James Audubon’s
South American wintering grounds in Tierra del Fuego). “Birds work well Birds of America
in my work because [they] have a freedom and a natural imperative to fly,” at
Brewster says, “some on long, arduous migrations, some not. Yet fly they must.” birds-of-america.