Dakar Declaration

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Republic of Senegal
Un Peuple - Un But - Une Foi


WE, the Stakeaholders of the 9th World Water Forum, held 6. Determined to fulfill our shared vision for a world
in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 21 to 26 March 2022: in which every person has access to safe drinking
water and sanitation as a basic human right, including
1. Guided by the principles and ideals of the Charter of
through the respect of related human rights;
the United Nations;
7. Aware that resilience in the face of climate,
2. Recognizing water as essential for people and nature,
demographic, health and food changes and the
and thus the need to renew and further strengthen
fight against water stress requires availability of
our commitments to implement immediate actions
water, in quality and quantity, to ensure the health
to address the challenges of water and sanitation
of populations, the sustainability of ecosystems and
for development, improved livelihoods and poverty
inclusive growth;
8. Recognizing the urgent need to pay more attention
3. Reaffirming our determination to achieving the
to water issues in the rural world, as a means of
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular
reducing inequalities, creating opportunities for
SDG6 seeking to «ensure availability and sustainable
youth and women, fostering development, generating
management of water and sanitation for all»;
employment and optimally tackling the causes of
4. Mindful of our commitments on water and sanitation national and international migrations;
contained in UN resolution 64/292 (2010), the Paris
9. Concerned about the funding gap for investment
Climate Agreement, the Sendai Agreement for
needs to achieve SDG6 targets
Disaster Risk Reduction, the Daegu Declaration and
the establishment of the International Decade for 10. Aware of the need to use water as a tool for
Action «Water for Sustainable Development” ; cooperation for peace, solidarity between countries
and peoples and regional integration, through the
5. Reaffirming the relevance of the Africa Agenda 2063
promotion of dialogue, peace, stability and improved
and the Africa Water Vision for 2025 on access to
coordination and partnership, especially in the context
water resources and quality sanitation in Africa and in
of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has illustrated our
the world;
common destiny;
CALL UPON THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO ensuring a balance between socio-economic
development, preservation of the quality of the
A. Guarantee the right to water and sanitation for all
resource, protection and conservation of ecosystems;
11. Speed up the implementation of the right to drinking
21. Promote greater coherence between policies of
water and sanitation for all through appropriate
water and those on agriculture, rural development,
legislative frameworks and mobilize all actors
health, biodiversity, energy and industry, among
through integrated and inclusive strategies;
Promote the effective implementation of international
22. Design water-related public policies based on
humanitarian law, in particular the additional protocols
knowledge, support innovations, create and build
to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, providing for the
the capacities of all categories of stakeholders, for
protection of water and sanitation systems that are vital
a more sustainable management of water resources
in times of conflict;
and environments;
B. Ensure availability of the resources and Resilience
E. Enhance cooperation
12. Adopt sustainable and integrated management plans
23. Pay particular attention to water issues in bilateral
to preserve water resources and ecosystems and
and multilateral cooperation, including at sub-
ensure resilience to climate change and demographic
regional, regional and international levels;
pressures ;
24. Reinforce basin organizations and support their
13. Raise awareness on these issues to induce a
efforts for inclusive, sustainable and integrated
shift towards more sustainable and responsible
water resources management;
production and consumption practices;
25. To strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation and
14. Further protect wetlands, promote conservation
partnership in the management of transboundary
of traditional water systems, recycling and reuse of
basins, including aquifer basins, in particular by
treated wastewater;
promoting the exchange of information, experience
C. Ensure adequate funding and best practices;
15. Mobilize adequate public financial resources, as well 26. Make dialogue, coordination, and cooperation the
as those of development partnerships, to invest in core of dispute resolution, in the true spirit of hydro-
water and sanitation infrastructures and to develop diplomacy.
«blue» and «green» jobs, in particular for young
people, women and the rural world
RECOMMEND to the Government of the Republic of
16. Encourage innovative financing mechanisms and
Senegal and to the World Water Council, in their capacity
private sector investment in water and sanitation ;
as co-organizers of the Forum, to submit this Declaration
17. Advocate for the effective implementation of as a contribution to the UN 2023 Water Conference;
the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for
CONSIDER the outcomes of the Forum as a Complement
Development, in particular investment in water and
to this Declaration;
sanitation infrastructure;
INVITE the international community and all stakeholders
18. Advance international financing models to generate
to endorse this «Dakar Declaration on Water and
more investment in water and sanitation;
Sanitation Security for Peace and Development» and
D. Ensure inclusive water governance to contribute to the effective implementation of the
outcomes of the Dakar Forum;
19. Promote, at the appropriate level, transparent,
efficient and inclusive management of water and EXPRESS OUR THANKS the Head of State, the
sanitation services, as well as diversified and Government, the People of the Republic of Senegal and
concerted management methods; the World Water Council for their support in organizing
the 9th World Water Forum.
20. Implement integrated management plans for sound,
equitable and sustainable use of water resources, Dakar, 25 March 2022

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