EIM Session Plan

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Session Plan



Unit title Perform roughing in, wiring and cabling works for single-phase distribution, power,
lighting and auxiliary systems

Module title Performing roughing in, wiring and cabling works for single-phase distribution, power,
lighting and auxiliary systems

Nominal Duration 70 Hours

1. Install electrical metallic /nonmetallic (PVC conduit)
2. Install wire ways and cable tray
3. Install auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution panel
4. Prepare for cable pulling and installation
5. Perform wiring and cabling lay out
6. Notify completion of work

After completing all the activities in this module, the learner must be able to develop knowledge, skills and
attitudes on installing electrical metallic and non-metallic conduit, wire ways and cable clamp, auxiliary
terminal cabinet and distribution frame panel board/safety switch and used in roughing-in based on the
required performance standards.

This module also covers the outcomes required in preparing for cable pulling and installation, performing
wiring and cabling lay-out and notifying completion of work for single-phase distribution, power, lighting
and auxiliary systems

LO 1 Install electrical metallic /nonmetallic (PVC conduit)

Method Presentation Practices Feedback Resources Time

Trainer will provide

information on
Learner will write Whiteboard
Interpretation of Learner will
down and Whiteboard
drawings based on answer the 30
Lecture remember the Marker
trade requirements. questions of the Mins.
feedback of the Eraser
After the lecture the trainer
trainer Lapel
trainer will ask
of drawings
based on
Learner will Learner will
Answer self - Compare answers
requirements Read information sheet check 1.1-1 with answer key
1.1-1 Interpret Interpret
1.1-1 Interpret 10
Self – Study electrical wiring electrical CBLM
electrical wiring Mins.
diagrams and wiring
diagrams and
mechanical drawings diagrams and
mechanical mechanical
drawings drawings
Learner will
Trainer will
Evaluate their
demonstrate on how to Learner will
performance using
interpret drawings. The Perform task
learner shall perform sheet 1.1-1 1
Demonstration criteria checklist Drawings/
return demonstration Interpretation Hour
1.1-1 Diagrams
on how to interpret of drawings
Interpretation of
drawings using task and diagrams
drawings and
sheet 1.1-1

Trainer will provide Learner will write Whiteboard

Learner will
information on how to down and Whiteboard
answer the 30
Lecture Determine conduit, remember the Marker
questions of the Mins.
fittings and accessory feedback of the Eraser
quantities trainer Lapel

Determination Answer self - Compare answers
of conduit, Read information sheet check 1.1-2 with answer key
fittings and 1.1-2 Identify proper Identify proper 1.1-2 Identify
accessory usage and types of usage and proper usage and
quantities types of 10
Self - Study conduits, fittings types of CBLM
conduits, Mins.
and accessory in conduits, fittings
fittings and
electrical accessory in and accessory in
installation electrical electrical
installation installation
Trainer will
demonstrate on how to
Evaluate your Various
Identify proper usage Perform task
performance using types of
and types of sheet 1.1-2
performance Conduits
conduits, fittings and Identification
criteria checklist
accessories in electrical of proper
1.1-2 Various
installation. The usage and
Identification of types of 1
Demonstration learner shall perform types of
proper usage and fittings Hour
return demonstration conduits,
types of
on Identifying proper fittings and
conduits, fittings Various
usage and types of accessory in
and accessory in types of
conduits, fittings and electrical
electrical Electrical
accessory in electrical installation
installation accessories
installation using task
sheet 1.1-2

Trainer will provide

Learner will write Whiteboard
information on the Learner will
down and Whiteboard
Interpretation of the answer the 30
Lecture remember the Marker
proper Selection of questions of the Mins.
feedback of the Eraser
Tools and equipment trainer
trainer Lapel
Selection of Answer self - Compare answers
Tools and Read information sheet check 1.1-3 with answer key
equipment 1.1-3 Practice proper Practice 1.1-3 Practice
handling of proper 10
Self - Study proper handling CBLM
materials, handling of Mins.
of materials,
tools and equipment materials,
tools and tools and
equipment equipment
Spirit level,
Trainer will hack saw,
demonstrate on how to Evaluate your pipe cutter,
practice proper Perform task performance using plumb bob,
handling of materials, sheet 1.1-3 performance pipe reamer,
tools and equipment. Practicing the criteria checklist pipe
The learner shall proper 1.1-3 Practicing threader, 1
perform return handling of the proper pipe bender, Hour
demonstration on how materials, handling of bolt cutter,
to Practice proper tools and materials,
handling of materials, equipment tools and electric drill,
tools and equipment equipment Power drills,
using task sheet 1.1-3 Portable
Learner will write Whiteboard
Trainer will provide Learner will
down and Whiteboard
information on how to answer the 30
Lecture remember the Marker
Ensure proper questions of the Mins.
feedback of the Eraser
assemblage of Conduit trainer
4. trainer Lapel
proper Answer self - Compare answers
assemblage of Read information sheet check 1.1-4 with answer key
Conduit 1.1-4 Ensuring Ensuring 10
Self - Study 1.1-4 Ensuring CBLM
proper assemblage of proper Mins.
Conduit assemblage of
Conduit assemblage of
Trainer will Evaluate your
Perform task
demonstrate on how to performance using Various
sheet 1.1-4
properly assemble a performance types of
conduit. The learner criteria checklist Electrical
assemblage of
shall perform return 1.1-4 Proper Conduit 1
Demonstration conduit
demonstration on assemblage of Hour
Ensuring proper conduit ensuring Couplings
fittings and
assemblage of Conduit fittings and
using task sheet 1.1-4 tightened. Panel Board
Trainer will provide Learner will Learner will write
information on how to answer the down and remember 30
Lecture Marker
ensure appropriate questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
Conduit bending trainer trainer

Answer self - Compare answers

Read information
check 1.1-5 with answer key
sheet 1.1-5 Ensuring
Ensuring 1.1-5 Ensuring 10
Self - Study appropriate Conduit CBLM
appropriate appropriate Mins.
Conduit Conduit
bending bending
appropriate Panel Board
Conduit Spirit Level
Bending Trainer will meter
demonstrate on how Spirit level,
Evaluate your
to ensure appropriate hack saw,
Perform task performance using
Conduit bending. The pipe cutter, 1
sheet 1.1-5 performance criteria
learner shall perform plumb bob, Hour
Ensuring checklist 1.1-5
Demonstration return demonstration pipe reamer, &
appropriate Ensuring
on Ensuring pipe 40
Conduit appropriate
appropriate Conduit threader, Mins.
Bending Conduit
Bending by using Bending
task sheet 1.1-5 Machine,
bolt cutter,
electric drill,
Power drills,
Trainer will provide Learner will Learner will write
information on how to answer the down and remember 30
Lecture Marker
Install Conduit questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
couplings and elbows trainer trainer

Read information Answer self - Compare answers

sheet 1.1-6 check 1.1-6 with answer key1.1-
Installation of 10
Self - Study Installation of 6 Installation of CBLM
Conduit Mins.
Conduit couplings Conduit couplings
couplings and
and elbows elbows and elbows

Installation of Panel Board
Conduit Spirit Level
couplings and Trainer will Clamp-on
elbows demonstrate on how meter
to install conduit Evaluate your Spirit level,
couplings and elbows. Perform task performance using hack saw,
The learner shall sheet 1.1-6 performance criteria pipe cutter,
perform return Installing checklist 1.1-6 plumb bob, 1
demonstration on conduit Installing conduit pipe reamer, Hour
Installation of couplings and couplings and pipe
Conduit couplings elbows elbows threader,
and elbows using pipe bender,
task sheet 1.1-6 bolt cutter,
electric drill,
Power drills,
Trainer will provide
information on how to Learner will Learner will write
Thread a conduit answer the down and remember 30
Lecture Marker
based on questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
occupational trainer trainer
Answer self -
Read information check 1.1-7 Compare answers
sheet 1.1-7 Threading of with answer key 1.1-
Threading of conduit based 7 Threading of 10
Self - Study CBLM
conduit based on on conduit based on Mins.
occupational occupational occupational
7. requirements requirements requirements
Threading of
conduit based Panel Board
on Trainer will Spirit Level
occupational demonstrate on how Clamp-on
requirements to thread the conduit meter
based on Spirit level,
occupational Evaluate your hack saw,
requirements. The Perform task performance using pipe cutter,
learner shall perform sheet 1.1-7 performance criteria plumb bob, 1
return demonstration Threading of checklist 1.1-7 pipe reamer, Hour
on Threading of conduit Threading of pipe
conduit based on conduit threader,
occupational pipe bender,
requirements using bolt cutter,
task sheet 1.1-7 electric drill,
Power drills,
Trainer will provide Whiteboard
Learner will Learner will write
information on how to Whiteboard
answer the down and remember 30
Lecture Properly observe Marker
questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
Safety procedures Eraser
trainer trainer
relative to SOP’s Lapel
Answer self -
check 1.1-8 Compare answers
Read information Proper with answer key 1.1-
sheet 1.1-8 Proper observance of
8 Proper 10
Self - Study observance of Safety CBLM
observance of Mins.
Safety procedures procedures
Safety procedures
relative to SOP’s relative to
8. relative to SOP’s
observance of
Trainer will Fire
demonstrate on how Extinguishe
relative to
to observe the proper r
safety procedures Perform task Evaluate your Earth
relative to the sheet 1.1-8 performance using resistance
Standard Operating Proper performance criteria tester
Procedures. The observance of checklist 1.1-8 Safety shoes 1
learner shall perform Safety Proper observance Safety Hour
return demonstration procedures of Safety goggles
on Proper observance relative to procedures relative Hard Hat
of Safety procedures SOP’s to SOP’s Working
relative to SOP’s gloves
using task sheet 1.1- First Aid Kit
Panel Board
Spirit Level
Spirit level,
hack saw,
pipe cutter,
plumb bob,
pipe reamer,
Trainer will
demonstrate on how
pipe bender,
to Install electrical Evaluate your
Perform Job bolt cutter,
metallic /non-metallic performance using
sheet 1.1-9 electric drill,
(PVC conduit). The performance criteria
Installing of Power drills,
learner shall perform checklist 1.1-9 2
Demonstration electrical Grinder
return demonstration Installing of Hrs.
metallic /non- Fire
on Installing of electrical metallic
metallic (PVC Extinguishe
electrical metallic /non-metallic (PVC
conduit r
/non-metallic (PVC conduit
conduit how to using
the Job Sheet 1.1-9
Safety shoes
Hard Hat
LO 2 Install wire ways and cable tray
Method Presentation Practices Feedback Resources Time

Trainer will provide Whiteboard

Learner will Learner will write
information on how to Whiteboard
answer the down and remember 45
Lecture Interpret Blueprints Marker
questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
based on trade Eraser
trainer trainer
requirements Lapel

Answer self - Compare answers

Read information
check 1.2-1 with answer key
sheet 1.2-1 Interpret 15
Self – Study Interpret 1.2-1 Interpret CBLM
1. electrical blueprints Mins.
electrical electrical
blueprints blueprints
of Blueprints
based on
requirements Trainer will
demonstrate on how
Evaluate your
to interpret drawings
Perform task performance using
and blueprints.
sheet 1.2-1 performance criteria 1
Interpretation checklist 1.2-1 Drawings/ Hour
Demonstration The learner shall
of drawings, Interpretation of Diagrams/ 30
perform return
blueprints and drawings, blueprints Mins
demonstration on
diagrams blueprints and
how to interpret
drawings using task
sheet 1.2-1
Trainer will provide Whiteboard
Learner will Learner will write
information on how to Whiteboard
answer the down and remember 45
Lecture Select correct Marker
questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
Quantities of Eraser
trainer trainer
materials Lapel

Answer self - Compare answers

Read information check with answer key
sheet 1.2-2 1.2-2
1.2-2 15
Self – Study Selection of correct Selection of CBLM
Selection of correct Mins.
Quantities of correct
Quantities of
materials Quantities of
materials materials
Selection of
Quantities of
Trainer will Locknut &
demonstrate on how bushing
to select the correct Evaluate your GFCI
Perform task
quantities of performance using Metal Screw
sheet 1.2-2 1
materials. The learner performance criteria Conduits,
selecting the Hour
Demonstration shall perform return checklist 1.2-2 Conduits
right 30
demonstration on selecting the right strap/clamp
quantities of Mins
how to Select correct quantities of Wiring
Quantities of materials boards
materials using task Various
sheet 1.2-2 types of
Light bulbs
Trainer will provide Learner will Learner will write
information on how to answer the down and remember 45
Lecture Marker
Select correct Tools questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
and Equipment trainer trainer

Answer Compare answers

Read information
self - check with answer key
sheet 1.2-3 Selection 15
Self – Study 1.2-3 Selection 1.2-3 Selection of CBLM
of Tools and Mins.
of Tools and Tools and
Equipment Equipment
Spirit level
Pipe cutter
3. Pipe reamer
Selection of Pipe-
Tools and threader
Equipment Trainer will Bending
demonstrate on how Machine
Perform Evaluate your
to select proper tools Bolt cutter
Operation sheet performance using 1
and equipment. The Pliers
1.2-3 performance criteria Hour
Demonstration learner shall perform Electric drill
Operating checklist 1.2-3 30
return demonstration grinder
Bending Operating Bending Mins
on how to Select Tools Multi-tester
Machine Machine
and Equipment using Insulation
task sheet 1.2-3 Resistance
Trainer will provide Learner will Learner will write
information on how to answer the down and remember 45
Lecture Marker
Install Wire ways and questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
cable trays trainer trainer

Read information Answer self - Compare answers

sheet 1.2-4 check with answer key
1.2-4 15
Self – Study Installation of Wire 1.2-4 Installation CBLM
Installation of Mins.
ways and cable of Wire ways and
Wire ways and
trays cable trays cable trays
Installation of
Wire ways and Trainer will
cable trays demonstrate on how
to install wire ways
and cable trays. Cable Trays
Evaluate your
Perform task performance using
The learner shall Spirit level 1
sheet 1.2-4 performance criteria
perform return Hack Saw Hour
Demonstration Installing of checklist 1.2-4
demonstration on Screwdriver 30
wire ways and Installing of wire
how to install wire Electric Drill Mins
cable trays ways and cable
ways and cable trays Portable
using task sheet 1.2- Grinder
Trainer will provide Whiteboard
Learner will Learner will write
information on how to Whiteboard
answer the down and remember 45
Lecture Properly observe Marker
questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
Safety procedures Eraser
trainer trainer
relative to SOP’s Lapel

Answer self -
check Compare answers
Read information
1.2-5 Proper with answer key
sheet 1.2-5Proper
observance of 1.2-5 Proper 15
Self – Study observance of CBLM
5. Safety observance of Mins.
Safety procedures
Proper procedures Safety procedures
observance of relative to SOP’s relative to relative to SOP’s
Safety SOP’s
procedures Fire
relative to Extinguishe
Trainer will
SOP’s r
demonstrate on how
to properly observe
Perform task Evaluate your resistance
safety procedures
sheet 1.2-5 performance using tester
relative to SOP’s. The 1
Observing performance criteria Safety shoes
learner shall perform Hour
Demonstration Safety checklist 1.2-5 Safety
return demonstration 30
procedures Observing Safety goggles
on how to properly Mins
relative to procedures relative Hard Hat
observe safety
SOP’s to SOP’s Working
procedures relative to
SOP’s using task
First Aid Kit
sheet 1.2-9
Cable Trays
Spirit level
Hack Saw
Electric Drill
Trainer will
demonstrate on how Evaluate your
Perform Job Fire
to Install wire ways performance using 2
sheet 1.2-6 Extinguishe
and cable tray. The performance criteria Hour
Install wire r
Demonstration learner shall perform checklist 1.2-6 &
ways and Earth
return demonstration Install wire ways 30
cable tray resistance
on how to Install wire and cable tray Mins.
ways and cable tray
Safety shoes
using Job sheet 1.2-6
Hard Hat
First Aid Kit
LO 3 Install auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution panel
Method Presentation Practices Feedback Resources Time

Trainer will provide Whiteboard

Learner will Learner will write
information on how to Whiteboard
answer the down and remember 35
Lecture Interpret drawings Marker
questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
based on recognized Eraser
trainer trainer
trade practices Lapel

Answer self - Compare answers

Read information check 1.3-1 with answer key 1.3-
sheet 1.3-1 Interpret Interpret
1. 1 Interpret
electrical wiring electrical 10
Interpretation Self – Study electrical wiring CBLM
diagrams and wiring Mins.
of drawings diagrams and
mechanical diagrams and
based on mechanical
drawings mechanical
recognized drawings
Trainer will
demonstrate on how Evaluate your
to interpret drawings. Perform task performance using
The learner shall sheet 1.3-1 performance criteria
Drawings/ 1
Demonstration perform return Interpretation checklist 1.3-1
Diagrams Hour
demonstration on of drawings Interpretation of
how to interpret and diagrams drawings and
drawings using task diagrams
sheet 1.3-1
Trainer will provide Learner will Learner will write
information on how to answer the down and remember 35
Lecture Marker
Select Correct questions of the the feedback of the Mins.
Quantity of Materials trainer trainer

Answer self - Compare answers

Read information check with answer key
sheet 1.3-2 1.3-2
1.3-2 10
Self – Study Selection of correct Selection of CBLM
Selection of correct Mins.
Quantities of correct
Quantities of
materials Quantities of
2. materials materials
Selection of
Quantity of Trainer will
Materials demonstrate on how Cable Trays
to select the correct
quantities of Various
Evaluate your
materials. Perform task types and
performance using
sheet 1.3-2 sizes of
performance criteria
The learner shall selecting the cables and 1
Demonstration checklist 1.3-2
perform return right wires Hour
selecting the right
demonstration on quantities of
quantities of
how to Select correct materials Various
Quantities of types and
materials using task sizes of
sheet 1.3-2 screws
Trainer will provide Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Lecture information on how to answer the down and remember Marker
Select the appropriate questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
Tools and Equipment trainer trainer Lapel

Answer Compare answers

Read information self - check with answer key
sheet 1.3-3 Selection 1.3-3 Selection 10
Self – Study 1.3-3 Selection of CBLM
of appropriate Tools of appropriate Mins.
appropriate Tools
and Equipment Tools and
3. Equipment and Equipment
Selection of
Tools and
Equipment Trainer will
demonstrate on how
to select proper tools Evaluate your
Cable Trays
and equipment. The performance using
Perform task Spirit level
learner shall perform performance criteria
sheet 1.3-3 Pliers
return demonstration checklist Perform 1
Demonstration Selecting Electric drill
on how to Select task sheet 1.3-3 Hour
proper tools Portable
proper Tools and Selecting proper
and equipment grinder
Equipment using task tools and
sheet 1.3-3 equipment
Trainer will provide Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Lecture information on how to answer the down and remember Marker
Install Auxillary questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
terminal Cabinet trainer trainer Lapel

Read information Answer Compare answers

sheet 1.3-4 self – check with answer key 1.3-
Installing of 4 Installing of 10
Self – Study Installing of CBLM
Auxillary terminal Auxillary terminal Mins.
Cabinet Cabinet
4. terminal
Installing of Cabinet
Cabinet Trainer will
demonstrate on how
to install an Auxillary
Evaluate your Terminal
terminal Cabinet. Perform task
performance using Cabinet
sheet 1.3-4
performance criteria Cable Trays
The learner shall Installation of
checklist Perform Spirit level 1
Demonstration perform return the Auxillary
task sheet 1.3-4 Pliers Hour
demonstration on terminal
Installation of the Electric drill
how to install an Cabinet
Auxillary terminal Portable
Auxillary terminal
Cabinet grinder
Cabinet using task
sheet 1.3-4
Trainer will provide
Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
information on how to 35
Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
Install the main Mins.
questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
Auxillary distribution
trainer trainer Lapel

Read information Answer self -

check 1.3-5 Compare answers
sheet 1.3-5
Installing of with answer key 1.3-
Installing of 10
Self – Study Auxillary 5 Installing of CBLM
Auxillary main Mins.
5. main Auxillary main
distribution frame
Installing of distribution distribution frame
Auxillary main frame
Trainer will Auxillary
demonstrate on how Terminal
to install an Auxillary Perform task Evaluate your Cabinet
main distribution sheet 1.3-5 performance using Cable Trays
frame. The learner Installation of performance criteria Spirit level
shall perform return the Auxillary checklist Perform Pliers 1
demonstration on main task sheet 1.3-5 Electric drill Hour
how to install the distribution Installation of the Portable
Auxillary main fame Auxillary main grinder
distribution frame distribution frame Main
using task sheet 1.3- distribution
5 frame
Trainer will provide
Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
information on how to 35
Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
Properly observe the Mins.
questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
Safety procedures
trainer trainer Lapel
relative to SOP’s

Answer self -
check Compare answers
Read information
1.3-6 Proper with answer key
sheet 1.3-6 Proper
observance of 1.3-6 Proper 10
Self – Study observance of CBLM
6. Safety observance of Mins.
Safety procedures
Proper procedures Safety procedures
observance of relative to SOP’s relative to relative to SOP’s
Safety SOP’s
relative to Fire
Trainer will
SOP’s Extinguishe
demonstrate on how
to properly observe Evaluate your
Perform task Earth
safety procedures performance using
sheet 1.3-6 resistance
relative to SOP’s. The performance criteria
Observing tester
learner shall perform checklist Perform 1
Demonstration Safety Safety shoes
return demonstration task sheet 1.3-6 Hour
procedures Safety
on how to properly Observing Safety
relative to goggles
observe safety procedures relative
SOP’s Hard Hat
procedures relative to to SOP’s
SOP’s using task
sheet 1.3-6
First Aid Kit
Cable Trays
Spirit level
Hack Saw
Trainer will Electric Drill
demonstrate on how Auxillary
to Install auxiliary Evaluate your Terminal
terminal cabinet and Perform Job performance using Cabinet
distribution panel. sheet 1.3-7 performance criteria Distribution
The learner shall Installing the checklist Perform Panel
perform return auxiliary task sheet 1.3-7 Fire
Demonstration &
demonstration on terminal Installing the Extinguishe
how to Install cabinet and auxiliary terminal r
auxiliary terminal distribution cabinet and Earth
cabinet and panel distribution panel resistance
distribution panel tester
tray using Job sheet Safety shoes
1.3-7 Safety
Hard Hat
First Aid Kit
LO 4 Prepare for cable pulling and installation
Method Presentation Practices Feedback Resources Time

Trainer will provide

information on how to Whiteboard
Properly Prepare the Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Lecture Necessary tools, answer the down and remember Marker
equipment, materials questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
and personal trainer trainer Lapel
protective equipment

Read information Answer self - Compare answers

sheet 1.4-1 check 1.4-1 with answer key 1.4-
Preparing of
Preparing of Preparing of 1 Preparing of
Necessary tools, Necessary Necessary tools,
tools, 10
equipment, Self – Study equipment, equipment, CBLM
equipment, Mins.
materials and materials and materials and
materials and
personal personal protective personal protective
protective equipment equipment
Trainer will
demonstrate on how Evaluate your Cables/wire
to Prepare the Perform task performance using s of various
necessary tools, sheet 1.4-1 performance criteria sizes
Demonstration equipment, materials Interpretation checklist 1.4-1 Cable trays
and personal of drawings Interpretation of Conduits
protective equipment. and diagrams drawings and Pliers
The learner shall diagrams Electric drill
perform return Grinder
demonstration to Spirit level
Prepare the Portable
necessary tools, meter
equipment, materials Panel board
and personal Electrical
protective equipment tape
using task sheet 1.4- Various
1 types of
Trainer will provide
information on how to
Properly Identify and
Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
site inspect the Cable 20
Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
pulling & installation Mins.
questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
2. requirements and
trainer trainer Lapel
Identification constraints based on
and site trade requirements
inspection of
Cable pulling Answer self -
& installation Read information check 1.4-2 Compare answers
requirements sheet 1.4-2 Identifying with answer key 1.4-
and Identifying and site and site 2 Identifying and
constraints inspection of Cable inspection of site inspection of
based on Cable pulling 10
Self – Study pulling & Cable pulling & CBLM
trade & installation Mins.
installation installation
requirements requirements
requirements and and requirements and
constraints based constraints constraints based
on trade based on trade on trade
requirements requirements requirements
Trainer will
s of various
demonstrate on how
to Identify and site
Cable trays
inspect Cable pulling Evaluate your
Perform task Conduits
& installation performance using
sheet 1.4-2 Pliers
requirements and performance criteria
Identify and Electric drill
constraints. checklist 1.4-2
site inspect Grinder
The learner shall Identify and site 30
Demonstration Cable pulling Spirit level
perform return inspect Cable Mins
& installation Portable
demonstration to pulling &
requirements meter
Identify and site installation
and Panel board
inspect Cable pulling requirements and
constraints Electrical
& installation constraints
requirements and
constraints using
types of
task sheet 1.4-2
Trainer will provide
information on how to Whiteboard
Properly set up the Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Lecture cable plan & answer the down and remember Marker
installation grounded questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
on industrial trainer trainer Lapel

Answer self - Compare answers

check 1.4-3 with answer key 1.4-
Read information
3. Proper set up 3 Proper set up of
sheet 1.4-3 Proper
Proper set up of cable plan cable plan & 10
Self – Study set up of cable plan CBLM
of cable plan & installation installation Mins.
& installation
& installation grounded on grounded on
grounded on grounded on industrial industrial
industrial industrial practices practices practices

Trainer will Evaluate your
Cable trays
demonstrate on how Perform task performance using
to Properly set up sheet 1.4-3 performance criteria
Spirit level
cable plan. Proper set up checklist 1.4-3
The learner shall of cable plan Proper set up of 30
Demonstration meter
perform return & installation cable plan & Mins
Panel board
demonstration to grounded on installation
Properly set up cable industrial grounded on
types of
plan using task sheet practices industrial
1.4-3 practices
Cable plan
Trainer will provide Whiteboard
information on how to Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Lecture Properly Safeguard answer the down and remember Marker
and Secure the site questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
for cable installation trainer trainer Lapel

Answer self -
check 1.4-4 Compare answers
Read information
Safeguarding with answer key 1.4-
sheet 1.4-4 10
Self – Study and Securing 4 Safeguarding CBLM
Safeguarding and Mins.
of site for and Securing of
4. Securing of site for
cable site for cable
Safeguarding cable installation installation installation
and Securing
of site for
Trainer will
demonstrate on how Cables/wire
to safeguard and Cable trays
secure cable Evaluate your Conduits
Perform task
installation site. performance using Spirit level
sheet 1.4-4
performance criteria Portable
Safeguard and 30
Demonstration The learner shall checklist 1.4-4 meter
Secure cable Mins
perform return Safeguard and Panel board
demonstration to Secure cable Various
safeguard and secure installation site types of
cable installation site outlets
using task sheet 1.4- Cable plan
Trainer will provide
information on how to
Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Properly Select the 20
Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
Suitable protective Mins.
questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
clothing and requisite
trainer trainer Lapel
safety devices

Answer self - Compare answers

Read information check 1.4-5 with answer key 1.4-
sheet 1.4-5 Selection Selection of 5 Selection of
of Suitable Suitable 10
Self – Study Suitable protective CBLM
5. protective clothing protective Mins.
clothing and
Selection of and requisite safety clothing and
Suitable requisite requisite safety
protective safety devices devices
clothing and
requisite Trainer will
safety devices demonstrate on how
to Select Suitable Evaluate your
Perform task resistance
protective clothing performance using
sheet 1.4-5 tester
and requisite safety performance criteria
Selecting Safety shoes
devices. The learner checklist Perform
Suitable Safety 30
Demonstration shall perform return task sheet 1.4-5
protective goggles Mins
demonstration to Selecting Suitable
clothing and Hard Hat
Select Suitable protective clothing
requisite Working
protective clothing and requisite
safety devices gloves
and requisite safety safety devices
First Aid Kit
devices using task
sheet 1.4-5
Trainer will provide
information on how to
Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Safely Assess the 20
Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
Support structure Mins.
questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
based on a regular
trainer trainer Lapel
working environment

Answer self - Compare answers

Read information check 1.4-6 with answer key 1.4-
6. sheet 1.4-6 Safety Safety 6 Safety
Safety Assessment of the Assessment of Assessment of the
Assessment of Support structure the Support 10
Self – Study Support structure CBLM
the Support based on a regular structure Mins.
based on a regular
structure working based on a
based on a regular working
regular working environment
working environment

Trainer will Evaluate your Cables/wire

Perform task
demonstrate on how performance using Cable trays
sheet 1.4-6
to conduct a Safety performance criteria Conduits
conduct a
Assessment of the checklist Perform Spirit level
Safety 30
Demonstration Support structure task sheet 1.4-6 Portable
Assessment of Mins
based on trade conduct a Safety meter
the Support
standards. The Assessment of the Panel board
learner shall perform Support structure Various
based on trade
return demonstration based on trade types of
to conduct a Safety standards outlets
Assessment of the Cable plan
Support structure Earth
based on trade resistance
standards using task tester
sheet 1.4-6 Safety shoes
Hard Hat

Cable trays
Spirit level
Trainer will
demonstrate on how Evaluate your
to Prepare for cable Perform Job performance using
Panel board
pulling and sheet 1.4-7 performance criteria
installation. The Preparation checklist Perform 1
Demonstration types of
learner shall perform for cable Job sheet 1.4-7 Hour
Preparation for cable pulling and Preparation for
Cable plan
pulling and installation cable pulling and
installation using Job installation
sheet 1.4-7
Safety shoes
LO 5 Perform wiring and cabling lay out
Method Presentation Practices Feedback Resources Time
Trainer will provide
information on how to
Observe the Safety
Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
procedures and PPE 35
Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
Identification and Mins.
questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
selection based on
1. trainer trainer Lapel
safety regulations and
Observance of
Answer self -
and PPE
check 1.5-1
Identification Read information Compare answers
Observance of
and selection sheet 1.5-1 with answer key 1.5-
based on Observance of 1 Observance of
safety Safety procedures Safety procedures
and PPE
regulations 10
Self – Study and PPE Identification and PPE CBLM
and Mins.
Identification and and selection Identification and
selection based on based on selection based on
safety regulations safety safety regulations
and requirements regulations and requirements
Trainer will
demonstrate on how Perform task Evaluate your
to conduct sheet 1.5-1 performance using
Observance of Safety Observe safety performance criteria
procedures and PPE procedures checklist Perform
Safety shoes
Identification and and PPE task sheet 1.5-1
Demonstration selection. The learner Identification Observe safety
shall perform return and selection procedures and 1
Hard Hat
demonstration based on PPE Identification Hour
conduct Observance safety and selection
of Safety procedures regulations based on safety
First Aid Kit
and PPE Identification and regulations and
and selection using requirements requirements
task sheet 1.5-1
Trainer will provide
and obtaining
information on how to
of Tools, Whiteboard
Identify and obtain
equipment, Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Tools, equipment, 35
pulling Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
pulling compound Mins.
compound questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
and safety
and safety trainer trainer Lapel
requirements for lay
out and installation
for lay out and
Answer self -
check 1.5-2
Identifying Compare answers
Read information
and obtaining with answer key 1.5-
sheet 1.5-2
of Tools, 2 Identifying and
Identifying and
equipment, obtaining of Tools,
obtaining of Tools, 10
Self – Study pulling equipment, pulling CBLM
equipment, pulling Mins.
compound and compound and
compound and
safety safety
safety requirements requirements requirements for
for lay out and for lay out lay out and
installation and installation
Trainer will
demonstrate on how
to Identify and obtain Cables/wire
Tools, equipment, Cable trays
Perform task Evaluate your
pulling compound Conduits
sheet 1.5-2 to performance using
and safety Spirit level
Identify and performance criteria
requirements for lay Portable
obtain Tools, checklist Perform
out and installation. meter
equipment, task sheet 1.5-2 to
The learner shall Panel board 1
Demonstration pulling Identify and obtain
perform return Various Hour
compound and Tools, equipment,
demonstration types of
safety pulling compound
Identify and obtain outlets
requirements and safety
Tools, equipment, Cable plan
for lay out requirements for
pulling compound Earth
and lay out and
and safety resistance
installation installation
requirements for lay tester
out and installation
using task sheet 1.5.2
Trainer will provide
information on how to Whiteboard
Properly conduct the Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Lecture installing and answer the down and remember Marker
tensioning of pulling questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
materials to required trainer trainer Lapel
Answer self -
Read information check 1.5-3 Compare answers
sheet 1.5-3 Proper Proper with answer key 1.5-
installing and installing and 3 Proper installing
Self – Study tensioning of tensioning of and tensioning of CBLM
3. Mins.
pulling materials to pulling pulling materials
required materials to to required
installing and
specifications required specifications
tensioning of
materials to
Trainer will
required Cables/wire
demonstrate on how
specifications Cable trays
to Properly install and Evaluate your
Perform task Conduits
tension the pulling of performance using
sheet 1.5-3 Spirit level
materials to required performance criteria
Proper Portable
specifications. The checklist Perform
installing and meter 1
Demonstration learner shall perform task sheet 1.5-3
tensioning of Panel board Hour
return demonstration Proper installing
pulling outlets
by Properly installing and tensioning of
materials to Cable plan
and tension the pulling materials
required Earth
pulling of materials to to required
specifications resistance
required specification specifications
using task sheet 1.5.3
Trainer will provide
information on how to
Secure permanently
Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
the cable to support 35
Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
the structure in Mins.
questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
accordance with
4. trainer trainer Lapel
standard installation
the cable to
support the
Answer self - Compare answers
structure in Read information check 1.5-4 with answer key 1.5-
accordance sheet 1.5-4 Securing Securing 4 Securing
with standard permanently the permanently permanently the
installation cable to support the cable to
procedures cable to support 10
Self – Study the structure in support the CBLM
the structure in Mins.
accordance with structure in
accordance with
standard accordance
with standard standard
installation installation
procedures procedures
Trainer will
demonstrate on how
to Secure
permanently the cable Evaluate your Cables/wire
to support the Perform task performance using Cable trays
structure in sheet 1.5-4 performance criteria Conduits
accordance with Secure checklist Perform Spirit level
standard installation permanently task sheet 1.5-4 Portable
procedures. The the cable to Secure meter 1
learner shall perform support the permanently the Panel board Hour
return demonstration structure in cable to support outlets
to Secure accordance the structure in Cable plan
permanently the cable with standard accordance with Earth
to support the installation standard resistance
structure in procedures installation tester
accordance with procedures
standard installation
using task sheet 1.5.4

Observance of Trainer will provide
Bending information on how to Whiteboard
radius and Observe Bending Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
loops Lecture radius and loops answer the down and remember Marker
tolerance of tolerance of cable questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
cable materials at all times trainer trainer Lapel
materials at
all times
Answer self -
check 1.5-5 Compare answers
Read information
Observance of with answer key 1.5-
sheet 1.5-5
Bending 5 Observance of
Observance of 10
Self – Study radius and Bending radius CBLM
Bending radius and Mins.
loops and loops
loops tolerance of
tolerance of tolerance of cable
cable materials at cable materials at all
all times materials at times
all times
Cable trays
Trainer will
demonstrate on how
Spirit level
to Observe Bending
radius and loops
Perform task Evaluate your Panel board
tolerance of cable
sheet 1.5-5 performance using Cable plan
materials at all times.
Observe performance criteria Earth
Bending checklist Perform resistance
The learner shall The 1
Demonstration radius and task sheet 1.5-5 tester
learner shall perform Hour
loops Observe Bending Spirit level
return demonstration
tolerance of radius and loops Pipe cutter
by Observing Bending
cable tolerance of cable Pipe reamer
radius and loops
materials at materials at all Pipe-
tolerance of cable
all times times threader
materials at all times
Pipe bender
using task sheet 1.5.5
Bolt cutter
Electric drill
Trainer will provide
information on how to
Avoid wastage by
Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
observing the 35
Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
Schedule of wire Mins.
questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
cutting lists based on
trainer trainer Lapel
estimates, quantity
and size

Answer self -
Avoiding Compare answers
Read information check 1.5-6
wastage by with answer key 1.5-
sheet 1.5-6 Avoiding Avoiding
observing the 6 Avoiding
wastage by wastage by
Schedule of wastage by
observing the
wire cutting observing the 10
Self – Study Schedule of observing the CBLM
lists based on Schedule of wire Mins.
wire cutting Schedule of wire
estimates, cutting lists based
lists based on cutting lists based
quantity and on estimates, estimates, on estimates,
size quantity and size quantity and quantity and size

Trainer will Perform task Evaluate your Cables/wire

demonstrate on how sheet 1.5-6 performance using Cable trays
to Avoid wastage by Avoiding performance criteria Conduits 1
observing the wastage by checklist Perform Spirit level Hour
Schedule of wire observing the task sheet 1.5-6 meter
cutting lists based on Schedule of Avoiding wastage Panel board
estimates, quantity wire cutting by observing the Cable plan
and size. The learner lists based on Schedule of wire
shall. The learner estimates, cutting lists based
shall perform return quantity and on estimates,
demonstration by size quantity and size
avoiding wastage by
observing the
Schedule of wire
cutting lists based on
estimates, quantity
and size by using
task sheet 1.5.6

Trainer will provide

information on how to Whiteboard
Execute the Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Lecture supplemental answer the down and remember Marker
Instructions if questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
7. unplanned events or trainer trainer Lapel
Execution of condition occur
Instructions if
unplanned Answer self -
events or Read information check 1.5-7 Compare answers
condition sheet 1.5-7 Execution of with answer key1.5-
occur Execution of supplemental 7 Execution of
Self – Study supplemental Instructions if supplemental CBLM
Instructions if unplanned Instructions if
unplanned events or events or unplanned events
condition occur condition or condition occur
Trainer will
demonstrate on how
the proper Execution
of supplemental
Instructions if
Perform task Evaluate your
unplanned events or
sheet 1.5-7 performance using
condition occur. Cables/wire
proper performance criteria
Cable trays
Execution of checklist Perform
The learner shall Conduits 1
Demonstration supplemental task sheet 1.5-7
perform return Spirit level Hour
Instructions if proper Execution
demonstration by meter
unplanned of supplemental
proper Execution of Panel board
events or Instructions if
supplemental Cable plan
condition unplanned events
Instructions if
occur or condition occur
unplanned events or
condition occur by
using task sheet 1.5.7

Quality of
Trainer will provide Whiteboard
work is
information on how to Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
checked based 35
Lecture Observe Quality of answer the down and remember Marker
on Mins.
work is checked questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
based on instructions trainer trainer Lapel
and requirements
Answer self -
check 1.5-8
Read information Quality of Compare answers
sheet 1.5-8 Quality work is with answer key 1.5-
Self – Study of work is checked checked based 8 Quality of work CBLM
based on on is checked based
instructions and instructions on instructions
requirements and and requirements

Trainer will
demonstrate on how
the proper Execution
of Quality of work
checked based on
Perform task Evaluate your
instructions and
sheet 1.5-8 performance using
requirements. Cables/wire
proper performance criteria
Cable trays
Execution of checklist Perform
The learner shall Conduits 1
Demonstration Quality of task sheet 1.5-8
perform return Spirit level Hour
work checked proper Execution
demonstration by meter
based on of Quality of work
proper Execution of Panel board
instructions checked based on
Quality of work Cable plan
and instructions and
checked based on
requirements requirements
instructions and
requirements by
using task sheet 1.5.8
Cable plan
s of various
Trainer will sizes
demonstrate on how Cable trays
to Perform wiring and Conduits
Evaluate your
cabling lay out. Pliers
Perform Job performance using
Electric drill
sheet 1.5-9 performance criteria 2
The learner shall Grinder
Demonstration Performing checklist Perform Hour
perform return Spirit level
wiring and task sheet 1.5-9 s
demonstration by Portable
cabling lay Performing wiring
Performing wiring and meter
out and cabling lay
cabling lay out Panel board
by using Job sheet Electrical
1.5.9 tape
types of
LO 6 Notify completion of work
Method Presentation Practices Feedback Resources Time

Trainer will provide

information on how to
Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Ensure that work 20
Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
conforms with Mins.
questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
instructions and
trainer trainer Lapel

Answer self - Compare answers

Read information check 1.6-1 with answer key 1.6-
Ensuring that
1. sheet 1.6-1 Ensuring 1 Ensuring that 10
Self – Study work conforms CBLM
Ensuring that that work conforms work conforms Mins.
work with instructions with instructions
instructions &
conforms with and requirements and requirements
Trainer will Whiteboard
demonstrate on how Whiteboard
to ensure that work Marker
Evaluate your
conforms with Perform task Eraser
performance using
instruction and sheet 1.6-1 Lapel
performance criteria
requirement. The ensure that Cable plan
checklist Perform 30
Demonstration learner shall perform work conforms Cables/wire
task sheet 1.6-1 Mins
return demonstration with Cable trays
ensure that work
by ensuring that instructions Conduits
conforms with
work conforms with and Pliers
instructions and
instruction and requirements Electric drill
requirement by using Spirit level
task sheet 1.6.1 meter
Trainer will provide Whiteboard
information on how to Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Lecture Properly Notify the answer the down and remember Marker
Supervisor upon questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
completion of work trainer trainer Lapel

Answer self -
check 1.6-2 Compare answers
Read information
Notifying the with answer key 1.6-
sheet 1.6-2 Notifying 10
Self – Study Supervisor 2 Notifying the CBLM
the Supervisor upon Mins.
upon Supervisor upon
2. completion of work
completion of completion of work
Notifying the
Trainer will
completion of
demonstrate on how
work Copy of Set
to ensure that there is
Notification to the Evaluate your
Perform task instructions
Supervisor upon performance using
sheet 1.6-2 rules and
completion of work. performance criteria
ensure that regulations
The learner shall checklist Perform
there is that will 30
Demonstration perform return task sheet 1.6-2
Notification to satisfy Mins
demonstration to ensure that there
the Supervisor proper
ensure that there is is Notification to
upon completion
Notification to the the Supervisor
completion of of work by
Supervisor upon upon completion of
work notifying the
completion of work by work
using task sheet 1.6.2
Trainer will provide
information on how to
Appropriately, clean,
check and return to
Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
storage Tools, 20
Lecture answer the down and remember Marker
equipment and any Mins.
questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
surplus resources
trainer trainer Lapel
and materials in
3. accordance with
Appropriate, procedures
cleaning, Answer self -
checking and check 1.6-3
returning to Read information Appropriate, Compare answers
storage of sheet 1.6-3 cleaning, with answer key 1.6-
Tools, Appropriate, checking and 3 Appropriate,
equipment cleaning, checking returning to cleaning, checking
and any and returning to storage of and returning to
surplus Self – Study storage of Tools, Tools, storage of Tools, CBLM
resources and equipment and any equipment and equipment and any
materials in surplus resources any surplus surplus resources
accordance and materials in resources and and materials in
with accordance with materials in accordance with
procedures procedures accordance procedures
Panel Board
Trainer will Perform task Evaluate your Spirit Level
demonstrate on how sheet 1.6-3 performance using Clamp-on 30
to Appropriately, Appropriately, performance criteria meter Mins
clean, check and clean, check checklist Perform Spirit level,
return to storage and return to task sheet 1.6-3 hack saw,
Tools, equipment and storage Tools, Appropriately, pipe cutter,
any surplus resources equipment and clean, check and pipe reamer,
and materials in any surplus return to storage pipe
accordance with resources and Tools, equipment threader,
procedures. materials and any surplus pipe bender,
resources and bolt cutter,
The learner shall materials electric drill,
perform return Power drills,
demonstration to Grinder
Appropriately, clean, Box Wrench
check and return to Wire splicer
storage Tools, Wire
equipment and any stripper
surplus resources Electrician
and materials in knife
accordance with Tools
procedures by using holster
task sheet 1.6.3 Push-pull
Prick punch
Heat gun
Trainer will provide
information on how to Whiteboard
Appropriately Clean Learner will Learner will write Whiteboard
Lecture and Safeguard the answer the down and remember Marker
work area in questions of the the feedback of the Eraser
accordance to OHSA trainer trainer Lapel

Answer self -
check 1.6-4 Compare answers
Read information Cleaning and
4. with answer key1.6-
sheet 1.6-4 Cleaning Safeguarding
Cleaning and 4 Cleaning and
and Safeguarding of the work 10
Safeguarding Self – Study Safeguarding of CBLM
of the work area in area in Mins.
of the work the work area in
accordance to OHSA accordance to
area in accordance to
regulations OHSA
accordance to OHSA regulations
Trainer will
demonstrate on how
to Appropriately, Evaluate your
Clean and Safeguard performance using
Perform task
the work area. The performance criteria Work space
sheet 1.6-4
learner shall perform checklist Perform Rags 30
Demonstration Appropriately,
return demonstration task sheet 1.6-4 Cleaning Mins
Clean and
by Appropriately, Appropriately, agent liquid
Safeguard the
Cleaning the work Clean and
work area
area by using task Safeguard the
sheet 1.6.4 work area
Panel Board
Spirit Level
Spirit level,
hack saw,
pipe cutter,
pipe reamer,
Trainer will threader,
demonstrate on how pipe bender,
to Appropriately, bolt cutter,
Notify completion of electric drill,
Evaluate your
work in. Power drills,
Perform Job performance using
sheet 1.6-5 performance criteria 1
Demonstration The learner shall Box Wrench
Notifying checklist Perform Hour
perform return Wire splicer
completion of task sheet 1.6-5
demonstration to Wire
work Notifying
Appropriately, stripper
completion of work
Notifying completion Electrician
of work by using Job knife
sheet 1.6.5 Tools
Prick punch
Heat gun

Oral questioning

- This is an insight into trainee’s ability and personality

- Must have the knowledge in roughing in, wiring and cabling works for single-phase distribution, power, lighting
and auxiliary systems

- Every interview has maximum of 30 minutes


- This is to determine if the trainee is capable of doing the job

- Must perform roughing in, wiring and cabling works for single-phase distribution, power, lighting and auxiliary

- Demonstration must be performed within 5 hours


o The Competency Based Learning Module used in the training is very useful. However, there’s a need to
improve its presentation by adding some pictures relevant to the information.

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