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Republic or the
Philippines Region I
Bin alonan , Pangasinan
Division Memorandum
No. 1}1 , s. 2022

To: Chief Education Supervisors, CIO/SGOO

CID/SGOD Superv isors
School Heads (Elementary/ Secondary)
All others conce(ned


(For Se:hoo l/ Oistrict/ Oivision-Based Searches)

1. In line with the Programs on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) of the
Departm en t of Edu cation, the S00 Pangasinan U th rough the Curriculum Implementation
Division CID, and in cooperation of the School Governance and Operations OivisJon
SGOO issue a common criteria and guidelines on the conduct of the sea(ches for out standing
teachers for grade levels,key stages and sub ject areas/ learning strands category; Special
Pr ogramsand InclusiveEducation Programssuch as IPED andSPED.

2. This aims to recognize and reward teac-hers and program owners who exhibit exemplary
performance, innovative Ideas,. and genuine public services, and demonstrated the highest
degree of integrity and honesty in the service; andcontribut·ed meaningfully to improve the
implemen tation of curriculum in the different key stages and programs of the Deparment of
Educatjon part icularly S0 0 Pangasinan II,

3. The result of RPMSPhase IV - Performance Rewards and Developm ental Planning shallbe
the bases of the school heads to recommend top performing teachers and program
implementers in the searches to be co nducted in the district, congressional, divisional,
pro vincial, r egional and national searches.

4. Schools and District may contextualize the crit eria and guidelines bas.ed on their speciftt
and local needs.

S. Imm ediate dissemination of this memorandum is enjoined.

A DM li ,i
ST i
r Enclosure A
I. Performance Rating- 10points (Max)
Averagt of 3 lotest IPCRFRatings
Ave109e times 2

11. Competence and Effectivene,s - 50 points (Max)

a. Curriculum Plannlnc and Implementation-10 points (max)
Complett Weekly Home Leaming Pion-5 points
Complete Individual Leaming Pion - 2 points
1 of the lessons were taught during the quarter-5 points
901'c0ff11Jktio,iof WHtP/ILP sottst(W{lht • 1 S" of the sco<esho N begM'n to
the nomhttt
75" t:Ompktlon of WHLP/llP/l SOM tOIISl'lft • SOX- o/ rht non-Shall be 91wnto
LOIWf than7S"a>mptecloflof WHLP/ILP/1fnonsroughr • 2S" qf thescoteshON
given to the nomintt

b. Content knowledge and Pedagogy- IO (max)

Two (2) Classroom Observation Ratings siQned by the Observer (Virtual/FTF)
Average of 2 COT ratings2

c. learningEnvironment and Diversity of Learners - 5 points (max)

Sampleof WHLP that addresses thediverse needs of ftorntrs - 2 points
Sample of Summotb,e Evaluotton (Easyto MostOif/icult Tesr Items}• 1 point
Sample of Performance Tasks to address nett!s of diverse learners· 1
point Sample of Portfolio of Learning prepared by the learners -1 point

Accomplished/Updated lndivi'duol Leaming Agreement Form • 2 points
Listof Modules learned by the Learnersvis•a-viz llA - 2 points
Accomplished/Updated RPL - Recogniitonof Prior Learning - 1 point
Portfolio of Leomni g- Z points

d. Conducted Research and Development of IMs, SIMs, SlMs Modules, WS/8

- 5 points (mlK)
Conducted Act.ion/Boslc Research to address problemsintheclassroom • 3 pointseach
Developed tnstruct!onol Moterlols such asSIM,SLM/Module, Worksheets/book to
addressthe Least Learned Competencies -3 points each
On going implementationof IMS,SIMs,SLM/Module, WS and on.golng conducr of
Research {WithApproved Permit to Conduct}- I point each
e. lnnontiom -5 points(max)
Developed qualityassured videolessons -1 point eachVL
Developed online test/orleorners-1 point peronline test withat least 30 items
Developed Digital M odules orWorksheets-1point each
Other lnnovatlons(useof technology to address teaching/learningduring the pandemfc}-
1 point each
f. Conduct of Remediation - 5points
Conducttd onllneremed;oJ classat least twicea week - 5 points
C-0nducted at least 3 timeshome visitation perquarter - 3 points
Conducted Orientation with parents/guardians whosechlldren ore at risk of dropping out1
non • decoder/frustrationrtoder - 1 points
Provisio n of otherSLMs/ Modules for theslow lttorntrs/pacers- 2 points
Complete lndividuol Leaming Pion for theslow /ea rners/pae,t,rt- 2 Polnr

h. Records Management - s points (ma,c)

Complete Recotds (SF/AF and otherstudent records,.submitted reports on rime) - 5
At least 1 -2 lncampleterecords (SF/ AF and athtt student.s,records) - 4 points
Ar leas t 3 incomplete records (SF/AF andother studenr.s' records) - 3 points
At least 4 Incomplete records (SF/AF and other students' record} - 2 points
Atleast 5 Incom plete records (SF/AFand other student records) -1 paint

111. Professional/ Personal Oevek>pment and Community Involvement - 40 points(max)

a. Highest Educational Atta lnme nt - 10 points(max)
PhD/EdD/any doctototedegree related to educatlon- 10 points
Doctorate Academic Requirement - 7 points
At least J!i1init : rl0/ Ph0 - f:; poinr:s
MA/MS Degre,- 5 points
MA/MS Academic Requirement - 3 points
At l n JS units M A/MS- J point
At least 9 units- 0.50 point

b. Trainorship and Speakership durfng LAC/INSET

Demosklll,tralnln&,seminar, wor1cshop (online/offline/ftf)-10 points (max)
Notional- 2 Points och
Reglo nol - 1 .5 pointseach
Provincial / Division - 1 point t?och
Disrtict /Municipal. 0.75 point each
Cluster Schools/Zon- 0. 50 point each
School•Bosed• 0.25 point each
Grade Level LAC - 0.15 point each

c. Chairmanship/ Membership ofa Technical WorlclngGrouplWG - 5 points(max)

Cha irman - 2 points each
Co--Choirman - 2.5 points each
Member- 1 point each

District/ClusterSchoosl/Schoo-lBased Trainings, etc.

Chairman -1 paint eoch
Co-Chairman - 0.75 point
eoch Member- 0.50 point

d.Trainings Attended (In linewiththe nominee's s peciallzatlon)- 10 points (max)

Nat ional - 3 points each
Regino/ - 2 points eoch
Provincial I Division -1 point eoch
District/ Munlclpol - 0.75point each
Cluster Schools/Zone - 0.50 point eoch
Schoo-l Based - 0.25 point each
Grade Level LAC/ INSET- 0.15 point eoch
: . ·-=:::::::,::: :-; :-::.tag e ano 1nvo1vement - :, po1ntS 1mu1
Cnmp/PtPrl Com muni ty•Ekrsed Pro/tct/JGP - s points
·""" ' .,. :. ..... ,•,;:;-:-.: u: n : .1, ,., ., ,. .. , S , · I • .
• • • , • •·· · · - · yoof:f ,J\t 1ease 9 mos . . - • p o mrs
On.going CBP/IGP tAr leasr l year/At reasc c, m os. / - .spomu
On-gong CBP/IGP (At leost6 mos/ At /ea,r 3 mos .) . 2 points
Launched CfiP/(GP with permit to Condu ct • l oolnr

Chairman of a Committee during a Community Act.lvlty - 1 point eaeh activity

Co·Cholrman of a co mmittee dutinga Community Acrlvlty - 0.50 point eachocltv l ry
Member of a Committeedurlno a Communltv Act/vlty-0.25 ooint eoch oct.lvity
· Tota l:100 polnU

Add: Plus

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R.tte,11n:h P'reW-nttl OI;i lo(uM
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An.Ide Writ«
LOO"-Ptomc,tion R, tt

ZHODropout A.ate
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AwardH dtKlrc the Current Y ar

Other Plus:f K'ION to be declded/detcrmw:dby die SHrdl[ valuaton

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